French bulldog puppies (photo): care, education, feeding. Description of the French Bulldog breed What is the name of the large French Bulldog breed

Dogs of the French Bulldog breed are a little formidable on the outside, thanks to the folds and a peculiar groove on the muzzle, but they are kind on the inside. Possessing a multifaceted character, this pet can become a wonderful companion in the life of any person. But at the same time, it can cause some inconvenience. For example, behave aggressively towards other animals. Today we will tell you what other advantages and disadvantages exist in representatives of this breed.

Despite his first duties as fighting dog and a hunter of small rodents, the French bulldog quickly found its place in the niche of decorative pets. This is understandable: the original appearance and unique character helped this dog win the hearts of many “dog lovers”.

Such a pet can become great friend at least for a family with children, at least for single people, because he has a calm and balanced character, although on the street without proper upbringing he can show aggression towards other dogs.

The French bulldog is able to sense the change in the owner’s mood. He loves to be the center of attention, but he can wait until this attention is given to him.

Representatives of this breed will fit perfectly on their owner’s lap and will happily lie next to them on an armchair. They will be able to adapt to any conditions of detention.

But the small size of a dog does not mean limited abilities. Quite the contrary - the French bulldog will become excellent security guard, barking to report suspicious noises or the arrival of strangers.

And he will make a good defender. The serious expression of the muzzle, the muscular body and the hoarse bark of the pet will be able to scare away anyone who dares to threaten the peace of its owner. He can also prove himself in battle.

If you put some effort into raising and training a dog, then over time it will begin to show aggression only in an emergency. The rest of the time, the French Bulldog will be indifferent to other animals during a walk.

In general, dogs of this breed do not bark over trifles when at home. This is also a great advantage, especially for owners living in an apartment - there will be no unnecessary quarrels with neighbors over another sleepless night due to a noisy pet.

U french bulldog among all its characteristics there is this interesting feature, like a naturally broken tail. Therefore, there is no need to specifically stop it (cut off a part).

Since representatives of this breed have a short coat, it will be easy to care for. Wool can be combed quickly and easily, without the use of special tools. It is enough to purchase a comb to comb out dead hairs. In addition to all this, these dogs do not need to be bathed often - their fur does not get particularly dirty, and it does not have a specific dog smell. Therefore, you can refuse the services of grooming salons.

French bulldog finds easily mutual language with children, loves to play with them, but within reason. It is better to keep an eye on such games so that no one gets hurt.

Nature has endowed dogs of this breed with intelligence, curiosity and ingenuity. This, combined with their calm nature, makes them smart friends, loyal and obedient. Of course, if laziness and stubbornness do not prevail in the animal’s character. But this can be solved with the help of timely education and training with the obligatory element of reward in the form of treats.

Among positive characteristics French bulldog is worth noting that he has a sense of humor. If the owner is sad, the pet will be able to feel it and try to cheer him up.

It would take a long time to list the advantages of the French Bulldog breed. Especially if you describe each pet individually: some have certain characteristics, others have others. But, unfortunately, there are no animals without disadvantages. Now let's look at the negative qualities of this breed.

Disadvantages of a dog

The small size and short hair of a dog at a certain point turn into a big disadvantage. After all, representatives of this breed cannot withstand temperatures that are too high or too low. Due to direct sun rays during the hot season, French bulldogs can easily get sunstroke, and the slightest draft can lead to a cold in the animal.

Therefore, the owner will have to dress the pet in warm clothes during the cold season, and not go outside during the hot peak of summer. During water procedures You will have to prepare the bathing area well in advance, and then wrap the dog in a large towel. Rain and snow can be an obstacle to walking without prior preparation.

Because of these problems, it is advisable to avoid swimming in ponds. Not only can a dog catch a cold, but a French bulldog also has a very difficult time swimming due to its large head and powerfully developed muscles.

French bulldogs have peculiar folds on their muzzle, and some representatives of the breed have a tail that fits very tightly to the body. Fungus can grow in these places, so you will have to periodically examine the dog to prevent inflammation or the formation of ulcers, and also wipe problem areas with at least a damp cloth.

Many owners will have to face problems when cleaning their pet's ears. This is a must, as French bulldogs have quite large and open ears. But these dogs do not really like this procedure and may resist.

