Self-confidence programming. Igor Ponomarev - Matrix method of thinking. Principles and techniques of mental work

1. Completely eliminate alcohol, stop smoking, stop eating meat. You need to prohibit yourself from going to fast foods - never go to any such establishments. An absolute taboo. You need to feed yourself, excluding significantly carbohydrate-containing foods. The largest source of carbohydrates is sugar, you should eliminate it completely; the body will not feel any loss. Moreover, forget about the existence chewing gum and give up toothpaste. The fluoride contained in it is harmful to the pineal gland.

3. Talk to the carcass. The body is truly a holy vessel bestowed by the Lord. The body has a voice and there is consciousness, the body knows its needs better than the mind. The body is complete and self-sufficient, it requires self-respect. The desire to eat low vibrational food leads to thoughts that the cellular structure of the body looks incorrect. It is necessary to establish a connection with the elements of the body. All of them should become friends and helpers in the processes of cleansing the body. It depends on the elements how much it will be purified, restored, transformed to a state of truth. Talk to water while interacting with it. You can ask water to cleanse your lower bodies. Water wants to hear gratitude. There is no need to let your hair down and walk around like this. Hair is an antenna and collects all the information, most of which is unnecessary and even harmful. Hair can be loose when communicating with the Highest, in the process of meditation.

4. Do gymnastic exercises every day. The complex can include light and calm exercises for practicing to the music of meditation. It is worth training using an aroma lamp and oils. All this will help open the chakras. Gymnastics may move into the stage of in-depth meditation.

5. Walk for about three hours in a quiet place where there is no matrix. Turn off vain thoughts, communicate with nature, think about breathing, focus on the correct inhalations and exhalations. Exclude yourself from the unnecessary tinsel of shopping centers, stadiums, concert venues, pubs, pretentious places. Unnecessary, empty communication will again drag you into the matrix.

6. Analyze your own wardrobe. Leave only practical items in use. They should be comfortable, loose, and made from natural materials. No pretentiousness. Leave the number of things in accordance with the ability to demolish them. No more. Wear jewelry in limited quantities; the more jewelry the body wears, the more channels are blocked free energy, the fewer outputs for free current.

7. Remove from your home the microwave oven, TV, everything unused in this moment Do not keep devices plugged in. There should not be a lot of wires, try not to create tangles of them in the apartment. Mobile phone Use only when absolutely necessary. Doing this with a computer, of course, is difficult for many. But, you can significantly limit the time you hang out on the Internet by refusing social networks, forums, online stores and other nonsense. The order in the house must be perfect - you need to throw away everything that you don’t have time for or don’t want to use for more than two or three months. You need to throw out all the trash mercilessly, without thinking or doubting. Anything broken should be replaced or repaired. Dripping taps, for example, should not be allowed in the house. Everything around you should feel your love, so love.

8. Forgive everyone, ask for forgiveness from everyone - both those around you and uninvited guests in your own mind.

9. Communicate a lot with plants, animals and young children.

10. You can reduce the time spent on work over time as costs will come down after getting rid of distortions.

11. Don't worry about age. You can simply place your body at the point in the sphere where it felt the best. Then you need to record this condition and report it to the body.

12. Forget about worry as such. Being in eternity, I never stopped thinking about trifles.

13. Immerse yourself in creativity. It can be drawing, singing, dancing, literature, but not collecting, because life is a verb. Best activity- art on the sand.

14. Smile constantly and to everyone you meet.

Alexander Vakurov

Personal Epistemology: What lets us know that what we know is really what it is? How do we know what is really happening around or inside us? Why are we so sure that everything we feel, see, hear is true? Is there only one reality, or are there many of them? How do we know whether what another person is doing is exactly what we perceive his actions to be, or whether it is something else? Should we be so sure that we correctly perceive the world around us?
This article is several years old. And it will be constantly edited as new observations and insights become available.
Remember the movie “The Matrix”?

A film about how people live, breathe, strive, hate, love. And then it turns out that what actually happens is not at all what they think.
In fact, there is another world in which completely different events take place, of which these people are completely unaware.
What they take to be reality is actually created for them by machines a virtual reality(“virtuality”).

When I saw this film for the first time, I experienced a feeling of recognition: “This is it! I've known this for a long time! I've felt this for a long time! Everything is the same as in our life!”

Indeed, when I observed myself and other people, I always saw something similar, but I could never express it into a specific idea or words.

When I began studying psychotherapy, I was amazed at what actually happens between people.

Amazed that people don't know what they are doing. People don't see what's really happening.
Everyone lives in their own illusory world, interacting with people who are invented and seem to them.
He does not fully know who is next to him, what he really wants.
He doesn't know what he really wants.

