How chlamydia is transmitted and the risk of developing an infectious disease. How is chlamydia transmitted and how can it be prevented?

Chlamydia is a disease of infectious origin, the causative agent of which is. In order to become infected, there must be a source of infection and a susceptible organism. The methods of transmission of chlamydia are different, but the most important is sexual. Of no small importance in the manifestation of symptoms is the body’s susceptibility and immune status.

Methods of infection from adult to person

Experts distinguish several types of pathogens, and with them, transmission of infection:

Since the infection is transmitted predominantly sexually, infection must be preceded by sexual relations. Moreover, the type of sex does not matter. Both during classical and during oral and anal sex, the mucous membranes of the genital organs, as well as the oral cavity and anus, come into contact.

The main source of infection is sexual partners, or rather people with a history of symptoms of the disease, as well as carriers (no signs). Both sexual partners are susceptible to infection with equal frequency. The entrance gates are the organs of the reproductive and urinary systems. In order to develop infectious process with chlamydia, microbes must reach and penetrate the epithelial cells of the mucous membranes. The favorite localization of the pathogen is the columnar epithelium, which lines the cervix in women, as well as the mucous membrane of the urethra in both one and the other sexual partner. The entrance gate is a kind of focus of infection, which spreads hematogenously or ascendingly to other organs. During oral sex, the sex partner transmits the infection through the genitals to the oral cavity and oropharynx of the woman. In this case, chlamydial pharyngitis develops.

“Infection with chlamydia occurs through the contact mechanism of transmission during sexual relations. Both women and men have the same predisposition to the disease.”

Is it possible to become infected with chlamydia through some other means other than sexual intercourse? IN last years It has been proven that chlamydia is transmitted through close household contacts, that is: through care items, household items, and contaminated hands. Of all the possible methods, this is rare. Many sexually transmitted infections share the same routes of transmission as chlamydia. Therefore, symptoms of various infections often overlap each other and blur the clinical picture.

How does the disease manifest itself in men and women?

With chlamydia, the transmission routes for different sexes are the same, so the symptoms have many common features.

Symptoms of chlamydia in women

Immediately after the partner has infected the woman, the symptoms of the pathology do not appear in any way, which is justified by the length of the incubation period, during which the bacteria actively multiply and accumulate in the cells and intercellular substance. After a few weeks, women show signs of damage to the genitourinary system:

  • vaginal discharge that is not normal in volume, color, or consistency;
  • in infected women important feature chlamydial lesions are urethritis and cystitis. In this case, during urination, pain is noted when releasing the terminal (final) portion of urine. The desire to go to the toilet increases, but the volume of urine produced decreases;
  • if the patient is infected, she may be bothered by a temperature reaching subfebrile values;
  • a transmitted infection can lead to menstrual irregularities.

The fact that the patient is infected and the pathological process has moved beyond the tissues of one system will be indicated by both symptoms and additional methods research. The most common method to confirm the diagnosis is a scraping containing cells from the affected tissues.

How to determine the disease in men

A pathological phenomenon like this does not pass without a trace. With this disease a common complication is infertility. But even these symptoms are not enough for an experienced doctor to make a diagnosis. In order to carry out differential diagnosis identifying others possible pathologies, laboratory research methods are prescribed. How is chlamydia transmitted to others? possible ways? Apart from the above mechanisms, there are no other transmission routes.

“If you have a regular sexual partner, when husbands and wives remain faithful, you can avoid infection.”

How is infection transmitted from mother to fetus?

The unborn child and mother remain in close interaction throughout pregnancy. And although the placenta protects the child from many infections, it is possible to miss transmitted pathogens of some diseases with the blood. How children become infected with chlamydia during pregnancy, as well as after, will be discussed in this section of the article.

Transmission of infection during pregnancy

The supply of necessary components that ensure the life of the child occurs through the placenta, which is formed only by the third month of pregnancy. It also provides protection to the fetus from certain infections. In some pathologies, its tissues can “let through” bacteria or toxins, which will cause Negative influence on fetal development. Consequently, this is a negative factor that deprives the unborn child of health.

The intrauterine (in medicine it is customary to call this method antenatal) method of infection involves the entry of chlamydial infection through the placenta. In this case, the amniotic fluid is contaminated. Microorganisms affect the mucous membranes of the eyes, oral cavity, genital organs of the fetus. By making swallowing movements, amniotic fluid enters the fetal gastrointestinal tract, which infects the internal organs. This route of infection is considered the most dangerous. The prognosis for the life of the fetus is unfavorable.

Infection of a child at birth

How is chlamydia transmitted at birth? In an infected woman, chlamydial infection is present in the vaginal secretions and cervical fluid. Walking through birth canal, the child inevitably comes into contact with the mucous membrane of the genital organs, becoming contaminated with pathogens. Transmission of infection through this method is considered safer, since the infection settles only on the mucous membranes, without penetrating into the internal organs. If the pregnant woman was under close supervision medical workers, and the fetus, while in the womb, has avoided infection, then delivery is not carried out independently, but by cesarean section.

