Navy spiral: side effects, reviews. Everything a woman needs to know about the intrauterine device The action of the intrauterine device

Every woman has a moment when she thinks about becoming a mother. But for many girls, sexual life begins before they are ready for motherhood, and even for family life generally. Especially in modern women the planning of the child is postponed until the full realization of oneself in other areas of life.

Well, if a woman has already become a mother, and maybe more than once, then there are few who want to repeat this feat a dozen more times and give birth every year. That is why, since ancient times, people have adapted to not getting pregnant without desire. In order to deceive nature, unpretentious methods of contraception were invented (from the Latin word contraceptio - exception). They started with various essential oils, fruit juices, tampons, lotions, broken contact, cloth pouches (precursor to the condom) and so on.

As you can see, the spiral affects all the processes necessary for conception:

  • vitality and speed of movement of spermatozoa;
  • egg maturation and ovulation;
  • attachment of the fetal egg to the endometrium.

Pros and cons of using intrauterine devices

Advantages of the IUD Disadvantages of the Navy
Convenient to use, the spiral is set for a period of 3 to 10 years or more. No daily procedures required hygiene care and drinking pills by the hour. In a word, for a long time you can not think about contraception at all and not be afraid of an unwanted pregnancy, but enjoy your sexual relationships.Not suitable for all women, as it has a number of contraindications. For some women, the spiral does not take root.
High Efficiency Method: pregnancy occurs in only 2 out of 100 cases. Inert spirals give lower efficiency, and when using hormonal intrauterine systems, the risk of getting pregnant is reduced to zero.Yet there is a risk of unplanned pregnancy with a spiral. In addition, the spiral may fall out and the woman may not notice it. But 100% result is given only by removal of appendages or bandaging fallopian tubes and complete abstention from sexual activity.
Preservation of childbearing function immediately after removal of the IUD.From the use of non-hormonal spirals, it is recommended to refrain from young and nulliparous women., since as a side effect, inflammatory changes in the endometrium of the uterus and appendages may develop, reducing the chances of becoming pregnant in the future.
Does not affect the quality of sexual life, that is, on sexual attraction, sexual intercourse for both partners and getting an orgasm.An IUD can cause painful and heavy periods. While hormonal spirals, on the contrary, solve the problems of painful periods. But gestogen spirals can lead to the absence of menstruation, which also negatively affects women's health.
Low cost. At first glance, it may seem that some types of spirals are an expensive pleasure. But given the long period of use, this method will be much more economical than those that require application during each sexual intercourse, daily and monthly.Possible side effects from the use of spirals, unfortunately, their development is not uncommon.
IUDs can be used after childbirth during lactation when oral hormonal agents contraindicated.Increases the risk of developing inflammatory processes genitals, also the spiral does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
Additionally for hormonal intrauterine systems:
  • can be used for women of any age;
  • are used not only for contraception, but also in the treatment of certain gynecological diseases (fibroids, endometriosis, painful menstruation, uterine bleeding, etc.).
Increases the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy. The use of hormonal coils significantly reduces the risk of pathological pregnancy.
The procedure for inserting an IUD requires a trip to the gynecologist's appointment, brings discomfort and pain , y nulliparous women pain syndrome especially pronounced, sometimes local anesthesia is required.

Indications for the installation of an intrauterine device

1. Temporary or permanent prevention of unwanted pregnancies, especially if the family already has children. Intrauterine devices are ideal for women who have given birth and have a single sexual partner, that is, for those who have a very low risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.
2. Frequent unwanted pregnancies, ineffectiveness or inattention of a woman in the use of other contraceptives.
3. Prevention of pregnancy after childbirth, especially caesarean section, after medical abortion or spontaneous miscarriages, when the onset of the next pregnancy is temporarily not desirable.
4. A woman has temporary or permanent contraindications to pregnancy.
5. The presence in the family history of genetic pathologies that a woman does not want to inherit (hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Down syndrome and many others),
6. For hormonal intrauterine devices - some gynecological pathologies:
  • uterine fibroids, especially if it is accompanied by profuse spotting and uterine bleeding;
  • profuse painful periods;
  • estrogen replacement therapy at the onset of menopause or after removal of the appendages, in order to prevent the growth of the endometrium.


Absolute contraindications to the use of all intrauterine devices

  • The presence of pregnancy at any time, suspicion of a possible pregnancy;
  • oncological pathologies of the genital organs, as well as breast cancer;
  • acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs: adnexitis, colpitis, endometritis, including postpartum, salpingitis and so on, including the presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • a history of ectopic pregnancies;
  • allergic reactions to the materials from which the spiral is made;
  • tuberculosis of the reproductive system;

Relative contraindications to the use of non-hormonal coils

  • if the woman has no children yet;
  • woman leads a mess sexual life and belongs to the risk group for infection with sexually transmitted diseases;
  • childhood and adolescence*;
  • the woman's age is over 65;
  • uterine bleeding and heavy painful periods;
  • anomalies in the development of the uterus (for example, a bicornuate uterus);
  • hematological diseases (anemia, leukemia, thrombocytopenia and others);
  • growths of the endometrium, endometriosis;
  • urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis - acute or exacerbation of a chronic course;
  • benign tumors of the uterus and appendages (submucosal fibroids and uterine fibroids);
  • prolapse of the intrauterine device or the development of side effects after the previous use of the device.
* Age restrictions are conditional, gynecologists usually do not offer young nulliparous women the use of intrauterine contraceptives, fearing harm. But, in principle, the spiral can be successfully installed at any childbearing age, followed by a successful pregnancy.

Relative contraindications to the use of hormonal intrauterine devices (systems):

  • cervical dysplasia;
  • anomalies in the development of the uterus;
  • urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis - acute or exacerbation of a chronic course;
  • fibromyoma of the uterus;
  • liver disease, liver failure;
  • severe cardiovascular pathologies: malignant arterial hypertension, condition after a stroke or heart attack, severe heart defects;
  • migraine;
  • decompensated (uncontrolled) diabetes mellitus;
  • thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities;
  • the woman's age is over 65 years.

When can I put a spiral after childbirth, caesarean section, abortion?

