If your eye is injured. Mechanical damage to the eyes. What not to do

Human eyes are easily susceptible to mechanical stress. Depending on the cause, location and severity, several types of damage are distinguished. Serious eye injury may cause malfunction visual system, up to loss of vision. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor promptly.

Why is mechanical eye injury dangerous?

In accordance with localization, wounds and blunt injuries are distinguished eyeball, as well as damage to the bone bed and adnexa: eyelids, conjunctiva, tear-producing organs, etc. Damage can occur due to the most various reasons, for example, when accidentally hitting the eye with a nail or finger, as well as when exposed to any sharp object: wire, knife, glass, sharp pencil. In addition, when carrying out construction and repair work, for example, drilling, penetrating injuries often occur with the entry of fragments. Serious mechanical damage to the organs of vision leads to unfavorable disturbances in the functioning of the visual system. In the most severe cases, they can lead to complications, including weakened vision, functional death of the eyeball and blindness. This leads to disability, so it is extremely important to provide first aid and promptly go to the emergency room.

What types of mechanical eye injuries are there?

The method of treating eye injury depends on its nature and extent. In ophthalmology, several types of damage to the organs of vision are distinguished, depending on the mechanism of their occurrence, as well as the location and presence of developed complications. The most common are various eye injuries, which can be superficial, penetrating and through. In addition, they can be infected or uninfected, as well as with or without the penetration of a foreign body. IN separate category Blunt injuries to the organs of vision should be highlighted, which include concussions and concussions. Depending on the location, injuries to the eyeball, damage to the appendages, bone bed and internal structures of the organs of vision are distinguished, as well as combined wounds. According to the conditions and circumstances of occurrence, it is customary to distinguish between household, industrial (in the workplace), agricultural, military and children's species injuries.

Superficial wounds of the eye

The most common occurrence. This category of injuries includes minor wounds to the eyelids, conjunctiva, or cornea. of various nature. They often occur when a nail, finger, or tree branches accidentally enter the eye, as well as when using damaged contact lenses. Superficial wounds are characterized by a violation of the integral structure of the skin, therefore, in such cases, initial disinfectant treatment of the wound is required. In some cases, it is necessary to apply sutures and excise tissue along the edges of the injury site. In addition, in parallel, the patient is prescribed a course of drug treatment aimed at antibacterial and antiseptic effects. In the most severe cases, in the presence of hemorrhages, procedures such as subconjunctival injections of the drug dionin, electrophoresis, and autohemotherapy are indicated. These measures help accelerate blood circulation and have a resolving effect.

Symptoms of superficial wounds:

    Redness of the conjunctiva (mucous membrane) occurs;

    The patient feels the presence of a foreign body under the eyelid;

    In the affected eye there is acute cutting pain;

    There is profuse lacrimation and photophobia;

    Some herbs are characterized by swelling of the eyelids;

    In severe cases, visual acuity decreases.

Penetrating injuries

This type of mechanical injury occurs when the eyeball comes into direct contact with sharp objects such as metal, wood or glass fragments, as well as wire, cutlery or office utensils. In this situation, it is often diagnosed that a foreign body has gotten inside. Severe cases of injury are accompanied by loss of the contents and membranes of the eye. Most characteristic symptom penetrating wounds are acute painful sensations. In addition, lacrimation, photophobia, redness of the conjunctiva and eyelids, as well as severe hemorrhage in the damaged areas may be present. Patients with these types of injuries usually require urgent surgical care. After this, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antifungal drugs are prescribed to prevent the development of various pathologies. If foreign bodies are detected, for example, fragments in the conjunctiva or cornea, they are removed using jet rinsing.

Signs of penetrating eye injury:

    The presence of a through wound in the cornea or sclera;

    Wound channel in the lens;

    The presence of an air bubble in the vitreous body;

    Displacement of the iris;

    Tear of the pupillary edge of the iris;

    Prolapse of the vitreous or ciliary bodies;

    Pronounced fall intraocular pressure;

    Partial clouding of the lens.

