Difference between productive and non-productive cough. Treatment of unproductive cough in a child and an adult

Cough is a normal reflex reaction of the body to stimuli. It can be wet productive or dry unproductive. Dry deep cough, as a rule, is caused by infectious, allergic and viral pathogens. It is dangerous for the body, as it irritates the mucous membrane and accompanies most inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs.

TEST: Why are you coughing?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

Cough can be described as:

You characterize cough as:

Can you say that the cough is deep (in order to understand this, take a lot of air into your lungs and cough)?

During a coughing fit, you feel pain in your abdomen and/or chest(pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominals)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during the cough (no matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She is:

Do you feel dull pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the focus of pain is in the lung itself)?

Do you suffer from shortness of breath (during physical activity Are you quickly "out of breath" and tired, breathing becomes faster, after which there is a lack of air)?

Causes and types

Frequent dry cough is a symptom that accompanies more than 50 diseases. In this case, we can talk about both a banal seasonal cold and more serious ailments, such as tuberculosis or lung cancer. Depending on the duration, cough is divided into the following types:

  • Spicy. It lasts no more than two days, then it transforms into a wet bronchospasm and gradually stops.
  • Protracted. He can torment the patient from three weeks to three months.
  • Chronic. Such a cough without sputum, as a rule, worries for more than three months.

As mentioned above, a dry cough can be a frequent companion of a large number of ailments. But most often it is caused by the following reasons:


If you or your loved ones are tormented by a dry cough, you need to start therapeutic measures. Do not self-medicate and do not pick medications by reading reviews on the Internet or listening to the advice of friends. Not proper treatment is fraught with many complications. The main task in this case is to transform a dry non-productive cough into a wet productive one and form sputum.

To stop coughing, use A complex approach to therapy.

Medications must be combined with physiotherapy, as well as remedies from the arsenal of traditional medicine. It should be remembered that the choice of specific drugs will depend entirely on key reason cough. In most cases, dry cough in the morning and throughout the day is caused by colds. Therefore, the rehabilitation course will look like this:

  • antiviral drugs.
  • antibiotics (only if absolutely necessary);
  • mucolytics ("ACC", "Lazolvan" and so on);
  • antihistamines (for an allergic type of cough);
  • antitussive drugs to block the cough center.

It is always worth remembering that antitussive drugs are prescribed only in certain cases, for example, in the treatment of whooping cough (and only as directed by a doctor). It is impossible to use them without the direction of a specialist, and there is a very good reason for this.

During the treatment of tracheitis, bronchitis and other pathologies with acute inflammation upper respiratory tract to remove sputum from the body. Antitussive drugs block coughing. Therefore, the mucus falls lower - into the lungs and leads to dangerous complications.


Dry cough in adults and children can and should be treated with physiotherapy techniques. The role of such procedures cannot be overestimated. In conjunction with drug treatment they help to increase immunity and bring the moment of recovery closer. If you suffer from a dry cough, use the achievements of modern physiotherapy. They will help improve blood circulation, significantly reduce the intensity of pain and reduce inflammation.

Dry cough and pain will stop holding you hostage if you use the following physiotherapy methods:

  • UHF therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • hardware heating;
  • inhalation;
  • acupuncture;
  • massage of the chest area;
  • regenerating breathing exercises and so on.

Suffering from a dry cough? Try innovative method physiotherapy - inhalation through nebulizers. This is a portable ultrasonic compressor apparatus, which transports drug particles directly to the lungs or bronchi. As a result rehabilitation process twice as fast and easier for the patient.

Also, do not forget about the effective preventive effect of nebulizers on the body. Inhalations with the help of such a device reliably protect against bronchial spasms and obstructive bronchitis. In addition, they protect young children from various complications, including false croup.

Folk remedies

Now we know how dangerous dry cough is, and it's time to apply another component from our medical complex. Traditional medicine is a source of wisdom and knowledge passed down from generation to generation. But don't use folk recipes as a key element of therapy. They will only be effective when paired with traditional medical treatment. Otherwise in best case folk remedies turn out to be useless, at worst - transform cough into chronic form.

