Healing after otoplasty. What determines the recovery period after otoplasty? Danger signs to look out for

Bandage after otoplasty is an indispensable attribute rehabilitation period after ear surgery. Thanks to a special bandage, the seams heal faster, swelling and bruising subsides. Exist different types fixing bandage. How to choose? How much is it?

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Why do I need a bandage after otoplasty?

The main function of the bandage is to securely fix the ears after surgical intervention and protect them from damage. It is important to keep the new the shape of the shells, to prevent the appearance of scars or scars in the seam area. Wearing a bandage is necessary for such purposes:

  • prevention of the inflammatory process;
  • saving the result of plastic surgery;
  • removal of postoperative swelling;
  • acceleration of tissue regeneration;
  • protecting the ears from damage and infection;
  • elimination of hemorrhages.

The bandage fixes cotton swabs soaked in special oil. It is important to choose the right size so that the material does not squeeze the head. For achievement desired result it is necessary to strictly follow all recommendations during the rehabilitation period. It is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • You can't wash your hair. The agent can get into an open wound, you need to wait for the permission of the doctor. Use dry shampoo if needed.
  • You should sleep on your back. Wrong position during rest involuntarily distorts the shape. To do this, it is recommended to slightly raise the head of the bed.
  • Put on a bandage at night. Such a measure prevents accidental touching of damaged areas with hands.
  • Limit physical activity. Within six months, excessive pressure should not be allowed.
  • Set aside glasses. The temples can carry infections by getting into an open wound.

Types of compression bandages for the ears

There are several types of dressings that are used at different stages of the recovery process. There are the following types:

  • open compression bandage on the ears;
  • mask.


The standard elastic version is recommended to be worn immediately after surgery. During this period, it is important to take care of the hygiene and condition of the wounds in the ear area. special fabric impregnated with an antibacterial solution and protects wounds from infection. Elastic material does not exert excessive pressure on the head, protects against mechanical damage. The advantages of this type are as follows:

  • the mobility of the head is maintained;
  • not hot;
  • the fabric is breathable.
Compression bandage on the ears after otoplasty


Bandage closed type tightly fixes the new shape of the ears thanks to the Velcro around the neck. During sleep, the mask protects against accidental head movements. The hypoallergenic material does not cause irritation, the light structure of the fibers has a deodorizing effect. However, there is one drawback - in the summer it is very hot in the mask. This can adversely affect the regeneration process.

Bandage-mask on the ears after otoplasty

When the device is put on

Can an elastic band be used?

Quite often the question arises about the possibility of replacing the bandage with a simple elastic bandage, which is in every home. This is highly discouraged for several reasons:

  • No fasteners. Velcro is provided in a special bandage for fixing on the head. Often the bandage is rewound not strong enough or too weak. The stable position of the ears is not preserved.
  • The skin does not breathe. It will take a significant amount of material to wrap the head. As a result, the closed surface will be poorly ventilated, which may affect the regeneration process.
  • Not exactly practical. A special bandage will look much better on the head than a regular bandage.
  • Not very convenient. It is quite difficult to guess the necessary tension and size of the material to provide sufficient comfort.

How to apply correctly gauze bandage on the ears after otoplasty, see this video:

Bandage after otoplasty on the head

On the 3rd - 4th day after removing the bandage, you can wear a special bandage. The material is treated with a silver solution, which promotes active healing. The structure of the fabric allows the skin to breathe freely. It is recommended to purchase two pieces, as you will have to change them regularly. The bandage should be chosen loose so as not to feel pain. The size is adjustable according to individual needs.

How long to wear an ear patch

The first six days after surgery without fail put on a compression bandage. It is fixed around special plasters or impregnated with a solution.

Stitches after otoplasty

gauze. Within two weeks, an examination and dressing is carried out. The steps are:

  • The first is put on a day after otoplasty. Analysis of the obtained results allows us to foresee possible complications.
  • The second dressing is after 8 days. The special suture material is absorbed or removed by the surgeon.