Blunt mechanical damage

Due to a blow to the eyeball, bone bed or facial skeleton volumetric subject, for example, with a ball, fist, stone, stick, etc., blunt mechanical trauma may occur. Often such injuries are accompanied by contusion of the organs of vision, hemorrhages in the tissue of the eye and eyelids, as well as fractures of the walls ocular orbit. In some particularly severe cases, such injuries are accompanied by traumatic brain injury. It is worth noting that mechanical injury of this type is extremely dangerous for the eye. The consequence of this injury may be partial retinal detachment. Under blunt mechanical influences in mandatory held comprehensive examination visual system and surgical assistance is provided as necessary. After this, a protective binocular bandage is applied to the affected eye. To prevent infectious and fungal complications, antibiotics are prescribed. To speed up the process of resorption of hemorrhages, electrophoresis using potassium iodide may be required.

Signs of blunt mechanical damage:

    Swelling of the organs of vision;

    Hemorrhages in the tissue of the eye and eyelids;

    Acute pain;

    Abnormal position of the damaged organ (displacement and problems with mobility);

    Headaches and dizziness.

First aid for mechanical eye damage

Many people experience mechanical damage to the eye. What to do in such a situation? It should be remembered that all injuries to the organs of vision are dangerous, so you should not hesitate to go to the doctor. It is impossible to treat an injured eye at home - this can cause adverse consequences, including loss of vision. This is especially true for serious penetrating wounds. However, before going to the emergency room, it is advisable to give yourself first aid and numb the eye. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to put pressure on the injured organ of vision and try to independently remove the foreign object. In addition, if a penetrating injury occurs, do not wash the eye to avoid the entry of microorganisms and the development of infection. When applying a bandage, it is not recommended to use cotton wool, as small fibers can penetrate inside and cause inflammatory process.

First aid: foreign body in the eye

    If the foreign object is large, it is necessary to fix a protective frame over the eye. It can be made from improvised means, for example, a paper cup. This will prevent the foreign body from dislodging.

First aid: bleeding in the eye

Hemorrhage in the tissue of the eyelids or organs of vision is often caused by contusion or serious penetrating wounds. To provide first aid in this case it is necessary:

    Apply any antibacterial drops;

    Cover the eye with a clean and, if possible, sterile bandage, but avoid pressing movements;

    Go to the emergency room as soon as possible.

First aid: mechanical eyelid injuries

First aid: penetration of a speck into the eye

Small specks often come out on their own with active lacrimation and blinking. However, if this does not happen, first aid should be provided.

    In good lighting, examine the eye by pulling back the lower eyelid (motes are often located in this area);

    If you find a foreign object, try to wash it with running water. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to remove the speck with a handkerchief or tweezers.

    Apply antibacterial eye drops;

    If you are unable to remove the speck yourself, or if you experience a scratching sensation in your eye after removing it, seek medical help.

It should be noted that mechanical damage to the organs of vision can lead to such negative consequences as traumatic cataracts and the appearance of eyesores. In addition, wrinkling of the eyeball, development of phacogenic glaucoma, retinal detachment, decreased visual acuity, and even blindness may occur. Therefore, it is important to promptly seek medical help and not resort to self-medication at home. In order to prevent mechanical injuries to the eye, care should be taken when handling traumatic objects in everyday life, as well as safety precautions at work.

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Due to the superficial and open location of the eyes, this organ is very vulnerable to injuries and various types of mechanical, chemical, thermal damage. Eye injury is dangerous due to surprise. It can happen anywhere; neither adults nor children are immune from it.

Eye injury means damage to the natural structure and, as a result, disruption of the normal functioning of the organ of vision, which can lead to disability of the victim. Injury occurs as a result of foreign bodies, chemicals, exposure to temperature, or physical pressure on the organ entering the eye.

This must be taken seriously; if you experience an eye injury, it is important to consult a doctor immediately. After providing assistance to a traumatologist, a mandatory consultation with an ophthalmologist is required. Despite the severity of the injury, complications can arise over time. To avoid them, it is important to carry out treatment under the close supervision of a specialist.

An eye injury in a child is a particularly dangerous injury. Having arisen at a young age, in the future it can become a reason for disruption and decrease in the functions of the injured organ. Most often, the cause of injury can be:

  • damage to the eye by a foreign object;
  • blows, bruises;
  • – thermal or chemical.


Eye injuries are distinguished depending on the causes of origin, severity and location.

According to the mechanism of damage, it happens:

  • blunt eye injury (bruises);
  • wound (non-penetrating, penetrating and through);
  • uninfected or affected by infection;
  • with or without penetration of foreign objects;
  • with or without prolapse of the eye shell.

