Gorgeous hair in spring – is it possible? Hair care in spring: the best natural masks at home

In spring, you really want to surprise everyone with an original hairstyle or beautiful hair styling. But owners of previously chic hair face problems in the spring: dry, brittle, dull hair looks like straw. Hair care in spring requires increased attention and time. Why this happens and how to change the situation you will learn from this article.

Changes in the body

Spring time is difficult for the whole body, which is weakened by vitamin deficiency. By the way, in the spring, many people experience this so-called hair problem, which also affects their hair. Surprisingly, psychological condition, affects the condition of the hair, so it becomes more tangled.

In a state of depression, people often cut their hair because they think it irritates them and they want to change something, but it will not change the situation. You need to calm down and get out of the state of depression as quickly as possible. Nowadays, there is so much literature of all kinds, in the end, you can turn to a specialist.

As you know, it is during this period that people often get sick. And all this is well reflected in our hair. They become dry, dull and brittle, and are highly magnetic. They lack clean air and moisture, as their heads were constantly for a long time in a hat, and the heating at home dries out the air.

But you should not conclude that you need to walk without a hat in winter, this obviously will not provide your hair with sufficient moisture. In winter, frost is much more dangerous not only for hairs, but also for the health of the entire body. Hats are necessary even at the beginning of spring, when there is wet snow, wind and the temperature on thermometers is still zero.

Proper hair care in spring

You need to take into account one simple truth: you need to take care of your hair not only in spring, but also all year round. Hair just needs it in spring special attention: restoration and preparation for summer time, when hair needs to be protected from abundant ultraviolet radiation and high temperature. Spring care includes taking special hair vitamins, moisturizing masks and gentle handling.

The most important thing for hair is not to injure it. We ourselves, without noticing it, harm them even with a simple comb, pulling the hair, starting from the very root. Although it is necessary to comb correctly, slowly from the ends, rising slowly upward. You should avoid excessive “drying” with a hairdryer. Over-dried hair becomes fragile, and given its “spring” weakness, a hair dryer has a detrimental effect on it.

For example, you should dry your hair like this: first, lightly dab it with a towel, shake it, after which it dries on its own. Never go to bed with wet hair, in addition to increased fragility, “I stick out wherever I want” hairstyle, you also risk getting a runny nose.

What should you absolutely not do with your hair in spring?

It is in the spring that women strive to dramatically change their image, dye, cut or curl their hair. Hair is already weakened after winter, instead of helping it, they want to put additional stress on it. And sometimes in return positive result, on the face - reverse effect. I do not recommend doing this at the beginning of spring; it is better to limit yourself to gentle procedures and postpone the image change to the end of May or the beginning of summer.

Several recipes for masks and strengthening decoctions for home use strengthening hair.

  • Decoctions of chamomile and oak bark herbs help very well. Chamomile, by the way, has a brightening effect; for natural blondes, chamomile decoction is an indispensable remedy that maintains color and gives a unique shine. Moreover, the more often you use it, the lighter and more beautiful the natural color.

You need to brew herbs according to the recipe on the package, usually 2 tablespoons of herbs per 400 grams of boiling water. Let it brew, strain and apply to hair, after which do not rinse hair. If you add two teaspoons of honey to the strained solution, which is also very useful, then you need to rinse your hair clean water.

  • Infusions of birch buds give good results. For 1 glass of fresh kidneys you need 2 liters of water. Put all the contents on the fire and wait until it boils. After waiting for the broth to infuse and cool, apply to your hair.

It is important not to mix the decoction with one another and not to apply it all to your hair at once. Because, for example, not all hair loss recipes are applicable to all hair types. First, conduct one course, after a while in an arc. It is better to use birch buds for a month every time you wash your hair. But chamomile regularly once a week for three months, then you can take a month’s break and continue again, if necessary.

  • As for masks, the most effective is the so-called “honey” one, which contains honey with egg white. Mix the components in equal quantities and apply to washed, damp hair, wrap in plastic, and top with a towel. After 30 minutes, rinse thoroughly with water. Not a single store-bought mask gives such an effect as the “honey” one. After using it, your hair looks simply gorgeous, soft and silky.

Our attractiveness largely depends on our hairstyle. With its help you can change your appearance better side just by getting a haircut or dyeing your hair. But hair is sensitive to changing weather conditions, so hair care in spring, winter, summer and autumn has its own characteristics.

How to care for your hair in winter

During this cold time, hair is exposed to the negative effects of low temperatures, piercing winds and dry air. This adversely affects the dryness of the hair, increasing electrostatics. Proper hair care in winter primarily involves using stronger moisturizers.