The intrauterine device can be placed already on the 3rd day after uncomplicated physiological childbirth. But usually gynecologists recommend waiting until the end of the discharge of lochia (on average 1-2 months). So it will be safer. After childbirth, the uterus recovers, so early insertion of the coil increases the risk of side effects and early rejection of the device. To start using the hormonal intrauterine system, you need to withstand 2 months after the birth of the baby, this is necessary not only for full recovery uterus, but also the normalization of hormonal levels.

After a caesarean section, the spiral can be installed in the uterine cavity only after 3-6 months. It takes time for the postoperative scar to form.

After a medical termination of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks), it is better to install the IUD within seven days after the start of the next period after the abortion. But the gynecologist may offer to install the spiral immediately after the abortion, without getting up from the gynecological chair. This is possible, but in this case, the risk of developing side effects of the intrauterine device associated with the complications of the abortion itself increases significantly. After a miscarriage, the decision on the appropriateness and safety of installing a spiral is made only by a doctor, he individually assesses the situation, analyzes the cause of spontaneous abortion, weighs the pros and cons. If it is necessary to use a spiral after a miscarriage, it is installed in the uterine cavity during the next menstruation.

Is an intrauterine device installed after the age of 40?

Intrauterine device can be used for any woman who is ovulating, has her menstrual cycle and is likely to become pregnant. Hormonal intrauterine systems are also installed in the period after the onset of menopause to obtain therapeutic effect. Therefore, 40 years is not a limitation for the use of the IUD. According to the instructions, IUDs are not recommended for women over 65 years of age, but this restriction appeared only due to insufficient research on the use of intrauterine devices at an older age.

How is an intrauterine device installed?

The intrauterine device is installed only by a gynecologist in a gynecological office. Before the introduction of the IUD, the doctor assesses the possibility and risk of side effects of using this contraceptive explains to the woman about possible reactions organism to the introduction of one or another type of spiral. Before intrauterine contraceptives are installed, a woman needs to be examined to completely exclude a possible pregnancy and contraindications.

Desirable examination before installing an intrauterine device:

  • gynecological examination and palpation (palpation) of the mammary glands;
  • smear from the vagina, if necessary, sowing on the microflora;
  • cytological examination of smears from the cervix;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • in some cases, a pregnancy test or blood test to determine the level of hCG;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands (for women under the age of 40) or mammography (after 40 years).

Preparing for installation

Usually, special preparation for the introduction of the spiral is not required. If inflammatory diseases are detected, you will first need to undergo a course of appropriate therapy.

Immediately before the procedure, it is necessary to empty the bladder.

On what day of menstruation is it better to install an intrauterine device?

Intrauterine contraceptives are usually installed during menstruation or towards its end, that is, within 7 days from the onset of menstruation. The optimal time is 3-4 days. This is necessary in order not to miss the onset of pregnancy.

An intrauterine device can be installed as emergency contraception, that is, if a woman has had unprotected intercourse and suggests an onset unwanted pregnancy. In this case, the device is introduced in the period after ovulation, this can prevent the attachment of the fetal egg in 75% of cases.

Intrauterine device insertion technique

Any spiral packed in a vacuum package is sterile. You need to check the expiration date. The spiral must be opened immediately before installation, otherwise it loses its sterility and can no longer be used. The IUD is a one-time use device, its reuse is strictly prohibited.

In most cases, local anesthesia is not required. Cervical anesthetics can be used in nulliparous women and when placing hormonal intrauterine systems, as they are wider.

Insertion technique for various kinds spirals may vary. The installation features of each spiral are described in detail in the device instructions.
1. A speculum is inserted into the vagina to fix the cervix.
2. The cervix is ​​treated with disinfectants.
3. Straightened with special pliers cervical canal(a canal in the cervix that connects the vagina to the uterus), the cervix opens.
4. A special probe is inserted through the cervical canal into the uterine cavity to accurately measure the length of the uterus.
5. If necessary, the cervix is ​​anesthetized (for example, with lidocaine or novocaine). The introduction of the spiral itself begins after 4-5 minutes, when the anesthetic takes effect.
6. The spiral is introduced using a special conductor with a piston. A ring is set on it on a scale according to the size of the uterus, this is necessary in order not to damage its walls. Then a conductor with a spiral is inserted into the uterus. Having reached the corresponding mark, the doctor pulls the piston a little towards himself in order to open the shoulders of the spiral. After that, the spiral is moved directly to the wall of the fundus of the uterus. When the gynecologist is satisfied that the device is installed correctly, the guidewire is slowly and gently pulled out. When installing some spirals (for example, annular ones), the opening of the shoulders is not required, so the spiral is inserted to the wall of the uterine fundus, and then the conductor is simply pulled out.
7. The threads of the spiral are cut into the vagina at a distance of 2-3 cm from the cervix.
8. The procedure is over, it usually takes 5-10 minutes.

Does installing an intrauterine device hurt?

The procedure itself, of course, is unpleasant, brings some discomfort. But the pain felt is tolerable, it all depends on the woman's pain threshold. These sensations can be compared to painful menstruation. Abortion and childbirth are more painful.

After insertion of the intrauterine device

Ultrasound photo: Intrauterine device in the uterine cavity.
  • The uterus completely gets used to the IUD within a few months, so during this period there may be some changes in women's health, you need to listen to your body.
  • In some cases, a course is required antibiotic therapy after the introduction of the spiral, for example, if chlamydia is suspected, in the presence of another chronic infection of the genitourinary system.
  • Bloody spotting and pulling pains in the lower abdomen or in the back can be disturbing for 1 week after the introduction of the spiral. To relieve spasms, you can take No-shpu.
  • The hygienic regimen is normal, it is necessary to wash with intimate hygiene products twice a day.
  • You can have sex only 8-10 days after the installation of the intrauterine device.
  • For several months, you can not lift weights, engage in intense physical activity, overheat (sauna, bath, hot baths).
  • It is necessary to periodically probe the threads of the spiral, control their length, it should not change.
  • After 2 weeks, it is better to visit a gynecologist so that he can see if everything is fine.
  • Menstruation in the first months after the installation of the spiral can be painful and plentiful. Over time, menstruation normalizes.
  • When using hormonal intrauterine systems, after six months or several years, the disappearance of menstruation (amenorrhea) is possible. After the first loss of the cycle, pregnancy must be excluded. The menstrual cycle will be restored immediately after the removal of the spiral.
  • If you have any complaints, you should consult a doctor.
  • In the future, an examination by a gynecologist is necessary every 6-12 months, as for any healthy woman.

