When to crop Neapolitan Mastiff ears. The Mastino Neapolitan is a clumsy dog, but so brave and reliable. Relationships with children

Mastino Neapolitan, or Neapolitan Mastiff, is one of the most ancient breeds in the world. The ancestors of these majestic animals served Alexander the Great. Since ancient times, animals have been used for dog fighting and home guarding. Let's consider brief description Neapolitan Mastiff dog breed.

Breed characteristics

Representatives of the Mastino Neapolitan breed have a large build, which cannot be ignored when looking at photos and videos of animals. Outwardly, the dog looks majestic and somewhat threatening. Her muscular body and measured movements attract attention. The animal's movements are its business card: in them the feline grace of a lion is replaced by the heavy tread of a bear.

Having a calm and devoted character, the Neapolitan Mastiff will become a faithful friend to the owner. He is not prone to sudden aggression and responds well to commands. Its protective qualities have been known since the times of Ancient Rome. The friendly and good-natured nature of the animal makes it a universal favorite.

According to the breed description, the Mastino Neapolitan is a massive and stocky dog. Her torso length more height at the withers by about 10%, which is noticeable in photos of animals. The height of a Neapolitan Mastiff male reaches 75 cm, and that of a female reaches 68. Representatives of the breed have quite an impressive weight. According to the standard, a boy's weight can be 70 kg, and a girl's weight is approaching 60 kg.


The description of the Neapolitan Mastiff's head should begin with its size. It looks quite massive, and its length, according to the standard, is a little more than a third of the height of the animal at the withers. A special feature of Mastino Neapolitan is the presence of folds of skin that cover the animal’s face. The dog's wide, flat skull is approximately twice the size of its muzzle. It is characterized by powerful cheekbones and developed brow ridges.

The transition from the forehead to the front part is clearly visible. The length of the dog's wide muzzle is a third of the length of the head. The large nose of an animal with wide open nostrils seems to continue top part muzzles. The color of the nose can be black, brown or dark gray depending on the base color of the dog.

The dog's lips are thick and dense. Upper lip has a characteristic shape resembling an inverted V, and the lower one sags slightly at the edges. The animal's powerful jaws contain strong white teeth. The Neapolitan Mastiff has a scissor bite.

The dog's eyes are set wide and have a round shape. Their color is usually darker than the general color of the dog. The triangular, flat ears appear small compared to the overall body size. They fit tightly to the cheeks of the Neapolitan Mastiff and reach almost to the cheekbones.


The large head and massive body of the Neapolitan Mastino are connected by a short, slightly curved neck. Folds of loose skin wrap around the muscular neck. The length of the animal's wide back is a third of the height at the withers. The line of the back is continued by a harmoniously built muscular lower back. The voluminous chest contains long ribs that are clearly visible.

The Mastino Neapolitan tail is wide at the root and tapers evenly towards the tip. In a calm state it hangs down, and in an excited state it rises to the level of the back line or slightly higher. It is customary to dock it. The dog's front and hind legs are powerful, muscular and are in perfect harmony with the overall physique. The Neapolitan Mastiff's round, tightly knit paws are characterized by hard pads and strong, curved nails.

Coat and color

Dogs of the Neapolitan Mastiff breed have a characteristic skin covering. The thick skin of the animal hangs from the body, forming multiple folds. This is especially noticeable on the head and lower neck. The coat of this breed is smooth, short and thick. It has the same length and evenly covers the entire body. The length of a dog's fur coat barely reaches 1.5 cm.

The characteristic colors for representatives of the breed are black, gray, gray with a hint of lead and “mahogany color”. Fawn coloring is characterized by a yellow-brown coat color and possible small white inclusions on the chest and toes of the animal. All of the listed colors can be tiger-like. Light brown, grey-yellow and grey-fawn colours, or Isabella as it is also called, are often found.


Neapolitan Mastiff has a kind and friendly character. He will love all family members, provided they treat him well. For children, a dog will become a nanny, and for adults, a best friend. An animal can treat all household members equally, without choosing an owner, if it feels love and care from them.

The representative of the breed is an excellent and responsible watchman. Having such a dog in your home, you don’t have to worry about the safety of your property. The dog is wary of strangers, but at the first command of the owner he will let the visitor into the house. If you are visiting a house where such dogs live, do not baby them or try to pet them: persistent attention strangers Mastiffs don't like it.

Kennel Gvidion (Mastino Napoletano)

Mastino Neapolitan. Planet of Dogs is coming to the rescue 🌏 My Planet

dogs Mastino Napoletano (Neapolitan mastiff)

Dog breeds. Mastino Neapolitan

During a walk, the dog behaves calmly and intelligently. She will never attack first, especially against those who are weaker. This is extremely smart dog, which lends itself well to training. The only condition for education is no aggression, much less assault.

To prevent the dog from growing up aggressive and embittered, early socialization of the puppy is important. Take him for walks in parks where dogs are walked, introduce him to people and pets. Mastino Neapolitan must be trained simple commands, such as “Sit”, “Come to me”, “Stranger”, “Friends”. Ensure that the dog fulfills them unquestioningly and immediately. Remember that an untrained dog of this size can pose a danger to others.

The Neapolitan Mastiff is a dog that needs space. Of course, it can be kept in an apartment, but a representative of the breed will feel better in a country house. He needs space to play and walk. It’s good if there is a garden or a large yard near the house where the dog can frolic and lie in the shade of the trees. In no case should you put an animal on a chain: this way you can embitter it.

Caring for a dog is not difficult. Caring for an animal's fur involves bathing once a month or whenever it gets dirty. The dog must be brushed once every two weeks, using a special massage mitten for this purpose. To prevent inflammation of the skin, regularly wipe the folds of the animal's skin.