Classification by location of damage:

  • protective parts of the eye (eyelid, orbit, muscles, etc.);
  • eyeball injury;
  • appendages of the eye;
  • internal elements of the structure.

The severity of eye injury is determined based on the type of damaging object, the force and speed of its interaction with the organ. There are 3 degrees of severity:

  • 1st (mild) is diagnosed when foreign particles penetrate the conjunctiva or the plane of the cornea, 1-2 degree burn, permanent wound, eyelid hematoma, short-term inflammation of the eye;
  • 2nd (medium) is characterized by acute conjunctivitis and clouding of the cornea, rupture or tearing of the eyelid, 2-3 degree eye burns, non-penetrating injury to the eyeball;
  • 3rd (severe) is accompanied by penetrating injury to the eyelids, eyeball, significant deformation of skin tissue, bruise of the eyeball, its damage by more than 50%, rupture inner shells, damage to the lens, retinal detachment, hemorrhage into the orbital cavity, fracture of nearby bones, 3-4 degree burn.

Depending on the conditions and circumstances of the injury, there are:

  • industrial injuries;
  • domestic;
  • military;
  • children's


Mild, superficial injuries occur when the eyelids, conjunctiva, or cornea are damaged by a sharp object (nail, tree branch, etc.).

More serious injuries occur when there is a direct blow to the face or eye area with a hand or a blunt object. If the eye is injured during a fall from a height. These injuries are often accompanied by hemorrhage, fractures, and bruises. Damage to the eye can occur due to traumatic brain injury.

When a penetrating wound occurs in the eye area, it is injured by a sharp object. With fragmentation, internal penetration of foreign large or small objects or particles occurs.


The sensations experienced by the victim do not always correspond to the reality clinical picture injuries. There is no need to self-medicate, remember that eyes are important organ, failure in their functioning leads to disability of the patient and disrupts the usual course of his life. For this injury, consultation with an ophthalmologist is required. This will help to avoid complications in the early stages and serious problems with vision.

Depending on the nature of the damage, their symptoms are also distinguished. Mechanical eye injury foreign body characterized by hemorrhages in various parts of the eye, the formation of hematomas, damage to the lens, its dislocation or subluxation, retinal rupture, etc.

Bright severe symptoms The patient has a lack of reaction of the pupil to light, an increase in its diameter. The patient experiences decreased clarity of vision, pain in the eyes upon contact with a light source, and excessive tearing.

A commonly encountered injury is damage to the cornea of ​​the eye. The cause of mechanical injuries is the unprotectedness of this part of the eye and the lack of safety elements, its openness to foreign objects and particles. These injuries, according to statistics of visits to a doctor, occupy a leading place among existing eye injuries. The difference between superficial and deep injuries depends on how deeply the body penetrates.

In some cases, corneal erosions develop; their appearance is associated with a violation of the integrity of the membrane under the influence of foreign bodies, chemicals or temperatures. A corneal burn in most cases leads to loss of visual acuity and disability of the patient. If the cornea is injured, the patient feels a decrease in the clarity of the “picture”, pain in the eyes upon contact with a light source, excessive tearing, discomfort, a feeling of “sand” in the eyes, sharp pain, redness and swelling of the eyelids.


Eye injuries have serious consequences. In severe cases of damage, loss of vision may occur without its subsequent restoration. This occurs with penetrating wounds or chemical, thermal burns. A consequence of eye injuries and a complication during their treatment is deterioration of the outflow intraocular fluid– secondary glaucoma. After an injury, hard scars appear on the cornea, pupil displacement occurs, the vitreous becomes clouded, swelling of the cornea is noticeable, and intraocular pressure increases.

In some cases, eye damage occurs traumatic cataract(picture below). Its signs are clouding of the lens and loss of visual acuity. It may be necessary to remove it.

When providing competent and emergency assistance, you can avoid serious consequences of eye injury.

First aid

In case of eye injury, the first steps to take are:

Regardless of their nature and type, any eye injuries require competent and timely assistance and consultation with a doctor. If your eye is damaged, you must treat it very carefully. Timely treatment is a guarantee of minimal complications and minimization negative consequences eye injury.


Treatment of eye injuries cannot begin without an accurate diagnosis. The patient needs a mandatory visit to an ophthalmologist, as well as additional examinations, such as:

  • detailed study of eye structures (biomicroscopy);
  • radiography;
  • visual acuity test;
  • study of the anterior chamber of the eyeball (gonioscopy);
  • examination of the fundus (ophthalmoscopy), etc.