Can an intrauterine device fall out?

If the intrauterine device is not inserted correctly or if it does not take root, the intrauterine device may fall out. This must be followed. The most common prolapse of the IUD occurs during menstruation or after heavy physical activity. Therefore, it is important to control whether the spiral threads are in place, inspect sanitary pads.

How long is the use of an intrauterine device?

The period for which intrauterine contraception, differs depending on the type of spiral.
  • Inert IUDs - usually installed for 2-3 years.
  • Copper spirals - up to 5 years.
  • Copper spirals with silver and gold - 7-10 years or more.
  • Hormonal intrauterine systems - up to 5 years.
The issue of premature removal of the spiral is decided by the gynecologist.

It is not recommended to use the IUD after the expiration date due to the risk of the spiral growing into the uterine tissue. Hormonal spirals lose their properties due to depletion of reserves hormonal drug. This reduces the effectiveness of the intrauterine device, which can lead to an unplanned pregnancy.

Intrauterine devices (copper, hormonal): installation, principle of operation, efficiency (Pearl index), expiration date. How to check if the spiral is in place - video

Removal and replacement of the intrauterine device

Indication for IUD removal:
  • the period of use has expired, while the replacement of the intrauterine device is possible;
  • a woman is planning a pregnancy;
  • there were side effects from the use of an intrauterine device.
The removal procedure, as well as the introduction of an intrauterine device, can only be performed by a gynecologist in the condition of a gynecological office. perfect time to remove the spiral - the first days of menstruation, during this period the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bsoft, which facilitates manipulation. In principle, the IUD can be removed at any time menstrual cycle.

Coil removal often does not require anesthesia, local anesthesia will be required when removing or replacing hormonal coils. The doctor fixes the cervix with a gynecological speculum, and then, using a special tool (forceps), grabs the spiral threads and carefully pulls out the device, while gently stretching the cervix.

Usually this procedure goes without difficulty, the woman experiences less pain than with the introduction of a spiral. But there are situations when the spiral is not so easy to pull out, then the doctor expands the cervical canal and facilitates the removal of the IUD. You can also face the problem of thread breakage, then the doctor inserts a special hook through the cervix, with which he removes the foreign body from the uterine cavity.

But there are situations when the doctor simply does not detect the thread of the spiral. The question arises, is there a spiral in the uterus at all? If yes, where is she? For this, a woman is offered to do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, if necessary, x-rays. Sometimes there are cases that the spiral is outside the uterine cavity (with perforation of its wall), then a laparoscopic operation is urgently needed to extract foreign body.

Coil replacement intrauterine contraception can be carried out immediately after the removal of the old spiral, the risk of developing any complications does not increase.

Special instructions before removing and replacing the intrauterine device:

  • timely replacement of the IUD facilitates the procedure and guarantees continuous contraceptive action;
  • the procedure is best done during menstruation;
  • removing the coil during or before ovulation increases the risk of pregnancy;
  • before replacing the coil for 7 days, it is necessary to use other methods of contraception (condom, oral contraceptives or spermicides) to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

Possible side effects

The intrauterine device is a modern, convenient and effective method of contraception. But it is also a foreign body to which our body can react. unwanted reactions. In most cases, intrauterine contraception is well tolerated, but some women may be intolerant to this method and develop side effects, some of which can have a very negative impact on health and lead to severe pathologies. To reduce the risk of developing these side effects will help the choice of the type of spiral suitable for this woman, a detailed assessment of contraindications to its introduction, its timely removal and, of course, sufficient professionalism of the gynecologist who will install this device in the uterine cavity.

Possible side effects and complications in the use of an intrauterine device

  • "Nulliparous cervix";
  • irritation of the autonomic nervous system;
  • increased emotionality of a woman;
  • the size of the intrauterine device does not match the size of the uterus.
Side effect Reasons for development How often does it occur? Treatment of adverse reactions
Pain in the lower abdomen immediately after the insertion of the IUD Often.
  • Anesthesia with local anesthetics of the cervix;
  • the correct selection of the dimensions of the spiral.
Prolapse of the spiral from the uterine cavity or expulsion
  • Violation of the IUD installation technique;
  • incorrect selection of the size of the spiral;
  • features of a woman - the immunity of a foreign body.
  • Adhere to all the rules of the technique of insertion and selection of the size of the IUD;
  • after expulsion, it is possible to replace the helix with another.
Painful and heavy periods
  • the first months after the introduction of the IUD with copper - a normal reaction;
  • non-infectious inflammation, as a reaction to a foreign body;
  • allergic reaction on copper;
  • inflammation of the ovaries - adnexitis.
Up to 15%.
  • Removal of the spiral and replacement of the IUD with another type of contraception;
  • replacement of a copper spiral with a hormonal intrauterine system, in which heavy menstruation does not occur;
  • the appointment of antispasmodics (for example, No-shpy) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, indomethacin, nimesulide, and so on) or antibiotics.
Inflammation of the genital organs (colpitis, endometritis, salpingitis, adnexitis):
  • unusual allocation from the vagina, often with bad smell;
  • itching and burning in the vaginal area;
  • possible bloody issues in the middle of the menstrual cycle;
  • drawing pains in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • fever and general malaise.
  • The spiral was installed in chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • the spiral does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, but increases the risk of the spread of sexually transmitted diseases from the vagina to the uterus and appendages;
  • non-infectious inflammation that develops as a reaction to a foreign body increases the risk infectious inflammation caused by bacteria and fungi, normally contained in the bacterial microflora of the vagina.
Up to 1% of cases
  • Removing the spiral;
  • appointment of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy, according to the results of laboratory diagnostics.
Severe uterine bleeding
  • Damage (perforation) of the walls of the uterus with a spiral during its installation or operation;
  • the presence of uterine fibroids.
Very rarely
  • Removal of the spiral as a matter of urgency;
  • emergency medical care.
  • pallor of the skin;
  • changes in the blood test;
  • weakness.
  • Uterine bleeding;
  • long and heavy periods for more than 6 cycles.
Very rarely.
  • Individually, it is possible to remove the spiral or replace it with a hormonal IUD;
  • iron preparations (Aktiferrin, Totem and others), vitamins and nutritional correction.
Fibroids development
  • Damage to the endometrium during the introduction or operation of the spiral;
  • Removal of the coil or replacement with a hormonal IUD;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives.
Risk of ectopic pregnancy
  • The inflammatory process, which the IUD can contribute to, in some cases leads to obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • one of the effects of the spiral is the contraction and spasm of the smooth muscles of the fallopian tubes, which can cause abnormal pregnancy.
1:1000 Surgical treatment, removal of the fallopian tube.
Soreness during intercourse, difficulty in achieving orgasm.
  • Inflammatory process in the genitourinary system;
  • incorrect position and / or size of the spiral in the uterus;
  • allergic reaction to the components of the spiral;
  • damage to the walls of the uterus;
  • ovarian cysts.
Up to 2%.Removal of the coil or replacement with a hormonal IUD.
The onset of pregnancy The intrauterine device is not 100% effective method. From 2 to 15%.Individual approach.
Perforation (puncture) of the walls of the uterus:
  • sharp pains in the lower abdomen;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • deterioration of the general condition, up to loss of consciousness.
Damage to the walls of the uterus during the introduction, operation and removal of the spiral.
Increase the risk of uterine perforation:
  • early postpartum period;
  • scar on the uterus after caesarean section;
  • anomalies in the development of the uterus;
Very rarely.Surgical treatment and emergency medical care.
Ingrown spiral into the wall of the uterus
  • inflammatory process in the endometrium;
  • use of the spiral beyond the recommended period.
Up to 1%.Removal of the spiral through the cervix using special tools. Sometimes laparoscopic surgery may be required.
Copper intolerance or Wilson's disease individual intolerance or allergy to copper.Rarely.Replacement with another type of contraception or hormonal intrauterine device.