Remember, with the Strugatskys, people go into the Zone to get into the Room that makes wishes come true. With great difficulty, a man makes his way into this room and asks for health for his brother. And in the end he gets a lot of money. He didn’t want what was good for his brother, but actually “good” for himself. People only THINK they want what they want. People only THINK they are doing what they are doing. And people only SEEM that others are doing what they are doing. And then they are surprised that their efforts do not lead to the expected results.

People live, worry, react, suffer, do something to each other, completely unaware of what is really happening.

He is angry with her for what she did - and does not suspect that he himself provoked her to do this.

She is offended by him, and does not suspect that she herself did everything to ensure that he behaved this way. These are all matrices.

People each walk in their own matrix, mistaking everything that happens in it for the real world.

Everyone lives in their own reality, naively assuming that it is their understanding of reality that is the most real. And he wonders how others don’t see and understand what is visible and understandable to him.

Moreover, I am increasingly struck by the thought that a common person comes into contact with Reality extremely rarely. The filters and prisms of his perception create for him a Distorted Reality in which he lives and breathes, mistaking it for the true reality.

People group with each other according to the similarity of their Realities and really don’t like those Others whose Reality is far from their Realities. Of course, in order not to be left alone, a person has to not notice that the Reality of people from his inner circle is still different from his Reality. He simply “explains” these differences to himself, for example, by the “wrongness” of these people, “madness,” “stupidity,” “stupidity,” “malice,” “harmfulness,” “vile intentions,” “bad character,” “carelessness.” , “bad nature”, etc.

I hope it is clear that our Reality is nothing more than a fiction and an illusion that we have qualitatively built for ourselves? The matrix that our parents and those in whom we always trusted so much created for us? But let's move on. All this is so, conversations that are neither hot nor cold.

I want to offer you a model, the use of which can help in the MOST DIFFICULT AND MOST COMPLEX AND POSSIBLY EVEN IMPOSSIBLE SITUATIONS IN YOUR LIFE.
I'm going to first explain what the Matrix is. Then I am going to provide you with the criteria of the Matrix and the signs by which you can recognize whether you are in the Matrix or not. Then, you will learn what to do and how to jump out of the Matrix. And how to check whether you jumped out of the matrix or not.

So, you already understand the idea. Our subjective Reality differs from the objective Reality (if there is one at all) and from the subjective Realities of other people. But that is not all!

Our subjective reality differs at different moments and periods of our lives!
And my subjective reality, when I have had enough sleep and am well-fed, is significantly different from my reality when I am hungry and have not had enough sleep.

I feel differently, I see the world differently, I listen to people differently, I react to events differently, my head thinks differently, and I can do things completely differently. In some cases I see and hear things that I do not see or hear in others. In some cases I understand what I do not understand at all in others. In some cases, I perceive the situation as hopeless. In others, I see a way out perfectly. In some cases, I can easily do or say what brings me success. In others - in similar situations - he is weak and infirm. And all this is my very different subjective Reality.

I call subjective reality the Matrix. But not any subjective reality, but only one in which I experience pain and helplessness, resentment or anger - in general, when I am ineffective in some way, when I lose access to internal resources.

And I am in the matrix, and I am also outside it. The same thing happens to you. With every person on this planet.

A little later we will understand that there are three mutually supporting components in the matrix:

Distorted Perception,
Negative State
Beliefs that do not support us.

For now, let's move on.
Indeed, just remember, haven’t you ever had something happen that causes you pain, disappointment, anger or resentment, but time passes, you get distracted, or over the years you just grow up and what once was terrible, do you remember with a smile or just with warm sadness?

A neighbor's boy took a shovel from you in the sandbox... An insult, a tragedy for life! Weren’t you in pain then and terribly offended?!! Now, years later, you can remember this event with a smile or just love for yourself then in childhood.

And over the past two to three years, haven’t you had such cases when you got angry and couldn’t even think about something specific without anger, be it someone’s action or words, and then you calmed down, and now you’re completely Do you think about it or remember it differently?

Did it happen to you that you found yourself completely hopeless situation, and everything was bad and hopeless, and it seemed that things couldn’t get worse, and even better? Then time passed, everything settled down, and after a while you realized that life goes on, and in it, in life, things don’t happen like that. Your perception of the same situation has changed! The same events! Moreover, both then and later, your assessment of reality is completely “real” and “justified.”

Another example. Your friends tell you about the troubles that happened to them, they are confused and panicked. And it seems to you that everything is not so bad. And you even see the exits that they have. And for them, they can be “closed”. Or rather, not for them, but for their perception. Etc. I think there is no need to continue the examples.

