Menstrual cycle in women: phases of the cycle. What happens in the body during menstruation

Figure: Phases of the menstrual cycle

Periods (phases) of the menstrual cycle

Every menstrual cycle, a woman's body prepares for pregnancy. Menstrual cycle can be divided into several periods (phases).

The most common length of the menstrual cycle is 28 calendar days. However, for each woman it is strictly individual; it’s normal if it falls within the range of 21 to 35 days. The main factor is its consistency throughout reproductive period, permissible deviations are no more than 3 days. An important indicator The amount of discharge and the woman’s well-being during this period also serve. Any changes in the normal rhythm or signs of malaise are a reason to consult a doctor, as they may well become the first signs of a disease.

Menstrual period of the cycle

Functioning of women's reproductive system subordinated to four main periods. The first of them is menstrual, it is the most painful, it is at this time that bloody issues. Its normal duration is 3 to 6 days. At this stage, rejection and expulsion occur inner shell uterus - endometrium, along with an unfertilized egg. Thus, the first day of bleeding is the beginning of the menstrual cycle.

Follicular period of the cycle

This is followed by the follicular period, characterized by the cessation of discharge. At this time, increased synthesis of pituitary and hypothalamic hormones begins, affecting the ovaries. The main one is follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which causes intensive growth and development of several follicles. The ovaries, in turn, produce the sex hormone estrogen; its significance is to stimulate endometrial renewal and prepare the uterus to receive an egg. This stage lasts about two weeks and ends due to the release of hormones into the blood that suppress FSH activity.


The phase of ovulation begins, that is, the release of a mature egg from the follicle. As a rule, this is the largest of them. This is facilitated by sharp increase luteinizing hormone (LH) levels. The egg enters the lumen of the fallopian tube and begins its movement towards the uterus, at the same time awaiting fertilization. Its lifespan does not exceed two days, so to increase the likelihood of conception it is necessary that the sperm is already in the fallopian tube. At this time, the process of preparing the epithelial layer continues in the uterus.

Luteinizing period of the cycle

The final period of the menstrual cycle is the luteinizing period. Its duration, as a rule, does not exceed 16 days. At this time, in place of the follicle that the egg left, a special temporary gland is formed - corpus luteum. It produces progesterone, which is designed to increase the sensitivity of the endometrium, in order to facilitate the implantation of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus. If implantation does not occur, the corpus luteum regresses and progesterone levels drop sharply. This causes destruction and subsequent rejection of the epithelial layer, the cycle closes.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

First phase (follicular, or egg development)

Day 1-5. Menstruation. Typically, menstruation lasts from 2 to 7 days, with an average of 5 days. During this phase, the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium) is shed and menstruation begins. Contractions of the uterus at this moment may be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. Some women have short periods (for example, 2 days), while others can last as long as 7 days. Bleeding may be profuse and spotting.

In the first half of the menstrual cycle, a follicle grows in the ovary, where an egg develops and matures, which then leaves the ovary (ovulation). This phase lasts about 7-21 days, which depends on many factors.


Day 14. Egg release. Typically, ovulation occurs from the 7th to the 21st day of the cycle, often in the middle of the menstrual cycle (approximately on the 14th day in a 28-day cycle). After leaving the ovary, the mature egg moves to the uterus through the fallopian tubes.

Second phase (formation of the corpus luteum)

Day 15-28. Thickening of the inner lining of the uterus. After ovulation, the ruptured follicle transforms into the corpus luteum, which produces the hormone progesterone.

Menstruation (menstruation) is one of the most important processes occurring in female body. Perceiving critical days as a given, many do not pay due attention to the symptoms that provoke serious diseases in the female body.

It is important for any girl or woman to know when these processes occur within the normal range and when they go beyond it, in order to have time to prevent illness.

Puberty of a girl

Puberty in girls occurs at the age of 11-15 years, and more often has hereditary factors. The age at which a girl begins her period corresponds to the age at which her mother, aunt, or grandmother began it.

Taking into account the accelerated development of the body, menstruation may begin a little earlier, which is not a deviation. A sign of serious violations in physical development absence of menstruation at 17-18 years is considered. In this case, contacting an endocrinologist, gynecologist and infectious disease specialist is mandatory.