Treatment and related procedures begin immediately. For minor injuries, the patient uses the procedure of eye instillation with drugs containing anti-inflammatory, analgesic and hemostatic elements.

In case of a burn or mechanical damage, it is necessary to eliminate and remove the source of irritation. Treatment in a hospital setting is indicated for moderate to severe injuries.

Penetrating injury involves surgery. This unscheduled and urgent procedure is performed by an ophthalmologist.


Measures to prevent eye injury include the following:

  • compliance with safety regulations;
  • careful use of household chemicals;
  • careful handling of dangerous sharp objects;

For schoolchildren, it is important to behave competently in the chemistry classroom, as well as in the workshop, at the machines. Before the start of a lesson in school laboratories, the teacher must remember the statistics of childhood eye injuries, so communication should begin by repeating the norms and requirements of safety and caution, which everyone should know about.

Before starting machine work, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the unit and use eye protection.

All household chemicals used at home should be kept out of the reach of children. When buying children's toys, it is important to consider their suitability for the child's age (no sharp corners or traumatic parts).

Compliance with the above rules will help avoid eye injuries of any severity, both in adults and children.

Damage facial area turn around more often dangerous complications. Eye injury can cause blindness and purulent inflammation. The nature of the impact and intensity matter pathological changes. If the superficial parts of the eye are damaged, there is still a chance for a full recovery. Deep trauma provokes recurrent eye diseases and persistent visual impairment.

The organs of vision are considered vulnerable to mechanical stress. Physical and chemical factors. is called simultaneous traumatization of several structures, for example, the eyeball and orbit. According to the classification of eye injuries, there are:

  • blunt trauma – otherwise eye contusion;
  • chemical burns and eye injuries;
  • radiation damage to the eye shell;
  • non-penetrating wounds - mainly injuries of the mucous membrane, cornea, sclera and corneoscleral zone of the eye;
  • penetrating injuries - eye injuries involving pathological process lens, vitreous body.

Mechanical injuries can be blunt, torn, cut, or punctured. More often, mechanical eye injuries are closed. According to the classification of eye injuries, mechanical disorders closed type have the most favorable prognosis. If a penetrating injury occurs, damage to the optic nerve is possible, and traumatic cataracts of the eye develop.

Some types of eye injuries include injuries involving the introduction of foreign bodies. If a fragment enters through the sclera, detecting the entrance hole is problematic. Due to penetrating trauma, a hole with hemorrhage is formed in the cornea. Under the influence of iron foreign bodies, pigmentation and clouding of the lens occur. Often, injuries are adjacent to eye burns - the thermal factor and the entry of a foreign body threaten retinal detachment.

Trauma code according to ICD 10

According to ICD 10, eye injuries are coded S05. A penetrating wound with a foreign body has a code according to ICD 10 - S05.5. Open wound eyelid tissue is encrypted S01.1.


How dangerous the violation will be depends on the mechanism of injury, as well as the force and speed of impact of the object. Eye injury from a champagne cork or tree branch is common. A blow to the nose with a blunt object may also damage the organs of vision. In everyday life, unfortunate falls or collapses usually occur. In most cases, domestic injuries do not have serious consequences.

More often, eye damage occurs when foreign bodies enter the eye. Sand, small fragments, nails, pins - they cause superficial and deep damage to the structures of the eyeball. The causes of childhood injuries are predominantly carelessness. Also, eye injuries in children occur when playing unsafely with slingshots, firecrackers, and toy guns.

You can get a puncture wound when hit with a sharp object - a piece of glass, a knife blade. Eyes are also common. In chemical production, if safety precautions are not observed, severe injuries eyes and respiratory organs. Mechanical damage is common in construction.


When a foreign object gets in, lacrimation occurs. The fragment is visualized and can be removed if it is on the surface. It is characterized by swelling, the eye hurts immediately after the injury, and if the integrity of the skin on the eyelid is damaged, bruises remain and hematomas develop.

At various types injuries have characteristic symptoms:

  • photophobia;
  • the whites turn red;
  • the eye is watery;
  • "flies" fly;
  • the foreign body sensation persists.

The severity of the injury determines the development of additional symptoms. Penetrating wounds are characterized by blepharospasm, hemorrhage in the tissue, and the presence of a wound channel. When injured, it is mainly the affected eye that waters, or both at the same time. Due to the presence of intraocular hypotension, vision deteriorates. Due to injuries, the internal contents fall out: the iris, the vitreous body.