Additional side effects from the use of a hormonal intrauterine system (associated with the hormone progestogen):

  • absence of menstruation (amenorrhea), after the removal of the spiral, the menstrual cycle is restored;
  • functional ovarian cysts (benign formations), you will need hormone therapy estrogen hormones;

  • Also, an allergic reaction may develop on the introduction of a progestogen, requiring urgent removal of the spiral from the uterus.

    Intrauterine device (IUD): composition, action, indications, possible negative consequences from the use - video

    Intrauterine device (IUD): mechanism of action, dangerous complications (therapist's opinion) - video

    How can a pregnancy proceed with an intrauterine device?

    As it has already become clear, intrauterine contraceptives do not protect 100% from pregnancy. Most of these “lucky women” have a normal pregnancy, the child can independently push the spiral out in the second trimester and even be born with it in their hands, for some children this is such a toy. But not everything is always so smooth, and if a woman decides to keep such a pregnancy, she should be ready for various problems.

    Basic principles of pregnancy management with a spiral:

    1. Difficulties arise with the diagnosis of pregnancy, the woman is confident in her contraception. And menstrual irregularities with IUDs are not uncommon, which leads to the fact that pregnancy can be diagnosed late, when abortion is already difficult. Therefore, it is very important to listen to your body and, with the slightest deviations, changes and hints of pregnancy, consult a doctor.
    2. At the request of the woman, a medical abortion can be performed.
    3. The spiral is not an indication for medical termination of pregnancy. The choice is up to the woman, because in most cases, pregnancy with a spiral proceeds normally and without complications. However, the physician must evaluate possible risks pregnancy and may recommend terminating it.
    4. The IUD may be removed during pregnancy. The copper coil is often not removed as it does not affect fetal development. The hormonal spiral throughout pregnancy will release hormones that can lead to abnormalities in the development of the fetus. The gynecologist can remove the coil if its threads are preserved and it is removed from the uterus easily and without hindrance.
    5. Such a pregnancy requires constant monitoring by doctors, it is necessary regular control Fetal ultrasound.

    Possible risks of pregnancy with an intrauterine device:

    • High risk of ectopic pregnancy, ultrasound monitoring is necessary.
    • This pregnancy may end in miscarriage. early term, which is associated with the action of the spiral on the endometrium, to which the fetal egg is attached.
    • The IUD can cause intrauterine infection of the fetus, as well as intrauterine growth retardation and pregnancy fading.
    • High risk of fetal malformations during pregnancy with a hormonal spiral.
    Be that as it may, if a woman nevertheless became pregnant with such a powerful contraceptive as a spiral, then, probably, the child really needs to be born. Every woman can listen to herself and decide whether to give this baby a chance to live or not.

    How to choose a good intrauterine device? Which spiral is best?

    Your gynecologist should deal with the selection of the type of spiral, its size and manufacturer. Only he can determine the indications and contraindications for the use of one or another intrauterine contraceptive, individual characteristics your body. But if the woman is absolutely healthy, then the doctor can provide an IUD to choose from. Then many questions arise.

    "Which spiral to choose, copper or hormonal?" Here a woman needs to choose between efficiency and possible adverse reactions. The hormonal coil has more possible side effects associated with the progestogen, but they are temporary and stop after a few months. BUT contraceptive effect from the use of such a spiral is much higher. If a woman has fibroids, then the hormonal spiral is a method not only of contraception, but also of treatment. A copper coil with silver and, especially, with gold, has a higher efficiency than a conventional copper device, and the risk of side effects is lower, this is such a middle ground between a hormonal and a copper coil.

    "And how much does an intrauterine device cost?" For many women, the issue of economy is of great importance and determines the choice of a spiral. Copper coils are much cheaper than hormonal systems. Also, spirals with silver and gold have a high cost.

    "Which spiral is used longer?" The longest you can use spirals with silver and gold, up to 7-10 years or more. Hormonal spirals are usually used for no more than 5 years.

    "Which spiral will not affect the next pregnancy?" Any spiral can lead to problems with future pregnancies, this is an ectopic pregnancy, and infertility due to the inflammatory process. The risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy during the use of the IUD is higher with hormonal coils due to the action of the progestogen. Copper spirals give a greater risk of complications in the form of inflammation of the uterus and appendages. When removing the IUD, ectopic pregnancy often occurs after the use of copper coils.

