Get rid of internal tension. How to relieve nervous tension. Proper relaxation technique

Nervous tension is a deviation that occurs as a consequence of all kinds of psycho-emotional overloads. The human nervous system is characterized by considerable plasticity; it adapts to all kinds of stressors and non-standard conditions, but its resource is still limited. Any intense emotional reactions generate a response in the body called stress. When emotions are positive, the individual feels happiness; when they are negative, neuropsychic tension arises. If signs of nervous tension are detected in a timely manner, the corrective effect will be short-lived, and the individual will quickly return to normal existence, unity with environment and emotional balance.

Symptoms of nervous tension

Often, a whole combination of factors leads to nervous tension: the ever-present fatigue in daily professional life against the background of the development of a conflict situation in family relationships can quite quickly give rise to neurosis, and an appetite disorder, provoked by life’s troubles, will also cause frailty and malaise.

Thus, the fundamental reasons giving rise to nervous tension, are:

– negative impressions and negative emotional reactions that arise constantly and gradually accumulate in the subconscious (such as resentment, anger, arrogance, envy);

– various subconscious fears and the inability to control them give rise to severe anxiety;

- unrealized plans, unfulfilled dreams, unfulfilled desires, psychological barriers - all those components that, on the subconscious level, do not allow the individual to become himself;

– bad luck in personal relationships, stressful situations, constantly present conflicts and worries;

– dissatisfaction with the professional environment, the chosen field of activity, a feeling of unfulfillment;

– the inability to throw out constantly accumulating experiences;

– lack of regular rest and physical activity.

Individuals whose professional employment is associated with constant confrontations, intense workload, worries and excessive responsibility are more susceptible to the occurrence of nervous tension.

Primary manifestations of nervous tension include:

– stiffness, feeling of awkwardness;

– lack of joy;

– inertia, lack of activity and interest in current events;

– dream disorders up to its complete absence;

– increased inappropriate emotional response;

– lack of desire to interact with the social environment (isolation).

Increased irritability is manifested by an inadequate response even to events that previously caused pleasure. Close people or everyday activities can also trigger an “explosion.”

Withdrawal manifests itself in detachment from any social contacts. An individual who was previously known as the “life of the party” and never missed a single gathering becomes unsociable. He has only one pronounced attraction to loneliness. His only wish is that they forget about him, that no one touches him.

Lack of joy is manifested by the fact that the individual no longer brings joy to everyday little things. Such a subject does not understand why others are so happy when the sun is shining outside or the birds are chirping.

Increased irritability, coupled with a lack of joy, leads to severe exhaustion of the body, excessive self-criticism and the creation of new “taboos”. Moreover, the more the subject tries to transform his own response and attitude, the more his irritability will increase due to unsuccessful attempts.

The aggravation of the emotional background is revealed in the subject’s inadequate response to every little thing. The person becomes touchy and easily vulnerable.

Conventionally, all the symptoms of this disorder can be divided into two categories. The first includes the above, so-called external signs. The second category of symptoms is internal manifestations characterized by excessive indifference to the situation, increased anxiety and inhibition of cognitive processes. Exhaustion of the nervous system often gives rise to a depressive state. The stage in question can become quite serious for an individual, so actions should be taken to correct the condition.

Sometimes neuropsychic stress provokes increased excitability. Then an increased feeling of euphoria, increased talkativeness, active but useless activity appears. Despite the described manifestations, the individual feels well, as a result of which he does not take these symptoms into account.

In addition to the listed manifestations, somatic signals are also observed, such as:

– hypersweating;

- cardiopalmus;

– uncontrollable trembling, manifested both in a sensation somewhere inside and in external expression (twitching of the limbs);

– disruption of the functioning of the digestive system, pronounced discomfort in the epigastrium;

– decreased appetite or, on the contrary, increased gluttony;

– increased bad habits (for example, biting lips or nails);

- tearfulness and short hysterics, followed by absolute indifference to ongoing events.

How to relieve nervous tension

The tension of the nervous system should not be underestimated, since, despite the supposedly harmless symptoms, this disorder often leads to sad consequences. Therefore, having recognized the manifestations of nervous tension, you should immediately begin active actions to eliminate the factors that caused the described condition and symptoms.

Treatment of nervous tension in adults is recommended to begin with normalizing sleep. First of all, you should try to fall asleep without help. pharmacopoeial drugs. You should also avoid alcohol, daily coffee, and energy drinks. Before leaving for the Morphean Kingdom, it is recommended to avoid watching television programs, computer games or wandering around the web. Light physical activity, such as an evening jog or a regular walk, helps you fall asleep quickly and easily.

Relief from nervous tension often involves prescribing sedatives better plant origin. In addition to the above, you need to seriously consider reviewing your daily routine and be sure to follow it in the future. It is also necessary to adjust the composition of the daily diet: eliminate unhealthy foods, replacing them with healthy provisions enriched with “life-giving” substances.

Communicative interaction with friends has a positive effect, so it is recommended to turn off the Internet and go out into nature with loved ones. It harmonizes internal state, will eliminate stress and nervousness.

