Girls' fortune telling for baptism. Help from Higher Powers. What not to do at Epiphany

The Christmastide cycle ends with Epiphany. This period plays a huge role in the Orthodox faith and culture. Many look forward to it because of the opportunity to spend time with their family, talk about the Savior, and also tell fortunes. The evening before Epiphany has a special atmosphere and power, which allows people to learn about the future and look into it.

The desire to know fate, to see events of the future, to read them in some signs is familiar to the ancestors who came up with various ways fortune telling on the eve of the great Orthodox holiday. The Christmastide cycle provides many opportunities for a person to get closer to the mystery. Holy evenings begin with Christmas Eve and end with the Holy evening before Epiphany. Fortune telling for Epiphany on January 18 before bed is especially popular.

The tradition of glorifying the Almighty is considered ancient. It is not condemned by the Church, because it has truly Christian roots, in contrast to fortune telling and rituals that are carried out during the Christmastide period, which are classified as pagan traditions. Of course, those times were characterized by belief in the power of magical rituals and witchcraft. Times have changed, but the desire to know the fate of humanity has remained the same, and accordingly, many rituals have been preserved that help people establish contact with the world of spirits, contact them with questions and requests for help.

Why during the Yuletide cycle? Many believe that this time helps to establish the strongest possible connection with other world. The Eve of Epiphany, according to various beliefs, leads to the fact that the sky opens after sunset, and spirits have the opportunity to come to people and answer their questions. According to legends, evil spirits descend to the earth along with spirits, which daredevils can turn to in special cases. Such fortune-telling for Epiphany on January 18 can be carried out before bedtime by people with nerves of steel.

People try to correctly formulate questions, use various rituals that have been preserved since ancient times, just to find out what is destined for the life line. Fortune telling is especially popular among young girls interested in the name and image of the groom. To find out what is destined for a person, to make a wish and find out whether it will come true or not, you can perform ancient rituals on the eve of Epiphany. Not everyone can decide to do this, only people who are not afraid to lift the veil of the mysterious.

"Golden Ring" on the night of Epiphany

Fortune-telling for Epiphany, on the night of January 18th, before bedtime, is often done by unmarried girls. A group of girls gathers to tell fortunes. Traditionally, for the “Golden Ring” at least six girls should gather for fortune telling.

Important! A mandatory attribute is a ring or ring made of gold; you must also take a large piece of black velvet.

Each girl untwists a ring on the velvet and repeats “I am a ring - this is how I shake the circle of the city, I will follow the ring and come to my dear one.” When the ring stops, you need to take a chalk to make a mark on the velvet. When the fortune telling comes to an end and the fortune tellers unwind the ring, you need to carefully study the location of the marks. Those to whom the marks are closer will get married faster. A girl with no marks next to her will remain unmarried for a long time.

Ritual for a prophetic dream

Fortune telling for Epiphany can be done on January 18 before going to bed on your own. On the eve of Epiphany, before going to bed, you must quietly repeat the words “Holy Samson, let me see my prophetic holiday dream.” Then you need to think about those things that interest you more, what you would like to learn about in prophetic dream. Many people want to know the appearance of their betrothed or the time of marriage. Others are interested in what will happen next year in work matters. The main thing is that the desire to find out the truth on a specific issue is really strong.

Fortune telling for wealth

To carry out fortune telling, you need to make sure that you have a coin and three plates on hand. Fortune telling cannot be done without an assistant. Ask a close friend to take a coin and place it under any of the plates. You cannot watch where the assistant places the coin. At this moment it is advisable to be in another room. Fortune telling is that a person needs to guess the plate under which there is a coin.

The lucky ones who have identified it correctly need not worry. The coming year will be full of luck and profit for them. When it was not possible to guess right away, the fortune telling can be repeated. If the second attempt is successful, the person should not expect large financial losses. If the second attempt fails, then the year will incur large costs and losses of money, which will be unpredictable. As you can see, fortune telling for Epiphany, namely on January 18 before bed, does not always tell only about love affairs.

