Show all polls. Surveys: why they are needed and how to conduct them. Real and free product reviews

Relevance of the article – 06.2019

Are the impressive costs of conducting research with the help of marketing agencies always justified, and is there an alternative to agencies at all? Of course, to conduct an in-depth analysis of the market or tasks of comparable scale, there is a direct route to marketers, if, of course, the budget allows. But in less global studies, online surveys will help - there are services that allow you to conduct online surveys as simply as possible: you create a survey, distribute it and receive already processed results. Which service to choose and how do such services differ?

I propose to evaluate them according to the following parameters:

Is there a trial version?
- Is there a free version, and what does it include?
- Cost and capabilities of the basic tariff.
- Optimization for mobile devices.
- Opportunities for distributing the survey.
- Design settings.
- Finding the server.
- Support.

You can get acquainted with the testograf survey and test designer without registration for free, the survey itself is not saved, you cannot collect answers and, accordingly, see the survey results. If you need to test all the functionality of the service without the limitations described above, demo access is available upon request. The service does not have a free version, and the approach to pricing is somewhat different from the usual.

All functionality of the service is presented in three tariffs: One-time license (1 survey, 60 days, 4,990 rubles), Annual license (unlimited number of surveys, 1 year, 24,990 rubles) and Annual PRO+ license (different from the previous one) increased level confidentiality and instant support, 49,990 rubles).

In addition to independently collecting responses via direct and additional links, it is possible to embed a survey on the site, a pop-up window (auto-display or click on a button) and a survey widget with auto-display settings and branding. It is also proposed to search for respondents according to a given targeting, while the respondents are not panel respondents and answer the survey voluntarily.

The possibilities for customizing the survey design are quite wide: the color and font of texts, the color of buttons and check boxes, adding a logo and customizing the survey header, changing the background (image, color).

The company’s server is located in the Russian Federation, and testograf is the only service presented that complies with Federal Law 152 on personal data.

The stated Russian-language support by e-mail and telephone really exists, it is really prompt and adequate.

With the free version, you can create 5 questionnaires with an unlimited number of questions and collect max. 100 responses per month.

The minimum tariff ($29/month for a one-time purchase or $14/month for an annual tariff) allows you to create an unlimited number of surveys and receive a maximum of 1,000 responses per month – not a lot.

The service is optimized for mobile devices.

In addition to the standard survey distribution via a direct link, there is an embedding of the survey on the site and a pop-up window, however, both of these options do not have additional settings. Also available for collection is the paid use of the CINT panel of respondents, which has 2 million panelists in Russia.

Customization options include adding a logo, changing the color theme, or using pre-made backgrounds. However, on the Minimum tariff, design customization options are very limited. Work with results (filters, uploads) is also limited.

The company's server is located in the Czech Republic.

They promise support e-mail“as soon as possible,” but my request remained unanswered.

Has trial and free versions.
You can create 10 questions and collect 100 answers for free.
The basic tariff (1,999 rubles/month or 1,499 rubles/month when paid annually) does not limit the number of collected responses.

The service is optimized for mobile devices.

It is proposed to distribute the survey to collect responses yourself, there are several possibilities: direct link and additional links, embedding the survey on the site, a pop-up invitation to the survey (there is a design setting and % of auto-display), a pop-up window of the survey itself (with customization of the design and % of auto-display). There is also its own Surveymonkey Audience panel, but it is not provided for the Russian Federation.

The design of the survey can be changed using prepared color and background themes, or you can use a custom theme with customizable text color and font. Of course, you can add a company logo to your survey. The basic plan has many of these settings.

The Surveymonkey server is located in the USA.

Based on the actual request, the declared 24-hour English-language support cannot be called prompt or at least somehow useful.

Google Forms

Google, with a server in the USA, allows you to create a survey for free, without limiting the creator by the number of surveys, questions and answers received, which, however, will have to be collected independently using a direct link or embedding on the site (without additional settings).

There is also mobile version service. When customizing the survey design, you can use prepared color schemes, and also add a header and logo.

