The rarest eyes in humans. People with green eyes - who are they and how many are there?

Eye color is of great importance in a girl's life, even if we don't think about it. Very often, clothes, accessories and makeup are chosen directly to match the color of the eyes, not to mention the fact that, thanks to existing stereotypes, we, to some extent, make up our initial opinion about a person taking into account the color of his eyes.

Therefore, when special lenses appeared that changed eye color, many girls rushed to purchase them in order to create images with different eye colors. And besides lenses, Photoshop helps us, with its help you can achieve any color, but unfortunately this is displayed only on the monitor screen and photographs.

What determines the real color of a person's eyes? Why do some people have blue eyes, others green, and some even boast purple ones?

The color of a person’s eyes, or rather the color of the iris, depends on two factors:

  1. Iris fiber density.
  2. Distribution of melanin pigment in the layers of the iris.

Melanin is a pigment that determines the color of human skin and hair. The more melanin, the darker the skin and hair. In the iris of the eye, melanin ranges from yellow to brown and black. In this case, the back layer of the iris is always black, with the exception of albinos.

Yellow, brown, black, where then do the blue and green eyes come from? Let's look into this phenomenon...

Blue eyes

The blue color is due to the low fiber density of the outer layer of the iris and the low melanin content. In this case, low-frequency light is absorbed by the back layer, and high-frequency light is reflected from it, so the eyes turn out blue. The lower the fiber density of the outer layer, the more saturated Blue colour eye.

Blue eyes

The blue color is obtained if the fibers of the outer layer of the iris are denser than in the case of blue eyes, and have a whitish or grayish color. The higher the fiber density, the lighter the color.

Blue and blue eyes are most common among the population of northern Europe. For example, in Estonia up to 99% of the population had this eye color, and in Germany 75%. Only given modern realities, this situation will not last long, because more and more people from Asian and African countries are trying to move to Europe.

Blue eye color in babies

There is an opinion that all children are born blue-eyed, and then the color changes. This is a wrong opinion. In fact, many babies are actually born light-eyed, and subsequently, as melanin is actively produced, their eyes become darker and the final eye color is established by two to three years.

Grey colour it turns out similar to blue, only in this case the density of the fibers of the outer layer is even higher and their shade is closer to gray. If the fiber density is not so high, then the eye color will be gray-blue. In addition, the presence of melanin or other substances gives a small yellow or brownish impurity.

Green eyes

This eye color is most often attributed to witches and sorceresses, and therefore green-eyed girls are sometimes treated with suspicion. Only green eyes were obtained not due to witchcraft, but due to a small amount of melanin.

In green-eyed girls, yellow or light brown pigment is distributed in the outer layer of the iris. And as a result of scattering by blue or cyan, green is obtained. The color of the iris is usually uneven, there is a large number of various shades of green.

Purely green color The eye is extremely rare; no more than two percent of people can boast of green eyes. They can be found among people in Northern and Central Europe, and sometimes in Southern Europe. Women have green eyes much more often than men, which played a certain role in attributing this eye color to witches.


Amber eyes have a monotonous light brown color, sometimes with a yellowish-green or reddish tint. Their color can also be close to marsh or golden, which is due to the presence of lipofuscin pigment.

Swamp eye color (aka hazel or beer) is a mixed color. Depending on the lighting, it may appear golden, brown-green, brown, light brown with a yellow-green tint. In the outer layer of the iris, the melanin content is quite moderate, so the marsh color is the result of a combination of brown and blue or blue flowers. Yellow pigments may also be present. Unlike amber eye color, in this case the color is not monotonous, but rather heterogeneous.

Brown eyes

Brown eye color results from the fact that the outer layer of the iris contains a lot of melanin, so it absorbs both high-frequency and low-frequency light, and the reflected light adds up to brown. The more melanin, the darker and richer the eye color.