In addition, in order to normalize the mental state, interpersonal confrontation in the family or in the work environment should be resolved. It is better to discuss any problem than to harbor resentment over the careless words of loved ones or colleagues.

You should also make time for physical exercise regularly. Swimming, massage, morning contrast showers, baths with herbal infusions. In addition, to eliminate nervous tension, there are various techniques, for example, meditation or yoga.

If none of the above has helped, then pharmacopoeial drugs are prescribed, first of all, vitamins (increase resistance to stress, reduce the risk of myocardial pathologies, vascular diseases and neurological abnormalities, supply the body with useful substances), drugs aimed at correcting cerebral circulation (eliminate headaches) , improve cellular trophism, thereby increasing performance), antidepressants, nootropics (increase trophism of brain tissue, have a psychostimulating effect).

How to relieve nervous tension at home

First of all, relieving tension consists of balancing the emotional state. In other words, the primary tasks for an individual are to recognize the presence of a problem and find possible ways liberation from an oppressive situation.

So, treatment of nervous tension, elimination of tightness and excessive excitability should begin, first of all, with awareness. As stated above, you should eliminate the cause that gave rise to such a condition, understand the root of the problem, identify the provoking factor and select the most suitable method that will help you achieve emotional “peace” within yourself in one fell swoop and eliminate constriction.

Further, the “work” consists of eliminating the subconscious. Uncontrollable, causeless fear can hinder all effective efforts to cope with the approaching stress. You should learn to manage and eliminate them, in order to subsequently replace them with a feeling of peace.

In order to avoid it, you need to stop accumulating feelings on the subconscious level. Stiffness of the body and an excess of nervous tension often give rise to negative emotions, such as resentment, anger, rage, envy, arrogance. In order to feel relief and throw off the burden of negativity, you need to talk through all the accumulated emotions. You can, for example, write a letter outlining a situation that gives rise to emotions with a negative charge, and the negative feelings themselves.

All psychological prohibitions should be excluded. Any positive desires must be realized. Otherwise, the desire is transformed into a heavy cobblestone falling into the depths. All restrained desires and dreams are emotional clamps that block the feeling of joy and happiness, leaving only suffering and a persistent feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself.

In the battle against nervous exhaustion, meditative practices in the form of affirmations have proven themselves to be excellent. Repeating positive attitudes will help lift your spirits and overcome bad feelings.

Sports are also effective in eliminating excess tension. Physical activity promotes the production of the happiness hormone, which invariably has a beneficial effect on the emotional state.

There are also ways to quickly relieve nervous tension in adults. They are listed below.

First of all, in order to quickly eliminate the effects of nervous tension, it is recommended to change the environment. And it's perfect here walking with alternating tempo of movement. Quite quickly the irritation will subside. Since the functioning of the endocrine system is normalized, the activity of the areas of the brain responsible for mood is activated, the processes generated by stress are switched to ensuring physical activity.

The result is achieved more quickly if, during a walk, you shift your attention from the problematic issue to something else, for example, to daydreaming.

Painstaking work with your hands will also help eliminate nervous tension: you can sort out small parts, type something on a computer, or knead an anti-stress toy. After all, the fingertips are “equipped” with a huge number of nerve endings, the activation of which eliminates tension.

If your health allows, then extreme food will help relieve stress, for example, you can eat a piece of hot pepper. It is believed that this action will cause a rush of endorphins.

The usual touches of loved ones and their hugs have a quick effect. They recharge the individual with positive energy and are able to restore internal balance.

An effective and quite useful method, numbing side effects, is considered intimate intimacy. This process affects the production of pleasure hormones, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. In addition, thanks to intimacy, spasms and muscle tension, which always accompany prolonged nervous tension, are eliminated.

In order to get rid of accumulated tension, it is necessary to take an example from the little inhabitants of the planet. Kids love to make faces and imitate adults. For which they are often scolded. And in vain. Little ones intuitively know how to quickly relieve nervous tension. Therefore, if your mental strength is running low, you need to indulge in such a fun and rather simple activity as making faces or making faces in front of a mirror surface. This will not only free you from emotional burden, but will also definitely improve your mood.

It is also recommended to smile when you are feeling unwell. There are often circumstances when you want to howl, but even under the weight of insoluble problems and emotional exhaustion, you must try to stretch your lips into a smile. The body will be sincerely amazed at the “abnormal” reaction. He will be amazed and decide that everything is fine and will only get better. Doctors have long established the existence of a direct relationship between the blood supply to the cellular structures of the brain and the involvement of facial muscles.

When a human subject smiles or laughs, blood flow into the tissue structures of the brain increases, therefore, the oxygen content also increases, which affects the performance of the brain and has a beneficial effect on the state of mind. As a result, laughter and smiling eliminate fatigue and promote switching to a different state, activating the body’s protective response.

How to relieve nervous tension in a child

Despite the seeming carefree nature of the kids, their existence is also filled with difficulties, disappointments and losses: their favorite toy broke, they were transferred to a new kindergarten, quarrels with other kids. Adults need to stop underestimating children's problems, considering them far-fetched and insignificant. Due to their age, children are more difficult to adapt to any changes; they tend to pay increased attention to things that are supposedly insignificant, in the opinion of the adults around them.

