A gap between the front teeth - how to remove it and how much it will cost. Gap between teeth: what does it mean? Character with a gap between the upper teeth

The concept means “the ability to judge by appearance, and especially by face.” internal qualities a person, to draw conclusions about his character.”

According to this teaching, the shape, size and arrangement of teeth, along with other external features person, play an important role in the mental characteristics of the individual. For example, those with straight teeth are, as a rule, wise and eloquent people, while significant gaps between the teeth indicate a weak-willed person. Cunning (and always fussing) people most often have small and sparse teeth. If the teeth protrude strongly forward, most likely the person is stingy, and those with long teeth are often evil and greedy. The gap between the front teeth - what is called a diastema in dentistry - in physiognomy speaks of frivolity and a cheerful disposition. Large teeth are found in brave and kind people, and different heights of the teeth indicate the thoughtfulness of their owner. Determined and energetic people most often have sharp and strong teeth.

U different nations Since ancient times, there have been proverbs emphasizing the relationship between a person’s teeth and his character and destiny. In Rus' it was believed that teeth that are far apart from each other portend happy life. In England it was also believed that “a child with few teeth will grow up happy and inclined to travel.” In the English city of Northampton they always said that those with a large gap between upper incisors will become rich people. And in northeastern Scotland, the same sign indicated a person’s carelessness and excessive passion for the opposite sex.

In China, for a long time, they believed that teeth speak about a person’s relationships with other people and in the family, about the stability of life and the ability to enjoy delicious food. And in all these ways the best option are long, straight, flat and white teeth. Only owners of such teeth can count on happiness in life and a good relationship with people. White or ivory teeth will bring a person a good position in society and a high position, while yellow, dark, small and sparse teeth indicate a short and troubled life, poor relationships with people and an unstable financial situation.

In China, a person’s teeth are associated not only with his character, but also with his destiny. For example, it is believed that a person with protruding teeth will have to achieve everything in life on his own and not count on anyone. Success for such people comes far from their home. The owner of long (“dog”) front teeth most often becomes a tragedy for his family. Wealth, fame and long life waiting for a man with large, white, tight standing teeth, also called "horse". A good marriage and an abundance of food are predicted for people with “garnet” teeth, that is, people whose middle teeth are larger than the rest, and the upper ones are, as it were, rounded downwards. Rare teeth they talk about money problems and lack of restraint in conversations, the inability to keep secrets, since according to Chinese teaching, both wealth and information leak through such teeth. But special caution is recommended for those with “devil’s teeth” - crooked and zigzag teeth. Such teeth speak of a person’s envy and vindictiveness, his dishonesty in the areas of love, friendship and finance.

It is also interesting that in China much attention is paid to the number of teeth and it is believed that the more teeth a person has, the more happiness he will have in his life. Luck on life path awaits only a person who has more than 30 teeth, otherwise he will suffer poverty and bad luck. The symmetry of the teeth is considered separately: teeth that are wide at the top and narrowed at the bottom speak of a person’s greed and cruelty.

It should be noted that the greatest attention in physiognomy is paid to the two front teeth. It is by them that one should determine whether a person is worth trusting. They also talk about how long and stable his life will be. If the front teeth are wide, straight and without gaps, and the remaining teeth are different from them, then this most often indicates that there will be no great success in a person’s life, but no great misfortunes will happen either.

Diastema or gap between teeth is a fairly common phenomenon, a defect that spoils the aesthetic appearance of a smile.

It is not as safe as it seems, periodontal diseases can occur, because the teeth are subjected to a large load, they become less stable.

Why do teeth come apart?

Let's look at the main causes of gaps between the front teeth:

  • Heredity. One of the parents has such a pathology.
  • The frenulum is attached low to the lips, lower and upper.
  • Frenum traction upper lip overly compacted.
  • Milk teeth were later replaced by permanent ones.
  • Lack of prostheses for a long time on site extracted tooth, neighboring teeth try to close the void, thereby forming gaps.
  • Inconsistency between jaw bones and teeth size.
  • The tooth buds are positioned incorrectly or there are neoplasms.
  • An incorrect swallowing reflex in childhood can lead to such a pathology.
  • In a child with baby teeth, this is a functional defect; when replaced with permanent teeth, the gaps disappear.
  • One of the complications of periodontal disease is a gap between the front teeth;
  • Congenital growth defects of incisors.


Conditional classification of diastemas

By type:

  • False. Observed in early age, the bite is usually not structured.
  • True. It can only be corrected with special treatment.
  • Symmetrical.
  • Asymmetrical. Gap upper teeth, does not match the ones below.