So why does the same person first assess the situation as hopeless, and after a while begin to see solutions and opportunities in it? Why do two different people see different possibilities in the same situation? Psychologists will give us a huge number of explanations, and they will be right, but these explanations, at least, did not always help me.

I found myself in situations that I regarded as hopeless.

I have been in states when I seemed to myself the most insignificant, useless, the most worthless or most unnecessary person, the most unattractive or unworthy.
I've been in a situation where I didn't want to live.
I was excruciatingly ashamed, I felt a terrible feeling of guilt.
I hated it terribly.
I was terribly afraid.
Everything seemed useless or unnecessary to me.

Depressed! - some will say. Complexes! - others will say. Weakling! - others will say. And they will be right. Or maybe not. Who, pray tell, can swear that he has never experienced such situations or conditions?

So, about what made me sit down at the keyboard to write what you are reading now. Matrix.

The matrix is ​​a state.

A state of hopelessness, worthlessness, hopelessness and lack of rights. This is any state in which you do not see a way out or do not have access to internal resources.

Jump out of the matrix and the world changes. Your “objective” assessment of the situation, yourself, your capabilities or other people will change. Your REAL capabilities will change.

Why wait for many years until you gain life experience and become wiser? Or help from psychologists, if you can just jump out of the matrix? How? Now you'll find out!
Story one

First, I'll tell you a story about myself. I immediately remembered the story about Alice, who sang a song “to herself.” She sang different songs, she was asked to be quieter and sing “to herself,” and she sang. She sang so loudly. About myself beloved.

Moreover, I thought about this, being in a good mood, in a resource, so to speak. I looked at the past and thought about the present. I looked into the future and realized that, judging by my character, I would still have situations in which I could plunge into a state that I later called “matrix”, that is, simply a “bad” state, a state of ineffectiveness from which anything - I, the world, people - seem, so to speak, “bad”.

And I made a decision - not to trust my perceptions in these states anymore. Never. No matter what I see, no matter what I understand, no matter what I feel and no matter what others tell me that I am bad or the situation is hopeless, I will stupidly believe. Believe in yourself, believe in the situation, believe in your destiny, believe in the person.

Note two points.
First, I made this decision while in a resourceful state.
And secondly, I made this decision IN ADVANCE.

Moreover, I MARKED the signs of the matrix state in advance so that when it happens, I can IDENTIFY it in time. Usually a person does not notice when it is loading, and when he notices, it is already too late.

And I started training. First of all, I began to train my ability to notice that I was in a matrix state. Then - the ability to jump out of it. So I researched the signs of the Matrix and ways of liberation from it.
Story two

One day my daughter and I were walking around the square, and she, a twelve-year-old snivel, suddenly became rude to me. To whom?!! To my own father, who fed and raised me?!! And even for no reason?!!

Not fair. Hurt. It's a shame. Just as I took in more air in my chest to yell at her, it suddenly dawned on me that I was in the Matrix. In the most natural way.

And all the signs are there. Is there anger? Eat. Is there helplessness? Eat. Is there a feeling of noble indignation, indignation, one’s own absolute and indisputable rightness, trampled justice, the extraordinary importance of committing sacred retribution RIGHT NOW? Eat! Is the assessment of your daughter as maliciously acting and ABSOLUTELY WRONG? Eat.

Everything is boiling in my soul, emotions are scattered and rampant, and I stupidly repeat to myself: “Don’t believe it, this is the matrix.”
“So how...?!!”
“Shut up,” I tell myself, “you’re in the Matrix.”
“So she’s like that with me...?!”
“It doesn’t matter, first get out of the Matrix, then act.”

Let's repeat:
First get out of the Matrix, then act!

The Matrix has one peculiarity. The same as for viruses. The Matrix is ​​invulnerable and has power over our perception and state while it is unidentified. As soon as it is recognized, its influence weakens, until it disappears.

And I simply decided to wait to react until the distortions in my perception disappeared, although all of it, my perception, and all the signals of my reality told me that my perception was correct.

The Matrix is ​​a special perception of reality, Others and oneself.

But I decided - no. This is the matrix, and I will “beat” it. And, you know, he won!

Literally after a couple of minutes of my “silence while waiting for a miracle,” it dawned on me: “Bah, at that moment I had no other choices in reactions!” I could only be angry and indignant - that’s all!”

But there are other reactions. There is a feeling of strength. There is humor. There is wisdom in behavior with a spoiled, overbearing and ungrateful child.