To eliminate dry throat and coughing attacks, quickly form sputum, use the following methods:

  • Use for cough attacks a large number of liquids in the form of purified water, compotes, teas, herbal decoctions and so on.
  • Take hot milk with a pinch added baking soda and a teaspoon of honey.
  • Do not forget about compresses, mustard plasters and rubbing. Naturally, not everyone is delighted with these procedures (especially young children). But it is these methods that help reduce the intensity of coughing and speed up the healing process.
  • Do traditional steam inhalation based on potatoes or soda.
  • Drink black radish juice with honey (or sugar).
  • Heal with the mixture lemon juice with honey and glycerin.

A few words about diet and prevention

What proper diet with a dry cough, and what foods must be included in the diet? We recommend using oatmeal, boiled in milk. Also, pay attention to mashed potatoes(again in milk), grated radish salads with vegetable oil or sour cream. Those who often drink coffee should give it up for a while. Drink barley drink with milk and chicory.

A strong dry cough during the day should be a reason to refuse overuse very sweet, salty, sour or spicy foods. All of them negatively affect the condition of the mucosa and contribute to its irritation. As for fasting, it should not be practiced. There is no need to weaken an already exhausted organism (this also applies to cases severe cough with vomiting).

Special mention must be made of preventive measures. The following simple tips will help you not get sick and always feel in good shape:

  • do not overcool;
  • eat balanced;
  • walk outdoors;
  • start to harden the body ( cold and hot shower to help);
  • undergo an annual fluorographic examination;
  • do not let the course of a cold take its course (treat on time and consult a doctor);
  • in hazardous work, protect the respiratory organs with a respirator.

Once again I would like to note the danger of self-treatment. Even if a mild cough only bothers you during the day, you should not refuse to visit the doctor.

Bronchospasm may tear the throat at night, be present for a day or two. Regardless of the causes of coughing attacks and their characteristics, always seek professional help.

Regardless of the time of year, a person may experience a cough that brings a lot of discomfort and it can also cause serious complications. Any cough is usually divided into productive and unproductive. Productive indicates that the person is already on the mend, because sputum is already leaving the bronchi, throat of the nose and even the lungs, therefore inflammatory process no longer developed. However, more often the patient is worried about an unproductive cough, which delivers unpleasant and pain in the chest.

When does the disease occur and how does it manifest itself?

An unproductive cough proceeds without sputum, is characterized by dryness of the mucous membrane, which is manifested by a sore throat during coughing attacks. It is based on excessive irritation of the respiratory tract during the inflammatory process. It has a reflex character and, as a rule, accompanies such diseases as rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, when cough attacks can torment the patient for a long time. The occurrence of dry not productive cough It can also be caused by the following reasons:

  • allergy;
  • viral diseases;
  • side effects of certain drugs;
  • blockage of the respiratory tract as a result of ingestion of food;
  • narrowing of the airways;
  • bronchiolitis;
  • entry of infection into Airways;
  • croup.

A prolonged dry cough that bothers the patient for more than a week may indicate the development of allergies or bronchospasm. This condition is especially dangerous for children. You can also recognize allergies by such a sign as sneezing, and bronchospasm is manifested by coughing attacks at night. Such a symptom may also indicate the development of bronchial asthma, while the patient has wheezing and shortness of breath, heaviness and pain in the chest are worried.

You should know that not always a dry cough is caused by diseases of the organs. respiratory system. Often this symptom is observed during the development pathological processes in gastrointestinal tract, for example, when hit stomach acid into the esophagus. Such a cough usually occurs with heartburn or after a person has eaten a heavy meal.

One of the common diseases in which the patient is concerned about bouts of unproductive cough is pharyngitis. With inflammation of the pharynx, this process is debilitating, which interferes restful sleep. Usually, acute pharyngitis occurs due to SARS or bacterial infection. chronic inflammation pharynx occurs in such cases:

  • prolonged inflammation of the nose, its paranasal sinuses;
  • constant irritation of the pharynx with tobacco smoke;
  • hypothermia.