    "Which spiral is painless?" During the installation and removal of the spiral, the woman experiences some pain. But this should not fundamentally affect the choice of the IUD. With the introduction of the hormonal system, these painful sensations are more pronounced, which is why they use local anesthesia. Local anesthesia can be carried out with the introduction of a copper spiral in women who are especially impressionable and emotional.

    Overview of various modern intrauterine devices: Juno, Mirena, Goldlily, Multiload, Vector extra, spirals with gold and silver

    Name Description Validity

Intrauterine device (IUD) - a contraceptive device that is a loop, ring or resembles appearance the letter T and is inserted into the uterine cavity using a special applicator.

The parent of this device is the German gynecologist Richter, who back in 1909 proposed using 2-3 silk threads twisted into a ring and placed in the uterus for the purpose of contraception. His invention was improved by another German doctor, Grefenberg, who in 1929 added copper and silver wire to silk threads.

However, such products were not particularly popular, because they were too hard, caused pain in the abdomen and provoked bleeding.

Only in 1960, after the metal in them was replaced with soft, polymeric plastic and polymer IUDs were born, did this method of contraception become widespread.

How does the Navy work?

There are various forms and types of IUDs. However, the principle of operation of the intrauterine device in any case is based on the fact that it represents a foreign body and, by its presence in the uterus, causes several effects:

  • Mechanically disrupts the ability of the endometrium to regenerate and makes it unsuitable for the attachment of a fertilized egg.
  • Stimulates the release of prostaglandins and thereby increases the tone of the uterus, which also prevents the attachment of the egg.
  • Enhances the production of macrophages - special cells immune system that can destroy spermatozoa.
  • Increases the viscosity of cervical mucus, which prevents sperm from getting into the uterus or into the fallopian tubes.
  • Spirals containing copper and silver also have a spermatotoxic effect.
  • IUDs containing hormones additionally inhibit ovulation and endometrial growth.

The Pearl Index - a coefficient showing the effectiveness of a contraceptive method for intrauterine devices is 0.2. That is, at correct use IUD during the year, pregnancy occurred only in two cases out of a thousand.

According to this indicator, the spiral is the most effective method of contraception, surpassing even some contraceptive pills in its reliability.

Types and features

Currently, there are about 50 variants of the IUD, which differ in shape, size and materials. Therefore, they are usually classified by generation:

  1. The first is inert IUDs. The most popular were spirals made of polymeric materials in the form of the Latin letter S. Today, due to side effects and low efficiency, this type is practically not used, and in some countries it is even prohibited.
  2. The second generation - copper-containing products. The first representatives of this generation were produced with copper wire inserted into the structure. Their main disadvantage was the too rapid release of copper, due to which the coil had to be changed every 2-3 years. More modern IUDs come with an additional silver rod that slows down the release of copper and makes it last longer. The most popular of this series are the intrauterine device Nova T, Multiload Cu-250 and Cu-375, as well as Corre-T.
  3. The third generation is spirals with hormones. The impetus for their creation was the desire to combine together the virtues of the Navy and birth control pills. Outwardly, they are a T-shaped structure, the leg of which is filled with the hormone levonorgestrel or progesterone. How does an intrauterine hormonal coil work? Almost the same as hormonal pills. The device is designed in such a way that equal doses of the hormone enter the woman's body every day. The validity period of such products is 5 years, and the most popular of this generation are Mirena and Levonova.

The types of spirals are very diverse. Usually, women who think about using this means of protection have a natural question: hormonal or non-hormonal intrauterine device, which is better?

Only a gynecologist can solve this problem, after examining and receiving test results. Despite the fact that you can buy any IUD at a pharmacy and without a doctor's prescription, you should not make such a purchase on your own.


Of course, the main advantage of modern intrauterine devices is that this tool is the most effective of all currently existing. However high percent reliability is not their only advantage. Their advantages include:

  • Ease of use. The intrauterine device will work, depending on the type, from one year to five years, and you do not have to take daily pills or think about any other methods of contraception.
  • Can be used immediately after childbirth and during breastfeeding.
  • Easy reversibility of the method. After removing the spiral, the reproductive properties of the body are restored in just a few months.
  • Even hormonal IUDs do not have such a strong effect on the female body as birth control pills, which means they have much fewer contraindications for use.
  • Unlike a condom or a vaginal ring, they do not cause discomfort or reduce sensation.
  • Given the long duration of action, even expensive products are more cost-effective to use than any other means to protect against pregnancy.


Unfortunately, there are no ideal methods of contraception, and such a reliable method as the IUD has its drawbacks. The disadvantages of this method include:

  • Increased risk of developing acute inflammatory diseases.
  • Not a single contraceptive spiral protects against sexually transmitted diseases, so this method of protection is more suitable for established, permanent couples.
  • In the first time after installation, menstruation, as a rule, is more painful and passes more abundantly and takes longer.
  • Spontaneous loss of the spiral is possible, for example, during active sports or heavy lifting.

Perhaps the most serious disadvantage of using an IUD is the increased risk of ectopic pregnancy due to impaired contractile activity fallopian tubes and the uterus itself.

Application Rules

The intrauterine device does not apply to simple methods protection from unplanned pregnancy. Its use will require you to comply with several important rules. And the question of whether such a method of contraception is suitable for you should be decided only by a gynecologist after examination and testing. The type of spiral that suits you is also selected by the doctor. Usually, experts advise using this particular type of contraception if:

  • A woman has increased fertility and unwanted pregnancies happen all too often.
  • There are diseases in which pregnancy is contraindicated.
  • The woman or her partner has genetic pathologies in which it is also impossible to become pregnant.

How is the Navy installed?

You can install a spiral regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle, but still doctors advise doing this from the fourth to the eighth day, if you count from the first day of menstruation. Before the procedure, smears are taken for microflora, general analysis blood and urine, carried out ultrasound procedure to exclude pregnancy and determine the size of the uterus.

The procedure itself is quite simple and painless, so it is performed on an outpatient basis and without anesthesia. However, in the first days after installation, you may be disturbed discomfort in the lower abdomen, aching or cramping pains, which normally pass on their own.

A week later, a follow-up examination is mandatory, and during this week it is better for a woman to refrain from:

  1. From intense physical activity.
  2. Hot baths.
  3. Taking laxatives.
  4. Sex life.
  5. taking an aspirin or medicines containing acetylsalicylic acid as it can cause bleeding.

