Treatment of flea larvae in dogs. How to remove fleas from a dog at home using various means. Symptoms indicating a dog infection

Every dog ​​owner encounters fleas on his pet at least once in his life. “New tenants” cause a lot of inconvenience to both the dog and his owner. Effective fight and prevention is not possible without basic knowledge about these pests. Therefore, in our article we will tell you what a dog flea is and how to get rid of it?

Dog flea: how to get rid of it?

The most common types of fleas are human, dog, and cat. There are also earthen, rat, grass, chicken, bird, and rodents. The phylum Ctenocephalides canis lives on dogs. However, in times of famine, human, rat and feline species may also attack. It is difficult to distinguish them from each other without a microscope.

Table 1. Types of fleas

Type of fleaDescription
DoggystyleFlattened body, elongated up to 3 mm, 3 pairs of limbs, hind legs longer than front ones, hind legs 8 bristles each, round head, spread throughout the body, brown shiny color, reproduce as larvae in the fur, no wings, move by running and jumping of medium amplitude
HumanDark brown color, highly jumping, body up to 3 mm long, slightly rounded, bite any part of the body, attack animals only during periods of severe hunger,
lay eggs in pieces of furniture, fleecy coverings
FelineBrown body about 1.5-2 mm, stick to specific areas - ears, near the nose, other places with thin skin, 6 bristles per hind legs ah, elongated head, they move by jumping

Under magnification, you can see some characteristic features.

With the naked eye, a cat species can be distinguished from a dog species precisely by its mobile or stationary behavior. Canine inhabitants themselves are much less common. However, they reproduce much more abundantly and quickly, which is why it is more difficult to breed them.

How do fleas appear on a domestic dog?

  • forest walks. Many fleas live in rodent burrows;
  • visits to places of mass walking. Infected pets often shake off their eggs into the grass, foliage, or asphalt, from where the larvae easily stick to their fur;
  • contact with other animals. The main carriers are dogs, cats, rats. Even with simple sniffing and close proximity, relocation of pests can occur. In the case of joint games, the risk is several times higher;
  • contact with a person. Fleas love to move on people's clothes. In addition, eggs often stick to pants and shoes;
  • visit to an infected house. If a flea gets into the house on an animal or person, it will successfully reproduce in furniture and fleecy carpets. From there, the bloodsuckers will certainly jump on all the guests in search of food.

Important! Fleas from carrion are especially aggressive. Whole families can wait for a new habitat after the death of the previous animal. At the first opportunity, they change their location and replenish their hunger with redoubled force.

Puppies often become infected even before their first walk from their owners and their own parents.

Why are fleas dangerous for dogs?

First of all, fleas are the source severe irritation dog. Bites cause itching, dermatitis, skin allergies. The pet begins to constantly itch, aggressiveness increases, and the psyche is disturbed from prolonged stress. Scratching can lead to multiple bodily wounds, which are then difficult to heal.

Many of them are severe and can be fatal.

On a note! A dog may also accidentally ingest a flea during daily activities or by gnawing it off its own body. So, tapeworms colonize the stomach and intestines. Some species (for example, cucumber) grow up to half a meter, disrupt the digestive process, and lead to death from exhaustion.

If the body of an adult dog is still able to resist infection, then in small puppies the situation is worse. Pets until the second month of life have weak immunity, so they get infected through insects much more often. A baby can get helminthiasis and exhibit a severe allergic reaction even from the enzyme in flea saliva.

Video - How to get rid of fleas in the house?

How can you tell if your dog has fleas?

There are many signs of the presence of bloodsuckers in tailed animals. All of them can be divided into three groups:

Table 2. Symptoms of flea infestation

1. Shedding out of season.
2. Baldness of certain areas of the body.
3. An abundance of white grains (eggs and larvae) on the pet’s fur, as well as carpets, floors, and furniture in the house.
4. Dark grains in the fur (pest excrement).
5. Rashes, irritations, red and pink spots on the skin.
6. Direct presence of fleas in different parts body
1. Sudden weight loss.
2. Abnormal stool, intestinal disorders.
3. Faded wool.
4. Fever bodies.
5. Watery eyes.
6. Sudden food allergy.
7. Worms in excrement
1. Scabies.
2. Uncharacteristic restlessness.
3. Frequent skin gnawing.
4. Whining (from bites, more often in puppies).
5. Irritability, aggressive reactions in games, towards the owner and animals.
6. Decrease and total loss appetite

If one or more signs appear, the animal should be carefully examined. Adult individuals are often stationed in ears, behind them, on the neck, in the groin, near the bends of the legs.

