Pedagogical council on the formation of learning skills in preschoolers. Formation of universal educational actions in children of senior preschool age as a prerequisite for their further successful systematic education

Why do we focus on older children? preschool age? The fact is that if a child of early and junior preschool age does not receive preschool education, then the shortcomings and omissions in its development can still be corrected. If a child of senior preschool age has an insufficient level of development, this threatens him with serious problems at the stage of schooling. “School should not make drastic changes in children’s lives. Let new things appear in his life gradually and not overwhelm him with an avalanche of impressions,” wrote V.A. Sukhomlinsky about introducing children to school during preschool education. The problem of continuity is most acute at two key points - at the time children enter school (during the transition from the pre-school level to the level of primary general education) and during the transition of students to the level of basic general education.

The main problems of ensuring continuity are associated with ignoring the task of purposeful formation of such universal educational actions as communicative, speech, regulatory, general cognitive, logical and others. The assimilation of universal educational actions involves the process of internalization as a consistent transformation of action from an external material/materialized form to an internal one through speech forms.

A promising task should be the development of an educational and methodological complex that ensures the implementation of the Program for the development of universal educational activities at the stage of preschool and primary education. The educational and methodological complex must ensure the organization of a complete indicative basis for a universal educational action, taking into account the subject content of the academic discipline; step-by-step development of the action, ensuring the transition to higher levels execution (from materialized to speech and mental forms of action) based on solving a system of tasks, the implementation of which will ensure the formation of generality, reasonableness, awareness, criticality, and mastery of universal educational actions. Thus, the education of children of senior preschool age should be aimed at enrichment (amplification), and not at artificial acceleration (acceleration) of development.

At school, a first-grader is bombarded with everything at once: new rules of behavior and new information. Therefore, we prepare the preschooler for the upcoming changes in his usual conditions gradually, step by step introducing new settings that meet the new requirements.

Personal universal educational actions are the formation of the “internal position of the student”; the action of meaning-making that establishes significance cognitive activity for a child; highlighting the moral content of the situation; orientation towards the norm of fair distribution; the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles.

The so-called “Meadows of Good Deeds” also contribute to the formation of personal universal educational actions in children. Joint collective assessment of children’s good, positive deeds and correlation with ethical principles occurs in the process of a collective conversation and the placement of bright, elegant flowers in a clearing or in a ray of sunshine.

Playing “school” is a big help. She helps the child successfully enter school life. The game develops the ability to negotiate (set rules, distribute roles), the ability to manage and be managed. The child actively masters the “world of things” (cognitive and objective practical activities) and the “world of people” (norms of human relationships). In older preschool age, briefcases and bells appear, and together we make attributes for the role-playing game of “school.”

The next condition for the effectiveness of the work to implement the continuity of the two educational institutions is to familiarize children with the school. During excursions, preschoolers visit the library, gym, dining room, classroom, and then attend the lesson. A child should not be afraid of a new building, but should not get so used to it that the effect of novelty, surprise, and attractiveness disappears.

Children reveal their impressions of the excursions by drawing on the following topics: “The school building”, “My impressions from the excursion to the school library”, “Class”, “My impressions of the holiday”, “Farewell to the ABC book”. Next, they jointly create an illustrative album about the school, for example, “My first teacher,” “The school where I will study,” “I am a first-grader.”

The most important condition for the effectiveness of work to establish continuous connections between the kindergarten and the school is friendly meetings and acquaintances with teachers. Teachers get to know the children, their individual characteristics, inclinations, and interests, which reduces the time for him to get to know new students.

Supports emotional mood organized meeting children in kindergarten with their parents, as well as with graduates of previous years. This includes conversations, stories about their studies and favorite teachers, showing photographs, certificates related to their school years, looking at paintings on a school theme, as well as joint activities, for example, making toys, showing puppet theater, joint holidays.

In directly educational activities(in the preparatory group for school) we teach children how to complete tasks. This arouses their interest, develops the ability to listen to a friend’s answer, make additions and amendments, prove their opinion and, of course, use the acquired knowledge in life (for example, knowing the numbers in the game “Shops”).

Playing out situations with moral themes is also important - awareness of the norms and rules of behavior at school. In the game on behalf of the “teacher”, certain requirements are imposed on the “student”; the next object of attention may be textbooks, which are useful not only to look at, but also to try to pretend to perform some simple task.

Reading fiction with a discussion about school life, memorizing poetry; familiarization with proverbs and sayings that emphasize the importance of books, learning and work; looking at school supplies and asking riddles about them. Design of an album of riddles, poems, proverbs and sayings about school, school supplies, knowledge, books.

Regulatory actions - goal setting as setting an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and what is not yet known; planning (drawing up a plan and sequence of actions); forecasting, anticipation of the result, its time characteristics); control in the form of comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard; correction (introducing additional adjustments to the plan and method of action); assessment and volitional self-regulation as the ability to exert volition and overcome obstacles. In what ways can regulatory universal actions?

At the stage of preschool education, the development of regulatory actions is associated with the formation of arbitrary behavior. Psychological readiness in the sphere of will and volition ensures the child’s purposeful and systematic management of his activities and behavior. Arbitrariness acts as the child’s ability to structure his behavior and activities in accordance with the proposed patterns and rules, to plan, control and correct the actions performed, using appropriate means. To improve it, various games and exercises are used (“What has changed”, “Find the same objects”, “Find the differences”, “What is the melody like”, etc.). Many tasks are built in the form of a competition between two or more players - this creates an additional gaming moment and greater emotional involvement. Entertaining material not only entertains children, gives them the opportunity to relax, but also makes them think, develops independence, initiative, and stimulates the development of non-standard thinking. In games, the preschooler plays out situations and actions that are largely close to future educational activities, that is, in the game, the child is directly prepared for the transition to a new stage of education - entering school.

An obligatory element of the lifestyle of older preschoolers is participation in resolving problem situations. A.M. Matyushkin characterizes a problem situation as “a special type of mental interaction between an object and a subject, characterized by such mental state subject (student) when solving problems that require discovery (discovery or assimilation) of new knowledge or methods of activity previously unknown to the subject.” Any problematic situation can be considered as a creative task, which is based on an unresolved contradiction. Therefore, it is problem situations that are an effective means of developing responsible behavior in older preschoolers. An adult can create them specifically in various activities. For example, my child and I witnessed the unseemly behavior of other children. Let’s ask him: “Did they do the right thing? What should I have done? Would you be able to do the right thing in such a situation?” The answer will most likely be: “Yes.” There is no need to doubt the sincerity of our child’s intentions, but let’s praise him and express the hope that he will also behave in reality. A problematic situation can be created by encouraging students to compare and contrast conflicting facts, phenomena, data, that is, with a practical task or question, to confront different opinions of students.

Among the possible means of developing the research activity of preschoolers, children's experimentation deserves special attention.

Developing as an activity aimed at cognition and transformation of objects of the surrounding reality, children's experimentation helps to broaden their horizons, enrich the experience of independent activity, and self-development of the child. In the process of experimentation, the child needs to answer not only the question “How do I do this?”, but also the questions: “Why do I do it this way and not otherwise? Why am I doing this? What do I want to know? What will you get as a result? This work arouses the child’s interest in exploring nature, develops mental operations (analysis, synthesis, classification, generalization, etc.), stimulates cognitive activity and curiosity, and activates the perception of educational material on familiarization with natural phenomena. Mastering a system of scientific concepts and experimental methods will allow the child to become a subject of learning and learn to learn. As V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: “Know how to open one thing to the child in the world around him, but open it in such a way that a piece of life sparkles with all the colors of the rainbow. Always leave something unsaid so that the child will want to return again and again to what he has learned.”

Also, experiments are the most successful in the process of introducing children to the world of living and inanimate nature around them. Each child should have a primary elementary image of the world formed and the attitude towards it should be: cognitive - “the world is amazing, full of secrets and mysteries and I want to know and solve them”; careful - “the world is beautiful and gentle, it requires a reasonable approach and protection, it cannot be harmed”; creative - “the world is so beautiful and I want to preserve and increase this beauty.”

Cognitive universal educational actions are independent selection and formulation of a cognitive goal, search and selection of necessary information, modeling, logical actions of analysis (selection of a feature from a whole object), synthesis (combining into groups based on 1-2 features), comparison (selection of a feature from a whole a number of objects), seriation (establishing sequential relationships), classification (unification into groups) of objects, establishing cause-and-effect relationships.

In the preschool department, serious attention is paid to the development of cognitive activity and interests of older preschoolers, on the basis of which cognitive universal educational activities are formed. Educators especially emphasize the role of the book as a source of new knowledge, from which one can get answers to the most interesting and complex questions.

An interesting game is “Pathfinders,” where the teacher uses modeling techniques to find an unknown object, and also reinforces with children their ability to correlate their play actions with the proposed plan.

An effective way to form cognitive universal educational actions is telling according to a scheme, acting according to a plan, and a comparative description of objects.

Games that encourage children to demonstrate intellectual activity are important - these are mysterious diagrams-signs “Find the indicated place”, “Island in the ocean”; encrypted records - using words, pictures, signs; combination locks for solving a game situation (encryption of numbers); logical chains “Continue the series”, the basis of which is seriation, finding a pattern. The games “Find the figure”, “Where is the simple figure hidden”, promote the ability to isolate a given simple figure from a complex figure. The use of labyrinths of various configurations in working with children helps to increase the level of children's interest. To improve children's intellectual skills, exercises are offered aimed at visually identifying similarities and differences, as well as finding regular relationships through inference. In the same pictures, first find identical images, and then a pair with one difference. Children really love word puzzles (Vova solves problems better than Kolya. And Kolya is better than Misha. Who solves the best? - Vova). These puzzles can be both comparison and difference and combination, and also negation. In such activities, important qualities of a child’s personality are formed: independence, observation, resourcefulness, intelligence, perseverance, constructive skills. The game “Make a Whole from Parts” is used. The child operates not with images of objects, but with geometric figures. With the help of this game, a child can develop the ability to dissect the complex shape of an object and identify individual elements in it that are in different spatial positions.

Teachers develop such communicative universal educational actions of children as the ability to take the position of a partner in performing actions in a game, in communication, in productive activities (drawing, appliqué, etc.), in the work activities of students. They develop children’s skills to act in concert, follow the order of actions, show restraint, work in pairs: listen to each other, change roles.

Now let’s imagine ways to form communicative universal educational actions in older preschoolers. An active desire to communicate with peers in various activities contributes to the formation of a “children’s society.” This creates certain prerequisites for the development of collective relationships. Meaningful communication with peers becomes an important factor in the full development of the personality of an older preschooler.

An effective way to form communicative universal educational activities is collective work on art activities, applications, and design. It is in the process of creative activity that imaginative, constructive and analytical thinking, imagination, visual memory, that is, versatile mental processes, the ease and speed of mastering knowledge and skills is fostered. In collective activities (play, work, communication), children 6-7 years old master the skills of collective planning, learn to coordinate their actions, fairly resolve disputes, and achieve common results.

Equally in an important way is and work activity preschoolers. We include children in real collective work (cleaning the walking area), duty (in a corner of nature), work in nature (caring for plants, animals). We offer one lesson on learning how to repair a book, another on learning origami. They arouse children's interest in manual labor and making toys with their own hands. During the day, we also offer children to complete tasks in a subgroup, in pairs.

