Endoscopic facelift surgery. Endoscopic facial rejuvenation is the key to lost youth! Indications for endoscopic lifting

It is quite problematic to completely get rid of pronounced signs of aging using popular cosmetic methods.

In such a situation, surgical plastic surgery becomes the optimal assistant, which radically rejuvenates skin and allows you to get excellent results in a few hours.

Most women never decide to undergo surgery, justifiably worrying about possible negative consequences and the occurrence of pain.

Today, endoscopic face lift is considered the most gentle method of influencing the skin using optical devices. That is why it suits even the most capricious and demanding clinic clients.

Description of the procedure

Endoscopic facelift is one of the virtually traceless methods surgical intervention, the use of which leads to rapid rejuvenation and modeling of age-related deficiencies.

During the operation, the doctor uses special instruments with which he makes invisible punctures of the skin in order to carry out deep vertical reposition of all layers of the dermis, capturing the nervous and vascular structures, while no tension is applied.

Using this procedure, a woman can effectively correct drooping eyebrows and get rid of deep and facial folds on the face and décolleté.

Differences from classic lifting

There are a number of differences between classical and endoscopic facelift, namely:

  1. During endoscopic lifting, the patient is tightened not only the dermis, but also the muscle structure, gradually moving the layers and fixing them in the updated position, which cannot be said about the classical method, where the specialist only lifts the skin.
  2. To insert an endoscopic instrument into an area of ​​the face that is invisible to others, a puncture is made, which subsequently scars on its own, without the use of suture material.

    During the recovery period, hematomas and swelling in this area are less pronounced than after classical surgery.

  3. Compared to a circular facelift, the operation is much faster - on average no more than 3.5 hours.
  4. The recovery period is short and lasts about 14 days. In a situation with a classic intervention, the patient’s rehabilitation will take about a month.
  5. Classic lifting cannot cope with deep age-related folds, bulldog cheeks, drooping brow arches, pronounced nasolabial folds and a dull appearance, which can be easily corrected by endoscopic lifting.
  6. Endoscopic facelift can be successfully combined with other anti-aging procedures that involve surgery.
  7. If minor modeling of individual areas on the face is required, endoscopic lifting is used at 25-30 years of age.

You can learn more about what an endoscopic facelift is and what its main differences are from classical rejuvenation surgery from the video.


Depending on which area the patient wants to correct, there are several types of endoscopic lifting.

Upper third face lift

Eliminates wrinkles in the frontal area, the upper part of the nose, and lifts the eyebrow arches. This type lifting effectively solves the problem of pubescent corners of the lips.

Facelifting cannot effectively tighten eyebrows, so experts recommend using it in combination with plastic surgery of the movable eyelids and the procedure of fat tissue transplantation (lipofilling).

To achieve the desired effect, the plastic surgeon makes small punctures behind the hairline. Next, the epithelium is separated from bone structures and pulls up. Fixation in the new position is carried out using special miniature screws.

After removing the fixators, the patient is put on a bandage made of compression hosiery, which will consolidate the result and prevent the tissues from returning to their original position.

Facelift of the lower third of the face

This method of lifting eliminates defects in the chin, décolleté, lips (eliminates the effect of a dull facial expression), cheekbones and cheeks (if there is deep retraction, ptosis).

To eliminate errors caused by age-related changes, a specialist performs a puncture for auricle and on a skin bump between the chin and neck.

If relevant for the patient large cluster soft fatty tissue in the mental area (double, triple chin), the nature of the deposits changes surgically, that is, by liposuction. The cervical region can be rejuvenated through platysmoplasty.

The described methods are used both comprehensively and separately. In some cases, the client is recommended simultaneous use procedures or at intervals of several days.


  • deep and mimic folds and wrinkles in the frontal part and between the eyebrow arches;
  • drooping of the outer eyebrows, including after unsuccessful plastic surgery;
  • vertical, longitudinal folds on the forehead;
  • loose and wrinkled skin on the neck and décolleté;
  • sagging cheeks (jowls), unclear contours of the oval face;
  • longitudinal grooves running from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips (nasolabial folds);
  • hernial protrusion under the eyes;
  • downturned corners of the eyes;
  • dense fold of fat under the chin.

Most often, facelift is used to model the upper and middle areas of the face. It is these areas that are most susceptible to age-related changes, which leads to the formation of pronounced defects.

In the lower facial region, surgery using endoscopic devices is practically not performed.

This zone is characterized by the presence of a thick layer subcutaneous tissue, which complicates surgical intervention and provokes a number of side effects.


Due to the fact that endoscopic intervention is essentially a surgical operation and is performed under the influence of anesthetics, it includes a list of contraindications:

  1. Blood clotting disorders.
  2. Chronic hypertension. During surgery this pathological condition can become a provocateur heavy bleeding and the formation of subcutaneous hematomas.
  3. Infections of various etiologies.
  4. Cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Disorders and disorders physiological functions due to mental pathologies.
  6. Hematological pathologies and oncological diseases.
  7. Body temperature is higher than normal.
  8. Individual intolerance to anesthesia components.
  9. Purulent inflammation in the working area.
  10. Increased blood sugar levels.

For an effective endoscopic facelift, the patient must have high dermal tone. Moreover, this feature does not depend on age category clinic client.

Genetic factors, ecology and bad habits can significantly affect the condition of the skin both at 35 and at 50 years old. A long-term effect from surgical intervention can be achieved by a candidate with minor sagging skin (gravitational ptosis) and slight deformation of facial contours.

In such a situation, even a weak impact from the operation will allow you to achieve the desired result.

If the years have taken their toll and the signs of aging have become more pronounced, and the skin has lost its former turgor, it is better to resort to a classic facelift.

How to prepare

The preparatory stage begins with a mandatory consultation with a plastic surgeon. During a conversation with the candidate, the specialist will talk about the types of endoscopic lifting by facial area.

Taking into account the patient’s comments, wishes and characteristics, the surgeon selects the most suitable lift option.

  • therapist's report;
  • clinical blood and urine analysis;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • clotting test;
  • electrocardiogram.

In addition, a detailed medical history of the patient is collected, taking into account previous surgical interventions, Availability allergic reactions on medicines and a list of past diseases.

