How to learn not to be nervous over trifles psychology. The main thing is to keep calm! Ways to calm down and be less nervous

September 14, 2014 --- Anna |

For those who are faced with sudden (frequent) mood swings, who can write to themselves - “I’m freaking out all the time, but I don’t see any reason”, and often - “when I calm down - I see that it was possible to do without screaming / swearing / tears”, it is important figure out: what happened, that you began to freak out "seemingly for no reason."

Below is a list of the 5 most popular reasons why even the smallest things can annoy you, why you can’t do without the “nuts”, and how to stop freaking out and nervous about the little things.

1. Causes - physiological.

As one of the first options to consider is physiology. You need to check:

thyroid condition,

Hormonal background (tests for hormones).

As a rule, if the matter is in the thyroid gland, then taking the drugs that the doctor will prescribe will help you quickly notice the difference. People become calmer, less and less often they break into a cry or stop “just a little - immediately into tears”.

Trite, but true. The first step is to go to the clinic.

2. The reason is a change in lifestyle.

Strong stress can give “failures” on all fronts. In fact, if you:

got married / got married
- changed their place of residence
- changed job, social circle,
- started to study or first went to work,
- have recently given birth to a child / the composition of the family has changed,

It makes sense that you are stressed. And if you don’t listen carefully to him, don’t help yourself, then you can go pretty far - with outbursts of rage or tears.

3. The reason is in the monotony.

Most often, such a “crazy - I can’t do anything”, with irritation at the ringing of a teaspoon or noisy tea drinkers loved ones are experienced by those who, due to circumstances, feel the need for more diversity.

Routine work, the need to sit “within four walls” with a small child, “forgetting” your needs (even the smallest and most banal - at least once a month to go to the cinema / theater, meet friends) sooner or later leads to “psychos ".

4. Less obvious reason: You have entered a quiet period of life.

It is precisely this reason that is discovered by those who nevertheless reach a psychologist or psychotherapist. As a rule, this period is preceded by very difficult, costly relationships, difficult circumstances and traumatic events.

Once upon a time (or even recently) it was really necessary to “get together and cope”. But this does not mean that your feelings about this have disappeared along with the traumatic events. FROM very likely if you were worried:

A painful divorce, the end of a difficult relationship,
- betrayal of loved ones, business partners,
- rape or attempted violence against you,
- any other events that your psyche “cannot cope with”,

then in a calmer atmosphere, when everything is already behind, previously suppressed and unrecognized feelings rise. This is normal and it goes away, both with the help of a specialist and without it (longer), or with the support of friends and family. Stock up on patience!

5. The reason is in the future.

A person's problem may not be where he expects. Plans, (even for the better!), a potential move to another country, the need to apply to a university or buy an apartment - all this can cause a state of “constantly freaking out” in the present moment.

As a rule, it is enough to admit that what you have to do is really a serious and important, difficult matter. And you are really worried, because you want to do it well, so that everything will work out for you. It is also desirable to somewhat reduce the “heat of passions”, reduce its significance, provide for ways of retreat and various options development of events.

By acknowledging that you are worried “about the future”, you can stop freaking out and constantly worrying about current little things.

Similarly, young mothers can worry about the health and well-being of the child (it’s a good thing), but “take out the brain” of loved ones for a reason and without much reason.

6. The reason is the type of nervous system.

Easily excitable people, as a rule, are already aware of this feature of theirs, and are familiar with the state of “crazy all the time” from early childhood. If this condition has not manifested itself in you, and you have known it for a long time, then it is worth choosing strategies on how to act in different situations if you are “covered” or “carried”.

Mini-instruction for those who often freak out and get nervous

a) Look at your health. Check your thyroid and hormones. Check whether you take care of yourself, whether you sleep on time, whether you eat well, whether you have enough entertainment, whether you observe a banal work and rest schedule. If there are no violations, go to the next paragraph.

b) Think about how long ago the state of “crazy all the time” appeared. If it has been known for a long time, develop strategies on how to be yourself in this world and continue to interact with it. If recently - see further.

c) Take a closer look at your “life line”. Imagine events in one row - the past, the potential future. If you have had serious difficulties and experiences in the past, treat it with respect. It takes time to "psych out" experiences that have been stopped. If a change of circumstances is planned in the future or you want to achieve big goal- reduce its importance!

