Fern symbol, fern flower, Perunov color add your price to the database comment. Magical properties and abilities of the Slavic amulet fern flower

Amulet Perunov color (fern flower, Fern color) - famous Slavic symbol. It is believed that Perun's color amulet can help reveal magical abilities, give strength, good health, protect from illnesses and illnesses. Perun's amulet color turns by force to God Perun, and to God Kupala, is associated with the summer holiday Kupala (Kupala), the holiday of Fire and Water, the summer Solstice.

The color of the fern is a symbol of eternal and true love . According to legend, the God of the Summer Sun, Kupalo, gave Perun a fern flower on the very long night of the year. Only after this the stern warrior was able to fall in love with the incomparable beauty - the Goddess Diva-Dodola. The Goddess of the Thunderstorm became his constant companion, and is remembered by the Slavs under the name Perunitsa.

On Kupala night, when the Fern Flower blooms, all men's hearts turn from strict and hard into tender and loving. To this day, on a magical night, exactly at midnight, all young boys and girls try to find such a flower. Those people who practice divination and northern magic are also looking for it.

Image of the amulet Fern Flower (Perunov color)

Externally, the “Perunov Color” sign has a pronounced swastika structure. Swastika signs for the ancient Slavs were always sacred and were also called solar - that is, those that are subordinate to the Sun or His movement. Swastika signs have always denoted and still denote the movement in a spiral, the movement of galaxies in the Universe. Those four rays that emanate from the center of the sign are curved and have “shoots”. All together they create the bizarre outlines of a labyrinth in the four cardinal directions. The design of the symbol is such that it does not imply closure - the ends of the rays can be completed, continued indefinitely, creating a salt-and-pepper rotation - clockwise or in the direction of the Sun.

The power of the amulet Perunov color (fern flower)

How will Perun's amulet help, what action does it perform?

Perunov color, Fern color or Fern flower is popularly called “break-grass” or “flight-grass”. They called the gap-grass because there were craftsmen who used this sign to make it rain. Those in the know used to say that with Perun’s color, like a key, you can open the Vaults of the Heavenly Abyss. They called it grass flight because they believed that the fiery fern flower was very shy and fluttered from stem to stem, like a butterfly or bird. Whoever it is given into the hands of, whoever catches it, will get what he wants, or he will be lucky in love for life.

This amulet of God Perun grants:

  • self-confidence and self-confidence;
  • happiness, the ability to approach life more easily and positively;
  • body strength, health, endurance;
  • good changes in life, its renewal.

The powerful power of this amulet will provide protection from:

  • ailments, illnesses or diseases;
  • male weakness;
  • unkind slander associated with harm to health.

Who is this amulet suitable for?

Amulet The color of fern was traditionally embroidered on clothes and towels; amulets were made with the image of a sign on birch bark, wood, and bone.

Perunov's color is suitable for boys and girls who dream of finding successful love in life.

The color of Perun's amulet is not suitable for children. This sign was not used to decorate toys, children’s dishes, clothes or a child’s cradle.

Fern flower is suitable for women to gain inner confidence and strength.

Since this sign takes its power from God Perun, the amulet is perfect for men.

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Fern flower (Perunov's color) is one of the oldest solar ornamental symbols in Slavic religious culture. The fern flower is a kind of eight-pointed swastika, to which our ancestors gave special esoteric meaning. Like any swastika symbol, the fern flower personified the all-conquering power of solar energy, the energy of life that nourishes all things.

The Russian name for fern comes from the Slavic words “port” and “porot”, which also means “wing”. Now the Slavic root is preserved only in the word “to soar.” In pagan Rus', the fern was dedicated to the 6th god of thunder and lightning, Perun. Folk names ferns are very expressive: Perunov fireflower, heat-flower, gap-grass, kochedednik, chistous, devil's beard, magpietooth, flea beetle, zolotnik, it’s impossible to list them all.

What the legends say

Lyubov Semargla

The fern flower, which is also called Perun's flower, is associated with an ancient legend telling about the forbidden love of Semargl, the first defender of the solar throne, and Bathing Lady, a gentle and kind goddess summer nights. Semargl and Bathing Lady loved each other, but could not be together, since the sun protector did not have the right to be away from the luminary for even a moment. But one day Semargl allowed his feelings to prevail over duty, and from that very day (the day of the autumnal equinox, September 21), the night gradually began to lengthen, defeating the day. Soon the Bathing Lady and the heavenly warrior had two children, who were named Kostroma and Kupala. On their birthday, Perun gave his brother’s children a gift - a blossoming fern. Perun put a piece of his power into this magical flower.