Ears should be checked for infections and cleaned of dirt, and teeth should be cleaned with a special paste. It is recommended to wipe the mastiff's eyes with a clean, damp cloth. This procedure is carried out approximately once every seven days. The dog's nails are trimmed as they grow.


Moving on to the issue of feeding Mastino Neapolitan dogs, it is necessary to say a few words about the place and dishes. The dog must eat in a strictly designated place and at a strictly designated time. Utensils for eating should be made of metal or ceramics, but in no case made of plastic. The bowl should be located at the level of the animal's chest, so you should use a special stand for dog dishes.

Puppies up to 4 months are fed 4 times a day, and by 6 months they are fed 2 meals a day. Adult dog It is recommended to feed once a day: in the evening. The diet of a breed representative must be balanced and rich in vitamins and beneficial microelements. Each owner chooses the type of feeding at his own discretion. Neapolitan Mastino is suitable as natural products, and ready-made feed.

Natural products

Natural feeding assumes that you will create your pet’s diet yourself and you will also have to prepare the dishes. The main component of a mastiff's natural diet is meat. Choose low-fat varieties: beef, poultry. You can give your dog by-products. Never offer your pet small bones, which can damage his stomach.

Fish should be given exclusively from the sea, after removing all the bones. Dogs benefit from porridges that saturate the body with the necessary carbohydrates. For puppies they cook them thinner, and for adult dogs - thicker. From fermented milk products the dog should eat cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt and natural yogurt, which is especially recommended for puppies. Make sure that your animal’s diet includes vegetables and fruits that will saturate its body with vitamins.

Ready-made feed

Feeding ready-made industrial food will save you from the need to invent and prepare dishes for your pet. There are two types of professional food: dry and canned. When choosing such a feeding system, make sure that the food you purchase matches the breed and age of the animal. Do not exceed the feeding dose specified by the food manufacturer, otherwise the dog will overeat, which will negatively affect its health.


Large breed dogs have a short life expectancy, this also applies to the Mastino Neapolitan. On average, representatives of the breed live 8-10 years. Maintenance, care and availability chronic diseases affect how many years your pet will live. Neapolitan Mastiff dogs are prone to the following diseases:

  1. Progressive retinal atrophy is hereditary and can partially or completely deprive a dog of his vision.
  2. Dysplasia hip joint characterized by problems with the animal’s musculoskeletal system. The disease often appears in puppies between 6 and 8 months of age. The dog may limp, get tired quickly during a walk, and have difficulty getting up on its feet.
  3. Hypothyroidism is characterized by dysfunction of the thyroid gland. Due to illness, the mastiff appears excess weight, hair falls out and digestion is disrupted. The disease affects middle-aged animals and requires immediate treatment.
  4. Elbow dysplasia affects the animal's forelimbs.
  5. Dermatitis in dogs is caused by allergies to food or grooming products.

Buying a puppy

You should approach the purchase of a Neapolitan Mastiff puppy responsibly. First of all, think carefully about whether your living conditions allow you to have such an animal. After all, in less than a year, a small cute puppy will turn into a dog of quite impressive size. Do you have time to take care of him, go for walks with him and run to the veterinarians?

If you are firm in your decision, then you need to start looking for a puppy from specialized nurseries, where you can buy a healthy dog ​​with a good pedigree. Kennel workers will tell you how to care for your four-legged friend and what vaccinations he needs.

What is the price for a Mastino Neapolitan puppy? The lower limit of prices is at $500, and the upper reaches several thousand.

Dimensions:Height: female 58-70 cm, male 63-77 cm. Weight: female 50-60 kg, male 60-70 kg.
Character:Fearless, stubborn, kind
Where used:Dog guard
Lives:8-10 years
Color:Black, grey, blue, mahogany, isabella

Neapolitan Mastiffs are a dog breed that is suitable for family life and performs an excellent guard role. Developed in southern Italy, today the breed is known as the “gentle giant.” Our article contains a description of the dog, its character, standard, as well as photos and videos.

Origin story

It is believed that the first mastiffs were bred in Tibet 5 thousand years ago: these massive dogs were used in battle and served as guards, they performed both of these functions perfectly.

The Neapolitan Mastiff known to us today appeared in the south of Italy, in the vicinity of Naples, where it takes its name. Breeders of this breed focused on creating a large-sized dog with heavy, hanging skin that could protect the animal's body from attacks. They sought to combine this trait with kindness and loyalty towards the pet's family members.

A man named Piero Scanziani participated in the history of the development of the breed; he showed interest in the giant dog and worked to popularize this breed. He compiled a description of the first standard of the animal. The breed was recognized and entered into the international dog register in 1949.

The first Mastino Neapolitan known to the United States was imported there in 1973, although Italian immigrants may have brought them with them as early as the 1880s. In the 1990s, the American Neopoletan Mastiff Association was formed.

Breed characteristics

The Mastino Neapolitan is a large dog that may seem aggressive and unfriendly at first. But, oddly enough, she has a calm and friendly character, treats her family with love and patiently meets strangers. Keeping such a dog is not at all difficult, and its care is minimal.

Appearance and standard

The Neapolitan Mastiff is a large, strong dog. Her massive body is covered with hanging wrinkles, and the folds on her head are very pronounced and large. The wide and flat head appears disproportionately large to the body.

The animal's large nose is usually colored to match its fur. Deep-set eyes are almost completely closed upper eyelid and can range in color from amber to dark brown. The animal's ears can be cropped or left at natural length. According to the AKC standard, the fifth toe on the Mastino's front paws is not removed.

