The most terrible qualities of a person. What weaknesses should you include in your resume?

Personal qualities of a person– these are complex, biologically and socially determined components of personality. By bringing together all the personal qualities of a person, you can get his complete psychological picture.

Personality qualities are usually divided intopositive and negative. What are these qualities and can a personality consist of only positive qualities?

Personality qualitiesexpresspeculiarities mental processes, states and properties of the individual, his character traits, temperamental features, specific behavior, interactions with other people, the environment, himself, that is, all the individual psychological characteristics of the individual. Besides, personal qualities personincludehis knowledge, skills and abilities.

There are many classifications of personality traits and even more personality typologies based on these classifications. Psychologists have always been interested in the mystery human personality and they tried to put it “on the shelves.”

But why to an ordinary person(not a professional psychologist) know what personal qualities are? The fact is that knowledge generates self-awareness, increasesawareness. A person who knows what personality traits exist canidentify them for yourself, and then indicate the paths and directionswork on yourself.

Also, knowing about personality traits, you can understand more aboutpeople around, learn how to properly build and maintain relationships.

The first stage of a relationship of any kind involves getting to know each other, which is essentially a clarification of personal qualities. When two people first meet (be it a job interview or a man and a woman's first date), there is alwaysneed to knowwhat kind of person is in front of you? It is not for nothing that a resume requires you to indicate not only your work experience and basic data, but also list personal qualities, knowledge, skills and abilities.

So, if you need to know your personal qualities in order to understand how to further develop your personality, then knowledge of the personal characteristics of another person is important insofar as it allows you to determine compatibility with him and suggest what kind of relationship may develop.

Positive personality traits are usually supported, reinforced and developed, and negative people trying to correct, change or eradicate.

But the division of personality traits into positive and negativeconditional! It is based on generally accepted rules and norms of morality and ethics. You need to understand that such a subtle matter as a person’s personality, in fact, cannot be decomposed into “black” and “white”.

Personality qualities that are usually called negative are not absolute, butrelativelynegative, just like positive qualities. For example, in a situation where you need to stand up for yourself, aggressiveness (which is considered a negative trait) becomes necessary and simply necessary.

A person's personal qualities can be:congenital, so acquired. Certain personality qualities are developed or under the influence environment and society (upbringing) or are a consequenceself-education.

A person can develop many qualities, traits, behavioral characteristics, abilities, skills,work out, so and eradicate.

Of course, there are personality traits that are practically impossible to change, but you still shouldn’t hang “labels” (either on yourself or on others)!

A person can always, if not change radically, then at least learn to compensate for some of his qualities by developing others.

Negative human qualities, which are undesirable and require correction, all together would form not just a large, but a huge list. Therefore, only a few of them are listed below:

All these personality traits give rise to a correspondingbehaviorThus, a deceitful person lies to everyone all the time, a lazy and careless person is in no hurry to do his work, and an irresponsible person constantly lets himself and others down.

The presence of one or another negative quality spoils the life of the person himself and/or other people, but in any case, itnot a sentence. By working on yourself, you can improve the quality of your life, relationships with others, and become happier.

Positive human qualities

The list of positive qualities of a person is as endless as the list of negative traits. Perhaps most of all, such people are revered and welcomedpositive traits, How:

These positive qualities give rise to correspondingskills and abilities: the ability to make friends, love, learn, create, work, and so on.

In the article “” you will find another informative list of positive personality traits.

As you can see, both the list of a person’s negative qualities and the list of positive ones includes not only those qualities that express the individual’s attitude towards other people and society, but also towards himself, work, things, and the world as a whole. This is because a person’s personal qualitiesmanifest themselves in everything: from who he works to what colors in clothes he prefers.

It is rare to meet a person whose personality contains only positive human qualities. But there are many people whose personality structureprevail such qualities.

Any person always has conditionally negative personality traits, those that are worth working on, but their presence should not be a problem, but a stimulus for development and growth.

Make sure that there is less negativity and positive personality traits predominate,every person can do it!

In what direction do you most often have to work on yourself?

Character is the manifestation of an emotional reaction in a person’s behavior in various relationships and specific situations. The character of a certain person and all his particular manifestations of qualities are a consequence of upbringing and living conditions in a social society.

