Why does blood bleed during sexual intercourse? Why does blood bleed during intercourse?

Postcoital bleeding is a type of pathological bloody vaginal discharge. In many cases, this symptom is a manifestation of life-threatening diseases, it is also one of the main signs of a malignant tumor of the cervix. When bloody discharge is observed after or during sexual intercourse, you should consult a gynecologist.

Definition and prevalence

Pathological discharge has no connection with the menstrual cycle. They can occur on any day, be almost invisible or quite intense, and be accompanied by pain during sexual intercourse.

This symptom is observed in 1-9% of women during the fertile period.

In 30% of patients with this symptom, abnormal uterine bleeding, 15% have pain during sexual intercourse.

Depending on the level of damage to the genital organs, the nature bloody discharge may be different:

  • when the uterus is involved, blood clots formed in its cavity may be released;
  • if a pathological process, for example, inflammation, affects the cervix, mucus with blood appears;
  • when the outer part of the cervix or vaginal walls is affected, scarlet blood is released.

With intense bleeding, the possibility of internal bleeding cannot be ruled out, for example, due to vaginal injuries. Therefore, it is necessary to call a doctor immediately if, at the same time as vaginal discharge there are the following signs:

  • increasing abdominal pain;
  • bloating;
  • pallor of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • cold sweat;
  • weak pulse;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • shortness of breath, severe weakness;
  • drop in blood pressure, dizziness, fainting.


The main reasons for the appearance of blood after sexual intercourse:

  1. Benign formations: polyps of the uterus, its cervix and ectropion.
  2. Infections: cervicitis, inflammatory diseases pelvis, endometritis, vaginitis.
  3. Lesions of the external organs of the reproductive system: herpes, genital warts, chancroid.
  4. Vaginal atrophy in old age, prolapse pelvic organs, benign vascular neoplasms (hemangiomas), endometriosis.
  5. Malignant formations of the cervix, vagina, endometrium.
  6. Injuries due to sexual violence or the presence of a foreign body.

If a woman leaks blood during intercourse, the risk of cervical cancer ranges from 3 to 5.5%, and the risk of cervical intraneoplasia is up to 17.8%.

In a significant proportion of patients, in more than half of the cases, doctors are unable to figure out why coitus provokes bleeding. However pathological condition should be considered as a potential indicator of cervical neoplasia (precancer) and cervical cancer.

Discharge of blood after sexual intercourse is typical for women of reproductive age, and it is observed less frequently in young patients.

There are also physiological reasons such a state:

  1. In a girl after her first sexual intercourse, her hymen is damaged.
  2. In the middle of the cycle, a little blood may be released during.
  3. Bloody discharge before menstruation may be a sign of implantation of a fertilized egg into the endometrium.
  4. Vaginal discharge may occur during the first weeks after birth, until the uterus has fully recovered.
  5. Blood after sexual intercourse during pregnancy – normal phenomenon, not requiring treatment. This should be reported to the observing gynecologist at your next visit.

Bloody discharge can be observed during sexual intercourse, immediately after it and after some time. If blood appears immediately after sexual intercourse, diseases of the vagina and the outer part of the cervix are most likely. In these pathologies, the damaged tissue is mechanically injured, which is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the blood vessels.

If bleeding is more common the day after sexual intercourse, it is necessary to exclude pathology of the endometrium, that is, the inner uterine layer. In this case, the mechanical effect is not so significant, higher value increase blood flow in the walls of the uterus. In this case, pathologically altered tissues have increased vascular permeability. Red blood cells emerge from the arteries, accumulating first in the uterus and after some time exiting through the cervical canal into the vaginal cavity.

Major diseases accompanied by bleeding

Malignant tumor

Postcoital bleeding occurs in 11% of women with. This disease is the second most common cancer among women worldwide. Average age manifestations of pathology is 51 years. The main risk factor is HPV infection, as well as decreased immunity and smoking.

