What day are postoperative sutures removed? How to remove stitches at home: brief instructions

Any operation (surgical intervention) is stressful for the patient’s body. Even if an operation is vitally necessary, the doctor’s main task is not only to perform it correctly, but also to prepare the patient for subsequent recovery.

The most common way to connect all kinds of biological tissues (this can be both the edges of a wound and, for example, the walls of organs), reduce bleeding, bile leakage, etc. is by the surgeon applying sutures.

There are different types of suture materials - there are absorbable sutures, which are made from threads that do not require removal as the body regenerates. Metal braces or synthetic threads are often used, which can be problematic to get rid of without visiting a medical center.

What are they needed for? They not only help the body cope with the intervention, reduce the risk of bleeding and “opening” of the wound (which can easily become infected), but also have an aesthetic function - modern suture materials reduce the length of the wound, and, accordingly, the size of the scar.

Why is it important to remove stitches on time?

It is important to remember that the sutures not only need to be applied correctly, but also removed in time, since otherwise inflammation may begin (after all, the fixing material is foreign to the body, and human body has a negative attitude towards such “implants”). It is not recommended to remove suture material at home - there is a high risk of infection and putting your life at risk.

What determines the period for their removal?

The timing of suture removal depends on many factors:

  • availability local complications surgical wound
  • regenerative features of the body
  • the patient's condition
  • his age
  • anatomical region and its trophism
  • the nature of the surgical intervention
  • features of the disease.

How long after surgery are sutures usually removed?

The time for suture removal is individual and determined only by your attending physician. The average time frame that specialists are advised to focus on directly depends on the type of surgical intervention (what kind of operation was performed) and the condition of the patient (it is quite natural that he is weakened, for example, cancer diseases the patient’s body, as mentioned earlier, will recover worse, this will require additional time for tissue scarring).

As a rule, sutures are removed after surgery:

  • during head surgery - after 6 days
  • after a small opening of the abdominal wall (this could be an appendectomy or, say, hernia repair) - after 7 days
  • after operations that require a wide opening of the abdominal wall (for example, laparotomy or transection) - the sutures are removed on days 9-12
  • surgical interventions on chest(thoracotomy) allow sutures to be removed only on the 10-14th day
  • When performing amputations, the sutures are removed on average after 12 days
  • after surgical interventions in the elderly, weakened by infections and diseases, cancer patients (due to a decrease in the body’s ability to regenerate) - the procedure is carried out at least 2 weeks later.

How does the deletion work?

Sutures that have been placed on the skin and mucous membranes are easy to remove, so their removal is most often entrusted to an experienced nurse. In other cases, the work is carried out by a surgeon, however, almost all medical specialists can remove the sutures.

The sutures are removed using small surgical scissors and tweezers. The nurse uses tweezers to grab one of the ends of the knot that the doctor made when suturing the wound, and “pulls” it in the direction opposite to the direction of suturing. In the area of ​​the white segment (appears during tissue healing), the thread is crossed with scissors. At the end of the procedure, the removed threads are disposed of. In order to prevent the occurrence of infection and speed up the regeneration of the integument - place postoperative scar treated with a weak solution of iodonate, after which a fixing bandage is applied.

The day on which sutures are removed after surgery is determined by their type. Stitching the incision is the most common and effective method restoration of integrity skin after operation. There are immersing fixed and removable postoperative sutures. The main qualities that the material used for stitching cuts must have are reliability and strength. The more reliable the knot is made, the lower the risk of complications. Seams should be made as small as possible. If you use a large amount of thread, it may be rejected by the body. The knot should be small. Since the body is not able to distinguish suture material from foreign body, in the presence of bulky ligatures, a violent response occurs.

Types of seams and their properties

They are distinguished by the timing of application. Primary suture applied immediately after surgery. Delayed can be used either a few hours or a week after making the incision. Provisional - a type of deferred, which must be applied no later than after 3 days. An early secondary suture is used if it is necessary to stitch the incision 14 days after surgery or a week after applying the primary one. Late secondary is used at the stage of scar formation.

Fixed immersion is a method of applying suture material in which it is completely absorbed. The material used in such cases is called catgut, it is made from sheep intestines. It is not durable, but is rarely rejected by the body. Removable ligatures are considered more reliable.

The time for their removal depends on the material from which the threads were made. Typically, sutures are removed after tissue scarring begins. To apply removable ligatures, silk, linen, nylon or nylon thread, metal staples and wire can be used.

Character of the current postoperative period determined by the correct stitching of the incision. The blood supply to tissues and the lack of postoperative complications. It is recommended to remove sutures no earlier than 10 days after their application.. The healing process may be affected a large number of factors contributing to an increase or decrease in this period.

