Lice, nits in children and adults: how to get rid of them at home. Effective methods and means for removing lice at home

Lice infestation is scientifically known as head lice. This is an extremely delicate issue that people usually try not to advertise. IN public opinion it is associated with trouble and uncleanliness, so many strive to eliminate it on their own, without attracting attention. How to get rid of lice at home is described in the proposed material.

How to detect lice in adults and children?

Pediculosis is an infection caused by head louse.

Pediculosis can be diagnosed by the following set of symptoms:

SymptomManifestationMechanism of occurrence
Severe itchingThe patient constantly scratches his head, especially the occipital region and behind the ears. The itching is constant and does not stop at night or after washing your hair.Insects crawl on the scalp, irritating nerve receptors. When bitten, lice saliva enters the epithelium and has an irritating effect.
Inflammations on the skinRashes resembling allergic ones are observed on the scalp and along the border of the scalp. Sometimes they take the form of small papules with purulent contents.They are the result of sensitization of the patient to a specific protein contained in the saliva of insects.
Skin pigmentationThere are bluish spots on the scalp. Between them there are traces of scratching with dried blood crusts.Occur after a long course of pediculosis in the absence of treatment. Spots develop at the site of scratching and rashes as a result of the breakdown of hemoglobin.

In both adults and children, lice are detected by visual inspection of the scalp. Since insects have a small body size and protective coloring, you can spot them on early stage defeat can be quite difficult.

To facilitate diagnosis, it is customary to use the following algorithm:

  • from the lower part of the occipital region, behind the ears and on the temples, part the hair and inspect the area near the roots;
  • if you find small milky-white sacs on your hair 1-2 cm from the roots, try to knock them off with your finger;
  • if the sacs are firmly attached to the hair shaft and do not get lost, then these are nits, and the person has lice.

Nits are called lice eggs. Based on their presence, a diagnosis of pediculosis is made, even if no adult insects are found during examination. Even one accidentally “picked up” louse can lay a clutch. The maturation of the eggs lasts 5-8 days, after which nymph larvae hatch from them and immediately begin to actively feed. Having molted three times, they turn into sexually mature individuals. Further pathological process is developing rapidly.

Causes of pediculosis

Pediculosis is a consequence of close social contacts.

That is why children are more often infected, because they are more prone than adults to violating each other’s personal space. Sources of infection can be common household items - combs, hair clips, towels, bed sheets. If a child “brought lice” from kindergarten, school or summer camp, the whole family will have to be treated.

You can become infected with head lice on public transport during rush hour, through hugs, or taking selfies together. Lice easily float on water for some time, so sometimes they get on the hair when swimming in pools or standing open water. Fortunately, outside the human body they live very briefly - no more than 2 days.

A quick way to get rid of lice and nits in 1 day

Destroying adult insects and larvae is a simple task. This really can be done in one day. Things are much more complicated with nits. Females attach their eggs to the hair shaft with a special sticky secretion, which is very difficult to destroy. Even dead and dried nits remain on the head for a long time, gradually moving away from the root as the hair grows.

There is only one way to get rid of both lice and nits in one day - cutting your hair bald. To do this, polyethylene or an old sheet is spread on the floor, gloves are put on the hands, and the patient is shaved with a clipper. Then the film or sheet along with the hair is rolled up, placed in a bag and disposed of. The patient's clothes are boiled, the machine is thoroughly washed and wiped with alcohol.

How to cure head lice at home

It is possible to cure pediculosis using less radical means. This will take a little longer, but will save your hair.

Mechanical methods of control

Most the old way get rid of lice and nits - comb them out. Previously, a fine comb was used for this, but now you can purchase a special comb with a special relief on long metal teeth.

The procedure is performed as follows:

  • the patient is seated comfortably with his back to the sink or bathtub;
  • wash his hair with shampoo and rinse with water acidified with vinegar;
  • lightly dry the hair with a towel and, separating one strand at a time, carefully comb the head, starting from the back of the head;
  • While combing, rinse the comb in water and vinegar from time to time.

