Electroencephalography (EEG) in children - features of brain examination. How to diagnose the brain using an EEG for children Detects an EEG of the brain of children

In medicine, a diagnostic procedure is used to study brain functions - electroencephalography (EEG). This harmless and affordable method is often used in pediatric neurology.

What is the research? How is the procedure carried out? Do you need to prepare for it? What is EchoEG and EchoES? When are these methods used? Let's look into these issues

What is EEG

An electroencephalogram (EEG) is designed to determine brain conditions in children and adults. The method is based on recording impulses that are created and transmitted by neurons. The joint activity of these cells forms bioelectrical activity cerebral cortex, which is recorded by the device.

Electrodes record signals and transmit them to the device. A computer program analyzes and processes information in accordance with age and time of day.

The indicators are recorded in the form of a curve similar to a cardiogram. Electroencephalography in children is a safe way to obtain information about brain function at any age. EEG data allow the doctor to discover the cause of the child’s disease in order to prescribe the correct treatment.

Who gets an EEG?

An encephalogram is prescribed for the child by a neurologist and neurophysiologist. The procedure is performed at any age – from birth to 18 years.

It is indicated to do an EEG in the following cases:

  • head injury;
  • prolonged crying for no apparent reason;
  • baby’s sleep disturbance – drowsiness or insomnia;
  • unstable arterial pressure in teenagers;
  • convulsions of unknown origin;
  • vegetative crises;
  • irritability;
  • rapid depletion of physical resources;
  • sleepwalking – walking at night in an unconscious state;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • fainting;
  • speech delay in children;
  • convulsions at elevated temperatures;
  • EEG is done for children who stutter.

Neurologists prescribe research using this method in cases of impaired consciousness and vegetative-vascular crises with fainting.

What does a doctor see on an EEG?

An encephalogram of a child’s brain reveals the consistency of brain structures during sleep and wakefulness.

What the EEG shows:

  • Stage of brain maturity in young children;
  • ischemia and hypoxia of cerebral vessels;
  • diagnosis of the severity of the disease;
  • assessing the effectiveness of anticonvulsants;
  • identifying the cause of convulsive syndrome;
  • the presence of a focus of convulsive activity in the brain;
  • localization of damage.

EEG reveals meningitis, encephalitis against the background of herpes and others infectious diseases. The procedure detects concussion and brain contusion.

EEG detects cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Thanks to the study, the doctor determines the cause of the lag in speech skills and memory loss.

How to prepare a child for an EEG

No specific preparation is required for the study. The child is prepared in advance for the encephalogram procedure with simple steps. To improve contact between the sensor and the hair, wash your hair a day earlier.

An EEG is performed on infants while they sleep. Before the session, the child is fed. For children over 1 year of age, the procedure is performed while awake. To ensure that the baby behaves calmly, parents psychologically prepare the child the night before.

Tips for parents:

  • Talk about diagnostics fun game into astronauts. During the procedure, a cap with sensors is put on the head, which represents the spacesuit. It’s a good idea to show your child a picture of an astronaut.
  • Bring your favorite toys with you to the examination, with which your baby will feel protected.
  • An hour before the procedure, the baby is fed.

Before the session, remove hairpins and jewelry from the baby’s head and let down her hair. Important! Parents should be aware that the examination is not done during elevated temperature, cough or nasal congestion.

How does an EEG study work?

The procedure is performed in a sound- and light-proof room. A cap is placed on the child's head, onto which sensors are pinned. The electrodes are connected to the device using wires. The sensors are pre-lubricated with gel to avoid an air cushion. Clips are placed on the earlobes.

During the procedure, babies lie on the changing table or in the mother's arms.

Older children undergo a more complex procedure. For this, the patient is placed on a couch. In a reclining position, you cannot bend your head.

During the session, provocative tests are used:

  1. First, a background recording of the bioelectrical activity of neurons is made for 15 minutes.
  2. The child is asked to open and close his eyes several times at intervals. The test is necessary to study the brain at rest and in transition to activity.
  3. The next exercise is hyperventilation. The child takes a deep breath and exhales 2-3 times with breaks. The test detects hidden tumors, epilepsy and stress in the nervous system.
  4. Another provoking test is photostimulation. The procedure is performed using an electric light bulb. The child's closed eyes are illuminated with flashes of light several times. Light load on vision reveals epilepsy, the degree of activity of speech and psychomotor development of children.

The procedure lasts half an hour. If provoking tests do not reveal pathology, an EEG with sleep deprivation is performed.

For this purpose, the child is woken up several hours earlier than usual. If a paroxysmal state of the brain or a deep sleep disorder is suspected, a nighttime EEG is performed.

EEG interpretation

4 types of rhythms are recorded on the tape. The EEG is interpreted by a doctor. A “bad” EEG during seizures is indicated by frequent electrical discharges of high amplitude. At the end of the attack, bioelectrical activity decreases. Outside of seizures, the device detects foci of increased seizure activity.

