Dalmatian: description and characteristics of the breed. About the Dalmatian - the elegant and fearless hound Black Dalmatian

Why do Dalmatians have spots? The question is common, but the answer is simple. Because someone once decided to withdraw new breed with stains, putting a lot of effort into it and achieving successful results. The Dalmatian is the only truly spotted breed.

Puppies are born with white fur, but characteristic of the breed spots begin to appear 7-10 days after birth. Despite the fact that the coat has a uniform white color, there are already dark spots on the babies’ skin, which will also appear in the coat color after the first hairs fall out.

By two months they become fully visible and acquire a darker color. The spots grow with the puppy, some of them merge together. But their number does not determine the puppy’s thoroughbred. But some unscrupulous breeders, pursuing the goal of profitable sale of the baby, assure inexperienced dog breeders that what more spots, the more purebred the dog. You can judge what the color of an adult dog will be only at the age of 3.5 months.

Stains round shape, clearly defined and well pigmented. Moreover, in the ring, preference is given to dogs with separate spots rather than merged ones. Compared to the body, they are smaller on the head, legs and tail.

Dalmatian spot color

Dalmatians do not always have spots black. Less common are dogs with brown spots, since a recessive gene is responsible for the brown color. Only dogs with white-black and white-brown colors are allowed for exhibitions. However, sometimes representatives of the breed are born in a different color, such as lemon, gray (blue) and even brindle.

Color brown The spots can range from light brown to rich chocolate brown. Sometimes dark brown spots can be mistaken for black, but upon closer examination it is easy to notice the difference, especially when you consider that the pigmentation of the nose and eye rims of white-brown Dalmatians is always liver-colored.

Behind blue(gray) color in coat color corresponds to a recessive gene. Such puppies are born from parents, one of which was white-black, and the other - white-brown, or from white-brown parents who are carriers of a recessive gene responsible for Blue colour. Such puppies are rarely born.

Animals with lemon(peach) color appears due to a gene that prohibits black and brown colors from appearing. The pigmentation of the nose is usually black or brown. When purchasing a brown puppy, you should carefully evaluate the color of the light brown spots, since unscrupulous breeders can pass off puppies with a non-standard color as purebred.

Tricolor dogs are rare. The color is characterized by the presence of black or brown spots with tan (tan) in those places that are characteristic of the Doberman breed (legs, chest). The tricolor dog is a carrier of the tricolor gene. You can notice the manifestation of tricolor only at an older age. At the time of sale of a puppy (1.5-2 months), tricolor does not always appear. The third color is always red, so it should not be confused with lightening the spots on the head of individuals with a brown color.

brindle the color is rare. The spots are dark striped, for example, red-brown or red-black. Such animals cannot participate in exhibitions and breeding.

Color is passed on from the parents, so when breeding dogs it is important to take into account the size and number of spots on the female and male. So, for example, if one of the parents has large ones or too many fused ones, then there is a high probability of a puppy with the same feature. But even from parents who are ideal in color, a puppy can be born with small or large spots inherited from grandparents.

Congenital spots in Dalmatians

Puppies with dark spots at birth are considered breeding marriages. They are usually larger than normal, and their shapes vary. They can be present on any part of the body, but most often they are located on the head, ears, paws, belly, and tail. One or more puppies with this defect may be born in a litter. Such dogs become companions; they have no chance of a show career. Offspring from parents with congenital spots are not registered.

It is easy to distinguish the type of spots on an adult. Sometimes merged spots are mistaken for congenital large ones, and vice versa. But the fused ones always have several white hairs, and the congenital one is ideal in color (completely black or brown). In addition, fused ones have uneven edges, while congenital ones have very smooth boundaries.


There is such a thing as “frost,” when a Dalmatian’s spots are covered by individual white hairs. It is incorrect to apply this concept to puppies, because their color is still developing, and naturally the tips of the white hairs will overlap the spots, the size and shape of which are distinguishable.

It's a completely different matter when a mature dog has gray spots on its spots. Here, due to age, changes in color occur. In older individuals White hair appear most often on the face and ears.

If “frost” is indeed present in puppies, then it will not disappear with age. “Rime” either exists or it doesn’t.

a brief description of
Behavior with children
Security guard
Difficult to care for
Endurance in the cold
Endurance in the heat

Today the Dalmatian is a companion dog. He is treated as a friend of the family, especially children. After the release of the film “101 Dalmatians” in 1996, the breed experienced a peak in popularity that has not subsided to this day. Every third child dreams of being his friend white dog with black or brown spots.

Throughout their history, Dalmatians have been used to perform a huge number of tasks like no other breed. In ancient times they hunted big game. They served as Turkish fighting dogs during the Battle of Vienna in 1683. The Americans used them for security. In 1986, after an earthquake in Mexico, Dalmatians saved people, which neither people, nor equipment, nor dogs of other breeds could do. Until now, in some countries, the Dalmatian is a fireman, security guard, watchman. But best of all, he, of course, copes with the task - to be a devoted, active and cheerful companion of his owner.

The breed belongs to group 6 “Hounds, bloodhounds and related breeds” in the ICF classification, to section 3 “Related breeds”.

The Dalmatian dog is an ancient breed. This is evidenced by archaeological excavations: in Austria, in the ashes of sacrificial fires dating back to approximately the 2nd-3rd millennium BC (end of the Bronze Age), the remains of a dog were found, the structure of the skull of which is very similar to the skull of modern hounds, especially the Dalmatian. Experts have proven that the exterior of ancient "ash" dogs is very similar to appearance hounds: such body sizes, hanging ears.