Nervous tension in children can be caused by the unexpected arrival of their grandmother, their first steps, or a quarrel between their parents. With an adequate response, stress is useful for the baby, since it helps to mobilize one’s own strength and overcome some problems, but excess stress is exhausting.

The adults around the baby need to learn to notice signs of nervous tension in the baby. The main manifestations of nervous tension in toddlers are behavioral changes.

Excessive nervous tension in children often manifests itself as a regression to the signs of a younger child. age period: they may start sucking their fingers, ask to be held, and may experience urinary incontinence. Older kids age stage may become uncommunicative and overly flexible.

In addition, the following manifestations can serve as signs of stress in babies:

– neurotic phenomena: enuresis, tics, teeth grinding, hesitations in speech, obsessive movements;

– increased fatigue;

– irritability;

– decreased activity of the baby;

– muscle tension;

– decreased or excessive increase in appetite;

– algia in the back, abdominal cavity or migraine;

– tearfulness;

– bladder dysfunction;

– dysfunction of the digestive system;

– detachment;

– impaired concentration;

– deterioration of memory;

– decrease or increase in body weight.

Having noticed the above manifestations in their own child, parents, first of all, should reduce the child’s workload, regardless of their apparent usefulness. The task of the adult environment is to select for the little ones individual method eliminating overvoltage.

In order to eliminate nervous tension in a child, it is necessary to talk with him, find out about his feelings, experiences that torment him. You should create an atmosphere of openness and trust at home. You need to convince your child that every experience is positive.

You need to be able to appreciate the baby, regardless of his “bad” actions or behavioral disorders. He needs to openly demonstrate his own love, care, and give warmth. You should hug your baby more often. He must feel unconditional love parents and understand that they love him in spite of everything, and not for his behavior with a plus sign.

At the same time, the child must clearly understand the boundaries of what is permissible, so it is necessary to distinguish between his actions as permissible and not. At the same time, you should not “go too far” and be overly strict.

It is also recommended to find something for the baby to do around the house so that the baby feels needed, help him find a hobby or creative activity, provide him with the opportunity physical activity. In this case, the wishes of the child should be taken into account, and not solely one’s own interests, resources and needs.

Physical and psychological overwork of the body can lead to irreversible consequences and the development of psychosomatic diseases. Chronic stress, conflict situations, an overly active lifestyle, intense stress and much more can lead to disruptions in the functioning of organs and systems.

Timely identification of such a dangerous condition and the ability to relieve tension in the body independently, at home, is of fundamental importance. The body needs psycho-emotional and physical relief to ensure normal functioning. But positive emotions must prevail over negative ones, otherwise oxidative stress develops (cell damage as a result of oxidation), which can lead to the development serious illnesses, including oncological processes.

How does tension appear in the body?

In moments when everything is falling out of hand, a certain detachment from reality appears and an irresistible desire to go on vacation arises, it is worth thinking about the state of your nervous system.

The basis for good health and vitality is provided by proper nutrition and healthy sleep. In the process of physical rest, a person stops thinking about pressing problems and is distracted from stress and worries. Deep and quality sleep requires at least 8 hours. Only in this case is the body able to partially or completely restore the strength spent during the day. Regular deficiency leads to incapacity, difficulty making decisions and other side effects on the nervous system.

To ensure normal life, it is important for a person to eat properly. A balanced and rational diet is required, eating at least 4-5 times a day in small portions. With this tactic, the necessary intake of important microelements, vitamins and other useful substances that are involved in metabolic processes is observed. In the absence of proper nutrition, the body experiences stress, resulting in: hormonal imbalance, water and electrolyte imbalances, muscle tone decreases, mental functions slow down, nerve impulses are inhibited, stress resistance and performance are weakened, sleep and the production of required endogenous substances are disrupted.

Almost everything life situations, which a person has to deal with every day, lead to the development of overvoltage. But among them the main ones are:

  • chronic stress - the presence of a stressor, which can be a specific situation or person, leading to emotional imbalance;
  • negative thinking and pessimistic attitude;
  • weakened nervous system - people of certain temperaments are prone to anxiety, psychogenic diseases, neuroses, they are vulnerable and sensitive;
  • living in big cities - the presence of constant noise, chaotic movement, high pace of life and the need to move to the rhythm of the crowd leads to the accumulation of negative emotions much faster;
  • the need to process a large amount of information - active physical or emotional work, daily high responsibility, a constant flow of news from the media and much more can disorient oneself in space and lead to emotional burnout.

Among the reasons for the development of internal tension, the key position is occupied by psychosomatic manifestations, for example, VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia) or cardioneurosis, in which the condition is aggravated due to anxiety growing as a result of psychogenic and physiological disorders in organism.

Ways and methods of dealing with tension

To quickly relieve tension in the body, there are several available and simple ways, which can be repeated daily.

First of all, a person needs to take off his shoes more often. Walking barefoot, walking on grass or carpet stimulates blood circulation in the feet, resulting in increased blood flow through the veins and strengthens the nervous system. Large corporations in Japan have emotional release rooms where people can walk barefoot on the grass and listen to the sounds of nature in their free time. This increases their efficiency and effectiveness.

