Weight loss records in a month. John Brown Minnock. The largest man in the world is an absolute record. Easy ways to lose weight

For some, five kilograms is already overweight. However, there are those who, due to their uncontrollable appetite or serious illness They remain locked in their heavy body and cannot not only play sports, but also simply get out of bed. AiF.ru talks about those who, as a result of diet and surgery, managed to overcome obesity.

John Brower Minnock. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org / Zeinal

The heaviest person in the history of medicine is considered to be, who at one period of his life weighed approximately 634 kg. Doctors from the University of Seattle, however, were unable to identify it exact weight, since the American could not move, and to turn him over, the help of at least 13 people was required. Minnock was admitted to the hospital in 1978, when he was 37 years old, due to heart failure. As it later turned out, the man suffered from swelling, in which excess fluid accumulated in his body. Endocrinologist Robert Schwartz determined that the liquid was about 408 kg excess weight patient.

It is worth noting that Minnok has always had problems with weight. Already at the age of 12 he weighed 132 kg. The weight gradually increased, and at the age of 22 the mark on the scale reached 178.

After 16 months in hospital, during which the man consumed about 1,200 calories a day, he lost 419 kg and weighed 215 kg.

The American was hospitalized again in 1981, as he again recovered to 432 kg. Doctors were unable to help the man and declared his illness incurable.

John Minnock died in September 1983, weighing 362 kg. He was only 41 years old.

Michael Hebranco. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org / Monoklon

Problems with weight Michael Hebranco have been since early childhood. Already at the age of 16, the boy weighed 160 kg.

“I ate a dozen eggs, a loaf of toasted bread with syrup for breakfast - and then the real food began,” the heavy American later recalled.

However, excess weight did not become an obstacle to personal happiness - Michael got married in 1976. At that time he weighed 400 kg. The world first learned about the American in 1989 after he managed to lose 321 kg. Hebranco claimed that impressive results were achieved with the help of diet Richard Simmons. In fact, it could not have happened without the help of doctors at St. Luke's Hospital in New York, who removed fat from the man's abdomen, chest, arms and legs. In 1990, he even got into the Guinness Book of Records as a man who lost a record amount of kilograms.

Taking advantage of his newfound fame, Michael Hebranco began traveling around the country and talking about how in just 19 months he managed to lose weight from 411 to 90 kg. While hiding his depressed state and numerous health problems. It was not possible to consolidate the success. Over the next seven years, the man gained even more than he lost.

“I know food is killing me. I’m addicted to food, like an alcoholic or a drug addict,” Hebranko shared with the media.

In 1996, his name again made headlines as he was brought to Brookhaven rehabilitation center and Gangrene Health Center. In June 1999, Michael Hebranco reached his maximum weight of 500 kg. According to him, he could consume over 13 thousand calories per day, with a norm of 2.5 thousand. He again managed to lose 420 kg and again get into the Guinness Book of Records as the man who lost the most weight in history. Hebranco struggled with weight for the rest of his life. Before his death in July 2013, Michael weighed 250 kg.

“I want everyone to know that obesity is a disease. If you have it, seek help immediately.”

Rosalie Bradford. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org / Monoklon

Life cannot be called easy. She was born in 1943 in Pennsylvania. When the girl was only six months old, her mother abandoned her - and showed up again when Rosalie was eight years old. The adoptive family defended their right to the child, but it is still unknown whether Rosalie herself, who was afraid of her stepfather, was happy about this.

A difficult childhood may have contributed to her weight problems. It was always very difficult for the girl to control her appetite. Even as a child, Bradford was a rather chubby child. By the age of 15 she weighed 140 kg. Despite her weight, Rosalie managed to successfully marry a man who stayed with her even after she gained weight to 544 kg with a height of 167 cm. Her weight reached its peak after Rosalie contracted a blood poisoning, due to which she could not I could get out of bed for a year and a half. All the care for my son Robbie at this time her husband took over Robert, and Rosalie herself remained motionless, which is why terrible bedsores formed on her skin.

In 1988, a woman was in such a depressed state that she even tried to commit suicide. The painkillers did not work, and Rosalie remained bedridden. In 1994, the Guinness Book of Records awarded her the status of heavy woman planets.

Interestingly, Richard Simmons, whose diet was once advertised by Michael Hebranco, helped Rosalie start losing weight. It is the nutritional instructions and the exercise cassette physical therapy As a result, they helped the woman lose 190 kg in a year. At first Mrs. Bradford could only clap her hands.

