What does the name Olga mean? Olga and Sergey. Favorable and unfavorable days named after Olga

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Olga- holy (Old Norse).
Female form male name Oleg.
In terms of prevalence, the name Olga is second only to Elena and Natalya; it is equally common in the city and in the countryside.
Zodiac name: Cancer.
Planet: Moon.
Name color: yellow.
Talisman stone: amber.
Auspicious plant: ash, buttercup.
Patron name: leopard.
Happy day: Monday.
Happy time of year: summer.
Diminutive forms: Olya, Lelya, Olyunya, Lyunya, Olyusha, Lyusha, Olenya, Lena.
Main features: will, determination, efficiency.


Olga (baptized Elena), Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess of Russia, July 24 (11). The Church glorifies Princess Olga as Equal to the Apostles: it was she who, having received Baptism in Constantinople in adulthood (at which time she was given the name Elena), began to erect Christian churches in Rus' and prepare the conversion of the Russian people to Orthodoxy. She died in 969. The work begun by Saint Olga was completed by her grandson, Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir in 988, at the Baptism of Rus'.


On Holguin's day they tell fortunes by the thunder: if it is dull, the rain will fall quietly, if the thunder is booming, it will rain.


Serious, touchy, thoughtful girl. Vulnerable, she can suddenly withdraw, and after some harmless remark tears appear in her eyes. At the same time, she is stubborn: even in cases where she is undoubtedly guilty, she will never ask for forgiveness. She is equally friendly with both boys and girls, and always finds something to talk about with both. She is capable, but studies without much desire, within the limits of what the school curriculum requires. She keeps a low profile, never commits daring acts, she doesn’t get into trouble at school, but she can sometimes be rude to her loved ones.

For all her pleasant appearance, Olga has a rather tough character. She always knows what she wants, and nothing and no one can be an obstacle to her. She is smiling, sociable, will always support the company, but will not relax so much as to forget where the boss is and where the subordinate is. She has a rather difficult, domineering character, but even in anger she does not lose control of herself. She takes failures calmly, overcoming any obstacles with endurance and patience. You can add Olga's ability to work hard, a heightened sense of responsibility - all leads to significant success in her career, including in leadership positions. The latter is important for Olga in most cases. A doctor, political or public figure, head of an enterprise is Olga’s field of activity. In extreme cases, she can be a store manager, a manager, or work in the service sector.

Olga has a cold, calculating mind, adheres to strict moral standards, forgives nothing and will always be able to remind you of old offenses.

Olga has a negative attitude towards weakness, sentimentality, and violent expression of feelings, but if she likes someone, she does not keep it a secret. Most often, Olga gets married quite early and devotes her whole life to her husband, firmly believing that her chosen one is the smartest and best. If she suddenly has a rival, then Olga will not easily part with what she has in her hands. She is a fighter with a strong character, and her loyalty deserves the highest respect.

As always, the name P.A. very accurately characterizes it. Florensky: “Olgas usually have significant facial features and a figure, and, rather, beautiful, but not subtle; a strength that is almost not feminine breathes in them... Her mind is also strong, above average, and, moreover, not formal, and not abstract, but very flexible in adapting to circumstances and finding the most Right way to achieve what you want."


Olga (c. 890-969) - Russian princess, wife of Igor Rurikovich, Grand Duke of Kyiv and All Rus'.

She was born in a village near Pskov. The young prince Igor came there to hunt and accidentally saw this young beauty, immediately distinguished her intelligence and modesty, and married her. She bore him a son, Svyatoslav, the future Grand Duke.

In the future, the image of Olga is, as it were, woven from the lace of folk legends, intertwined with the historical truth about the ruler and defender of the Russian land.

From the opening pages of The Tale of Bygone Years, the chronicler Nestor glorifies the appearance and deeds of the princess, her beauty, “wisdom and intelligence.”

Soon left a widow, she, during Svyatoslav’s childhood, became the ruler of the state. In 943, she personally led an army against the Drevlyans, who killed Prince Igor, forced them to flee the battlefield and recognize themselves as submissive to Kyiv in 946. As the highest fair court, the chronicle glorifies Olga’s cruel and cunning revenge in 945. Having ordered the Drevlyans to collect and send pigeons in baskets from each yard, tying a lit rod to them, she released the birds. They each flew to their own home, and the Drevlyan city of Iskorosten burned to the ground.

For many years Olga bore the difficult burden of being the mistress of Rus'. She introduced new statutes, strengthened cities, updated roads, and installed her governors in the villages, collecting reasonable taxes from subject tribes.

Olga traveled around the Novgorod lands, forced the Novgorodians to remember that they had a Grand Duke, whom they, due to their distance from Kyiv, began to forget. Along the Luga and Meta rivers, Olga established new volosts, resuming tax collection.

In 947, upon approval of the internal order in the state, Olga withdrew from the government, which she handed over to the young Svyatoslav.

The chronicle considers the princess's trip to the Greek land - Byzantium, where she received baptism from the hands of the Byzantine patriarch with the name Helen, becoming the first Christian ruler. She received the ambassadors of Constantine, the Byzantine emperor, in Kyiv, experienced the disaster of the siege of Kyiv by the Pechenegs in the absence of Svyatoslav, but got rid of the enemies by military cunning, sending the boy in the dress that the Pechenegs wore with a bridle in his hand. He passed through the Pechenezh camp, allegedly looking for his horse, reached the bank of the Dnieper and brought the army that was on the opposite bank. As historian N.M. wrote Karamzin, “The great princes fought before the time of the Olgins - she ruled the state... knew how to maintain silence and peace in the country. Tradition called Olga cunning, the church Holy, history Wise.”

The owners of this beautiful name always go their own way and pave the way for others. Let's try to figure out what secret Olga keeps inside herself.

The name is Old Russian, similar to the male name Oleg. But initially it was a derivative of the Old Norse name Helga. From Scandinavian it is translated as “holy”, “bright”, “sacred”, “clear”.

