Itchy skin - causes and modern methods of treatment. Why does itching appear on the body without a rash?

If a person's body itches different places, the reasons for this phenomenon should be established together with a doctor. Itching of the skin occurs as a result of external or internal influence on the nerve endings located between the dermis and epidermis.

Most often, this unpleasant symptom occurs due to physiological and pathological factors. The first is usually considered to be the body’s response to an external stimulus, and the second is a signal indicating that a person has any health problems.

In situations where the whole body or certain parts of it itch, it is difficult for people to maintain self-control. Itching makes a person restless and unbalanced, and attempts to scratch the problem area do not bring him noticeable relief. To get rid of unpleasant sensations on the skin, the patient needs to identify and eliminate the cause that provokes them. To do this, he should visit a doctor and get tested. Based on the examination results, the specialist will prescribe the patient treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of itching and restoring the health of the skin. Itching on the body does not always indicate illness. If it develops due to any fault physiological factor

, it is enough for the patient to remove the irritant so that the desire to itch disappears without a trace. Physiological (natural) causes of itching occur when exposed to skin

physical, biological or chemical provocateurs from the environment.

The pathology in this case can occur without rashes and disappear on its own after eliminating the external irritant. Physiological itchy skin

insect bites. The most common cause of physiological itching of the skin is its excessive dryness. Overdrying is caused by poor-quality body care products (cosmetics, soap, shower gels, etc.) and hot water . Increased dryness of the skin is especially common during the cold season, when a person is forced to be in rooms with central heating. To relieve itching of the skin that occurs due to its increased dryness, a person should smear the body with moisturizing creams or lotions, take cold and hot shower, drink at least 2 liters of water daily and regularly ventilate the room in which he spends most of his time. These measures will help restore water balance skin and get rid of unpleasant sensations on its surface.

If a person’s whole body itches and itches after sunbathing, then his discomfort can be explained negative influence ultraviolet radiation.

Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight leads to dry skin, causing it to itch.

Get rid of it unpleasant symptom You can use creams with a UV filter, which should be applied to the body and face before going to the beach or for a walk.

Itching all over or on the body separate areas may be associated with the use of substances that irritate the skin. These include household chemicals, pet hair, and some types of fabrics. The head may itch due to poor-quality shampoo, dye, hair styling products or a hat. The cause of itching on the body can be plants that a person has recently touched (nettle, buttercup, hogweed, ash, sleep grass, parsnip, larkspur). When exposed to irritants, itching of the skin may be accompanied by redness or a rash.

If your body itches, you should consult a specialist. He will determine the cause and prescribe treatment.

To get rid of these symptoms, the patient should completely protect himself from “communication” with provocateurs who cause discomfort to his body skin. Until he does this, the treatment prescribed by the doctor will not bring tangible results.

If a person’s whole body itches when climbing to a high altitude (8-10 thousand meters above sea level), then doctors diagnose him with altitude sickness - a condition that occurs as a result oxygen starvation. It develops in people who are high in the mountains or fly in an aircraft that is not equipped with a pressurized cabin ( hot-air balloon, paragliding, etc.). In this case, the only way to avoid itching is to stay on the ground.

Mosquito bites and other blood-sucking insects can also provoke skin itching, so when the body itches strongly in a certain place, a person needs to carefully examine it. Bites look like redness that is hard to the touch with clear boundaries.

Doctors do not advise scratching them, as this can lead to infection of the itchy areas and the development of complications.

To relieve discomfort and make the reddened area less noticeable, the bite sites should be treated with special antipruritic and anti-inflammatory agents sold in pharmacies.

Pathological itching in diseases of the liver, kidneys and blood

If your body itches, the causes of this problem are often related to pathological changes in organism. Scratching can be accompanied not only by dermatological diseases, but also by many diseases internal organs. Pathological itching can accompany a person constantly or occur at certain hours (for example, in the morning or at night), cover the entire body or be localized in certain areas.

In some people, itching of the body without a rash is observed against the background of an increase in the content of bilirubin in the blood plasma with extrahepatic cholestasis, cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis of various etiologies. In high concentrations, this bile pigment causes skin irritation.

Most often when elevated level bilirubin, people itch their palms, soles, interdigital folds and abdomen, but itching can also occur in other parts of the body.

