When and what vaccinations do German Shepherd puppies need to get? Vaccination of a German Shepherd: when and what vaccinations should be given? German Shepherd puppy care vaccinations

A dog is a wonderful companion, friend, hunting assistant, and guard. Every owner wants his dog to be healthy. There are diseases that a dog can contract on the street from sick animals or their feces. Also, pathogens can enter the dog’s body from the owner who is the carrier of this disease. They will help you protect yourself and your dog from many diseases. timely vaccinations.

Many of the diseases that vaccination can protect against are fatal to the dog and dangerous to its owner. Among the most common infectious diseases can be called viral hepatitis, parainfluenza, and some others. You can get a recommendation from your veterinarian about what vaccinations your dog needs.

Vaccination should be carried out in specified deadlines, the puppy has antibodies in his blood from his mother’s milk, which last up to 1.5 months. Then the defense weakens. At this moment the first vaccination is needed. It is necessary to protect your pet from dangerous diseases as early as possible, but you cannot vaccinate too early, as an immune response may not be formed.

Vaccines have a long-term effect they form active immunity. Be sure to check the expiration date before vaccination; expired vaccines do not work. Storage conditions must also comply with the instructions.

  1. Monovalent vaccines. Consist of antigens of one disease.
  2. Polyvalent vaccines. They form immunity against several diseases. It is better to use them for adult dogs to support already developed immunity. They are more difficult for dogs to tolerate than monovalent ones.

What to choose - ours or imported ones?

Modern domestic vaccines receive quite high ratings, but most veterinarians give preference for high-quality foreign vaccines, which are time-tested. Among them are the Nobivak and Eurican brands. As a rule, veterinarians do not consult with the owner about which vaccine to use. The only question that arises is price. The veterinarian does not explain the mechanism of action on the dog’s body.

What are vaccines for?

  • Against the plague it's better to get vaccinated domestic vaccine, there were cases of the disease after import. “Vakchum”, 668-KF, EPM are Russian anti-plague drugs.
  • "Cultural rabies phenol vaccine" - vaccine against rabies for dogs.
  • Parvovac is a vaccine against parvovirus enteritis and viral hepatitis.

Foreign suppliers present to choose from a large number of multicomponent vaccines.

For puppies Vaccinations are given against rabies, adenovirus, parainfluenza and parvovirus enteritis, distemper. For young dogs, they are revaccinated against the same diseases and also vaccinated against leptospirosis. For rabies adult dog vaccinated in accordance with the vaccination schedule. The need for vaccination against giardiasis, Lyme disease, and coronavirus enteritis depends on the area where you live and the type of employment of the dog.


Its difference from a vaccine is that it gives short-term passive immunity. They contain ready-made antibodies. Serums are used for treatment, not for disease prevention.

Preparation for vaccination and its cost

  1. Observe the dog's condition. Vaccination is given only to healthy animals. The puppy needs to monitor the condition of its stool and mucous membranes for a week before vaccination.
  2. before each vaccination.
  3. Avoid walking with the puppy before vaccination, do not let them into the hallway, and remove dirty shoes.
  4. Provide proper and nutritious nutrition for your dog.
  5. Interval between vaccinations must be at least 3 weeks.

Should I vaccinate at home or in a clinic? This question worries many owners. The clinic stamps it and the procedure is cheaper. Sometimes the rules for storing vaccines are not followed. The ideal option would be to call a trusted doctor at home from a good clinic. The veterinarian can take the passport with him and stamp it at the clinic. A puppy that is vulnerable to infection will be safe in a calm environment.

After vaccination, do not wash the dog, do not tire it, and let it sleep more. Feeding should be complete. Limit contact with other dogs. You cannot walk with the puppy for 2 weeks after vaccination.

How much do dog vaccinations cost? In Moscow calling a veterinarian to your home vaccination will cost from 500 to 2500 rubles, depending on the vaccine. In veterinary clinics the cost of vaccinations for dogs ranges from 300 to 1000 rubles, on average 500 rubles.

