Homemade crayfish breeding business for sale - detailed business plan. Crayfish farming business

Breeding crayfish at home can become quite a promising and profitable business in Russian conditions, since today this industry is still free from a large number of competitors. Probably, many of those who have at least once tasted the tender meat of crayfish will prefer to continue eating this delicacy, so constant demand for the product is practically guaranteed.

But where to start, if you have some capital and a great desire to become a breeder of tasty and appetizing arthropods? What types of animals to choose and how to create their habitat? Let us consider step by step the process of organizing business activities aimed at growing crayfish and their subsequent sale.

Pros and cons of raising crayfish at home

Before you rush into all seriousness and run out to buy an aquarium or dig a pond to populate it with expensive claw-wielding residents, it’s worth analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of such a business.

The advantages include the following:

  • Disposability of significant capital investments– they are necessary only at the beginning of the activity, and the amount will depend on the planned scale. Why? Nothing complicated: some breed crayfish at home - in an aquarium, while others breed in artificial reservoirs. Agree, the costs of the first and second differ significantly, which means that the entrepreneur himself is free to decide how much financial resources he is willing to invest in the business. It is quite possible to organize your own.
  • Development prospects– having become accustomed to a new area and having understood all the nuances, you can think about scaling your activities, which will significantly increase profits. It is quite possible to expand in this area, since there are still very few competitors, and distribution channels are not difficult to find.
  • There is no need to maintain a large staff of workers– breeding crayfish at home is usually labor-intensive only at the start, that is, when laying a kind of foundation for a business, including registration legal entity or individual entrepreneur, creating a reservoir, purchasing the first inhabitants, etc. Then, when things are settled, everything will go as if on rails, without causing serious problems.
  • High profit– crayfish meat is considered a delicacy, therefore the prices for these arthropods are impressive in their size, therefore, breeders, when competently organized activities, as a rule, have a large income.

Important: however, not everything is as rosy as it seems at first glance, otherwise every second person would grow crayfish at home. However, there are not too many disadvantages. For example, these include the seasonality of product sales. But this also takes place only if the crayfish are bred in natural environment a habitat. Also, significant financial costs required at the initial stage can be identified as an obstacle that does not allow joining the business. Although, on the other hand, no one forces you to immediately dig ponds and purchase a RAS, and buying an aquarium is a very budget option.

Breeding crayfish at home as a business

Now many aspiring entrepreneurs realize that growing crayfish is very promising in Russia, as well as, since there are negligible competitors, especially compared to other countries. Crayfish have always been found in the reservoirs of our country, and in pre-revolutionary times they were bred in an artificial environment, sending the meat for export throughout Europe. But today the main suppliers providing the world market with delicious arthropods are China, Turkey and Spain... and the flag, as they say, belongs to them, but the only surprising thing is that before there were no crayfish there at all. That is, by initiating a business for breeding crayfish at home, you can dream of covering not only Russia in the future, but also establishing sales channels abroad if things go uphill.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to create your own business aimed at making a profit by selling carefully raised crayfish.

Business registration

Currently, any activity aimed at generating income must be formalized and registered accordingly by law. The creation of a crawfish farm is no exception. Of course, a businessman has the right to independently choose an organizational form - there are two options:

  • OOO– limited liability company;
  • IP- individual entrepreneur.

Advice: how to decide what is right for you? We should probably analyze the differences between an LLC and an individual entrepreneur. The peculiarity of the latter is that in the event of debt formation (and no one is insured against this, and it is worth thinking about the possibility of collapse in advance), the individual entrepreneur is liable for the obligations with all his property - an apartment, a car, and a dacha. LLC risks only assets and authorized capital, minimum size which currently amounts to 10 thousand rubles. LLC also has another advantage - it allows you to attract investors and partners to the business.

Thus, when choosing a legal form, you should pay attention to the planned scale of the business - if you want to become a small fish in the business world, then an individual entrepreneur is quite suitable, and in the case when you see yourself as a future shark -. Although, in fact, with any option, LLC has fewer problems - both in terms of risk and in terms of development prospects.

Important: When registering a business, you need to decide on the taxation system. Here, the optimal solution would be the Unified Agricultural Tax (USAT). The payment amount is calculated using the formula: Tax rate (6%) x Tax base (income reduced by expenses).

This is a very profitable system due to the low tax rate, thanks to which the state supports those who farm. However, there is one limitation - income from agricultural activities must exceed 70%.

Also, when registering your own business for breeding crayfish at home, you need to select the appropriate activity codes according to OKVED and indicate them in the documents. In the case of crayfish breeding, the following are suitable:

  • 01.49.5 – Breeding domestic animals;
  • 46.38 – Wholesale trade of other food products, including fish, crustaceans and molluscs;
  • 47.23 – Retail trade in fish, crustaceans and molluscs in specialized stores.

Determining the method of breeding crayfish

After completing all the bureaucratic procedures, you can legally breed crayfish at home for the purpose of their subsequent sale. But here the question arises - where to store the future product? It all depends on the financial capabilities and plans of the businessman, since there are several options for growing arthropods:


Almost any body of water can be suitable for crayfish, the only exceptions being those that are characterized by significant swampiness or a large amount of silt. Animals will live well in fish ponds if there are no predators among their neighbors. The advantage of this method of growing arthropods is that a pond is a completely stable aquatic system, which means that the process of purification and renewal in it is regulated by nature itself, so you can really save a lot on equipment (filters, aerators, etc.), as well as on food , because in ponds crayfish eat algae and a variety of insect larvae. Of course, additional feeding is necessary, but costs will still decrease. However, the option under consideration also has a significant disadvantage - the growth of crayfish in the natural environment occurs very slowly: they gain marketable weight only in the fifth or sixth year. That is, profits will have to wait a long time. The number of individuals that can be released into a pond is quite small - 6-8 crustaceans per square meter of reservoir.

Important: at low temperatures crayfish become indifferent to food, stop eating and do not gain weight, that is, they plunge into a state of suspended animation. And for Russia, winter cold is a constant component, so when open cultivation animals must be kept in mind that their growth will take a long time.


Undoubtedly, this method of breeding crayfish at home requires huge containers. It is believed that the volume of the aquarium should not be less than at least 250 liters. The “house” for the inhabitants needs to be equipped - pour some soil on the bottom, place stones there, as well as driftwood, which will serve as animal shelter. If you maintain the temperature at optimal level(18-23 degrees), then the crayfish will not hibernate and will grow quickly, especially when creating comfortable conditions in the aquarium - ensuring water filtration and saturation with oxygen. Plus this option is that up to 50 crustaceans are allowed per square meter of “living space”. But there is also a minus - the area is limited, which means that up to industrial volumes is like the moon.

