What to do if the body has a lot of male hormones than female ones. The increase in male hormones in the female body - the reasons. Androgens: basic information

In what cases are men who want to become dads shown a hormonal examination? Which hormone levels determine male fertility? Aleksey CHEPURIN, urologist-adrologist at the Toast of Family Medicine Centers, talks about how, when, and most importantly, why men should be tested for hormones.

When do men undergo a hormonal examination?

In cases where a couple cannot conceive a baby for more than 12 months, doctors recommend that the spouses undergo examinations. More often than medical care women apply, but it is important to understand that even the presence of a detected pathology in a wife does not exclude the possibility of problems with her husband, which means that both spouses must undergo an examination.

The first analysis that a man who has long dreamed of fatherhood undergoes is a spermogram, which determines the quantity and quality of spermatozoa. In case of unsatisfactory results of the first spermogram, another verification analysis is usually prescribed. If the repeated analysis again shows a reduced sperm count, this is the reason for checking the hormonal status of a man.

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When there are no or very few spermatozoa in two repeated spermograms, it is necessary to start comprehensive examination, which includes the study of hormones.

Hormonal causes of infertility

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The main role is played by male sex hormones - androgens. Androgens are formed mainly in the testicles (95-98%), a much smaller part (3-5%) - in the adrenal glands.

To hormonal reasons leading to a decrease in the level total testosterone, and, accordingly, disorders of spermatogenesis may include diseases / lesions:

    Brain (hypothalamus, pituitary gland) - the so-called secondary hypogonadism, in which very low levels of FSH, LH and total testosterone are observed.

    Testicular - Primary or testicular hypogonadism, in which FSH and LH levels are very high and testosterone levels are low or close to normal.

Thus, the composition of the hormonal analysis will necessarily include testosterone, FSH and LH (and some other hormones, which will be discussed in more detail below). Let's take a closer look at each of these indicators.


The most important male sex hormone (androgen) is testosterone. He is responsible for shaping the appearance of a man: it contributes to the development of the penis and scrotum, participates in the process of sperm formation. Hair growth on the body male type and a low voice is also a gift to men from testosterone. This hormone also increases bone density, burns fat and increases muscle mass by accelerating the synthesis of the protein that makes up muscles. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200b"responsibility" of testosterone - stimulation of insulin production, regulation of secretion sebaceous glands.

Testosterone is also known to increase sexual desire and stimulate aggressive behavior.

At high level testosterone is not uncommon:

    strong outbreaks of aggression;

    excess hair on the body;

    purulent acne.

Lack of testosterone (hypogonadism) can cause reduced fertility.

Possible symptoms low level testosterone:

The combination of these symptoms and difficulty conceiving is a reason to see a doctor and check your testosterone levels.

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Chief among androgens - testosterone. One of its effects is the maintenance of normal production and maturation of spermatozoa - spermatogenesis. Testosterone in the blood is in several forms: free testosterone, albumin-bound (blood protein) testosterone, and SHBG-bound testosterone (globulin-binding sex steroid or sex-binding steroid). HsPG-bound testosterone is inactive; free testosterone and testosterone bound to albumin are active, they are called bioactive forms of testosterone. The combination of all three forms of testosterone is called total testosterone. The normal level of total testosterone in men is 12-33 nmol / ml. A decrease in the level of total testosterone below 12 nmol / l leads to a condition called hypogonadism.

FSH and LH

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormones play equally important roles in both women and men. reproductive system. In women, these hormones regulate the menstrual cycle, are responsible for the maturation of follicles and triggering ovulation.

In men, FSH and LH "command" such important processes as testosterone synthesis and spermatogenesis.

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There are two types of cells in the testicles of men: Sertoli cells and Leydig cells. In Leydig cells, the synthesis of male sex hormones occurs, in Sertoli cells - spermatozoa. These processes are regulated by the hormones of the pituitary gland located in the brain: follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH).

    FSH is the main regulator of spermatogenesis, its level in the blood shows whether the function of the testicles is preserved to produce normal spermatozoa.

    LH is the main and only stimulator of testosterone production and secretion in the Leydig cells of the testicles.

What other hormones affect male fertility?

It is important to understand that in the male (as well as in the female) body, all hormones are interconnected, therefore a significant change in the hormonal status, malfunctions of some organs can have a significant impact on the key indicators for male fertility.