Vaccination schedule for dogs

What vaccinations are given to dogs and when? Puppy's first vaccination carried out against enteritis or against hepatitis. A bivalent vaccine can be used. Revaccination is carried out after 10-14 days. This vaccination is easily tolerated. After two weeks, stable immunity is developed. A year later the vaccination is repeated.

At 2.5 months vaccination against plague is carried out. You cannot walk your puppy for 3 weeks after vaccination. The puppy is vaccinated again at 6-7 months, when the growth of permanent teeth ends.

At 8 months Vaccinate your dog against rabies. It can be done from 6 months, but due to anti-plague revaccination, it can only be done at this age. How often should my dog ​​be vaccinated against rabies? The next vaccination should occur 12-13 months after the previous one.

Repeated vaccination for most diseases is carried out every year.

Puppies are given polyvalent vaccinations, from more wide range diseases. The owner is simply obliged to protect his pet from the most dangerous diseases.

Veterinarians can offer their vaccination options. The most popular is presented below. For convenience, a table is provided.

Video about dog vaccination

Watch the video where experienced breeders give their vaccination recommendations.

Owners most often have questions regarding the timing and manufacturer of the vaccines. Also, many people are confused about the schedule of when to get vaccines. It is best to find a good veterinarian who will treat your dog and give all vaccinations. Then you can get timely and competent advice. Share your experience vaccinating a dog.

It is certainly necessary to vaccinate a German Shepherd puppy, despite persistent myths and prejudices. Only vaccination can save a dog from subsequent infection with intractable infectious diseases.

Vaccination of puppies

What vaccinations are given to a German Shepherd as a puppy? For primary vaccination of puppies, they are mainly used inactivated vaccines containing a killed pathogen. They are easier to tolerate, but provide less intense immunity. Primary vaccination is carried out twice, regardless of age, to develop stable immunity.

Vaccines do not have therapeutic effect, and therefore they are only allowed to be placed on healthy animals. A puppy with a weakened immune system or vaccinated incubation period, may die. If the time for vaccination has come, and the German Shepherd puppy does not eat, then it is better not to vaccinate him yet. Therefore, never vaccinate a puppy, especially at home, until he has been examined by a veterinarian.

When to vaccinate your puppy

A novice dog breeder must know at what age German Shepherds are vaccinated, and at what age they should not do this, and what is the reason for this.

Newborn German Shepherd puppies receive a “sip” of immunity from their mother’s colostrum. This is usually enough for them for the first 10-12 weeks of life. One-month-old puppies are not vaccinated not because they are still too small for vaccination, but because of their temporary (innate) protection against various diseases. Maternal antibodies will actively resist viruses and will not allow the vaccine to do a good job. There is no point in vaccinating ahead of time when the percentage of maternal antibodies in the blood of the shepherd dog is still quite high. The decrease in protection occurs gradually, and the puppy begins to develop its own immunity, including under the influence of vaccination.

Only a 2-month-old puppy can be vaccinated with a mono- or polyvalent vaccine. Driven by the best intentions, dog owners often strive to get vaccinated as early as possible, believing that in this way they will reliably protect their pet from infection. What's really going on? The vaccine simply doesn't work. The owners, confident that the puppy has developed immunity, begin to take it for a walk, and when the puppy gets sick, they blame all the sins on the vaccine. This is how myths are born.

"Eye of Vulnerability"

Why does a German Shepherd at 1.5 months or even 2 months. Not ready for vaccination yet? The fact is that during this period of life, the immunity received from the mother is able to resist the vaccine, but cannot yet cope with the “real” virus. At this time, you need to protect the puppy from dangerous contacts and not take it outside. Effective method support immunity at this time - inject the puppy with polyvalent serum or other similar drug. But the first vaccination is given at 2.5-3 months, when we can already hope that vaccination will help the puppy’s body resist plague, hepatitis, enteritis or other infectious diseases in the future.
Sustained immunity is developed only 10-14 days after vaccination. From now on, you can take your puppy for walks anywhere and let him make his own friends.