Patients complain of symptoms such as a feeling of itching, excessive dryness and sore throat. In some cases, there may be a slight increase in body temperature, which does not require the use of antipyretic drugs.

Inflammation of the larynx is accompanied by hoarseness of voice and a dry, suffocating cough. The disease occurs when viruses and bacteria enter the respiratory tract, inhalation of hot or cold air .

It is especially dangerous for children false croup, which occurs against the background of stenosing laryngitis, which is characterized by a narrowing of the airways. The child is worried barking cough, which causes vomiting, wheezing is heard when crying, body temperature rises.

In case of deterioration of the condition, when it was not provided in a timely manner health care, the child's skin turns blue, breathing quickens, wheezing becomes audible even in a calm state. All these symptoms indicate the approach of a critical condition - narrowing of the airways.

lung disease

Dry cough worries a person with pneumonia, while the inflammatory process in the lungs is always accompanied high temperature body. Such signs are also observed with pleurisy - inflammation of the membrane covering the lungs. Cough in this case is reflex in nature, in addition to this symptom, the patient develops shortness of breath and constant feeling heaviness in the chest. In lung cancer, when the tumor is already beginning to compress the bronchi, there is a dry, hacking cough without sputum.

Other reasons

Experts also call other conditions of the body, accompanied by a dry unproductive cough. These include the following processes:

  • entry into the respiratory tract of a foreign body;
  • infectious or allergic rhinitis or sinusitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • heart failure;
  • otitis externa;
  • whooping cough;
  • neurotic or psychogenic cough.

Based on the existence of many causes of unproductive cough, its treatment should be carried out after finding out the reasons for the development of such a pathogenic process. A complete medical examination will help determine the cause of the cough, and the appointment effective drugs eliminate this process.

How to carry out the treatment?

The main principle of treating this condition of the body is to turn a dry cough into a wet one. As soon as sputum begins to stand out from the bronchi, it means that the patient begins to recover, because in this way particles of infection are removed from the respiratory tract.

In the treatment of unproductive cough at the beginning of therapy, specialists prescribe bronchodilator drugs that promote expectoration. In general, therapy depends on the cause of the symptom: if it is caused by an allergy, then you can not do without antihistamines, if an infection has entered the body, they are prescribed antibacterial drugs. With an infectious origin of the disease, the treatment of dry unproductive cough is carried out with mucolytics. Widely used drugs such as Ambroxol and Bromhexine. In terms of their effectiveness, they are not inferior to such medicines like Folcodin, Codterpin, Eufillin, Budesonide.

Pediatricians prescribe syrups and medicines for children - Altea syrup and licorice root, Bronholitin, Lazolvan, Ambroxol, Doctor Mom, Salbutamol, Sinekod.

It is important not to start the inflammatory process, manifested by an unproductive cough, by contacting a doctor in a timely manner, who will prescribe adequate treatment.

If you have questions for the doctor, please ask them on the consultation page. To do this, click on the button:

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13 comments on ““Unproductive cough: causes, manifestations and features of treatment””

    • We liked him too. It’s good that it’s vegetable, it’s not scary to give a child. The pediatrician said that even babies can take Prospan, and we are already 8. Just the other day, the cough was cured.

  1. It is necessary to help the lungs, because the throat is tearing and the cough is annoying. We use a nebulizer, do inhalations with Prospan. The neck is lighter after the procedure and everything inside is moisturized. Do not forget to drink plenty of warm liquids, which will also help thin the sputum.

    I literally last month treated a child for a dry cough. As prescribed by the doctor, she gave Prospan syrup to her son. During the day, he began to cough less often and sputum gradually began to come out.

    Baby suffers obstructive bronchitis from 6 months. Many things have been tried for the treatment of cough. I can advise the drug "Rengalin". It is suitable for both unproductive and productive coughs for children from the age of three. It also has antihistamine properties. It is available both in lozenges and in solution. miracle cure

    I recently had laryngitis. Such an infection ... a dry cough did not give rest, and my throat was terribly ticklish. She was treated with Prospan by means of inhalation. This helped me greatly to alleviate the condition. After the procedure, the soreness disappeared almost immediately. And she treated a cough for 6 days.