Brown eye color is the most common in the world. But in our life, this - which is a lot - is valued less, so brown-eyed girls sometimes envy those to whom nature has given green or blue eyes. Just don’t rush to take offense at nature, Brown eyes- one of the most adapted to the sun!

Black eyes

Black eye color is essentially dark brown, but the concentration of melanin in the iris is so high that the light falling on it is almost completely absorbed.

Red eyes

Yes, there are such eyes, not only in the movies of vampires and ghouls, but also in reality! Red or pinkish eye color is found only in albinos. This color is associated with the absence of melanin in the iris, so the color is formed based on the blood circulating in the vessels of the iris. In some rare cases, the red color of the blood mixes with the blue to produce a slight purple tint.

Purple eyes!

The most unusual and rare color eyes, these are rich purple. This is extremely rare, perhaps only a few people on earth have a similar eye color, so this phenomenon little has been studied, and there are different versions and myths on this matter that go back centuries. But most likely, violet eyes do not give their owner any superpowers.

Eyes of different colors

This phenomenon is called heterochromia, which translated from Greek means “different color”. The reason for this feature is the different amount of melanin in the irises of the eye. There is complete heterochromia - when one eye is one color, the second - another, and partial - when parts of the iris of one eye are different colors.

Can eye color change throughout life?

Within one color group, color can change depending on lighting, clothing, makeup, even mood. In general, with age, most people's eyes lighten, losing their original bright color.

It is worth mentioning that the seven billion inhabitants of the planet have several hundred shades of the iris. But, as we know, there are not many basic colors.


Eyes of a beautiful dark brown tone are the adornment of most people in the world. It is generally accepted that all people had dark eye color; light shades appeared much later under the influence of different stages of evolution.

There are especially many people with brown eyes in the east. And in general, this shade is typical for residents of the south and east. Brown eyes, unlike light ones, have a huge number of shades; one of the rarest and most unusual is yellow, called amber. The color is very beautiful, and people who have it have a very piercing gaze. There are very few such people; they arouse excessive interest and are often unreasonably endowed with supernatural abilities.


Celestial eye color is found in people much less frequently than what has already been described. As a rule, it is typical for residents of the north. Perhaps that is why the shade is very cold. The blue-eyed inhabitants of the planet, for the most part, have light, thin skin and blond hair.

Blue color is also rich in shades. Among such eyes, there are both light and dark. An example of this could be close-ups photos of models, however, most often, to obtain the desired effect, they use special ones.


Gray eyes are the least abundant, but they are not considered the rarest. Typically this color is dominant among northeastern peoples.

Gray eyes have one interesting feature. They, depending on the environment and the mood of the owner, are able to change shade. It looks very beautiful.


In the body, a special pigment is responsible for eye color. The amount of one or another pigment determines the color. Blue color is an exception, as it is formed by the refraction of light rays. Along with yellow, this color is no less rare. It is worth mentioning the color indigo - it is a special blue. This blue is deeper, and occasionally there are cases with a bias towards purple.


Green eyes are also quite rare when it comes to the rich color of young grass. Much more common is dark green, marsh. This eye color is characteristic of Westerners, although today this is no longer an indicator. Light green eyes have always been considered a sign of exclusivity. For example, among the ancient Slavs, such eyes were sufficient reason to classify a person as an “evil spirit.” However, there is nothing mystical, except for unusual beauty, in the green shade of the eyes. By the way, they are also quite rare, especially in European countries.

The seven billion inhabitants of the planet have several hundred shades of the iris.

Eye color scale

The classification of eye shade is determined using certain color scales. The Bunak scale, for example, gives the “title” of the rarest yellow color. And divides all types of shades into several types, subdivided into: dark, light, and also mixed type. All types, according to this scale, have their own set of characteristics. It is worth noting that according to the Bunak scale, blue eye color is also considered rare. Indeed, blue and yellow shades of the iris are extremely rare. Moreover, it is impossible to determine with one hundred percent accuracy the territory where the number of carriers of such colors is greatest.