Read also

How to care for a puppy, how a shepherd behaves in an apartment, and much more about care and maintenance.

It is certainly necessary to vaccinate a German Shepherd puppy, despite persistent myths and prejudices. Only vaccination can save a dog from subsequent infection with intractable infectious diseases

Shepherds have a thick, beautiful, luxurious coat.

The joy of having a puppy in the house can be overshadowed by its improper development caused by various diseases. This can be avoided by regularly vaccinating your pet against life-threatening diseases.

The first vaccination for a puppy up to a year will allow them to become strong, gain age-appropriate weight, and strengthen the body's defenses.

Dates of first vaccination

A newly born puppy from its mother, along with milk, receives antibodies produced by her body, which protect the child from infection. After finishing breastfeeding, even with high-quality dietary nutrition the child becomes defenseless against the danger of catching the virus.

Given that good development and the baby’s health, you can prepare him for the first vaccination at the age of six to eight weeks. Previously, vaccinations were not recommended due to the fact that the dog’s immunity is not yet fully formed and does not work at full strength.

Before vaccination, it is necessary to prepare the puppy for it:

  1. The diet before and after vaccination should not change for two weeks.
  2. It is important to determine whether your pet is healthy or not. This can be done by observing him. A healthy dog ​​leads an active lifestyle and has a good appetite, deep sleep. The animal’s malaise is expressed by lethargy, loss of appetite, loose stools. Only animals with good health.
  3. An indispensable condition for the vaccination procedure will be to treat the dog against fleas, ticks, and helminths a week before.
  4. Before vaccination, it is necessary to exclude the puppy from contact with strangers, other people's animals.
  5. The vaccination schedule and the choice of vaccine for them are discussed with the veterinarian.

If after preliminary preparation Since the puppy is cheerful and cheerful, he can easily get his first vaccinations.

Rules for the first vaccination

The first vaccination requires special preparation. It is necessary for a specialist to examine the puppy and, if possible, measure its body temperature.

Before the procedure for administering the vaccine, the veterinarian is provided with information about the age of the puppy, his well-being in the days before vaccination, and the date of deworming.

Depending on the time of vaccination, it is determined whether to feed the baby before or not. When carrying out it in the morning, it is better not to fill the stomach with food; afternoon– you can feed your pet two to three hours before the procedure. It is better not to limit the animal’s water intake.

Vaccination schedule - up to a year

For each animal, a specialist creates an individual schedule for administering vaccines against various diseases.

During the first year of life, starting from the age of two months, the puppy is vaccinated as follows:

  1. The first to be administered is a vaccine against hepatitis, enteritis, and distemper, which are caused by pathogenic viruses and pose a particular danger to a young, fragile organism.
  2. After a two-week break, revaccination is carried out and the drug is reintroduced in order to consolidate the production of antibodies. But if the baby did not tolerate the first vaccination well, became lethargic, constantly sleeps, and the area where the drug was administered became inflamed and red, then it is better to vaccinate again later, after he has fully recovered.
  3. After changing baby teeth at seven months of age, the puppy is comprehensively vaccinated against adenoviral infections.
  4. Two months later he will be vaccinated against rabies, which is then repeated annually.

The vaccinations provided for in the schedule will make it possible to make a strong puppy within a year, with lasting immunity to severe viral diseases. At this time, the dog’s owner must monitor its health and diet, not visit dog walking areas with it, and avoid unnecessary contacts, injuries, and cuts.


Compliance with the schedule

If the owners pay attention to the health of their pet, then in the future, when it begins to grow up, they will monitor compliance with the vaccination schedule developed together with the veterinarian. They will save your pet from infection, or the disease will manifest itself in a mild form.

During vaccination, the puppy must receive balanced diet, do not overcool, do not be stressed. Observation and a gentle lifestyle will help avoid complications after the vaccine is administered to your pet.

In the future, the grown-up puppy will be vaccinated, but up to a year he receives those medical services that will help him become healthy dog, having a whole range of necessary for full life, reaction and quality services.