On what day are sutures removed after surgery?

If surgery was performed on the head, face and neck, suture removal can occur after 5-6 days. In places with poor blood circulation, they are left for up to 12 days. If an infection occurs, the affected areas of the wound are freed from ligatures the next day, the healing process will occur openly. The remaining threads are removed after about a week. The scarring process may be affected individual characteristics body. Every person's skin incisions heal different period time. This process takes place especially slowly and for a long time in old age. For people over 50 years of age, the postoperative suture will be removed after at least 14 days. The same applies to patients with weakened immune systems and chronic diseases. In this case, the body’s resources are not enough to fast healing wounds.

The duration of wearing ligatures is also affected by the complexity surgical intervention. Incisions after abdominal surgery in patients with normal fat thickness heal quickly. How are stitches removed? Before removing the threads, the scar is treated. After this, the surgeon pulls the nodule up and cuts it at the base. Long postoperative sutures are released from ligatures in 2-4 stages, taking breaks of several days. The procedure ends with treating the scar with an antiseptic solution and applying a sterile bandage.
The timing of removing sutures from a wound also depends on the type of surgical intervention. After caesarean section the threads are removed after 10 days, after amputation of a limb - after 12, after surgery on organs abdominal cavity– after 7. After removing the sclera of the eye, the suture material is removed on the 7th day, for operations on the chest organs - on the 14th. When removing a hernia and appendix, the procedure is performed a week later. After complex surgery, the threads are removed only after 12 days. The doctor must be able to determine optimal time wearing ligatures. If the edges of the wound have grown together, they can be removed, but this must be done on time.

If this moment is missed, the risk of complications begins to increase every day. Removing the sutures will become problematic; they will grow firmly into the tissue. They will leave pronounced traces. Healing time is also affected by anatomical features body. Sutures on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes are removed quite simply. This work can be done by an experienced nurse. If complications occur, the procedure should only be performed by a surgeon. After childbirth, stitched wounds heal in 2-3 weeks. The rehabilitation period in this case will last more than a month. Scars must be carefully treated; the risk of infection is quite high. Bacteria can penetrate the internal genital organs, leading to infection.

After a caesarean section, the abdominal threads are removed after 7 days. The wound is being treated antiseptic solutions and cover with a sterile bandage. The incision is freed from ligatures in one stage; when using absorbable materials, this moment is skipped.
However, processing antibacterial agents is required in this case as well.

Complete resorption of the suture material is observed after 60-90 days. Tissue begins to scar 7 days after a cesarean section, so standard hygiene procedures You can start doing it already at this time. Do not rub the incision site with a washcloth or use scented products.

After suturing in the oral cavity, the threads are removed after 7-10 days. Dentists rarely suture incisions, preferring to stabilize the edges. Special scissors are used to remove the threads, and the wound is treated with peroxide after the procedure. In ophthalmology, curved, sharp instruments are also used, which must always be kept in a disinfectant solution. Before performing the procedure, drops are instilled into the eyes, and at least 5 days must pass after the operation.

Can I remove stitches myself?

It is not recommended to get rid of removable ligatures at home. This increases the risk of infection and lumps. If the timing of thread removal is incorrectly determined, the edges of the incision may diverge. It happens that the patient cannot visit medical institution. If healing is normal, it is easy to remove the threads. You just need to follow the rules of asepsis and safety. You should not get rid of ligatures on your face and in hard-to-reach places on your own.

The procedure for removing sutures will be as follows. The bandage must be removed and the skin treated with an antiseptic. There should be a sterile bandage at hand, and tweezers and scissors, previously disinfected, in your hands. The knot is pulled up with tweezers, its base is cut, and the thread is carefully pulled out. These steps must be performed until the wound is completely free of ligatures. The procedure is completed by applying a sterile dressing, which will then need to be replaced every day.

Before self-deletion seams, it is necessary to determine their nature - they can be interrupted or continuous. If there are long wounds, the threads are removed more than once. They are removed after one with a break of several days. During tightening and removal of threads, minor painful sensations. All manipulations must be performed carefully; you must not jerk the threads sharply. It is important to ensure that no thread remains after removing the stitches. Further care involves the use of specialized products that accelerate wound healing and make the scar less noticeable. They are applied to the skin within 6 months after the scar appears. The seam must be protected from direct sunlight.

The most common way to connect the edges of wounds is to apply surgical sutures.

Before we figure out how many days to remove the seams, let’s clarify that there are two types of seams: immersed and removable.

Immersed seams(or non-removable) - made from a material that dissolves over time in the tissues of the body.

For permanent sutures, a natural material called catgut, made from thin sheep intestines, is used.

He's good because he doesn't get rejected human body, but the material does not provide great strength of tissue connection.