Dogs of this breed have in their characteristics such a feature as snoring and emitting gases during sleep. It's all due to something peculiar anatomical structure muzzles and respiratory tract, as well as problems with digestive system– the animal does not digest some foods well. For example, milk.

This leads to another disadvantage - French bulldogs are more likely than other breeds to develop allergic reaction to external irritants and certain products.

In some dogs it may be observed periodically profuse salivation. For many owners, this can be a big disadvantage, especially for those who have a clean character or are worried about their young children.

French bulldogs, despite their calm and balanced character, can sometimes behave in family circle suddenly:

  • can turn the house upside down during the next burst of activity;
  • they may be offended for a long time;
  • They can bite if they don’t like something.

Another disadvantage that must be noted among representatives of this breed is their stubborn and lazy temperament. Without timely training good manners and obedience lessons, French bulldogs may shirk commands. If the owner is lazy, then the pet will not go far. Without constant repetitions of the material covered, the dog will simply refuse to obey commands.

French bulldogs do not tolerate loneliness and love attention. Therefore, such pets are simply not suitable for busy people. Certainly, well behaved dog she will wait until the owner is free and starts playing with her, but not all day.

The courageous French Bulldog knows no fear. This, of course, is good, but if the opponent is a big dog, then this is a minus. Due to sudden aggression, a small pet can suffer serious injuries.

If the owner wants to place a guard in the yard of a private house, then a French bulldog is not the best choice. It is advisable to keep such animals at home to avoid problems. For example, hypothermia or an uncontrollable fight with a neighbor's dog.


Now you are familiar with the main features of positive and negative qualities French bulldog breed dogs. If you have the strength, patience and desire, then feel free to purchase such a pet.

Remember - any minus of a dog can easily turn into a plus with proper care, education and endless love on your part.

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A controversial dog is the French bulldog: on the one hand, his ancestors are a fierce fighter, an implacable opponent who fought not only with his relatives, but also with much larger enemies. On the other hand, he turned out to be an affectionate, devoted friend, capable of devoting himself completely to his adored owner. Big ears, smart big eyes, a variety of colors - all this allowed the French bulldog to become everyone's favorite.

It is still not entirely clear which country is the birthplace of the breed: England or France. Breeders from Foggy Albion claim that the “fraznets” was the result of changing toy bulldogs, which are mini-copies English bulldogs. “Frogs” claim that during breeding they used a rare, now extinct, breed - Spanish bulldogs. Experts from France say that only they are concerned with obtaining offspring from English and Spanish bulldogs.

At the initial stages of the development of the breed, these dogs could only be found in the French suburbs among the owners of small shops. Girls with free morals really loved “frazzatsyat”. It was the acquaintance with the ladies of the demimonde that made it possible for the breed to reach new level– go to the living rooms of bohemians. The writing fraternity has always been associated with the aristocracy, so soon the dogs managed to move even higher up the “career” ladder - to get into the homes of politicians and nobles.

Interesting fact! For quite a long period of time, the French bulldog was a favorite of aristocrats, a kind of canine elite. This was especially true for England and America.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a puppy could be purchased for $750 (at that time, this money could buy a small apartment in a bad area or a good car). However, there were copies whose cost reached up to $5,000! The mafia's friends loved dogs of this breed very much.

The breed was brought to our country at the beginning of the 20th century. In Moscow and St. Petersburg they were especially valued as the most fashionable breed. At all exhibitions, French bulldogs were greeted like show business stars. As before in France, in our country creative people are very fond of bulldogs. It is known that Fyodor Chaliapin had two dogs of this breed, and Mayakovsky also had a dog, which added to his popularity with women.

French bulldogs appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, when they were considered the most fashionable breed.

It was not for nothing that breeders ate their bread at that time: their hard work significantly increased the number of French bulldogs around the world. From animals for the nobility, they became favorites for everyone. Nowadays, any family can buy such a puppy.

Purpose of the breed, appearance, photographs

The French Bulldog is a companion dog. She doesn't just love her owner - she lives for him. She needs to see the owner 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. She wants to “talk” with him, eat, sleep, walk.

French bulldogs adore children, they have no aggression, but also no fear, so they will be ideal companions for a child in mischief and games. Considering that this breed is insensitive to pain, it will not be afraid of a child’s “hugs.”