No support.

The service has both trial and free versions.
The free version allows you to create 3 surveys, limits the number of questions in one questionnaire (max. 10) and the number of responses per survey (max. 100).

The minimum tariff (250 rubles/month) offers 5 surveys with 25 questions in one questionnaire and 1,500 answers to one survey.
The downside is the lack of optimization for mobile devices.

You are also encouraged to search for respondents yourself. In addition to the direct link, there is an embed on the site and a pop-up window (without settings).

Design settings include changing the text color/font and changing the survey background (color).

The service server is located in Estonia.
No support is promised.

Each of the listed services is constantly working to expand its functionality, trying to offer its users something unique. But in addition to functionality, when choosing a service, you should pay attention to support (it is really necessary), the possibility of concluding an agreement (who owns the rights to your surveys and their results?) and the company’s compliance with legislation (especially important for large companies and state-owned companies). .sector).



noun, m., used compare often

Morphology: (no) what? survey, what? poll, (see) what? survey, how? poll, about what? about the survey; pl. What? polls, (no) what? polls, what? polls, (see) what? polls, how? polls, about what? about polls

1. Survey- this is finding out the opinions of others about something, when people are asked questions and receive answers to them.

Philologists conducted a survey local residents, recorded legends. | For his article, the journalist conducted a survey of connoisseurs of the plant’s best vintage wines.

2. In sociology poll called a method of collecting information that is based on asking opinions different people on this or that issue and on the basis of which they draw conclusions about the state of society and the trends in its development.

Anonymous, written, telephone, sample, frontal, representative survey. | Explore survey data.

survey adj.

Dictionary Russian language Dmitriev. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.


See what a “survey” is in other dictionaries:

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    POLL, poll, husband. (official). Action under Ch. interview. Interviewing witnesses. Inspector survey (survey of military personnel carried out by the commander inspecting the military unit; pre-rev.). Survey of prisoners of war (military). “The Constitution introduces a nationwide... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    survey- showed the subject, demonstration the survey is carried out action, passive on xia surveys show the subject, demonstration showed the survey the subject, demonstration shows the surveys the subject, demonstration conduct a questionnaire survey action conduct a survey... ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    survey- a method of psychological study, during which people are asked questions, based on the answers to which conclusions are drawn about the psychology of the respondents. Dictionary of a practical psychologist. M.: AST, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998. SURVEY... Great psychological encyclopedia

    POLLER, pollster, etc. see interrogate. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dahl. 1863 1866 … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    survey- 1) (ordered) polling (of subscribers) 2) polling mechanism that ensures unique addressing of each device Topics information technology in general EN polling ... Technical Translator's Guide

    Collecting information through conversations with the population while simultaneously filling out the appropriate forms, including during censuses and population surveys. O. is one of the methods of statistical observation. Dictionary of business terms. ... Dictionary of business terms

    A method of collecting primary information about objective and (or) subjective facts from the words of the interviewee. In social research, sample surveys (see Sample Observation) are usually used to study public opinion, consumer... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    POLL, huh, husband. 1. see poll. 2. Method of collecting primary information from the words of the interviewee. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    English survey/opinion poll; German Befragung. Method of collecting primary information by asking questions to certain group people (respondents). A distinction is made between written (questioning) and oral (interviewing), full-time and correspondence... ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

    SURVEY- SURVEY. 1. Method of obtaining information about the level of language proficiency. It can be oral and written, individual and frontal, current and final. The effectiveness of O. is determined by its systematicity, variety of forms of implementation, objectivity,... ... New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)


  • Questionnaire survey as communication between a sociologist and respondents. Textbook for universities, I. A. Butenko. The book examines the socio-psychological specifics of the population survey procedure. Are given practical recommendations on creation favorable conditions, providing the most...

Greetings to every visitor to my blog about paid surveys! Surely, you know that making money online is not only interesting, but also very promising today! You can make a profit online different ways, one of which is taking surveys for money. This kind of work is accessible to absolutely everyone. I want you to find out more information about this method of earning money.

