Discharge is bright yellow in women. Yellow discharge in women is a signal from the body. What doctors say about yellow discharge in women

Women Health- a delicate question. Many women try to solve the problem of yellow discharge on their own, without consulting a doctor. This is facilitated by a large number of available information on the Internet and on women's forums. But, alas, not all information is reliable, and it is difficult to perceive what you read critically when it comes to the most precious thing - health.

One of the questions that a gynecologist often has to deal with is: “What to do with yellow discharge.” We will try to debunk the most common misconceptions in this matter and explain what to do if a woman has yellow discharge.

Myth one. A healthy woman does not have discharge.

Nature has rewarded a woman with an excellent mechanism for protecting her main reproductive organ - cervical mucus. Cervical mucus forms a kind of plug on the way from the vagina to the uterus, and prevents pathogenic microorganisms from entering. This mucus mostly makes up vaginal discharge. Moreover, its quantity and appearance largely depends on the day of the cycle. For example, in its first half, during the period from the end of menstruation to the beginning of ovulation, cervical mucus gradually becomes liquid under the influence of hormones. A woman may observe a transparent, stretchy discharge similar to egg white. After ovulation, the amount of discharge decreases, it becomes creamy and almost disappears.

In addition to cervical mucus, the cervical canal and vagina work to create secretions: it secretes secretions, clearing bacteria and dead cells. These processes help maintain a woman's health and renew her reproductive system.

Therefore, it is impossible to say that the presence of discharge is abnormal. It is much more correct to talk about a healthy amount of discharge, the presence or absence of odor or foreign inclusions (for example, bloody) 1.

Myth two. Yellow discharge is a sign of sexually transmitted infection.

We already have a rough idea of ​​what healthy discharge should look like, why it changes during the cycle, and what it consists of. But where does the yellow discharge come from?

Reason 1 – Physiology.

Yellowish discharge without odor or itching may be normal. The color of the discharge can range from clear or white to cream and pale yellow. At the same time, healthy discharge will not cause discomfort in the form of burning or itching, will not stain underwear and will not appear in an amount of more than 5 ml per day (this is the volume of 1 teaspoon). Normally, such yellow discharge is odorless, or has a slight sour odor, which indicates the action of protective lactic acid bacteria - normal representatives microflora 2.

Reason 2 – Inflammatory diseases.

The cause of diseases in most cases are microorganisms - bacteria, which are normally either present in the body in very small quantities or are absent altogether. Under certain conditions (decreased immunity, other diseases, decreased barrier and protective function vagina) begin to multiply rapidly and cause inflammation. Often, against the background of a bacterial disease or due to a decrease in immunity, a fungal infection appears, which women know by the name “thrush” and candidiasis.

Yellow discharge in a woman may be accompanied by:

  • Discomfort, burning or itching sensation.
  • Redness and inflammation of the external genitalia.
  • Discharge in women yellowish color with odor is associated with the activity of pathogenic microflora (putrid or fishy odor).
  • If it is a fungal infection, then a “curdled” discharge with a distinct sour odor often appears.
  • At inflammatory diseases they can be not only yellow, but also greenish.
  • Specific symptoms depend on which microorganism caused the problem. At the same time, it must be emphasized once again that inflammatory diseases are not always sexually transmitted infections. A simple decrease in immunity, hypothermia, poor hygiene and even intestinal dysbiosis can cause the proliferation of bad bacteria. Only a doctor can accurately determine what caused the disease and, in accordance with the diagnosis, prescribe correct treatment 3 .

    Reason 3 – Allergy.

    The manifestation of an allergy on the genital organs is sometimes difficult to distinguish from an infection. The appearance of itching, redness and inflammation, dryness, yellow odorless discharge is sometimes caused by allergens, not bacteria. The most common cause is synthetic underwear, scented pads, washing powder, intimate hygiene products, shower gels, latex condoms, lubricants, vaginal suppositories and pills (including contraceptives) 3.

    Myth three. Yellow discharge can be cured with folk remedies or douching.

    The treatment tactics for yellow discharge that is not normal will depend on the cause of the disease.

    If the cause is inflammation or sexually transmitted infection, the doctor, based on the results of examinations (smears, ultrasound, examination), prescribes appropriate medications.

