How to strengthen Venus in the horoscope. By developing divine, unconditional love, you can neutralize the unfavorable influence of all planets in a short time, and, therefore, get out of the influence of the law of karma. Astrological indications of weak Venus in horoscope

Where does the mystery of femininity lie? If we turn this question to myths, we can see that female energy is everything that relates to the goddess of love - Aphrodite. She is Venus among the Romans.

Beautiful, seductive, sexy, charming... Such a goddess of love will not go unnoticed. However, if we go a little deeper into the study of female images in the same ancient legends and tales, then femininity is mentioned with equal frequency in connection with the image of the Moon. Mysterious and languid, thoughtful, self-absorbed, possessing secret knowledge...

In other words, a woman whose energies are incomprehensible, sometimes vague and even dark, but still attractive to men.

When a woman wonders: where is the source of my feminine power, it often comes up against contradictions, for example, is the meek one obedient or wise? Is being able to express yourself only about your positive qualities, or is it about giving free rein to your character? Is crying good or bad? And what to do if men don’t want to smile at all. No mood and that's all...

All these questions lead us to duality feminine essence. After all, in each of us lies two main images: a woman who plays and a woman who is a witch. Both of these images are due to the mixing of the energies of Venus and the Moon. And since it is naturally difficult for a woman to divide herself into parts (every woman strives for integrity and reunification), then in the search for femininity, doubts and tossing begin.

Let's talk about lunar and Venusian energies in more detail.

Venus in every woman is the external picture that we show and/or strive to show to the world. It is Venusian qualities that are expressed in the desire to dress up, decorate oneself, do one’s hair, and take care of one’s face and body.

External beauty is always associated with internal state. This is true, but sometimes a woman, focusing on the external, forgets about inner essence. And this imbalance will manifest itself sooner or later. For example, when a woman notices the first wrinkles and begins to gain weight... At these moments, our inner Venus panics. AND naturally, we begin to work hard on our appearance.

In general, Venus in a woman can manifest itself on three levels:

  1. Venus in harmony (I am worthy of love by birthright - I give love)- love for your body, attention to its condition and health, self-care. At the level of relationships, this is the desire to please a man, the ability to flirt, give love, joy, lightness, a radiant smile, self-confidence, self-esteem, sexuality, naturalness, romance. At the spatial level, this is the ability to bring harmony to your environment, the desire to decorate your home. Our mission is to give beauty to the world through ourselves.
  2. Venus is out of balance (I want love and recognition - I want to be loved) is an excessive dependence on appearance. The race for fashion, youth, comparing oneself with other women, envy. At the level of relationships - this is protruding sensuality, a certain aggressiveness towards men, promiscuity in sex, hidden disrespect for men, manipulation, pride, sometimes bitchiness, an excessive desire to please. At the spatial level, this is a priority of high cost, the desire to be on top, the inability to enjoy the beauty of nature, the gradual loss of naturalness and flexibility.
  3. Venus in oppression (I'm not sure that I can be loved - I don't believe in love)- this is painful self-doubt, rejection of one’s appearance, sacrifice. At the level of relationships - indifference to men - “nobody notices me”, repressed sexuality, dependence on a man. At the level of space - “dullness” in a woman’s home, unisex style in clothing, preference for practicality - feminine things that are “for one day” are strictly “no”.

As you can see, the goddess of love Venus is in every woman, regardless of whether she thought about it or not. Having determined the image of your Venus, you can find out the answer to the question: why do my relationships with men develop one way or another? And am I the goddess of love or am I dragging out a miserable existence. Can I give love?

It may seem that the characteristics of the Goddess of Love, the Venusian traits, are difficult to develop. One of the most common excuses here is that there is no money for beautiful clothes, there is no time to go to beauty salons, etc.

In fact, Venus has the main characteristics that do not need to be purchased for exorbitant amounts of money. The goddess of love is a smile, an infectious laugh, feeling like a woman, the ability to see men and trust them, the desire to love and be loved and the absence of tension.

Do you imagine the goddess of love who lives with difficulty or, also making every effort, tries to attract the attention of a man? All of the above is nonsense. Venus is the natural flow of feminine energy. With her constant interaction with men.