The absence of critical days is associated with serious illnesses that occur in the body with stress, underweight or overwork.

Menstrual cycle and its duration

The menstrual cycle is the time that passes from the beginning of the first day of one menstruation to the first day of the next. More than 70% of women are concerned about irregular menstrual cycles. It takes them several months, sometimes even a year, for it to normalize.

The 28-day cycle, called the lunar cycle, is ideal. Considering physiological characteristics female body, we can name certain norms, deviation from which is considered a violation. Normal cycle– a cycle with a frequency of 21-35 days. In all other cases, consultation with a gynecologist is necessary, due to possible malfunctions of the ovaries.

Girls and women are recommended to keep a special calendar with which they can control their periods. The calendar makes it possible to determine the duration of the menstrual cycle, as well as its regularity. It will allow you to calculate favorable days for conception.

How are your periods? Duration of menstruation

There is no exact figure that indicates the duration of bleeding. But there are certain norms for all women: menstruation lasts from 3 to 7 days. The first few days you can see copious discharge, and on other days they become scarce.

If during menstruation there is heavy bleeding, you need to consult a gynecologist for examination.

For abundance bleeding influence of contraception. The intrauterine device provokes painful periods with increased bleeding. Oral medications, such as hormonal medications birth control pills, make menstruation shorter and more abundant. It should be taken into account that the above remedies do not affect the duration of critical days. Your period should not last more than a week.

Quality and quantity of menstrual flow

Blood loss during menstruation is negligible. Every day a woman gets rid of 20 to 50 grams of blood, and in total (over the entire period of menstruation), the mark can reach 250 grams.

As a rule, menstrual blood does not clot, has a pronounced scarlet color and a specific smell. Sometimes periods can contain clots in the form of unprocessed blood that accumulates in the vagina. Clots appear during heavy periods.

Smudging - bloody spotting observed at the beginning and end of menstruation is considered normal occurrence. Too much bleeding indicates the presence of gynecological diseases.

Pain during menstruation

An important issue that worries women is pain during menstruation. Natural process, accompanied by hormonal changes, has a special effect on the entire female body. During menstruation, irritation and a feeling of tension occur, breast pain and swelling are felt.

There are many signs of premenstrual syndrome:

  • weakness;
  • fatigue;
  • irritability;
  • rapid breathing and pulse;
  • fever;
  • chills;
  • heaviness in the lower back, lower abdomen or legs.

From a physiological point of view, you should not focus your attention on such problems, but if the symptoms negatively affect your ability to work, you should consult a doctor. Any processes that occur in the body that affect the general condition and well-being should not be overlooked. Especially if we are talking about “women’s” problems.

Fever, severe pain, excessive bleeding, and the need to take medications are symptoms that require careful diagnosis and, if necessary, subsequent treatment by a specialist.

Reproductive system healthy woman is very complex and functions in a clear cycle. The main reproductive process in the female body is menstruation - the menstrual cycle, strictly regulated by hormones.


The main function of the menstrual cycle is to prepare the reproductive system and other organs of a woman for conceiving and bearing a child. It is on this basis that the onset of menstruation is a signal of the maturity of a girl’s body, indicating her physiological readiness for motherhood. Together with the gynecologists and endocrinologists of the Diana Medical Center, we will figure out what it is period, which menstrual cycle is considered normal, and in what situations one should suspect pathology and consult a doctor.

What is menstruation?

Menstruation or menstruation refers to bloody discharge from the vagina, which occurs in a woman approximately once a month and lasts on average for 3-5 days. The discharge is a detached inner layer of the uterus, which is renewed monthly. Normally, every day of menstruation a woman loses from 50 to 250 milliliters of blood, which normal duration menstruation does not cause complications in the body and is quickly restored. If a woman loses more blood than this norm every day or her periods last longer than 6-7 days, she may develop anemia or.

The process of menstruation is physiological and should occur regularly in the body of every girl who has reached puberty. At the same time, menstruation cannot be considered in isolation, because this phenomenon is an integral stage of a complex menstrual cycle.

The menstrual cycle and its features

The menstrual cycle is regulated by hormonal factors. The endocrine glands also participate in the regulation process. It is hormones, acting on the organs of the reproductive system, that cause all the processes that occur during a woman’s menstrual cycle.

