When will your gums stop hurting after tooth extraction? How long does your gum hurt after tooth extraction?

From this article you will learn:

  • Tooth pulled out, gums hurt: what to do.
  • why gums hurt after tooth extraction: reasons,
  • How many days should the pain last?

The article was written by a dental surgeon with more than 19 years of experience.

Many patients complain that their gums hurt in the first days after tooth extraction. The pain is normal reaction body to injury, and therefore not strong, not prolonged pain is normal occurrence. However, pain occurs not only as a consequence of injury to the bone and gums, but also because inflammation of the gums could develop after tooth extraction.

According to statistics, inflammation and improper healing of the socket after tooth extraction occurs in 3-5% of cases (but this applies to teeth of any location except wisdom teeth). But it leads to the development of complications in approximately 25-30% of cases. This article will help you understand the cause of the pain, whether your tooth socket is healing properly, and what to do if it becomes inflamed.

Type of gums after tooth extraction (normal) –

How much does your gum hurt after tooth extraction?

How much the gums hurt after tooth extraction directly depends on the degree of trauma of the removal and whether inflammation of the socket occurred or not. Normally, after simple removal, pain usually continues for 1-2 days, and once it occurs, its severity should gradually decrease by the next day. Therefore, if your gums ache a little after tooth extraction, there is no need to panic right away.

Why does my gum hurt after tooth extraction?
severe pain after tooth extraction usually occurs when bone tissue Significant trauma is caused around the tooth. This happens when removing a complex tooth, when the doctor is forced to saw out the bone tissue with a drill or saw through the crown of the tooth in order to extract the tooth in fragments. In these situations, severe pain may be justified, but even in these cases, it still more often occurs due to doctor errors...

1. Severe pain after removal and surgeon error -

When a tooth has been removed, the gums hurt so much that even strong analgesics help little - the reason most often turns out to be the incompetence of the surgeon. Unfortunately, many surgeons do not strive to minimize trauma to bone tissue and gums during the removal process, which leads to severe pain. Below we list the main medical “flaws” in the process of tooth extraction -

  • When sawing out bone with a drill
    According to the rules, when cutting out bone around a tooth, the doctor must use a surgical handpiece, which supplies coolant to the drilling area. In 90% of cases, handpieces without such cooling are used in surgical rooms. As a result, the bone receives thermal burn And superficial necrosis, and the patient has acute pain after removal.

    If you have had a bone cut out and your gums hurt after tooth extraction: what to do in such a situation will depend on the condition of the socket of the extracted tooth. If the clot is dense and there are no symptoms of inflammation other than pain, you should wait and take strong NSAID-based analgesics. If the socket is empty and there are signs of inflammation (see below), you need to go for a second visit to the dentist and clean the socket.

  • Movable bone fragments in the wound
    the surgeon may leave large, inactive bone fragments in the socket of the extracted tooth, which are formed when the tooth dislocates/rocks. Their presence can lead to severe pain and inflammation of the extracted tooth socket, as well as the need for a second visit to the surgeon to remove them.
  • Wrong removal strategy
    this is the most common mistake. The fact is that different doctors (due to differences in experience and intelligence) remove exactly the same teeth in different ways. This leads to the fact that one surgeon can torment the patient for 1-2 hours, trying to use only forceps and elevators when removing and regardless of the trauma caused to the bone, while another will decide to immediately saw the tooth into 2 parts (removing them separately), and spending only 15-25 minutes on the entire removal.

  • The doctor didn't put any stitches
    Before removal, the mucous membrane around the tooth is peeled off from it with a trowel, which leads to the fact that the edges of the mucous membrane around the socket of the extracted tooth will be mobile. Often, even seeing the need for suturing, surgeons are too lazy to do it. Ideally, at least 1 suture should be applied even after the removal of small single-rooted teeth, not to mention multi-rooted ones.