IN last years the incidence of postcoital bleeding in cervical cancer has decreased significantly. This is due to more early diagnosis tumors, when the tissues have not yet disintegrated and the vessels are not damaged. Cytological screening of the cervix and testing for HPV can identify precancerous and cancer, which is especially important given their long asymptomatic course.

The main types of cervical cancer are squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. The latter is less likely to cause bleeding because it is located higher in the cervical canal and is protected from damage during sexual intercourse.

Bleeding occurs more often with advanced than with initial stage cancer.

Another type of gynecological cancer, accompanied by bleeding after sexual intercourse, is vaginal. It accounts for 3% of female malignant tumors reproductive system. Most often the tumor is located on back wall upper third of the vagina.

Bleeding in postmenopausal women usually occurs against the background of endometrial atrophy, but 90% of patients also experience this symptom.

Finally, there are primary malignant tumors lower sections reproductive system, in which blood is released after sexual intercourse. These include, in particular, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.


Is it spicy or chronic inflammation internal tissues of the cervix. The disease is characterized by watery or mucopurulent discharge, as well as bleeding immediately after sexual intercourse. Acute is caused by chlamydia, gonococci, trichomonas, gardnerella, mycoplasma. Chronic cervicitis usually has a non-infectious origin.

This disease must be treated promptly, since the infection can rise in upper sections genital tract and lead to serious complications:

  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • infertility;
  • chronic pelvic pain;
  • risk of ectopic pregnancy.


Inflammation inner shell uterus, which can be acute or chronic. Acute course accompanied by the presence of microabscesses in the endometrial glands. Chronic endometritis is caused by infectious agents, foreign bodies, polyps, fibroids. In a third of patients visible reasons no disease.

The pathology is characterized by complaints of dryness and burning in the vagina, pain during sexual intercourse, decreased lubrication, and discomfort in the pelvic area.

The skin disease lichen planus can also lead to bleeding.

Benign vascular neoplasms

Vascular tumors of women reproductive organs are rare and include hemangiomas, lymphangiomas, angiomatosis, and arteriovenous malformation. Most of these formations do not manifest themselves in any way and are accidentally discovered during a gynecological examination. However, if they are superficial or large in size mechanical damage blood vessels during sexual intercourse can cause bleeding.


To clarify the reasons why blood appears from the vagina after sexual intercourse, the doctor uses the following diagnostic methods:

  1. Finding out the medical history: the patient’s age, duration of bleeding, presence of diseases of the vagina and cervix, abnormal smear results, genital infections.
  2. Inspection of the cervix to exclude ectropion, erosion, ulcers cervical canal or polyps.
  3. Gynecological smear with subsequent diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections, primarily.
  4. Transvaginal ultrasound to evaluate the endometrium.
  5. Colposcopy if precancerous conditions are suspected or malignant tumor cervix.
  6. Pipel biopsy for suspected endometriosis or uterine tumor.
  7. With repeated bleeding, a normal colposcopy picture and good result smear, hysteroscopy with a biopsy of the inner layer of the uterus is indicated.

Treatment and prevention

Bleeding after sexual intercourse is not a disease, but only a symptom of the disease. Therefore, to eliminate it, it is necessary to know the cause of the pathology. Sometimes it cannot be identified, and any dangerous diseases. In this case, only regular observation by a gynecologist is recommended.

If after the examination problems are discovered with thyroid gland, liver, kidneys, blood coagulation system, then the efforts of doctors will be aimed at treating these diseases.

Conservative and other methods of treating postcoital bleeding:

  • If the cause of this phenomenon is endometrial precancer, progesterone preparations are prescribed. They slow down the development of malignant cells.
  • If the patient has polyps, hemangiomas or other benign tumors, they are removed surgically. Minimally invasive procedures are used, for example, cryosurgery, radioknife, laser exposure.
  • If the cause of bleeding is an infection (cervicitis, nonspecific or chlamydial, gonococcal vaginitis), antibiotics must be prescribed. They are prescribed orally in a course, after which the woman again takes care of the cleanliness of the vagina.
  • Bleeding during sexual intercourse during pregnancy is not dangerous if it lasts only for a short time. It is recommended to reduce the intensity of sexual activity and report discharge to your obstetrician. If you experience abdominal pain, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, since this condition often accompanies the threat of miscarriage.
  • Endometriosis can be treated hormonal agents or surgically.
  • If there is excessive bleeding caused by sexual intercourse, curettage of the uterine cavity may be necessary, but this condition occurs extremely rarely.
  • When diagnosing cervical cancer, it is necessary complex treatment from a gynecological oncologist. Amputation of the organ, removal of nearby lymph nodes, chemotherapy, and radiation are performed.