It is forbidden to carry out such manipulations on your own. A week later, it is allowed to wear a bandage only at bedtime. This must be done within one month so as not to damage the seams. Six months later it happens full recovery cartilage. During this period, limit physical activity and wear a bandage to avoid any injury.

Where to buy bandage and bandage

You can buy this product at any pharmacy. The average price for a bandage is 1000 - 1500 rubles. Various color schemes allow you to choose the right option for daily wear. Before buying, it is recommended to pay attention to the size. The fabric should sit freely on the head. Excessive pressure causes pain and bleeding at the stitches.

Possible Complications

Swelling after surgery

In such situations, the following complications are possible:

  • asymmetrical shape of the ears;
  • suppuration of damaged tissue;
  • inflammation, redness and infection;
  • scars and scars.

Small bruising is considered normal in the area of ​​the operation.

These symptoms resolve on their own within one month.

The right choice of elastic bandage guarantees the desired result. You can buy different types at an insignificant price at a pharmacy or at any sports store. Thanks to fixation auricles the beautiful shape is preserved, the healing process is accelerated, the risk of complications is reduced. In a year, with the help of a bandage, they will be noticeable positive results otoplasty.

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If there is a congenital protruding ear, the operation will help to correct everything. Many stars were able to use plastic to eliminate protruding ears, and an example of work is a photo of them before and after.

There are very few people in the world who are completely satisfied with their appearance, and they can rightfully be called lucky. But today, thanks to the active development plastic surgery almost any flaw in appearance can be corrected. One of the most popular surgeries is otoplasty. This surgical correction the shape or size of the ear.

Otoplasty is not complicated operation, has practically no side effects and contraindications, does not last long (up to an hour), does not require long-term hospitalization, as a rule, the patient can be discharged home on the same day. But reconstructive operation- this is only the first step on the path of ideal ears, immediately after it begins at least important period- rehabilitation after otoplasty, which affects not only the speed of recovery, but also the consequences of the operation.

Rehabilitation after otoplasty is a complex process that includes several options rehabilitation treatment and rules of conduct. Let's consider the most important of them.

Compression bandage

Perhaps from following the recommendations of a plastic surgeon to wear a special compression bandage most of all depend on the consequences of otoplasty. The latter is put on immediately after the operation over the aseptic one. Its main task is to keep the ears pressed to the head. It also protects against accidental injury in Everyday life and during sleep, prevents severe bruising and swelling of the postoperative wound.

Depending on the size of the surgical intervention, it is necessary to wear a bandage from 7 to 14 days. In appearance, it resembles a tennis one, so you don’t have to worry that others will look at you.

Necessary medicines in the postoperative period

Immediately after otoplasty, pain medications are administered parenterally to the patient to eliminate pain. But pain can still disturb during the first 3 days after the operation. To make rehabilitation more comfortable, the patient is prescribed non-narcotic analgesics in tablets for this period.

Be sure to prescribe a course of antibiotics a wide range for the prevention of infection of the postoperative wound (5-7 days).

To the complex drug treatment also include the use of external dosage forms(ointments, gels, creams) that contribute to rapid healing wounds and have antibacterial properties. Picks up drugs only plastic surgeon.

  • Bruising and swelling

Despite the low invasiveness of otoplasty, it will not be possible to avoid bruising and swelling, but measures can be taken to minimize these consequences of the intervention. To do this, wear a compression bandage and special, absorbable hematomas, medications. As a rule, bruises persist for up to 7 days. To reduce swelling, you need to limit yourself to salty and spicy food which retains moisture in the body.

Dressing and removal of sutures

The consequences of otoplasty also depend on the timeliness of postoperative dressings and removal of surgical sutures. As a rule, about three dressings are needed after the operation. Each time a gauze swab is impregnated with medicines with wound healing and antiseptic properties, a compression bandage is put on top. The stitches are removed one week after the otoplasty. To do this, you need to visit the clinic.