From time to time you need to stop and realize your actions and thoughts. The entire flow of information must be divided into personal and work, especially for those who communicate in professional activity with a lot of people. When teachers or doctors come home, they must draw a clear line between work problems and their own. This will help you get maximum pleasure from being with your loved ones and relax efficiently and productively.

It is necessary to take walks every day. Even 30 minutes of slow walking will significantly reduce overexertion, while enriching the blood with oxygen and helping to tune in to the desired state. positive mood. Fresh air regulates the elimination of accumulated toxins, promotes metabolic processes and eliminates malfunctions in the functioning of organs and systems.

Emotional release room

In order to achieve psycho-emotional balance, it is necessary to go through several stages. If severe fatigue develops, it will take some time to restore vitality.

  1. 1. It is required to reconsider your views on life, abandon the idealization of actions and actions, and reduce the presence of your own rules. Create personal space and protect yourself from external problems. Principles and strict adherence to them create additional stress on the emotional sphere.
  2. 2. It is necessary to master the tactics of “time management”. This technique involves managing your own time. After a person masters it, he will be able to take his time, not fuss, not pay attention to little things and clearly distinguish between important matters and insignificant events.
  3. 3. You should tune in to positive thinking. It helps to form a correct idea of ​​the situations that have arisen and upcoming serious matters. Negative thoughts make the condition worse.
  4. 4. It is important to work on personal stress resistance and the ability to manage conflicts; various trainings and exercises will help with this.

Psychological techniques

The main role among all psychological methods is played by the correct organization of personal time. A person needs to have a hobby. For some, regular reading of classical literature helps, for others - listening to music or watching their favorite films. There are no restrictions. Many people experience unprecedented pleasure in making crafts with their own hands, which not only helps relieve tension in the body, but sometimes becomes an additional way of income.

Art therapy not only helps relieve tension in the body, but also creates works of art. In the process of drawing lines, repetitions, small elements when redrawing from other paintings, a person is distracted as much as possible from his own problems, as he is carried away by the activity.

IN free time you can visit the theater, go to an exhibition, or simply go shopping to purchase new things that will lift your spirits. Some people, especially girls, find it helpful to go to a stylist, during which they gain new image and leave all negative thoughts in the past.

In times of conflict, stress, or when tension increases, auto-training or counting to yourself will help. You can create training scripts yourself or with the help of an experienced psychotherapist. They must have a positive attitude, be focused on the future and achieve own plans. When anger is expressed, psychologists recommend counting to 100, at which time aggressive reactions are suppressed.

Physiological methods

In the presence of long-term stress, the body produces adrenaline, the stress hormone cortisol, and increases heartbeat and muscle tone increases. In this state, the body seems to indicate that it is ready to deal with stress. It is important to understand that his own reserves will only last for a short time. If accumulated reserves of microelements are lost, an irreversible process will begin. Immediately after the onset of nervous tension, a person experiences an increase in strength, which is replaced by a sharp decline, up to complete adynamia, in which severe weakness and malaise appears throughout the body.

Physical activity will help relieve tension. Visiting sports sections, classes athletics, yoga, dancing will help reduce tension. People with chronic pathologies Those who do not have the opportunity to engage in active fitness can devote time to general cleaning in their own home, which is also a type of physical activity. If you have diseases of the musculoskeletal system, a good alternative would be to go to the swimming pool.

Water procedures are of particular importance because in the process you can use auxiliary substances that promote relaxation. The effect can be achieved using sea ​​salt, oils of lavender, coniferous trees, mint, lemon balm. Water calms and calms. All receptors and nerve endings fall under its influence. Despite the fact that movement in water involves muscle tension, maximum relaxation occurs immediately after the session.

Aromatherapy, in which you can use special lamps or sticks with pleasant odors, helps you immerse yourself in an atmosphere of carefreeness. This includes the use of body products that are used during bathing. Aromatherapy helps you think about something positive and make plans for the immediate and long-term future. This method complemented by soothing music, sounds of nature, and classics. It is advisable to select works without words, since the texts can be projected onto exciting and once-experienced life situations. Nothing should distract you from self-knowledge.

Self-massage can be acupressure, stroking, relaxing or intense. The upper and lower extremities are subject to the greatest stress in the body. lower limbs, head, neck and back. Massaging movements should not be sharp, causing unpleasant painful sensations. Daily kneading of your feet and hands significantly reduces the risk of developing fatigue.

Breathing exercises

In the process of breathing, a person saturates the body with oxygen, as a result of which vitality increases and all biological functions.The main breathing tactics include the following:

  1. 1. Soothing geometry. It involves slow breathing, in which, after a deep inhalation, a slow exhalation occurs. At this moment, you need to draw a circle in your imagination. Three acts should be repeated for each geometric figure, including rhombus, triangle, square, oval and others.
  2. 2. Repressing irritation. Required to imagine strong compression chest. Then, in order to free yourself from this position, a person needs to take a rhythmic breath, and then exhale slowly, during which he must try to move the press, which puts pressure on the torso. This way you can get rid of negativity.
  3. 3. Yawning. To artificially produce a yawn, close your eyes, open your mouth wide and take a deep breath. This technique helps to relax the muscles of the face and head, saturate the body with oxygen and relax.