According to gynecologists, the normal menstrual cycle ranges from 21 to 35 calendar days. Most often, women note the duration of the monthly cycle from 26 to 30 days. With absence serious pathologies reproductive system, women's periods are regular and stable. At the same time, a shift in a certain stage by several days is not a pathology and is considered a normal physiological phenomenon.

When considering the stages of the menstrual cycle, it should be mentioned that its beginning is always considered the first day of menstruation. It means that female cycle is considered "from menstruation to menstruation". However, when it comes to gynecological stages, experts suggest considering a slightly different classification of stages.

Stage No. 1 – Follicular period of menstruation

At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, a woman’s body exhibits very low concentrations of female hormones estrogens. Such low level becomes a stimulus for the hypothalamus to produce special releasing hormones, which subsequently act on the pituitary tissue. It is in the pituitary gland that two main hormonal substances are produced that regulate monthly cycle - .

These chemical substances enter the bloodstream and reach the woman’s ovarian tissue. As a result of this interaction, the ovaries begin to produce the same estrogens that are not enough in the body in the first days of the menstrual cycle. High level estrogen in the blood is necessary for the process of active growth of follicles (female germ cells) to start in the ovaries.

Every month, several such cells begin to mature in the female body at once, among which one stands out dominant follicle. It is the process of maturation and growth of the follicle that formed the basis for naming the first stage of the menstrual cycle, which is called follicular. The duration of the first stage may vary for each woman, but on average, with a 28-day cycle, follicle maturation takes about 14 days. The longer this stage lasts, the longer the woman’s entire menstrual cycle.

Stage No. 2 – Ovulation

As mentioned above, during the first stage the dominant follicle grows actively and rapidly. During this time, its size increases approximately five times, as a result of which the enlarged cell protrudes beyond the ovarian wall, as if protruding from it. The result of such protrusion is the rupture of the follicle membrane and the release of the egg, ready for further fertilization. It is at this stage of the menstrual cycle that the most favorable period for conceiving a child begins. Calculating the date of ovulation is not difficult, especially if a woman has a stable and regular menstrual cycle. The day of ovulation occurs exactly 14 days before the first day of your period.

Stage No. 3 – Corpus luteum phase

After the follicle ruptures, the so-called corpus luteum forms on the wall of the ovary. This formation actively secretes pregnancy hormones - progesterone and estradiol. If during ovulation the fusion of the egg and sperm occurs and conception occurs, the placenta is formed from the corpus luteum. If fertilization does not occur, a small area of ​​scar tissue forms in place of the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum phase lasts for almost 14 days in almost all women.

Stage No. 4 – Zero phase of menstruation or menstruation

If pregnancy does not occur, dystrophic changes functional (mucosal) layer of the uterus, which causes its rejection. This is called menstruation. During this process, the vessels supplying the uterine endometrium rupture, which is accompanied by bleeding. As a result, during menstrual periods, a woman notes that, along with blood, particles of the rejected mucous layer of the uterus come out of the uterus through the vagina.

Thus, during menstruation, separation processes occur simultaneously uterine endometrium and its subsequent recovery, which begins on the second day of critical days. Over the entire period of the menstrual cycle, the upper mucous layer of the uterus thickens 4-5 times, after which all stages are repeated.

When should the first menstruation occur?

The first time menstruation occurs at the age of puberty. According to medical statistics this age range is from 8 to 16 years. Most often the first menstrual flow the girl discovers between the ages of 11 and 14 years. By this age, the mother or other older relative must prepare the girl for this process, since the lack of a sufficient level of knowledge can lead to psychological trauma for the child. Signs indicating the imminent onset of menstruation are:

  • enlargement of the mammary glands;
  • active hair growth in the pubic and armpit areas;
  • uncharacteristic vaginal discharge.

According to medical research The age at which mother and daughter have their first menstruation often coincides, so you should prepare for this age milestone in advance.

When does menstruation stop?

Non-occurrence of the next menstruation may indicate either the woman’s pregnancy or the onset of menopause. Sometimes the absence of menstruation is a symptom of a serious pathology in the body, and therefore the first thing to do in this situation is to consult a gynecologist. The age of menopause in a healthy woman varies between 45-55 years, but cases of both earlier and later menopause have been recorded. The entire process of menopause usually takes about two years, during which the woman experiences irregular menstruation with an unusual course.