    Studies have shown that suturing the socket can reduce the intensity of pain by 30-50%, reduce the risk of developing inflammatory complications by up to 90%, accelerate wound healing, and almost completely prevent the loss of a blood clot from the socket and the risk of bleeding. I can recommend to you - always, before removal, ask the doctor to suture the hole (even if you have to pay an extra 250-500 rubles for 1 or 2 stitches). This will save you a lot of nerves.

  • If the doctor has not prescribed it, there is a high risk of developing inflammation of the socket and, as a result, severe pain. Antibiotics should only be prescribed by a doctor, so you should go for a re-examination and complain about pain.

What to do in all these situations -

How long does the gum hurt after tooth extraction in these situations - normally, pain should last no more than 1-2 days after simple removal, and its severity should be mild or moderate. Moreover, pain, swelling (if it also appears) and others negative symptoms should gradually decrease. After complex removal pain can be severe and normally last 3-5 days, but starting from next day they will also begin to decrease.

If the intensity of the pain does not decrease within 2 days, if you feel bone fragments in the wound with your tongue, if you experience pain in the socket when responding to cold/hot water, if a blood clot has fallen out of the socket, if there is an unpleasant odor from the socket... – you need to urgently go to the surgeon for a second appointment (without waiting for your gums to become inflamed after tooth extraction).

2. If the cause of pain is inflammation after tooth extraction

Quite often, patients come back again with complaints of constant aching pain that does not decrease, bad smell from the hole, because their gums are festering after tooth extraction. If a patient experiences such inflammation after tooth extraction, treatment can only be carried out by contacting the dentist again.

When examining such patients in the oral cavity, you can see the following picture: the socket is filled with traces of necrotic decay of a blood clot and food debris, bone tissue in the depths of the socket is exposed, which is very painful when touched and when cold or hot water. This inflammation is usually called alveolitis of the tooth socket.

Inflammation after tooth extraction: photo

Sometimes the pain due to inflammation of the socket is so severe that even the strongest analgesics do not help. The duration of the pain can be from 10 to 40 days, and, as a rule, it ends only after treatment of the inflamed hole by the dentist. The most severe symptoms It is usually observed with alveolitis of the wisdom tooth socket (there is also severe suppuration and swelling of the cheek).

Inflamed gums after tooth extraction: what to do...
It should be noted that suppuration of the gums after tooth extraction can develop both through the fault of the doctor and after wrong actions patient (for example, you may have rinsed your mouth vigorously and rinsed out a blood clot). will consist of cleaning the socket of the extracted tooth from necrotic decay of the clot and food debris, and placing special anti-inflammatory drugs in the socket.

Alveolitis (inflammation of the socket after removal): video
in video 1 you can see what classic alveolitis looks like, and in video 2 you can see how when you press on the gums in the area of ​​both removed wisdom teeth, pus is released from the sockets.

3. Pain during hematoma suppuration –

Sometimes you have to deal with the following situation - the blood clot in the socket of an extracted tooth is dense, there is no inflammation in it... but at the same time you can observe following symptoms, indicating the formation of a hematoma and its suppuration -

Dental surgery to remove a figure eight is a rather complicated and unpleasant procedure. After its implementation, almost every patient experiences pain after the removal of a wisdom tooth, the intensity and duration of which directly depends on the initial condition of the tooth and oral cavity. In addition to pain, discomfort is complemented by swelling of the gums, swelling of the cheeks, a slight increase in temperature, and difficulty swallowing. Such symptoms are considered to be natural, and their appearance is a natural reaction of the body to surgery.

Under normal circumstances, when a wisdom tooth has been removed and the gums hurt, unpleasant symptoms pass quickly and full recovery does not take more than a week. If no improvement is observed, suppuration, bleeding, heat and other deviations this signals development pathological process and is a reason to visit your dentist.

Compared to other teeth, eights have characteristic differences in the form of late eruption, accompanied by complications, location, anatomical structure. They have a wide crown and roots - one or more, which tend to intertwine and grow together, which makes extraction difficult.

To evaluate the structure and location of a wisdom tooth, the dentist prescribes an x-ray mandatory. Based on the image, a decision is made on the method of extraction (removal). If your wisdom tooth hurts, carefully read the removal methods and the pain that accompanies them.