There is another color scale - Martin Schultz, it is somewhat more complicated and includes about 16 shades. By the way, it contains another very rare color – black. Actually, black eye color is not absolutely black, it is a dark shade of brown that can be mistaken for black.

Among the variety of eye shades of the multi-billion army of inhabitants of the planet, there are also complete anomalies. For example, the eye color of albino people in the case of complete absence pigment, when even the pupils have White color. There is also another pathology - different eye colors. By the way, this is not so rare, although such an anomaly is now being corrected. Such “miracles” do not particularly affect vision, being considered a purely aesthetic defect.

Exotic eye colors include rare colors such as amber, violet, and emerald. Women and men with such irises are rarely seen, but they are still real. Black eye color is more likely to be found, but this iris color is also considered rare.

The black iris is saturated with melanin (a coloring pigment). Dark eye color indicates an excess concentration of melanin in their owners. When light hits the iris, it absorbs it almost completely.

Typically, black eye color is a trait of people who live in hot climates and need protection from ultraviolet radiation. The shade of the eyes is influenced by several factors, including a person’s mood.

Representatives of the equatorial race, living near the equator, usually have black eye color in humans. In these areas, babies are born with a large amount of melanin in the iris. Typically, black eye color is characterized by a brownish or grayish tint to the eyeball.

Black eye color is associated with mystery and magic. Such eyes belong to people who are proactive, restless, have powerful energy, and are loving. The dark color of the eyes gives their owners amazing vitality and passion: nothing will stop black-eyed people if they decide to conquer their object of adoration. IN ordinary life This property not only contributes to victories, but also brings disappointment due to the results of haste.

Black eye color in humans has the following shades:

  • bluish-black;
  • resin;
  • eye color black-brown;
  • obsidian;
  • blue-black;
  • eye color black green;
  • dark almond-shaped;
  • coffee-colored eyes.

Coffee colored eyes

Representatives with coffee-colored eyes tend to be very impulsive. These are domineering leaders who crave constant praise and approval, which they take for granted. People who have coffee-colored eyes are quite hot-tempered and passionate, amorous and charming. Being constantly on the move, they set goals that they almost always achieve, although the people around them consider such ideas utopian.

Despite their arrogant and hot-tempered nature, those with coffee-colored eyes are very easy-going and not at all vindictive. They instantly find common ground with any interlocutor. But you need to be careful, because people with coffee-colored eyes can go to extremes - if they like you, they will gain great friend, but if not - the most terrible enemy.

Black-brown eye color characterizes funny, sensitive and beautiful people. They are distinguished by a stormy temperament, capriciousness, hot temper, but forbearance. The energy of Venus, the Sun and Saturn is the astrological explanation for the eyes of this color.

Eye color black-green characterizes people who quickly find common interests with others. They are distinguished by their sociability and amorousness, but they are capable of both instantly igniting and quickly cooling down towards their object of passion.

Black eye color in men

The black color of the eyes in men indicates: in front of you is a typical conqueror of women's hearts. Often he is able to flirt simply for the sake of “sporting interest,” but then he never regrets his action.

Ladies who choose dark eye color for men will never be bored, because a representative of the stronger sex who seems outwardly calm has a real volcano of passions raging deep inside. If you prefer quiet family evenings, routine dinners with relatives and calm monotonous everyday life, then you better beware of black-eyed men.

Black eye color in men characterizes conscientious and ambitious workers, but does not tolerate arrogant or rude attitudes towards themselves. If the boss does not appreciate him or yells at the owner of black eyes without serious reasons, then, most likely, their owner will very quickly say goodbye to such a boss, and without the slightest regret.

Dark eye color in men is a guarantee that you certainly won’t be bored.

Black eye color in women and girls

The black color of eyes in women characterizes their owners as passionate and temperamental seductresses with high intelligence. As a rule, black-eyed ladies are effective leaders and natural leaders who want to be active in all areas of life.