Before facelift, the patient’s face is photographed in order to evaluate the result after using a seamless operation.

The patient, in turn, must quit smoking 2 weeks before the procedure. Otherwise, the harmful effects of tobacco smoke may affect the healing processes of tissue damaged during surgery.

In addition, you should refrain from taking anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins, food additives, which can increase platelet activity and thereby provoke bleeding.

Carrying out

The endoscopic lift procedure is considered the safest of all. existing operations, aimed at a similar result of rejuvenation.

An innovative technique - endovideosurgery - has made it possible to actively carry out such operations. When applying the technique, the latest endoscopic equipment is used, which is trusted by the best highly qualified surgeons.

The endoscope itself has a complex structure and is divided into two parts:

  • thin tube with miniature CCTV camera and a source of local light, which is inserted into the subcutaneous layers through small punctures;
  • monitor displaying information transmitted from the camera on the screen, which allows the surgeon to visually observe the picture of what is happening in all layers of the epidermis. By moving the device across the entire working area, the doctor can enlarge the image and fully control the entire process.

The remaining miniature incisions will be required for special the finest instruments, with the help of which the removal or targeted movement of fatty deposits is performed, after which the muscle structure and all layers of the dermis are tightened.

At the end of the endoscopic lift, the specialist tightens the punctures using suture material and puts a special mask on the patient to fix the achieved result. The face brace will need to be worn for 7 days.

Possible complications

The non-invasiveness of the procedure allows you to minimize possible complications, however, some of them are rare, but do happen. Experts identify the following negative manifestations:

  • Pigmentation disturbance in the puncture area. The appearance of stains does not require emergency removal and drug treatment. The manifestation disappears on its own within 6 months.
  • The appearance of bruises, hematomas, swelling. Data unwanted complications appear during any course of the operation. To quickly eliminate them, the specialist recommends using anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointments, sprays, and gels.
  • Bleeding. This phenomenon significantly increases the extent of hematomas. To avoid this, an experienced specialist must remove the sutures on the incision, install drainage and cauterize the elastic blood tubular formations (vessels).
  • Distortion of the clear contour of the oval face. Symmetry occurs due to unsuccessful liposuction of fat deposits in the chin area, when they are unevenly distributed over the treatment area. The complication cannot be eliminated without repeated surgery.
  • Partial baldness in certain areas of the scalp. This negative phenomenon is caused by the formation of scars along the hairline. Occurs when access to the subcutaneous layers was carried out in the temple area or behind the auricle. To eliminate the problem, the specialist excises the scar tissue.
  • Facial disturbances. Become a consequence of injuries to the seventh pair cranial nerves(facial). The reason is the surgeon’s erroneous actions during the facelift. Recovery takes place without medical assistance, but it will take about 2 months.
  • Formation of pronounced scars with uneven color. Complications that cause slow healing of incisions can cause the formation of rough scars. In this case, you cannot do without the help of a plastic surgeon.
  • Numbness at access sites. Occurs more often in patients who abuse smoking and who do not want to temporarily quit addiction during the preparatory period. Sensitivity is restored without the involvement of doctors within 12 months.
  • Inflammatory processes on the skin caused by infection. Failure to comply with sanitary standards and elementary rules antiseptics during the procedure cause infection of the dermis. In this case, a course of drug treatment will be required.


To minimize the risk of negative manifestations after a facelift and get desired result from the procedure during the recovery period, it is necessary to follow a number of medical recommendations:

  1. If the surgeon injures the oral cavity during the procedure, the patient must rinse with a decoction for 5 days. medicinal herbs. Additionally, experts recommend using the solution for wound healing.
  2. Water procedures on the scalp are permissible after removing the suture material. It is prohibited to use a hair dryer to style or dry hair.
  3. You should avoid going to the sauna, bathhouse, or solarium for 30 days.
  4. During the week after the facelift, it is advisable to sleep on a high pillow. This will promote normal blood circulation and speed up the recovery of the skin after swelling and bruising.
  5. The patient must quit smoking for at least 14 days recovery period. Tobacco smoke is harmful to blood vessels, blood and important body systems, so the healing process will take much longer.


The final result of the facelift can be seen 30-60 days after the intervention. The effect lasts for about 6-8 years, then repeated surgery will be required.

If we consider recovery as a whole, a clinic client can return to normal life within 14 days from the moment they return home.

An endoscopic lift cannot be performed without incisions for access, so bruising and swelling will inevitably appear in the area of ​​the manipulation. However, thanks to regeneration processes, the skin will be restored within a week.

Scars remain at the puncture sites. They have a pronounced appearance for 2 months. Then the tissues begin to lighten, an intensive resorption process begins and they become barely visible.

Disadvantages of the procedure

The obvious disadvantages of the endoscopic face lifting procedure include:

  1. High price. In the Russian Federation, such an operation in the middle zone will cost the patient no less than 120,000 rubles.
  2. Problems with choosing an experienced surgeon. Endoscopic equipment requires certain skills from a specialist to work with it. In our country, unfortunately, there are only a few such professionals.
  3. Age restrictions. During the operation, fatty tissue can be redistributed across areas, this especially occurs in patients aged 45 years, so in older adults the operation is performed with caution.


Various clinics set their own price limits for this procedure. The final cost necessarily includes not only the facelift itself and the surgeon’s share, but also anesthesia, recovery measures and hospital stay.

On average, prices look like this:

  • frontal area - from 70,000 rubles;
  • neck and décolleté - 130,000 rubles;
  • lifting on the temples - 65,000 rubles;
  • circular facelift in the middle zone - 190,000 rubles;
  • eyebrows - 75,000 rubles;
  • middle area of ​​the face - 145,000 rubles.

The video describes in more detail how to perform a facelift using the endoscopic method.

In pursuit of beauty, the fair half of humanity is ready for many methods of cosmetic surgery, in particular for surgical interventions that can rejuvenate a person’s appearance.

The priority direction is considered to be a facelift using an endoscopic device. The procedure differs from other plastic surgeries in its rapid recovery period and long-term preservation of the results.