Under tight clothing, discomfort intensifies and causes physical suffering to the patient.

Night itching, localized in the genital area, lower back, shoulders, arms, legs and nose, is a sign of chronic renal failure. In summer it is more pronounced than in winter. This itching occurs as a result of intoxication of the patient’s body. uric acid, ammonia and other products of protein metabolism.

Itching localized in a certain area can indicate the development of blood pathologies in a person. If there is a constant desire to scratch the skin under which the lymph nodes are located, the doctor may suspect the patient has lymphogranulomatosis. Itching in the genital area and anus often indicates that the patient has iron deficiency anemia

. Itchy arms, legs, head and neck: what could it be? If such a symptom intensifies after swimming in warm water, then the person needs to take a blood test and rule out polycythemia.

Endocrinological problems and allergic reactions When without visible reasons ear canals, anus and genitals, the patient should check his blood sugar level, since itching of these parts of the body often occurs in people with diabetes.

Mild and intermittent discomfort on the surface of the skin may indicate a dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

Patients who have it should visit an endocrinologist and make sure that they do not have hypothyroidism, hyperparathyroidism and thyrotoxicosis.

Allergies are often accompanied by itching. It develops as a result of the patient’s body’s immune response to irritants. Allergies can be caused by food products (honey, fish, citrus fruits, eggs, cow's milk), and cold, plant pollen, medications, dust, etc. With itching of allergic origin, the skin often turns red, a rash and irritation appear on its surface. In this case, the specialist prescribes the patient treatment with antihistamines, which relieve him of allergy symptoms. To immune reaction has not reappeared, the patient must henceforth avoid contact with allergy triggers.

Severe itching skin after being exposed to the sun's rays, which causes suffering to a person, cannot be ignored. This symptom may indicate that he has photodermatosis (allergy to the sun). Treatment of this disease should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, so a person whose skin itches while being outside in sunny weather should visit a dermatologist or allergist as soon as possible.

Itching during nervous disorders, pregnancy and menopause

Itching of the entire surface of the skin or its individual areas sometimes occurs against the background of neuroses, stress, depression and others. mental disorders. At the same time, the person has no redness or rash on his body. Psychogenic itching can weaken or completely disappear during the day, when the patient is busy with current affairs, and become stronger in the evenings, when he is freed from work and returns to his experiences.

Discomfort on the skin is felt more clearly during stressful situations, therefore, people who have severe itching on the body nervous soil, doctors recommend taking sedatives and sedatives during periods of emotional stress.

Why does the body itch in different places in pregnant women? They experience unpleasant sensations on the skin due to cholestasis and endocrine changes in the body. In this category of patients, itching usually covers the entire abdomen, mammary glands, thighs and upper limbs. Endocrine changes can lead to unpleasant sensations on the body in women during menopause. Discomfort occurs periodically and is localized mainly in the area armpits, mammary glands and genitals. There is no reason for concern in this case, since after menopause the woman’s itching will disappear without a trace.

Itching during pregnancy is a very common phenomenon among women.

Dermatological and oncological diseases

The next diseases in line, accompanied by itchy manifestations on the skin, are dermatological. When people talk about them, they mean dermatitis (atopic and seborrheic), lichen (shingles and red flat), scabies, xerosis, fungal skin lesions, acne etc. The desire to scratch the body may occur at the site of formation birthmarks and ingrown hairs.

What pathology is indicated by itching that occurs for no reason in the area of ​​the nasal passages? Sometimes this symptom is a sign malignant tumor brain. Itching and burning in the scrotum and perineum in men may indicate prostate cancer. For availability malignant neoplasm in the rectum in some cases indicates itching in the perianal area.

A woman should be examined by a gynecologist if she suddenly feels unpleasant sensations inside the vagina, as they can occur against the background of cervical cancer.

As you can see, the causes of itching on the skin can be different. It is not always possible to understand what to do if your body itches without consulting a doctor. To eliminate discomfort, a person often has to exercise full examination body and undergo a long drug treatment. So that therapy can give positive result, it must be started as early as possible and carried out under the constant supervision of a treating specialist.


