Plant world quiz. Quizzes for schoolchildren. In the world of plants. Blitz quiz “Wild Animals”

Ecological quiz for students primary school"Nature and us"

Target: Summarize and consolidate children's knowledge about the world around them in the form of an environmental quiz.
Tasks: Continue to clarify and generalize children’s knowledge about the flora and fauna of our region. To practice the ability to distinguish the trees of our region by ear by description. Recognize and name birds, wild and cultivated plants, mushrooms according to their image. Develop memory, reaction speed, intelligence, logical thinking. To foster cognitive interest, a sense of camaraderie, and respect for partners and opponents in the game. Cultivate love for native nature.
Participants are divided into two teams
"Warm-up". The teams take turns asking questions.
WARM-UP questions
1. Karkusha is: (crow) 2. Which snake is the largest? (anaconda) 3. The fastest sea animal (dolphin, killer whale) 4. Which tree are children most happy in winter? (spruce) 5. What stones are in the sea? (wet) 6. It flies all day, everyone gets bored (fly) 7. I swam in the pond, but remained dry. (Goose) 8. What animals crawl out of their skin (snake) 9. Red-haired cheat (fox) 10. He starts the week (Monday) 11. First spring flower (snowdrop) Which fish resembles a chess piece? (seahorse) 12. What color is a chameleon? (varies, depending on temperature, humidity, lighting) 13. Which tree branches can be found in the bathhouse? (birch, oak) 14. What do pine, poplar, and aspen have, but birch does not? (letter o) 15. What animal in the forest knows where the honey is? (bear) 16. Which part of the tree in the old days were very afraid of students at school? (branches from which rods were made) 17. Which bird has the number 3 in its name? (swift) Why do ducks swim? (from the shore)
18. How many legs does a spider have? (8) 19. The first spring birds (rooks) 20. What does a hedgehog do in winter? (sleeping)

"Animals of the reserve."(6 questions for each team)
1.What animal builds a hut? (beaver)
2. There are a lot of snowdrifts in the forest in winter. And steam comes out of the snowdrifts. Why? (a bear sleeps in the den)
3.What feeds the wolf? (the wolf is fed by his feet)
4. Who is called the giant of protected forests? (moose)
5. What animals have horns and hooves? (for bison, elk, cow, bull, yak, deer)
6. What is the largest animal in the reserve? (bison)
1.What animal is called a forest orderly? (wolf)
2. What kind of cat runs through the forest in winter? (lynx)

3. Name a contemporary of the mammoth and saber-toothed tiger? (muskrat)
4. What animals are protected in the reserve (bison, lynx, muskrat, beaver, marten)
5. What animals does the tail help? (fox, squirrel)
6. Why can’t a bear catch a moose in winter? (because in winter he sleeps)

Puzzles(Assigned to each team in turn)

The blue tent covered the whole world (sky)

What is visible only at night (stars)

Without arms, without legs, and the tree bends (the wind)

White geese swim across the blue sea (clouds)

No arms, no legs, but can draw (frost)

Tablecloth all white dressed in light (snow)

Red-haired playful girl deftly gnaws pine cones (squirrel)

Egorka is standing in a red skullcap, no matter who passes, he gives everyone a bow (strawberries)

Winter and summer in the same color (Christmas tree)

Sleeps during the day, flies at night and scares mice (owl)

"Animal world"(10 questions for each team)
1. Who has an ear on his leg? (A grasshopper)
2.What birds spend the night in winter with their heads buried in the snow? (Grouse, Hazel Grouse)
3.What kind of fish builds a nest? (Stickleback)
4.Can elephants swim? (Yes, and even completely submerge in water)
5.Which of the birds in our country flies the fastest? (Swift)
6.What is the largest bird in the world? (African ostrich)
7.What happens to the bee after it stings its victim? (Dies)
8.Who has the most poor eyesight? (At the mole)
9.Which animal runs, jumps, and even boxes well? (Kangaroo)
10.Does it look like a lined notebook? (Zebra)
11.Who sleeps upside down? ( Bat)
12.Largest predator? (Polar bear)
13.Which birds have wings covered with scales? (In penguins)
14. Is the bird an imitator, a parodist of other birds? (Starling)
15.The smallest animal in the forest? Very useful, is he sometimes mistaken for a mouse? (Shrew)
16. Does this animal's name include a product produced by bees? (Bear)
17.Which predator’s track is very similar to a human’s track? (bear)
18.What is worse for birds: winter cold or hunger? (Hunger)
19.How many legs does a spider have? (Eight)
20.What fish is named after the river in which it lives? (Amur)