Characteristics and breed standard

The modern French bulldog, whose description allows us to imagine the cutest creature, is not a giant at all: his height is about 30-35 cm at the withers. The muzzle is short, the animal is muscular and strong. Distinctive feature breeds - tall big ears, forked upper lip, flat nose and protruding incisors.

Photo. French Bulldog

French bulldog in the photo

The coat color can be absolutely any, except black: white, white-fawn, brindle, cream, fawn. How much a French bulldog weighs depends on its appetite. Average, The weight of males is about 10-15 kg, females - 8-12.

The latest edition of the standard is valid from November 3, 2014.

Here are the characteristics of the articles of French bulldogs:

French bulldogs are very peaceful. They are moderately gentle and loyal. A dog with such a bright temperament will not allow the owner and his guests to get bored, since he feels great in a crowd of admirers. They care about attention and the opportunity to demonstrate charisma.

The pet is calm, although somewhat shocking. The psyche is stable - these animals do not know fear or panic. The dog is touchy, but if the owner takes a step forward, he is ready to forget about all disagreements.

French bulldogs get along well with everyone in the household and with pets.

The French Bulldog, whose character allows him to get along well in a family with children, is still more suitable for adults. The fact is that kids are rarely ready to constantly endure such an abundance of energy and emotions. In addition, the dog itself is not always polite with children, because it lacks patience.

“Frenchies” prefer to be the only pets, but if there are other animals in the house, they will get along with everyone. Despite their small size, bulldogs consider themselves responsible for the territory, which they jealously guard. They will definitely warn you if someone comes to the door.

Establishing contact and trusting relationships with a dog is very simple. Bulldogs love to spend as much time as possible next to their owner, fully justifying their purpose.

“Frenchies” are affectionate pets, loyal friends and cheerful companions.

Education and training

Even a first grader can do training. We are, of course, talking only about the basic commands: , “Fu,” etc. – any animal needs to know these commands, and teaching them to a French bulldog is not at all difficult.

French bulldogs, although a little stubborn, are very smart and quickly remember commands.

Training should begin from the day the puppy arrives at home. If you get an adult, untrained dog, don’t be upset - bulldogs are smart, so with some persistence, such an animal will learn everything it needs.

Raising a dog correctly is also not difficult. Of course It is advisable to begin theoretical preparation even before purchasing a puppy, but even without this, anyone can get a well-mannered pet. The most important thing is to promptly correct behavioral deficiencies that appear in any animal.

With sufficient persistence of the owner, the bulldog will learn not to beg at the table, not to take food from strangers, not to bite the owner, and so on. Even a younger child can raise a dog school age, but parents should monitor his efforts and be ready to help.

Rules of maintenance and care

The French Bulldog is an ideal pet for keeping in an apartment. He does not need space for living and walking; he is quite satisfied with a small bed near the owner.

It is important to remember that the bed cannot be placed near heating systems or in a draft. The surface should be fairly hard, spacious and clean. Despite all the love for a pet, it is unwise to place it in your or your child’s bedroom - due to the structural features of the nasopharynx, the animal snores heavily during sleep.

Walking with a bulldog can be of a calm nature - on the street the dog is not particularly active. You should not walk for a long time in hot or cold weather, since short fur does not protect the dog much. It’s better for her to buy clothes for the winter, and for extreme cold and shoes.

French bulldogs have short hair, so they need warm clothing in cold weather.

It is advisable to walk the dog on uneven surfaces: sand, gravel, forest soil. Walking up stairs can damage a dog's spine, so it is better to climb the stairs with the dog in your arms. This is especially important for dogs under one year old, since their skeleton is not yet rigid enough.

Interesting! There is an opinion that there was a dog of this breed on board the Titanic. Witnesses claimed that after the sinking of the ship they saw a dog swimming towards the shore. This story is not so easy to believe, since this dog's legs are quite short and its head is too heavy. Most representatives of the breed cannot swim at all.

Care of the coat, paws and face

Caring for the “Frenchie” is quite simple. They need to be brushed once a week to remove dead hair. It is recommended to bathe your dog only if it is significantly dirty. It is not advisable to do this more than 2 times a year.

It is necessary to regularly trim the nails and ensure the cleanliness and integrity of the paw pads.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of your eyes and wipe them regularly wet wipe. It is important to wipe the folds on the face, where dirt and moisture accumulate, which can lead to infection. Wrinkles are wiped with cotton pads.