“It was the only movement I could make,” she later recalled.

Over time, the woman managed to get out of bed. She continued to stick to her diet and even sought help from a physical therapist. Ultimately, the American managed to lose weight to 128 kg, losing a total of 416 kg. She is still considered the woman who lost the most weight in the world. Her achievement was noted in the Guinness Book of Records. She gained weight again, but she managed to lose it quite quickly.

Rosalie Bradford lived to the age of 63 and died in 2006 from complications after surgery to remove skin that doctors estimated weighed up to 30 kg.

Like Michael Hebranco, the holder of the title of the thinnest woman in the world advised not to be left alone with trouble and to seek help for excess weight.

Manuel Uribe. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org / Valdis72

In 2006, specialists from the Guinness Book of Records recognized Manuel Uribe, who at that time weighed 560 kg, the heaviest person on the planet. The Mexican first appeared on screen when he turned to journalists for help and starred in the film “The Heaviest Man in the World.” As the man later admitted, he began to gain weight after he turned 20 years old.

“I drove my car from home to the office and back and ate all day long. And at the same time, he didn’t play sports at all,” said Uribe, who illegally immigrated to the United States in 1987, where he repaired computers.

He subsequently returned to Mexico, but the habit of overeating remained. In 2001, the man could no longer leave the house or even get out of bed on his own. So Uribe can breathe fresh air, he had to be carried out on a bed.

The film caused a great resonance, and many surgeons suggested that the Mexican citizen remove some of the fat through surgery. However, the man refused surgical intervention and instead went on a special protein diet that doctors developed for him. Thanks to her, Manuel managed to lose weight to 320 kg. In 2008, Uribe married Claudia Solis, despite the protests of her relatives. So that after the wedding ceremony the newlyweds could live together in their wife’s house, one of the walls had to be temporarily demolished. A year later, the title of heaviest man went to the Englishman Paul Mason.

By March 2011, Manuel Uribe managed to lose weight to 187 kg. Several times the Mexican was on the verge nervous breakdown. Perhaps that is why in 2012 he gained weight again to 444 kg.

Manuel Uribe died on May 27, 2014 at the age of 48. According to doctors, the cause of death was liver failure. At the time of death, the man weighed 394 kg.

Paul Mason. Photo: Frame youtube.com

Paul Mason, who inherited the title of heaviest man, lost 305 kg for love. With his fiancee, 41 years old Rebecca Mountain, which, by the way, weighs only about 50 kg, the Englishman met online. Rebecca saw him on TV and offered to help him with the housework. The conversation on Skype ended up lasting more than four hours, and soon their relationship moved to a new stage.

Before meeting his lover, the former postman weighed 445 kg. Systematic overeating led him to such a deplorable state. Mason consumed about 20 thousand calories daily.

“Doctors diagnosed me with binge eating disorder in 2003, but it took about five more years before I was ready to actually do something about it. It's easy to live in denial ( problems - approx. ed.), when you are not ready or do not want to admit to yourself that you need to change in order to lose weight,” Mason wrote on his Facebook page.

The man’s weight problems began after he was 20 years old, when his father died and his mother fell ill. In 1989, he was fired from the post office and jailed for stealing from customer mail. Mason's only consolation at that time was food.

In 2009, the Englishman decided to undergo gastric bypass surgery, which was paid for by the National Health Service. Surgeons reduced his stomach to size chicken egg and was ordered to follow a strict diet. As a result, Mason managed to lose 300 kg of weight in two years. He continues to lose weight and now weighs about 127 kg. In April 2015, the Englishman underwent his first operation to remove excess skin. The operation was performed by surgeons at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. It took nine and a half hours. On May 12, 2015, the public first saw Mr. Mason's fiancee in a photograph he took together while they were walking in New York's Central Park.


Athlete and explorer Ross Edgley(Ross Edgley) performed an extreme experiment by dropping more than 10 kg per day.

Thus, the man tried to show that a person's weight may have nothing to do with fat, and that people should not become "slaves to the scale" and allow it to control their diet and self-esteem.

"I hope this experiment will lead to more healthy relationships people to weigh themselves, and people will understand that weight can fluctuate depending on many factors, not just fat," Edgley said.

By using diets without carbohydrates and salt, sauna, sauna suit and salt baths he managed to lose the required pounds in 24 hours.