Diminutive forms: Olya, Olechka, Olyunya, Olchik, Lelya, Olyushka, Olka, Olenka, Olyusya. Angel Day only once a year - July 24 (July 11, old style).

General characteristics of the name Olga

Little Olya is very diligent and does well at school. Behaves diligently in class, grasps new information on the fly, gains good grades, but at the same time does not show any special desire for learning. little Olya - a broad outlook, a sharp mind and a strong intellect. From early childhood, the girl shows stubbornness and seriousness, characteristic of adults. Finding herself in an unfamiliar company, she demonstrates not the best character traits - isolation and touchiness. Olya does not have a very developed imagination, which gives her thoughts a certain mundaneness.

When she matures a little, she becomes more emotional or, conversely, restrained and balanced. The second option is more common, since the meaning of the name Olga gave her such a character trait as self-criticism. Girls with this name have a good mind and are well aware of their shortcomings. To compensate, they very often perform kind and noble deeds.

A sense of humor and easy-going character help Olga achieve her goals. But at the same time, there is “white” envy of the successes of their friends, which forces them to rethink their priorities. She has large reserves of energy, which gives her the strength to go to the bitter end. Olga is an energetic, active and easy-going person, sometimes her actions are unpredictable.

She is not content with little if she knows that she can get more - this is where her maximalism is manifested. The paradox is that girls with this name easily combine responsibility and seriousness with a mischievous character, gentleness with determination. These traits are especially evident in adolescence.

If we talk about the meaning of the name Olga in adulthood, then it is generosity and friendliness. Women with this name are easy to communicate, sincere, and responsive. Olga shows leadership qualities and becomes an example for others.

These include touchiness and commercialism. In addition, Olga is a very suspicious person. Women with this name can rarely be called romantic. Olga is very vulnerable emotionally, she needs to approach life easier and calmer, and not take minor troubles to heart.

The meaning of the name Olga also leaves its mark on relationships with men. She attracts the opposite sex due to her combination of courage and strength, simplicity and originality. Olga takes a very long time to choose a companion, relying more than on reason. If Olya loves, she will never betray her man. She is a good housewife loving wife and mother.

Olga is a popular name that suits a calm, thoughtful girl. The character of the representative of the name is complex; her loved ones cannot always understand her. She is vulnerable, hardworking and self-critical. Olga's future depends on what goals she sets for herself. It is important to find the right path in life. Olga strives for a strong marriage with a reliable and faithful man. His support will become her support and protection.

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      Origin and characteristics of the name

      The meaning of the name is controversial, since there is no single version about its origin. There are two theories. According to the first, the name Olga is of Scandinavian origin. It comes from the name Helga, which means “holy.” The male equivalent of the name is Oleg.

      There is an alternative version, according to which the name was formed from the ancient Slavic names Volkh and Volga. The word “Volgo” means “sunny”, “great”. From it the female name Olga was formed, which became widespread not only in Russia, but also abroad.

      • The patroness of the name is the famous ruler Ancient Rus' Duchess Olga.

        Olga went down in history thanks to her reforms to systematize the collection of tribute and deep religiosity. At a conscious age, she converted to Christianity and was a devout woman. Olga's character reflected the traits inherent in the owners of this name.

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        Talisman stone

        Each name has its own talisman. It protects a person throughout his life. For Olya, the talisman is an amber pebble. Our ancestors also used it as a talisman against evil forces.

        You can wear it as a pendant or buy a bracelet or ring with amber. You should always carry it with you: it is believed that the stone brings happiness.

        Olga's character traits

        The secret of the name lies in its spelling. By the letters of the name you can understand the meaning of the name and create a brief portrait of its owner:

        • O - determination;
        • L - need for love;
        • b - softness, vulnerability;
        • G - sacrifice;
        • A - hard work.

        Since childhood, Olga has been thoughtful and prone to reflection. The girl is very serious, adults don’t often see a smile on her face. Parents should know that she is vulnerable, she is easy to hurt and offend. She does not hide her emotions; she can burst into tears if she is offended by an accidentally thrown word or criticism addressed to her. Sincere apologies cannot always achieve her forgiveness. Olga remembers grievances for a long time and prefers to limit communication with the person who upset her. She apologizes reluctantly; it’s hard for her to admit her mistakes.

        Olga is a smart girl who achieves her goals through perseverance and stubbornness. But she doesn’t like to study; studying seems boring to her. Her performance at school is good, but she prefers to study only those subjects that pique her interest.

        The girl is sociable, but she doesn’t have many friends. She prefers to communicate closely only with a narrow circle of people. Olga is devoted to her friends. In any situation they can count on her help and support. She does not seek to make short acquaintances and does not need big company acquaintances

        Olga has a bright personality. She does not imitate other people, she remains herself in any situation. He dresses modestly, but tastefully, and does not stand out among his peers. Olya takes care of her appearance, looks attractive, which attracts the attention of fans.

        A girl with this name is ambitious, but she does not have the goal of being better than others in everything. She knows how to appreciate what she has and enjoys life. Olya does not envy the achievements of her friends, she sincerely rejoices at their successes.

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        Olga's fate, compatibility

        Olga is a very independent and independent girl. With age, these qualities become more pronounced. Marriage is a responsible step, according to Olga, which is why she gets married in adulthood. She does not strive for leadership in the family. She treats her husband with respect, but is not ready to obey him unquestioningly. A man should not re-educate Olga; it is important to accept her character and love her for who she is. Marriage is possible with Anatoly, Semyon, Igor and Oleg. It is advisable to avoid relationships with Andrei, Peter, Leonid and Nikolai.

        Family is the meaning of Olga’s life. She is a caring housewife and loving mother. She enjoys spending time with close people and does not like noisy companies. Treats the older generation with respect. Will always take care of his parents.

        Career and business

        The strengths of the personality are an analytical mind and dedication. These qualities are necessary in the profession of a doctor, lawyer, engineer. These professions are atypical for a woman, but Olga can handle them with ease. Olga will do an excellent job in a leadership position, but working with her is not so easy. She is a demanding boss, and it is not always easy for her to find mutual language with subordinates.

