Mirabilis when to plant seedlings in the ground. Can Mirabilis be grown as a houseplant? Planting Mirabilis seedlings in the ground

In the northern regions, where the harsh climate makes its own adjustments, growing a fruit tree is not easy. However, it is quite possible. In today's article you will learn how to choose a suitable plum tree and how to care for a plum tree in Siberia.

We take into account climatic conditions

Planting and caring for plums in Siberia, of course, differs from similar agricultural processes in other regions, and is completely oriented towards unfavorable climatic conditions. Growing any fruit tree, including plums, is especially difficult in snowy areas.

In the Altai Territory and Omsk Region, where winters are moderately snowy and summers are quite warm, conditions are more favorable than in the Tomsk and Kemerovo regions and Novosibirsk with cold snowy winters and moderate summers.

To date, many frost-resistant varieties of this crop have been developed that are suitable for Siberia. They tolerate low temperatures well, but the following problems are possible:

  • drying of immature annual shoots by winds;
  • sudden changes in temperature - cold snaps after thaws. The tree comes out of dormancy and the buds begin to swell. Therefore, their partial or complete freezing is possible. This means that you need to choose varieties with a long dormant period and weakly awakened buds;
  • plum tissues and organs suffer from damping off: death of the bark and cambium of the lower part of the trunk and skeletal branches due to the lack of frost and a thick layer of snow. It is impossible to prevent damping off by removing snow; the roots may freeze. The only way out can only be to freeze the soil in the tree trunk circle;
  • freezing of the upper part of the tree.

Considering all of the above, steppe areas and individual microzones with little snow are better suited for growing plums.

Choosing frost-resistant varieties

You need to carefully select a crop variety for a region with cold, snowy winters. The best option is frost-resistant self-fertile plum varieties for Siberia (frost-resistant varieties Renklod and Vengerka) or hybrid forms (Alaya Zarya, Medovaya, Rubin plums).

Introducing short description main cultural groups that take root well in the Siberian region:

  • Ussuri plum. Varieties Altai Yubileinaya, Burgundy, Oyuna, Zaryanka, Zheltaya Khopty. Frost-resistant, damping-resistant, early-fruiting varieties. The fruits have excellent taste characteristics, but are poorly transported. The yield is average, possible damage to stone fruit diseases;
  • Canadian and American semi-dwarf varieties of plums. The level of frost resistance is average, but they tolerate drought well, early fruiting, and universal-purpose fruits;
  • plum varieties for the southern regions of Siberia - Kargazin varieties (Rumyanaya, Kulundinskaya). Not resistant to damping off, but cold-resistant and drought-resistant plums with tasty aromatic fruits. The yield is average, fruiting is periodic;
  • Russian plum or cherry plum. The hybrid form, which tolerates cold, heat, and temperature changes equally well, adapts and recovers perfectly. The fruits are small, do not store for a long time, but have an excellent taste. Varieties: Northern Dessert, Honey, Scarlet Dawn, Rainbow;
  • for the Urals, it is recommended to choose varieties specially bred for the region: Pride of the Urals and Pearl of the Urals. Buryat varieties are suitable for snowy regions: Stranger, Nakhodka, Daughter of Buryatia.

Planting a tree correctly

Growing plums in Siberia is not difficult, but it is labor-intensive. Even an amateur can cope with it if he follows certain rules. Before planting a tree, you need to decide on the area that is most suitable for the crop. It is recommended to choose a well-lit space protected from wind and drafts. The soil is preferably loose, enriched with organic matter, sandy or sandy loam.

The time for planting is chosen based on the duration and beginning of the cold period in the region. Early spring or autumn is optimal. The distance between seedlings depends on the characteristics of the tree and the variety being planted: for tall ones with a spreading volumetric crown, at least 4 m, for smaller plums - from 1.5 to 2.5 m. If the plum is not a self-fertile variety, it is necessary to plant nearby pollination of the variety.

The hole should be so wide and deep that the root system of the seedling is not damaged and the roots can be freely distributed. It is necessary to apply a complex fertilizing consisting of manure and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. Depending on the type of soil, sand, lime, and wood ash are added variably. Fertilizers are covered with soil and covered with soil. Sometimes planting is replaced by grafting.

Young cuttings are grafted onto strong, healthy rootstocks. If the cutting has successfully taken root, such a tree has a better chance of surviving a harsh winter.

The golden rule of care

There is one agrotechnical procedure that distinguishes plum care in Siberia from similar ones in other regions. We are talking about freezing the soil in order to prevent damping off of the trunk bark and skeletal branches. To do this, the snow in the tree trunk area is not removed, but rather compacted. Large empty barrels are also placed around the trunk. Naturally, trees need to remove root shoots and regular pruning.

In early spring, sanitary pruning of damaged branches is carried out; in early summer, the crown is formed and thinned. In order for the trees to recover faster, the cut areas are lubricated with garden varnish, and the plums are fed with complex fertilizers. We should not forget about regular watering, because not all frost-resistant varieties tolerate drought well.

For old plants, rejuvenating pruning is carried out, which promotes the formation of young shoots. Care includes preventative measures to prevent stone fruit diseases and pest infestations. To do this, trees are treated with insecticides and fungicides several times a year.

Getting ready for winter

In order for a plum to grow and develop in Siberia, it must be carefully looked after. Preparing for winter is a process that cannot be excluded. Since varieties with a high degree of frost resistance are mainly planted, there is no need to cover them; snow will be enough. Such plums are fed and watered abundantly for the winter. Fruits that are grown in less snowy areas need shelter. To avoid damping off, it is recommended to use special agrofibre or spruce branches.

Video “How to grow plums”

From this video you will learn how to properly grow a plum tree in the garden.

For several years now, plums have been freezing in our garden (Hungarian and damson plums were planted). So we were convinced from our own experience that these trees do not always survive in the harsh Siberian winters. Tell me, what varieties of plums can be grown in Siberia?

Despite the fact that the plum, in general, is quite winter-hardy, most of its species cannot tolerate the Siberian climate with its frosts and heavy precipitation in the form of snow. Here gardeners will have to select special varieties that have a number of advantages compared to plums grown in the European part.

Plum varieties for Siberia must not only have increased winter hardiness, but also resistance to sharp drop temperatures at the beginning of spring, as well as damping out and freezing as a result of heavy snow cover. In addition, they must tolerate well strong winds in low temperature conditions.

The best types of plums for growing in the Siberian climate are:

  • Ussuri plum varieties;
  • cherry-plum hybrids.

Features of Ussuri plum

Types of Ussuri plum have increased winter hardiness and can easily tolerate frosts down to -44 degrees, but this is only possible with a sufficient level of moisture. In case of drought, the resistance of trees to freezing is significantly reduced, the taste and quantitative characteristics of the fruit deteriorate, and sometimes the ovary even completely falls off. With a sufficient amount of moisture, they bear fruit abundantly from the age of 3 years. Also resistant to weathering.

Since most varieties bloom early, flower buds can be damaged by severe return frosts (if the air temperature drops below 3 degrees below zero), which should be taken into account when growing plums in regions with late spring.

The following varieties of Ussuri plums tolerate Siberian winters well:

  • Altai Anniversary;
  • Yellow Khopty;
  • Pyramidal;
  • Dawn of Altai;
  • Red-cheeked.

Features of cherry-plum hybrids

Hybrids of plum and sand cherry are compact in size; their bush height does not exceed 2 m, due to which in winter most of the crown is protected from frost by snow.

Flowering in hybrids occurs a week later than in the Ussuri plum, which also helps preserve the future harvest, although the flower buds already have increased winter hardiness. Plums begin to bear fruit from the second year of life; in most varieties the fruits are dark in color and ripen at the end of summer.

The most winter-hardy hybrids are those of domestic selection. As for American varieties, their aboveground part often freezes out, but quickly recovers.

The following hybrid varieties are most often grown in Siberia:

  • Bee;
  • Chulyma;
  • Amateur;
  • Admiral Schley;
  • Maynor.

Growing Ussuri plum - video

Plum is a tasty and very sweet fruit that is grown in many regions of Russia. Since ancient times, it has been valued for its excellent qualities. How can you not like her?

This fruit has good taste and useful qualities(You can read more about the properties of plum here). You can make compotes, jams from plums, or simply eat them fresh. And how delicious dried plums are!

If you suddenly decide to plant it on your summer cottage, then first read the reviews about this or that variety. It will also be important to pay attention to the climate. Many people believe that growing plums in the Urals or Siberia does not always bring results. However, it is not.

Although it is considered a heat-loving plant, there are varieties that can easily withstand the harsh Siberian winters. Let's look at which varieties are suitable specifically for this area and how to properly grow this crop.

Before you start planting plums, it is still worth familiarizing yourself with the characteristics of the varieties that are offered on the modern market of stone fruit crops.

It is important: Not every plum variety is suitable for the regions of Siberia and the Urals. When choosing, be sure to look in the description for which regions and climate this variety is most suitable.

So, let's look at the best varieties of plums for growing in the Urals and Siberia:


Remember that the entire success of planting, further cultivation and obtaining a good harvest directly depends on the choice of place for planting, correct landing and further care of the plant.

Requirements for soil and planting site

First you need to choose a suitable landing site. Follow the recommendations:

  1. It is worth considering that this plant is capricious and very finicky. It will bear fruit only in areas with good protection from the wind.
  2. The most suitable option would be gentle slopes on the south, southwest and west sides.
  3. It is advisable to plant seedlings in well-warmed areas, in places where there is good aeration.
  4. If you decide to choose a low-lying place for planting plums, then it is advisable to make a small artificial mound there. The height of the hills should be about 40-50 cm, and the size of the base should be almost 2 meters.
  5. The composition of the soil should also be taken into account. Remember that plum loves soil of gray forest, loamy and chernozem types. In addition, they must have a good level of moisture and breathability.


Preparing the planting hole

It is best to plant in the spring. Since the climate in Siberia and the Urals is cool, seedlings planted in the fall may not have time to take root and will simply freeze. The optimal period for planting is the third ten days of April.

It is also worth paying attention to the soil, it should thaw and warm up well. The holes should be prepared at the beginning of spring, approximately 2-3 weeks before planting.

The depth of the pit should be almost 60 cm, the diameter should be about 60-70 cm. It is advisable to remove the soil from it and mix it with humus in proportions of 2 to 1. In addition, you can also sprinkle some complex fertilizers there. After this, the earth is poured back into the hole.

Just before planting, the hole is dug again and the soil is thoroughly fluffed up. Then the seedling must be placed in a hole, with the root collar located 5-6 cm above the surface of the earth, and sprinkled with a small amount of earth. At first, the seedling should be tied to a special wooden peg until the root system is completely strengthened.


Pruning plum

The rules for caring for plums are as follows:

  1. As soon as the seedling is planted, it must be watered abundantly. Approximately one seedling will require about 30 liters of water. Then it needs to be mulched generously. In the subsequent season, the plum is watered about 3-4 times. The first watering is carried out in mid-May, the second - after the end of flowering during the intensive development of fruits, the third - during the ripening period, the fourth - in late autumn.
  2. It is also worth paying great attention to feeding. It is necessary to start feeding trees with fertilizers in the third year of their life. For fertilizer, a mixture of humus or compost (about 7 kilograms) and 200 grams of wood ash per 1 square meter is perfect. meter of land. During the active growing season, complex mineral fertilizers should be applied. Nitrogen mixtures should be added in the form of solutions. It is advisable to add phosphorus, potassium, mixtures that have a dry and poorly soluble structure to the soil in the fall.
  3. Pruning of plum trees should be done in spring, when active sap flow has not yet begun. The process should begin at the seedling stage. Young seedlings begin to actively grow branches and therefore during this period it is possible to form correct form plum crowns. Also, taking into account the feedback from experienced gardeners, it is recommended to remove shoots that are actively growing from the root system. It can affect the further growth and yield of plums.
  4. In the spring, the trunks should be whitened, this will protect against damage from all kinds of pests. You can also install rodent and mouse protection nearby.