    Just because a medicine doesn't work doesn't mean it isn't right for you. Time needs to pass. Although I personally do not like licorice root at all. We were scheduled for the last time. I noticed the result in the evening. The child cleared his throat.

    Great article, very informative. Got it for the second time already. The first time I was looking for a remedy for a dry cough that simply plagued me, at that time I had already tried almost all the drugs available in the pharmacy, mucolytic and expectorant, so I was looking for something new on the Internet, good remedy. One woman, a doctor, advised me omnitus, how grateful I am to her! He became my real salvation, for the first time in several weeks I fell asleep normally and slept through the night without waking up every half hour with a cough. Now, from the height of my experience, I can say with confidence that butamirate-based antitussives are the best option.

    I also want to add one point about Omnitus, it does not contain codeine, although it also affects the cough center in medulla oblongata, but, unlike codeine, does not depress breathing, is not addictive. Good drug which can be given to children from the age of three.

    I always drink Althea syrup with a dry cough, it helps me a lot, so I gave it to my son without ulterior motives, and he started vomiting, they called an ambulance, they said it was from the syrup (plus the next day it also became covered with red spots, in general, allergic reaction). And the doctor prescribed us another medicine - Omnitus, a good remedy, the cough went away quickly. I will now buy this syrup in case of a strong dry cough.

    I would like to clarify that not all drugs listed in the article are expectorants. The same Sinekod is a cough suppressant, I know for sure, I drank more than once. Although in recent times switched to Omnitus, cough stops instantly, if the cough is unproductive, dry, hysterical, then better means can not found.

What is unproductive cough in children. Such a cough is characterized by strong, irritating, frequent attacks in which the child tries to expectorate sputum in the lungs, but cannot do so.

So, an unproductive cough, the treatment of which we have to analyze, occurs in the following diseases:

If your child has an unproductive cough, it will require more effort to treat it.

It will consist of several stages:

  • drug therapy
  • phytotherapy
  • drainage massage
  • ethnoscience

Medical therapy

Consider how to treat a child with medications. The main group of drugs that are used for non-productive cough in children are mucolytics.

Mucolytic drugs are available in the form of tablets, syrups and suspensions. Apply 2 to 3 times a day on an empty stomach (one hour before meals or two hours after meals). Each drug is accompanied by instructions that must be strictly followed.

The use of inhalation for non-productive cough in children

If a cough is detected in a child with sputum difficult to separate, the doctor must, in addition to standard treatment add inhalation.

To expectorants inhalation drugs include:

  • ambroxol
  • ambrobene
  • lazolvan

The above preparations are produced in the form of solutions. Dissolves according to instructions with saline 0.9% 1:1.

The procedure time is at least two minutes, the maximum is until all the medicine has evaporated. It is necessary to navigate in the number of minutes on how the child behaves during the inhalation itself.

Differences when taking expectorant drugs through the mouth and in the form of inhalation are considered in the table:

Taking medications by mouth The use of drugs in the form of inhalations
Absorption of the drug through the gastric mucosa begins after 20 minutes to several hours. Therefore, the effect of the drug begins later. When inhaled, the drug enters the lungs and immediately begins its action.
Slightly irritates the gastric mucosa Does not adversely affect the stomach
Small patients may not comply with the dosage, as they can both burp and spit out the drug. Completely accurate dosage of the drug. At least two minutes are enough for a full therapeutic effect.
The price of some medicines can be high Pricing policy varies on average from 200 to 350 rubles


If you notice an unproductive cough in a child, treatment can begin with herbal medicine. The herbs that are part of the breast collection are used.

Breast fee Included with the composition of the collection of herbs The action of herbs
№ 1 Coltsfoot relieves inflammation
Altea Root expectorant action
Oregano soothing effect
№ 2 Coltsfoot relieves inflammation
Liquorice root expectorant action
immuno-strengthening action
№ 3 Sage
anise fruit expectorant action
Altea Root expectorant action
pine buds anti-inflammatory action
№ 4 wild rosemary expectorant action
Chamomile anti-inflammatory action
Violets grass immuno-strengthening action


soothing effect
Liquorice root expectorant action

Drainage massage

Massage for any kind of cough is additional method treatment.