Simple tooth extraction

Simple extraction is carried out with the correct positioning of the figure eight, in which the integrity of the crown is preserved and there are no bent roots, and there are no inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. In this case, it is not difficult to pull out the tooth. The development of complications in this case is minimized, provided that the dental procedure is performed correctly and the patient follows all postoperative recommendations.

The essence of the procedure:

  • To perform extraction you need tools: S-shaped forceps, elevator;
  • occurs by gradually rocking it, after which the pulled out tooth is removed from the socket;
  • the process is accompanied by rupture of the ligaments holding the third molar;
  • there is trauma to surrounding tissues.

If it breaks during tearing out, then all the fragments are removed.

Despite the simplicity of the manipulation, the presence of pain and swelling in a patient who has had a wisdom tooth pulled out is considered normal. The condition is caused by concomitant injuries, damage to soft tissues and nerve endings.

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

Unpleasant symptoms usually disappear within 24–48 hours; if the opposite trend is observed - increasing pain every day, hyperthermia, you should consult a doctor.

Difficult removal

Complex wisdom tooth extraction is performed for the following basic indications:

  • incorrect growth and location (at a large angle, horizontally);
  • difficult eruption - pericoronitis;
  • completely destroyed crown;
  • ingrowth of roots into the maxillary sinuses.

Under such circumstances, the doctor needs to perform surgery to remove the wisdom tooth. The procedure does not last long, is carried out using painkillers and consists of the following stages, depending on the initial condition:

  1. the doctor cuts the gum, exposes the problematic tooth (if eruption is incomplete);
  2. sometimes a drill is required (for cutting a multi-rooted tooth);
  3. drilling of bone tissue;
  4. alternate removal of dental debris;
  5. At the end of the operation, the gums are restored, the hole is sutured with threads.

Compared to simple extraction, it is associated with more significant mechanical influences and damage. Therefore, a person must immediately assume that as soon as the effect of the painkiller wears off, aching pain, swelling, and possibly an increase in temperature will occur.

Let's summarize: according to medical standards, unpleasant symptoms can persist for a week, but there should be a tendency towards a daily reduction in discomfort and improvement in well-being. Otherwise, you should contact medical care, since instead of the healing process, inflammation may develop.

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

How long does your gum hurt after wisdom tooth removal? At proper treatment no more than a week.

As a result, we can identify the main causes of pain after removal:

  • trauma to gums and bone tissue;
  • violation of the integrity of the ligaments that hold the molar (rupture nerve fibers, vessels);
  • mechanical impacts during surgery due to which the nerve effector endings are destroyed;
  • temporary activation and spread of the inflammatory process to surrounding tissues.
  • The listed points relate to extraction injuries, are temporary in nature and are considered natural, so the patient’s reaction to such manifestations should be normal.

Don't worry about these symptoms:

  • If the aching pain after wisdom tooth removal persists for 1-2 days, sometimes it seems that;
  • there is swelling on the cheeks and lips – 3 days;
  • sometimes a hematoma may appear;
  • a slight increase in temperature on the first day (but not more than 38 °C);
  • headaches are present.

During the normal course of the healing process, symptoms should subside daily and pain should gradually disappear. All other cases are considered a deviation and indicate the development of complications.


The development of complications after wisdom tooth extraction is directly related to the complexity of the initial situation, the correctness of the procedure, and the patient’s compliance with the doctor’s recommendations for oral care.

Danger signs:

  • the presence of strong pronounced swelling of both cheeks;
  • the wound is bleeding;
  • body temperature from 38 °C and above;
  • fever, chills;
  • inflammation, redness of the gums.
  • Availability purulent discharge on the hole;
  • unrelenting pain.


One of the most common is the development of an inflammatory process in the socket cavity. The condition is accompanied by very severe pain, an unpleasant taste in the mouth and is called alveolitis. Occurs due to incomplete tooth extraction or infection during surgery.