Interesting! The term “ash” or “ash” dog refers to a group of animal remains found in ashes in the territory from the Amur to Austria.

The most popular version of the origin of the Dalmatian says that the breed was formed in the territories of modern Croatia and Montenegro and the former Yugoslavia. The word "Dalmatian" comes from the name of the historical region of Dalmatia. This version claims to be the most reliable, since a dog of this breed was depicted on the coats of arms of the Yugoslav princes. In documents from 1737 that have survived to the present day from the archives of one of the bishoprics, there is mention of the breeding of large white dogs with black spots, and that they were used for hunting.

However, there are other versions that are also supported by strong arguments:

  1. Version 1. India is considered the homeland of Dalmatians. In Indian epics there are more than once references to a white dog with black spots. But how did dogs get to Europe? Perhaps the breed came along with the gypsies - nomadic tribes who founded settlements in the 14th century Eastern Europe and territories Balkan Peninsula. It is also believed that white spotted dogs were taken out with Roman legionnaires.
  2. Version 2. The country of origin of the breed may be Ancient Egypt. Images of spotted dogs were found on its territory.

Interesting! In favor of these versions, experts argue that the Dalmatian tolerates heat very easily, which is typical for breeds formed in hot climates. India and Egypt are countries with a hot climate.

Most researchers are inclined to the Yugoslav origin of the breed. The question of which dogs were the ancestors of the breed also remains open. Experts put forward several “candidates” that could be the progenitors of the Dalmatian: Istrian Pointer, Marbled Great Dane, Celtic Bracket, Old Dalmatian Bracket.

Dogs spread throughout Europe in several ways: with sailors who took Dalmatians on voyages, and with circus troupes. Gradually the dogs became famous in Italy, France, the Czech Republic, and England.

Europeans immediately appreciated Dalmatians' strength, endurance, and ability to run long distances. Since the 18th century, they began to be widely used as carriage dogs. They protected the owner of the horse-drawn carriage and his property from robbers or wild animals. The cheerful nature of the dogs allowed people to pass the time in the company of the Dalmatian, and thanks to their courageous character, they were excellent protectors. became very popular among the aristocratic community.

The breed's exhibition career began in 1860, when two guard Dalmatians brought from Dalmatia were presented in Birmingham, England. The first breed standard was developed in 1890 by members of the first Dalmatian Club in England. And the international standard from the IFF, which is still in force, was created in 1926.

Despite the fact that Dalmatians originated in Yugoslavia, the British perfected the breed. In the 18th century, they were inoculated with the blood of the extinct white English terrier and black pointer.

Characteristics, description, character

Due to their original appearance, unlike any other breed, Dalmatians are very popular. They are often bought as gifts for children. If your child asks for a Dalmatian breed, the price of which is not very high, then do not deprive him of the opportunity to have such a loyal friend and protector.

The appearance of the Dalmatian is recognizable by its perky black or brown spots on a white background. It is noteworthy that the spots on the head and limbs are smaller than on the body. If the dog is characterized brown spots, then her nose will definitely be brown, while black and white representatives will have a black nose.

The Dalmatian has an athletic body, long limbs, a muscular back, a wide chest, an elongated muzzle and hanging ears, which during the period of their “carriage” past were cropped so that predators could not even grab the ears. The coat of dogs looks very aesthetically pleasing: it is short, smooth, moderately hard and shiny. Even in the photo of the Dalmatian you can see how the fur shines beautifully and nobly.

An excellent friend, a good nanny, a companion during active walks - all these epithets apply to the Dalmatian breed; the dog has a wonderful character. The breed is characterized by responsiveness, playfulness, energy, balance, friendliness, great intelligence and quick wit.

What else makes a Dalmatian different?

  • The dog is not aggressive towards strangers, although it does not like to come into close contact with them.
  • Does not like the company of other dogs.
  • He is brave and fearless when it comes to protecting his master when he feels that the master or his family is in danger.
  • Doesn't like to be left alone, suffers greatly when alone, becomes nervous.
  • The Dalmatian is smart, soft, sensitive, and sociable.


In the Dalmatian breed, the skin and kidneys are the most vulnerable in terms of health. Dogs are prone to urolithiasis. If your pet does not allow himself to be stroked on the lower back, then you should be wary, since the first symptoms of the disease are pain in the lumbar region, the dog has difficulty jumping when lying down or standing up. Even puppies can develop kidney problems.

Skin diseases, such as bronzed skin, are a consequence of kidney problems. This disease is characterized by bald patches, abscesses, and red-brown skin in the area of ​​the abscesses. Allergic reactions may also appear on the dog's skin.

Dalmatians are also diagnosed with:

  • gastric volvulus;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • glaucoma, progressive retinal atrophy;
  • congenital deafness. Up to 12% of Dalmatian puppies are born deaf, so it is important to diagnose them with this condition as early as possible.

Care and maintenance

Caring for a Dalmatian, just like other short-haired hounds or hounds, is not difficult.