Many recommend repeating vaccinations in the first year of life in the second year. This is especially true for such complex pathologies, life-threatening animal like plague, rabies. Then you can be calm about the health of your pet.

What complications may arise?

  1. Increase in body temperature to 39 degrees. The body's normal reaction to serum. It goes away on its own in 1-2 days.
  2. One-time refusal to eat. There is no cause for concern if the dog refuses food once. The maximum period of fasting for a puppy is no more than a day.
  3. Attacks of vomiting. If the puppy vomits once, it is not dangerous. It is worse if vomiting is repeated. It is important to protect yourself from dehydration.
  4. Diarrhea. Noticed once - no need to worry. If intestinal disorders persist and diarrhea progresses, see a veterinarian. In the first three days after vaccination, lethargy is possible due to weakened immunity.
  5. A lump at the injection site. If the animal does not show concern, there is nothing to worry about. The compaction goes away within 2-3 weeks. If the tumor grows, you will need help.

These side effects are not dangerous for dogs if you properly prepare the animal for vaccination. Symptoms will go away without intervention.

To alleviate the pet’s condition, it is not forbidden to listen to valuable recommendations.

  • When the temperature rises. If the animal’s body temperature has increased, no higher than 39 – the puppies’ reaction to vaccination. There is no need to reduce the temperature with antipyretics. Baby on breastfeeding will tolerate vaccination more easily. Mother's milk will help reduce the temperature. Mandatory for animals recovery period complete peace. The puppy will it's calmer next door with mom. Therefore, it is better to buy a puppy after it has been vaccinated. Responsible breeders do not separate puppies from their mother until they have received their first vaccination. It is especially difficult for an animal after a rabies injection.
  • Refusal to eat. The dog refuses food. Worsened by rising temperatures. Do not insist, do not try to force feed. As soon as the puppy feels better, he will eat.
  • Vomiting or diarrhea. The usual reaction of the animal body to vaccination. Skipping one feeding will help the puppy. He'll be back to normal by the next one. Put clean water or with salt and sugar dissolved in it. This improvised means from dehydration resulting from vomiting and diarrhea, restore balance minerals and salts excreted by the body during vomiting and diarrhea. To avoid triggering a new attack of diarrhea, do not include new foods in your dog’s diet for several days after vaccination.
  • Lethargy. The baby moves reluctantly and does not play. The animal needs peace and quiet. Sensory stimuli are inappropriate. Do not play loud music or TV, and postpone repair work using noisy power tools or hammers.
  • A lump at the injection site after vaccination. Appears after a series of vaccines. It goes away in 1-2 weeks. A lump that does not bother the animal is not dangerous.
  • Swelling of the injection site, pain. It goes away in 2-3 days on its own, without harm to the dog. To reduce pain, speed up metabolism and resolve the lump, apply a heating pad with warm water or a bag of heated salt to the injection site. Keep the litter dry: dry it in the sun or on the balcony, change it often.

Contact veterinary clinic will be needed if:

  • The animal's condition worsens. Refusal to eat, lethargy bordering on weakness, prolonged depression, vomiting or diarrhea is repeated or worsened, temperature is more than 40 degrees. If these symptoms persist for 3 days, then you need to contact a veterinary clinic for help. The doctor will order blood tests, determine the degree of dehydration, and write a prescription.
  • The occurrence of an abscess. The injection site becomes swollen and inflamed, and pus appears from it. Here you will need surgical intervention.
  • Anaphylactic reaction: profuse salivation, lacrimation, change in color of the mouth, tongue, difficulty breathing, convulsions, which indicates the presence of an allergy to any component of the vaccine. The puppy is given an anti-allergy drug, for example, Suprastin. In severe cases - anaphylactic shock - you should immediately call emergency assistance. Adrenaline is usually administered.

These cases require veterinary intervention. The doctor will take measures to alleviate the animal’s condition.

To be on the safe side after vaccination, ask veterinarian Observe the dog for 30 minutes. During this time, the presence of an animal allergy to the drug will be revealed.