Calming herbs

You can relieve tension with the help of some herbal substances that are included in sedative preparations. The following plants contribute well to the relaxation process:

  • mint;
  • calendula;
  • motherwort;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Melissa.

Promote vitality Vitamins that fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in will help strengthen stress resistance.

To treat chronic stress, psychologists recommend taking valerian tablets. You need to take 2 tablets at night for 2-3 weeks. As a result of the cumulative effect, a certain detachment from problems and immersion in one’s own consciousness arises, and sleep is restored.

Attention! I really don’t recommend (or rather, I completely forbid) self-treatment. Without knowing the dosages of drugs, you can climb into such a hole as you feel from an overdose, which will not seem like much. Therefore, put your feet up and go to the doctor.

And now - in more detail.

In life a person faces different situations, straining his nervous system: there is no way to respond to grievances, fear arises due to a lack of a sense of security, it is not possible to implement plans, and so on.

All conflict situations and shocks do not remain without a trace in the body. As a result of the action of psychotraumatic factors, a person develops a disease called neurosis .

It begins almost imperceptibly and manifests itself differently in everyone.

They are prescribed depending on which muscles cannot relax.

The following would be appropriate here:

  • relaxation massages;
  • various water procedures;
  • medications for severe symptoms;
  • working with a psychologist, psychotherapist to solve the cause of muscle tightness.

Nausea with neurosis

Not all doctors associate this symptom with psychological problems.

Only experienced gastroenterologists or therapists refer the patient for a consultation with a psychotherapist or neurologist when experiencing nausea.

Nausea with neurosis can last from several hours to several days.

And it should not be associated with low-quality food and take sorbents or bacteria for intestinal florathere will be absolutely no result.

Constant nausea in neurosis is often observed with a feeling of disgust towards an object, person or activity, if the patient has accumulated grievances, he is dissatisfied with his life, his health or appearance. Constantly interacting with what a person considers unworthy or bad, neurosis will manifest itself through the main symptom - nausea.

There are two treatment options:

  • reduction in symptom severity , short-term techniques using antipsychotics or antidepressants;
  • long-term psychotherapy , aimed at eliminating not only the symptom, but also the causes of neurosis.

Dizziness with this disease

It is enough to associate this phenomenon with the pathology of the nervous system, since dizziness during neurosis is not always accompanied by problems with internal organs.

A person may complain of weakness and dizziness, although when tested, all results will be within the normal range, blood pressure measurements will also not show any pathology.

In this case, we can safely say that the symptom is caused by psychogenic causes.

Dizziness occurs with depression, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and anxiety.

It is complemented by noise in the head, increased irritability and sleep disorders.

With dizziness of a psychogenic nature, it is impossible to cure a person of them without the use of psychotherapeutic techniques.

Dizziness may be a symptom of vestibular weakness

If dizziness is accompanied by hearing problems and gait disturbances, then we may be talking about disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

In this case, an ENT doctor provides assistance.

In case of changes in blood tests and examinations of cardio-vascular system dizziness is caused by neurological or vascular diseases.

A doctor working with a patient cannot immediately diagnose psychogenic dizziness, so a negative diagnosis should first be made - elimination physiological reasons symptom.

In the treatment of dizziness due to neurosis, medications, special gymnastics and breathing exercises, as well as psychotherapeutic techniques are used.

Headache due to neurosis and its causes

Headache is a faithful companion, but it is practically not observed during.

This symptom does not occur immediately after a stressful situation, but after a certain period of time, after the development of other symptoms, for example, sleep or appetite disorders.

Headache with neurosis manifests itself differently depending on the location of pain and the human organs involved.

It develops due to:

  1. Muscle “clamps”.
  2. Disturbances in the functioning of cerebral vessels.
  3. Without disruption of muscles and blood vessels.

As a result of this classification, the symptoms of headaches with neurosis will be slightly different.

Neuromuscular pain is accompanied by:

  • feeling of squeezing of the head;
  • numbness of some parts of the surface of the head;
  • feeling of pain skin surface this part of the body;
  • a person feels constant tension in the head, which interferes with work mental processes: it’s difficult to remember something, focus attention, decide.

The neurovascular nature of pain will be expressed through the following symptoms:

  • throbbing pain in the head;
  • pulsation constantly focuses a person’s attention on pain, he cannot perform any complex mental work;
  • often localized in the temporal region, occipital and frontal;
  • accompanied by nausea and weakness.

Headache without muscle tension and pulsation in a neurotic disorder occurs after overwork.

It does not have a clear localization, and it is difficult to understand the nature of the pain.

Its occurrence is associated with psycho-emotional experiences, so it is classified as neurotic symptoms.

Overwork can also cause headaches

How to get rid of neurotic headaches?

Sick neurotic disorder It is important to know how to relieve tension and pain in the head during neurosis, because their livelihoods depend on it.

Used to treat this symptom A complex approach, which helps reduce its intensity and remove the cause of the neurotic disorder.

To achieve this, several types of patient assistance are used.

Medication assistance

With neuroses, pain in the head can be simply unbearable.