If you don’t have relationships with men, if you don’t see men, then your Venus is sleeping. And it’s time to awaken her and bring her out of the world of dreams.

Let's move on to lunar energies. It is the Moon that reflects the full power of feminine energy and the depth of the female soul. The image of the Moon is the state of a woman, her thoughts, feelings, sensations, feeling like a part of Nature and mastery of its power. Lunar energy is the role of a mother and housewife, the image of a sorceress or a witch - who will choose what?

1.Moon in harmony (I accept myself completely and completely - wisdom)- this is the acceptance of all one’s qualities, including “negative” ones, wisdom, the ability to support and listen, internal flexibility, gentleness, courage when immersed in one’s “inner hell”, calm living physiological processes female body, accepting your age, having inner peace, the ability to focus on yourself, knowing what the condition is.

At the level of relationships, this is following your desires in a relationship, the ability to listen to your soul, the support of a man, the ability to develop relationships in a feminine way, respect for a man, accepting the role of motherhood and harmonious relationships with the mother, the ability to live through difficult periods with confidence in a positive outcome.

At the level of space, this is the creation of that space of love in which both the woman and the man feel comfortable. The ability to create small and big magic, trust in the world. The ability to create a “house” and fill it with comfort. The ability to be filled with strength from the elements: water, fire, air, earth. Parenting.

2.Moon out of balance (I doubt what I really need - search)- these are frequent mood swings: sometimes melancholy, sometimes euphoria. Often there is denial or ignorance of the role of such feminine qualities as flexibility and meekness, the desire for activity and excessive control, anxiety and the inability to sit still - the desire to run and do something, an endless search for oneself. At the level of relationships, such a Moon manifests itself as resentment towards a man, misunderstanding of male nature, denial of one’s “negative” qualities - a struggle with oneself. At the spatial level, this is instability in the main areas of life: family, health, finances, activities. A mess in the house. Difficulties with children and childbearing.

3. Moon in oppression (I'm lost in this life - a dead end)- this is a manifestation of the dark side feminine in an excessive way. Such a Moon is expressed through depression, tears, disappointment in oneself, in life, and self-hatred. Feminine energy here manifests itself in the desire to bind a man, for example, through sex. Although sex may not please the woman herself. Problems with women's health, infertility. At the level of relationships - conflicts with the mother, men - when a woman plays the role of a mother for a man; frequent separations and inability to survive divorce or temporary crises, coldness in sex.

At the level of space - there is no feeling of one’s place in the world, loss. Rejection of women's responsibilities at home - the perception of this side of life as slave labor.

Lunar energies in women are what allows you to maintain contact with your soul. And perceive the world like a woman. That is why the weakness of lunar energies greatly prevents a woman from understanding and accepting herself.

And regardless of the quality of the lunar energies in a woman. they can suppress Venusian ones. For example, a woman is accustomed to suffering (the Moon is oppressed), but at the same time longs to be loved (the desire of the inner Venus).

Why is this happening? Firstly, because girls from an early age are taught to be correct and to be afraid of their “dark side” and, secondly, the priority is the role of the mother, not the woman in the couple. That’s why, sometimes growing to 30 or more years old, we barely know how to show Venusian qualities - to dress ourselves up and charm a man, but we don’t know how to create a strong relationship with him and overcome the eternal inferiority complex or a good girl.

Venus in our soul guides us to external world- this is how we realize our destiny - to be the personification of femininity in the social environment. The Moon, on the contrary, directs us to our own soul, where value and self-understanding are found.

Now I suggest you take a closer look at how freely you manifest these two hypostases - the energy of the Moon and Venus? Which of these goddesses feminine nature stronger or weaker?

With love, Tatyana

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(To increase feminine, lunar energy (wife’s energy))

(Energy of pleasure, Venus is the energy of a lover)

The question of how to work on Venus worries many, and there are serious and important reasons for this.

Feelings and relationships, and Venus is responsible for them, are very emotionally charged topics, and even if the mind understands that this is necessary, the heart can resist it.