In other brain pathologies, focal or diffuse changes are recorded on the tape. With tumors and strokes, a slow rhythm with a predominance of beta waves is observed. Diffuse changes observed with encephalitis, meningitis, concussion or bruise of the brain.

After injury, the frequency of the alpha rhythm increases. In dementia, this indicator is completely absent. If diffuse beta rhythms are detected, this indicates a concussion.

What is EchoEG

Echoencephalography of the brain (Echoeg) is ultrasonography on expert class equipment with an advanced computer program.

The advantages of Echoeg are that it detects pathology not only deep in the brain, but also near the bones of the skull:

  • intracranial hematoma;
  • intracranial pressure;
  • degree of hydrocephalus;
  • brain tumors;
  • abscess.

The information content of the method is equal to magnetic resonance imaging and replaces it in case of contraindications to the latter.

What is the EchoES method?

Echoencephaloscopy (Echoes) is an ultrasound scan of brain structures. The research is based on echolocation. The method allows you to receive signals from the ventricles of the brain. It is used in case of suspected hypertension syndrome.

The need for this method arises in the following brain pathologies:

  • perinatal encephalopathy that developed during pregnancy or during childbirth;
  • attention deficit syndrome;
  • stuttering;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • sleep disturbance:
  • increased activity;
  • enuresis.

No preparation is required before the test. The method is harmless, therefore it is used in children and pregnant women.

An electroencephalogram is necessary to identify or exclude brain pathology. The procedure can be done several times without harming a child of any age. In case of severe brain pathology, in addition to EEG, improved Echoeg and Echoes studies are used.

Electroencephalography or EEG is a highly informative study of the functional characteristics of the central nervous system. Through this diagnosis, possible disorders of the central nervous system and their causes are determined. EEG interpretation in children and adults provides a detailed picture of the state of the brain and the presence of abnormalities. Allows you to identify individual affected areas. Based on the results, the neurological or psychiatric nature of the pathologies is determined.

Prerogative aspects and disadvantages of the EEG method

Neurophysiologists and patients themselves prefer EEG diagnostics for several reasons:

  • reliability of the results;
  • no contraindications for medical reasons;
  • the ability to perform research in a sleeping or even unconscious state of the patient;
  • absence of gender and age boundaries for the procedure (EEG is done for both newborns and people old age);
  • price and territorial accessibility (the survey is low cost and is carried out in almost every district hospital);
  • insignificant time costs for conducting a conventional electroencephalogram;
  • painlessness (during the procedure the child may be capricious, but not from pain, but from fear);
  • harmlessness (electrodes attached to the head record the electrical activity of brain structures, but do not have any effect on the brain);
  • the ability to conduct multiple examinations to track the dynamics of prescribed therapy;
  • prompt interpretation of results for diagnosis.

In addition, EEG is not provided for preliminary preparation. The disadvantages of the method include possible distortion of indicators for the following reasons:

  • unstable psycho-emotional state of the child at the time of the study;
  • mobility (during the procedure it is necessary to keep the head and body static);
  • application medical supplies, influencing the activity of the central nervous system;
  • hungry state (a decrease in sugar levels due to hunger affects brain function);
  • chronic diseases organs of vision.

In most cases, the listed reasons can be eliminated (conduct a study during sleep, stop taking medications, provide the child with a psychological mood). If the doctor has prescribed electroencephalography for your baby, the study cannot be ignored.

Diagnosis is not carried out for all children, but only according to indications

Indications for examination

Indications for use functional diagnostics the child’s nervous system can be of three types: control-therapeutic, confirming/refuting, symptomatic. The first include mandatory research after neurosurgical operations and control and preventive procedures for previously diagnosed epilepsy, cerebral hydrocele or autism. The second category is represented by medical assumptions about the presence malignant neoplasms in the brain (EEG can detect an atypical lesion earlier than magnetic resonance imaging will show).

Alarming symptoms for which the procedure is prescribed:

  • A child’s delay in speech development: impaired pronunciation due to a functional failure of the central nervous system (dysarthria), disorder, loss of speech activity due to organic damage to certain areas of the brain responsible for speech (aphasia), stuttering.
  • Sudden, uncontrollable seizures seizures in children (possibly epileptic seizures).
  • Uncontrolled emptying Bladder(enuresis).
  • Excessive mobility and excitability of babies (hyperactivity).
  • Unconscious movement of the child during sleep (sleepwalking).
  • Concussions, bruises and other head injuries.
  • Systematic headaches, dizziness and fainting, of unknown origin.
  • Involuntary muscle spasms at an accelerated pace (nervous tics).
  • Inability to concentrate (distracted attention), decreased mental activity, memory impairment.
  • Psycho-emotional disorders (unreasonable changes in mood, tendency to aggression, psychosis).

How to get correct results?

EEG of the brain in children of preschool and primary school age is most often carried out in the presence of parents (babies are held in their arms). No special training is required; parents should follow a few simple recommendations:

  • Carefully examine the child's head. If there are minor scratches, wounds, scratches, inform your doctor. Electrodes are not attached to areas with damaged epidermis (skin).
  • Feed the child. The study is carried out on a full stomach, so as not to blur the indicators. (Sweets containing chocolate, which excites the nervous system, should be excluded from the menu). As for infants, they must be fed immediately before the procedure. medical institution. In this case, the baby will fall asleep peacefully and the study will be carried out during sleep.