Joint activities unite children with a common goal, task, joys, and feelings for a common cause. In it, there is a distribution of responsibilities, coordination of actions, the child learns the basics of social relations, learns to give in to the wishes of peers or convince them that he is right, and make efforts to achieve a common result. I.S. Kon believed: “In the process of socialization, a person must adapt to the conditions of his existence and other people act for him “as instructors, as role models.”

Gaming activities are more effective in the process of forming communication. Through play, children learn the human capacity for cooperation. Teacher-scientist A.P. Usova, noting the influence of play on the upbringing and development of a child, wrote: “Every game, if a child can do it, puts him in a position where his mind works so vividly and energetically, and his actions are organized.”

Thus, in the formation of universal educational activities of preschoolers, necessary for further education at school, “specifically children’s activities” are used: various games, construction, labor, visual activities, communication, research activities of preschoolers.

The development of universal educational activities among preschoolers in a preschool educational institution contributes to the formation of their psychological formations and abilities, which, in turn, determine the conditions for high success of educational activities and mastery of subject disciplines by school students.

Entering school is the beginning of a child’s long journey, the transition to the next age stage of life. A generalization of research by teachers and psychologists allows us to identify the main conditions under which interest in learning arises and develops:

Arr. The activity should be organized so that the child actively acts, is involved in the process of independent search and “discovery” of new knowledge, and solves problematic issues.

Arr. activities should be varied. Monotonous material and monotonous methods of presenting it very quickly cause boredom in children.

It is necessary to understand the importance of the material being presented.

New material should be well connected to what children have learned previously.

Neither too easy nor too difficult material is of interest. The tasks offered to children should be difficult, but feasible.

It is important to positively evaluate all the children’s successes. Positive assessment stimulates cognition. activity.

Demonstration and handout material should be bright and emotionally charged.

Nurturing cognitive interests is the most important component of nurturing a child’s personality and his spiritual world. And the success of organizing children’s educational activities largely depends on how correctly this issue is resolved.

4 UUD blocks:

1) personal; 2) regulatory;

3) educational; 4) communicative.

Personal UUD

Self-determination is the internal position of the future student, personal, professional, life definition. (What I am, what I want to become, what I will be, what I can, what I know, what I strive for, etc.);

Meaning formation – the meaning and motivation of educational activities (what meaning does learning have for me);

The prerequisites for personal UUD are:

· the ability to realize one’s capabilities, skills, qualities, experiences; the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles and moral standards; ability to navigate social roles and interpersonal relationships; formation of cognitive and social motivation;

· Regulatory UUD

Goal setting – the ability to maintain a given goal;

Planning - the ability to plan your action in accordance with a specific task;

Forecasting – the ability to see the result of one’s activities;

Control – the ability to control one’s activities

by result of activity and by process;

Correction – the ability to see the indicated error and correct it as directed by an adult;

Assessment – ​​the ability to evaluate the correctness of a chosen action or deed, to adequately understand the assessment

adult and peer;

The prerequisites for regulatory UUD are:

· ability to carry out actions according to a model and a given rule; the ability to maintain a given goal; the ability to see the indicated error and correct it as directed by an adult;

the ability to plan your action in accordance with a specific task; the ability to control your activities based on results; the ability to adequately understand the assessment of an adult and a peer;

Cognitive UUD

· Orientation in space and time; Ability to apply rules and follow instructions; Ability to evaluate the results of activities with the help of an adult; Ability to work according to a given algorithm; The ability to recognize and name objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality.


· Ability to work from a book; Ability to navigate using symbols in a book; Ability to work from illustrations.

brain teaser

Classification Analysis Synthesis Comparison Generalization Elimination of the superfluous Selection of the appropriate Modeling

Prerequisites for cognitive UUD are:

skills in developing sensory standards;

orientation in space and time; ability to apply rules and use instructions; the ability (with the help of an adult) to create action algorithms for solving assigned problems; the ability to recognize, name and identify objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality.

Communicative UUD

Ability to establish contacts with peers and adults; Ability to interact and collaborate with peers and adults; Ability to organize joint activities in pairs, subgroups and teams; Ability to organize joint activities in pairs, subgroups and teams;

Ability to conduct a monologue and answer questions;

Mastery of non-verbal means of communication;

Prerequisites for communicative UUD are:

the child’s need to communicate with adults and peers;

mastery of certain verbal and non-verbal means of communication; build a monologue statement and dialogue speech; an emotionally positive attitude towards the collaboration process is desirable;

Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families and schools. Family as a sociocultural environment for the development of the personality of a preschool child. The main tasks of family education. Typical difficulties and mistakes in family education of children. Cooperation between preschool educational institutions and families as an integral system: goals, aspects of content, forms. Traditional and innovative forms working with parents.

Family and kindergarten are two social institutions that stand at the origins of our future, but often they do not always have enough mutual understanding, tact, and patience to hear and understand each other. Currently, family problems are studied by many sciences: economics, law, ethics, demography, ethnography, psychology, pedagogy, etc. Each of these sciences, in accordance with its subject, reveals certain aspects of its functioning or development. Pedagogy considers the educational function of the family modern society from the point of view of goals and means, rights and responsibilities of parents, the interaction of parents in the process of mathematical preparation of children for school with preschool educational institutions, identifies reserves and costs of family education and ways to compensate for them.

Family– one of the main institutions that ensure interaction between the individual and society, integration and prioritization of their interests and needs. It gives a person ideas about life goals and values, what you need to know and how to behave. In the family, the child receives the first practical skills in applying these ideas in relationships with other people, correlates his “I” with the “I” of other people, and learns the norms that regulate behavior in various situations of everyday communication. The explanations and instructions of parents, their example, the whole way of life in the house, the family atmosphere develop in children behavioral habits and criteria for assessing good and evil, worthy and unworthy, fair and unfair.

However, raising children is not only a personal matter for parents; the whole society is interested in it. Family education- only a part of public education, but a very significant and unique part. Its uniqueness, firstly, lies in the fact that it gives “the first lessons of life”, which lay the foundation for guiding actions and behavior in the future, and secondly, that family education is very effective, since it is carried out continuously and simultaneously covers everything sides of the developing personality Organized interaction between the teacher and parents should be carried out in stages. Properly organized work is educational in nature.

Partnership relations presuppose equality of parties, mutual goodwill and respect. The interaction of kindergarten and family in the unified process of mathematical preparation of children for school is based on common grounds; they carry out the same functions in this process: informational, educational, controlling, etc.

Organization of interaction between kindergarten and family involves:

– studying the family in order to find out its capabilities for mathematical preparation of its children and kindergarten children for school;

– grouping families according to the principle of the possibility of their moral potential for mathematical preparation of their child and the children of the group for school;

– drawing up a program of joint actions between teachers and parents;

– analysis of intermediate and final results of their joint educational activities.

A differentiated approach to organizing work with parents is a necessary link in the system of measures aimed at increasing their mathematical knowledge and skills.

To implement differentiated approach Kindergarten teachers and parents must comply with both general pedagogical and specific conditions:

Mutual trust in the relationship between teacher and parents;

Maintain tact, sensitivity, and responsiveness towards parents;

Taking into account the unique living conditions of each family, the age of the parents, the level of preparedness in matters of mathematical preparation of children for school;

A combination of an individual approach to each family with the organization of work with all parents of the group; the relationship between different forms of work with parents; simultaneous impact on parents and children;

Ensuring a certain consistency and system in working with parents.

Such interaction helps to find the right contact and provide an individual approach to each family.

Main forms of work with parents:

1. Communication.

2. Joint activities of adults and children.

3. Spending leisure time together.

4. Pedagogical propaganda.

5. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Thus, in kindergarten, throughout the entire period of preschool childhood, systematic, purposeful, pedagogically sound comprehensive preparation of the child for entering school takes place, including interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family. However, it is in the system of interaction between the preschool institution and the family that a child can be fully prepared for school. Therefore, the teacher in his work must rely on the help of the family, and parents must coordinate their actions with the work of the kindergarten, in order to achieve a common result - the correct and complete preparation of the child for school, which is possible only in the unity and cooperation of the kindergarten and the family.

The problem of continuity between preschool and primary education is relevant at all times. How to solve the problem of continuity between preschool educational institutions and primary schools within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool and primary general education? This question is being asked by teachers and psychologists in the educational environment today.

In the conditions of modernization and innovative development, the most important personality qualities are initiative, the ability to think creatively and find innovative solutions, and the willingness to learn throughout life. The opinions of teachers and psychologists agree that these skills are formed from childhood.

18. Continuity between preschool and primary levels of education is considered at the present stage as one of the conditions for a child’s lifelong education. Continuing Education is understood as the connection, consistency and prospects of all components of the system (goals, objectives, content, methods, means, forms of organization of education and training) at each stage of education to ensure continuity in the development of the child. Undoubtedly, succession is a two-way process. On the one hand, the preschool stage, which preserves the intrinsic value of preschool childhood, forms the fundamental personal qualities of the child, which serve as the basis for the success of schooling, and most importantly, as N.N. Podyakov, preserves the “joy of childhood.” On the other hand, the school, as a successor, picks up the achievements of the preschool child (and, therefore, really knows about the real achievements of preschool childhood) and develops (and does not ignore) the potential accumulated by him.

The key point in implementing continuity is determining a child's readiness for school ..

Preschool education is designed to create the basic foundation for the development of a child - the basic culture of his personality. This will allow him to successfully master different types of activities and areas of knowledge at other levels of education.

Kindergarten and primary school programs provide continuity in content on all topics in literacy, mathematics and speech development. The programs provide for the principles of continuity and continuity of the educational cycle in the “kindergarten-school” complex.

Such grounds for succession are the following.

- Development of curiosity in a preschooler as the basis for the cognitive activity of the future student. Cognitive activity is not only necessary component educational activity, but also ensures interest in learning, arbitrariness of behavior and the development of other important qualities of the child’s personality.

- Development of abilities as ways of independently solving creative (mental, artistic) and other problems, as means of helping to be successful in various types of activities, including academic ones. This is teaching a child spatial modeling (coding), the use of plans, diagrams, signs, symbols, and substitute objects.

- Development of creative imagination as directions in the intellectual and personal development of the child. This is ensured by the widespread use of role-playing games, dramatization games, construction, various types of artistic activities, and children's experimentation.

- Development of communication skills, those. the ability to communicate with adults and peers, as one of the necessary conditions for the success of educational activities of children and adults (which in essence is always joint) and at the same time the most important direction of social and personal development. The development of communication is carried out in the joint activities of children and adults with partner methods of interaction between an adult and children as a model of interaction between peers, in teaching children means of communication that allow them to make contacts, resolve conflicts, and interact with each other.

forms s:

Conversation with children about Knowledge Day; Holiday Day of Knowledge; School excursions; Meetings with first graders; Games for school; Reading fiction about school; Intellectual quizzes, etc.

The traditional way for future first-graders to get acquainted with the school is excursions to pupils of preparatory groups to school. A visit to the museum, which allows you to solve the issue of patriotic education of children. The children listen very carefully to the student guides and ask a lot of questions. A visit to the school library arouses no less interest in them, they recite poems there, ask a lot, the gym, the assembly hall, conversations and meetings with school students who attended our kindergarten - all this arouses in our children a desire to go to school, interest, removes fear and instills confidence in one's abilities.

19. Form of school readiness as one of the most important tasks of modern times. preschool education systems. The essence and content of readiness for school. Diagnosis of readiness for learning at school, reasons for complicated adaptation, ways to overcome it.