A constant feeling of heaviness, constriction and increased severity of pain leads to a deterioration in the patient’s psycho-emotional state.

He becomes irritable, gets tired quickly, and does not want to use anything for food, since the chewing process also causes pain.

To solve this problem it is necessary to get rid of headaches.

To do this, the doctor prescribes:

  • sedative herbal preparations (Valerian, Peony Tincture, preparations with motherwort, Nervo-Vit);
  • painkillers , relieving muscle or vascular spasm (Spazmalgon, Riabal, Novigan, various analgesics and others);
  • vitamins to support the functioning of the heart and nervous system (various vitamin complexes with vitamins C, group B, magnesium, iron and other microelements);
  • nootropics and anti-anxiety drugs (Glycised, Nootropil, Pantogam), they have a good effect on brain function and normalize sleep, but the dosage and course of administration are determined only by a doctor.

Psychotherapeutic assistance

Psychological techniques are used not only to treat headaches, but also to get rid of the causes of neurosis.

It is actively used as an effective assistant; it is also important to use positive therapy methods to restore a person’s psycho-emotional sphere.

Long-term work with a psychologist or psychotherapist is required.

Lifestyle change

Often a person causes himself to develop neurotic headaches by exposing himself to excessive mental or physical stress.

Don’t forget about the benefits of walking in the fresh air and getting proper rest.

To avoid the development of this symptom into pathology, it is required restoration of body strength: healthy sleep, work and rest regime, you can help yourself, therapeutic exercises, massages, water procedures, tuning in to the positive and learning positive thinking.

With our very active lives, there are still a lot of things that we didn’t have time to do today. Night sleep just doesn’t want to come, because the brain can’t relax and switch off for rest. He constantly thinks about what was done, what was not done, where to run tomorrow and in the end - morning has come! This goes on from day to day, knocking out a person’s strength. Energy is lost, depression appears, dissatisfaction with life appears, and the brain is no longer able to accept one thing and only one thing. correct solution. Stress that smoothly turns into a protracted form can lead to not very pleasant diseases associated with mental disorders.

Overstrain of the nervous system is the starting point, which will subsequently lead to depression. It will be followed by many diseases of the body.

Why are you in a bad mood? You received negative influence in the form of rudeness from your superiors or colleagues, or quarreled with loved ones.

It happens that everything is going well - both at work and at home, but the load you carry leads to chronic fatigue. The body is not a piece of metal, it is alive and requires rest.

If you can't rest, it leads to nervous breakdowns. If in a normal state, this fact could not make you angry, then in a state of constant nervous tension, every little thing leads to a violent release of negative energy. This does not have the best effect on other people, but the most important thing is that it is you who suffer first.

It all started with nervous tension, which had to be relieved in a timely manner.

Emotions should not be contained - they must be given vent. If you want to cry, you should not hold back your tears. If you want to scream, scream. Break the dishes - go ahead. Anyone who is embarrassed to do it this way or considers it unacceptable for themselves can simply calm themselves down by walking in the open air. Start planting plants. Play with animals. Walk the dog. Go fishing. You should not push bad energy inside yourself - give it a way out.

Breathing techniques help to cope with nervous stress. like this breathing exercises Anyone can do it, they just have to do it correctly. You need to inhale air only through your nose and immediately exhale sharply. When inhaling, you need to breathe with your stomach, not your chest.

Take a deep breath, hold your breath longer and exhale sharply. Repeat the exercise three times, each time increasing the air retention time.

By performing these simple exercises you can relieve nervous tension and relax the body.

The following physical relaxation exercises:

1 exercise

  • Grab the seat with your hands and pull it up. Stay in this tension until the count of 7.

Exercise 2

  • Starting position: sit on a chair.
  • Place your hands behind your neck and lock them together. Use your hands to press on your neck, and your body should resist this pressure.

Exercise 3

  • Starting position: sit on the edge of a chair.
  • Lower your arms down and relax. Raise your head up. Sit in this position for up to 10 seconds. Take a breath. As you exhale, bend towards your knees. Inhale again. As you exhale, straighten your back.

Most effective method to level the emotional plane, this is physical activity. If you are very tired at work, after finishing it, do not rush to isolate yourself within the four walls of your home. If you don’t have the time or opportunity to go to the gym to train, then cancel your trip. Walk a few stops home.

Water is a phenomenon that has not been fully studied by science. It calms and gives a positive charge. The choice is yours - fishing. It helps very well to take your mind off everyday worries and restore the nervous system. It's useful to just look at flowing water. Swimming pool, bathhouse, sauna, river, sea - being in the water and swimming is an excellent cure for mental and physical illnesses. You can simply watch the fish in the aquarium - they perfectly calm you down and distract you from unnecessary thoughts.

Try to understand what brought you to this state. If this is related to work issues, then try to analyze the factors that lead to this and eliminate them.

To avoid turmoil and have time to get everything done, plan your day. First of all, add things to the list that really need to be done. In the second, those that, if you don’t have time today, can be postponed until tomorrow. Think about how to unload yourself? It might make sense to have someone else do this work for you.

There is no need to overload yourself, especially if you see that you cannot cope with such a volume of work. You won’t be able to keep up, and constant stress will lead to chronic fatigue and depression. During such a period of ill health, even a small amount of work will seem like hard work to you.