In kindergartens and schools, nurses must monitor the child’s condition. Their responsibilities include checking children for head lice. One child with lice on his head can become a source of infection for everyone in the group or class. As practice shows, examinations by medical workers are carried out cursorily and often not very well. Or even with a frequency that is far from the required rules. Children from different families are in the same room, eat together, walk together, and sleep in kindergartens. It is not surprising to become infected with lice within the next period of time. And if schoolchildren can complain to their parents about itching in the head, children under 5 years old will silently scratch their heads and experience discomfort. When lice are discovered, some mothers panic and don’t know where to go or what to do. Several effective methods and remedies for pediculosis that allow you to remove lice from a child’s head in 1 day.

To know how to defeat an enemy, you need to study it weak sides. Lice have them. Lice infection occurs from a sick person or through the use of contaminated items. These include combs, elastic bands, hairpins, hats, and towels. Since children often come into contact with each other while playing, pampering, and exchanging things, the risk of lice infection is much higher than in adults.

When a louse lands on a child’s head, it hurries to lay eggs – nits. They are attached to the hair 0.5 cm from the hair roots using a special adhesive. They will be there for about 14 days. Then small lice will hatch from the eggs. By their distance from the hair roots, one can judge how long ago the infection was. As hair grows, it ends up closer to the middle of the head. The favorite place for nits is the temples and forehead.

Sometimes it happens that there are no nits. This can only mean that the infection occurred very recently. Typically, lice and nits exist in parallel. One more thing - the nits are empty. You can check by simply pressing on them between the plates of the nails. If you hear a click, the eggs are full. If it is not there, the lice have already appeared.

Lice are insects that breathe oxygen and feed on blood. The smell is very important to them important role. The spiracles are located over the entire surface of the body. So, you can kill an insect by blocking the air, expel it with smell, or kill it with insecticides. With nits, the situation is somewhat more complicated if you can get rid of adult lice in 1 procedure by selecting effective remedy. For nits, you'll need to fiddle around all day. The dense shell of the egg protects nits from insecticides and other substances that are harmful to them. The only one effective method– combing. The final result directly depends on the quality of the procedure.

Methods to combat lice

You can remove lice from a child using folk methods and pharmaceuticals. Currently, mothers are increasingly resorting to. They are sold in pharmacies, are highly effective, do not damage hair, and protect the scalp. Available in the form of shampoo, aerosol, spray, lotion. The products are easy to use - just apply to your hair, wait a certain time, and rinse. And then the combing procedure is carried out. And everything would be fine, but these preparations contain a share of insecticidal substances. Manufacturers claim that they do not affect the child’s health and do not worsen their well-being. Meanwhile, there is a list side effects and contraindications.

Due to the fact that some mothers do not trust such drugs, folk remedies for fighting lice are still used. It should be noted that it is not that cheap. And the cheaper one has a number of side effects. Therefore, very often the problem lies in finances. can be done quickly or efficiently. And it’s possible both ways.

How to get rid of lice using folk remedies

In the distant past, lice on children's heads were dealt with quickly and radically - boys were cut completely, girls cut very short. No hair - no. Another radical remedy that quickly got rid of lice was kerosene. And although, today, some mothers still use it, lice can be removed using more gentle means.

How to get rid of lice with vinegar

There is such a remedy for pediculosis in every home. Sometimes women use it to soften their hair when washing. Rinse them with the solution. . This is the acid that blocks breathing, corrodes skin insects

  1. To prepare the solution you will need 9% table vinegar and water at room temperature.
  2. Diluted in a ratio of 1:2.
  3. Treat dry, combed hair with the solution.
  4. Put on a plastic bag or a special cap for dyeing hair.
  5. Wrap a towel on top and leave for 20 minutes.
  6. Wash off with water and shampoo.
  7. A plastic bag on the head is needed to cut off oxygen to the lice. The towel increases the temperature inside the bag and speeds up the chemical reaction. After washing your hair, be sure to carry out a combing procedure. To remove lice in 1 day, you need to carefully comb each strand of hair. Dead lice that remain alive, but in a stupefied state, as well as nits are removed. Vinegar has no effect on them, but it breaks down the sticky substance. It is easier to separate them from the hair.

After 1 week, it is necessary to repeat the procedure, but not earlier. Vinegar dries out hair and has an adverse effect on the scalp. However, repetition is indispensable. Nits may go unnoticed, from which lice will appear again.

How to remove lice with hydrogen peroxide

Another active remedy from lice in a child. Hydrogen peroxide is diluted in a ratio of 1:3 with water. Do not forget that the product is actively used in medicine for wound healing and disinfection. And in cosmetology for some time now they have begun to use it for acne. Hydrogen peroxide can cause burns to healthy skin head or irritation of the integument. It should be used exclusively in diluted form.