TO preventive measures include the following actions:

  1. Maintaining good sexual hygiene, using condoms or having contact with only one partner.
  2. For vaginal dryness, use lubricants.
  3. Regular medical examinations with a gynecologist with smears and cytological examination.

Normally, a healthy woman does not have problems with the menstrual cycle and during sexual intercourse, so spotting after sex is a deviation that has various causes.

The release of even a small amount of blood (unless, of course, the girl is a virgin) indicates dysfunction of the reproductive system. In gynecology, bleeding is a fairly common phenomenon. In this case, it is recommended to completely gynecological examination for diagnosis and further treatment.

Why does bleeding occur?

When should you see a doctor?

Usually, discharge mixed with blood after sexual intercourse is one-time in nature. Most of these cases do not pose a risk to the woman’s health, but if there is spotting after pas, it is better to seek help from a specialist.

If spotting after sexual intercourse is accompanied by elevated temperature, sharp spasmodic pain and pallor skin, this indicates damage to the ovary. Rupture (apoplexy) of the ovary requires immediate attention surgical intervention to stop bleeding. An ectopic pregnancy is a dangerous condition for a woman, therefore, at the first bleeding of unknown etiology, you should check with a gynecologist and undergo an ultrasound. If a woman is suspected of having cysts and polyps of the cervix, she must undergo histological tests to exclude the formation cancer cells and prevent tumor development in time.

Modern equipment for diagnosing a woman’s genital organs allows us to quickly identify why bleeding appears after sexual intercourse, but also other problems that may arise during reproductive age. For the examination, a colposcope is used - a device that allows you to see all the small details thanks to bright lighting and magnification of the image. It helps to detect microscopic changes occurring at the cellular level and subsequently stop the progression of a serious disease.

It is also worth visiting a doctor if the time between menstrual cycles is significantly reduced. Normally, a woman starts bleeding after 21–35 days. If the period decreases or increases, then a malfunction occurs in the functioning of the body and reproductive system, which must be immediately prevented.

Blood during sexual intercourse can be an alarming factor for spouses. Indeed, such a symptom cannot be ignored, because basically, it is not considered as a normal phenomenon.

Some associate traces of blood with the intensity of sexual intercourse or the size of the male penis. Sexual relationships between spouses must be accompanied by frank communication, so such issues must be solvable. With this approach, you can avoid damage to the vagina, and if blood does not appear subsequently, you don’t have to worry anymore.

If a woman experiences vaginal dryness, then after sexual relations Cracks and, accordingly, blood may appear. There are special lubricants for such purposes. After using them, the problem is eliminated.

Systematic use of certain drugs promotes the release of blood during sexual intercourse. For example, if a woman has been taking aspirin, which thins the blood, for a long time. Some doctors note that after a course of taking these pills, the inner wall of the vagina becomes thinner.

Usage vaginal suppositories sometimes accompanied by spotting during intimate relationships.

Abrupt cancellation birth control pills or contraceptives containing small doses of estrogen may cause bleeding during sexual intercourse.

The danger of bleeding is that it is most likely a signal female disease or abnormality of the female genital organs. Such manifestations are rarely associated with menstruation.


An immediate visit to a gynecologist will identify the problem in time and shorten the duration of treatment. Diseases that cause spotting during sexual relations are quite serious and therefore every woman needs to know about them.

Causes of bleeding in girls

During the first sexual intercourse, many girls bleed due to a rupture of the hymen. Upon loss of virginity bleeding are quite natural and, as a rule, do not cause concern. This process is called defloration.