Removable seams must be removed after the edges of the wound have fused.

Removable seams are much stronger. They are made using various materials:

  • natural threads - silk and linen;
  • synthetic threads - nylon, nylon, mersilene;
  • metal parts - wire or brackets.

Correctly applied surgical sutures firmly connect tissues, do not disrupt blood circulation in the tissues adjacent to the wound, and do not leave cavities in the wound. This method of treatment provides optimal conditions for wound healing.

After the edges of the wound have fused, the skin sutures are removed: the knot is pulled upward until a thread hidden in the tissue appears above the skin, which is cut at the surface with scissors.

If the wound is very long, first the stitches are removed after one, and the second half after a few days.

The average time for removal of surgical sutures is 6-9 days after application, but usually the timing differs depending on various factors.

Features that affect the timing of suture removal

From parts of the body with good blood supply (neck and face), sutures are removed earlier - on days 4-6. From places with reduced regeneration (foot or lower leg), sutures are removed later - on days 9-12.

Also, a lot depends on the nature of the wound itself. If the wound is infected, some of the sutures are removed the day after application so that the wound heals better open method. From a clean wound, the sutures are removed after 5-7 days.

The characteristics of the body of the operated patient are also important, because the ability to regenerate tissues is different people different. Thus, older people must wear stitches longer; their stitches are removed no earlier than after 14 days. Also, the period of wearing sutures is extended for seriously ill people whose bodies are weakened by a long-term illness.

The period for removing sutures depends on the complexity of the operation and the depth of the wound incision. The surgeons themselves claim that the edges of the wounds abdominal operations grow together faster if the patient does not have excess fat deposits.

When sutures are removed from a wound after common operations

Here's how long it takes to remove stitches after the most common ones: surgical operations and for various parts body:

  • after cesarean section: on the 8-10th day;
  • after amputation: on the 12th day;
  • after laparotomy: on day 7;
  • after scleroplasty: on day 7;
  • on the abdominal cavity: on day 7;
  • on the chest: on the 7th day;
  • on the face and neck: on the 7th day.
  • Sutures should be removed only when the edges of the wound have fused securely. However, if the suture is not removed on time, this can also lead to problems. The stitches may fester and the threads may grow into the skin, leaving a more noticeable mark from the wound.

    In any case, the decision on the need or possibility of removing sutures should be made by the surgeon after examining the wound.

A well-sutured wound is the key to its good healing. After any operation, the wound is closed with sutures. For this purpose, special medical suture material is used. Each layer of the wound is stitched with a separate row of stitches. The operation is completed by suturing the skin. As a rule, this is done using threads. After the wound has healed, the skin sutures must be removed.

On what day are stitches removed?

The time frame for removing sutures varies from several days to 2-3 weeks. This depends on several factors:

  • Localization of the wound. If the wound is located on the abdomen (for example after caesarean section or appendicitis) terms are 5-8 days, on the hand and fingers 10-12 days, with localization in the joint area– up to 2 weeks.
  • Condition of skin and tissues. If the edges of the wound are severely injured and poorly adapted to each other, there is no need to rush to remove the sutures, the time frame is 2 weeks.
  • Depth of the wound. If the wound is superficial, the time frame is shorter.
  • Method of wound suturing. Some surgeons use an intradermal suture, which does not require removal at all.

Does it hurt when removing stitches?

Of course, each person is different pain threshold, plus different places bodies have different sensitivities. But we can definitely say that properly applied sutures allow them to be removed almost painlessly. No anesthesia is required.

The “golden rule” for removing sutures: they must be removed by the one who applied them. Unfortunately, this is not always possible.

Cosmetic seams: do they exist?

It is more correct to talk about a cosmetic incision. During the operation, surgeons use an incision along the natural folds of the body, and after the operation they close the wound with an intradermal suture. In this case, the scar “hides” in a natural fold and becomes less noticeable. If the wound was caused by accident or the surgical approach was outside the natural folds, the scar will still be noticeable. When using intradermal sutures, there will be no characteristic points on the sides of the wound, but the scar will still remain.

Can I remove the stitches myself?

It is strictly forbidden to remove stitches yourself! Any intervention in the wound should only be carried out by a doctor (not even a nurse). Otherwise, if complications arise (suppuration, fistula), you will only have yourself to blame.

Where can stitches be removed for a fee?

Now in any commercial medical center where there are appropriate doctors, stitches will be removed without any problems. This procedure in Smolensk it costs between 200-300 rubles. The most important thing is that this should be done by a doctor of the same specialty who performed the operation. The surgeon should not remove sutures after gynecological or trauma surgery, and vice versa.