How to lose weight quickly?

The athlete calculated that once 50-70 percent of body weight is water, then with a weight of 95 kg he needs, in theory, to lose 47.5 kg of water weight.

Edgley used natural diuretics such as vitamin C, dandelion root and caffeine to force his body to rid itself of water. At the same time he Drank only 100 ml of water a day, and went to the toilet about 20 times.

He stressed that the use of diuretics should be carried out with great caution, as this can lead to serious problems with health.

After a hot salt bath, he went to the gym and spent 45 minutes on the treadmill, wearing four layers of clothing to increase his sweating. Edgley tried to eat steak with vegetables and lettuce for dinner, but due to dehydration he only managed a couple of bites.

Then he repeated the training again in gym and going to the sauna.

Despite the fact that Edgley lost more than 11 kg per day, this the weight wasn't fat, and he returned everything he discarded within two hours of finishing the experiment.

"What I did was very dangerous and was done under very strict conditions, in consultation with a doctor. It was done simply to prove that the number on the scale can change and has nothing to do with fat," he said.

Easy ways to lose weight

Define your goal

If you want to lose 500 grams in a week, use the following formula:

[Your weight x 12] – 500 = calories per day

To lose a kilogram, subtract 1000 instead of 500

However, you should not consume less than 1200 calories.

Use small plates

Research has shown that we eat less from small dishes.

Set the date

Set a specific date for yourself when you want to lose weight. For example, “I want to lose 3 kg in 3 months.” This increases the likelihood that you will achieve your goal.

Watch your portion size

1/2 of your plate should be vegetables different color

¼ plate whole grains

¼-lean proteins

Don't skip breakfast

You're more likely to lose weight if you eat breakfast, and repeating the same meal increases your chances even further.

Eat soup

A person consumes fewer calories when eating soup. Give preference to soups with vegetables.

Snack on grains and proteins

Proteins and whole grains are more filling. For example, carrots and hummus, low-fat cottage cheese and orange slices are suitable as a snack.

Indulge in a little treat

Treats of no more than 150 calories a day, such as a cup of latte, a piece of dark chocolate, or some ice cream, will not affect your diet.

Sleep 8 hours a day

Lack of sleep contributes to excess weight by affecting hunger hormones.

Reward yourself

When you reach your goal, reward yourself with something special, like buying a new dress or getting a massage.

Get physical activity

Spending half an hour a day jogging, swimming, or other activities can help you burn an extra 250 calories a day.

Drink water

Drinking two glasses of water before meals can help you lose more weight.

World records inspire us to try new things or to try harder to achieve something in life. However, over the past few years they have degenerated into a freak show: ridiculous records that only a few will remember, or feats that carry no meaning and have absolutely no impact on any aspect of our culture. It all comes down to the fact that they give already narrow-minded people ideas on how to overcome boredom. The rankings below for the records presented are purely symbolic, since none of them are particularly outstanding or admirable.

10. Record for the most a large number of rattlesnakes in the mouth

Jackie Bibby holds the record for holding the most rattlesnakes in his mouth. He placed 11 rattlesnake tails in his mouth, held them there for 10 seconds and then spat them out and jumped away just in time to avoid being bitten. It is clear that the snakes rattled their tails, since this was not pleasant for them.

The risk of this record is obvious. Snakes don't care about records. Sooner or later, some idiot will undertake to repeat the same trick with black mambas. Why? Simply because they are famous for their lethality. Almost any animal can be tamed to one degree or another, but do not forget that any wild animal still remains wild and unpredictable, and if it does not want to be near you at some point, it can attack. However, you shouldn't be surprised if it turns out that at this very moment some idiot is trying to break this record, because 11 snakes is not that much.

9. Record for eating the largest airplane

This record also holds the record for the only airplane eaten in the world. Michael Lotito is a legend in the world of strange records and possibilities. He could chew almost anything and eat it. He has repeatedly demonstrated his ability to chew light bulbs, blades, glass bottles and many other sharp, and to put it mildly, non-nutritious objects. He, of course, still had to eat normal food in order to survive. However, despite the fact that his hobby cut his teeth, he did not want to stop. He was born with a stomach lining that was twice as thick as normal. That is why he did not die from peritonitis.

