Phobia HIV how to get rid of it. Speedophobia, panic fear of being HIV-infected. What should the patient do?

This is the social problem of this century. It began at a time when almost all patients terrible illness led an immoral lifestyle. It was discrimination that largely caused the development of HIV phobia. Fear of contracting a dangerous disease is not a physiological deviation, but psychological problem. But it can lead to the most unpredictable consequences, including a severe form of life-threatening clinical depression. What are the symptoms of fear of HIV and AIDS and what can cause it?

Why does the fear of HIV appear?

The development of AIDS phobia can be caused by many factors. It is often provoked by a heightened sense of guilt. This primarily concerns people who use paid sex services or use injecting drugs. Despite the pangs of conscience, these people still lead an immoral lifestyle, while AIDS continues to terribly scare them. Often the reason for the development of such psychological state detection of the immunodeficiency virus in friends, relatives or someone close to the person. Especially if the situation ends in the death of the patient.

“I'm afraid of HIV” - people prone to various kinds of phobias often turn to psychologists and psychiatrists with this problem. Along with the fear of being sick with the immunodeficiency virus, such a person is also afraid of cancer, tuberculosis and any other equally dangerous disease. What makes the situation worse is that anyone can find symptoms of the virus if they want to. We are talking about an increase in temperature, an increase in lymph nodes and weight loss. All this can occur for other reasons not related to this disease.

Sometimes some people complain to their friends: “I’m very afraid of HIV, although the test for its presence is negative.” This is due to deep fear, as well as the widespread belief that tests can be wrong.

Speedophobia: symptoms and signs

The symptoms of HIV phobia can only be named conditionally. After all, she, like everyone else mental disorder, can occur individually for each person. But the general symptoms of speedophobia can still be identified:

  • Obsessive thoughts about the presence of the immunodeficiency virus. A person attributes each new symptom to this dangerous illness. In this case, it does not matter at all whether we are talking about a common runny nose, mild malaise, or real signs that are inherent in the primary manifestations of HIV.
  • Regular visits to the clinic, and sometimes to several different ones medical centers, in order to get tested for the presence of the virus. If a person without visible reasons and cases of possible infection takes tests to determine his status more than once every six months, then he definitely suffers from speedophobia.
  • Distrust of test results. Often people with this form of psychological disorder turn to doctors with the words: “I’m very afraid of HIV, but I don’t trust existing methods its discovery." Such people are firmly confident that they have dangerous virus. At the same time, they may think that their form of the disease is not determined by modern tests. Such patients often attribute a negative result to medical errors.
  • Regularly search for information to ensure there is no diagnosis. Obsessed with the idea of ​​having the immunodeficiency virus, people constantly visit various websites dedicated to this disease, call the helpline and ask the same questions.

It is worth noting that in rare cases you can get rid of such psychological pathology on your own. To do this, a person just needs to pull himself together and calm down after the next test, which turns out to be negative.

How to get rid of speedophobia if test results do not help you calm down? In this case, you should contact a psychologist or psychotherapist. An experienced specialist will prescribe drug therapy or decide on the need for regular consultations and conversations with such a patient. In some cases, cognitive psychotherapy helps well. With its help, a man possessed obsessive thoughts about the immunodeficiency virus, realizes the absurdity of the situation and learns to control his thoughts and actions.

Among wide list phobic diseases, one cannot help but recall speedophobia. It ranks far from the last in the number of diseases among people around the world. This disease manifests itself quite simply. Healthy man convinced that he is infected venereal disease or will become infected with it in the near future. Such phobias arise against a background of instability nervous system and often cause severe stress.

Experts say that this disease is a type of hypochondria. Usually, similar diseases arise in those people who are too sensitive to the problems that surround a person every day.

Reasons for development

Fear of various diseases is a problem that has plagued humanity for many centuries. The fear of AIDS causes obsessive behavior that prevents a person from working normally and living in general. Sometimes this fear is harmful to health, which also causes a significant shock to the body. Thus, a patient with speedophobia feels constant fear and anxiety, because he fixes his consciousness on the only disease that often infects others.

Such fear can be caused not only by HIV infection. Often fear is caused by low-quality tumors, which are popularly called cancer.

The fear of getting AIDS arose because this disease is ideal for human development. First of all, we are talking about illiteracy of the population.

