Increased sweating in children. Cold sweat in chest. Reasons to treat conditions in a child that are accompanied by a cold sweat Baby is cold in sleep and the body is hard

The process of sweating is considered normal up to a certain point. When Small child sweats a lot, especially cold sweat, parents worry about how normal this is. Cold sweat the child sometimes appears in any condition. In this case, you should carefully monitor it. This manifestation may be due to some disease.

Causes of cold sweat in babies

If the child is healthy, he can sweat in 2 cases: a very soft and warm bed; heat air in the room. During the movement, active guys often sweat, this may be due to excess weight. The room temperature also affects this process.

Eliminating the causes normalizes sweating, the problem is solved by itself. The baby should be dressed according to the weather, in the room to maintain the optimum temperature. Carefully select the bed, it should not create a greenhouse effect. The causes of cold sweat lie in some diseases.

Diseases leading to the release of cold sweat

If all possible factors leading to sweating have been eliminated, and the process continues, you should urgently contact a specialist. Perhaps the reasons are much more serious, far from harmless.

Diseases that provoke the release of cold sweat:

  • rickets, as a result of a lack of vitamin D;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels;
  • thyroid disease;
  • colds of a viral breed.

If a child coughs in addition to cold sweat, this is a sign viral infection. Contacting a pediatrician in this case cannot be postponed. During sleep and wakefulness, even after curing a cold, the baby will still have cold sweat for a long time.

In some cases, the child sweats for no reason, in which case it is not particularly worth worrying about. Active children thus show their emotions, which can be very different.

Cold sweat in the baby appears on different reasons. If parents have doubts about their health, they should contact specialists. Decreased body temperature often leads to the release of cold sweat. For some people, this is completely normal. In others, this phenomenon indicates the presence of diseases.

To understand why a child sweats, you need to follow his general condition. Note when this happens, after sleep or during the game. Is there a cough, even if it is intermittent? Sometimes in young children, disorders from the side respiratory system are a symptom of an allergic reaction.

The causes of sweat can be different. For exclusion serious illnesses It is necessary to pay attention to some possible accompanying points. For example:

  • When perspiring, the body emits a strong smell of ammonia;
  • The baby sweats unevenly;
  • Very low temperature body.

If the baby is just very active, then sweat can act as a result of overexertion. In hyperactive children, this is considered the norm. After suffering a viral, infectious disease, cold sweat indicates weakness of the body.

The reasons may lie in teething. Goes inflammatory process, the baby is in pain, while sweating. Heat and high humidity also lead to the release of cold sweat. In this case, you just need to normalize the climate in the room.

If the little one is hot during sleep, his body tries to create the most comfortable conditions for itself with the help of sweating. Another important point that can lead to a problem is heredity. In this case, it will not be possible to correct the situation, since we are talking about the Riley-Day syndrome. The disease is very rare, it cannot be treated, violations occur at the level of chromosomes. Therefore, treatment is aimed only at eliminating the symptoms. Do not immediately panic, as the disease is not characterized only by cold sweat.

Accompanying symptoms will be disturbances in the work of the digestive system, respiration, and so on. If during sweating the child feels normal, there are no other violations - there is no need to worry.

When to See a Doctor

If the baby sweats, there are such signs:

  • low or high temperature;
  • cough, runny nose;
  • after sleeping on a normal bed;
  • skin rashes;
  • tearing;
  • bad dream, appetite and so on.

You should immediately contact a specialist, undergo examinations, identify the causes of the problem. According to the results of the examination, in most cases it is recommended to consult a neuropathologist and an endocrinologist.

Contacting an endocrinologist is necessary if:

  1. The child sweats when he is absolutely calm;
  2. Sweat has a strong bad smell, often ammonia;
  3. After a day's rest, the baby is excited;
  4. There are shudders;
  5. The child is taking any medications;
  6. Sweat is sticky.

Important: self-diagnosis, and even more so treatment is strictly prohibited! These are the functions of qualified specialists. The child can be severely harmed.

When to call an ambulance

When the child is covered with sweat unevenly, while there is a cough, a low temperature should be called ambulance. At colds a decrease in temperature indicators can indicate serious problems with the heart and blood vessels.

A low mark on the thermometer also in some cases indicates disorders in the nervous system. vegetative system. Often after infectious diseases, especially with the use of strong drugs. There are malfunctions in the thyroid gland. When contacting medical institution the doctor first prescribes a comprehensive examination.