The main factors preceding the occurrence of alveolitis:

  1. A blood clot fell out of the hole and it remained empty. Under such circumstances, the wound is not protected and is open to pathogenic microbes and food debris, which leads to inflammatory process. In some patients, a blood clot falls out when intensively rinsing the mouth, so this point is worth taking note of.
  2. The bone tissue of the alveoli at the location of the tooth was exposed. One of the reasons for this problem could be seam divergence.
  3. Suppuration has formed on the blood clot - the contents of the hole in the form of necrotic decay of the clot, food debris.

Why does pus collect:

  • During the operation, not all fragments of bone tissue were removed; tooth particles remained in the wound;
  • the presence of carious teeth provokes suppuration;
  • carrying out extraction against the background of an inflammatory process in the mouth.
  • With such a complication, you cannot endure it, try to relieve the pain with pills, or self-medicate. You should immediately contact your dentist, especially if the existing symptoms are accompanied by high fever, dull pain in the ear area, head, and severe swelling.


Sometimes untreated alveolitis becomes the basis for the formation of an additional complication - periostitis. Inflammation can also develop due to poor handling medical instruments, remaining tooth fragments in the socket.

Signs of periostitis:

  • acute, pronounced pain that does not stop;
  • swelling of the face (up to the middle of the nose, neck, chin), soft tissues of the oral cavity;
  • high temperature, malaise, headache.

If the periosteum of the jaw is affected by the inflammatory process, the condition can lead to an abscess.


The process is extremely dangerous consequence periostitis, characterized by an inflammatory-necrotic state. Not only the jaw bone is affected by purulent formations, but also bone marrow, which poses a serious threat to life.


  • very strong pain syndrome;
  • soft tissues swell;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • headache;
  • heat.
  • This complication is considered an advanced form, in which the patient must be urgently hospitalized.


IN medical practice This phenomenon is extremely rare if nerves were damaged during tooth extraction. Main symptom- numb tongue, chin, cheeks, lips, unclear diction. Typically, a return to normal occurs within 2–14 days. Much depends on individual characteristics and degree of damage. Galantamine and Dibazol (injections) are used for recovery.

Bleeding from the socket

This is the most common complication that people experience after the removal procedure.

Socket bleeding can be caused by the following reasons:

  • in case of violation of doctor's instructions during the postoperative period;
  • mechanical damage to the wound;
  • inflammatory process;
  • blood vessels are damaged;
  • concomitant diseases of the patient - against the background of hypertension, sepsis, leukemia.

If bleeding is prolonged, you should contact your dentist. It may be necessary to re-stitch the stitches, use hemostatic agents, and apply cold to the bleeding vessels.

Ways to reduce pain

If it hurts after tooth extraction, you must adhere to the following recommendations for successful wound healing:

  1. Apply to the removal site (on the cheek side) cold compress, bag of ice. The procedure must be performed in episodes to avoid hypothermia. Warming up is prohibited.
  2. Avoid eating for 3-5 hours. You should also refrain from drinking hot drinks, soups, and other liquids for at least a day.
  3. You should not take hot baths.
  4. You are allowed to brush your teeth the next day after surgery (not a day, but a day!).
  5. While eating, try to distribute the load on the opposite side and minimize the entry of residues into the hole.
  6. Do not touch the hole with foreign objects or touch it with your tongue.
  7. Avoid intensive rinsing, especially in the first 48 hours after surgery, as this will prevent the formation of a blood clot that should close the wound.
  8. Severe pain after wisdom tooth removal can be relieved with the help of painkillers (Analgin, Ketanov); if necessary, an antipyretic can be used. How much they help depends on the human body.

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

The dentist may prescribe antibacterial medications if there is a threat of complications or inflammatory processes.

Recipes for rinsing and appropriate medications are prescribed by the doctor based on the situation, in each case individually. If you strictly follow the simple requirements in postoperative period, That painful sensations after wisdom tooth removal, they go away on their own within 3–7 days.