Please note in advance that your hair will become dry after using this product. It will take some time to restore the structure and put them in order.
The effectiveness of the product is 100%. In addition, hydrogen peroxide destroys the sticky substance of nits, the eggs literally fall off the head during combing.
The treatment procedure is similar to method 1 for treating pediculosis. Exposure time is no less than 20 minutes, no more than 45.
Before starting the procedure, you should conduct a test for allergic reaction. Apply a few drops of the product to the elbow. If there is no response within 15 minutes negative reaction, can be used.
The child must be supervised by adults during treatment. If your health worsens, a burning sensation appears, the peroxide will have to be washed off.
Instead of hydrogen peroxide, you can use hair dye based on it. Regular hair coloring is performed. Then the combing procedure is carried out. Teenage girls can remove lice with paint. This method is not suitable for boys. Unless they want to become blonde.

How to remove lice with dust soap

The louse fears this soap like fire. This one is used perhaps more often than all the others. The treatment procedure is simple. Hair must be moistened, treated with soap, and lathered. Place a plastic bag over your head and tie a towel. Exposure time 45 minutes for long hair. The room should be well ventilated. Dust can cause dizziness in a child, headache, nausea. During treatment, the mother must use rubber gloves. Rinse off the soap after the exposure time has expired. Hair after soap will be dry and difficult to comb. To facilitate the combing procedure, treat with olive oil.

Juices and tinctures for lice

To remove lice from a child, you can use berries and plants.

  • 1 cup of crushed cumin seeds poured apple cider vinegar. Strain, rub into scalp and hair roots. Sit in the sun for about 20 minutes. Wash off the product after 5 hours. Squeeze the juice out of the cranberries and add a spoonful of honey. The head is treated.
  • 1 glass pomegranate juice boil over low heat for 5 minutes. Add 2 teaspoons of dry mint to it.
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of tansy pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes. The effectiveness of this method largely depends on how thoroughly the combing procedure is carried out. From pharmaceutical drugs You can use hellebore water.

Cosmetics against lice

Spray, lotion - you can choose any drug at the pharmacy. It's very easy to use. No time is wasted on preparing medicine. It acts quickly, effectively, and does not harm the hair. Popular products are:

  1. oil-based spray FullMarx;
  2. shampoo, spray Paranit;
  3. Medifox shampoo;
  4. Pedilin;
  5. ParaPlus cosmetics;
  6. Nyx insecticidal cream;
  7. alcohol spray Pediculen-Ultra.

Instructions for use, exposure time are indicated in each preparation. The advantage of all medicinal cosmetics is a pleasant smell, quick, convenient application. For a child, everything happens like regular hair washing.

In addition, you can buy a special comb for combing out AntiV in a pharmacy or on the Internet. The accessory has a special composition and structure. Fine teeth catch even the most small eggs lice. If desired, you can do without all other drugs. Spend maximum time on the combing procedure with a special comb.

Lice tend to reappear. To avoid relapse, you should periodically check the child’s head and talk about methods of infection. In addition, it is a known fact that girls with loose hair get lice faster than girls with braided hair. Mom should pay attention to this. A head examination should be performed every week in a well-lit area. You can use a magnifying glass.

Pediculosis can appear in the most prosperous family. Gender, position in society, financial condition for insects they do not play a role. And they are more likely to settle on a clean, well-groomed head than on a dirty one. The only salvation is precautions. First of all, parents should tell about the rules of behavior, monitor the places where children go, their surroundings, their circle of friends. With age, the risk of contracting head lice decreases sharply.

19 Comments “ How to remove lice and nits at home in 1 day - can this be done, what products to use?

If a child constantly scratches his head, you need to carefully examine it; your child may have contracted lice.

How can you tell if your child has lice?

The appearance of lice is called pediculosis. In any children's institutions, when admitting a child to a group or class, they are required to check for lice. This check must be repeated annually until school year and in kindergarten after summer holidays. Lice infest the hair and scalp. Insects feed on blood. They jump from the clothes of a sick person to a healthy one and infect him. The appearance of lice in a child is characterized by certain symptoms. These include:

  • constant desire to scratch your head;
  • small wounds from insect bites;
  • the appearance of nits on the hair.