In the body of both men and women, hormones are considered the most important substances. It is from their sufficiently produced quantity, from their balance that all work and the correct functioning of all organ systems depend. When there is an imbalance in the amount of hormones, serious violations begin. Let's take a look at what the impact might be. male hormones on the female body.

First, consider the situations when and because of what the growth and influence of male hormones in the body of the fair sex occurs. One of the reasons why testosterone levels rise is the excessive production of androgens - male hormones produced by the ovaries, adipose tissue, and adrenal glands. This is a consequence of disruption of the body after nervous stress, obesity and other diseases.

Testosterone is a hormone that must bind to protein, since it is with protein that it is transported to circulatory system and throughout the body. If testosterone does not bind to protein as it should, its level also begins to rise. This is the second reason.

The third reason due to which the female body is overly influenced by male hormones is a violation metabolic process and the process of removing hormones from the body. This is considered serious illness, which can be inherited and occur at the gene level.

One of the most common causes of hormonal imbalance is hereditary predisposition. If the mother during pregnancy or even before it had problems with the work of the glands that produce hormones, then the child at a certain period of his life may also experience an imbalance of hormones.

Now let's look at how the influence of male hormones manifests itself externally on a woman's body. First, the skin suffers from an excess of them. The process of the sebaceous glands is disrupted, the amount of fat produced increases, which causes the skin to become problematic. It has acne, pimples, inflammatory processes. That's why in adolescence many face skin problems: hormonal changes are taking place in the body.

In addition to the skin, the results of increased exposure to male hormones appear on the state of the nervous system. The fact is that there is a hormonal effect on the brain area, which leads to its increased activity. After some time, excessive activity of specific areas of the brain leads to a disorder of the nervous system. Consequently, the influence of male hormones is manifested by depression and stress. Often occurring neurasthenia in women is also a consequence of an imbalance of hormones. At the same time, women who are prescribed androgen hormones for the treatment of any diseases are also at risk of developing neurasthenic diseases. Therefore, the duration of treatment with such drugs that contain androgens should not exceed more than six months and should be accompanied by medical supervision.

In the female body hormonal failure you can notice increased hair growth in those parts of the body where it should not be. So, hair on the head can fall out, bald spots appear, and on the arms, legs, on the face and in other places, hair can begin to grow, like in men.

The influence of male hormones on pregnant women is also manifested by disturbances, but not only in the mother's body, but also in the body of the unborn baby. So, the child after birth may show signs of hermaphroditism.

Many women report increased sweating. The increased work of the sex glands also manifests itself after an increase in the level of male hormones in the female body.

An increase in the male hormone in the female body can lead not only to external undesirable signs, but also to the development of some dangerous diseases. Thus, it should be borne in mind that the risk of developing diabetes as well as infertility. Women who experience hormonal imbalances may have problems with childbearing and labor activity. Due to an imbalance of hormones, the development of pregnancy is complicated, and fetal development disorders are possible.

Very often doctors go to couples with the problem of not getting pregnant for a long time. Unfortunately, this can also be a consequence of the influence of an increased amount of male hormones on a woman's body. The consequence of how male hormones can affect the female body is a disorder of sexual function. Hormonal imbalance can completely nullify a woman's sexual desire. With a decrease in libido, sometimes you have to fight with the same hormones, as a result of which it is possible to restore balance, but only under the supervision of a doctor.

Doctors have established a direct link between how a woman's body develops and how male hormones are involved. So, with their excess, you can notice the appearance of male outlines of the body (shoulders develop stronger and become wider, muscles begin to grow more actively). Musculature in the male body develops differently than in the female. The influence of male hormones leads to the active production of protein, and this activates the growth of muscle tissue.

By the way, women who are heavily involved in sports should keep in mind that intense physical exercise lead to hormonal imbalance. The body produces more testosterone than it needs. This changes not only the skeleton and muscle mass, but also leads to changes in character and behavior. Some women even admit that they are becoming more aggressive, more self-possessed, gaining willpower.

Having noticed the listed signs in yourself, you should not immediately panic and draw conclusions about the increase in hormone levels. Perhaps there are other reasons, but an examination by a doctor will not be superfluous. Take care of your health and pay attention to all symptoms in a timely manner.

Hormones play an incredible role in the human body important role , they perform coordinating and regulatory functions. They regulate metabolism and activity internal organs person, getting into them with blood.