Dryness, prolonged sun exposure, bites, diseases of internal organs, infections, allergies - any of these factors can cause irritating itching of the skin, which you want to get rid of as quickly as possible. Special ointments, usually containing camphor, menthol and other soothing ingredients, help relieve itching. The most undesirable thing is itching associated with bacterial infection; try not to disturb the skin: scratches and cuts become a path for infections. Prolonged itching, especially in combination with skin trauma, should be a signal to seek treatment. medical care.

How it manifests itself

Itching occurs as an irritated skin condition that causes the desire to scratch the affected area. He can be local(in a limited area) or widespread all over the body. In some cases, the body itches at night, preventing you from sleeping peacefully.

Itching that covers the entire surface of the body is more difficult to cure than local itching. Sometimes skin damage is observed in the area of ​​its manifestation: bumps, blisters, redness and other abnormal conditions.

Changes in the skin may indicate a serious illness (for example, scabies, lichen, eczema, etc.), so you should show them to a dermatologist; urgent medical attention may be required.

Why does it occur

Itching is caused by many reasons. Very often he is psychological problem, the result of anxiety or stress. In turn, itching that occurs for other reasons can cause anxiety or provoke stress, increasing the problem and discomfort. Pay attention to the main causes of itching:

Diabetes, shingles, irritation from fabrics or cosmetics, deteriorating living conditions, pregnancy and many other factors can also be the cause. However, most people do not have serious illnesses and can get rid of the itching with a little effort.

How to relieve itching

Trying to get rid of itching, some victims scratch the affected areas with their nails; at first this leads to noticeable relief. But then the itching intensifies due to scratches from scratching. Damage opens access to infections, and with prolonged scratching, skin may appear. dark spots and seals. Therefore, you should try not to scratch the itchy skin at all, although, as practice shows, most people do not have enough endurance for this.

Itching can be relieved by exposure to cold. The same nerve endings are responsible for these sensations, so cold relieves itching. Use any available means for this.

  • Apply a clean cloth dampened with cold water to the affected area;
  • Take a cold shower;
  • A cool bath with the addition of oat decoction is effective against itching;
  • Apply ice packs or home-frozen ice cubes wrapped in plastic wrap.

Hot showers are not recommended; they only provide temporary relief. In the future, the itching will intensify due to dry skin and a feeling of tightness caused by hot water. Cooling creams and ointments can be used as an alternative to cold. with camphor and menthol. They act on nerve endings and stop itching, but a short time. Therefore, the cream must be used frequently and reapplied as soon as the effect wears off.

Sometimes ointment is used against itching with hydrocortisone, there is a high probability of getting a backlash, since this component is intended for a specific effect, for example, for eczema and seborrhea. And even for these diseases, over-the-counter ointment is completely useless because it has a low concentration active substance(1%). Hydrocortisone has no effect on insect bites at all; use the ointment only on the recommendation of a doctor.

To eliminate itching it is also used antihistamines medicines sold without a prescription. Such drugs cause drowsiness and should not be used when working with complex equipment or driving a car. It should be noted that antihistamines the new generation has virtually no sedative effect, some of them are available without a doctor's prescription.

If you have tried all the remedies and the itching does not go away, lumps or dark spots have appeared, do not sleep at night - it is time to seek medical help. The doctor will diagnose and prescribe treatment for the underlying disease that caused the itching, along with soothing ointments and, if necessary, recommend antihistamines.

He automatically has an unbearable desire to scratch. Itching is the same pain, but here pain receptors very, very weakly excited. If we can say that some bad changes have occurred in our body. By itching, he sends us a signal and asks us to help him.

Pain always indicates that the body has been damaged. Feeling pain, we withdraw our hand from the burning flame, kill a mosquito or throw away a burnt out match. Accordingly, when the whole body itches, it means that it is not completely satisfied with its condition, and we urgently need to pay attention to it. It is worth noting that scratching only makes the situation worse. By scratching the skin, we ourselves deliberately worsen our condition: the itching intensifies significantly. Irritation and even scratches may occur.

In order to begin to eliminate this problem, you need to find out why your whole body itches. Perhaps the itching is due to what is happening in the skin age-related changes. During this period, it becomes drier and thinner. Impaired sebum secretion and sagging lead to the skin becoming more sensitive, losing protection, and quickly becoming irritated. This is why the whole body itches. He can be helped. Use special moisturizers and nourishing creams for mature skin. Products such as sour cream, milk, egg yolk and honey Best action They have an effect on the skin if applied immediately after visiting the steam room.