In this article, I will reveal the main features of this type of side hustle and talk about who and why is willing to pay users for their opinion. You will learn how registration usually takes place, familiarize yourself with the basic rules for filling out forms, and understand how rewards are calculated.

The essence of taking paid surveys

First of all, it is worth understanding who benefits from conducting surveys among the general public and why. offered by various sites called questionnaires. They cooperate with many well-known manufacturing companies and collect statistical data for them.

The largest companies engaged in the production of consumer goods or providing certain services are interested in improving the quality of their goods and taking into account the wishes of real consumers. This is exactly what you will be doing - expressing your own opinion, evaluating this or that manufacturer in order to give him the opportunity to improve his product.

Typically, these companies set certain criteria for selecting respondents (users who take part in research). Such criteria may include the following:

  • gender and age (there are surveys about products intended for women or for a category of people of a certain age);
  • region of residence;
  • lifestyle (this may include employment, availability of transport, pets, children and much more).

The survey site selects only those users who meet the specified criteria. And the manufacturer himself pays for the work of such participants.

Thus, you can receive a good reward for answering simple questions, expressing your own opinions and sharing your impressions of the products you use. To start taking surveys, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the basic rules for participating in such studies, the features of registration and receiving payments. Armed necessary information, you can start making additional profits without much difficulty.

Features of registration on survey sites

To start earning good money additional funds, you will need to go through a simple registration procedure in one of the popular survey projects. You can familiarize yourself with the list of reliable and proven resources for work.

I recommend that you register on several sites. This will allow you to fill out even more questionnaires, and therefore make more profit. However, first of all, be sure to read the terms of cooperation with each of the questionnaires and choose the options that are most attractive to you.

When registering on almost every Internet resource, you will need to enter some data and perform a certain algorithm of actions. So, you will need:

  • indicate your first and last name, age, country of residence (you should indicate only real data in order to withdraw money without any problems in the future);
  • enter your email (this is a mandatory condition, since in the future you will receive invitations to participate in marketing research to the specified mailbox);
  • come up with a strong password to log into your account (if you register on several sites, be sure to write down your passwords so as not to lose access to your personal account);
  • review the privacy policy and Terms of use site for taking surveys (almost every resource provides this information so that each participant is confident in his safety and knows his rights and responsibilities).

In some cases, you may also need to enter your mobile phone number. All of this is normal registration information that you probably provided when creating accounts on other Internet resources.

After entering all the data you you will need to confirm your registration. To do this, an email will be sent to your email with a link to complete this process. By visiting your email and following the link provided in the email, you can finally register and activate your account.

The next mandatory step is filling out a profile form. Each survey project requires participants to provide as much information as possible. detailed information About Me. Yes, usually required to indicate:

  • your education and area of ​​employment;
  • your family's average income;
  • availability of a car, own living space, etc.;
  • presence of children, pets, etc.

Provide only reliable information about yourself, as this affects the number of surveys you receive from a particular project. Also remember that all data is checked repeatedly, and any attempts to deceive the system may lead to blocking of your account along with the accumulated funds.

After that you you will need to check your mailbox regularly(try to do this at least 2-3 times a day). Invitations will be sent to your email allowing you to take this or that survey. Having received a letter with such an invitation, you will need to open it and find a link to the questionnaire in it. It is usually presented in the form of a button. In addition to the link, such letters indicate the reward that you will receive if you successfully complete the test.

Rules for participation in marketing research

After you follow the link specified in the invitation, the system will offer you to take two versions of the test - short and full. The first will be a short version of the questionnaire, where you will indicate your gender, age, city of residence and other basic data that will help determine whether you fit the specified survey criteria or not.

If you meet all the criteria, you will be automatically redirected to the full version of the test. If you are not suitable for a particular survey, then this is your participation in this study will end, and you will have to wait for the next invitation. It's worth noting that many projects offer a consolation reward for all participants who pass the short version of the test but do not qualify for the full survey. Usually this reward is 5-10 rubles.