Acceptable pet coat colors:

  • black;
  • grey;
  • blue;
  • Red tree;
  • Isabel.

Small white spots are allowed on the legs and chest of the Neapolitan Mastiff dog. The spots on the animal's head, according to the description of the breed standard, exclude it from the show class, but this will not prevent it from becoming just a favorite in the house.


Steady and strong, this dog is more of a guard dog by nature than an attack dog. He is always alert and attentive, even if he appears slightly relaxed. In the absence of the owners' home, he will be an excellent security guard, because even his impressive appearance can already frighten an intruder.

These dogs, as is right, love children very much if they can show them their leadership qualities. They can get along with other pets if they grew up with them or are well trained in house rules.

The Neapolitan Mastino is friendly towards guests in the house, but most likely will remain aloof. This is not a dog that will hang around the feet of any stranger. The Neapolitan Mastiff is affectionate towards his family, but also strong-willed in character, so he has his own opinion on everything. Puppy training should begin with early age and be consistent and firm in order to prevent the dog from being willful in own home.

Like many large dog breeds, Mastino puppies require early socialization and training. Education must take place through reinforcement positive result praise and food rewards.

Here is a video in which you can see how Mastino puppies behave (video author: mastinoDogRu).

Conditions for keeping

The Neapolitan can be kept in an apartment, although it would be more spacious in a house. He is not too destructive in nature and will not expend energy on furniture in the apartment, although you still need to walk him at least 2 times a day. If the dog is still kept in the yard, you need to take special care in the warm season: the pet must have shelter from the sun, where it can lie down and access to water.

The area where the Neapolitan Mastiff is kept must be fenced: despite the fact that the dog is more of a homebody by nature and is not prone to running away, a fence will help it know the limits of its property, which is important for guard breeds.


The animal's muzzle is covered with heavy velvety folds, which hang downwards under their weight. There are also many folds around the pet's mouth that need to be kept clean and dry, as this breed drools frequently.

The dog's thick skin is covered with short, dense hair that does not shed much. It will be enough to remove dead hairs with a brush or a special grooming glove. Bath the animal as needed, wiping all folds dry after the procedure.

Otherwise, caring for your pet includes oral hygiene and care for its claws and ears. It is advisable to brush your dog’s teeth two or three times a week and trim his nails as they grow. The animal's ears must be clean of dirt and free of odor and redness.

It is very important to put physical limitations for a puppy of this breed. During the period when his joints are forming, they should not experience heavy loads. Walks with the puppy should be short, and when going up and down the stairs, the animal should be held in your arms.

At a young age, you should avoid games with your dog that include wrestling and tugging with objects, unless you want the adult dog to think that he can play roughly with you. It might have been cute when he was a puppy, but big dog may be too dangerous.

The Neapolitan Mastiff is a poor swimmer due to its heavy weight. Always keep an eye on your pet when you are open water or swimming pool.

Optimal diet

The best choice for your Neapolitan Mastiff dog may be a high-quality dry food. The animal needs from 4 to 6 cups per day, divided into two doses. The amount of food consumed largely depends on the nature of the animal and its activity.

The Mastino Napoletano, or Neapoletana Mastiff, is a dog breed whose history dates back to Ancient Rome. It is believed that dogs are descendants of animals that took part in battles in ancient Roman arenas. According to another version, the breed shows Asian roots, its ancestor is a large Tibetan guard dog. The progenitor of the breed was brought on Phoenician ships to Italy, where the dog was slightly modified due to crossbreeding. After the collapse of the Roman Empire, the breed was located mainly in Naples, explaining the name. Neapolitan Mastiff dogs do not demonstrate great intelligence, but they have endless kindness towards people. They get along well with children and are suitable for large families.

The Mastino Neapolitan is a large, massively built dog. In addition to some fighting dogs, representatives of the Italian Molosser are also considered ancestors. The breed type traces centuries of history. Dogs came to Italy thanks to Paul Emil the Macedonian, who brought a hundred fighting dogs, including Mastino’s dogs, to the procession in honor of the victory. The event took place in 168 BC.

However, a number of facts are known indicating that the ancestors of the breed were noticed much earlier than the Italian period. For example, Pliny wrote that a pair of similar puppies was presented to Alexander the Great by the conquered Indian king. Statues and other works of art from India, Persia and Nineveh depict dogs identical in size and proportions. Lucretius, dated to the 1st century BC, describes huge dogs called Molossians.

The creation of a description of the breed dates back to 1897, the author was the Neapolitan professor Tezze. The list of characteristics fully matches the description of the modern representative of Mastino Neapolitan. 1946 was marked by the first exhibition with the participation of Mastino, where the breed was noticed by Piero Scanziani.

After much persuasion, the latter managed to purchase two dogs of both sexes presented at the exhibition. Thanks to the deal, the Mastino Neapolitan breed continues to delight modern dog breeders; without the participation of the “father of the breed” Piero Scanziani, the dogs would have completely disappeared.

From time to time an association arises with other mastiffs that do not show anything in common with the Neapolitan. The last time the breed standard was adjusted was in 1999, when the animals began to gain popularity in Russia. In Rome, dogs were always used as guards. Animals perfectly guard the house, are attentive and quick.

Due to its large size, the Neapolitan Mastiff breed looks menacing, even bulky. Keeping an animal in an apartment is very expensive. In addition, dogs of this breed love to go for walks. fresh air, living in a country house is preferable for them.

In the middle of the 20th century, the breed was on the verge of extinction. Thanks to the efforts of Italian dog handlers, the population was restored, and now the dog is widespread. Unique animals are in great demand because of their kindness and flexibility.