Fortune telling for the groom

Before fortune telling, it is important to decide on the number of suitors who want to win the lady’s heart. Potential suitors will determine the number of apples needed for fortune telling. Each apple will be responsible for a specific groom, to designate him, the first letters of the person’s name are cut out on both sides. Once the grooms' initials are carved into the fruit, they are placed in a large container. Fortune telling should be done with the lights off.

In the dark, the girl mixes the apples and takes a bite of each one in turn. Then you need to make a choice and leave the apple, which, in the fortuneteller’s opinion, is the most delicious. You need to put it aside, turn on the light and look at the initials. The chosen apple will tell you which of the suitors will become the girl's husband.

Fortune telling in the snow before Epiphany

Fortune telling is simple. It is enough to go outside after sunset and fall into the snow. Then the fortuneteller must get up and enter the house, under no circumstances looking back at her imprint. You can study it only in the morning, on the day of Epiphany. The imprint will tell you what kind of character the girl’s husband will be.

  • a smooth imprint promises a gentle, sensitive and calm husband.
  • a print with cuts inside and along the edge predicts a spouse with a difficult character.

Fortune telling by wish

Fortune telling for Epiphany allows you to find out before going to bed on January 18 whether your cherished wish will come true. On the eve of the great holiday, you need to think about twelve cherished desires. Each is written down on a separate piece of paper and placed under the pillow on which the fortuneteller will fall asleep. First thing in the morning, you need to pull out three leaves from under your pillow, without looking. The wishes written on these pieces of paper will come true in the coming year.

You can tell fortunes on your cherished wish to find out whether it will come true or not. The fortuneteller places a mirror under the bed, on which a wish must be written in advance. On January 18, the mirror should lie outside for some time (preferably until the evening). After placing the mirror under the bed before going to bed, add a couple of fir branches next to it. You need to check the mirror in the morning. The disappearance of the wish that was written on it indicates that it will come true.

Advice! There is also a simple fortune-telling based on desire, which does not require the person to wait until Epiphany morning. Before going to bed, small items are laid out on the table. These can be seeds or nuts. When a wish is made, small items are counted. An even number of objects should indicate that the wish will come true. The odd one says that it is not destined to come true in the coming year.

Epiphany fortune telling for the betrothed

Before going to bed, you need to take a broom and, starting to sweep it, repeat the words of the prayer, moving the broom to the right. When moving the broom to the left, you need to utter a curse word. When the fortuneteller walks around the room with a broom, you need to draw a line with charcoal on the floor and stand on right side, to which the fortuneteller addressed prayer. Looking towards the curse words, to the left, accordingly, you need to say it out loud magic words“Betrothed-mummer, come to me, appear to me like a leaf before the grass.” Many claim that after the magic phrase the girl sees the image of her future husband, they say that the devil may appear.

Fortune telling by the betrothed at the window

Before going to bed, unmarried girls sat under the window and quietly repeated the words “Betrothed, come to my window.” After the words were spoken, the fortune tellers listened to any noise on the street.

  • if you hear any sounds or someone’s words, screams, then the groom will be rich and generous, you won’t be bored with him.
  • in response to the magic words, not a sound is heard, then a poor groom will come to woo, and if he has money, then a stingy one.

Naturally, fortune telling is more suitable for residents of villages or the private sector. In the heart of a noisy city, fortunetellers will definitely not hear silence, given the love of many for noisy fun and fireworks on the eve of the holiday.

Fortune telling on the ridge

Girls who are eager to find out what their betrothed will look like can use a comb for fortune telling before bed. To do this, you don’t need to say any special magic words. Before going to bed to rest, the comb is hung out the window. On Epiphany morning, the first thing they check is the presence of hairs on it. Beliefs say that spirits come at night and leave clues for the girl on the comb. Light hairs indicate that the future spouse will be blond, and dark hairs indicate that a brunette will come to woo.