Endoscopic facelift: what is it - this is a complex of surgical measures, under the influence of which facial rejuvenation and wrinkle correction occur. During the lifting process, the surgeon inserts an endoscope through incisions made in inconspicuous areas: in the hair, behind the ear, in the temporal part, in the mouth.

Thanks to the endoscope, incisions are made less than 2 cm, which allows work to be done through small holes. The incisions are secured with special staples and in some cases do not require suturing.

Thus, the operation received the second name “seamless facelift” due to the invisibility of the surgical intervention.

Endoscopic lifting tightens the skin and muscles of the face, which is a feature of this operation. Using this procedure, excess subcutaneous fat is distributed to other areas. The operation helps get rid of drooping eyelids, drooping corners of the lips, fine wrinkles, and corrects the shape of the face.

Advantages and disadvantages of endoscopic lifting

Facelift using the endoscopic method is popular among patients due to a number of positive qualities:

  • Invisibility of the consequences of the operation due to the small size of the sutures. No scars.
  • Safety of lifting for the patient.
  • Speed ​​of implementation and rehabilitation.
  • Harmonious result, natural rejuvenation.
  • Possibility of lifting in different areas of the face.
  • Elimination of excess adipose tissue.
  • Reliable fixation of muscles, without excessive tugging.
  • Result retention for up to 7 years.
  • Rejuvenation of facial skin by 10 - 15 years.

Advantages of endoscopic facelift

Any surgical operation, even with minimal intervention such as an endoscopic lift, has negative sides.

  • Possible postoperative complications associated with the unprofessional work of the surgeon or the characteristics of the patient’s body.
  • Age restrictions. Endoscopic facelift: what it is - it tightens the muscles and redistributes the subcutaneous fat layer, so this type of surgery is not recommended for patients under the age of 35. The exception is correction of the frontal area of ​​the face. “Seamless facelift” is suitable for eliminating the first signs of aging, so patients after 55 - 60 years old are recommended to undergo another plastic surgery.
  • High cost due to expensive equipment.

Who is facelift suitable for? Indications

Facelift is suitable for patients in the following cases:

  • with primary signs of aging;
  • with loss of skin elasticity;
  • with wrinkles in the frontal, nasolabial parts;
  • with drooping eyebrows, corners of the mouth, sagging eyelids;
  • with sagging cheekbones and cheeks;
  • with facial asymmetry;
  • when “crow’s feet” form around the eyes;
  • with a double chin;
  • upon reaching the age of 35 to 55 years.

A facelift using an endoscope is performed in several facial areas: in the upper third, middle and lower third of the face.

Upper third face lift

In the upper third of the face there is the frontal part and the contour of the eyebrows. “Seamless facelift” of this area is used for vertical and horizontal wrinkles on the forehead or bridge of the nose, when adjusting the level of eyebrows, and if you want to get rid of “crow’s feet” and “bags” under the eyes.

Endoscopic forehead lift

The endoscopic forehead lift procedure is performed using incisions up to 1.5 cm long in the hair growth area. This process involves removing a flap of skin-fat tissue from the frontal muscle of the face, which raises it to the required distance.

What is it and how is endoscopic lifting of the upper third of the face performed?

This procedure occurs in a part with a minimum number of blood vessels. The result is fixed with temporary screws medical purposes, which are removed 10 days after surgery.

For 3-4 days, the patient wears a bandage that does not allow the tissues to return to their previous position. Full recovery occurs two weeks after the lift.

Endoscopic brow lift

When adjusting the contour and height of the eyebrows, miniature incisions are made in the upper hair growth zone. The procedure is similar to an endoscopic forehead lift.

Endoscopic forehead and eyebrow lift: consequences

After a facelift with endoscopic method Minor postoperative complications are possible. What it is:

  • swelling and swelling;
  • blue skin;
  • temporary scars (last up to a year);
  • hair loss at the incision sites;
  • loss of sensation;
  • appearance of asymmetry brow ridge(occurs when the surgeon is inexperienced);
  • minor changes in facial expressions;
  • displacement of the hairline.

For quick recovery and easy rehabilitation experts suggest performing the following recommendations:

Endoscopic surgery is considered less traumatic compared to other types of lifts. Minor complications are possible after the procedure. If your health deteriorates significantly: dizziness, fever, chills, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Mid-face (third) face lift

Indications for lifting the middle third are crow's feet, nasolabial folds, sagging epidermis, drooping cheeks.

Indications for endoscopic lifting of the middle third are crow's feet, nasolabial folds, sagging epidermis, drooping cheeks

First of all, the doctor conducts a consultation, telling endoscopic facelift what it is, and discussing the desired result with the patient. On the day of the procedure, general anesthesia is given. The duration of the session is 1-2 hours depending on the level of complexity of the work.

To tighten the cheeks, the procedure is performed through incisions in the temporal region. To eliminate nasolabial folds and raise the corners of the lips, incisions are made in the oral cavity under the upper lip.

To eliminate wrinkles such as “crow’s feet”, elimination is carried out through pinpoint punctures of the lower eyelid. An endoscope with a mini-camera is inserted into the incisions, through which the surgeon monitors the work process. The doctor’s actions are displayed on the monitor screen in an enlarged size.

The sutures are held in place with staples, which are removed after two weeks. In some cases, facial tissues are fixed with endotins, which dissolve on their own. After the operation, the patient is discharged on the second day.

It is impossible to lift the middle zone through a single incision, as is the case with the upper zone. The reason is the inconvenience of performing surgical procedures. In the middle part of the cheeks there are nerve nodes, the violation of which will lead to loss of sensitivity, asymmetry of the face and facial expressions.

For quick rehabilitation after a facelift, doctors recommend do the following:

  • on the first day after an endoscopic facelift, the patient should be completely at rest;
  • wear compression bandage from 5 days to 2 weeks;
  • carry out gentle oral hygiene for up to 4-5 days;
  • you cannot take a hot bath, go to the bathhouse or sauna until complete recovery;
  • You cannot engage in sports or active physical exercise.

The body recovers completely within two weeks. The effect is noticeable after 1 - 2 months and continues to please the patient for up to 7 years.