After each menstruation, you will need to independently check the presence of threads from the spiral, and follow-up examinations, in the absence of complaints, will need to take place every six months.

How is the IUD removed?

It is not necessary to wait the entire duration of the spiral. If you wish, you can ask the gynecologist to remove it at any time. In the absence of complications, removal, as well as installation, is not particularly difficult and is performed on an outpatient basis. It is enough for the doctor to simply pull the antennae. However, despite the simplicity of the procedure, it is not worth doing it yourself at home.

In rare cases, for example, when the antennae of the spiral break or penetrate the uterine wall, it can be removed using a hysteroscope. This device is a tube with special channels for scissors or forceps. In this case, the procedure can be carried out in a hospital.

Before removing the spiral, the gynecologist also without fail appoints an ultrasound in order to clarify its location in the uterine cavity. During removal or immediately after it, pain and spotting.


The IUD protection method is not suitable for everyone, although it works well in most cases. As with any contraceptive, the intrauterine device has its own contraindications. Conventionally, they can be divided into absolute and relative, when the final decision is made by the doctor after the necessary tests.

The first group includes:

  • Acute or often aggravated inflammatory diseases of the female sphere.
  • Suspicions of malignant tumors cervix or uterus.
  • Uterine bleeding, the cause of which is not clear.
  • Suspicion of pregnancy.
  • Pathological changes in the uterus that may interfere correct administration or the position of the helix.
  • Malformations of the cervix or the uterus itself.

The second group of contraindications include:

  • Abundant, painful and prolonged, longer than six days, menstruation, or the presence of bleeding in the period between them.
  • Endometriosis of the cervix and ovaries.
  • Abnormal configuration of the uterus or too small.
  • Myomatous nodes, strongly deforming the uterine cavity.
  • Ectopic pregnancy in the past.
  • Allergies to the components that make up the spiral, for example, to polymeric substances or to copper.
  • Low hemoglobin levels, clotting disorders, or other blood disorders.

In some situations, such relative contraindications, like uterine fibroids, heavy and painful menstruation or endometrial pathology, the appointment of hormonal IUDs is often, on the contrary, justified.

Side effects

Any intrauterine device is inherently a foreign body and even completely healthy body It takes time to come to terms with his presence. Therefore, side effects and discomfort usually occur in the first days after installation.

Most often it is:

  1. Aching or cramping pain in the lower abdomen, which, according to statistics, occurs in about 5-10% of patients.
  2. More abundant than usual menstrual bleeding, which occurs in 24% of cases. Rarely, such bleeding can lead to the development of iron deficiency anemia.
  3. Increased risk of inflammatory diseases in about 0.5-4% of cases.
  4. Spontaneous prolapse of the intrauterine device, which occurs in 6-15% of cases.

If you have appeared severe pain, unusual discharge, bleeding unrelated to menstruation and a fever, then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Also, do not delay the visit in case of a missed period or other signs of pregnancy, such as morning sickness or pain and swelling of the mammary glands.

If you did not feel the threads of the spiral or, on the contrary, felt its plastic tip, then most likely the IUD has moved from its place and no longer performs its main function. In such a situation, you should also consult a doctor.

The Navy is intrauterine contraceptive, which is a plastic or metal device that prevents a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus. Thus, the abortive effect of the intrauterine device is carried out. This means that if fertilization has occurred, then the IUD does not allow the possibility of implantation of the embryo in the uterus. Thus, he dies, as a rule, at the age of 5-10 days.

Intrauterine device: how does it work and affect the body?

The IUD, unlike other contraceptives, is not a means of preventing the movement of sperm. These plastic, silver or copper contraceptives directly affect the spermatozoa, which lose their ability to be fertilized. Also, the principle of operation of the intrauterine device is to change the properties of the uterine mucosa. The IUD makes it unsuitable for embryo implantation. Therefore, this contraceptive drug acts as an abortifacient.

In addition, it should be noted that there are IUDs containing hormones. The principle of this type of intrauterine device is no different from the above IUDs, however, such a contraceptive leads to a gradual disappearance of menstruation (amenorrhea). It also affects the permeability of the cervix for pathogens and sperm.

The contraceptive effect of the IUD is permanent. It works even during menstruation. The effectiveness of this contraceptive may weaken only after its expiration date. Today, there are IUDs designed to be used for several years.

Pros and cons of the intrauterine device

The IUD is the only contraceptive that promotes long-term contraceptive action. The only exception is surgical sterilization. However, unlike this method, IUD is a reversible procedure. After the expiration date of this contraceptive, a woman can restore her ability to conceive within three months.

Also, everyone who is wondering how the pregnancy spiral works should know that this contraceptive can be used in the presence of various therapeutic diseases. However, in diseases of the blood system, the IUD can have a negative effect on general state women. In any case, before using this drug you should learn how the intrauterine device works. Videos with recommendations can be easily found on specialized Internet sites.

It is worth noting that the action of the IUD can lead to other side effects. The most serious side effect is the risk of an inflammatory process. As a rule, this is facilitated by the presence of a foreign body in the uterus. To get acquainted with other side effects that occur during the operation of the IUD, you need to look at the instructions. The intrauterine device, which has an abortive effect, guarantees efficiency at the level of 97-98%. Thus, there is a minimal possibility that a woman will become pregnant while using this drug.

The intrauterine device (you can meet the contraction of the IUD) is a popular contraceptive, which is considered one of better ways prevent unwanted pregnancy. The vaginal coil is a tiny, matchbox-sized device that will help you plan your life.

Pros and cons of this method of contraception

If a woman has decided, she must know the pros and cons of her installation and wearing. The main plus in the installation of the IUD is that it protects against unwanted pregnancy much more effectively than many other contraceptives. Its constant presence inside the body of a woman eliminates the danger that you can forget to protect yourself. The spiral is absolutely imperceptible during sexual contact. In addition, this tool is relatively cheap, given that it is enough for a period of 3 to 10 years.

The IUD does not have any hormonal effect on the female body. The use of some birth control pills has a number of contraindications, such as breastfeeding and smoking. The IUD has no such contraindications. However, there are also IUDs that contain hormones. They prevent not only pregnancy, but also many inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, control bleeding during menstruation, and prevent ectopic pregnancy.