Of course, individual adjustments and various life circumstances influence human psychology, but the formation and development of higher mental functions And genetic characteristics is laid and formed in the womb, so when a person is born, almost from the first days he shows his individual characteristics. Any person can be characterized and assigned a certain personality type.

You can also pay attention to the manifestation of characteristic typical signs different nations, i.e. exist general definitions specific nationalities. For example, the character of the Russian is clearly different from other national mentalities.

Temperament of a Russian person:

  • “Breadth and generosity of soul”, which is absent among most peoples.
  • Patience, perseverance and endurance.
  • Craving for justice and compassion.
  • Among the negative ones: laziness, pessimism, hypocrisy and foul language.

It is easy to identify a Russian person by temperament; foreign nations associate a Russian person as someone who loves to go out in a big way; they have always been amazed by the generosity, resilience and dedication of the Russian people. Only a Russian person has an original sense of humor, which bewilders his foreign brothers. Many foreign men believe that a Russian woman is the best companion for life, as she is responsive, humane, faithful and compassionate.

Also, a significant barrier for foreigners is learning the Russian language; it is considered the most difficult due to excessive emotionality and double meaning of the same words. The qualities in people of the Russian type, their attitude towards other people in the social environment, are more inclined to honor religious traditions. The attitude towards Christianity and the observance of religious rituals begin with the origins of the formation of the Slavic race.

8 SIGNS THAT YOU ARE BEING LYING! How to recognize a lie?

Individual characteristics in people, identifying their signs is an indicator of the true face of a Russian person, what qualities and abilities can manifest themselves in unusual situations social society. The psychology of the Russian person, flexibility of mind, extraordinary endurance, selflessness, love for the fatherland, and manifestation of compassion have more than once convinced opponents of their strength and steadfastness.

Classification of character traits

Character traits
Emotional Strong-willed Moral Intelligent
Emotionality Perseverance Honesty Curiosity
Cheerfulness Independence Responsiveness Quick wit
Impressionability Uncertainty Kindness Resourcefulness
Determination Cruelty frivolity
Courage Thoughtfulness

Psychology varying degrees manifestations of the character of each person are individual and are formed throughout life, changing depending on the social environment. There is a certain classification into which a particular person can be classified.

List of manifestations in human behavior and assessment of qualities in social situations.

  1. Volitional qualities are features of the properties of a particular person that manifest themselves in non-standard situations (restraint, patience, stubbornness, courage, cowardice, courage, discipline, etc.)
  2. Emotional manifestations are the duration of mental processes in a certain person in specific situations (negative, positive, dynamic, neutral, statistical, unconventional).
  3. Intellectual characteristics of an individual person, the quality of a person’s thinking (breadth, depth, flexibility, criticality, stupidity, etc.)

List of manifestations of human qualities

Attitude to the surrounding world is divided into four types:

  • I am good - everyone is good.
  • I am good - everyone is bad.
  • I'm bad - everyone is good.
  • I am bad - everyone is bad.
  • Attitude towards one’s personality (self-respect, self-criticism, arrogance, self-esteem, etc.).
  • Attitude to work (laziness, hard work, accuracy, tolerance, negligence, punctuality, responsibility, etc.).
  • Attitudes in groups of the social environment (sociability, isolation, truthfulness, deceitfulness, politeness, rudeness, etc.).

Types of human temperament

Temperament is the constant characteristics of the individual behavior of a particular person, which are equally manifested in various activities. There are four types whose definitions are:

  1. Sanguine, characterized by increased mobility, efficiency, pronounced facial emotional manifestations in facial expression, responsiveness, sociability, balance, optimism, cheerful disposition, fast fatiguability from hard work, carelessness.
  2. Choleric – sudden changes in mood, short temper, hysteria, quick response, impetuosity, outbursts of anger.
  3. Melancholic – anxiety, pessimism, vulnerability, excessive worries about any reason, restraint, self-control, lack of trust in others.
  4. Phlegmatic - cold-blooded, low activity, prudence, creates an impression wise man, always gets things done.