Complications are possible in the postoperative period:

  • severe itching;
  • pain;
  • swelling and hematomas;
  • slight disturbance of facial expressions;
  • facial asymmetry.

Lower third face lift

Surgery using an endoscope in the lower part is indicated in the following cases:

  • double chin;
  • sagging skin, loss of elasticity;
  • drooping cheekbones, corners of lips;
  • loss of clarity of the contour of the lower part;
  • nasolabial folds, wrinkles in the chin area.

The procedure helps to get rid of the listed problems in one session. During the operation, the doctor makes incisions up to 3 cm behind the ear or under the jawline. The sutures are held in place with staples or medical-grade absorbable sutures.

After the lift, minor complications are possible: swelling, scars, hematomas. The recovery period takes from 2 to 3 weeks.

Endoscopic neck lift

Endoscopic neck lift surgery is used in combination with a circumferential facelift. Incisions for the procedure are placed behind the ears or under the chin. During the work, excess is removed adipose tissue and the skin is tightened.

Indications for endoscopic neck lift:

  • horizontal wrinkles;
  • sagging skin;
  • the appearance of signs of skin aging.

Results of endoscopic neck lift

After neck surgery, the skin becomes elastic and tightened, wrinkles disappear.


Due to low trauma, patient rehabilitation after such an endoscopic lift takes only two weeks. It is recommended to wear fixing bandages for several days.

The result on the face is noticeable after 1.5 - 2 months. This effect lasts from 5 to 7 years, which depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Results in a week

The result after a week is little noticeable, since swelling and swelling are visible, stitches or staples are not removed (they are removed after 14 days), and persists pain syndrome. The full result is visible 5 - 6 weeks after endoscopic lifting.


Like any surgical intervention, endoscopic facelift has contraindications:

  • diseases of cardio-vascular system;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • diabetes;
  • blood clotting problems;
  • chronic diseases in the stage of exacerbation and remission;
  • smoking;
  • age limit up to 30 years and after 60 years.

Before the operation, the patient undergoes preparation: he takes tests, consults with a doctor, and discusses the desired result.

To avoid complications after a facelift, you must inform the specialist about the characteristics of your body and the presence of diseases.

Price and what it depends on

The cost of an endoscopic lift depends on the following factors:

  • on the surgeon’s work experience and qualifications;
  • from the region in which the operation is performed;
  • on the level of equipment and its modernity;
  • on the volume of work and the area of ​​operation.

The lower zone is considered the most labor-intensive, so it will cost the patient more. The middle zone depends on a complex interaction with other parts. The top area is cheaper than the previous two. Most often, the surgeon does not work with a specific one area, but with a circular lift or two zones.

The average checklist in Moscow starts from 140,000 rubles. The price does not include additional recovery and care procedures. Therefore, when planning an operation, it is necessary to clarify the final amount in the clinic itself.

Endoscopic facelift: what is it - modern and quick way tighten the face and its problem areas. The operation is characterized by a short recovery period and a long-lasting rejuvenation effect. Recommended for patients aged 35 to 55 years.

Useful video materials about endoscopic facelift, what it is, how it works, who it is intended for

The surgeon performs an endoscopic facelift:

Endoscopic face lift: how it works:

What is a facelift: plastic surgeon answers to frequently asked questions:

  • website
  • 30.01.2015

It is not enough for modern women to look simply attractive; they want to be impeccably beautiful and young, so that not a single wrinkle reveals their true age. But over time, the most careful care fails to meet the high bar set for one’s appearance. You have to think about lifting a specific area of ​​the face or a total one. Classical plastic surgery various reasons For many women it becomes taboo. A seamless facelift method is recognized as an alternative.

What is this procedure: endoscopic face lifting?

The innovation of plastic surgery rejuvenation, when the operation is performed through micro-incisions, is an endoscopic face lift. It has significant differences in the technology of the procedure compared to the classic method of lifting. The procedure got its name due to the use of a special optical endoscope with a microcamera that transmits an enlarged image to a monitor. This allows the surgeon:

  • control everything that happens during the operation: every action or movement of the instrument;
  • see every muscle, nerve or blood vessel patient;
  • avoid mistakes or damage to internal tissues and blood vessels.

The operation of endoscopic face lifting and the short recovery period after it occurs only in a hospital setting.

How does endoscopic face lift differ from a classic facelift?

During the procedure, the skin is not affected or changed, therefore, after endoscopic lifting, facial skin care appropriate for age and problems has not been canceled.

Types of endoscopic face lifting

Endoscopic face lifting is possible in fairly at a young age when aesthetic correction of only certain areas is required. Moreover, these can be both age-related changes and congenital features of facial features that cause dissatisfaction with one’s appearance. Therefore, when it comes to a facelift, we consider three zones: upper, middle and lower. Endoscopic lifting of the lower zone is performed least often, in contrast to rejuvenation of the remaining 2/3 of the face, which is most effective. Endoscopic lifting of the forehead and eyebrows successfully copes with the correction of imperfections in the upper zone.

The habit of frowning leads to the fact that over time a deep fold forms on the forehead or between the eyebrows, giving a sullen or dissatisfied expression on the face. Mental or facial wrinkles across the entire forehead also do not always adorn women. Endoscopic forehead lifting can correct these shortcomings, reduce muscle motor activity, and ultimately look younger, reviews of which indicate the popularity and effectiveness of the procedure among a wide age range of patients - from 30 to 60 years.

This type of lift is also attractive because after it there are no visible traces of the operation: they are very small (no more than 1-2 cm) and are hidden in the hair above the forehead. No hair shaving is required.

Age is often revealed by drooping eyebrows, crow's feet around the outer corners of the eyes, and drooping eyelids. If only it were age. A heavy look from under frowning eyebrows gives a depressing impression, and if crow’s feet make you look kinder, they don’t make you look younger. Endoscopic eyebrow lifting:

  • removes traces left by time;
  • corrects congenital defects (asymmetrical location of eyebrows or their shape);
  • corrects the shape of the eyes to the desired one.

Depending on the specific problem, micro-incisions are made in the upper or temporal part of the forehead under the hair, which makes them invisible.