  1. Change your usual balm to a more nourishing option and use it every time you wash your hair.
  2. IN winter period the weather is often damp, use gel, foam or mousse. In addition to shaping the hairstyle, styling products envelop the hair, thereby protecting it from bad weather.
  3. Once every two weeks, treatments at home or in the salon. Winter hair care involves different kinds massage with oils. You need to keep this mask for 3 hours, and then wash it off with cool water and a gentle shampoo.
  4. To reduce the negative impact of heating devices, cover the radiator with a damp towel or buy an air humidifier.
  5. Do not go outside in cold weather without a hat; frost leads to spasms of skin vessels, which impairs blood circulation. The bulbs, without receiving the necessary amount of nutrition, slow down hair growth.
  6. During the winter season, many people experience vitamin deficiency; you can take a course of vitamins (do not forget to consult your doctor before taking medications).

By learning how to care for your hair in winter, you can keep your hair healthy and strong.

How to care for your hair in spring

Even those who can boast of absolutely healthy hair need special hair care in the spring. Winter, a small amount of vitamins, wearing hats and dry air are to blame for this. To improve the quality of your hair, you need to carry out a comprehensive restoration by choosing your type:

Greasy hair

  • Kefir mask: take a couple of drops of any essential oil (for example, citrus or lavender) into a glass of low-fat kefir. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and massage your head. Then apply the mixture along the entire length of the strands. Use the mask on clean hair, as shampoo is not needed to wash it off.
  • Orange mask: grate the fruit or use a blender, add 1 tbsp. l. honey For best result Warm the mixture slightly and apply to dry hair.

Dry strands

  • Sour cream mask: 3 tbsp. l. product combine with 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice The mixture is applied to dry hair.
  • Avocado mask: puree the fruit pulp and add egg yolk. Rub the mask into damp strands using massage movements.

The course of treatment should last at least two months. Use the mask 2 times a week, trying not to miss a single procedure. For maximum effect wrap your head in a towel and walk with the mixture for at least an hour.

Hair care in spring provides a soothing and restorative effect for cold-weary hair.

How to take care of your hair in summer

At this time of year we spend almost all our time in the sun. Too intense ultraviolet irradiation dries and thins the hair, destroying its structure. This is fraught with the appearance of split ends, irritation of the scalp and general dishevelment of the hairstyle. Thoughtful hair care in the summer will help neutralize the effects of prolonged exposure to the sun, which should include:

  1. Rinsing your hair with cool water (or better cold, if you can stand it). This will give your hair a natural shine as it seals the cuticles.
  2. Get a haircut every month, because in the hot season the hair grows more actively, but being constantly in the sun, it dries out and deteriorates faster.
  3. If you don't normally use a moisturizing shampoo, now is the time to start. Hair care in summer should be based on global hydration.
  4. Use styling products with an SPF filter, since the sun is very aggressive at this time of year, skin and hair need protection.
  5. Hair protection with a Panama hat. Even diligent hair care in the summer will not work if the sun beats down on your hair mercilessly.
  6. Natural ingredients - avoid anything that contains sulfates, alcohol and formaldehyde, as they dry out your hair.
  7. Refusal of additional heat exposure - hair dryers and straightening irons.
  8. On a separate line hair care at sea is underway - in addition to following the previous points, you should avoid coloring your curls before the trip.

Before swimming in the pool or sea, wet your strands with clean water, so they will absorb less salt and chlorine.

How to care for your hair in autumn

It is best to restore and treat vegetation in the fall - the sun is no longer so active, winter cold hasn't arrived yet. It's time to eliminate unpleasant consequences hot summer, dust and exposure sea ​​salt. The main problems in the fall are increased fragility, split ends, and even loss of curls. The hair is depleted, deprived of moisture and vitamins. The following recommendations will help correct the situation:

  1. Trim damaged ends. This will help you give a more well-groomed appearance and increase the effect of treatment.
  2. Maximum hydration. In the fall, almost everyone complains about dry hair, so it’s especially important to buy shampoo with herbal and nourishing ingredients (it’s good if it’s sulfate-free).
  3. Try to use a hair dryer and straightening iron as little as possible. If you cannot do without them, apply thermal protection products.
  4. Eliminate chemistry. Give your hair a chance to rest from dyeing (as a last resort, you can purchase ammonia-free products). In addition, make masks at home more often.
  5. Protect your hair from the cold. In the fall, be sure to wear a hat or hood that provides protection from rain or wind (remember to remove it if you go into warm weather to avoid steaming your scalp).
  6. Eat right. Good nutrition will help improve your hair health. In the fall, the menu should contain foods containing selenium (garlic, mushrooms), iodine (cod, shrimp, squid), potassium (oranges, carrots, tomatoes, eggplants), vitamins A, E. Include in the diet walnuts, pumpkin or sunflower seeds.