  • To prevent the child from getting sick, chlamydia in men and expectant mothers should be treated in advance;
  • if the disease is detected during pregnancy, then competent treatment prescribed by a specialist will significantly reduce the risks of complications both from the health of the pregnant woman and from the child;
  • when implementing hygiene procedures To prevent the infection from being transmitted, an individual towel and other personal hygiene items should be used for the child.

Infection of a child after birth

How can children become infected with chlamydia after birth? Chlamydia is transmitted from a sick mother to a child through close household contact. The source of infection may be another sick family member. Infection will occur if the child's skin and mucous membranes are wiped with a contaminated towel. The transmission of infection can be interrupted if the underwear is individual.

When the mucous membrane of the eyes is damaged, their gluing is observed, and pus accumulates in the conjunctiva. If contaminated amniotic fluid enters and affects organs gastrointestinal tract, then the child’s appetite is disturbed, regurgitation is noted, diarrhea is possible, and body temperature rises. With pneumonia, breathing quickens and the temperature rises. Somewhat later, wheezing and coughing begin. The health prognosis is favorable if treatment is started in a timely manner.

Treatment of the disease

For all methods of infection with chlamydia, timely treatment is important. The earlier it starts, the better prognosis for health and less chance of complications. Therapeutic measures should be carried out by a specialist. Don't rely on funds traditional medicine, which will “drive” the pathogen into a dead end, making a person a carrier and source of infection for others. If both partners are infected, treatment should be carried out simultaneously.

Etiotropic therapy is the most effective. It is aimed at the death of the pathogen and elimination of the consequences of pathological processes occurring in the body. The drugs of choice in this case are antibiotics different groups, to which pathogens are sensitive.

Tetracycline drugs are still relevant in treatment. Together with the transmitted microbes, the antibiotic penetrates the tissue, destroying the pathogen. Representatives of this group are: Doxycycline, Dorx. Some are available in the form of "salutab" - this means that the drug has greater bioavailability. It is used to treat uncomplicated diseases with severe symptoms.

The group of macrolides includes: Erythromycin, Spiramycin, Josamycin. Certain drugs in this group are allowed during pregnancy.

Fluoroquinolones used for the disease include: Norfloxacin, Ofloxacin, Sparfloxacin. Drugs in this group are preferred for chronic conditions.

The antibacterial course does not pass without leaving a trace. At the end of it, patients may experience diarrhea. It is treated with the help of probiotics, which include: Bificol, Bifidobacterin, Lactobacterin.

The article can be summarized with the following information:

“The modes of transmission of chlamydia are different, but the most basic is sexual.”

  • Infection is possible by other means, but this occurs only through close household contact and is extremely rare;
  • from mother to child the infection comes through the blood, that is, hematogenously;
  • if two sexual partners fall ill at the same time, they should undergo treatment at the same time and at the same time;
  • the transmitted pathogen does not manifest itself immediately. The period of “rest” is called incubation or latency and corresponds to the accumulation of microorganisms in human tissues;
  • it is possible to exclude infection if proper sex life with the same sex partner;
  • , if you promptly seek competent treatment from a qualified specialist (for men a urologist, for women a gynecologist) and complete a full therapeutic course;
  • After treatment, persons previously infected with chlamydia should be tested to ensure that they are not carriers and to avoid reinfection.

Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted infectious disease among the population. Many have heard about it and have probably wondered how one can become infected with chlamydia. According to official statistics alone, about 100 million people become infected with this infection every year.

It is extremely important to know how pathogens are transmitted to prevent infection. The insidiousness of the disease is that chlamydia, especially in the first time after infection, often does not manifest itself with any symptoms. This is precisely one of the reasons contributing to the further spread of chlamydia.

Symptoms and signs of chlamydia

The disease manifests itself after an incubation period, which is about 7-30 days from the moment of infection. The symptoms of the most common urogenital chlamydia are as follows.

If a woman becomes infected, then this:

  • discharge from the genital tract;
  • burning sensation and pain when urinating;
  • sometimes cloudy urine mixed with mucus or pus;
  • pain in the pelvic area or lower back;
  • febrile syndrome;
  • general malaise.

In sick men, chlamydia manifests itself with similar phenomena in the form of:

  • painful urination;
  • burning in the urethral area;
  • the appearance of cloudy urine mixed with blood or glassy discharge;
  • an increase in temperature and a general deterioration in well-being.

Often such symptoms are short-term and go away on their own, without treatment, after a few days. But apparent well-being is extremely deceptive - chlamydia is transmitted to a healthy partner and secretly carries out destructive activities in the body of someone who is already sick.

The once subtle symptoms of chlamydia can manifest years later as chronic diseases. internal organs and immune disorders.

Routes of transmission

Sexual contact

Like other sexually transmitted infections, urogenital chlamydia is transmitted by various types unprotected sexual intercourse. Women are more susceptible to chlamydia.

A careless attitude towards one's health, casual relationships, unprotected sexual intercourse with an unfamiliar partner, asymptomatic carriage of the infection - all this leads to the further spread of chlamydia.

Clinical signs are often vague and minimal. Chlamydia, which targets the epithelium, causes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the genital tract and leads to severe complications. Therefore, it is so important to contact in a timely manner medical specialist and undergo examination if necessary.