According to the position of the teeth:

  • Hull displacement. The roots are in a natural position, and the roots are deviated.
  • The crowns are deviated laterally. Displaced in space, the roots are twisted and immobile.
  • Complex displacement of crowns and roots.

What to do with a gap between teeth?

Only a dentist or orthodontist can correct this problem. Treatment is carried out using the following methods:

  • Artistic camouflage of the gap.
  • Orthodontic treatment methods.
  • Installation of veneers, crowns.
  • Surgery.


An absolutely safe type of defect correction. There is no need to remove teeth and surrounding tissue. Before applying braces, the teeth are cured and professional cleaning. Braces can be metal, ceramic, plastic or combined options, for more effective treatment. Braces are invisible (outwardly not visible to people around you).

Treatment with braces is very effective, it provides not only a temporary, but a permanent result; you can remove not only wide front gaps, but also close the gaps of other teeth.

But there are also disadvantages of this treatment:

  1. You will have to wear them for a long time (about 2-3 years), visit the dentist every month, carefully care for your braces, and give up certain types of food;
  2. There is no way to remove them yourself;
  3. The older the biological age, the longer the treatment;
  4. Contraindicated for children under 10 years of age.

Their undoubted advantage is that they are removable before eating, this is especially important. Mouthguards can only be worn at night. They are plastic, transparent, almost invisible, and thanks to the special material, after regular use, teeth whiten by one tone.

If the crack is not large, this treatment method will help to easily fix this problem. Using a special filling, which is polymerized under the influence of a special ultraviolet lamp, interdental tissue is built up from one to 3 layers. The number of layers depends on the initial width of the hole.

Advantages of artistic restoration:

  • The patient chooses the composite material of the filling, its shade himself, from the color palette presented to him by the dentist;
  • Photopolymer fillings completely fill the gap;
  • Minimum time investment, from 30 minutes to two hours;
  • For artistic restoration, the use of anesthesia is not required, it is painless;
  • There are no contraindications for using a photopolymer filling;
  • It does not require special care;
  • There are no complications;
  • Restoration can be performed for children, pregnancy, and cancer.

Veneers or crowns

The use of veneers is a revolutionary method, but quite expensive.

They consist of the thinnest layer of porcelain, are attached to the front part of the tooth, and the result of the correction is immediately visible.

Positive qualities of using veneers:

  • Visually, the crack disappears completely;
  • Only the doctor and the patient know that the treatment was carried out, since there are completely no visible traces of the treatment;
  • Possibility of choice: all-ceramic, metal-ceramic, ceramic;
  • Possibility of changing the color of teeth, thanks to a variety of shades;
  • Does not require long-term adaptation to “new” teeth;

Lumineers (composite resins) are often used to repair the hole. But the effect is temporary; after a certain time, restoration and polishing of the lumineers is necessary.


Frenectomy – means removal of the frenulum surgically. Performed on younger children. After such an operation, the cleft closes itself. Operations are performed to excise the soft tissues of the lips or tongue, and remove abnormally growing teeth. After surgical treatment orthodontic treatment is mandatory.

How much does it cost to seal a gap? There is no clear answer to this question, since the price is individual and depends on each specific case.

In cases where the gap is formed due to periodontal disease, treatment by a periodontist is necessary. Once gum health is restored, braces or bridges are used to move the teeth back to their original location.


Traditional treatment at home

If you are not eager to seek help from dentists, try correcting the defect at home. Folk way Reduce the gap using sewing thread. Wrap a 30 cm piece of thread around the incisors and tighten tightly, leaving overnight or for 12 hours. Slight pain is possible.

This method of treatment gives the first results from one year to several years. Before self-medicating, you should consult a dentist so as not to worsen the situation.

As a result, knowing the numerous treatment methods and the benefits of each of them, you need to think carefully and choose a treatment method that is acceptable to you.

Quite often there are people who have a gap between their teeth. Such a gap is considered a sign of a strong and successful person. Many stars with a gap between their teeth successfully use this visible flaw as a personal highlight. Among famous people Vanessa Paradis, Madonna, Brigitte Bardot, Alla Pugacheva can boast of a gap between their teeth.

Types of gaps between teeth and the reasons for their appearance

In dentistry, this phenomenon is called diastema. If there are gaps between all the teeth, and not just the front ones, then they are called trema. Every fifth person on the planet has a gap between the central upper teeth, so if you are the owner of such a phenomenon, then you have something to be proud of. However, many would like to eliminate such a visible defect, considering it unaesthetic and spoiling the overall appearance.