Hiding age becomes more difficult when in the middle zone of the face:

  • the nasolabial fold is clearly visible;
  • there are always bags under the eyes;
  • the corners of the mouth droop, turning into pronounced wrinkles;
  • the cheeks lose their elasticity, skin ptosis occurs.

Endoscopic midface lifting eliminates age-related changes. To carry it out, incisions are made in oral cavity and as a result, they are completely invisible after the operation.

What is the result after endoscopic face lifting?

According to reviews from those who have undergone endoscopic face lifting, especially in several areas at the same time, the result is a powerful rejuvenating effect: the face looks like it did 10 years ago. Deep wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes, in the middle zone disappear or become almost invisible, while the skin remains natural, without tension beyond recognition. The look becomes open, and the cheeks gain volume.

Endoscopic face lifting with photos before and after 4-6 months inspire those who were afraid to undergo such an operation. Women who are older or about 50 years old become especially decisive. Younger people take this step to correct natural imperfections in their facial features.

Endoscopic lifting: contraindications

As with any operation carried out under general anesthesia, endoscopic facelift has contraindications. Those that are associated with serious metabolic diseases, blood clotting, cancer, cardiovascular or infectious diseases are identified at the initial consultation. Others may arise after a prescribed examination and based on the results of tests taken.

In all well-known clinics, the patient is offered a questionnaire, which to fill out truthfully is in the interests of the person being operated on, because Complications after a cosmetic facelift can also occur in a heavy smoker with experience. Endoscopic face lifting is contraindicated in cases of significant ptosis of the skin, its excess and sagging. In these cases, a classic facelift or other types of plastic procedures are used. The final decision on the need or contraindication for endoscopic face lifting is made by the plastic surgeon you have trusted.

Endoscopic face lift price

Endoscopic face lifting, the prices of which, according to some reviews, are quite high, justifies the 10-year effect of the achieved result.

According to leading Moscow clinics operation price midface amounts to 150,000-200,000 rub. An endoscopic lift of one eyebrow will cost 90,000-110,000 rubles. Endolifting of the forehead and eyebrows costs at least 130,000 rubles. Simultaneous endoscopic lifting of the upper and middle areas of the face reaches 300,000 rubles.

The specific price is announced only during a face-to-face consultation, because it depends on the complexity of the operation and the problem being solved. IN full price in addition to the operation itself, it includes anesthesia, hospital stay in the clinic for a period of short rehabilitation lasting 2-5 days, an applied compression support mask, and endotins when used.

Endoscopic face lifting reviews

Women go for endoscopic lifting only after they have studied all the reviews about the facelift and its effect. On the forums they are also looking for a specific plastic surgeon who can be entrusted with such an important operation with a guaranteed result. Therefore, most often there are positive reviews about the resulting rejuvenation effect and words of gratitude to the plastic surgeons who performed the lifting operation on them. Disappointed with the result, former patients rarely name the doctor, the specific time after the operation, and what they are not happy with about their new appearance.

Positive reviews

Anna, 54 years old

Only after 45 years did I realize that I still needed plastic surgery: I looked at my photos from the sea. Yes, an older woman, whatever one may say. It was scary to decide. And then I met my former colleague and didn’t recognize her. She is much older than me, but began to look youthful, and most importantly, her eyes radiated the energy of a woman who is pleased with herself and knows her worth, and not like an aunt. I learned everything about the clinic where she was so transformed. I went for a consultation with the same surgeon, who explained that I needed a safer endoscopic full face lift. I relied entirely on his professionalism.

For 8 years now I have been in harmony with my youth in my soul. But still, I’ll go back to my surgeon for a lift of the lower third of my face and neck. It's great to be younger than your age!

Yulia, 43 years old

I just need to look young: my youngest son is 3 years old, and I don’t hold the last position in the company. Cosmetic procedures no longer saved from some sagging of the cheeks and wrinkles on the face that had become noticeable. I attended consultations with different surgeons, everyone assured me that endoscopic face lifting would help me and advised me to do just that. Then I began to choose a specialist in this technique.

I didn't regret my decision. A young and fit face without nasolabial folds and bags under the eyes, facial expressions are preserved. I'm beautiful and happy. Thanks to the doctor for his golden hands and the clinic staff!

Dasha, 36 years old

If I had known about such plastic miracles, I would have corrected my shortcoming long ago. I underwent an endoscopic forehead lift more than 2 years ago, I don’t remember the details, but the effect is amazing! A clean forehead without a single wrinkle, the eyebrows are slightly raised, the seams are not visible at all, even to the touch. So don't be afraid of surgery.

Neutral reviews

Victoria, 38 years old

I believe that this operation is not as harmless as they claim. After the anesthesia, it was difficult to come to my senses. Removing stitches too unpleasant procedure. I had an endoscopic midface lift. On the 3rd day such swelling appeared, it’s scary to remember. But my surgeon assured me that this was normal and that everything would pass. And so it happened. I can’t deny the amazing effect: the oval of the face is clearer, the cheekbones are raised, and the cheeks don’t look separate part faces.

Maria, 40 years old

Me on full recovery After endoscopy of the midface it took no more than 2 weeks. Yes, I could have gone out into the world in 5 days, but it would have been better if I hadn’t: my face was swollen with bruises, everyone was shying away from me. And when I went back to work after the “vacation”, I had to laugh it off about the color of my jaundiced face. Therefore, you need to undergo such an operation with a reserve of at least a month for complete rehabilitation.

Now I don’t regret having the lift done. There is an effect, I assure you, but not earlier than 6 months.

Negative reviews

Inna, 34 years old

A month ago, for some reason, I went for an endoscopic forehead and eyebrow lift, out of envy for my friends. Even in my youth, I always had heavy, overhanging eyebrows. And what I received. One disappointment, not rejuvenation. Eyebrows became at different levels, the eyes are kind of square. The hair around the seams was falling out. Just awful.

Veronica, 42 years old

I would rather believe in the photos of unsuccessful endoscopic midface lifting operations. It’s been 4 months since I had this operation, and the results are not encouraging: the cheekbones are unnaturally high and rounded, the lower eyelid does not completely cover the eyes, and on one cheek the depression from the nose to the lips is still visible. If I had known, I would never have agreed to this.