Why does my whole body itch? Dry skin is one of the most common causes. Therefore, in addition to using masks and creams, do not forget that you need to drink enough daily clean water. Instead of water, it is good to use decoctions of chamomile, calendula, string, mint and nettle. If your whole body itches, it means that all is not well inside. These decoctions will help eliminate the cause and calm the body.

Baths with various medicinal additives greatly alleviate the condition. Prepare a decoction of celandine, string or nettle and add it to the bath. Lie in it for twenty minutes, and then wipe the itchy areas with dill juice diluted with water. Stop using chemicals, drying and irritating the skin. Use soft gels or

What to do if your whole body itches? Be sure to think about it. Maybe, this symptom indicates the presence of some disease in the body. Skin itching is possible with food poisoning, blood diseases, vitamin deficiency, diabetes and jaundice. If you suspect any of them, consult your doctor immediately. These diseases require medical examination and prescription. necessary medications. In some cases, itching may be caused by a lack of vitamins in the body. Try to think through your diet and include everything you need in it. Be sure to add as many vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables to your daily menu as possible.

Dry skin, and therefore itching, can cause. It is recommended to purchase a special complex containing the required dose of this mineral.

What to do if your whole body itches, but no health problems are observed? Most likely it's nerves. The first thing that can be advised in such cases is to use a sedative and learn to relax. Stabilization of the psyche is very well facilitated by contrast dousing, always a full night sleep, walks and sports on fresh air, sunbathing. If you think about it, we constantly irritate our skin. We rub it, pull it, press it, squeeze it. Our friends endorphins help us cope well with all these loads. Their amount in the blood increases when we experience pleasure. Accordingly, our protection increases. Draw a conclusion, try to get joy from every minute you live!

  • What you need to know about itchy skin?
  • Types of itching
  • Causes of itchy body skin

What you need to know about itchy skin?

It would seem like a trifle, but what a worry! Previously, itching was considered a type of pain. Subsequently they came to the conclusion that this was not entirely true, but recognized its connection with nervous system- after all, the signal that you need to scratch/rub/stroke this or that area of ​​the skin comes from the brain. Let's take a nice example: a butterfly landed on your hand. The skin sends information through nerve endings (it’s ticklish) to the brain, and a signal is immediately generated (look and, if anything, shake it off; check if everything is okay).

Tickling and light touching also cause itching. Sometimes it's very nice.
© Getty Images

However, let's get back to the itching. Its reasons are, firstly, not so pleasant, and secondly, not so obvious. In any case, this sensation causes a scratching reflex to, if possible, get rid of the source of the itching and restore comfort to the skin.

Types of itching

The causes of itching turned out to be so numerous that in the world (and in our country) with some medical clinics There are entire centers dedicated to this problem. It is clear that everyone is familiar with itching as a result of a mosquito bite, but if skin itching throughout the body becomes the cause of insomnia, it must be dealt with seriously. In addition, like pain, it can vary in intensity from mild to unbearable, causing you to scratch the skin.

Based on the scale of manifestations, doctors divide itching into two types - localized and generalized.



This is already a serious story. You can't figure it out without a qualified doctor. Severe itching all over the body can be a consequence of: skin infection, and serious internal diseases, even mental problems.

Causes of itchy body skin

The range of these reasons is huge, let's start with the most common and simple ones.

Excessive dry skin

Leads to disruption of the integrity of its hydrolipid mantle. If the skin becomes dry and flaky, it is usually accompanied by itching. Unpleasant sensations can occur after a shower, for example, if you use soap, which in combination with tap water dries out the skin. In this case, the itching should be regarded as a request for help. You no longer have enough strength to correct the accumulated damage to your skin. You need powerful moisturizers.

So, provocateurs that can make just dry skin very dry:

    low temperatures;

    very low air humidity;

    hard water.

Skin restoration after sunburn, aesthetic procedure

Sometimes beauty really does require sacrifice. Especially hair removal... Itching often accompanies the recovery process. © Getty Images

Indeed, “it itches means it heals.” Here you will have to be patient and use soothing, moisturizing and regeneration-accelerating products. Histamine, which is produced in areas of damage, is to blame. One of its tasks is to increase blood circulation in this area, which speeds up the healing process.