Recently, the school has undergone major changes:
New programs have been introduced, the very structure of teaching has changed, and ever higher demands are placed on children entering first grade. As a result of the introduction of new programs and the development of innovative methodologists, it is possible to choose to educate a child in one program or another depending on the level of preparation for school

Personal readiness incl. the child’s readiness to accept a new social position - the position of a schoolchild who has a range of rights and responsibilities. This PH is expressed in the child’s attitude towards school, educational activities, teachers, and himself. Personal readiness also includes a certain level of development of the motivational sphere. A child who is not attracted to school is ready for school. outside(attributes of school life - briefcase, textbooks, notebooks), but the opportunity to acquire new knowledge, which implies the development of cognitive interests. level of development of the child’s emotional sphere. Personal readiness for school on also a certain attitude towards oneself. Productive educational activity presupposes an adequate attitude of the child to his abilities, work results, behavior, i.e. a certain level of development of self-awareness. There are also specially developed conversation plans that reveal the student’s position, and special experimental techniques.
Intellectual readiness for schooling related to development thought processes- the ability to generalize, compare objects, classify them, highlight essential features, and draw conclusions. The child must have a certain breadth of ideas, including figurative and spatial ones, an appropriate speech development, cognitive activity.
This component of readiness presupposes that the child has an outlook and a stock of specific knowledge. The child must have systematic and dissected perception, elements of a theoretical attitude to the material being studied, generalized forms of thinking and basic logical operations, semantic memorization.. In.go-b It also presupposes the development of a child’s initial skills in the field of educational activities, and, in particular, the ability to identify an educational task and turn it into the very goal of the activity.
the development of intellectual readiness for learning at school involves:
· differentiated perception; analytical thinking (the ability to comprehend the main features and connections between phenomena, the ability to reproduce a pattern); rational approach to reality (weakening the role of fantasy); logical memorization; interest in knowledge,

Important sign inte.readiness for school is not just scattered knowledge, ideas about objects, their properties, but, above all, the ability to see connections, patterns, the child’s desire to understand what, why and why.
Social-psychological readiness for schooling includes the formation in children of qualities thanks to which they could communicate with other children and teachers. A child comes to school, a class where children are engaged in a common task, and he needs to have fairly flexible ways of establishing relationships with other people, the ability to enter the children's society, act together with others, the ability to give in and defend himself. Thus, this component presupposes the development in children of the need to communicate with others, the ability to obey the interests and customs of the children's group, and the developing ability to cope with the role of a student in a school learning situation.
D.B. Elkonin writes that preschool children, in contrast to early childhood, develop relationships of a new type, which creates special, characteristic of of this period social development situation
In early childhood, the child’s activities are carried out mainly in collaboration with adults; In preschool age, a child becomes able to independently satisfy many of his needs and desires. As a result, his joint activity with adults seems to disintegrate, and at the same time the direct unity of his existence with the life and activities of adults weakens.
In addition to the attitude towards educational process in general, for a child entering school, attitude towards the teacher and peers is important and to myself. By the end of preschool age, such a form of communication between the child and adults should have developed, as non-situational-personal communication . An adult becomes an indisputable authority, a role model.
Thus, psycho. preparing a child for schooling an important step in education and training preschooler in kindergarten and family. Its content is defined. system of requirements that the school places on the child.
Unfavorable upbringing conditions and the presence of traumatic situations lead to a decrease in the child’s level of development.
However, even fairly prosperous families do not always take advantage of the opportunities to fully prepare their children for school. This is largely due to parents’ misunderstanding of the essence of preparation for school.


The beginning of the 21st century is characterized by new period in the development of preschool education in country. Since 2001 there has been trend towards increasing kindergarten attendance(in 2001 - 57.2%). This is due to the stabilization of the economy in the country, an increase in the employment of the population (mothers), and an increase in the birth rate. These factors require changes in the preschool education system. The priority areas of change are: the spread of new, flexible forms of preschool education (short-term groups for children, especially in rural areas); creation of a pre-school education system for all children aged 5-7 years in order to equalize the social conditions for starting school; transition to shared financing of preschool institutions by reducing the volume of federal funding and increasing the share of local funding.

Principles of state education politicians:

1) recognition of the priority of education;

2) ensuring the right of every person to education

3) the humanistic nature of education, the priority of human life and health, individual rights and freedoms;

4) unity of the educational space

5) creation favorable conditions for system integration

6) the secular nature of education in state and municipal organizations carrying out educational activities;

7) freedom of choice to receive education according to a person’s inclinations and needs, creating conditions

8) ensuring the right to education throughout life in accordance with the needs of the individual, adaptability of the education system to the level of training, developmental characteristics, abilities and interests 9) autonomy of educational organizations,

10) the democratic nature of education management, 11) the inadmissibility of limiting or eliminating competition in the field of education;

12) a combination of state and contractual regulation of relations in the field of education.

To school educational institution rel.:

kindergarten(implements OOP in groups with a general developmental focus);

kindergarten for children early age(implements educational activities for children aged 2 months to 3 years, creates conditions for social adaptation and early socialization of children);

kindergarten for preschool children(senior preschool) age (implements educational educational programs for children aged 5 to 7 years with priority implementation of activities to ensure equal starting opportunities for the education of children in general educational institutions);

child care and wellness kindergarten(implements PEP in health-related groups with priority implementation of activities to carry out sanitary-hygienic, preventive and health-improving measures and procedures);

D.s. compensating type(implements PEP in compensatory groups with priority implementation of activities for qualified correction of deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of one or more categories of children with disabilities);

D.s. combined type(implements the basic general educational program of preschool education in groups of general developmental, compensatory, health-improving and combined orientation in different combinations);

D.s. a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in one of the areas of children's development (implements PEP with priority implementation of activities for the development of children in one of such areas as cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic or physical);

child development center - kindergarten(implements OOP in groups with a general developmental focus with priority implementation of activities - cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic and physical).

Variable forms of preschool education - This structural units state educational institutions implementing OEP.

Variable forms of preschool education are created for the purpose increasing the enrollment of children in preschool education and creating equal starting opportunities when children enter school.

Variable forms of preschool education provide for different modes of stay for children, both with normal development and with disabilities and special educational needs.

Various forms of preschool education for children include: short-stay group; child play support center; advisory center; early intervention service; lekotheka; family kindergarten.


“Formation of universal educational actions in children of senior preschool age as a prerequisite for their further successful systematic education”

(for educators, parents (legal representatives))

MBDOU "Kindergarten of a combined type" village. Ust-Omchug

April 2016

“School should not bring a sharp change in life.

Having become a student, the child continues to do today what

what did you do yesterday. Let something new appear in his life

gradually and does not overwhelm you with an avalanche of impressions”

(V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

These words are very relevant in our time. Completing the preschool period and entering school is a turning point and important stage in a child’s life, when he needs to gradually become independent and responsible. At school, a first-grader is bombarded with everything at once: new rules of behavior, new information, and a new form of education. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a preschooler for the upcoming changes in his usual conditions gradually, step by step introducing new settings that meet the new requirements.

Today, the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education has determined that a child, as a result of mastering the Preschool Education and Education Program, can acquire such an integrative quality as Universal prerequisites for educational activities - the ability to work according to the rule and model, listen to an adult and follow his instructions. By the time a child enters school, the following prerequisites for educational attainment can be distinguished: personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative.

Communicative universal learning activities are considered among preschoolers as an element of communication:

Interaction - communication, information exchange, knowledge acquisition;

Cooperation - the ability to negotiate, find a common solution, convince, give in, take the initiative;

The condition of internalization is the ability of a pupil to verbally display (describe, explain) the content of actions performed in the form of speech meanings for the purpose of orienting objective-practical or other activities - primarily in the form of loud socialized speech;

Moral and ethical qualities - the ability to maintain a friendly attitude towards each other in a situation of dispute and conflict of interests.

Personal universal learning activities - this is the development of educational and cognitive motives:

Creating problematic situations, activating students’ creative attitude to learning;

Formation of motivation and reflective attitude of a student or pupil to learning;

Organization of forms of joint activities, educational cooperation;

Development of reflective self-esteem as the basis for the development of subjectivity in educational or cognitive activity (the child compares his achievements yesterday and today and develops on this basis an extremely specific differentiated self-esteem; providing the child with the opportunity to carry out a large number of equally accessible choices in learning, differing in the aspect of assessment, method of action, nature of interaction and the creation of conditions for comparing assessments obtained today and in the recent past);

Ensuring success in learning through the accessibility of scientific concepts;

Positive feedback and positive reinforcement of the efforts of the child being taught through an adequate system of assessment by the teacher of his knowledge system;

Stimulating the child’s activity and cognitive initiative, lack of strict control in learning;

Formation of adequate reactions of students to failure and building efforts to overcome difficulties.

Regulatory universal educational actions - this is the ability to learn and the ability to organize one’s activities (planning, control, self-esteem); formation of determination and perseverance in achieving goals, optimism in life, readiness to overcome difficulties:

The ability to accept, maintain goals and follow them in educational activities;

Ability to act according to a plan and plan one’s activities;

Maintain a goal;

Act according to the model and the given rule;

See the indicated error and correct it;

Control your activities; understands the assessment of an adult and a peer;

Ability to interact with adults and peers in educational activities;

Determination and perseverance in achieving goals;

Willingness to overcome difficulties, developing an attitude to search for ways to resolve difficulties (mastery strategy);

Forming the foundations of an optimistic perception of the world.

Cognitive universal learning activities - this is the possession of subject knowledge: concepts, definitions of terms, rules, formulas, logical techniques and operations in accordance with age requirements.

It can be concluded that the prerequisites for universal educational activities of a preschooler find their development at the initial stage of education even in preschool age.

What is the main form of education, where the prerequisites for educational learning are formed in children of senior preschool age? This is NOD - continuous educational activity. To form UUD in older preschool age, teachers use unconventional methods, techniques and technologies for enhancing cognitive activity.

1. ICT and digital educational resources (DER) when learning new material, consolidating it and monitoring knowledge. For the student, CORs are sources of additional knowledge, allow them to formulate creative tasks, and can also serve as simulators. Interactive games.

2. Multimedia products today partially take on the functions of textbooks and teaching aids, where the teacher acts as a consultant on emerging issues, and it is much more interesting for a child to perceive information in this form than with the help of outdated diagrams and tables (interactive whiteboards).

3. Intellectual warm-up games (questions, poems to activate attention and develop logic). For example, warm-up “Boys and girls” (questions are asked on the topic “Who should do what?”

4. Games for attention "Who is doing what?", "What did the artist mix up"

5. Mnemonics method for learning poetry and writing descriptive stories.

6. Collage method.

Collage is tutorial, whose task is to connect all the pictures with a single theme to each other. A collage is a sheet of paper on which various pictures, objects, geometric shapes, numbers, letters, etc. are pasted or drawn. The child must connect all the symbols depicted into a single story. Using this technique, you can produce an aesthetic teaching aid in the form of a photo album or multimedia presentation.

This is the kind of story children can make up using a collage about Africa. Africa, the hottest continent. There are a lot of deserts there. The largest desert is the Sahara. She is called the "Queen of the Deserts." And camels are “ships of the desert.” There are also Oases in the desert. There is a jungle on the continent of Africa. Monkeys live there. Also on the continent of Africa live hippos, rhinoceroses, crocodiles, elephants and the tallest animal

7. Gyenish blocks aimed at developing logic and thinking. You can make these blocks yourself by replacing wooden blocks with cardboard geometric shapes.