In the breed standard, the Neapolitan Mastiff is described as a guard and guard dog. One type of Neapolitan mastino will discourage the villain from coveting other people’s property. The Neapolitan Mastiff is safely classified as large dogs with a strong constitution:

  1. Height reaches 75 cm;
  2. Weight up to 70 kg;
  3. More weight is allowed, if the dog weighs less than 50 kg, there is a defect.

According to standards, the Mastino Napoletano is described as an animal with a wide body, short head and limbs:

  • The head is massive, the skin forms peculiar folds, which are attributed to the peculiarities of the appearance of the breed. The skull is 2 times larger than the muzzle.
  • Fleshy lips. Upper V-shape. Marked powerful jaws having a scissor or pincer bite.
  • Widely spaced eyes in a single line. The color of the eyes matches the color of the suit.
  • The chest is clearly visible on the dog's body.
  • The bull's thick, developed neck shows the characteristic double dewlap of thick skin underneath.
  • Powerful limbs.
  • The physique is massive. The body is wrinkled. The bones are strong. The length of the body exceeds the height by 10%.
  • The ears have previously been cropped in a triangle shape. Today they are left untouched.
  • Dark nose.
  • A third of the thick tail is docked. Thick at the base, tapering evenly towards the end.
  • Short coat, coarse.
  • Color. There are representatives of the breed that are black or gray in color. Specimens of red or brindle color are known. The color should not be variegated. In rare cases, white spots are allowed on the chest or paws.

The coat of males and females differs in structure. Bitches have a smooth and soft coat, while males have a hard coat.

Mastino's movements are sweeping. Despite its leisurely slowness, the dog of the breed is considered an excellent watchdog and an excellent protector. Typically, the Neapolitan Mastiff is used as a guard or bodyguard. Representatives of the breed are often seen as police assistants.

Neapolitan Mastiff puppies are expensive. Dark brown coat colors are especially prized. Nowadays there are 3-5 good nurseries in Russia that are engaged in breeding the breed. The relevance and demand of the breed continues to increase. Thousands of people dream of having such a security guard in their own home. Good-natured animals will become full-fledged members of the family, ready to love each member with all their hearts.

Character of the breed

Despite appearance, the Mastino Napoletano cannot be called a ferocious animal. If desired, it is quite possible to control it. Taking into account ancient instincts, the dog will become an ideal guard. Wary of strangers, keep this in mind when inviting guests to your home. Representatives of the breed show loyalty and goodwill towards their owners. The mastiff does not tolerate a change of owner well. It suffers even in the temporary absence of the owner.

Today Mastino from Naples demonstrates the following qualities:

  1. Equilibrium;
  2. Calm;
  3. Devotion;
  4. Cleanliness;
  5. Restraint;
  6. Strength of character.

The dog's calm disposition ensures his reluctance to be the first to get into a fight. To attack, the dog must be in a situation increased danger. Before and during a fight, the Mastino Napoletano does not bark, but emits a dull growl. If a representative of the breed enters into a fight, he will remain next to the enemy until he completely surrenders or until he hears the owner’s command.

The difference between dogs and others is their complete dependence on their owner. They are able to lie for hours not far from the owner, watch the rest of the family and philosophize. It should not be surprising that dogs are capable of philosophy and contemplation; in ancient Rome, dogs could not live any other way.

The devotion of dogs knows no bounds; a similar statement concerns a dog's independence and desire to please its owner. When leaving the house to a pet, you should not doubt the safety of the property. The dog calmly stays with the children, shows soft, caring feelings towards the kids, he is not characterized by aggression or bitterness - the pet is calm and patient. External indicators of strength - massiveness and size scare away ill-wishers; the dog is considered an excellent guard. In cases of increased danger, without hesitation, he will give his life to protect his family.

Experienced dog owners will understand if you say that the Neapolitan Mastiff is a dog with whom you can talk for hours, remaining convinced that the dog listens and understands. For a mastiff, an emotional connection with the owner becomes the key mental health. The dog has served as a guard dog for many centuries. Her instincts activate best qualities only if there is an owner, family and territory that needs to be protected. The above circumstances serve as a kind of assembly point for the Neapolitan giant.

The Neapolitan Mastiff has a strong mind and good memory. When training, it is strictly forbidden to beat the dog or use roughness. The dog becomes nervous and uncontrollable. Despite its size and feeling of “impenetrability”, it is enough to slap a rolled-up newspaper on the back of the Neapolitan Mastiff for the dog to learn the wrong behavior. It is better to raise a puppy from an early age, then the Neapolitan Mastiff, which has grown into a giant, will not create difficulties that are insurmountable for an adult strong man.

These animals are loyal and need love and affection. Despite their external strength and power, dogs of the breed are loving and reverent. The pet will never bark uselessly. By the way, the dog’s barking is loud and menacing, an additional aspect that is not in favor of keeping it in an apartment.

The main condition for keeping it is regular heavy physical activity. Walks with the Mastino Napoletano must be long and frequent. Keeping a representative of the breed in an apartment is problematic. The Neapolitan Mastiff requires space and a large area. The best option is a country house where the dog will serve as a guard.

Mastino Napoletano must know a specific owner. This is an attentive and observant dog, trying to earn the owner's approval. A distinctive feature of the breed is strong suspicion. The dog is wary of strangers. However, with normal socialization, having made sure that house guests do not pose a threat, the mastiff stops paying attention to the stranger.

You can't hit a dog. To express disapproval of her action, just raise your voice slightly. The Neapolitan Mastiff is highly trainable. Commands must be given in a firm, confident tone!