It is also difficult to work through Venus because good beginnings can come to naught. After all, besides you and your incredible plans, there are other people. For example, for some unknown reason, beautiful scoundrels or more specific scoundrels burst into your life.

The mind screams that it will be bad, but the heart freezes in the chest, skips a beat, and like a pink veil closes the eyes... Of course, it will not always be only the weak or affected Venus who is to blame, maybe Neptune, the planet of illusions, will spoil the blood... Fact There is a fact: it is very difficult at such moments to get together and continue working on it.

However, the harsh reality is that an undeveloped planet in your horoscope will remain a quiet, and sometimes even very expressive pest, ruining your life. Moreover, in the case of Venus, not only in the sphere of personal relationships.

That is why we need a clear algorithm that will help work out Venus in the horoscope.

Venus in astrology

Why is so much attention paid to the study of Venus? In mythology, Venus is known as the goddess of love and beauty, and in astrology, her sphere of concern also includes everything related to your money and well-being.

Life is unthinkable without deep emotions and relationships with other people, which is why it is so important to work out Venus in the horoscope.

Everyone wants human warmth, love and support, and they also need money. Otherwise, the world becomes gray and uninteresting.

Read more about the influence of Venus on your life

Depending on what kind of problem with Venus is in your horoscope, it can manifest itself on several levels and in different areas of life.

Unprocessed Venus can lead to the following:

  • Problems in relationships. There may be no relationship or difficult relationships, conflicts, attracting the wrong people.
  • It is difficult to follow a regime, a diet, the sense of proportion fails.
  • For women - fear of their femininity, denial of it, it is difficult to express their feminine nature.
  • It is difficult to choose your own style; it is not always possible to present yourself in a winning light.
  • It is not easy to express your feelings and emotions, talk about them with loved ones and friends.
  • The feeling that you don’t want anything, nothing makes you happy, you’re tired of everything. Because of this, things stand still, plans are postponed until later, which never comes.
  • Dissatisfaction with your appearance and style. Even when accepting compliments, you suspect those around you of insincerity.
  • Difficulties in the financial sphere, it is difficult to hold and accumulate money, or money comes in, but you are tempted to spend it on something completely irrelevant.

Precisely because Venus is in charge of such significant and important questions, the topic of its study is so pressing.

don't repeat these mistakes!

The topic of developing femininity is very popular now. Therefore, often upon learning that Venus is in a weak position or damaged in the horoscope, girls and women begin to thoughtlessly apply recommendations that are common to everyone. Wear long skirts, let go long hair, choose pink color etc.

Another one typical mistake- use stones and metals that enhance Venus, having read about it on the Internet. You should not do this without understanding whether Venus is weak or evil in your horoscope. After all, by strengthening the evil planet, unfortunately, you will only get more trouble.

You are you, and your horoscope is unique. That's why general measures and the goals do not suit you and can, on the contrary, harm you.

There is a definite reason why you should have your own goals and ways to achieve them, because your Venus works this way and not otherwise.

Therefore, it is important not to blindly follow any advice, but to thoughtfully understand the situation and draw the right conclusions. After all individual horoscope is given to everyone for a reason!

Step 1. Determine What Exactly Is Wrong with Your Venus

Depending on what zodiac sign Venus is in, she can express her character differently.

Venus reveals its best qualities in the following signs:

  • Taurus And Scales, which are considered the abode (home) of Venus. This is a strong position of Venus.
  • Fish, this is the sign of exaltation of Venus. In Pisces, the qualities of Venus can even manifest themselves too strongly and demonstratively.

Venus will manifest itself as an evil planet in the following signs:

  • Aries and Scorpio- signs of the expulsion of Venus, because it finds itself in the territory of warlike Mars. Exile was called in ancient texts the "place of envy" of the planet. And here Venus seems to envy Mars, since she does not have his fighting qualities and aggressiveness.
  • Virgo - sign of the fall of Venus. In ancient texts, the fall was called “the place of shame of the planet,” that is, here it seems ashamed to show its nature. A woman with Venus in Virgo may be ashamed to show her femininity, and a man may feel awkward when communicating with the opposite sex. Venus in Virgo is also ashamed of being emotional.