  • Night sleep

This is a very important point rapid rehabilitation, since in a dream a person does not control his movements and can injure the operated ear. You need to sleep on your back and always with a compression bandage on your head.

  • final result

The consequences of otoplasty and rehabilitation can be seen 2 weeks after the operation - it is then that the swelling will completely disappear, bruises will disappear and you can no longer wear a bandage. At first, some discomfort may be felt, the sensitivity of the skin of the operated auricles may decrease, but after 2 months everything discomfort completely pass. It must be emphasized that otoplasty does not affect hearing in any way.

To maximize recovery after plastic surgery, not only after otoplasty, you can use the services of hardware cosmetology and physiotherapy procedures offered by the clinic.

You also need to remember the following tips:

  • Do not wash your hair until the stitches are removed (risk of infection);
  • Avoid physical overexertion so that the pressure does not increase (postoperative bleeding may begin);
  • Forget about glasses for 2 months until complete healing;
  • It is not recommended to wear earrings during the first two months after otoplasty.

By following all the described principles of rehabilitation and the advice of your plastic surgeon, the recovery will be the fastest and most successful.

Otoplasty is a direction aesthetic surgery, which helps to adjust the size and shape of the ears. It is used to correct congenital and acquired defects of the auricles, eliminate asymmetry and give them beautiful shape. Modern equipment and effective medicines make the operation as quick and painless as possible. After otoplasty is performed, rehabilitation is the most important moment, on which the final result of the entire procedure depends, therefore it is necessary to treat it with special attention.

How is otoplasty performed?

Otoplasty is one of the few plastic surgeries that are successfully performed under local anesthesia. In time, it takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the degree of complexity. Pre-training practically not required. But in order to make sure there is no medical contraindications, which can provoke various complications, you will have to pass a series of laboratory tests.

The incisions are made in the usual way or laser scalpel behind the ears, where they later become completely invisible. After performing all the necessary manipulations, the incision sites are pulled together cosmetic sutures. How long the rehabilitation after otoplasty takes depends largely on individual characteristics body, as well as the amount of correction performed.

Stages of rehabilitation

Usually, after an otoplasty, recovery begins within a couple of hours. Immediately after the operation, the auricles are fixed with a special plaster, a cotton compress is applied to them with remedy, accelerating healing, and the correct position is held by a dense elastic bandage around the head. The entire period of rhinoplasty rehabilitation is divided into several key stages.

It is advisable to avoid ball games, contact martial arts and other sports in which the ears can be injured.

Postoperative dressing

The bandage, which must be worn during the rehabilitation period after otoplasty, securely holds both shells in the correct position. In addition, it is necessary to prevent their displacement before the tissue healing process begins.

This product is great for:

  • protects the ears from injury;
  • prevents the spread of hematomas and edema, which usually form in the operated area.

Note that the bandage after otoplasty has a very convenient feature. Manufacturers produce it in the so-called universal size. But it fits on any head, as it is equipped with a special clasp.

What does it look like

This medical accessory has an annular shape. In fact, this is a simple bandage - elastic or ordinary. If desired, it is permissible to wear a bandage instead.

Today, in pharmacies or specialized medical equipment stores, you can buy a special head bandage. According to its characteristics, it is no different from a compression bandage after otoplasty. But it looks much more presentable.

Such an accessory is very similar to the bandage that athletes usually wear. Often it can be seen, for example, on tennis players. It differs, as already mentioned, only in the presence of an adjustable fastener (Velcro).

Duration of wearing

Many are interested in how long the bandage will have to be worn. As a rule, the doctor recommends walking in it for at least a week. The maximum term is 14 days. You can remove this accessory only with the permission of the doctor.

After the doctor has put on the patient a compression bandage, the latter can go home. True, then he will need to make several more visits to the clinic so that the surgeon can monitor how the rehabilitation is going and make dressings.