Nits are eggs laid by female lice. They stick to the hair and look like small light dots. They are easier to detect on dark hair. When your baby complains of a permanent itchy scalp, check the hair and skin at the back of his head and behind the ears. When treating head lice, both insects and nits are destroyed at the same time.

If a baby becomes infected, his parents are also at risk. Prevention against lice is carried out for the whole family. In kindergarten and school, children should be taught not to change hats, not to lend each other combs, and not to use other people’s towels.

What do head lice look like?

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How can you tell if your baby has lice? Pediculosis in children is easily identified by nits. Lice themselves are insects 2-3 mm long, sometimes up to 4 mm. They have a dark orange color. They do not have wings, but they quickly move along their heads. Their body is divided into 2 parts - the head and the body itself - connected by a narrowed transitional part. In the photo it is easy to recognize what nits look like and what lice look like.

Lice under magnification

One of the varieties of lice are body lice, which are found not in hair, but in clothing. They are similar to hair lice, but smaller in size. These lice lay nits in the folds of dresses, blouses, and shirts.

Causes of pediculosis and routes of infection

The only way to become infected with lice is contact with a patient, the use of his personal belongings - combs and combs, hairpins and elastic bands, hats, underwear (more details in the article:). Infection usually occurs in crowded areas. If parents find lice on a child, it is necessary to notify the teacher at school or kindergarten teacher so that all students and pupils can be checked for lice.

It is very easy to become infected with lice in crowded places if there is a sick person among those present

Treatment of a child

Since lice is an old problem that has plagued people since the Civil War and World War I, many recipes have accumulated for treating lice with home remedies. The oldest method is shaving your head, because long hair makes it easier for insects to hide. In this case, lice have no place to lay nits, and they themselves are clearly visible on the head.

Mechanical removal of lice requires a fine-toothed comb, a bright lamp and a magnifying glass. It’s better to cut your baby’s hair shorter - then the process will be easier. The procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Wash your baby's hair with shampoo. Hair should remain wet before treatment.
  2. Separate 1 strand, secure the rest with a hairpin or elastic band. Using a comb, comb out lice and nits from the separated strand.
  3. Secure the clean strand with another hairpin, preferably of a different color. Dirty and clean hairpins or elastic bands should not be confused.
  4. Separate the next strand from the untreated part of the hair and repeat combing.
  5. Between combing two strands, wash the comb under water to prevent nits and lice from remaining on it.

You can try to comb out lice and nits without using pharmaceutical drugs for lice

If you have trouble seeing nits and insects, use a magnifying glass to help yourself. After a day or two, repeat the process. If you carefully treat the head of an infected child, the lice will go away, but to do this, each hair needs to be examined and treated, which is difficult to do in children with long hair.

If infested with body lice, it is necessary to treat special means lice and then boil the contaminated clothing. If parents find items with lice on their daughter or son, they must be placed in a separate bag before treatment so that other clothing does not become infected.


  • Knicks. Contains permethrin. This is a very toxic substance that is harmful to insects. It effectively destroys lice and nits, but due to its toxicity it is rarely used, although it is not toxic to mammals. It is almost not absorbed through the skin. WHO included this ointment in the list of especially important drugs.
  • Medifox-gel. Based on the same active ingredient as Nyx. If the instructions for use are followed, it is not dangerous to humans. When using these ointments, side effects in the form of rashes, redness and numbness of the skin, itching, swelling, tingling and goosebumps.
  • Cream Nittifor. Active substance Same. It is not absorbed into the blood, therefore it is not dangerous when used. The cream eliminates nits and prevents lice from multiplying. Its effect is felt within 2 weeks.

To easily remove nits, you must first wash and rinse your hair with a vinegar solution. For 1 part 9% vinegar take 2 parts water. In order not to infect the child from yourself, you need to wash all the items used to treat the hair roots under water and treat them with the same ointment as the head.


  • A-PAR. Used to treat contaminated items. If nits were combed out in a room with carpet or on a soft sofa, this product is suitable for treating them, as well as combs, combs, elastic bands, and hairpins. A-PAR is also suitable for disinfecting beds. This is an insecticidal drug. It is prohibited to use it to treat lice on the head or pubis!

The use of sprays has its own peculiarities. When spraying, adults and children must wear respirators. Inhalation of vapors has harmful effects to your health.