Since not all virgins have a rupture of the hymen completely during the first sexual intercourse, bleeding may also appear during subsequent sexual intercourse. sexual contacts. For some, defloration ends during childbirth.

Some young representatives of the fair sex underestimate the rules of hygiene. If they are not followed sufficiently, you can get an infection, which may cause blood to appear after sexual intercourse. One such bacteria is chlamydia. When a girl gets chlamydia, she experiences pain in the lower abdomen and when urinating. If the disease is not treated, it subsequently leads to more serious complications and infertility. Various fungi infect the vagina and cause inflammatory processes that are fraught with consequences.

If a young couple decides to use contraception, then you can expect that after sex the girl may begin to bleed. Side effect contraception makes itself felt. You should immediately consult your doctor and change the drug.

The uterine device causes similar problems. It has been noted that menstruation after the installation of the IUD becomes too abundant. And if errors were made during the introduction of a contraceptive item, then the newlyweds will experience an unpleasant phenomenon, blood during sex.

Blood during sexual intercourse during pregnancy

While carrying a child, the mother's body works for two. Gynecologists advise abstaining from sexual relations, especially in recent months. If a pregnant woman bleeds during sexual intercourse, this is a pathology.

  • With an ectopic pregnancy, the tube may rupture during intercourse.
  • Sometimes during sex the fertilized egg peels off.
  • When progesterone levels are low, there is blood during sexual intercourse.
  • In a pregnant woman, blood after sexual relations can serve as a signal of a frozen pregnancy.


The first thing to do is to stop the bleeding and take measures to prevent it from happening again.

Then the doctor prescribes drugs that promote blood clotting. If necessary, hormonal medications are prescribed.

In addition, the gynecologist may prescribe decoctions of viburnum, barberry and boron uterus.

It is important to know that blood is not always released from the genitals. This could be internal bleeding. They are dangerous because they can cause large blood loss, which can result in... If an ovary ruptures, surgery may be required. If blood loss is acceptable, prescribe conservative treatment. Hemostatics, analgenics and iron supplements are prescribed.

Why did the man start bleeding?

The discharge of blood from the male penis during sexual intercourse is quite rare. It can be called as mechanical reasons, and some diseases.

If sexual intercourse is too intense, damage to the corpus cavernosum may occur, blood vessel, frenulum tear.

When the frenulum ruptures, bleeding may be accompanied by sudden painful sensations. The main cause of tearing is an abnormal frenulum, but it can also occur due to vaginal dryness.

It would be unwise to ignore the damage. After the wounds heal, scars form in their place. This reduces the elasticity of the frenulum and shortens it. Subsequently, this will lead to new injuries and problems in sexual relationships.

If you do not pay attention to minor damage to the penis, then in subsequent sexual acts the subcutaneous capillaries will begin to rupture, and as a result, blood will appear.

In a man, bleeding during sexual intercourse occurs due to a disease genitourinary system. Inflammation can affect the ovaries, seminal ducts, prostate gland, bladder and urinary canals, kidneys.

At venereal diseases There may be bleeding from the penis.

The genitourinary system in men is responsible for reproductive function and participates in the formation of seminal fluid. Normal inflammation can lead to infertility. One of these diseases is prostatitis.

If blood discharge appears from the penis during sex, then this is a direct route to the doctor.

When blood appears during sex. act, especially if menstruation is not expected to occur soon, women immediately have thoughts that some kind of pathological processes or diseases of the reproductive system. Of course, this is not a normal phenomenon, but a good reason to contact a gynecologist. There are various reasons for the occurrence of bleeding. Postcoital bleeding is not normal, so it is important to take timely measures to eliminate the problem.

Women need to be more attentive to their health. Blood during sexual intercourse can appear due to the following reasons:

All these factors can cause vaginal bleeding, and the volume of discharge can be either scanty in the form of a few drops or heavy, reminiscent of the onset of menstruation.