Diagnosis and problem solving

There may be several diagnostic measures, depending on the condition of the child. Based on the complaints of the parents, the doctor finally decides which studies to prescribe. Often recommend the passage of manipulations:

  • If there is a cough general analysis blood and urine;
  • Low activity suggests holding ultrasound hearts;
  • Ultrasound of the brain and cervical vertebra will make it possible to identify abnormalities in the nervous system;
  • Blood test for sugar, the presence of vitamin D;
  • Glucose tolerance test;
  • Careful visual examination of the sweat glands.

If the child has a low body temperature almost all the time, the doctor, at his discretion, prescribes additional research. Both laboratory and instrumental. Only after receiving the results will a diagnosis be established and appropriate treatment prescribed.

When no pathology is detected, no therapy is prescribed for the baby. You may need a course of massage, taking vitamin preparations. If a problem is found, the appropriate specialist will prescribe the treatment.

When a child has a high temperature, every mother understands that he is ill. But what if the child is cold? If the thermometer shows a mark below 36 degrees for a long time, this should also be a cause for concern, since such changes are not always harmless and may indicate a number of disorders and diseases.

Causes of low temperature in a child

If you notice that the child has a cold forehead, analyze his condition a few days before. Most common cause temperature drop in children is a recent infection. Therefore, if the child had a fever the day before, do not worry: low body temperature for several days after feverish state is normal reaction organism.

Especially often this phenomenon is observed in children under two years of age, in which the mechanisms for maintaining the temperature regime have not yet been fully formed. But if u baby a cold forehead and perspiration is observed, and at the same time he did not tolerate any diseases in the previous days, this may be a sign of incipient rickets. The development of this condition is also indicated excessive sweating hands and feet in a child, cold extremities. In this case, you need to see a doctor, but you should not be afraid of this condition, since pronounced forms of rickets in children are extremely rare these days. To eliminate the violation, the doctor prescribes prophylactic doses of vitamin D.

The cause of low temperature in a child can also be medications. Especially often it is caused by an overdose of vasoconstrictors - drops or sprays from the common cold. In this case, it is necessary to immediately cancel the drugs and carefully monitor the child's condition. If additional symptoms appear (restlessness, lethargy, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite), you should seek medical help.

Sometimes, in the absence of a general decrease in body temperature, parents notice that the child has cold extremities. For children infancy This normal phenomenon, due to the characteristics of heat transfer. But cold hands in an older child may indicate the development of certain diseases.

If a child has cold hands and feet, this may be a sign of autonomic disorders, which most often begin to appear at the age of 5-7 years. In addition, this symptom may indicate the presence neurological disorders, which affect the parts of the brain responsible for blood circulation. In some cases, cold feet in a child, as well as excessive sweating, can be caused by the development diabetes and thyroid disorders.

What should parents do if the child is cold?

If you find that the child's body temperature is low, help him warm up. Make sure your baby's clothes and bed are warm and dry, and provide plenty of warm fluids. If the child has cold feet, a warm heating pad can be applied to them.

Monitor your child's temperature carefully. As the baby warms up, it will return to normal. If the child was recently treated with an antipyretic or vasoconstrictor drugs, then in the absence of any other warning signs enough to keep him warm and comfortable. After a while, the temperature returns to normal on its own.

When a child has a low body temperature for a long time or often occurs without any apparent reason, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor. Remember: a lower temperature may indicate the development of the most various pathologies and diseases, and the sooner its cause is found, the less the risk of serious problems with the health of the child.

The well-known telepediatrist Komarovsky notes that adults carry out thermoregulation mainly through the skin, and children through the lungs, and in order to overheat the child, you need to wrap him very tightly. But if the baby has sweat, and even cold, this is a reason to be wary.

natural causes

If you observe excessive sweating in a child, the reasons for this phenomenon may be quite natural. For example, parents may find cold sweats in a child in the middle of the night or in the morning if he lies in a bed that is too warm or soft. Another cause of sweat may be the high temperature in the room where the baby sleeps.