There is a category of people who are constantly in a state of anxiety. As soon as their next problem is resolved, another appears on the horizon. They start getting nervous again. So the years go by. Such a negative habit deprives people of the joy of life, takes strength, and adversely affects health. If you belong to this category, and strive to become happier, then you definitely need to learn how to stop being nervous.

What does stress lead to?

A person who is anxious, nervous, constantly stays in the zone of discomfort. Unpleasant sensations arise before an important meeting, event, presentation, acquaintance. The appearance of nervousness is dictated psychological aspects personality. People get nervous if they fail, get rejected, or look ridiculous in the eyes of others.

Such psychological factors can make life very difficult. It is not surprising that these people are tormented by the question: how to calm down and stop being nervous?

An angry person is not able to control life. All efforts are aimed at coping with negative emotions.

Loss of control over life can lead to unpleasant consequences:

  1. The use of means that allow you to get rid of problems for a short time (use of various medicines, smoking, alcoholism).
  2. Loss of life orientation. A person, fearing failure, cannot and does not want to realize his dreams and desires.
  3. Decreased brain function.
  4. Voltage can lead to chronic fatigue against which serious diseases can develop.
  5. Loss of emotional control.

As you can see, the prospects are quite unpleasant. So let's figure out what needs to be done to stop being nervous.

Analysis of fears

Most often, insecure people experience a feeling of discomfort that gives rise to nervousness. What to do? How to stop being nervous and worried? Get rid of constant anxiety only long-term work on your thoughts and on yourself will help.

First, analyze your fears and acknowledge them. Take a piece of paper, cut it in half. On the left, write the problems you can solve. On the right - unsolvable.

Examine those problems that you wrote on the left. You know how to solve each of them. A little effort is needed, and these problems will not exist. Then are they worth worrying about?

Now go to the right column. Each of these problems does not depend on your actions. And no matter how hard you try, you cannot influence the course of her decision. So is it worth worrying about these problems?

Face your fears. This will take some time. But you will clearly determine which of the problems were groundless and which are real.

Remember childhood

When analyzing how to stop being nervous for any reason, try to remember the time when you were a small child.

Quite often the problem stretches from childhood. Perhaps your parents often set the neighbor's children as an example, describing their virtues. This created low self-esteem. Such people, as a rule, acutely perceive someone's superiority and are not able to put up with it.

How to stop being nervous in this case? It's time to understand that everyone is different. And all have both advantages and disadvantages. It's time to accept yourself. Learn to accept your weaknesses calmly. And at the same time appreciate the dignity.

Day of rest

If the question of how to calm down and stop being nervous has become very common in your head, then you need to relax a little. Give yourself a day off.

For maximum relaxation, use the recommendations of psychologists:

  1. Disconnect from your responsibilities. To do this, you need to prepare in advance. If you work, then take a day off. Those who have children are advised to ask relatives or friends to sit with them in advance, and maybe hire a nanny. Sometimes for a good rest it is enough just to change the usual scenario. Think over your travel route in advance, reserve tickets.
  2. Take a bath in the morning. On rest day, you can get out of bed whenever you want. And immediately take a relaxing bath. Proved that water procedures help relieve tension, calm the mind and help to put in order chaotic thoughts. Add to your bath for the best relaxing effect. soothing herbs or favorite essential oils. Pleasant aroma will allow you to tune in to the positive much better.
  3. Have a cup of tea or coffee with friends. If the last drink causes a headache or stimulates nervousness, then exclude this item from your activities on the day of rest. Remember, coffee drunk in communication with friends has a relaxing effect on the body. A drink drunk alone increases stress.
  4. Engage in an exciting business, which in ordinary life there is no time left. It's time to think about your hobbies. On this day, you can paint, write a story, or compose a new song. Perhaps you are completely captured by the improvement of the house. Reading a book can be a wonderful relaxation.
  5. cook tasty dish. How to stop being nervous? Treat yourself to delicious food. This is what you need during your vacation. After all, delicious food is one of the sources of human pleasure.
  6. Watch a movie. The most relaxing and peaceful way to have fun is to watch movies. And it doesn’t matter if you do it in an apartment with friends or visit a cinema.

Ways to get out of a stressful situation

Unfortunately, not everyone and not always can afford to allocate a whole day for rest. In addition, unpleasant feelings and thoughts can rush suddenly. How to stop being nervous for any reason in such a situation? After all, it is necessary now and here to feel relief. In other words, get rid of stressful situation.