It is more convenient for infants to conduct research during natural sleep

It is important to cancel your appointment medicines(if the baby receives treatment on an ongoing basis, you need to notify the doctor about this). Children of school and preschool age need to be explained what they have to do and why. The right psychological attitude will help you avoid excessive emotionality. You are allowed to take toys with you (excluding digital gadgets).

You should remove hairpins and bows from your head, and remove earrings from your ears. Girls should not wear their hair in braids. If the EEG is repeated, it is necessary to take the protocol of the previous study. Before the examination, the child's hair should be washed and skin heads. One of the conditions is the good health of the little patient. If the child has a cold or other health problems, it is better to postpone the procedure until complete recovery.


According to the method of implementation, the electroencephalogram is close to cardiac electrocardiography (ECG). In this case, 12 electrodes are also used, which are symmetrically placed on the head in certain areas. The application and attachment of sensors to the head is carried out in a strict order. The scalp in areas of contact with the electrodes is treated with gel. The installed sensors are fixed on top with a special medical cap.

Using clamps, the sensors are connected to an electroencephalograph - a device that records features brain activity, and reproduces the data on paper tape in the form of a graphic image. It is important that the little patient keeps his head upright throughout the entire examination. The time interval for the procedure, including mandatory testing, is about half an hour.

The ventilation test is carried out for children from 3 years of age. To control breathing, the child will be asked to inflate a balloon for 2-4 minutes. This testing is necessary to establish possible neoplasms and diagnosis of latent epilepsy. Deviations in the development of the speech apparatus and mental reactions will help identify light irritation. An in-depth version of the study is carried out according to the principle daily monitoring Holter in cardiology.

The cap with sensors does not cause pain or discomfort to the child

The baby wears the cap for 24 hours, and a small device located on the belt continuously records changes in the activity of the nervous system as a whole and individual brain structures. After a day, the device and cap are removed and the doctor analyzes the results. Such a study is of fundamental importance for identifying epilepsy in the initial period of its development, when symptoms do not yet appear often and clearly.

Decoding the results of the electroencephalogram

Only a highly qualified neurophysiologist or neuropathologist should decode the results obtained. It is quite difficult to determine deviations from the norm on a graph if they are not clearly defined. At the same time, normative indicators can be interpreted differently depending on age category patient and health status at the time of the procedure.

It is almost impossible for a non-professional person to understand the indicators correctly. The process of deciphering the results may take several days due to the scale of the analyzed material. The doctor must evaluate the electrical activity of millions of neurons. What complicates the assessment of children's EEG is that nervous system is in a state of maturation and active growth.

The electroencephalograph records the main types of activity baby brain, displaying them in the form of waves, which are assessed according to three parameters:

  • Frequency of wave oscillations. The change in the state of waves over a second time interval (oscillations) is measured in Hz (hertz). In conclusion, the average indicator obtained by the average wave activity per second in several sections of the graph is recorded.
  • The range of wave changes or amplitude. Reflects the distance between opposite peaks of wave activity. It is measured in µV (microvolts). The protocol describes the most characteristic (frequently occurring) indicators.
  • Phase. Based on this indicator (the number of phases per oscillation) it is determined Current state process or changing its direction.

In addition, the rhythm of the heart and the symmetry of neutron activity in the hemispheres (right and left) are taken into account. The main assessment indicator of brain activity is the rhythm, which is generated and regulated by the most structurally complex part of the brain (thalamus). Rhythm is determined by the shape, amplitude, regularity and frequency of wave oscillations.

Types and norms of rhythms

Each of the rhythms is responsible for one or another brain activity. To decode the electroencephalogram, several types of rhythms are adopted, designated by the letters of the Greek alphabet:

  • Alpha, Betta, Gamma, Kappa, Lambda, Mu - characteristic of an awake patient;
  • Delta, Theta, Sigma - characteristic of the state of sleep or the presence of pathologies.

The results are interpreted by a qualified specialist.

Manifestation of the first type:

  • α-rhythm. It has an amplitude standard of up to 100 μV, frequency - from 8 Hz to 13. It is responsible for the calm state of the patient’s brain, in which its highest amplitude indicators are noted. When visual perception or brain activity is activated, the alpha rhythm is partially or completely inhibited (blocked).
  • β rhythm. The normal frequency of oscillations is from 13 Hz to 19, the amplitude is symmetrical in both hemispheres - from 3 μV to 5. The manifestation of changes is observed in a state of psycho-emotional arousal.
  • γ rhythm. Normally, it has a low amplitude of up to 10 μV, the oscillation frequency varies from 120 Hz to 180. On the EEG it is detected with increased concentration and mental stress.
  • κ-rhythm. Digital vibration indicators range from 8 Hz to 12.
  • λ rhythm. It is included in the general functioning of the brain when visual concentration is necessary in the dark or with eyes closed. Stopping the gaze at a certain point blocks the λ rhythm. Has a frequency from 4 Hz to 5.
  • μ-rhythm. It is characterized by the same interval as the α rhythm. It appears when mental activity is activated.