If you decide to plant a plum on your plot, be sure to familiarize yourself with all the varieties intended for cultivation in this region. Also pay attention to the climate: many varieties are very capricious and may not grow well in areas with cold and harsh climates.

Be sure to follow the rules for planting and caring for plum trees. Its further growth and harvest will depend on this. I wish you success!

See reviews video about growing plums in Siberia and the Urals:

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The plum has always been considered the most whimsical tree for the garden. But today many varieties have been bred that make it possible to successfully grow it even in the coldest corners of the country.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular new products and old proven varieties of the best plums.

Description and characteristics of the best self-pollinating plum varieties

Self-pollinating varieties have long won the recognition of gardeners. For a good harvest, one tree is enough, which is good news if you have a small plot. According to summer residents, among self-fertile varieties it is worth paying attention to the following varieties:



"Memory of Timiryazev".

Plum variety "Bogatyrskaya" It is considered one of the most productive among self-fertile varieties. The tree bears fruit early; within five years after planting you can collect at least three buckets of plums. Productivity increases gradually, reaching up to 60 kg per tree. An adult tree produces at least 80 kg of fruit. The fruits are large, elongated, dark purple in color, sweet and sour. They tolerate transportation well. The massive harvest occurs in the second half of August. The tree is vigorous, can withstand frost, and is resistant to major diseases, which is good for the middle zone climate.

From blue plums one can distinguish variety "Viola". The tree will delight you with fruits in three years; on average, you can collect up to three buckets of harvest. Medium-sized plums, sweet and sour, quite juicy. The variety is medium-sized, frost-resistant, rarely affected by diseases and pests. The fruits tolerate transportation well. Plums are grown in the middle zone. In dry summers, problems arise with cultivation, the ovaries fall off, and the fruits become smaller.

Proven variety “Memory of Timiryazev”. The tree can withstand temperatures down to -30 °C; at lower temperatures, the buds suffer and the yield decreases. Plum fruits appear in the fourth year of cultivation. The average yield of a young tree is from 10 kg, with age it increases to three buckets. The fruits are medium in size, yellow, with a characteristic reddish blush. The pulp is dense, juicy, easily separated, and has a sweet and sour taste. The variety is zoned for central Russia.

The best productive plum varieties for a summer cottage

When planting a garden, you should take a closer look at productive varieties, which bear fruit consistently, despite the vagaries of the weather. Of these, gardeners have identified several of the most promising:



Variety "Morning" produces good yields and is planted as a pollinator for many self-sterile plums. The variety is early ripening, mass harvesting begins in early August. At least a bucket of plums is collected from a young tree; with age, the yield increases to 25 kg. The fruits are yellowish-green in color with a characteristic bloom, juicy, tasty and aromatic. The seed is small, the plum peels well. The tree is low-growing, begins to bear fruit after 4 years of cultivation, and has good immunity. Frost resistance is average, the buds often freeze, but the plum quickly recovers. The variety is recommended for cultivation in the Central region.

Plum "Entertaining"- a relatively new hybrid for the Central and Middle Zone. The variety is self-sterile and is planted near pollinators. Productivity reaches three buckets. The fruits are yellow-green, round, and have a sour taste. The color of ripe fruits may change, becoming more orange.

Of the late-ripening varieties, it stands out plum "Valor". The tree is self-fertile and requires pollinators. A variety for industrial use, bears fruit consistently and produces at least 30 kg of fruit. The plum is large, dark burgundy, with a characteristic waxy coating. The pulp is pale yellow, juicy and sweet. The bone is easily separated. A universal-purpose variety, mass harvesting begins in the first ten days of September.

Which frost-resistant plum varieties are best to plant in the Moscow region and central Russia

In the middle zone, it is worth taking a closer look at varieties that are highly resistant to diseases and can withstand the vagaries of the weather well. These include plums:


"Red Ball";


Plum "Skoroplodnaya" considered the best for the Moscow region and the middle zone. The variety is completely self-fertile, bears fruit consistently, and yields are high. The first plums appear in the third year of cultivation; with age, the yield reaches 30 kg per tree. Plums are yellow-red with sweet pulp, large, and transport well. The tree is early ripening, the fruits are harvested at the beginning of August. Frost resistance down to – 40 °C, good immunity.

Variety "Red Ball" partially self-fertile, yield increases in the presence of pollinators. The first fruiting occurs in the third year of growing the seedling. On average, 18-20 kg are collected from a tree. The fruits are large, red, with yellow juicy pulp, sweet. The variety is resistant to major diseases.

Frost resistant and early ripening variety "Yakhontovaya" will be pleased with the harvest in three years. The tree is vigorous, partially self-pollinating, and tolerates temperature drops down to -30 °C. The fruits are yellow in color with a characteristic bloom, sweet and sour in taste, large, ripen in the second ten days of August. At least 30 kg are collected from one tree.

The best frost-resistant plum varieties for Siberia and the Urals

In the Siberian climate, plums are rarely grown. Preference is given to seedlings grafted onto the most cold-resistant crop - Ussuri plum, which easily tolerates frosts down to -50 °C. The most productive varieties are considered:


"Yellow Khopty";


Variety "Uvelskaya" is self-fertile, hardy and productive. The tree is resistant to diseases and pests. The fruits are medium-sized, dark red, elongated, sweet with some sourness. Fruiting begins in the fourth year of cultivation, harvesting in the first half of August. Plums are suitable for preservation, processing and summer consumption.

Variety "Yellow Khopty" annually produces at least 30 kg of plums. The tree is medium-sized, frost-resistant, partially self-fertile. The fruits are universally used, ripen towards the end of summer, large, bright yellow with a characteristic blush. The taste is sweet and sour, the flesh is juicy. The first harvest is formed four years later.

Considered very hardy variety "Pioneer". Tree of medium maturity, partially self-fertile, high-yielding. The fruits are rich red in color with a waxy coating, medium in size. The pulp is juicy, tasty, honey-colored, the stone is easily separated. The average yield is from two to three buckets; a maximum of 40 kg of fruit is removed from a tree. The mass harvest of fruits occurs in the first ten days of August.

Planting and growing vegetables and fruits, caring for the garden, building and repairing a summer house - all with your own hands.

Plum in Siberia - varieties and cultivation

Growing plums in Siberia - varieties, planting and care

The Altai Territory and Omsk Region (with moderate snowy winters and warm summers) and the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are favorable for growing plums. Unfavorable - Tomsk region with cold, snowy winters and moderate summers, Novosibirsk and Kemerovo regions with cold, snowy winters and warm summers.

In the first half of winter, plum trees can withstand frosts down to - 40... - 44 °C. But in combination with low temperatures it suffers from drying winds. Sharp cold snaps after thaws in January - February are also dangerous. You need to be afraid of tissue damping: the death of the bark and cambium at the base of the trunk and skeletal branches in the autumn - winter period due to prolonged exposure to temperatures close to O °C. This happens when there is a thick layer of loose snow, especially if it falls on unfrozen soil. ^

In Siberia, the assortment is represented by Ussuri plum varieties, p. Karzinskaya and plum-cherry hybrids.

Ussuri plum

Ussuri plum (Prunus ussuriensis) is a tree or shrub up to 4 m tall, often self-sterile. Bears fruit on one-year-old wood from the 3rd to 4th year. Productive period 10-15 years. It blooms in May, the flowers can withstand temperatures up to 3°C. The fruits are yellow or red, juicy, non-transportable, ripen from August to September, and fall off.

This species is moisture-loving, but does not tolerate stagnant water. Without watering, the superficial fibrous root system loses winter hardiness and productivity. It is especially needed during periods of growth (June), enlargement of the ovary (July) and fruit filling (August).

Damping off should be distinguished from freezing. In weathered plants, the cambium and bark are brown, but the wood remains healthy. Weathered branches first bloom, may bloom, but subsequently wither. When freezing, on the contrary, the wood darkens in the upper part of the tree. Frozen branches, wholly or partially, do not bloom; the tree is able to recover.

Varieties bear fruit better in the zones in which they were bred, and in conditions close to them.

Varieties of Chemal selection (stronghold of the Scientific Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia) warm up and freeze slightly in snowy, harsh regions ( ‘Vika’, ‘Katunskaya’, ‘Ksenia’, ‘Gift of Nemal’, ‘Chemalskaya’), with the exception of old varieties - ‘Altai Jubilee’ and ‘Dropping’, and also new - ‘Altai fruitful’ (yellow-fruited).

Varieties of Barnaul selection (Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia) are frost-resistant in more northern regions ( ‘Peresvet’, ‘In Memory of Putov’).

Old Far Eastern varieties are winter-hardy, successful almost everywhere, the fruits are medium-sized ( ‘Manchurian Beauty’, ‘Yellow Khopty’).

In snowy areas, varieties selected from the Buryat Experimental Station are recommended ‘Baikal Amber’, ‘Daughter of Buryatia’, ‘Nakhodka’, ‘Stranger’- medium-sized, relatively resistant to damping off, with fruits weighing 30-35 g. However, they have reduced frost resistance of fruit buds after thaws.

Varieties of the South Ural Research Institute of Fruit Growing, Vegetable Growing and Potato Growing - Shershnevskaya, Uvelskaya, ‘Uyskaya’, ‘Kuyashskaya’- susceptible to a complex of winter damage and especially damping. Unsuitable for cultivation in the Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Kemerovo regions. ‘Pride of the Urals’- the only Ural variety that is successful in Siberia. Fruits 25 - 40 g, dark burgundy.

American plum and Canadian plum

American plum (Prunus americana) and Canadian plum (Prunus nigra) are similar in many ways. Both are frost-resistant, trees up to 5 m high (branches and flower buds can withstand frosts down to -40 ° C), drought-resistant.

In Siberia, the Karzin plum is widespread, obtained from crossing the American plum and the Canadian plum.

It is exceptionally thermophilic and can only be grown in warm regions of Siberia (southern steppes). As with. Ussuri, it is not resistant to damping off and frosts after thaws (the trees may bloom, but do not set fruit).

Russian plum

Also known as hybrid cherry plum (Prunus rossica). It is an interspecific hybrid of cherry plum and Ussuri plum.

They are relatively resistant to heat, cold and spring temperature changes, and are easily restored after damage. The varieties have frost resistance at the level of c. Ussuri, but more resistant to frost after a thaw.

The fruits are small (15 - 25 g), good taste. They are stored for 7-10 days. Early varieties begin to ripen at the end of July, late ones - in the third ten days of August - early September. Varieties of joint selection (Chemal and Novosibirsk) are known - very early ( ‘Scarlet Dawn’, ‘Northern Dessert’), early ripening – Medoc, Rainbow, Amber and late (‘Almond’). Interesting variety 'Ruby'(red leaf).

Plum hybrids

Plum-cherry hybrids are obtained by crossing sand cherries with plums. These are spreading shrubs, reaching a height of 1.5 - 3.5 m. Hybrids begin to bear fruit 2 - 3 years after planting. The Ussuri plum blossoms later; the flowers tolerate frosts down to -2 °C. They mutually pollinate satisfactorily with simultaneously flowering varieties of plum and sand cherry.

However, plum-cherry hybrids also have their disadvantages: insufficient frost resistance and instability to damping off, as well as unstable fruiting. Therefore, it is recommended to grow them in stale form. The fruits resemble plums in taste, shape, and size. The bulk of their varieties in Siberia have already lost their relevance.

Old varieties of Canadian selection are known 'Beta' and 'Minor'(dwarf, fruits 10-12 g), ‘Opata’(fruits 10-16 g).

The varieties of the Krasnoyarsk Experimental Horticulture Station are not very common, but are of interest to ordinary amateur gardeners. Relatively large-fruited ‘Yenisei’, Competitor(dark, shelf-stable fruits 14 - 20 g) and ‘Gem’ (pink fruits up to 14 g). There are also small-fruited varieties, such as ‘Bee’ and ‘Chulym’(5-7 g).