Their army is innumerable, ranging from scabies mites (which are very easy to pick up) or lice, to fungus from the pool, staphylococcal infection(impetigo) and viruses, including herpes. Many diseases like chickenpox, which are accompanied by a rash, inevitably cause the skin to itch. Obviously, in this case the doctor will prescribe necessary treatment against the disease. The itching will also go away. In the future, to strengthen the skin’s immunity, it is important to moisturize it well and prevent excessive dryness.

Skin diseases

Psoriasis, eczema, atopic and seborrheic dermatitis- many dermatological diseases non-infectious nature are also accompanied by itching, because they are associated in one way or another with skin damage, disruption and, as a rule, excessive dryness.

In such situations, the doctor prescribes not only treatment, but also daily care that will help minimize the manifestations of the disease and keep it under control.

Vitamin and mineral deficiency

It is clear that for such pronounced manifestations the deficiency must be very serious. However, it is possible. , iron, B vitamins, vitamin A negatively affects the skin, leading to peeling and itching. But everything passes without a trace, you just have to satisfy your vitamin and mineral hunger.

Diseases of internal organs and systems

Skin itching, usually generalized, is often accompanied by very serious illnesses, including diabetes, other endocrine (hormonal) disorders, blood, liver, kidney diseases, neurological and oncological problems. Therefore, in no case should you neglect this symptom and postpone consulting a doctor.

If the cause of itchy skin is not obvious, be sure to consult a doctor!
© Getty Images

Psychogenic itching

Psychogenic itch makes us itch when we read an article about itching or see someone scratching. This form is different from the others complete absence visible and objective reasons for itching. This happens in moments of stress and excitement - due to nervousness. But not only. Sometimes this problem interferes with living and sleeping.

Generalized psychogenic itching may accompany a depressive state.

How to get rid of severe itchy skin all over your body

First, go to a dermatologist for a consultation. As we see, there can be many reasons, and very serious ones. At the same time, you can reconsider traditional skin care.

Alexander Prokofiev, medical expert of the La Roche-Posay brand, offers three universal advice body skin care:

Cosmetical tools

Depending on the cause of the itching, you should choose suitable cosmetics.

    If the problem is dry skin, then any moisturizing creams and body oils will improve the situation.

    In the case of allergy-prone skin, preference must be given. Some brands, for example, La Roche-Posay, develop entire lines for complete care specifically for such skin.

It is clear that cosmetics will not solve the problem until the original cause of the itching is eliminated, so do not neglect consulting a dermatologist.

What cosmetics will help with skin care?


If your skin is itchy and sensitive, it is important to avoid soap as much as possible and choose your shower gels carefully.

Lipid-restoring cleansing cream-gel for face and body of babies, children and adults Lipikar Syndet AP+, La Roche-Posay contains shea butter, vitamin B3, and a probiotic to restore skin.

Nourishing shower cream Nurturing Body Washing Cream series Crème de Corps, Kiehl’s not only cleanses, but also softens dry and sensitive skin thanks to shea and jojoba oils.

Lipid-replenishing softening oil for bath and shower Lipikar AP+ Oil, La Roche-Posay Addresses extremely dry skin of adults, children and babies. Contains components aimed at restoring the skin macrobiome and reducing discomfort caused by dryness.


Moisturizing “Melting Body Milk”, Garnier, in addition to nourishing oils, it contains a complex of bifidobacteria, which moisturizes and strengthens the protective barrier of the epidermis. Oat milk additionally soothes the skin.

One of the most common reasons The reason why people consult a dermatologist is itching. At the same time, the person who applied notes that the skin itches all over the body without manifestations. In addition, the patient often cannot independently explain the origin unpleasant sensation. In this case, the doctor begins to find out the details: whether some specific places are scratched or the itching covers the whole body, what is its severity, whether it occurs from time to time or worries constantly, at what intervals of the day it begins to bother. The symptoms that accompany the discomfort are also of utmost importance.

Why does the body itch in different places?

Allergies are the first thing doctors associate with itching. A reaction may occur after taking medication, applying cosmetic product, contact with household chemicals and even due to increased nervous tension. Itching of the body, which occurs in different places, is not an isolated symptom. Also of concern:

Itching is detected with a number of other systemic diseases. The most common of them are:

  1. Liver pathologies. One of the diseases, cirrhosis of the liver, initial stages does not manifest itself in a person with anything other than the desire to scratch the skin in one place or another. A sick person feels itching all over the body for no apparent reason, which intensifies as the disease progresses.
  2. . Most patients suffering from the disease note that the first signal of the onset of the disease was itching. Disease-stricken tiny ones blood vessels, they cease to fully nourish the skin cells, the epidermis becomes dehydrated and flakes off. As a result, a person complains that his body is constantly itching in different places.
  3. Kidney failure. This condition develops as a result of the progression of certain kidney diseases and is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms, which appear much earlier than the one described. Often itchy skin occurs without external manifestations when undergoing a type of treatment such as hemodialysis.
  4. Multiple sclerosis. Along with a whole list of unremarkable early warning signs of the disease, itching appears. Sick people do not attach much importance to these signs, because they go away on their own. Often their appearance is associated not with illness, but with some situation: lying for a long time, serving time, etc.
  5. Oncological diseases. Some types of cancer are accompanied by itching. People with malignant tumors localized in genitourinary system, complain that their whole body itches for no apparent reason. No rash or other symptoms are observed. Particularly intense irritation occurs if colon or pancreatic cancer is diagnosed.

In what cases is it necessary to see a doctor?

The signals sent by the body cannot be ignored. If your body itches in different places, you need to look for the reasons together with your doctor and do not wait for the sensation to disappear on its own. A visit to a specialist should be scheduled for the near future if any symptom or several signs from the list are discovered along with the itching:

  • there is oppression general condition(fever, nausea, weakness);
  • the skin and sclera of the eyes turned yellow;
  • urination has become rare or stopped completely;
  • limbs and body swell;
  • arms and legs sometimes seem to “go numb”, “become “wobbly”, and a tingling sensation appears;
  • vision has deteriorated;
  • at night there is a feeling of heat, an unusual amount of sweat is released.

Even if it seems that the skin is itching for no apparent reason, and after a while the itching completely disappears, this is not a reason to postpone a visit to the doctor. Sometimes the disease manifests itself this way: some symptoms fade away, but others appear, and the disease moves to a new stage. It is also important to listen to your own condition and ask yourself questions: what hurts, are there any changes, are there any relatives in the direct line who suffered cancer? Even a very attentive doctor who carefully collects anamnesis may miss some important sign, signaling the onset of the disease, so it is important to independently analyze the situation.

The body itches in different places: how to eliminate itching

They help determine the diagnosis when itching is not due to an allergy or any dermatological disease. laboratory methods examinations. Depending on the history collected and the suspicions that arise in this regard, the doctor may suggest donating blood for the following tests:

  • general (ESR, leukocytes);
  • bilirubin;
  • biochemistry.

You may also need to provide urine. Tests can help identify problems with the kidneys: general and according to the Reberg-Tareev method. Instrumental methods diagnostics will reveal the picture even more clearly hidden disease. As a rule, an ultrasound of the organs and possibly a biopsy are prescribed. As a result, it will be clear: everything itches for no reason, or there is a threat to health.

Pharmacy products

Even if the cause of the itching is an allergy, as the simplest of the above, a person without medical knowledge will not be able to cope with the problem on his own. In this situation, the doctor will determine the allergen using tests and prescribe treatment.

Regular use hormonal drugs, especially if they are not prescribed by a doctor, but chosen independently, is unacceptable.

In the intervals between courses of treatment for the disease that caused itching, you can use the remedies that have always been used by the people. Any herbalist knows the most best plant from dermatological diseases and in particular from scratching - a series. Dried leaves, flowers and stems are crushed and brewed as tea. Allow to brew, cover with a lid, and drink warm.
Take off nervous tension, which often in itself provokes itching, and baths with the addition of various medicinal plants will help soothe irritated skin:

  1. Buy ready-made lavender extract at the pharmacy and add 1-2 tbsp to the water before bathing.
  2. Prepare a decoction of chamomile and celandine in a 1:1 ratio in a water bath. To healing properties plants have not disappeared, use immediately after preparation.
  3. Nettle, mint, pine needles - all of the above are useful to brew and use for washing the body.