The most common causes of coital discharge

Among safe reasons They secrete the first sex when, due to the rupture of the hymen, a bloody trail is released. This is a completely normal phenomenon when odorless droplets of blood appear and the bleeding quickly stops. Although defloration does not always happen the first time. Many girls finally lose their virginity only during childbirth, when the pleura is fully ruptured.

Mechanical damage is also quite common problem when the penis large sizes leads to injury to the cervix or vagina. The reasons sometimes lie in congenital defect– abnormal structure of the vaginal walls with the presence of a bifurcated septum. In this case, the rather delicate uterine cavity is injured even by the slightest touch.

Bloody discharge can be caused by sexually transmitted infections, as well as fungi, staphylococci and papilloma viruses.

You should consult a doctor to prescribe a course of antibiotics. It happens with STDs, and this is one of the common reasons, causing the development of cervicitis or vaginitis in women. In such conditions, discharge with blood does not depend on sexual life and can be observed at any time. The vagina begins to bleed and appears severe itching and burning even in a calm state.

Endometriosis is also characterized by heavy bloody or spotting discharge during or after sexual intercourse. Often quite heavy bleeding occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. If a couple practices, then the manifestation of bloody discharge may not even be noticed.

Polyps localized in the vagina and cervical canal, or human papillomavirus infection, are a common occurrence in women. At the same time, spotting appears. Are growing benign formations in the form of purple or red growths, they usually affect the cavity of the cervical canal and lead to the development of cervicitis. The appearance of polyps is not associated with sexual intercourse, so bleeding can appear at any time, even in a calm state.

“Growths” caused by the inflammatory process, bacterial infection or the papilloma virus are very dangerous. They can degenerate into a malignant tumor and require urgent removal by surgery or laser, by cryodestruction.

With erosion of the cervix, blood can flow even in the case of slight palpation or mechanical impact with the penis. Open wounds in the organ cavity are quite easily treated today by cauterization or cold treatment (freezing). Doctors do not advise delaying treatment if erosion is suspected. Such ulcers, as well as polyps and human papillomavirus infection, are dangerous due to their degeneration into a malignant tumor.

Women need to be more attentive to their health, especially if they bleed during sex. Often the reason lies in the development of fungal flora, sexually transmitted infections, which can lead to serious inflammatory processes in the uterus, the formation of polyps and scars. They, in turn, can give rise to serious complications in the future. In addition, you should immediately visit a gynecologist if, in addition to bleeding, itching, burning and severe pain during sexual intercourse.

Other causes of coital bleeding

Some medications can cause bleeding during sex:

Possible causes of bleeding: blood diseases, pathological changes in the cervix and neoplasms - require immediate identification, diagnosis and appropriate treatment, since over time they lead to the development of malignant processes in the vagina.

If bleeding during sexual intercourse becomes constant, women are advised to abstain from sex for a while and undergo an examination to identify the cause.

Perhaps difficulties arise when the penis penetrates the vagina, which leads to injuries and ruptures in the uterine cavity. To avoid similar situations Women are advised to avoid vaginal dryness and to use special lubricants for comfortable and fulfilling sex.

Less common, but can also go internal bleeding, which is accompanied sharp pain lower abdomen, groin area, lower back and perineum. This speaks of development serious problems: ectopic pregnancy, threatened miscarriage, ovarian rupture or cyst, when contacting a doctor should be urgent.

A woman’s body is fragile and needs to be constantly listened to. It doesn’t matter if the causes of bleeding are natural and everything is within normal limits. If additional unpleasant symptoms appear, it is always better to treat the disease with initial stage their development.

In a healthy woman, menstruation occurs regularly, is not accompanied by discomfort and unpleasant symptoms. Irregular, heavy, spontaneous bleeding indicates developed dysfunction. For what reasons does it occur, and what symptoms can it be accompanied by?

Types of dysfunction

Sexual bleeding (uterine, vaginal) is accompanied by many gynecological disorders, pathology of pregnancy, labor, early postpartum period. In rare cases, blood loss from the genital tract is a consequence of injury or pathology in the hematopoietic system.