How to care for your ears

The ears of French bulldog puppies stand up on their own by 3-6 months.

It is enough to clean your ears twice a month. When discharge appears, unpleasant odor, redness, swelling and swelling, you should immediately consult a doctor, as these symptoms may indicate.

A French Bulldog's ears should be erect, but you shouldn't worry about this until the dog is 3 months old. In some individuals with heavy, fleshy ears, this can happen by six months. However, even if the cartilages do not want to straighten, you can help them. For this you need: a bandage, a paper or medical plaster, cotton wool.

You should glue the ears like this:

  • prepare two rolls of cotton wool, the width of which is about 5 cm, the length exceeds the length of the ears by 2 cm;
  • wrap the rollers with a bandage so that they do not lose their shape;
  • place the resulting “doll” vertically in the ear, and “wrap” it around the ear. Secure the resulting shape with adhesive tape.

When setting the ears, not only verticality is important, but also symmetry. If the ears are in different directions, the judge will consider this a defect.

Therefore, additional efforts are required:

  • take two pieces of plaster, equal to length between ears + width of ears;
  • wrap ribbons around the ears front and back, gluing them together in the middle.

This design must be left for 7-10 days. If after this the ears do not stand up, it is necessary to repeat the gluing. Most often, two times are enough. To avoid damaging your dog's ear cartilage, you should not stroke his head while touching his ears.

Many new owners are interested in... Experts do not have a consensus on this matter, but still most of the animals themselves vote for natural food. Of course, we are not talking about borscht and sausage: you need to feed your dog only food prepared for it.

Many owners feed bulldogs natural food, in which meat necessarily predominates (beef, lamb).

When feeding “natural”, most of the diet should be given to meat. It could be lean lamb or beef. You can give boiled or raw meat, cut into small pieces. The poultry is given only boiled and only pitted. It is preferable to give a puppy scraper rather than minced meat. If you treat your pet with offal, it is better to boil or scald it. Only sea fish is allowed.

The diet should include buckwheat and rice porridge, and a boiled egg yolk is given weekly. Carrots, cabbage, and pumpkin are good for dogs. Fruits should be given raw, avoiding citrus fruits and grapes.

Health, life expectancy and breed diseases

“Frenchies” are not the longest-living dogs: average duration life - 10-12 years.

In general, these are quite healthy and strong animals, but there are some medical problems, inherent in this particular breed:

The first vaccination is given at two months (Nobivak DHPPi + Nobivak Lepto). The second one is done a month later, the composition is the same. The third vaccination (against rabies) is given after all teeth have been replaced.

Every year your dog should be vaccinated against rabies, distemper and leptospirosis.

Buying a puppy: how to make the right choice

If you take a puppy from your hands, its price will be low, but there is a high probability of acquiring a defective breed or an animal that is not a purebred at all. Sometimes you can actually find good puppy for only 100 dollars. The average price in a nursery is $200-500. Show-class offspring from titled parents will cost from $1,000.

It is best to purchase a puppy from nurseries.

Moscow region:

  • “Mini-crumbs”;
  • “From fawn bulldogs”;
  • “From Kuntsevo”

Saint Petersburg:

  • "Dashin's House";
  • "Amber Light"


The Frenchie is a miniature bulldog, which is only inferior in size to its larger brothers. This is a fairly popular breed, and its spread is due to the dogs’ unpretentiousness, their compact size, and most importantly, their surprisingly friendly character. What should future owners know about French bulldogs?

According to history, the name of the breed has nothing to do with its country of origin. In fact, the birthplace of French bulldogs is England, more precisely the city of Nottingham. Initially, small bulldogs were used by workers to control rodents in factories and other industries. The scientific and technological revolution led to the fact that many workers lost their jobs and went to another country where labor would be useful - to France. Naturally, they took their own people with them.

And in France they have gained popularity in the working and trading environment. And closer to the 20th century, little strong men began to appear in noble families and gradually joined the bohemian life. Ranked 71st in popularity in 2000, French Bulldogs have moved up 50 spots today. Isn't this a confirmation of their worldwide popularity?