The varieties of the Siberian Horticulture Research Institute are also almost not common; they have a fruit weight of 5-12 g ( ‘Kroshka’, ‘New’, ‘Utah’, ‘Amateur’ and ‘Oka’). The fruits have a satisfactory taste.

Planting plums in Siberia

Vigorous varieties with a wide crown are placed at intervals of 3 m, natural dwarfs and plum-cherry hybrids - 1.5 -2 m.

Plum seedlings can be grafted (on sand cherry or ‘SVG-11 - 19’) and with their own roots.

Grafted seedlings begin to bear fruit from the 3rd to 4th year, self-rooted seedlings from the 5th to 6th year, but they are more durable and always recover from damage. Since plum is a vigorous plant, it is better to take annual seedlings, since their root system will be less damaged during digging. When planting, seedlings with damaged roots are cut to 1/2 the length (undamaged ones are even less).

Plums are planted in Siberia in spring (recommended) or early autumn. The depth of the planting hole should be 50-60 cm, diameter - 60-100 cm. Place 1 bucket of organic matter, 200-300 g of superphosphate, 100-150 g of potash fertilizers in the lower third of the hole. And on heavy soils add a bucket of sand. This dressing is enough for the tree for 3 - 4 years. It is better to lime acidic soils in advance (50 g per plant).

When planting, it is extremely important to isolate the root system from fertilizers. To do this, the seedling is placed on a prepared substrate and covered with plain black soil. The root collar of the plant should be at soil level (in problem areas, the plum can be buried 5-7 cm). After planting, the plant is watered (3 - 4 buckets of water), and the soil is mulched with organic matter.

Plum care

Freezing the soil

Freezing the soil at the base of the trunks by any means helps prevent damping off. in an accessible way. However, it is not recommended to shovel snow; this can lead to freezing of the roots. The easiest time to compact snow is after the first two or three snowfalls. Often in the fall, empty barrels with a capacity of 100 - 200 liters are placed near the plants.

Removing overgrowth

Root shoots are provided by native plums and plums grafted onto wildflowers. Ussuri. Particularly abundant growth is formed when the tree freezes or ages.

It is advisable to remove it immediately in the year of formation or the following year in the spring.

A plum grafted onto a sand cherry produces a “stump shoot” that forms near the root collar. It is also removed in the year of formation. Plum grafted onto ‘SVG-11 - 19’ does not form shoots.

Pruning plum trees in Siberia

Plums are cut into a stump of 0.5 - 1 cm. It is advisable to clean the cuts with a garden knife, since even wounds heal much faster. Wounds larger than 1 - 1.5 cm in diameter are covered with garden varnish on the day of pruning. Begin pruning immediately after the buds open. In June, the growing shoots are normalized, avoiding thickening.

In the spring, remove all broken, diseased and frozen branches. Heavily frozen ones (this is indicated by the blackness inside) are cut down to slightly damaged wood. It is undesirable to allow fruiting after severe freezing; flowers should be removed. Trimmed plants require feeding and watering.

Once every 2 - 3 years, old trunks are cut out (no more than 25 - 30% of the total crown volume). The annual growth is not shortened (the bulk of the harvest is concentrated on it).

When signs of aging appear, plum branches are shortened to 3-5 year old wood, which causes vigorous regrowth of shoots. It is important to prevent the crown from thickening. In weakened trees, recovery begins in the second year. The pruning action lasts 4 - 6 years, then it is repeated.

In Siberia, plums are formed in the form of a multi-stemmed bush with a low trunk. The most strongly developed, vertically growing shoot is left as the central conductor. Competitive ones are cut short or removed. Strong skeletal branches are pruned more than weak ones (to equalize their developmental strength). Branches with an acute angle of departure from the trunk are removed.

In low areas and with a snow height of more than 80 cm, planting on hills and ridges (40-50 cm high and 180-200 cm wide at the base) is recommended. Before planting, you need to apply fertilizers to the site (15-20 kg of organic matter, up to 200 g of ammonium nitrate, up to 800 g of superphosphate and up to 300 g of potassium fertilizers), dig to the depth of a shovel, then pour a mound of soil mixed with sand and gravel. Make a hole in the middle of the hill, placing fertile soil closer to the center, and soil with sand and gravel added to the periphery.

Planting and caring for frost-resistant plum varieties in Siberia

Climatic features of the region

Plum in Siberia is exposed to numerous negative factors, since this region is characterized by the severity of its climate. It is especially difficult for crops in snowy regions - in the Tomsk, Kemerovo and Novosibirsk regions. The Omsk region or Altai are considered the most suitable for growing plums - winters here have little snow, and summers are quite warm.

  • Peresvet. An early ripening variety with small orange fruits with red markings. The peel is thin, the flesh is very juicy. The tree grows of medium height and has a compressed, slightly raised crown;
  • Planting and caring for plums in Siberia are determined by the characteristics of the region. It is better to choose an annual seedling, then the root system will suffer minimal damage.

    Experts advise planting trees in the spring so that they have time to take root. But planting in early autumn is also allowed. The planting hole must correspond to the following description: depth - about 60 cm, diameter - from 60 cm to 1 m. Mandatory fertilizers must be added to each hole: 200 g of superphosphate, 100 g of potash fertilizers, 10 liters of organic fertilizers. This nutritious “cocktail” will be enough for the young tree to last for the next few years.

    After planting is completed, each plant is watered generously (at least 3 buckets per plant) and mulched with an organic compound.

    Features of care

    We must also not forget about regular pruning. For sanitary purposes, it is carried out in early spring; thinning of the thickened crown is carried out in early summer. And, of course, preventive treatments against diseases and insects are required.

    Preparing for winter

    Young trees that have not yet had time to fully adapt after planting are especially sensitive to frost. You should care for them in accordance with the characteristics of your winters. If there is a lot of snow, you can build a special shield around the trunk, inside which snow is poured from time to time (this way it will not be blown away by the wind).

    Video “Sheltering trees for the winter”

    Preparing fruit trees for frost.

    When the tree grows and its trunk can no longer be bent to the ground, its branches should be collected into a “broom” and the trunk should be surrounded with small perches, building a kind of hut, inside of which a layer of insulation – straw or sawdust – is placed. The entire structure is carefully secured with twine. Do not forget also that there is a high risk of damage to the tree roots by small rodents - to protect them, place several sprigs of peppermint between the perches.

    Plum planting and care in open ground in Siberia

    In the northern regions, where the harsh climate makes its own adjustments, growing a fruit tree is not easy. However, it is quite possible. In today's article you will learn how to choose a suitable plum tree and how to care for a plum tree in Siberia.

    We take into account climatic conditions

    Planting and caring for plums in Siberia, of course, differs from similar agricultural processes in other regions, and is completely oriented towards unfavorable climatic conditions. Growing any fruit tree, including plums, is especially difficult in snowy areas.

    In the Altai Territory and Omsk Region, where winters are moderately snowy and summers are quite warm, conditions are more favorable than in the Tomsk and Kemerovo regions and Novosibirsk with cold snowy winters and moderate summers.

    To date, many frost-resistant varieties of this crop have been developed that are suitable for Siberia. They tolerate low temperatures well, but the following problems are possible:

  • drying of immature annual shoots by winds;
  • sudden changes in temperature - cold snaps after thaws. The tree comes out of dormancy and the buds begin to swell. Therefore, their partial or complete freezing is possible. This means that you need to choose varieties with a long dormant period and weakly awakened buds;
  • plum tissues and organs suffer from damping off: death of the bark and cambium of the lower part of the trunk and skeletal branches due to the lack of frost and a thick layer of snow. It is impossible to prevent damping off by removing snow; the roots may freeze. The only way out can only be to freeze the soil in the tree trunk circle;
  • freezing of the upper part of the tree.
  • Considering all of the above, steppe areas and individual microzones with little snow are better suited for growing plums.

    Choosing frost-resistant varieties

    You need to carefully select a crop variety for a region with cold, snowy winters. The best option is frost-resistant self-fertile plum varieties for Siberia (frost-resistant varieties Renklod and Vengerka) or hybrid forms (Alaya Zarya, Medovaya, Rubin plums).

    We present a brief description of the main cultural groups that take root well in the Siberian region:

  • Ussuri plum. Varieties Altai Yubileinaya, Burgundy, Oyuna, Zaryanka, Zheltaya Khopty. Frost-resistant, damping-resistant, early-fruiting varieties. The fruits have excellent taste characteristics, but are poorly transported. The yield is average, possible damage to stone fruit diseases;
  • Canadian and American semi-dwarf varieties of plums. The level of frost resistance is average, but they tolerate drought well, early fruiting, and universal-purpose fruits;
  • plum varieties for the southern regions of Siberia - Kargazin varieties (Rumyanaya, Kulundinskaya). Not resistant to damping off, but cold-resistant and drought-resistant plums with tasty aromatic fruits. The yield is average, fruiting is periodic;
  • Russian plum or cherry plum. The hybrid form, which tolerates cold, heat, and temperature changes equally well, adapts and recovers perfectly. The fruits are small, do not store for a long time, but have an excellent taste. Varieties: Northern Dessert, Honey, Scarlet Dawn, Rainbow;
  • for the Urals, it is recommended to choose varieties specially bred for the region: Pride of the Urals and Pearl of the Urals. Buryat varieties are suitable for snowy regions: Stranger, Nakhodka, Daughter of Buryatia.
  • Planting a tree correctly

    Growing plums in Siberia is not difficult, but it is labor-intensive. Even an amateur can cope with it if he follows certain rules. Before planting a tree, you need to decide on the area that is most suitable for the crop. It is recommended to choose a well-lit space protected from wind and drafts. The soil is preferably loose, enriched with organic matter, sandy or sandy loam.

    The time for planting is chosen based on the duration and beginning of the cold period in the region. Early spring or autumn is optimal. The distance between seedlings depends on the characteristics of the tree and the variety being planted: for tall ones with a spreading volumetric crown, at least 4 m, for smaller plums - from 1.5 to 2.5 m. If the plum is not a self-fertile variety, it is necessary to plant nearby pollination of the variety.

    The hole should be so wide and deep that the root system of the seedling is not damaged and the roots can be freely distributed. It is necessary to apply a complex fertilizing consisting of manure and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. Depending on the type of soil, sand, lime, and wood ash are added variably. Fertilizers are covered with soil and covered with soil. Sometimes planting is replaced by grafting.

    Young cuttings are grafted onto strong, healthy rootstocks. If the cutting has successfully taken root, such a tree has a better chance of surviving a harsh winter.

    The golden rule of care

    There is one agrotechnical procedure that distinguishes plum care in Siberia from similar ones in other regions. We are talking about freezing the soil in order to prevent damping off of the trunk bark and skeletal branches. To do this, the snow in the tree trunk area is not removed, but rather compacted. Large empty barrels are also placed around the trunk. Naturally, trees need to remove root shoots and regular pruning.

    In early spring, sanitary pruning of damaged branches is carried out; in early summer, the crown is formed and thinned. In order for the trees to recover faster, the cut areas are lubricated with garden varnish, and the plums are fed with complex fertilizers. We should not forget about regular watering, because not all frost-resistant varieties tolerate drought well.

    For old plants, rejuvenating pruning is carried out, which promotes the formation of young shoots. Care includes preventative measures to prevent stone fruit diseases and pest infestations. To do this, trees are treated with insecticides and fungicides several times a year.

    Getting ready for winter

    In order for a plum to grow and develop in Siberia, it must be carefully looked after. Preparing for winter is a process that cannot be excluded. Since varieties with a high degree of frost resistance are mainly planted, there is no need to cover them; snow will be enough. Such plums are fed and watered abundantly for the winter. Fruits that are grown in less snowy areas need shelter. To avoid damping off, it is recommended to use special agrofibre or spruce branches.