Advice: Crustacean larvae can be grown at home (in an aquarium) until the fingerling stage, and then moved to a pond or a specially equipped pool. To ensure high larval survival, it is very important to constantly monitor water quality and temperature.


If a businessman is the happy owner of his own cottage, then a basement can be allocated for breeding crayfish at home. Agree, it often serves as a storage facility for all sorts of unnecessary rubbish, and few are able to turn it into a source of income. To some extent, this method is a modification of the previous one, the only difference is in the use non-residential premises, although the scale of activity usually increases, because it is easy to place several aquariums in the basement, which, as a rule, are installed on special structures consisting of tiers. A significant advantage of growing crustaceans at home, namely in the basement, is that you do not have to clutter up your apartment or house with large volumes of water tanks.

Advice: Most likely, you will need to insulate the basement, since sometimes in such rooms the temperature drops below 17 degrees, which means that animals can go into hibernation and stop gaining weight. You will also need to take care of lighting. However, there are no special requirements here - two or three standard light bulbs on the ceiling are enough.


RAS (recirculated water supply installations) are special equipment designed for growing crustaceans and fish. The undoubted advantages include the fact that it will take half as much time to gain marketable weight of animals - crayfish in a RAS can grow to the required size in two years (sometimes one), while in the natural environment this will take about five years. The modern market offers entrepreneurs wonderful options equipped with heating, aeration, disinfection and water purification systems. Such installations are often located in basements, garages - any insulated rooms where the temperature does not drop below 10 degrees.

Equipment purchase

The equipment required for a farm will depend on the chosen format of activity - you can try to earn money, limiting yourself to home conditions, or reach an industrial level. If you have serious plans and have the opportunity to make the necessary calculations, then you should try to get it and use this money to purchase equipment. Let's consider what those who prefer to keep up with progress and choose RAS will need. A special closed water supply installation consists of a frame containing several tiers, each of which contains swimming pools. Typically, one container is not occupied by residents, but is left for “equipment.” A sample list looks like this:

  • Circulation pump;
  • Filters;
  • Sterilizer (ultraviolet lamp);
  • A compressor used to aerate water;
  • Heating elements.

Important: If you take a responsible approach to the issue of breeding crayfish at home, then it is best to purchase an oximeter, which can be used to determine how saturated the water is with oxygen. One cannot do without instruments that measure temperature and analyze water composition. Well, you can remember the little things: feeders, electronic scales, lamps, shelters for animals, etc.

Choosing a crayfish variety

After the issue of the crayfish habitat is resolved, you should think about what species of animals should be settled there. Breeding crayfish at home involves the initial acquisition of male and female individuals. Some farmers do not particularly bother with selecting and purchasing future residents of an aquarium or pond, but simply take females from natural ponds and carefully transport them to their new home. But future entrepreneurs should know that there are several types of crayfish, and they all have their own characteristics.

Blue Cuban– it is quite unpretentious, so it is easy to grow at home or in open ponds and pools, but it requires temperatures above 25 degrees and systematic feeding. It is extremely profitable to breed such crayfish, since they grow very quickly - the weight required for sale can be achieved in just 6 months, and the length of the animal’s body ranges from 6 to 12 centimeters (without claws), although sometimes large specimens are also found (about 15 centimeters).

Marble– quite picky: it loves heat and has an excellent appetite, so you will have to feed it abundantly and often. Individuals usually grow large (up to 15 centimeters). Breeding such animals at home usually brings good profits, since their breed is considered elite.

Australian– it is also called “red claw” for the corresponding color of the claws. In the world market it is perceived as a high-quality delicacy, similar in taste to lobster. It is logical that the price of the product will please farmers. Breeding such arthropods at home is not too difficult to organize - they are not picky about food, but love warmth and need a large number of different burrows where they can hide after eating or for sleeping.

European river– in Russia it is most often bred because of its unpretentiousness and ease of cultivation, which can be carried out in open reservoirs. Animals are divided into broad-toed and long-toed.

Development of food supply

Of course, anyone who plans to make money by selling their own home-grown crustaceans understands that they need to be well fed. With what? After all, the entrepreneur’s goal is for them to quickly gain “marketable” weight. In fact, food largely depends on the type of inhabitants of the pond or aquarium, however general principles in the nutrition of crayfish it is still possible to formulate. The food is easy to buy in specialized stores or prepare at home. Typically the diet consists of the following products:

  • Meat and fish, ground into minced meat or cut into pieces;
  • Seaweed;
  • Earthworms, various larvae, snails and plankton;
  • Cereals (corn, barley, wheat, etc.);
  • Vegetables characterized by high content fiber (potatoes, carrots, etc.);
  • Chopped and steamed hay;
  • Oak leaves (they are a natural antiseptic).

For crayfish to eat, it is convenient to use special feeders - lattice cages where food is placed. Their use allows you to slightly delay the moment when water purification becomes necessary.

Important: Of course, most businessmen strive to quickly grow animals to a size that allows them to start selling, but it’s still not worth feeding arthropods - leftover food pollutes the pond, which can lead to additional costs for its purification or to diseases of the inhabitants. A lack of food, as well as an excess, is fraught with problems - if crayfish are constantly hungry, then they will not only stop gaining weight, but will also begin to fight, tearing off each other’s claws and damaging their shells, and this will significantly affect their presentation.

Search for sales channels

One of the main advantages of breeding crayfish at home is the absence of difficulties in finding sales points. Why? Little competition. That is, businessmen will offer the market an almost scarce product that is popular, in demand because of its good taste - and who wouldn’t want to feast on the tender and exotic meat of the animals in question? What if it also comes with beer? This means that demand will not be long in coming, especially if it is possible to carry out wholesale deliveries. Let's look at a sample list of organizations that are most likely to be interested in gourmet products:

  • Fish markets;
  • Restaurants, cafes, sports bars;
  • Saunas and baths;
  • Hotels and holiday homes;
  • Retail Stores.

Advice: In addition to crayfish meat, you can sell their caviar - many say that when salted it tastes just as good as red caviar. Chitin shells are also a valuable commodity - they, ground into powder, are often used in the cosmetology and medical fields due to the content of rare substances that promote tissue regeneration.

Breeding and growing crayfish as a business idea - video


Creating a business for breeding crayfish at home is associated with many questions for those new to this business. Let's answer the most common ones.

Is it profitable to breed crayfish at home?

If an entrepreneur does not plan to acquire a whole RAS complex or a farm consisting of several ponds, then you should not count on a huge and quick income. It will take a long time to wait for profit - in the natural environment, animals gain weight, allowing them to begin selling them, very slowly (several years). IN artificial conditions It’s realistic to grow crustaceans in a year or two. Prices for the product vary significantly depending on the weight of each piece, although sales are usually carried out in kilograms. Approximate wholesale prices can be found in the table:

Cancer size

Weight (in grams)

Price for 1 kg




It is clearly seen that the prices for crayfish are quite high, since they are perceived as an elite product. It is not difficult to find distribution channels, so the entrepreneur will not be left without profit. Significant investments will be required only at the start - the purchase of aquariums or RAS, equipment, etc. Their amount will be affected by the planned scale of activity. The only drawback is the waiting time for income, because you will have to be patient while the animals grow up. That is, to begin with, breeding crayfish at home can be considered as an additional source of income, because the payback will occur only after a few years (depending on the method of breeding arthropods).