Behind long time the existence of the disease, people are quite satisfied a large number of myths and absurd legends about the ease of infection, the problematic course and the impossibility of curing AIDS.

Any person can find at least several symptoms of the disease, because they are very simple and include:

  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • fatigue;
  • cold symptoms;
  • sudden weight loss, etc.

This causes fear of contracting HIV even when there was absolutely no possibility for this process. And the absence of obvious signs of the disease further aggravates the already existing problem.

At a subconscious level, a person who has recently lost a relative or friend due to this disease can become infected with speedophobia. Then the patient begins to screw himself up, attribute everything to genetics and very close contact, as a result of which such a phobia develops.

Afraid of illness venereal diseases not only the person who usually monitors his health and does not enter into questionable sexual contacts with unfamiliar people, but also who has experienced something similar. All of the above factors influence the speed of development of the disease and its widespread distribution throughout the world.


Speedophobes are overly concerned about the possibility of contracting the immunodeficiency virus. It is impossible to get rid of this either with negative test results, or with the help of a specialist’s opinion, etc. Not a single argument can rid a person of the thought that he will soon become another victim of the disease. This does not mean that this patient is completely healthy.

He suffers from another disease, and they tell him so. Usually such a person does not believe in the existence of other problems and is focused on AIDS.

He constantly tries to confirm his guesses, he is afraid that they will be confirmed.

Symptoms of speedophobia can be very different. However, there are some of them that can determine whether you are really someone who is afraid of contracting HIV.

  1. A speedophobe is never left with the certainty that he is either sick or very soon will become one of those who needs treatment.
  2. The speedophobe attributes any symptoms caused by other health problems to AIDS. Even a few test results cannot convince the patient that he has nothing to fear.
  3. Even if a world-famous specialist begins to talk with the patient and explain that there is no danger for him. The speedophobe will never believe him and will continue to think that he is either sick or will become infected in the near future.
  4. A patient with such a diagnosis is sure that he is sick, and the test results are simply falsified. Such a person attributes everything to the unprofessionalism of the workers who collected the tests or malfunctions of the equipment.
  5. Many speedophobes claim that they are sick with some special form of the disease, which is almost impossible to determine even for professionals.
  6. Each such person spends a lot of effort, nerves and money on repeatedly taking tests, undergoing additional diagnostics, examinations, etc.
  7. Such patients significantly reduce the time they spend communicating with their relatives, because they are afraid that close people are the source of the disease and can easily infect them. Every day, speedophobes devote more and more time to reading articles about HIV and AIDS. There they try to find the “key” to confirm that they are carriers of the virus.

All of the above symptoms indicate that the person really is a speedophobe, and he urgently needs to get rid of this problem.


Dealing with speedophobia is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. This is a treatable psychological pathology that makes it impossible to die.

As a rule, all such patients are divided into 2 types.

  1. The first of them is very afraid of contracting AIDS and is afraid to even think about getting tested.
  2. The second form of patients is 100 percent sure that they are infected, and no test results can reliably show true results.

In the first case, the doctor must convince the patient of the need to undergo tests. A person must step over his fears and finally find out whether he is sick or not. With all this, it is better to take an express test so that the fear goes away in a matter of minutes, and you do not have to wait several days.

In the second case, you cannot do without a competent doctor. This is an advanced stage of a phobia, which is very difficult to get rid of.

In this case, experts recommend contacting a psychiatrist. No psychotherapist or psychologist can help in treating such a strong phobia. With all this, one should be aware that psychiatrists treat not only those who have gone crazy, otherwise there may also be a fear that the patient has gone crazy.


Treatment of venerephobia is an optional attribute to get rid of such fear. Sometimes it goes away on its own. The person calms down, begins to do something interesting and simply forgets about his potential problem, which he himself invented. But if this does not help, you need to contact a specialist who will prescribe antidepressants and convince you that there is no problem.

Speedophobia is a strong fear of contracting AIDS or becoming a carrier of HIV infection. This is a condition when a person is terrified of contracting a disease, constantly checks himself for its symptoms, and periodically donates blood to detect the syndrome.

It has been proven that panic fear of contracting AIDS is a type of hypochondria. This is a condition when a person looks for symptoms of a disease that he actually does not have. Although the symptoms are far-fetched, panic, fear, anxiety and others associated conditions are quite real. It is very difficult for such a person to concentrate on any work or think positively, as he is absorbed in his inner experiences.