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"Endoscopic face lifting (forehead): prices, contraindications and reviews" 11 comments

    11/20/2015 @ 11:58 am

    I’m just getting ready for a facelift, now I’m looking at information on surgeons on the Internet on forums. I read and found a lot of positive things about the surgeon Valery Grigorievich Yakimets.
    here is a video of him on this page. I plan to go to him for a consultation, we’ll see what he immediately tells me to do. I read that these operations are expensive..

    02/25/2015 @ 3:57 pm

    For more than a decade endoscopic operations replace the standard ones. And now I’m already reading about plastic surgery on the face, carried out using endoscopy. I myself am 39 years old and Lately I'm thinking more and more about getting a lift. I thought that I would do it using the classical method, on the advice of a friend who rejuvenated herself in this way. However, as I read and learned about this procedure, I think that I will decide to do it.

    02/22/2015 @ 2:28 am

    I want to give you a couple of tips. Any intervention in appearance is a risky and responsible matter; if you are thinking about doing endoscopic lifting, you must first understand whether you need it. Then such an operation must be trusted to professionals; don’t even try to save money here if you don’t want to disfigure yourself for life. I did the same thing at one time, I was happy with the result, there were no incisions, the skin became surprisingly smooth.

    02/19/2015 @ 2:46 pm

    What I absolutely do not regret spending free money on is maintaining beauty. It's especially disappointing to lose it when you have it. Such women will understand me perfectly. I won’t be afraid for a minute. The scars and tightness of the skin from plastic surgery scare me, and I would use endoscopic lifting to raise my eyebrows, which at the age of 39 suddenly sagged a little - but this already noticeably spoils my face. I would also raise the lower part of my face slightly. Unfortunately, even slight sagging adds many years.

    02/18/2015 @ 4:39 pm

    A friend of mine (she’s 45) had an endoscopic lift (removed crow’s feet, wrinkles on the forehead, and drooping eyelids). Paid 230,000 rubles. The result is good - I definitely look 15 years younger, the operation is worth the money. As she explained, this operation is safer and you recover from it faster, there are fewer subsequent procedures than circular braces. But it is not suitable for smokers.

    02/12/2015 @ 1:50 am

    I read and learned a lot about this procedure, and for a long time doubted whether to do it. My main problem was the forehead area. Still, after a while, I made up my mind and did it. Everything went well, the result is impeccable. I don't see any side effects yet. I hope there won’t be any in the future. I want to touch up some minor imperfections a little more. I'm satisfied overall.

    02/10/2015 @ 3:52 pm

    All this, of course, is very interesting, however, the main thing is to love yourself as you are, then everyone around you will love you. But if you decide to take such a step, then only by scouring the entire Internet and all your friends to find the most educated and skillful surgeon who can offer one or another method of performing the procedure. I’m thinking about such an intervention, but I haven’t decided yet.

    02/10/2015 @ 12:15 pm

    In the near future, fortunately, I definitely won’t need such a procedure. But now I look at the before and after photos and understand that someday I will definitely resort to such a procedure. Although, maybe by then they’ll come up with something else. The price, of course, is quite impressive for such pleasure. But, as they say, beauty requires sacrifice. Sometimes it’s a financial sacrifice. But what a beauty you will look like later!

    02/08/2015 @ 9:53 pm

    This procedure really works wonders on your appearance; it can correct even very significant flaws in your appearance, but it is very dangerous, because any intervention in the body entails irreparable health-related consequences. Also, no one will give you a guarantee that everything will be as originally discussed with the doctor, no one is responsible for this, so girls be careful. You can ruin your entire future, or, on the contrary, you can make it the most unforgettable thanks to changes in your face.

    02/05/2015 @ 7:32 pm

    I am very worried about any surgical intervention. Whether it's surgery or a facelift. I am 56 years old, and accordingly deep wrinkles have appeared between the eyebrows and my eyelids have drooped like bags over my eyes. The consultation was successful and I went to the lifting appointment not so worried. She easily endured the anesthesia, and this is the result. Virtually no swelling or bruising. The best part is that the incisions are not visible at all, everything is somewhere under the hair. Now I feel 10 years younger, and I look good, I just have to get used to my rejuvenation.

    02/04/2015 @ 12:58 pm

    I believe that any intervention in appearance, and especially surgical, is a lottery - you will be lucky or unlucky. We are all different, we have different skin and various problems. I read a lot of good reviews about this lift. But for my friend, the effect never came, although a lot of time had passed. It took her more than 2 months to recover. A working woman cannot afford this. I’m still afraid to do such a procedure, although I really want to.

Midface lift is a complex of minimally invasive endoscopically assisted techniques for lifting the midface. This type of facial endoscopy includes:

  • elimination of the nasolacrimal groove,
  • elimination of nasolabial folds,
  • endoscopic cheekbone lifting.

Free annual maintenance and monitoring! After surgery, we provide our patients with free annual care, monitoring and support from surgeons and clinic staff on all issues related to your plastic surgery.

Installment plans are possible*. For details, call the clinic.

Prices for endoscopic midzone lift

The final cost of the operation is determined during a consultation with a plastic surgeon.

    Endoscopic mid-zone lift: eliminating the nasolacrimal trough and lifting the cheekbones

    Tumakov G.I.

    from 260,000 ₽

    Naydenov N.P.

    from 260,000 ₽

    Egorova M.V.

    from 260,000 ₽

    Abrahamyan S.M.

    from 260,000 ₽

Prices for surgery from professors S.N. Blokhin and Wolf I.A. - on request.

All inclusive!

  1. Consultation with an anesthesiologist
  2. Anesthesia
  3. Hospital stay (room + meals)
  4. Complete post-operative care
  5. Free annual maintenance (monitoring and support on all issues related to the operation)

Elimination of the nasolacrimal groove

There are many indications that are determined by the doctor individually, but some general indications become paramount for endoscopic correction of nasolacrimal grooves:

  • Heaviness and sagging of the cheeks.
  • Deep nasolacrimal grooves.
  • “Sadness” wrinkles in the area under the eyes.