The issue of restoring the menstrual cycle after pregnancy and childbirth deserves special attention. If a woman does not breastfeed, menstruation usually returns within 2-3 months. If a young mother has normal lactation, the period of absence of menstruation may last for the entire period. breastfeeding. The fact is that the specific hormone prolactin is responsible for the production of milk in the mother’s body, which prevents the restoration of the menstrual cycle. However, if a woman returns to her period during breastfeeding, this is not considered something abnormal or pathological.

Menstruation - normal and pathological

So, a normal menstrual cycle lasts from 21 to 35 days. The critical days themselves are observed for 3-6 days, during which a woman loses from 50 to 250 milliliters of blood every day. A healthy representative of the fair sex should not experience severe pain or notice any obvious pathological symptoms. Any violations and deviations from these norms are considered a pathology and require mandatory medical intervention.

Gynecologists distinguish the following possible pathologies menstrual cycle:

Amenorrhea - delayed menstruation

This term means the absence of menstruation for at least three months, without a physiological reason. This means that the absence of menstruation during amenorrhea is not associated with pregnancy, lactation or menopause. Amenorrhea may be a symptom of such dangerous pathologies such as resistant ovarian syndrome, atresia cervical canal, virilizing ovarian tumors, intrauterine synechiae (Asherman's syndrome), etc. Also, the absence of menstruation can become characteristic feature serious hormonal disorders in the body, as well as psychogenic disorders. Sometimes amenorrhea occurs in a woman after severe weight loss.

Menorrhagia or hypermenorrhea - heavy periods

Too heavy or prolonged periods, which are accompanied by significant blood loss. About this pathological condition they say if critical days last more than 7 days or daily blood loss exceeds 200 milliliters. Usually with menorrhagia others pathological symptoms are completely absent, but the woman experiences significant discomfort due to such heavy discharge. The causes of excessively heavy periods can be diseases of the female reproductive system such as endometriosis and uterine fibroids. In rare cases, this deviation from the norm is caused by a blood clotting disorder. Such menstrual dysfunction can also be observed in women who have previously had intrauterine device for the purpose of contraception.

Dysmenorrhea - pain during menstruation

P represents menstruation, which is accompanied by intense pain syndrome, preventing normal professional activity and motor activity of women. Painful sensations in this case, they are usually localized in the lower abdomen, spreading to the lumbar region. Acute pain may also be accompanied by bloating. According to doctors, more than 50% of all women periodically experience dysmenorrhea. The search for the cause of this condition should lie in the field of research on endometriosis, fibroids, and inflammation of the fallopian tubes.

Irregular menstruation

N Some women note that they have an unequal period between the onset of their menstrual periods. If menstrual cycle disruptions occur at least 3 times a year, doctors talk about the likelihood pathological processes in a woman's body. The causes of irregular periods can be gynecological tumors, cysts, endometrial polyps, inflammatory diseases myo- and endometrium, uterine fibroids, endometriosis. Often this violation is a consequence of hormonal imbalance. TO physiological reasons Irregular periods include the consequences of abortion, curettage and childbirth.

Bleeding between periods

If a woman experiences any bloody discharge from the genital tract between the 10th and 25th day of the menstrual cycle, they speak of intermenstrual bleeding. In the middle of the cycle, this phenomenon can be caused physiological process ovulation, namely the rupture of the follicle. In this case, the woman notes the appearance of transparent mucous discharge streaked with blood. Also, similar manifestations are observed in some representatives of the fair sex who have started taking hormonal contraceptives or have taken medications For emergency contraception. TO pathological reasons The occurrence of bleeding between menstruation includes hormonal changes, genital injuries, endometrial polyps, endometrial hyperplasia, cysts and ovarian tumors.

Separately, as a deviation from the norm, a complex of symptoms called premenstrual syndrome(PMS). This condition is observed in many women and is accompanied by pain in the abdomen and mammary glands, headaches, irritability and increased fatigue, the appearance acne and uncharacteristic vaginal discharge. All these unpleasant manifestations are usually noted a few days before the onset of menstruation and can persist throughout the entire period. An unambiguous list of causes that provoke PMS has not yet been identified, however, most experts believe that all pathological manifestations before menstruation are associated with hormonal imbalance in organism.