  1. Get rid of the source of stress for a while. Give yourself a little break. Even a few minutes of doing nothing is enough for you. Experts say that such breaks not only allow you to get rid of nervousness, but also stimulate enthusiasm and creative thinking.
  2. Look at the situation with different eyes. When a person feels agitated and irritated, he fixes precisely the feelings. Try to find the reason that caused such violent emotions. To understand how to stop being nervous about every occasion, ask yourself the question: why did this bring me out of my state of calm? Perhaps you are not appreciated at work, or the salary is too low. By identifying the source, you will be able to outline a strategy for your next steps.
  3. Talk about your problem. It is important to choose the right interlocutor here. This should be a person who is able to patiently listen to your problem. Speaking the situation, oddly enough, you not only “let off steam”, but also force the brain to analyze the state of affairs and find solutions.
  4. Smile, or better yet, laugh. It is this event that “launches” the production of chemical substances that stimulate mood improvement.
  5. Redirect energy. If you are overwhelmed negative emotions, then physical training will improve mood and reduce stress levels. An excellent method of redirecting energy is to engage in creativity.

New daily routine

How to stop being nervous before a working day or an important event?

overcome unpleasant moments will allow the following recommendations:

  1. Tasty breakfast. To provide for yourself good mood In the morning, prepare yourself what you love in advance. It can be yogurt, chocolate or cake. Glucose will energize you and help you wake up.
  2. Make a charge. Turn on your favorite pleasant music and do some exercises or dance. This will protect the body from stress.
  3. Learn to relax. If a situation arises at work that makes you nervous, think about home, family, or any other thing that makes you feel good.
  4. Use water. How to stop being nervous over trifles? Water can be very soothing. Of course, you won't be able to take a bath at work. But you can turn on the faucet and wash your cup, or just watch the stream flow. It is effective in soothing.
  5. Look for positive sides. If you cannot change the situation itself, then try to change your attitude towards it. If you didn't get your paycheck on Friday, then you won't be tempted to spend it over the weekend.
  6. Count to 10. The old tried-and-true way to find peace.
  7. Write a letter. Put all your problems on paper. Then tear the letter into small pieces or even burn it. At this time, mentally imagine that all your troubles are burning with it.

Life without stress

Above, we looked at methods to overcome unpleasant situations. Now let's look at how to stop being nervous and start living a stress-free life.

To do this, you need to develop models of behavior and good habits that will bring a sense of peace and happiness into your life:

  1. Walk on fresh air. Scientific studies have confirmed that such walks significantly improve mood. Especially if you combine them with moderate physical activity.
  2. Go in for sports. This is a reliable protection against diseases, which are based on stress. Regular exercise ensures a calm, positive attitude towards your life.
  3. Don't neglect rest. The quality of sleep has a huge impact on a person's well-being. Chronic sleep deprivation often becomes one of the factors provoking the appearance of nervousness, irritability. In addition, people who neglect good rest, the risk of developing rather unpleasant diseases, such as stroke, heart attack, is high.
  4. Get rid of bad habits. Some people, thinking about how to stop being nervous, resort to smoking or drinking, trying to "relax" in this way. However, neither alcohol nor tobacco can relieve irritability and nervousness. They only muffle the severity of the problem for a while, delaying the moment of making a decision.

Calming techniques for pregnant women

Unrest is generally contraindicated for women in an interesting position. But it is during this period that future mothers become extremely vulnerable, and can get upset over trifles. How to stop being nervous during pregnancy?

There are several simple ways:

  1. Spit on everything! A pregnant woman should only worry about her health. Whatever events are happening nearby, it should be clearly understood that future mother is responsible for the child. Is it possible to put at risk the most precious thing in a woman's life? Now look at the problem. Is she worth the risk? Not! So forget about it.
  2. Mentally create a wall. Imagine that you are securely protected from the outside world. Pass only positive and pleasant information through an imaginary wall. Let only positive people into your world.
  3. Be patient. It's not as difficult as it might seem. Just think that not all people are able to control themselves and control emotions as well as you.
  4. Look for the positive in life. Smile more often, surround yourself with things that cause joy, listen to pleasant music, read interesting books.

Each person must choose the activities that will help him relax and stop being nervous.

You might find these tips helpful:

  1. Look at the clouds floating in the sky.
  2. Wash your face with cold water.
  3. In rainy weather, look at the rain, listen to the even sound of drops.
  4. Ask native person read a book to you until you fall asleep.
  5. Take paints or pencils and draw whatever comes to your mind. Do not think about the details and the end result.