    Video “How to grow plums”

    From this video you will learn how to properly grow a plum tree in the garden.

    Many gardeners are engaged in growing plums not only in the south of the country, but also in the regions of the middle zone. Thanks to the work of breeders, many winter-hardy varieties have been developed that are suitable for growing in regions with harsh winters. Today we will tell you briefly about these varieties, as well as how plums are grown in Siberia, planting and caring for this plant, and much more.

    1. Growing plums in Siberia
    2. Plum care
    3. Pruning plum trees
    4. Crown formation

    The most common Siberian plum varieties

    • Ussuriyskaya. A medium-sized species, reaching 4 meters in height at maturity. The first fruiting begins in three-year-old trees. It bears fruit with red or yellow berries that are difficult to transport. Fruiting occurs in late August - early September. Ussuri plum is a moisture-loving plant. Due to lack of moisture, the plant's root system becomes weaker and more vulnerable to disease and frost.
    • Canadian plum and American plum are winter-hardy, drought-resistant varieties and very similar in agricultural technology. The height of adult specimens reaches 5 m.
    • The most common Siberian variety is the Karzin plum, bred by crossing two overseas species. This is a heat-loving variety that is suitable for cultivation in the southern regions of Siberia.
    • Russian plum or as it is also called cherry plum. This is a hybrid variety that is resistant to cold, heat and sudden temperature changes, and is easily rehabilitated after damage. This plant bears small but very tasty fruits, the shelf life of which is no more than ten days. The first fruits begin to ripen in early July. The last harvest can be harvested at the end of August.
    • You can achieve the highest possible yield of plums if you use varieties specifically designed for this growing zone. For example, in the Urals, gardeners use the Pride of the Urals plum variety. This is the only variety suitable for cultivation in this region.
    • Plum seedlings for Siberia and the northern regions “Manchurian Beauty” and “Yellow Khopty” are productive and easy-to-care plants. The good winter hardiness and high survival rate of these varieties attracts many gardeners for further cultivation.

      Hybrid varieties bred by breeders of Buryatia are best suited for snowy zones: “Daughter of Buryatia”, “Neznakomka”, “Nakhodka” and “Baikal Yantar”.

      Growing plums in Siberia

      Planting and caring for plums in Siberia is not a complicated process and is accessible to any gardener, even a beginner. The ideal place for planting this crop is a sunny area where there are no winds or drafts with loose, organic-rich sandy or loamy soil.

      This crop is planted in Siberia in early spring or autumn. The distance between seedlings is determined based on the plant variety. Vigorous species with a spreading crown are planted at a distance of 3 meters from each other, medium-growing and dwarf varieties are placed at intervals of 1.5-2 m.

      When planting a plum, it is very important not to damage its root system, so it requires a deep and wide planting hole - 50×100 cm. A complex fertilizer consisting of 5 kg of rotted manure, 250 g of superphosphate and 100 potassium fertilizers is placed at the bottom of the hole. If planting is carried out in an area with heavy soil, then it would not be a bad idea to add 5 kg of sand to this mixture. This feeding will provide adequate nutrition to the seedlings for several years. If the planting of a plum orchard is carried out on acidic soil, then before planting the plants, lime is added to the hole (60 g of the substance is consumed per 1 planting hole).

      The root system of young trees is very sensitive to fertilizers, so it is isolated. The nutrient layer is sprinkled with black soil, and the roots are laid on top of it. The tree is planted so that the root collar is level with the ground. Planted young trees are watered abundantly and mulched with a 5-centimeter layer of organic matter.

      One of the main conditions for the successful cultivation of this crop is freezing of the soil. This procedure is carried out to prevent damping off.

      The soil is frozen in any available way at the base of the trunks. To prevent the root system from freezing, the snow around the tree is left and compacted, and empty barrels with a capacity of 200-300 liters are placed near the plants in the fall.

      Periodic removal of root shoots is another procedure that includes basic care for a plum garden. The formation of root shoots is typical for self-rooted plums, old and frozen plants, as well as plums grafted onto wild plants. It is removed immediately in the year of formation and the following year in early spring.

      Pruning plum trees

      Plants are cut into branches of 0.5-1 cm. To make the wounds heal faster, they are treated with a sharp garden knife. Larger wounds of 1-2 cm are covered with garden pitch. Sanitary pruning of trees is carried out in early spring, immediately after the vegetative buds bloom. The second haircut is carried out in June to thin out thickened crowns.

      Frozen trees need restoration. Therefore, they are first trimmed, then during the budding period all the inflorescences are removed. In addition, such specimens require good feeding with complex fertilizers and regular watering. The restoration process of weakened and frozen trees begins in the second year.

      Old trees undergo a rejuvenation procedure - the branches are shortened to 3-year-old wood, thus stimulating the formation of young shoots.

      In Siberia, the plum is formed in the form of a multi-stemmed bush with a low trunk. One healthy and most developed central shoot is left on it, and all lateral branches are cut short or removed completely. Thick skeletal branches are shortened more than weak ones in order to equalize their strength of growth and development.

      Protection from diseases and pests

      To protect the plum orchard from the invasion of pests and diseases, annual preventive treatment is carried out before the beginning of the growing season, during the budding period and after harvesting with Fufan or Fitoverm.

      Diseases and pests of plum trees destroy chemicals– fungicides and insecticides wide range actions.

      Planting plums in spring. Plum: care and cultivation

      What are the types

      In northern Finland they grow so many of them that they make sugar from them on an industrial scale.?

    1. ?The first is not afraid of frosts down to minus 40-45 degrees (certain species can withstand 50-degree frosts).?
    2. ?So, what varieties of plums are suitable for the Moscow region? As practice shows, the most common species in this region are the Neman Nagrada, Zhuravka and Hungarian Bogatyrka. The first variety named is characterized by a medium-sized tree and large round fruits of a dark blue color, which are usually densely stuck on the branches and covered with a waxy coating. This species is distinguished by orange, very juicy pulp and a well-developed stone. The variety is winter-hardy, ripens at the end of August.?
    3. ?how to properly care for plums?
    4. ?For a young tree, proper watering is very important. Experienced summer residents say that 4-6 waterings per season, 5 buckets each, are enough for plums. However, be careful: overwatering just before harvest can cause the fruit to crack and fall off. Do not be lazy to remove root shoots - they greatly reduce the yield. This will have to be done 3-4 times over the summer.?
    5. ?About how to properly care for plum trees garden plot, as well as about the fight against the main pests of this plant, I will tell you today in this article.?
    6. ?In addition to watering and fertilizing, the plum requires periodic pruning and the formation of the correct crown. It is best to do this in the spring, when sap flow has not yet begun. The air temperature should remain at approximately the same level without sudden fluctuations (up to -10°C). If you choose summer, then let it be the first half of it, so that the wounds have time to heal before winter. Pruning before winter, when the onset of cold weather is close, is not recommended.?
    7. Selecting a location

      Firstly, planting plums in spring or autumn must be done correctly. The root collar of the seedling should be placed 5-7 cm above the soil surface. Gradually the soil will settle, and it will be where it is needed. Deep planting is harmful, as it can lead to rotting of the bark, and this will ultimately have a bad effect on the growth and fruiting of the tree.?

      The most optimal and favorable option is gentle slopes on the southern, southwestern and western sides. Planting plum seedlings is recommended in the warmest places, in soils with good aeration. If you choose a place in a lowland or near a fence, then you need to make sure that the trees still grow on some artificial mound. Their height should be between 40-50 cm, and the width of the base should be 1.8-2 meters.?

      Planting plums: in spring or autumn?

      Renklod (in the first photo). This is a subspecies of domestic plum. The trees are quite large, up to 7 meters in height, have irregular shape crowns The fruits are spherical or ovoid, not very large (up to 5 cm in diameter). The color depends on the variety: greenish, red-yellow or blue. The pulp of the fruit is sweet, dense and very juicy. Such plums are poorly stored and transported, so it is better to collect them in a slightly unripe form. The most famous varieties: Karbysheva, Altana, Kolkhozny, etc.?

      Preparing the planting hole

      The fact that plums appeared in human gardens long before our era is a well-known fact. The plump and aromatic fruits are liked, if not by everyone, then by many. They can be eaten fresh, dried, made into compotes and preserves, jams and even sauces. Those who have their own garden are doubly lucky, because growing plums will not take you much time. Moreover, many varieties and hybrids have now been bred even for cold regions.?

      What you should pay attention to

      I don’t recommend apricots, but WESTERN SIBERIA is big, depending on which region, but plums grow well and bear fruit very well, CHELYABINSK?

      The Canadian variety is less frost-resistant: for it the limit is set at minus 40. It is important to consider that frost is not as bad for plums as dampness. Even at not too low temperatures, a thick snow cover can destroy this crop: in such conditions the soil hardly freezes, the root collar is constantly damp, as a result of which the tree becomes damp. To avoid this, you should use the pitless planting method: on hills. The best places for plums are sunny places, protected from cold northern and western winds.?

      Many gardeners who want to grow this crop in their summer cottages, wondering which plum varieties to choose for the Moscow region, stop at Zhuravka. It is of medium winter hardiness and grows on tall, spreading trees of medium size. The fruits of this species are purple-brown with a lightish waxy coating. They have very sweet yellow flesh and a large seed that is easy to separate. They ripen in early September.?

      Feeding with fertilizer

      In the garden. See you later, friends!?

      Pruning home plum

      Garden pests can cause a lot of grief. For example, the black plum sawfly. Lives in the crown of trees. During flowering, plums lay eggs in the calyxes of flowers, and their larvae then penetrate into the ovary, damaging it. It overwinters in the soil, so the most effective method of combating it is to dig up the soil around the tree.?

      Plum is one of the earliest flowering fruit trees. Planting plums is possible in both spring and autumn, but spring is preferable.?

      Removing root growth

      The formation of a tree must begin at the seedling stage, when plum trees are planted in the spring, since young specimens develop and grow quite quickly. This will help create a good, regular crown. Old and mature trees are pruned for the purpose of rejuvenation, they are thinned out, and broken, diseased, dried and rubbing branches are removed. If the plum variety is fast-growing and produces a growth of more than 70 cm, then such shoots should be shortened by 1/3 of the length. At first glance, everything seems too complicated, so we advise beginning gardeners to turn to specialists, read literature, watch master classes, and only then, armed with pruning shears, improve their trees.?

      Secondly, be careful with fertilizers - it is better to put less than too much. Do not use manure, only humus and compost. If there is an excess of them in best case scenario you will stimulate the growth of new branches in the spring, or at worst you will get a burn to the roots.?

      How to properly care for plums

      How to properly care for plums in the garden

      Plum prefers gray forest, loamy and chernozem soils. Moisture and breathability should be good. If you plan to plant several trees, then take into account the characteristics of the variety (height, spreading crown, etc.). Approximate diagram - 4 by 2 meters.?

      Group of Mirabelle varieties. The fruits are small, golden in color and round in shape; the sides on the sunny side often have a crimson blush. The variety is native to Asia Minor, but is now very common in Europe, especially in France. It is possible to plant plums in the spring in the Moscow region or middle lane, where she will also feel good. Varieties: Big, Small, Bona, Nancy, September.?

      Breeders work continuously, and as a result, almost every year we get new, more improved varieties. Of course, it is possible to list them in one article, but the list will be quite long. Now about three hundred varieties are actively cultivated. Planting plums in the Urals, Siberia or central Russia has the same algorithm, but main question consists in choosing the cultivar most suitable for the given area. All varieties are conditionally combined into groups according to various indicators. Let's look at this classification in more detail.?

      Sorry, I accidentally uploaded the wrong photo, but the plum also blooms profusely and bears fruit for 3-4 years (two-year-olds), but many people complain that the apricot is either very rough or blooms profusely, but the fruits fall off?

      Apricots? In Siberia? Did I miss something? I live in Ukraine, and they don’t grow everywhere.?