The gap between the front teeth can be false or true. A gap between baby teeth is called false, because it often happens that when baby teeth are replaced with molars, this defect disappears without a trace. The gap between the molar front teeth is called true and can only be corrected with the help of a specialist. If you still decide to get rid of the diastema, then you should start making corrections as early as possible, so it will go away most unnoticed for you.

There may be several reasons for the appearance of a gap between the teeth: heredity, a low frenulum of the upper lip, late replacement of milk teeth with molars, the habit of constantly gnawing on various objects, such as pencils or pens, an anomaly in the shape and size of the lateral incisors, or edentulous teeth. In any case, over time, the size of the gap will only increase, and in addition, it can cause diseases of the oral cavity.

How to get rid of gaps between teeth?

If you have firmly decided that you need perfectly straight front teeth without gaps, seek help from a dentist. Take a responsible approach to choosing a clinic and a specialist; it is better if you can first see the result of his work. There are several methods for eliminating diastema; the doctor will decide how to remove the gap between the teeth; he will also take into account your individual characteristics and will conduct the treatment session with the least discomfort.

The safest, but also the longest, will be the orthodontic method. In this case, you will have braces installed, and over time the defect will be eliminated and the bite will be corrected. This method is most suitable for children whose replacement of milk teeth with molars occurred relatively recently. The orthopedic method involves the installation of crowns or special veneers. The result is great, but do not forget that in this case your own teeth suffer for the sake of aesthetic appearance. Surgical intervention occurs if the source of the problem lies in the low-lying frenulum of the upper lip. There is also a therapeutic method for eliminating diastema, otherwise called “artistic restoration.” In this case, the dentist will build up your teeth in one session using composite veneers.

Is it worth cleaning the gap between teeth?

Only you yourself can answer this question. Some strive to get rid of the defect as soon as possible, while others, on the contrary, consider it their peculiarity, a symbol of luck and strength of character. Now you know how to get rid of the gap between teeth, and whether it is really necessary to do this, they will help you decide numerous photos famous personalities, not at all complex because of their unusual teeth. Looking at the successful and attractive Madonna, you are unlikely to want to part with such a “highlight” as a gap between her front upper teeth.

Among scientists such as physiognomists, there is an opinion that the presence of a gap between a person’s teeth is a characteristic of someone who is blessed with fame, success in business, self-realization, and also his name may in the near future be loud and known to everyone. On the contrary, if several gaps were observed between the teeth, then physiognomy diagnosed this as a phenomenon characteristic of people with weak willpower, pliable and driven leaders. For those who would like to straighten their teeth, it will be interesting to know why a gap appears between the teeth, and what solutions dentists offer in such cases. After all, as they say, glory is glory, but the interdental space in the front rows still spoils the appearance when a person smiles.

The scientific name for gaps formed between teeth is diastema. And if such phenomena are observed between the crowns, then they will be called trema. Aesthetically, some people even like a small gap between the front upper units, but there are cases when it looks completely unsightly and should be eliminated. However, before removing such a defect, the doctor will definitely find out the reason for its appearance by performing an examination or asking the patient. The general reasons noted by experts are the following:

  • A consequence of the characteristics of the growth and structure of the jaw area. For example, when teeth grow too small in size, they cannot converge, “close” (microdentia).
  • Abnormal development of the frenulum on the anterior rows, under the upper or lower lip.
  • Lack of number of teeth due to improper prosthetics or absence of dentures after removal of the chewing unit.
  • During swallowing functions, the tip of the tongue always rests on the upper palate, and not on the rows, if development occurs correctly. Otherwise, emphasis on the upper units will provoke their bending or disconnection.
  • The roots or incisors, fangs are initially incorrectly positioned.
  • Pathologies – periodontium, hyperdontia and other phenomena.
  • Bad habits - for example, biting your nails, opening bottle caps with your teeth, and so on.

In the first case, some disruptions may occur in the development and formation of the root base in the jaw area. For a complete row, nature always allocates a certain place - the size of the jaw and the size of the incisors. But if the incisors themselves do not grow large enough or there is too much space due to the elongated jaw, then a gap appears in the interdental space, larger than normal in size. The normal amount of space between teeth is when the gap is so small that dental floss was able to pass with some slight difficulty. Microdentia is considered a hereditary factor; it cannot be cured, but can only be eliminated cosmetically.

For reference: Shcherbinki are divided into false and true. The first ones appear between children's milk teeth, and the second ones already appear on the permanent teeth.