The short version of the questionnaire may contain 3-7 questions. It will take you about 2-3 minutes to complete this survey. Filling the same full version Typically takes from 10 to 50 minutes, and you will have to answer 20-70 questions regarding specific products or services (for example, airline services, pet products, hygiene products, etc.).

When filling out forms It is important to follow certain rules:

  1. Answer the questions presented honestly. It is important to express your real opinion about certain products. Give answers based on your own personal experience and on your own preferences. This will allow you to become more in demand and receive more invitations in the future.
  2. Do not try to cheat the system in any way. Almost all projects check the quality of the answers provided. Work honestly and then you will succeed.
  3. Fill out the forms completely and do not skip questions. It is important that you answer all questions presented on the test. Only under this condition can you count on a full reward.
  4. After the last question, wait until a notification appears on the screen indicating that you have successfully completed the study. Do not reload the page to avoid losing data that has already been entered.
  5. Check your email regularly and respond to all invitations in a timely manner. Remember that often each questionnaire is limited either in time or in maximum permissible quantity responding. Therefore, the faster you follow the links provided in the letters, the better.

Once you complete the survey, your reward will be credited to your account. You will learn more about all the nuances of calculating payments further.

Calculation of payments and withdrawal methods

Today, many survey projects provide rewards in the form of real money, which can be easily withdrawn in various ways. However, there are also resources that provide rewards for participation in marketing research in the form of special points. In most cases, these points can be converted into currency at a special rate, which differs in each project. You can also get points:

  • exchange for various prizes provided by the site administration (this could be equipment, useful household items, various small items);
  • spend on purchasing discount coupons for shopping in various online stores;
  • donate to charity (the same can be done with money, since many questionnaires cooperate with various charitable foundations).

Most often, the cost of one questionnaire varies from 10 to 100 rubles. When you have accumulated the minimum amount for withdrawal, you can transfer it to an electronic wallet in one of popular payment systems(Webmoney, Paypal, Yandex Money, Qiwi and many others). You can see the balance in your account by visiting Personal Area. The minimum threshold for withdrawal varies on each site and is usually 100-1000 rubles.

Also, many survey projects provide the opportunity to withdraw payment to Mobile phone number. This is a great option for those users who do not have registered e-wallets. However, I still recommend that you create an e-money wallet. This procedure is free, takes a few minutes and brings many benefits, including the ability to work with maximum number projects for making money online.

I hope that the article was useful to you and you learned the main features of filling out questionnaires. In the future, this knowledge will help you properly organize your work process and begin to receive good additional profit by conducting free time not only usefully, but also with interest.

On this moment there are quite a large number of sites on which it is carried out

What are survey sites?

Questionnaire- This is a site where sociological surveys of the population are conducted, most often they are paid. Such sites, as a rule, belong to a specific marketing company, which is important to know the opinion of its consumer. And such companies are willing to pay money to find out exactly your opinion.

The purpose of this type of activity is to identify a certain opinion of people. This approach allows us to assess the consumer demand that has established for one or another type of services and goods. This is done by special agencies that act as intermediaries between the largest holdings and ordinary people. Such surveys are conducted for money.

It would seem, why?

The whole point is that no one agrees to fill out such, often very voluminous, questionnaires for free. After all, it takes time. As for paid surveys, which are usually conducted anonymously, people are much more willing to take them.

How does the survey site work?

You register on the site. On some sites you are given a cash bonus for completely filling out your contact information, and filling it out will also help you choose a profile specifically for you.

After registration, you will receive invitations to participate in surveys or a letter with a survey immediately, and since there are a huge number of users on large sites, filling out the questionnaire correctly gives a high chance that you will be chosen to take a paid survey.

After complete passage survey, you receive a reward (from thirty to one hundred rubles). There are also surveys for which you can get a lot of money (up to a thousand rubles), but they are less common.

Earning money from surveys and registration features

Registration and participation in surveys is an opportunity not only to earn some money, but also to have a good time. But if you want to earn more from paid surveys, then you will have to register not on one or two sites, but on all of them at once.