Manifestation of the second type:

  • δ-rhythm. Normally recorded in a state of deep sleep or coma. Occurrence while awake may indicate cancer or dystrophic changes in the area of ​​the brain from which the signal was received.
  • τ-rhythm. It ranges from 4 Hz to 8. The startup process is carried out in a sleep state.
  • Σ rhythm. The frequency ranges from 10 Hz to 16. It occurs during the stage of falling asleep.

The set of characteristics of all types of brain rhythmicity determines the bioelectrical activity of the brain (BEA). According to the standards, this evaluation parameter should be characterized as synchronous and rhythmic. Other options for describing BEA in a doctor’s report indicate disorders and pathologies.

Possible abnormalities on the electroencephalogram

Rhythm disturbances, the absence/presence of certain types of rhythm, asymmetry of the hemispheres indicate disruptions in brain processes and the presence of diseases. Asymmetry of 35% or more may be a sign of a cyst or tumor.

Electroencephalogram indicators for alpha rhythm and preliminary diagnoses

Atypia conclusions
lack of stability, increase in frequency injuries, concussions, brain contusions
absence on EEG dementia or mental retardation (dementia)
increased amplitude and synchronization, uncharacteristic shift in the area of ​​activity, weakened response to energy, increased response to hyperventilation testing delayed psychomotor development of a child
normal synchronicity when frequency slows down delayed psychasthenic reactions (inhibitory psychopathy)
shortened activation response, increased rhythm synchrony neuropsychic disorder (neurasthenia)
epileptic activity, absence or significant weakening of rhythm and activation reactions hysterical neurosis

Beta rhythm parameters

Parameters of δ- and τ-rhythmicity

In addition to the described parameters, the age of the child being examined is taken into account. In infants up to six months of age quantitative indicator The theta oscillation continuously increases, and the delta oscillation decreases. From the age of six months, these rhythms rapidly fade away, while alpha waves, on the contrary, are actively formed. Up until school, there is a stable replacement of theta and delta waves with β and α waves. IN puberty alpha rhythm activity prevails. The final formation of a set of wave parameters or BEA is completed by adulthood.

Failures of bioelectrical activity

Relatively stable bioelectroactivity with signs of paroxysm, regardless of the area of ​​the brain where it manifests itself, indicates the predominance of excitation over inhibition. This explains the presence of systematic headaches and neurological disease(migraine). The combination of pathological bioelectrical activity and paroxysm is one of the signs of epilepsy.

Reduced BEA characterizes depressive states

Extra options

When decoding the results, any nuances are taken into account. The decoding of some of them is as follows. Signs of frequent irritation of brain structures indicate a disruption in the process of blood circulation in the brain, insufficient blood supply. Focal abnormal rhythm activity is a sign of predisposition to epilepsy and convulsive syndrome. A discrepancy between neurophysiological maturity and the child’s age indicates developmental delay.

Violation of wave activity indicates a history of traumatic brain injury. The predominance of active discharges from any brain structure and their intensification during physical stress can cause serious disruptions in work hearing aid, organs of vision, provoke a short-term loss of consciousness. In children with such manifestations, it is necessary to strictly monitor sports and other physical exercise. A slow alpha rhythm can cause increased muscle tone.

The most common diagnoses based on EEG

Common diseases diagnosed by a neurologist in children after examination include:

  • A brain tumor of various etiologies(origin). The cause of the pathology remains unclear.
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • Simultaneous inflammation of the membranes of the brain and medulla (meningoencephalitis). The cause is most often an infection.
  • Abnormal accumulation of fluid in brain structures (hydrocephalus or dropsy). The pathology is congenital. Most likely, the woman did not undergo mandatory screenings during the perinatal period. Or the anomaly developed as a result of an injury received by the baby during delivery.
  • Chronic psychoneurological disease with characteristic seizures (epilepsy). Provoking factors are: heredity, trauma during childbirth, advanced infections, antisocial behavior of a woman during pregnancy (drug addiction, alcoholism).
  • Hemorrhage into the brain substance due to rupture of blood vessels. May be provoked high blood pressure, head injuries, blockage of blood vessels with cholesterol growths (plaques).
  • Cerebral palsy (CP). The development of the disease begins in the prenatal period under the influence of unfavorable factors(oxygen starvation, intrauterine infections, exposure to alcohol or pharmacological toxins) or head trauma during childbirth.
  • Unconscious movements during sleep (sleepwalking, somnambulism). There is no exact explanation for the reason. Presumably, these could be genetic abnormalities or the influence of unfavorable natural factors (if the child was in an environmentally hazardous area).