      Plum care

      Another answer to the question of which plum varieties to choose for the Moscow region was the Hungarian Bogatyrskaya species, which is characterized by good winter hardiness and extremely high yield. It is characterized by trees of medium height with a spreading crown and elongated fruits of dark purple color with a waxy coating, easily separated seeds and greenish-yellow very juicy honey pulp.?

      Not all fruits will grow, much less produce a good harvest, in all climatic conditions, so we have to refuse to grow many of the tasty fruits in certain regions. However, this does not apply to plums at all. This fruit can delight with abundant harvests in the vast majority of natural areas.?

      Plum pests

      Another enemy of your garden is the plum moth. It lays eggs on the fruit, and then the larva gnaws at the fruit and feeds on its pulp. The method of control is spraying with special preparations (“Confidor”, “Aktara”) 5-6 days after flowering or with a decoction of wormwood (150 g/1 l of water).?

      First of all, you must decide on the choice of good zoned varieties that are suitable for growing in your area. climatic zone. landing site. Plum loves loose and fertile soil and does not tolerate stagnant moisture, so plant it away from groundwater. Shade is also undesirable, as the quality of the fruit decreases.?

      This is another important nuance when growing plums on the site. It is worth saying right away that there is no need to feel sorry for the useless and interfering growth coming from the roots. No matter how good, strong and even the shoots are, they must be removed. They weaken the tree and reduce yield. The growth coming from the root is already a signal of problems, which means that the trunk or roots of the plum are damaged. There are several ways to get rid of it, including chemical treatment. We recommend the traditional option - pruning with pruning shears. The main caveat is that there is no need to cut at soil level, as this will provoke even greater growth. Dig up the shoots down to their root system and only then remove them with a sharp tool. The holes should then be filled with earth.?

      Planting plums in spring and autumn requires subsequent abundant watering - two buckets for each seedling. Then the soil needs to be mulched. Plum is a moisture-loving tree, so in dry summers additional watering will be required (3-4 times per season). The very first is carried out in mid-May, then after the end of flowering, when intensive development of the fruits begins, the third before they begin to fill (July), and the fourth in the fall, in early October. The rate of watering directly depends on the age of the trees - from 3 to 8 buckets of water. After this, do not forget to slightly loosen the soil, but only to a small depth (5-7 cm) so as not to damage the roots. Opinions on this matter vary. Some gardeners are strictly for the first option, while others allow planting at any time. In principle, there is no mandatory rule, but only recommendations. You can buy seedlings in the fall, it all depends on the region, but it is advisable to plant plum trees in the spring. In the Moscow region and southern regions, seedlings will have time to take root and become stronger before winter, but in the Urals or Siberia this is difficult to do, so most often young plants freeze out. You'll just be wasting your time, money and effort. The most suitable month is April, but you should focus on the soil (so that it finally thaws and warms up). So, in Siberia this is the third decade.? ?Prunes. Small shrub or tree. This is another subspecies of domestic plum. It has high endurance in relation to unfavorable environmental conditions and variability. Unpretentious and easy to care for, quickly forms real thickets.?

      Which plum varieties to choose for the Moscow region, and which ones for Siberia

      Egg plum. The appearance can be judged by the name. Quite large fruits have a smooth oval shape, without a characteristic longitudinal notch. The names of the varieties are distinguished depending on the color: blue, red, yellow. Suitable for fresh consumption and canning.?

      It is unlikely that you will succeed with Apricots, even of the Ural or Khakass selection, but the Ussuri plum variety is quite possible only if you have a high snow cover that needs to be protected from damping off. They bear fruit 3-4 years after planting.?
      ?Plant palm trees on the southern coast of the Arctic Ocean, and why do you need Sochi?

      As for which plum varieties are suitable for Siberia, frost resistance plays the main role here: not every tree can withstand forty-degree frosts.?

      The photos clearly demonstrate how different plum varieties are in appearance, but they only show a microscopic fraction of the total number of existing species.?

      When aphids appear, the control methods are the same as with the codling moth. The appearance of brown spots on fruits and leaves indicates clasterosporiasis (so-called perforated spot). Affected leaves and branches should be immediately collected and destroyed, and then the tree should be sprayed in the fall or spring with a 3% solution of boric acid.?

      If you are planting several trees, it is advisable that the distance between seedlings be 4-5 meters. Dig a hole approximately 80 centimeters in diameter and at least 60 centimeters deep. You can add humus, turf or ash mixed with soil into the hole. Place the seedling in the hole and carefully straighten the roots (the roots should be facing down). Fill the hole, making sure that the root collar remains level with the soil horizon. Lightly compact the soil around the seedling, otherwise there may be empty spaces around the roots, which in turn will cause them to dry out. All you have to do is tie up the young tree and water it. Read more about planting plums in the article “How to plant plums.”?

      The plum, which is easy to care for and requires only a little time, will become one of the most favorite trees in the garden. It will delight you with fragrant fruits year after year.?

      Growing plums on the site involves periodically feeding the tree. Fertilizers are applied for the first time in the third year after planting. It is recommended to use organic components - humus or compost (up to 7 kg), wood ash (up to 200 g) per square meter when digging shallowly around the trunk. During the most active growing season, mineral complex fertilizers are applied. In early spring, this stimulates the growth of new shoots, leaves and peduncles, and at the very beginning of summer it helps the formation of flower buds and the development of fruits. Nitrogen fertilizers are best applied in liquid form, but phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, which are poorly soluble, are best added to the soil in the fall. Fluff lime (50-100 g per 1 square meter) will also be useful.

      Preparations begin in the fall or early spring a couple of weeks before the intended planting. The hole should be approximately 60 cm deep and 60-70 cm in diameter. The soil must be removed from it and mixed with good humus in a ratio of 2:1. You can add a small amount of mineral complex fertilizers. Then fill the entire soil mixture back. Planting plums in the spring involves repeated shallow digging, as soon as the ground dries, to a depth of 1.5 spade bayonets. Be sure to have a wooden peg ready. For the first couple of years, the seedling needs to be tied up so that the roots are well strengthened.?

      Growing plums and apricots in Western Siberia, personal experience

      Valentin Krasnogolov

      Canadian plum. An amazing group of varieties that differ in the number of chromosomes from their European relatives (16 and 48, respectively). Very winter-hardy species can withstand severe frosts down to 45-50°C, so it is possible to plant plums in Siberia. There is one drawback - these are cross-pollinated trees; several plants need to be planted at once. The size and taste of the fruits range from high to mediocre. Productivity is high, up to 70 kg per tree. Popular varieties: De Soto, Terry, Tecumsech, Nansa.?
      ?Hungarian plum variety. Not many people know that a whole group of cultivars is united under this name. All are characterized by dark colored fruits with dense flesh and a clearly defined ventral suture. The trees grow quite tall with a semi-spreading crown. The Italian plum variety Vengerka stands at its very origins. Its large fruits are ovoid in shape, dark blue in color with a slight bloom and have large subcutaneous dots. The pulp is not very aromatic and has a yellow-green hue. Due to its good transportability, the variety is known almost all over the world. In addition, it is worth noting the common Hungarian (domestic), Azhan, Moscow, Zimnitsa, Vanheim and others.?

      dron ivanov

      Valentine Capricorn

      The Ussuri and Canadian varieties have become the most common in this harsh region. What is the fundamental difference between fruits growing in different climatic regions? Let's try to consider, for example, which plum varieties to choose for the Moscow region. Before this, it would be useful to mention that we are talking about, perhaps, the most common fruit crop. Its fruits contain a whole set of vitamins: A, B1, B2, C, P, and microelements necessary for human body(potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium), as well as organic acids.?

      Polina Shubina

      Now you know?

      Master Yoda

      In the first year of its life, the plum tree does not require special care. But further, for normal growth and fruiting, it is necessary to provide seasonal fertilizing: in the fall - potassium and phosphorus, in the spring - nitrogen fertilizers and magnesium.?

      Hello, dear friends!?

      People began planting plums in prehistoric times. Until recently, plums were considered primarily a southern crop, but today hybrid varieties have appeared that grow and bear fruit well even in northern regions. Today we will talk about how to care for plums from Siberia.

      Video “Growing plums in Siberia”

      A gardener's story about the practice of growing plums in Siberia.

      Sharp temperature fluctuations pose a great danger to trees. Such rapid cold snaps after a short thaw are observed in Siberia every year, mainly at the end of winter. Another problem is damping off of plant tissue (when the bark at the base of skeletal branches or trunk suffers). The reason is prolonged temperatures of about 0 °C with plenty of snow cover.

      The best frost-resistant varieties

      Obviously, not every variety of plum can be grown in the Siberian expanses. Experienced gardeners identify several varieties of plums that are suitable for planting in Siberia:

    8. Jubilee Altai. Early ripening variety. The fruits are medium-sized, regularly round in shape, weighing about 15 g each. The peel is yellow-orange, with a bright blush. The pulp is tender and juicy, with pronounced sourness. The trees are medium-sized, disease-resistant, and begin to bear fruit 3 years after planting;
    9. The pride of the Urals. Frost-resistant, self-fertile variety. It tolerates winter frosts well, as well as return frosts in the spring. Fruits abundantly, but not regularly - the tree requires a break of 2-3 years. The fruits are medium-sized, oval, dark red in color. The pulp is dense and juicy;
    10. plum Scarlet Dawn. An excellent dessert variety with aromatic and juicy fruits. It has high frost resistance and is grown on a semi-dwarf rootstock. Scarlet Dawn is characterized by medium-sized fruits. Early ripening.
    11. Self-fertile plum varieties are more preferable for Siberia, since the gardener does not need to worry about planting pollinators.

      Landing rules

      The root collar of the seedling should not be buried in the ground.

      Caring for plums in Siberian conditions requires mandatory freezing of the soil. This is necessary to protect the tree from damping out. The procedure is carried out in any convenient way, for example, compacting snow at the base of the trunks.

      Another important stage in care is removing the root shoots. You need to get rid of it in the year it appears, or at least next spring.

      If your winters have little snow, you can cover the seedlings with spruce branches.

      Growing garden plums in Siberia is not an easy task. But the greater the joy and satisfaction from the harvest.

      The Siberian plum assortment is represented by three traditional groups of varieties: Ussuri plum (a Chinese variety), less often Karzin plum (a population of hybrids of American and Canadian plums) and plum-cherry hybrids, the fruiting of which is unstable. Since the end of the 20th century, a hybrid of Ussuri plum and cherry plum - hybrid cherry plum, or Russian plum - has been successfully cultivated in Siberia.

      Growing plums in Siberia has general principles, however, each species is characterized by certain features of agricultural technology

      The Ussuri plum varieties are more successful; they bear fruit on one-year-old wood, bloom before the leaves bloom in May, and the flowers can withstand frosts down to -3 °C. The varieties are self-sterile. For good fruit set, it is necessary to have three to four mutually pollinating varieties in the garden. Trees bear fruit from the third to fourth year after planting as annual seedlings.

      The Ussuri plum is moisture-loving, but does not tolerate even slight waterlogging. The root system is dense and superficial. Trees are watered during the period of growth (June), ovary growth (July) and fruit filling (August).

      Karzin plum varieties are less common.

      The disadvantage of Ussuri and American plums is damping off of tissues and organs in winter.

      Plum-cherry hybrids are hybrids of sand cherries with plum species. Bushes up to 2–3.5 m high with a crown diameter of up to 3 m. They are not winter-hardy enough in Siberia; they freeze and damp out more than plums, so they bear fruit unstably. They begin to bloom later than the Ussuri plum, blooming for 5–9 days. Flowers tolerate frosts down to -2°C. They bear fruit in the second or third year after planting. The fruits resemble plums in taste, shape, and size. Due to insufficient winter hardiness, cherry plums are grown in stale form (only varieties with flexible branches are suitable).