Human temperaments. 4 types of temperament: choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic

Manifestations of character traits in men and women

Manifestation of character traits in men

The same character trait in men and women, their attitude to actions manifests itself in different emotional reactions, causing completely different feelings.

For example, a woman’s touchiness manifests itself in a man in the form of angry outbursts.

  • Women are characterized by manifestations of excessive emotionality, sensitivity, understanding and compassion; practicality, they are more susceptible to sudden changes in mood. The psychology of men, their attitude to values, is based on restraint and the desire for power and leadership. Each period of an era is characterized by the presence of certain qualities in men and women.

Manifestation of character traits in women

  • So, for example, the quality in modern people have minor differences, associations of male and female professions are increasingly being formed. Today it is not uncommon to find the fair half of humanity driving, and a man being a stylist, hairdresser or conductor, which several decades ago would have greatly surprised them.

The main character traits of a person are the prevailing stable, innate or acquired qualities that are constantly manifested in the behavior of an individual. Having learned which signs correspond to a certain person you can draw up a psychological portrait, attitude and opinion about him, and also assign a type of temperament (choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic).

Classify which individual qualities are characteristic in order to determine positive and negative character traits and make general conclusions. This will help, for example, when applying for a job, in choosing a position, and sometimes in choosing a life partner, by determining the criteria that you value.

Negative and positive human character traits

The psychology of any person is the continuous formation of character qualities, depending on what conditions, therefore it is common for him to exhibit negative traits, they can change depending on what conditions, for the worse or for the better.

There are also constant negative qualities that appear in an individual person, which do not change throughout life.

Negative character traits cannot always be regarded as negative; their characteristics and qualities can emphasize advantages:

  1. Self-confidence - self-satisfaction, can provoke a craving for performance and improved performance, to realize self-satisfaction.
  2. Stubbornness provokes the achievement of the goals set for oneself.
  3. Selfishness - ignoring others is bad, but trying to please others is not always beneficial. Sometimes you need to think about yourself in order to be able to help others.
  4. Envy, some people may provoke them to want to achieve best result than others.

There are such character traits in people as cruelty, deceit, hypocrisy, laziness, stinginess, rudeness, gloominess, etc., which will never provoke them to good deeds.

Positive and negative character traits are present to a greater or lesser extent in every person. Positive ones can cover up negative character traits of an individual. For example, people can be lazy, but good-natured, or selfish, but neat and hardworking, rude, but sympathetic and generous, etc.

List of positive qualities and their signs:

  1. Endurance and patience.
  2. Gratitude and morality.
  3. Initiative and originality.
  4. Cheerfulness and talent.
  5. Sensitivity and optimism, etc.

The main character traits of women

List of predominant qualities and their distinctive properties:

The main character traits in men

List of predominant qualities and their properties:

4 main psychotypes of personality. How to determine and recognize a person’s character?

Now we will take you on a short excursion in particular negative character traits, and let’s try to figure out what it means to have certain traits. First, let's define what character is.

Character is usually called a stable set mental properties person.

Let's try to list the main negative character traits.

Pride is the belief that you are the cause of all events, both positive and negative, in your life.

Self-confidence- a trait characteristic of people who exaggerate their capabilities.

Lust for power is the desire to rule, which makes a person unbearable in communication and in his personal life.

Vanity is an obsessive desire to boast about one's achievements and successes.

Selfishness is an excessive focus solely on one’s own interests; disregard for the interests of other people.

Jealousy is a component negative character traits, which poisons the life not only of oneself, but also of other people.

Envy is a belittlement of one's abilities and at the same time dissatisfaction with the success of another person. It is interesting that the energy process in this case is aimed at taking away, taking away, attracting something successful from another person. That’s why it’s not advisable to brag, especially if you’re just starting to do something: as people say, you told it, someone was jealous and jinxed it. Communication with envious people is in itself destructive. It’s not for nothing that the expression “envy with black envy” exists.

Resentment is depression due to resentment towards someone from the environment. An offended person does not actively eliminate misunderstandings, does not resolve problematic situations, retreating into a passive form of response - resentment. Resentment also has a destructive effect on general state person.