In other zodiac signs, Venus is not evil, but weaker. And it will behave depending on which house of the horoscope it is located in and some other nuances.

Step 2. Select Development Methods

In astrology, Venus is called a minor benefactor, so there is an opinion that even the evil Venus in the horoscope is not so critical. However, it is not.

Even a benefactor planet, in signs of its inferiority in the horoscope, will be angry and bring trouble.

That is why, depending on what sign Venus is in, you should choose the appropriate way to work it out.

  • In order to support Venus in Taurus You should stick to the golden mean in everything, keep track of money, and manage resources wisely. For Venus in Taurus, material things are very important. And abandoning them, even in favor of the brightest ideas, will weaken your Venus.
  • To work through Venus in Gemini New contacts and ease of communication are important. P It is useful to undergo training, meet with friends more often, and communicate on social networks.
  • Venus in Cancer will reveal its harmonious qualities if you arrange your home so that it is comfortable and cozy. Study the history of your family, clan, as well as ancient knowledge.
  • For Venus in Leo It is important to be the center of attention and receive compliments. To support such a Venus, It is favorable to engage in creativity, charity, and show generosity. And also inspire friends and family to new achievements.
  • WITH Venus in Virgo It’s not easy to enjoy life and show emotions. Women may have a fear of expressing femininity, while men may have difficulty building relationships with the fair sex. To correct this situation, do planning, get training in the problem area. Another way to alleviate this situation is to have a pet.
  • Venus in Libra gives sophistication, sophistication and the ability to communicate and negotiate well with people. This is a strong position for Venus, in which she feels comfortable and harmonious. To support such Venus, work in a team with other people, become an organizer of meetings, parties for friends or loved ones, help others in resolving conflicts.
  • Venus in Scorpio- these are complex and confusing feelings, passion and sometimes unreasonable jealousy. To work through such Venus, it is favorable to engage in extreme sports, esotericism, and help people in extreme situations.
  • Venus in Sagittarius falls under the influence of Jupiter, whose abode is Sagittarius, and gives changeability in relationships, the desire for an ideal that is difficult to meet in ordinary life, escape from real life. To work through this position of Venus, it is favorable to study foreign culture, communicate with foreigners, and travel.
  • Venus in Capricorn plays by the rules strict Saturn, which she doesn’t like at all. This is restraint of feelings, coldness, excessive control of emotions. To work through this situation, you need to switch Capricorn’s energy in another direction, for example, set yourself very clear and specific goals in the field of relationships with people, material wealth and home comfort.
  • Venus in Aquarius- this is a feeling of inner loneliness, freedom and independence, interest in unusual, strange and eccentric people. To work through this position of Venus, communicate with friends more often, be sure to go out into society, light, engage in creativity, take an interest modern technologies, use them in your home.
  • Venus in Pisces- this is one of the strong positions of Venus, here she reveals her strong qualities. This Venus gives a subtle understanding of beauty and grace, sensitivity and sensuality. However, if expressed excessively, it can result in emotional instability and moodiness. To work through negative manifestations, engage in creativity, express yourself through music, poetry, paintings.

Step 3. Learning to live with problematic Venus

Problematic Venus, like other weak or flawed planets in the horoscope, is not a curse, but, on the contrary, your points and opportunities for growth.

If everything in the horoscope is too harmonious, the person will experience average life, without any major falls. But no ups...

Therefore, if you find out that your Venus requires work, this is a good chance to start taking action to reveal all the important features of this planet in your horoscope.

So, let’s summarize all the main points of working on Venus:

  • First, we determine which zodiac sign Venus is in in the horoscope, this will tell you whether there is a problem with Venus.
  • Even in a strong position, the sign of Taurus, Libra and Pisces, Venus may not work properly if it is located in a weak house of the horoscope or aspected by an evil planet.
  • Determine what exactly is wrong with Venus, depending on your zodiac sign.
  • Choose a suitable method of processing and use it, and not just general tips from the Internet.
  • Do not be upset because Venus or other planets in your horoscope are weak or flawed. After processing they will become strengths Your personality and your capabilities.

Have questions? Please write them in the comments to this article.