    If your immune system is compromised and natural microflora vagina, prescribe medications to restore protective functions.

    If the cause is an allergy, but the allergen is not obvious, sometimes additional research, for example, taking allergy samples. Although most often a woman will simply be advised to exclude all possible irritants, and the odorless yellow discharge will disappear on its own 3.

    And in case of hormonal imbalances (this especially applies to women during menopause), the doctor often prescribes replacement hormone therapy 4 .

    Obviously, home remedies - herbal baths, soda washes, douching - will only bring temporary relief, but will not eliminate the problem. Moreover, they can cause harm. For example, a soda solution dries out the delicate mucous membrane and destroys beneficial bacteria, in the absence of which harmful ones begin to multiply. Douching can help remove pathological discharge, but also washed out beneficial microflora, and only contribute to increased inflammation.

    • 1. Savelyeva G. M. Gynecology (textbook) / G. M. Savelyeva, V. G. Breusenko. – M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2012. – 432 p.
    • 2. Uvarova E. V. The vagina as a microecosystem in normal conditions and in inflammatory processes of the genitals of various etiologies(literature review) / E. V. Uvarova, F. Sh. Sultanova // Gynecology. – 2002. – No. 4 (4)
    • 3. Zubakova O. V. Diagnosis and treatment of nonspecific bacterial vulvovaginitis (diss.) / O. V. Zubakova. – M., 2001; 26 p.
    • 4. Balan V. E. Urogenital disorders in menopause (clinic, diagnosis, hormone replacement therapy) (diss.) / V. E. Balan. – M., 1998; 305 pp.

All women have discharge from the genitals. They do not cause any discomfort, are odorless, and appear transparent, white or yellowish-white. If you notice a discharge yellow color, then this will not necessarily be the cause of any disease. We will try to help you figure this out.

Discharge is considered normal if:

  • there is no smell;
  • color white-yellow;
  • per day usually healthy woman 3-6 ml is released (but do not forget that the amount of fluid released constantly changes throughout the month, this is all due to hormonal changes in phases menstrual cycle);
  • their consistency can be either liquid or thick;
  • The discharge is not accompanied by burning or itching.

But if you notice that the discharge is bright yellow, swelling of the external genital organs, which causes discomfort in the form of itching, burning, or an unpleasant odor, then this is a reason to urgently consult a gynecologist.

Pathological yellow discharge

Discharge with an unpleasant odor, itching and burning

The causes of pathological discharge may be:


Adnexitis - inflammatory process, which can take place in initial stage asymptomatic. According to its course, adnexitis can be unilateral or bilateral. The causes may be:

  • general hypothermia of the body;
  • STI infections;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • abortions,

Features of discharge during adnexitis:

The discharge is mucopurulent. In the acute stage, the discharge is bright yellow and has an unpleasant odor.


This is the same adnexitis. (see above)


Colpitis is an inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa. Other names of this disease vaginitis, vaginosis. There are several forms of colpitis: chronic, acute, subacute. The causes of the disease are:

  • STI infections;
  • wrong intimate hygiene;
  • chronic diseases;
  • damage to the mucous membrane;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • use of antibiotics;
  • stress.

Features of discharge during colpitis:

The discharge may be yellow, liquid or foamy, and may be mixed with pus. Such discharge causes itching and burning.


Cervititis is an inflammatory process of the cervix. This disease mainly occurs in women who are constantly sex life. Many women may not know about this disease. Since its symptoms can be asymptomatic. The disease is transmitted mainly through sexual contact. For infection, staphylococci, mycoplasmas, etc. are enough, all of them are transmitted through blood and lymph.

Features of discharge with cervititis:

The discharge is mucous, cloudy, and may be mixed with pus.

Bacterial vaginitis

Bacterial vaginitis - a disorder normal microflora vagina. Mainly occurs against the background of decreased immunity, inflammatory diseases, use intrauterine device. The main reasons are considered:

  • hormonal disbalance,
  • taking antibiotics,
  • frequent douching or washing,
  • after childbirth,
  • intestinal dysbiosis.

Features of discharge with bacterial vaginitis:

The discharge is abundant, with a distinct specific odor. (smell of fish). There is itching and burning.