When registering on sites, it is important to provide accurate information about yourself, this will help you when withdrawing funds.

Paid surveys are also notable for the fact that they do not require any special skills. It's simple enough , and you can earn about five to ten thousand a month from surveys, which is quite good for such simple work.

Registration and participation in surveys is free, that is, you do not need to pay anything, beware of scammers, of which there are a huge number on the Internet.

Where to work? Best Survey Sites

Having relied on this method, most users will have a completely fair question: “What sites can you work on?” Among the variety of portals, it is necessary to highlight the most reliable and best survey sites.

Each site has its own key features. However, they have one thing in common: it is an excellent analogue to social networks. By spending time on the Internet, these sites allow you to earn real money.

ANKETKA.RU— The largest site with more than 750 thousand people, which conducts marketing and sociological research on a paid basis. It is from the Questionnaire that you will receive the most invitations on various topics.

The average cost of surveys is about 50 rubles, and the completion time is only 6-7 minutes.

Having passed simple registration indicating your personal data, you will have the opportunity to earn money by expressing your opinion about a certain product or brand. The minimum amount to be withdrawn through electronic payment systems or postal transfer is 1000 rubles.— Is a reliable site that is open to all users from all over the world.

GlobalTestMarket is a questionnaire international level simple surveys come regularly and do not require much time.

Depending on the complexity of the paid survey, it takes 10-15 minutes to fill out 1 questionnaire. Less often they send complex questionnaires that require up to an hour of your time and bring you $25 in net income.

GlobalTestMarket has undergone a rebranding by merging with LifePoints which was created in 1946. Then it was called National Family Opinion, NFO and TNS. Today, the LifePoints community unites more than 5,000,000 members from different countries.

Online survey— a project to conduct marketing and sociological research on the Internet. By participating in surveys, you will earn money, as well as learn about interesting new products and current trends in the development of various products and services.

We will regularly send you invitations via email with links to online questionnaires. For each completely completed questionnaire you will receive money - on average from $0.5 to $1.5 (the equivalent in the currency of your country).

For filling out the profile questionnaire, you as a participant after registration will be credited with 30 rubles to your account on the project. It will take 3-4 minutes to fill it out.

To withdraw earned funds you must reach a minimum of 600 rubles.

— a questionnaire focused on online marketing research in developing countries, including Russia.

In total, The Panel Station operates in 20 countries and currently has over 1.5 million registered members.

The reward system in the project is point-based - 10 points equals 1 ruble. The minimum number of points available for withdrawal is 3000 i.e. 300 rubles.

On average, for a 5-10 minute online survey you will be awarded 500-1500 points or more, i.e. 50-150 rubles per survey.

There is also an application for Android smartphones in Russian, which allows you to fill out available forms directly from your device

RUBLEKLUB— A new site that allows you to make money on paid surveys, as well as get discounts and coupons for online purchases.
RUBLEKLUB is a partner of such famous stores as Lamoda, Quelle, Kinderly, etc., thereby helping participants both save on purchases and earn money by taking paid surveys. In addition, 150 rubles are credited to your personal account immediately after registration! The minimum withdrawal is 750 rubles. Output system- mobile phone, QIWI wallet, PayPal

- New, unique project for all people taking an active life position. The project collected best features the world's largest survey sites and various bonus programs.

Reward - bonuses that are exchanged for thousands of prizes from the catalog presented on the site (products for every taste and budget - from a phone case to a cool laptop), discount coupons in the site's partner stores (up to 15% of the amount spent).
An invitation to participate is sent to your email address completely free of charge.

Paid survey— Quite a serious project, which was launched by a very large research company in Russia, Global Data Serviss, which has offices all over the world.

The average survey price is 50-70 rubles.

For registration, a bonus of 10 rubles is immediately credited to your account. In addition, all participants are offered a so-called “daily survey” for 10 minutes, for which they are paid 30 rubles. You can take it every day if you meet the participation criteria, which are set directly on the day of the study.