Decreased androgen levels

Hormones- these are organic compounds produced by some cells of the body, the distinguishing feature of which is that they are highly physiologically active.

Due to this, even a small amount of them leads to a significant change in the functioning of a particular organ.

In the tissues, hormones break down quite quickly, therefore, in order for their level in the blood to be necessary, their stable production by a certain gland is necessary. They are produced by the gonads, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pituitary gland.

Shared by women, called estrogen, and male, called androgens , hormones. Human body It is arranged in such a way that one and other types of hormones are produced in each person regardless of gender, only their number differs in men and women. If the ratio of these types of hormones is disturbed, pathological change in the body.

The value of androgens in women

Role and health benefits of male hormones scientifically proven. Androgens are cyclically produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands. Thanks to this, the process of egg maturation is normalized. Moreover, in a woman, androgen receptors are contained in adipose and bone tissues, in the central nervous system, intestines, kidneys.

The required level of these hormones determines the libido and sexual activity of a woman.

Endocrinologists distinguish five androgens that are produced by the female body, but only testosterone affects the woman's body. The main function of this hormone is to maintain sexual functions, and it is also responsible for muscle growth, bone strengthening, and protein metabolism in the body. That is why the female body reacts sharply to any fluctuation in the level of this androgen.

, namely testosterone is as follows:

- mood is regulated;

- improves the cognitive function of the brain;

- reduces the risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, certain types of cancer;

- regulates muscle building;

- cholesterol level decreases;

- increases endurance and physical strength (if it is normal);

- the amount of fat under the skin decreases;

- normal bone tissue is maintained;

- Egg production is normalized.

Androgen excess in women and solutions

An excessive amount of male hormones in the female body, or hyperandrogenism, is most often visible visually.

This pathology has several symptoms:

- an increase in the amount of hair on the chest, face or abdomen;

- skin problems in the form of acne, arising from an increase in the amount of subcutaneous fat;

- lowering the timbre of the voice;

- increase in muscle tissue according to the male type;

- problems with the genital organs, such as cycle disorder, ovarian disease, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, infertility;

- a violation of the psychological state, in the form of aggressiveness or nervousness;

- the risk of diabetes or obesity.

The reason may lie in wrong work pituitary, adrenal or liver, or else be hereditary.

To treat androgen excess, hormone therapy or other methods are most often used to reduce testosterone levels and normalize hormonal balance. However, it is important to remember that each case is very individual, and depends on age, metabolism and health in general.

In addition, experts advise you to eat right and balanced. , in some cases even this is enough.

Traditional medicine also offers recipes to combat this problem. Decoctions from licorice root, primrose, vitex, black cohosh help improve health and lower testosterone levels.

Decreased androgen levels

Symptoms of low testosterone levels include:

- irritability, drowsiness, fatigue;

- increase in the amount of subcutaneous fat;

- decreased sexual activity;

- a decrease in muscle mass and its friability;

- baldness or reduced hair growth;

- general malaise, depression, bad mood.

A decrease in testosterone can be the result of alcoholism, a strict low-fat or no-carbohydrate diet.

Similar symptoms occur in other diseases. Therefore, it is impossible to self-medicate, as this can be fraught with serious consequences.

Based on this, treatment should be prescribed only by a specialist, after he understands the cause of the pathology. If this is not followed, then the wrong treatment can make it worse.

Should be adjusted proper diet nutrition, giving preference to natural. With low testosterone, it is recommended to regularly perform physical exercises, gymnastics and so on, as well as to refuse bad habits, If there are any.

If the problem arose as a result of heredity, then most often used hormone therapy.

very large. However, their number should not exceed certain norms, and they should be in balance with women's.

The best way to avoid pathologies is the prevention of disorders, which includes a healthy and proper lifestyle, outdoor walks, sports and physical activity and proper nutrition.

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How important ? What is fraught with deviations of their level from the norm, and why is a good representative of the fair sex unthinkable without a sufficient amount of androgens? Consider the importance of male sex hormones in the female body and safe ways to regulate their production.

male sex hormones

Androgens are male sex hormones of a steroid nature. Produced by the male gonads (testes), the adrenal cortex - in both sexes and the ovaries - in women. These include testosterone, its active form dihydrotestosterone, its metabolite androsterone, as well as precursors of testosterone and estrogen - androstenedione and androstenediol.