Your body is tired - give it a rest! The simplest and best medicine is good, healthy sleep. Before bed, to relax your body and fall asleep easier, take a hot bath with essential soothing oils. After the bath you should drink milk or tea with honey. Tea can be brewed from motherwort, mint and lemon balm. Or take a tincture of valerian or motherwort. Listen to calm music or watch a comedy movie, read a good book. Only positive emotions and a positive attitude can help you fall asleep and sleep soundly.

How to quickly relieve nervous tension?

You can relieve nervous tension by going to a party with friends or going shopping. Go to the theater or visit an exhibition hall. There is no need to be alone with your thoughts within four walls. Connect with people and improve yourself good mood. In general, you should not wait for a mental crisis, but make it a rule to get out of the house at least once or a couple of times a week and take a break from daily worries.

A good and sure way to relieve nervous tension is meditation. If you know how to carry it out, then at the first sign of mental overload, do it - “exit to nirvana”. If you are not familiar with such practices, then you just need to lie down. Try not to be disturbed by anyone, turn off the TV. You can turn on quiet, relaxing music. Close your eyes and relax. Imagine a pleasant picture - relaxing at sea, the sun is shining, you can hear the gentle breaking of the waves. Or you are in the forest, lying in a large sunny clearing. The leaves rustle and the smell of meadow grasses is felt. Cicadas chirp in the grass. You can hear birds singing. You feel good and pleased. All cells of the body relax and rest.

Constantly being stressed, you lose your appetite. In such cases, you need to force yourself to eat food, because nervous exhaustion can lead to depletion of the body on a physical level. The body receives all vital vitamins and microelements from food. By depriving him of adequate nutrition, in addition to nervous tension, you can acquire a whole bunch of concomitant diseases. And who is to blame for this? Of course, only you!

For many, the pleasure of eating helps relieve a bad mood, but this also should not be overdone. Excessive passion for food will lead to excess weight - this is also stressful when you don’t want to see your plump figure in the reflection of the mirror.

One of the most effective “exits to nirvana” can be considered 100% having sex. The pleasure hormone received during it helps to relax all the cells of the body, remove blocks, get rid of tension not only in the nervous system, but also from spasms and muscle tension. All this accumulates in the body if a person is in a state of nervous tension for a long time. So there is a choice - a method of drug therapy, with side effects, or making love - it is only for the good!

Do what helps you cope with fatigue. You can get some sleep, take a walk with your favorite dog, or pet your kitten. Watch the fish in the aquarium. Go fishing, go to the pool, sauna. Goes to the forest to pick mushrooms. Listen to pleasant music.

But, if none of the methods can give you peace of mind and recover properly, then, apparently, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor!

Many people suffer from constant nervous tension due to problems at work or in the family. Therefore, they are always in a bad mood and state of health, they find it difficult to sleep, and in the morning they feel overwhelmed and tired. If this continues for several days or weeks, then nervous exhaustion of the body may occur, mental disorder. It's worth thinking about how to relieve nervous tension before it develops into something more serious.


The causes of nervous tension can be very different:

  • Changing living conditions. Previously, the levels of a person’s physical and neuropsychological stress corresponded to each other. Now there is a clear preponderance towards the second, which has a negative impact on health.
  • Increased information flow. Technological progress, high-speed exchange of information, and lack of free time require a person to perceive and process a colossal amount of data, which forces his brain to be in constant tension.
  • Increase in the number of unwanted contacts. The number and duration of unpleasant contacts in public transport, on the street, in line at a bank or store far exceeds the volume of pleasant communication (with family, friends).
  • Prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields. Scientific and technological progress has made human life much easier, but forced him to constantly be in the zone of electromagnetic radiation (computers, televisions, microwaves, etc.).
  • Increasing background noise. In big cities, people are constantly surrounded by background noise. Even when returning in the evening after work, the first thing many people do is turn on the TV, which prevents the brain from relaxing, causing headaches, sleep disturbances, insomnia, rapid breathing, increased blood pressure, psychosis and nervous tension.

  • Unfavorable environmental background. High level carbon monoxide, smog, car exhaust, oxides of sulfur, nitrogen, zinc, radioactive fumes negatively affect gas exchanges occurring in the lungs and brain, affecting the nervous system and psyche.
  • Age-related changes. With age, the body's defenses weaken, hormonal levels change, everyday and material problems prompt a person to perceive real existence more negatively. Troubles, which in adolescence you forget about the next day or don’t pay attention to, in adulthood force you to replay them several times, engaging in self-flagellation, psychological self-destruction, causing strong emotions and stress.

As a rule, neuropsychic stress is accompanied by poorly controlled muscle strain. A sedentary lifestyle and constant nervousness leads to the fact that a person constantly feels hypertonicity and nagging pain in the neck, shoulder girdle, lower back. Each movement is given to him with effort and enormous energy consumption, performance decreases, irritability appears, which further aggravates the psychological state.


It is believed that women, not men, are more likely to suffer from nervous tension. This is due to the fact that women are accustomed to expressing their emotions clearly; they tend to worry more about it or not. Men, on the contrary, know how to restrain their emotions, they relate to life’s troubles more simply, and therefore they experience stress less often.