Such fortune telling can be both attractive and frightening. The main thing a believer needs to know is the church similar rituals and does not recognize traditions. She condemns and despises them. For this reason, on the morning of Epiphany, you need to hurry up and take a swim in the consecrated ice hole. After sinful fortune-telling, this is the only thing that will help you save yourself from the wrath of God.

Whether or not to believe in the veracity of fortune telling is a personal matter, but the tradition of using rituals to find out future events has been around for many years. Many people don’t even believe that modern man can turn to fortune telling in the 21st century, the era of the technological boom. But human nature, his desire to know his destiny, to find answers to important questions, forces you to turn to fortune telling on Epiphany on January 18, right before bed, which our ancestors resorted to.

Christmas time begins on Christmas Eve (January 6) and lasts until Epiphany. Traditionally in Rus', fortune telling was performed at Epiphany to find out about the betrothed or to protect the family from misfortune. They did this in different ways.

Epiphany traditions and customs

The celebration of the Epiphany of the Lord begins on January 18, on the day of Vespers. At this time, it is customary to baptize people and bless water. Water consecrated at Epiphany is the strongest protection against the evil eye, damage, and disease.

On the evening of January 18, the whole family gathered at the table. The owner of the house had to eat the first spoonful of porridge. Epiphany frosts were the strongest, so people tried to appease the winter. The owner, having tasted a spoonful of porridge, invited the frost into the house to warm up and eat, for this he went to the window and said:

“You, frost, don’t be angry, don’t frighten us with the cold. Come to the light, sit, drink some tea.”

On the evening of January 19, the family gathered again at the richly furnished table. But they started eating only with the appearance of the first star in the sky. To ensure a good future for themselves, people every year swim in an ice hole on this day. It is believed that water on this day washes away all sins and illnesses, but this custom is performed only by trained people.

Epiphany signs and fortune telling:

  • snowy, clear weather promises a rich harvest;
  • At night, dogs bark a lot - there will be a lot of game this year;
  • the blue clear sky during the day speaks of good harvest, but covered in clouds promises crop failure;
  • for a young unmarried girl to meet a guy in the morning at his baptism - she will get married soon, for her old grandfather - she will have to wait another year for matchmaking, for her grandmother - she will have to go to court for 5 years;
  • there are many stars in the sky - all your wishes will come true.

Simple fortune telling for marriage

Baptism customs and rituals are associated with the search for answers about personal life. It was customary for young boys and girls to go out on the morning of January 19 and ask the name of the first person of the opposite sex they met. The other half will have the same name.

in the evening it was customary to guess by bell ringing. Young girls came out closer to the temple and listened:

  • wedding bells or bells were heard - you will have a wedding this year;
  • funeral bell - mortal danger, death;
  • silence - the girl will not get married this year;
  • intermittent ringing - the betrothed will propose, but the wedding will be postponed due to unforeseen circumstances.

In the morning, unmarried girls threw their boots over the fence to find out which side to wait for their betrothed. You need to stand with your back to the fence, take off your left shoe and throw it over your right shoulder. In which direction the toe of the shoe points, the betrothed should be expected from that direction. If the sock points to a girl’s house, she will not get married soon.

Fortune telling with mirrors

For this fortune telling for Epiphany you will need 2 mirrors and wax candles. Place mirrors opposite each other, light a candle. Arrange all the attributes so that the mirror corridor is clearly visible.

All this is done at midnight, in complete darkness, without strangers. Such rituals are dangerous to carry out at home, because the dark entity living in the looking glass can get out. Having prepared all the attributes, say the following words:

“I’m waiting for my betrothed, I’m beckoning to my house, come, my good one, I pray.”

Peer closely into the mirrored corridor. Soon the figure of your betrothed will begin to approach you, but you cannot let it go beyond the frame of the mirror. As soon as the figure begins to move along the corridor, quickly fold the mirrors facing each other. Read the Lord's Prayer and go to bed. A mirror used in fortune telling can no longer be used for its intended purpose.