For what menstrual irregularities should you consult a doctor?

Issues of menstrual irregularities are primarily dealt with by specialists. Due to reproductive function women are under the influence of hormonal regulation; in case of menstrual irregularities, the woman will also need additional consultation with an endocrinologist. You should consult a doctor if you have any menstrual irregularities. Symptoms of such disorders are the following characteristic manifestations:

  • early onset of menstruation in a girl (if her first period comes before age 8);
  • any delay in the menstrual cycle, if pregnancy is excluded - according to official recommendations, you should contact a gynecologist if you have not had your period for three months, but today doctors insist on earlier treatment;
  • the duration of the menstrual cycle goes beyond 21-35 days;
  • the presence of intermenstrual bleeding - spotting between 10 and 21 days of the cycle;
  • irregular onset of menstrual periods;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, which causes significant discomfort to the woman;
  • heavy monthly discharge that continues for more than 7 days;
  • Menstruation is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

The regularity of the menstrual cycle is important characteristic reproductive and general health women, therefore any uncharacteristic manifestations and symptoms should be the reason for contacting a specialist. The sooner the patient becomes concerned and goes away necessary diagnostics, the greater the probability quick recovery women's health.

Where to get tested and undergo a full examination for irregular periods

Multidisciplinary medical Center Diana offers patients professional consultation with highly qualified specialists in the field of gynecology and endocrinology. The clinic is equipped with innovative diagnostic and therapeutic equipment and constantly introduces new methods for treating gynecological diseases and restoring the normal menstrual cycle. Period should not be critical days!

The menstrual cycle and its regularity are an indicator of women's health. For any woman, it is necessary to know how to count the menstrual cycle.

This is important for several reasons:

  • From a hygiene point of view. Knowing exactly, or at least approximately, the day of the onset of menstruation, a woman can prepare so as not to find herself in an uncomfortable situation.
  • When planning a pregnancy, knowing exactly the period of menstruation, it is easy to calculate the date of ovulation and thereby significantly increase the chances of conception.
  • On the other hand, knowing the menstrual cycle, you can calculate the days safe days from unwanted pregnancy.
  • Most importantly, knowing your cycle will help you detect any irregularities in time. So changes in the duration or the appearance of menstruation at the wrong time are symptoms of the development of diseases.

Menstruation is a certain period of a woman’s physiological cycle during which her body gets rid of an unfertilized egg and endometrium. Menstruation is cyclical and repeats itself after a certain period in a woman’s body.

Menstruation cycle

The female physiological cycle is divided into the following phases:

  • Menstruation, or directly the period of bleeding from the uterine cavity.
  • Follicular phase. Starting with the menstrual phase, it lasts 2 weeks. A new follicle is formed for the maturation of a new egg.
  • . The follicle matures, releasing a mature egg ready for fertilization.
  • Luteal phase. Lasts from 10 to 16 days. During this period, women's bodies prepare for pregnancy. Many girls experience premenstrual syndrome during this phase.

How to count?

The beginning of the cycle is the first day when bleeding begins. The end is considered to be the last day before the next period appears.

In case of an unstable cycle, it is necessary to select the largest and smallest value and carry out the calculation from them. For example, the longest is 34 days, and the shortest is 22. From the long one we subtract 10 (34-10=24), and from the short one 18 (22-18=4), that is, in the period from 4 to 24 days there is a high probability of getting pregnant.

Duration of menstruation

The duration of menstruation varies for every woman. Even for the same woman, the menstrual period can vary, be shorter or longer.

In case of cycle disruption caused by reproductive problems and general condition body, you must consult a doctor:

  • hormonal changes;
  • illnesses inflammatory in nature on the female side;
  • a sharp decrease/increase in body weight;
  • the presence of diseases of the genital area;
  • chronic diseases.

Symptoms of cycle disruption will include:

  • decreasing or increasing the interval between menstruation;
  • changing the number of days in a cycle in any direction;
  • change in the nature of bleeding;
  • complete for two months or more (except pregnancy);
  • the appearance of bleeding between menstruation;
  • duration menstrual period more than three weeks or less than three days.