How did the fern appear?

A folk legend explains the appearance of the name “fern”. One day the king invited a poor family to visit. They put on their modest clothes and went to the palace. The road there went through the forest. The child smeared his outfit with wild berries and it became bright and cheerful, mom decorated herself with flowers, and dad plucked beautiful openwork leaves and made himself a large elegant collar from them. In the palace they looked quite decent, no worse than other guests, even the king was pleased. He especially liked the outfit of the head of the family. The king called the child to him to find out what was so beautiful on his father’s neck. He answered: daddy’s collar, but the king didn’t hear it and remembered it like a fern. Since then, it has become customary to call these carved leaves ferns.

fern color

The most beautiful and famous legend about ferns says that this plant blooms only on the night of Ivan Kupala. Between the leaves, similar to the wings of an eagle, a flower bud rises. At midnight, it opens with a crash, and a fiery flower appears, illuminating everything around, while thunder is heard and the earth shakes. According to legend, a person who overcomes the fear of evil spirits and takes possession of a fern flower is subject to all secrets and enchantments. He will gain many beneficial properties: will begin to understand the language of flowers and birds, trees and animals, may become invisible, and most importantly, will begin to see through the ground and, of course, will find all the treasures hidden in the ground.

It was possible to get a fern flower by accident. One legend tells how a man went into the forest on the night of Ivan Kupala to look for missing bulls, and got lost. At midnight, a fern flower fell into his bast shoe. At that moment, the man immediately knew where he was, began to understand the language of birds and animals, and saw hidden treasures in the ground. However, on the way home, the flower began to burn his leg, and the man, shaking out his bast shoe, lost the flower, and with it all his wonderful knowledge. Particularly lucky will be the one who, having picked a fern flower, can “sew” it into the skin of his palm. To do this, make a cut in your left hand and push the flower there.

What does the sign look like?

The Slavic amulet of a fern flower is shaped like a Kolovrat, only with eight rays. The image was applied to clothing, household items, and worn as a talisman around the neck. The symbol has a double meaning: it simultaneously serves the dark and light world.

If you look closely at its image, you will see that it is both a left-sided and right-sided Kolovrat. If at the base the Kolovrat twists in one direction, then in the place where the rays branch into additional branches, the Kolovrat begins to twist in the other direction. Thus, the same symbol is addressed to both sides of the world at once - dark and light, creation and destruction (for lovers of Eastern culture - yin and yang). This makes this symbol-amulet-amulet unique and versatile both in its properties and in its purpose.

Magic properties

The fern flower amulet is considered a magical talisman. Entire legends circulated about its magical properties. The Slavs believed that the amulet:

  • treats diseases of the body and mind;
  • leads to treasures;
  • helps to find peace and understanding with the outside world;
  • protects against evil forces.

Who is the Slavic sign suitable for?

Perunov's color is a universal amulet. It can be worn by everyone, without exception, regardless of age and gender. It can also serve as protection for the home. The amulet will help its owner find happiness, peace of mind and find his calling, promotes spiritual development.

The amulet will benefit:

  • students and schoolchildren, researchers and teachers - all those who strive to gain knowledge and improve their skills;
  • those who are forced to spend a lot of time traveling due to duty or travel at the behest of their hearts.

A fern flower can bring disaster to a gambling person who is capable of taking risks. This is because the amulet itself acts in a similar way, pushing its owner to take risks and win.

Those most in need of his protection are:

  • people who have lost interest in life and self-confidence;
  • the weak, suffering from a lack of energy and vitality;
  • everyone who is desperate, trying to find their way in life;
  • warriors, soldiers guarding the Motherland;
  • those who perform ceremonial rituals.

A dishonest person who has bad thoughts cannot wear Perun’s color. The energy of the talisman will not work, and may even involve the ill-wisher in dangerous situation. In addition, the amulet does not work if, in order to achieve the goal, a person is capable of committing a low act or causing harm to others. The Fern Flower is not suitable for those who attach too much importance to material wealth.