Note: I will not be able to comment on the position of Venus in a specific birth chart, analyze what sign, what house, and in what aspects Venus is located, how it affects the fact that it is combust and/or retrograde, how exactly to work through it, etc. ., since this requires a deeper consideration, which is possible within

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We wish you well-being and prosperity!

With respect and good luck,

Venus fills the reality around us with love, beauty and harmony. Its sacred day is Friday - the day when peace, justice, contemplation, aestheticism triumph and an increased craving for art is manifested. Venus loves pleasure and is ready to show her divine grace towards everyone who uses her amulets - she prefers green shades in clothes, and also wears copper items and jewelry with. The Venus mantra will also come to the rescue, by reading which you will appease the goddess and be able to receive her support.

This heavenly deity is responsible for the manifestation of beauty in the surrounding reality, luxury, comfort, various desires and pleasures.

  • Her sacred minerals are diamonds and emeralds.
  • Magic color– a combination of different shades, as well as transparent colors.
  • Metal copper appears.
  • Zodiac signs, patronized by Venus are Libra and Taurus.
  • Sacred number is a six.
  • Anatomical organ in the body- black substance.
  • Planets with which Venus is in harmonious relationships: and Mercury.
  • Enemy planets: Moon and sun.

Interesting information about the goddess of beauty is offered in this video

Features of Venus in astrology

Age of maturity of Venus stands for a period of twenty-five years. To achieve it, the formation of those areas of human life for which it is responsible ends.

Age period controlled- from fifteen years old to twenty-two years old. It is in this interval that events controlled by Venus take place.

If we consider the human body, then in it Venus is responsible for the state of the reproductive sphere, as well as for the genital and pelvic area.

Do you want to increase the influence of Venus in your life? Then you need to purchase more clothing items white, any bright and rich color variations are also preferred.

When Venus is afflicted in the horoscope– a person faces pathologies of the urinary system, loses sexual desire or suffers from various perversions.

Venus's method of persuasion is good advice. This means that people who are strongly influenced by this planet always strive to persuade others in their direction, and also actively succumb to persuasion themselves.

If Venus is well developed– a person surrounds himself with beautiful things, he develops a desire for luxury, provides himself beautiful life. The taste for clothes improves, such a person becomes very sophisticated, friendly and soft, it is easy and pleasant to communicate with her.

When Venus is afflicted– various vicious inclinations are observed, a person loses good aesthetic taste, suffers from a constant lack of material resources. If Venus is in natal chart is amazed - a person is unable to enjoy money, luxury, does not see deep meaning in art and sensual pleasures. His eyes do not know the secret power of stylish and beautiful things.

How to improve your Venus

If Venus is not located in the most harmonious way in your natal chart, and you want to improve the current state of affairs, you should resort to special correction methods to neutralize negative influence planets.

  • You need to read Shukra's mantras every day;
  • Daily ;
  • Perform special rituals to propitiate Venus and Lakshmi;
  • Wear jewelry with, white and;
  • It especially helps to do magical rituals and reading special mantras on Venus day - Friday;
  • Donate items of clothing or dairy products you don’t need to a woman (it is advisable to do this also on the fifth day of the week);
  • Strictly adhere to fasting on Fridays.

Mantras to Venus

Also very in an effective way is reading special mantras to Venus. Thanks to it, you will increase your material and spiritual wealth, be able to strengthen your perception of beauty, understand the true state of things in our world and get the opportunity to enjoy abundance in all its forms.

But to get the desired effect, follow the rules described below:

  1. Along with all planetary mantras, pronounce the mantra to Venus one hundred eight, one thousand eight or more times.
  2. The most optimal result will be achieved if you repeat the mantra at least one hundred thousand times within three months.

Now let's look at examples of effective mantras for Venus

Bijma mantra (otherwise called seed mantra)

"Aum Dram Dream Drum Sah Shukraya Namaha"

The number of its daily repetitions should be at least eleven times.