  • Until the dog is one year old, bathing is not recommended.
  • Adults should not be washed without special reasons. When bathing, the fat layer from the dog's coat is removed, which protects against insect bites.

On their first walks, puppies usually pull the owner's leash hard. A special tightening collar will help rid your dog of the habit. When the Mastino slows down, return to the standard walking device.

The optimal age for adopting a puppy is 2 months. From the first days of purchasing a puppy, you will need to take care of successful socialization and eliminating the distinctive character trait of the breed - strong suspicion of others. Even an adult dog, in the absence of aggressiveness towards people, rarely positively perceives affection and compliments from strangers. He is devoted to his owners and is jealous of interference in his relationship with his breadwinner.

Caring for the animal is expected to be thorough; the dog is prone to diseases. When Mastino Neapolitan puppies appear in the house, at the age of 2 months it is recommended to be vaccinated with a 3-valent vaccine. On the doctor’s recommendation, others are added to the vaccine.

Proper care for Mastino Neapolitan includes bathing, but the procedure is not performed earlier than a year. It is not recommended to allow puppies near water before this age. An adult should be bathed only when absolutely necessary, don’t forget.

In reality, successfully caring for a Neapolitan Mastiff requires many conditions to be met. Firstly, keeping a giant and massive dog in an apartment is extremely undesirable. The dog needs plenty of free space to move around. If you want to have a dog in your apartment, despite the warning, be prepared for the peculiarities of the breed. The Neapolitan Mastiff is characterized by profuse salivation, the dog loves to “beg” for food in this way. Note that the dog is somewhat careless when eating or drinking; it is recommended to place the bowl of food and water on an easy-to-clean surface, where it is possible to wipe the floor with a rag several times.

The dog is heavy, take care of the softness of the dog’s living surfaces. Otherwise, when moving from a standing position to a lying position, the mastiff will fall heavily with its elbow joints. hard surface(parquet, laminate, tile), acquiring the unpleasant disease “bursitis”, which causes fluid to accumulate in the joints. Large blisters will begin to form on your elbows.

Continuing the topic of breed diseases to which the dog is predisposed, hip dysplasia is noted. At the stage of active growth, a dog of 4-18 months experiences joint pain: joints, ligaments and muscles do not keep up with the increase in body weight.

Proper care of the Neapolitan Mastiff involves cropping the ears. Ears count weak point breeds They are prone to disease if not stopped.

Diseases and prevention

At 2 months the puppy is vaccinated against hepatitis, leptospirosis and glanders. In the future, the veterinarian will recommend additional vaccinations, for example, against rabies or parvovirus.

A large, proud dog with a melancholic look and a muzzle that seems to be melting and flowing down makes a very ambiguous impression. On the one hand, she seems somehow lethargic, detached, as if everything that happens doesn’t bother her in any way. On the other hand, it inspires danger. After all, if you spend a certain amount of time with her, it may suddenly seem that she is watching every movement and step. And as soon as you do something that, in her opinion, is wrong, she will rush and tear you to shreds.

The Neapolitan Mastiff has fans, namely about this good for the dog speech in the article, a lot. And to buy a puppy of this breed, you will have to shell out from forty to one hundred thousand rubles. However, any animal is not a toy. But this is precisely what is more comparable to a weapon than to a good-natured animal. For this reason, many people, thinking about which four-legged friend to place in the house, do not dare to introduce a mastiff into their family.

But is the beast as terrible as it is painted? Perhaps behind the frightening appearance lies a big, kind heart? Are we actually making a mistake by giving in to our own fears?

To find out the answers to these and many other questions, let’s study the breed in more detail. And let's find out what kind of a Neapolitan mastiff he is.

Mastiff in Ancient Rome

It is believed that fighting breeds dogs are descendants of canids that lived on Earth long before the appearance of humans. Many researchers claim that in the old days, these animals, along with dinosaurs, ran around our planet, not even suspecting that they would someday become domesticated. But then their history is lost in the centuries. And during our era we have many dogs, united by common ancestors, but significantly different in appearance.

For example, the Neapolitan Mastiff, or Mastino Neapolitano, studied in the article, according to some sources, is a direct descendant of the Tibetan Mastiff. The first mentions of it in history date back to the reign of Alexander the Great. After all, it was for his protection that giant dogs were brought from India itself.

The further history of the breed takes place under rather harsh conditions. After all, under Julius Caesar they served in the legions and fought like real fighters. Wearing special armor, mastiffs, along with the rest of the legionnaires, go to the battlefield to win or die. But even in peacetime, these dogs do not rest. They amuse Caesar and the other nobles by fighting again. But now, like gladiators, until the last breath. With huge elephants and ferocious lions.

History of the breed after the fall of the Roman Empire

Then, for many years, the majestic and formidable mastiffs were used in extremely cruel dog fights, where everyone who owned the amount of money required for a bet could watch how animals bite into each other, fighting for their lives to the end.

But a particularly difficult period in the history of the breed occurred in the nineteenth century. Mostly due to World War II. Indeed, all over the world, with the exception of Naples and the areas around it, these animals were destroyed. In the city of the former Roman Empire, they bred with Iberian mastiffs, which were similar to the Neapolitan ones.

As a result, there were practically no purebred dogs of the breed studied in the article in the post-war years. The gene pool has become diluted. And only thanks to the breeder Pietro Scanziani, in whose kennel there were eight dogs that best matched the description of the Neapolitan mastiff, through a long and careful selection it was possible to breed a male, from which a new branch of the history of this breed began. It was from him that in 1949 the reference characteristics of the mastiff, which are still relevant to this day, were copied.