For diagnosed epilepsy, EEG is performed regularly

Electroencephalography makes it possible to establish the focus and type of the disease. On the chart distinctive features there will be the following changes:

  • acute-angled waves with sharp rise and fall;
  • pronounced slow pointed waves combined with slow ones;
  • sharp increase amplitudes of several units of kmV.
  • When testing for hyperventilation, narrowing and spasms of blood vessels are recorded.
  • during photostimulation, unusual reactions to the test appear.

If epilepsy is suspected and control study dynamics of the disease, testing is carried out in a gentle manner, since stress can cause an epileptic seizure.

Traumatic brain injury

Changes to the chart depend on the severity of the injury. The stronger the blow, the brighter the manifestations will be. The asymmetry of the rhythms indicates an uncomplicated injury (mild concussion). Uncharacteristic δ-waves, accompanied by bright flashes of δ- and τ-rhythmicity and imbalance of α-rhythmicity may be a sign of bleeding between meninges and the brain.

An area of ​​the brain damaged due to injury always exhibits increased activity of a pathological nature. If the symptoms of a concussion disappear (nausea, vomiting, severe headaches), abnormalities will still be recorded on the EEG. If, on the contrary, the symptoms and electroencephalogram indicators worsen, possible diagnosis there will be extensive brain damage.

Based on the results, the doctor may recommend or oblige you to undergo additional diagnostic procedures. If necessary, examine in detail the brain tissue, not its functional features, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is prescribed. If a tumor process is detected, you should contact computed tomography(CT). The final diagnosis is made by a neurologist, summing up the data reflected in the clinical electroencephalographic report and the patient’s symptoms.

A study of the functionality and structure of a child’s brain may be required from birth, and for this purpose the safest methods are selected. Electroencephalography (EEG) is a painless and harmless way to diagnose abnormalities in the functioning of the brain, which can be prescribed to a small child.

The study is indicated to assess the functionality of the cerebral cortex by recording the activity of electrical impulses. The method is recognized as informative for obtaining results any age.

EEG shows a graphical representation of the activity of neurons, brain cells that form its bioelectrical activity. The resulting result looks like set of lines, which the specialist deciphers, seeing the flow physiological processes And pathological changes.

What is an EEG of the brain?

Electroencephalography of the brain is one of the main methods for determining the functionality of the cerebral cortex in children and adults. Using electrodes during the procedure, bioelectrical activity is recorded, possible pathological changes and diseases of the central nervous system are shown.

This technique can be applied for the little ones to assess brain development and monitor impairment.

EEG of newborns has already been shown from the first days of life. The purpose of the technique will be to exclude or confirm disorders in the functioning of the brain.

The reason for diagnosis immediately after birth will be:

The child must be specially prepared mentally and physically for the procedure. The study of infants is carried out while they are sleeping, so that they are in a calm state and nothing affects EEG results, distorting them. Diagnosis begins only at the moment when the child is completely calm, even if at this time he is in an alert state.

Indications for EEG

Electroencephalography of young children is performed for the following indications:

  • visual changes indicating problems in the brain;
  • epileptic seizures and convulsions of cerebral etiology;
  • high or low blood pressure of unknown origin;
  • poor sleep, its absence or lack;
  • disturbance of the child's behavior, irritability, constant tearfulness;
  • dizziness, loss of coordination of movements;
  • benign tumors and suspicion of an oncological process;
  • assessment of the functional development of the cerebral cortex;
  • injuries, bruises, blows to the head with the formation of a hematoma;
  • frequent headaches, short temper.

The following specialists can prescribe research:

It is carried out not only when there is suspicion of pathological process, but also for observation normal development brain processes.

Parents should not worry about the potential harm of the procedure to the child; it harmless and can be carried out repeatedly.

From the evidence it can be observed that EEG effective in terms of many disorders in the child’s brain. The study allows you to monitor the function of the central nervous system from the first days of a newborn’s life.

Using EEG, you can diagnose the following abnormalities:

  • Cerebral palsy and other congenital anomalies that arose during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus. Previously we also considered the issue of;
  • epilepsy, autonomic dystonia syndrome;
  • causes of speech and hearing impairment in a child;
  • the severity of the brain abnormality in the newborn.

What does the EEG of the brain show to children: decoding

As a result of conducting an EEG, the specialist receives electroencephalogram, represented by a set of curved lines that reflect the functional activity of the brain of a newborn or older children.

Now the results are saved not only on paper, but also in a computer program, which allows you to quickly find the desired document at any time and monitor changes in the functioning of the brain.

Electroencephalography shows the dynamics of the development of the cerebral cortex and the pathological changes that occur in it. The main indicator for diagnosing normal condition and deviation is bioelectric activity of neurons.

Decoding EEG Only the attending physician can do this. For a person without medical education the result of the analysis will remain a set of lines that do not carry any information.

We have already discussed a similar question in another article about.

It is important that there are no assessment standards, and what is normal for one child will be a deviation for another. Considering individual characteristics , the doctor studies the result and from his lips the parents hear about the state of the child’s brain.

After an EEG with ambiguous results, when there is a suspicion of any pathology, additional research.