Puranic mantra

Calm down and, being in a harmonious mood, repeat the following sacred text:

"Hima Kunda Mrina Labham
Daityanam Paramam Gurum
Sarva Shastra Pravaktaram
Bhargavam Pranamamyaham"

Tantric mantra for Venus

“Om Swaha Bhuvah Bhur Om Drum Dream Drum Sah Shukraya Namaha”

Repeat reading this mantra sixteen thousand times (if this number of repetitions seems unrealistic to you, start with a smaller number, but gradually increase it).

The main point in reading mantras is their regularity. You can either recite the divine songs yourself, or record your voice on a tape recorder and listen to it on repeat. It is also not prohibited to listen to other people's recordings.

It is important to sincerely believe that this method will help you, and not to doubt the effectiveness of mantras. Then the goddess Venus will come to your aid and significantly improve the state of your life, giving you the ability to sincerely enjoy it in all its forms and manifestations.

Let's talk about lunar and Venusian energies in more detail.

Venus in every woman is the external picture that we show and/or strive to show to the world. It is Venusian qualities that are expressed in the desire to dress up, decorate oneself, do one’s hair, and take care of one’s face and body.

External beauty is always connected with the internal state. This is true, but sometimes a woman, focusing on the external, forgets about the inner essence. And this imbalance will manifest itself sooner or later. For example, when a woman notices the first wrinkles and begins to gain weight... At these moments, our inner Venus panics. And naturally, we begin to work hard on our appearance.

In general, Venus in a woman can manifest itself on three levels:

  1. Venus in harmony (I am worthy of love by birthright - I give love)- love for your body, attention to its condition and health, self-care. At the level of relationships, this is the desire to please a man, the ability to flirt, give love, joy, lightness, a radiant smile, self-confidence, self-esteem, sexuality, naturalness, romance. At the spatial level, this is the ability to bring harmony to your environment, the desire to decorate your home. Our mission is to give beauty to the world through ourselves.
  2. Venus is out of balance (I want love and recognition - I want to be loved)- This is an excessive dependence on appearance. The race for fashion, youth, comparing oneself with other women, envy. At the level of relationships - this is protruding sensuality, a certain aggressiveness towards men, promiscuity in sex, hidden disrespect for men, manipulation, pride, sometimes bitchiness, an excessive desire to please. At the spatial level, this is a priority of high cost, the desire to be on top, the inability to enjoy the beauty of nature, the gradual loss of naturalness and flexibility.
  3. Venus in oppression (I'm not sure that I can be loved - I don't believe in love)- this is painful self-doubt, rejection of one’s appearance, sacrifice. At the level of relationships - indifference to men - “nobody notices me”, repressed sexuality, dependence on a man. At the level of space - “dullness” in a woman’s home, unisex style in clothing, preference for practicality - feminine things that are “for one day” are strictly “no”.

As you can see, the goddess of love Venus is in every woman, regardless of whether she thought about it or not. Having determined the image of your Venus, you can find out the answer to the question: why do my relationships with men develop one way or another? And am I the goddess of love or am I dragging out a miserable existence. Can I give love?

It may seem that the characteristics of the Goddess of Love, the Venusian traits, are difficult to develop. One of the most common excuses here is no money for beautiful clothes, no time to go to beauty salons, etc.

In fact, Venus has the main characteristics that do not need to be purchased for exorbitant amounts of money.

The goddess of love is a smile, an infectious laugh, feeling like a woman, the ability to see men and trust them, the desire to love and be loved and the absence of tension.

Do you imagine the goddess of love who lives with difficulty or, also making every effort, tries to attract the attention of a man?

All of the above is nonsense. Venus is the natural flow of feminine energy. With her constant interaction with men.

If you don’t have relationships with men, if you don’t see men, then your Venus is sleeping.

And it’s time to awaken her and bring her out of the world of dreams.

Let's move on to lunar energies. It is the Moon that reflects the full power of feminine energy and the depth of the female soul. The image of the Moon is the state of a woman, her thoughts, feelings, sensations, feeling like a part of Nature and mastery of its power. Lunar energy is the role of a mother and housewife, the image of a sorceress or a witch - who will choose what?

And regardless of the quality of the lunar energies in a woman. they can suppress Venusian ones. For example, a woman is accustomed to suffering (the Moon is oppressed), but at the same time longs to be loved (the desire of the inner Venus).