Help from a specialist

If the above recommendations did not help you, then contact a psychotherapist or psychologist for help. The doctor will listen to you, conduct special tests. It will help to identify the causes of stressful situations and suggest ways to resolve them. The doctor will develop a strategy for how to stop being nervous and strengthen the nervous system.

If necessary, you will be assigned sedatives. It could be like medicinal drugs, and herbs. Mint, valerian, St. John's wort, chamomile, lavender have an excellent calming effect.

However, do not abuse these drugs. They won't get rid of your nervousness forever. Such funds can only help temporarily.

If this question has arisen, then you are already on the verge. emotional burnout. And only a few understand that nerves are the root of so many problems and diseases.

Today I will share with you simple, but good practices how to calm the nerves simply, quickly and with improvised means. But in general, it is better not to be nervous in principle.

An irritable person not only catches those around him with his background radiation, but he himself suffers from “high voltage”.

The reasons can be different: exams, the health of relatives, problems in relationships ...

The question is not even the reason for such a state, but how ecologically you will learn to experience such emotional outbursts.

For some, an offensive word is already a tragedy, while someone is worried about "one or two."

Bouts of anger, shattered nerves and bad feeling- this is not only a story about personal boundaries, it's about your health. Usually everyone comes to their senses and learns to control emotions when it is too late to repair the body.

Before you get to this stage, let's look at 5 working practices that will help you deal with your nerves.

1. Body - in business

Most people get it wrong important point. They go to a psychiatrist and drink antidepressants to heal their soul and head. But, in fact, “turning on” the body is the first and main way to stop stress.

It is the body that gives us quick feedback.

I limited myself in nutrition for a couple of days - lightness appeared, went to training - got endorphins, went for a massage - relaxed, slept - regained strength.

Use your own body to deal with stress. The most “difficult” thing is to choose the direction and what you like best. I propose to write a list of 10-20 pleasures for the body, which you will always keep at hand.

Yes, and no one canceled sex either: - great way discharge and a source of hormones of joy.

2. Breathe deeply

Remember how you laughed every time in an American comedy, someone hysterically breathed into a paper bag? How is this related to stress?

Directly. The power of calm breathing is underestimated: 2 minutes of calm inhalation-exhalation and the hands no longer tremble and breathe evenly. Then decisions can be made adequately.

And interesting fact: in a stressful situation, breathing quickens - everyone knows. As a result, an excess of oxygen only increases tension, up to fainting. And this is where the package comes in.

This technique helps restore carbon dioxide levels in the body because the person breathes in carbon dioxide over and over again along with oxygen. And then the tension drops.

By the way, it helps not only to fight stress, but also to prevent it. No matter what others think, if it helps you, then use a paper bag to breathe out. Helps with hiccups and asthma attacks.

3. Rethink your diet

During stress, a person consumes vitamins and trace elements with great speed and in large quantities. That is why your task is to replenish their supply all the time. Fish, poultry, vegetables and cereals - these products contain vitamins necessary for the brain.

Nutrition is fuel for the body, just like gasoline is for a car. The worse the gas, the more often you will repair the car.

Do you like sweets? Hello, mood swings and shattered nerves. Do you treat yourself to being fat? Get it.

Change your diet for at least a week and you will see that the body will respond very quickly. And add to everything deep sleep and drinking regimen, you will experience stress no more difficult than ordinary situations.

4. Don't keep everything to yourself

Do not scream! Do not laugh! Do not run! And in childhood, each of us heard.

No wonder if you're not used to expressing your emotions as a big girl. So what's now? To study. Everything is in your hands - you can build trusting relationships with friends and family.

Start small. If you feel it, speak up. Fish, cat, girlfriend, mother - anyone, just to share and voice feelings.

Americans have a psychotherapist, we have girlfriends. In difficult situations, the help of a specialist is certainly needed.

But if you feel like you're feeling a little blues or stressed out, having a frank conversation with your loved one will help more than it won't.

5. Technique "man on a chair"

Imagine that there is a chair in front of you, on which a person is sitting. It's you yourself. For more realism, place a chair in front of you. If you do not live alone, ask your family not to distract you for half an hour.

Tell the person in front of you all about your experiences and difficulties, and then see what he will answer you. In most cases, it turns out that it is just trifling.