Correction of nasolabial folds

Elimination of nasolabial folds using endoscopic technology is one of the most popular methods of minimally invasive and effective correction nasolabial wrinkles, which can appear at any age. This type of lifting is performed through an intraoral puncture, which allows you to hide all traces of surgical intervention.

The main indications for this operation:

  • pronounced nasolabial folds,
  • drooping of the cheeks in the area of ​​the upper corners of the lips,
  • loss of skin tone and turgor.

Endoscopic lift of the zygomatic region

Gravity, environmental conditions and the natural aging process lead to ptosis of the malar and cheek areas, which can also lead to sagging lower eyelids. To solve this problem, plastic surgeons at the Frau Clinic perform endoscopic lifting of the cheek-zygomatic areas; such an operation helps not only to significantly rejuvenate the face and eliminate primary signs aging, but also to prevent further tissue ptosis (preventive aspect of the operation).

Many of our patients note that endoscopic lifting of the zygomatic area provides the most pronounced rejuvenation effect compared to most cosmetic procedures: installation of intradermal threads, Aptos threads or injection of fillers.

Endoscopic cheekbone lifting was developed by Frau Klinik surgeons to reduce common features aging of the midface, which can lead to age-related changes in the lower eyelids. During natural process As people age, the fatty tissue that provides volume and support to facial structures tends to decline. Fat that was previously located on the cheekbones can move toward the nose and mouth, often leading to a “tired face” and the appearance of deeper nasolabial folds. As a side effect, this type of age-related changes affects the overall perception of a person's face from the outside - it appears sad or upset, since downward moving tissue can pull back the lower eyelid tissues and create the appearance of bags under the eyes and drooping eyes. outer corners eye.

Often, to return the skin around the eyes to its former firmness and elasticity, Frau Klinik plastic surgeons combine endoscopic cheekbone lifting with a deep laser resurfacing procedure - this combination ensures rapid restoration and tissue reduction, and also has bright cosmetic effects - improving the color and quality of the skin, returning turgor and elasticity , reduction of small expression wrinkles.

Endoscopic cheekbone lift procedure

During the endoscopic cheek lift procedure, the surgeon vertically lifts weakened cheek tissue to a higher (youthful) level, where fatty tissue naturally supports the contours of the skin. Access for this operation is carried out through intraoral punctures above the gum line, as well as through micro-incisions in the temporal zone - 1-2 cm above hair growth.

The cheekbone lifting operation is performed under general anesthesia and usually takes no more than 1.5 hours.

Our surgeons take utmost care to ensure that not a single trace of surgery is left on your face - our doctors use a high-precision system to monitor the progress of the operation Karl Storz, which makes it possible to perform precise surgical manipulations with minimal damage to blood vessels and hair follicles: the surgeon gently lifts the muscle, fat and skin from the bone structure to the incisions and moves the midfacial tissue to a higher, original position.

Attention! Lifting of the zygomatic areas can be performed using endotins - special biodegradable tissue fixatives. The final decision on the use of endotins rests with your plastic surgeon for consultation.

Youth is so beautiful, but, unfortunately, fleeting. But any woman after forty wants to maintain her beauty, to be desirable and irresistible. To do this, it is important not only to have a fit and slender silhouette, but also to take care of the skin of your face. With age, as well as due to bad habits and a dynamic rhythm of life, there is an increasing destruction of the amount of elastin and collagen fibers, which are responsible for the elasticity and smoothness of the dermis.

The most early signs We observe aging precisely on the skin of the face: changes in the contour and oval, also the lines of the forehead area, above the eyebrows, around the mouth become constant, a nasolacrimal groove appears and “crow’s feet” appear around the eyes.

The main reason for such changes is the separation of fat bags. It is precisely because of the large weight of adipose tissue that we note weak fixation of the oval of the face, various recesses and overhangs in the facial areas.

Year after year, the face takes on a heavy and senile outline. But we can get out of this crisis. Modern aesthetic cosmetology provides us with the opportunity to stop the process of inevitable aging.

Endoscopic facelift is the most popular, safe and effective technique among the methods of correction, tightening and lifting. The famous endoscopic facelift, as it is also called, does not require long-term rehabilitation period. It is much less traumatic and associated with low risks of complications than, for example, a classic lift. In addition, he is not inferior to her in terms of performance.

The effect of this type of rejuvenation lasts for 7-10 years. In this case, we are talking about the restoration of several zones in the complex. This period can be increased if you actively take care of the condition of your skin and systematically undergo cosmetic facial care programs.

Abroad, this type of operation is also common and is known as “seamless facelift”. What is this method of rejuvenation?

An endoscopic facelift is a surgical facelift in which incisions are made in the hair growth area of ​​the head, behind the ears, or in the mouth area. They are hidden and small in size. The doctor makes incisions smaller than 1-2 cm, which in most cases do not require surgical stitches. 3-4 incisions are made in the forehead and temple areas. Special staples secure the incisions, which are removed by the surgeon in about 10-15 days. Therefore, the patient does not have any visible traces or scars from the intervention.

Invisible stitches heal quickly, and swelling and bruising during rehabilitation are minimal. That’s why the procedure was called “seamless” lifting. The effect of the procedure is visible much faster and you can enjoy your new look.

Patients return to their normal rhythm of life earlier than after traditional plastic surgery, which requires a long hospital stay and recovery. As for the average time, rehabilitation for endoscopic lifting lasts no more than one week.

Video: how to look 10 years younger using the procedure:

Let's list how endoscopic lifting differs from other types of facelift:

  • minimal trauma to skin tissue;
  • safety;
  • shorter duration of operation;
  • fast rehabilitation period;
  • symbiosis of skin lifting and volume restoration;
  • natural tightening effect;
  • duration of the result (up to 10 years).

Endoscopic facelift is performed in medical centers and clinics by professional and qualified surgeons. One cannot help but appreciate the use of expensive medical equipment when performing endoscopic lifting, which further helps protect the patient from possible risks.

Using endoscopic equipment, the doctor controls the entire process and progress of the operation. The procedure is performed using a special device - an endoscope. The endoscopic stand is equipped with optics, the necessary instruments, and an advanced micro-camera, so the image is displayed on the monitor. The surgeon makes the cut as accurately as possible, avoiding damage to blood vessels and nerve endings.