Hair care tailored to the seasons will make your hair attractive and healthy.

How do you take care of your hair in different seasons? Share your experience or ask questions in the comments.

Spring, as you know, is the time of love and the awakening of all living things after winter hibernation, the beginning of a new life. After long winter days without sun and warmth, lack of vitamins, hair finally gets the right to get rid of the heavy fur cap and breathe freely. It’s just that almost every second woman’s hair looks terrible. Below we will tell you how to care for your hair in spring in order to regain its former elasticity and shine as quickly as possible.

Nine rules for hair care in spring

Experts answer the question of how to care for your hair in spring: follow nine elementary rules maintaining healthy hair. Here is their list.

9) It is better to have a hair brush made of natural bristles. She doesn't cause any allergic reaction when combing and gives hair extra shine.

Oily hair: no massage

Perhaps, oily hair is a little luckier than others in the sense that it can easily avoid such a common winter problem of other hair types as split ends. They are protected from damage by special secretions sebaceous glands. But the owner massages her head oily hair It’s not worth it in winter: during the cold season, sebum is already produced and comes out on the scalp in excess, and with active massage actions, the secretion of sebum is only stimulated, and then it is spread along the entire length of the hair. At home, it is better to make masks with chamomile, sage, nettle and other herbs, and avoid oil masks. The latter will further weigh down and greasy the already greasy hair. But masks based on kefir and yogurt normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Dry hair: moisturize and moisturize again

Basic help for dry hair in spring - folk remedies try to get your hair back to how it was before water balance, that is, save them from dehydration. In this case, shampoos, conditioners, masks for dry hair with the addition of vitamin B5, hydrolysates of corn, soy or wheat proteins, and lecithin will help. The listed substances create a protective film on the hair, preventing it from losing elasticity and strength. Herbal masks can be used Linden blossom for rinsing hair or water with lemon juice. Of the oils for dry hair, burdock oil is most suitable.

Normal hair: vitaminized shampoos

Concerning normal hair, then spring care for them may consist of using fortified shampoos and hair conditioners. Of the masks, the most suitable for spring is with lemon juice. You can rinse your hair with herbal decoctions - chamomile, horsetail, nettle.


Hi all! Let's talk about spring hair care! How is it different from winter and what problems do we face after winter?

In many ways, the condition of our hair in spring depends on how we took care of it in winter.
What inconveniences did winter cause to our hair?
This includes temperature changes, dry indoor air, and a lack of vitamins and other useful substances(vegetables don’t grow in winter, etc.). And frequent wearing of a warm hat. Or, on the contrary, someone managed without it...
As a rule, winter is traditional work time, few people want to take a vacation in winter. We work hard and have little rest. There is lack of sleep, fatigue, and nervous tension...

What does this mean for our hair?
Firstly, the notorious spring fall. There are quite a few reasons for loss. But if the problem is precisely a lack of vitamins, then the beginning of spring is the right time to take vitamin complexes.

I'm with synthetic vitamins not very lucky. Which ones I didn’t take! The loudest and most popular of them Maxi Hair Plus from Country Life. They didn’t help me with hair loss or growth. After taking it as directed, my face broke out in acne. And from taking 1 tablet a day, it was as if nothing had happened. Whether she took them or not, it makes no difference. Maybe they will help someone else, but I will stay with mine.

The second problem with hair in winter is split ends. Whether your hair splits or not is the result of winter care. If in winter your hair received enough moisture, nutrition and protection, then splitting in the spring is not a problem!

If a section appears, then it is better to get rid of it immediately. It's my opinion. This is exactly how I dealt with the section. And that was a very long time ago.

I prefer spray. I used it in winter "Keratin Plus" Megapolis from Ollin and now I continue. It is, of course, more aimed at restoration. And besides this, it moisturizes even my bleached hair well.

Now I’ll say a boring thing. Moisturizing and nutrition (recovery) are followed by protection. The ends of hair, especially long ones, are deprived of natural protection. It is produced by the scalp. And it just doesn’t have time to reach the ends of the hair - we wash it off.

I prefer cosmetic oils. And those who are suitable for natural (or organic) length care can use light organic oils or waxes to protect their ends. This is how I once applied it to the ends of my hair. argan oil Aroma-zone. It is well suited for these purposes. Lightweight, quickly absorbed (for oil in pure form it was fast), gives smoothness and shine and does not weigh down.