If symptoms of an allergic reaction appear, help will be provided in a timely manner and the puppy will avoid unnecessary torment and suffering. The owner should monitor the pet during the most dangerous 2-3 days after vaccination. At this time they appear Negative consequences, belated allergic reactions to the administered drug.

What to do after the first vaccination

Immediately after vaccination and within two weeks, the puppy’s body develops protective forces. Therefore, in this period need to reduce risks possible diseases. For this purpose, the puppy is quarantined.

A puppy in the house is, of course, joy, but also new worries. It is necessary to feed the baby, care for him and take care of his health, that is, use all the methods that will protect him from various infectious agents that can infect a small creature on the street.

It’s good if you can contact a good veterinarian at any time of the day. But, firstly, he may not always be nearby, and secondly, there is no confidence that even a caring owner is able to recognize the first symptoms of the disease and deliver on time small dog to the hospital.

A puppy in the house is a big responsibility. It is important to have contacts of a qualified veterinarian who can be contacted at any time of the day.

It is easier to prevent any disease in advance than to later deal with the healing of a four-legged patient. This is what vaccination is for. Experienced dog breeders are well informed about when it is carried out and what vaccinations are needed. For a novice dog fancier, this information may not be known and is therefore very important. You need to know the vaccination schedule for puppies so as not to miss an important procedure.

Vaccination schedule

Depends on the breed of the dog, its state of health, including previous illnesses and the age at which the first manipulation was performed, as well as on the drug itself.

The period between vaccinations is determined by the veterinarian in each case separately. But there is still a certain preliminary schedule that you should focus on. The first vaccination for a German Shepherd puppy is given at the age of 8 weeks.

First of all, the puppy is vaccinated against the most dangerous infections for dogs:

  • coronavirus enteritis;
  • hepatitis A;
  • parvovirus enteritis.

Veterinarians have determined a list of the most dangerous diseases for dogs, against which they need vaccination.

This vaccination requires booster vaccination (that is, several repeated injections). The repeated procedure is carried out 14 days after the first injection. This guarantees the dog strong immunity.

When the puppy is 12 weeks old, the young shepherd is vaccinated against distemper. This age is considered the most suitable for protecting the animal’s body from this common and dangerous disease among animals.

The next vaccinations for German Shepherd puppies will be given no earlier than 6 months of their life. This is due to the fact that after 2.5 months, animals’ milk teeth begin to change. And only after the final change of teeth can vaccination be continued.

At the age of 6-7 months, puppies are vaccinated comprehensively:

  • from plague;
  • leptospirosis;
  • adenovirus.

At the age of 8-9 months, a German Shepherd puppy is vaccinated against rabies. The young dog has been vaccinated for a year and such regularity in visiting the doctor is no longer necessary. IN further dog You will need annual vaccination against the last 4 infectious diseases. The injection will be carried out with a complex drug.

By the age of 1 year the dog gets everything necessary vaccinations and no longer needs to visit the doctor as often. In the future, vaccination is carried out once a year.

Puppy's first vaccination

Usually it is done by the breeder himself when the puppy is 1.5 months old; veterinarians do not recommend doing this before. If time was lost, this is the owner’s problem. In a normal situation, the owner receives a puppy and a veterinary passport with the date of vaccination and a sticker providing information about the drug.

If it so happens that your pet was not vaccinated by the breeder, the first vaccination should not be done immediately after the puppy is moved. A change of place of residence and separation from family is stressful for a dog. Any stress negatively affects the body's resistance; it is better to let a small dog adapt.

Puppy's second vaccination

The most difficult and responsible event is the first vaccination, because the owner does not know how the animal’s body will react to it, and the puppy is still very small. Every day he grows up and becomes stronger. Usually subsequent vaccinations are easier both psychologically and physical sense, both for the animal and for its owner.