I felt relief and a surge of strength. I became able to think: “What do I want now? What I need?".
The answers came: “So that my daughter respects me. So that she understands what she is doing. So that she notices if she hurts someone else. To listen. To be well-mannered person. So that you understand that I’m right.”
Well, okay, I thought. Let's be adults, wise and cunning. I'll show her how to mock her father! We'll figure it out at home!

STOP! Is there something wrong! I still don’t understand what, but something is clearly wrong. I stopped myself. The matrix again. Lighter, without the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness, but - she, my dear.

I left the “I’m not okay” position, but left the “She’s not okay” position!


I decided this for myself once and I am not going to retreat from my decision.

Well, well, I think we'll wait a little longer. Maybe we’ll jump out of this Matrix too. I relaxed and just waited. We're already on the minibus. It's warm and dry here, but it's raining outside. Katya is nearby, frowning. She has no time for me. He thinks. The exit from this matrix was long - for about five minutes I just sat and calmly waited. And suddenly - “BAM!”

Lord, she's a child! My child! And I'm an adult. I'm her father. Wise, big and strong. I have just identified the Matrices. But she, too, can be in her Matrices. And not know about it. And she might feel bad! And I, so big and strong, take offense at how Small child. She was simply mistaken, and I took advantage of her mistake to experience a pleasant feeling of noble indignation. God, poor girl!

Love. Love, sympathy and tenderness overwhelmed me, I turn to Katyushka - and there are tears in her eyes. I still don’t have time to say anything, but she’s already clinging to me: “Daddy, forgive me, I love you!” “Daughter, forgive me, I’m also wrong.” We hug. We kiss. Happy end.

Not easy. It's very difficult.

Finding out that you are not always right. That it is not you who are being hurt, but you. That things are often not as they seem. But it's liberating. Frees you from pain, infliction and compulsion. From worthlessness and hopelessness. This is the path to Love. This is the path to the Light. This is my world. And I want to live in it.
After poetry - to prose

There is more than one matrix. A lot of them. They are like nesting dolls inside each other. Jumping out of a heavier one, you find yourself in a lighter one.

If you recognize it, you will jump out of it. But know that the new reality is also subjective and it can also be matrix. A little later the clear criteria of the Matrix will be given.

It is important to ALWAYS check your reality for its “matrix”.

I know people who are CONSTANTLY in matrices. Some zealously adhere to only one. Others alternately change their habitats, traveling from matrix to matrix, skipping “normal” levels. Still others sometimes, by chance, fall out of the matrices, and then, unnoticed by themselves, are again “drawn” into them. Still others are “pushed” there by other people or circumstances. Fifth people simply cannot live in a world without matrices. He is unfamiliar to them, which means he is dangerous. And they themselves “jump” into them.

In the example given, I visited two matrices. We'll look at which ones and why later. Someone else could “skip” the level of “O-key” reality and fall into the matrix of self-abasement and self-blame. “Oh, I’m so, so big! A worthless father, and not a man at all!” etc.

It turns out that it is also important to recognize “your”, “normal” layer of reality and remain in it. And for this it is important to study “your” reality, that is, the one in which you want to live.

This is the Reality in which you:

good condition and mood,
in which you are effective,
in which you are able to establish and maintain the relationships you need and desire,
establish the status you need in these relationships,
achieve the results you want easily and with pleasure,
predict and create events,
experience the states you desire,
choose those people with whom you feel pleasant and easy, with whom you want to be;
do what you want
want what you have chosen;
A reality in which it is easy for you to make decisions,
in which you know what you want,
A reality in which you know what is happening
A reality in which you know what you are doing.

Advice. To study this Reality, and everyone has it, it is necessary to study ALL the cases when YOU HAD THIS. Remember in every detail.

It is useful to study this reality on line, i.e. DURING ITS EXISTENCE. When you feel good RIGHT NOW, or when you are effective right now. It is useful to REMEMBER such states and situations. Keep a piggy bank or archive of these states and situations. They are the ones who will let you know what your REAL Reality is.

They will be a guide, a beacon in finding ways out of the labyrinths of your usual matrices. It is necessary to study: sensations, any parameters of the state, features of Perception, Thinking, Behavior, Reactions, Assessments. All this is important, all this will help you in a difficult situation, when something is unclear, or the whole world, together with you, is against you.

I remember a fantasy series in which a group of people travel around worlds in parallel realities in search of “their” Earth. On each “Earth” everything is very similar to their world, but something is different. The problem was not to confuse someone else's world with your own. And they were confused, taking someone else’s for their own. And because of this, they found themselves in strange situations.