Cervical erosion

Cervical erosion is a violation of the integrity of the cervix. There are two types of erosion: true and false. The cause of erosion is considered to be:

  • STI infections (if sexual intercourse began at an early age),
  • genital injuries,
  • menstrual irregularities.

However, there are no symptoms of this disease. This disease is detected only when examined by a gynecologist on a gynecological chair using a gynecological speculum.

Features of discharge during uterine erosion:

Not observed in all cases, since local pathological changes its mucous membrane may not show itself in any way. IN various cases may be observed: red, pink or brown discharge, white discharge, yellow and green discharge.


There may be diseases such as trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc.

Features of discharge during STIs:

The discharge is yellowish in color with a sharp, specific odor.

Allergic reactions

Allergies can occur to tampons, pads, condoms, underwear, powder and much more.

Features of discharge during allergic reactions:

The discharge may be yellowish in color.

Yellow discharge without odor

There is yellow discharge that has no odor and does not cause discomfort. They have a mucus-like consistency. There is no need to treat such discharge. The reasons for these discharges are:

  • before the arrival of menstruation;
  • during pregnancy;
  • after childbirth;
  • hormonal changes (adulting, aging);
  • usage hormonal drugs;
  • stress.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy hormonal background the woman changes dramatically. This is why discharge occurs that the woman usually did not observe.

Before 12 weeks of pregnancy, yellow spots may appear. thick discharge which are odorless.

At the same time, the woman has neither itching nor burning.

In the second half of pregnancy, the discharge may increase slightly in volume. These discharges also cannot cause any discomfort to the woman.

But if a pregnant woman notices that a sharp unpleasant odor has appeared and the color has turned bright yellow, then this is a reason to urgently contact an obstetrician-gynecologist.

During menopause, hormonal levels change dramatically. Therefore, a woman’s discharge may be different until the body is completely rebuilt.

If a woman observes odorless yellow discharge that does not bother the woman in any way (no itching, burning, irritation), then this is considered normal.

These discharges can occur during the body’s usual onset of menstruation or after it. There may also be yellow discharge in the middle of the cycle.

But if you see yellow-green discharge that has a sharp unpleasant smell (most often of rotten fish), pain, burning, then this is a reason to urgently consult a gynecologist. The reasons for such discharge may be: infectious diseases, and inflammatory processes.

Yellow discharge after sex

What does yellow discharge after sex indicate? They can say a lot, so you need to pay attention to the exact shade, consistency, volume and, of course, smell. Light shade: more of a natural lubricant that mixes with male and female secretions. Dark yellowish discharge with unpleasant smell may be a sign of infection. Consistency: viscous and thick, foamy. A yellow secretion may indicate inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

When should you contact a gynecologist?

The discharge is yellow in color, not profuse, has no odor, has a uniform consistency and does not cause increased urination, no itching, no burning, discharge that may increase before the onset of menstruation - does not require treatment.

But, if the discharge has become cheesy, with a pungent odor, and if you feel even slight discomfort in intimate area- then this is a reason to urgently contact a gynecologist.

In order to understand the cause of these discharges and make a correct diagnosis, you need to take a smear.

Diagnosis and treatment

You can diagnose the cause of pathological discharge at an appointment with a gynecologist, who will examine you in a chair and. Based on the results of the smear, the doctor will recognize the cause and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Treatment is divided into tablets local application and tablets general action. Antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibiotics are prescribed. All this depends on the disease. Usually prescribed: Flucostat, Mikomax, Irunin, Pimafucin and others.

Basically, Polygynax is prescribed for fungal or bacterial diseases.

For vaginosis or to restore normal vaginal microflora, Lactagel is prescribed.

Douching or baths are also prescribed in the complex.

Prescribe medications to support and restore immunity.

How to prevent relapse of the disease? The importance of rehabilitation

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Measures to prevent yellow discharge:

  • proper intimate hygiene;
  • healthy image life;
  • protected sexual intercourse;
  • When taking antibiotics, it is imperative to prevent vaginal dysbiosis.

During treatment, you should completely abstain from sexual activity. Take all medications prescribed by your doctor and carry out all procedures. Lead a healthy lifestyle and eat a properly balanced diet.

After treatment you must take reanalysis(smear). And then, for two weeks, take vitamins and medications to support the immune system.