How do crayfish reproduce?

Crayfish in nature mate in the fall - in September-October. In the natural environment, the female glues eggs in the tail area and carries them during hibernation. If the reservoir warms up, then such a pause will not occur, which will have a beneficial effect on the growth of the livestock - the breeding cycle will take about two months instead of six months. Usually the clutch consists of 150-500 eggs, but most die quickly. On average, 30-60 larvae survive, which actively increase their mass and very soon begin to get their own food. In artificial and home conditions, farmers will be able to save the lives of almost all small crustaceans (up to 90%), if they are well fed and protected from adults, since the animals in question are characterized by cannibalism - they can eat their own kind. In nature, the survival rate is several times lower - about 20%.

Important: At the beginning of growth, crayfish often molt, that is, they shed their old shell, which becomes simply small. This happens up to six to eight times in the first year. Then the molting process slows down - the shell is renewed two or three times annually. Of course, all crayfish cannot “change clothes” at the same time, so there are always both very small and adult individuals in reservoirs. If the farmer does not want to one day discover that all the babies have been eaten by large animals, then the latter should be placed in other containers in order to avoid sad cases. Molting is a difficult process for crustaceans, as it leaves them completely defenseless. But it’s easy to help in this case - you need to organize as many shelters for them as possible: place stones, driftwood, pipe cuttings and similar things in a pond or aquarium.

Do cancers get sick?

Possible illnesses are the worst thing for anyone who works with animals (whether it’s crustaceans or not, it doesn’t matter). After all, then it is easy to completely lose the livestock raised with difficulty. Crustaceans are not immune to the following types of diseases:

Breeding crayfish at home is a relevant and profitable business, but the first profit will not reach the farmer’s pocket quickly. Of course, basing a business on raising animals is always somewhat risky, since they can suddenly get sick, ruining a lot of effort. But, in the end, any type of entrepreneurial activity is not immune to failure.

Most likely, the game is worth the candle, since now the competition in this area is negligible, which means that the chances of achieving success are very high. The main thing is to take responsible care of the inhabitants of reservoirs or aquariums: feed them well, control the cleanliness, quality and temperature of the water, monitor the reproduction process and create the necessary conditions in the form of a large number of shelters.

Such an unusual business as growing and breeding crayfish at home provides a stable income due to the demand for the product. Large fishing enterprises do not specialize in such a unique business, because the investment will not pay off in the near future. Selling large quantities is not easy, and the products are perishable. The delicacy product is in demand among a very limited circle of people.

For beginning entrepreneurs, it is recommended to buy the first batch of crayfish of a certain breed, the offspring of which will serve as a start for the business. Starting a crayfish farm does not require huge investments, but you need to be patient, because they take a very long time to grow.

Peculiarities of crayfish breeding require the presence of reservoirs or containers with water. It should be taken into account that invertebrates hibernate during cold periods and their growth slows down.

Types of crayfish for breeding

When choosing arthropods, you should consider characteristics breeds and capabilities. It is recommended to purchase only fertilized females. They are sold by live weight, sometimes by the piece. They purchase from cancer farms, individuals and industrial companies.

Formed and full-fledged broodstock can be found from professionals, farmers who breed crayfish long time. To obtain a ton of crayfish, you should purchase about 100 kg of fertilized females. You shouldn't expect profit earlier than in a year.

The best crayfish for breeding at home:

  • European broad-toed;
  • long-toed European;
  • Australian;
  • Cuban blue;
  • marble.

Australian red claw crayfish

Breeding the Australian red claw crayfish is considered to be the most cost-effective and promising today, because adult specimens have multiple advantages:

  • unpretentiousness;
  • fast growth rates;
  • heavy weight.

In their natural environment, they reach a weight of 2 kg in 3-4 years. The investment pays off within 2 years.

The Cuban blue crayfish is bred not because of its outstanding size, but rather because of its exotic color and fast maturing. The arthropod grows in six months and is unpretentious in food.

Mexican dwarf crayfish are bred, rather, for aquarists. The miniature size of arthropods does not allow calculating the profitability of a business; their weight and size are too small.

Breeding marbled crayfish makes the task easier because they are unisexual. And fertilization does not require the presence of both a female and a male. In addition, individuals grow to quite decent sizes after a year.

Lake crayfish is considered the most profitable option for growing. Unpretentious arthropods grow to quite large sizes in a short time, so they are popular all over the world. Lake crayfish fry develop in females within 2 months.

Crayfish breeding technology

The popularity of crayfish farms is gaining momentum due to minimal investment and high demand for products. As a business, it already exists all over the world and is considered quite promising. In Russian realities, it is quite possible to establish a cancer farm on your own.

To reduce investments, novice entrepreneurs catch crayfish in rivers and ponds. This is certainly simpler and cheaper, but it is worth considering that the growth of such individuals may be much less, and the profitability of the business will not be high.

At home, arthropods are bred in natural or artificial ponds, aquariums, swimming pools, and other containers. The industry offers a variety of installation options specifically designed for such businesses. Swimming pools are dug in the territories of private houses, and a shelter is built on top to create comfortable conditions.

Necessary conditions for breeding crayfish:

  • heated room;
  • the presence of several containers;
  • aeration (circulation and water purification);
  • balanced diet;
  • providing the container with oxygen.

Crayfish raised for sale must have a standard weight for the breed and a healthy appearance.

Reference! The survival rate of fry, even in artificial reservoirs, is very low, no more than 20-25%.

The temperature regime is maintained so that the process of reproduction and growth is continuous.

Breeding crayfish in a pond

Breeding crayfish in a pond at the dacha is the most budget-friendly option, especially if the pond is located in close proximity and there is constant access to it. Due to the lack of a natural source of water, ponds are dug on the site. The area of ​​such a reservoir is calculated for the planned population. The arrangement provides for a plumbing system to renew water and a sandy and rocky bottom for nesting crayfish.

Nutrition is the most important and necessary point in organizing a cancer farm. Crayfish eat little and are not picky about food. The basis of the diet of arthropods is a variety of representatives of aquatic fauna. Arthropods eat with pleasure small fish, caviar and fry. Therefore, it is recommended, if there is a natural reservoir, to breed crayfish in a pond with fish.