In the distant past, the Fern Flower was more popular with men than with women. The patron of the amulet, Perun, personified strength and courage, so the amulet was most often worn by warriors. It gave courage in battle and endowed its owner with dexterity and determination. Passed from father to son, the amulet acquired more and more value each time. magical power.

Using the amulet

First of all, this sign shows brave prowess. Moreover, unlike the six-rayed Perun Color, it could be used by both young men and some girls who chose the military path or were simply distinguished by their remarkable abilities in military affairs. Accordingly, the magical properties of the Fern Color amulet help in the development of physical abilities - agility, endurance and strength, as well as strengthen and temper the spirit.

It should be noted that embroidery in the form of this sign was never applied to everyday outfits. Similar ornaments were usually used to decorate festive outfits, in which young people went out to fist fights, as well as the undershirts of warriors. By analogy with this, the Slavic amulet of the fern flower was not used in home decoration. Usually, this sign could only be decorated with the governor’s house, the dining halls of the princely squads and the personal chambers of soldiers.

Some caution must be exercised when using this sign. It can provoke internal aggression and in no case will it be suitable for people with a calm lifestyle - mixing the measured, quiet energy of such a person with the militant and active character of the sign will not only not help in life, but will also turn it upside down without any positive effect.

Many parents were wary of putting such symbols on children's clothes, since this definitely helped the child grow up as a bully and daredevil, however, for hereditary warriors, such qualities were rather positive, and in such families they were not afraid of this sign. In any case, if you use this symbol in children's clothing or things, get ready for your child to be really hyperactive.

At the same time, it is worth saying that this amulet, despite the fact that it activates physical activity and aggression, will not allow one to direct one’s strength to the detriment of weaker ones, but rather will act as a barrier if a person has such inclinations. In general, the color of fern is a good amulet for those who love adventure, have a profession related to military affairs, or simply want to keep themselves in good physical shape and be able to stand up for themselves.

Making a talisman from fern

To make a fern amulet, you need to pick a couple of stems of the plant and dry them in a bright place. Dried fern is tied up wool thread and is laid out in the corners of rooms on a hill.

If a fern is placed under a pillow, it will relieve a person from nightmares. A fern planted in a dark corner of the garden, placed in a vase, thrown on hot coals, that is, in any form, the plant will protect and protect. It is best to wear a fern amulet on a naked body so that it is in as close contact with the owner as possible and protects against damage and the evil eye. No less popular among the Slavs were amulets made from other herbs, for example, from Peter's cross. This grass was used by fishermen, attaching it to pectoral cross, so that she would patronize and protect, because it is Saint Peter who protects the fishermen.

It is also known about protective properties peony, the flowers of which, if picked during the flowering process, were also used for amulets. Peony flowers should be dried on white paper, on which the Lord's Prayer is first written. Dried peony petals are placed in a canvas bag and carried with you, hiding from prying eyes.


The embroidery of the amulet implied observance certain rules. When embroidering, it was necessary to monitor the accuracy of the location of the central components of the symbol. The embroidery process itself had to be carried out on the waning moon.

Particular attention should be paid to the mood with which the embroiderer begins to work. In addition, the complexity of the process matters. If threads often break or knots are tied, or errors occur one after another, then embroidery should be postponed. This means that on this moment the amulet will not be able to protect a person with the proper strength. In this case there will be no benefit from it.

In combination with other symbols on embroidery, the amulet can combat specific problems. For example, if you need to save a person from alcohol addiction, then the fern flower is depicted together with svarog. If you have vision problems, it is recommended to surround the Perun symbol with cornflowers.

To preserve the family hearth, a combination of fern and hops is used. If you have illnesses respiratory system, the symbol of a fern flower is combined with the image of stribozhich and oak branches. At colds Rodymych and hops are added.