What techniques complement EEG results:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • ultrasonography;
  • CT scan;
  • neurosonography and others.

The listed methods already have contraindications and are to some extent dangerous for children, therefore they are prescribed only when absolutely necessary.

How to prepare a child for an EEG of the brain?

Before the procedure begins, standard preparation of children is carried out. The stages depend on age, and if older, calm children do not need additional measures, we will consider preparing active children who are afraid of the upcoming manipulation.

What to do before an EEG for restless children:

Preparation directly for the procedure consists of:

  • Attaching electrodes to the head.
  • The study is carried out in a small room where a changing table and a recording device are located.
  • A special cap is placed on the child’s head, to which electrodes are attached.
  • The sensors are connected by a network of wires, so all equipment is grounded, and the procedure can be carried out at any time.
  • Before applying the sensors, they are wetted in liquid to avoid the formation of air between the electrodes and the head.
  • In rare cases, the child's skin is wiped with alcohol.
  • Electrodes are also placed on the ears to conduct current.

Where do they make it?

Electroencephalography is performed in private clinic or public hospital. For this purpose there is a specially equipped office with a chair and the necessary equipment. The cost will depend on the location of the procedure.

The first study can be carried out in the maternity hospital, when it is necessary to examine the brain of a newly born child. In other cases, the doctor makes an appointment and sends it to the desired office, which is located on the hospital premises.

When the parents themselves have expressed a desire to undergo the procedure, they must first obtain an appointment from one of the following specialists:

  • neurologist, neuropathologist;
  • pediatrician, psychotherapist;
  • neurophysiologist, traumatologist.

Working with children requires high professionalism, and in order to get the right result, it is important to find a qualified doctor with positive reviews.

Diagnostics can be done in the following clinics in Moscow:


The cost of electroencephalography depends on the institution:

  • In private clinics the price is higher, but cannot exceed 5,000 rubles .
  • Average cost of the procedure – 1,500 – 3,500 rubles.
  • At SM-Clinic the cost of the procedure will be approximately 3,500 rubles.
  • At the clinic K+31 – 4,500 rubles .
  • Best Clinic offers to undergo examination at a price 2,500 rubles.

Prices vary so much due to:

  • various equipment;
  • quality of training;
  • the presence of additional studies in the complex.

Electroencephalography (EEG) records the potentials of electrical activity and reveals changes that occur in the child’s head. Such an examination for the child’s body will harmlessly and accurately show all the changes that occur in various pathologies. EEG of the brain in children is carried out without any problems if the parents prepare the child for the procedure in advance.

EEG must be done when:

  • Regular loss of consciousness;
  • , seizures of cerebral origin;
  • Inflammatory diseases;
  • Headache;
  • Chronic neurological diseases;
  • All kinds of formations of the central nervous system;
  • In preparation for brain surgery;
  • Congenital pathology of the central nervous system;
  • Delayed psychoneurological development.

What is diagnosed on an EEG

After deciphering the EEG, the following is diagnosed:

  • Inflammatory disease of the meninges. Characterized by febrile temperature, malaise, profuse headache,.
  • Epilepsy, in which a child has recurrent, stereotypical seizures.
  • A common congenital disease in children. Characterized by the accumulation of excessive amounts of spinal fluid in the ventricles of the brain. Causes: often these are birth injuries, inflammatory diseases in children.
  • Volumetric formations of the brain. The etiology is not completely clear. A hereditary factor is suspected ionizing radiation, lifestyle, in particular parents, etc.
  • Hemorrhages. The most common causes are injuries and diseases of the hematopoietic system. The child complains of dizziness, headaches, and lethargy.
  • Cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy) is a pathology of the brain due to its underdevelopment or injury during pregnancy and childbirth. Factors influencing the development of this pathology: trauma, infectious and endocrine diseases mother.

Is it possible for children to have an EEG?

Does not have an EEG absolute contraindications, can be performed on all children without exception, even infants. If the child is capricious or restless, then before the study they are given sedatives, and they also conduct an examination at the places where special sensors are attached. Availability open wounds, abrasions, maceration gives the doctor the right to postpone the procedure.

How to prepare for the procedure

Before starting, the doctor must give correct recommendations parents:

  • The child should not be hungry and should not eat or drink for 2 hours. Products containing caffeine, chocolate, etc., which have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, are strictly prohibited.
  • For babies, the brain scan is done while the baby is sleeping.
  • For children over one year of age, an electroencephalogram is performed during activity. But there are also nuances here: the child must be psychologically prepared and fulfill all the doctor’s requirements.
  • To make your baby feel comfortable, you can take his favorite things and present them all to him as a game.
  • All items that may interfere with the examination (hairpins, earrings, chains...) must be removed, hair must be clean and loose
  • If your child is taking any medications, be sure to notify the doctor about this.

Carrying out an EEG

Electroencephalography stages:

  1. Recording data at rest.
  2. Tests with opening and closing the eyes (they can be carried out with the child in a somewhat playful way). Eye opening is responsible for inhibition processes, and closing is responsible for excitation in the cerebral cortex.
  3. Forced breathing. Take a deep breath and exhale. You can offer the child to play with the dog. This test can help in detecting formations and epilepsy.
  4. The final stage is photostimulation. The doctor turns on the lamp, which begins to blink and go out at certain intervals. This helps us identify areas of epileptic activity and assess the child’s psychophysical development.

The study will take no more than 25 minutes. The doctor can conduct a number of other diagnostic tests, for example: squeezing and unclenching the hand, sound stimulation, etc.

Electroencephalogram recording

The examination proceeds as follows: special sensors are fixed on the child’s head. They look like a helmet, which is made of various materials (fabric, rubber). Before this, the scalp is lubricated with a special liquid, gel, for better conductivity and the examination begins. Babies remain in the arms of their parents or on a changing table; older children are given a semi-sitting position.

Decoding the results

An electroencephalogram is a strip of paper on which a continuous line is recorded, with waves and teeth, a certain frequency, amplitude, rhythm,

The result with a conclusion is delivered to you the next day. There are a large number of electroencephalography indicators, as a result of which the specialist’s experience and professional skills are important. So, for example, in 7% of children suffering, obvious changes may not be detected, but according to indirect signs A competent doctor will always suspect a deviation from the norm.

EEG indicators:

  • Alpha rhythm. Abnormalities indicate a tumor or cyst, hemorrhages, which indicates organic pathology. In case of TBI, a high frequency appears; in neurotic conditions, a weakness of the rhythm is detected.
  • Beta rhythm. Deviations from the norm indicate traumatic brain injury, concussion.
  • Theta rhythm and delta rhythm. We define brain activity babies in a dream. Its registration on the EEG while awake indicates problems in the area where this rhythm is recorded. The appearance of paroxysms indicates mental underdevelopment. The presence of these abnormalities, such as adhesions or a sharp wave, indicates epileptiform changes in the brain.
  • Electrical activity. Characterized by its rhythm. If this indicator is violated, epilepsy or convulsive syndrome can be suspected.
  • M-Echo. An indicator that evaluates the degree of displacement of brain structures. Normally no more than one millimeter.

The final diagnosis will be made by an experienced neurologist, based on complaints, clinical manifestations, additional research methods, which include electroencephalography.

Any examinations related to determining the state of the brain in children cause a storm of anxiety among their parents. In fact, most diagnostic methods used in pediatrics are absolutely painless and safe. One of them is this.

The essence of the method

EEG of the brain in children is a type of activity study that is based on recording electrical potentials. This method is considered in the best possible way obtaining information about brain function in children at any age. The human nervous system is made up of billions of cells called neurons. All of them have the ability to create and transmit electrical impulses. The overall activity of neurons forms the bioelectrical activity of the brain. It is this that is registered and recorded graphically during EEG. The result is an electroencephalogram. This document with many curved lines informs the doctor about how the processes in the child’s brain are proceeding: in normal mode or have they undergone pathological changes.

Indications for the procedure

Having received a doctor’s referral for encephalography and having learned the answer to the question: “What is this, an EEG of the brain?”, mom and dad naturally begin to think with fear about why their child needs this procedure. However, it is recommended not only if you suspect the presence of a particular disease, but also for standard assessment baby's brain function. An encephalography may be prescribed to a child by a psychiatrist, neurologist or neurophysiatrist. Standard indications for the procedure are as follows:

  • convulsions and seizures of cerebral origin;
  • brain injuries;
  • tumors and other brain diseases;
  • assessment of the adequacy of the development of children in the first year of life;
  • frequent headaches, dizziness, loss of consciousness;
  • sleep disturbance, including sleepwalking;
  • irritability, short temper;
  • unexplained regular crying;
  • unstable blood pressure.

As seen, this study It is prescribed for many problems related to the functioning of the nervous system. And all because the EEG of the brain reveals major disturbances in its functioning. Encephalography allows not only to diagnose diseases such as cerebral palsy, minimal brain dysfunction, encephalopathy, vegetative dystonia syndrome, epilepsy and others, but also to select drugs for their treatment, as well as evaluate the effectiveness of therapy.

In addition, even if the baby does not have serious illnesses, but there are difficulties in behavior and development, he is shown an EEG. This procedure can help the doctor determine the causes and severity of pathologies with delays in speech and motor development, problems with memory and attention, hyperactivity, and so on. EEG is also recommended for school-age children if they become too tired or overexerted.

Preparing the child

Before doing an EEG of the brain, the baby must be prepared. Since the encephalography procedure involves installing electrical sensors on the child’s head, it is recommended to wash his hair with baby shampoo the day before the examination. Further features of preparation depend on the age of the child.

Infants have an EEG only when they are asleep, usually during the day. To ensure that your baby falls asleep, when setting the time for the procedure, it is advisable to take into account his usual sleep and wakefulness schedule. Doctors also advise feeding the baby with a bottle immediately before the session. If he is breastfed, then the mother should express milk.