Breeding crayfish in an aquarium

In an aquarium at home, crayfish are bred in rooms where there is a heating system. The recommended area is at least 80-100 square meters. It is necessary to have electricity supply and working plumbing.

People living outside the city are recommended to place aquariums on their property, right on the street. The containers are dug into the ground at approximately 3/4 of the height. The initial result of the “cancer” business directly depends on the choice of materials and the quality of the aquarium.

Primary requirements:

  • minimum volume – 250 l;;
  • optimal water hardness – 10-12;
  • height of aquariums – no more than 1 m;
  • the widest possible bottom.

Advice! It is preferable to choose plastic aquariums as a material.

First you need to purchase several aquariums for trial testing and determine a suitable breeding method. As the business expands and the number of livestock increases, increase the number of containers as necessary. The water in the aquarium should always be between +17 and +21; special devices and equipment are purchased for this purpose.

Breeding crayfish in RAS

The most advantageous method is the use of closed water supply units (RAS). Main advantages:

  • saving space;
  • saving water;
  • independence from weather conditions;
  • monitoring the vital activity and functioning of the system;
  • simplified waste removal system.

RAS consists of a whole complex of equipment and devices that require considerable financial investments. In the southern regions, equipment is used only for raising juveniles; in the northern regions, crayfish are bred in RAS all year round.


Breeding crayfish in the pool

  • the volume of the future reservoir;
  • installation of water supply for aeration;
  • waterproofing;
  • depth of the pool for breeding crayfish (at least 80-90 cm).

To create a habitat that is familiar and convenient for crayfish, the following is placed in a chaotic manner at the bottom of the pool:

  • broken dishes;
  • plastic pipe cuttings;
  • various containers - jugs, jars, pots;
  • bricks with holes.

Such improvised “burrows” will attract arthropods.

To ensure a stable temperature, the pool should be located indoors. Hangars and sheds are being built from brick, plastic, and wood.

In order to obtain offspring, 2 females and 1 male are placed in one container. After the reproduction process is completed, the male crayfish is placed in the pool for further feeding. As soon as the fry become independent, they will be placed in a pool for further fattening.

In garages where it is planned to place a “crayfish” farm, it is necessary to equip a basement. The walls are disinfected, and in order to save space, shelving for aquariums is installed. Or they build a full-fledged swimming pool with a plumbing system and a temperature regulator. You can purchase a polypropylene pool and dig it in the garage.

There must be at least two containers: for keeping and breeding adults and for young animals. It is imperative to take care of the heating system.

What to feed crayfish

Thanks to their developed sense of smell, crayfish natural conditions They easily find rotten fish and eat it with pleasure. When breeding at home, you should take care of additional nutrition. If possible, add to the diet of young animals:

  • cyclops;
  • Daphnia;
  • larvae;
  • snails;
  • aquatic worms;
  • fish fry.

Reference! Young animals readily eat boiled vegetables and minced meat.

As they grow, their diet becomes more varied. And so that crayfish, prone to cannibalism, do not eat each other, they are given:

  • vegetables;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • bread;
  • cake;
  • frogs.

You can also add fish feed, chalk and proteins, bloodworms and earthworms to the food for breeding crayfish. Be sure to make sure that there is nothing left in the feeders until the next meal.

Crayfish farm

You can create your own crayfish farm even on a small plot and at minimal cost. The main condition is compliance with care standards and recommendations. This type of business is not very popular in Russia, but is quite successful in other countries of the world. This is due to differences in consumer demands. A perishable product must be sold as quickly as possible.

Organizing a farm is possible in almost any conditions. The larger the volumes, the more profitable the production. The business idea is to make a profit with minimal costs. This is especially true for people living in rural areas near ponds or having the opportunity to rent ponds.

Crayfish for sale are raised for at least 1-1.5 years. Sales timing and volumes depend on the breed and conditions. Having received your broodstock, you can already count on a return on your investment in almost a year.

Industrial breeding of crayfish will require considerable investment: you need equipment and premises where several pools or containers can be placed at once. Climate control and water supply system are also important.

Containers for breeding crayfish should be large, and the number of arthropods in them should also be controlled. If the crayfish are crowded, they will also begin to eat each other. This also applies to young animals, which are kept in separate tanks.

At making the right choice breed, the availability of equipment, balanced feed and a stable sales market, crayfish farming can become a successful business.

Crayfish farming is a great start-up that allows... minimum investment earn decent money for the whole family. The business has long been popularized in Turkey and the United States. In our country, crayfish farming as a business is not very developed, but it is worth considering as one of the options for starting your own business.

So, what is needed to breed crayfish:

  • pond or special containers;
  • productive crayfish individuals that can produce offspring;
  • availability of special equipment to create a microclimate;
  • food for crayfish;
  • time.
As in every business, crayfish breeding is a matter that must be approached responsibly; it requires strict compliance with cultivation technologies, regime, and discipline.

Growing crayfish is a large-scale production; it can also be organized in large volumes, and in small ones. Options for withdrawal even at home are being considered. The business is not too expensive in terms of money, but it requires careful use of resources and a scrupulous approach to cultivation, since a slight inattention can result in loss of investment.

Reservoirs for breeding crayfish.

The main place for breeding crayfish are reservoirs. They can be natural or artificial. It should be noted that regardless of whether the reservoir is artificial or natural, it must be insulated, since in severe frosts all crayfish can die. Reservoirs can be built based on financial capabilities:

  • pool;
  • aquarium;
  • pond.


The most favorable option is a pool, which can be covered in winter, which will increase productivity by 2 times, since the crayfish will not hibernate. If you build up to 4 such pools, then from one breeding cycle you can get up to four hundred crayfish. To make a pool for crayfish with your own hands, you need to pave the bottom of the container with large crushed stone and pour clay.


For small production volumes, it is possible to make a regular aquarium for breeding crayfish. But you shouldn’t expect good returns from it, and there will be more problems with creating natural conditions: crayfish need pure water which will have to be cleaned regularly. When raising crayfish in an aquarium, problems with cannibalism may arise: smaller individuals must be kept in a separate container, since they will be eaten by more large crayfish. You need to know that expensive fish and squid cannot be added to aquariums containing crayfish.


The most inexpensive way is to breed crayfish in own ponds. It requires practically no investment, but the financial return will not be as high, since during the cold period of the year the crayfish will hibernate, and accordingly, growth and reproduction will not occur as quickly as in individual reservoirs. Crayfish also grow well in marshy areas. If you have a small pond and an abundance of food around - grass and algae, crayfish can create their own habitat and create income for you without any investment at all, you just need to catch them and find a buyer for the product. It still makes sense to organize industrial breeding of crayfish in closed reservoirs, since it will create guarantees of stability of the microclimate and conditions for reproduction.