Fortune telling with a comb

There is a simpler Epiphany fortune-telling for the betrothed for the night, which involves using a new comb, or rather a comb. In the evening, concentrate on the desire to see your betrothed. While combing your hair with a comb, say the words of the spell:

“I’m waiting for my betrothed at home, I call on his face. Stop walking around, stirring up a girl’s heart. Turn around, show yourself, appear to me in a dream.”

Run the comb through your hair exactly 100 times. Recite the spell all this time. Then place the comb under your pillow and go to bed. Remember your dreams this night - they are prophetic.

Another fortune telling before Epiphany is carried out at a friend’s house. Ask to spend the night with a friend who you have never stayed with before. In the evening, when you go to bed, say:

“The bridegroom dreams of the bride in a new place.”

This night the image of the betrothed will definitely appear. A dream in a new place will be prophetic. Pay attention to any details:

  • spiders - the betrothed will have money;
  • chickens - there are always a lot of girls around him, perhaps he works in a women's team;
  • Leo - you will meet a strong and strong-willed man;
  • remove large fleas from yourself and your intended betrothed in a dream - build a joint business that brings good money.

Fortune telling for the future husband

To find out the name of the future husband, notes with the names of the guys are placed under the pillow. Write the most different ones that come to mind.

Place them all under your pillow. When you go to bed, try not to think about anything. When you wake up in the morning, take out from under the pillow a note with the name of your betrothed. In a similar way, the gender of children is predicted by placing notes “girl” and “boy” under the pillow.

Prediction for the year

Fortune telling for the year at Epiphany is carried out during the day. You will need:

  • match;
  • coin of any denomination;
  • ring;
  • bread crumb;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • 6 glasses;
  • dark tape.

Place the glasses in front of you. Place one of the prepared attributes in each, and blindfold yourself with a dark ribbon. Start saying the text of the spell:

“A match promises children, sugar will bring happiness, salt will ward off bad weather, a crumb of bread will mean a well-fed, comfortable life, a coin will bring untold riches, a ring will mean being under my crown.”

Mix the glasses. Choose from a blind fortune glass. You can only choose a glass once. Other methods of fortune telling involve the use of wax and milk. The melted wax is poured into milk and, placed at the threshold, they say:

“Brownie, brownie, come out, talk to me, taste the milk and wax. Talk to me, outline the future.”

Interpretation of the forms of frozen wax:

  • cross - the year will be unsuccessful, fate has prepared many illnesses for you;
  • animal - you will soon have to leave your home, changing your place of residence;
  • star – unprecedented success in all areas of activity;
  • ring - it’s time to prepare for the wedding;
  • flower - expect a message, you will meet love soon;
  • candle - a stranger will help solve difficulties;
  • boat - you will have to flee, the situation will become too confusing and threatening;
  • bridge - quickly grab your luck by the tail, you have a week for active actions;
  • palace - trouble awaits;
  • chair - your financial situation will improve, your plan will bring good money.

Fortune telling on a wish

Fortune telling at Epiphany based on desire:

  • on the eve of Epiphany, write 12 wishes on a piece of album paper;
  • cut the sheet into separate pieces and fold under the pillow;
  • In the morning, pull out 3 scraps.

Your wishes will come true in the near future.

Fortune telling using a mirror. Put him outside on the morning of January 18th. In the evening, bring in and write your wish with your finger, put the mirror under the bed and cover it with pine branches. In the morning, carefully examine the mirror surface and, if the inscription has disappeared, you can be sure that your wish will come true.

The next fortune telling is carried out in the morning, just getting out of bed. Sit at the table, think about your desire, concentrate and scatter seeds, nuts or cereals on the table. Next, count the number of grains: even numbers indicate that the wish is not destined to come true, odd numbers - soon your dreams will come true, wealth awaits you.

Card reading

In fortune telling for the future, preference is given to cards. Before you start guessing at Epiphany, clearly formulate the question. Shuffle the deck of cards and place 3 cards in three rows. The first will tell about the past, the second - about the present, the third - about the future.