"The World of Plants"(10 questions for each team)
1.Which tree’s wood is very durable and resistant to rotting? (Larch)
2.Which forest has wetter soil – where there are more lingonberries or blueberries? (Blueberries are more moisture-loving than lingonberries)
3.Which pine has stronger wood - fast or slow growing? (The strongest part of the wood ring is late summer. The slower the tree grows, the closer the late summer layers are to one another, the stronger the tree).
4.What can be used in the forest to make tea? (Strawberry, raspberry, blueberry leaves..)
5. Why do forest roads take longer to dry out after rain compared to field roads? (There is no wind in the forest, and without wind the evaporation process slows down)
6.Which wood are matches made from? (Aspen)
7. What berry can replace lemon? (Cranberry)
8.Which tree blooms the latest? (Linden blossoms in summer)
19.What berries can be picked in winter? (Cranberry, lingonberry)
10.Which shrub fruits are rich in vitamin C? (Black currant, lingonberry)
11.Do lilacs bloom in spring or summer? (Spring)
12.Which leaf makes noise and which rustles? What causes these sounds? (IN A deciduous forest, the rustling is WEAK OR STRONG, DEPENDING ON THE WIND. It is caused by the friction of leaves against each other. And in a coniferous forest, streams of air in the wind bend around the branches and needles of pine needles, and small vortices are formed behind them, making a weak hissing sound. Merging together , these sounds create the noise of the forest)
13. Why do we see a lot of pine branches in a pine forest, but only the tops of the trees are green? (Pine is a light-loving plant. If its branches receive little light, they die. The tops turn green because they receive a lot of light)
14. Why do not only the tops of spruce trees in the forest turn green, but also the lower branches right down to the ground? (If spruce is not a light-loving plant, its needles can live even in some darkness)
15. Why can you see young fir trees under pine trees in the forest, but you can’t see pine trees under spruce trees? (Pine cannot grow under a shady spruce)
16. Why does spruce always have a sharp top? (because spruce always grows in height, and other trees that reach a certain age stop growing upward)
17.Why do thicknesses form on the bark of trees over time? (Wood grows in width faster than bark)
18.Why are the leaves from the treetops the last to fall? (They're younger)
19.Which coniferous tree sheds its needles for the winter? (Larch)
20.Which tree's wood is used for shipbuilding? (Pine)

Topic: “In the world of plants”

Form: Quiz

Goals and objectives:

Repeat and expand students’ knowledge about plants;

Develop cognitive processes, intelligence and ingenuity;

Foster love and respect for nature.

DECOR: stand with pictures of plants and travel stations.

Progress of the event.

introduction teacher:

The nature of Russia is beautiful, unique and multifaceted. From time immemorial, Russian people loved their Motherland, their land, their native nature. “Happiness is being with nature, seeing it, talking with it,” wrote L.N. Tolstoy.

Today I invite you on an amazing journey into the world of plants. Plants are living organisms, without which life on our planet would not be possible. There are a huge variety of plants, they can be found anywhere globe. How many mysteries are hidden in the plant world! And so that plants do not disappear from the Earth, it is important to learn to love, know and protect them.

Today we will conduct a quiz “In the world of plants”, which will help you get to know and love nature better. A quiz is a game that involves asking questions and giving the correct answers. The one who gave wins greatest number correct answers. The game will take place across stations. So here we go.

1st station: “Trees”

1.What kind of tree are we talking about?

During the dispersal of seeds, fluff floats in large quantities in the air, clogging everything around.

Sometimes it's black, sometimes it's white.

For relatively vertical position trunk has become widespread in landscaping streets and alleys.

The buds of this tree are covered with sticky resin and stick to the soles of shoes or clothing. (Poplar.)

2. Brooms made from its branches are the most popular and have medicinal properties.

Its wood makes the best firewood.

Many useful things are made from its bark.

This is the most beloved Russian tree. (birch)

3. Bees collect the best honey from its flowers.

Spoons are made from its wood, and bast shoes are woven from bast.

It blooms in summer and is very fragrant.