Description of the French Bulldog breed

French bulldogs have the classic characteristics of Molossian breeds, differing only in their modest dimensions. Despite their size, these are powerful dogs with a compact, square body. Height males vary from 27 to 35 cm, weight– 9-14 kg, bitches have the following parameters – height from 24 to 32 cm, weight – 8-13 kg. Dogs are active and have developed intelligence. And another feature is expressive, intelligent eyes.

The standard describes the breed as follows:

  • Like all Molossians, the “Frenchies” have a large, even rather massive head with folds and wrinkles located symmetrically. Between brow ridges there is a pronounced groove. The occipital protuberance is present, but it is poorly defined. But the transition from the frontal region to the muzzle is clearly visible.
  • The French Bulldog has shortened maxillary and nasal bones, as well as a slightly backward sloping nose and bridge of the nose. Muzzle ends in a snub-nosed, black, wide lobe. It is worth noting that a shortened muzzle can cause certain breathing problems.
  • The lips are fleshy, droop slightly, and colored black. They close in the middle and cover the dentition. The jaws are quite powerful, the lower one moves forward slightly.
  • Eyes large, round in shape, with a dark outline and iris, a lively expression.
  • Small thin ears– widened at the base, rounded ends. Located high, but at a sufficient distance from each other.
  • The neck is slightly short, muscular with a slight bend, and there is no dewlap.
  • Torso characterized by a gradual, but not too pronounced rise from the withers to the lumbar girdle. All representatives of this breed have this feature.
  • The back is strong, well muscled, merging into a short, arched loin and a well sloping croup.
  • The chest is cylindrical in shape, and due to the curved ribs it looks barrel-shaped, with good depth.
  • The stomach is toned, without sharp lines. Tail short, but successfully covering anal hole. Straight, low rise and tapered tip.
  • Front limbs represented by short forearms and metacarpus, set vertically. The paws resemble those of a cat in appearance, as they are small, round in shape, with tightly closed, black claws. The hind legs are stronger, longer and more muscular compared to the front ones. They are placed vertically, which is due to the presence of a rise. The dog moves freely, powerfully, measuredly.

Coat and colors

The coat of French Bulldogs is short, smooth, lies close to the skin, is shiny and has no undercoat. There are dogs of the following colors:

  1. From light fawn to red hue - with or without the presence of brindles, with spots white or without:

  1. Color with white spots:

Completely white individuals are found and are accepted by the standard if they have a black eyelid rim and nose. However, they are not used for breeding, since there is a high risk of producing offspring suffering from deafness.

Character and behavioral characteristics

The “French” have inherited some character traits from their English ancestors, however, they are more active, open and good-natured. They are very intelligent, but owners must take into account that French bulldogs are difficult to train. No, they are quite smart and immediately understand the owner’s wishes, but they are not too keen to carry out commands. The dog will repeat a task of moderate difficulty, but this will require repeating his request-command 30-40 times.

The mind of these dogs is not directed towards fulfilling official commands, but towards high socialization. These pets know how to build relationships with their family, subtly capturing emotions and moods. French Bulldog - universal dog, which is suitable for both large families and single people, including the elderly and those with physical disabilities.

The Frenchman is a true protector; he senses when a person is in real danger. And this despite the apparent decorativeness and modest size. This is due to their original function as fighters of crowds of large and vicious rodents - rats. Pets of this breed are quite peaceful, distinguished by devotion and tenderness towards their family. They are not embarrassed by crowds of people, and they even enjoy being the center of attention.

Mentally they are very stable, not prone to panic and are not afraid of anything. Some bulldogs are quite capricious, they can be offended, but they do not remember evil and “thaw out” almost immediately. These dogs are excellent companions and need regular human interaction. They are very playful, but they are not alien to being alone. But long-term loneliness is poorly tolerated. Owners should take into account that such a pet will constantly require attention, but if the owner cannot take care of the dog at the given time, he will not bother.

Dogs love to travel, so if possible, you should not leave your pet, but rather take him as a travel companion. It won't cause any trouble and will handle any trip well. The French Bulldog does not like its own kind and has an extremely negative attitude towards cats. This is not surprising, since he himself loves affection, attention, and it is difficult for the dog to come to terms with competition. Therefore, it is advisable that he be the only pet in the house. The only exception is if the pets grow up together. Such a dog - best companion for games, which is why the French adore children and are happy to frolic with them.