When lice is detected in a child, many parents prefer to use special shampoos. The reason is their ease of use. TO medicated shampoos include Veda, Sumitrin, Pedilin, Nok, Paranit, Para plus. These preparations contain the insecticides permethrin, phenothrin or melathion. Insecticides do not have harmful influence on the human body, but are fatal to insects. The duration of action of the shampoo on lice is about 20 minutes. For such a time, you need to leave the shampoo on your hair, then rinse.

Folk remedies

Hydrogen peroxide has proven itself well. It should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3, moisturize the hair with it and leave for 20 minutes. This mixture destroys nits, which then must be mechanically removed. All folk remedies have one advantage - they are very cheap, but it is quite difficult to cure a child in this way - it is better to spend 300-500 rubles to buy an effective medicine.

How to get rid of lice in a baby under 1 year old?

Children under one year old rarely have lice. Children who do not attend kindergarten usually do not become infected. If the mother finds lice, then most likely the child became infected from relatives. In this case, the whole family needs to be treated.

There is one for the baby medical supplies, which can be used for infants. There are two conditions here:

  1. There should be no wounds on the scalp. Mom is obliged to control this.
  2. You should not allow your baby to itch and then put his hand in his mouth. To do this, the treated hair is tied with a scarf, and the entire time the drug is exposed, the baby sits in the mother’s arms so that she can keep an eye on him.

Medicines for infants include:

Signs and symptoms of lice

  1. Itching. Unpleasant sensations appear immediately in the area of ​​the back of the head and temples.
  2. The appearance of a rash. After lice bites, red spots form on the head, which can also be accompanied by negative sensations.
  3. The appearance of marks from scratching. Itching is provoked by excessive scratching by a person of areas of the hairline, as a result of which suppurated crusts appear.
  4. Hair deterioration. Hair is dry and brittle.
  5. The appearance of nits. Nits attach to the hair. They have a small size (2 mm), color – white or silver.

In the first weeks, it is quite difficult to detect the appearance of small insects, since the itching may be minor. In this case, the person will not even pay any attention. Careful inspections must be carried out to detect the problem.

How to remove lice from a child

Children are especially at risk for head lice. Summer camps, kindergartens or school - there is always a risk of catching a problematic disease. If there are lice, the child begins to scratch his head a lot and becomes restless. To prevent the appearance of lice, parents need to carry out as often as possible preventive examinations. It is best to do them on damp hair.

There are many medications that are readily available to all parents. Various lotions can be used to treat a child. They come with special combs that should be used to comb your child’s hair.

To remove lice, parents must follow a certain procedure, for this you need:

  1. Process the head medicinal drug according to instructions.
  2. Comb wet hair with a special comb.
  3. After about a week, repeat the treatment.

Many parents resort to using traditional methods in the treatment of pediculosis, but, unfortunately, they are ineffective. They also resort to drastic methods - shaving the hair on the head. For girls, this method is not very desirable.

How to remove lice correctly

Using this type of treatment you need to do the following:

  1. Wash your hair under hot water.
  2. Lay a white material on the table.
  3. Dry your hair with a hairdryer using a hot stream of air.
  4. Comb out nits with a comb twice a day.

If an adult or child long hair, then this method is considered very labor-intensive and requires patience. Great for those people who have increased sensitivity for chemicals.

Chemical method

The chemical method of treatment is distinguished by its simplicity. Before purchasing a chemical product, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Packed with medicinal mixture There is detailed instructions which must be strictly observed.

Still, there are a few mandatory rules:

  1. Consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before use.
  2. It is contraindicated to use the product more than three times.
  3. After applying the drug, begin combing out the nits.
  4. Use gloves when applying the medicine.

Gentle methods

Usage folk ways is considered the most gentle methods in the treatment of pediculosis. Such methods are quite accessible to every parent.

The main methods include the use of various herbal decoctions and oils:

  1. Burdock decoction. The plant is poured with very hot water, then left to infuse. Afterwards use it as a hair rinse.
  2. Decoction of fragrant rue. Pour boiling water over a glass of rue and leave until completely cooled. Wash your hair, and use the cooled broth as a rinse, do not rinse. Wrap your head in a bag and a towel. You can walk with this decoction throughout the day.
  3. Dust soap (shampoo). After washing your hair, wrap your hair with a bag and a towel for 20 minutes.
  4. Bergamot, lavender and eucalyptus oils. Pour a mixture of oils (10% each) into vegetable oil and rub into the skin. Wrap in film and towel. Leave it on all night.
  5. Vegetable oil. Oil your hair, wrap it in film and leave for several hours. After the procedure, start combing.