4. A decoction of flowers is indispensable for colds. (Linden.)

2nd station: " Natural pharmacy»

It will be necessary to correctly select its medicinal qualities for each plant.

1. You rubbed your foot on the road, how to relieve the pain? (Attach a plantain leaf).

2. Good remedy From cough, upper side the leaf is smooth and cold, and the underside of the leaf is soft and warm (Coltsfoot).

3. One of the most fragrant trees, the berries are used as an astringent (Bird cherry).

4. And if you happen to catch a cold,

A cough will appear, a fever will rise,

Move the steaming mug towards you

Slightly bitter, fragrant decoction (Chamomile).

5. The most bitter and popular herb in medicine, it is used to increase appetite (Wormwood).

6. In Rus', this is one of the most effective means for a cold. They are used in the bathhouse and used for steaming (Birch brooms).

Station 3: “World of Flowers”

1. From time immemorial, this flower symbolizes Russian nature, and people also like to use it to tell fortunes. What kind of plant is this? (Chamomile),

3. One day, the goddess of flowers, Flora, sank to the ground and began to bestow names on the flowers. She gave everyone gifts and wanted to leave, but heard a weak voice: “You forgot me, Flora! Please give me a name!” Flora could barely make out a small blue flower among the forbs. "Fine!" - she said. I will give you a name, and I will also endow you with miraculous power: you will restore the memory of those people who begin to forget their loved ones or their homeland. - Guys, did you guess what name Flora gave the flower? (Forget-me-not).

4. There are many legends about the origin of this flower. But this is the one I want to tell you. These flowers grew from beads from Snow White's scattered necklace. They serve as lanterns for gnomes. Little forest people live in them - Elves, and sunbeams hide in them at night. What flower are we talking about? (Lily of the valley)

5 . Why can’t you pick primroses - snowdrops, lilies of the valley, etc.? (Many of them have become rare and are listed in the Red Book)

4.Station “Legends of FLOWERS”

1. Young Pan - the god of forests and meadows - once met the beautiful river nymph Syringa, the gentle messenger of the morning dawn, and was so enchanted by her gentle grace and beauty that he forgot about his amusements. Pan decided to speak to Syringa, but she got scared and ran away. Pan ran after her, wanting to calm her down, but the nymph suddenly turned into a fragrant bush with delicate purple flowers. Pan cried inconsolably near the bush and from then on became sad, walking through the forest thickets alone, and tried to do good to everyone. And the name Syringa became Latin name of this flower. (Lilac)

2. In Turkey it is called tulipa, which means “turban”, “turban”. What do we call this plant? (Tulip)

3. The Indians called this flower a shooting star, and the ancient Romans simply called it a star. The inflorescence of this plant really resembles a bright star. What is this flower called now? (Aster)

4. In 1500, in Italy in the province of Campania, during a walk, Bishop Paulinius drew attention to the beauty of this flower. It seemed to him that, swaying in the breeze, he was making a melodious ringing. The bishop ordered such a flower to be cast from copper. On Latin This flower is called companula. What flower are we talking about? (bell)

5 station "Plants".

1. . Why can't you collect medicinal herbs in one place for several years in a row? (So ​​that they do not disappear, but have time to recover)

2. Which plant is considered sacred in China and Japan?


3. What is paprika?

(Red pepper)

4. Do cacti have leaves?

(Yes, these are needles. They are in the process of adapting to the dry conditions

climate have acquired this form)

6 Riddle station “Riddles”

1. The whole field turned blue, like the sky had fallen down. (Linen).

2. Little sisters stand in the field, yellow eyes, white eyelashes. (Daisies)

3. The little blue bell hangs, but it never rings. (Bell)

4. He stands thoughtfully in a yellow crown,

5.Freckles darken round face. (Sunflower).