It is impossible to put an IUD on your own at home. This opens up a small number of cons. This type of contraception is allowed only for women who have given birth. The IUD from pregnancy will by no means be able to protect against genital infections, since it only works as a contraceptive. The spiral is a foreign body inside the female body, so it can cause discomfort and side effects.

Navy action

How does a contraceptive work? The principle of its operation is as follows. The IUD has a detrimental effect on male germ cells, depriving them of their reproductive function. The mechanism of action of the intrauterine device also extends to the uterine mucosa, depriving it of its ability to create conditions for the appearance of an embryo.

The duration of the contraceptive is from 3 to 5 years. When the warranty period passes, the spiral in the uterus wears out and loses its properties. She needs to take it out.

Which Navy to choose?

Today, the contraceptive coil is a small device. It is made from synthetic material or non-ferrous metals. IUDs no larger than 4 centimeters. In shape, it is most often similar to the shape of the uterus, that is, a T-shape.

IUDs are both without the addition of hormones, and hormone-containing. The spiral is selected individually, depending on the characteristics of the body. There is no universal IUD that is better suited to any woman. However, each of them has its own advantageous characteristics. The most popular types of spirals are:

  1. T Cu 380 A. The material from which the Navy is made is copper. It has a rather long period of validity - up to 10 years. The mechanism of action of such a spiral is that it releases copper, which in turn suppresses spermatozoa and affects female reproductive ability.
  2. Multiload Cu 375. It has a shape that allows it to sit firmly in the uterus. This IUD is considered the most reliable choice for active ladies or women with structural features of the genital organs, when there is a risk of the usual spiral falling out.
  3. Navy combined composition. These are Nova - T (Nova-T) and T de Plata 380 NOVAPLUS. They are made of plastic and silver or plastic and copper. These varieties do not contain hormones.
  4. VIP Spiral T de Oro 375 Gold. It contains a piece of gold.
  5. Mirena is a hormonal coil. It contains a special container that releases the pregnancy hormone levonorgestrel. Such an IUD can last up to 5 years.

The question of choosing a contraceptive spiral is best left to a specialist. He knows better which IUD to recommend for your particular case. Do not think that the more expensive the IUD, the more effective it is - the action of the spirals is almost equally good. When choosing a spiral, tell your doctor about the characteristics of your body. For long and heavy menstruation it may be better to use uterine spirals with hormones. However, we must not forget about other individual properties of the organism.

What side effects may appear

Surely many women are interested in the question: is the spiral harmful? After installing the spiral, a number of side effects may occur. Some women experience complications, but this happens only in 5 cases out of 100. The vast majority of women are satisfied with the installation of the IUD, because it is very effective and convenient way contraception.

As soon as the IUD is installed, in extremely rare cases, such negative reactions like uterine perforation or endometritis.

Some time after the installation of the spiral, the following side effects may occur:

  • during menstruation, pain in the lower abdomen increases;
  • menstruation becomes more abundant than before;
  • among menstrual period red spotting may occur.

Such reactions concern only IUDs that do not contain hormones. During the use of a hormone-containing IUD, changes in the female body are possible, such as:

  • delay in menstruation for several months;
  • bleeding between periods.

Contraindications to the use of the spiral

A spiral from pregnancy is not put on everyone and not always. Not every woman will be allowed to put it on. Sometimes the contraceptive spiral has contraindications. It is undesirable or impossible to put the IUD:

  • women with infections or inflammatory diseases genital organs, as well as with erosion of the cervix;
  • sick oncological diseases reproductive organs;
  • women who have malformations of the uterus;
  • young ladies or nulliparous women;
  • women who randomly change sexual partners.

There may be exceptions for each specific case, but the decision to install an IUD can only be made by a gynecologist.

In order to prevent unwanted pregnancy and further abortion, the spiral will help prevent its occurrence for a long time. Abortion harms the female body, so sometimes doctors themselves can offer this option. If, nevertheless, an abortion has happened, and in order to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, you should ask your doctor about the possibility immediately after the procedure or after some time.

woman after childbirth. The female body after childbirth must recover. He is ready for a new fertilization in a few months, but it will be difficult for him to immediately transfer another pregnancy. To do this, young mothers, especially nursing ones, are advised to either take progestin pills, which does not always have a positive effect on the health of the body, or put a spiral. IUD without hormones is one of the best ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy for nursing mothers.

Preparatory stage and installation of the spiral

Before installing a spiral, it is necessary to consult a doctor on all issues related to the choice of a spiral, possible side effects, its duration, and other nuances that are of interest. Before the procedure, there should be no sexual intercourse, at least 24 hours. Also, you can't use chemicals for intimate hygiene in any form, do douching and other care procedures women's health. A couple of days before the installation of the spiral, it is also forbidden to use topical medications such as vaginal suppositories and tablets, aerosols, ointments, creams, etc.

If the woman is not pregnant and healthy, the doctor decides to install the spiral.

The IUD is placed on an outpatient basis. Usually, the coil is inserted a few days before the onset of menstruation, since it is at this time that the cervix is ​​​​best able to insert the coil.

Immediately after examining the mirror, the doctor will fix the cervix with a special device and introduce a spiral. Sometimes the installation of a spiral can be accompanied by discomfort and pain, as before menstruation. Pain pass very soon.

In order to prevent any possible infection, the gynecologist prescribes antibiotics.

In order to make sure that the coil is securely fixed in right place, exist preventive examinations. The first of them is prescribed 1 month after the introduction of the spiral. The next one is in six months, and then inspections take place once a year.

Rules of behavior for a woman after installing a spiral (valid for 5 days):

  • sexual intercourse is prohibited;
  • you can not douching;
  • you can wash only in the shower, and not in a hot bath;
  • do not play hard sports or lift weights;
  • you can not drink drugs that contain acetylsalicylic acid.
  • see a doctor in an emergency.

Important: it is undesirable to use tampons during menstruation (if a woman has an IUD installed), it is better to use pads.

If, after installing the spiral, the state of health has changed: the temperature has risen, the stomach hurts, discharge with an unpleasant odor has begun - you should immediately contact the doctor for help.