Both partners need to be treated. If you have a regular sexual partner, then he should contact an andrologist for testing.

All this will help you avoid relapse (recurrence) of the disease.

Treatment at home: traditional methods

Do not forget that treatment at home or ethnoscience gives effect additional treatment to the main one prescribed by the doctor.

Proper nutrition

Initially, what is needed is to restore the correct balanced diet. You should completely exclude from your diet:

  • sesame,
  • seeds,
  • fried,
  • spicy,
  • salty,
  • bold
  • conservation.

The diet should include as many fresh fruits, vegetables (carrots, parsley, celery and much more), berries, and juices as possible.

Intimate hygiene

Proper intimate hygiene is the key to healthy genital organs. To do this, it is necessary to properly care for the external genitalia. It is necessary to wash yourself at least twice a day using intimate products.

Baths using pine or pine extract

To do this, you need to take 3 liters of water and add 150 ml of pine or pine needle extract. Boil the resulting solution for 40 minutes, cool. This type of bath is used before bed once a day for a week.

Douching is carried out using:

Blueberry leaves
To prepare, you need 1 tablespoon of leaves per glass of water. Boil all this for 15 minutes, strain and douche before going to bed.

St. John's wort
Preparation: 3 tbsp. St. John's wort, 2 l. water. Boil for 30 minutes, strain and syringe 2-3 times a day.

Preparation: 2 tablespoons of leaves per half liter of water. Cook for 15-20 minutes. Douche 2 times a day.

Oak bark
Preparation: 1 tbsp. herbs for 1 liter. water, cook for 20 minutes. Douche 2-3 times a day.


You can also use decoctions for oral administration. Here is one of the recipes.

Immortal sandstone flowers. Preparation: 1 tbsp. l. flowers per 200 ml of water, boil everything for 10-15 minutes. Then you need to leave for 30 minutes. Take 50 ml before meals - once a day.

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Yellow discharge among women

The content of the article:

Yellow vaginal discharge in women - alarming symptom, which accompanies a number of serious diseases.

When else can there be yellow secretion?

A girl's yellow discharge on her panties may be due to improper hygiene. The fact is that urine contains coloring pigments, and if a few drops get on your underwear after urinating, a yellow stripe will remain.

If discharge comes from the vagina, consultation with a pediatric gynecologist is necessary. This may be a sign of inflammation (what kind will be clear after the examination) or the result of a foreign object in the vagina.

Bright yellow vaginal discharge may occur after using certain medications, for example, suppositories with sea buckthorn oil.

Yellowish discharge may occur against the background of cervical erosion or after its treatment. If after 3 - 4 weeks the condition after cauterization does not return to normal, it is necessary repeat consultation gynecologist.
What examinations should a woman undergo if she has vaginal discharge:

Physical examination by a gynecologist;
vaginal smear for microflora;
PCR diagnostics for STIs;
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
colposcopy, etc.

Additional examinations are possible if indicated.


Before starting therapy, it is necessary to establish the cause that led to the pathological process.

STIs are treated with antibacterial drugs taking into account sensitivity. In treatment bacterial vaginosis It is considered important to restore the normal biocenosis of the vagina, use local therapy, probiotics and prebiotics, multivitamins, etc. The treatment regimen for cervicitis also depends on the factor that triggered the inflammation.

Endometritis after childbirth requires elimination of the provoking cause (for example, an abandoned piece of the placenta) followed by antibacterial, anti-inflammatory therapy.
Gynecologists often prescribe Terzhinan for vaginal discharge.

This is a drug for local treatment, contains an antibiotic wide range actions (neomycin), hormone (prednisolone) and antimycotic components (nystatin and ternidazole).

Important! When using vaginal tablets as the only remedy without examination, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and other infections can become latent.

Indications for use:

Bacterial vaginosis;
trichomonas infection;
as a preventive measure before medical gynecological interventions;
before childbirth.

During the first trimester of pregnancy, the use of Terzhinan is prohibited.

Release form: tablets for insertion into the vagina.

The frequency and duration are determined individually.