An outside perspective will allow you to assess the situation objectively.

In fact, we exaggerate most of the problems and only in adulthood we understand that there was no reason to test our nerves at all.

If you are working on yourself, but so far you are embarrassed to open up to your family and friends, use the “empty chair” technique more often.

It doesn't matter what the causes of stress are. By controlling your emotions, you will control your life, where the author of everything that happens is you, not your nerves.

My own screenwriter

Now you understand that the question “how not to be nervous” is just a matter of technique. Each person can stop struggling with stress if they learn how to meet him correctly, live to a minimum and see him off.

And don't forget about: food, routine and sports. Only these three factors are already the lion's share of strong nerves.

Choose the way to deal with stress that suits you best, and most importantly, do not wallow in self-pity, do not plunge into problems with pleasure. Use every moment as a necessary experience.

Glad to be helpful
Yaroslav Samoilov

"Calm down and don't be nervous" is a really infuriating phrase! How not to be nervous and not worry when the child does not call (how did he get to school?), at work the boss is angry and always makes claims (it’s scary to appear in his eyes!), My husband yesterday accused me of big expenses (shopping calms nerves, how does he explain?). In general, every hour there is a "new introductory", the slightest reason makes you nervous, worried, lose self-control.

“... Just a few lectures and everything has changed dramatically. I became calm and patient. I stopped yelling at my son completely. I don't scream and I don't want to. I wanted changes in my life, changes in my relationship with my son, especially with my son - this is what I got from the SVP training. And I got much more than I wanted ... "

If you tend to worry and get nervous about anything, start by examining your mental properties and abilities - register for free online lectures.

The article was written using the training materials "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan

Alas, for many of us, stress has become an integral part of Everyday life. Being stressed all the time is not the most pleasant way to pass the time. Moreover, long-term stress negatively affects the body, causing the development of many health problems, including asthma, heart disease and diabetes. Is there a way out in this situation? Learn to calm down! You have a day off today, or, conversely, a tense situation is in full swing, if you approach the matter correctly, you can always relax and start enjoying life. Always remember the simple rule: "Relax!"


Give yourself a day off

    Set aside all your responsibilities. When you want to have a day of rest and relaxation, the main thing is to prepare in advance. It's hard to really relax and unwind when you have to focus on a work project or babysitting a screaming baby. Below is a list of things you can do ahead of time. Of course, life circumstances everyone is different, so some of your responsibilities may not match the following list:

    • Take an extraordinary day off from work. If necessary, take vacation days. Note that in most cases management expects you to give advance notice - usually a few weeks in advance.
    • If you have children, hire a nanny. Of course, children are a great happiness, but sometimes they can turn our life into a real nightmare. It's not worth the risk, otherwise it may turn out that your whole day off will be spent playing patties and changing diapers. It is better to entrust child care to a responsible nanny on this day.
    • If necessary, make travel arrangements. Sometimes you just need to change the usual scenario to relax. If you want to go somewhere out of town, buy tickets or reserve a hotel for your stay in advance so that you do not have to do it in a hurry at the last moment.
  1. Pamper yourself with a relaxing bath or shower. When you do decide to get out of bed (and on your rest day, you can when you want), start your day with a relaxing bath or shower. A warm bath or shower has been proven to help calm the mind, relieve muscle tension, and clear out chaotic thoughts. More importantly, the bath helps you feel good and makes it possible, at least for a while, to forget about all the problems and focus on the pleasant sensations of your body - in other words to relax.

    Have a cup of coffee or tea with friends. If drinks containing caffeine make you headache or provoke nervousness, you should not include this item in the must-do list for a day of rest. If you think that a little caffeine will not hurt you, a cup of coffee with friends will help you relax and take your mind off everyday stress. In fact, according to some studies, if a person drinks coffee with people whose communication brings him joy, this has a pronounced relaxing effect on him. On the other hand, if you drink coffee alone, it may even increase your stress.