Why is this happening? Firstly, because girls from an early age are taught to be correct and to be afraid of their “dark side” and, secondly, the priority is the role of the mother, not the woman in the couple. That’s why, sometimes growing to 30 or more years old, we barely know how to show Venusian qualities - to dress ourselves up and charm a man, but we don’t know how to create a strong relationship with him and overcome the eternal inferiority complex or a good girl.

Venus in our soul directs us to the outside world - this is how we realize our destiny - to be the personification of femininity in the social environment. The Moon, on the contrary, directs us to our own soul, where value and self-understanding are found.

Now I suggest you take a closer look at how freely you manifest these two hypostases - the energy of the Moon and Venus? Which of these goddesses of feminine nature is stronger or weaker?

On the way to harmonious Venus (revealing feminine qualities)

Purpose Venus(the second important planet for a Woman) in giving the world beauty and love.

Revealed in a woman Venus- this is the beauty of the body and harmony of the soul, contentment with one’s appearance, joy, sense of taste, good manners, the ability to create a space of love anywhere, the ability to choose a man to start a family, the ability not to compare oneself with others and not to envy, love of life.

Inharmonious Venus can lead a woman down the wrong path. Such a woman tries to dress brightly, be very sexy in appearance, seduce men, initiate sexual relations, chasing fashion, youth...

All of the above actually does little to help reveal qualities Venus.

Really harmonious Venus does not need to be desired by everyone. Woman with open Venus she easily finds a man who will become a loving, caring husband for her, ready to take responsibility for the family.

How to discover the qualities in yourself Venus? I present the simplest and most effective methods.

1. Develop artistic taste.

Choose clothes to suit your face , learn to combine interior items, draw, do handicrafts, sculpt, create jewelry.

2. Move gracefully and smoothly.

The first thing to remember is no rush.Feminine in every gesture.

Try to take each step, directing your movement “out of the womb”. Focus on this center in your lower abdomen and you will naturally want to be feminine in every gesture.

3. Choose beautiful, not just comfortable clothes.

This rule also applies to loungewear. Throw away worn-out T-shirts and sweatpants. Nice clothes inspires you to be a woman and make the world happy.

4. Don't skimp on yourself.

Stop using words: I’ll do just that! Learn to invest in yourself. And not only financially.

The most valuable thing is our experience and knowledge. Learn to fill yourself, and not wait for investments from others.

5. Give thanks.

Wonderful Venusian quality. A grateful woman is a rich woman. She knows how to accept the generous gifts of the Universe. Try to thank people as often as possible, from the bottom of your heart. And you will see how your life becomes blessed. And on fertile soil, seeds grow very quickly - our desires.

6.Listen to beautiful music.

Especially the sounds of nature, prayers, mantras. Light music cleanses on a subtle level, filling a woman with light and melody.

7. Know and use the power of stones and minerals.

And also wear jewelry. The desire to wear the same earrings everywhere greatly limits a woman’s creative energy. Allow yourself to experiment with images. And look for beads, bracelets, rings for your different outfits.

8. Do not use rude words.

Obscene scolding, criticism, condemnation destroy feminine energy. No matter how beautiful a woman looks, if she scolds someone, then her attractiveness decreases significantly! Thus, she pushes away worthy men and the help of the Universe.

9. Surround yourself with beautiful things.

A cozy, pleasant environment nourishes a woman and helps her remain relaxed and good mood.

10. Smile and laugh from the heart.

Down with excessive seriousness! A woman’s smile brightens the whole world!

11. Communicate with friends, build harmonious relationships with women.

The most important - stop seeing other women as competitors. Friends help us share joy and experience pain.

Surround yourself with like-minded friends, and you will receive that circle of feminine power where each of us is born and reborn.

12. Wear long skirts.

Such a skirt is not only a “guardian” of feminine energy, but also helps us keep contact with the earth, that is, not fly into the clouds. A long skirt is one of the most feminine outfits. By the way, many men confirm this.

13. Do different hairstyles, braid hair.

Take care of your hair with love and care. Hair is the key to healthy energy. Therefore, it is better to let them go longer, and Try to keep them tucked away in public.