How to properly raise crayfish

When drawing up a business plan for breeding crayfish at home, you need to take into account the fact that you can grow the size you sell in a few years. After preparing the breeding container, crayfish are released into it. The water must be purified and of high quality, so it will need to be changed several times a month. To provide an easy way to replace water, it is necessary to provide a drainage and supply system in all containers. Water can be collected from a well or reservoirs with clean water- rec.

The water does not change completely; it is necessary to constantly add about 30% of the tank, which will update the balance of oxygen in the water and ensure necessary balance minerals. It is imperative to read special literature on how to raise crayfish. You must know all the nuances of feeding, growing, and reproduction.

If a business plan is drawn up for breeding crayfish in an aquarium, it is necessary to take into account the actual offspring. If a female can produce up to 200 crustaceans per year, only 15% will remain alive and grow to the required size. Many crustaceans will be eaten by their relatives, who will not disdain the young animals in the absence or insufficient quality of the feeding offered to them. To prevent anything like this from happening, all females must be placed in separate tanks, and as soon as the small crustaceans hatch, she must be removed and the offspring allowed to grow.

Young animals must be fed the same foods as adults. Typically, meat, dead fish, vegetables and bread are used. Of course, there are also special foods for crayfish on the market, but in this case it will be necessary to plan for additional expenses in the business plan for breeding crayfish.

The main thing you need to know is the required composition of the feed:

  • fats;
  • vegetables with a lot of fiber;
  • crude and digestible protein;
  • minced fish and flour;
  • calcium supplements.

Where can I get crayfish?

Growing crayfish as a business involves the constant purchase of female and male specimens. You can immediately purchase only females that will already be carrying eggs. If it is possible to take females from open reservoirs, then you will not have to buy them at all, you will just need to carefully collect them and transfer them to the breeding site.

There are companies that already have an established crayfish breeding business, and they offer individuals for sale.

Depending on the types of crayfish, there are different ways content.

Australian crayfish

It differs from the others in its claws, which are quite fleshy. This crayfish wants to live in a warm environment, so it will be easy to grow at home. It is also necessary to provide a pool in the aquarium and the ability to go to the surface. Crustaceans need to build as many holes as possible, because they need a separate place to eat and a separate place to sleep. After molting, the crayfish will need to hide in a hole, and the deeper it is, the better. Australian crayfish eat fish and algae. They also will not disdain bread or feed.

Blue Cuban crayfish

This crayfish can be grown in open reservoirs, since it is quite unpretentious. The main condition is to ensure a temperature of 26 degrees and constant bait. This cancer grows quickly, reaching the size required for sale in just six months. Breeding such crayfish in an aquarium is possible, but the bottom must be sandy and covered with hard plants. It is also necessary to provide good filtration and create many burrows.

Marble crayfish

This species is as fastidious as the Australian one. He needs to create 20-28 degrees, he must be fed constantly and plentifully. This cancer is quite large - it grows up to 15 cm in length. The elite breed is more expensive and profitable.

Far Eastern and European crayfish are bred in Russia; it is better to breed the latter type at home. They have their own 2 subspecies - broad-fingered and long-fingered crayfish. The first is more valuable due to the presence of a high-quality abdomen. This type can be bred in open areas throughout Russia. This species is not picky, it feels good in cold water with temperatures above 4 degrees, and in warm water - up to 28 degrees he will be comfortable.

Feeding crayfish

Under natural conditions, crayfish feed on everything they find at the bottom of the reservoir. These can be fish remains, algae, insects, worms, small crustaceans and generally all organic debris. Since all crayfish are cannibals, it is necessary to ensure constant and proper feeding. Food must be thrown into the container where the crayfish are grown once for several days. The presence of algae will provide the diet essential minerals and elements, it is especially important that there is enough calcium in the food, since it is the main substance for the formation of the shell of crustaceans. The food is thrown into the feeding cages. It is desirable that the size be approximately 40 by 40 cm. If the water warms up above 7 degrees Celsius, it is necessary to add meat and earthworms to the food, in addition to vegetables. Too much food is also bad. If the water starts to bloom after being overfilled with food residues, it will be necessary to clean it. If the situation is not very critical, you need to add earthworms to the water; they can correct the situation.

Homemade food recipes for crayfish or shrimp

Food recipe No. 1. To formulate the food you will need the following components: frozen spinach, peas, chard, carrots, dried nettles and sea almond leaves, soy flour from the store healthy eating, trout feed (or granules for aquarium fish), dried amaranth, calcium carbonate, chlorella and spirulina powders. All this should be crushed in a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then the slurry is put into ordinary ice trays and placed in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. Before feeding, break off the required amount of food, single dose which depends on the number of crayfish or shrimp. But you shouldn’t prepare dry mixtures: due to contact with atmospheric oxygen, the nutritional value of such a mixture will steadily decrease over time.

Food recipe No. 2. Spinach leaves, carrot and cucumber rings, slightly poached in the microwave - this is a real delicacy for all decorative decapods. It can be used in daylight to lure even the most timid crayfish or shrimp out of their hiding places.

Food recipe No. 3. Spinach leaves, carrot, pumpkin and cucumber rings slightly poached in the microwave or scalded with boiling water, crushed fresh corn and green peas, boiled rice, oak, Jerusalem artichoke, almond leaves, banana pulp, dry vermicelli, calcified cottage cheese, bloodworms. For 0.5 liters of milk - 1 ampoule (10 ml) of calcium chloride - heat until curdled, let stand for 6-10 minutes, express through a couple of layers of gauze. The resulting mass can be frozen by spreading it thinly over polyethylene or foil. Suitable for both invertebrates and many fish.

Catching crayfish

As a rule, crayfish are introduced into growing containers in early spring. In mid-summer, you can observe that females are carrying eggs. After the young animals grow up and shed their shells a second time, they must be caught and moved to other tanks so that they do not freeze. New house for small crustaceans it should be warm. If you wait 2 years, the young animals will gain sufficient size and the income will be significantly higher. One-year-old crayfish should be caught and transplanted into special reservoirs in which they can increase their mass. The required weight of the crayfish, which is up to 500 g, is gained in approximately 2-3 years. By this age, the cancer grows up to 10 cm in length - this is a commercial product that is subject to further sale.

How to remove crayfish correctly

Catching crayfish in ponds is done with special nets, fishing rods or crayfish.

They are usually caught until the end of autumn. The easiest time to catch crayfish is in the summer when the nights are warmer. The fastest way to catch crayfish is to drain the water, but you should only resort to it when the young are completely removed. Otherwise, he may die.