Such ladies are very bright, often have charisma and outstanding abilities, sensing the slightest changes in human mood, they see prophetic dreams. This is why black eye color in women, as a rule, indicates extrasensory abilities.

Dark eye color in women is an indicator of great will and self-control. Black-eyed women are able to achieve their goals, achieving their goals in completely unpredictable and incomprehensible ways for others. It is characteristic that black-eyed ladies always find the best way and a way out of a seemingly insoluble situation.

Black-eyed women are active reformers of the world, but they prefer to implement all their ideas with the hands of others.

General portrait of a black-eyed lady:

  • selfless in love, with a strong will and determination;
  • jealous, although she tries to carefully hide it;
  • demanding of people and herself;
  • selfish “to the core”;
  • the desire and ability to succeed in everything is developed from early childhood;
  • intolerant of any type of coercion.

The dark color of eyes in women characterizes their owners as open and talkative ladies, capable of speaking on almost any topic.

Black-eyed women can show isolation and secrecy only towards people for whom they feel even a slight hostility.

Dark eye color for girls and boys

The black color of the eyes of girls is characteristic of loyal and temperamental natures: they shower their sweetheart with gifts, sparing neither time nor money, and also always strive to be with him and are jealous of their rivals. They are prone to violent showdowns.

But they do not open their hearts right away and not to every guy: they make the applicants yearn, and they inevitably begin to think about how to win over a girl’s heart. But the young black-eyed girl is adamant: she will not quickly give in even to the guy she likes.

The dark color of the girls' eyes signals that their owners will also be leaders in the kitchen: household members get the feeling that the girl knew by heart all the recipes and cookbooks in the world from the cradle. There is no dish that the black-eyed woman could not cook. Moreover, the girl herself limits herself to a very modest diet, as she watches her figure and her health.

Black-eyed girls are beautiful even without going to beauty salons and cosmetic devices, because one of their smiles makes the whole world fall at their feet. Black-eyed birds do not abuse this “magical” gift: this property of theirs instinctively manifests itself under difficult circumstances.

The black color of girls' eyes is a guarantee that their owners will never work where they cannot achieve respect and well-deserved recognition from employees or superiors.

The dark color of the girls' eyes indicates that such young ladies have dreamed of opening their own business since childhood, but as they grow up, they begin to realize that not everyone is capable of running a business.

If you meet a guy with black eyes, know that it will be almost impossible to deceive him. Black-eyed guys sense people as if they have an x-ray built into their brain. This is why psychics, astrologers and magicians usually have black eyes. However, they will not speculate on people’s trust - black-eyed guys speak only the truth and are only occasionally capable of cunning, if it is necessary.

The black color of the eyes of guys symbolizes that they captivate girls at first glance, but don’t immediately let them get close to them - they maintain a certain distance so as not to let unsuitable applicants “into their hearts.”

The dark color of the eyes of guys signals: guys listen to the opinions and new ideas of those around them, although from the outside it may seem that they only listen to their own opinion, which they always have on all issues. Guys with dark color eyes there are always a lot of fans, but they usually cheat even on their regular girlfriends, without suffering from remorse.

By choosing a dark eye color for guys, rest assured: boredom and routine will definitely not threaten you!

What do psychologists and astrologers advise black-eyed people?

  1. If you have already set a goal for yourself, do not prepare yourself for exhausting work, but rely on your ability to win people over. By using help, you will always achieve the most significant results.
  2. Do not try to rush into battle spontaneously, succumbing to emotions - take care of safety nets.
  3. If you suddenly feel that your energy resources are exhausted, remember your strengths- patience and charm. Once you learn to use these qualities effectively, you will become successful very soon.
  4. Try to avoid negligence in actions and appearance. Keep your wardrobe neat and appropriate.
  5. Don't forget about your image, watch your speech. Do not use obscene expressions or swear words, thinking in advance about your answers to sensitive questions from your opponents.

Dark eye color sets others up for interesting and unpredictable communication with their owners.