The bandage needs to be changed. This is necessary to maintain hygiene and prevent the development of pathological processes.

The patient should be dressed at least twice:

  1. The next day after the operation. At the same time, the doctor evaluates the work done.
  2. On day 8. The stitches are removed. The surgeon carefully examines the auricles and gives recommendations for care.

The correct wearing of a compression bandage after otoplasty and compliance with all the rules of rehabilitation will largely determine the cosmetic effect of the intervention.

Possible complications

Otoplasty is not a complex and traumatic operation, so if all the recommendations for the rehabilitation period were strictly followed, complications are extremely rare. Negative consequences after otoplasty are in cases where:

  • infection and rotting of the seams occurs;
  • inflammation is activated due to the refusal of antibiotics;
  • bleeding occurs due to mechanical trauma;
  • the ear is deformed due to the displacement of the fixing bandage.

Extremely rarely, due to the insufficient qualification of the surgeon, there is a complete or partial loss of ear sensitivity, as well as a curvature of the shape of the auricle. Therefore, before deciding on an operation, it is necessary to collect as much information and feedback as possible about the doctor and clinic where otoplasty will be performed.

Previous Next

The outer ear is made up of cartilage tissue. It is located at an angle of 30 degrees to the head. Sometimes this parameter is greater. Then a correction is required. It is also prescribed for cartilage deformation, to change the size of the hearing organ. In most cases, otoplasty is prescribed.


This is a type of surgical intervention aimed at changing the appearance of the outer ear. There are more than 200 types of such manipulations. Their peculiarity is that the function of the ear cannot be changed in the process, therefore otoplasty is more often called cosmetic procedure. With its help, it is possible to eliminate external flaws.


The procedure is recommended for correcting the shape of the outer ear from the age of five. By this time, the process of formation of the organ of hearing is completed. There are no age restrictions for adults. Indications for cosmetic manipulation are:

The latter pathology can be both congenital and acquired.

What doctors say about otoplasty:


Depending on the purpose of otoplasty, it is divided into two types:

  1. Reconstructive. It is carried out to eliminate congenital or acquired defects.
  2. Aesthetic. It is carried out to correct the shape and location of the auricles.


This type allows you to restore serious defects. The creation of the auricle is carried out in several stages. This may take a year or more. In the process, a cartilaginous framework is created based on the costal cartilage. Then it is placed in the place of the missing ear in the skin pocket.

Such a frame takes several months to settle down in a new place. then it is detached from the head, forming the earlobe in the desired position.

During the last manipulations, the wound behind the ear is closed with a skin graft, which is also taken from the patient. Only after this is formed a tragus and recesses. Thanks to such actions, the newly created ear has all the basic elements.

Reconstructive otoplasty before and after


In this form, only part of the ear is corrected, for example, the lobe or tip. This operation is carried out only to improve appearance patient. It allows you to press your ears closer to your head.

The cause may be a bifurcated earlobe. It's not always a birth defect. Sometimes its appearance is associated with the use of heavy earrings. This operation is usually performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia.

The photo shows the result of aesthetic otoplasty


There are several types of influence:

  • laser,
  • closed,
  • open.


This is an atraumatic correction using a laser beam. This method of exposure prevents the appearance of various suppurations. This species is practically bloodless, since the vessels heal very quickly. With this tool you can:

  • reduce or increase the size of the auricle,
  • eliminate drooping,
  • restore the relief of the auricles.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia. After it, there are practically no scars, and blood vessels tighten almost instantly. Ears look natural.


To carry out manipulations on the desired tissues, punctures are made on rear surface ear. They are so small that no stitches are needed. The advantages include minimal blood loss, reduced risk of colloidal scar formation, reduced operation time.

After the end of the operation, the auricles are supplemented with tampons and gauze soaked alcohol solution. After that, a fixing bandage is applied.