The problem was not to mistake your world for someone else’s, otherwise, if you “get caught” in your world and don’t recognize it and jump into the next one, there is no guarantee that you will be lucky again and be able to return here again. The film ends interestingly. Someone remains in foreign worlds, choosing the one that is more attractive to him than the one from which he came. Someone reached his world, recognized it and remained in it. And some went further, choosing novelty and variety. To each his own.
Types of matrices

There are three main types of Matrices:
1. Matrix about Reality - “She (Reality) is “Not OK”
2. Matrix about Others - “They (Others) are “Not OK”
3. Matrix about Myself - “I’m “Not OK””

Moreover, “It’s not okay!” this can be in two different “slices” of Reality:
A. Relationships, emotional, moral, ethical “assessment”.
B. Reality, opportunities, information, business, perception of “facts”, selectivity of attention (ignoring opportunities, and fixation on obstacles and limitations - the situation, one’s own, etc.).

That is, I can be “Not OK” in the sense of “bad”, “no good”, “acting badly”, “foolish”, “disgraced”, “loser”, “ugly” (if I am a woman), “useless to anyone”, “stupid”, “vile”, etc. (3.A.)
And I may be “too weak for such a load” or “such an opponent”, “too poor”, “too young” or “too old”, “just a woman”, “all alone and therefore unable to do this and that” ", "deprived of resources" in a real situation, "without real options and choices" (3.B.)
The situation may be such for me that I will not dare to take any actions, considering them “indecent”, “unacceptable”, “those that I, for my moral reasons, cannot take” (1.A.)
Or - “absolutely hopeless”, “not giving me a chance”, “deprived of resources and development options”, etc. (1. B.)
Or - a person may seem to me “not good”, “bad”, or “acting badly”, absolutely wrong”, “insulting me”, “wishing me bad” (2.A.)
Or - a person may seem to me incapable of coping with the situation on his own, really helpless, weaker than me (2.B.), or - “stronger than me,” and therefore offending me (2.B.), or - trying to make me feel bad or hurt (2. A.)
A person (“these people”) may seem stronger to me (that is, I may not see their obvious weaknesses and inability) (2.B.)

The categories “strong” - “weak” (“stronger - weaker” than me) are also added to this division.

Another person may be “Not OK” because he is “weak,” and another person may be “Not OK” because he is strong. If I regard his “strength” as “strength”, I may not dare to look for ways to resolve the situation, or even - I will not dare to take the actions I need.

This option can be a matrix one, when I take someone else for weak, and I begin to help him, and I fall into traps, become a slave to my desire to help, etc. Or - I get caught in a scam, overestimating the enemy’s capabilities (2.B.)
When another person is “bad” (2.A.), but “strong” - that is, stronger than me, and I “suffer from his actions caused by his bad intentions”
There are two possible options for the “activity” of the Matrix.

Incomplete capture by the Matrix: The person understands that this is subjectivity, but cannot do anything with his perception or state. “It’s all the same” cannot find ways out, ways, or ways to change the situation in the surrounding reality.
Complete capture by the matrix state and matrix thinking: A person believes, “That this is an objective reality.”

You can also distinguish (according to the sources of the matrix state):

Emotional Matrix
Belief Matrix
Expectations Matrix
View Matrix
Matrix of Hopes
Matrix of Conviction and Faith
Matrix of misconceptions
Matrix of stereotypes
Lifestyle Matrix
Habit Matrix
Matrix of context and behavioral (contextual) trap
Matrix of habitual relationships
Matrix of habitual reactions
Role Matrix
Status Matrix
Behavioral Position Matrix

And another text, written much later, in continuation of this topic:
End criteria, or process quality criteria. Orientation in the Matrix.

Task. There is a situation(s) when you easily fly into a certain Matrix, in which your ability to navigate is sharply reduced or distorted. And you will only find out about it when it’s too late to do anything. What to do in this case? How to prepare for it in such a way as to be confident in your own safety?

In a situation where:
1. You don't know what to do:
2. You don't know what goals to set. Psychology says that effectiveness requires goals. What to do when you cannot define your goals? If your emotions or state are such that all your conscious abilities are blocked, and the situation itself cannot be avoided. This means that you are missing some important guidelines, or you have them now, but you know (are afraid) that the time will come (a situation will come) and you will lose access to these guidelines; and this can be in two ways: You may know that the accessibility of landmarks has decreased, or you may not notice it.

In other words, in a problem situation, the availability of landmarks is sharply reduced.

Two preparation options:
1. High quality.
2. Express method.

This is where the technique of identifying extreme and optimal options (and their characteristics) can come to the rescue.