6s mean the road; 7s talk about news; 8s foretell a conversation; 9s promise love; 10s say that wishes gradually come true.

Volts portend trouble. For married woman may mean a child. The Queen and the King describe certain people. Ace is a house.

Interpretation regarding suits:

  • worms - reflect personal relationships, love affection;
  • tambourines - plans, money, notices;
  • crosses – social connections;
  • peaks - troubles, negativity.

They use cards to guess what it will be like future husband. They put 4 kings under the pillow, saying:

“My betrothed, mummer, come to me in a dream.”

In the morning they take out a card from under the pillow:

  • worms - a wealthy lover, a married or in love man: to get him, you will have to fight;
  • tambourines - you know the guy well and have liked him for a long time;
  • kresti - a military man or businessman, a person with business acumen;
  • spades - the chosen one is much older, is on good standing, has great connections in society, is jealous.
  • When evening came, the girls gathered and told fortunes using a piece of black velvet and a ring. The jewelry must be smooth. The girls take turns rolling the ring over the fabric, saying:

    “I’ll walk around the city and tie my darling to me.”

    They let go of the ring and watch where it falls. A chalk mark is placed in that place. Whose mark is next - that one will have a wedding soon. If the ring rolls out of the fabric, marriage is not expected this year.

    Epiphany fortune-telling at night is also carried out using various paraphernalia. A satin ribbon and a piece of bread are placed in the box. The girl is blindfolded and the objects are laid out in the box so that they lie at a distance from each other. If a girl pulls out bread - expect matchmakers, a ribbon - she will wear girls for another year.


    At all times, people have tried to find out about their future. Fortune telling at Epiphany helped with this. Usually they do fortune telling on the night of January 19 or on the eve of the holiday of January 18. Simple fortune-telling rituals are performed at home and do not require special preparation.

Epiphany fortune-telling is an ancient entertainment that has not lost its relevance today. At their core, they are approximately the same as those that we mentioned earlier, however, some of them are dedicated specifically to the holiday of Epiphany and are held only on the night of January 18-19.

"Apostrophe.Lime" I've collected the most popular ones for you Epiphany fortune telling.

Fortune telling for wish fulfillment

Before you go to bed, write your wishes on 12 pieces of paper and put them under your pillow. In the morning, without getting out of bed, take out any three pieces of paper. It is believed that the wishes that are written there will come true.

Fortune telling with a boot or shoe

The boot or shoe must be removed from the left foot. Ideally, go out to the outskirts of the village for fortune telling, but in urban conditions - just in front of the entrance. If it falls towards the house, marriage is not expected this year.

Fortune telling with fir branches

Take a small mirror and a few spruce branches. Before going to bed, place a mirror under the bed and place fir branches around it. Write your deepest desire on the mirror. If the inscription on the mirror disappears in the morning, then your wish will definitely come true.

Fortune telling with apples

You need to take as many apples as you have contenders for your heart. They need to be designated by cutting out the initials of one suitor on each side on both sides. Then you need to put all the apples in some kind of bowl and turn off the light. Mix thoroughly and begin to bite off a piece from each, choosing the most delicious and sweet. The one who makes a wish on the most delicious apple - that guy has the most serious intentions.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

Before going to bed, the girl needs to eat something salty and under no circumstances wash it down with water. When going to bed, you need to say: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me and give me something to drink.” It was believed that the one who brings water in a dream will become the future husband.

The eve of Epiphany, Epiphany Eve - January 18, is considered the main day of Christmas fortune-telling. Many people are interested in what awaits us in the future. To find out the unknown, people often resorted to divination. Our ancestors often told fortunes during the Christmas season - until January 19th. And on the morning of Epiphany 19, they washed themselves, doused themselves with holy water, or swam in an ice hole to wash away this sin.