  1. Your dog should be brushed regularly every week to remove dead hair. If you train yourself to brush your pet every day, this will prevent shedding hair from getting on the furniture and floor.
  2. The Dalmatian is very clean and will never get into the mud during the festivities, so it is unlikely that he will need frequent bathing: one bath a year is enough. It is necessary to cut nails, as long nails impair gait, and in puppyhood can lead to deformation of the limbs, because too long nails prevent the paws from squeezing.
  3. Dalmatians' floppy ears require regular inspection. If sulfur and dirt have accumulated in them, they should be removed cotton swab, soaked in water or an antiseptic solution.
  4. The problem of brushing teeth becomes relevant if the pet is fed natural food. By using special means and brushes must be removed once a week to remove plaque. And if the dog eats dry food, the plaque is removed naturally when she chews on the pellets.

If your pet is a Dalmatian, caring for him also means organizing proper nutrition. The breed is prone to kidney problems, namely the development of urolithiasis. The amount of protein in the dog's diet should be reduced. Dry food, in which the protein content reaches 25%, is not the best option. The dog's diet should be based on a vegetarian menu.

The breed is great for keeping in an apartment; the Dalmatian constantly wants to be part of the family and participate in its life. An active dog requires long walks. If you love jogging, cycling, active games, then the Dalmatian is definitely your dog; it will accompany its owner everywhere. If the dog does not have the opportunity to throw out the energy accumulated during the day, he will begin to spoil things, furniture and mischief.

Dogs of the breed are susceptible to cold, so on cold and windy days, it is better to reduce the walking time. A hot weather they tolerate it very easily, the main thing is to give her something to drink more often.

Education and training

Raising a Dalmatian should begin as soon as it arrives in its new home. The puppy should not be allowed to do things that would be prohibited: sleeping with the owners in the same bed, begging for food from the table, biting even during play. It will be very difficult to eradicate these habits in an adult dog.

Consistency and the absence of double standards (all members must be unanimous in the requirements) are the main rules for raising puppies of the breed. The Dalmatian should feel that for correct behavior he is petted and treated with a treat, and for incorrect actions he is scolded and lightly slapped with a rolled-up newspaper. Rough training methods should be excluded, since dogs of the breed are sensitive.

It is important with early age show who's boss. Even as a Dalmatian puppy, he will want to be in charge, so the owner must show which one is the leader. Experts advise that during the first days the puppy has contact only with the owner, so that it develops an attitude towards him as the only authority.

Dalmatian training should begin with teaching the “No!” command. If the owner sees that the puppy is seeing something forbidden, a loud and stern word should stop all his attempts. But, as a rule, the puppy at first does not understand the content of this command and does not respond to it. In such a situation, you should approach him and spank him a little with a rolled-up newspaper. It cannot be assumed that he will not carry out the command.

Command “Come to me!” is also mastered from the first days of being at home. It is easiest to combine training with the feeding process. Before feeding the puppy, you need to take his bowl in your hands, call your pet by name and say: “Come to me!” The Dalmatian will willingly run up, and the dog should be praised for this. Until the puppy goes outside, you need to bring this command to automatism, so that later and during walks, despite any temptations and instincts that have awakened in the dog, it will not ignore the owner’s command and will comply in 100% of cases. Accustoming to other commands should also be carried out at a “civilized” level, persistently, patiently, not rudely and with mandatory encouragement. Punishment and rudeness are a direct path to losing contact with your pet.


A Dalmatian puppy is a gentle and vulnerable creature. What the owner puts into it is what he will receive in the future. When raising a puppy, you should remember that there are differences between beagles and beagles. If, for example, exhausting walks are not needed, then spotted mischief-makers will become mortally bored without active and long walks. The puppy's first walk should be carried out after all vaccinations, it should not last more than 15 minutes. The ideal option is if the owner has the opportunity to walk the puppy often, but not for long: 5-7 times for 15 minutes.

As your Dalmatian gets older, his walks should last about 2 hours. So that the dog’s behavior does not deteriorate, so that it does not get bored and splash out all the accumulated energy, it is necessary that it walks or runs up to 8-10 km.

Dalmatian puppies are purchased at 1.5-2 months. By this age they become more independent. The puppy you choose should be outgoing. If, when approaching him, he joyfully wags his tail and barks cheerfully, then this is the correct reaction. Fear or aggression should alert the buyer of a puppy; it is unlikely to grow out of it good dog and a true friend.


How much does a Dalmatian cost? Inexpensive. Anyone can afford it if they consider themselves responsible and capable of keeping an active dog.

Unfortunately, it was the cartoon that made many Dalmatians unhappy - people who fell in love with the spots they saw on the screen, thoughtlessly got themselves representatives of this breed, and then, when they realized that the cartoon hero and the creature living at home are completely different dogs, many pets ended up on the streets and in shelters. The thing is that the Dalmatian has a very complex character and raising him is not so easy.

History of the Dalmatian

It was previously believed that the homeland of Dalmatians is England, but this is not at all true. According to documents, the history of these spotted dogs originates in Croatia - in Dalmatia. But it was England that made them popular, because it was here that Dalmatians were bred so that these strong and beautiful animals would accompany carriages.

The history of the origin of Dalmatians is rather vague - dog experts and historians have only been able to prove that this breed is already several thousand years old, but, alas, no one can even guess where this unusual color comes from. There is even a fantastic version: Dalmatians are the ancestors of the spotted dogs of India, which, in turn, descended from tigers.

For my long life Dalmatians were hunters, shepherds, porters, rat catchers, and athletes. But today spotted athletes act as a companion to an active person.

Throughout its formation, the appearance of the Dalmatian changed several times; only the color remained unchanged, which makes the Dalmatian a Dalmatian.

By the way, the breed standard was approved recently - only in 1999.

Appearance of a Dalmatian

The Dalmatian is a very elegant, slender and at the same time muscular dog. With a height of 54-61 centimeters, dogs weigh from 24 to 32 kilograms. The Dalmatian is very harmonious and has correct proportions. He has an almost square body, a very beautiful, chiseled head, round eyes, hanging ears and a long tail.

The coat of representatives of this breed is hard and short, but thick. Color is what makes the Dalmatian unique: black or brown spots on a white background. The most valued dogs are those with symmetrical spots. Ears that are completely black or brown are acceptable, but it is desirable that they also be spotted. Black dogs have a black nose, while brown dogs have a brown nose. What is noteworthy is that Dalmatian babies are born completely white - their spots appear later.

Dalmatian character

  1. The Dalmatian is a universal companion dog for the whole family.
  2. Representatives of this dog breed are kind, attentive, sensitive pets.
  3. Dalmatians are real aristocrats who have a keenly developed sense of self-esteem.
  4. The Dalmatian is active, strong and very resilient: he is able to cover considerable distances.
  5. Dalmatian is not at all guard dog and will never attack first, but in case of danger, the spotted friend will be able to stand up for his owner and his property.
  6. Representatives of this breed do not tolerate familiarity.
  7. Dogs of this breed love to play with children, if the latter do not go beyond the permitted limits.
  8. Dalmatians not only madly love their owner, they fanatically idolize him.
  9. Dalmatians tend to be dominant, so keeping several dogs at home is problematic, especially for males.
  10. Dalmatians are easy to train, but the owner needs to be more persistent and consistent.
  11. Dogs of this breed can be very vindictive.
  12. Dalmatians cannot be physically punished - this makes them cowardly or, on the contrary, evil (do not forget about vindictiveness).
  13. A properly raised Dalmatian is an outgoing and cheerful dog.
  14. Dalmatians are active and love to play - they can run and have fun from morning to evening.
  15. Dogs of this breed cannot tolerate loneliness and boredom - because of this, they can become depressed or play dirty tricks on their owner.
  16. Dalmatians are calm towards strangers.
  17. Dogs of this breed have a strong character and will, they are brave and decisive.
  18. Representatives of this breed quickly sense the atmosphere in the house - if there is no warmth and understanding between family members, then the “four-legged barometer” will become depressed and nervous.
  19. Dalmatians have rich facial expressions - these dogs know how to smile.

Dalmatian care

  1. A Dalmatian can live both in an apartment and in a country house, but under one condition - regular walks and great physical activity.
  2. The shorthaired Dalmatian is not suitable for living outdoors. all year round– in winter it will freeze.
  3. A Dalmatian cannot be kept on a chain - this will make the dog aggressive, embittered and uncontrollable.
  4. Dogs of this breed are too active - they need movement for normal functioning, so the pet must be provided with walks and physical activity.
  5. Dalmatians have short fur, but during shedding there are a lot of marks from it, so it is necessary to brush the dog regularly and thoroughly.
  6. In winter, your Dalmatian will need warm overalls for long walks.

Dalmatian training

The Dalmatian is a large dog, so your pet must know basic obedience commands and be able to behave in a public place. By 4 months, the puppy should know its name, be able to walk on a leash, and come to the owner’s call. From 5 months you can start training according to the course “Controlled city dog” (UGS), “Dog in the city”, “General training course” (OCD), “Obidience” (OB).

It is not easy to train a Dalmatian - the dog must be interested and convinced that training is necessary and important for it. These dogs will never follow commands mechanically.

The wrong motivation for training or rough treatment of the dog will lead to your dog becoming angry, uncontrollable and even dangerous.

To keep your pet happy and full of energy, you need to satisfy your Dalmatian's need to run: run with him or let your pet run after a bicycle. Fans of this breed claim that only a daily cross-country run of 20 kilometers will make the Dalmatian happy.

By the way, Dalmatians love to swim and even dive, so water procedures should also be included in their daily exercise.

Dalmatian health

Dalmatians have breed-specific health conditions. Among them:

  • bloating;
  • atopy;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • interdigital dermatitis (pododermatitis);
  • demodicosis;
  • glaucoma;
  • entropy
  • pannus (superficial keratitis);
  • cataract;
  • distichiasis;
  • progressive retinal atrophy;
  • polyneuropathy.

In addition, Dalmatians suffer urolithiasis, since the level uric acid in representatives of this breed is much higher than in all other breeds of dogs, it is because of this that blockage of urine occurs.

The most “standard” disease of Dalmatians is congenital deafness. Basically, this is a problem for all white dogs. Approximately 10% of all Dalmatian puppies are born deaf in one or both ears. Deaf dogs are very difficult to keep - they can be too aggressive, nervous, and timid.

Do not forget that Dalmatian ears are very sensitive - prolonged exposure to frost can lead to frostbite.

The Dalmatian dog breed is called Dalmatian or Dalmatian Dog, and when you pronounce the name of the breed, the image of a smart white dog with charming black or chocolate spots scattered all over its body appears before your eyes. Cinema brought enormous popularity to the breed, made it recognizable and loved, but at the same time, the fame of a cute, obedient pet, as it is shown in the movies, did a disservice to the Dalmatian. A lot of dogs of this breed have experienced betrayal and ended up on the street due to the fault of irresponsible owners who succumbed to the first impulse to buy a puppy, as on the poster. The character of the Dalmatian is multifaceted, which is facilitated by the long history of the formation of the breed.

Dalmatia and the entire coast Mediterranean Sea considered the birthplace of the Dalmatian. These dogs are depicted in frescoes and paintings, bas-reliefs and illustrations to ancient books. Italian masters immortalized the breed in their works, for a long time it was considered one of the symbols of the church, and in England its representatives were called “the dogs of the Lord.” But Ancient Egypt is considered the true homeland of spotted dogs; from there they were brought to India, and after that they came to European countries. It is believed that during the formation of the breed, the blood of the Great Dane, Pointer and some other breeds were infused into it.

The British were captivated by the intelligent and resilient dogs, putting them into service as carriage escort dogs. Mail carriages and carriages of noble persons were accompanied by tall dogs that could tirelessly run next to the horses and drive them away. aggressive dogs. On remote forest roads, Dalmatians were excellent guards for the crew, and at inns they guarded the owner’s property.

The extraordinary dexterity of Dalmatians and their ability to understand commands at a glance, their penchant for performing tricks, made these dogs circus performers. Chapiteau enjoyed using Dalmatians in their performances. Fire brigades purchased puppies of this breed so that they would grow up at fire stations and learn not only to accompany a carriage (and then a car), but also to help carry victims out of the fire.

This breed became famous with the advent of cinema.

Real fame came to dogs of this breed with the advent of cinema. It was the cartoon, and then Feature Film with the participation of trained Dalmatians, made the breed incredibly popular.

The purpose of dogs of this breed

  • Despite the refined appearance of an English aristocrat, the Dalmatian is an incredibly resilient dog that has the strength of an athlete and is capable of performing a variety of functions. Representatives of this breed are excellent companions, highly intelligent and courageous, cheerful and active. They are successfully used in sports competitions; their spectacular appearance allows them to be the center of attention at exhibitions.
  • The blood of hound dogs in the Dalmatian makes this breed excellent hunter for game. The Dalmatian can run for a long time and tirelessly, swims well, has strong jaws and a keen sense of smell.
  • In America, Dalmatians are still considered the official dog of firefighters. Large dogs They live at fire stations from puppyhood, going out on calls with the fighters, they serve as assistants and mascots.

Standard, appearance and photographs of Dalmatians

The general impression is that of a strong, large and elegant dog, very smart and athletic, with pronounced muscles and excellent balance, with a friendly and sociable character. The ratio of the length of the body to the height at the withers should be equal to 10/9, and the length of the head and muzzle should be equal. The spots should be clearly defined, but anatomical structure more important than clarity of color.

Important! Dogs of this breed take a long time to develop, and reach their final proportions only by three to four years. Some individuals reach their goal better shape only six years old.

  • Frame strong, muscular, more rectangular than square. The neck is beautiful, long, with an elegant curve. The back is strong, with well-defined withers, slightly convex strong lower back and a croup with a very slight slope. Rib cage voluminous, wide, deep, with long, rounded ribs. The belly is moderately tucked.
  • Limbs straight, parallel, strong and muscular. The angles of the hock joints are well defined, the thighs are muscular, the legs middle length, strong and vertically set. The pasterns are strong, strong, the paws are rounded, with thick pads and strong nails.
  • Head long, with a flat and wide skull and well-defined temples, without folds or wrinkles. The muzzle is long, with a straight bridge of the nose and a moderate transition to the forehead. Lips are dry and tight-fitting. The nose is black in dogs with black spots, brown in dogs with brown spots. The jaws are strong, with a full set of white teeth and a scissor bite. The eyes are round, medium in size, set wide apart, dark color is desirable, but a light shade of brown is also acceptable. The outline of the eyes matches the color of the spots. The ears are medium in size, set high, close to the head.
  • Tail medium length, strong, tapering towards the end, not set high. When calm, it is lowered to the hock; when excited, it is carried slightly above the level of the back.
  • Wool thick, dense, shiny. The color is white with well-defined spots with a diameter of about 2-3 centimeters, evenly and more symmetrically located on the body. There are smaller spots on the head and limbs. The color of the spots may be black or brown. The ears and tail should be pigmented.
  • Dalmatian movements– rhythmic, smooth, balanced, elastic. The stride is wide, with a good drive of the hind legs and a wide reach of the front legs. When the dog moves, it seems that it can easily cover vast distances.

Characteristics and character of the breed

The Dalmatian loves human company.

The purpose and many-sided use of the Dalmatian left its mark on the character of the dogs. Friendly and sociable, the Dalmatian loves human company and cannot live alone. Boredom is the main enemy for dogs of this breed. A dog that is bored, confined to four walls or sitting on a chain loses its sociability, becomes gloomy, indifferent and embittered.

  • For dogs of this breed, the owner is the main reason for existence, for whom the dog does everything possible. But the Dalmatian’s character includes stubbornness and a desire to dominate, so this breed is not suitable for people who are gentle in nature and have no experience in keeping dogs.
  • Physical activity– this is what a Dalmatian needs every day. The dog accompanying the carriage, running at the speed of a horse, must receive great physical activity. Deprived of this, the Dalmatian loses his inherent cheerfulness and begins to show destructive tendencies: spoil furniture and destroy everything around him. A strong dog can completely destroy the decor of a small apartment in a few hours.
  • A strong character and impressive strong-willed qualities make the Dalmatian a brave and decisive companion. A dog that does not show aggression towards to strangers, may well come to the owner’s defense; he is able to cope with the dog that attacked him. Males of this breed are often the first to show aggression towards other dogs.
  • Children are great friends for Dalmatians, because they can play and walk together, but this only applies to children over ten years of age. A dog of this breed is intolerant of the importunity of a preschooler or baby, and can drop or even bite a child who bothers him.
  • Domestic animals living in the same territory are considered by the Dalmatian to be members of their family. A bored dog will find it easier to tolerate the absence of its owners in the company of a dog of a different breed.. Cats or other pets (living in the same family) are also not subject to prey. But it is better to avoid street cats, since the prey instinct makes the Dalmatian rush after the animal.
  • Grudge or simply the ability to remember the smallest nuances is one of the distinctive features Dalmatian With this quality, the Dalmatian resembles the Great Dane, whose blood flows in its veins.
  • The Dalmatian's sensitivity and increased emotionality allow it to sense the owner's mood. These qualities also have a downside: in a family with a negative emotional microclimate, in an atmosphere of abuse and squabbles, the dog feels unhappy and depressed.

Subtleties of training

Dogs of this breed are quite capable.

The ability to quickly remember not only commands, but also ordinary words and sequences of actions helps the Dalmatian in the training process. But this same quality requires the owner to be collected and attentive to raising the puppy. An undesirable action, mistakenly assigned, will be repeated again and again, and it is quite difficult to wean it off. Dogs of this breed are easy to train, but very difficult to retrain.

The Dalmatian's stubbornness and independence require early socialization. Puppy who received the course preventive vaccination, should go out into society as early as possible. Acquaintance with the outside world should begin early and continue throughout the first year of the dog’s life. These include walks along the streets, training on the site, in a group of dogs, and trips on public transport.

At home, you can teach your pet absolutely any tricks and tricks. High learning ability plus a desire to please the owner help the Dalmatian to master the intricacies of the training course very quickly. The only difficulties that can arise are commands for endurance, since dogs of this breed are very active.

The training process will be much easier if the owner uses a clicker. The fact is that the Dalmatian does not tolerate rough coercion, which traditional training cannot do without. A clicker is a way of reinforcing desired actions when the dog does what he does involuntarily. This method is not difficult to master.

Features of care and nutrition

  • The hard, shiny, short coat of the Dalmatian protects it well from rain; dogs of this breed do not freeze even in low temperatures, so you can walk with your pet in summer and winter. But this is provided that the Dalmatian is in motion. Dogs of this breed can only be kept in an enclosure in the southern regions, provided that the enclosure is equipped with a well-insulated booth.
  • In an apartment, Dalmatians shed all year round, and the light, sharp hair gets stuck in textiles and clothes and is difficult to remove from carpets. The problem can be partly solved by brushing the dog daily with a rubber mitt. It removes hair well and massages the skin.
  • It is recommended to perform once a week or a decade hygienic cleaning ears, examine and, if necessary, trim nails. Nail trimming is not necessary if the dog is regularly walked on hard surfaces: gravel or asphalt.
The Dalmatian eats well both natural food and prepared food.

The Dalmatian is one of the breeds that does well as natural nutrition, and on a diet of dry food. The dog's high activity and athletic build require that the diet contain enough protein and minerals. Features of physical maturation (long development of the skeleton) force the dog to consume a lot of food, so the owner’s task is to balance the diet so that the dog does not overeat and does not gain weight.

Natural feeding includes semi-liquid porridges made from rice, buckwheat and oatmeal, raw or boiled meat and offal. Meat, and even more so liver or tripe, contains a small amount of calcium needed for bone tissue. Calcium is introduced into the diet through dairy and fermented milk products and vitamin-mineral complexes. Experienced breeders prefer to give their dogs ground shells chicken eggs, using it as the main source of calcium.

Dry food is an excellent solution for busy owners; it is given in portions, twice or thrice a day. If, which contains all the substances, necessary for the dog To maintain excellent shape, you do not need to give any additional supplements. This could be food such as Mera Dog or. If your pet receives more than "Purina Dog Chow" or "Advance", then it may be necessary to add fermented milk products, vegetables and vitamin complexes. It is not recommended to feed your Dalmatian with economy class food (“Chappi” or “Darling”).

Health status and life expectancy

Dalmatians live up to 11 years or more, and among them there are also long-livers, whose age exceeds 17 years. However, Dalmatians often suffer from congenital diseases caused by genetic abnormalities. The most common are:

  1. Congenital deafness. Just over ten percent of puppies at birth suffer from deafness in one or both ears, and this pathology is not immediately detected.

Important! Raising such a pet brings great difficulties, since the dog is timid, nervous and often shows aggression because it cannot adequately assess the situation.

  1. Breed disease - due to higher level uric acid in the blood.
  2. Entropy. It can be treated surgically, but such individuals should not be allowed for breeding.
  3. Polyneuropathy. Dogs suffer of different ages, the prognosis is favorable, but the disease is chronic, which means that frequent relapses are possible.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Like many dog ​​breeds, the Dalmatian has its advantages and disadvantages.

Like any other, the Dalmatian dog breed has its pros and cons, which a potential owner should definitely know.

The advantages of this breed are:

  • Spectacular, elegant appearance.
  • Unusually strong devotion to the owner.
  • Endurance and physical strength of the pet.
  • Friendly to people and pets.
  • High intelligence and excellent learning ability.
  • High emotionality and sensitivity.
  • The need for high physical activity.
  • Year-round molting.
  • Some rigidity of character, stubbornness.
  • Aggression towards dogs.

Anatomically, the Dalmatian most closely resembles hounds, both in the structure of the body and the elegant, dry head. Gambling and courageous, capable of hunting, the Dalmatian is a distant relative of the Pointer, but does not at all replicate any other breed hunting dogs. The Dalmatian's character is similar to that of a Labrador retriever; it is just as tireless, friendly and active, it also loves games and fun, and needs long walks.

How to choose a puppy, prices and kennels

A Dalmatian puppy is born completely white, the spots appear only after two to three weeks, so by the time the babies are sold they have a fully formed color. Some puppies have congenital spots that the baby is born with. Very often they come in the form of a monocle around the eye or a kind of cap on the head. Such spots are a disqualifying defect, and breeders very often cull puppies, destroying them. It is easy to identify a congenital spot in a one-month-old puppy, since the fur on it has a very deep pigment. The presence of such a spot sharply reduces the cost of the baby, since it is sold as pet, not a potential show winner.

Photo. Dalmatian puppies

Dalmatian puppies in the photo

Besides, The color of small Dalmatians is given Special attention , since mottling or unevenly spaced spots, completely black or white ears and tail - all this reduces the score at shows. If you want to purchase a show puppy, it is advisable to study the breed standard well or take with you a consultant who is well versed in the breed.

Important! Be sure to check the puppy for good hearing. There are many different ways to do this, but they check the kids one at a time, since the rest, including a deaf puppy, can simply copy the actions of those with good hearing.

Temperament – ​​a Dalmatian baby should not be fearful or hysterical. Up to eight weeks, he goes through several stages of getting to know the world, so he should be friendly towards strangers, show interest and curiosity. Of course, in order to protect yourself as much as possible from purchasing a puppy that is sick or does not meet the standard, it is preferable to purchase a baby from a large nursery:

  • In Moscow: nursery “Terletskaya oakbrava”, website http://dalmat.info, cost from 500 dollars.
  • In St. Petersburg: nursery “Gloriandus”, website http://www.gloriandus.com, cost from $1000.

Height at withers



There are dozens of dog breeds in the world: famous and not so famous, large and small, bred by man for various purposes. But if we talk about the most charming breed of dogs, then it will definitely be among the contenders for prizes.

This is very ancient breed, which has been pleasing people for several millennia. Most likely, it got its name from the name of the region in the Balkans - Dalmatia. Currently, Croatia is officially recognized as the birthplace of this breed.

Breed standard

The standard for this breed was first written in 1882 by the Englishman Vero Shaw. It became the official standard of the Dalmatian breed.

The Dalmatian is a fairly large animal, with harmonious proportions body, muscular and strong. It has great endurance and can move quickly.

  • Dog weight. For males approximately 27-32 kg, for females - 24-29 kg.
  • Height at withers. For males it should be approximately 56-61 cm, and for females - 54-59 cm.
  • Color. Body color is white. By white body black or brown spots are evenly scattered. They should be round, non-merging and well defined.
  • Wool. It should be short, stiff, shiny and glossy.

Two important proportions for the Dalmatian standard. The length of the muzzle should be related to the length of the skull as 1/1, and the length of the body to its height should be 10/9.

Breed varieties

There are two varieties of this breed: black-spotted And brown-spotted. It is very easy to distinguish them. The first variety has dark spots on the body of black color, also a black nose and dark brown eyes, and the second has dark brown pigmentation, brown nose and lighter eyes. True, there are also blue-eyed Dalmatians.

General description, character

Dalmatians are large, muscular animals with an elegant body. Well-chosen belly. The color is white with dark spots. The muzzle is elongated, the ears are medium-sized, adjacent to the cheeks. The eyes are light brown or dark brown. The nose is black or brown. The neck is long. The tail in a free state is lowered down, according to the standard - it should not curl and stand vertically. Pigmentation on the tail is desirable.

Dalmatians are one of the most popular breeds today. Hollywood advertising played a big role here. After the release of the film "" this breed of dogs became especially fashionable.

However, Dalmatians are very frequent “guests” in animal shelters.. Often people, after watching a movie, think that by buying a Dalmatian, they will immediately receive an intelligent, kind and well-mannered dog. But in life everything is a little different. The Dalmatian is a large, strong animal with enormous energy and often a difficult character. But if you can make friends with him, you will get great friend for life.

The dog is very mobile and active, has a calm and friendly character. Sometimes owners don’t even know what to do with the animal’s excessive energy. The dog does not stand in one place for a second. Pets become very attached to their owner, courageous, although somewhat vindictive - they remember well those who dared to offend them. The Dalmatian has a fairly strong will, so he It is better to keep people who already have experience in communicating and training dogs.

If the owner does not find enough time to communicate with the Dalmatian, then at first the dog will treat this with understanding, but if this situation becomes chronic, then the Dalmatian’s character may seriously deteriorate. He will become withdrawn and irritable.

Lifespan Dalmatians approximately 10-13 years, taking into account, of course, proper care and content.

Dalmatians are very smart animals, quick-witted, independent and resourceful.. But this breed dogs simply cannot live without human society. Negative reviews about the intelligence of this breed and complaints about its behavior are often associated with improper upbringing of the dog, and here the owners of the animal themselves are more to blame.