When creating a talisman, you should adhere to the following principles:

  • Embroidery of the amulet must be done of one's own free will. Under no circumstances should you force someone to make a talisman or embroider it yourself through force.
  • The power of embroidery will be stronger if a blood relative does it. Spouses are not considered in this case.
  • When embroidering, you need to think about the person for whom the embroidery is intended. This is necessary to establish a connection between the amulet and its owner.
  • For embroidery, it is better to use cotton threads and natural fabrics;
  • It is necessary to ensure that there are no knots in the embroidery.
  • If you need to fence off married couple from betrayal, then the embroidery should include orange and red shades.
  • On a product intended for a child, you should additionally embroider an image of an animal.
  • The green color of the embroidery is aimed at improving well-being.
  • Embroidery in purple and blue tones serves as protection against aggression.
  • Small embroidery elements should have the same shade.
  • The black color of the embroidery protects against infertility and promotes the speedy conception of a child.
  • A symbol of longevity will be a tree placed next to a fern flower. It's best if it's spruce.

Plants that have magical significance include the fern flower. It is also called “Perunov color”. The legend of its origin is quite curious and known to few. Such a talisman has medicinal properties and is able to fulfill a person’s cherished desires.

Origin story

This ancient Slavic symbol was a wonderful gift Perun for the children of his brother Semargl, who had great feelings for the Bathing Lady. She was the Goddess of the summer night and greatly loved the eldest son of the supreme god Svarog. Semargl and Kupalnitsa named their children Kupala and Kostroma. It was to them that Perun presented a fern flower, which had great power.

It is believed that the fern blooms once a year - on June 21. It was on this day, according to legend, that Perun gave his brother a magic flower. Since ancient times, the Slavs looked for him on the night of June 21-22 according to the old calendar and believed that he would bring them love, prosperity and good luck.

However, only a few managed to find it. Then people began to make amulets with a fern flower on various materials so that the symbol would always be near them.

What does the symbol look like?

The fern flower represents a swastika with eight rays. In its shape it resembles a Kolovrat and does not look like a flower at all. Outwardly, it looks more like fire.

Its rays twist into different sides and diverge into additional branches. This symbolizes the sign’s appeal to the dark and light world and makes it unique in its properties and purpose.

In ancient times it looked the same as it does now. Metal and stone products were common. The silver amulet was considered the most valuable.

The meaning of the fern flower amulet

Perunov color has several meanings among people:

  1. It is a symbol of pure spirit and can reveal secret qualities in a person.
  2. Represents vitality, protects from dangers.
  3. Helps to get rid of fear and discover ways to understand the meaning of life.

The amulet has other properties:

  • increase in wealth;
  • spiritual cleansing;
  • protection from ill-wishers;
  • elimination of diseases;
  • finding harmony with yourself.

Perun's flower favors those who are desperate and have lost interest in life. It helps in achieving goals, brings success and good luck in all matters.

Runologists talk about the existence of the “Fern Flower” stave. It is a combination of runes whose common task is to restore women's health. Merging certain characters helps stabilize hormonal balance, destroy viruses and bacteria, promotes rejuvenation and restoration of the functions of the genital organs. Signs are drawn on photos, paper, fern leaves and carried with them.

Who can wear and how to use the amulet

A fern flower should be worn by someone who has lost interest in life. The amulet will allow you to replenish your energy and achieve your goal. It is suitable for both men and women regardless of age. Perunov color is especially suitable:

  • travelers;
  • teachers;
  • scientists;
  • students and schoolchildren;
  • military.

It is not recommended to wear a talisman for people prone to gambling, so that the desire to take risks does not increase. You cannot use Perun’s color on a dishonest and deceitful person. If you use this symbol on children's clothes or things, the child will become hyperactive and will be able to stand up for himself.

When restless sleep advise to embroider magic sign on a cotton cloth and place it under the pillow. It is useful to apply it to other objects in the house. It is better to wear jewelry with a symbol under clothing, so its impact will be stronger. Therefore, it is recommended to wear a Slavic amulet around the neck in the form of a pendant.

Depicted on the patient’s clothing, it will contribute to his speedy recovery. A ring with a fern flower will help activate a person’s internal energy and direct it in the right direction.

How to Cleanse and Charge a Fern Flower

A newly purchased or purchased fern flower should not be worn on yourself immediately. It is advised to carry out a conspiracy over him and cleanse him of unwanted energy. It is best to do this with water or fire. The finished product is placed in water for several hours or kept over wax candles, but not the church one.

  1. Fire. You should place the amulet next to a fire or candle.
  2. Water. It is necessary to hold the fern flower in clean water for a while.
  3. Sun. You need to leave the talisman under sun rays for a while.
  4. Wind. It is enough for the product to be blown by the wind outside.
  5. Earth. You can bury the talisman in the ground all night.

The exercise ritual is carried out on Thursday in nature, hidden from prying eyes. You can enhance the magical power of the talisman using your own energy. To do this, you need to breathe slowly and deeply on it, directing the entire flow of energy into the amulet.

The fern plant itself will enhance the properties of the amulet. It is necessary to put its leaves on the product and keep it in the sun for some time. The plant will absorb all negative energy.

Meaning of symbol tattoo

Today it is fashionable to get a tattoo of a fern flower on the skin. It is believed that such a design attracts good luck and protects its owner from evil forces, gives courage and determination. It is important to understand the significance of this ancient symbol. You shouldn't apply it for the sake of beauty.

Tattoos are placed on various parts of the body: back, wrist, chest. Girls like to draw a symbol on their shoulder in the form of an unopened fern. Drawn on the wrist, it signifies humility and loneliness. It doesn't really matter where the symbol is located. The main thing is to believe in its magical effect.

When choosing a sketch of a fern flower, you should pay attention to the style of the image. This plant looks best in ethnic, Maori and black and white versions.

How to make a talisman yourself

To make a fern flower amulet on your own, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Any material is suitable for production. It is best if it is silver or wood.
  2. You can embroider the sign of a fern flower on the fabric of your clothing. This image of the amulet implies adherence to certain lines. You need to monitor the accuracy of the location of the central components of the sign and try to avoid any knots.
  3. You need to make the amulet on the waning moon. At the same time, the person must have a positive attitude and faith that the amulet will work.
  4. It must be done of your own free will. The power of the amulet will be more powerful if it is made by a blood relative.

If during making everything falls out of your hands or the threads break, you should stop the activity and try another time. This means that the amulet cannot protect a person in the right way at the moment, and there will be no benefit from it.

It is necessary to take into account the combination of a fern flower with other symbols:

  • from the alcohol addiction of the Peruns, the color is depicted together with the heavenly God of the Slavs - Svarog;
  • to improve vision, the fern flower is surrounded by cornflowers;
  • To preserve the family hearth, they use a combination of hops and fern.

Nowadays, the holiday of Ivan Kupala is celebrated from July 6 to July 7. On these days, they weave wreaths and float them downstream, jump over the fire and tell fortunes. But the most important tradition remains the search for the treasured fern flower, which will bring happiness and wealth.

Slavic amulet Fern Flower
is considered one of the most ancient signs of our ancestors. It was attributed to the swastika eight-pointed signs, which the Slavs considered not just energetically strong symbols, but also endowed with certain magical properties. Also, the Fern Flower amulet, which can be purchased on our website, symbolized the invincible power of the Sun and its energy. Our ancestors believed that the life of all things without such powerful force would be at risk.

The Fern Flower has another name - Perun flower. This name arose due to an ancient legend about forbidden feelings that arose between the main defender of the solar throne, Semargl, and the goddess of summer nights, Bathing Suit. The ancient Slavs retold the legend of their love for centuries, because Semargl could not leave his post even for a minute. That is why they could not reunite, but at one point the protector of the Sun left his post and from that moment the night began to lengthen, defeating the day. After this, Kupalitsa gave birth to two children, known to us under the names Kostroma and Kupala. On their birthday, God Perun presented the children with a gift - a fern, in which a piece of his power was hidden. Since that time, it is believed that the fern blooms only once a year (on the birthday of the children of Semargl), and this is the summer solstice in June, depending on the change in the position of the Sun.

The meaning of the Fern Flower amulet

Our ancestors believed that the Slavic amulet Fern Flower was able to protect against the evil that befalls a person. The main thing that the wearer of the amulet should have is a bright soul and pure thoughts. There is a legend that states that a person who sees a blossoming fern will find treasures and become truly rich. Of course, many may mistakenly assume that this refers to material wealth, but in fact, the meaning of the concept of “treasure” is somewhat different. The image of the Fern Flower implies spiritual wealth.

The ancient Slavs believed that the Slavic amulet Fern Flower was capable of not only protecting a person from all kinds of evil, but also protecting the wearer from various diseases, damage, the evil eye and much more. The Fern Flower amulet, which can be purchased on our website, was considered universal defender from all manifestations of evil and dark forces in the earthly world. Also, with the correct and respectful attitude towards the Perun amulet, the color can fulfill various desires of its wearer, of course, if they are not aimed at harming other people. This symbol can give spiritual strength and cleanse the soul - at least that’s what our ancestors said.

Slavic amulet Fern Flower - Odolen Grass double-sided

It is worth noting that the Fern Flower amulet is double-sided and has incredible energy potential. But first things first, so, the integral accompaniment of Perun’s color is Odolen Grass, the most famous amulet of the Slavs for protection against various ailments. The ancestors believed that all diseases on the human race are sent by Dark forces, and the dual sign, with its fiery power, is capable of protecting and destroying all diseases and misfortunes. The Odolen-Grass amulet – Fern Flower is universal and is suitable for both men and women. He will always come to the aid of the sufferer, point out Right way and will reward you with fortitude, the main thing is to unwaveringly believe and honor the amulet. This symbol will also become an indispensable assistant in the life of travelers, the amulet will protect against problems on the road and various dangers.

It is difficult to find a person who does not know the legend of the Fern Flower. Yes, this is the same “magic flower” that appears to people only once a year - on the night of Kupala. The legend of the origin of the Fern Flower is very curious and is lost in the mists of time. She is connected with Semargl and Kupalnitsa, as well as with their children - Kostroma and Kupala, to whom Perun gave this amazing flower(therefore sometimes Fern Flower is also sometimes called Perun's Flower). But we have already talked about this legend on the pages of our website, so let’s move on to the semantics of the image.

Slavic amulet The fern flower was repeatedly discovered as a result of archaeological excavations throughout Russia - from Novgorod to Chelyabinsk (excavations of the Arkaim settlement). As part of other solar patterns, it was applied to dishes, household items, and probably to clothing (characteristic elements of embroidery can be found in traditional Slavic outfits up to early XIX centuries), carved fern flowers were used as decoration for window shutters and door frames.

Now let’s try to figure out where the very concept of the “Slavic amulet Fern Flower” came from, because we know nothing about the protective (amulet) purpose of this symbol, there is no data confirming that the Fern Flower actually had similar functions. Archaeologists have never found incense, pendants or rings with images of the Slavic symbol Fern Flower. Swastika patterns are found everywhere, both on jewelry and on buttons and even belt buckles (the same Novgorod excavations), this applies to a wide variety of swastikas, but not the Fern Flower.

The fern flower, the meaning of which is not obvious, certainly belongs to the type of solar, swastika symbols. This is a conventional image of the sun, but here you need to understand the fundamental difference between two symbols - the Fern Flower and the Overpowering Grass. The fern flower (the meaning of this sacred sign is largely determined by its design, which is logical) “rotates” counterclockwise, that is, the edges of the blades are “curved” to the right. The overpowering grass mirrors the Fern Flower - this symbol “rotates” clockwise and here the edges of the blades are “curved” to the left.

So what is the sacred meaning, the meaning of the Fern Flower symbol? Following ancient legend, we can assume that we are talking about the good as such. This is divine help (a gift from Perun), deliverance from failures. But you need to understand that our ancestors never asked the gods for anything, the gods themselves helped the worthy, those who did everything on their own, not counting on a “freebie”, but who, for one reason or another, lacked some little thing before victory, half a step . Probably, the Slavic symbol Fern Flower (photo of the symbol is presented above) was used as a universal “divine” sign, associated primarily with the patronage of Perun (it is not for nothing that, as we have already mentioned, the Fern Flower symbol is also called Perun’s color).

But is this phrase fair: “amulet Fern Flower”? That is, could our ancestors wear a Fern Flower around their necks as a talisman (amulet)? There is no clear answer to this question (there is simply no such data), however, the semantics of the symbol fully suggests such use. It is obvious that the Slavic symbol Fern Flower, the meaning of which is multifaceted and clearly associated with positive solar energy, was used everywhere. In all likelihood, it protected against illnesses and any external negativity (evil eye and damage). The fern flower, not as a symbol, but as a “magic flower” itself, had slightly different properties, but that, as they say, is a completely different story.