This courageous platoon is headed by testosterone. He himself is formed from cholesterol, being in turn the material for the production of other androgenic and female sex hormones. Testosterone is nicknamed for a reason. It influences reproductive health both sexes, on the growth and maintenance of normal muscle and bone tissue(this is the main anabolic hormone), on the level of insulin and protein metabolism, the state of the central nervous system, etc.

The amount of androgens in women, or the principle of yin-yang in the hormonal sphere

Remember the yin and yang symbol? In its black half there is a particle of white, and in the white half there is a drop of black. It means the universal principle of the universe, to which the masculine and feminine. And the hormonal sphere is a vivid illustration of this. Men have a bit of female hormones, and women have a drop of male hormones.

So, if a man has only about 6000 micrograms of androgens, then have total weight only 250 mcg. As for the main androgen - testosterone, then its amount in women of reproductive age normally varies from 0.3 to 3.8 nmol / liter (depending on the phase menstrual cycle). Reception oral contraceptives lowers upper bound up to 2, 88 nmol / l, and pregnancy increases the testosterone rate up to 4 times. In men, in reproductive age testosterone level is from 5.7 to 30.4. On average, women have 20 times less of this essential hormone.

But the available drop of androgens, and primarily testosterone, in the female body is extremely important. And deviations from the norm in any direction upset the balance in the microcosm of the female body.

What is affected ?

male hormones androstenedione, dihydroepiandrosterone and dihydroepiandrosterone sulfate are basically prohormones. They become active testosterone in the ovaries, adrenal glands and adipose tissue. Therefore, the effect of androgens on women Health expressed mainly in the impact of testosterone on organs and systems.

  • anabolic the action of testosterone essential for the musculoskeletal system person. It stimulates the formation of muscle fibers and mineralization of bone tissue. Less than in men, the amount of this hormone makes women the weaker sex. Their muscles are less developed and embossed, and their bones are less massive and strong. Therefore, every crumb of testosterone is important for women, especially after 45 years, when the levels of all sex hormones fall.
  • Skin condition, its regeneration, elasticity and firmness also depend on normal level androgens. Testosterone is essential for the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands. Its decrease makes the skin dry and leads to the appearance of wrinkles. Dry, thin and brittle hair completes the picture of this androgen deficiency.
  • Testosterone has a beneficial effect on blood formation improves blood quality. It reduces blood clotting, reduces the likelihood of anemia, and affects the processes of hematopoiesis.
  • The formation of testosterone from cholesterol, helps to reduce the content of low-density lipoproteins in the blood, reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
  • Testosterone regulates glucose levels in the blood by stimulating the production of insulin and thus hinder the development.
  • Testosterone is normal normal operation CNS. This androgen improves brain activity , ability to perform logical operations, memory and attention. Renders antidepressant action, improves mood, self-confidence, emotional stability.
  • male hormones in the female body needed to maintain the energy of libido, sexuality, a sense of satisfaction with sexual relations. Reduced testosterone in a pregnant woman causes fetal pathology.
  • Testosterone and androstenedione are responsible for an increase in estrogen- female sex hormones, since the main estrogen - estradiol - is produced in the ovaries from these androgens.

Too many androgens in women, or hyperandrogenism

Under the influence of a number of reasons (ovarian or adrenal cancer, polycystic disease, stress and physical overload, thyroid disease, steroid use, etc.), women may develop hyperandrogenism. An excess of androgens leads to hirsutism (male-pattern hair growth), excessive sweating, increased secretion of sebum, the appearance of acne and seborrhea, baldness and obesity. Infertility, irregularity or cessation of menstruation (dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea), the acquisition of male features by the body are also consequences of hyperandrogenism.

Treatment should be preceded by a thorough examination (blood tests for hormones, ultrasound, dopplerography, tomography) and finding out the causes of hormonal imbalance. In case of discovery organic pathologies a decision is made on surgical intervention. Elimination of ovarian diseases and thyroid gland may . Improve thyroid function with a natural remedy Tireo-Vit. Balanced and moderate physical activity is also recommended. To lower the level of male hormones use and hormonal preparations, but it is worth knowing that all of them are not without and suppress the natural mechanisms of hormone formation.

An increase in estrogen levels contributes to a decrease in testosterone. Raise the level of female hormones will help a natural drug Licorice P rich in phytoestrogens.