      Plum varieties for Siberia

      Yellow Khopty is an old variety, a highly winter-hardy tree, vigorous with a sparse crown. Fruiting is slightly periodic, yield is 8–12 kg/tree (up to 40–60 kg). The fruits are yellow, round, with a groove, weighing 13–15 g (up to 25–32 g), sweet and sour taste with a bitter skin. The fruits ripen at the end of August, after picking they quickly lose their presentation and do not tolerate transportation well.

      Manchurian beauty is inferior in winter hardiness to Yellow Khopty, but the variety is more drought-resistant. The plant is a natural dwarf; the bush is weak-growing, thickening, the shoots are dark brown. Early fruiting, bears fruit periodically. Productivity – 4–12 kg/tree (up to 16–32 kg). The fruits are round, weighing 15–18 g (up to 25–35 g), dark burgundy with a bluish bloom, dessert taste, and do not lose their appearance for a long time. They ripen in early August.

      Altai anniversary. Winter hardiness is satisfactory, the tree is vigorous. The variety is not drought-resistant enough and is prone to periodic fruiting. Productivity – 8–12 kg/tree (up to 40 kg). The fruits are orange-red, good taste, average weight – 12–18 g (up to 20–35 g), universal purpose. They ripen in late August – early September.

      Oyuna is distinguished by satisfactory frost resistance of the tree; the variety is resistant to damping off of the bark and cambium, however, the buds can be severely damaged by frost after thaws in the second half of winter. The tree is medium-sized, slightly dense. Productivity – 6–27 kg/tree. Fruits weighing 19–27 g, round, yellow with blush, with a detachable stone, universal purpose. They ripen in late August – early September.

      Baikal amber is a winter-hardy, damping-resistant, vigorous-growing, unthickened tree. Fruiting occurs annually after favorable winters. Productivity – 10–15 kg/tree (up to 20 kg). The fruits are yellow with a slight blush, large (15–25 g), excellent taste, dense, with a free seed. They ripen at the end of August and are stored for 3–5 days.

      The Pride of the Urals is the only variety of Ural selection that is successful in Siberia. The tree is frost-resistant, resistant to damping off, and fruit buds may freeze after a thaw. The crown is low, not thickened. The yield is almost annual, average (5–12 kg/tree), the fruits are very large – 25–20 g (up to 40 g), dark burgundy, fresh-sweet, with a loose pit. They ripen in the third ten days of August and are stored for 2–3 days.

      Gardeners of the Novosibirsk region should know that in the snowy zones of the region (as well as in the Kemerovo region) many varieties of Altai selection fail. For example, the following varieties freeze slightly: Peresvet, Vika, Timoshka; The following varieties are supported: Chemalskaya, Podarok Chemala, Chemalsky Souvenir, In Memory of Putov, etc.

      Most varieties of the Ural selection (Shershnevskaya, Uvelskaya, Uyskaya, Kuyashskaya) are completely unsuitable for us; they are subject to a complex of winter damage: freezing of the above-ground parts, especially annual growth and flower buds after thaws, damping off. These varieties cannot be recommended for cultivation in the Novosibirsk region.

      Anna Solovyova, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences


      Plum varieties for Siberia

      The varieties grown in the European part of the so-called domestic plum (Renklody, Hungarian plum), as well as damson plums and sloe in Siberia, are not winter-hardy and freeze to the level of the snow cover. Varieties of a different type are common here. Based on their origin, they can be divided into groups: Ussuri plum varieties and cherry plum hybrids.

      Varieties of Ussuri plum - Yellow Khopty, Manchurian Beauty, Altai Yubileynaya, Katunskaya, Poniklaya, Krasnoshchekaya, Pyramidalnaya, Chemalsky Souvenir, Orange, Gift of Chemala, Zarya Altai, Peresvet are most common in Western Siberia. They come from the Ussuri plum, which grows in the Far East.

      Plum variety "Yellow Khopty"

      The variety of these plums is one of the forms of the Ussuri plum selected by N. N. Tikhonov. A low-growing tree or bush 2.5 m high, with a spreading, medium-dense crown. In cold climates, the variety is winter-hardy. Propagated by grafting. The best rootstocks for this species are Canadian and Ussuri plums. The plum is medium, about 20 g in weight, round, yellow in color. The pulp is yellow-green, juicy, with a good sweet and sour taste. The bone is medium. The fruits ripen at the end of August. Recommended for gardening in cold climates.

      Plum variety "Manchurian Beauty"

      Far Eastern variety, Chinese plum seedling. The variety was introduced by N.N. Tikhonov from Northern Manchuria and propagated in the Far East. It is characterized by drought resistance and reduced winter hardiness. The tree is a natural dwarf with a dense crown. It begins to bear fruit at 3–4 years of age and bears fruit periodically. The fruits are large, weighing 14÷16g (up to 27g), round, dark burgundy, with an intense bluish waxy coating. The pulp is quite dense, juicy, greenish-yellow, sweet and sour, very good taste, and easily separated from the seeds. The fruits ripen in early September. The average yield per tree is 3÷8 kg.

      Plum variety "Altai Yubileinaya"

      The variety was bred by breeders V.S. Putov, N.N. Tikhonov and T.I. Tsepetsaver. The tree is vigorous with a raised broom-shaped crown and has good winter hardiness. The leaves are large, elongated-oval. A leaf blade with a slight ruffle along the main vein, the edges slightly pulled inward. It begins to bear fruit in the 4th year. The average fruit weight is 16÷20g. maximum 28g. The fruits are bright, orange-red. The skin is not rough, the flesh is orange, loose, fragrant, of good taste. The fruits ripen in the third ten days of August. They are good for fresh consumption and for making compote and jam.

      Plum variety "Katunskaya"

      The tree is of moderate growth, satisfactory winter hardiness, the crown is flat-round in shape, not prone to thickening, bears fruit annually. The yield per tree is 8-32 kg. The fruits are oval, medium size (12-26 g), pale yellow, with a whitish coating. The pulp is yellow, juicy, tender, sweet with a slight acid taste. They ripen in mid-August, quickly lose their appearance, and are universally used.

      Plum variety "Dropping"

      Plants of satisfactory winter hardiness, with a characteristic drooping, unthickened crown. The trees are productive, tend to bear fruit regularly, and bear an economic harvest a year earlier than other varieties. The fruits are round, with a small hole at the top, dark red, medium size (12-21 g). The skin is rough, the flesh is juicy, tender, with a sweet-sour taste. They ripen in the second half of August, are universally used, and retain their marketable appearance for 3-5 days.

      Red-cheeked plums

      The variety was bred at the Siberian Horticulture Research Institute named after. M.A. Lisavenko. It is characterized by increased winter hardiness of fruit buds and relative resistance of flowers to frost. The tree is medium-sized, with a round, medium-thick crown. It begins to bear fruit at the age of 4 and bears fruit periodically. Fruits weighing 12÷14g, angular-rounded, red, with a well-defined ventral groove. The pulp is sweet and sour, of good taste. The peel is bitter. The fruits ripen in the second ten days of August. The average yield per tree is 8÷9kg.

      Plum variety "Pyramidal"

      The trees are medium-sized with a pyramidal, medium-dense crown. Fruits weighing 12÷16g, separated by a groove. The main color is orange, the outer color is dark red, the skin with numerous small subcutaneous dots and a light bluish waxy coating, rough, with a noticeable bitterness. The pulp is pale yellow, loose, fibrous, juicy, with a refreshing acidity, good taste. The stone is medium-sized, easily separated from the pulp. The fruits ripen early - the first ten days of August. A variety for universal use. It begins to bear fruit 3–4 years after planting as annuals in the garden. Productivity is high, fruiting is relatively regular. The winter hardiness of the tree is high, and the fruit buds are above average. The variety is self-sterile.

      Plum variety "Chemal Souvenir"

      The tree is vigorous, with a variable crown, and has satisfactory winter hardiness. The fruits are medium-sized (14-28 g), red, with rough skin, satisfactory taste, ripen in the first ten days of September.

      Orange plums

      The tree is below average height, with a pyramidal crown, satisfactory winter hardiness, and abundant, often periodic, fruiting. The fruits are elongated and round, of medium size (12-22 g), beautiful, yellow-orange, with a whitish coating. The pulp is dense, fragrant, and has a satisfactory taste. Ripens in the second half of August; after picking, they retain an attractive appearance for 3-5 days.

      Plum variety "Gift of Chemala"

      A tree of medium height, with a loose, slightly drooping crown, satisfactory winter hardiness, and relatively regular fruiting. The fruits are small (10-12 g), spherical in shape, attractive in color, satisfactory taste, universal purpose, ripen in the second half of August.

      Plum variety "Zarya Altai"

      A tree of medium height, with a spherical, non-thickened crown, increased winter hardiness. The fruits are bright red, small (10-12 g), elongated round in shape, early ripening (August 10-15), universal purpose.

      Plum varieties "Peresvet"

      Seedling Yubileiny 68-25. Bred at the Siberian Research Institute of Horticulture named after. M.A. Lisavenko. In most respects it is similar to the Altaiskaya Yubileinaya variety, from which it differs in slightly greater winter hardiness, a more elevated crown and a darker color of annual shoots and leaves.

      Varieties of this group are distinguished by early flowering (they bloom 7-10 days earlier than ranetkas and semi-cultivars), therefore they are often subject to spring frosts. Their flower buds are not winter-hardy enough, which often leads to their death in winter and, accordingly, to a lack of flowering. Most often, the death of flower buds is observed in winters with sharp fluctuations in temperature, changing from high - thaw - to low. Sometimes only the rudiments of the pistil are damaged. Then the trees bloom, but the fruits are not set.

      Trees can tolerate frosts down to 42-44°C without severe damage. In more severe winters, their wood, annual growth, and, less often, semi-skeletal and skeletal branches freeze.

      Trees begin to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting. Ussuri plum varieties are not resistant to drought; they grow and bear fruit well in areas where the annual precipitation is at least 550-600 mm; in the rest they require watering. With a lack of moisture, trees are severely depressed, their winter hardiness decreases, the taste deteriorates and the size of the fruit decreases, and with a large moisture deficit, the entire ovary may fall off. The varieties of this group are characterized by a dessert taste of the fruit. They are usually round in shape, of a wide variety of colors (yellow, orange, orange with blush, red, dark blue with a bluish tinge). In early-ripening varieties they ripen in early August, in late-ripening varieties - in early September.

      Plum-cherry hybrids. These are hybrids of sand cherry and plum. Some of these varieties were imported from the North American continent (Opata, Maynor, Beta, Admiral Shley), others were obtained by breeders of our country (Lyubitelsky, Chulym, Pchelka).

      Unlike Ussuri plum and Karzin plum plants, which grow as trees up to 3-4 m in height, plum-cherry hybrids are bushes no higher than 2 m. Plants of American varieties are not winter-hardy enough, and in severe winters their entire above-ground part freezes, after which, however, it quickly recovers. Domestic varieties have good winter hardiness of bushes.

      Plum-cherry hybrids are characterized by increased winter hardiness of flower buds and flowering later (by 5-7 days) in comparison with the Ussuri plum. Due to the bush-like nature of the crown, a significant part of the plant is always covered with snow and winters safely. All this provides this group of varieties with more regular fruiting.

      The difference between these varieties is their high early fruiting: they begin to bear fruit already in the 2-3rd year. The fruits of plum-cherry hybrids are characterized by a dark color, from burgundy to dark purple. The exception is the Lyubitelsky variety, which has a green color with a blurred burgundy blush.

      The taste of the fruits of the American varieties and Lubitelsky is good, while Pchelka and Chulym are mediocre. They ripen in late August - early September.


      Plums for Siberia: variety requirements, winter-hardy species, video

      Despite the fact that the plum, in general, is quite winter-hardy, most of its species cannot tolerate the Siberian climate with its frosts and heavy precipitation in the form of snow. Here gardeners will have to select special varieties that have a number of advantages compared to plums grown in the European part.