As a rule, the detection rate of chlamydia in a smear is low. Based on the results of a smear, it is often possible to identify inflammatory process and only suspect the presence of infection.

For laboratory diagnostics chlamydial infection, which is often combined with other sexually transmitted infections, it is preferable PCR method(polymerase chain reaction) as almost one hundred percent highly accurate and specific.

Considering how common chlamydia is and how the infection is transmitted, when chlamydia is detected, it is necessary for both partners to be treated, as well as to protect household members, especially children, from contact transmission.


The oral route of transmission is most often associated with oral sexual contact with an infected partner; less often, infection occurs in the home - for example, many fear such a phenomenon as household chlamydia.

Based on this, excluding general use personal hygiene items, it is easy to stop this route of transmission. cutting common dishes, toothbrush. The presence of wounds in the mouth will make it easier for chlamydia to penetrate the mucous membrane. With oral-genital contact, the likelihood of infection is higher, again, in women.

At first, the infected person experiences nasal congestion. Inflammation passes soft sky, the back wall of the pharynx, the soft palate and is accompanied by the formation of thick mucus with an extremely unpleasant “fishy” odor. The process can spread to the entire oral cavity; thick white mucus is visible on the tongue. The inflamed tissue is swollen, painful, with painful abrasions, but not reddened. Rarely, the infection can even masquerade as symptoms of bronchial asthma.

In case of lubricated clinical symptoms everything can be limited to the short-term appearance of painful rashes in the mouth, a burning sensation, which a person can completely forget about.
Of course, in complex cases, only a specialist can understand the reasons and make the correct diagnosis. To do this, sometimes it is necessary to exclude diseases such as chlamydia of the nasopharynx and oral cavity.


With anal-genital contact without a condom, the risk of contracting any infection, including chlamydia, is very high. Microdamages of the rectal mucosa are a direct gateway for the penetration of chlamydia. More often in such cases, a woman or a passive partner becomes infected.

The rectum is primarily affected by infection - so-called chlamydial proctitis develops. It often occurs with minimal symptoms. Usually this is pain in the rectal area, itching and discharge from it, which disappear even without treatment after a week or two. But this apparent well-being is dangerous, because chlamydia simply turns into a hidden chronic form and continues the expansion of the body.

Years later, the infection will manifest itself as chronic diseases internal organs, joints, blood vessels. One of the most serious complications chronic infection Reiter's syndrome is considered to be a triad (“troika”) of symptoms, which includes damage to both the eyes, joints and urethra.

Through saliva

Knowing how widespread chlamydia is, the routes of infection and the likelihood of sexually transmitted infections are of great importance today. Many people are concerned about whether chlamydia is transmitted by everyday means, for example, through the saliva of a sick person.

The likelihood of infection is minimal and it most likely relates not to household transmission, but, again, to oral-genital contact. Saliva is not a favorable environment for chlamydia; their concentration in it is insignificant. Even in the case of chlamydia of the pharynx, microorganisms practically do not enter the saliva, since the excretory ducts salivary glands are higher.

IN exceptional cases It is possible to become infected with chlamydia through saliva if three things coincide: the presence of an extensive process in the patient’s oral cavity, a significant concentration of bacteria in the saliva, and low immunity of the person to whom chlamydia can be transmitted. Thus, become infected by kissing or using common utensils possible, but very unlikely.


Chlamydia, transmitted by airborne droplets- not such a rare occurrence. Respiratory chlamydia is caused by Chlamydia pneumoniae. Less common species are Chlamydia psittaci, Chlamydia felis, which are transmitted from sick birds and animals. The causative agent of urogenital chlamydia, as a rule, does not cause respiratory tract diseases.

As an exception, it is possible for a child to become infected from a mother with urogenital chlamydia during childbirth - then, when amniotic fluid is swallowed, the child develops respiratory syndrome.

The mechanism of infection is similar to any other airborne infection.
Microorganisms in the form of aerosols are released from the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract of a sick person during coughing and sneezing. They can remain in sputum particles in the external environment for several days. Penetrating into Airways healthy person, chlamydia begins to multiply on the mucous membrane, causing chlamydial bronchitis and pneumonia.

The spread of infection by airborne droplets is favored by a decrease in the body's immune forces and poor ventilation of the room where there is supposedly a patient or carrier of the infection.

Contact and household

Infection occurs through close household contact; family members get sick when they share washcloths, towels, sponges, and other personal hygiene items, which, when exposed to infected secretions, become an excellent environment for the existence of chlamydia. Despite the many possibilities of infection in everyday life, the contact route is quite rare.

Based on this, by eliminating the general use of personal hygiene items, it is easy to stop this route of transmission.

Information about how chlamydia becomes infected allows everyone to take steps to avoid the infection. By excluding any unprotected sex with an unfamiliar partner, casual sex without using a condom, you will protect yourself and possibly your loved ones from severe consequences chlamydia. And basic personal hygiene will save you from possible transfer diseases in everyday life. Don’t forget about strengthening the body’s immune forces, proper nutrition and daily routine.

All these long-known, but therefore still relevant, techniques will help preserve the most valuable thing - your health.