Nervous tension is characterized by decreased activity, inability to sleep at night, irritability, lethargy, and lack of desire to communicate with people. If a person does not pay any attention to this condition, then very soon, due to constant stress, he may develop much more serious health problems.


Medicines for nervous tension can quickly relieve anxiety, irritability, stress, and increase performance, but sooner or later they will have to be abandoned. Therefore, you should not self-medicate; tablets are prescribed only by your doctor in cases that really require serious therapy.

Potent prescription drugs:

  • Phenazepam.
  • Tofisopam.

Over-the-counter medications:

  • Afobazol.
  • Atarax.
  • Adaptol.
  • Glycine.
  • Corvalol.
  • Valocordin.

Preparations with vitamin complexes:

  • Magne B6.
  • Vitamin B complex.

Herbal preparations:

  • Persen.
  • Novo-Passit.
  • Biovital.
  • Dormiplant.

Herbs, tinctures, extracts:

  • Peony.
  • Motherwort.
  • Peppermint.

Homeopathic medicines:

  • Homeostresses.
  • Tenoten.

Read also how to make strong sleeping pills at home and have a good rest without pharmaceutical drugs

No drugs

  • Physical exercise. The active supply of oxygen to the brain allows you to cope with nervous tension, the functions of the endocrine system are normalized, and the functioning of precisely those parts of the cerebral cortex that are responsible for mood improves. A walk in the fresh air with alternating walking speed and changing step length will help best. A little exercise at the end of the working day will also be beneficial for your mood; if possible, it is recommended to visit the gym or swimming pool, or sign up for dance courses.
  • “Blowing off steam” is an effective method of getting rid of strong nervous tension when emotions overwhelm. You need to find an opportunity to retire and do whatever comes to mind - scream, break something, cry, beat a pillow.
  • Breathing exercises, meditation, yoga classes. Proper breathing and immersion in yourself clears your head of negative thoughts, relieves fatigue, nervous and muscle tension.
  • Restoring peace in relationships if tension is caused by a quarrel with loved ones. There is no need to accumulate negative emotions in yourself; it is better to immediately find out the reason why the disagreement occurred and call a loved one for a frank conversation. If it is not possible to reach a compromise and resolve the conflict, there is a possibility that similar situations will be repeated and the tension will become constant.
  • Yawn. Very often, when a person’s performance decreases, his mental state worsens, the body reacts to these changes by yawning. As a result, there is an increase in the tone of the whole body, normalization of blood flow, acceleration of metabolism and removal of carbon dioxide. If nervous tension is felt more and more strongly, you can induce a yawn artificially - think about it, yawn several times without the need, and very soon the body will respond to the prompt.
  • Tea ceremonies. Tea is a natural tranquilizer; it has calming properties and can relieve nervous tension and anxiety. This is due to the fact that tea contains catechins, flavonoids, vitamins C and E, and carotene, which strengthen and maintain the normal human nervous system. Green tea is very helpful in helping to calm down.
  • Smile. Blood supply to the brain is closely related to the activity of facial muscles. When a person smiles or laughs, more blood and oxygen flows to the brain, it begins to work better, thereby improving mental state. Smiling, laughter and other positive emotions cope well with accumulated fatigue and disinhibit the body’s defensive reaction. Therefore, even an artificial smile or laughter helps to cope with obsessive thoughts, improve mood, relieve stress.

  • Working with your hands. There are many nerve endings at the fingertips, the stimulation of which has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain. So any work with your hands - embroidery, knitting, modeling, sorting cereals or cleaning things - will help cope with nervous tension.
  • Friendly hugs are the most pleasant and useful remedy for stress and nervous tension. With close physical contact with a loved one and a pleasant person, mental balance is restored very quickly. In the process of hugging, joy hormones are released, which have positive influence on the nervous system, relieving spasms and muscle tension, which certainly arises during emotional experiences.
  • Refusal bad habits. Alcohol, smoking, caffeine abuse, spicy and smoked foods cause nervous agitation. Constantly being in this state causes nervous tension and mental breakdowns.

In children

Children, just like adults, are subject to violent experiences and emotions, and in combination with enormous physical and psychological stress at school, they can suffer from nervous overstrain. The main criterion for choosing medications for a child is harmlessness and the absence of side effects, such as decreased concentration and memory, suppression of nervous system functions, and drowsiness. Many meet these criteria homeopathic medicines or medicines containing herbs.

Preparations for relieving nervous tension in children:

  • Adaptol.
  • Glycine.
  • Nervo-Vit.
  • Novo-Passit.
  • Persen.
  • Tenoten.
  • Motherwort extract.

During pregnancy

Many women experience constant nervous tension during pregnancy. This is explained by hormonal changes in the body, increased physical activity, awakening maternal instincts that make mommy worry about her unborn child. Purpose medicines in this case, it is carried out only by a doctor after considering all the risks of the effect of sedatives on the development of the fetus. Allowed for use during pregnancy:

  • Magne B6.
  • Novo-Passit.
  • Persen.
  • Valerian or motherwort extract in tablets.