— Marketagent can be considered a high-quality survey project. Quite a lot of evidence can be given:

The website contains the legal address of the service, where you can file a claim for violation of the rights of participants.

There are also privacy policy agreements and so on. The questionnaire cooperates with online research GmbH, a very large partner that can be trusted.

The surveys last for 15-20 minutes, no more, at least, the survey never lasted more than 30 minutes.

The minimum survey price is 0.2 euros, the maximum is 2.5 euros. The minimum withdrawal amount is two euros. Money is withdrawn to two electronic payment systems: PayPal or Scrill

What to consider when surveying

Please note that this will require you to provide extensive information about yourself. It is necessary to provide information before moving on to the case. It is very important! After all, companies must clearly understand whether a given user is suitable for them for a particular survey.

A trivial example: holdings producing cosmetical tools, the opinion of women as potential buyers is usually interesting, not men. That is why when registering the questionnaire you will need to indicate:

  1. Region and city of your residence
  2. Age
  3. Having relatives and friends working in a certain field
  4. Presence of children, their age and gender
  5. Type of employment
  6. Education
  7. Speciality

Some nuances during surveys

There will also be several other questions asked before moving on to the surveys. All of them, as a rule, are divided into categories. It is very important to refuse at this stage from the desire to cheat or embellish reality. All information must be strictly reliable.

Having decided to try to make money from online surveys, it is worth remembering that making millions here will not be possible a priori. At the same time, the receipt of financial rewards will be stable. The activity will not take much time.

At the same time, the funds received are more than enough to pay for the Internet, mobile communications, public utilities, Online Games and small purchases on the Internet, even a little will remain.

It’s great if the user has excellent command of one or more foreign languages. In this situation, you can count on cooperation with foreign intermediaries. They will send questionnaires to foreign language. This is an excellent opportunity not only to improve your language skills, but also to get more decent pay.

To summarize, you can look at all the advantages of this income, namely:

CONVENIENCE: After all, you can fill out surveys from anywhere in the world where there is Internet, from a computer or phone.

BENEFITABLE: Again, paid surveys can bring in good income.

JUST: Because it does not require special knowledge and skills.

UNIVERSAL: After all, paid surveys are often suitable for all returns and degrees of education.

Unfortunately, earning money from surveys cannot be the main source of funds, but it is ideal as additional income.

Ksenia Samotkan

Polls are very popular and convenient way receiving feedback. How and why to conduct them on the website and on social networks - read in this article.

So, let's go!

Why conduct surveys?

Polls – efficient look content that allows you to establish a strong connection between the brand and the audience and find out their opinion about the company’s activities, which will further help improve the product or service. That is, the survey provides real data that can be used to make optimal business decisions.

What problems can be solved using surveys?

Surveys allow you to solve the following problems:

1. Real and free product reviews

Many companies face difficulties when trying to find out what consumers think about a product. Clients stubbornly remain silent, and in response to a direct request they write a standard reply like “all great, thanks guys are the best.” There are two ways out of this situation: carry out expensive volumetric marketing research or publish simple free surveys, receiving real response from the audience on the website or social networks.

I think most of you would choose the second option. And for good reason, because conducting a survey allows you to get feedback on your products without spending a lot of effort, time and money.

2. Understanding the needs and motives of audience behavior

Surveys help identify audience expectations and needs. This can help when planning and developing new products and improving business processes. Knowing your customers' needs will help protect you from serious mistakes.

3. Community creation and development

Polls increase engagement and stimulate discussion. By participating in them, each consumer understands that communication with the company is two-way. In this way, the group of subscribers turns into a living community whose members interact with the brand and with each other.

To grow your community through surveys, show that you are interested in users' opinions. Share voting results and decisions made with participants.

4. Content creation

With surveys, you create three types of content. First, you talk about the prerequisites for the vote and describe its conditions. Secondly, you share the results with users. Third, consumers participate in conversations by creating user-generated content.