What causes chlamydia to appear in the body? Traditionally, chlamydia is considered a sexually transmitted infection—that is, a disease that is sexually transmitted. However, it is important to know that you can become infected with chlamydia not only through sexual contact.

Exist different types chlamydia and ways of their transmission. In this article we look at how you can and cannot become infected with chlamydia and what it depends on.

Chlamydia invasion

Chlamydia lives and multiplies in human cells. Fortunately, they are able to live not in all types of our cells, but only in columnar epithelial cells. This is the tissue (a type of mucous membrane) that lines the surface of various organs - urinary tract, conjunctiva of the eye, cervix, oral cavity, intestines and some others.

Because of this feature, chlamydia can penetrate the human body only if it lands directly on the columnar epithelium. We will look at specific ways this can happen later in the article.

Chlamydia can only enter the human body if it lands directly on the columnar epithelium

When chlamydia enters a layer of cylindrical cells, it first attaches to one of them, and then gradually penetrates its wall and makes its way inside the cell. After this, the bacterium begins to multiply intensively, and what’s more, to reproduce, it steals the energy of the captured cell. Having finished dividing, new chlamydia literally break through the cell (thus killing it) and rush to look for new victims in order to repeat the reproduction cycle in them.

The described process takes 2-3 days - it depends on how quickly chlamydia moves through the body and how ready the patient’s immunity is to fight the infection. If the immune system If a person actively resists chlamydia, the insidious bacteria take on a special form in which they wait out difficult times. At the same time, their reproduction cycle is suspended. However, once the immune system weakens even a short time, as pathogens again take up their destructive work: they infect more and more new cells and rapidly multiply.

Is it easy to get infected with chlamydia?

The likelihood of becoming infected with chlamydia depends on Where And How got an infection, and also from a type of pathogen.

For example, if the risk of becoming infected with the most common type of chlamydia, Chlamydia trachomatis, is very high through sexual contact, then the risk of contracting pneumonia due to the fault of another type of these bacteria, Chlamydia pneumonia, on the contrary, is very low.

Other circumstances also directly affect the likelihood of infection:

  • the state of the human immune system and its hormonal background(that is, how ready the immune system is to repel invaders);
  • genetic predisposition (the immune system of some people is initially more vulnerable to chlamydia);
  • virulence (infectiousness, activity) of the group of bacteria that the infected person “got”;
  • additional infections (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, syphilis and others, as well as non-venereal diseases), which reduce immunity, create fertile ground for the invasion of chlamydia and significantly increase the likelihood of infection many times over;
  • nature of contact with infected person. If a single sexual act leads to a urogenital infection in 30-60% of cases, then with each subsequent act with the same partner the risk of infection increases. And with regular contact with a person with chlamydia, the probability of infection is almost 100%.

Methods of infection with chlamydia

Where chlamydia comes from in a person’s body depends on the method by which he became infected. Doctors identify several mechanisms (or routes) of transmission of chlamydial infection.

Let us consider in order the ways of infection with chlamydia in women and men.

Sexual transmission of chlamydia

Doctors consider the most important and common route of infection sexual. Unprotected sexual intercourse is the most common reason the occurrence of chlamydia in men and women.

While chlamydia is transmitted through the same routes for both sexes, women are more likely to become infected than men. This happened because in a woman’s genital tract there is more columnar epithelium, which chlamydia loves so much.

Sexual transmission of chlamydia is considered not only classic sex, but anal and oral. Therefore, to the question “is it possible to become infected with chlamydia orally” the answer will be in the affirmative - it is possible.
Even in successful countries with well-developed medicine, the number of carriers of urogenital chlamydia acquired through sexual contact is up to 10-15%. Fortunately, using a condom creates a reliable barrier against infection.

Sexual transmission of chlamydia is considered not only classic sex, but anal and oral

Infection with chlamydia through contact and household contact

Can you get chlamydia through dirty hands? Is chlamydia transmitted through food, a normal handshake, and other means?

Unfortunately, chlamydia can be transmitted through non-sexual contact. Household infection is also possible, although it occurs less frequently.

When infected at home, chlamydia enters the human mucous membranes (eyes, genitals, throat):

You can become infected with chlamydia through personal hygiene items.
  • from contaminated hands;
  • from wet things;
  • from linen;
  • from personal hygiene items;
  • rarely through food - unprocessed poultry meat, street fruits;
  • from the toilet rim, door handles and other items that many people touch.

This route of transmission is equally dangerous for both children and adults. Therefore, the question of whether chlamydia is transmitted to children through household means has an unequivocal answer: yes, it is transmitted.

It must be said that different types of chlamydia are transmitted by these methods. Some are transmitted only from person to person, some through animals. For example, human chlamydia is very rarely transmitted by shaking hands:
if the carrier of the infection did not wash his hands after using the toilet, and the infected person shook his hand and then rubbed his eyes. Then, after some time, the person begins to develop chlamydial conjunctivitis (you can become infected in a public shower, the cold part of a sauna, or in a swimming pool).