Before surgery, the patient will have to undergo a preliminary consultation with the surgeon. Endoscopic lifting should be performed between the ages of 35 and 50, when the skin still retains sufficient elasticity. But often ladies both younger and older than their required age turn to doctors.

Of course, you can go for a consultation, and each situation is individual: for some, age-related changes occur earlier, for others later than the average period. But only a competent specialist can determine the indications necessary for you and recommend treatment.

Basically, doctors prescribe endoscopic face lifting to people with thin and normal skin, with a short and flat forehead, without severe wrinkles, medium-type wrinkles, and with not very large excesses and sagging skin on the face.

In case of severe ptosis of soft tissues and large excess skin, the procedure is not performed. For older patients, it is better to resort to standard surgical lift face in the future in combination with laser and injection techniques (fillers, Botox, Dysport).

  • gravitational ptosis of the facial oval;
  • “heavy”, tired face;
  • sagging facial skin;
  • folds, furrows and wrinkles in the forehead area;
  • drooping, change in shape and position of eyebrows;
  • crow's feet, bags under the eyes, wrinkles around the eyes,
  • nasolacrimal groove;
  • sagging, sagging tissues in the area of ​​the cheekbones and cheeks;
  • , perioral wrinkles;
  • sagging upper eyelids, in the temple area;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • double or layered chin;
  • creating a beautiful convexity of the forehead and projection of the cheekbones;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • facial beauty, if desired, change facial features (eyebrow height, for example).

Endoscopic lifting is a surgical operation, and naturally has a number of contraindications. These include:

The shape and height of the forehead also become some limitations to the operation, in particular to the use of an endoscope. It is easy for the surgeon to work with patients who have a low and flat forehead. A convex and high forehead makes it difficult for the physician to work with a rigid, straight endoscope and limits the area of ​​equipment accessibility.

The first type of lift is endoscopic forehead rejuvenation, eyebrow correction or brow-lift. An endoscopic forehead lift is performed in the hair area of ​​the head. Make from 2 to 6 small incisions 1-2 cm long.

This method allows you to get rid of transverse and vertical wrinkles in the forehead area, bags under the eyes, crow’s feet, and correct the shape and position of the eyebrows. In some cases, the method is quite effective in raising the outer canthus, without even having to resort to blepharoplasty. Miniscrews are installed on the frontal bone to fix the tissues, which are removed 10 days after surgery. At first, the patient wears a compression bandage for about 4 days, and final recovery occurs 9-14 days after the procedure.

The next type of lift is cheek-lift light or lower eyelid rejuvenation combined with limited rejuvenation of the middle zone. With the help of special and very small Endotin plates, simultaneous lifting of the cheek-zygomatic area and blepharoplasty of the eyelids occurs. The plates are very small and do not cause any inconvenience.

As a result of this method, “bags” under the eyes and “sinks under the eyes”, folds in the cheek area and furrows are corrected. You will spend one day in the hospital, and rehabilitation will last from 10 to 14 days.

3D mask lift or endoscopic midface and forehead lift is a volumetric remodeling of the midface and forehead rejuvenation. With this endoscopic rejuvenation, up to 5 small incisions are made on the scalp and 2 incisions in the oral cavity under the upper lip.

The purpose of this operation is not only rejuvenation, but also facial beauty, that is, creating the desired convexity of the forehead, as well as the projection of the cheekbones, correcting the correct position and shape of the eyebrows, corners of the mouth and eyes.

Endoscopic midface lift received greatest number positive reviews because it leads to a significant and pronounced effect: it lifts the middle zone of the face and produces deep lifting of the skin. During rehabilitation in the first few days, it is necessary to maintain proper and gentle oral hygiene.

Photo: Before and after endoscopic midface lift.

Endoscopic rejuvenation of the lower area of ​​the face and neck or neck lift is a neck lift, during which a beautiful transition line to the neck and a tightened chin contour are created. During the operation, the so-called “youth angle” is formed. This procedure is effective when the skin on the neck becomes sagging with age and folds and sagging appear.

The technology is also effective in cases where we have a double chin, or if overhanging is a feature from birth that is not related to age, but, for example, to a genetic trait and nationality. Neck lifting is a very popular procedure among patients and has many satisfied reviews, since it is the neck that experiences the symptoms of aging in the first years.

Photo: Before and after endoscopic rejuvenation of the lower face.

Preparation for surgery begins with choosing a clinic. Be sure to read the reviews about surgeons on the websites medical centers and choose a competent specialist. The success and effectiveness of the procedure mainly depends on the work of the doctor.

Once you have decided, schedule a consultation with a specialist. During the consultation, the surgeon determines the indications and scope of work. The doctor selects the location of the incisions, performs 3D modeling, and informs the patient about preparation for the procedure and care during the rehabilitation period.

It is important for you, as a patient, to inform us in advance about your state of health, past illnesses, allergies, including to any types of anesthesia, and existing ailments. Next, the doctor prescribes a full medical examination, during which the patient does an ECG and donates blood for laboratory tests to determine the blood type and Rh factor.

Video: three weeks after the procedure

For several days, the patient continues to experience pain, swelling, bruising, decreased sensitivity, and may be bothered by slight bleeding.

The risks of an endoscopic lift are minimal, but it is important to monitor your well-being after surgery, and if such symptoms may worsen, contact your doctor immediately. If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, after 1.5 weeks you will be able to restore your normal, everyday lifestyle, pleasant compliments and reviews are guaranteed.

The final price of the operation is calculated during consultation with the surgeon, based on the indications and the average amount of work. However, the average prices for the endoscopic lifting procedure are presented in this table:

The higher cost of the operation also depends on expensive endoscopic equipment. Of course, the average prices for endoscopic lifting are quite high, but the result and effect of this rejuvenation method is truly visible and long-lasting.

Endoscopy has made it possible to work with the human face as carefully as possible, like artists who draw the ideal human profile in their paintings. And the excellent results from the “endoscopic lifting” procedure are guaranteed by reviews from patients who have already received a boost of youth for several years to come. Surprise everyone with your timeless beauty!

Video: a detailed story from the surgeon about the procedure