Action of drainage massage:

  • immuno-strengthening
  • warming up
  • expectorant
  • relaxing

In an unproductive cough with sputum that is difficult to separate, the goal is to eliminate sputum congestion in the lungs. Has no age restrictions.


With an unproductive cough, they often use:

  • radish syrup with honey
  • milk with honey
  • garlic, ginger

The recipe for radish with honey is especially popular among mothers. Radish has a powerful expectorant effect, honey is known for its immune-strengthening properties.

In the photo, an alternative to treatment with pills is radish with honey

Syrup preparation method: grate the radish on a medium grater, add it to a cup with honey, and in the middle of the cup make a recess for the accumulations of the syrup itself. Infuse for about six hours at room temperature. And, the syrup is ready to drink.

Children over 2 years old are given 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. The duration of treatment varies from 5 to 14 days.

Important! Contraindicated this syrup children with allergic diseases, or allergic to syrup components!

also in folk medicine methods such as rubbing the child with badger or goose fat are used. This method gives a powerful warming effect, while the skin of the child penetrates useful vitamins contained in these types of fats.

It will be useful for an unproductive cough to use infusions in the form of wild rose, ginger to solder the child.

In conclusion, I want to say how to treat a child is the choice of parents. But it is necessary to listen to the opinion of a specialist. We invite you to watch the video in this article.

Cough is a defensive reaction of the body. The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract reacts in this way to irritating factors. Any cough gives the patient considerable discomfort. There are two types of cough: productive and unproductive. What are the significant differences between these species? How can you help your child recover faster?


Wet cough, otherwise it is also called productive, is characterized by the removal of sputum from the bronchi. It helps in the fight against viruses. We breathe air that contains dust, germs and bacteria. All this enters through the respiratory tract into the sputum, the cilia of the epithelium push it back. A person has difficulty breathing if there is a lot of sputum. This happens due to atmospheric phenomena, colds or smoking. The body reacts to the accumulation of sputum.

After a dry cough (two days later) a wet cough appears. This fact indicates that the person has moved to the stage of recovery. But there are cases when it characterizes other ailments - it can be pneumonia or tuberculosis.

Cough (productive or wet) may be intermittent or permanent, flow weakly or vice versa strongly, and sputum is liquid or thick. The color of the secreted sputum is different: white, transparent, green, yellow or brown. The color determines at what stage the disease process.

At bright yellow color the level of eosinophils in the body is increased, this happens with bronchial asthma. And when lobar pneumonia sputum comes out brown or rusty. In pneumoconiosis, sputum is black in color. During normal respiratory diseases mucus is colorless, yellowish or greenish.

Dangerous diseases when sputum contains blood clots. The patient may develop Goodpasture's syndrome, tuberculosis, bronchoecstatic disease, or thromboembolism of a pulmonary disease. Don't try to suppress wet cough! It removes mucus from the bronchi and prevents the development of harmful bacteria.


Dry or non-productive cough - one in which nothing comes out of the airways. Mucosa due to the lack of sputum is irritated even more. Unproductive is much more serious than productive. It appears in diseases: laryngitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, cardiac asthma, dry pleurisy, otitis externa, pericarditis. After the disease, influenza can stay with the patient for up to several weeks.


It occurs as a result of pathological actions in the human nasopharynx. If it is not treated, it will develop into a chronic form and with its symptoms will resemble bronchial asthma. Reflex cough is a symptom serious illnesses. Signs can be: arterial hypertension, chronic neurosis, heart failure, etc.

A reflex cough in a child can occur when interacting with allergens. It is enough for one child to smell the allergen, and for another it is necessary to touch or eat it. Gastroesophageal reflux also provokes the appearance of a reflex cough in a child. The provocateur of the appearance also becomes a lack of iodine in the body and an enlarged thyroid gland.

With excessive excitability of the child, a reflex cough may appear. Frequent neurosis causes an attack in which the child does not have enough air, he begins to suffocate and it becomes difficult for him to breathe.