Intensive methods

  1. Vodka compress. You need to apply vodka to your hair, then put on a plastic bag (cap), and wrap your head with a towel. Keep the compress for no more than 25 minutes.
  2. Treatment with kerosene. Kerosene is mixed with oil (vegetable) in proportions of 1:10. Apply to skin. You should not overexpose the solution, otherwise allergic reactions may occur.
  3. Using vinegar. Dilute vinegar with water (1:2) and apply to hair. Wrap in a towel and cellophane film and leave for no more than an hour.

You should be very careful when using intensive methods, as there is a high risk of side effects: redness, itching, allergic reactions.

Pharmacy products

Permethrin considered the most common basis for medications. It significantly affects nervous system insects, causes paralysis. Phenothrin is a synthetic neurotoxic product that also provokes the death of lice and nits.

For pharmaceutical products better deliverance from lice should include:

  1. Knicks– special cream (1%), which includes a comb for combing out nits. Apply to semi-dry hair and leave for about ten minutes. After seven days it requires reapplication.
  2. Parasidosis– shampoo, which should be left on the hair for 5 minutes. Reapply every other day. Contraindicated for children under two and a half years of age.
  3. Veda– shampoo, after applying which you should cover your head with a towel or scarf. Be sure to wash off with soap or regular shampoo. May be used by pregnant women after consulting a doctor.
  4. Avicin– concentrate suitable for all types of lice. Before application, dilute with water (1:100 ml). Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.

Using any pharmaceuticals You should be especially careful, since all of them have side effects: dizziness, redness, itching. Before starting treatment, you should consult a qualified physician.

How to use combs

To do this you need:

  • wash your hair with shampoo and dry;
  • tie your hair into a ponytail on one side;
  • pull out a small strand from the tail;
  • comb the strand from roots to ends.

The procedure should be performed over a white sheet or paper. Finally, get rid of the nits that have been combed out. The combing procedure should be carried out several times a day.

Lice are removed, but my head itches, what to do?

There are situations when the lice are removed, but the head continues to itch. First of all, it is worth remembering that the use chemicals no more than can be used three times. If the dosage is exaggerated, the child may continue to have an itchy head. If your head continues to itch after treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor who will prescribe effective treatment.

Schools, kindergartens, swimming pools and holiday camps are all potential sources of lice infection. How to remove lice from a child at home, without cutting hair and without the help of doctors?

Children, due to weakened immune system and lack of awareness, more often adults become infected with pediculosis. Getting rid of lice and nits is a complex process, since the child is constantly at risk.

But this will require a lot of effort and money.

Adults attach nits at a distance of 1–2 cm from the root, and they themselves live directly on the scalp. There is no point in trimming your hair a few centimeters; lice and nits will not leave your head when they see the scissors.

It is more effective to get rid of lice by shaving your head bald. This method will rational decision, if the baby is still small.

In most cases, the hair cutting technique is used due to cost savings. medicine. If a girl is diagnosed with lice in the hospital, there is a likely risk of losing her braid without her mother’s knowledge.

Out of curiosity, children exchange hats, braid each other’s hair using other people’s combs and elastic bands, and exchange pillows in kindergarten and camps.

Relapse in children is often associated with parental neglect. Lice eggs are not hatched.

It is important to understand: a single treatment is not effective. Insecticide-resistant eggs hatch after 7 days, and the disease reoccurs.

How to prevent relapse

In order to prevent reinfection, adhere to preventive measures:

Comb your curls with a fine comb every 3 days, while carefully examining each strand. Having identified the source of infection, inform the parents of the sick person or the teacher at school about what happened.

I’ve never encountered head lice, so when I discovered lice on my daughter, I was horrified. I want to note that her hair is thick and long. Tried a lot different means, right down to absurd “grandmother’s” recipes. But in the end, only Paranit shampoo helped us. With its help, we got rid of lice and restored our hair a little after the previous treatment. folk remedies. After all, the shampoo contains natural oils; in addition to being harmless, they also make hair silky and give it shine. A very pleasant purchase!