Here are questions that will help you find the right answers that will better guide you in difficult situation(You can use these questions for yourself both BEFORE and DURING the situation):

How should it all end? What should happen at the end? How do I know (what should let me know) when it's time to call it a day?
How do I know when a dangerous moment is coming?
What do I definitely not want?
What am I afraid of, how can I know when it is coming? By what signs? Are there signs of this in the behavior of other people? What specific parameters of another person’s behavior: words (which specific ones, phrases?), intonation, volume of speech, facial expression, gestures, posture, pace, intensity and amplitude of movements, emotions, reactions?
How will I know everything is going well?
How will I know RIGHT THERE that I won't regret what happens THEN?

This is the case when in your PAST EXPERIENCE you have already had cases when you did something, believing that you were doing it right, made decisions, being absolutely confident in their correctness, behaved in a certain way, believing that this is the way it should be behave, formalize relationships in a certain way, without even realizing their true consequences, etc., and ultimately, after the end of a meeting, contact or situation, and sometimes after the end of an entire period of life, sometimes after a long time , You suddenly realized that in fact everything was not as it seemed, not as it should have been, not as you really needed, not as you REALLY wanted.

Not so in terms of consequences, not so in terms of the quality of processes, not so in the scope of your entire life path. When you discovered that THEN, AT THAT MOMENT, your perception (of the present, past or future, situation, relationships, meanings, consequences, circumstances, reasons, reasons) was distorted, your actions did not ultimately correspond to your interests.

And four more important questions:
1. What exactly should it be?
2. What should never happen?
3. What is desirable for me?
4. What is, in principle, undesirable, but acceptable?

As soon as you divide all possible Reality into these four areas, your orientation in the current reality and the degree of control over it increases many times over.

A small digression that should have been placed at the beginning of the article:
Reality orientation

A person may not know:

What's really happening.
What is he doing?
Why is he really doing this?
What does he want?
What does he really want in this situation? He may think he knows this, but often this is only an illusion. Strategies for defining reality against reality are needed.

It is important for a person to be able to navigate:

In what's going on
In what he himself does
Why he is doing this (what results he wants to achieve with these actions)
Whether or not he achieves the results he aimed for when initiating his actions.
Considering the multi-layered nature of Reality - what are side effects and the consequences of these actions. How consistent are they with his initially set goals? How consistent are they with his other goals and values.
Considering that a person may not know, and not notice, what else and how he does what he does - what else does he do, besides what he believes that he knows what he is doing.
Considering that a person may not know ALL the motives and goals influencing his actions, choices, decisions, perceptions, interpretations, assessments, assumptions, reactions, emotions and state - what else influences my actions?

For now, this is all I have collected.
To be continued...

What made you come to this section?
Do you feel like you don't treat yourself well enough?
What complaints do you have about yourself? Or who has complaints against you?

...Okay, it's not that important.
The main thing is this: if you feel constant self-doubt,
it's my fault just one of your inclinations. More precisely, not an inclination,
and even dependence – dependence on other people’s opinions.
All. There are no others to blame for your lack of self-confidence in nature.

Yes, it is true: there is only one person to blame, but this is such a powerful enemy of yours,
that it is simply dangerous to underestimate him. All your complexes, and in the load
all your fears, doubts, tossing and other self-doubt are
a direct consequence of the habit of looking around and focusing on other people’s opinions.
And you know...
Complexes, fears, doubts and tossing – these are all flowers.
And here they are: looking at the opinions of those around us and trying
meet his (the environment’s) expectations, you kill your uniqueness.
Yes, simply and almost voluntarily, you lose yourself.

How to get yourself back?

Start by constantly reminding yourself:

I was not created by people. God himself conceived and embodied me,
and each of His creations is perfect. And unique.

As a child, it never even occurred to you to question this.
This was your firm knowledge. What are you saying, you don’t remember anymore?
Then just look at the children and you will see: they are confident in their perfection.

And you had such confidence, that’s absolutely certain.
But then... Then this confidence was erased from you.
This happened to almost all of us: we were put in a column,
they trimmed their forelocks and explained the rules of movement - they say, over there is a sample,
strive there. Whoever does not rush is a black sheep.

And those who did not understand or did not want to obey are thrown into the corner. Or a belt.
This is how the habit of looking around and checking with the general progress of the friendly column is formed.
And from this I will suffer all my life and sigh: they say, how far am I from the “ideal”.

...I admit honestly, with dependence on other people’s opinions, this is simply painful
I lead my practice with the expectation of praise (or fear of censure).
the bloodiest battles - and I can’t boast that I always win.
But when it works out, when my clients begin to truly appreciate
their uniqueness and finally stop looking around in search of
admiring (or condemning) glances - a rapid transformation occurs.

It's like a miracle. And you can do it - just stop looking at other people’s opinions.
And love your uniqueness. And finally turn away from the pattern according to which
They are trying to churn out people like plastic dolls.