8. TRIZ and RTV method

TRIZ – pedagogy is the theory of solving inventive problems.

RTV – development of creative imagination.

Game "Teremok"

Goal: We train analytical thinking, learn to identify common features through comparison.

Props: surrounding household objects, or toys, or cards with images of objects. Those objects are allowed to live in the house if the player answers the question (how are they similar, how are they different, what is the use, what can you do?)

"Magic Daisy"

A game that helps expand and activate children's vocabulary, the field is divided into several subject areas: birds, dishes, clothes, etc. The arrow unwinds and a certain area is located, the children take turns naming words related to this area. The one who scores the most points wins.


Purpose of the game: to train children in accurately describing the desired object of the natural and man-made world according to its characteristics, properties and quality; location, origin, habitat, characteristic behavior, habits, actions, type of activity, etc.

Game action: a group of children sits at a table, the leader (one of the children) says: “The cloud in the sky is sad

And the kids asked:

“You play with me, I’m very bored alone.”

Children:“Tuchka, cloud, don’t yawn, whoever you want to play with, tell us what object you want to play with, what is it?”

For example, cloud (approximate description of objects using droplets - name-signs) My object is cold, melts in the sun, lies on houses, can be molded. My object is liquid, butter, sour cream, kefir are made from it. My subject lives in Africa, he has a long neck, spotted color, horns on his head, eats foliage.

We learn to identify and find UUD or what a cartoon can tell about

Cartoon name

What UUDs can we find?

What useful things does the cartoon convey?

White Bim Black Ear

personal universal (cooperation in finding the necessary information, tracking the actions of a partner), communicative universal (the ability to make a moral choice and give a moral assessment, developed reflection)

Loyalty, friendship, caring, development and empathy.

personal universal (positive moral qualities, adequate assessment of others, constructive interaction skills),

communicative universal (cooperate with other people in searching for the necessary information, the ability to enter into dialogue, make moral choices)

Friendship. Caring for others, developing and showing empathy.

How the monkeys had lunch

personal universal (adaptation to a changing situation, responsibility for the behavior and actions of others and oneself, the ability to make adjustments to the plan and method of action if necessary), cognitive universal (use of advanced technologies, awareness and application of what has been learned and must be learned, problem solving during group activities), communicative universal (integration into a peer group)

The need for action planning, the development of regulatory function in children, the importance of using different techniques education.

Personal UUD:

1.Remember that each child is an individual person, with his own views, beliefs, and hobbies. Try to find his individual personal characteristics in him.

2. In a child’s life, an adult is the person who helps him understand and study the real world, make his discoveries. Help him find and discover strong and positive personal qualities and skills.

3. When organizing educational and cognitive activities, take into account the individual psychological characteristics of each child. Use the recommendations of an educational psychologist.

4.Remember that the most important thing is not the subject you teach, but the personality you form. It is not the subject that shapes and develops the personality of the future citizen of society, but the teacher who teaches his subject.

Cognitive UUD:

  1. If you want children to learn the material being studied in your subject, teach them to think systematically (for example, a basic concept (rule) - an example - the meaning of the material (application in practice)).
  2. Try to help students master the most productive methods of educational and cognitive activity, teach them to learn. Use diagrams, plans, and new technologies in teaching to ensure solid assimilation of the knowledge system.
  3. Remember that it is not the one who retells the memorized text who knows, but the one who knows how to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Find a way to teach your child to apply his knowledge.
  4. Develop creative thinking through a comprehensive analysis of problems; Solve cognitive problems in a variety of ways, practice creative tasks more often.

Communicative UUD:

  1. Teach your child to express his thoughts without fear of making mistakes. While answering the question, if the child finds it difficult to continue his story, ask him leading questions.
  2. Don’t be afraid of “non-standard lessons”, try different types of games, discussions and group work to master new material.


Vyaznikova Marina Vyacheslavovna

MDOU kindergarten No. 19 “Zvezdochka”, Molodezhny village, Podolsky district, Moscow region.

Annotation. Current problems of forming the prerequisites for educational activities are raised. Such fundamental concepts as “learning activity”, “prerequisites for learning activity”, “target guidelines for preschool education” are defined and analyzed. The relationship between the preconditions of educational activities (PEA), universal educational activities (UEA) and the targets of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education has been established. The option of creating a subject-developmental environment in a preschool organization is being considered, which will make it possible to successfully create the prerequisites for educational activities as part of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standards of Preschool Education. The issues of active participation of children in the formation of the subject space of a preschool organization are raised to increase the interest of preschoolers and increase their creative activity. Various types of activities are presented for the formation of cognitive, personal, regulatory and communicative prerequisites for educational activities. New joint, partnership forms and methods of working with families of pupils are being considered,the result of which is the formation in parents of a conscious attitude towards their own views and attitudes in raising a child, contribute to the development of parental confidence, joy and satisfaction from communicating with their children. The needs and conditions necessary for a child to develop are presented.such qualities necessary for positive socialization as self-esteem, self-confidence, openness to the outside world, a positive attitude towards oneself and towards others.

Keywords: preschool education, prerequisites for educational activities, subject-development environment.


A modern kindergarten, according to the authors of the Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education (FSES DO), is the type and type of educational organization where the leitmotif of pedagogical activity should be the following ideas: “... support for the diversity of childhood; preserving the uniqueness and intrinsic value of childhood as an important stage in general development human, the intrinsic value of childhood - understanding (considering) childhood as a period of life that is significant in itself, without any conditions; significant because of what is happening to the child now, and not because this period is a period of preparation for the next period...” One of the central provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is the creation of social and material conditions to support children's initiative, child choice, and spontaneous play. Planned results are understood in the Federal State Educational Standard as targets.

The target guidelines of preschool education include the following social and psychological characteristics of the child’s personality at the stage of completion of preschool education:

● the child shows initiative And independence choose

the child is confident in his abilities, open to the outside world, has a positive attitude towards himself and others , has Actively

● the child has developed imagination, game

Creative skills

● the child has developed gross and fine motor skills. He can control and manage his movements, has a developed need to run, jump, make crafts from various materials, etc.;

● the child is capable of volitional efforts in various types of activities, overcoming momentary impulses, and completing the work he has started.

The child can follow social norms behavior and rules in various activities, in relationships with adults and peers, rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene;

● the child shows curiosity,

7. The Program's targets serve as the basis for the continuity of preschool and primary general education. Subject to compliance with the requirements for the conditions of implementation of the Program, these targets assume formation of prerequisites for educational activities in preschool children at the stage of completion of preschool education.

All this poses challenges for preschool organizations, the solution of which is associated with the development and implementation of innovative approaches to the pedagogy of early and preschool childhood, the rejection of the leading role of an adult and the transition from the dominance of activities according to a predetermined scenario to activities initiated by the children themselves, to supporting children's initiative.

In this regard, it is very important for preschool teachers to ensure the full functioning and development of children “here and now.” It is known that the leading activity in preschool age is play, therefore only in a playful form is it possible to provide children with information and ways of interacting with the environment and society.
However, in the Federal State Educational Standards for preschool education we find that “... Subject to compliance with the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the Program, these targets assume the formation in preschool children of prerequisites for educational activities at the stage of completing their preschool education.” Thus, the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education says that the main task of the kindergarten is to formation of prerequisites for universal learning activities in children.

Universal learning activities (UAL)- a set of methods of action of a student (as well as related skills of educational work), ensuring independent assimilation of new knowledge, the formation of skills, including the organization of this process.

UUD groups:

- personal, make learning meaningful, provide the student with the significance of solving educational problems, linking them with real ones life goals and situations. They are aimed at awareness, research and acceptance of life values ​​and meanings, allow you to navigate moral norms, rules, assessments, develop your life position in relation to the world, people, yourself and your future;

- regulatory, provide the opportunity to manage the cognitive and educational activities of younger schoolchildren by setting goals, planning, monitoring, correcting their actions and assessing the success of learning;

- communicative, provide the child with opportunities for cooperation - the ability to listen, hear and understand a partner, plan and coordinately carry out joint activities, distribute roles, mutually control each other’s actions, be able to negotiate, lead a discussion, correctly express one’s thoughts in speech, respect the partner and oneself in communication ;

- educational, younger schoolchildren include the actions of research, search and selection of necessary information, its structuring; modeling the content being studied, logical actions and operations, methods for solving problems.

UUD functions:

Ensuring the student’s ability to independently carry out learning activities, set educational goals, seek and use the necessary means and methods to achieve them, monitor and evaluate the process and results of the activity;

Creating conditions for harmonious development personality and its self-realization based on readiness for lifelong education;

Ensuring the successful acquisition of knowledge, the formation of skills, abilities and competencies in any subject area.

How can you develop the beginnings of educational skills outside of educational activities? Even Daniil Borisovich Elkonin and Vasily Vasilyevich Davydov noted that educational activity is not identical to the acquisition of knowledge, abilities, skills that a child can acquire outside of this activity, for example, in play or work.
But, speaking about teaching children, teachers of preschool organizations and primary school teachers are worried that in connection with the new Federal State Educational Standards, where this form of organizing children's activities as an activity is not welcomed, it will be difficult to achieve such targets as formed prerequisites for educational activities within the framework of general school readiness.
The task of preschool specialists is to navigate new conditions and find those possible methods and methods of pedagogical activity in which it is possible to help children move from play to learning with pleasure and interest.

What prerequisites for educational activities must a preschooler master in order to easily adapt to the school education system and be successful?

By studying and analyzing the literature on this issue, it is possible to determine the following prerequisites for the formation of educational activities.

  1. Child's cognitive activity . Interest in new knowledge will also occur if we do not force development by imposing educational activities, but encourage the child in his knowledge.
  2. Child's mastery of ways independent solution of practical and educational problems, highlighting connections and relationships of the source data. An older preschooler, placed from time to time in a problem game field, learns to independently select a solution and find the right option.
  3. Ability to work according to instructions. It is formed through showing, explaining, a combination of showing and explaining.
  4. Assimilation common methods actions, with which it is possible to solve the problem. Following the example of an adult, children manipulate objects, auxiliary means (measuring length...), learn an algorithm for describing, examining objects, phenomena, etc.
  5. The ability to monitor the way you perform your actions and evaluate them. We observe signs of the ability to self-control already in early childhood, but as a prerequisite this mental property is formed in older preschool age in the case of trust in the child’s actions, encouragement and respect for choice.

The prerequisites for educational activities also apply

  1. Formation of personal (motivational component). The attitude towards learning as an important socially significant matter, the desire to acquire knowledge, interest in certain types of activities.
  2. Development of arbitrariness and controllability of behavior. It is necessary for focusing attention even in cases where the material is not of direct interest to the child.
  3. The child’s need to communicate with adults and peers . Provide the child with the opportunity to fully cooperate.

Creation of a subject-developing environment.

For the most effective work in a preschool educational organization, it is necessary to create a subject-development environment that allows you to successfully create the prerequisites for educational activities. This is a harmonious relationship between the materials surrounding children, in terms of quantity, variety, originality, changeability, and allows the complex to form the prerequisites for learning activities (LAP).

To stimulate children's activity, it is necessary to use the following principles for organizing a subject-based development environment that comply with Federal State Educational Standards.