Any surgical intervention in the human body leads to stress and tissue damage. This is what causes the pain syndrome, which, in essence, is natural reaction body. Pain also occurs after tooth extraction, because there is a formation in your oral cavity. open wound It’s natural that she can’t help but get sick. Gum tissue, periosteum, bone, and nerve endings may be affected or damaged. And therefore, the pain begins as soon as the effect of painkillers wears off.

How long can such pain last? It all depends on the complexity of the operation, the individual characteristics of each patient and the absence or presence of complications after the operation. The pain intensifies in the presence of an inflammatory process, and then the patient requires additional treatment which should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a personal dentist.

What to do for pain after tooth extraction

Depending on whether the sensation is natural after surgery or caused by inflammation, as well as depending on the intensity of the pain, a variety of measures are used, from mild analgesics to surgical intervention.

If tooth hurts after extraction, then it’s better not to take any traditional methods to alleviate your condition without a doctor’s recommendation. Rinsing with various decoctions, applying lard, lotions and other popular measures do not always promote wound healing; in some cases, self-medication can only worsen the situation.

The only measure that will definitely not harm anyone is the use of propolis. This substance has very strong antibacterial properties, and if you simply hold a plate in your mouth, you will reduce the level pathogenic microflora in your mouth.

If pain appears as a result of the development of an inflammatory process, then doctors usually prescribe antibiotics and antiseptic drugs to patients. Taking antibiotics inhibits the inflammatory process and reduces the risk of infection. This helps the patient cope with his condition faster. However, independently accepting such strong drugs it is forbidden. And choice medication, And required dosage must be prescribed by a dentist, who makes his choice based on diagnostic data.

If pain after tooth extraction too strong as a result of low pain threshold patient or the operation is excessively traumatic, then analgesics can be used. If the pain is not pathological in nature, then painkillers cope with it very effectively.

To reduce the risk of too intense pain, try to avoid eating for as long as possible after tooth extraction surgery, and then, until the hole is completely healed, eat foods of moderate temperature and soft consistency. Avoid eating too sour, salty or spicy food, which irritates the mucous membrane.

If the pain is too intense, you should contact your dentist; perhaps you are developing an inflammatory process or some other complications after surgery.

What complications can cause pain after tooth extraction surgery?

Most a common complication A dry socket that causes serious discomfort to the patient and interferes with the healing of the postoperative wound is a dry socket. In this case, it often develops pain after tooth extraction.

Normally, after removal has occurred, the hole fills with blood and a clot is formed, the purpose of which is to protect the wound from infection, foreign bodies and promote its speedy healing.

Most often, a clot does not form in elderly patients, smokers, and in patients with hormonal problems, as well as in women taking hormonal contraceptives. It also happens that a blood clot is washed out during rinsing, brushing teeth, or is removed when the patient drinks from a straw.

If the tooth that was removed is located in such a way that you can see the remaining wound in the mirror, then you can see that the hole appears dry and slightly shows through the bone. In such cases, you should not wait until pain appears after tooth extraction; you should immediately contact your doctor. The dentist will apply a tampon with the appropriate medication to the wound, which will help prevent infection from entering the wound.

If you yourself could not detect a dry socket, then its presence can be assumed if the following symptoms appear: Blunt pain, which over time becomes aching in nature and becomes more intense, may appear bad taste in the mouth and putrid odor from the mouth.

Pain after tooth extraction may also appear due to the development of an inflammatory process, which can occur due to the most various reasons: weak immunity patient, improper oral hygiene after surgery, the doctor working with unsterile instruments or left in the socket cavity foreign object, which could be a piece of cotton wool or a splinter of a tooth.

As mentioned above, How long does a tooth hurt after extraction?, depends on many factors. Sometimes the pain continues for a week. But if you feel that over time the swelling increases and the pain becomes more intense, then you should not wait until the problem resolves itself; it is better to consult a doctor.

Or rather, an empty hole, they are interested in when the pain took you by surprise. Unpleasant sensations, which arose as a result of tearing out the incisor, there is no need to be surprised.