Speedophobia can accompany a person even in the absence of unprotected sexual intercourse, blood transfusions, and so on. Where does this fear come from and how does it manifest itself?

We are all afraid of contracting a life-threatening disease. But speedophobes are terrified of this. There are several reasons for this.

Symptoms of a phobia

All diseases are caused by nerves; a person who is terrified of contracting AIDS will constantly torment himself with thoughts about possible infection. With such “eating” of oneself from the inside, somatic disorders appear. These are psychosomatic phenomena:

Such symptoms terrify a person even more, dooming him to become fixated on his condition. Such a patient becomes a hostage to his condition: the more he is afraid, the more psychosomatic manifestations will be expressed, and this leads to even greater fear and panic.

A person who is terrified of discovering that he has AIDS can be recognized by the following signs:

Speedophobia is pathological anxiety individuals who need specialist help. In some cases, this phenomenon may go away if the person's access to any information about the disease is limited. Constant positive reinforcement leads to the fact that fear is repressed, and a person can continue his work activity.

Rationale loved one, receiving negative results several times also reduces the risk of developing a phobia in initial stages. Taking all necessary measures to prevent this dangerous disease, the person will accept the fact that he has protected himself and has nothing to fear.

But there are cases of excessive fearfulness, when the phobia reaches panic attacks, producing a destructive effect on the person’s psyche and his state of health. In this case, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor, since in addition to psychotherapeutic assistance, the use of certain medications may be required.


Such patients are treated by psychologists, psychotherapists or psychiatrists. Hypochondriacal manifestations do not go away on their own. Sometimes even correction is required various violations in the cerebral cortex. Doctors prescribe medications when it is necessary to establish connections between the autonomic nervous system and the cerebral cortex. But the main treatment is the use of psychotherapy methods and constant support from loved ones.

Drug treatment

If the fear of contracting AIDS is accompanied by neurotic manifestations, the doctor may prescribe tranquilizers or antipsychotics. This will help relieve symptoms of neurosis. It will become easier for a person to perceive all the changes occurring in his health. After all, when panic attacks he may sweat due to psychosomatic manifestations.

Often in complex cases of fear of AIDS, antidepressants are prescribed. Treatment of hypochondria of a depressive nature is accompanied by just such medications. The drugs Diazepam, Sertraline, and Trazodone are often used. It is important to remember that many antidepressants have withdrawal effects. For a therapeutic effect, you must take them exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Otherwise, antidepressants will only worsen a person’s moral state.


Psychotherapeutic support is the main thing in the treatment of fear of AIDS. In difficult cases, it is better for a patient who exhibits speedophobia to consult a psychiatrist to monitor the condition medications and talk therapy.

Psychotherapy in the treatment of fear of contracting AIDS is important, since fear of a fatal disease is nothing more than. An experienced psychotherapist will help a person understand why he is afraid of death. During a therapeutic conversation, it is necessary to draw the patient’s attention to what is an obstacle to his full life. After all, the phrase that nothing increases the fear of death more than its anticipation is reliable. If a person is terribly afraid of death, it means that he is subconsciously expecting it.

The expectation of death is associated with non-acceptance of oneself. A person does not find his place in life, he does not have support from others, he cannot accept some of his shortcomings, and he significantly downplays his advantages. He does not understand that he is a unique individual with his own set of personal characteristics, qualities and abilities.

Such a phenomenon as non-acceptance of oneself in an adult can arise even in the distant past. childhood. Many parents do not support their child and do not appreciate his efforts, which then manifests itself in the person’s self-esteem and self-acceptance.

Panic fear of the deadly disease AIDS is the top of accumulated grievances, unspoken words, unexpressed emotions. A psychotherapist helps a person understand why he is so afraid of this disease.

The methods of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, Rogers' positive therapy, and systemic family therapy help well. Therapeutic conversations with the family are aimed at educating relatives about the patient’s experiences, teaching the principles of communication with him, and training positive thinking in transactions.

It is better to limit the flow of information to the patient on the topic of HIV infection while waiting for test results and therapy. He must be distracted in every possible way from overwhelming thoughts. They recommend watching humorous films with him, distracting himself with various walks and active activities. When a person is busy, his thoughts are about the goal and results of the activity, and not about possible ways infection and progression of AIDS.