Peculiarity female body lies in the ability to produce mucus to moisturize and cleanse the vagina. This process modern medicine is considered as a natural and extremely necessary phenomenon, since, thanks to the released masses, dead cells are removed from the body, menstrual blood, mucus and various bacteria. , formed in women, consist of mucus, as well as liquid (it penetrates from the vessels). Not too much copious discharge yellow and odorless do not cause any discomfort or discomfort in the female audience pain, and disappear on their own after 2-3 days.

Causes of oozing yellowish odorless masses

Modern medicine knows the following causes of yellow, odorless discharge in women:

  1. In the body of women there are natural age-related changes, in which violations are observed hormonal levels and yellowish discharge without odor or itching.
  2. Before critical days abundant yellow, odorless discharge is formed.
  3. and miscarriages.
  4. Odorless yellow discharge in women is observed before labor activity or after its completion. During pregnancy, some expectant mothers develop yellow mucous masses at different stages.
  5. Discharge like snot, yellow and odorless, is observed among female audiences who actively use hormonal contraceptives.
  6. Without itching, odor or burning, yellowish discharge accompanies women of Balzac's age during menopause.
  7. From such unpleasant symptoms girls who actively use various hygiene products, condoms during sex, tampons or pads. This problem is also faced by the female audience who use synthetic underwear.
  8. People experience stressful situations in different ways. Most girls suffer greatly from their psycho-emotional background, and with such a pathologically altered state, the body can give any reaction, both allergic and in the form of mucous masses.

Yellowish, odorless discharge before menstruation

Before the start of the monthly menstrual cycle, estrogen begins to be actively produced in the female body, which is why the following are observed:

  • mood swings;
  • discharge before menstruation is yellowish, odorless;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • fatigue, etc.

Female audiences need to know that if they do not have a delay in their periods, yellow, odorless discharge may appear 1-2 weeks before the start of scheduled menstruation. It is worth considering that they should not contain either clots or whitish streaks. Women should not experience a burning sensation, itching, pain, or unpleasant odor.

Read also 🗓 Causes of discharge after menopause

Such processes can also provoke pathologically dangerous conditions:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • erosions, fibroids;
  • neoplasms and cysts;
  • allergies;
  • inflammation;
  • crowds, etc.

If they have formed, then the female audience should contact medical institutions for consultation. A change in the shade of the flowing masses may indicate the formation of reproductive system pathologically dangerous conditions.

Yellowish discharge after menstruation

Yellow discharge after menstruation, without odor, can be considered as a symptom various diseases, which make themselves felt against the background of a weakened body. Also, yellowish mucous masses form for many reasons not related to progressive pathological processes.

During this period, particles continue to leave the female body vaginal microflora, which give the characteristic yellowish tint to the mucous masses. In such a situation, the female audience does not need to panic, since modern medicine considers what is happening as a natural phenomenon. The following symptoms should cause concern:

  • a feeling of intense burning;
  • painful sensations, the place of localization of which is;
  • severe itching;
  • pain that occurs during sexual intercourse;
  • pain radiating to the lumbar area, etc.

In such a situation, you need to urgently visit a gynecologist who will conduct a series of diagnostic measures and identify the cause of discomfort. After this, a highly specialized specialist will develop an individual drug therapy regimen for the patient, after which the unpleasant symptoms will disappear.

Yellow-curdled discharge

If a girl has odorless, yellowish lesions, then she should not try to eliminate them on her own, as serious complications may arise. The best solution in such a situation there will be an appeal to medical institution for a consultation, where specialists will explain why women develop yellow, odorless discharge, and in what cases it is not a sign infectious lesion reproductive organs.

The cause of curdled discharge (curdy, odorless yellow masses) is most often an infection (specific, purulent). Yellow, odorless discharge with a cheesy structure begins to appear as the following infections (urogenital) progress:

  1. The formation of trichomoniasis. In this pathologically dangerous condition, the female audience experiences an abundant discharge of vaginal masses, which have a thick structure. The infection affects the reproductive system and, if drug therapy is not timely, the pathologically dangerous condition can enter the chronic phase. The reason for the development of such a pathologically dangerous condition is a pathogenic microorganism that penetrates into reproductive organs most often during sexual contact. But scientists who have been studying this for many years infectious pathology, proved that pathogenic microflora can also affect people through household contact. In this category of patients, the leaking masses have a yellowish-greenish tint, and over time acquire a foamy structure. Patients complain of severe itching, burning sensation, and irritation of the genital mucosa.
  2. Progression of gonorrhea. At the initial manifestation of this pathologically dangerous condition, patients may experience cheesy masses that have a yellowish tint coming out of the vagina. Quite quickly they change their consistency to purulent, and they give off a foul odor.
  3. Chlamydia formation. The cause of this infection (urogenital) is a pathogenic microorganism called chlamydia. It penetrates the reproductive system during sexual contact, infection rarely occurs through household methods. In patients, curdled masses that contain rather voluminous clots begin to flow out of the cervical canal. In the absence of timely drug therapy in patients, a pathologically dangerous condition can spread to the urethra and even to the rectum.
  4. Progression of ureaplasmosis. In patients, pathogenic bacteria are localized on the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system.

The female body produces secretions in order to clean and moisturize the vagina. This process is natural and necessary. They go away along with the secretions various bacteria, dead cells, mucus and menstrual blood.

If the mucous membrane were dry, then the likelihood of developing vaginal infections would increase many times over. Therefore, it is not the presence of discharge that should worry a woman, but its quantity, color, smell, structure.

Yellow, odorless discharge is normal

Yellow vaginal secretion consists of fluid that comes from blood vessels, and mucus draining from the cervix and its body. Such discharge does not smell of anything and does not cause discomfort and disappear in a couple of days.

When a woman notices their appearance, she should, as usual, keep her area clean. intimate places. Then the yellow secretion will not cause problems and will not cause irritation to the vaginal and perineal mucosa.

Such discharge may occur because:

  • the volume of mucus increases before menstruation, immediately before or after childbirth;
  • inevitable hormonal changes associated with age occur;
  • contraceptives containing hormones are actively used;
  • a woman has to experience various kinds of stressful situations.

The color of the discharge may turn yellow when a woman uses new hygiene products, pads or tampons, or condoms. The reason is an allergy to the materials from which they are made. The body can react similarly to synthetic underwear.

Yellow discharge appears due to diseases of the mammary gland, as well as as a result of changes in hormone levels in the blood.

Copious yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor: causes

Some diseases are accompanied by abundant vaginal secretion of a yellowish tint with an unpleasant odor. Possible reasons Such an annoying phenomenon is as follows:

  • Vaginosis- an infectious disease, but not carrying inflammatory in nature. The lactoflora of the vagina, which protects the internal genital organs, is reduced or completely absent. It is gradually being replaced by polymicrobial associations of pathogenic microorganisms. Bacteria multiply unhindered, fill the vagina and contribute to the appearance of yellow discharge with the smell of fish or onions.

    This bacterial disease is especially dangerous for women who are pregnant. It can easily provoke premature birth or miscarriage even on later. Pathogenic microorganisms from the vagina they easily move into the uterus and cause endometritis - inflammation of the mucous membrane. The uterus is especially defenseless after childbirth.

  • Colpitis. This disease is infectious and inflammatory in nature and also affects the vaginal mucosa. Its causative agent is opportunistic microflora: staphylococcus, streptococcus, fungi of the genus Candida, coli, proteus

    The disease is more typical for women of childbearing age, but can occur in children and advanced years.

    With colpitis, the discharge is foamy, yellow and greenish, with an unpleasant odor. In addition, the labia and vaginal mucosa swell, and a burning sensation is felt in the perineum.

  • Inflammation of the ovaries(adnexitis) and fallopian tubes (salpingitis). Diseases most often develop in pairs and rarely go away alone. At acute form illness, the discharge is abundant and thick. The chronic form is characterized by a meager amount of yellow secretion, pain during sex and frequent urges to urination. Such inflammatory processes can most often develop after a difficult birth or artificial termination of pregnancy. Illnesses require serious treatment as they increase the likelihood of infertility.

Yellow thick discharge

The discharge becomes thick in consistency mainly due to the presence of a specific purulent infection. A direct relationship has been established between the amount and density of vaginal secretions and the duration of the disease. The longer the inflammatory process lasts, the thicker the discharge. This applies to the following urogenital infections:

  • Trichomoniasis. Abundant and thick discharge is observed during its development more often than with other diseases. The disease affects genitourinary system. The cause of its appearance is Trichomonas vaginalis, a single-celled pathogenic microorganism.