Black-eyed representatives of both sexes should not neglect, but develop the various talents with which nature has generously and fully endowed them.

Eye color is inherited by one human gene, and from the moment of conception it is predetermined to have a certain shade. Scientists have calculated that there are 8 eye colors. And these are just the most common ones. But there are people on the planet who have the rarest eye color.

For example, Hollywood actress Kate Bosworth has eyes different color. The dark gray iris of her right eye contains age spot brown shade.

There are as many pairs of eyes in the world as there are people. No two personalities are identical, and no two pairs of eyes are identical. What is the magic of a look? Maybe it's the eye color?

From black to sky blue

Human eyes come in only eight shades. Some shades are more common, others very rare. The content of the melanin pigment in the iris determines what we call color. Once upon a time, about 10 thousand years ago, most people on Earth were brown-eyed. Genetics say that a mutation occurred, and people appeared with a lack of pigment. They gave birth to blue-eyed and green-eyed children.

The following shades are known: black, brown, amber, olive, green, blue, gray, light blue. Sometimes the eyes change color, more often this happens in babies. Meet unique people with an indefinite shade. Aishwarya Rai, a film star from India, is known not so much for her stunning figure and smile as for the mystery of her eyes, which, in different moods, can be green, blue, gray or brown and are recognized as the most beautiful eyes in the world.

What are the most eyes in the world?

Most often, brown-eyed children are born on the planet. This color predominates in all parts of the world. It is believed that their irises contain a lot of melanin. It protects your eyes from the blinding rays of the sun. Astrologers associate brown-eyed people with Venus and the Sun. Venus endowed these people with her tenderness, and the Sun with ardor and passion.

According to sociological data, owners of such eyes inspire special trust in themselves. It is generally accepted that brown-eyed women are sexy and passionate. Whether this is true is unknown, but the fact is that the owner of dark brown eyes, Jennifer Lopez, is a symbol of precisely these qualities. The second most common color is blue. People originally from Northern Europe have such eyes. According to statistics, 99% of Estonians and 75% of Germans have blue eyes. Many children are born with blue eyes. Within a few months the color changes to gray or blue. Adult blue-eyed people are rare. Blue eyes are found both in Asia and among Ashkenazi Jews.

American researchers say that most talented people with high IQ have blue eyes. Blue-eyed people are often strong, authoritative personalities; when communicating, trust in them arises intuitively. Cameron Diaz's light blue gaze, giving warmth and positivity, made her a Hollywood star. At the right moment he becomes hard and cold, and then again kind and warm.

The rarest eye shades

Black-eyed people are very rare. Of the Hollywood stars, only Audrey Hepburn had this color. She once said that the eyes are the gateway to the heart, where love lives. Her gaze always shone with kindness and love.

Elizabeth Taylor had the rarest color. When she was born, her frightened parents took the girl to a doctor, who said that the child had a unique mutation. The future Cleopatra was born with double rows of eyelashes, and at six months the baby's eyes acquired a purple tint. Elizabeth drove men crazy with her gaze all her life, having been married 8 times.

The rarest color of the iris

The witch's eyes should be green. Only 2% of the world's population has green eyes. Moreover, most of them are female. There is no rational explanation for this phenomenon. Historians believe that human prejudices are to blame. All European peoples, including the Slavs, Saxons, Germans, and Franks, believed that green-eyed women had supernatural powers.

During the Middle Ages, the Inquisition was rampant in Europe. A denunciation was enough for a person to be sent to the stake. Most of the victims were women, who were declared witches for the most insignificant reasons. Is it worth saying that the green-eyed ones were burned first? So the population of people with the most beautiful color eye.

Today, 80% of green-eyed people live in Holland and Iceland. Astrologers believe that green-eyed women are the most gentle creatures, kind and devoted, but when it comes to protecting their family or loved one, they are merciless and cruel. Bioenergeticists who divide people into energy “vampires” and “donors” claim that green-eyed people are neither one nor the other, their energy is stable and neutral. Perhaps this is why they value stability and devotion in relationships so much, and do not forgive betrayal.