Birds can infect humans with psittacosis

Or if chlamydia gets on the toilet rim, and from there on the damaged mucous membrane of the genital organs. At the same time, through fruits and poultry meat, mainly other types of chlamydia are transmitted, avian ones - in humans they cause psittacosis.

It's important to understand: although the described cases are actually described in medical literature However, infection through any of these routes is much less common than through sexual contact. Outside the human body, Chlamydia trachomatis can survive up to 48 hours - and only in a humid environment and a temperature of about 20°C. For example, for some time she lives on damp linen and wet personal items, but there are very few bacteria there - therefore the risk of infection is small. Some types of chlamydia can survive in the described conditions for up to 5 days. Most medical practitioners believe that the likelihood of becoming infected with chlamydia in this way is extremely low.

Unfortunately, there are no exact signs of infection with chlamydia through household means. Chlamydia manifests itself in the same way - regardless of the route by which chlamydia entered the human body.

Airborne path

In this case, chlamydia can enter the body when an infected person “throws” it into the air - when sneezing or coughing. Airborne transmission of chlamydia is especially common for the subspecies Chlamydia pneumoniae (chlamydia pneumoniae), which causes chlamydia pneumonia.

The airborne route is considered not very dangerous: for infection, the sputum of a sick person must contain a lot of chlamydia with high activity - and this rarely happens.

Fetal infection

the likelihood of chlamydia being transmitted to the child from the mother during childbirth

Many women are concerned about whether chlamydia is transmitted in utero. Unfortunately, this happens. Transmission of infection from mother to baby as it passes through the birth canal is possible for most urogenital diseases.

The cause of chlamydia in newborns is infection from the mother, when during childbirth the child comes into very close contact with the mucous membrane of the birth canal. This leads to infection with chlamydia in large number cases. According to some reports, the probability of a child contracting chlamydia during childbirth reaches 70%.

Most often, when the fetus is infected, the mucous membrane of the baby's eyes, as well as the lining of the rectum and genitourinary organs, are affected by chlamydia. A particularly vulnerable target for chlamydia is the child’s respiratory tract, which is also lined with columnar epithelium. If the bacteria penetrates there, the newborn develops chlamydial pneumonia.

Is chlamydia transmitted through breast milk, can be read in the special material “Chlamydia in Children”.

Chlamydia - routes of infection in real conditions

In different life situations The likelihood of catching chlamydia will also be different. Is chlamydia transmitted through kissing, through a condom, or through household contact, through saliva or blowjob? How can you become infected with chlamydia if your partner is permanent? All these risks worry people.

To summarize the article, we answer the most popular questions about how people get chlamydia.

  • Unprotected sexual intercourse
  • Is chlamydia transmitted sexually? Definitely yes. The likelihood of getting sick this way is very high. The more contacts you have with a carrier of the infection, the higher the risk. But even after one act, you can become infected with chlamydia the first time.

    There are popular questions on the Internet: is it possible to become infected with chlamydia during menstruation, if you do not ejaculate, and even without penetration. The answers to the first two questions will also be positive - yes, without a condom, chlamydia is transmitted during menstruation, and even if the sperm does not reach the partner.

    In a situation where a couple practices affection without penetration, it is still possible to infect a person - either through oral sex, or if the external genitalia of the partners are in contact and are not protected by a condom.

  • Sexual intercourse using a condom
  • Is it possible to get chlamydia through a condom - does it protect against chlamydia?

    If the condom is of high quality and used correctly, then the likelihood of contracting chlamydia with condom is almost zero.

    You are only likely to become infected with chlamydia if the condom breaks or falls off the penis. In this case, transmission of chlamydia through the ruptured portion of the condom may occur. Therefore, if a person becomes infected using condoms, it means that he either used them incorrectly, or the products turned out to be of poor quality.

  • Close contact with sick pets
  • Chlamydia can also be caused by animals. Some types of chlamydia (Chlamydia psittaci, Chlamydophila felis, Chlamydophila abortus) can be transmitted to humans from animals. In these cases, there are conjunctivitis, pneumonia and chlamydia during pregnancy, due to which it can be interrupted.

    The probability of getting infected from animals is not the same each time: chlamydial pneumonia from birds is a rather dangerous and contagious disease, but getting chlamydial conjunctivitis from cats is much more difficult. You can read more about this in the article about the causative agents of chlamydia.

  • Anal intercourse
  • Can you get chlamydia through anal sex?

    The probability of such infection is as high as during classical sexual intercourse. The rectal mucosa is one of the favorite places for chlamydia to “settle.” With the sperm of a partner during anal sex, chlamydia easily reaches the cylindrical epithelium of this zone and penetrates into it.

  • Oral-genital contact
  • Can you get chlamydia through oral sex? Is chlamydia transmitted from a woman during blowjob and vice versa - from a man during cunnilingus?

    Theoretically, chlamydia is transmitted orally, but with different likelihood of blowjob and cunnilingus. Thus, the likelihood of infection with chlamydia during blowjob is higher: together with the partner’s sperm, chlamydia can get onto the mucous membrane of the pharynx and gain a foothold there. This risk is always worth considering when having unprotected oral sex.