If any of the listed symptoms appear, you must consult a gynecologist and undergo a diagnostic examination.

A doctor's examination and diagnosis will help determine the disease and the causes of its occurrence. After establishing an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment. In cases of one-time cycle disruption, do not worry too much. Deviations in any direction for no more than 7 days are not considered a pathology. Modern pace of life, stressful situations

, fatigue and lack of sleep can affect your menstrual pattern. It is necessary to observe for at least two months. In addition, it is necessary to observe the nature of the discharge, color, and smell. As preventive measures

You should visit a gynecologist 2 times a year.

Video about a woman's menstrual cycle
Helped us:
Dmitry Lubnin

Obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences, author of the book “An Honest Conversation with a Russian Gynecologist”

Duration of the menstrual cycle

For most women, the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, but the concept of “normal” in this case is very arbitrary: 21–35 days is also okay. By the way, it has been noted that women living in the northern regions have a longer cycle, while southern women usually have a shorter cycle, but options are possible here too. “The main thing in this matter is regularity,” says gynecologist Dmitry Lubnin. – If your cycle is always 35–36 days, then this is your personal norm. But if it’s 26, then 35, then 21 days, there’s a reason to visit the doctor.”

  • It's time to see a doctor if:
  • The cycle jumps.
  • The cycle is too long (more than 36 days).
  • Or suspiciously short (less than 21 days).
  • Clots appeared in the discharge. 80 ml of blood per menstrual cycle is a normal loss, and anything more is alarming. Question: how can you determine at home that you are not going overboard with milliliters? "Watch how much hygiene products you started using it,” the expert advises. “If you suddenly need more, or instead of pads with two drops on the package, you start choosing those with three on them, it makes sense to visit a gynecologist.”
  • Everything was going as usual, and suddenly “it poured like buckets,” but next month the amount menstrual blood again close to normal. “If this was preceded by a one or two day delay, then perhaps we are talking about an early miscarriage,” says the doctor. “Especially if you and your partner only use interrupted coitus as a measure of protection.” Go to see a doctor - at least to make sure that everything is okay with you.

Know that as you approach 40, your cycle usually gets shorter, and this is completely normal.

Periodicity of menstruation

I probably heard that the ladies for a long time conducting side by side, the cycles are synchronized? The honest truth. “This is often observed in women’s sports teams or among neighbors in a dorm, for example,” the expert confirms. – It’s not yet clear what’s going on here. One can only say that The menstrual cycle, even in a healthy woman, can sometimes fluctuate and these changes reflect the body's response to external and internal factors" Why go far? If you get nervous at work, you get delayed (and worry again, for a different reason). “But the lability of the cycle is an individual matter,” adds the doctor. “For one, even a little hassle can cause a glitch in the program, while for another, severe stress doesn’t matter.”

You lose 32 liters of blood during your life during menstruation.

Stages of the menstrual cycle

  1. Menstruation
    What's happening: the mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium) is torn away - if pregnancy has not occurred, you do not need this thing. From the first day of menstruation, the countdown of a new cycle begins.
    Time: approximately 4 days (2–6 is also normal).
  2. Follicular phase
    What's happening: Several follicles with eggs grow in the ovaries. There, female sex hormones estrogens are produced, under the influence of which fresh endometrium begins to form in the uterus. One follicle confidently pushes forward and eventually bursts, releasing a mature egg - ovulation occurs. The egg enters fallopian tube, where the sperm is waiting, and it former home turns into the so-called corpus luteum.
    Time: approximately 10 days (for some women 15–16).
    Expect delays if: a full-fledged follicle has not grown, which means there is nothing to burst. No ovulation - no corpus luteum. Then this phase of the cycle drags on until the overgrown endometrium is rejected on its own. Sometimes a delay in menstruation lasts up to several months.
  3. Luteal phase
    What's happening: The corpus luteum produces another female sex hormone, progesterone. It prepares the endometrium for the attachment of a fertilized egg and the beginning of pregnancy. If nothing happens, the corpus luteum curtails its activity, and the uterus begins to reject the mucous membrane. Menstruation begins again.
    Time: approximately 12–14 days.
    Expect delays if: the yellow body does not calm down and stubbornly continues to function. As a result, we again have a delay in menstruation. If for some reason the corpus luteum winds down its activities too quickly, menstruation begins earlier.