If you want to find out your destiny, between now and January 19 you still have a chance to resort to the following fortune telling:

Fortune telling for the groom

An unmarried girl needs to take the number of apples corresponding to the number of her boyfriends. They need to be designated by cutting out the initials of one suitor on each side on both sides. Then you need to put all the apples in some kind of bowl and turn off the light. Mix the apples thoroughly, and then start biting off a piece from each, choosing the most delicious one. Look who made a wish on the one that he liked the most - that guy has the most serious intentions.

There is also one the old way Find out who your future husband will be - fortune telling with a rooster. The girls took several plates, poured water into one, poured grain into another, put a mirror into the third, and a chicken figurine into the fourth. They released the rooster and he indicated to the fortune-telling girl who her betrothed would be: a drunkard, rich, handsome or a womanizer.

Fortune telling for a prophetic dream

Before going to bed you need to say “Saint Samson, show me a holiday dream...” and think about what you want to know. For example, what your future husband will look like when you get married or what awaits you this year. After this you cannot talk to anyone.

Fortune telling for wealth
To find out how successful you will be in material terms next year, did this. You need to take three plates and one coin and ask someone to hide the coin under one of the plates; it is better to leave the room at this moment. Then you should choose a plate at random. If there is a coin under it, the year will be successful and profit awaits you; if you guess where the coin is the second time, there will be no monetary losses, but if not, then you should save your money this year and refrain from large expenses.

Ring fortune telling
Several girls gather in one room. Each one brings a ring with her, they should all be different: copper, silver, gold and with a stone, you can borrow from someone especially for this occasion. There can be two more rings than the number of girls.

The rings are placed in a container with grain or cereal and mixed thoroughly. Then, in turn, each of the girls takes a handful of grain. If she came across a ring, it was used to judge the future. A copper ring - the husband will be from a poor family, a silver one - from a middle-income family, with a stone - the husband will be a person from the upper class, a gold one - the husband will be a rich and famous person. If a girl came across a ring that she brought or that she liked, this is a good sign - the plan will come true. And if you don’t get the ring, then you shouldn’t expect any changes this year.

Fortune telling for marriage

This fortune telling allows you to find out what this year promises you. They took three things: a hat or other headdress, a piece of bread and a small board. This was all put into one large container and mixed thoroughly. Then they closed it, blindfolded it, made three turns and then pulled out the first thing that came to hand. If this is a headdress - marriage this year, bread - you will wear girls for another year, a tree - some unpleasant event will happen in the family or among relatives - illness or death.

Fortune telling for the future
Take a basin, pour water into it and place it on the table. Events (engagement, travel, wedding, addition to the family, etc.) are written on paper strips of the same size and placed around the pelvis at the same distance.

A small candle is placed in half of the nut shell and lit, lowered into the middle of the pelvis. Next, you need to wait until the shell approaches any edge and read the event near which it appears - it will come true.

Fortune telling for the betrothed
On Epiphany Eve, girls used to tell fortunes about their future husband using wedges or fence slats. In a modern way, you can guess by the cars parked in the yard. As she passed by, the girl counted the bars, saying: “Rich, poor, widower, single.” Based on the last bar at which the counting stopped, they judged which husband would be caught.

The holiday of Epiphany (Epiphany) is associated with severe frosts, plunging into an ice hole and fortune telling. On the night of January 18-19, the water becomes sacred, and the atmosphere is filled with magic and magic.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

At Epiphany, young unmarried girls tell fortunes about the name of their betrothed and the wedding date. On this holiday, higher powers come to earth and give a sign.

Fortune telling with apples. Take the apples according to the number of fans. Cut out the guy's initials on each one. Then mix the apples and taste each one blindly. Choose the most delicious one. The guy whose initials will be carved on him is planning a serious relationship.