7. Station “In the world of fairy tales”

1. What flowers did the girl pick in the fairy tale “The Twelve Months”? (Snowdrops)

2. What flowers did Kai and Gerda care for? (Roses. “ The Snow Queen” G. H. Andersen)

3. In the cup of which flower “was a tiny girl sitting on a green chair”? (Tulip “Thumbelina” by G. H. Andersen).

4. It is customary to give a sprig of this plant to women on their spring holiday (mimosa)

8. station: "Istoricheskaya"

1. It is said that these white wildflowers served as umbrellas for gnomes. (Daisies)

2. According to Ukrainian legend, a young man with bright blue eyes was transformed into this flower. The flower was named after the young man. (Cornflower)

3. An ancient Greek legend says that this flower is named after the doctor (Peon), who treated people with decoctions of flowers. (Peony)

4. The name of this beautiful large flower is translated from Latin as “sword”. According to legend, he grew up at the site of the death of two gladiator friends. (Gladiolus)

9. station: “Plants Doctors”

1. Plant used to reduce warts (Clandestine)

2. A medicinal plant that guarantees long life, the closest relative of Koshchei (Immortelle)

3. The flowers of this tree are used as tea for colds(Linden)

4. Green cabbage soup (nettle, sorrel) is cooked from this vitamin plant.

5. Among the Russian people, this medicinal plant was called “agagave”. What is its scientific name? (Aloe)

6. Healing shrub - the ancestor of all roses. (Rose hip)

10. station “Amazing flora”

1. This tree in Russia is a symbol of purity and fidelity (Birch)

2. The fruits of this tree are the favorite food of pigs and wild boars (Oak)

3. The fruits of this tree, although bitter in taste, are the favorite food of bullfinches and waxwings (Rowan)

4. The most delicious honey bees collect from the flowers of this tree (Linden)

11.station: "Prize".

Summarizing. Rewarding.

Educator: Thanks everyone for playing. Protect the environment!


- test and deepen children’s knowledge about living nature;
- help children remember already known animals and
- external features each of them;
- develop intelligence, quick reaction, imagination;
- help children learn to work in a team.

The class is divided into 2 teams.

Leading: Our quiz today is about wildlife. First, let's remember what wildlife is?

The teams received homework before the game. They had to come up with a name for their team and draw an emblem. The condition was this: the name of the team must be associated with wildlife.

1 competition - "Riddles".
- These riddles will not be easy. They are all about nature. The answer can be the name of an animal, bird or plant.
- For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.
(Riddles are offered to the teams in turn.)

1. Mustachioed muzzle, striped fur,
He washes himself with his paw, but doesn’t know how to use water. (cat)

2. You stroke - he caresses, you tease - he bites. (dog)

3. It’s not the bird that jumps along the branches,
Red, not a fox. (squirrel)

4. What kind of forest animal stood in front of me?
He stands among the grass, his ears larger than his head. (hare)

5. Who is wearing a bright red beret and a black satin cap?
He doesn’t sit idle, he keeps knocking, knocking, knocking. (woodpecker)

6. The back is greenish, the breast is yellowish,
A black hat and a striped scarf. (tit)

7. Not a beast, not a bird, but a nose like a knitting needle.
It flies - it screams, it sits - it’s silent,
Whoever kills him will shed his blood. (mosquito)

8. Four legs, the fifth is the tail, the sixth is the mane. (horse)

9. He's tall, he's huge,
It looks like a crane
Only this crane is alive, with a real head. (giraffe)

10. The horses are lined like school notebooks,
The horses are lined from the hooves to the head. (zebras)

- Animals very often become heroes of fairy tales. That's why our next competition is called "Fairytale".
- Tell me who they turned into...
1. Prince Guidon (fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin) - like a mosquito, a fly, a bumblebee;
2. giant - cannibal (fairy tale by C. Perrault) - into a lion, into a mouse;
3. eleven brothers - princes (fairy tale by H. H. Andersen) - into swans;
4. The ugly duckling (fairy tale by H. H. Andersen) - into a swan.
- What are the missing names of animals - famous fairy-tale characters...

1. Fly...(Cluttering)

2. Chicken...(Ryaba)
Z. Duck...(Grey Neck)

4. Turtle... (Tortilla)
5. Little deer...(Bambi)
6. Bear... (Balu).

Competition 3 is called "Let's Imagine"
Presenter: - Team for a short time must come up with and draw a plant or animal that does not actually exist, and give it a name.

In the meantime, the teams are working on completing the task, I offer the fans a “Yes - No” game. The question must be answered in unison “yes” or “no”. (Questions are asked in turn to fans of one or the other team.)
1. Can carp get into the ocean? (no, this is a river fish)
2. Can a blackbird freeze its tail? (no, he winters in the south)
3. Can a wasp fly into the sky? (Yes)
4. Can a sandpiper bite its tongue? (no, birds don't have teeth)
5. Can a seal lie on its side all day? (Yes)
6. Can a tit live under a roof? (Yes)
7. Can dogs rip off the tails of all crayfish? (no, crayfish live at the bottom of reservoirs)
8. Can a bear get fat in winter? (no, in winter the bear sleeps and loses weight)

Competition 4 is called "Draw an Animal".
- Each task of this competition is an imitation of the habits of some animal you know.