Dry cough


  • ARI and SARS;
  • infections (bronchitis, sinusitis, pneumonia or tuberculosis);
  • chronic diseases lungs, at birth defects organs of the respiratory system;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease or heartburn;
  • smoking (passive).


The onset of a cough indicates that an inflammatory process has begun in the human body. Impaired function of the upper respiratory tract. To get the right treatment, you need to consult a specialist.

He will prescribe a treatment that depends on the symptoms and underlying causes.

Wet cough therapy

Productive cough is treated expectorant medicines. When they are taken, the functions of the ciliated epithelium are restored and the properties of sputum change. Supplement can be recipes for folk remedies.

Do not take drugs to suppress the cough reflex. To thin the sputum, you need to drink more liquid, do steam inhalations. Be sure to consult a doctor to properly start treatment.

If the cause was viral infection, then antibiotics should not be used in this case., they may have a side effect and the patient's condition will become worse. Pathogenic bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics and an allergic reaction can still occur.

dry cough therapy

Unproductive is treated by suppression of the cough reflex. Appointed medical preparations containing codeine. It reduces the excitability of the cough center in the medulla oblongata. And also drugs with a local anesthetic effect are used, they reduce the excitability of the mucous membrane. The cough reflex decreases and the treatment becomes effective. The patient is given warm milk with butter, tea with raspberry jam or lemon.

Unproductive cough: treatment in two ways

  1. By translation into a productive cough.
  2. Stop treatment with antitussives.

After a doctor's examination, a the right treatment. This cough is treated with folk remedies. Productive and non-productive cough can be cured quickly if treatment is started on early stages diseases.

Unproductive cough in a child

The child's body does not have a strong immune system that could itself resist the disease.

Causes of symptoms in a child

Treatment of the disease is carried out with drugs that strengthen the immune system, and folk remedies are used. Antivirals and antibiotics are prescribed in extreme cases.

They try to translate a dry cough into a wet one as soon as possible. The sputum, with the bacteria it contains, begins to leave the body, and the disease subsides. Antitussives are prescribed so that there is no irritation on the respiratory organs. But more often prescribed combined drugs, they have antitussive and expectorant effects. These are the means: "Stoptussin", "Sinekod", "Codelac", "Bronhikum", "Gerbion". The preparations form a wet expectoration.

After their use, mucolytic agents are prescribed. They thin the mucus and allow it to come out faster.


  • To prevent the disease from appearing, it is necessary to regularly strengthen the immune system, for this, the Derinat remedy is used. If you give your child this drug regularly, then the cough will bypass him.
  • Watch your personal hygiene, wash your hands often, especially after walking with your child.
  • Constantly ventilate the child's room, the air temperature in it should not exceed 24 ° C, then treatment is not required at all.

Colds in adults and children rarely occur without a cough, this is an adequate reaction of the body to an irritant, so it gets rid of infection and bacteria. But sputum does not always come out, then such a cough is called unproductive, useless. Productive cough - wet, saturated, its consequence is the expectoration of mucus.

When a patient with a cold turns to a therapist, the task of the doctor is to turn a dry cough into a wet one. This can be done by using expectorants.

Dry (unproductive) cough - choking, tearing vocal cords causing even more inflammation of the larynx and lower respiratory tract. Sputum that does not go away, accumulating in the bronchi, remains a focus of infection, it is difficult to cure such a disease. In young children, a dry cough is so hacking that it can cause vomiting and even fainting.

Each patient should take expectorant medicines prescribed by a doctor, the only way to really get rid of the disease in as soon as possible. What you should not do is try to cough with all your might, you will only scratch your throat, and the mucus will continue to wander through the airways.

A prolonged cough worsens the condition of the ears and eyes, no one is immune from the formation of hemorrhages in the eye. Often, patients turn to the ENT with complaints of stuffy ears, while otitis media is not diagnosed.

Causes of a Productive Cough

Doctors identify the following main symptoms of a productive cough in children and adults:

  • deep and wet;
  • at the end of the cough reflex, mucus comes out of the lower respiratory tract.