First aid

What to do if the eyeball is damaged? It is important to get help for an injury quickly and without causing additional harm. If injured, the victim is hospitalized. For penetrating injuries, it is necessary to administer antitetanus serum. A sterile dressing should be applied before admission to the hospital. If necessary, a pain reliever is given - Nurofen, Ibuprofen. In consultation with the doctor, drugs with lidocaine or alcaine are instilled.

Depends on the severity of the eye injury general state the victim. If happened chemical burn, first aid for an eye injury will include flushing with running water for 10 minutes. The most dangerous are alkaline burns, which subsequently cause eye diseases, up to complete loss of vision. Depending on the type of chemical, the following neutralizers are used:

  • acid– washed with soapy water;
  • alkali– 1% citric acid solution;
  • phenolic compounds– soap solution;
  • fluoride compounds– preparations of calcium or ammonium salts;
  • phosphorus solution– 3% hydrogen peroxide.

If blunt trauma occurs and swelling develops, apply cold to the eye. If the eye is injured by a foreign object, try to remove the fragment, if possible. First medical aid after removal of a foreign body is to prevent complications of eye injury. For this purpose, anti-inflammatory drops are instilled, but only if the membranes are intact. In case of eye injuries in children, it is recommended to wait for the ambulance to arrive and, if possible, reassure the child.

What not to do:

  • remove the fragment if it has penetrated deep;
  • rub and scratch the injured organ;
  • apply lotions.


In case of simultaneous craniocerebral disorders or foreign body entry, radiography is prescribed. In the case of a superficial location of the penetrating object, the damaged area is examined with ultrasound. Doctor examines back eyeball using a Goldmann lens. In ophthalmology within general diagnostics carry out an examination of the ocular structures using computed tomography. Additional study of non-penetrating eye injuries is required for combined injuries.

If suspected deep wound, biomicroscopy will help out. A test with fluorescein is considered a reliable research method. Cycloscopy is necessary to detect ciliary body breaks. If the face is damaged, it is necessary to consult a neurosurgeon. You may also need the help of a neurologist or otolaryngologist. Early detection of pathologies is extremely important visual analyzer and damage to the optic nerve.


Where to go if you have an eye injury
? A traumatologist and an ophthalmologist will provide assistance. Therapy is selected taking into account the nature of the damage. Treatment after a chemical eye injury involves the use of antibacterial ointment with erythromycin up to 4 times a day. Additionally, scopolamine is prescribed to prevent posterior synechiae and eliminate spasm of the ciliary muscle. Used in ophthalmology steroid drugs, starting from the 7th day after the burn. Prednisolone installations are carried out in a short course, since drugs of this group impair regeneration.

Puncture wounds with rupture of internal tissues require surgical treatment. After sanitation and removal of blood clots, antibiotics and antiseptics are prescribed. Additionally, tetracycline ointment is used. In the treatment of injury, agents that improve regeneration have proven themselves well - Taufon, Actovegin. At home, use drops with antiseptic effect- “Okomistin”, “Albucid”. If the eye hurts some time after the injury, additional diagnostics are performed.

Conservative treatment is carried out in case of contusion injuries. Immediately contact an ophthalmologist. You can numb the eye locally or with systemic medications. In the second case, tablet forms or intramuscular injections are prescribed.

How and with what to treat an eye injury, the specialist decides on an individual basis. After an eye injury, antiseptic and antibacterial drops are prescribed. To relieve dryness and burning, you can drop Visine, but any medicines must be agreed with an ophthalmologist. Ophthalmoferon is instilled as prescribed. Also within general therapy are used homeopathic remedies, antihistamines, diuretics, tranquilizers. For injuries to the organs of vision, angioprotective drugs are recommended: sodium etamsylate, ascorutin.

In case of injury to the eyelid and penetrating injuries, it is of great importance antibacterial therapy. Antimicrobial drops are used topically, and sulfonamide tablets are used orally. At the same time, detoxification agents are prescribed - “Hemodez” in the form of an IV solution, “Polifepam”. Injection administration of drugs is carried out in the clinic. At the rehabilitation stage, the eyelid is treated with anti-scar gels.