  2. Give yourself the opportunity to take up a hobby that you usually don't have time for. Do you consider yourself a second Picasso? Have you been dying to pick up an old guitar and play some original songs? Today is the time to pamper yourself. A rest day is good because it gives you the opportunity to devote a lot of time to all those things that you secretly wanted to do in those long hours when they were engaged in the fulfillment of the necessary duties of life. Now you can not be afraid to spend a few hours (or even a whole day if you want) to bring joy to yourself. Here are some things you might want to do:

    • Try to do something creative. When was the last time you painted a picture, wrote a song, or wrote a story? If you can't remember, you might want to do something creative today and complete the project at your own pace.
    • Engage in minor repairs or home improvements. Small repairs or home improvement work can bring you a deep sense of satisfaction (and it's also a great long-term investment of time and energy, as it will lower your home maintenance costs).
    • Read a book. Real, time-tested paper books are becoming a rarity today. Nothing soothes a person like a few hours near the fireplace. spent reading your favorite book. Think about it, maybe this way of relaxation is right for you.
    • Play video games. There is nothing wrong with lounging on the couch for hours playing video games. However, if this activity is already taking up a lot of time in your daily life, it is better to consider some other hobby that you usually pay attention to much less often.
  3. Try to cook a simple dish. Delicious food - that's what you just need on a day of rest. Do you want to improve your cooking skills (and save some money that you would spend in a cafe or restaurant)? Try to cook delicious and nutritious food for yourself and for your friends who can spend time with you. You can find thousands of different recipes on the Internet. A few minutes to search in Yandex - and you already have dozens of recipes for your favorite dish. You can also choose any dish from a wide variety of recipes on our website. .

    • If you don't like to cook, don't hesitate to reserve a table at your favorite restaurant or order food delivered to your home. Delicious food is one of the indisputable sources of pleasure for a person, do not neglect it on a day of rest!
  4. Do your daily activities without haste. If you have organized a day of rest for yourself, this does not mean at all that you cannot do something useful. It will be useful to do some things that you still need to do in free time. Not only will this give you the satisfaction of doing something meaningful, it will also reduce your stress levels in the long run. After all, any obligatory task that you complete today will not hang over your soul tomorrow. Below is a list of cases you may want to consider:

    • Pay your bills
    • Send letters and packages
    • Submit your resume for positions of interest
    • Solve problems with support
    • Take care of cases related to government agencies (for example, check and pay fines to the traffic police).
  5. Watch a movie. Watching movies is the most peaceful and relaxing way to have fun (unless, of course, you choose to watch a horror or thriller movie). Sit back on the couch next to your loved one or invite friends over. A few soothing hours spent watching long-time favorite films or new cinema will be the perfect end to a day of relaxation.

    • If you have the opportunity, you can even have a movie night with friends. You can choose movies with a specific theme (such as art house) or choose movies at random. The choice is yours!
    • If your budget allows, you can enjoy watching movies on the big screen by going to the cinema with your friends. If all your friends are busy that day, you can go to the movies alone, although not everyone likes to watch movies alone. If you don't want to overspend, try finding early morning shows with inexpensive tickets.
  6. Spend the evening in public (or at home!) Some people enjoy ending their day at a fun party at a nightclub, while others prefer to stay at home and go to bed earlier. You and only you decide what will be the perfect end to your day of relaxation!

    • You shouldn't think. that you simply have to go somewhere to have fun in the evening, even if you don’t feel like it. Your friends aren't going anywhere until tomorrow if you decide to skip one evening at the club and go to bed early.
    • Conversely, if you have the opportunity, go with friends to night club and have fun from the heart, like in the good old days. Of course, you should not go on a spree if you have a responsible event planned for the next day. If you return home late from a party, the next day you are unlikely to have the strength for labor exploits.
  7. If you're old enough, a little alcohol is even welcome (especially if you're smart about it). Face it, work and day-to-day responsibilities can be stressful for anyone. Sometimes we just need to relax a little with the help of alcohol. There is nothing to worry about, especially if you know the measure. For example, if you drink one or two glasses of wine with friends at the end of a hard day, it is unlikely to harm you in any way. According to some reports, moderate use alcoholic beverages(for example, a small bottle of beer daily) is actually even good for human health.

    • However, do not forget that excessive alcohol consumption will only increase stress. Not to mention the consequences overuse alcohol, like a hangover, nausea and other unpleasant physiological manifestations, loss of control due to a large dose of alcohol can lead to bad decisions that ruin your life for a long time (and can even land you in jail).
  8. Find a constructive way to release your overwhelming energy. There is good way cope with suppressed stress - direct it in another direction, where excess energy and tension will help to do something useful. For example, feelings of anger and anger will make it much easier to complete a long, intense workout (and most importantly, physical exercises- it's a good way to reduce your stress levels and improve your mood; You will find more information on this below). Another good way is to sublimate the energy of stress into creative activities like writing stories or playing a musical instrument.