Federal State Educational Standards requirements for a subject-development environment:

  1. the subject-development environment ensures maximum realization of educational potential.
    2. accessibility of the environment, which implies:

2.1 accessibility for students to all premises of the organization where the educational process is carried out.
2.2. free access for pupils to games, toys, materials, aids, providing all basic activities.

When building a subject-development environment in a preschool organization, it is important to adhere to the basic principle: “Not next to, not above, but together!”

Let's consider the option of building a subject-based development environment using the example of preschool kindergarten No. 19 “Zvezdochka” in the Podolsk district of the Moscow region, where teachers try to provide their students with safe, conducive to the discovery and development of the abilities of each environment.

To form the prerequisites for personal UUD in each group of preschool educational institutions there are “Good Mood Corners”, audio libraries for relieving psycho-emotional stress, a “home zone” with upholstered furniture, a coffee table, etc. Places where reproductions of paintings, photographs of children, their parents, brothers, sisters are placed. Frames are hung on the walls at a height accessible to children, into which various reproductions or drawings can easily be inserted: and then the child can change the design of the walls depending on the construction or new aesthetic tastes. The environment in the preschool educational institution is safe, comfortable and cozy. This is a real home for children, where they don't just are located but live, they have the right to change the interior depending on their mood and type of activity. It’s wonderful when teachers don’t ignore even the most unexpected ideas of children. So, for example, when working with senior group theatrical activity, the teachers noticed that the children were actively discussing a picture they saw in the encyclopedia about the filming of a film, and after a few minutes they came up and invited the teachers to try to do the same. Within 15 minutes, the whole group turned into a movie industry. With the help of a film projector and a magnetic board, the art corner was transformed into a design studio for selecting costume sketches and an editing workshop, grouping a mirror, a table and a closet into a dressing room, inverted chairs into a cameraman's car, and a family corner into a casting pavilion. Also, at the children’s suggestion, the group was turned into a Russian hut, a computer center, a library, etc.

To form the prerequisites for cognitive learning activities in pre-school groups there are educational centers, exhibitions and mini-museums are organized, and on the territory of the kindergarten there is a motor city for learning the rules traffic, interactive paths that, at the request of children, turn into a place for sports games, then into mathematical or environmental objects, or into a means of communication. A corner of the forest, based on the requests and needs of children, it is transformed into an ecological trail, a clearing of fairy tales, a corner of a small homeland, or a real forest living its seasonal life. A vegetable garden is not only a work activity, but also a testing ground for creative activity. Experiments are carried out only at the request of children. The results of the experiments obtained in the independent activities of children are reflected in the “group discussion”. Children gather around a round table and talk about who did what, what worked for whom, and analyze the results. The round table is a necessary element of the development environment. The value of such an organization is that the conversation goes “eye to eye”, “I see you - you see me”, “I understand you - you understand me”. At the end of such a discussion, the teacher asks questions so that the children can formulate a final conclusion.

Teachers and children design flower beds in the plots, for which the children grow seedlings in the “Vegetable Garden on the Window.” The "Wall of Creativity" - a large magnetic board - is at the complete disposal of children. They can write and draw on it, creating both individual and group paintings.

To form the prerequisites for regulatory control in groups there are corners for the development of large and fine motor skills, centers for social-emotional development.

To form the prerequisites for communicative UUD actively uses the music hall, sports hall, theater corners in groups with various types of theaters. "Good Mood Corner"

The participation of children in the formation of space is currently considered the most important feature of a high-quality educational environment. Each kindergarten must have in its list of equipment special screens - partitions, with the help of which children can divide the space in accordance with their plans. For example, set up a library, school, museum, television studio, store or computer center. The brain center of the group is the “Reference Room”... which contains: an album - a guide for orientation in the thematic areas of the group, allowing the child to choose an activity to his liking, albums of rules of behavior and communication, an album “Our Kindergarten” and practical materials on conducting experiments, caring animals and plants.

All materials and equipment are at the complete disposal of children, who can use them at any time convenient for them. Moreover, each child has his own drawer, a box where he keeps personal books, photographs and objects dear to him. Also, personalization of the environment is reflected in lockers with individual photographs, which the child can change at his own discretion, depending on the time of year or his mood.

The formation of a subject-developmental group environment is not the end result. It's constantly changing. Experience shows that as soon as a child enters a new environment unknown to him, his interest and creative activity sharply increase.

Mandatory equipment includes materials that activate cognitive activity: educational games, technical devices and toys, models, objects for experimental research work. It is also advisable to offer children emphatically simple toys; they activate the child’s imagination; the child can create something new and unexpected from such an object. Such a toy only hints at its possible function and allows you to use yourself in the game multifunctionally. So, with minimal investment, you can achieve maximum result in terms of developing intense creative play and initiative in children.

Formation of prerequisites for educational activities.

For a more complete understanding of the importance of forming the prerequisites for educational activities in preschool educational institutions, we will consider the connection between the prerequisites for educational activities (PEA), universal educational activities (UEA) and the targets of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.


Universal learning activities

Cognitive UUD

include: general educational, logical, as well as problem formulation and solution.

Children’s mastery of general methods of action, i.e., methods that allow them to solve a number of practical or cognitive problems and identify new connections and relationships.

The ability to independently find ways to solve practical and cognitive problems.

The child has a developed imagination, which is implemented in different types of activities. The child's ability to fantasy, imagination, creativity develops intensively and manifests itself in game . The child knows different forms and types of play. Can obey different rules and social norms , distinguish between conditional and real situations, including gaming and educational ones;

The child shows initiative And independence in different types of activities - play, communication, construction, etc. Capable choose own occupation, participants in joint activities, reveals the ability to implement various ideas;

- Creative skills The child’s abilities are also manifested in drawing, inventing fairy tales, dancing, singing, etc. The child can fantasize out loud, play with sounds and words. understands spoken language well and can express his thoughts and desires;

The child has developed gross and fine motor skills. He can control and manage his movements, has a developed need to run, jump, make crafts from various materials, etc.;

The child shows curiosity, asks questions regarding near and distant objects and phenomena, is interested in cause-and-effect relationships (how? why? why?), tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and people’s actions. Inclined observe, experiment . Has basic knowledge about himself, about the objective, natural, social and cultural world in which he lives. Familiar with book culture, with children's literature, has basic understanding of wildlife, natural science, mathematics, history, etc., the child develops the prerequisites for literacy.

Child capable of making his own decisions , relying on their knowledge and skills in various spheres of reality.

Types of tasks and games to form the prerequisites for cognitive learning activities.

These are general educational, logical, as well as problem formulation and solution.

Experience in the continuity of preschool organizations and primary schools shows that nurturing cognitive interests is the most important component of nurturing a child’s personality and his successful self-realization. And the success of organizing the educational activities of our graduates in elementary school largely depends on how correctly this issue is resolved by us, preschool teachers.

First of all, it is necessary to organize any activity in a preschool organization in such a way that the child actively acts, is involved in the process of independent search and “discovery” of new knowledge, and solves problematic issues. For this purpose, such a form of conducting classes as the “School of Researchers” is the best suited - children experimentally confirm or refute their assumptions (for example, a greenhouse in the garden), “Club of the Curious” - children with the help of encyclopedias, stories knowledgeable people, the Internet collect information about the event of interest. “Fairytale laboratory”, where children, with the help of Propp Cards, compose their own, unique fairy tales; a press conference, where a child who is passionate about any activity is asked questions by his peers; at first, parents can help the children, and the teacher needs to cover in advance topic of the press conference. Project activity, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate. All kinds of excursions, including to school. Encourage children's desire to collect. This method of work is often initiated by the children themselves. Children are given the opportunity to talk about their collection as part of the lesson in the form of a press conference. As it turns out, almost all children collect something, cars, dolls, postcards, etc. You can publish a wall newspaper about young collectors, then everyone will think about creating their own collections. And how much delight and unexpected discoveries for us, teachers, are caused by games to resolve contradictions and get out of problematic situations. The following types of tasks are very loved by children and are appropriate to use: “find the differences”, “what does it look like?”, “search for the odd one out”, “labyrinths”, “chains”, ingenious solutions, drawing up support diagrams, working with different types of tables , work with dictionaries, encyclopedias, games aimed at developing memory, verbal and non-verbal imagination, thinking, ability to draw diagrams, spatial orientation. To create an emotional mood, we use poetic moments and work accompanied by music.

The success of teachers’ use of such types of activities once again confirms the thesis about the need for diversity of educational activities in preschool educational institutions. Because monotonous material and monotonous methods of presenting it very quickly cause boredom in children. Another necessary condition for the formation of the prerequisites for cognitive learning is the connection of new material with what children have learned before; tasks offered to children should be difficult, but feasible, since our experience shows that neither too easy nor too difficult material arouses interest .

It is very important to positively evaluate all the children’s successes. Positive evaluation stimulates cognitive activity. But we must always remember that the most necessary and important praise is for that child who may not succeed for a long time, but he tried very, very hard and through long efforts achieved, although far from the best, his personal result. And of course, it is always necessary to strive to ensure that the demonstration and handout material is bright and emotionally charged.

Sample games and exercises

"Proposal - story"

"Guess what you have in mind"


"It flies - it doesn't fly"

"Edible - not edible"

"Still Picture"

"Spies" and others.

Personal universal learning activities

Universal learning activities

Prerequisites for educational activities

Preschool education targets


personal, life self-determination; meaning formation (motivation, self-esteem, what meaning does the teaching have for me?), moral and ethical orientation.

Formation of the personal (motivational) component of activity.

The ability to monitor the way you perform your actions and evaluate them.

Mastering general methods of action

The child shows initiative And independence in different types of activities - play, communication, construction, etc. Capable choose own occupation, participants in joint activities, reveals the ability to implement various ideas;

The child shows curiosity, asks questions regarding near and distant objects and phenomena, is interested in cause-and-effect relationships (how? why? why?), tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and people’s actions. Inclined observe, experiment . Has basic knowledge about himself, about the objective, natural, social and cultural world in which he lives. Familiar with book culture, with children's literature, has basic understanding of wildlife, natural science, mathematics, history, etc., the child develops the prerequisites for literacy. Child capable of making his own decisions , relying on their knowledge and skills in various spheres of reality.

Can obey different rules and social norms , distinguish between conditional and real situations, including gaming and educational ones;

, has self-esteem. Actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games. Able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with failures and rejoice in the successes of others, try to resolve conflicts;

Types of tasks and games to form the prerequisites for personal learning achievements.With the help of which personal, life self-determination occurs; meaning formation (motivation, self-esteem, what meaning does the teaching have for me?), moral and ethical orientation.

Participation in projects, highlighting an important role for each child depending on his hobbies and abilities.

Summing up the lessons, not from the point of view of criticism and praise only, but from the point of view of feasible participation.

Creative tasks, for example, children become correspondents for an oral journal (reviews of what happened in the garden, an event in a group), classes in the form of the “School of Researchers”, “Club of the Curious” which we mentioned above. Creating collages together with parents on a specific topic or as a representation of an important event for the child. The child is a guide presenting a topic that interests him and in which he understands.

Visual, motor, verbal perception of music, mental reproduction of a picture, situation, video, drawings - children's compositions based on the music they listened to, dramatization games, body-oriented and psycho-gymnastic games, exercises, sketches.