Lack of testosterone in women , or hypoandrogenism

The causes of hypoandrogenism can be diseases of the ovaries, heart, kidneys, endocrine system, taking a number of medications. And the inevitable line beyond which decrease in testosterone levels expects every woman, is start of menopause. Interestingly, at the very beginning of menopausal hormonal adjustment testosterone level can jump up. So the body tries to compensate for the lack of estrogen. However, soon male hormones in the female body are also becoming scarce.

The forced decrease in testosterone during menopause, among other factors, is facilitated by:

  • addiction to rigid diets, poor cholesterol, and other essential nutrients;
  • an abundance of carbohydrates in the menu;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • obesity;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • the use of hormonal medications that violate the natural mechanisms of hormone formation
  • taking glucocorticoids;
  • lack of sex;
  • lack of direct sun rays(ultraviolet);
  • diabetes;
  • dysfunction of the adrenal glands.

The consequences of androgen deficiency in women are loose body fat in the lower abdomen, thinning and dryness of the skin, hair loss, fading of libido. The picture is completed depression, increased fatigue, irritability, deterioration of cognitive functions.

A particular problem is a decrease in bone mineral density - which is diagnosed in women 4 times more often than in the stronger sex. The bones become brittle and brittle, the risk increases, including those that only a few manage to recover from in old age.

Like women boost testosterone and normalize hormonal levels?

As we made sure male sex hormones in the female body play a huge role, although they are not present in it in large quantities. Therefore, testosterone is literally worth its weight in gold and becomes more expensive every year after a woman steps over the threshold of forty.

In Western countries substitution(HRT) androgen preparations can be prescribed for the treatment of postmenopausal, however, in Russia such drugs for women are not registered. And this is good, since they can cause hyperandrogenism, and their side effects are detrimental. But we practice HRT female hormones- estrogen, which also cannot be called harmless means. Read more about the pitfalls of HRT.

High content in this apiproduct of hormonal precursors of testosterone, estradiol, prolactin and progesterone make it indispensable for normalization hormonal background both in women and in men. Entomological hormones do not replace human ones, but serve as a material for their synthesis. Wherein endocrine system not suppressed, but stimulated. More than 2,000 years of experience in the use of drone brood in the East has not revealed any dangerous side effects and withdrawal syndrome in this unique biostimulant.

Gonadotropic (increasing the production of sex hormones) and anabolic properties of the larval homogenate have made it a key component of a number of drugs that improve hormonal levels.

Preparations based on drone homogenate

FROM a small amountexcellent tool prevention hormonal disorders. It will strengthen bones and teeth, make hair stronger and more beautiful. , where the proportion of calcium is increased and vitamins D 3 and B 6 are added, suitable in case of fractures, when osteoporosis is already evident.

But the remedy, also based on drone homogenate, does not contain calcium at all. But it will still serve to strengthen bones due to the presence of vitamins D 3 and B 6, which help calcium to absorb and stay in the bones. And what is especially important within the framework of the topic under consideration here, it helps to increase the level of testosterone - the main anabolic hormone.

Women, take care of a piece of the masculine in yourself, as the female element Yin contains masculinity Yang, and the laws of the universe will help you not get sick!



Male hormones are the basis that determines behavioral patterns, appearance, the structure of the skeleton and the appearance of libido in the stronger sex. What is the hormonal list of substances in the male body, what is the name of the main male hormone and what are its functions - the answers to these and other questions should be looked for in the article.

Brief description, or how it works

What is a hormone? This is the substance that regulates the work human body and determines its gender: in the latter case, we mean androgens - male hormones. These components in the male body are produced in the adrenal glands or in the testicles. Thanks to testosterone, the young man's voice coarsens, the pelvis narrows, and the shoulders, on the contrary, are distributed in breadth, muscle mass increases.

Androgens are synthesized not only in men, but also in women. The presence of male hormones in women causes the appearance of hard vegetation in the weaker sex, including on the face, a rough voice timbre, thickened skin. An excess of testosterone for men also does not bring positive aspects - unmotivated aggression, uncontrolled passion, the desire for violence, baldness and similar undesirable manifestations appear.

Male hormones begin to be produced with the help of Leydig cells as early as the 8th week of the perinatal period. But these substances show activity when a guy enters adolescence.