For corneal injuries, therapy involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. Usually used combination medications in the form of subconjunctival injections. Drops that dilate the pupil will be beneficial. Long-term use of mydriatics is not advisable.

Surgical treatment

In case of a penetrating wound, surgical treatment of the wound is performed. If the procedure is performed on the first day, the risk of complications is reduced to 3%. When the victim sees a doctor on the second day, the likelihood of negative consequences increases to 20%. During surgery, antibiotics are injected into the eyeball.

IN exceptional cases involves removal of the eye. Enucleation is necessary when the organ is completely destroyed or surgical treatment is impossible. Also, indications for enucleation are post-traumatic iridocyclitis, intraocular infection, and absolute glaucoma.

Surgery is important in correcting strabismus. Treatment is prescribed after complete healing of the damaged structures. Before prescribing surgery, the ophthalmologist will test the methods conservative therapy. If they don't give positive result, surgical correction inevitable.

If post-traumatic complications develop, corrective surgery may be required. Lens replacement is often required. The operation is performed in a hospital setting under local anesthesia. Classic surgery is being abandoned in favor of laser and ultrasound treatment. These methods are considered minimally invasive and are less likely to cause complications.


If the eye squints after injury, optical correction is recommended. Opticians offer lenses for straightening and preventing strabismus, as well as training the visual organs. Patients are recommended to take targeted multivitamins and exercises to develop oculomotor muscles, hardware physiotherapy. To stimulate recovery, the ophthalmologist prescribes drops with a regenerating, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect.

At home, vision is restored with the help of palming and focusing training. Visual stress is limiting. In case of significant traumatic injury After eliminating the symptoms of the underlying disease, corrective therapy is carried out. Surgical treatment is used to improve vision and eliminate cosmetic defects.

Complications and consequences

A common complication of penetrating injury is intraocular infection. With the development of inflammation, blindness develops in 70% of cases. The main source of infection is pathogenic microflora wounding object. The second source of infection is microbes formed at the edges of the wound. In the absence of adequate sanitation, the infection quickly affects the tissue. As a result, purulent damage to the ciliary body and iris occurs. Next, endophthalmitis or panophthalmitis develops. They can lead to brain infection.

An unpleasant consequence of eye injury is disruption of the outflow of ocular fluid. As a result, secondary glaucoma develops. Frequent complications injuries are considered to be fluctuations in intraocular pressure, traumatic cataracts, and subatrophy of the eye.

If the apple itself is damaged and internal structures are displaced, the affected organ will be mowed. Prevention of strabismus is carried out from the first days of therapy in case of a high risk of such disorders.

Due to injury to the conjunctiva, the patient may encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as chronic conjunctivitis. With such pathologies, the prognosis is favorable. If tissue suturing has been performed, the seams are inspected after a week and scarring is prevented.

Dear readers of the 1MedHelp website, if you still have questions on this topic, we will be happy to answer them. Leave your reviews, comments, share stories of how you experienced a similar trauma and successfully dealt with the consequences! Your life experience may be useful to other readers.

Eyes are one of the most complex and vulnerable organs human body. Neglecting basic safety measures can happen to anyone in a variety of circumstances.

Most often, apart from natural pathologies, the eyes suffer from blunt injuries. In essence, they represent mechanical damage to the visual system, which is caused by a direct impact on it and is not normal.

Blunt eye injuries are often not dangerous, but to reduce the risk of complications, it is extremely important to provide timely assistance to the patient and organize competent treatment of the injury. In today's material we will focus close attention exactly this, as well as much other information regarding blunt injuries of the ocular apparatus.

Blunt eye injuries are in most cases accompanied by hemorrhages

Blunt eye injury is any damage to an organ that occurs under the influence of a sudden physical and mechanical factor (in other words, due to someone’s adverse force).

The most common cause of injury is accidental blows to the eye apparatus. For example, you can “catch” a blunt eye injury in a fight over a fist or in the forest, accidentally not noticing a tree branch.

The considered damage to the organs of vision has numerous formations. IN general view, they should be divided into:

  1. direct injury to the eyeball;
  2. and pathologies of the auxiliary organs of the visual system (eyelids, tear ducts and so on.).

Due to the specificity of blunt injuries, as a rule, they affect both the base of the eyes and their auxiliary nodes. As a result, the basic classification of damage data is that carried out according to the severity factor.