His famous feat gained publicity in the 1990s when it spent 2 years eating a Cessna 150 light aircraft. He first had to break the plane into pieces using a sledgehammer, an acetylene torch, and a bolt cutter, but he still bit off most of the glass pieces straight from the plane, chewed them, and swallowed them. He missed every piece of the plane in his own way digestive system in the usual way, even the engine. He even ate the soft leather seats and tires. He died in 2007 from " natural causes"at the age of 57 years. Probably no one will dare to eat the larger plane after all, but there is a chance that there will be those who think that they can chew and swallow the blade without harming themselves.

8. World's Farthest Car Accident Victim

This record is the fault of the authors of the Guinness Book of Records, as well as Dr. Eric Brader, because Matthew McKnight, who set it, would hardly have wanted to deal with all this. On the night of October 26, 2001, McKnight was hit by a car traveling at 70 mph in suburban Monroeville, Pennsylvania. He got out of the ambulance to help the victim of another traffic accident on Interstate 376, right at sharp turn. At this time, another driver, without looking closely, saw McKnight already in the light of his headlights - too late to stop the car in time.

McKnight was hit in the left side and flew across the highway, the side of the road, another highway and an iron fence before landing like a rag doll in a freshly plowed cornfield. The impact damaged his pelvic bones, coccyx and left leg, and falling, he dislocated both shoulders and broke his right shoulder. He spent 2 weeks in the department intensive care in a cast over the whole body, and also spent 80 days on full recovery. At this time, Dr. Brader, a doctor in the intensive care unit, brought papers for him to sign confirming that he was found at a distance of 36 meters from the collision site.

7. Record for the largest number of lit fireworks tied to the body

The honorary title “village fool” is not given out just like that. Todd DeFazio gets incredible satisfaction from setting and breaking world records. He is determined to bet or beat a huge number of them, which in itself would be a record (however, this will be difficult to prove). The most idiotic of his records was set on July 6, 2010, when he used duct tape to glue 15 rockets and Roman candle fireworks to his pants, chest and bare head and then lit them all at once.

Fortunately, the fireworks were weak and he did not lose any body parts or suffer any burns. But this is not an amazing record to strive for. Every year on Halloween, Christmas and New Year thousands of drunken imbeciles are trying to beat him. The fireworks he used are still produced with a certain power, capable of tearing off a finger or at least causing second and third degree burns. It's only a matter of time until someone tries to beat DeFazio's record using more powerful fireworks.

6. Record for fastest weight gain

This idiotic record this moment belongs to Donna Simpson from New Jersey, USA. In 2010, when she weighed 273 kilograms, she opened a website where people could watch her eat for a fee. junk food. She set herself the goal of breaking the record for the heaviest woman in the world in 2 years and began consuming 20,000 calories a day, moving as little as possible. One of her Christmas dinners was 30,000 calories and included 2 whole turkeys, 2 hams, a roast and more than 13 kilograms of vegetables. She was determined to reach 454 kilograms, and her weekly food costs ranged from $580 to $750.

She abandoned the record attempt (most likely due to financial problems) and went on a diet in 2011 so that she could have and raise children before she died. It’s not even worth explaining how stupid it would be to try to break her record.

5. Record for fastest weight loss

Losing weight, preferably quickly, is what all of us want, and it's definitely a healthy decision - but don't go too overboard while trying to break a world record. Rosalie Bradford set a world record for weight loss, losing 416 kilograms in less than 3 years. She lost the first 190 kilograms in the first year. She went on a diet and started working out, weighing 544 kilograms. She followed a regimen designed for her by Richard Simmons. She finally reached a weight of 127 kilograms, but died at 63 from cardiac arrest. This also happened to Oliver Hardy, although he brought upon himself certain death by smoking cigarettes.

Such rapid weight loss requires exhausting yourself with hunger, as well as playing sports without adequate replenishment of energy. With this regimen, fat is, of course, burned, but in addition to it, muscles are also burned. This puts a lot of stress on the heart - even more than it experiences in an obese person. The most best diet and the training regimen force a person to lose weight slowly but constantly: 4 - 9 kilograms per month, until he reaches the optimal weight. Forget this record and set healthy goals.

4. The heaviest car that was balanced on your head

Englishman John Evans gained fame with his trick, during which he balanced a car. He has broken many records for balancing an entire car on his head for various lengths of time. His personal best is 33 seconds and he is offering a £1,000 reward to anyone who beats it. The amount looks tempting and many people in the world are trying to break his record. The car he was balancing was a 160kg Mini. Evan is 2 meters tall, weighs 156 kilograms, and his neck circumference is 61 centimeters. The strength of his neck is the key to his incredible ability, but even if someone else had enough strong neck, the weight of the car would have fractured the skull. Evan uses a rolled up towel as a cushion, but the slightest tilt in any direction can cause the car to collapse on him. So far this has not happened, but if people continue to try to repeat his trick, then there is a possibility that this will happen to someone.