Features of the mastiff body structure

Every person, even those who are not particularly versed in the essential characteristics of the breed, knows for sure that the Neapolitan Mastiff is distinguished by its enormous size and abundance of folds throughout its body. However, experts know not only this.

According to breed standards, mastiffs have small, triangular ears with slightly rounded tips. They are lowered down and fit tightly to the cheeks, which, like the forehead, are covered with folds. The eyes are round in shape, large, protected by heavy eyelids and located on the same line. The color of the iris is slightly darker than the color of the dog. The nose is large, with wide nostrils, his lobe must strictly match the color of the coat.

As you can see in the photo, Neapolitan Mastiff puppies differ significantly from adults. They will develop thick lips and long jowls a little later.

The dog's head is large, with a wide cranium, muzzle is square. The jaws are powerful, with a scissor or level bite. The neck is short and powerful, all in folds that run from the withers to the chin. The back line is straight, covered with muscles, the lower back is slightly convex. The chest is long and wide, with clearly visible muscles. The stomach is taut. The paws are large and straight, as massive as the entire body of the animal. The fingers are pressed tightly against each other. The tail is similar to a saber: wide at the base, tapering towards the tip. The whole body is very large and muscular.

Appearance of the dog

In addition, it should be noted that the ears and tail of the Neapolitan Mastiff, whose breed description we are studying, can be docked. Then the first ones take the shape of an isosceles triangle, and the second one - a process equal to a third of the original length.

The dog's coat is hard and very thick, of the same length throughout the body. Typical colors are black, gray, brown (yellowish and chocolate shades), brindle. Marks are also acceptable white, which are located on the chest and fingertips of the mastiff. Males reach a weight of almost 70 kg, height at the withers - up to 75 cm, females are slightly smaller. Their parameters are 60 kg and 70 cm.

Many people are puzzled by the presence large quantity folds on the body of a Neapolitan mastiff, whose weight sometimes exceeds that of a human. However, it is precisely this feature that allows the animal to survive in brutal battles. If not for her, short hair would not be able to protect the mastiff from severe injuries.


Many breeders are parents. That is why the primary condition that determines whether they will get a dog or not is its ability to get along with children.

Even as a puppy, the Neapolitan Mastiff is quite reserved and calm. However, he still needs training and a powerful owner who will become an authority for him. Otherwise, it will be simply impossible to control a huge adult animal. And this is fraught with various troubles.

Training should begin when the dog reaches six months of age. Before this, it must develop independently, in everyday situations and various games. But the owner’s task is not to teach the animal all existing commands, but to ensure unquestioning execution of the basic ones.

During puberty, the character of the Neapolitan Mastiff becomes quarrelsome and harsh, he strives to dominate. But in adulthood, the animal is again all calmness and prudence.

Relationships with children

The dog studied in the article will be devoted to the family in which it lives until the end of its days. This applies not only to people, but also to animals living with her. By the way, she gets along well with them. Mastiffs simply adore children, and can easily replace a nanny: they can put the baby to bed or watch him during a walk. Not to mention the fact that, if something happens, they will protect and even amuse the child.

However, before purchasing a Neapolitan Mastiff puppy, it is important to clearly understand that he is a descendant of the majestic Molosser. And such a dog needs space. Therefore, it is strictly not recommended to keep an animal in an apartment. In addition, it should be monitored physical activity. It should be moderate. This will prevent the occurrence of joint pain and heart failure.

It is also imperative to note again: in order to grow great friend, it is necessary to engage in his upbringing - training. After all, if a cute puppy, having matured over the years, turns into a huge uncontrollable beast, whose ancestors fought in bloody battles, even an adult and strong man. The most important thing when practicing and everyday communication is to never use brute physical force. Because dogs of the Mastino Neapolitan breed have excellent memory.

Caring for a Mastiff

The Neapolitan Mastiff, the photo of which is presented in this article, is a very sociable dog. Although you couldn’t tell from his distant and rather melancholic look. Therefore, experienced breeders recommend taking the animal to specially equipped areas or regular parks. On which it will be able to play to its heart’s content and spend time with its brothers.

However, given its considerable size, the mastiff, even being in hot weather in the shade, you may get sunstroke. As a result, it is important to reschedule walks in the morning and evening, when the heat is not so felt.

Upon returning home, it is recommended that your pet wipe its paws. Representatives of the Neapolitan Mastiff breed are non-smelling dogs, which is why they should not be bathed too often. In addition, allergies, itching, irritation and dandruff may occur. However, the animal being studied is a breed that loves to drool. And it’s not its fault, mastiffs just can’t control it. Therefore, it is important to stock up wet wipes for dogs and constantly wipe his chin. Otherwise, a real breeding ground for various infections will form around the mouth, including dangerous ones for humans.

Also, some attention should be paid to the dog's eyes and ears. They need to be cleaned about twice a week. And claws that are not worn out in natural conditions should be trimmed yourself or in veterinary clinic with a special nail clipper. The animal's teeth also need control. Especially if he has a straight bite, and some of the teeth do not take part in chewing food.

Dog health

According to statistics, as well as numerous reviews, the Neapolitan Mastiff suffers from a number of ailments, such as:

  1. A hereditary disease of the joints, as a result of which the dog may stop walking. There is no treatment, but the situation can be alleviated surgically, having undergone reconstruction surgery. To avoid purchasing a sick animal, it is important to ask for a certificate confirming that the puppy’s parents have undergone a special examination.
  2. In addition, the dog being studied is susceptible to dermatitis, rashes and other types of allergies.
  3. Problems with joints, heart and other organs can also arise from overeating. Therefore, the owner must monitor the balance of the diet.