For small dogs, the first vaccination is stressful because the dog has not seen a doctor before

The period and duration of vaccination is determined by the veterinarian; the owner can rely on preliminary dates, but it is better to clarify the date with the doctor. It is better to choose a clinic and get to know its staff in advance, even before purchasing a puppy. If you don’t like the specialist and you change your attending physician or clinic with the consistency that deserves best use, nothing good will come from this either for you or for your pet.

The choice of vaccine is up to the owner. Some people prefer to avoid gradual step-by-step vaccinations and vaccinate their German Shepherd puppy comprehensively (including against rabies) the first time. This may be due to a lack of financial resources or time. Of course, this option can also be used, but it should be remembered that gradual immunization is a more gentle way for a small dog.

The choice of vaccine is up to the owner, but it must be remembered that complex vaccinations are a big burden on the body

Types of vaccines

  • Nobivac;
  • Biovac;
  • Dipentavak;
  • Hexadog;
  • Multikan, etc.

They have a similar composition and provide the dog with immunity from almost identical lists of infections. When choosing an injection to vaccinate your pet, it is better to consult a veterinarian to find out the pros and cons of the vaccine.

At 4 weeks, the vaccine is given if the puppy needs to be urgently handed over to the owner, or if the puppy’s mother has not been immunized and her offspring have not received the necessary antibodies. In some cases, this drug is used to vaccinate German Shepherd puppies at the age of 2 months.

Nobivac DHPPI+LEPTO is a drug of the next stage of vaccination. It is aimed at creating immunity to leptospirosis, enteritis, adenovirus, hepatitis and parainfluenza type A. For animals over 8 months old, the complex drug Nobivak DHPPI+LEPTO+RABIES can be used, which immunizes the dog against all of the above infections and additionally against Rabies virus ( rabies virus). A properly selected drug and timely immunization are the key to the health and longevity of your pet.

Vaccination of dogs is necessary for the safety of both the pet and its owner. This is especially true for breeds that are predisposed to a whole bunch of diseases. Vaccinations are safe for the dog and the owner. Just like dogs of other breeds, they must be vaccinated.

The first vaccinations for German Shepherd puppies are given no earlier than they reach two months of age. Until this time, it is undesirable to even walk your pet - the immune system is not yet ready for the influence external environment. German Shepherds are particularly at risk of getting sick.

Vaccinations help develop immunity against most diseases, but they can also turn their effect into a dangerous one for the dog. Therefore, you need to follow the vaccination calendar and all recommendations.

The timeliness of this procedure will protect the puppy from most. Modern prevention provides so much good results that even if the puppy ends up near a sick animal, it will not catch the infection.

Many owners don’t even realize how much their dog needs vaccinations. Breeders have their own opinions on when to vaccinate puppies and whether they are necessary at all. The young animal is left to the will of nature - if it survives, then this is a guarantee of healthy offspring in the future. Through the process of natural selection, the shepherd's body develops natural resistance to diseases. But, unfortunately, not for everyone. Therefore, vaccinations for a shepherd are necessary, because this breed is predisposed to serious illnesses, especially genetic ones.

Routine vaccination is carried out at 2 months for a simple reason - this is exactly how long the puppy is protected by the antibodies of mother's milk. The puppy should not be left on the street or released onto the ground, unless held in your arms outside the city. The risk of infection by other dogs is too great; it is during this period that most small pets die.

Advantages and disadvantages

Vaccination is a life-saving procedure not only for people, but also for animals. When deciding to take this step, the owner must understand that this is how he helps the pet live without disease. But, as with any other issue, there are also disadvantages and advantages.

Advantages of timely vaccination:

  • the disease will not manifest itself;
  • immunity to pathogens will be developed;
  • the likelihood of death will sharply decrease.

Only absolutely healthy animals can be vaccinated, no matter what age. Vaccination is a whole series of complex measures, but there are many opponents of this method.

There are not many negative points:

  • it is believed that the vaccination is weakened chemically, because it is produced under sterile conditions;
  • allergic reaction of the body;
  • critical infection instead of vaccination.

It rarely happens that a vaccine, instead of saving a life, takes it away. The puppy’s immunity at the time of the procedure is so weakened that the microbes contained in the serum are simply killed. But this problem practically does not arise in the modern world.