Question for a psychologist:

Hello. I'll start my story with how I got this phobia. Eight years ago, that is, at the age of 22, I had unprotected sexual intercourse with a girl who, as it later turned out through friends, was easily accessible. And then a friend said, more of course as a joke: “Look, you’ll get AIDS.” What happened to me then! For days I had no appetite, no sleep, no mood, everything was falling out of my hands, and all my thoughts were only about this AIDS, I was already mentally burying myself and saying goodbye to life. After a couple of weeks I realized that I could go crazy and that I needed to do something. I found and took this girl for analysis (thank God she didn’t mind), it seemed to relieve her a little, she calmed her down. After three months and half a year, as expected, I checked myself - everything was fine. Since then, I have never had unprotected sex and the fear of it still haunts me, even with partners who can be reasonably trusted. Close friends with whom I share these thoughts chuckle, saying that you smoke a lot and don’t think about diseases associated with smoking, but about AIDS you’ve got your head in your head. I once talked about this topic with my parents - they said I should get married, and not sleep with just anyone. I certainly agree with this, but they don’t get married in one day, but how can I get to this milestone with such a phobia... A couple of weeks ago I met another girl, we meet every day, we talk for a long time, we became very attached to each other. But when I think about intimacy, I just give up. With a condom, I don’t get any pleasure from the process, even if you don’t do it at all. And most importantly, you won’t be able to protect yourself forever anyway, I’m already 30 years old, I want children. The girl doesn’t mind either, I want to build a relationship with her, live together, but the phobia never lets go. It is clear that at this age I am far from her first (we are almost the same age) and who these exes were - who knows? The girl is very hard-working, responsible, without bad habits, is adequate, but I don’t have complete trust in her and I’m sure without the help of a specialist and I won’t have any trust in anyone ever. I don’t know what to do and I would be very grateful if you help. Thank you in advance.

Psychologist Alexander Evgenievich Zhuravlev answers the question.

Hello, Ivan.

The nature of such obsessive fears (and you have an obsessive fear) still torments the minds of scientists. What to do, how to work with them, what to expect and, most importantly, how to help people?

There are a lot of opinions. Opinions are very different.

From your story, one thing is clear: this is OBSESSIVE fear. Obsessive fear differs from natural fear in that it necessarily affects a person’s quality of life. Well, we see that the quality of your life is certainly far from what you want.

Why did I focus on the differences between ordinary, natural fear and obsessive fear?

The fact is that fear is an almost normal, natural psychophysiological reaction of a person, accompanied by a certain emotional background. This background is not necessarily negative. A parachute jump is always accompanied by fear, because the basis of any fear is protecting yourself, your body. But the emotional side is the strongest charge positive emotions. (I'm of course talking about normal situations when a person really wants to jump!)

If a parachute jump occurs against (or against) the will of a person, then there will be fear and already negatively colored emotions.

In the first case, the person may want to repeat and strengthen the experience. The person will become more confident and stronger.

In the second, you can cause a phobia, obsessive fear, neurosis. A person will, in principle, refuse not only to jump, but also to fly on airplanes, sit by the window, enter an elevator, etc. That is, the quality of life will suffer.

By the way, to cause obsessive fear, you don’t have to jump yourself! It’s enough, say, to watch a movie or hear a story about parachutists and that’s it! It is done.

Scientists are seriously thinking about the genetic component of obsessive fears. The same as about the genetic nature of any obsessive condition.

So there you go! Skydive, watch a movie, etc. in a NORMAL, PROTECTED, STRONG state - that’s one thing. Here, perhaps, no special “distortions” will occur. But if we are weakened, excited, “stressed out,” feeling unwell, “on edge,” then another “irritant” can hit the nail on the head and cause a painful reaction.

Among obsessive fears, one of the most common is hypochondria. Simply put, it is a person’s tendency to exhibit signs of various diseases. Even the ones he can't have. Hypochondria is a man's "fenka". It is rare among women.

(Re-read the nice novel “Three in a Boat, Not Counting a Dog” and you will find there a wonderful and funny description of something similar to hypochondria.)

But, of course, you don’t really have hypochondria pure form. I would say that you have a camouflaged fear of death combined with hypochondria.