To form a child’s self-esteem, the child’s assessment of an event or incident, understanding the meaning and meaning of an act or action, games and exercises are used to develop reflection and self-awareness, empathy and sensitivity. During games and exercises, children become acquainted with various components of their personality and character, and personal self-analysis occurs. Many kindergarten students attend various clubs in the Houses of Culture, so it is very productive to organize personal exhibitions and information about the achievements of students in group rooms and preschool halls.

Sample games and exercises.


"What kind of cat will I be"

"Without false modesty"

“What can my favorite toy, my toothbrush, tell about me?”

"I'm in the sun"

"I am a gift to humanity"

"Fortune Teller"

“Find mistakes” and many others.

Communicative universal learning activities

Universal learning activities

Prerequisites for educational activities

Preschool education targets

Communicative UUD

social competence and taking into account the position of other people, the ability to listen and engage in dialogue; participate in the discussion of problems; integrate into a peer group and build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults.

Development of arbitrariness and controllability of behavior.

The child’s need to communicate with adults and peers;

The child shows initiative And independence in different types of activities - play, communication, construction, etc. Capable choose own occupation, participants in joint activities, reveals the ability to implement various ideas;

- The child is confident in his abilities, open to the outside world, has a positive attitude towards himself and others , has self-esteem. Actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games. Able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with failures and rejoice in the successes of others, try to resolve conflicts;

Can obey different rules and social norms , distinguish between conditional and real situations, including gaming and educational ones;

A child can follow social norms of behavior and rules in various activities, in relationships with adults and peers, rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene;

Types of tasks and games to form the prerequisites for communicative learning activities.

Social competence and taking into account the position of other people, the ability to listen and engage in dialogue; participate in the discussion of problems; integrate into a peer group and build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults.

To form communicative PUDs, the following types of tasks are used: compose a task for a partner, review a friend’s work, you can invite children to express their opinions, for example, about the behavior of the children in the picture (good, bad), about objects (beautiful, not beautiful), group work in different types of activities, composing a dialogue (work in pairs) - we invite children to role-play the situation in pairs, using dialogue speech.

Very productive: discussion, reasoning, argument - we invite you to discuss certain issues on the topic, express your opinion, and prove your point of view. You can also use all types of games and exercises to develop communication skills and team building.

Sample games and exercises

Games by Klaus Vopel


"Tourists and Rocks"


“Guess who we’re talking about” and others .

Thus, the balanced use of traditional and new, interactive forms of work makes it possible to successfully develop the prerequisites for universal educational activities among pupils of preschool organizations, which contributes to the formation of their new psychological formations and abilities, which, in turn, determine the conditions for high success of educational activities.

All these forms of work are well known and are successfully used in the work of every specialist and educator.

Summary of the game development session “Workshop of patterns and figures” for children of senior preschool age.


Formation of prerequisites for educational activities in older preschoolers.


Continue to improve children’s ability to independently find ways to solve practical and cognitive problems.

Develop the ability to work according to instructions; exercise control over the way you perform your actions and evaluate them; arbitrariness, controllability of behavior.

Form a motivational component of activity.

Develop the child’s need for communication and interaction with adults and peers.

Foster friendly relationships between children and respect for others.

Materials: halves of blue circles, yellow squares and brown triangles, “Find by address” table, schematic drawing, blue circles, yellow squares, brown triangles different sizes, cards “Look, picture” a set of numbers from 1 to 4 for each child.

Musical accompaniment.

Progress of the lesson.

Psychologist(addresses the children). Children! Today we have guests from other kindergartens. They all love children very much and play with them all the time. Our guests really want to see how we play; they will also play with the children in their kindergartens. Let's introduce ourselves to our guests.

Game "Dating"

The psychologist asks each child to tell about himself, using the following expressions:

My name is….

More than anything I like...

I love….

I can do...

The psychologist starts first.

"Psycho-training circle"

Children stand in a circle holding hands. One by one, they quietly shake the neighbor’s hand and say, “I know for sure that in this circle they will help me, and I will help,” make a larger circle and say the same thing again, louder, do the same big circle and repeat loudly.

"Kinesiological exercises"

The psychologist offers exercises to improve mental activity.

  1. Light massage of the “point of attention”
  2. "Horns - legs"
  3. "Lezginka"
  4. "Everything will be fine"

Psychologist. Children, I suggest you work today in the Patterns and Figures Workshop . Secret work is being done there, so those who have a secret pass will be able to get into this workshop.

Exercise “Find by address”

The psychologist invites children to find the halves of the figures at the “address” and find a pair so that the figure becomes whole.

The squares contain halves of blue circles, yellow squares and red triangles. Each child takes an “address” at which he finds his half of the figure, for example A3. Children are divided into pairs, depending on the halves that are connected to form whole figures. They go to the “laboratory” and take seats according to their “passes”.

Exercise “Wall of Creativity”

Psychologist. Children, an artist works in this workshop, he drew a picture, but it turned out not bright, not interesting. But look at this drawing very carefully, it will be useful to you when working in our workshop. I suggest you simulate this drawing of geometric shapes on a magnetic board so that it becomes bright and interesting. Pay attention to what is on your table, (on the tables there are: 1 - blue circles, 2 - yellow squares, 3 - brown triangles) will this help with your work? Think about how you will do this job.

Remember who or what was depicted in the artist’s drawing?

What shapes does a snowman consist of? Who can model a snowman? Right. Let's call you the "circle team."

What shapes does the house consist of? Who models the house? "Team of Squares"

What shapes does a dog consist of? Who models the dog? "Triangle Team"

Let's get to work. The psychologist observes and, if necessary, comes to the rescue.

Psychologist. You did a very good job. They worked together and helped each other. It turned out bright and interesting. You like? I see it in your eyes and smiles. And I really like it, you can also see it from my facial expression. What mood are the snowman and the dog in? Can we define it? Why? What do you think, what time of day and what weather can we determine? What do you think we can do?

Exercise “Decorate the picture”

Children, using colorful markers, “decorate” the picture.

Psychologist. Children, let's sit down and admire our picture. Now can we say what mood our heroes are in? What time of day? Weather? Do you think the dog and the snowman are friends?

A situational game to find external resources.

Psychologist. Yes, the snowman and the dog are real friends. And they turn to you for help. They love to play together, and the dog goes outside to visit the snowman every day. And the snowman has never visited the dog, who lives with his owner in this house.

- Why do you think?

- Yes, because it can melt in the warmth. So the dog asks you how to prevent the snowman in the house from melting? Children's answers. Let's get to the idea that a snowman needs cold.

- Thanks to you, the snowman came to visit his friend.

- What do owners do when guests come to them? Children's answers. We bring to the idea that we need to treat the guest.

- What do you think a dog can treat its friend with?

Game "What's inside"

Psychologist. The snowman is in the house for the first time. He is very interested, he looks around. Let's imagine what he can see in the house:

- round shape? Children's answers.

- square shape? Children's answers.

- triangular in shape? Children's answers.

Psychologist. Now it's time to play.

Game “Look, pretend”

Children move freely to the music, as soon as the music changes, pay attention to me what exactly to do, the cards will tell you The psychologist shows three white training cards. The card will show you which team, “triangles”, “squares” or “circles” will squat, spin or jump and how many times.

At the end we all clap our hands together.

Exercise “Intellectual Kaleidoscope”

Psychologist. Children, now a task will appear on the screen, you all listen to it carefully and, silently, put a card with a number under which the correct answer is located on the edge of the table. I remind you again, since this task requires attention, we work in silence. Discussion occurs only when opinions differ. Well done! The task was completed perfectly!

Relaxation “Tired dolls”

Psychologist. You did a very good job today. Now we can rest a little. Lie down comfortably and imagine yourself becoming soft, limp and relaxed, just like rag dolls. I will walk around and lift your arms and legs to feel how relaxed you are. Now, tense your muscles, as if you had turned into tin soldiers, and now relax your muscles again, and so on several times.

Psychologist. Our work at the Patterns and Figures Workshop is coming to an end.

Questions for children.

Think and say:

What did you do best?

Who helped you today?

What didn't work out for you and why?

What will you do to make it work next time?

What was the most difficult?

What was the most interesting?

Who would you like to thank for their work in class?

Thank you, you are just great!

Psychologist. Now, we hand over our passes and leave the workshop.

Let's ask our guests, did they like it? Thank you, you are very good viewers! To remember our meeting, the children and I give you gifts.

Because you were diligent and attentive, I also want to give you gifts. A psychologist gives gifts to children.

Children say goodbye to guests.

Working with parents.

Work to implement Federal State Educational Standards requires the search for new joint, partnership forms and methods of working with families of pupils, the result of which is the formation in parents of a conscious attitude towards their own views and attitudes in raising a child.

In the preparatory group, the main direction of cooperation between educators and specialists with the family is the development of the parent group of the group, the creation of a child-parent community in which parents could discuss their pedagogical problems and jointly outline the prospects for the development of the children of the group. Work on increasing the competence of parents on the problem of preparing children for school, reducing the level of anxiety of parents before their children enter school, determining joint conditions for better preparing each child for school. Parents are actively involved in joint activities with their children, in the process of organizing various forms of parent-child interaction - this contributes to the development of parental confidence, joy and satisfaction from communicating with their children, we help to see their child from a different side, unknown to the parent.

Use the following forms of work productively: Information and analytical. Visual and informational. Leisure. Cognitive.


Purpose of use

Forms of work

Information and analytical

Organization of communication with parents: collection, processing and use of data about the family of each pupil, through direct dialogue, surveys

Dating questionnaires for newcomers to the preschool educational institution, anonymous questionnaires (“What does the child expect from the family?”, “Mutual understanding in the family”), test surveys (“Are you paying enough attention to your child?”), parental essays “My Child”, “Our family.” “Meetings with interesting people” are held

Visual information

Familiarizing parents with the work of a preschool organization, Forming in parents a conscious attitude towards their own views and attitudes in raising a child.

Parental corners, reminders and recommendations for parents, mini-stands “Our successes - our failures”, “On the advice of the whole world”, family and group albums “Our friendly family”, “Our life day by day”, mini-libraries, photo montages “From the life of the group”, “We are friends of nature”, “In the family circle”, photo exhibitions “I, baby, have the right”, “My whole family knows, I know the traffic rules too”, family vernissage “My best family”, “ Family - a healthy lifestyle”, a piggy bank of Good deeds. Exhibitions of books, equipment, board games, children's or joint drawings, crafts with parents, photo exhibitions, newspapers. Organization of days (weeks) open doors, open viewings of classes and other activities of children. All types of consultations. Parent meetings in the form of round tables, family living rooms. Training games and exercises for modeling situations, discussion clubs.


Establishing emotional contact, creating conditions for positive, friendly relationships with the families of students.

An unusual start to the day, joint parent meetings, concerts, performances, family competitions and sports competitions, organization of family duets, trios, ensembles. Family living room, hikes and excursions, participation of parents and children in exhibitions.


Familiarization of parents with the age and psychological characteristics of children. Formation of practical skills in raising children in parents.

Parent meetings based on famous television games: “KVN”, “Field of Miracles”, “What? Where? When?”, “Through the Mouth of a Baby” and others. Parent meetings in the form: “pedagogical laboratory”, “readers’ conference”, “parent lecture”, “auction of ideas”, “lecture-seminar”, “master class”, “talk show”, “pedagogical consultation”. Participation in projects.