It is best to get vaccinated at a veterinary hospital. The main thing is to decide when to give your pet the first vaccination. The doctor will not only administer the vaccine, but also monitor it to avoid complications. This will eliminate any surprises, and the shepherd will acquire the necessary protection.

Vaccinations against what diseases

Owners and lovers of the German Shepherd breed are well aware of the danger puppies face if they have not been vaccinated before they are one year old. At this age, even a simple flu can often become fatal, not to mention infection with other diseases.

German Shepherd vaccinated against:

  • adenoviral enteritis;
  • infectious hepatitis;
  • parovirus infection;
  • plague of carnivores (distemper);
  • parainfluenza;
  • respiratory tract adenovirus;
  • leptospirosis infection;
  • rabies.

Changing teeth has an overwhelming effect on immune system. The puppy’s body will easily accept the vaccine as an infection and begin to fight, as a result of which it will die.

What vaccines are there?

It is important not only what vaccinations need to be given, but also what medicine is used for this. It is quite obvious that timely vaccination of a pet is the only way protect it from a number of diseases.

Veterinary clinics often have their own dog vaccination schedules and choose different medications. The owner of a shepherd simply needs to ask in detail the veterinarian to whom he takes the animal.

Typically, one vaccine strengthens an animal's body against one disease by stimulating it with a non-contagious virus. Chemically altered microorganisms will not be able to provoke the development of the disease.

Types of vaccines:

  1. Polyvalent - one injection is aimed against many diseases.
  2. Monovalent - with one injection against one disease.

Monovalent medications are best for German Shepherd puppies because they focus on specific diseases. But several procedures in a row are a certain stress for a small animal. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with polyvalent serum, although veterinarians admit that the effectiveness will be slightly less.

Milk immunity or when to start vaccination

German Shepherd in early age, and then throughout life, receives vaccinations, developing resistance to most infections. It is this milk immunity that is passed on at birth. But it works while the mother feeds the puppy with her milk; after weaning, the risk of getting sick increases.

Vaccination can begin immediately after stopping feeding - that is, after a month of the puppy’s life. Two months is optimal, since before this, anthelmintic therapy is carried out, which takes at least two weeks. You also need to feed the puppy only fortified food and natural food.

Rules for vaccination of German Shepherd puppies

The main rule is that vaccination is carried out only for healthy German Shepherds. A number of health checks should be carried out:

  • You need to leave your pet under the supervision of a doctor if it was the first vaccination. Allergy development is possible.
  • The pet should not be wetted with water, even if the weather is hot.
  • Do not change the frequency of walks.
  • Carefully inspect the injection site - the resulting swelling will warn of the development of an abscess.

Cases of complications are rare, except that the shepherd may be apathetic throughout the day. Otherwise, the puppy can do normal things: sleep, play, eat.

Preparing for vaccination

Before the procedure, it is recommended to consult a specialist. Typically, purchased puppies have already received their first vaccination, so the breeder must provide a vaccination certificate. Diet and diet are important - you need to find out what kind of food the puppy received.

It is imperative to carry out anthelmintic therapy 10 days before vaccination. You can buy anti-worm medications online veterinary pharmacies. However, for a puppy, the usual one will do. children's medicine, sold everywhere.

Measures to prevent complications

Puppy's first vaccination

Usually the owner takes an already vaccinated shepherd dog with the appropriate passport. The breeder takes care of primary measures, often carrying out full multiple vaccinations against diseases.

After purchasing you need to follow the rules:

  • do not walk;
  • reduce contact with pets and, in particular, street dogs;
  • do not wet (do not allow licking);
  • do not feel the injection site;
  • do not change your diet.

The first vaccination is very important; immunity is developed within two weeks.

Why complications happen

Quite rare, but complications still appear in every German Shepherd. The reasons for this are various:

  • the puppy was not healthy, because microorganisms caused clinical symptoms illness;
  • the shepherd caught the infection while walking during the post-vaccination period;
  • there is an allergy to the components of the medicine;
  • the drug was expired or of poor quality.