Fortune telling with rings. Fortune telling is carried out in the company of girls. Prepare rings: copper, silver, gold, ring with precious stone. There should be twice as many rings as there are fortune tellers. Hide them in a bag of cereal. One at a time, go to the bag and take a handful from it. Whoever gets a copper ring will marry a poor man. The owner silver ring husband will good man from a wealthy family. The girl who pulls out the ring with the precious stone will marry famous person. Who will get it Golden ring- that one family life will pass in wealth and luxury. If a girl picks up a handful of cereal without a ring, then she will not get married in the next year.

Fortune telling about the groom's hair color. On the eve of Epiphany, hang a comb in the barn. At night the groom will come and comb his hair with it. In the morning, carefully examine the comb. Whatever color hair you find on him, the future groom will have the same color.

Ceremony at the window. At midnight, sit by the window and say: “Mummer, drive past my window!” If after these words you hear the sound of a quickly passing car, with music and screams, then in the future you will have a happy marriage and a carefree life, full of adventure And happy events. If the car passes slowly, then the groom will not be rich.

Fortune telling in the snow. On the evening of January 18, go outside, take off your chains, belts, rings, and unbraid your hair. Then lie down in a snowdrift without crossing your arms and legs. After that, get up and, without looking back, quickly go home. In the morning, return to the place where the ritual was performed and look at the footprint left in the snowdrift. The fuzzy outline of the silhouette and the snow scattered around indicate life with a jealous husband. A smooth print foreshadows a loving spouse with an easy-going character. The deep mark marks several marriages. If there are no footprints left in the snow, then you will not be able to get married in the coming year.

Ritual with a mirror. Stand in an empty room in front of a mirror and take an apple pre-cut into 9 parts. Looking at your reflection, eat 8 pieces and throw the 9th through left shoulder. At this moment, the image of your betrothed will appear in the mirror.

Fortune telling for the future

At Epiphany, a special atmosphere of magic reigns on earth. On this holiday, ask higher powers to reveal the secret of the future. Magic rituals future events will show. Good signs will give you strength and energy to achieve your goals.

Fortune telling with glasses. Take six glasses, pour some water into them and put one small symbol object each. A coin foretells wealth, a match - the birth of a child, a ring - the next wedding, sugar - happy life, bread - satiety, salt - misfortune and tears. You can use other objects and put your own meaning into them. Stir the glasses and eyes closed pick one at random. The item you find will predetermine the events of the coming year.

Fortune telling for a prophetic dream. On the eve of Epiphany, lie down in bed and say: “Saint Samson, show me a festive dream.” Mentally think about what you would like to know in a dream. Events that you dream about will happen soon.

Ritual with a needle. Prepare a piece of bread, salt, a piece of brick and coal. Place the bread opposite the salt and the coal opposite the brick. Thread a long thread through the eye of the needle. Then lift it above the prepared objects to head level and start swinging. If the needle moves from bread to salt, then happy events are expected in the future, and if from a piece of brick to a coal, a difficult year is ahead.

Fortune telling for wish fulfillment

At Epiphany, people make wishes and ask higher powers to help make their dreams come true. Magic rituals They will tell you whether your plan will come true.

Fortune telling on the mirror. On Epiphany Eve, before midnight, bring a small mirror and spruce branches into the bedroom. Write your cherished wish on the mirror and put it under the bed. Place branches around it. Look in the mirror in the morning. If the inscription has disappeared, then the plan will come true in the near future.

12 wishes. Prepare 12 pieces of paper and write your cherished dreams on them. Before going to bed, mix up the pieces of paper and place them under your pillow. In the morning, pull out three leaves at random. The wishes written on them will come true in the coming year.

Ritual for the fulfillment of desires. Focus on your cherished dream, take a handful of small objects (buttons, nuts, peas, seeds) and pour them out in front of you on a flat surface. After this, count the number of items. An even number indicates that the wish will come true in the near future. An odd number indicates failure.

Card reading. Pick up a deck of cards and make a wish. Then blindly draw a card from the deck. Red color symbolizes good luck, black color symbolizes disappointment. If the map turns out to be large and black, then great difficulties will stand in the way. A small red card foreshadows the fulfillment of plans, but not as desired.