A representative of each team receives a piece of paper with the name of the animal. Without words, with the help of facial expressions and pantomime, you must portray this animal. The opposing team must guess what kind of animal it is. The jury evaluates both the display of the animal and the guessing.

(Two representatives from each team participate.)
1. cat
2. hare
3. frog
4. bear

The 5th competition is called "Familiar Strangers".
Leading: Each team will receive a piece of paper with the encrypted name of the animal written on it. The team must decrypt this recording as quickly as possible. The key to decryption is the alphabet.

Leading:- While the teams are completing the task, we will hold an auction of songs about animals among the fans. You must take turns to name or sing a line from a song that mentions an animal.

The next competition is called "Sing a Song".
Host: - We continue to talk about nature and mainly about animals. We have already listed the animals we know and remembered what their habits are. Guys, tell me, how do animals talk?
- About some animals we will say that they talk, and about some that they sing.
- Now imagine that you are an animal that loves to sing, but does not know how to do it like a human being. Let's try to depict it.
- You need to take some song known to everyone, for example "B"
a Christmas tree was born in the forest" and sing its tune, but not as it is usually done, but...

1. quack
2. bark
3. hum
4. meow
(Two representatives from each team participate, the soundtrack of the song is used)

Summing up the quiz.
Leading: Today you and I took part in a quiz" Live nature"We remembered the names of many animals, learned more about their habits and played a little. I hope that after our quiz you will be more careful about our nature, you will become more attentive to the world that surrounds you and you will protect it.

Sections: Biology

The quiz game can be held both as a final lesson in the Natural History course (5th grade), and as an extra-curricular activity within the framework of the subject week of the NGO “Natural Science”.

The class is divided into five teams of 5-6 people.


  1. Repetition and consolidation of acquired knowledge during gaming activities.
  2. Developing the ability to clearly, clearly and specifically express your point of view and answer questions.
  3. Development of environmental awareness and thinking among students.
  4. Fostering love for the “small Motherland.”
  5. Introducing students to independent work with additional literature about nature, natural phenomena and natural features of the native land.
  6. Using the acquired knowledge to solve non-standard situations and in practice.


To play, you need a spinning disc (see Appendix 1), which is divided into four sectors - red, yellow, green and orange. Each sector includes 16 questions (8 each in the outer and inner circles).

The red field is questions about animals, the green field is about plants, the yellow field is about the nature of the Don region and ecology, the orange field is riddles about nature and natural phenomena.

In each colored sector there are 2 questions with an asterisk (the so-called “Lucky Case”).


  1. Each team has the right to spin the spinner three times in a row (in case of correct answers).
  2. For a correct answer to a question from the red, green and yellow sectors, the team receives 2 points, for an incomplete answer or addition - 1 point, for an incorrect answer - 0 points. For the correct answer to a question from the orange sector - 1 point.
  3. For the correct answer to a question with an asterisk from the red, green and yellow sectors, the team receives 4 points, and from the orange sector - 3 points.
  4. For tips and disrespectful attitude Points are deducted from the teams and the presenter.
  5. 20 seconds are allotted for discussing questions.
  6. If the team spinning the spinner answers a question incorrectly or the answer is incomplete, other teams have the right to answer the question or complete the answer.


  1. While the jury is summing up the results, the teams are given the task of collecting 6 “scattered” proverbs and sayings about nature (see Appendix 2).
  2. For all correctly collected proverbs and sayings, the team is awarded an additional 2 points.
  3. The winning team is the one with the most points.


PLANTS(Green field)

1. How are the following plants distributed: oak, rowan, mosses, barberry in the forest community? (I tier – oak, II tier – rowan, III tier – barberry, IV tier – mosses).

2. List the conditions necessary for plant life. (Light, heat, water, air, mineral nutrition).

3.* What plant and why is it called “overcome grass”? (White water lily, it was previously believed that the rhizome of this plant overcomes evil spirits. Pieces of the rhizome were sewn into amulet and worn around the neck).