Due to the physiological characteristics of the breed, the enormous load on the heart and other organs, the animal is very different short term life. On average, they live to be eight to ten years old, but some die much earlier.

What should you feed your mastiff?

According to numerous photographs and descriptions of breed standards, the Neapolitan Mastiff is a huge animal. Therefore, many people do not dare to have one for the reason that they are afraid of not being able to feed them. And in reality, this option is quite possible. Because the mastiff eats a lot. For example, one of the representatives of the breed, the dog Hercules (he will be discussed below), ate one and a half kilograms of dry food and one kilogram of meat per day.

However, the peculiarity of feeding the dog under study is that it can be kept on both industrial food and natural food. The only caveat for the first feeding method is that dry or wet food must certainly belong to the “premium” class, for the second - the mandatory presence of meat is at least forty percent.

If the choice fell on natural food, the Neapolitan Mastiff dog needs to introduce vitamins into its diet. It is also important to control the animal's weight.

What is important for a breeder to know?

Of course, every person who brings a four-legged friend into their home dreams of him becoming a full-fledged member of the family. However, for this it is necessary to comply the following recommendations:

  1. It is important to take your pet away from its mother strictly after it reaches the age of two months.
  2. Mastiff puppies are very suspicious, which often manifests itself in aggression. Therefore, you should be involved in raising the animal from the moment it comes into the house.
  3. To prevent the development of joint diseases, you need to provide it with soft bedding.
  4. Avoid bathing during the first year of life, and even then you should not abuse it.
  5. It is also important to protect the puppy from bloodsuckers: fleas, ticks and other insects. Since even the lightest bite can easily provoke the development of a severe form of allergy, which may well lead to death.

The most famous representative of the breed

A lot has been said about the fact that the dog studied in the article is huge in size. Although this is already known to almost everyone. Nevertheless, one of the representatives of the breed - Hercules - grew so much that in 2001 he was included in the famous Guinness Book of Records as the largest dog in the world.

And this happened almost by accident. The boy who lived next door to the mastiff's owner, Joe Flynn, learned from the Internet that the current holder of the title had died. Then he decided to invite his neighbor and his pet to apply. Flynn thought this idea was funny, but he still decided to try his luck. And after quite a short time The mighty Hercules was awarded the title - the largest dog in the world.

And this title is well deserved. Because this Neapolitan mastiff, the photo of which is presented below, was twice the size of the standards of its breed. The circumference of the neck was a little less than a meter, and the paws were the size of a tennis ball. The weight of the huge animal was one hundred twenty-eight kilograms. And this figure is truly frightening!

But what is especially interesting is that, as the dog’s owner claimed, he did not feed Hercules any special supplements or diets. He couldn’t even imagine that the acquired animal would glorify him so much. After all, Flynn and his wife simply bought a puppy that was supposed to grow larger than their previous pet. And who knew that Hercules would reach such enormous proportions!

On the other hand, Joe Flynn himself is a powerful athlete, weighing slightly less than his pet. It is equal to one hundred twenty-two kilograms. Above is a photo of a Neapolitan Mastiff with a human - his owner. Perhaps it’s “family” for them?

The powerful Mastino Neapolitan dog will protect the house from uninvited guests and become a faithful companion for children. Behind the unusual and frightening appearance hides a serious but good-natured dog.

History of the Mastino Neapolitan breed

The breed is one of the oldest in the world. The Neapolitan Mastiff dog was used in ancient Rome during fights, for baiting wild animals. Modern look The breed acquired in Spain closer to 1946, when the famous dog handler Pietro Scanzian presented to the public eight dogs that had a common exterior. The breed was officially recognized in 1949. The standard of the Mastino Neapolitan has changed over the years, since during the selection, the first place was not the watchdog characteristics of the dog, but its extraordinary appearance with a large excess of skin on the head. The latest standard was adopted in 1999 and has not changed.

General characteristics of the breed

A dog with a massive appearance actually has a friendly character, easily makes contact and takes part in all active games with pleasure. Nanny dog, this is what Mastino Neapolitan is called in its homeland. The breed is attached to its owner and takes care of him and every member of the family all his life. It’s not scary to leave a stroller or a playing child next to your dog. Huge dog not only will not harm the child, but will also ensure his safety. But it’s better to get a dog after the baby is born. The dog has a jealous character and cannot stand competition for the love of its owner. In some cases, the dog shows jealousy in an aggressive form.

Breed standard (appearance)

According to the standard, the breed is classified as a Molosser. The description of the breed must meet certain standards:

  1. Head. Wide, massive with a large number of folds that create a certain shape.
  2. Cheeks. Thick and fleshy, with hanging wings.
  3. Muzzle. Square, with a pronounced transition from the muzzle to the broad forehead. Covered with folds.
  4. Nose. Wide, black.
  5. Eyes. Almond-shaped, deep-set, drooping lower eyelid, light brown to dark in color.
  6. Neck. Powerful and short, with a large forked sag below the muzzle.
  7. Bite. Standard scissor.
  8. Ears. Until 1989 they were cropped to avoid various diseases, after circumcision they had a triangular shape, erect. For 2018 they are not docked. Set high, the tips are fleshy and hang down.
  9. Back. Wide and straight, almost square shape, muscular.
  10. Breast. Wide, muscular. There must be a slack of skin at the bottom.
  11. Stomach. Tight, smooth.
  12. Tail. Cropped by ¼, thick, uncropped according to the standard.
  13. Paws. Powerful, muscular, medium length.
  14. Gait. Slightly loose, running with sweeping movements.
  15. Wool. The guard is short, hard on cables, soft on bitches, plush to the touch.
  16. Color. Dark blue, black, silver, red. Brindle is allowed with any dominant color. According to the standard, spotted puppies are rejected. A few small white spots on the belly, paws and chest of the animal are acceptable.
  17. Height at the withers. The largest Neapolitan Mastinos reach a height of 65 to 75 cm, females are smaller and grow from 60 to 68 cm.
  18. The weight of the animal depends on the diet and lifestyle of the dog. According to the standard, active and trained animals weigh up to 70 kg, females weigh 10 kg less.