Among others, fear of getting sick incurable disease- one of the strongest. It is believed that this cannot be done without the help of a clinical specialist and special therapy. I highly recommend that you visit your GP and get a referral to a specialist. And don’t worry - everything will be quite correct. Perhaps this will be the work of a psychologist in combination with medications. And perhaps without medications.

Any fear (if it is rational) cannot be exposed.

In your case, it would be enough to just have protected sex and that’s it. But you have some “wrong sensations” and you don’t consider it. We could once again dwell on the methods and factors of HIV infection. I assure you, if you are not doing something extreme, then the risk of getting infected is negligible! And without a condom too.

But how can you force yourself to trust a woman in this particular case? Check every three months? Something else? - No answer! No way!

That is, you need to work on yourself! And, I'm afraid, you can't do it without a specialist. Because neurosis (and you have neurosis) must and can be treated!

I can only give here the most general tips. These tips are for everyone. In your case this is not so relevant, but it will be useful for others:

1) Don't focus on negative emotions and feelings (you can come up with affirmations, mantras, prayers that will be spoken mentally or out loud, relieving tension);

2) Fear will not go away on its own, but you need to fight not with a specific fear, but with the degree of its impact. Fear can be reduced, the significance of fear can be reduced, its severity can be reduced at the somatic level: breathing practices, muscle relaxation, etc.

You may be afraid of getting sick, but this fear should not affect your quality of life;

3) You can recognize fear and, therefore, take the first and important step towards overcoming it; include in daily routine physical exercise, due to which excess adrenaline will be significantly reduced; remember that fear is protective and natural reaction body, but its absence is a sign of mental disorder.

These are common postulates for anyone who experiences fears.

But my specific advice is this: you need a specialist! Let it be a therapist first!

You want to live a normal life, right? - Forward!

Good luck. Everything gonna be alright. A. Zhuravlev.

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Nowadays, these phobias have begun to bother people somewhat less. There were many reasons for this, including the general habituation of the people to information attacks. Mass psychosis occurred in the 90s and the very first years of the 21st century. Then the concept of “AIDS” became widespread, and people talked about it everywhere. Corporations were solving several problems at once.

First, condom sales have reached unprecedented levels; secondly, a separate target audience has been formed for the sale of dubious and expensive AIDS drugs; thirdly, the citizens of the country themselves have turned from builders of a bright future into people who are concerned only with the problems of food and sex. With incredible frequency, AIDS was shown on TV, spoken on the radio, written in newspapers, and even created separate publications like “AIDS Info.”

Information attacks served as the beginning of HIV phobia

We have a unique situation with AIDS. Usually the role of the media and art in causing phobias is somewhat exaggerated. They were immediately followed obvious signs purposeful impact on the consciousness of millions of people.

In practice, the disease itself turned out to be questionable, but what is important is that it is incurable. If it exists at all, of course. However, the topic of virology goes beyond the boundaries of our consideration. Much more important is that the media, including federal media, actively stimulated the emergence of HIV-phobia, which is better called speedophobia. In the 90s, it was observed even in people with a stable psyche, capable of critically assessing their actions.

Scientific and educational work in this context has caused and causes only reverse effect. By official version, HIV infection occurs, which can later cause AIDS. In this regard, we are not at all interested in what a retrovirus from the genus of lentiviruses actually causes or does not cause. We see words, images, but our mental “AIDS” is transmitted only ontologically. HIV phobia is irrational fear contract an incurable disease, which is no different from cancer phobia.

“Convenient” properties of real diseases

In both cases of the disease:

  • practically incurable, but under certain circumstances, patients can live up to 90 years;
  • difficult to diagnose;
  • have wide range subjective assessments by the patients themselves.

So, the phobia of getting cancer and speedophobia are essentially the same neurosis. No one reading these lines can give a clear and absolute guarantee that they do not have cancer or AIDS. The fact that HIV is sexually transmitted does not help the situation. You can become infected in a hospital or hairdresser. For a phobia to occur, it is not necessary to be initially predisposed to neuroses and psychosis. If you “bomb” the consciousness for a long time through the media, then the phobia will be visible in everyone. Some can control it and prevent it from taking over consciousness, while others can have a panic attack.