The Dalmatian is a wonderful dog for a large family with children, even small ones. This breed is great with children and you can safely leave your child with it.. The relationship will be especially harmonious if the puppy and child grow up together.

It will be interesting for you to read, because she is famous for her versatility: she is an unsurpassed hunter, a vigilant watchman, and a devoted friend.

These creatures are compact and not picky about their contents, and their main feature is their appearance. ?

These dogs are affectionate and affectionate, they easily get along in human and canine society; you can keep more than one animal of this breed in the house. About our detailed article.

Dalmatian can be used as watchdog, it turns out great security guard.

In general, it should be noted that a lot depends on the specific animal, but even more on the upbringing that was given to it. At proper education and training, the Dalmatian grows wonderful friend and almost an equal member of the family. If you did something wrong, you may end up with problems in your dog’s behavior. From the first months, the pet must clearly accept you as the boss and learn to follow your orders.

How to choose the right puppy

If you decide that you need a Dalmatian, then it is better to choose a puppy at an age 1-1.5 months. At this age, it is already possible to determine the quality of future dogs, their exterior. If you want a really cool one purebred dog, from parents with a long pedigree - then you should agree on such a puppy in advance.

You should definitely buy a puppy from a good nursery, from an experienced breeder. Male Dalmatians are chosen more often than females, so as not to have problems with estrus in the future. But you should think carefully: the Dalmatian male is a large and strong animal that should have a lot physical activity, and you have to pay a lot of attention to it. A large and poorly behaved male Dalmatian, locked in an apartment for a day, can easily “destroy” it. Bitches are calmer and softer in character.

When choosing a Dalmatian, you should remember one thing: approximately 10-15% of each litter is deaf. Puppies must be checked.

Sometimes there are cases when a teenage puppy is sold or adult dog. This option has both its pros and cons. You will be able to see which animal you are taking, since the dog is more developed and also you will not have to deal with various childhood ailments of the Dalmatian. But in this case, you will receive an animal with an already formed character and you will need to find a common language with your pet.

Price of puppies

A puppy without a pedigree costs approximately 300-500 dollars, and a purebred dog with a good pedigree suitable for participation in exhibitions is worth from 1000 dollars. Although in this case the prices are very individual. A lot depends on the dog’s parents - if they are outstanding champions, then the cost of the puppies will increase significantly.

But dogs with an excellent pedigree and corresponding price are usually needed either for exhibitions or for breeding. Most dog breeders do neither one nor the other, so there is no point in overpaying. But on the other hand, you must understand that high-quality puppies simply cannot be cheap. So if you are offered an extremely low price, think carefully.

Video about the breed

Video about the breed

Dog care

Dalmatians do not require complex care. Firstly, they are very clean, avoiding dirt and puddles like fire. Dalmatians have short fur they shed all year round. They need to be combed out from time to time. But the most important thing in caring for a Dalmatian is the presence regular physical activity and walks– this is a must for this breed. This dog has a lot of energy. Constant communication with the owner is also important for the Dalmatian.

The Dalmatian must be on daily fresh air at least an hour and a half, and it is better to do this more than once. An ideal option would be jogging or cycling together.

Popularity of Rottweilers in different time changes, but everyone always knows about them. If people need true friend, which will accompany him anywhere in the world and in any weather, then this particular breed is chosen. Find out more on our website.

German Shepherds radiate energy; for lovers of morning jogging, such a dog will be a good companion. - the pros and cons of this beautiful breed.


Dalmatians are omnivores. You can give fish, meat, vegetables, dairy products. You can also give dry food, but in this case you need to avoid those that contain a lot of dyes and other additives - Dalmatians often have allergies from them.

Sometimes a dog may not eat for a day. Don’t be alarmed - it was the dog itself who decided to take a “fasting” day for itself.

Features of training

Starting at about five months you can start training Dalmatian and there are some important points. This breed is very smart, intelligent and quick-witted, but They sometimes have problems with obedience. Or rather, it’s not even like that: the dog does not want to mindlessly do what is required of it.

Dalmatians are dogs with a rich inner world, true individuals. And in training, the most important thing for you is to find the path to her inner world. Harsh training methods are useless and even harmful - you will only embitter the dog.

Advantages and disadvantages of Dalmatians


  • Dalmatian is very clever dog, with a cheerful and kind character.
  • Perfect for people leading an active lifestyle.
  • He is in excellent health and almost never gets sick.
  • Requires minimal care and gets along well with children.


  • This is very active dog, they need to be given a lot of attention and time. Not everyone can afford it. Long and frequent walks and a lot of movement are needed.
  • The apartment is not very suitable for keeping this breed. A Dalmatian will feel more comfortable in a country house.
  • A rather “willful” dog and can cause some difficulties for the trainer.
  • Dalmatians are prone to frequent allergies.

This animal needs a lot of time and a lot of attention. If you do not have this opportunity, it is better to buy yourself another dog. The Dalmatian is an intelligent and very active animal; owners who also lead an active lifestyle are more suitable for him. This dog needs both an owner and a friend in one person, and if you can become both, you will not regret it. Elderly people, people who do not have free time, phlegmatic people and homebodies definitely should not get a Dalmatian.

But if you have an active lifestyle, you often don’t sit at home and regularly go on weekends into nature, and your hobbies are cycling and hiking - then this dog is made for you.