A list of diseases can cause a productive cough:

  • influenza, tonsillitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • complications of other diseases affecting the lungs - emphysema, pleurisy;
  • inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx, during which mucus accumulates;
  • allergies also make you want to cough, and all because of the production of sputum;
  • heavy smokers also suffer from it;
  • if due to organ dysfunction digestive tract the contents of the stomach pass back into the esophagus.

When complications of a productive cough appear

If you have a productive cough, look out for accompanying symptoms. The following symptoms should alert you:

  1. Convulsive character.
  2. High body temperature that lasts for 3 days.
  3. Pain in the chest.
  4. Sensation as if there is not enough air.
  5. Lost voice.
  6. Green mucus with a bad smell comes out of the respiratory tract along with the cough.

If sputum comes out, you should not swallow it - be sure to spit, the only way the body can get rid of harmful microorganisms. If sputum travels through the respiratory tract and cannot get out in any way, try to lean forward a little at the next coughing attack, but do not hunch - the stoop "pinches" the lungs and bronchi.

Just because your cough is wet doesn't mean it will go away on its own. While the body gets rid of sputum, a favorable environment for the development of bacteria remains. Therefore, for a speedy recovery, doctors consider it appropriate to accelerate the expectoration of mucus by prescribing appropriate medications for adults and children.

What methods are effective in combating productive cough in children and adults

  1. Plentiful warm drink - dissolves sputum, which means it is easier to separate. Load up on liquids, but avoid acidic and concentrated juices and carbonated drinks. Plentiful drink gives the patient strength, protects against dehydration, due to which, by the way, mucus can thicken. Together with liquids, toxic substances are excreted.
  2. Keep an eye on air humidity. Ideal indicators of humidity in the room - in the range of 55-60%. Especially dry air is observed in the winter season, when central heating is working in the apartments. As a result, the nasopharynx dries up, and bacteria multiply many times faster. The problem can be solved by hanging wet bed linen and endless spray irrigation, but it is much easier and more efficient to purchase a special humidifier. Clean water is poured into a convenient device, after which the product is connected to the outlet and independently irrigates square meters the right amount pure water. Breathing such air is not only pleasant, but also beneficial for health.
  3. Inhalations - perfectly help adults and children with colds and SARS. If earlier patients were bending over a pot of boiled potatoes, from which steam emanated, today everything is much simpler - simple plastic devices intended for use at home are sold in pharmacies.

Using such a unit, do not forget that the throat should be pleasant from the incoming heat, if the larynx is too inflamed, it is better to refuse such therapy - it is fraught with burns, swelling of the mucous membrane and suffocation. Also, this method should be used with caution in children and adults prone to allergic reactions.

Oils, soda, medicinal plants are added to steam inhalations.

Medical treatment

For the treatment of productive cough in children and adults, different drugs are used:

  1. Effectively fighting the cause of the disease. called bacterial infection are treated with antibiotics. The presence of a virus requires antiviral therapy.
  2. The liquidating signs of a productive cough are expectorant. It is better to use medicines for plant-based, they are effective and have fewer contraindications. In the course are licorice root, ivy syrup, plantain syrup, Dr. MOM. Each plant has its own medicinal and side effects. To prevent this from happening, carefully read the instructions before taking the medicine.
  3. Medicines for treatment allergic cough. The task of an allergic person is to exclude contact with an irritant, otherwise no medicines will give a long-term effect, the body will get used to it. active substance, and, therefore, it will be possible to help the patient only in hospital conditions. Together with antitussive drugs, antihistamines are used.

As for smokers, they do not need to treat their cough - just quit smoking is enough. If a moist cough does not leave for six months, this becomes a serious reason for a full-fledged medical examination lung conditions.

Physiotherapy at home

Unable to get rid of cough for a long time - traditional healers offer to visit the steam room with birch brooms. Warm air perfectly warms up the respiratory tract, and in just a couple of sessions you will forget about bronchitis and any type of cough.

Who should beware of this procedure is those who suffer from low or high blood pressure, vegetative dystonia.