    In the opposite situation - through cunnilingus - infection with chlamydia is almost impossible, because there are very few bacteria in female secretions. In addition, even if they get into the partner’s oral cavity, they will not be able to reach the pharynx, where there are tissues suitable for their survival.

  • With saliva and with kisses
  • Is it possible to become infected with chlamydia through a kiss or saliva if chlamydia has settled in the mouth?

    To be infected by this method, you need a lot of bacteria in the saliva, and this only happens with severe general chlamydia, when the disease has reached an advanced form. Today, transmission of chlamydia through saliva is extremely rare.

    In addition, chlamydia does not feel good in the oral cavity, and if swallowed, it quickly dies in the stomach. As a result, the likelihood of contracting chlamydia through a kiss or saliva is virtually zero.

  • Is it possible to get chlamydia through blood?
  • Is chlamydia transmitted through blood and what causes chlamydia in the blood?

    Modern medicine knows no reliable cases of chlamydia infection through donor blood. Chlamydia can spread through a person's own circulatory or lymphatic system, reaching new organs that have suitable mucous membrane. For example, anal sex can cause chlamydia to enter the bloodstream. During anal sexual intercourse, chlamydia can enter not only the mucosal tissues, but also into the blood if microcracks occur in the rectum. By the same principle, you can get chlamydia after surgery - if you accidentally introduce bacteria from the site of infection into the bloodstream.

  • During artificial insemination with sperm
  • If a sperm donor is infected with chlamydia and doctors somehow lost sight of this fact, then this route of transmission is quite possible. Chlamydia has the ability to attach to sperm and be transported with them into the uterine cavity. There they penetrate the uterine mucosa - the endometrium - and begin to actively multiply. In the same way, some bacteria can penetrate into the mucous membrane of the vagina, cervix and fallopian tubes, if infected semen comes into contact with these areas.

  • Household risks: towels, items and common places for personal hygiene, linen
  • It is not always clear what is a household method of infection and what is not. In the previous section, we already found out whether chlamydia is transmitted through a towel, whether you can pick it up in a bathhouse or through food.

    But can a child become infected with chlamydia from his parents, or can a virgin get chlamydia? Yes - in these cases there is a possibility of becoming infected with chlamydia through domestic means. The reason for all household methods of infection is the same: from an infected animal or person, chlamydia gets onto clothes, food, dishes, linen or plumbing fixtures - and from there they are transferred to a new “victim”. Therefore, theoretically, chlamydia can be contracted from a gynecologist (if instruments and surfaces are poorly treated), and even through a drinking bottle.

    The consolation is that the risk of domestic infection is not very high, although it does exist. Therefore, it is better to never forget about the rules of hygiene: use only personal belongings and underwear, make sure that damaged mucous membranes or skin do not come into contact with untested objects.

  • Swimming in ponds and pools
  • The most common questions about chlamydia in water: is it possible to become infected with chlamydia in a pond or sea, as well as on the beach?

    Let us say right away that it is impossible to become infected this way. It is almost impossible to become infected with chlamydia through water, because the number of chlamydia that can end up in water is too small to be transmitted to humans. Bacteria are also hampered by the long distance that must be overcome in water to enter the human body. As for not natural reservoirs, but swimming pools, the water in them is also disinfected, so chlamydia is not able to survive there.

    The risk of contracting chlamydia on the beach is also almost zero. The environment around is not very favorable for these bacteria: bright sun, dry sand or pebbles, hot surfaces of bedspreads and sunbeds. However, if a person wants to reduce this probability to a minimum, it is enough to simply use personal towels, blankets on sunbeds and not sit directly on the sand or pebbles without an additional “layer”.

Chlamydia refers to a fairly common infectious disease. The causative agent of the disease is Chlamydia, a special species - Chlamydia trachomatis affects the genitourinary system of both men and women, provoking the development of urogenital chlamydia.

The infection affects about one hundred million people every year. Moreover, chlamydia is considered one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. The causative agent of the disease is somewhat larger than a virus, but much smaller than a bacterium. To prevent the development of pathology, you need to know how chlamydia is transmitted. The main way of contracting the disease is unprotected sexual intercourse with a person with chlamydia.

The disease can be transmitted through vaginal, oral and anal sex. Having penetrated the human body, the microorganism, through the flow of lymph and blood, enters different cells, systems and organs.

Chlamydia can provoke the development of pathologies such as cholecystitis, conjunctivitis, proctitis, pharyngitis, pelvioperitonitis, pneumonia. Therapy for the disease must be appropriate. For this purpose, traditional treatment is prescribed for both partners.

At the end of the microorganism’s reproduction cycle, the infected cells die, and a a large number of daughter pathogens that continue to infect more and more new cells.

What is the danger of chlamydia?

This disease is insidious, because chlamydia (the causative agents of the pathology) are different. Microorganisms differ only in their special structure. In this regard, they are designated by the Latin alphabet: A, B, Ba, D-K, I-3. So, for example, chlamydia I-3 provokes the development of a tropical disease - lymphogranuloma venereum. Types D,K provoke damage to the genital organs. In addition, there are pathogens that cause serious eye disease- trachoma.