    • In our example of a surprise weekend job, it would be constructive behavior to head to the gym after work instead of heading straight home. This would make it possible to derive health benefits from anger. You could run around, make several approaches to the bar, and if you are very angry, you can beat the punching bag from the heart.
  9. Try meditation. While this advice may seem frivolous and newfangled to some, the ability to meditate has been proven to help many people cope with stress, in other words, relax. There is no universal "correct" way to meditate. In general, in order to begin meditation, you need to get out of a tense environment, close your eyes, breathe slowly and focus on getting rid of annoying, anxiety-producing thoughts. Some people need to take complex poses of yoga gymnastics for meditation, others mentally imagine certain images or pictures, others repeat aloud simple words or mantras. There are people who walk in circles during meditation!

    • If you need more detailed information on this issue (including detailed instructions how you can free your mind from annoying thoughts), you can find many excellent articles about meditation on our website.
  10. First of all, make a plan of action and stick to it. All of the above techniques can be extremely useful if used wisely. However, if you want stress relief to bring you a sense of satisfaction and benefit, you need to try. deal with it. The temptation to run away from the stress of work, school, or home is, of course, very strong, but the most fast way get rid of stress - fight it. In addition, the satisfaction of a job well done will help reduce stress on for a long time, even if at first you have to work hard to achieve the goal.

    • In our example, it would be optimal to try to complete the task as quickly as possible, for example, on Friday evening or Saturday morning. Then you will still have a lot of free time to implement all your plans for the weekend. When you arrive at work on Monday, it's a good idea to talk to your boss about how best to organize your work so that you don't have to deal with this kind of work in the future.
    • Don't leave work to the last minute. Putting off work now will only add to your stress, especially if you have work to complete by a certain deadline. If you do the work right away, you can then sincerely enjoy the rest. Otherwise, you will constantly worry about the fact that you still have to do the work postponed for later.
  • Go in for sports more often. As we already mentioned, it has been proven that one intense workout can help you quickly get rid of stress on a short time. However regular sports are also effective way maintain a positive, calm attitude towards life for a long time. Although it is still not fully understood exactly which biological mechanisms provide such an effect, Scientific research show that regular exercise can be a strong defense against stress-related health problems, especially depression.

    • On our site you can find many articles that will give you information in an understandable and intelligible form on how to make physical exercises a part of your life, including examples of complexes for different levels physical training.
  • Get more rest. The quality of sleep can have a huge impact on how we feel when we are awake. Try to remember the last time you stayed up all night and how you felt the next day. Even one sleepless night can ruin a whole day of well-being after that, and a constant lack of sleep can be a leading factor in causing long-term stress. There is evidence that a long-term lack of adequate sleep increases the risk of stress-related diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, and many other diseases. If you want to be healthy and stress-free, get yourself a full, long sleep every night (it is generally accepted that the duration of a night's sleep for an adult should be between seven and nine hours).

    • In addition, it is important to understand that the relationship between sleep and stress also works in the opposite direction. In other words, just as lack of sleep can cause stress, stress itself can cause insomnia.
    • Change your posture: Studies have shown that lying down is much easier to relax than standing up.
    • Some people advocate the idea of ​​"refreshing sleep", arguing that short daytime sleep 15-20 minutes long is lovely way relax and rejuvenate during a busy day. However, other people say that they find it difficult to fully wake up after a short nap break.
    • Here are some more ideas to help you calm down:
      • Look for rain or clouds.
      • Have someone read a book to you until you fall asleep.
      • Wash off with cold water.
      • Draw with pencils or paints. And don't worry about what kind of drawing you end up with.
    • If your nervousness and excitement increase after a cup of tea or coffee, try replacing them with decaffeinated alternatives. Caffeine use can be stressful for some people, especially if they begin to develop addiction to the substance.


    • Rest can greatly enhance your ability to be creative (unless you go to the other extreme and become lazy, of course). If you sleep, relax, or dream about something, it will help replenish your creative reserves. The next time you're feeling creative block, take an hour off work and you'll feel refreshed.
    • Do not let the desire to relax and unwind distract you from serious matters (for example, from work). If you're in the midst of a major project, it's best to take short breaks of 10-15 minutes every hour. If you are doing small tasks, make sure you complete the next one before resting.