In modern ophthalmology, there are 4 forms of blunt eye injuries:

  • Lungs, which can be eliminated within 1-2 weeks after the start of therapy and the existing pathological condition will be completely reversible.
  • Moderate, characterized by the presence of stable anatomical and functional disorders among the consequences, relatively non-serious in nature and amenable to treatment (for example, loss of visual acuity up to 0.3).
  • Severe, which is also characterized by stable anatomical and functional disorders of the visual organs, but of a more serious form and characterized by the complexity of treatment (loss below 0.3 or even blindness with a chance of restoration of visual functions).
  • Very severe - any damage, possible consequences in the form of irreversible blindness (this happens, for example, when a optic nerves due to injury).

Therapy methods, its prognosis and other features of a clinical case with blunt eye injuries are determined for each patient individually. The analysis of future treatment and its effectiveness is based on the classification noted above.

Symptoms of damage

Blunt eye injuries are often the result of a fight

Blunt eye trauma is not always pronounced. Surprisingly, a blow to the visual organ can be quite strong and cause significant problems with vision, but there will be no swelling or tissue rupture.

Given this, when assessing the symptoms of injury, one should take into account a large number of factors. Most often, blunt eye injury is accompanied by several or a complete “bouquet” of the following signs:

  1. hyperemia;
  2. edema;
  3. violation of tissue integrity;
  4. pain discomfort;
  5. anatomical abnormality of the position of the injured organ (problems with mobility, displacement, etc.);
  6. decreased visual acuity;
  7. headaches and dizziness.

Naturally, almost all the signs will appear in the injured area and it will not be difficult to notice them. If the symptoms are particularly severe, it is unacceptable to hesitate - the injured person should be promptly taken to professionals to provide proper assistance. Otherwise, the risk of developing irreversible consequences, including loss of visual function, is quite high.


Examination by an ophthalmologist

Diagnosis of blunt trauma to the ocular apparatus plays vital role when organizing her therapy.

Carrying out diagnostic procedures should only fall on the shoulders of a professional doctor - a general specialist or an ophthalmic surgeon.

The diagnosis organized by a doctor is usually based on:

  • Anamnesis collection consisting of a qualitative assessment external manifestations patient's injuries and complaints.
  • Assessing the patient's medical history.

Carrying out additional research methods. These often include the following diagnostic procedures:

  1. , biomicroscopy, gonioscopy and diaphanoscopy - examination of damaged tissues of the ocular apparatus using special devices.
  2. Exophthalmometry (with anatomical disorders) – instrumental assessment of the degree of deviation of the eyeballs from normal positions.
  3. Methods for testing the functions of convergence and refraction (with partial loss of visual functions).
  4. Fluorescein instillation test is an examination method necessary for any damage to the cornea or suspicion of such.
  5. , which is almost always used to identify and analyze structural disorders of the visual apparatus.

By special purposes The list of diagnostic measures discussed above can be expanded. Here, it all depends on individual characteristics a specific case.

In addition, the injured patient may be referred for examination to other specialists, for example, to a neurologist, neurosurgeon, otolaryngologist, maxillofacial surgeon, and so on.

First aid and subsequent treatment of an injured person

Blunt eye injuries are the result of inattention

Blunt eye injury is always an unpleasant occurrence that can lead to severe consequences.

To exclude the latter, in case of injury, first aid may be necessary, at least until the injured person is taken to a professional doctor.

The basic measures of the first impact should be:

  1. At closed injury(no blood or tears in the skin) apply something cold to the damaged area for 5-10 minutes to reduce swelling and gently rinse the eye.
  2. At open injury(there is blood, skin tears) you need to act wisely. It is strongly not recommended to use any drugs to eliminate bleeding; it is much better to try to carefully wash the wound (only if it is very dirty) and apply sterile gauze to it. After this, the patient should be immediately taken to professional doctors, who will take appropriate therapeutic measures.

Important! At severe pain in damaged tissues, the injured person is allowed to give painkillers, but it is advisable to do this in extreme cases. The use of aspirin-based drugs is prohibited due to the specificity of its action, especially in cases of open eye injuries.

Directly the main treatment of blunt injury begins only after quality diagnostics in a specialized institution.

Depending on the individual characteristics of a particular case, they can be prescribed as conservative methods therapy and surgical intervention. It all depends on the severity and nature of the damage. Self-medication of blunt eye injuries is unacceptable even if they are mild.