Advice. The easy way To diagnose fleas, immerse the dog in water up to the neck. Eggs from grains of waste products will float to the surface, and the fleas themselves will begin to jump out onto the dog’s head and surrounding dry surfaces and objects.

Do not neglect inspecting the area of ​​residence. Fleas are not constantly on the victim's body. They easily hide in furniture under upholstery, in cracks in walls and floors, in bedding, carpets, under stones and stationary objects. Secluded places should be checked immediately after the dog itself.

What do fleas look like on a dog?

Advice . If an insect disappears from sight with lightning speed, it is definitely a flea.

The eggs themselves look like small white grains (less than 1 mm). It is difficult to see them alone.

Lifestyle of fleas on dogs

IN favorable conditions Each flea can live 2-3 years, including the larval stage. By nature, the insect is not equipped with wings. At the same time, it can jump long distances (100-150 times longer than its own body). The bloodsucker puts emphasis on its front legs, pushes off with its hind legs and makes a jump with virtually no preparation. This ability allows you to instantly leave the place of danger when the dog itches or bites in an attempt to kill or throw off the pest. IN wild conditions before specified period individuals survive much more often.

Adult fleas jump on animals only to feed. After feeding with blood and partially laying eggs, they descend to the floor, furniture, and bedding close to the victim. They prefer not to go far or for long from the food source in order to feed several times daily. Away from food, they can spend accumulated resources for up to 14 days.

Flea reproduction

One female lays up to 50 eggs at a time and several hundred throughout her life (sometimes up to 5000). Reproduction requires warmth, which is abundant around the dog. The pet's average body temperature is 37 - 39°C. Under these conditions, the flea breeds once every few days.

The eggs are pushed out of the body under pressure, splashed into different sides, settling on wool and surrounding objects. Soon the larvae, similar to maggot flies, hatch. They feed on the excrement of adult relatives, skin flakes, and particles of grass that stick to the hairs. After three molts, the larvae turn into a pupa. The pupa is covered with a powerful shell. She sleeps in the cold, normal temperature within a week it turns into a flea. In case of conservation nutrients The inside lasts for almost a year. Therefore, after the elimination of one litter, a dog can quickly experience a second wave. The more eggs remain on the dog’s body, the stronger and longer the infection will proceed.

If fleas are infested on a pregnant dog, they will most likely leave the victim by the time she gives birth. The blood of a new mother will change in composition, and insects will begin to look for a more favorable product. Defenseless puppies often become the new “food”.

How to deal with dog fleas?

The problem of fleas in dogs never loses its relevance. Dog breeders are constantly looking for the most effective remedies. Methods for removing fleas from a dog can be as follows:

The experience of many people shows that the greatest effect comes from A complex approach. Follow the algorithm as efficiently as possible:

  1. The washing up.
  2. Treatment with drugs from the pharmacy.
  3. Spring-cleaning.
  4. Repeated washing.
  5. Treatment with a prophylactic drug.

It is advisable to increase the number of cleanings.

Attention! Puppies require special attention. It is better to select treatment for children with a veterinarian to exclude cases of poisoning of the delicate body.

Products for getting rid of fleas

Special products for getting rid of fleas are available in different forms. All of them have their own application features, disadvantages and advantages.

Table 3. Types of flea products and features of their use

Release formFeatures of applicationprosMinusesPopular brandsPhoto
SpraySuitable for adult dogs. The owner better wear a maskVery fast result.
Long intervals between relapses
May get into eyes Airways, oral cavity dogs.
Prohibited for certain diseases, consult a veterinarian

DropsApply to the withers according to the instructionsReliably gets rid of adult fleas.
They work as a preventive measure.
Suitable for dogs with contraindications to sprays
Often require more than 1 application.
May cause local irritation
Stronghold, Advantage,

ShampooUsed for bathing puppies and adult dogs. It is better for a person to wear gloves. Needs to be washed off thoroughlySuitable for treatment and preventionMore than 1 application per treatment is required.
There are types for sensitive skin

Mr. Bruno,

Tablets and injectionsOnly by doctor's prescription. As a rule, they are prescribed for complications such as infections, severe poisoning, helminthic infectionEffective in advanced casesThe most aggressive treatment method"Nexgard"


PowderYou need to rub it into the fur for a while. Then rinse thoroughlyEase of application.
Does not get into eyes, mouth, nose
It is necessary to ensure that the pet does not lick the powder.
Suitable for sensitive skin


CollarsWorn around the dog's neck when walkingSafe for puppies and adults;
Can't be licked off;
Suitable for prevention, repels fleas well
Virtually no results in terms of treatmentHartz,


The choice of form is best done after consultation with a veterinarian. Sometimes the participation of several species is required at once.