The development of chlamydia is caused by the colonization of chlamydia D-K in the body. It is able to live and reproduce in the host's body. Moreover, it can exist for quite a long time outside the human body. Many people ask the question: “How is chlamydia transmitted?” There are many ways of transmitting the disease. The most common is considered to be sexual. Unprotected sex, in particular oral, leads to the fact that a sick person simply “shares” the infection with a healthy person.

The answer to quite frequently asked question: “How can chlamydia be transmitted through household means?” pretty simple. If you are used to using other people's razors, toothbrushes or any other personal hygiene items, you are automatically at risk. You may not even know about the existence of microtraumas on the skin or mucous membranes, while the infection will gladly take advantage of this. Thus, chlamydia can be transmitted through household contact. Rarely, but still possible, infection through airborne droplets.

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Don't tempt fate. When asking the question: “How is chlamydia transmitted?”, do not forget that there is such a thing as “pool conjunctivitis.” This is due to the possible presence of a considerable number of viruses in the water, which in turn can provoke the development of this disease. Rarely, but still possible, infection through a kiss. This is due to the presence of a high concentration of bacteria in the saliva, the presence of wounds in the mouth, as well as a weakened immune system.

The disease is often transmitted from mothers to children. If a woman has chlamydia during pregnancy, there is a risk of infection of the fetus. With some types of chlamydia, mutual infection of animals, birds and people is possible. Is it possible to transmit the disease orally? Unfortunately, oral sex (blowjob, cunnilingus) is a fairly common cause of infection.

The disease transmitted in this way is characterized by:

  • painful sensations or burning during urination;
  • vaginal discharge;
  • unpleasant sensations in the groin;
  • the appearance of mucous purulent threads in urine;
  • malaise;
  • painful sensations in the lumbar region;
  • increase in body temperature.

A person may not even be aware of the colonization of Trichomonas in the body. But, as a rule, up to a certain point. Incubation period can last up to a month, while the infected person will feel great. In some cases, the disease may be completely asymptomatic.

The male population may experience the following symptoms:

  • cloudiness of the urine, the presence of glassy discharge in it;
  • presence of blood impurities in urine;
  • malaise;
  • increase in temperature;
  • itching and burning during urination.

The disease in women is characterized by:

  • increase in temperature;
  • malaise;
  • smelly yellowish discharge from the genital tract;
  • itching and burning during urination.

Even without treatment, after about two weeks all symptoms disappear. However, it is important to understand that the disease does not go away without a trace, it becomes chronic. Microorganisms attack the immune system.

They provoke its weakening and turn it against its own cells. Lack of treatment for chlamydia in women is fraught with the development of inflammation in the fallopian tubes, the formation of adhesions and fusion of the tubes. One of the most serious complications is infertility.

How can you become infected with chlamydia?

Knowing the answer to the question: “How can you become infected with chlamydia,” you have been warned. There are quite a few ways of transmitting infection. Therefore, it is better to think a hundred times before entering into intimacy or using someone’s personal hygiene items.

Factors that determine the method of infection include:

  • state of the immune system;
  • pathogen type;
  • stability of the microorganism in the environment.

To know how you can become infected with chlamydia, you need to know about possible ways infection.

Infection through unprotected sexual intercourse. The number of infected people even in the most developed countries is twenty percent. Quite often the disease occurs in chronic form. In this case, the person, not knowing about the presence of pathology, continues to transmit the disease to all his partners.

The way to combat this prevalence of the disease is to inform the population. Infection through household contact. Infection can occur through the use of household items. Of course, this method of infection is rare, but still. Towels, washcloths, bedding and underwear, napkins - all these items can cause chlamydia infection.

Infection through household items is possible due to the persistence of pathogens in the external environment. As a rule, bacteria live outside the host’s body for no more than two days, but they can survive on damp towels and washcloths for up to a week. Infection by airborne droplets. Very rare.

A patient with chlamydial pneumonia, for example, can produce bacteria when he sneezes or coughs. But, as a rule, this is not enough for infection to occur. Moreover, the disease itself is very rare.

How can chlamydia become infected antenatally? This is essentially an intrauterine infection. The disease can be transmitted through the placenta or amniotic fluid. This can happen when an infection passes into the uterine cavity during pregnancy. This method is very dangerous, because it can provoke premature labor, severe developmental defects and even death unborn baby.

As for the intranatal route of transmission, it is considered classic for most sexually transmitted diseases. During labor activity, during the passage of the fetus through infected mucous membranes, infection is possible.

The risk of such infection is more than 50%. Intranatal transmission of chlamydia can cause the development of: chlamydial conjunctivitis, proctitis, chlamydial pneumonia, urogenital chlamydia.

Chlamydia is very dangerous illness requiring immediate medical intervention. Quite often, this disease occurs together with other ailments, in particular ureaplasmosis and trichomoniasis. Therefore, if symptoms of the disease appear, be sure to make an appointment with a specialist.

Before starting treatment of the disease, the doctor prescribes:

  • serological research;
  • cytological examination of smears;
  • microbiological research;
  • enzyme immunoassay;
  • rapid tests.