        Olga can study various types activities. She responsibly approaches all tasks that management sets for her. The key guideline when choosing a profession is wage. Olga will easily change her job if she is offered a more lucrative offer.

        The main obstacle to achieving success is a lack of self-confidence. Olga often hesitates when making important decisions in life. Therefore, she is not a careerist; work for her is a means of earning money.

        Astrological forecast

        In order for the description of the name to be as complete as possible, it is important to take into account Olga’s date of birth. The horoscope reveals personality traits and gives advice about future marriage. If you listen to the stars, they will show you the right path.

        There are four elements: fire, earth, air, water.

        Fire element

        Aries is an energetic girl who charges those around her with her enthusiasm. She often takes on several things at once and does not complete any of them. She attracts men with her sincerity. Harmonious relationships things will work out for her with a Sagittarius man. They will never be bored together, their relationship will be temperamental. The couple is ideally suited to each other in terms of energy.

        Leo is a powerful, sincere nature. She does not tolerate hypocrisy and treats people with respect. People around her love her because she always remains herself and does not hide her feelings behind a mask. She will be happy in a marriage with Gemini. Their union is based on common interests.

        Sagittarius is an open, changeable nature. The sense of self-preservation is alien to her, which is why Olga often finds herself in unpleasant situations. In marriage, loyalty and support of her husband are important to her. She will be happy with Cancer. This is a reliable and pragmatic sign in astrology. He will bring peace and confidence in the future to Olga's life.


        Capricorn is a sensitive girl who finds it difficult to openly express her feelings. She often experiences sadness and apathy. To overcome this condition, it is important for her to receive support from loved ones. A Taurus is ideal as a spouse, who will respect her right to personal freedom and will not limit her in anything.

        Taurus is a kind and emotional person. Taurus is alien to selfishness and self-interest. People feel comfortable being around her, and she desperately needs their love and support. Olga will be happy if she is married to a Taurus. Since financial gain is important to both, they can open a small family business.

        Virgo is an insecure girl who seems arrogant and arrogant to others. But that's not true. She is very vulnerable, and it is difficult for her to openly show her true emotions. Olga-Virgo needs a man who will support her and always understand. According to the zodiac sign, this person will be Taurus. Their marriage will become reliable armor for Olga.


        Gemini is a combination of two opposite characters in one person. Olya sincerely rejoices at the successes of her friends, but at the same time she is capable of feeling envy. She easily changes jobs and places of residence. A Leo man will be able to understand Olya’s complex nature.

        Libra is a tactful, modest girl. She is friendly to others, but maintains a certain distance in communicating with them. Her husband and children are the main thing in Olga’s life. Build happy relationship she can do it with Sagittarius. Together they will realize all their desires and achieve great success.

        Aquarius is a sympathetic girl who lives in her own world. She is different from those around her, who do not always understand the motives for her actions. Aquarius will be her support, with whom Olga will have a harmonious union.


        Cancer is a romantic girl. She is smart and charming, avoids conflicts, but never forgets her offenders. In a relationship, she dreams of mutual love. Olya is not amorous; she dreams of meeting her ideal once and for the rest of her life. A harmonious marriage will develop with Pisces.

        Scorpio is a dual personality that reflects contradictory qualities. It is very difficult for Olga to get used to the new team, which causes problems at work. A Capricorn man will be able to understand her. Together they will overcome all obstacles with their perseverance.

        Pisces is a timid girl who tries to follow the rules. She gets very upset and falls into depression due to serious troubles. For the sake of her loved one, Olya is ready to do anything; love comes first for her. Ideal partner - Cancer.

Olga - this female name has never been in first place in the ranking of the popularity of names, but it is consistently among the top ten most used in Russia. And therefore it is important to know the meaning of the name Olga - first of all, for its owners and their loved ones.

The origin of the name Olga has at least two versions. Wikipedia says that this name is East Slavic, borrowed from Scandinavian languages. It is translated into Russian as “holy”, “sacred” or “bright”.

An alternative history offers another translation of the name Olga into modern Russian - but from Old Church Slavonic. According to the second version, it came from the male name Volga - the decoding of this word by modern linguists gives many meanings: “sunny” and “great”, “significant” and “good”. The version that Olga is a name of Greek origin has no basis.

The full name Olga seems somewhat harsh and rude to some. Therefore, in everyday, colloquial speech it has acquired multiple diminutive derivatives. These are Olya and Olenka, Olechka and Olyunya, Olgusha and Olgunya, Olyusya and Olyasha, Lelya and Lyulya, Lyalya and Leka - and these are not all the options.

But even the smooth “Olya” cannot disguise the woman’s iron character. A full interpretation of the name will help you understand why this happens.

Personality characteristics

To understand what makes up the personality of a woman named Olga, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Little Olya - how to enhance positive character traits and neutralize shortcomings.
  • Strengths of an adult woman.
  • Romantic and love relationships - compatibility of the name with male names.
  • Model of behavior in family life.
  • Health.
  • Professional inclinations.
  • When does Olga celebrate Angel Day?

What does the name Olga mean for a little girl whose parents named her that way? Most often, Olya grows up as a very thoughtful and serious child.

But, despite this seriousness and rationality, she can be very touchy and take even trivial remarks to heart. Olya is also characterized by a certain stubbornness: asking for forgiveness is simply hard labor for her, she really does not like to apologize even when her guilt is obvious to everyone around her.

Outwardly, Olya is a very sociable girl, she communicates very well with her peers, but she allows only a select few into her inner world. Such a girl has very few real friends and girlfriends; they can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Even parents can't always tell what's on their daughter's mind.

Can spend time both communicating with peers and in independent studies. She is quite well-read, so it is interesting to talk to both her peers and adults. Olya really doesn’t like criticism, so she studies well, but you shouldn’t expect her to be too zealous in her studies - she willingly studies only subjects that interest her.

The description of the name is such that its owner should not be put under pressure by authority - neither by parents nor by teachers. It will be clearer for her if the problem is explained from the position of logic rather than force - she can respond to force with rudeness, since she does not accept pressure.

Growing up, Olya retains the main features that already appeared in childhood. Olga rarely grows up to be a beauty, but at the same time she can be very pretty and pretty. The main characteristic of Olga is that despite her pleasant appearance and friendly manner of communication, she never forgets about the existing chain of command and her own life goals.

Only force majeure can make her angry, but even then she does not lose control of her own anger. Failures upset this woman, but for her they are not a reason to quit what she started. She will continue to try to bring the matter to the end - and this is also very important characteristic named Olga.

Romance and destiny

What does the name Olga mean for the personal life of its owner? This girl is not only attractive in appearance - she has a special magnetism and sexuality that attracts representatives of the opposite sex. At the same time, her personal life- a secret for others, in which Olga does not allow anyone to interfere.

Fate decreed that for Olga there is no love without sex and sex without love. And therefore the secret of her successful love relationship is that the partner must meet all her needs - both emotional and sensual.

Male names with which Olga has the most full compatibility: Ruslan and Vladimir, Sergey and Oleg, Igor and Mikhail. Compatibility with names such as Maxim and Roman, Alexander and Dmitry, Evgeniy and Andrey, as well as Vitaly, has its own nuances that both partners must take into account.

For example, in a couple Olga and Mikhail, compatibility is built on the basis of mutual respect. Mikhail and his girlfriend allow themselves to show tender affection when no one sees them. Compatibility in the Olga-Roman couple has approximately the same basis, but here you will have to work more on issues of mutual respect.

Olya and Ruslan are selfless in their affection. Ruslan completely trusts Olya, and she trusts him, and this is the key to a long and strong relationship.

Compatibility in a couple Olga and Igor ensures a commonality of interests. Igor encourages his girlfriend’s (or wife’s) desire for self-development, and therefore such an alliance can be very strong.

Maxim, paired with the bearer of the name, is the personification of the thesis about “unity and struggle of opposites.” Maxim, just like him, is ready to provide for the needs of his couple, and it is very difficult to destroy such an alliance.

Vladimir becomes a “stone wall” for the bearer of the name. Vladimir will solve problems, and his “other half” will provide his rear.

The names Oleg and Olga are almost identical, and therefore from time to time they will “repel” like charges of the same name. But stormy quarrels will be followed by no less stormy reconciliations.

The compatibility of the couple and Olga is based more on intuition. Alexander is capable of surrendering to feelings as deeply as his partner. The basis of the relationship between Olya and Vitaly is tender care for each other. Evgeny shares his most intimate thoughts with his friend, but Dmitry acts more as a listener, and there is a certain harmony in this.

Family and health

As a rule, the fate of the bearer of the name is such that the woman gets married either very early or quite late. If the relationship with her first love is interrupted for some reason and things do not come to a wedding, then Olga is afraid for a very long time to build close and trusting relationships with men. And even more so she does not strive to start a family - this is the meaning of the name Olga for the start of her family life.

If the bearer of the name gets married - as a rule, between the ages of 25 and 30 - she does not allow herself to openly command her husband, but gradually tries to arrange everything in a way that is convenient for her. Olga’s secret lies in her strength and originality, and therefore it is very difficult for her husband to contradict her: outwardly she may agree, but then still do it her way. The best partner for her there will be a man who will accept her character as a given and will not strive to re-educate his wife.

When Olga has children, she turns into a caring, but quite strict mother. She treats her husband with no less care. But you shouldn’t expect her to be zealous in all household chores: most often, Olya likes to express creative impulses in household in cooking, but does cleaning only when necessary.

The owner of the name usually loves pets very much, but allows herself to have them only when she becomes an adult. It is believed that Olgas are mainly avid dog lovers who most often choose large, smart and strong dogs - such as Dobermans or Rottweilers. But there are also options: some Olyas really love cats, while others cannot imagine life without a pet parrot.

Olga, as a rule, does not experience serious health problems, but nevertheless there are several points that the owners of the name and their loved ones should pay special attention to. When Olya is still in childhood, she gets sick often colds. No cough or runny nose should be left to chance - this will avoid serious complications such as chronic bronchitis.

In addition, Olga definitely needs to take care of her teeth and visit the dentist regularly. Especially do not neglect visits to the dentist and his advice during pregnancy. The owner of the name needs to control her well-being as strictly as her wardrobe and appearance- in this case, she will remain healthy and active for many years.

Workdays and personal holiday

By the way, Olga’s ability to work is one of the reasons that fate is favorable to her and bestows her with material benefits. The interpretation of the name practically sets no professional limits and boundaries for this woman: she can work in almost any field: engage in both mental and physical labor, work in production and in the creative field, work within a strict schedule and in the free schedule of a freelancer.

The only thing to remember is that fate does not give this woman anything for nothing. For Olga, any step career ladder or a new step in the level of material well-being is only the result of her hard and dedicated work.

Fate decrees that the owner of the name rarely becomes a big boss, while quite often in the team she takes the position of an unspoken leader, without whose consent not a single serious issue is resolved. The most favorable sectors for Olga’s self-realization can be medicine, science, social activities, journalism, trade, and the service sector.

However, such a woman loves not only everyday work, but also holidays. And the main personal holiday is Olga’s name day. The main patron of the bearer of the name, or rather, the patron saint, is Princess Olga. And until recently Orthodox calendar Saint Olga was given one day a year - July 24. This was the day of the angel Olga.

However, now the princess, who began the baptism of Rus', is not the only patron saint of her namesakes. According to the church calendar, recently Olga’s name day can be celebrated in February (10), March (6, 14), July (17, 24) and November (23).

This happened because Orthodox Church recently canonized several Russian new martyrs, who became new patronesses for their namesakes. To determine the name day date, you need to select the number that follows the birthday girl’s date of birth. But if she wants to enlist the support of a saint who is assigned another day in the church calendar, she should consult with the priest.

There is something aristocratic and attractive in the name Olga. It seems to elevate the girl, giving her character a touch of authority. However, Olechka’s disposition largely depends on the month of their birth.

Origin of the name

Almost all researchers agree that the name Olga has Scandinavian roots. It comes from the male name Helg, which became the progenitor of the word Oleg. Its meaning in translation is “holy”, “sacred”.

The name Olga was first mentioned in The Tale of Bygone Years. That is, it was in this sound that the word became widespread in Rus' in the middle of the 10th century.

Forms named after Olga

Short name forms:

  • Olka;
  • Olyasha;
  • Lelya;
  • Lala;
  • Leka.

Diminutive forms:

  • Olenka;
  • Olyusya;
  • Olyunya;
  • Olechka;
  • Olgunya;
  • Olgusya.

When writing poems about a girl with this name, you can use the following rhymes: Olya - will, share, without pain; Olechka - not at all.

Photo gallery: name forms

Olga - the full form of the name Olya - the most common short form of the name Olenka - one of the variants of affectionate address to Olga

The church form of the name is Olga.

Transliteration of the name for a foreign passport is OLGA.

Table: name options in different languages

LanguageIt is writtenReading
English, French, Spanish, ItalianOlgaOlga
Chinese奥尔加 Aoerjia
Korean올가 Olga
Japaneseオーリガ Origa
German, Hungarian, IcelandicHelgaHelga
Danish, NorwegianHelga, Hella, Elga, HelleHelga, Hella, Elga, Helle
SwedishHelga, Laila, AilaHelga, Lila, Isla
FinnishHelka, Oili, Aili, AilaHelka, Oily, Aili, Ayla
Arabاولغا Ulgha
GreekΌλγα Olga
Hindiओल्गा Olga
CzechOlga (Helga)Olga (Gelga)
Romanian, MoldovanOlga (Olguţa)Olga (Olgutsa)

Middle names that go with the first name

The following patronymics harmoniously combine with the name Olga:

  • Victorovna;
  • Mikhailovna;
  • Andreevna;
  • Vladimirovna;
  • Alexandrovna.

Table: dependence of Olya’s character on her middle name

Middle namesCharacter traits
AnatolievnaSociable, open, purposeful. He brings to the end even those things that others consider impossible. Strives to achieve a high position in society and earn the respect of others. True friend, maintains friendly relations with both women and men. She always defends justice and is straightforward.
AlexandrovnaHe is thoughtful and serious. Touchy, can burst into tears from a critical remark. At the same time, she tends to show perseverance, responsibility and composure. He has many talents, but does not want to work to develop and realize them. Doesn't particularly strive for success. In communication she is calm and compliant.
AndreevnaSuch a girl has a complex character, her nervous system is unstable, her mood can change dramatically. Works a lot, but constantly struggles with financial difficulties. Characterized by ambition and determination. It is very important for her to achieve success in life. Communicates calmly and patiently with colleagues.
AntonovnaConflicting disposition. Strives for admiration, but holds back his own feelings. A lack of self-confidence prevents her from achieving her goals; she is successful only thanks to a developed sense of responsibility. She may seem slow, but this is how her self-control and perseverance are demonstrated.
BogdanovnaKind, loyal and generous. She is irritated by bad manners and rudeness. Has an unstable nervous system. Extremely sensitive. She is always ready to help, if she promises something, she will definitely fulfill it. Good friend. He is distinguished by a highly developed sense of duty. There are conflicts with her superiors due to the fact that this girl sometimes fights too zealously for justice.
AlekseevnaThe owner of an explosive temperament and almost inexhaustible energy. Attracts attention, men like it, and this often causes female envy. Sometimes she can be overly harsh. Thanks to liveliness, activity and willpower, he achieves success. He strives to complete any task and shows a truly iron grip. It is difficult to deceive such a woman; she “reads” people very well.

Nickname options for social networks

  • olehcka;
  • olala;
  • helga;
  • olia;
  • olli.

Patron saints Olya, name day dates

Patron saints of girls with this name:

  • passion-bearer Olga;
  • Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga.

Olga reigned in the middle of the 10th century. She remained a widow and ruled Kievan Rus herself. The princess was baptized in Constantinople. Returning from Byzantium, she began to spread Christianity and build the first temples. Later, her grandson, Vladimir the Great, made the Christian religion official and baptized Rus'.

In addition to the girls who bear her name, Holy Princess Olga is the patron of widows and all Christians who have recently adopted this religion.

Equal to the Apostles Princess Olga is the patron saint of girls with this name

Olechka celebrates her name day:

  • July 17th;
  • July 24.

On the day of veneration of Princess Olga, July 24, the saint was prayed for good weather. At this time, the harvest was being reaped, and it was important not to waste time, otherwise the unharvested rye and hay would be lost.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive features:

  • pragmatism;
  • goodwill;
  • delicacy;
  • sincerity.

Olga tries to comply with generally accepted standards of behavior. She will never decide to take actions that could reduce her authority or worsen the reputation of family members. Such a girl is inclined to analyze her actions and work on mistakes.

Negative qualities:

  • arrogance;
  • naivety;
  • explosive character.

Olga idealizes everything. She can't stand it when people around her don't take her seriously or ignore her. It is very important for this woman that people feel they need her.

Olenka in childhood

Olenka is a good-natured, friendly, reasonable, but at the same time touchy and very vulnerable girl. She is sensitive to criticism; any remark can bring her to tears. Parents should exercise patience and sensitivity so that their parenting methods do not harm the child.

The little owner of this name is persistent and self-confident. Even if everyone tells Olya that she is wrong, she will argue to the last and will never admit her guilt. The baby is very friendly, easily gets along with her peers, and can be friends with both girls and boys. She is great at studying. Olenka can become an excellent student, but only if she is attentive and diligent in class.

Despite her responsiveness and sociability, such a girl tries to stay away. She is smart and reasonable, the little girl is often set as an example to other children. It is not surprising that Olechka becomes the head of the class.

It is important for parents to raise Olenka using gentle methods so as not to traumatize their daughter’s psyche

Olya the teenager

IN adolescence Olga's character changes somewhat, she becomes more feminine and graceful. The girl carefully monitors her appearance, has a good understanding of fashion, and is interested in the latest trends. He takes his studies responsibly, but also spares no time for entertainment. She is a sociable and sweet young lady who loves to relax with her friends. She doesn't mind having a picnic in nature or organizing a trip to the cinema.

Olya is a romantic and dreamy person. At the same time, she does not have her head in the clouds; her desires are quite feasible. With her efforts and perseverance, the girl turns her plans into reality.

My former classmate Olga’s character coincides exactly with the one described. On the one hand, she is an exalted and sophisticated person: she loves to read Yesenin, think about lofty things, and monitor how the phases of the moon affect her mood and state. But on the other hand, this girl, already at school, did not strive for professions that are considered spiritual; she did not see herself in art. Now he successfully works as an accountant.

Young Olya is feminine and attractive

How a name affects the character and fate of an adult woman

According to Pierre Rouget, Olga has a complex character. Keeps his emotions under control. Hides feelings until he is convinced of the sincerity of the intentions of others. Such a girl is cheerful and optimistic, she is able to calmly experience difficulties and failures. Extremely intractable, always true to her convictions. Few succeed in persuading her to change her mind, even if the arguments of Olya’s opponent are convincing and irrefutable. He begins an independent life early. The owner of this name is characterized by selflessness, endurance, determination and calmness.

Pavel Florensky believes that Olga is a good-natured and sympathetic woman, but sometimes she can be strict and even despotic. It has analytical thinking, is prudent in business, capable of analyzing her actions. Such a girl strives for spiritual development.

Olga, with whom I had to work together, showed strictness towards everyone: both her colleagues and her superiors. She demanded strict fulfillment of all obligations and promises, regardless of position. This girl was my employee for only three months, but during this time Olya was able to improve work processes, create tables with reports that were kept even by creative and non-committal workers.

According to Mendeleev, the appearance and behavior of the bearer of this name delights others. Olga has an iron grip that helps her cope with difficulties. She tends to carefully study the problem and get to the bottom of the truth. Can realize himself in absolutely any profession.

According to Ruzhe, Olga is positive and cheerful, easily copes with difficulties

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima see in Olga a girl who tends to get hung up on her emotions and feelings. However, she does not show her anxiety in any way. In society, such a girl is always concentrated, in constant voltage, arguing about what should be said and what should be kept silent. Perhaps that is why it is difficult for her to find a common language with other people. Olya can be rude and cruel towards loved ones. At first glance, she is a meek and flexible woman, but over time, the bearer of this name shows her domineering character.

Boris Khigir is sure that Olga is ambitious and strong-willed. True, she rarely takes initiative, which makes it difficult for her to achieve success in her career. This girl is very self-critical. She is inclined to envy those acquaintances whose affairs are rapidly improving, but Olya carefully hides these feelings, compensating for them with good nature and noble deeds. This is a charming woman, she takes care of her own appearance, sparing no effort, no money, no time.

Talents and hobbies

Olga loves going to the cinema and usually does not miss high-profile premieres. But most of all, such a girl is attracted to cooking, for which she has talent. Many owners of this name consider work to be their main hobby.

Olga's career and business

For Olga, work is an integral part of her life. It is here that she is able to realize herself and bring her ideas to life. Such a girl is always confident in her choice and is able to devote years to study and improve her professional skills. Olya can become an excellent doctor, manager or politician. Showing leadership qualities, she can take the place of a leader.

Entrepreneurship is not a very good option for the owner of this name. She is indifferent to numbers, and own business First of all, you need to count. In addition, the girl’s naivety neutralizes her integrity, and kindness neutralizes her perseverance. This affects the prospects of the business started and its profitability.

For Olga, work is an integral part of her life.


Olga has a fairly strong immune system; she usually does not suffer from serious illnesses. She is very energetic and leads healthy image life. But such a girl has problems with excess weight, which can lead to diabetes. It is important for her to monitor her diet and eat foods with minimal amounts of sugar and fat.

Olenka in love and marriage

Olga is a very amorous woman, but she is faithful to her chosen one. When choosing a life partner, not only feelings are important to her, but also the social status of the man. The owner of this name loves romance, beautiful courtship and gifts. True, few representatives of the stronger sex meet all her requirements. Because of this, Olya’s personal life may not turn out very well.

Such a girl gets married quite late. The reason for this is her first love, with which she compares all subsequent partners. Olya prefers strong-willed, purposeful and strong men. It is important for her chosen one to learn to be condescending towards the imperfections of his beloved’s character and accept her for who she is - energetic, willful and independent.

In a marriage, Olga does not seek to take the initiative to manage the family into her own hands, but she also will not tolerate neglect from her husband. A girl needs her opinion to be taken into account. Therefore, the chosen one of the bearer of such a name should find a balance in a relationship in which the interests of both partners will be taken into account.

Table: compatibility with male names

NameCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityFeatures of relationships
Alexander70% 60% The compatibility of such people is not very high, since Alexander is full of doubts and uncertainty. Olga dreams of a strong and wealthy family. If the man in this couple can cope with his insecurities, then they will have every chance of creating a happy and strong family.
Dmitriy100% 80% In these relationships there is harmony of love, care and mutual understanding. Dmitry confidently takes the reins of power into his own hands, and Olga does not interfere with him at all. She supports her chosen one in everything and tries to make her contribution to their life together. Together such people build their happy future.
Sergey80% 70% A wonderful tandem of two loving hearts. Their relationship does not stand still; the owners of these names improve them every day. Olga and Sergei are united not only by ardent and passionate feelings, but also by common goals and interests. Partners are not afraid of difficulties and become closer and closer over the years. Their desire to be together only strengthens their mutual feelings.
Andrey90% 60% Despite the complete opposite of characters, Andrei and Olga complement each other perfectly. In addition to passionate feelings and mutual understanding, they are brought together by unity and the ability to act together. Their family ties will be strong and durable, but only if the spouses take into account not only their desires, but also the interests of their other half.
Alexei80% 50% The relationship of this couple is very unstable. Alexey lacks self-confidence, so it is difficult for him to get a well-paid job. Strong-willed and purposeful Olga strives for consistency and success. Because of such contradictions, quarrels and disagreements often arise between partners.
Ivan70% 40% Willful and freedom-loving Ivan cannot part with the habits of a bachelor’s life and strives for independence. Olga tries to control her chosen one in everything, demanding that he devote more time to her, and in the future - to their family. If spouses do not learn to respect each other and negotiate, over time their marriage may fall apart.
Eugene70% 100% This union can be called impeccable. The owners of such names have similar beliefs and moral principles. They are very comfortable with each other. Olya and Zhenya have common interests. All this strengthens the couple and makes them closer and closer.
Maksim80% 60% The union of Olga and Maxim promises many different emotions and impressions. Their relationship contains passion, love, and romance. Such people are very suitable for each other. But their family happiness may be in jeopardy, since the girl trusts her friends too much and devotes too much time to them.
Vladimir70% 70% The versatility of the character of these people allows them to live a fully happy life together. family life, full of vivid emotions and unforgettable impressions. But the power-hungry Olga constantly strives to subjugate and re-educate the freedom-loving Vladimir. Because of this, quarrels may arise in the couple. Their family well-being depends only on themselves.
Denis70% 80% One of the rare cases when partners represent an ideal whole. Denis and Olga are not only ardent lovers, but also wonderful business partners. The unity and complete trust of such people helps them overcome all obstacles and achieve high goals.
Vitaly60% 100% Both hate routine and the dullness of everyday life. Together they strive to diversify their life together. For Olga and Vitaly, a spiritual connection with each other is very important; material values ​​are secondary for spouses. Therefore, they often engage in charity work.
Artyom80% 60% Both partners have strong leadership qualities; due to the desire of both to strengthen their right to have the last word, they often have quarrels and disagreements. If Artyom and Olga want to be together, they will have to sacrifice their interests and ambitions for the sake of the family good.
Anton60% 40% Love, trust and mutual understanding reign in this couple. Anton and Olya get along well with each other, they work hard on their relationship. Owners of such names have every chance to create a happy family, since over the years their feelings will become brighter and their union stronger.
Novel70% 50% The relationship between these people begins romantically and passionately. But with marriage, the atmosphere in their union can change dramatically, and not at all for the better. Roman and Olga have completely different views on family structure. If spouses do not learn to give in to each other, over time their marriage may end in divorce.
Igor90% 60% For this couple, material values ​​come first. They can be wonderful lovers and have a pleasant time together, but other than affection, usually nothing happens between Olga and Igor. The marriage of people with such names is rarely successful.
Yuri70% 90% Over the years, partners do not stop discovering new interesting sides in each other. They are both creative and talented people, and every day they spend together is like a holiday. Yura and Olya are not afraid of difficulties and work together to achieve their desired goals.

The meaning of each letter of the name

O - sensitive, calculating, manage material values ​​wisely. A person with this letter in his name must believe in himself in order to find his own path in life.

L - subtle connoisseurs of beauty. Very active and creative, they prefer to exchange their ideas with others.

b - the desire to do everything perfectly. They love to make classifications, organize knowledge, plans, and even relationships into shelves.

G - continuously develop, strive to delve deeply into the situation. Attentive and responsible in any task entrusted to them.

A is a symbol of any beginnings and new hopes. The desire to constantly improve oneself.

The name Olga consists of five letters. This means that such a girl has well-developed abilities to humanities and art activities. Communicating with her is easy and pleasant; the owner of this name can carry on a conversation on almost any topic.

Table: name matches

StoneAmberSymbol of happiness and longevity. Able to protect against evil magic and witchcraft. Awakens faith in yourself and your strengths, clears your mind, and inspires new ideas. Helps relieve stress and believe in yourself. It has healing properties, helps get rid of bad thoughts, gives peace and healthy sleep.
ColorYellowVery optimistic. They have an insatiable thirst for action, resourcefulness and extraordinary thinking. IN difficult situations They are guided by common sense and keep their emotions under control. Such people are responsible, reasonable and disciplined. Their success is the result of hard work.
Number1 Winners in life. Very proactive and resourceful. They have good intuition and can spot a lie in no time. They don’t like having their opinions imposed on them, but sometimes they show a willingness to give in. They tend to analyze their actions and admit their own guilt.
PlanetMoonPeople whose name is under the protection of the Moon have a rich imagination and divination abilities. During the full moon they become more emotional and irritable.
ElementFireTemperamental and hot-tempered. First they do it, and only then think about the consequences. Willful and energetic individuals tend to show leadership qualities not only at work, but also with friends and loved ones. Because of this, they have difficulty communicating with others. But with all this, “fiery” people are proactive and attractive.
AnimalLeopardThe personification of power, cruelty, endurance, intelligence, nobility and perseverance.
Zodiac signCancerThey don’t like to rush things; they try to foresee the outcome of the situation. Praise for these people is an incentive to overcome obstacles. They want to find peace and tranquility. Excellent conversationalists, always ready to listen and assist in the successful completion of cases.
TreeAshA symbol of good spirits, protection, youth and peace. These people assess the situation sensibly and throw themselves into their work. They have excellent memory.
PlantButtercupSymbolizes friendliness and naivety. The dry petals of this plant can act as a talisman that absorbs negative energy, helps relieve tension and relax.
MetalGoldRepresents greatness, wealth, wisdom and longevity. Gold prevents disorders in the nervous system and helps get rid of negative thoughts.
Auspicious dayFriday
Unfavorable daySunday

Significant years of life

Fateful events happen at such times important years Olga's life:

Poems in which this name is mentioned: “Olga” by Nikolai Gumilyov, “Who will find the ring?” Samuil Marshak, “Hide and Seek” by Zoya Alexandrova.

When was Olya born?

Winter Olga is a calm and balanced woman. For her intimate relationships are an integral part of life. But at the same time, such a girl strives to create a strong and happy family. She values ​​sincerity, responsibility, care and understanding in men. She herself is ready to give all this to her chosen one. Negative qualities are vanity and selfishness.

Olya, who was born in one of the spring months, is charming, graceful and mysterious. Able to maintain a pleasant and relaxed conversation on almost any topic. He has many fans, but he approaches the choice of a life partner responsibly and consciously. Her charm and refined manners attract the attention of others, wherever she is.

Olga, born in spring, can support a conversation on any topic

In the summer, very cheerful, loving and naive Olechkas are born. The responsiveness and sociability of such a girl allow her to easily make new acquaintances. Therefore, she has many friends from various areas of Olya’s life. However, her excessive gullibility often leads to disappointment, since those around her are not always filled with good intentions and often take advantage of her kindness.

Olga, born in autumn, is pragmatic, reasonable and efficient. She strives to realize everything she plans herself. When choosing a life partner, a girl focuses primarily on the financial security of her chosen one.

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesAn active, explosive woman with an uncontrollable thirst for action. Olga-Aries is very strong-willed and purposeful, but cannot calculate her capabilities and direct vitality in the right direction. Often this woman takes on several things at once, but does not bring any of them to its logical conclusion.
TaurusKindness and sensitivity are distinctive features character of Olga-Taurus. She is very temperamental and quick-tempered, in business she tends to be guided only by feelings. This negatively affects career growth and family relationships. The girl constantly needs the support of loved ones.
TwinsAn independent, sociable and proactive woman who strives to constantly be the center of attention of others. Olga-Gemini is valued at work for her diligence and resourcefulness. She could achieve more success in life if she were not dependent on opinions strangers. Very vulnerable, it is difficult for her to cope with failures.
CancerA very gentle, sensual and romantic nature with a rich imagination. Prefers variety and rich life, in which every day is different from the previous one. Olga-Cancer is able to convince and persuade people to her opinion. She has a certain power over people, with the help of which she achieves personal goals.
a lionPowerful, explosive and straightforward, Olga-Lev strives to please everyone. He often achieves what he wants with the help of his coquetry. But such a girl is by no means hypocritical. Not everyone can open it up. She is very responsible and diligent, you can always rely on her.
VirgoA modest, disciplined and power-hungry woman. At first glance, she seems cold and unapproachable, but this opinion is false, since behind her equanimity lies a vulnerable and secretive nature, which is extremely distrustful of people. Olga-Virgo is a very responsible worker; she conscientiously fulfills her duties.
ScalesA modest, polite and delicate woman. Olga-Libra is extremely difficult to anger; she is able to show patience in communication, even if she does not like the interlocutor. Very tactful, she will not pry into her soul without asking, she prefers to voice her opinion only when absolutely necessary. She is pragmatic and prudent in her work, often takes the initiative into her own hands, making the work process more profitable and productive.
ScorpionA secretive, intractable woman who tends to live in her dreams. She doesn’t understand people well, so she is often overtaken by disappointments. Olga-Scorpio does not like change, as she is afraid of not being able to cope with difficulties. Because of this, it is difficult for a girl to achieve great success in her professional activities.
SagittariusAn energetic and freedom-loving woman who constantly craves new experiences. Very inquisitive, she is in an eternal search for her destiny, but at the same time does not want to part with what she already has. In love, Olga-Sagittarius is multifaceted; it’s never boring with her.
CapricornPragmatic, responsible and reasonable, Olga-Capricorn prefers to keep her distance in society. She creates for herself the image of an imperturbable and cold lady. In fact, such a girl is vulnerable and sensual, and experiences betrayal very hard. In business she is able to control her feelings, but she does not always delve into the essence of the problem.
AquariusA sincere, good-natured and cheerful woman. A faithful friend, always ready to help. Very sensitive, able to empathize and perceive other people's problems as if they were her own. However, Olga-Aquarius has a very poor understanding of people; she is inclined to trust those who use her kindness for selfish purposes.
FishA closed, shy and insecure woman. Very accommodating, she can be easily persuaded to her own opinion, since she does not know how to defend her own. Olga-Pisces does not like change, as she is afraid of difficulties. At the first failure, she is ready to give up without a fight.

Famous women

Famous women with this name:

  • Olga Kabo - Soviet and Russian actress, Honored Artist of Russia;
  • Olga Drozdova - actress, Honored Artist of Russia, known for the cult TV series “Gangster Petersburg”;
  • Olga Kurylenko - French actress and model of Ukrainian origin;
  • Olga Buzova - participant in the reality show "Dom-2", singer and TV presenter;
  • Olga Korbut - Soviet gymnast, multiple Olympic champion;
  • Olga Zaitseva - Russian biathlete, two-time Olympic champion and three-time world champion;
  • Olga Kharlan is a Ukrainian fencer and Olympic champion.
  • Olga Ladyzhenskaya - Soviet and Russian mathematician, author of more than 200 scientific papers;
  • Olga Freimut - Ukrainian TV presenter, writer, journalist and actress;
  • Olga Berggolts - Soviet poet and prose writer, playwright, journalist.

Songs with this name: “Girl Olya” by Vladimir Dantes, “Minuet” by the group “Chizh and Co,” “Talk to me, Olga” by the group “Night Snipers”.

Photo gallery: famous Olgas

Olga Berggolts - Soviet poet and prose writer Olga Buzova - singer and TV presenter Olga Drozdova - Honored Artist of Russia Olga Zaitseva - Russian biathlete Olga Kabo - Soviet and Russian actress Olga Korbut - Soviet gymnast Olga Kurylenko - French actress and model Olga Ladyzhenskaya - Soviet and Russian mathematician Olga Freimut - Ukrainian TV presenter Olga Kharlan - Ukrainian fencer

Olga is a temperamental, explosive and energetic woman. She is prone to frequent worries, often exaggerates the scale of the problem or sees difficulties where there are none. If such a girl is pissed off, her anger may become uncontrollable. Olya treats her family and friends with great love and trepidation.