Theoretically, you can catch AIDS anywhere

The harm that phobias cause

It is not entirely appropriate to say that HIV phobia has any symptoms. Symptoms depend on which disorder is or is not predominant and how it manifests. Signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder, hypochondria, depression, neurasthenia or senesthopathy may be observed. Some patients experience phantom pain and may show signs of somatic diseases. The development of OCD is most likely, especially with fear of HIV infections.

This type of phobia is harmful on several levels.

  • It fetters the will, and everything that happens seems unimportant, since one will die soon anyway. The patient is able to quit his job or be fired due to an unexplained loss of ability to work.
  • A large amount of money is spent on purchasing medicines. Sometimes as medicinal products dietary supplements or homeopathy preparations are purchased.
  • Patients try to “drown” their grief in a glass and, along with a fictitious disease, acquire very real alcoholism.
  • Speedophobia can force people to completely abandon any contact with the opposite sex, and fear of cancer, a phobia, also significantly reduces sexual activity. Thus, families are destroyed.
  • The behavior of patients is dominated by self-distrust and medical personnel diagnostic institutions where they go to get positive results.
  • At one time, mass hysteria around AIDS caused a significant increase in the number of suicides. Fear of deadly diseases is a form of general fear of death, and thanatophobia has historically been one of the causes of suicide.

Treatment problems and possible scenario

The difficulty is that it is very difficult to apply cognitive therapy methods and routine patient education. If a person is afraid of becoming infected with something abstract and every now and then rushes to wash his hands, then it makes sense to gradually bring him to the object that is the source of fear and teach him to calmly react to the sudden desire to wash off the germs. In the case of HIV or cancer, everything is much more complicated. There is simply nothing to lead him to, only to ideas in his own mind.

Even constant checks do not convince a person that he does not have an incurable disease

The following scenario of a psychotherapist working with a patient, or even a suffering person alone with himself, can have a certain effect.

  • Realize that the idea came before the results of tests and other things were received medical examination, if one was carried out at all. Whereas usually people experience some kind of pain or discomfort, do not know anything about what happened to them, turn to doctors and only then receive information and a diagnosis. Moreover, positive test results for HIV infection are checked many times.
  • Find the debut point. The task is difficult, but completely solvable. This could be a few minutes after watching a medical program or telling someone about someone dying from cancer. This point is always in the “after” period.
  • Identify your own reaction to the thought " What if I have cancer?" or " I have AIDS" What bodily sensations accompanied it? It could be cold sweat, breathing spasms, certain signs of a panic attack.
  • Understand subsequent actions and their nature. In this case, the patient needs to tell and think as little as possible about the symptoms of real physical illnesses, but give as much information as possible about how neurosis, even schizoid disorder, proceeds. Usually they are with great attention read articles and listen to lectures with examples because they recognize their own behavior in them.

The course of treatment can vary in duration. For some, one or two sessions and minimal doses of antidepressants are enough for the shortest period of use, while others will be stubborn for a very long time.

A person needs to think as little as possible about the symptoms of AIDS

Strange as it may seem, a false sense of shame also prevents some from calming down. How so? Such a smart and educated person, and suddenly he has been leading himself and his family by the nose for so long? Stubbornness comes from a complex of pride and shame. In this case, the task of the psychotherapist is to convince the patient that mental disorders No one is protected - scientists, artists, and politicians have suffered and are suffering from them. It's bad, but not fatal. Real cancer much worse.

The patient should be encouraged to use the honesty technique. Do you need to come and get tested for HIV? In this case, it is quite appropriate to tell the doctors at the diagnostic center that a phobia has arisen. I'm supposedly very suspicious, so I decided to get checked. They even look at such people with sympathy. You need to behave in the same way and, if necessary, determine whether there is cancer or whether it is cancerophobia. The phrase “Doctor, I’m going crazy, I’m afraid I have cancer” works amazingly. Oncologists stop asking unnecessary questions and conduct the examination more calmly. They understand perfectly well that a person is suffering in a moral sense and in the overwhelming majority of cases they become very loyal.

A person suffering from a phobia of AIDS or cancer does not need examinations, but the help of a psychotherapist

One of the tasks of the psychotherapist and the patient himself is to act within the framework of a strategy for breaking the vicious circle. This examination is all. If it’s cancer, God help us, and if not, then forget and live a normal life.