Condemnation usually goes hand in hand with resentment, but it can also be a separate character trait. It manifests itself in the desire to extol oneself and criticize others, while absolutely not noticing one’s own shortcomings.

Anger, irritability, anger, hatred. They manifest themselves as a reaction to someone or something, accumulate and destroy the psyche of the person himself. If a person begins to indulge such traits, explaining this by the uncontrollability of his behavior, then he should know that sooner or later he may turn out to be a patient medical institution closed type(mental hospitals).

Weakness is a convenient manipulative position of a person who prefers that others take care of his problems.

Extravagance– a negative character quality akin to vanity. The desire to be scattered on all sides, to increase attention and self-respect. It’s even worse if the wastefulness does not concern one’s own resources (parental money, for example).

Thrift, stinginess and greed- the same character trait, only expressed differently. Greed is the most extreme form of expression of stinginess, “getting stuck” on the possession of material things or money.

Guilt is a trait characteristic of people who have low self-esteem, and, on the contrary, a hypertrophied sense of duty.

Self-criticism can stem from a previous character trait (guilt), or perhaps from self-confidence. A person begins to be overly critical of himself, constantly returning to his mistakes or inability to “take the heights” that he has determined for himself.

Cruelty is the underdevelopment of a person, the inability to adequately respond to current circumstances. Expressed in the desire to cause harm in order to relieve one’s own tension.

Vengefulness is an obsessive desire to “repay evil for evil.” Akin to pride and cruelty.

Gluttony is compensation for everyday joys by excessive consumption of food. Inability to live and enjoy life in its other manifestations.

The same applies to voluptuousness (lust). A person tries to increase his self-esteem and unwillingness to accept himself by increasing the number of sexual partners, which ultimately leads him to even greater disappointment in himself and in life as such.

The ancients called them “dragons” that live within us.

All that remains is to add - fight your “dragons”, do not give them a place to “register” in your soul, and - be happy!

Each of us has both positive and negative qualities. And which of them are the worst?

So, the main bad qualities in a person

  • Envy is one of the worst qualities, which harms both the one who is envied and the envier himself. An envious person may splash out more negative emotions, and since they will occur frequently, they can poison the life of the envious person (it has been proven that they not only often lead to depression, but also provoke the development of certain diseases). And envy also prevents you from developing, striving for more and living normally.
  • Arrogance. It is extremely difficult not only to interact with arrogant people, but also to simply communicate. They always consider themselves better than others and because of this they themselves suffer, since at some point even friends and family turn away from them.
  • Hot temper. Hot-tempered people often interfere not only with others, but also with themselves, since the inability to restrain their emotions prevents them from performing simple duties and achieving goals.
  • Arrogance. Arrogant people are extremely unpleasant, so it makes sense that no one likes them.
  • Selfishness. All egoists are doomed to loneliness. They are very difficult to live with, they are not meant for normal life. family life, because they are not ready to make sacrifices and think only about themselves.
  • Hypocrisy. This quality can help the hypocrites themselves, but everyone around them, when they find out the essence of a person, will certainly turn away from him.
  • Pessimism. Pessimists are often real whiners and greatly irritate others. In addition, this quality also hinders those who have it, because if a person is initially set up for failure, then he literally attracts them and does not consider it necessary to make efforts to achieve his goals.
  • Laziness. Lazy people cannot work normally in a team; their colleagues do not like them. And laziness is a big obstacle to achieving your plans. A lazy person can find a lot of excuses just to do nothing. Such people rarely become successful if they do not learn to fight their laziness.
  • Aggression. It interferes with communication, building a family, and working. Aggression is often combined with another similar quality - rudeness. People with this trait are not respected in the team, and relatives and friends try to limit communication with them.
  • Impudence. Yes, an arrogant person himself can achieve a lot thanks to this quality (it’s not for nothing that they say that “arrogance is the second happiness”). But everyone else has an extremely negative attitude towards impudent people.
  • Infantilism is immaturity and a delay in the development of personality. Infantile people behave like capricious and spoiled children, which greatly irritate those around them. They cannot make decisions, take responsibility and be responsible for their actions.
  • Cruelty. Cruel people capable of any action, even the worst. In childhood, they torture animals, then move on to their peers. If such a person has a family, he will show cruelty towards his spouse and children. And these children, who will often see manifestations of such a negative quality, can adopt it and also become cruel.
  • Cowardice. Cowardly people evoke sympathy and sometimes contempt. This quality prevents you from making decisions, taking many actions, or trying something new.
  • Stupidity. She ranks first in the rankings of the worst human qualities. Stupid people are uninteresting to communicate with and difficult to interact with. At first, stupidity may seem innocent and even cute, but gradually it begins to irritate. Many people consider stupidity to be an innate trait, but in fact it can be eradicated if you develop, improve and constantly learn something new.
  • Deceit. White lies can sometimes be useful, but if a person lies constantly, then he will eventually become entangled in his own lies and will certainly be exposed. And few are willing to forgive lies. As a result, they will simply stop believing the liar, which at some point may turn against him.
  • Greed. It is a mortal sin and has always been punished. Nobody likes greedy people. This quality can interfere with working, living and enjoying life, because a greedy person always wants more, he is rarely satisfied with what he has.
  • Frivolity. Frivolous people often get involved in adventures, rush from one extreme to another and never think about the consequences, and this can at some point hinder not only them, but also those around them. Frivolous people often let others down.
  • Indifference sometimes hurts much more than rudeness or cruelty. And if a person is indifferent to family and friends, then they may feel unneeded and, in the end, turn away.
  • Touchiness is not the worst quality, but it can be a big hindrance. Firstly, touchy people often have no friends because they get offended by trifles. Secondly, it is very difficult to communicate with touchy people, because they can be offended by anything.
  • Irresponsibility. If a person is not ready to take responsibility for his actions, this means that he cannot be relied upon in a difficult situation. No one takes irresponsible people seriously, and no one turns to them for help.
  • Egocentrism. A self-centered person considers himself the center of the world and does not accept any opinions other than his own. And this prevents you from developing, interacting with people and building normal relationships.