Enemies of the menstrual cycle

  • stress;
  • merciless training;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • frequent illnesses;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse.
“In extreme conditions, a woman cannot bear healthy child“, the expert explains, “and therefore her reproductive function is turned off - until better times.”

Problems during menstruation

You cry with or without reason

If this calms you down a little, about 30% of women are extremely sentimental during menstrual periods. Resign yourself: until the biochemical storm caused by natural hormonal changes subsides, your eyes will remain wet. Good news: regular use complex carbohydrates- such as green vegetables, legumes, cereals and whole grain bread - helps keep emotions in check.

400 times (on average) critical days happen to you.

Sensitive nipples make it difficult to exercise

Blame it on the hormones progesterone and prolactin, which cause breasts to swell and react sharply to touch. There are ways to improve the situation. Keep track of how much caffeine you currently consume - it would be better to reduce the amount of the energizing substance. Next, choose a sports bra that will provide good support for your breasts during exercise. Finally, you can look at pharmacies for special silicone nipple covers to protect your nipples from irritating friction.

Lost strength

The mechanism is clear: the body loses iron along with the blood, and as a result you become lethargic. Besides, important mineral participates in the production of serotonin, therefore Along with a loss of strength during menstruation, there is usually a depressive mood. Make sure you have more in your diet during this period. rich in iron food. We remind you: spinach, lentils, beans, buckwheat, liver, black currants are your friends forever. There is evidence that fennel tea can help cope with monthly bouts of fatigue.

Swelling appears

And here you are not alone - about 73% of women face a similar problem. Unfortunately, doctors have not yet gotten to the bottom of true reasons unpleasant phenomenon, but found out that severe delay Salt and alcohol aggravate fluids during menstruation. Action plan: minus salty and alcoholic foods, plus foods containing omega-3 fatty acid(sea fish, walnuts, pumpkin seeds). Total
2 grams of healthy fats per day can significantly improve the situation.

I really want sex

In fact, it is believed that it is during these days that libido should decrease; the peak of playful desires usually occurs during ovulation, when the likelihood of having offspring is highest. There is a theory according to which women become psychologically liberated during menstruation.– of course, because the risk of unwanted pregnancy is minimal. Another explanation: in difficult times, we need more warmth and pleasant tactile sensations, and sex with a loved one is what we need in this regard.

Severe cramps

Experts from the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists say that half an hour of aerobic exercise a day can ease your suffering. But the main thing here is not to go too far. "Strengthened physical exercise can increase the tone of the uterus, warns Dmitry Lubnin. – Many female athletes note that impact training during menstruation only increases discomfort " One of the most simple means self-help - a warm heating pad. 10–15 minutes - and the vessels dilate, blood begins to circulate better, and the pain subsides. According to research, painful spasms can reduce orgasm. So, good morning!

Why don't antispasmodics always help? “The purpose of such medications is to relax the muscles of the uterus, but if the spasm is significant, then the remedy may not cope,” explains Dr. Lubnin. Muscles contract under the influence of special substances - prostaglandins, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) deal with them most effectively; they should be taken the day before the start of menstruation - for prevention.

Overall you feel very bad

Together with painful spasms Nausea, vomiting, and even diarrhea occur. Do not believe those who claim that this is a common picture for menstruation, they say, you were born a woman - be patient. Most likely, we are talking about dysmenorrhea, which is divided into primary and secondary. In the case of the latter severe cramps and other delights can be symptoms of endometriosis or, for example, uterine fibroids, so run to the doctor immediately. Primary dysmenorrhea is successfully treated oral contraceptives and/or NSAIDs. It’s also impossible to do without the doctor’s participation, you understand.

Can I use tampons at night?

“It’s possible if you have heavy discharge,” says the expert. “If they are small, it’s better to limit yourself to gaskets.” And in general, try not to get carried away with tampons - with medical point From a perspective this is not the best option. “Even during menstruation, oxygen must enter the vagina, which is necessary for the life of the lactobacilli living there,” insists Dr. Lubnin. – Plus, because of the tampon, some of your menstrual blood remains inside, which is wonderful. nutrient medium For pathogenic microorganisms" In general, priority is given to pads, tampons – depending on the circumstances.