Video - How to remove fleas from a dog at home?

The danger of dog fleas to people and other animals

Dog fleas are no less dangerous for cats and domestic rodents. They do not disdain any animals if they are nearby; they willingly bite anyone with warm, aromatic blood. Person in wildlife they bite only in case of severe hunger. Without fur, it can be difficult for an insect to stay on the surface of the skin in order to get a good meal. In apartment conditions, individuals willingly attack humans during rest and sleep.

Pests do not live on humans, dogs and other domestic animals. After feeding, they always retire to their shelter. But if bitten, they can transmit the same diseases to any type of victim.

Preventive measures against fleas

Preventing fleas is much easier than eradicating them. Prevention methods are based on the main methods of infection:

  • Regular examination of the dog. After each walk, it is recommended to check the coat, examine the ears, belly, groin, bends of the limbs, and withers. It won't be amiss this procedure after contact with other dogs and people;
  • combing wool. Fleas will try to escape even from a soft brush. A person will easily notice an insect jumping from a dog;
  • sawdust. It is better to fill the dog's bedding with sawdust. In such conditions, fleas do not take root and reproduce poorly;
  • regular washing with special shampoo. 1-2 times a month you can bathe your pet in dog shampoo for sensitive skin;
  • wearing drops and a collar in the warm season. Additionally, they will protect against mosquitoes, ticks, lice;
  • regular cleaning. Clean kennels, enclosures, rugs, beds, and pieces of human furniture at least once every 3 months using special products. Wash floors, shelves, shake out fabric coverings weekly;
  • minimizing contact with stray animals;
  • regular shower of the owner. After walking with other dogs or visiting with pets, it is better to take a shower and wash your hair, only then approach your pet. Otherwise, you can transfer bloodsuckers;
  • washing shoes and paws after a walk. It will help wash away stuck larvae and eggs.

06/09/2017 by Eugene

How can you tell if your dog really has fleas? What does a flea-covered dog look like?

How to recognize if your dog has fleas

Look out for a few signs:

  • your dog is constantly itching. But your pet may be itching for more than just fleas. Perhaps it's a tick. To figure it out, pay attention to how your dog itches. If it’s everywhere, then it’s fleas, and if it only scratches in one place, then it’s a tick. Inspect this place carefully;
  • white grains on wool. These are flea eggs;
  • black and white dots that fall from the animal's fur. This is flea excrement;
  • While bathing your pet, you will be able to easily see fleas on his head because fleas are afraid of water. Or you will see them already in the water;
  • When combing, fleas remain on the comb.

Are fleas transmitted to humans from dogs? Yes, they are transmitted. Live on the human body dog fleas They can't, but they can bite. Such bites for humans may not be as harmless as they seem, since fleas can carry dangerous diseases, for example, encephalitis, typhus, helminthiasis.

Precautionary measures

To reduce the risk of flea infestation, you should:

  • protect your pet from contact with homeless animals;
  • If you go to nature or your dog participates in a hunt with his owner, be especially careful. In nature, animal burrows (especially foxes) and bird nests are breeding grounds for fleas;
  • Don't think you don't have to worry about fleas in winter. On the street they die from frost, but remain in warm houses. So preventive measures flea control should be carried out both in winter and in summer.

How to remove fleas from a dog at home

Some owners prefer home remedies to get rid of fleas from their pets. These methods save the family budget, but require the investment of more effort and time:

  • bathing. Purely mechanically washes off fleas from a dog's fur. You need to start bathing from the dog's neck so that the fleas do not move to the head, where it will be more difficult to wash them off. It is effective to use tar soap in bathing;
  • combing. After you have killed the fleas with soap, you need to comb them out. It is convenient to make soapy water and rinse the comb while combing, washing off any fleas that get on the comb.

Once you have gotten rid of fleas on your pet, you need to clean the house. Vacuum everything thoroughly, especially the dog's rug. Fleas often remain there. Also take a good look at the baseboards and various crevices. The garbage container should be thrown away immediately to prevent fleas from getting back “free.”

Home remedies for fleas can help, but they are not 100% effective. Therefore it is better to contact special means from fleas.

In any case, consult your veterinarian before choosing any flea treatment.

Any dog ​​owner has encountered the phenomenon of fleas on a dog. Fleas can get on a dog in any way; their eggs easily cling to clothing or the animal’s fur. Also, when sniffing another dog that has fleas, your dog may transfer fleas to himself. In addition, fleas can transmit various diseases and worm eggs.