If you have one of these qualities, start working on yourself to eradicate it and make yourself better.

Hello. It would seem that we know all the positive qualities of a person, but we cannot always say what this or that characteristic means. In addition, there are so many of them that it is possible to compile a large list. See our list of good human qualities and add to it in the comments!

What positive human qualities are valued when hiring?

It is very important for every person to find Good work, but this is becoming increasingly difficult to do. Therefore, let’s look at the most important good character traits that need to be highlighted when applying for a job. Of course, you only need to name your own positive features. Positive qualities a whole list, but let’s name the more significant ones.

How best to describe yourself for work? What does the employer value more?

First of all, he values:

  • Accuracy- This is not only the desire for order and cleanliness. Accuracy is manifested in external neatness, caring attitude towards things, accuracy and thoroughness in business.
  • Good manners- This good manners and the ability to behave in society. A well-mannered person is polite to others, regardless of their social status. This is knowledge and compliance with the rules of behavior in society, respect for other people's property, nature, and society. Behind well-mannered person there is never any shame.
  • Discipline- This is the ability to follow rules and routines. A disciplined person not only strictly follows the established rules, but also knows how to manage his own time so that there is enough for all important matters.
  • Responsibility- this is a person’s ability to be responsible for what is entrusted to him, the ability to accept complex solutions and evaluate their consequences. A person who is not afraid to take responsibility for something shows himself as an independent and mature person.
  • Punctuality is compliance with rules and regulations. In life, this quality is more associated with the absence of delays, the ability to complete assignments on time, and comply with agreements. Particularly valued in industries where “time is money.” But do not neglect punctuality in other areas of life - its absence can be perceived as disrespect.
  • Communication skills is the ability to establish contacts. A person who has no communication barriers easily joins a team and makes friends. We live in a society, so the ability to communicate with others is useful in any area of ​​life.
  • Hard work is the ability to have a positive attitude towards one’s own work. Hard work is not only the willingness to devote one’s strength and personal time to the labor process, but also the ability to do it with pleasure. A person who systematically shirks work and is unable to perceive his work with interest is a burden for the entire team.
  • Perseverance- this is the ability to go towards the goal. This quality characteristic strong people who do not give in to difficulties and failures. Perseverance in achieving goals and implementing plans shows strength of character and steadfastness of spirit. Persistent individuals achieve heights on their own.