The third is quite natural cause excessive sweating in babies is physical activity. If the baby is constantly in motion, he may sweat. And this must be taken into account when organizing trips. In this case, you need to follow the weather forecast and dress the child in accordance with the temperature, especially in the off-season. In the house, you need to maintain the air temperature at 18-20 ° C, if possible, purchase a hard mattress and choose a more suitable one. bed sheets.

Pathological causes

If cold sweat in a child signals a disease, it is often accompanied by insomnia and restless sleep, whims, causeless crying and other changes in behavior.

Of the most common pathological causes The appearance of cold sweat in children is noted:

  • Vitamin D deficiency, which is observed, most often, under the age of 2 years and leads to a disease such as rickets. At the same time, cold sweat is clearly manifested during feeding, and at night the back of the head is actively sweating in the child. Other symptoms of rickets include itching in the head and a sharp change in behavior.
  • Lymphatic diathesis. It is observed most often in children 3-7 years old. In addition to cold sweat, the disease is indicated by an increase lymph nodes and increased irritability of the child.
  • Colds. The production of interferon occurs when elevated temperature Therefore, the appearance of sweat is a natural sign of the body's struggle with the disease.
  • Heart failure. In case of violations in the work of the heart, failures strike different systems body, including the sweat glands.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia. With this disease, cold sweat in a child is observed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe feet and hands, and, most often, it is provoked by psycho-emotional stress.
  • Hyperthyroidism. Thyroid disorders are rare in children, but the possibility should not be completely ruled out. With the disease, in addition to cold sweat, there is weight loss and a rapid heartbeat. If you notice these symptoms, do not hesitate to contact your doctor.
  • Medications. Sometimes cold sweat is side effect the actions of one or the other pharmaceutical agent. In this case, it will pass on its own with the end of the course of treatment.

What should parents do?

If you notice a cold sweat in a child, make an appointment with a doctor and continue to monitor the condition of the baby. In the end, if your suspicion is not excessive, you will be able to take the necessary measures for the health of the child in time. Treatment in this case will depend on the diagnosis, it will be prescribed to you by a pediatrician.

After making sure that nothing indicates a pathology and the baby is sweating, being completely healthy, you can take the following set of measures:

  • If the baby sweats due to his own excessive activity - he runs a lot during the day, and his sweat glands naturally work more actively - you need to lower the temperature inside the room, dress the child more easily, or find quiet activities for him.
  • When the reason lies in the violation of sanitary rules (the room is hot, stuffy), then it is worth ventilating the rooms more often or, perhaps, even buying an air conditioner.
  • It may be that the child is too warmly dressed during the day or wrapped up at night, in which case it is necessary to review his wardrobe and dress in less warm clothes, and at the same time purchase a light blanket.
  • If the child's feet are sweaty, check if his shoes are too heavy and closed, they may also be narrow or made of artificial, non-breathable materials.

Do not forget that excessive sweating can be in large babies who quickly gain weight, as well as in any child who is worried, does not get enough sleep or gets tired. Therefore, carefully observe your baby, and you will surely be able to identify and eliminate the cause of cold sweat.

Kalinov Yury Dmitrievich

Reading time: 3 minutes

Sweating - natural process taking place in human body. Sweat is involved in the process of removing toxins from the body, cools the skin. However, the appearance of cold sweat in a child during sleep can greatly alarm parents. The occurrence of cold perspiration can be a consequence of certain diseases, so its causes should be carefully analyzed.

How thermoregulation works in the human body

Normal temperature human body limited to a small range. The body regulates temperature using natural mechanisms:

  • Secretion of the sweat glands - sweat, evaporating, cools the skin.
  • An increase in the diameter of blood vessels - the flow of blood to the surface of the skin increases, heat transfer increases.

When children are mobile, run, play, it is a hot season, the appearance of sweat should not be alarming.

"Cold" sweat that appears without apparent reason, is a special reaction nervous system and is not accompanied by an increase in temperature. The situation may indicate painful processes in the child's body.

Parents are especially worried about cold sticky sweat. Stickiness is the result of a mixture of sweat salts and sebum drying on the skin.

When a child sweats at night, it is especially important to observe the hygiene of sleep and rest. Ventilate the room before going to bed, use bedding made from natural materials.

Why healthy children sweat

The endocrine system of children works differently than that of adults. Causes of sweat in a dream healthy child may be as follows:

  1. Overheat. Pajamas, blanket too warm, the room is hot.
  2. Evening excitement. Emotional games before going to bed, vivid night dreams.
  3. Binge eating. Too heavy dinner can lead to vasodilation and profuse sweating during sleep.
  4. Excess weight. Large babies often have problems with excessive sweating.