A female flea can lay up to 50 eggs a day, meaning that at about 9 months, a female can produce up to a trillion offspring. Fleas are in yards dog kennels, forests, parks - this is where they can find hosts on which to reproduce. The most favorite places for fleas: ears, stomach, internal surfaces hind legs. They also hide in the dark corners of your pet's favorite bed or blanket. Such warm, fertile areas are conducive to egg laying and hatching.

Fleas prefer high temperatures and more high levels carbon dioxide. They can live for several years and go through various stages from egg to adult. They adapt perfectly to conditions environment. Some eggs that the female lays remain on your pet, while others fall to the ground. The eggs continue to develop until the second stage of the cycle - larvae, which feed on flea feces. These small worm-like larvae are deeply hidden from view.

They are usually found in the bottom layer of carpeting, pet bedding, or under furniture. Here they live undisturbed, feed and grow unnoticed. Then they become pupae. These pupae develop in a silk, cocoon-like shell, and this cocoon is very stable. Inside this protective shell, insects can live for up to 1 year without feeding. That's why, just when you think you've eradicated the problem and gotten rid of the pests, they come back seemingly out of nowhere.

If you see dirt that looks like fine black pepper in your animal's fur, then it is quite possible that it is flea feces. Upon closer inspection, it is rusty brown in color. To accurately check and make sure it is flea poop, place a drop or two of water on the dirt and then blot the area with a white paper towel. If there is a red smear on the napkin (dried blood that came out along with fecal deposits), it means the dog has fleas.

Flea bites, or rather their saliva, can cause allergies in some dogs. When a flea bites, it injects saliva, which helps them absorb the animal's blood. Highly sensitive dogs may experience allergic reaction, which causes eczema over large areas of the skin, especially around the tail and lower back. Other dogs begin to bite and scratch the bite sites vigorously, even to the point of drawing blood. Young puppies, as well as adult dogs, can develop severe anemia (anemia), fatigue and decreased physical stamina, and in some cases this can lead to death.

What to do if you find fleas on your dog?

Just a couple of years ago, flea control was very difficult. Fleas, in addition to their fantastic ability to adapt, have also discovered incredible resistance to various poisons and pesticides. Each new invention against fleas helped for a short time, and then completely ceased to have any effect on them. The real revolution began with the introduction of such biological substances, as hormonal growth inhibitors (which prevent the insect from growing into adulthood, and in a mature individual, laying eggs) and chitin inhibitors (they stop the development of the insect while still in the larval phase) - these substances have been included in many flea sprays. Thanks to these innovations, today there is a large selection of aerosols and tablets that will relieve your pet from suffering.

There is no more loyal friend than a dog - this is an axiom, which, as we know, does not require confirmation. Any dog ​​owner, in return for such sincere friendship, provides his pet with comfortable living conditions. Everyone has their own recipe for this, but the main thing that the owner’s efforts are always directed towards is that the dog must be healthy. This, among other things, is expressed in the prevention/elimination of such a nuisance as fleas on a dog. It is important to understand that these jumping bloodsuckers, if they multiply, can cause trouble not only for animals, but also for humans.

Fleas on a dog can make the animal sick

Photo of fleas after combing dog's fur

How to remove fleas from dogs

What is the best flea treatment for dogs? How many people, so many opinions. The market range is extensive - that's true. Anti-flea drugs are divided into several categories:


Anti-flea shampoos - wide range


Perhaps the most popular type of anti-flea drugs among consumers. This is explained by ease of use and high efficiency, since it operates on the “here and now” principle. At the same time, you need to take into account the disadvantages of such products - the pet licking the composition or getting it in the eyes. Also, please note that when applying the spray, a person must follow personal safety rules. Namely: the manipulation is carried out in a ventilated area, hands must be protected rubber gloves. If the animal has an intolerance to the components of the composition, then the reaction may be the same as described in the previous paragraph in relation to shampoos.


There is a well-established opinion that the fastest way to rid a dog of fleas is in the form of drops. This point of view is fair, since the effectiveness of drugs in this series is really high. Active substances similar compositions - permethrin, fipronil, selamectin. Using flea drops is also easy - they are applied in one or several places. The drug is absorbed only in upper layer epidermis and hair follicles without penetrating circulatory system. The drops kill fleas and create a barrier to new infestations for a period of 4 weeks to 2 months. Not intended for use on puppies or pregnant females.


A certain part of dog owners prefer only such means. This is understandable - when you put on the collar, it immediately activates and starts working. After a certain time, active substance absorbed into skin covering animal and creates a barrier to flea infestation. The effectiveness period can reach 4 months. It is worth considering that if a collar is placed around the neck of a dog affected by fleas, it may not be able to completely destroy them. The right thing to do would be to first bathe it in anti-flea shampoo, and only then secure the result with a strap.