The personal qualities of the employee are no less important. They manifest themselves in everything, even in the manner of dressing, therefore, when going to get a job, you need to dress nicely, but not pretentiously.

But it turns out that all personal qualities are not as important for an employer as business ones. True, each job requires its own advantages.

Common features We have already highlighted, but how to praise yourself so as not to seem like an upstart, but to give yourself a worthy description.

Rules for writing a resume

For your resume, you need to choose especially noticeable advantages, because the employer will read it without seeing you. What to hook him with? First of all, we need to highlight:

  • stress resistance;
  • no conflict;
  • tolerance;
  • ability to get along with people;
  • work in a team.

For the characterization, you will need to write only 5-7 sentences, therefore, you must try to highlight the best traits of your character, give such arguments that out of a dozen applicants, only you will want to hire you.

When you come to an interview, be prepared for the fact that the recruiter may stop you at one of the points and then ask you to give examples from your life. When preparing your resume, carefully consider this important point.

If you indicated initiative, then be sure to tell us how, for example, you implemented a new sales strategy.

Try to answer the questions for yourself:

  • How am I better than others?
  • Why should I get this position?
  • What can I do better than others and how do I differ from my colleagues?
  • What significant thing have I done in my career?
  • What are the achievements in my life?

Now answer these questions to move away from the standard characteristics. Emphasize personal achievements and your strengths.

Don’t focus on your education; the employer may not even read this, he is interested in your achievements. Please indicate your place of work, starting with your most recent one. Be sure to include your accomplishments in this job. If you speak languages, then this is a plus for your characteristics.

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How to overcome negative traits

Every person has both negative and positive traits. But every person can consider their negative qualities as an incentive to overcome them and begin to develop good character traits.

How to do it? Let us give an example of how to show the best human qualities in relation to impolite people, that is, bad people.

You were insulted, what should you do? Don't answer, switch to another object. In this case, the example of a landfill is illustrative. Passing by a landfill, you feel bad smell. You won’t stand at the landfill and smell its unpleasant aromas, but simply turn around and leave as quickly as possible. Soon you will forget about this smell, so here, why respond with an insult to the attacks of an unhealthy person?!

What qualities are especially valued in men and women?

If you ask a man and a woman what qualities they consider the best, the answers will be different. Men value spiritual manifestations in a woman:

Women value moral qualities in men.

  • Loyalty. Faithful companion It’s a great rarity, but every woman dreams of meeting just such a person. This is an important aspect of the relationship between a man and a woman, because it is associated with such negative trait like jealousy. Loyalty speaks of the reliability and constancy of a person possessing this quality.
  • Caring, honesty- this is openness, the inadmissibility of deception in relation to others. This quality speaks of decency, morality and strong character.
  • Generosity- this is a willingness to share with one’s neighbor, absolutely not wanting to receive anything in return. Even the most selfless people appreciate this quality, because it shows the breadth of the soul.
  • Appreciate good character. Kindness is hard for any girl to resist.
  • Confidence. Women are crazy about confident men.
  • Intelligence, ambition. A man who strives for self-improvement is very attractive to girls.
  • Self-sufficiency and communication skills. Girls like guys who will always find mutual language with other people.
  • Sense of humor. Girls love to laugh.
  • Appearance . Girls always pay attention to their boyfriend's clothes.

All qualities can be added to the characteristics of men and women good man that attract them to each other.

Good character traits for all time

At all times, such quality as nobility. Over time, this quality began to be remembered less often, but noble people always stood out from the crowd with their unusual features.

A noble person feels the need to serve good. Only noble man familiar concepts such as honor, valor, mutual assistance. IN difficult situation he will come to the rescue without thinking about himself, about any benefit or gratitude.

Moral, is also appreciated at all times. This concept refers to the internal rules that guide a person. Internal rules are laid down under the influence of many factors: family, upbringing within the walls of school, on the street, in society.

We believe that moral person must be good-natured, honest, courageous. It is moral qualities that make it possible to do good, to lend one’s shoulder when required. Moral people They respect their elders, they are tactful, decent, modest, faithful in life and love.