3. Diving into the pool with yourself high altitude

Currently, the record for diving into a pool from the highest height belongs to Olivier Favre, who jumped from a height of 54 meters from the surface of the water. Dana Kunze, considered by many to be the best pool diver, set and broke the record several times, her best result there was a jump from a height of 52.5 meters above the surface of the water. The diver climbs a ladder, jumps and performs somersaults and other acrobatic maneuvers before going underwater feet first. Randy Dickinson broke his left leg after diving from 53 meters. The pool he jumped into was only 4.5 meters deep and he hit the bottom.

All anyone would need to set this record is being reckless enough to jump off a roof. Alcohol will easily remove any fear of heights. In short, the expression “to cheat death” is the anthem of people unspoiled by intellect. Well, if you are still unfamiliar with the consequences of drinking alcohol in unreasonable quantities, read on.

2. Record for yourself high content blood alcohol

The record for the highest blood alcohol content is believed to belong to an unknown man from Wroclaw, Poland, who was fatally injured when his car crashed into a tree in 1995. There is almost no information about him on the Internet, but he was taken to the hospital, where the triage team recorded his blood alcohol content at 1.48%. Death from alcohol poisoning can occur at 0.3% blood alcohol content. In the United States, the legal blood alcohol limit for driving a car is 0.08%. Death very often occurs when the percentage exceeds 0.5%, so when doctors saw the result, they believed that their equipment had failed. They tested it five times, getting the same result each time. The man died within two hours, but not from alcohol poisoning, but from blood loss. Doctors simply could not stop the loss of blood due to the fact that alcohol dilated his blood vessels and thinned his blood.

Many people don't have to twist their arms to decide to have a drink. Alcoholism is a disease and any alcoholic who is in such deep depression to consider suicide as the only way out of a situation may be considered a candidate for setting such a record. The existence of such a record could dangerously influence the minds of those who are already unstable by nature. And the tree into which the record holder crashed still stands to this day.

1. Record for the hardest blow to the groin

This video will make anyone shudder, no matter whether you are a man or a woman. You are probably asking the question, “Who could have come up with the idea of ​​​​the need to set such a record?” Kirby Roy is a highly ranked black belt in a discipline of karate that focuses on "combat ki" (the internal energy of fighting). Combat Ki is not a secret. Boxers are renowned for their ability to withstand blows, precisely because they endure them day after day for many years. Football players are well known for their ability to intercept the ball and get injured in the process. They are then healed, and do so again until they are virtually impossible to harm.

The best example Kombat Ki can be used by kickboxers in Muay Thai, also known as Muay Thai. They roll glass bottles or baseball bats over their shins for several hours a day for years. This process thins the nerve fibers between the calf bone and the skin and causes microcracks in the bone. These fractures are not significant enough to immobilize the leg, but as the body heals them, it adds large amounts of calcium to the fracture site. Over time, the bone becomes harder than concrete, and given that there are virtually no functioning nerve endings in the front of the shin, a kickboxer can break his shin with a baseball bat without causing any significant damage to himself.

The same principle works for Roy's pelvic area, which has suffered thousands of full blows to the groin over the years. Now his pelvic bones are thicker and harder than normal. His testicles have suffered as much damage as the nerves on the front of a kickboxer's shins and no longer send pain signals to the brain. The Science of Sports television program tested his ability to withstand a blow to the groin by having Jesse "Justice" Smith, a martial artist standing over six feet tall, punch Roy in the groin with approximately 500 kilograms of force, completely ripping him off. it from the floor.An untrained person would have suffered a fractured pelvis from a blow of such force.

Roy took the blow without showing any signs of pain, and tests at the hospital showed that his health was fine. Despite this, organ tissue does not become harder, like bones or calloused skin. Roy could have suffered from testicular rupture, which can cause the person to die from pain, shock or blood loss. Not to mention that a ruptured testicle cannot be repaired and must be removed. Roy has a wife and children and says he has a fairly active sex life. It may seem that no one would even try to surpass this record, but do not underestimate human stupidity. It will be quite difficult to prepare a punch that will break this record, since few people can hit that hard, but rest assured, some idiot is already thinking about how to do it.