Possible dangers

Experts assure that if the diastema is large (too large gap in the interdental space), then this may well contribute to the undesirable development of periodontal disease - inflammation of the gums, periodontitis, and other diseases. If the patient does not want to remove the gap simply because it seems cute or attractive to him, then only a doctor can make a final decision on this issue. It may well be that the dentist will simply prescribe special procedures for such a person to prevent the occurrence of periodontitis. If there are already signs of such a phenomenon as a hole in the tooth, then it should be treated immediately, and then the large gap should be eliminated. In general, specialists usually simply observe the diastema for some time and then make a decision whether to do something about it or not.

Troubleshooting methods

For today modern methods Eliminating gaps between teeth can be divided into several types of technologies:

  • Orthodontic approach.
  • Installation of veneers, lumineers.
  • Restorations – cosmetic and artistic.
  • Implantation.
  • Surgical plastic surgery of the frenulum.

The implantation method is used in cases where a number of units are missing, and an artificial tooth needs to be urgently installed so that the others do not move or form gaps. After removing excess frenulum that has stuck to the front teeth, it is always necessary to following procedures– orthodontic and therapeutic. This is the only way to finally get rid of the defect.

Important! It is best to remove the first signs of diastema in childhood when permanent teeth appear after baby teeth.

Orthodontic treatment of gap

The longest procedures for removing gaps are, of course, orthodontic methods. Usually this problem is solved by installing braces where the rows are separated far enough from each other. Braces do not damage the enamel, but they should be regularly adjusted at an appointment with a specialist, and also cleaned, which only a specialist can do correctly. There is one disadvantage of this method of correction - the cost of the procedure and materials. An additional disadvantage is that they greatly spoil the appearance of a person’s smile while they are installed on his teeth. But for this purpose there are now internal braces - lingual, which are installed on the inside of the row.

Additional information: In childhood, braces can correct curvature in a few months, while adults need years to do this.

Veneers and Lumineers

Veneers or lumineers are thin plates that are firmly placed on the teeth, thereby increasing their size. Such a mechanical increase can quite easily eliminate the problem of interdental gap. Veneers are cheaper than braces, but they must be handled with extreme caution. For example, you will no longer be able to chew nuts or crackers, or chew other solid foods. Plates are made from materials such as:

  • ceramics;
  • porcelain.

Before installing veneers, the enamel is processed by the dentist - a small layer of it is removed. Then it is covered with a protective material, and then the plate is carefully glued using a specialized adhesive composition. Over time, records change. Unlike installing crowns, where almost all of the healthy tooth, the layer of enamel removal for veneers or lumineers is not too large.

For reference: Lumineers are thinner than veneers. The thickness of the first is 0.2 mm, and the second - 0.5 mm. The former are more resistant to mechanical pressure than the latter. Lumineers last about 20 years, and veneers are two or three times less.

Cosmetic restoration

The most familiar treatment or tooth restoration is, of course, extension composite material to its missing sections. The same is done in the case of eliminating unsightly gaps between teeth. If a patient chooses this service to solve his problem, then he should know that eliminating the gap between the front teeth will be an almost jewel-like method of building up. Therefore, you should find the most experienced specialist for yourself, and also be prepared to pay for such a service, which may not seem cheap. After all, it is extremely important to observe the shade of the composite material, its coincidence with the shade of the teeth. In addition, the material adjusts the units to a perfectly flat surface that the therapist achieves.

Artistic restoration

Artistic restoration should include the same cosmetic restoration that was described above. The only thing that can distinguish this procedure is the simultaneous restoration of accompanying defects. For example, a patient not only has a gap, but also crooked teeth or there is a hole somewhere that should first be treated, and then the shape of the tooth should be straightened to natural look. We are talking about the formation of special tubercles on inside teeth that must be present. Therefore, with the help of artistic restoration, you can not only remove the gap, but also level the surface of the rows.

Diastema in children

In children, diastema may appear due to hereditary factors. Abnormal development of the frenulum, and from bad habits, which a child begins to acquire from an early age. Parents should be careful to ensure that the baby does not suck a pacifier or finger for too long. Older children may eat apples, candy, and other foods incorrectly, which leads to the formation of interdental clefts. Children should be taught that apples should be bitten and chewed, and not crushed with their front teeth. Moreover, such pampering can spoil the rows, which will inevitably lead to such a procedure as dental treatment with braces and other installations. In addition, the presence of a diastema in children can prevent them from learning to speak correctly, which will subsequently lead to various diction disorders (a lisp, for example).

It’s up to everyone to decide whether to leave a gap between their teeth or not. Many people today believe that having a little gap even brightens up some people's smiles. Therefore, such a phenomenon cannot always be regarded as a defect. But if someone perceives this as a disadvantage, then, of course, modern conditions dentistry will help solve this problem by resorting to in different ways and methods.