4. What can you bake bread from in the forest? How to do it? (Flour is prepared from dried and crushed rhizomes of white water lily, cattail and reed).

5. Solve anagrams and eliminate the extra word: a) a b z e e r (birch); b) lnyok (maple); c) b i n s e (ash); d) a s c i i k (oxalis). (Oxalis is a herbaceous plant.

6. What is the difference between birch porridge and oak porridge? (Oak porridge can be cooked from acorns, and birch porridge was the name given to the punishment of guilty schoolchildren who were flogged with birch branches on Saturdays).

7. Why do they say about the tundra that mushrooms grow there higher than the trees? (Because in the tundra the trees are dwarf and their branches spread along the ground).

8. This plant can be found in the tropical rainforests of India or the Sunda Islands. Local residents make fabrics from this plant, use the stem of the inflorescence as a wick, wood for buildings, bark for making paint, milky juice is mixed with coconut oil and get glue. Leaves replace paper, tablecloths, plates and even hats. What plant are we talking about? And How local residents do they use the fruits of this plant? (This is a breadfruit whose fruits weigh 20 kg. They are cut into slices and baked into flat cakes).

9. Name the branches of crop production. (Field growing, vegetable growing, floriculture, fruit growing).

10. We found ourselves in the forest. And we wanted to drink a cup of hot aromatic coffee. But, alas, we are not in a tropical forest where the coffee tree grows. What should I do? Is our wish realizable? (Yes, you can make coffee from oak acorns or cattail and reed rhizomes).

11. For normal nutrition, a person needs carbohydrates, starch, sugar, fats and proteins. Starch and fats can be found in plants. But there is little protein in flowering plants, especially in wild ones. Even wheat bread contains only 8% protein. But meat contains 38% protein. But where can we get meat in the forest? After all, we do not have the right to enter the forest with a gun and shoot. Is it possible to find a meat substitute in the forest? (Yes, you can. These are mushrooms).

12. Where can you find cotton wool in the forest? (Pat moss grows in the swamp - sphagnum, which absorbs moisture very well and has a bactericidal effect).

13. List the producers of the steppe. (Producers are plants, for example, feather grass, wormwood, thyme, etc.).

14. *Which plant and why is it called the “white man’s footprint”? How can it be used? (This is a plantain. They call it that because it American continent this plant got there with the advent of people with white skin. The seeds of this plant stick to the sole and are spread. This plant can be used for bruises and minor wounds).

15. How to drink wild tea? (Forest tea can be prepared from the leaves of strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, lingonberries. The leaves must be processed. First, they are dried in the shade, then rolled with the palms until the juice appears. After this, cover with wet gauze and keep in the sun for 10 hours. Finish the processing by drying the leaves).

16. List the producers of fresh water bodies (These are plants: duckweed, elodea, cattail, chastuha, water lily, egg capsule and others).

PUZZLES(orange field).

1. It makes you happy in the spring, cools you in the summer, nourishes you in the fall, and warms you in the winter. (Tree, forest).

2. The sir was flying and fell on the water. It doesn't drown and doesn't stir up water. (Sheet).

3. In a small pot, the porridge is sweet. (Nut).

4. Neither an animal nor a bird, but the nose is like a knitting needle; when it flies, it screams; when it sits, it is silent. Whoever kills him will shed his blood. (Mosquito).

5. Taras sits under the shore, he’s ready to shout. (Frog).

6. He lays out nets, not fish. (Spider).

7. *a) It shines, but does not warm. (Moon);

b) What don’t you see in the room? (Air);

c) You can see the edge, but you won’t get there. (Horizon).

8. What is the fastest thing in the world? (Wind).

9. They waited, called, but when he showed up, everyone ran away. (Rain).

10. *a) Breathes, grows, but cannot walk. (Plant);

b) What grows upside down? (Icicle);

c) Sits - turns green, flies - turns yellow, falls - turns black. (Sheet).

11. What is the strongest in the world? (Water).

12. There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. (Sea).

13. Not the sea, not the land, ships don’t float, but you can’t walk. (Swamp).

14. I am water, and I swim on water. (Ice).

15. A fly sat on the grass, and the grass ate that fly. (Sundew).

16. No one is scared, but everyone is trembling. (Aspen).

ANIMALS(red field)

1. *The body of this animal is “dressed” in thick brown fur with a silvery tint. The length of the animal is 40 cm, weight is about 500g. It is distinguished by an elongated proboscis nose. With its proboscis it not only sniffs out prey, but also grabs everything that can be eaten and puts the food into its mouth. Lives in bodies of water. When diving, the nostrils on the proboscis and the holes in the ears are closed with valves. Name it. (Muskrat).