This natural consequence an operation during which tissues and nerves are certainly injured, despite the dentist observing all precautions.

Why and how long does the hole hurt?

Place under extracted tooth wisdom, called the hole, as soon as the anesthesia wears off, it will definitely hurt. After all, each incisor is attached to “living” tissue.

In general, the jaw, the so-called harbor for teeth, has alveolar nerves at the top and bottom -.

It is considered the most sensitive nerve of the face and the entire head and is part of the superior and inferior alveolar nerves, which are responsible for the response to various irritants from the gums, tissues surrounding the root of the wisdom tooth or other bone formation, and the incisors themselves.

Removing the incisor also entails removing the nerve, which enters the tooth pulp along with the vessels through a small gap at the top of the root.

The procedure for tearing out the incisor does not affect the nerve endings present in the periodontium and gums, but it is irritating.

Therefore, after removal of the bone formation, the empty socket begins to hurt.

Typically, tissue in the oral cavity disturbed by the removal of a wisdom tooth or a regular molar heals within 4 days or a week.

How long the hole at the site of the removed incisor will hurt depends on a number of factors:

  • the complexity of the procedure, because the tooth that needs to be pulled out may be large in size, located deep in the oral cavity, or significantly damaged;
  • compliance with the recommendations of the doctor who removed the incisor or other bone formation;
  • qualifications and experience of the dentist, who must pull out a wisdom tooth or an ordinary incisor with the utmost care;
  • the equipment of the dental office, because, as a rule, the latest devices for removing bone formation cause much less pain;
  • sensitivity of the patient, after all, in some people the jaw hurts more strongly after surgery, while in others it hurts less.

A wound always forms at the site of a torn incisor. It heals over a period of time. On the first day after the removal of a wisdom tooth, a blood clot forms in the socket, which is necessary to heal the wound.

It is forbidden to pick it out. And after a few days, the hole begins to heal, becoming covered with thin epithelium.

A little later, connective tissue appears at the site of the torn bone formation, which closes the wound.

7 days after removal of the incisor, the blood clot is almost completely replaced connective tissue. At the same time, bone tissue is formed in a place that still hurts a little.

After another week, the hole previously occupied by the wisdom tooth is completely overgrown with epithelium.

Bone tissue actively grows in it, which after some time closes the entire cavity where the incisor recently stood.

How many days will pass before the hole is completely filled with hard tissue cannot be determined exactly. This may even take 3 months.

Even longer, the bone tissue in the socket will acquire the structure that both the upper and lower jaw. After 4 months, the alveolar ridge will become thinner.

What to do to reduce pain?

A socket that hurts due to an incisor removal procedure should never be heated.

That is, applying a heating pad to your cheek or wrapping half your face with a scarf or warm towel is out of the question.

To prevent the hole from getting sick even more, you do not need to rinse your mouth with hot water. herbal decoction or infusion.

Because of these procedures, a person who has just had a wisdom tooth pulled out risks worsening the situation by causing a purulent process.

When it hurts, apply a cold compress to the hole. To do this, it is better to use pieces of ice enclosed in a plastic bottle.

Additionally, to get rid of pain after removing an incisor or other bone formation, you can use a chamomile decoction cooled to room temperature.

You just need to hold it in the mouth for half a minute, without rinsing the empty hole, since this action can harm the wound at the site of the removed incisor.

If the hole from which it was torn out bone formation, it bothers you quite noticeably, then you can rinse your mouth with a solution of salt.

Instead of this ingredient you can use baking soda, poured into a glass of water in the amount of one tablespoon.

The procedure for rinsing the painful hole is recommended to be carried out in the morning, afternoon and evening, but only 3 days after the removal of the incisor.

In a situation where the area under the pulled out tooth hurts severely, you can take a painkiller. It's best to take advantage medicine, which never failed.

But if there is such a thing in home medicine cabinet no, then you should consult your doctor and choose a drug suitable for eliminating toothache along with it.

True, resorting to painkillers is not always advisable, because unbearable painful sensations may indicate inflammation, for which you need to see a dentist.