Difficulties of crayfish breeding

The most difficult thing you will have to face when breeding crayfish is monitoring the quality of the environment - water. Firstly, it must be saturated with oxygen. As mentioned above, for a sufficient amount of oxygen, it is necessary to fill in 30% water, this will saturate 1 liter with up to 5-6 mg of oxygen. Hydrogen needs 7-9 mg per 1 liter of water. Special devices make it possible to digitally measure the amount of these elements. The presence of minerals is no less important. There are also indicators that show how much calcium and silicon there are in the water. If these substances are not enough, the cancer shell will not harden. The main source of calcium is algae, which must be constantly added, since they are food for crayfish and will decrease as they eat. On the surface of the pond, it is necessary to ensure a water replacement rate of 50 liters per minute per 1 thousand m. sq.

If the reservoir is dirty, you risk losing all the individuals, since in such conditions they develop very quickly. various bacteria leading to cancer diseases. The most terrible of them are: plague, porcelain and rust disease. Firstly, they can be easily diagnosed, since the appearance of the shell will be changed, and secondly, this will affect the fertility of individuals. Diagnosis must be made by a veterinarian. To avoid infection of new crayfish, they must be transplanted into a quarantine tank after catching.

Now, let's calculate the profitability and payback of crayfish farming.

Now that you have read such a volume of information about growing crayfish, let’s try to take a closer look at our business and calculate the revenue and, most importantly, the profit of this business. Let's try to take the matter seriously, since we plan to raise our crayfish in a RAS. RAS – closed water supply installations. Our RAS is a module in the form of 6 containers, their total volume is 1.5 m3. The dimensions of each container are 1.5 * 0.75, the height of the sides is 0.25 m, the bottom is 0.35 m. Electricity consumption is 81 W/hour.

By the way, lobsters can be grown in a RAS. To keep 100 kg of lobster, a volume of water in the RAS of 250 liters is sufficient. at a temperature of 5-10 degrees with a water circulation of 1000 l/hour.

The RAS is equipped with: a circulation pump, a UV lamp, a compressor with a battery, a water heater and instructions for assembly and operation. The cost of such an installation is 60,000 rubles. Delivery is not included in the price. You can do this installation yourself; many crayfish farmers do this. Below we will calculate how many of these installations we need to purchase and how much space will be needed.

Initial data

The Australian red claw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus or Red Claw crayfish) or ACCR, is a species of freshwater crayfish native to the rivers of north-west Queensland and the Northern Territory of Australia.

We plan to produce 5000 kilograms of ACCR per year or 417 kilograms per month. The growing period for crayfish for sale is 9 months, average weight is 80 grams. Then it turns out that for us to have the declared volume, we should have 5212 babies born per month. Let’s assume a mortality rate of 20% and get 6,255 cancers per month. The stages of caviar development are determined by its color:

Stage 1 - light cream 1-3 days at 28°C
Stage 2 - dark brown 12-14 days
Stage 3 - appearance of eye spots - 20-23 days
Stage 4 - orange-red - 28-35 days
5th stage - gathering of crustaceans - 35-40 days

Organizational plan for a crayfish breeding enterprise:

1. Search for premises

2. Conclusion of a lease agreement

3. Conclusion of a contract for equipment

4. Room renovation

5. Equipment installation

6. Water preparation

7. Buying crayfish and throwing them into the water

8. The beginning of mating crayfish

9. The appearance of the first offspring and their growth

10. Start of selling crayfish

Now let's calculate how many females and males of crayfish we need to receive this amount of crayfish per month. The female gives birth to offspring once every ninety days, the average number of crustaceans is 200 pieces, or 800 crustaceans per year. Then it turns out that 6255 crayfish are born per month; we need 375 female crayfish for our business. Just in case, add another 20% - we get 450 pieces. For every three females there is one male or 150 male crayfish.

Thus, the number of crayfish can be about 6255 * 9 + 450 + 150 = 56895 pieces.

The planting density of “family crayfish” will be 20 pieces per 1 m2, the total density, taking into account young animals, is 50 pieces per 1 m2. Then we will need 56895/50 = 1140 m2 of bottom area in the RAS. The area of ​​one of our RAS is 1.5*0.75*6=6.75 m2. It turns out that we need 169 installations. total cost 169 RAS will cost 10,140,000 rubles, including delivery and installation of 10.5 million rubles. Other equipment – ​​500 thousand rubles.

The total investment is presented in the table below.

Purchase of equipment

Working capital

Room renovation

Buying crayfish

Organizational expenses

Total expenses

The area of ​​the tanks is 1141 m2, adding 25% for passages and additional areas for production, we get the required production area equal to 1426 m2.

Rent cost warm room in the suburbs will be 50 rubles/m2, excluding utility costs for electricity and water. The cost of repairs is 2 million rubles.

Business revenue for the planning period of 2 years amounted to:

Proceeds from the sale of crayfish

Total revenue

Fixed and variable costs for the same period are:

Fixed expenses


Payroll taxes



Accountant services

Variable expenses

Food for crayfish

Communal expenses


Insurance individual entrepreneurs

Other variable expenses

Total costs

According to our calculations, it turned out that to open a business and keep it afloat for the first and partly the second year, you will need 14,539 thousand rubles. The simple payback period for this business is about 11.5 years.

It's up to you to raise crayfish or not. Business is not easy, don’t believe anyone who says that in two years you will earn millions. To the madness of the brave...

Breeding crayfish is a profitable and interesting business. Just like in the case of, this does not require huge expenses, but can bring you good profits. The only drawback of such a business is its seasonality. By breeding crayfish you can win financially only from May to October. But despite this, breeding crayfish at home has been and remains a popular way of earning money.

Determining market demand and distribution options

Just like any other type of business, crayfish farming should begin with an analysis of market demand. To understand whether your product will be popular, you can go this way: find out from catering establishments (cafes, restaurants), supermarkets, etc. whether they would be willing to purchase goods from you for subsequent sale. If in most cases your offer is received with a bang, then you don’t have to worry about having nowhere to put the goods.

You can try another option: selling crayfish through your friends and acquaintances. Everyone knows the power of word of mouth, when some people tell others about a product, and they, in turn, tell others about it, and so on. However, such a mechanism will only work if your product is of truly high quality and the pricing policy is acceptable for most people.

How to breed crayfish

Breeding crayfish is a simple process, although it does require some effort, both mental and financial. You may meet a large number of opinions on how to do this correctly and more rationally. If you yourself have not previously encountered raising crayfish (or any other creatures), then try to use only verified information to organize your activities in order to reduce the likelihood of wasting time and money. If you have plenty of time and money, then you can go through trial and error - no one has canceled that either.

You need to buy the first crayfish for breeding, and not catch them in the nearest river (such crayfish will most likely grow very slowly and will not bring you the desired profit). Buy adult specimens and raise the young ones yourself. To get good offspring, take twice as many females as males.

What should a body of water be like?

For home breeding crayfish need an aquatic environment, where, in fact, this will happen. Both natural and artificial reservoirs are suitable. Crayfish feel the need to dig holes for themselves, so they will feel best in reservoirs with clay or sandy soils; the presence of silt will also be beneficial. In such a reservoir, crayfish will be able to create the most comfortable living conditions for themselves. Pay special attention to the temperature of the water in the pond.