It is very important to teach parents to prepare their child for school in everyday interactions: joint play and creative activities, during everyday activities, and walks. Children have an emotional hard time when their parents turn into mentors. Kids want to see them as play partners, friends, loved ones, loving, understanding, wise people. But not every parent knows how to act as a partner. The choice of methods and forms of work with each specific family is directly related to the identification of the characteristics and developmental needs of pupils, and the social and educational needs of parents.

One of the productive forms of work on developing parental competence in matters of preparation for school is joint play sessions structured in such a way as to strengthen the relationship between parents and child. Parents observe the child and see those features that often escape their attention in everyday life. They begin to perceive and feel failures and joys differently, learn to cooperate with the child and create something together - both in play and in business.

“Developing voluntary behavior 1”



Materials and equipment: tables, chairs according to the number of participants, a magnet, nails, 10 cards of 10x15 cm format, on which simple geometric shapes are drawn, a magnetic board, balls.

Musical accompaniment: Children's instrumental music in major key for the game "Magnet", "Caterpillar".

  1. Greetings.

We stand hand in hand

Together we are a big ribbon.

Can we be big? (raise hands up)

We can be small (hands down),

But no one will be alone

  1. Warm up. Game "Magnet".

Goal: uniting the child-parent team, developing self-confidence, increasing self-esteem.

Instructions. Now a little magic awaits us. The presenter shows children and parents how a magnet attracts and holds small nails. Who can tell me what this item is called? Sometimes people can be magnets too. Remember how in the evening you quickly run to your mom or dad when they come for you? You are drawn to them like a magnet. Are you, parents, magnet children drawn to kindergarten in the evening? We are now going to play a game with you in which each of you will be a magnet. When the music starts, you can move around the room, when the music stops, I will loudly call one of you, for example, Sasha the magnet or Lisa's Mom the magnet. Then quickly approach, like carnations to a magnet, the one I named, and very carefully, without pushing, stand in a tight circle around and gently touch with your hand. When the music starts again, you move around the room again until I call another name.

Exercise Analysis:

Who is more pleasant to be a magnet or studs?

What did you do to make the magnet feel good?

  1. Main part.Exercise "Yes - no".

Goal: development of voluntary behavior.

Instructions. You and I will play a game. I will ask some of you questions, and you will answer. But let’s agree this way: you don’t have to, you don’t have the right, you won’t answer me with “yes” and “no.” For example, if I ask: “Do you have a toy?”, the one to whom the question is asked should not say: “Yes,” but should answer like this: “I have a toy,” i.e. without the word "yes". Or, for example, I ask: “Do people walk on the ceiling?”, and the answer should not be: “No.” It should be: “People don’t walk on the ceiling.” So, don’t say the words “yes” and “no”. Do you understand everything? Then let's begin!

Exercise Analysis:

Was it easy to comply with the condition?

What did you do when you were wrong? (tried to correct the mistake).

  1. Game “Rise on command.”Instead of physical training.

Goal: development of concentration.

Instructions. We divide into two teams, for example, two pairs of children and parents in each team. One team sits on the floor to my left - this is the team of hares, the other team sits on the right - this is the team of birds. When I shout out the team names, all the participants who belong to it must quickly stand up and show me their bunny ears by placing their hands on their head and waving them. The other team continues to sit. When a team of birds hears its name, it stands up and flaps its arms like birds do with their wings. When the teams complete the task freely, we complicate it. Remember well which of you are hares and which are birds. Sit down together in front of me. Let's see if you remember exactly who is on which team. You can invite children and parents to come up with team names and accompanying movements themselves.

  1. Exercise “Drawing Shapes”

Goal: to unite parent-child pairs, establish tactile and visual contact, develop the ability to act according to instructions, and retain multi-step instructions in memory.

Instructions. If you, both children and parents, are attentive enough, you will be able to read not only with your eyes, but also with other parts of the body, for example, your back. Let the children read first, and the parents write. Children will sit in a semicircle on chairs in front of a magnetic board, where cards with shapes are attached, parents will stand behind their children. Parents mentally select one picture, but do not say which one. At my command, with the tip of a finger, they slowly and carefully draw a figure from the selected picture on the back of a sitting child. If the child “read” the picture, he silently rises, silently goes to a picture with a figure that is “drawn” on his back and silently traces this figure with his finger, turns to the parent, if the choice is correct, the parent silently nods his head, if not correct, shakes his head. But not everyone may be able to “read” correctly the first time, if you did not immediately understand what your parents wrote, silently We raise one hand - this is a sign for parents to repeat.

Then we change, parents “read”, children “write”. The instructions are the same.

The task can be made more difficult: the pictures are placed on the table so that the sitting players do not see them, but the “writing” players see them. The “reading” player must create an internal image of what is drawn on his back, then go to the table and select the desired picture.

Job Analysis:

Was it difficult to complete the task in silence?

  1. Game "Caterpillar"

Goal: learning to interact, uniting the child-parent group.

Instructions. Children and parents stand one after another, holding the waist of the person in front. At my command, the Centipede simply begins to move forward, then crouches, jumps on one leg, crawls between obstacles and performs other tasks. The main task of the players is not to break the single “chain” and to keep the Centipede intact.

The task can be made more difficult: place balls between the players that can only be held with the stomach without releasing the Centipede. It is advisable for everyone to experience the role of the head of the Centipede.

Exercise Analysis:

Which was easier to be: the head or the tail of the Centipede?

What did you do to keep the Centipede safe?

Did you like being a centipede? How?

  1. Reflection.


I understood…

I liked it very much…

I would like…

Psychologist :

Game development session scenario

“Developing voluntary behavior 2”


  1. Optimizing parent-child relationships when preparing a child for school.


  1. Create conditions for the effective development of communication abilities and social adaptation of children of senior preschool age.
  2. Reduce the anxiety level of older preschoolers before entering school; develop self-confidence.
  3. Teach parents methods and techniques for effectively organizing classes with children of senior preschool age.
  4. Continue to develop voluntary behavior and self-control.
  5. Continue to teach children to listen and hear an adult, plan, control and evaluate their activities.
  6. Create conditions for optimizing parent-child relationships

Materials and equipment: tables, chairs according to the number of participants, patterns and forms for graphic dictation according to the number of participants.

Musical accompaniment: Children's instrumental music in major key for the game “Stop, one!” Stop, two!...", "Giraffe, elephant, crocodile", instrumental music, for example - "Aria" and "Passacaglia" by Handel, for the exercise "Thawing and freezing".

  1. Greetings.

Purpose: warming up the group, relieving emotional anxiety.

Children and parents stand in a circle holding hands. A poem is recited in chorus.

We stand hand in hand

Together we are a big ribbon.

Can we be big? (raise hands up)

We can be small (hands down),

But no one will be alone (we nod to our neighbors and shake hands).

  1. Warm up. Game “Stop, one! Stop, two!..."

Goal: uniting parent-child couples, developing voluntary attention.

Instructions. Children and parents can move around the room to the music until the music stops and I say “Stop!” and I will not name any number, for example, “one”. Then you must quickly run up to your pair (parent-child) and touch each other with only one part of the body. How will you do this?.. Can any couple show me how they would stand?... If I shout “Stop, two!”, you must touch two parts of the body. You can touch each other with your arms, legs, heads, shoulders, five and ten fingers. How will you touch each other if I shout “Stop, eight!”?... Alternate small and large numbers more often. Encourage the most original solutions of the couples, for example: “The couple Masha and mom had a very interesting idea, they touched each other with two knees and their heads.”

Exercise Analysis:

How did you manage to quickly agree on how you would touch each other?

Who came up with the most interesting ideas, children or adults?

  1. Main part. Robot game

Goal: the ability to follow verbal instructions, describe directions of movement using words, take responsibility and perform simple functions of managing other people.

Instructions. Do you know who a robot is?... We are now going to play a game in which robots will act. These robots understand three simple commands: “Forward!”, “Stop!” and back!". The first command is “Forward!” If the robot hears this, it takes small steps forward, as if with effort. Do you understand how to go? Let's try. The second important command that the robot must understand is “Stop!” If the robot hears "stop", it stops and doesn't move anymore. The third command is “Back!” The robot turns around and begins to slowly move in the opposite direction. Now let's pair up. At first, children will be robots, and parents will be engineers who want to test how robots work. The engineer gives the robot commands, the robot carries them out. Engineers are also responsible for ensuring that robots do not collide or break. Let's start playing, and then the children and parents will change roles.

Exercise Analysis:

Which is harder to be, a robot or an engineer?

How did you manage to control the robots so that they didn’t collide?

  1. Exercise “Graphic dictation”

Goal: development of fine motor skills, spatial concepts, the ability to listen and follow verbal instructions from an adult.

Instructions. Pairs of children and parents sit at tables, the children draw a pattern in the cells under the dictation of their parents. (If child-parent pairs perform this exercise successfully and not for the first time, you can switch, the children dictate simple patterns to their parents).

Exercise Analysis:

What helped you successfully cope with such a difficult task?

What is more difficult, dictating or drawing yourself?

  1. A game."Giraffe, elephant, crocodile."(Instead of physical education)

Goal: development of voluntary attention.

Instructions. Children and parents stand in a circle, with the leader (child or parent) in the center. Pointing to one of the participants, the presenter names the animal that needs to be depicted: elephant (trunk - arm extended forward), giraffe (neck - arms up), crocodile (mouth - hands). Those standing nearby should join the show and show with their hands: an elephant has ears, a crocodile has a crest, a giraffe has spots on its body. Whoever hesitates or makes a mistake becomes the leader.

  1. Exercise "Thawing and freezing."

Goal: develop the ability to control your body.

Instructions. The game we will play is very difficult. Please disperse evenly around the room. Imagine that your whole body is icy. The music I'm about to turn on will slowly defrost it, piece by piece. You can move the thawed parts to the music. All other parts must remain motionless. For example, imagine that your fingers have thawed and are moving... Now you can also move your palms... Now you can move your fingers, palms and arms up to the elbows... Now you can move your entire arm, from fingers to shoulder... etc. until the whole body is involved. Then we can suggest the opposite - to “freeze” parts of the body one after another, so that by the end only the fingers move to the music. At the end of the game, shake your arms and legs thoroughly.

7. Reflection.

Goal: awareness of the experience gained, summing up

Instructions. Assignment to parents - continue the sentences:

I understood…

What surprised me about my child...

I liked it very much…

I would like…

Psychologist : also performs the “Unfinished Sentences” exercise and thanks everyone for their participation.


The formation of prerequisites for educational activity in preschool children is possible only with the emotional involvement of an adult in the children’s activities. Only if the adult himself is immersed in some activity with interest can the meaning of the activity be transferred to the child. The child sees that it is possible to enjoy intellectual efforts, to experience the “beauty of solving” a problem; it is assumed not only the acceptance of the algorithm of activity on the part of the child, but also active emotional return on the part of the adult

It is necessary to constantly stimulate the child’s curiosity through the use of original toys and materials that can arouse interest, surprise, and contain a mystery. It is important not only to interest the child, but also to teach him to set goals for himself in the process of cognitive activity and independently find ways to achieve them.

An adult’s assessment (both positive and negative) can help the child fixate on his own successes, strengths and weaknesses, that is, the development of external motivation. Supporting children's activity, research interest and curiosity is very important. The adult sought not only to transfer the initiative to the child, but also to support it, that is, to help realize the children’s plans, find possible mistakes, and cope with emerging difficulties.