Just 6 years ago, British woman Alison Wilson was so fat that she could not go to the toilet on her own. Moreover, behind a truly huge body, the 33-year-old woman, who at that time weighed almost 267 kg, could not even see her legs. Now the brave mother of two daughters weighs just over 76 kilograms, and her clothing size has decreased from 48 to 14. But the main thing is that Alison was finally able to fulfill her old dream - to fly abroad, taking a plane ticket for only one seat. “My first trip abroad 8 years ago was a complete nightmare and completely humiliating. I had to book two seats, which caused chaos during boarding as we had to explain why we had five seats for four people,” she recalls. But her desire to lose weight was not spontaneous - in 2004, the woman was hospitalized with an asthma attack that arose due to overweight. A year later, doctors told the British woman that her obesity could very soon lead to death. Then she went on a healthy diet, which her husband, a former fitness trainer, helped her monitor. However, this was not enough, and in 2006 Alison decided to have a gastric bypass procedure performed at a Manchester hospital.
Since then, her rapid weight loss of 190 kilograms began, which was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Along with weight loss, the woman acquired a huge amount of sagging skin, the last excess of which was removed the other day. The process of Alison's reduction in volume proceeded so quickly that there were some misunderstandings. “One day a friend called me and said that she saw my husband Derek with another woman. She couldn’t believe it when I told her it was me!” - the British woman laughs.
Now the woman is happy - her feat affected almost all aspects of her life: from communication with friends to her sex life with her husband. In addition, she began to spend more time with her daughters and also got a job.
During all this time, Alison's waist circumference decreased from 2.7 meters to 76 centimeters, and family food costs dropped from £200 a week ($320) to £160 a month ($256). Alison’s second holiday abroad - her recent trip to Bulgaria - allowed the woman to look at herself with different eyes: “We went to a water park, I swam in the sea, and there were no sidelong glances or ridicule.” “I used to be embarrassed to wear a bikini, but this time I was able to get a nice tan and didn’t worry about how I looked at all!” - admits the 39-year-old British woman.
And he adds: “My life has completely changed. I got a second chance. And I will make the most of it."

It is human nature to set records in a wide variety of areas and spheres of life. Losing weight is no exception. Of course, losing a couple of tens of kilograms is very cool, but there are also heroes in the world who managed to lose from one hundred thirty to four hundred and fifteen kilos! Who are these people, and how did they manage to achieve such impressive results?

Minus 415 kg – American Rosalie Bradford

A resident of Pennsylvania, Rosalie Bradford, was twice among the record holders in the famous Guinness Book of Records. And if the first record had a rather negative connotation, giving her the unflattering title of “the fattest woman,” then the second record was very pleasant - Rosalie received the status of the woman who managed to lose the most extra pounds!
In 1987, the woman weighed 544 kilograms, and absolute promiscuity in nutrition led her to such a deplorable figure: she had to constantly deceive those around her (and her own husband too) in order to eat something again. For example, she could say that the dog stole the previous portion of food, and therefore she urgently needs another portion. As a result, after some time the woman completely lost the ability to move independently.
Richard Simons, an experienced doctor who, thanks to this example, built an effective weight loss system, came to the aid of the desperate American. Mr. Simons argued that obesity is invariably the result of “eating” all sorts of problems, and accordingly, it can safely be equated to drug addiction or no less destructive alcoholism. Simons developed a whole set of exercises for Rosalie, although at that time she could do very little - just clap her hands. Rosalie, who wants to lose weight, began to do this regularly! However, the main principle of her weight loss was not at all physical activity, but in proper nutrition. And her priority now was the balance of proteins and fats with carbohydrates, without any restrictions or “distortions.” Similar changes were made plump woman with great difficulty, because once upon a time she could easily eat three or even four pizzas at once! However, she successfully managed to reach the mark of 226 kilograms, and by 1993 Rosalie set a world record in the difficult matter of weight loss - then she already weighed 136 kilograms! And this result was also far from the last - then the woman lost more weight using Simons’ method, and her weight became 90 kilograms. Of course, on the way to the long-awaited harmony there were breakdowns and crises, but, you see, the result is impressive!