Such manifestations, which are life-threatening to the dog, can be avoided only by following all the recommendations.

The body after vaccination

The body of each animal reacts differently, but in general the indicators are typical - only their intensity differs. On the first day, the puppy is lethargic, refuses food, and the nose is dry, as if sick. This is quite normal reaction, it won't last long. The puppy should soon return to normal. If this does not happen, you need to go to the vet again.

Individual reaction of the body

Usually vaccination occurs without consequences, without changing the puppy. However, it is quite possible that certain symptoms will appear depending on the body's reaction.

The following symptoms appear:

  • excessive salivation;
  • fast breathing;
  • pale mucous membranes of the oral cavity;
  • heart failure.

Provoked Clinical signs due to intolerance, which manifests itself individually. That is why it is recommended to leave the puppy under the supervision of a specialist and choose another drug.

Vaccination schedule

Disease Primary vaccination Revaccination Subsequent vaccinations Method of administration
Rabies 12-13 weeks n/a 1 year Once a year s/c, i/m
Plague 8-10 weeks In 21-28 days 1 year Once a year s/c, i/m
Infectious hepatitis 8-10 weeks In 21-28 days 1 year Once a year s/c, i/m
Parovirus enteritis 8-10 weeks In 21-28 days 1 year Once a year s/c, i/m
Adenovirus 8-10 weeks In 21-28 days 1 year Once a year s/c, i/m
Parainfluenza 8-10 weeks In 21-28 days 1 year Once a year s/c, i/m
Leptospirosis 8-10 weeks In 21-28 days 1 year Once a year i/m
Trichophytosis 1-6 months After 10-14 days 1 year Once a year i/m
Microsporia 1-6 months After 10-14 days 1 year Once a year i/m

Puppy's first vaccination

The first vaccination for a puppy is given at the age of 2 months and is aimed at preventing parvovirus enteritis. Most often chosen medicinal product"Triovak", because it is effective against three diseases at once: adenovirus, enteritis and hepatitis.

It is necessary to carry out anthelmintic therapy, carried out 20 days before vaccination. Anthelmintic powder is added to the puppy's food. Subsequently, this therapy is carried out during the autumn and spring molting periods.

The vaccination schedule should be distributed by age:

  • two month old puppy;
  • five month old;
  • eight month old.

The first injection against distemper is given to a shepherd dog at exactly 2.5 months - giving it earlier is pointless, and later it is too risky. Dogs are re-vaccinated after six months.

Puppy's second vaccination

Whether to re-immunize or do a multi-vaccination is up to the puppy owner to decide. Animals are still vaccinated throughout their lives. The owner decides what vaccinations are given to shepherd dogs.

Usually the first is used against enteritis or hepatitis, and the second - against plague. This order is based on the prevalence of infection and possible harm to a person.

Is it necessary to vaccinate against rabies?

Vaccinating pets against rabies is required by law. Because the disease is one of those that people can catch. The procedure is carried out strictly upon reaching 8 months. This is the only way to protect your pet from death.

Vaccination of dogs after a year - the issue is not closed

If it is quite clear what vaccinations to give a German Shepherd puppy, then what to do with adult dog- ambiguous. It is necessary to keep records so that you know exactly the deadlines. next vaccinations. Doctors are of the opinion that an adult shepherd dog needs to be vaccinated annually only until the age of two.

German Shepherd vaccination table by age

All necessary vaccinations given before one year of age can be included in a simplified schedule. Vaccination of an animal is distributed according to months of age: at 2, 3 and 12. Only certified serums should be administered. For example, “No bivouac”, “Kanigen” and others. Antibodies are produced after two weeks.

Classic table:

Vaccinations for German Shepherd, video


Vaccinating your dog at an early age is the only way to prevent dangerous diseases. Particular attention should be paid to those types of diseases that are transmitted to humans - because then there is a risk not only for the pet, but also for its owner. You can also find out whether the shepherd is a separate breed.

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