In order for crayfish to feel great, grow and reproduce, it is necessary to constantly maintain the temperature at 18°C. If the temperature is below this mark, the crayfish will most likely hibernate and, therefore, will not produce any offspring.

The optimal depth of the reservoir is from 1 to 3 meters, and the area is from 30 to 60 square meters. Do not forget that the water in reservoirs must be updated regularly. It is best to do this every 2-3 weeks, however, replace no more than 30% of the water at a time, otherwise the microclimate of the reservoir will be disrupted.

Breeding crayfish in an aquarium

If you are aiming for an option even more home business, then think about breeding crayfish in an aquarium. This is quite real, and has its pros and cons. If you install special cleaning filters in an aquarium with crayfish, you will save yourself from the need to constantly change the water in the aquarium. Maintaining the desired temperature in an aquarium is also much easier than in artificial reservoirs, and catching crayfish is also easier. In addition, crayfish living in an aquarium grow 3 times faster than those living in a pond. Therefore, you will be able to sell your finished product faster.

The only significant disadvantage of raising crayfish in an aquarium is the limited space. You will not be able to install many aquariums within one medium-sized apartment, and you will also have to spend more money on paying for electricity to heat the aquarium. However, according to reviews from people who breed crayfish in a home aquarium, we can say that the income will easily cover all expenses if you take care in advance about where and to whom you will sell the goods.

Crayfish Care

When all the preparatory work has already been done, you can purchase crayfish and send them to the reservoir. It is necessary to purchase both females and males. To calculate the required number of individuals for the first purchase, keep in mind that each female crayfish can lay about a hundred eggs. The purchase of individuals will not be the only one - this will need to be carried out periodically for at least five years. Only after this period can you get a herd that is capable of self-reproduction.

From time to time it is necessary to isolate certain groups of individuals from each other. In order for crayfish to develop and grow normally, it is sometimes necessary to separate the older and younger “generations” from each other. Also, every spring, females should be caught and moved to a separate pond. This is necessary so that you do not lose a significant part of the individuals, since crayfish can eat each other. Females will develop best in water with a temperature of about 22°C, although it is not scary if it is a little lower. At proper care in two years, crayfish can grow 10-12 centimeters in length and weigh about 50-60 grams.

Feeding the crayfish

Crayfish are omnivorous creatures. They can feed on fish remains and various aquatic plants. However, it is important to provide additional feeding, and to do this at regular intervals. Boiled meat, fish, vegetables, algae, worms, larvae, and zooplankton are well suited for feeding. There are also special feeds for crayfish.

However, be careful not to overfeed the crayfish: they tolerate an excess of food eaten much more difficult than a lack of it.

Reproduction and moulting

Mating in crayfish occurs in early autumn. As mentioned above, it is necessary that for each male there are two females. This is due to the fact that a male can only fertilize two females in a row. If after two matings he sees a third female, then there is a high probability that he will try to eat her. The eggs of females are initially under the shell and cannot be seen. But when it moves under the tail (usually this happens towards the end of spring), you can easily see it. When the larvae emerge from the eggs, the females keep them under their tail for some time, thus protecting them from possible dangers. On average, the number of offspring per female reaches about 20 individuals per year, and in home breeding conditions there can be up to 60.

When the shell becomes too tight for the growing crayfish, they shed it. This process is called molting. Young crayfish molt about eight times during their first year of existence. In the second year, crayfish survive no more than five molts, in the third - about three or four.

Equipment for breeding crayfish

If you decide to create your own small crab-breeding farm, then for greater efficiency you should supplement the pond with special equipment. Crayfish are creatures that are quite picky about their living conditions, and therefore the better environment you create for them, the more they will repay you with magnificent growth. To complete the pond you will need:

  1. Equipment for thermal insulation. They can be used in greenhouses, both special industrial and ordinary ones. Greenhouses are necessary to maintain the optimal water temperature for crayfish in a pond.
  2. Frame. To hold water in the pond, a frame is needed, and it is best made from polypropylene.
  3. Air compressor. This equipment is necessary so that the water in the reservoir does not stagnate, and the crayfish can continue to grow actively.
  4. Oxidizer. In winter, crayfish may lack oxygen, but an oxidizer installed at the bottom of the reservoir will saturate it with oxygen. It is best to place the oxidizer in a pond late autumn, without waiting until the pond is already covered with a layer of ice.
  5. Filtration system. Even if you change the water on time, there will still be food debris and waste products of various insects and the crayfish themselves at the bottom of the reservoir. If all this is not removed, the health of the crayfish can deteriorate significantly, which means their growth will slow down.

If we talk about breeding crayfish in an aquarium, then special filtration systems, heaters and compressors are also needed.

How to breed crayfish video

And finally, we offer you several videos in which you can clearly see what it means to breed crayfish in a RAS, and also learn useful information about the reproduction of crayfish.

Many of those who have tried crayfish meat at least once became real fans of its delicate taste. Crayfish meat is popular and not cheap; demand for it is observed all year round. Therefore, the idea of ​​​​breeding crayfish for business deserves close attention. In Russia, the cultivation of crayfish on an industrial scale is practically undeveloped, and the demand for their meat remains invariably high. Before the revolution in Russia, crayfish were grown under artificial conditions, and crayfish meat was imported into many countries at that time. European countries. Today, the main suppliers of crayfish to the world market are China, Spain and Turkey, where they are not found at all.

Almost any reservoir with fresh water, except those that are swampy or silted. Fish ponds are also suitable, but populated with non-predatory crucian carps, carps, etc. Breeding crayfish in ponds as a business is made difficult by the harsh conditions of the Russian winter. When the temperature environment becomes lower than optimal for the life of crayfish, they go into suspended animation (hibernation), stop eating and do not gain weight at all. If the pond freezes to the bottom, the crayfish will die.

Under natural conditions, crayfish grow slowly, gaining marketable weight and length (40–50 g, 9–10 cm in length) by approximately the fifth year of life. That is, another disadvantage of this method of growing crayfish is that profits are made in the sixth year of the business’s existence. In natural ponds, the population density of crayfish is low: 8 animals per square meter. But there is practically no initial investment in such a business. Breeding and growing crayfish in a pond has a number of advantages; the pond is a sustainable aquatic system that itself is cleaned and renewed. And you can save significantly on aerators and filters, as well as on food, since crayfish feed on natural plankton, algae and the larvae of various insects.

Business of breeding crayfish in aquariums

Breeding crayfish at home is possible, but technically difficult. You will need a frameless aquarium with a volume of 250 liters or more. Soil is poured onto the bottom of the aquarium, and driftwood and stones are also placed to cover the crayfish. This method of cultivation allows you to prevent them from hibernating with constant optimal temperature, as well as intensive aeration and water filtration. Under such conditions, the stocking density of crayfish is increased to 350 animals per square meter and ensures rapid weight gain.