The IUD or contraceptive coil is designed to prevent pregnancy. The principle of "work" of the device is that the IUD does not allow the advancement of a mature egg. Spirals are divided into two types - copper and with a certain amount of hormone. Depending on the type of spiral and the company, the cost can vary from 5 to 15 thousand rubles. The leading position all over the world is confidently occupied by the new generation MIRENA Navy. Main active substance spirals - the hormone levonorgestrel. Every day, a daily dose of the hormone is released into the uterine cavity, which prevents pregnancy. Also, the introduction of the IUD is often recommended by gynecologists for the treatment of gynecological diseases. The term of the Navy is 5 years.

A bit of history

Intrauterine contraceptive devices were invented not so long ago, only 70-80 years ago. The first Navy looked like a small ring, rod or plate made of precious metal (preferably silver and even gold). Subsequently, already in the 70s of the last century, women were able to experience all the "charms" of the novelty - flexible plastic spirals, which may have prevented pregnancy, but such side effects as heavy bleeding, pain and sensation of a foreign body could not prove its necessity.

Over the years, the size of the IUD began to decrease, and the base of the plate began to be “wrapped” with copper wire. This technique has gained popularity and now many women install such spirals.

How it works

Since there are only two types of IUDs in the world, MirSovetov invites readers to familiarize themselves with the action of each spiral.

Types of Navy:

  1. Copper or certain metal alloy coils inhibit the activity of spermatozoa. The uterus produces a fluid that is detrimental to spermatozoa, it also prevents the egg from being fertilized. This spiral thins the walls of the endometrium. The validity of the IUD is about 10 years.
  2. IUD with artificial hormone is reliable. Spiral secretes daily daily dose hormone, which contributes to the release of more viscous mucus from the uterus and prevents the full attachment of even a fertilized egg. Similar systems are used in therapeutic purposes for the treatment of gynecological diseases. The duration of the spiral with the hormone is 5 years.

What it looks like and what are the benefits

Outwardly, both types of IUDs look almost the same. The base looks like the letter "T", it is also a container for the hormone. Spirals with metal content and copper also consist of a base on which silver or copper wire is wound.

Advantages of the intrauterine device:

  • contraceptive effect - 99% if the spiral is installed correctly;
  • IUD insertion time is 3-5 minutes;
  • affordable price;
  • duration of use from 5 to 10 years;
  • it is allowed to install an IUD for those women who cannot take oral contraceptives;
  • does not affect weight gain;
  • acts immediately after the introduction;
  • after extraction reproductive function is immediately restored.

If you are faced with a choice - to take oral contraceptives or install an IUD, then MirSovetov recommends making a choice in favor of a spiral. This is especially true for forgetful and absent-minded ladies who often forget to take their pills on time. In addition, the IUD does not affect the figure, which cannot be said about hormonal pills.

How the IUD is inserted

The intrauterine device should only be inserted and removed by a qualified specialist. If you decide to install a spiral, then you first need to visit a gynecologist who will conduct a complete examination. You may need to take tests to rule out inflammation.

2-3 days before the indicated date of administration, it is necessary to refrain from sexual activity. It is also impossible to carry out, use candles and tablets (an exception is a doctor's prescription). Most right time for the introduction of the IUD - 1-7 days of menstruation, when the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bsofter, which means that it will be much easier to insert the spiral.

An intrauterine device is inserted on an outpatient basis in a sterile room. Installation time - from 3 to 5 minutes. The doctor first treats the neck with an antiseptic. During the insertion of the IUD, a woman may feel a short dull pain in the abdomen. This is because the doctor uses a surgical instrument to tighten the cervix to straighten it. Such manipulations allow you to set the spiral in the correct position.

Immediately after the introduction of the spiral, a woman may feel, rarely - sharp pain. If these symptoms do not go away 20-30 minutes after the IUD is inserted, the doctor will re-examine the woman. The possibility of incorrect insertion of the helix cannot be ruled out. In this case, it is removed and a new system is installed.

During the day, and sometimes more, a woman may feel aching. Menstruation can last for 1-2 days.

After the introduction of the spiral, you can not have sex for a week and insert tampons. Also, you can not take drugs with acetylsalicylic acid.

After the introduction of the IUD for a month, it is undesirable to visit in the sun. It is also worth limiting physical activity.

A month later (if the doctor does not set a date earlier), after setting the spiral, you should visit the doctor and do an ultrasound to see the location of the IUD in the uterine cavity. If the spiral is located correctly, and the woman does not feel discomfort, then it is necessary to conduct a preventive examination twice a year.

It needs to be known

  1. Hormonal IUD can be installed after artificial termination of pregnancy in the first menstruation.
  2. If a woman had spontaneous ones, then the spiral is installed no earlier than after 1.5 months.
  3. After childbirth, recovery time is needed - from 1.5 to 3 months, after which it is allowed to install a spiral.
  4. The IUD is not a contraceptive after unprotected intercourse.
  5. It is necessary to remove the system after 5 years if a hormonal IUD is installed and after 7-10 years if a copper one is installed.
  6. Simultaneously with the extraction of the spiral, you can install a new one.
  7. Every month after the end of menstruation, it is necessary to check the antennae of the spiral in the vagina. If there are none, or one is shorter than the other, then you need to see a doctor.

Who is contraindicated in the IUD

Not every woman can use an intrauterine contraceptive. The IUD is allowed to be installed by women who have given birth, who have a regular sex life, and with one partner.

In what cases is the system contraindicated:

  • the spiral should not be inserted if the woman has gynecological diseases inflammatory nature;
  • the doctor will never install a spiral at the request of the patient. First, an inspection is carried out, surrendered necessary tests to rule out infection;
  • during pregnancy, including ectopic;
  • at malignant neoplasms cervix and uterus;
  • chronic diseases - cardiovascular pathologies;
  • hormonal IUD is prohibited at.

Side effects

Any contraceptive cannot guarantee 100% protection. In addition, for the first time after the introduction of the contraceptive system, side effects may occur:

  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ;
  • perforation of the uterus;
  • spiral loss;
  • heavy painful periods;
  • lack of menstruation;
  • puffiness;
  • increased appetite, weight gain;
  • the appearance of acne;
  • backache.

To avoid problems with the intrauterine system, you must take the choice responsibly and carefully weigh everything. Before installation, it is necessary to be examined by a gynecologist to exclude inflammation and other gynecological problems.