      Plum varieties for Siberia must not only have increased winter hardiness, but also resistance to sudden temperature changes in early spring, as well as damping off and freezing as a result of heavy snow cover. In addition, they must be able to withstand strong winds and low temperatures well.

      The best types of plums for growing in the Siberian climate are:

      • Ussuri plum varieties;
      • cherry-plum hybrids.

      Features of Ussuri plum

      Types of Ussuri plum have increased winter hardiness and can easily tolerate frosts down to -44 degrees, but this is only possible with a sufficient level of moisture. In case of drought, the resistance of trees to freezing is significantly reduced, the taste and quantitative characteristics of the fruit deteriorate, and sometimes the ovary even completely falls off. With a sufficient amount of moisture, they bear fruit abundantly from the age of 3 years. Also resistant to weathering.

      Since most varieties bloom early, flower buds can be damaged by severe return frosts (if the air temperature drops below 3 degrees below zero), which should be taken into account when growing plums in regions with late spring.

      The following varieties of Ussuri plums tolerate Siberian winters well:

      • Altai Anniversary;
      • Yellow Khopty;
      • Pyramidal;
      • Dawn of Altai;
      • Red-cheeked.
      Read also: Spring diet of plums

      Features of cherry-plum hybrids

      Hybrids of plum and sand cherry are compact in size; their bush height does not exceed 2 m, due to which in winter most of the crown is protected from frost by snow.

      Read also: Popular drink for the winter: pear and plum compote

      Flowering in hybrids occurs a week later than in the Ussuri plum, which also helps preserve the future harvest, although the flower buds already have increased winter hardiness. Plums begin to bear fruit from the second year of life; in most varieties the fruits are dark in color and ripen at the end of summer.

      The most winter-hardy hybrids are those of domestic selection. As for American varieties, their aboveground part often freezes out, but quickly recovers.

      The following hybrid varieties are most often grown in Siberia:

      • Bee;
      • Chulyma;
      • Amateur;
      • Admiral Schley;
      • Maynor.

      Growing Ussuri plum - video


      5 golden rules for planting and caring for the best plum varieties in Siberia

      Planting and caring for plums in Siberia, of course, differs from similar agricultural processes in other regions, and is completely oriented towards unfavorable climatic conditions. Growing any fruit tree, including plums, is especially difficult in snowy areas.

      In the Altai Territory and Omsk Region, where winters are moderately snowy and summers are quite warm, conditions are more favorable than in the Tomsk and Kemerovo regions and Novosibirsk with cold snowy winters and moderate summers.

      To date, many frost-resistant varieties of this crop have been developed that are suitable for Siberia. They tolerate low temperatures well, but the following problems are possible:

      • drying of immature annual shoots by winds;
      • sudden changes in temperature - cold snaps after thaws. The tree comes out of dormancy and the buds begin to swell. Therefore, their partial or complete freezing is possible. This means that you need to choose varieties with a long dormant period and weakly awakened buds;
      • plum tissues and organs suffer from damping off: death of the bark and cambium of the lower part of the trunk and skeletal branches due to the lack of frost and a thick layer of snow. It is impossible to prevent damping off by removing snow; the roots may freeze. The only way out can only be to freeze the soil in the tree trunk circle;
      • freezing of the upper part of the tree.

      Considering all of the above, steppe areas and individual microzones with little snow are better suited for growing plums.

      Growing a fruit plant in the Siberian climate is not easy, but it is quite possible. The article describes how to choose a suitable plum variety for planting in harsh climatic conditions, and also describes the rules for caring for and growing fruit crops.

      Climatic conditions

      There are a large number of types of plums that are highly resistant to frost and are suitable for growing in Siberian regions. They tolerate winters well, but some problems cannot be avoided with them, which depend on:

      • Temperature changes can cause the buds and top of the tree to freeze. It is recommended to give preference to varieties with a long dormant period and weak buds.
      • Drying of shoots by wind.
      • Due to the lack of frost and the presence of snow, the lower part of the trunk dies. Removing snow will not help in this case, as the root system may freeze.

      Based on the facts presented, a conclusion emerges: steppe areas and individual zones with a small amount of snow are suitable for growing fruit trees.

      Choosing a frost-resistant variety

      Which plum is best to plant in Siberia? The best option is frost-resistant self-fertile varieties. These include:

      Ussuri plum

      Ussuri plum

      It loves moisture, but does not tolerate its accumulation, since in this case the root system rots. But a lack of water will lead to leaf fall and reduced winter hardiness. Of the Ussuri plums, the following varieties best withstand Siberian winters: Zarya Altaya, Altai Yubileinyaya, Pyramidalnaya, Krasnoshchekaya, Zheltaya Khopty.

      All of them belong to frost-resistant, damping-off resistant, early-fruiting varieties. Moreover, they are practically self-sterile. Flowering and fruit formation occurs when there are 2–3 pollinators nearby.

      Canadian plum

      Grows in Canada and the USA. According to its habitat conditions, it is similar to the American plum. In Russia you can find Karzinskaya - a mixture of Canadian and American culture. Karzin plum is represented by the following varieties: Rumyana and Kulundinskaya.

      Subject to damping off of roots in winter. The buds can withstand frosts down to −2°C.

      Canadian plum

      Plum crossed with cherry

      It bears fruit already 3-4 years after planting. When flowering, it can withstand temperature drops down to −2°C. Hybrid plants have low frost resistance, and this species is no exception. In Russia, plum crosses are rarely used; common ones include Beta, Manor, and Pchelka.

      In such hybrids, flowering begins later than in other varieties. Plum and sand cherry interpollinate well. Disadvantage - high susceptibility to hole spot disease. Advantages: winter hardiness, large tasty fruits, ease of care.

      Plum crossed with cherry

      Russian plum

      Obtained as a result of a mixture of cherry plum and Ussuri plum. Withstands extremely low temperatures (down to −45°C), the buds survive at −30°C. Resistant to drought and damping off. The berries are small (40 g), but very tasty. Now many varieties of this species are known, but the most popular among them are Yantarnaya, Rubin, Alaya Zarya plums, and Medok.

      The main advantage is that after severe damage, plants recover easily and quickly. Russian plum demonstrates high performance yield - up to 40–42 kg per tree.

      Russian plum Medok

      Chinese plum

      Subspecies of Ussuri plum. Popularly called the Manchurian Beauty. Suitable for growing in areas with little snow and frosty winters. Chinese plum will withstand temperatures down to -55ºC with minimal damage. Flowers can withstand frosts down to −5ºС. The most popular plum variety of this subspecies is Podarok Chemala.

      Since Ussuri plums are practically self-fertile, to set fruit you will need to plant 2-3 mutually pollinating trees nearby.

      It is worth choosing a frost-resistant plum variety by region:

      • For the Urals, it is better to choose the following varieties: Zhemchuzhina and Pride of the Urals. For regions with heavy snowfall, Stranger, Nakhodka, and Daughter of Buryatia are suitable.
      • For the southern regions of Siberia, Rumyana Zorka, Kulundinskaya and other Kargazin varieties have proven themselves well. They are not resistant to damping off, but are cold-resistant and drought-resistant.

      Note! The most winter-hardy plants are hybrids of domestic breeders. American varieties are susceptible to trunk freezing.

      Chinese plum

      Plum in Siberia: planting and care

      Before planting, you need to decide on the site, and also purchase a high-quality seedling. If you follow the recommendations, there will be no difficulties in growing.

      How to plant a plum tree in spring in Siberia:

      • The best option would be a slope on the southwest, west or south side. This way, water will not flood the root system. For the same reason, you cannot plant on a slope.
      • Trees should be planted in well-lit areas.
      • If a low-lying place is chosen for planting, it is recommended to make a hill 50–60 cm in height and plant the plant in it. This will help protect it from damping out and flooding of the root system.
      • The composition of the soil is taken into account. The ideal area is considered to be an area with black soil, gray forest and loamy soil. In addition, the soil must have good performance breathability.
      • Plum is a capricious plant, so it will bear fruit abundantly only in areas sheltered from the wind.
      • When buying a seedling in a store, you should pay attention to its appearance. The condition of the root system is assessed: it should be well developed, ideally have several white roots. Good roots consist of 5–6 shoots with a length of 25 cm. The thickness of the trunk should be at least 2 cm. For planting, seedlings 1–2 years old are used.

      The optimal time for planting plums in Siberia is spring. In the fall, the seedling may not have time to take root and will die when the first frost sets in. The distance between the holes depends on the characteristics of the plant: for tall plants - at least 3 m, for shrubs - from 1.5 to 2.5 m. If the selected variety is not self-fertile, you will need to plant a plant suitable for pollination nearby.

      Having bought a seedling, you need to prepare a hole. A hole is dug 60 cm deep and 60*60 cm to the sides. Part of the soil from the hole must be mixed with organic fertilizer (wood ash and black soil).

      Planting process:

      1. Drive 1-2 pegs in the center of the hole.
      2. Planting soil is poured into the hole.
      3. It is covered with ordinary soil to a depth of approximately 5–10 cm. The root system must be cleared of fertilizers.
      4. The seedling is installed in the center of the hole.
      5. The roots are carefully distributed throughout the hole.
      6. The tree is tied to pegs for stability.
      7. It is covered with earth up to the root collar.
      8. Water generously (at least 3 buckets of water).
      9. The soil is being mulched.

      Note! You cannot cover the root collar with soil, as this will lead to rotting of the trunk and the appearance of fungal diseases.

      You should not overuse fertilizers; they should be used only when necessary. At the initial stages of growth, the seedling can be fertilized with wood ash, compost and humus. Chemical fertilizers can be used as soon as the tree reaches three years of age or begins to bear fruit.

      Plum planting method

      How to care for plums in Siberia

      Caring for a plum tree in Siberia requires following certain rules that will help you get a rich harvest every year. The requirements are multifaceted, therefore they are combined into several groups.

      Preventing ground freezing

      Most types of plums are winter-hardy, but they are not immune to damping off. This happens due to large volumes snow and lack of frost. There are three ways to protect a tree:

      • When planting, place small stones in the hole.
      • In case of heavy snowfalls, immediately compact the layer of snow around the tree.
      • Installation of barrels around the trunk, several times higher than the expected height of snow. The volume of one barrel must be more than 200 liters.

      Using available materials (for example, slate) you can create an impermeable layer. The method is called “dry wintering of the trunk.”

      Watering and fertilizing

      Young seedlings are watered once a week; trees over 2 years old should be watered no more than 3 times a season. You need enough water to wet the soil to a depth of 30 cm. As a rule, 3-4 buckets are enough for this.

      Note! Excess moisture will lead to pests. Therefore, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with the features of caring for the selected variety. As a rule, the first watering is carried out in mid-May, the second - as soon as the plant finishes blooming, the third - during the ripening period, the fourth - in mid-autumn.

      If you plant the seedling correctly, adding a sufficient amount of fertilizer to the hole, you need to fertilize it twice a year:

      • In autumn - preparations with a high content of phosphorus and potassium.
      • In spring - substances containing magnesium and nitrogen.

      You can use organic fertilizers: ash, turf, manure, humus.

      Crown formation

      Once every 3 years, dried branches from trees that have already begun to bear fruit are pruned. In the spring, sanitary pruning of branches (no more than 30% of the crown) that have suffered from winter frosts is carried out.

      To form a beautiful and neat crown, the side shoots are removed, leaving only the largest shoot. In addition, root shoots also hinder the development of the plant; they need to be removed in the spring.

      Diseases and pests

      The main pests of plums are codling moths, aphids and sawflies. To prevent their attack:

      • spraying with special preparations (sold in a specialized store);
      • treating the trunk with slaked lime;
      • watering and spraying with chamomile decoction.

      Clusterosporiosis often affects plums. The first signs are brown spots on the leaves. The disease can be controlled using fungicides and insecticides.

      Note! To get rid of the bulk of harmful insects, a birdhouse on a tree will help. But be sure to feed the birds regularly so that they do not spoil the fruits.

      Post-harvest care

      After harvesting, the plum will need to be given a little more attention. At the beginning of autumn, the soil is fertilized. To do this, you can use the preparations Healthy Garden or Extrasol. They are intended for fertilizing plants in the tree trunk circle by watering. You will also need to update the mulch by adding some humus and fresh hay.

      How to properly prepare a plant for winter

      As a rule, you need to prepare for winter 1-2 weeks before the onset of cold weather. Organic fertilizers are added to the tree trunk circle: mix 1 bucket of humus, 40 g of potassium sulfate and 250 g of wood ash. Fertilizer is applied to previously loosened soil, lightly digging in with a hoe or shovel. Finally, water the ground with 2-3 buckets of water.

      After this, it is important to inspect the trunk and crown for the presence of dry branches. Damaged bark can be removed using a scraper or wire brush. When performing work, you should be careful not to damage healthy areas of the tree.

      Crown formation

      To protect against insects, the trunk is treated with a special solution, which can be purchased at the store or made independently. To do this, you will need to mix in equal proportions: clay, lime and mullein. If desired, you can add copper sulfate- 25 g per 1 liter of solution.

      Before frost, the tree trunk circle is insulated with straw or burlap. If a severe winter is expected, cover the ground with slate or roofing felt. If the plant is still small, you can make a “hut” from scrap materials.

      Note! Strong gusts of wind can cause the cover to fly away, damaging the plants. It is recommended to secure the structure by driving several pegs into the ground and tying the shelter to them.

      For those who decide to plant fruit and berry crops in Siberia, be sure to read the description of the selected variety. All you need for proper landing is a little patience and time to study the technology. And after 4 years the plum will delight you with its sweet fruits.

      Among fruit crops, plum occupies one of the first places. In order to ensure a high yield of plums, it requires appropriate care in the autumn. It consists of carrying out certain procedures that even an inexperienced gardener can perform.

      Features of plum care in autumn and in preparation for winter - general tips and recommendations

      In order to ensure a good plum harvest next year, it is necessary to dig up the soil and at the same time apply appropriate fertilizers. This procedure is carried out at a distance of one meter from the tree trunk. The soil should be dug to a depth of no more than 30 centimeters.

      By the way! Digging of the soil can only be done the next year after planting the crop.

      There are several types of fertilizers that can be applied to plum trees in the fall. In most cases it is recommended using a mixture of humus, wood ash and superphosphate. Gardeners also advise adding urea in small quantities.

      Plum belongs to the category of moisture-loving plants, so it needs to be provided with abundant watering in the autumn. At this time, the application of appropriate fertilizers is required. For the procedure it is desirable use at least 35 liters of water. Watering is carried out until severe frosts. Otherwise, it may negatively affect wintering.

      There can be a variety of pests under hidden scales of tree bark. To eliminate them, it is recommended to carry out cleaning a tree trunk from scales. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a special hard metal brush. During this procedure, you should have nearby insecticides whose action is aimed at eliminating pests. If they are detected, there is a need for mandatory spraying of the plant.

      Preparing plums for winter involves whitewashing the trunk, which provides protection from pests and limits the possibility negative influence sun rays on a tree in winter. To carry out this procedure, it is optimal to use a solution of lime and mullein.

      Video: how to prepare a plum for winter

      Pruning plum trees in autumn

      In the autumn, it is necessary not only to remove diseased and dry branches, but also to shorten them, which guarantees the full formation of the crown.

      Why prune a plum tree?

      When is the best time to prune a plum tree – in spring or autumn?

      Most experts advise carrying out major pruning of plum trees in the autumn. In spring, only dry branches should be removed. In the northern regions, a similar procedure should be carried out in the summer.

      Timing for pruning in autumn

      In autumn, it is necessary to prune the tree after harvesting and falling leaves. The timing of plum pruning directly depends on the region where the crop is grown.

      How to properly prune a plum in the fall - instructions and diagram

      When pruning a plum tree in autumn, dry and broken branches are removed. If there are excess branches, they must also be removed. Pruning young trees involves shortening the length of the shoots.

      Features of pruning young and old plums in autumn

      Methods for pruning old and young trees are characterized by the presence of certain distinctive features.

      If the seedlings are young, it is necessary to shorten the length of the main shoots. For this purpose, it is recommended to leave only 2/3 of the shoot length. All other shoots should be trimmed slightly - by 1/3. Thanks to this procedure, rapid and complete development of the tree is ensured.

      When caring for an adult tree, it is necessary to remove dry and broken branches. Diseased shoots should also be eliminated. It is recommended to prune plums in autumn only in warm regions. During pruning, regardless of the age of the tree, it is necessary to remove shoots that have grown excessively.

      Tree care after pruning, feeding

      In order to minimize injury to the tree after pruning, it is recommended to take full care of it. Therefore, they dig up the soil in the tree trunk circle and also apply fertilizer. For this purpose, organic and mineral compounds are most often used. In the autumn, the last feeding of the current year is carried out.

      Plum shelter for the winter

      Plum is a frost-resistant plant, but it needs proper shelter when young. In the northern regions, insulation is carried out constantly, regardless of the age of the tree.

      How to cover a plum for the winter - instructions and diagram

      Sheltering plum trees for the winter can be done according to a variety of schemes. The most common method used is mulching. After digging the tree trunk circle, it is necessary to mulch it with humus. After the first snow appears, a snowdrift is made from it around the tree, which contributes to insulation. It is also recommended to whitewash the trunk, which not only helps to warm the crop, but also eliminates the possibility of the development of diseases and pests.

      Features of sheltering young plums for the winter

      Sheltering young plums is carried out according to a different scheme. This is explained by the fact that trees that are planted this year do not need fertilizer. That is why their insulation is carried out by whitewashing the trunk. You can also wrap several layers of paper around it. The soil around the young plum is insulated using bags, which must be laid out and secured with a small amount of soil.

      If severe frosts are observed, then several layers of burlap must be used to insulate the tree trunk circle. The tree trunk circle should be covered with plastic film, which reduces the negative impact of precipitation to a minimum.

      Features of preparing plums for winter in different regions

      It is necessary to prepare the plant for wintering as carefully as possible. In this case, the characteristics of the region in which the tree is grown are taken into account.

      In the middle zone (Moscow region)

      Caring for the crop consists of stimulating watering, fertilizing, digging the soil and pruning. Also during this period, the plant is fertilized.

      In the Volga region

      When preparing for wintering plum trees in this region, the gardener needs to perform a number of specific actions - dig up the soil, apply fertilizer, whiten and prune. It is also recommended to carry out stimulating watering.

      In the Urals

      The climate in this region is not harsh enough, but it is still recommended to insulate young plums here, since this ensures the highest quality survival of the plant. Stimulating watering is carried out in early autumn. In the Urals, partial pruning of the plant is recommended.

      In Siberia

      This region has a fairly harsh climate. That is why it is necessary to insulate crops, regardless of their age. In order to restore strength, the tree needs feeding. It is carried out immediately after dropping the leaves. Excessive watering is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to freezing of the root system and death of the plant.

      Typical mistakes in caring for plums in the fall and preparing for winter

      Many gardeners make serious mistakes when caring for plums in the autumn.

      For example, some of them Do not remove foliage to insulate the plant. But it is strictly forbidden to do this, since fallen leaves can harbor a variety of diseases that actively develop after wintering.

      Gardeners plum boles are not cleaned. However, it is extremely necessary to remove moss, dead bark, and lichens from them. If there are wounds, it is recommended to clean them. For processing with the aim of maximizing fast healing Garden pitch, copper sulfate, and lime solution can be used.

      Gardeners believe that in the autumn there is no need to protect plums from diseases and pests. On the contrary, plums need protection from aphids and caterpillars, which are classified as dangerous pests. For this purpose, it is recommended to use an onion-garlic solution. Take several glasses of onion peel. To these are added two large heads of garlic and laundry soap in the amount of one bar, which is pre-ground on a grater.

      All components must be thoroughly mixed and poured with 5 liters of boiling water. It is recommended to infuse the product for several hours. After this time, the product is filtered using gauze. After the solution has cooled, the plum is treated by spraying.

      In the autumn, it is necessary to provide appropriate care for the plum in preparation for winter. To this end, the gardener is recommended to perform certain actions. Their order is determined according to the region where the crop is grown.

      The plum will bear fruit well if it receives proper and proper care. Special attention should be given in the fall, because if you do not fulfill all the requirements for preparing the tree for winter, it will weaken significantly and, as a result, next year You may be left without a harvest.

      Rules for caring for plums in autumn

      The basic rules are:

      1. Removing overgrowth, they tend to grow very quickly and if they are not dealt with in a timely manner, the tree will suffer great harm, since it will experience a deficiency nutrients and, accordingly, it is worse to bear fruit.

        Advice: you should not mow or cut the growth, as it will appear again after a while. It is more effective to dig it up, but only together with the rhizome.

      2. Regular loosening and digging. The second is done exclusively outside the crown of the bush.
      3. Trimming dry and broken branches.
      4. Top dressing, always containing superphosphate.

        Advice: the main thing is to fertilize the slightly moist soil.

      5. Whitewash trunks (and branches if the bush is young).
      6. Timely pest control.

        Advice: To prevent irreparable damage to the plum, you need to regularly inspect all leaves and branches for pests. If necessary, urgently take measures to improve the health of the tree and get rid of caterpillars, insects and others.

      There is no need to water the plum; as a rule, it receives enough moisture from rainwater. The exception is a very dry and hot autumn. In this case, watering should not be abundant.

      Pruning consists of eliminating:

      • broken branches;
      • unnecessary branches;
      • in shortening the length (only for young bushes).

      Important point: pruning in the fall is carried out exclusively in the southern regions; in the middle zone and in the north it is better to do such procedures before the summer.

      Trimming is done as follows:

      1. For only planted seedlings:
        • a length of approximately 2/3 of the total height is removed from the main trunk;
        • The shoots are slightly pruned (maximum 1/3 of their length).

          Note: This procedure gives the tree the opportunity to develop faster and more fully in the future.

      2. In adult bushes:
        • dry and broken branches are pruned;
        • diseased branches are removed.

      Pruning is allowed in the central and southern parts of the country, while in the northern regions it is better to delay pruning until spring.

      Note: For young and mature trees, it is obligatory to prune branches that have grown very much.

      Pest protection

      The most dangerous pests for plums are aphids and caterpillars.

      Protection measures must be taken before the onset of frost, so it is more advisable to process the tree in October.

      An effective method of protection is treatment with an onion-garlic solution:

      To prepare you need to take:

      • onion peels (about 2 cups);
      • several heads of garlic (5 or 6 will be enough);
      • 1 piece laundry soap(regular, no flavorings).

      Cooking steps:

      1. WITH onions the husk is removed.
      2. The garlic is finely chopped.

        Advice: to prepare the solution you need to use only onions and garlic from the new harvest; last year’s will not work.

      3. A piece of laundry soap is grated on a coarse grater (it can also be cut with a knife).
      4. All components are transferred to one bucket or large pan.
      5. Fill with boiling water (4–5 liters).
      6. Infuses for about 1–2 hours.
      7. Strain through cheesecloth.

      After the solution has cooled, you can process the plum. To do this, uniform spraying is done, with maximum emphasis on the most affected areas.

      Advice: if the situation is very critical, then it is recommended to treat with a urea solution.

      Caterpillar Hawthorn

      One more dangerous pest are caterpillars (hawthorn or goldentail), which are able to hide in dry leaves and survive even the winter. They eat all the buds, as well as flowers.

      To combat them, you need to remove all their nests and buy a special solution, for example, chlorophos, with which to spray.

      Advice: Dilute the solution in a ratio of 10 grams per 5 liters of water. In case of a strong attack of caterpillars, it is more effective to use the product several times; the main thing is to be extremely careful, protect your hands and eyes from contact.