14. Show modesty.

This quality heals us from greed. After all, greed creates a state in a woman that makes her work hard, strain and, thereby, become empty. Because you want a lot, even if you don’t need more. A woman’s modesty is a defense against excess, envy, someone’s aggression and disappointment.

15. Create coziness and comfort, create a space of love.

It doesn’t matter if it’s your apartment or you’re renting. A woman has the amazing gift of bringing warmth, comfort into a space, or, conversely, saturating everything around with negative vibrations. How is space of love created? Through moods, feelings, actions. Sometimes a woman just needs one wave of her hand for everything around her to change. This is her mystery.

The house is like a full cup.

If the house is always clean, they hover pleasant aromas, there are bouquets of fresh flowers, on the table there are vases with fresh fruit. If the hostess is always beautiful, well-groomed, pleasant in speech and manner, trained and intelligent, soft and feminine, she can sing, dance, knows how to do needlework and entertain guests. Then the grace of Venus and the Goddess of prosperity will always be present in such a house.

16. Respect men.

Don't judge, don't criticize, don't look for flaws. It is important to learn to communicate with a man joyfully, without expectations.

Remove the attitude from your thoughts: I am for you, and what do you give me in return?

Don’t drive away men you “don’t like”, don’t wait for a prince. See instead best qualities in everyone, showing justice and dignity.

17. Be sensitive.

Be sensitive to someone else's world, to someone else's joy and pain. And that means do not rush to conclusions and advice.

Be tactful not only to the attractive features, but also to the shortcomings of others. Don't judge, don't look down on someone. Show compassion and love for your neighbor.

18. Treat intimacy with your beloved man as meditation.

Remove haste, fuss, “debt,” and lack of agreement from one of the most sensitive areas of relationships. Open yourself up to love your body loved one. Give pleasure and be it.

19. Love the world!

First of all, do not divide it into parts.

If you don't like it, move away. Why be indignant?

20. Surround yourself with objects of light and pleasant bright colors.

This relaxes and sets the mood for rest (it is important for a woman to remember the absence of tension even at work!). Avoid dark tones! For example, a bathroom in dark colors negatively affects the energy of Venus. And bathing in this case will not bring lightness and renewal, and will not be able to give the woman the desired mood.

21. Be faithful.

A quality that brings great happiness! A woman who is faithful to her husband (faithful, first of all, because she does not think that there are better men somewhere!) gives him strength and support, which means such a man will be successful and healthy. Loyalty is the key to support Higher Powers, a guarantee of well-being, even if the timing is not the best better times that happen in our lives.

22. Use sweet scents: rose, iris, saffron. To increase sensuality.

Know how to use scents.
Do not buy industrial chemical perfume based on synthetics and alcohol, but study aroma therapy, properties of oils. Learn to create your own scents and use them at the right moment.
The most Venusian scent - jasmine. All floral, sweet aromas are good for maintaining the energies of Venus.

23. Drink tea with raspberry leaves.

In order to easily resonate with the energies of Venus. It’s very convenient - a bag of “raspberry” tea, and my soul became lighter.

24. Use cosmetics skillfully.

The contents of your cosmetic bag introduce you daily to the energies of Venus. Which makeup to choose is up to you. The main thing is not to forget that you need to be beautiful not for others, but for your inner comfort. And, of course, for the man you love.

25 . There are sweets.

Correct, blissful sweets and right time. Honey, dates, grapes, raisins, all sweet fruits. And it’s better to eat them at breakfast, before 11 am.

26. Drink milk.

Also important drink milk with spices. A glass of hot milk at night, with a spoon of honey and 3 veins of saffron - the best elixir Eternal beauty and Venusian energy! It is very important to drink milk at a time when the Sun is not active (early in the morning, or late in the evening) and always with spices.

Especially good for women: saffron, cardamom, cinnamon, turmeric.

27. Learn the art of properly handling fresh flowers.

Living, fragrant flowers, competently arranged into beautiful bouquets, are an excellent catalyst for Venusian energy.
By arranging bouquets we appease the planet, gain Feminine energy and bring prosperity to your home.

Let the energy Venus will give you inspiration.

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Part 26 -