2. Every summer, in due time, a fish dinner flies out of the water. What kind of lunch is this? (Mosquitoes).

3. Name the first order consumers of the forest community. (First order consumers are herbivores, for example, squirrel, hare, elk, vole, etc.).

4. Can a polar bear eat a penguin in nature? Explain. (No, since they live at different poles).

5. This is the only completely blind animal of our fauna. Adapted to underground life. It feeds on the bulbs of steppe plants. The direction of the endless underground passages is indicated by heaps of earth thrown out. Who are we talking about? (Mole rat).

6. Name the consumers III order fresh water body (IIIrd order consumers are predators, for example, pike, pike perch, perch).

7. Why are they called woodpeckers forest doctor? (Because it eats pests and their larvae).

8. This animal is widespread in the forests of our country. He spends most of his time in trees, which he excels at climbing. The animal eats acorns, nuts, buds, berries, and mushrooms. Stocks up for the winter. Who are we talking about? (Squirrel).

10. Which inhabitant of fresh water bodies never drinks? (Frog).

11. Do all mosquitoes drink the blood of humans and animals? (No, males feed on nectar).

12. Name the branches of livestock farming. (Breeding large and small cattle, pig farming, horse breeding, rabbit farming, poultry farming, fish farming, beekeeping).

13. Make a food chain: plants, mouse, eagle, grass snake, lizard, grasshopper, hare.

14. To the name of which river must one letter be added to get the name of a forest bird? (Oriole).

15. Which animal has ears on its legs? (Grasshopper).


1. Are there swamps in the Rostov region? (Yes, in the lower reaches of the Don).

2. *Name poisonous plants Rostov region. (Acrid buttercup, red bitter nightshade, poisonous wech, common hemlock, black henbane, soporific poppy).

3. What is a reserve? Are there any nature reserves in the Rostov region? (A reserve is a territory completely excluded from any economic activity, where scientific research work is carried out. On the territory of the Rostov region there are three reserves “Persianovskaya Steppe”, “Donskoy State Fish Reserve (Don Forbidden Fishing Space)”, State Steppe Reserve "Rostovsky").

4. Tell us about the water cycle in nature.

5. “Near Lukomorye there is a green oak, A golden chain on that oak tree...” And where is this “Lukomorye” located? (Lukomorye is the old name of Taganrog Bay).

6. Name the medicinal plants of the Don region. (St. John's wort, lily of the valley, shepherd's purse, rose hips, thyme, coltsfoot, yarrow).

7. Tell us about the Red Book. (The Red Book is a register of rare and endangered species of animals and plants. On the red pages are endangered species, on the yellow pages are rare, on the black pages are disappeared, and on the green pages are restored species).

8. What is a reserve, a national park?

9. Name the rare and protected plants of the Don. (angustifolia peony, snow-white water lily, valerian officinalis, Russian hazel grouse, Schrenck's tulip, lanceolate plantain, etc.).

10. Name the rare and protected animals of the Don Territory. (Steppe eagle, pink pelican, demoiselle crane, bustard, ibis, muskrat, giant noctule, etc.).

11. List the main forms of nature conservation. (Reserves, sanctuaries, national parks, natural monuments, Red Book, botanical gardens, zoos, nurseries).

12. Where is the “witness” of the forest power of the Don? (3 km from Vyoshenskaya station there is a giant oak tree 400 years old).

13. What is the area of ​​the Rostov region and its main wealth? (The territory of the region can accommodate such states as Belgium, Portugal, Denmark and Switzerland taken together. The main wealth is fertile soil- chernozem).

14. Why is Don often called “Ivanovich”? ( Because the Don originates from Ivan Lake).

15. *Which year lasts only one day? (New Year).