There are many reasons for this condition. They vary in intensity and can lead to different consequences.

Vaginal bleeding is directly related to infection or mechanical injury, and uterine bleeding is directly related to diseases, hormonal dysfunction, and ovulation.

Beginning in adolescence with menstruation, regular loss of blood from the vagina begins to accompany each healthy woman, and this is the norm. On average, physiological blood loss ranges from 40 to 80 ml.

Abnormal conditions and reasons why there's blood coming out from the vagina:

  • Dysfunctional disorder – abnormal bleeding against the background of hormonal disorders.
  • An organic disorder is pathological bleeding that develops with pathology of the genital organs.
  • An iatrogenic disorder in which bleeding is a consequence of taking contraceptives, antithrombic drugs, or installing an IUD.
  • Uterine bleeding during pregnancy labor activity, in the postpartum period.
  • Juvenile bleeding.
  • Dysfunction in postmenopause.

The nature of vaginal bleeding can be cyclical (menorrhagia) or acyclic (metrorrhagia).

Cyclic ones last more than 6–7 days, with a profuse character, with a volume of about 100 ml. Acyclic dysfunction is not associated with menstrual cycle, occurs at an unspecified time.


Menorrhagia can be caused by endometritis, fibroids, or endometriosis. With the development of these pathologies, the uterine wall loses its normal contractility, and this intensifies and prolongs vaginal bleeding.


In the acute stage of infection, a woman develops a fever along with merorrhagia, and the lower third of the abdomen is painful. On examination, the body of the uterus is enlarged and painful. Disease in chronic form passes without signs of fever, pronounced pain syndrome not visible. The development of endometritis is provoked by the post-abortion or postpartum period.


With neoplasms, in addition to menorrhagic dysfunction, the woman is bothered by pain, discomfort of urination and defecation. During the examination, the doctor discovers an increase in the size of the uterus. The uterus has an uneven, bumpy surface, compacted, palpation does not cause pain. With pathology, alternation of menorrhagia with metrorrhagia is possible.


With endometriosis, menorrhagia is accompanied by pain (algomenorrhea), which progresses over time. During the examination, the doctor notes an enlarged uterus. The smoothness of the surface is preserved in case of endometriosis.

Regardless of the pathology, menorrhagia is profuse bleeding with clots. A woman complains of weakness sharp deterioration general condition, dizziness, fainting.

Prolonged blood loss leads to severe iron deficiency anemia.


If a woman does not have her period, but is bleeding, then this is metrorrhagia. This condition develops against the background of physical and psychological fatigue, work in hazardous industries, illnesses inflammatory in nature, neoplasms and endocrine disorders.

Metrorrhagia occurs at any time, and if a woman bleeds spontaneously, “out of the blue,” the process is at an acute stage. Chronic metrorrhagia is defined by prolonged intermenstrual bleeding with disrupted cyclicity.

Anovulatory metrorrhagia

Girls are susceptible to this type of dysfunction. adolescence and women in menopause.

With anovulatory metrorrhagia of ovulation and formation corpus luteum does not occur, menstruation is delayed, and bleeding continues for more than 7 days.

Postmenopausal metrorrhagia

Dysfunction develops against the background of fading ovarian function. Menstruation is irregular at first, but eventually stops completely. With the onset of postmenopause, metrorrhagia is a symptom of the formation of benign and malignant tumors.

If a woman has not had her period for more than a year, the onset of metrorrhagia is an undesirable and dangerous symptom. You should contact a specialist as soon as possible.

When to see a doctor?

There are several additional signs and conditions by which one can suspect the onset of dysfunction:

  1. IN menstrual blood clots appeared.
  2. Sexual intercourse is accompanied by pain and bleeding.
  3. A woman complains of causeless fatigue and weakness, hypotension.
  4. Pain increases from period to period.
  5. Menstruation is accompanied by fever.

If menstruation lasts more than a week, the cycle is shortened to 21 days, there is more discharge than usual or there is bleeding between periods, a woman should not postpone it. You should contact a gynecologist as soon as possible.