Only after a thorough examination is an appointment scheduled: antibacterial drugs, immunomodulatory drugs, vitamins. The use of tetracyclines, macrolides, and fluoroquinolones is prescribed.

In order to prevent the development of chlamydia, it is necessary:

  • reduce the number of partners;
  • use a condom;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • Healthy food.

Today, there are many infections that are transmitted from person to person in a variety of ways. For example, how is chlamydia transmitted?

This is a common disease infectious nature caused by intracellular bacteria - chlamydia. These pathogens affect the reproductive system of both men and women. Millions of people around the world are infected every year. According to statistics, this is the most common sexually transmitted disease.

Description of the disease

Chlamydia – infectious disease, which can cause harm as genitourinary system, as well as other organs of the human body.

Key points:

  1. Often the infection is localized in the pelvic organs.
  2. The risk of developing pathology in the throat.
  3. The disease spreads through the lymphatic system, concentrating in the joints and organs.
  4. Pathology can harm the lungs, thereby causing pneumonia.
  5. Infects the organs of vision, causing.

Pathogenic microorganisms chlamydia is relatively larger than viruses, but smaller than bacteria. Having penetrated the body, they may not manifest themselves in any way, that is, the pathology is asymptomatic. As a result, a sick person may not be aware of the problem, and in the future is able to infect household members, close people and sexual partners.

To prevent the development of infection, you should familiarize yourself with the methods of infection with chlamydia.

Routes of infection

It is important to understand that infection occurs through any type of sexual contact:

  • anal;
  • oral;
  • vaginal

Women are most susceptible to infection, since the penetration of pathogenic pathogens into the male urogenital canal is difficult. Along with this, some chlamydia are washed off the next time you urinate.

During vaginal intercourse without using a condom, chlamydia directly penetrates the vagina. In such a situation, the risk of infection for a woman is 100%. During anal sexual intercourse, microorganisms end up in the rectum, where they concentrate.

Is chlamydia transmitted orally? The answer is positive - in this case, the pathology is localized in the throat. This location is difficult to identify and diagnose.

From the above it follows that in order to avoid infection, a permanent partner is necessary, and in case of spontaneous intimacy, a condom must be used.

other methods

There are other ways of transmitting the disease.

Chlamydia can be transmitted through kissing only if:

  • the integrity of the mucous membrane of the lips or tongue is compromised;
  • there is inflammation in the oral cavity, such as stomatitis;
  • There are gum diseases, in which blood comes out and, consequently, enters the saliva.

In other situations, the possibility of transmitting the disease through a kiss is excluded. Is it possible to become infected with chlamydia through domestic means? There are conditions and ways of transmission in this regard.

In adults, infestation can occur:

  • when using shared sex toys, such as a vibrator, and other personal accessories;
  • when using someone else's underwear with pathogenic secretions;
  • using a towel from an infected person.

Household chlamydia is dangerous for those who have the habit of using other people's toothbrushes, razors and other personal items.

Rarely, but still possible, infection occurs when visiting swimming pools and saunas. This is due to the fact that water can contain a huge amount of viruses that provoke the development of chlamydia.

Children can also become infected, and there are several ways of infection. Great danger is a vertical mode of transmission of chlamydia, which is usually detected in newborns. During pregnancy, bacteria are not able to penetrate the amniotic sac, but the baby can become infected as it passes through the birth canal during childbirth. In the first days of life, the baby’s immune system is weakened, which can also contribute to airborne transmission of the disease from the mother.

Invasion of chlamydia through pets is not excluded - these can be dogs, cats and other animals. To prevent infection, it is necessary to vaccinate pets and monitor their health.


Unfortunately, the symptoms of infection are very insignificant, which affects the complex diagnosis, and therefore timely therapy.

The following signs are distinguished in case of a pronounced course:

  • unreasonable increase in body temperature;
  • appearance clear discharge from the urethra;
  • urination may occur with pain and a burning sensation;
  • damage to the organ of vision - redness of the mucous membranes;
  • lung damage - cough, inflammation.

Due to the fact that the above symptoms are similar to manifestations of other diseases, it is necessary to urgently go to see a therapist.


The danger of the disease is due to its active spread throughout the body, which can cause numerous complications:

  • circinar balanitis;
  • Reiter's syndrome;
  • urethral stricture;
  • orchiepididymitis with possible cessation of sperm production;
  • prostatitis in chronic form;
  • inflammation of the female genital organs (pelvis).

In pregnant women, the disease can cause miscarriage, serious developmental defects, and infection of the child during childbirth. A certain pattern has been discovered: in newborn boys, the membrane of the eyes is initially affected, and in girls, the genital organ is affected.


If you know how this disease is contracted, you can prevent accidental infection. To do this, you just need to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene and carry out general preventive measures.

If any alarming symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor: only a specialist can diagnose this infectious disease. To confirm your guesses, the doctor will prescribe tests, and if an illness is detected, appropriate treatment.

Nowadays, everyone needs to know how they can become infected with chlamydia and other STDs. This pathology can cause damage to various organs human body: the pathogen enters lymphatic system, joints and other body systems.

The disease can be effectively treated only if it is detected in a timely manner. Women and men need to be examined at least once annually by appropriate specialists.