This technique is considered classic. In the process, the ear is treated with an antiseptic, an incision is made behind the sink and a small area of ​​the dermis is excised.

Then the cartilage tissue is modeled taking into account the characteristics of the defect. Sometimes part of the cartilage is removed. Sometimes when open operation the cartilage is folded and fixed with a special suture.

How is open otoplasty done?



Before the operation, you need to complete medical examination. A urine and blood test is given, a study is carried out for antigens and antibodies, an analysis for syphilis.

It is best to start preparing the body in a few days. For this, vitamins are taken, a diet is observed. For two weeks, the use of drugs that affect blood clotting is stopped. Refrain from drinking and eating approximately 4 hours before the start.

Operation progress

First, the appropriate type of anesthesia is selected. It depends on:

  • patient's age,
  • complexity of the operation
  • the expected duration of the manipulation,
  • the presence of comorbidities.

Treatment options depend on anatomical features and the problem itself. If the classical type of otoplasty is chosen, then the incision is made behind the ear. The cartilage is removed or shaped to give the pinna an aesthetic appearance.

The duration of the manipulation depends on the degree of complexity. On average, it takes from 30 minutes to two hours per patient. The patient stays in the clinic for several hours. An adult can do the usual things the next day. Children are exempted from lessons for a week.

After the work performed, medical napkins and a special bandage are applied. IN ear canal a tampon with special is introduced. It should be changed every three days.

Demonstration key points ear otoplasty:

Rehabilitation and recovery

After the procedure, the doctor prescribes. Usually, patients feel discomfort for no more than a day. remain pronounced for several more days.

During the recovery process, a bandage is worn that fixes the ears in a special position. Patients need to be protected. The stitches are removed after about 7 days.

The full recovery period lasts up to 6 months. Within 5-8 weeks, the patient is recommended to put on a special fixing bandage at night. You can wash your hair only after two weeks.

Ear otoplasty for protruding ears

Danger signs to look out for

After the operation, pay attention to the appearance. Such side effect can be avoided by pre-testing. It may not take more than a day. Up to three days this is considered normal. On the 11th-16th day after plastic surgery, swelling and cyanosis of the ears will remain. All this time, the pain can be replaced by goosebumps or.

Notice if the soreness persists long time or elevated body temperature. Perhaps the inflammation went beyond the ear area.

When is a repeat procedure needed?

You will need to repeat the operation if:

  • result has not been achieved
  • there was a reduction in the effect
  • there is asymmetry of the ears,
  • development has taken place
  • a colloidal scar appeared.

Most often they are re-addressed due to insufficient effect. Asymmetry can occur if the operation was performed on only one ear.

Possible Complications

All complications are divided into two groups: early and late. The former appear immediately, the latter are usually delayed. The early ones include hematoma and infection. The pressure exerted on the ear cartilage by a hematoma can lead to. The infection causes purulent chondritis.

TO late complications include seam failures and aesthetic problems. The first case is not so rare, but the patient may encounter a problem at any stage of the postoperative period. Treatment consists of removing the failed suture. The aesthetic consequences include an incorrect relationship between the organ of hearing and the scalp.

Cartilage changes after otoplasty

What do you need to know?

It is best to carry out otoplasty at the age of 5-8 years. At this time, the cartilage is already formed, but the body recovers very quickly. At the same time, adults can undergo such treatment at any stage.

Despite the presence of contraindications, the advantages of otoplasty include the ability to correct significant ear defects. The operation can take place on one or both ears at once. However, vital medical indications does not exist for this operation.

Subject to medical advice achieved in 99% of cases positive effect. Recommendations include the use of a bandage, refrain from wearing glasses and earrings, do not dry your hair with a hairdryer, and exclude visits to the pool and saunas.

If you decide to undergo otoplasty, then appropriate attention should be paid to compliance with all the rules of the recovery period.

Any self-respecting plastic surgeon will say with confidence that for the first days of the rehabilitation period, the patient will need a special elastic headband after otoplasty. Therefore, it is necessary to buy it in advance, before the operation.