After surgery, a scar remains on the body - an area connective tissue. Existing methods There are many different ways to get rid of unsightly marks on the skin. Therefore, the question of how to remove a scar after surgery should be preceded a short excursion into the typology of scars. The reasons for differences in the effectiveness of the same products are due to different characteristics postoperative skin damage.

How are different types of scars treated?

Many methods are available to specialists in medical and cosmetic clinics. To choose a method for removing scars after surgery, you first need information about the type of damage. It is necessary to diagnose the condition of the patient’s skin and the whole body.

Features of scar correction

Types of scarsWhat they look likeHow to remove a scar after surgery
Physiological (normotrophic)It is located at or slightly below the rest of the skin.-Sometimes it becomes invisible without treatment.
-Silicone film or plate.
-Light massage after healing of the incision with oils and creams.
-Superficial peeling with fruit acids.
Pulled into the skin.-Start treatment as early as possible.
-Chemical peeling.
-Use of dermal fillers.
-It is not recommended to operate.
Dense to the touch, rises above the skin.-Silicone plates.
-Ointments with enzymes, hormones.
-Laser resurfacing.
-Surgical treatment (surgical excision, plastic surgery).
Significantly rises above other areas of the skin. Causes itching, burning, pain.-Difficult to correct.
-Electrophoresis with hydrocortisone, lidase.
-Injections of steroids into the scar area.
- with enzymes, hormones.
-Surgical methods can stimulate enlargement and relapses.

How to remove scars on the stomach?

Minimally invasive surgery has almost disappeared side effects surgical interventions in the form of long and wide scars. With a gentle technique, almost no traces of punctures remain. If scars after laparoscopy are properly cared for from the very beginning, the cosmetic effect will be excellent. Much depends on where the punctures are made. Typically, during laparoscopy, the doctor makes 3-4 small holes (about 1 cm or less):

  • 1 - below the navel for introducing a mini-video camera into the abdominal cavity.
  • 2–4 - in the lower abdomen for introducing microsurgical instruments.

Caring for punctures after laparoscopy is carried out in two stages and includes measures aimed at preventing the formation of scars:

  1. Applications with a substance that stimulates healing (Curiosin gel).
  2. Lubrication with a drug that softens scar tissue (Kontraktubeks gel).

Removing a scar on the abdomen after surgery

Correction methodsWhat actions are performedWhat is the expected effectHow many procedures are recommended?
Surgical excisionRemoval, application of cosmetic suture.Elimination of scar and deformation.1
Chemical peelsTreatments with solutions of AHA acids.Scar surface smoothing, whitening, exfoliation.1–8
MicrodermabrasionTreatment of the scar with aluminum oxide powder, grinding the surface.Elimination of small scars.1–10
Laser resurfacingReduction of scars.
Physiotherapeutic treatmentVarious proceduresSoftening scars.5–15
Hormone therapyAdministration of glucocorticoids to the keloid.Reduction of scars.
Silicone pads and othersUse simultaneously with drugs for resorption of scars after surgery.Scars become soft, flat, and elastic.
Application of ointmentsApplying to problem areas.Flattening and normalization of scar color.

Video about keloid scars after surgery

Cicatrix cream from the Spanish company Catalysis (test results)

The most accessible ones - special creams and ointments - promote resorption and healing of scars. These medications are varied, but their methods of use have much in common. Basically, it is necessary to apply the ointment to postoperative skin lesions 1–2 times a day and continue the course of treatment for at least 8–10 weeks.

The benefits of medications for local application - a small amount of contraindications compared to peelings, laser resurfacing, surgical removal scars.

Visible results from using the Cicatrix restorative cream from the Spanish company Catalysis appear after 3 weeks (on fresh scars). In 2007–2010 medical centers V Western Europe and Russia assessed the effectiveness of the use of Cicatrix cream in a group of patients with fresh scars. Here are the results of the study published by Testing Laboratory Center Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Data from the testing laboratory of special dermatological products of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The researchers explained the positive results of using Cicatrix cream by the synergistic effect of the interaction of the components:

  1. Asiatic and madecassonic acids in the Asian centella extract stimulate the activity of fibroblasts and improve microcirculation.
  2. Pine extract (Pinus sylvestris) has antioxidant properties far superior to vitamins E and C. Prevents collagen destruction.
  3. Unique lipid complex of ceramides and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid retain moisture.

According to the results of a study of Cicatrix cream, 84% of patients noted an acceleration of the regeneration process after surgical damage to the skin.

The restorative drug "Cicatrix" promotes proper healing of wounds by resorption and reducing the formation of scar tissue. The synthesis of collagen types I and III is activated, which compensates for the lack of the main building material of the skin. Cicatrix cream reduces chronic inflammation in damaged tissues, ensures normal epithelization.

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