Sometimes it happens that tissue damage in the hole from which the incisor was pulled out leads to inflammation of the gums. There is nothing wrong with this, although this process is very unpleasant.

There is no need to worry about this, you just need to follow all the doctor’s requirements regarding treatment procedures.

How many days it will take for a wounded hole to heal largely depends on how accurately the patient with an extracted tooth follows the dentist’s recommendations.

The jaw where the dentist removed the incisor will not bother you much if you brush your teeth properly. On the first day, you cannot use the paste and you need to brush only over the incisors that were not affected during the operation.

In order not to wonder how many days or weeks you will have to endure toothache, you should contact your dentist to remove the incisor at the right time.

It is considered the period when the patient does not experience any health problems, that is, does not suffer from a cold or suffer from allergies.

The fact is that the body, weakened by any disease, may not be able to cope with the task of restoring damaged tissue in the hole.

Painful sensations resulting from the removal of a root formation in the oral cavity are considered normal.

However, they should only be a minor concern and should disappear completely after a few weeks.

And increased pain in the socket is a reason to quickly seek help from a dentist to check if complications have arisen.

Pain is a warning signal about damage or malfunction of an element of the dental system. If you feel pain for a long time after wisdom tooth removal, visit your dentist.

For acute toothache, go to dental clinic can't be avoided. But the opposite situation may also arise. What to do if a tooth hurts after nerve removal?

Causes of toothache

Pain is a warning signal about damage or malfunction of an element of the dental system. If pain is present, it is necessary to identify the cause of its occurrence as early as possible. Visiting a qualified dentist at the first symptoms will help avoid the development of possible complications. At your doctor's appointment, describe in detail the pain and the object of concern, as well as how long it lasts.

If you feel pain for a long time after wisdom tooth removal, visit your dentist. No self-medication or methods traditional medicine! Painful sensations from temperature changes and exposure to a toothbrush indicate functional disorders enamel or hard tissue.

With caries, chips and cracks, anxiety and false sensations can cause both the patient and healthy tooth. With this disease, a person experiences sharp pain.

With the development of pulpitis, both the entire jaw and individual teeth may hurt, especially when pressed. Deterioration of the condition (increasing pain, apparent enlargement of the tooth compared to the rest, increase in temperature) indicates the active development of periodontitis. A bad tooth is the reason for everything. In this situation, only a doctor must make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary course of treatment.

Toothache can cause inflammation in the ears, nose, and throat. A common phenomenon is imaginary and apparent sensations when pressing on the jaw, the cause of which is stress.

To identify the cause of pain, it is not enough to consider only oral diseases. A professional will do it well.

Among the main causes of pain are the following.

  1. Doctor’s mistakes, due to which the tooth hurts after removal of the nerve and inflammatory processes develop due to poor-quality treatment of the root canal, removal of material.
  2. Reaction to medications. When treating root canals, aggressive drugs are usually used, it is possible allergic reaction on the filling material.
  3. The development of neuralgia, the signs of which are: the jaw may hurt when biting or touching, numbness, neuralgic attacks.
  4. Previous inflammatory processes and suppuration.

Keep in mind that if you put off a visit to the dentist, the only solution to the problem can then be surgical intervention.

Pain relief after nerve removal

After the anesthesia drugs have stopped working, pain can be reduced in this way.

  1. Rinse with a warm solution of table salt and iodine for as long as needed until your jaw stops hurting.
  2. The use of drugs with an analgesic effect (Analgin, Ketanov), if there are no contraindications.
  3. Use proven methods of traditional medicine: apply propolis to the gums, rinse the jaw sunflower oil, vodka (be sure to spit out the liquid).

This helps reduce pain for a short period of time. It is unknown how long the effect will last. Therefore, visiting a doctor is mandatory. Prescribed antibiotics and antiseptic rinses, even after the pain has stopped, will not be superfluous; the use of painkillers builds immunity.

Possible complications

Individual structural features of the canals and pulp can cause complications. X-rays allow the dentist to present a clear picture of the structure of the canals, how to approach them and what tools to use for this.