Education and training

If you don’t demand anything complicated from your pet, then even a child can handle training a bulldog. They learn well basic commands, which are required for comfortable interaction - “sit”, “next to”, etc. It is better to raise a puppy from the first days of his arrival in the house.

If the dog came into the family as an adult, then even in this case he will be able to learn the basics of training. The owner does not require special knowledge - it is enough to be persistent, consistent and not give free rein to feelings.

Bulldogs very quickly get used to using the toilet on the street, they learn that picking up trash and helping themselves from someone else’s hands is prohibited. They grow up quickly, and a one-year-old pet will not play pranks, causing damage to property.


The Frenchman requires certain attention to hygiene procedures The puppy needs to be trained from the first days. The coat of these dogs is easy to care for; in addition, they hardly shed and do not have a specific odor. To make the coat shiny, it is enough to treat it 2-3 times a week with a massage brush with soft bristles. By the way, the fur is the first indicator of a pet’s health - if it becomes dull, it means that there are disturbances in the body.

Bulldogs are washed not so often - once every 2-3 months or as needed. Can be used as special means, so baby soap. It is necessary to regularly examine your pet's ears and, if dirty, treat them with a cotton swab. The eyes are treated with a damp cloth daily.

Teeth can be called weak point in a dog's health, they are prone to various diseases and grinding. Therefore, you should not often give your pet bones. For preventive purposes, you need to regularly brush your dog’s teeth and give him special treats with a cleansing effect. The animal's claws are trimmed regularly - in winter period more often.

Features of feeding

The nutritional value of the diet depends on the lifestyle the pet leads. If this is an active dog, then its menu should be more high-calorie than that of a “homebody”. Meat should be the basis, its share in daily norm is about 70%. Suitable products for a bulldog are lean beef, lamb, horse meat, and rabbit. It can be given raw, but previously defrosted.

You can also give boiled offal - liver, kidneys, tripe, heart, etc. Usually, the amount of meat is calculated based on the pet's age - 20 g per 1 kg. The remaining 30% includes cereals, vegetables, fruits, herbs, dairy products. Porridge can be cooked from buckwheat, rice, barley and oatmeal. They are cooked in water without salt; meat and vegetable ingredients are added at the end of cooking. It is also useful to season the dish with vegetable oils.

It is not recommended to give milk to adult pets, as their bodies do not absorb it well. But they can be treated to kefir, yogurt, yogurt, and cottage cheese. Vegetables are given both raw (if the pet eats them) and boiled. Pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage, beets, carrots, etc. are suitable for this.

Fish can be included in the diet - it replaces meat, but not more than 1-2 times a week. River fish It is given boiled, but sea fish is better given raw. This food must be deboned. If your pet loves fruits, then it is recommended to give them as a treat. In some cases, such a tasty treat is an excellent incentive for training a puppy.

By trying to diversify a pet's diet, owners can harm its health. For example, you should not give fermented milk and a meat dish at the same time. In addition, there are a number of foods that should not be in a dog’s diet:

  • potatoes (you can occasionally give boiled tubers, but only young ones; old vegetables are rich in starch, which is poorly digestible by the animal’s gastrointestinal tract);
  • flour products (bread, pasta, etc.);
  • sweets (cookies, cupcakes, candies, ice cream, etc.);
  • smoked meats;
  • pickles and marinades;
  • sausages;
  • bones – tubular, hard;
  • pork, lard.

You should not give your pet food with spices, sauce, ketchup, fried, fatty foods. If the owner prefers dry diets, then these should be premium and high-quality feeds. If your pet is suffering food allergies, then it is worth choosing hypoallergenic food, which is usually produced in the line of holistic foods. Proper, nutritious nutrition is the key to your pet’s health and longevity.


How much does a puppy cost?

Thanks to this breed quite popular, there will be no problems with purchasing a pet. There will be many options, and in any price category:

  • A puppy without documents and, as a result, without guarantees of pure breed and health, can cost 2500-3500 rubles. It is worth considering that such a dog is suitable exclusively as a pet.
  • A puppy from a kennel without a pedigree, but with the possibility of obtaining one and a guarantee of compliance with health, can be purchased for 10,000-20,000 rubles.
  • The cost of a “French” with documents varies from 20,000 to 80,000 rubles. It depends on many factors, such as the title of the producers, compliance of the puppies with the standard, etc.