5. Increase in traffic

Conducting surveys increases page traffic in social network and on the website. To make this rule work, encourage users to share voting information. You can also use tools that automatically notify you that a user has completed a survey.

Types of surveys

Let's look at what types of surveys there are depending on where they are distributed.

First of all, you need to know that there are mass and expert surveys. We will look at the classification of mass surveys.

There are oral and written surveys, and written surveys are most commonly administered online.

Among them, depending on the location of distribution, the following types can be distinguished:

  • Surveys on the site.

Publishing on a website is a convenient option for posting a survey, but it will not be enough. If only because only those who visited the site and were interested in the survey will vote.

  • Polls on social networks.
  • Surveys sent by email.

This distribution method is good because the survey is sent to the client individually.

  • Polls in messengers.

With the growing popularity of instant messengers, the popularity of using them to solve marketing problems is also growing. Thus, you can conduct a survey by creating a message distribution in Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram and other instant messengers.

  • SMS surveys.

This type of survey, on the one hand, can expand the reach of the audience to people who do not have an Internet connection. But, on the other hand, if there is a fee to answer a survey, this may discourage potential respondents. And in general this method conducting surveys is ineffective.

If we consider oral surveys, then a survey conducted in the personal presence of the client is an extremely rare phenomenon. But telephone surveys are very popular in business. It is very effective in identifying customer satisfaction with a company's products or services and is often used by sales departments to determine NPS.

Telephone surveys allow you not only to find out the opinions of clients, but also to find out any details during the conversation, monitor the reaction of the interlocutor, his mood changes, etc.

A really good survey is able to completely capture the attention of users, forcing them to take a break from their activities and immerse themselves in the process of filling out the questionnaire. To achieve this, it is important to take into account some nuances.

1. Choose a good survey location

This nuance must be taken into account when publishing a survey on the site. It's important to place it prominently on your homepage so users can find it right away. Many sites place surveys in the sidebar, separated by whitespace, so the survey is visible but not intrusive.

2. Choose a relevant topic that will arouse genuine interest among respondents

A well-designed survey should consist of questions that are of interest to respondents and generate various discussions. Therefore, it is important to choose a relevant survey topic that would capture your interest. target audience. If this happens, you will be able to receive not only feedback, but also new observations and knowledge that you can apply to your work.

3. Give respondents a chance to be heard

So you have chosen interesting topic for your survey. Now it's time to make sure you give respondents the opportunity to answer exactly the way they want. Review your answer options and make sure you have provided wide choose, – people prefer to choose answers that could clearly identify their thoughts.

4. Extend the process of respondent engagement

5. Don't ask questions about the future

As a rule, questions about what a person will do next do not lead to reliable answers - after all, everyone can talk, but not everyone can take it and do it. It is much more reasonable to ask what people have already done, what decisions they have made. And you will know whether to expect any action from the respondent.

6. Don't ask a lot of open-ended questions

To ensure that surveys provide you with structured data, use closed questions. Use, for example, question types such as multiple choice or comparative questions, which have multiple answer options. So, instead of asking “What do you think of our products?” It’s better to ask “Which statement most closely matches your impression of our products?” And provide answer options.

Another benefit of closed-ended surveys is that they allow for quick analysis (by providing structured data). Such a quick analysis will allow you to conduct regular surveys without making Herculean efforts. This is especially necessary for large brands or multi-brand companies.

By the way, you shouldn’t completely exclude open-ended questions either - although they are complex, they provide more detailed answers.

7. Keep the survey short

If the survey is long, respondents will quickly become bored with it and are unlikely to complete it to the end.

8. Indicate that the survey is being conducted by your company.

Be sure to indicate that the survey is being conducted by your company if you do not want to be mistaken for spam.

9. Avoid leading questions

There is a high probability that the respondent will answer leading questions not the way he thinks, but the way you want. So questions like “How did you like our last article?” It's better not to use it.

10. Offer a reward for completing a survey

To encourage customers to complete the survey, offer them some kind of reward. It could be a discount code or content - anything, and it doesn't require that much money.