Male hormones have two functions. Firstly, androgenic, which refers exclusively to the male body, and secondly, anabolic. The latter is responsible for the development of muscles and bones, so an imbalance in the hormonal background of a man leads to multiple health problems. Among other things, androgens induce a man to experience sexual desire, which has great value in the life of the stronger sex.

Male hormones are active from adolescence.

The number of substances and their name

Every substance in nature must have a name, so let's ask ourselves what each of the male hormones will be called. The main one is testosterone, so it will open the list. There are four androgens in total, and it will be most convenient to present information about them in the form of the following list:

  • Testosterone. This hormone is the main one in the male body. It is its deficiency that makes the representative of the strong half of humanity not courageous enough, both literally and figuratively. The substance exists in two hypostases - free and bound. The first form is the most active, although the free androgen in the male body is no more than 2%. The bound hormone is assimilated with two proteins, albumin and globulin. The latter bond does not show any activity, while the first tandem competes in this sense with the free form of the main substance.
  • Dihydrotestosterone. A hormone capable of stable activity in the body of a man.
  • Androstenedione. This substance does not differ in dynamic actions, but, of course, it performs certain functions, which we will discuss later. The hormone in tablets or mixtures is in demand among bodybuilders, but it must be taken with caution.
  • Dehydroepiandosterone. This is the so-called rejuvenating hormone. It is considered the basis, a kind of base for the formation of the above substances.

An uncontrolled increase or decrease in the level of any of the androgens leads to unpleasant and sometimes irreversible consequences, therefore, hormonal correction is entirely the responsibility of a specialist.

What is their role in the body

Consider the functions of each of the male hormones separately. So what is testosterone responsible for? What is the purpose of the main hormone?

  • Sexual contacts. First of all, free testosterone is responsible for sex drive (libido).
  • Appearance, voice. Defines the appearance of a man: broad shoulders, a pile of muscles, a deep voice. The latter depends on the enlargement of the larynx and coarsening vocal cords- these processes are provoked by the specified substance. The work of the main hormone is also associated with a thickening of the skin, expansion of pores, and the active development of the sebaceous glands. Hence the shiny skin and acne in adolescents. Among other things, the growth of coarse hair on a man's face, pubis and in armpits Also the effect of testosterone.
  • Regulates behavior patterns. It is because of this androgen that men are more aggressive, reckless and purposeful.
  • Sexual development. Forms normal spermatogenesis and development of the organs of the genital area. The latter is especially pronounced in adolescence. With regards to the quality of the ejaculate, here the main hormone also plays a leading role.
  • Muscle growth, fat loss. Protein processing, which contributes to the burning of excess fat mass, is also the responsibility of testosterone. Transformation of body fat into muscle tissue. By the way, this process is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Testosterone is responsible for a man's attraction to a woman.

It should be noted that the appearance of sexual dysfunction is associated with a decrease in the level of the main hormone. But attempts to artificially increase it, as is often the case among bodybuilders, lead to the appearance reverse effect: male body, detecting an excess of testosterone caused by outside interference, suspends the natural production of the hormone, which inevitably leads to testicular atrophy. Also at increased amount the main hormone in a man can increase in size and the prostate, which will provoke its tumor. Hormonal imbalance sometimes leads to disruption of spermatogenesis, and hence infertility.

What is dihydrotestosterone and what are its functions? It is an active hormone that:

  • Promotes internal and external growth of the genital organs.
  • Leads to an increase in hairline during puberty.

Androstenedione is an androgen that causes active muscle growth. But an uncontrolled increase in its level leads to baldness, weight gain, effeminate features in the male body, including gynecomastia. The hormone is produced mainly in the adrenal cortex, and in both sexes.

Dehydroepiandosterone is the progenitor of all hormones in the body, a kind of "elixir of youth". He is responsible for muscle strength, memory hardness, mental clarity, endurance. Great for burning excess fat.

The hormonal background can be disturbed not only in women. Contrary to popular belief, hormone imbalance is common problem and in the male environment. Moreover, the role is played not only by the main component - testosterone, but also by the other three androgen hormones. As already noted, an increase or decrease in the prescribed level equally adversely affects the health, mood, and appearance of a man. As a rule, in almost all men, the lack of the main or other hormones is manifested by increased irritability, chronic fatigue, decrease sexual attraction, the appearance of previously uncharacteristic of a man external features. For this reason, you should carefully listen to your own body, notice adverse changes in time and seek help from an andrologist.