    Trichomoniasis causes the discharge to become yellow-green and foamy. There is an unpleasant smell, but it is moderate. The woman suffers from burning, intense itching and irritation of the genitals.

  • Gonorrhea– anthropogenic venereal infection. At the beginning of the disease, the discharge may also be yellow, with a mild odor. But they quickly become purulent and smelly.
  • Chlamydia. The causative agent of the disease is chlamydia. Discharge flows from the cervical canal, it is abundant and contains clots. The disease can spread to the rectum and urethra.
  • Ureaplasmosis- an infection that is transmitted by tiny bacteria that live on the mucous membranes urinary tract and genitals.

Thick vaginal discharge can bother a woman after an abortion. This happens within two or three months. It is important to monitor changes in the color and consistency of vaginal secretions to prevent the development of an inflammatory process.

You should be wary when yellowish discharge blood clots began to appear. Then the vaginal secretion becomes Brown color, its smell becomes especially unpleasant. Such symptoms may signal the development of a tumor in the genital organs.

It is impossible to determine the disease or its presence by the color of the discharge. One can only assume that something in the body is not working quite normally. Therefore, if you notice that the discharge has increasingly begun to acquire a yellow color and has an unpleasant odor, you simply need to go to an appointment with a gynecologist.

When should you contact a gynecologist?

An unscheduled appointment with a doctor is necessary when a woman:

  • the menstrual cycle is disrupted;
  • diseases of the mammary glands were detected. They are often associated with hormonal imbalances and therefore do not bypass other genital organs;
  • during sexual intercourse and after it, pain appears in the perineum;
  • painful sensations in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • burning and itching occurs in the external genitalia.

A healthy woman has color vaginal discharge should not have a noticeable, intense color.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease

The gynecologist examines the patient and takes material from the vagina for laboratory research on flora and the content of pathogenic microorganisms. Also assigned:

Most diseases can be treated without leaving your home, but only by following the recommendations of a gynecologist.

He attributes drug therapy and special gynecological procedures. A variety of vaginal suppositories, creams that help restore the balance of microflora and remove infection.

Medicines are prescribed in the form of tablets and capsules, which are necessary to boost immunity and eliminate the source of inflammation.

As a rule, before surgical intervention doesn't reach.

If sexually transmitted infections are detected in a woman, her partner must also undergo treatment.

When heavy discharge causes concern during menopause, the doctor may prescribe replacement therapy that will correct hormonal levels. This will help normalize the condition of the vagina and internal genital organs.


The periodic appearance of yellow discharge and the absence of unpleasant symptoms is unlikely to require treatment. But for preventive purposes, you need to take care of your body:

  • tirelessly monitoring its cleanliness;
  • wearing loose underwear made of natural fabric;
  • taking a bath instead of a shower;
  • using pads more often than tampons;
  • using high-quality hygiene products;
  • not using perfumes to treat the skin in intimate places;
  • being careful in relationships with sexual partners;
  • taking antibiotics, following only the doctor's recommendations.

It is useful to rinse the external genitalia in cool water. You can sit in it for a quarter of an hour.

Warm baths with pine extract won’t hurt either. To prepare it, you need to boil 150 grams of dry pine needles in three liters of water (about forty minutes over low heat). Before pouring the extract into the bath, it should be filtered through several layers of gauze.

It is useful to drink a dessert spoon of nettle juice three times a day. This is especially true when the discharge is abundant and thick.

Nutrition is also important. It needs to be slightly adjusted:

  • stop loving fatty foods, canned food, seeds;
  • The diet should include blueberries, viburnum berries and strawberries;
  • It’s a good idea to stock up on barberries in the summer;
  • prepare juices from carrots with herbs: celery, spinach, parsley, sorrel;
  • Add lemon slices to plain water.

If you experience the slightest pain, itching or burning sensation, you should consult a gynecologist. Self-medication is unlikely to help here. Infections and inflammations in the genitals without proper therapy go to chronic form. Illnesses can cause infertility, miscarriages, premature birth, and ectopic pregnancy. Malignant neoplasms cannot be excluded.

Having started the disease on early stage, most likely, you will have to spend years restoring your health.