Folk remedies

How to get rid of fleas folk remedies We described in detail on the pages of our website, right in this section. Now we want to focus on the possibility of creating with my own hands flea repellers.


You can introduce garlic into your animal's diet. Its products will accumulate in the blood, and it will become “unpalatable” to fleas. We recommend that you first consult with a veterinarian, and if he considers that the animal will tolerate such a dietary supplement without problems, then crushed cloves of garlic (can be in the form of a pulp) can be added to the food.


Every owner of a four-legged pet knows that fleas can appear on dogs after the first time they go outside and get acquainted with the outside world.

The larvae of these insects look like small caterpillars, which are often confused with fly larvae. During their development, young offspring feed on organic waste and waste products of adults. But it is useless to look for larvae in animal fur, since fleas lay eggs outside the body of their owner.

Fleas do not live on dogs - in fact, they jump on the animal only to get enough food, after which they immediately leave it. These insects live in booths or pet resting places and reproduce there. One female, in a fairly short period of time, simply litters the area around her with eggs, from which larvae subsequently emerge.

So, how to remove fleas from a dog. First, you should make sure that it is these bloodsuckers that are bothering your pet. The following signs will indicate this:

But remember, if the dog itches but there are no fleas, this will indicate irritation of the animal’s skin, which could be caused by:

  • other insects - most often mites. In this case, the dog will scratch only one part of the body - the ear, side, etc.;
  • allergies - to dust, food, combustion products, smoke or synthetic materials that the animal has touched;
  • unbalanced diet or lack of vitamins;
  • chapping of the skin - after long stay in the sun, a strong wind can cause a similar reaction;
  • fungal infection - its main symptom is red spots under the fur;
  • stress - oddly enough, but this is also possible. This may be caused by a lack fresh air when the dog for a long time doesn't go outside.

In all these situations, it is necessary to immediately take the animal to the veterinarian.

Drops are the most popular and reliable flea treatment for dogs. They are applied to the withers area so that the animal cannot lick the drug, and the pet is isolated from water for a certain time. The effectiveness of the drug is determined by its active ingredient; the duration of action will also differ.

Popular flea drops include:

  • Stronghold – non-toxic to animals, can be used for pregnant and lactating dogs. Suitable for puppies over 6 months of age. The product is compatible with other veterinary drugs and is suitable for dogs of all breeds.
  • Bars is a domestic flea remedy for dogs, available in pipettes. One pipette will be enough to treat one dog. The product is applied to the withers and along the line of the spine. At correct use exhibits high efficiency.
  • Frontline is a fairly powerful insecticidal drug, but if it enters an animal’s body it can cause vomiting. Therefore, it should be applied with extreme caution, following all the rules prescribed in the instructions.

The drugs described above are the most popular and have already earned positive reviews from dog breeders who have tried them on their pets. In general, the drops are ideal for animals that rarely come into contact with water and live alone, meaning no one will lick them.

Advice! If you nevertheless decide to use this particular remedy, then you should first talk with dog breeders who have solved the same problem for the corresponding breed.

In most cases, these drugs are used for dogs that rarely go outside. With constant contact with infected animals, the use of shampoos does not bring positive results.

  • Phytoelite;
  • Beaphar;
  • Mr. Bruno.

Important! Flea shampoo for puppies is selected based on the concentration of the insecticide, which should be minimal. In this case, the first bath should be carried out with a small amount facilities. Otherwise there is a risk of adverse reactions: chills, vomiting, etc.

For dogs large breeds For those with a rougher coat and less sensitive skin, you can use the following shampoos:

  • Celandine;
  • Leonardo;
  • Lugovoy.

But if the dog regularly walks outside and is constantly in contact with infected animals, then shampoo alone will not be enough. For reliable protection in this case, it is necessary to take an integrated approach - use drops or sprays in parallel, and, if the dog allows, wear a flea collar. For a description of popular brands and recommendations for choosing, look in the article:.


Important! When using these products, it is necessary to wear gloves, carry out the treatment only in the open air, after which the dog should not be petted or given the opportunity to lick itself for several hours.

It is best to treat dogs against fleas using sprays immediately before a long walk or training of the animal. In this case, the pet will be busy and will not lick the drug, and the product itself will have time to work.

The most popular sprays are:

  • Hartz;
  • Leopard;
  • Frontline;
  • Celandine.

Now you know how you can rid your dog of fleas, but remember that any drug requires compliance with the instructions for use, as well as regular use. And if you have chosen an integrated approach, you must mandatory observe safety measures. And in any case, you should first look into veterinary clinic and consult a specialist.