Another problem after winter is dry hair. I would also include fragility here. Here it is the same as with the section. Did you moisturize well? - That means there won’t be any dryness. Did you eat enough? - No problems with fragility.

Still dry? - it's time to reconsider your care and look for a suitable moisturizing mask. Same with fragility.
If you need both hydration and nutrition at the same time, look for appropriate masks. Or you can split it. For nutrition - a mask. For moisturizing - spray. Or vice versa!

I won’t say that my masks in winter were moisturizing... My focus is primarily on recovery. But my SPA treatments with or with helped me with hydration. And yes, thanks to them, I don’t feel any dryness and certainly no brittleness.

The scalp may also need hydration. This is where tonics/elixirs/lotions for the scalp help us.

Some people have the opposite situation. Excessive fat content. There are also plenty of reasons for rapid scalp contamination. In such cases, they most often talk about work thyroid gland and hormones. Next, if everything is normal with hormones, they look at nutrition. Was it balanced and useful?

I learned from my own experience that even from inappropriate care, our skin can produce more sebum than we would like. That's why


Be sure to take vitamin complexes. These can be both general strengthening multivitamins and special vitamins for hair, nails, and skin. In addition, you need to include foods containing beauty vitamins in your diet. For example, these are polyunsaturated fatty acid, proteins, zinc, calcium, etc.

During the cold season, blood vessels narrow, which is why the scalp does not receive all the substances it needs, delivered with blood and lymph. First of all, hair suffers from this. The roots become weak, which often leads to slow growth and hair loss, and the hair itself becomes thin, brittle and loses its shine. To prevent or get rid of hair loss, experts recommend regular scalp massage. In addition, a massage will not be amiss. cervical region spine. Very effective for improving blood circulation and activating hair growth with a special attachment and a laser comb.

Be sure to moisturize your scalp and hair. Drink to maintain balance in your body a large number of mineral or regular water. A humidifier has an excellent effect on the condition of hair and skin. IN winter time try to use intensive moisturizing products - balms, masks, conditioners. They will help make your hair smoother, more elastic, shiny, and irritation and itching of the scalp will disappear.

Winter care for all hair types is significantly different from usual. The reason is that in the cold, the condition of the hair and scalp can change, so using familiar products can worsen their condition. Most often in winter, hair becomes dry or remains oily at the roots, but dehydrated, dry and brittle at the ends. For this reason, shampoo should provide soft action, its pH level must be neutral and also contain natural herbal ingredients, without silicones, dyes and parabens. It is best if it is intended for damaged, dry and brittle hair. Stylists advise using a moisturizing or restorative conditioner or balm after washing your hair to prevent your strands from drying out.

It is advisable to make nourishing and restorative masks several times a week, which contain vitamins B1, B5, B6, F, phospholipids, glycolipids, essential oils, amino acids and proteins. Apply the mask to clean, damp hair for at least a quarter of an hour, warming your head with polyethylene and a towel.

Nourish your curls with serums that don't need to be rinsed off. Thanks to their composition, they are able to have an instant effect, restoring, protecting, moisturizing the hair, helping it retain moisture and improving the appearance of the strands. To prevent your hair from looking greasy and dirty, you should not apply too much product to it - a couple of drops is enough.

Prevent dandruff and boost immunity. In winter, dandruff appears quite often, because... Temperature changes and tight hats provoke various dermatological problems. You can get rid of dry dandruff by choosing a gentle shampoo designed specifically for dry and damaged hair. Natural oils, such as butter, perfectly nourish the scalp tea tree, olive, castor, burdock, almond, coconut and jojoba oil. Appearance oily dandruff requires consultation with a specialist and a special medicated dermatological shampoo, sold in pharmacies.

Theme of care hair especially relevant in the spring, because seasonal vitamin deficiency also affects their appearance. In order for your hair to look impressive after getting rid of your hats, you need to take better care of yourself.


Try to reduce the use of hair dryers, hair straighteners or stylers as much as possible. All these heating devices additionally dry the scalp and the hair structure itself.

Avoid dyeing at least for a while. Even the highest quality and most expensive dye additionally damages hair, which already needs hydration and nutrition.

Use natural herbal decoctions as rinses, not balms based on chemical components. With their help hair in the spring will acquire a healthy shine.

Visit a hairdresser. Even if you want to get luxurious and long curls by summer, proper care behind hair impossible without regular haircuts. This is what allows you to keep your hair ends intact.

To find healthy hair, regularly use masks appropriate for your specific hair type. Universal recipe can be considered a mixture of egg yolk, a tablespoon of cognac and the same amount of honey. It is best to carry out resuscitation masks in a comprehensive manner, alternating the compositions every day for two weeks. In this case, the effect will be visible.