Hypothermia is defined as pathological condition when the body temperature drops to 35.0 ° when measured in armpit, or up to 35.5° when measured in the rectum.

In children, low body temperature can often be accompanied by cold sweat.

By itself profuse sweating, or hyperhidrosis, may be a variant of the norm in children under the age of 3 years, tk. sweat glands are not yet very well developed and do not always function correctly, but the combination of both phenomena causes extreme concern for parents and forces them to seek help from specialists.

Cold sweat combined with low temperature in children may be the result of many serious pathologies various organs and systems, so it is quite difficult to unambiguously identify the cause.

The thermoregulation system, as well as the functioning of the sweat glands, in children under the age of 6 cannot be called absolutely developed.

It can be affected by any changes in the body, for example:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • pathology of organ development;
  • reaction to infections and allergens;
  • stress in any form.

All this can contribute to the disruption of heat transfer processes in the body and lead to an incorrect reaction in the form of low body temperature up to 36.0-35.5.

It is also necessary to slightly separate the causes of hypothermia depending on age, because. thermoregulation of children under one year works worse than at an older age.

In infants, a periodic drop in temperature to 36.0 ° and cold sweat can be observed during sleep, which should not bother parents. This only speaks of the imperfection of heat transfer processes in the baby's body.

It is also not uncommon for babies to sweat profusely while feeding due to the fact that they have to exert a lot of force while sucking at the breast.

Some doctors even consider the body temperature range for infants from 37 ° to 35.8 ° to be normal in the absence of additional features diseases. However, if cold sweat and hypothermia are regularly found in children under one year old, this may be the result of some pathologies:

  • lack of vitamin D and its most common form in children under one year old - rickets;
  • disturbed exchange minerals, namely the exchange of calcium and phosphorus;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels (heart defects, infectious inflammatory diseases, anomalies in the development of blood vessels, etc.);
  • congenital and acquired pathologies of the nervous system (infections, tumors, developmental anomalies, hemorrhages, etc.);
  • disease endocrine system especially the thyroid gland.

Children older than a year have a more perfect system of thermoregulation, however, they often have various diseases there is a low temperature in combination with a cold, profuse sweat.

Among the causes in children older than infancy, the following can be distinguished:

  • taking antipyretic drugs and antibiotics during a cold;
  • some infections of various nature can cause a breakdown in thermoregulation and the occurrence of hypothermia;
  • decrease in work immune system, weakness and intoxication of the body can provoke hypothermia and profuse sweating after a recent illness;
  • disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems;
  • allergic reaction;
  • reaction to a recent vaccination;
  • increased emotionality, reaction to stress.

What should parents do

If a child sweats profusely and at the same time hypothermia is detected, then parents should not panic first of all, but it is better to pay attention to the condition and behavior of the baby. If it is active it has a good appetite and no symptoms possible disease is not observed, then you should first:

  • create temperature comfort (18-22C) in the room;
  • avoid foods that increase sweating: smoked meats, spicy dishes, sweet carbonated drinks;
  • think carefully about his wardrobe, dress according to the weather;
  • do not "wrap" the baby during sleep with warm, woolen blankets.

If parents regularly notice excessive sweating in a child, and when measuring body temperature, the thermometer mark does not rise above 36.0, it is also necessary to check for additional symptoms, such as:

  • unpleasant smell of sweat and its excessive stickiness;
  • uncontrolled shuddering at rest, irritability, poor or no sleep;
  • decreased activity, feelings of nausea and dizziness, decreased or lack of appetite;
  • lacrimation;
  • rash on the skin.

If these symptoms are detected, it is urgent to contact the local pediatrician for further diagnosis and timely elimination of disorders in the body.

Cold sweat and hypothermia up to 36 and below in children can be formidable symptoms of various diseases, therefore, with the slightest deviation in the condition, it is better for parents not to search for causes and treatment on their own, but to turn to specialists for timely diagnosis and elimination of pathology.

If the condition does not cause concern, and sweating and reduced body temperature are irregular, then first you need to take care of a comfortable temperature in the room during sleep and wakefulness, monitor the baby’s diet and daily routine.