16. What path has no person ever been on? (On the Milky Way).

Quiz" Amazing world plants".
consolidate knowledge about plants, broaden children's horizons.
The quiz is designed for students in grades 5-8.
Preliminary work:
1. Set up a stand with creative works children (drawings, abstracts, messages on this topic).
2. Set up a photo exhibition depicting the flora (if possible).
3. You can also prepare musical accompaniment (at the discretion of the teacher).
It is proposed to divide the guys into 2 teams, offer to come up with a name for each team. Ask questions to the teams one by one. For each correct answer, the student receives a token. The team (or participant) with the most tokens wins.
Quiz questions.
1. What was the name of the first ancient plant on Earth? (Cuxonia).
2. What is the mutually beneficial partnership of two organisms called? (Symbiosis).
3. What are the names of the volatile odor substances released by plants? (Vatoncides).
4. What food do many people like? forest dwellers: wild boars, deer, bears? (Acorns).
5. What is the name of the oak forest? (Dubrava).
6. How many years does larch live? (up to 500 years).
7. Which tree is the tallest? (Eucalyptus).
8. Where do cranberries grow? (In a swamp or in a pine forest).
9. This plant is called the "root of life." (Ginseng).
10. Which berry is the largest? (Watermelon).
11. Japanese decorative cherry. (Sakura).
12. The ancient Hindus and Egyptians considered this flower to be the flower of the gods. (Lotus).
13. How did the agave (aloe) get its name? (It is believed that it blooms in room conditions once every 100 years).
14. When does the fern bloom? (The fern does not bloom).
15. How old is the raspberry bush? (2 years).
16. Which flower is considered the most beautiful? (Rose).
17. The most important nightshade vegetable. (Potato).
18. What is the name of the fruit of pineapple and banana? (Berry).
19. Are there carnivorous plants? (Yes. Sundew, Venus flytrap, cephalothus).
20. Which tree is considered a symbol of Russia? (Birch).
21. Another name for earthen pear. (Jerusalem artichoke).
22. What medicine is obtained from seaweed? (Iodine).
23. What tree gum is it made from? chewing gum? (Sapodillas).
24. First spring forest flower. (Lily of the valley).
25. Tree with cones. (Fur tree, pine tree).
26. Which berry is black, white and red? (Currant).
27. Petrified resin of ancient coniferous trees. (Amber).
28. The orange berries of this plant contain a lot of vitamins, and the oil treats burns and frostbite? (Sea ​​buckthorn).
29. What are dried pitted apricots called? (Dried apricots).
30. The fruits of this tropical plant yellow color, large. weighing up to 1 kg. (Mango).
31. This citrus contains a large number of vitamin C. Medieval sailors took it with them on voyages as a remedy for scurvy. (Lemon).
32. Dry leaves of this plant are added to various dishes as an aromatic seasoning. (Laurel).
33. How many years does a baobab tree live? (Up to 3000 years).
34. Where do Velcro flycatchers (Gorgon's roridula) grow? (In southern Africa in the swamps).
35. What grass do cats really like? (To Valerian).
36. What is vanilla? (This is a vine, climbing orchid).
37. What are the names of juniper leaves? (Needles).
38. How many years does a pine tree live? (American pine is long-lived - 4900 years).
39. To what size does the diameter of the trunk of a mammoth tree reach? (up to 10 m).
40. The honey of this tree is considered the most valuable. (Linden).
41. Medicinal tree, stinging weed. (Nettle).
42. The tallest grass on Earth. (Bamboo).
43. From what plants is sugar obtained? (Sugar cane, sugar beets).
44. Does a tree grow in winter? (No. Trees “sleep” in winter).
45. Which plant has the largest fruits in the world? (Pumpkin).
46. ​​Which plant is considered a symbol of peace? (Olive).
47. Which plant has the largest leaves? (Victoria amazonica, diameter more than 2 m).
48. Which plant has the largest flowers? (Rafflesia Arnold, diameter -1 m, weight -6 kg).
50. Which tree is the most frost-resistant? (Larch).
51. Juice of this poisonous medicinal plant remove warts. (Celandine).
52. From which trees is medicine obtained? (Linden, spruce, pine, birch).
53. Which flower is considered the most expensive? (Tulip).
54. This tree is one of the most fragrant, its berries are used as an astringent. (Bird cherry).
55. What herb cures 99 diseases? (St. John's wort).
56. What flower is called iris? (Iris).
57. Which plant is considered the second bread, the breadwinner of the East? (Rice).
58. Which berry will help a sore throat? (Raspberries).
59. What is another name for sweet potatoes? (Sweet potato).
60. What mushroom is called “hare potato”? (Puffball mushroom).
At the end of the quiz, the winners are awarded.