The French Bulldog is a dog that is brave, cheerful and loyal beyond its size. This is a great travel companion, a friend who will eagerly await the return of his owner. What will he demand in return? Attention, love, affection, friendly attitude and quality care. This is the key to a good relationship between the owner and his four-legged pet.

French bulldog kennels

  • Moscow
  • St. Petersburg
  • Minsk
  • Other possible breed names: Bouledogue Francais, Small French Mastiff.
  • Adult dog height: 30-32 centimeters at the withers.
  • Weight French bulldog: from 6 to 14 kilograms.
  • Characteristic color French bulldogs: brindle, white, spotted and fawn.
  • Wool length: short and smooth.
  • How long do they live? French bulldogs: 11-13 years.
  • Advantages of the breed: sociable, likes to be in the company of people.
  • Difficulties of the breed: stubbornness.
  • average price for a French bulldog: 300-400 dollars.

The French Bulldog belongs to the group of Great Dane dogs. His distinctive features are a cheerful disposition, an easy-going character and a sense of humor. French Bulldogs are known for their kindness, attentiveness and patience.

Ancestors of the French Bulldog- English bulldogs. They especially inherited their structure from English bulldogs.

The most popular theory of the origin of the breed- migration of workers to France during the industrial revolution, along with whom English bulldogs got there.

French bulldogs began to claim the title of an independent breed at the end of the 19th century. At first, its owners were mainly workers and prostitutes, which is why the breed did not have the best reputation. However, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, French bulldogs became popular among aristocrats, artists and artists. In 1903 there was The first French bulldog show was held, in which 51 representatives of this breed took part.

Since then and to this day, French bulldogs have been popular breed, which is appreciated by dog ​​lovers.

What is the purpose and character of the French Bulldog?

The main purpose of this breed is companion dog, for protection and for the soul.

French bulldogs love children very much, they have no anger or aggression at all, but, at the same time, they are fearless. They are distinguished by devotion and affection both to the owner and to his family.

Such a dog can be kept perfectly in not the largest city apartment, as French bulldogs love to be at home, bark a little and do not interfere.

As mentioned above, French Bulldogs are known for their kindness, loyalty, and lack of aggression. They love their owner very much, will never bother you and can calmly wait until you pay attention to them. Known for their displays of laziness. There is no need to be afraid of French bulldogs, they are very kind.

Video review of the breed

To see more clearly what this breed is, you can watch this video. It will show breed and character characteristics French bulldog. What does he look like, what is unusual and unique about his appearance and behavior.

How to choose a French bulldog puppy

You cannot take a puppy into your home until he is 45 days old. Before this, he must already be examined by a veterinarian and branded.

The best thing buy a puppy from a kennel, and it is advisable to explore several options at once.

During the first conversation you need to ask the breeder, who the puppy’s parents were, how and what they fed him, kept him, and looked after him. It is also worth asking about the behavior and character of a particular individual.

You cannot pet or pick up the puppies yourself; to do this you need to obtain permission from the breeder.

Concerning appearance , then a healthy puppy will have shiny coat, not bloated belly, clean skin and a small layer of fat.

  • The puppy's eyes should be the same color, without odor or discharge. The nose should be black (up to 3-5 months in spotted-colored dogs, an uncolored nose is acceptable).
  • Mucous membrane oral cavity should be pink.
  • The teeth should be straight and the bite should be strong.
  • The paws should be straight, and the movements should be coordinated and not stiff.

As for behavior, healthy puppies should be active, cheerful and very sociable.

If you want to adopt not a puppy, but already adult dog, then this can be done, although there will be more problems than with a baby. An adult dog will already have the habits and lifestyle of its previous owner, so you must have the patience to retrain it. In the very first minutes after the meeting, it will be clear whether you can get along together based on the dog’s behavior and its attitude towards you.

Choosing a nickname for any dog ​​is a very exciting process. The French bulldog is no exception. The best choice- this is a nickname that has at least an indirect connection with his homeland - France.

It is best if the nickname is sonorous and consists of only a few syllables. You shouldn't give any absurd names. Choosing foreign name, you need to be sure you know its meaning.

For boys it is best to choose nicknames that overlap with male ones French names or names: Voltaire, Napoleon, Dumas, Francois, Chuck, etc.

For girls the situation is similar. Common names: Petra, Bonnie, Aurora, Eliza, etc.