A properly structured system of work of a preschool organization, aimed at creating the prerequisites for educational activities within the framework of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standards of Preschool Education, is efficient look social interaction, which provides a real opportunity to involve all children in different types activities, supports children's initiative and independence, promotes the development of norms of social behavior, allows adults to show respect for the individuality of each child, for his right to be different from others. Pupils of educational organizations where such a work system has been created are distinguished by such qualities necessary for positive socialization as self-esteem, self-confidence, openness to the outside world, a positive attitude towards themselves and towards others.

Municipal preschool educational institution, kindergarten of general developmental type with priority implementation of activities on physical development children "Forget-me-not" No. 133


“Formation of educational activities in preschoolers in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education”

Prepared by: teacher

Kulinka Olga Yurievna

Komsomolsk - on the Amur


The transition of a child from the preschool stage to primary education is a difficult life stage. It is very important that these changes occur as “gently” as possible and that all the conditions necessary for the successful development, education and upbringing of the child are created. Already at the stage of preschool education, equal “starting” conditions should be provided for preschool children entering first grade. “School should not make drastic changes in children’s lives. Let new things appear in their lives gradually and not overwhelm them with an avalanche of impressions,” wrote V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Preschool age, as A.N. wrote. Leontiev, is “the period of the initial actual makeup of the personality.” It is at this time that the formation of basic personal mechanisms and formations occurs. The child’s cognitive and emotional-personal spheres, which are closely interconnected with each other, develop.

Children of this age need to physical, psychological and intellectual preparation.

The most important task of the modern education system is the formation of a set of “universal educational actions.” At the legislative level, universal educational activities were defined by the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education. It includes requirements such as: “formation of the foundations of the ability to learn and the ability to organize one’s activities - the ability to accept, maintain goals and follow them in educational activities, plan one’s activities, monitor and evaluate them, interact with the teacher and peers in the educational process.”

At the senior preschool age, we can begin to lay the foundations for further successful schooling, starting to form universal educational activities already at the stage of preschool education.

The term “universal learning activities” was first introduced by A.G. Asmolov and another group of psychologists. Scientists give the following definition of this term: “in a broad sense, the term “universal educational activities” means the ability to learn,

in a narrower sense(actually in the psychological meaning) they can be defined as a set of methods of action that ensure the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process.”

There is a basic classification of universal educational actions, in which the following blocks are distinguished that correspond to the main goals of education: personal; regulatory; cognitive and communicative.

In relation to educational activities, the following types are distinguished: personal universal learning activities : self-determination, meaning formation, moral and ethical orientation.

Personal learning activities make learning meaningful, provide the student with the significance of solving educational problems, linking them with real life goals and situations.

Aimed at awareness, research and acceptance of life values ​​and meanings, they allow you to navigate moral norms, rules, assessments, and develop your life position in relation to the world, people, yourself and your future.

Cself-determination / "I know..."; "I can..."; "I'm creating..."; "I aim to...".

Cthought formation/Establishing a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive - determining “what meaning the teaching has for me.”

Moral-ethical orientation

Highlighting the moral and ethical content of events and actions.

Construction of a system of moral values ​​as the basis for moral choice.

Moral and ethical assessment of events and actions from the point of view of moral standards.

Orientation in a moral dilemma and the implementation of personal moral choice.

Personal universal learning activities

1. Personal UDL, reflecting the attitude towards social values

- to identify yourself with belonging to the people, country, state;

- manifest understanding and respect for the values ​​of other cultures and peoples;

- manifest interest in the culture and history of one’s people, native country;

- distinguish basic moral and ethical concepts;

- correlate an act with a moral norm;

evaluate your own and other people’s actions (ashamed, honest, guilty, did the right thing, etc.);

- analyze and characterize emotional states and feelings of others, build your relationships taking them into account;

- evaluate situations from the point of view of rules of behavior and ethics;

- motivate your actions;

express readiness in any situation act in accordance with the rules of conduct;

- manifest in specific situations, goodwill, trust, attentiveness, help, etc.

2. Personal UDL, reflecting the attitude towards educational activities

- perceive speech of the teacher (other children) not directly addressed to the preschooler;

- to express positive attitude towards the learning process: show attention, surprise, desire to learn more;

- evaluate own educational activities: own achievements, independence, initiative, responsibility, reasons for failures;

- apply the rules business cooperation: compare different points of view; take into account the opinion of another person;

manifest patience and goodwill in a dispute (discussion), trust in the interlocutor (participant) of the activity.

Formation of personal universal educational actions contribute, for example: role-playing games in “school” and “teacher-student” and others. During the drawing process, you can ask children to draw a picture on a “school theme” and read literature (poems, stories, proverbs) to them on this topic.

Regulatory universal learning activities include: goal setting, planning, forecasting, control, correction, assessment, self-regulation.

The development of regulatory actions is associated with the formation of arbitrariness of behavior. Arbitrariness acts as the child’s ability to structure his behavior and activities in accordance with the proposed patterns and rules, to plan, control and correct the actions performed, using appropriate means.

In relation to the completion of the preschool education stage, the following indicators of the formation of regulatory universal educational actions can be identified:

The ability to carry out actions according to a model and a given rule;

Ability to maintain a given goal

The ability to see the indicated error and correct it as directed by an adult;

Ability to control your activities based on results,

The ability to adequately understand the assessment of an adult and a peer.

Structural analysis activity allows us to identify the following criteria for assessing the formation of regulatory universal educational actions:

P accepting the task(adequacy of accepting the task as a goal given in certain conditions, maintaining the task and attitude towards it);

-execution plan, regulating operationally

performing an action in relation to certain conditions;

-control and correction(orientation aimed at comparing the plan and the actual process, detecting errors and deviations, making appropriate corrections);

-grade ( statement of achievement of a set goal or measures of approaching it and the reasons for failure, attitude towards success and failure);

-measure of separation of action ( joint or divided);

-pace and rhythm of execution and individual characteristics.

arbitrariness in children at the stage of preschool education:

Organizing the child’s awareness of the rules and his actions mediated by these rules increases the child’s level of arbitrariness;

Games with rules and productive activities give meaning to actions according to patterns and rules and lead to an increase in arbitrariness in children;

The introduction of rules requires the organization of additional stimulation of children's behavior and the creation of conditions for understanding their actions in a new context;

For the formation of voluntariness, it is necessary for the child to cooperate and work together with an adult, who conveys to the child interest in the activity and promotes awareness of the goals and means of the activity (Smirnova E.O., 1998).

To form regulatory universal educational actions You can use games: “what has changed?”, “find a pair”, “find the differences” and others.

INcognitive universal educational activities includes: general education (formulation of a goal, search for information, application of a search method, structuring information, constructing a speech statement, choosing methods for solving problems, monitoring and evaluation, problem formulation), brain teaser , problem formulation and solution .

In a separate group of general educational activities A.G. Asmolov highlights: "sign-symbolic general educational universal actions:

- modeling– transformation of an object from a sensory form into a model, where the essential characteristics of the object are highlighted (spatial-graphic or sign-symbolic);

- transformation models in order to identify general laws that define a given subject area.”

A) Cognitive logical actions at the stage of preschool education are characterized by the following:

The ability to identify measurable parameters of an object;

The operation of establishing a one-to-one correspondence;

The ability to identify essential features of concrete-sensory objects;

Ability to establish analogies on subject material;

The operation of classification and seriation on concrete sensory material;

The transition from egocentrism as a special mental position (absolutization of one’s own cognitive perspective) to decentration (coordination of several points of view on an object).

B) Sign-symbolic actions. Modeling as a universal educational activity.

At the stage of pre-school education The following universal educational actions should be formed:

Coding/substitution (the use of signs and symbols as conditional substitutes for real objects and objects);

Decoding/reading information;

The ability to use visual models (diagrams, drawings, plans) that reflect the spatial arrangement of objects or relationships between objects or their parts to solve problems.

Cognitive universal learning activities are formed during a conversation according to a certain plan, when children in a play situation find similarities and differences between objects or drawings, and put together a whole object from parts.

Communicative universal learning activities

In psychology and pedagogy, the development of speech and communication in preschool age, as well as communicative and speech side of children's readiness for school traditionally given a lot of attention.

In the context of the concept of universal learning activities communication is not considered narrowly pragmatically - as an exchange of information, for example educational - but in its full meaning, i.e. How semantic aspect communication And social interaction, beginning with establishing contacts up to complex types of cooperation (organizing and implementing joint activities), establishing interpersonal relationships, etc. .

The task of forming a UUD assumes that upon entering school the child reaches a certain level of communication development. Part basic(i.e. absolutely necessary for the child to start school) prerequisites includes the following components:

The child’s need to communicate with adults and peers;

Possession of certain verbal and non-verbal means of communication;

An acceptable (i.e. not negative, but preferably emotionally positive) attitude towards the collaboration process;

Communication partner orientation

The ability to listen to your interlocutor.

By the end of preschool age, the communicative component of universal educational activities is characterized by the following:

Children can establish contact with peers and previously unfamiliar adults, while exhibiting a certain degree confidence And initiative(for example, asking questions and seeking support in case of difficulties);

They know how to listen and understand someone else’s speech, as well as competently formulate their thoughts in grammatically simple expressions of oral speech.

Must be able to express their feelings (basic emotions) and understand the feelings of another, master basic methods of emotional support for a peer, an adult.

Possess such elements of communication culture as the ability to greet, say goodbye, express a request, gratitude, apology, etc.

Capable of coordinating efforts and actively participating in the collective creation of a plan;

They are able to maintain a friendly attitude towards each other not only in cases of common interest, but also in situations of conflict of interests.

Must be able to construct statements that are understandable to a partner, be able to ask questions in order to obtain necessary information from an activity partner, in sufficiently master the planning and regulating functions of speech.

Form communicative universal educational actions You can take classes in appliqué, visual arts and design. Through play, children learn to interact with each other and communicate. The formation of these actions can be assessed by using methods for assessing the state of sound pronunciation, phonemic perception, speech understanding, lexical-grammatical structure and coherent speech, as well as others.

From the standpoint of the activity approach, the student’s activity is recognized as the basis for achieving the developmental goals of education - knowledge is not transmitted in a ready-made form, but is built by the student himself in the process of cognitive research activity.

Teaching acts as cooperation - the joint work of the teacher and students in the process of mastering knowledge and solving problems.

There is a requirement for a close connection between the acquired knowledge and direct practice and real life problems of students.

Methods that ensure the development of independent creative activity of children aimed at solving real life problems are beginning to prevail in the education system.

For the successful formation of universal educational actions, it is necessary to highlight their indicative basis, organize step-by-step development, from joint execution of the action and co-regulation with an adult or peers to independent execution based on self-regulation.

It is necessary to organize various forms of joint activities and educational cooperation and, on this basis, to form communicative universal educational activities.

Using games with rules and role-playing games to develop arbitrariness; game "to school";

Friendly and respectful attitude of the teacher towards children;

Encouraging children for activity, cognitive initiative, any efforts aimed at solving a problem, any answer, even the wrong one;

Using a game form of classes, riddles, suggestions to come up with something, suggest it yourself;

Adequate assessment is a detailed description of what the student was able to do, what he learned, what difficulties and mistakes there are, specific instructions on how the results can be improved, what needs to be done for this;

Prohibition on direct assessments of a student’s personality (lazy, irresponsible, stupid, sloppy, etc.).

The formation of the foundation of school readiness should be carried out naturally and naturally within the framework of “specifically children's activities” (Davydov, 1996).