For children after one year of age, encephalography is performed while they are awake. It is very important that the child behave calmly and strictly follow the doctor’s instructions. It is especially difficult to implement this condition with two- to three-year-old fidgets. This means that parents should pay special attention to the psychological preparation of their son or daughter. Here's what psychologists recommend:

  • Firstly, you should talk to your child, describing the future examination as a fun and safe game. For example, you can say that he will become an astronaut or a superhero.
  • Secondly, it is best to take toys and books with you to the clinic that can distract and calm the baby. These can be well-known and favorite pastimes or, conversely, new and exciting ones.
  • Thirdly, to prevent the baby from being capricious, he must be fed shortly before the EEG. In addition, you should try to plan the daily routine so that at the time of the session the child does not want to sleep.
  • Fourthly, in some cases, during the procedure the baby is required to perform certain actions (opening the eyes, breathing at a given pace, passing tests).

It makes sense to rehearse all this at home in a calm environment. In addition, since the child will need to wear a special hat, it is advisable to include this moment in the preparation process. It is worth noting that if a child regularly takes any medications, then you cannot refuse them before the EEG. You should just tell your doctor about it. Encephalography has no contraindications, but this procedure is not performed if the child has a runny nose and cough. Before the session, it is necessary to remove all jewelry from the baby’s head, including earrings, and also let down the hair.

Start of the procedure

Encephalography is carried out in a small light- and sound-proof room equipped with a couch or changing table, as well as a recording device. Before the procedure, a special cap is placed on the child’s head. It may look like a fabric helmet with electrodes or a rubber mesh on which you manually pin required quantity sensors Electrode sensors are connected to the encephalograph using soft wires. It is worth noting that the biocurrents flowing in the electrodes are very small and cannot harm the baby.

In addition, encephalographic equipment must be grounded. Before applying the sensors, the doctor moistens them with gel, water or saline. This is done to avoid the formation of an air cushion between the scalp and the electrode. Sometimes it is necessary to wipe the skin itself with alcohol to remove sebum from it. In addition, electrode clips are placed on the baby’s ears, which do not conduct current.

Features of the study

The order in which an EEG of the brain is done is determined by the age of the child. Babies under one year of age most often lie in their mother’s arms or on a changing table. It is important that the baby sleeps during the procedure. If the baby is capricious, the doctor must first calm him down. An encephalography session lasts up to 20 minutes. Its goal is to record the bioelectrical activity of the baby’s brain in a calm state. Older children may undergo more complex studies. The child is placed on the couch in a reclining position; the head should not be tilted forward, otherwise distortions in the electroencephalogram may occur. It is also necessary that the little patient is completely relaxed. Standard EEG procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Recording a “background curve”, that is, recording brain activity at rest.
  2. Eye opening-closing test. It allows you to study the work of the brain during the transition from a state of rest to activity and back. At this stage, the child must open and close his eyes at a certain interval at the doctor’s command.
  3. Hyperventilation test. Thanks to this exercise, you can identify pathologies such as latent epilepsy, inflammation and brain tumors, chronic stress, and so on. Hyperventilation involves rare but deep breaths and exhalations, usually the doctor turns this process into a game, asking the baby to “blow on something hot” or “put out the candle.”
  4. Photostimulation test. This action is aimed at assessing the adequacy of psychomotor and speech development baby. Photostimulation can also be used to diagnose epileptic activity. A test is carried out using a light bulb that reproduces bright flashes in a given rhythm, the child’s eyes are closed, but he still sees the flickering and reacts to it.

The duration of a typical procedure does not exceed 30 minutes, but in some cases additional studies are necessary. The doctor may use sound stimuli, ask the child to clench and unclench his fists, and conduct psychological tests. Also sometimes photostimulation is carried out at higher frequencies, preliminary dark adaptation, which involves keeping the baby in a darkened room for 40 minutes, or recording readings during the entire period of night sleep.

Analysis of results

As a result of the EEG, a document called an electroencephalogram is formed, which reflects the activity of neurons in different parts of the brain in the form of curved lines. Currently, the results of the procedure are recorded not only on paper, but also in a computer program, which greatly simplifies the process of analyzing the data obtained. New technologies allow spectral analysis of EEG, viewing separate areas, calculate their frequency and amplitude, convert vibrations into diagrams, maps and tables. All this provides the doctor with clear and accurate data on the basis of which he can make a diagnosis.

Having received the result of the study, parents should remember that EEG interpretation brain is the prerogative of the attending physician. The fact is that in encephalography there is no clear concept age standards, the activity of brain impulses is individual for each child, especially for infants. Therefore, only the doctor can draw conclusions, who will take into account not only the results of the brain examination, but also additional tests, as well as epicrises of other specialists.

It is worth noting that encephalography is absolutely safe procedure which can be repeated many times. At the same time, it is important that parents save the EEG results, because at a young age the nervous system is only maturing and the characteristics of its activity are very changeable. Thanks to encephalography protocols in different periods, the doctor will be able to monitor the dynamics of brain development and adequately assess the picture of the disease.