...Just don't get me wrong.

I’m not at all calling for dropping out of society,
Stop focusing on it, let alone go against it - under no circumstances.
What I want to convey is this: allow yourself to be yourself and others to be different.
To do this, say (preferably out loud) this phrase from time to time:

God created me. God created everyone.
Am I ready to criticize him?

This is a spell. Use it.

And to help this really effective spell
you can choose any of those presented in this section
sessions. During each of these sessions I address
to your subconscious and give it this instruction:
remind you constantly what a nice person you are,
and that everything, everything, everything is fine with you.

Session “Liberation from matrix thinking” (30 minutes)

During this session you will undergo a very special ritual,
which, I responsibly declare, has magical power.

By accepting this ritual, you will look completely differently at what happened to you in the past and what is happening right now. No, this will not happen against your will.

New vision (that’s what I’ll call it) - yes, it opens, and sometimes it also happens, with the feeling that some kind of veil has been removed. But for this to happen, for you to have a true view of what is happening, where the true layout of the events of your life is not speculated, but literally visible - for this it is necessary
your firm intention. Like this: " Yes, I truly intend to awaken to see myself and everything that happens in its true light."

You can take this session an unlimited number of times - until you understand that yes, it happened:
your consciousness has freed itself from matrix thinking.

How will you understand this? There is one very accurate indicator of freedom
from matrix thinking. Can you guess which one? That's right: "miracles." This is exactly what (at first) you will begin to call the implementation of what you ask for in your prayers.

Session “Positive Thinking” (59 minutes)

This session-program is designed to form, develop and strengthen the skill of thinking positively - in any situation and under any circumstances.

The Positive Thinking session is a solution built on the strict principles of psycholinguistics. At its core, it is an appeal to your inner forces, to the subconscious, with an order to free the mental field from restraining
and frankly destructive programs that prevent full perception, and thereby provide consciousness with a productive position where the focus of attention
is automatically set on what causes a positive charge of feeling.

However, when the desire arises to take a session
several times - please, for your health.

Instruction session “Training effective meditation"(43 minutes)

Meditation is a way to go beyond your limitations
(to everyone) consciousness and learn about yourself SUCH things that remove
any restrictions and gives reinforced concrete confidence that
that your strengths and your capabilities are unlimited.

Tell me, do you know how to meditate?

Well, yes, it is true: meditation is not something
but a really serious skill that is being formed
based on certain rules which would be good
observe - so as not to just sit/lie with eyes closed, but really overcome the boundaries of your consciousness, and there,
beyond these boundaries:
1) find reliable solutions to your problems and
2) receive clear answers to many, many of your questions.

Session program “I AM WHAT YOU NEED!”

A healing solution to improve self-esteem.
“I am what you need” is a program that includes
Practical guide
and audio session (57 min.)

Application of the program “I am what you need!” in the recommended mode provides noticeable results, among which the most obvious are the following:
1. Changing your attitude towards yourself towards an awareness of value
own personality;
2. Positive (and usually very visible) changes
in the fulfillment and quality of life.
at the level of consciousness and at the level of the subconscious, it really works: it makes relationships with people more conscious, and therefore more careful, truly warm and open.

The book consists of three parts:

In the first part you will not learn about how the brain works, much less how it functions.
Also, you will not learn the numerous secrets of thinking of outstanding and famous people how they thought and how they achieved such mental strength.
You will also not learn about why and how most people, 99%, have difficulty thinking, generating new ideas, difficulty concentrating, problems with motivation, and fail in decision making.

But in the first part you will learn about thinking methods that you might have known before getting acquainted with the matrix method, read in different books, or heard from successful and not so successful people. Perhaps some of you have been engaged in improving your thinking, then approaching this book may change your understanding of the path to improving your thinking.

Thus, the first part included and organically fit into the functionality of the matrix method such methods of improving thinking as: thinking maps, metaphoring, Lateral and Water logics, Dialectical approach.

In the second part you will learn nine basic principles of matrix thinking, get acquainted with and try 22+ techniques from the arsenal of the matrix thinking method. You will also learn the laws and rules for the most effective use of the principles of matrix thinking. These laws and practical recommendations are aimed at engaging the necessary levels of thinking, freeing themselves from the linear perception of events, the dualism of “good and bad” and reaching a new level of efficiency in their activities. At the end of the second part, recommendations are presented on how to work with the results of matrix thinking and how to supplement the method with your own techniques and tools.

In the third part You will be introduced to ready-made concepts in business management and decision making, built on the principles of matrix thinking, which have proven their practicality and applicability.