Usage elastic bandage instead of a bandage is not recommended.

The bandage should not put much pressure on the head and be tight, so when buying, you should choose the right size.

  • The bandage is elastic, about 7 cm wide, translucent, mesh, which allows the skin to breathe, fixed with Velcro.
  • Headbands are for children and adults, while outwardly very beautiful.
  • You can buy a bandage at any pharmacy.

The main function of the elastic headband after otoplasty is to protect the ears from mechanical damage and fix new form ear shells. The bandage also fixes cotton swabs soaked in oil solution(mainly petroleum jelly), which prevent infection and favorably promote the healing of sutures.

The elastic bandage is made of fabric material with the use of antibacterial powder. Average duration cartilage fusion lasts about 1-2.5 months. Classes active species sports, it is necessary to postpone for 4-5 months. The bandage must be worn for 7-10 days, a maximum of 14 days, and another month during sleep, so as not to damage the seams.


It is important to keep the bandage free of water. It is recommended to sleep on your back so as not to cause yourself discomfort and not disturb the healing seams. At correct use elastic bandage surgical sutures heal faster and the effect of the operation is enhanced.

Otoplasty is plastic surgery requiring special attention during the rehabilitation period. In case of non-compliance with all recommendations for the post-operative period, the result may be zero.

The need for a bandage after otoplasty

After you have removed the bandage, during the recovery process, you must use the bandage after otoplasty. This should be done 3-4 days after the operation.

It is important to choose a bandage of the correct size in order to prevent strong squeezing of the head and disruption of the circulatory process.

If you feel pain when using a bandage, you should choose a bandage bigger size. The bandage performs a fixing function of the auricles that have undergone surgery.

Also wearing a bandage reduces swelling, and possible bruising.

In most cases, the material of the bandage is treated with a medical solution of silver, which allows you to save the operated site. naturally from pathogenic microflora during the rehabilitation period.

The mesh structure of the bandage after otoplasty allows the skin to breathe, which has a positive effect on the process of suture healing and maintaining normal blood circulation. When removing the bandage, the seams must be smeared with petroleum jelly to prevent infection from entering open wounds.

This is interesting

The bandage looks quite beautiful, outwardly resembling a sports headband, you can even choose the color of the headband - black or beige. The bandage is recommended to be worn around the clock for two weeks, and then put on at night for 2 months in order not to damage the surgical sutures during sleep.

The effect obtained after otoplasty directly depends on the correct wearing of the bandage, which is an integral part of the rehabilitation period. The bandage minimizes the possible discomfort that the patient will experience during the healing process of the sutures.

Usefulness of a compression bandage on the ears after otoplasty

An indispensable part of the recovery process after surgery is the use of a compression bandage, which can be bought at any pharmacy or textile store. Most often, the cost of a compression bandage after otoplasty is already included in the cost of the operation and is issued to the patient directly at the clinic.

For the right rehabilitation process the use of a bandage is necessary. It is important to buy a bandage that fits your size so that it does not squeeze your head and thus does not interfere with the blood circulation of the brain.

Using a compression bandage after otoplasty

The compression bandage, in turn, performs the following functional series:

  • fixation right position auricles throughout the entire recovery process;
  • preventing infection and inflammation open wounds due to infection;
  • reduction of bruising and swelling;
  • protection of the operation site from injuries and mechanical impact.

The compression bandage is made of a special medical material with an antibacterial coating. Breathable material promotes better healing and blood circulation.

The compression bandage is quite elastic, which allows you to adjust the level of compression. Any self-respecting plastic surgeon will insist on using a compression bandage to achieve maximum effect from the operation, since the bandage directly affects the result.

In view of the fact that each person has his own characteristics of the body, the healing process may be different, but the maximum period of wearing a compression bandage is no more than two weeks. If you plan to play sports, then during classes you need to wear a bandage for six months.