Prevention of pathological condition

Bandage after injury - first aid

It may seem strange to many that blunt eye injuries can be prevented by taking certain measures. Of course, a kind of prevention will not reduce the risks of damage to zero, but it can significantly neutralize them.

Preventive measures should be based on:

  • Wearing eye protection when working with sawing and cutting tools, as well as when playing certain sports (boxing, rugby, etc.).
  • Maintain increased attention when engaging in any potentially traumatic activities (for example, crossing a forest, playing contact sports, etc.).
  • Maintaining a distance between your eyes and potentially traumatic objects when you are nearby (throwing machines, sharp things, etc.).

In fact, limiting yourself from blunt eye injuries is not that difficult. The main thing in this matter is attention in various situations. Trying not to forget about him in such situations is probably not as difficult as treating the injuries received.

On this topic of today's article, the most important information has come to an end. We hope that the material presented was useful to you and provided answers to your questions. I wish you health and life without injuries!

The video explains why black spots appear in the eyes after a blow:

Article without survey for doctors Material visited: 3273Added: 05/28/2015

Most severe mechanical eye injuries do not occur in extreme situations, but at work or in everyday life. Basic compliance with safety rules and use safety glasses for eyes, which are sold at prices starting from 150-200 rubles, in any hardware or hardware store, in 9 cases out of 10 it could prevent eye injury. Depending on the degree of damage, the following four types of mechanical eye injuries are distinguished.

Superficial damage to the eyeball is the most common. Such injuries include non-penetrating wounds, foreign bodies on the surface of the eyeball, and erosions of the mucous membrane of the eye. The main symptoms here are: pain, swelling and redness of the eye, lacrimation, photophobia, and sometimes visual acuity may temporarily decrease. A severe type of eye injury, which is very often accompanied by dangerous complications, including complete blindness, is considered to be penetrating wounds of the eyeball. Most often they represent a combined eye injury involving various structures. To prevent complications and restore the anatomical integrity of the eye tissue, penetrating injuries to the organ of vision require immediate surgical intervention.

Contusions of the eyeball occur when there is a direct blow or indirect impact on the eye, when a person, for example, falls and hits his head on the ground, accompanied by a concussion. With such contusions, hemorrhages often occur, and in some cases, fractures of the walls of the orbit also occur. Treatment of such eye injuries in most cases does not require surgery, although it is often difficult and not entirely successful.

Injuries due to foreign bodies penetrating the eye, other than direct mechanical impact on its structures, often have an effect, and especially when a foreign body remains inside the eye for a long time, toxic effect. Treatment is aimed at removing the foreign body as early as possible with minimal impact on the eye tissue.

For any eye damage, regardless of its severity, you must immediately contact an ophthalmologist, who will prescribe treatment after an examination. In case of minor injuries, for example, if something gets into the eye, and there is no immediate opportunity to see a doctor, first aid can be provided, which will further help minimize the risk of complications.

What to do if you damage the surface of the eye or cornea?

  1. Avoid activities that may further injure your eye:

      If you injure your eye, do not rub it; touching or pressing may aggravate the injury.

      do not touch the eyeball with foreign objects (handkerchief, tweezers or other instruments), this may further injure the cornea

      If a foreign body gets into the eye and penetrates the cornea, do not try to remove it yourself, but immediately seek medical help

  2. First aid for damage to the ocular surface if something gets into the eye:

      carefully turn it out upper eyelid(or pull the lower one) and remove the particle with a sterile napkin or swab; if it has not penetrated into the cornea, rinse the eye with warm water

      if after removal of the foreign body the pain and sensation of its presence persist, i.e. If a corneal abrasion has formed, use drugs that promote its healing with dexpanthenol, doctors in such cases also prescribe antibacterial drops with wide range actions, for example, floxal, for the prevention infectious complications(it is important to remember that any antibacterial drugs are always prescribed in courses of at least 7 days to prevent the development of bacterial resistance)

For more complex eye injuries, for example, penetrating wounds of the eyeball with or without a foreign body or ruptures of the membranes of the eye, no manipulation should be done, since inept and careless intervention can cause severe complications up to total loss vision. In such cases, you should immediately apply a sterile bandage to the eye and immediately take the victim to an ophthalmologist.

For bruises, you can limit yourself to cold compresses. Do them for 15-20 minutes, then apply a dry sterile bandage to the eye and refer the victim to an ophthalmologist.