The book presents numerous techniques, so I excluded additional tasks and exercises from the book, and thus did not overload the book with space for implementation, since thoughtful and responsible people will find time, a sheet of paper and a pen to work through this or that technique. Despite the fact that matrix thinking techniques can complement each other or be combined into one. Thus, there is ample space for practice and work. To reach a master level, you must perform the technique until you feel an additional degree of freedom. You can compare the results of using the matrix method with the results of research by different authors, which are presented in the third part.

Further development method

We can talk about combining techniques and mutual strengthening and increasing the effectiveness of the matrix method after mastering the basic techniques and principles. A separate book will be devoted to improving the method. Access to advanced materials will also be possible on the website

The use of matrix thinking involves not only solving problems, making decisions and generating new ideas. First of all, this is a change in one’s own perception of the world, the laws of logic and one’s capabilities.

Areas of application of Matrix Thinking:

In the life of an individual, in interpersonal communication, in the field of education.

In professional life, in business management and in building a knowledge management system.

In creativity, in strategic management and in solving complex problems that have not yet been solved.


Completing the exercises will allow you to translate the acquired knowledge into skills, actions and results. This will allow you to receive and evaluate the results of your progress in mastering the matrix method of thinking, and will also provide valuable information for independently supplementing the matrix method.

To complete the exercises you will need a notepad and pen. If you want to receive maximum effect, then it could be a notepad Matrix 3x 3, in a series for both beginners and professionals. You can print the notebook from the website, or order it there.

Systematic implementation of exercises will allow you to enter the style of matrix thinking, develop a style and track the results of progress and improvement of thinking.

Method proficiency levels

Zero level, he is the most important and borderline. You either begin to improve your thinking by doing exercises, returning to new points that you will definitely see in the material you read earlier after you complete the exercises several times. Because the experience and knowledge gained will allow you to understand and evaluate the information in the book in a new way, as well as distribute your attention. The second option, you look through this book, find several familiar phrases and ideas, complain that development thinking is too difficult for you, come to terms with your lack of ambition and close the book without completing a single exercise, and it doesn’t matter how much you read.

Perhaps people with an advanced level of intelligence, developed thinking, inquisitive or polyglot people can skip some chapters and start with what is of particular interest, and then return to what they missed if necessary.

First level– you begin to develop thinking, this is the first book of its kind. Do you want to become smarter, make decisions easier? complex tasks, be able to find opportunities and are not afraid of problems. Then you should read this book sequentially, get general idea, try to apply the acquired knowledge in practice and only then read in depth, performing each exercise, and bring the thinking techniques to a specific result.

Second level– if you are already familiar with the principles and basic techniques from lectures or seminars on matrix thinking and want to systematize the knowledge and skills you have acquired, then start with what you know well, with the principles and exercises, and then move on to the conceptual first part. Also, in order to feel the difference, I suggest turning to two or three sources, methods of improving thinking, in order to get resonance and not miss the basic thinking techniques that are only in the matrix method and constitute its essence.

Third level- for those who caught it distinctive features matrix thinking and began to actively complement the techniques and combine them, I propose to identify and include several of my own matrix principles in the work of thinking, and try to go through the techniques, combining each time with matrix techniques and getting each time new level solutions, or results in a new dimension. Also at this level, it is important to ground thinking, receive feedback on the results of actions, based on an analysis of situations, and also hone your own matrix techniques, bringing them to automatism and combinatorial diversity of options.

Why did I decide to write this book?

Firstly, it is fundamentally new idea thinking that opens up new possibilities.

Secondly, one book contains all the techniques and principles of the matrix method of thinking.

Third, to put a barrier to the return of primitivism, or even the perversion of thinking.

Fourth, combine thinking people and lovers different methods for sharing experiences.

Fifth, this is an attempt to increase the efficiency of the learning process and mastery of new knowledge.

As Tony Buzan correctly points out, it is necessary to teach not just certain techniques,
but also a style, a certain manner, culture (added by author) thinking.

Of course, the moment has come when it is necessary to overcome the skepticism of publishers and attract the attention of readers.
And if there are 250 million people around the world who support Thinking Maps, millions of adherents of NLP, TRIZ and other thinking methods, then you are holding a book in your hands and are standing at the very beginning of the path, and it depends on you whether you want to be among the first to receive are the advantages of being a pioneer of a new method of thinking, or do you prefer to become interested in a method only after all the people around you have mastered it and started using it?!

Do you want to get a thinking advantage! Then read this book.
Improve your thinking for extraordinary results.

The work and improvement of the “Matrix Method of Thinking” continues.
I will be very grateful for comments and remarks, reviews and recommendations,
read, master, apply, share the results: