Dark labia cause. Blueness of the labia

From patient questions:
"...It seems to me that the skin on my labia has somehow become darker. The pubic area is light, but from the clitoris, the labia become somehow burgundy. I don’t think this happened before, they were more pink, but not so dark, there was no sharp transition in color from the pubis to the vagina. There is no discomfort, pain, redness, swelling, etc. is also not observed. Maybe you shouldn’t pay attention to this, but I somehow became "That's why I'm embarrassed in front of a young man. Why is this and what should I do?"

"...I have this problem - dark labia, bluish around the edges. I am 18 years old, but not only themselves, but also the places around them. I don't know how to deal with this. I'm still a virgin but I want to start intimate life, but that’s why I’m embarrassed. Is there any way to get rid of this?"

"...One inner lip not really, but still more different. The problem is different, they differ quite noticeably in color. The one that is smaller is pink, the other is small labia dark blue! This has not always been the case, but more recently, around the age of 16. What happened with me? There hasn't been any intimate connection yet."

"...Is there any way to change the color of an intimate place? My skin is light, but my anus, labia and clitoris are darkened?"


Dark labia are a phenomenon that many women, both young and old, experience. It can be congenital or acquired. The mechanism of the appearance of dark areas or spots has long been clarified - melanogenesis (production of melanin) increases in local areas of the body, or inflammatory post-traumatic hyperpigmentation develops.

Causes of darkening of the labia:

  • Hormonal changes;
  • Rubbing the skin with underwear;
  • Rubbing the inner thighs against each other;
  • Age-related changes;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Taking certain medications;
  • Consequences of injuries and inflammation;
  • Impact sun rays, solarium;
  • Laser irradiation for bikini hair removal.

Pigmentation and darkening of the genital organs, in particular the labia minora, can occur as a result of disruption of the adrenal glands, genitourinary system, for diseases of the liver and biliary tract, during the long course of certain infectious diseases. The reason for their appearance may be a metabolic disorder or a lack of vitamin C. Increased deposition of pigment in the skin is also possible with problems with the pituitary gland and after prolonged use of certain medications.

Darkening of the labia may be a consequence venous stagnation. This can happen due to constant compression of the perineal area by tight underwear, a sedentary lifestyle and circulatory disorders due to certain gynecological diseases (chronic adnexitis, adhesions, etc.).

The labia darken easily if there is sensitive skin, because it reacts sensitively to any aggressive influences and changes in external environment. For example, increased pigmentation and blueness of the edges of the lips lead to sunburn when tanning naked or prolonged exposure in a solarium in a completely naked state. Persistent pigmentation can appear due to the use of various creams and ointments, especially those containing mercury and sulfur.


Sounds scary to the ear medical term“chloasma” is a solid spot with torn edges or a spot merged from many small ones. Many women, being pregnant, could notice similar spots on the forehead, cheeks, intimate places, which disappeared after the birth of the baby. This is chloasma. Pregnancy (when estrogen and progesterone appear in excess), taking hormonal drugs, hormonal contraception, disturbances in the hormonal status of the body, menopause - these are the main reasons for the appearance of dark labia in both young girls and older women.

However, chloasma can also be a symptom of more severe endocrine diseases, problems with of cardio-vascular system, gastrointestinal tract, liver diseases, as well as work disorders thyroid gland And nervous system. Chloasma in the forehead, mouth, temples, eyelids can indicate ovarian diseases, helminthiasis, and liver diseases. If it's dark brown spots have not passed six months after the birth of the child or a month or two after stopping hormonal medications, you should immediately seek advice from a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Come for a consultation with a specialist in intimate cosmetology at our clinic, discuss the situation that concerns you, find out the most the best way its decision, clarify the details of the upcoming procedure. Carrying out biorevitalization procedures allows you to recreate aesthetically attractive forms, get rid of existing difficulties and achieve sexual attractiveness at any age. Our capabilities and extensive experience in intimate plastic surgery and cosmetology will help in solving your delicate problems. Depending on the specific situation, we will offer one way or another to get rid of this problem.


1. The main way to lighten darkened labia is to undergo a set of procedures for depigmentation of the intimate area in the clinic
2. If the result of a complex of depigmentation procedures intimate area did not seem sufficient to you, you can consider the option of labiaplasty surgery to excise the altered skin edges and give the desired shape.
3. In addition to labia skin whitening sessions or surgical correction dark edges can be treated with. Injections hyaluronic acid They allow you to increase tone, change the shape and size of the external genitalia, narrow the entrance and the vagina itself, and enhance sexual sensations by enlarging the G-spot and clitoris.
4. Previously, it was not customary to discuss the topic of correction and care intimate places, but nowadays intimate cosmetology offers unique opportunity. We carry out biorevitalization procedures, plasma lifting, mesotherapy, brightening peelings, as well as cosmetic procedures care and prevention of age-related changes.

A change in the color of a woman's external genitalia usually causes concern primarily from an aesthetic point of view. However Often these types of changes are accompanied by painful symptoms.

Important! In this case, it is likely that the body will develop pathological process, it cannot be ignored.

Reasons why the labia turn blue

Blueness of the mucous membranes of the intimate area occurs against the background of changes in blood circulation. As a result, a change in pigmentation occurs, which changes the color of the genitals.

Photo 1: Bluishness of the intimate area is a common phenomenon among pregnant women. This is not a pathology unless it is accompanied by atypical symptoms. Source: flickr (Evgeniy rumedicalnews).

There are certain differences in the factors that cause blueness of the lips major and minor.

Why do the labia majora turn blue?

Among the most common causes of blueness of the intimate area the following:

  1. Physical impact. Bluishness can be caused by either a bruise in the intimate area or wearing tight underwear;
  2. Physiological features. If, according to anatomical parameters, the girl’s legs are very close, groin area amenable to friction even while walking. A similar phenomenon is observed in cases when congenital feature are big sizes external labia;
  3. Allergic reaction. The allergen may be synthetic underwear, perfumed hygiene products or medications taken;
  4. Hormonal changes and disruptions. Pigmentation changes with hormonal changes. For example, before the onset of sexual activity, the intimate area in women is more light color, and with its onset it darkens and turns blue.

Causes of blue labia minora

Due to the peculiarities of its location, labia minora are not so susceptible to external mechanical damage. Their blueness may be caused:

  1. A strong blow or constant wearing of tight underwear and trousers (for example, skinny jeans made from thick fabric). Due to subcutaneous hemorrhage, a bruise forms, which explains the blueness;
  2. Allergy to synthetic fabrics , cosmetical tools and medicines;
  3. Violation hormonal balance . The color of the intimate area changes in women over 35 years of age, as estrogen production increases and the color intensity changes.

Causes of blue labia during pregnancy

Labia acquire Blue colour at least two weeks after conception. From the second trimester, the color becomes even more saturated, the intimate area may swell and itch. These changes are characteristic, they are caused by a sharp change in blood circulation in the genital area and should not cause concern.

Blue labia and diseases

If the blue color of the labia is not caused by mechanical damage, hormonal changes or allergies, this is likely a sign of developing disease.

Blueness of the labia majora and minora may indicate such diseases:

  1. Varicose veins, which can subsequently lead to acute thrombophlebitis and bleeding. Pregnant women are most susceptible to developing chronic venous stagnation;
  2. Inflammatory processes in the ovaries. In most cases they cause changes in hormonal background what causes blue discoloration;
  3. Fungal infections. Against the background of the disease, the labia darken, peel and itch;
  4. Oncological neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract. Along with the color, the tactile parameters of the skin change - it becomes denser and velvety;
  5. Adrenal cortex insufficiency(or Itsenko-Cushing syndrome). Quite a rare pathology characteristic symptom which is the cyanosis of the mucous membranes of the labia. Blue discoloration may spread up the abdomen and appear on the elbows.

What measures need to be taken

Photo 2: In order to exclude the development of pathological phenomena due to blueness of the labia, a woman is recommended to undergo comprehensive diagnostics, in particular, visit a gynecologist, endocrinologist and oncologist. Further treatment depends on the identified diagnosis. Source: flickr (pnikv).

If the color of the labia has changed due to blood stagnation, To prevent varicose veins and its complications, it is recommended to take the following measures:

  1. walk more, increase the amount of physical activity;
  2. sleep mostly on your side;
  3. avoid wearing tight underwear, switch to seamless products.

Homeopathic treatment for blue labia

Goal of treatment homeopathic medicinesenhance the body's defense mechanism and promote its self-healing.


Blueness of the external genital organs with varicose veins.

Stagnation of blood.

Blue, swollen labia.

Stagnation of blood.

Increased pigmentation appears on any part of the body, therefore dark spots on the labia is not uncommon. If you find black or brown spots or areas of pigmentation on your genitals, you should not immediately get scared and panic, because there are many reasons for their appearance - both pathological and physiological.

Pigment marks can appear in any part of the body and even on intimate organs.

Common causes of age spots on the labia

In many cases the appearance dark spots or stains occur when there is subcutaneous acne on the labia. This is especially common among girls in adolescence and women with oily skin. If something like this appears on the labia associated with acne black spot, under no circumstances should you remove it yourself, as this leads to the addition of a secondary infection. In addition, hyperpigmentation of the labia occurs under the influence of physical factors: this is wearing tight clothes and uncomfortable underwear, microtrauma during hair removal.

Diseases with hyperpigmentation

Among the causes of pathological pigmentation are the following:

  • infectious diseases;
  • stress;
  • weakness of the immune system;
  • action of toxic substances;
  • allergy;
  • diseases of other organs and systems.

Sexually transmitted infections lead to the appearance of dark spots, so it is recommended to use barrier methods of contraception (condoms) and carefully monitor intimate hygiene. In addition to infections, dark spots also appear individual species benign neoplasms - papillomas, condylomas, hydroadenomas. They have the consistency of nodules and, in addition to black, can be colored in any shade from pink to brown. The table shows common diseases that provoke pigmentation.

Smooth darkening of the perineum occurs with toxic-chemical poisoning. At the same time, it further worsens general state health.

Pregnancy and other physiological reasons

In addition to pathological, increased pigmentation in the perineal area can also be physiological. This is often due to individual characteristics female body, hormonal changes during adolescence and pregnancy, as well as age-related changes.

Most common reason- pregnancy. During this period, a woman’s pigmentation increases not only in her labia, but also in her nipples and the skin around them, her face and the white line of her abdomen. This condition is due to changes in hormonal levels, mainly the influence of progesterone on melanin synthesis. In addition, during this period, blood flow in the pelvic organs increases significantly and the load on the vessels increases. This also acts as one of the causes of pigmentation during pregnancy. Increased pigmentation of the perineum during pregnancy is normal and does not pose any danger to the health of the mother and the gestation of the fetus.

Spots on the labia with varicose veins

Scarlet marks on the labia may develop due to varicose veins.

A disease such as varicose veins can also lead to pigmentation of a woman’s external genitalia. Varicose veins lead to stagnation of blood in the vascular bed, as a result of which the color of the perineum and labia changes: at first they turn purple and become swollen, then they develop a bluish tint and gradually change color completely.

The most common reasons varicose veins venous vessels in women are obesity and pregnancy. If the color of the perineum changes in both situations, it is recommended to move as much as possible, stay less in a static position (sitting or standing), and consume more vitamins. If you are obese, it is definitely recommended to reduce body weight and control your diet.

To treat varicose veins and its consequences, you should immediately consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

Changes in pigmentation in such a delicate area as the labia alarm and frighten most women. However, there is no need to panic right away. Most causes of skin discoloration on the labia are not related to serious illnesses. The most easily eliminated factor why the labia darkens is wearing tight, uncomfortable underwear. When friction occurs in the cells of the epidermis, the balanced synthesis of melanin pigment is disrupted, which leads to darkening of the labia. This also includes microtraumas that occur when shaving the groin area with a machine, after waxing or sugaring. The physiological features of the structure of the external genitalia in some women lead to friction and irritation of the skin of the genital organs during walking and playing sports. The skin can also respond to such irritants by changing color.

Dysfunction of sweat and sebaceous glands provokes development chronic inflammation epithelium of the labia and its further darkening.

Physiological variants of the norm include darkening of the labia during pregnancy. Changing the color of the labia is one of the early symptoms pregnancy, it can already be noticed for 10-12 days after fertilization. The reason for changes in pigmentation during pregnancy is a significant increase in blood supply and gas exchange in the female body. This is necessary to prepare the woman’s body for bearing a child and the upcoming birth. Also, a complete restructuring of the hormonal system occurs in the pregnant woman’s body, which affects the increase in pigmentation. Not only the labia, but also the nipples, face, and neck darken. This phenomenon is called "chloasma". In addition to changes in color, the labia increase in size during pregnancy. After the birth of the child, the pigmentation and size of the labia return to the same state as before pregnancy.

Common Causes

  1. Ovarian diseases lead to a failure in the production of female sex hormones, which, in addition to darkening the skin of the labia, is manifested by a whole cascade of specific reactions of the body and requires timely and proper treatment. Reception oral contraceptives can also cause increased pigmentation of the labia.
  2. If, in addition to a change in color, you notice the appearance of bubbles, this may indicate a fungal infection of the epithelium or pityriasis versicolor. In such cases, consultation with a dermatologist is mandatory. After adequate treatment, the skin acquires a natural color.
  3. There are also more serious factors that cause the labia to darken. These include malignant neoplasms organs of the gastrointestinal tract, Addison's disease and Itsenko-Cushing syndrome. In the presence of cancerous tumor stomach or intestines, there is intense darkening of the labia, they become thicker and have a velvety surface. Remember that the presence of increased pigmentation is not reliable symptom malignant neoplasms!
  4. Addison's disease – endocrine disease associated with adrenal insufficiency. In addition to the darkening of the labia, the nipples, armpits, skin folds. With Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, obesity, stretch marks, darkening of the groin, abdomen, and elbows are observed.
  5. Darkening of the skin on the labia occurs physiologically with age. The older the woman, the more intense the pigmentation of the labia. To correct this process, skin lightening is used using a laser.

Dark labia is a phenomenon faced by young and old women. It can be congenital, acquired, the result of natural processes or any disease.

Each person has their own physiological characteristics. Pigmentation of the external genitalia does not have a uniform standard. Some female representatives have a rich dark color labia, in others it is pale pink or flesh-colored. This is influenced by a number of processes. It has been noticed that young girls have a lighter shade of crotch than women old age. This is due to the aging process, which is normal and does not require intervention.

A sharp change in the usual color of the vagina causes anxiety. To understand the cause of this phenomenon, it is worth considering the presence of provoking factors:

  1. Pregnancy. After conception, increased blood circulation occurs in the pelvic area. For this reason, the small lips darken and acquire a rich shade. Swelling is observed. This phenomenon does not require treatment and informs the woman about successful fertilization.
  2. Wearing tight underwear. Uncomfortable clothes are tight blood vessels. This results in darkening and sometimes cyanosis of the organs. To fix the problem, just change your underwear to something more comfortable.
  3. Untested cosmetics. If intimate cosmetics contain components that are dangerous to the body, the skin reacts to them by darkening. If the symptom occurs after use specific means, it is better to refuse it.
  4. Mechanical damage. If while shaving skin covering the labia is injured, this entails a number of symptoms, one of which is a change in color. A small injury can turn into a dark spot.
  5. Excess body weight. If a woman suffers extra pounds, friction occurs in the groin area, which causes increased sweating, and along with this, darkening of the genital area.

Regardless of the reason for such a change, you need to visit a doctor. After the inspection, a decision will be made on subsequent actions (if necessary). If the doctor suspects the presence of any disease, you may need additional tests and examination.

What diseases can cause darkening of the genitals?

There are many diseases that cause changes in the pigmentation of a girl’s intimate area.

In addition to the listed ailments, other diseases are the cause of this symptom. An accurate picture of the condition is obtained from the diagnostic results.

Brown spots during pregnancy

The gestation period has many features associated with internal changes in the body. At this time, the whole body is in a phase of restructuring. It changes appearance and internal processes. Every second pregnant woman faces the problem of age spots.

Pigmentation of the genital organs – natural process during pregnancy. This happens against the background of hormonal changes in the body. The hormones released increase the synthesis of melanin, provoking the appearance of tumors on the skin. Spots appear on the face (on the cheeks, in the mouth), chest and abdomen. Later they move to the intimate zone.

Pigmentation in the labia area has Brown color(its light or dark shade), irregular shape and clear boundaries. Sometimes small spots merge to form large dark areas. The woman’s labia also fall into the pigmentation zone.

During the period of gestation, the immune system weakens to prevent rejection. The woman's body is exposed various diseases. Latent infections awaken, including HPV and candidiasis. These diseases are characterized by damage to the structure of the genital organs, which causes the formation of brown or red spots.

Pregnant women need to treat their own bodies with respect special attention, the health of the woman and the unborn child is at risk.

How to get rid of dark spots on lips

The labia of a darker color than the skin - provided there are no diseases, are normal occurrence. There is no need to treat this condition. The desire to get rid of the problem is rather psychological in nature. For many women, pigmentation of the labia seems aesthetically unattractive.

You can fix the problem by contacting specialists or using folk recipes at home.

Salon treatments

Cosmetology salons offer to whiten the genital area in several ways:

  • laser whitening;
  • phototherapy;
  • phototherapy;
  • use of special drugs.

Such procedures help to achieve desired result V short time, but have a list of contraindications. Including, they are not used during pregnancy.

Home methods

Finely chop the parsley until the juice appears. Mix juice with a small amount sour cream. Add 2 drops to the mixture lemon juice. Apply the mask to the hollow surface, avoiding contact with the mucous membrane.

Fresh chopped cucumber puree has a whitening effect. You can also add cucumber juice to white clay, which is applied according to the instructions as a mask.

The intimate organ area is a sensitive place that needs constant care and proper hygiene. A drastic change in the color of the labia cannot be ignored. It is better to consult a gynecologist to obtain complete information about health

The intimate organ area is a sensitive place that requires constant care and proper hygiene. A drastic change in the color of the genitals cannot be ignored. It is better to consult a gynecologist to obtain complete information about your health condition.