Minus 400 kg – Mexican Manuel Uribe

This huge resident of Mexico, born in 1965 in the Mexican town of Monterrey, once also received the honorary, but far from the most pleasant, title of one of the fattest people in the world - in 2001, when he entered the top three in this direction, the man weighed 587 kilograms! At that time, the poor fellow not only could not move, but was even unable to get out of bed. And in order to get some fresh air on the street, he left the house right on his bed, thereby shocking numerous passers-by. Nevertheless, people always treated Manuel very kindly and perceived him as a real landmark of their city.
With the onset of 2004, the condition of the man, who was desperate to cope with the illness on his own, was so critical that he decided to turn to television, and the result of this appeal was a report filmed by Televisa that immediately attracted the attention of viewers. And some time later, Manuel also became the subject of a documentary film called “The Most difficult person in the world,” which told about his failed attempts to lose at least a little weight.
Many doctors who heard about Manuel’s situation suggested that the man undergo a special operation to get rid of some of the excess fat, but would not solve his problem. surgically the man always refused. But the tempting offers of nutritionists inspired him - these people developed a special protein diet for Manuel, thanks to which his weight dropped to 381 kilograms by 2008!
The fate of the good-natured fat man was followed by all the media without exception, and they were interested not only in Manuel’s struggle with extra pounds, but also him personal life- so, in 2006, the inspiring headline “Fat Man Got Married” appeared in the newspapers. And this was indeed the case - the man formalized his relationship with thirty-six-year-old Claudia Solis, who at that time was his personal hairdresser. And by 2011, thanks to the consumption of protein foods, the man managed to lose weight to 187 kilograms. It should be noted that such a brilliant victory was not easy for him - Manuel was literally on the verge of a nervous breakdown several times, but he still managed to emerge victorious from his difficult situation!

Minus 180 kg – American David Smith

The weight of this record holder in 2003 was 285 kilograms, while David’s obesity was caused solely by psychological problems: at the age of six, a boy was sexually harassed (not by an adult, but by another boy), then he was bullied at school, and some time later his mother died. As a result of these misfortunes, David withdrew into himself, stopped communicating with others and began to actively “eat up” his heartache, doing this until his despair reached its peak. The guy became so disgusted with himself that he decided to commit suicide by self-immolation. But literally in last minute Hope crept into David’s mind that he still had a chance to get out of the impasse. Just like the record-breaking Mexican hero Manuel, the desperate American turned to television, and it was there that he met Chris Powel, a fitness trainer who was inspired by David’s story and decided to help the young man at all costs. An enterprising coach developed an individual system for him, which combined a complex physical exercise And proper nutrition. True, before this he was not too lazy to discuss with his ward all the hardships of the upcoming loads, which did not bother David at all. The only thing is that the guy had a very hard time with one of the dietary restrictions, in particular, giving up fatty foods, to which he was so accustomed that he could not live without them even a day.
After the young man learned to count exact time each meal and the correct portion sizes, he began to lose an average of seven kilograms per month. A little later, he began to easily fit into the driver's seat of a car and successfully mastered the basics of driving. And then David got a job - he decided to become a trainer in the gym, because the guy really wanted to help other people. Since then, the young man has been convinced that nothing is impossible.

Minus 130 kg – British Carol Wright

Carol in 2009 weighed not just a lot, but a lot - as much as two centners, that is, 200 kilograms. She could neither go for a walk nor do basic housework. And she managed to go outside only a few times in four many years, since the woman constantly experienced hellish pain in the lower back, legs, as well as in the stomach and heart. When Carol turned to the doctor, his answer plunged her into a real shock - according to the doctor, the woman did not have long to live at this weight, a couple of years at most. And then Carol really “shook herself up” and began to actively fight for her own life! When the woman came to the weight loss course, her appearance amazed even her fellow sufferers, because any of them looked very good compared to her.
Carol chose balanced nutrition, and she often had to cry from hunger, because before she could afford to eat whatever she wanted, at any time of the day. So getting rid of excess weight cost this woman a lot of effort, but in a couple of years she managed to say goodbye to 130 extra kilos, for which Carol was even awarded the inspiring title “Woman of the Year 2011.” And now, in order to maintain the result, she avoids fast food in every possible way, goes to the pool and is actively involved in fitness. The woman is very glad that from now on she can easily afford to put on her shoes, paint her toenails without much difficulty and literally fly up the stairs!

As practice shows, the main thing in the difficult task of losing weight is to set yourself a clear goal and not for a minute deviate from the chosen path! And, of course, believe in success and in your own strength!