The most famous green-eyed beauty is Angelina Jolie. Her “cat-eye” broke a lot of hearts before it got to

Brown eyes have long been considered sexy, attractive, and fraught with mystery. This is the most common eye color on the planet. Scientists claim that the brown tone was originally characteristic of all people. And only as a result of mutation - about ten thousand years ago - other colors arose. Individuals with chestnut “mirrors” are associated with Helios and Venus. The chariot of the day endowed them with ardor and energy, and the planet of love – with sensuality and warmth.

Why do brown eyes predominate in the world?

Have you ever wondered what eye color is the most common in Russia and on the planet in general? Nature acts according to its own laws. And it’s not without reason that the most common eye color in the world is brown – it has a special protective function. Individuals with chocolate-colored eyes inhabit hot southern countries. The more scorching sunlight, the darker the iris color of people living in such areas. The presence of a significant amount of melanin promotes enhanced light absorption and protection from glare. And although there are many brown eyes in our country, the most common eye color in Russia is not brown, but gray.

What color eyes are most common among residents of the Far North?

Do you know what eye color is most common among the aborigines of the Far North (Nenets, Chukchi, Eskimos)? Knowing what eye color is the most common in the world, it is easy to answer this question. Of course, brown. Surprised? Such features allow peoples to be more adapted to living in conditions of increased illumination and excessive reflection of light from shiny snow covers and ice. It is also important that dark-eyed people often have a more stable immune mechanism and are distinguished by endurance.

This is interesting: Modern medicine can change brown color - the most common eye color for many peoples - to blue. This became possible thanks to Dr. Greg Homer from the USA, who discovered that blue is hidden under the brown layer. The pigment can be removed using a laser beam. As a result, a brown-eyed person will become blue-eyed.

Why are brown-eyed people more trusted?

It seems incredible, but people with the most common eye color in the world are more likely to inspire trust and make acquaintances easier. Scientists have proven that the color of the organs of vision corresponds to certain facial features. Thus, representatives of the stronger half with coffee-colored irises have more round face and a more massive chin. They often have a wide mouth with raised corners, large eyes and closely spaced eyebrows. Such characteristics indicate masculinity, and therefore evoke sympathy and favor.

Brown-eyed female representatives are also considered more reliable and friendly than their compatriots who have the most common eye color in Russia, i.e. grey. They often have a straight or snub nose, plump dimples on their cheeks, sensual lips, and a slightly protruding chin. In addition with expressive eyes, framed by thick eyelashes, such an appearance is attractive, possesses attractiveness and magnetism. Maybe this is where the secret of the notorious “gypsy hypnosis” lies?

What do shades of brown eyes tell you?

So, we figured out what eye color is the most common in the world. It is important to consider that the most popular eye color can have many shades - from wet sand to a completely dark almost black color. Take a close look at the low tide daytime- he will tell you a lot. Thus, gray and green inclusions may indicate the vulnerability of the owner. Sparkles are about humor, adventurousness, and determination. If the most common eye color in the world seems bottomless, then its owner is passionate and indefatigable in love.

Individuals with light chestnut tones are distinguished by secrecy, shyness, and slight wariness in relationships with others. They strive for self-sufficiency, love to be in “their own shell”, and do not tolerate being subordinated to anyone. Being impressionable and shy, they are stingy with emotions - they prefer to rejoice or worry within themselves. Proud, slightly selfish and arrogant. They are diligent and bring things they start to their logical conclusion.

The dark brown color of the eyes will indicate that their owners value the opinions of experienced people, but at the same time have their own point of view. Praise and recognition from other people is extremely important to them. They love to communicate, laugh, and have fun. They can be overly emotional. They tend to violently sort things out if someone offends them or crosses the road.