Advanced pulpitis (due to untimely treatment of caries) leads to the removal of the dental nerve. Filled teeth with a living nerve will last much longer than without it. Neglecting a visit to the doctor late stage caries ensures the development of periodontitis. This diagnosis is accompanied by acute pain; in such a case, the doctor completely removes the pulp.

“Dead” teeth are more susceptible to decay. For high-quality pulp removal, in most cases, a significant part of the tooth is removed. Dentists' recommendations: cover the tooth with a metal or metal-ceramic crown.

To prevent caries, practice good oral hygiene and be sure to visit the dentist's office once every six months.

Reasons and types of tooth extraction

The healing process after removal surgery is sometimes accompanied by lingering pain. Typically, painful sensations last up to three days; longer durations are symptoms, and only a doctor will determine what.

Reasons for tooth extraction

  • tooth destruction as a result of caries and the impossibility of its restoration;
  • incorrect positioning of teeth or their damage (chips);
  • preparation for orthodontic treatment.

Types of tooth extraction

  1. A simple method is to remove the tooth in one piece.
  2. A complex method involves removal in separate fragments, which is impossible without destroying the jaw bone and soft gum tissue.

Causes of pain symptoms

Removal of ordinary and “wise” teeth is accompanied by pain, and sometimes complications arise. How long does pain last after wisdom tooth removal?

An extracted tooth can sometimes cause other teeth to shift. This makes chewing food difficult. It is recommended to prevent such consequences by installing an artificial tooth.

A blood clot must remain in the socket after surgery; it is this that has a positive effect on the healing process, serves as protection and the basis for the formation of new bone tissue. It is not recommended to rinse during the first 24 hours after removing an element of the “dental system”. Slow healing causes pain. Without a blood clot, the bone will be exposed. This is how a “dry socket” appears. It is accompanied by pain, which can spread to the ear, and a rather unpleasant odor appears from the mouth. In such a situation, immediately visit a doctor to apply dressings.

The most common complication is alveolitis. Arises due to chronic inflammation tissue, dry socket or tooth debris. Manifests itself in the form of redness, swelling, accompanied by an increase in temperature, aching pain. The solution is for the dentist to treat the wounds and clear the infection.

The inflammatory process leads to the development of osteomyelitis. An urgent visit to the doctor is your salvation. Treatment includes rinsing antiseptic drugs and applying medicated tampons.

Remains of teeth cause acute pain, in turn, this leads to an inflammatory process. A repeat operation is required to remove remaining bone tissue. To confirm a successful procedure, a photo must be taken.

Suppuration of the socket occurs when an infection occurs due to non-compliance or violation of hygiene rules, inflammation, and remaining fragments. A timely visit to the doctor will prevent the formation of a fistula or cyst.

Pain can occur after overexertion, a reaction to anesthesia, or gum disease. Fever can last for two days. Taking medications prescribed by your doctor and maintaining hygiene will improve your well-being and speed up healing.

If bleeding occurs after tooth extraction, apply a cotton swab and leave it for a while. After 15 minutes the bleeding will stop.

Paresthesia is the process of numbness of the tongue, lips and chin. May occur during surgery. As a rule, it goes away within two weeks, rarely incurable.

The duration of pain after a tooth extraction procedure varies from person to person. Using painkillers following the instructions and also containing Ibuprofen or Paracetamol will slightly reduce pain. Rinsing with decoctions of mint, St. John's wort and lemon balm, as well as a solution will help sea ​​salt with iodine. After symptoms resolve, consult a doctor.

Tooth extraction almost always causes pain. If symptoms increase, contact a specialist.

Various factors can cause toothache. Establish their exact causes, prescribe comprehensive and effective treatment Only a doctor can. Therefore, no self-medication! This can only lead to complications and development of diseases.

You need to visit the dentist twice a year. Don't put off your visits! Regular appointments and prevention will help avoid complications and keep your teeth in excellent condition. Be healthy!