This breed is known for its quite easy to care for. Bulldogs' coats require weekly brushing. Bathing is enough once a month. Bathing more often can actually cause damage, causing itching, dry skin and dandruff. Paw care includes trimming nails and checking for cracked pads.

What you need to take care of regularly is fold on the muzzle. The fact is that dirt and moisture constantly accumulate between the skin, which can serve as a source of infection. It is necessary to regularly wipe the fold with a cotton pad.

The ears also need to be looked after and cleaned regularly. If you suddenly notice swelling, redness or discharge in the ear cavity, contact your veterinarian immediately. Eyes should also be wiped down regularly.

The peculiarity of French bulldogs is that they can live perfectly in an apartment, and they no frequent walks required.

Nutrition for French Bulldogs

The puppy's food bowl should be located approximately near the middle of the chest. You should provide your puppy with two bowls: one for water and one for food. The best way to feed your French Bulldog is 4-6 times a day, and an adult dog about 2-3 times a day. It is advisable to train your dog to eat at a certain time.

What to feed your French Bulldog? You can feed them dry food, meat, offal, bones and fish. In addition, you can occasionally give cereals, eggs, dairy products, bread and vegetables as food.

As for, the complexity of upbringing can be assessed as below average. Thanks to the kindness of character, French bulldogs You can even trust children aged 6 to 8 years.

When educating you should take into account stubbornness of this breed, so you need to be prepared that you won’t be able to get your French bulldog to obey you right away and quickly. If your pet starts to be stubborn, then you don’t need to interrupt the training, you just need to better let him understand what exactly you want from him.

The best way to train French bulldog training is a contrasting method, that is, reward and punishment.

Start training follows from the very simple commands, such as: lying, sitting, next to, etc. The main rule is constant repetition. For obedience, do not forget to reward your pet with treats, games, walking, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed


  • can be kept even in a small apartment;
  • rarely barks;
  • short hair;
  • no need to dock ears and tail;
  • not aggressive, but fearless;
  • loves children very much;
  • playful and active;
  • not conflicting;
  • does not smell like “dog meat”;
  • smart.

One of the main questions puppy owners ask is how big they will be. An adult French Bulldog should weigh from 8 to 15 kg depending on gender. Females are generally smaller than males and usually weigh between 8 and 12 kg. The Frenchie is located between small and medium dog breeds and can be classified as one or the other depending on size.

Weight calculation

First - adult dog will typically weigh twice its body weight at 4 months of age. Giant breeds double their 5 month weight.
And two, your puppy's weight at 8 weeks will be about a quarter (25%) of his adult weight.

French Bulldog puppy weight table by month

Age, month Weight
Newborn puppy weight 200-300 gr
Puppy weight 4 weeks (1 month) 1-1.5 kg
Puppy weight at 2 months 2-2.5 kg
Puppy weight at 3 months 3.2-5.2 kg
Puppy weight at 4 months 4-6.5 kg
Puppy weight at 5 months 4.8-7.8 kg
Puppy weight at 6 months 5.6-9.1 kg
Puppy weight at 7 months 6.4-10.4 kg
Puppy weight at 8 months 7.2-11.7 kg
Puppy weight at 9 months 8-13 kg
Puppy weight at 10-12 months 9-15 kg

Factors influencing growth

Genetic factors have the greatest influence on the height and weight of a French Bulldog. The next most important factors are environment- puppies that eat well and often breast milk in the first weeks of life they are likely to grow faster and become larger.

Proper diet for your puppy after weaning can also affect his growth rate. Puppies that do not get enough food or are fed low-calorie food may grow smaller. Overfeeding can cause bulldog obesity. Disorders and diseases can also affect its growth and final size.

Stages of growth

On average, French Bulldogs tend to grow to their final size and gain maximum height at the withers by 9-12 months. They then develop their muscles during the 2nd year of life and fully mature by the age of 2 years.

During the growing stage, puppies can become quite heavy, and then in the second year of life they become more slender and fit. Therefore, a one-year-old puppy may be slightly heavier than an adult dog.

Photo of a French bulldog puppy at 1 month (4 weeks)

Photo of a French bulldog puppy at 2 months

Photo of a French bulldog puppy at 3 months

Photo of a French bulldog puppy at 4 months

Photo of a French bulldog puppy at 5 months