The only drawback of such breeding is the limited area; large industrial volumes cannot be achieved. But they proceed as follows: crayfish larvae are raised in an aquarium until they become so-called fingerlings, and then they are released into the RAS pool or simply into the pond. The quality of water in the aquarium should be strictly controlled so that the larvae do not die, and also so that they develop faster.

Growing crayfish in the basement

Basements are used to store unnecessary things, but it is wiser to try to get additional income from the use of this space, which is not used for housing. Growing crayfish in the basement will not require additional insulation: for these animals it is enough when the temperature does not drop below +7 degrees, and in the summer they stay within 17–20 degrees. To illuminate the basement, you only need one 200 W bulb in the middle of the ceiling. In the basement, install multi-tiered shelving to house aquariums.

Breeding crayfish at home

For those who are not strapped for money and are planning to make crayfish as a business generate significant income, we advise you to organize a farm for breeding on an industrial scale.

Where to buy crayfish

It is not often possible to purchase crayfish larvae, so you will have to purchase adult animals and raise the young ones yourself. You can buy crayfish at any place where they are sold. For every two females there is one male. The mating season for crayfish begins in the fall, and at the end of spring, females differ from males by the presence of eggs under the tail. Depending on the size of the animals, a kilogram of live crayfish costs from 300 to 500 rubles, but you can avoid these costs by catching animals yourself in the nearest pond.

What do they eat

Crayfish are herbivorous animals, but in natural conditions they do not disdain a variety of organic remains and carrion. Insect larvae and small ones also serve as food. When artificially bred, the diet of crayfish is made up of steamed crushed grain, boiled potatoes and grated carrots, and the source of protein is fish and meat. Daily norm food – 2% of weight.

How do they reproduce?

Crayfish mate between September and October. Males fertilize two females in a row, and when they come across a third, they eat her. This determines the recommended ratio of females and males in the reservoir. First, the eggs are placed under the female's shell, and later she lays them, and the eggs are attached under the tail to the shell and abdominal legs. For proper development The embryos are constantly cleaned and washed with water. The larvae hatch from the eggs after two months. For another three weeks, the female shelters them under her tail from all possible dangers, until the moment when they turn into independent crustaceans. In natural habitats, each female on average raises 12 young crustaceans. At home, the number of offspring from one female is increased to 60 crustaceans per year.


In the first year of life, young crayfish molt eight times, in the second year the number decreases to four to five, and in the third to three to four times. Adult crayfish molt 1–2 times a year. During this period, the cancer sheds its old shell, which becomes tight, and at the same time the animal grows. The molting period in the life of a crayfish is important; at this time it becomes vulnerable and represents easy prey for both birds of prey and fish.

Important points about growing crayfish

  • Temperature. 17–20 degrees are considered optimal for adult crayfish. For rapid development of larvae, approximately 23 degrees is required. When it is lower, crayfish eat poorly and grow worse, and in winter they go into suspended animation (hibernation);
  • Aeration. Young crayfish are sensitive to the quality of water and the oxygen content in it. When growing in a country pond, gas exchange occurs in a natural way, since the surface area of ​​the pond in relation to the depth is large. Pools and aquariums require forced aeration;

For the full functioning of a crayfish farm, it is necessary to properly equip and select a place for them. Options for arranging successful crayfish breeding on a farm:

  • Aquariums. Aquariums are used that are equipped with a filtration system, heaters for incubating eggs and compressors. When water quality is constantly monitored, the loss of larvae is minimal and they develop quickly;
  • Swimming pools. From the incubation aquarium, young crayfish that have become independent are transplanted into one pool, and adolescents into another (or several). As they mature, young crayfish are sorted into different tanks, where they grow to the fingerling stage, and then they are released into special indoor ponds;
  • Ponds. Two or more of these are made for breeding crayfish. Area 25 sq. m, and a depth of 2 m. For gas exchange, it is recommended to arrange elongated ponds. When it is possible to dig a number of ponds on a farm, it is recommended that two or three of them be covered. Plus, when the water in the ponds is running, it’s good to have a river nearby. If there isn’t one, drill water wells. Shelters are needed at the bottom of ponds: stones, fragments of ceramic or plastic pipes, driftwood, etc. In indoor ponds, intensive cultivation of fingerling crayfish is carried out. Use one of them as a “mother cell” - permanent residence of the broodstock. Crayfish are grown in open ponds naturally. Division is necessary to expand the range so that crayfish of different weights and sizes are obtained; they will also differ in price.


With a constant shortage of crayfish, persistent demand and low competition, one of the main advantages of this business is the absence of problems with the place of sale. The sale of crayfish is negotiated with bars, cafes and restaurants; in many cases, we immediately talk about wholesale supplies. They offer live crayfish to relatives, neighbors, friends, acquaintances, etc. Few people know that salted crayfish caviar is almost as good in nutrition and taste as red caviar. And the chitinous shell of animals is a valuable raw material for various types production.

Business plan for crayfish farming

A business plan for a crayfish farm looks something like this:

When the farm has a pond of 25 square meters. m of natural origin, it is optimal to place 200 young-of-the-year crayfish with a total weight of 30 kg. Feed consumption for this number of animals is 600 g. per day. After a year and a half, each crayfish weighs twice as much, during which time the cost of food will reach four thousand rubles. Please note that crayfish reach marketable weight in 2–3 years (in an equipped farm) or 4–5 years (in natural conditions). On the market, a kilogram of crayfish costs 450–500 rubles; in a year and a half you will get 26 thousand net profit. This figure may seem small, but taking into account the fact that the proposed business does not require start-up capital investments, the profit is tangible. Children or old people can handle the work on a crayfish farm. Tangible profits from the crayfish breeding business appear in the sixth to eighth year of existence, and increase in subsequent years. Long-term income generation is a disadvantage of this business.


Register as an individual entrepreneur. Many farmers recommend completing the paperwork immediately after receiving the first catches and accessing the opportunity to sell and make a profit. This will allow you to get rid of such problems: over such a long period of time, legislation changes, you will not have to deal with reporting during the initial breeding of the population.

The registration and registration of a business differs from any other farm will not be. The only thing that is required to sell the product is the presence of documents on the sanitary inspection of the farm, as well as a veterinary certificate, which confirms the safety of crayfish for consumption. In practice, obtaining such documentation does not require large expenditures both in terms of finances and time, taking into account the fact that in this activity a month of waiting is not critical for further development business. All that is required is to allow employees of the sanitary and epidemiological station to enter the farm territory, ensure water intake and examination, and also provide animals for veterinary control for inspection.