Distinctive features of women with the most common eye color in the world

Girls with the most common and warmest eye color stand out:

  • mind;
  • charm;
  • intelligence;
  • confidence;
  • laughter;
  • waywardness;
  • adventurism;
  • resourcefulness.

They prefer bright and fashionable clothes. Dullness and everyday life bring sadness and melancholy to them. They love everything refined, beautiful, extraordinary. They receive unspeakable pleasure if others admire their wonderful appearance, successes. They enjoy visiting fitness clubs and beauty salons, concerts and entertainment events. Perseverance and hard work allow you to be successful in family life, both in career and in sports.

IN love relationships The “picture” is as follows: if the beloved has a stronger character, then the chosen one, who has the most popular eye color in the world, will obey him. The union will be durable and harmonious. If a man turns out to be quiet, soft-bodied, then the willful dark-eyed beauty can suppress him without even attaching much importance to it.

Distinctive features of men with the most popular eye color in the world

Brown-eyed representatives of the stronger sex, who received the most popular eye color, are distinguished by:

  • charm;
  • energy;
  • initiative;
  • impulsiveness;
  • dreaminess;
  • entrepreneurial spirit;
  • sensuality;
  • playfulness;
  • impermanence.

Owners of this eye color strive for leadership, crave power, and certainly want to be the first in everything. The approval of others gives them a spark. Guys with lighter eye shades are often lonely and like to immerse themselves in the world of fantasies and dreams. Macho men, who have the most popular eye color in the world, dark shades, flirt masterfully, are liked by women, and radiate endless charm. They treat their mothers with trepidation. And men, who have the most expressive and common eye color in the world, can be the instigators of conflicts. Fortunately, they quickly cool down, forgive and forget insults.

In love relationships, men with a burning gaze do not forgive betrayals, although they themselves often end up in love affairs. If they find their “one,” then they cherish her and indulge her every whim. They love to hear from their lovers how amazing and unforgettable they are. Can you guess what the most common and most ardent eye color for men is? The darker the shade of the iris - almost black - the more sexy, hot and loving the man is.

Features of the most common eye color in Russia – gray

Have you ever wondered what eye color is the most common in Russia? Many believe that brownish colors are the leader in the vastness of our country. But that's not true. According to statistics, the most popular eye color in Russia is gray. Yes, yes, 50% of residents have it. Marsh and brown colors are common to 25%, and green and black to only 5% of the population. It has been noted that those with gray eyes are hardworking and reasonable. They strive to get to the bottom of the smallest details when solving any problem. And people who have the most popular eye color in Russia strive to learn everything new until they are very old.

Features of women - grey-eyed

Girls who have the most common eye color in the vast Russian expanses are creative individuals. They always have their own - often different from the majority opinion - view of events and things. They love to decorate the house with interesting things. The gray tint of the iris is a clear sign that the heroine strives for everything beautiful and extraordinary. They do not tolerate rudeness, envy, or invasion of their territory. They prefer to deal with smart, purposeful and charismatic men.

Features of men - grey-eyed

Typically, men with gray eyes, honest and obliging partners. They are moderately sociable, they do not like to waste energy in vain, or “burden” others with their problems. Possess internal rod, determination. They should remember that it is necessary to regularly give vent to emotions in order to avoid “breakdowns” in the body. Gray-eyed individuals are persistent and tenacious, achieving outstanding results in sports.

In love relationships, they are characterized by loyalty and pride. Often monogamous. They prefer one, but true and all-consuming love, than many superficial hobbies. Although they are characterized by pragmatism, feelings are extremely important for marriage. Men with the most common eye color never forget their first love and always remember it with special tenderness.

We told you what eye color is the most common in the world and in Russia. Among brown-eyed and gray-eyed people there are many bright and unusual personalities. Eyes are the most wonderful gift of nature. They are the mirror doors of the soul, reflecting all the feelings that a person experiences. Joyful and bright moments can give them sparkle, radiance and a special inner glow.

Happy people always smile with their eyes.