Character of the breed

Among the features of the breed, the following stand out clearly.

  1. It has good guard qualities and can easily defend its territory.
  2. The dog is friendly with all family members and is attached to its owner.
  3. Mastino is playful at any age, but does not like long active games.
  4. He is suspicious of strangers, but as soon as he realizes that the unexpected guest is not encroaching on his territory, he loses all interest in him.
  5. Does not tolerate other animals in the house, as he is jealous of the owner. It can tolerate other animals, but at any convenient moment it shows aggression towards them.
  6. The breed is easy to train, but until the age of two it tries to take a leading position, so it is not recommended for novice lovers to get one.
  7. Mastino Neapolitan has a good memory and remembers offenders for a long time, but is not vindictive.
  8. Loves space and is not suitable for small apartments. The dog needs a place in the form of a small backyard, a separate lawn. The dog needs daily walking at least three times a day.
  9. The Neapolitan Mastiff is aggressive, especially if a stranger shows aggression or makes sudden movements. Will protect the owner in any case.
  10. The dog is not an empty dog, so it only gives voice in the rarest of cases. If the owner treats the stranger kindly, then the dog loses all interest in the stranger.
  11. The breed is stress-resistant and can handle changes, sharp sounds, and noise calmly.
  12. Suitable as a guard dog, a guide dog for people with disabilities and just a best friend.

Not suitable for keeping in an outdoor enclosure if the temperature in winter drops below -10 degrees. The dog has no undercoat and does not tolerate frost and excessive humidity. In the warm season, keeping it outside is preferable.

Neapolitan Mastiff Care

A dog with multiple skin folds needs special care. Average duration life large breed from 10 to 13 years. But these numbers will be significantly reduced if the rules of care and maintenance are not followed:

In the house, the dog is given a separate place where a rug is laid. There is also a designated area for eating and a bowl of water. The animal's access to water should not be restricted at any time.

Pet health

Mastino Neapolitan puppies are susceptible to various viral and bacterial diseases. Before three months, it is necessary to carry out the first vaccination against diseases: leptospirosis, hepatitis, plague and parvovirosis. Before the pet is one year old, it is done additional vaccination from rabies. Vaccination is carried out throughout the life of the animal, once a year. It is better to vaccinate an animal in early spring or late winter.

According to physiological characteristics, the breed is susceptible to diseases:

  • cardiopulmonary filariasis. Transmitted through blood-sucking insects;
  • volvulus. Occurs in dogs over five years of age. Rest after eating helps prevent this; the animal is not allowed to run or play active games.

The dog has good immunity and is more rare. Most likely to get infected viral disease occurs in the first year of a dog’s life.

Training a Neapolitan Mastiff

Puppies begin to be trained at one and a half months. Immediately after hitting new house, the dog is given a nickname. It is necessary to accustom the puppy to the nickname every day; when the dog begins to respond, it must be praised.

The animal is trained at home for up to three months. For training, basic commands are selected: walk, come to me, ugh. These commands will be needed for further training of the pet. From three months the dog is enrolled in the basic training course (BTC).

Under the guidance of an experienced dog handler, the puppy will learn:

  • walk nearby;
  • will begin to understand not only voice commands, but also hand signs;
  • learns what a place is;
  • learn to sit, lie and stand on command;
  • bring fetch and perform exercises on apparatus.

If the pet is adopted, it is recommended to take an additional course in protective guard service (PSS). During training, the dog will learn to protect its owner, properly neutralize criminals, and guard personal belongings. During training, Mastins are made additionally angry so that they are more aggressive towards strangers.

It will be useful:


Puppies are weaned at one month of age. From the age of three weeks, large puppies begin to be fed with special milk formulas that are rich in vitamins, calcium and iron. From 1 to 3 months, the puppy is first transferred to milk porridge based on cereals: corn, oatmeal. The porridge is given in portions of 200 g every 3 hours. Gradually the puppy is transferred to lean meat broth with the addition of cereals and meat. From 3 to 6 months, the number of servings is reduced to 4 per day, with a volume of no more than 500 g. From 6 months to a year, the animal is gradually transferred to two meals a day. Serving size 2-3 liters.

In the animal's diet natural food Products must be present:

  • cereals - corn, rolled oats, buckwheat, rice;
  • vegetables - everything except potatoes and onions;
  • fermented milk products - cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk;
  • eggs;
  • meat and offal of lean varieties - beef, veal, turkey, rabbit;
  • sea ​​fish.

Vitamins and minerals are added to the diet of an animal on natural food. The following types are effective: Biorhythm from Veda, Excel from 8 in 1, Brevers Complex from Unitabs.

It is easier to feed your dog special food that already contains vitamins and minerals. The following brands of food are suitable for the breed: Belcando Junior Maxi, Royal Canin Maxi Adult 26, Acana Adult Large breed, Hill`s Canine Adult Advanced Fitness.

Whether natural food, dry or mixed, is chosen individually.


Photo of Mastino Neapolitan

In the photo, the most common color of the breed is black, with small white patches on the paws.

The photo shows the brindle color of the breed with a dominant red color, which gives the dog its brightness.

The blue color looks unusual; such dogs are also called silver.