Is it possible for a child to sleep during the day? When does a child stop waking up at night? General guidelines for creating a comfortable sleep: BabySleep Method

Only a young mother who gets up at least once a night during the first year of her baby’s life knows what it’s like to be truly sleep-deprived. The biggest dream is to get 6-7 hours of sleep without subconscious listening and jumping up. Is every mother really doomed to restless nights? Of course not! Believe me restful sleep(both baby and mother) - this is not a dream, but a reality.

Peaceful sleep - a comfortable crib for your baby

As a rule, after bathing it is time for evening feeding. The baby eats milk and falls asleep in his mother's arms. When you are sure that the baby is sleeping soundly, you transfer him to the crib. You should know that infant thermoregulatory processes are still imperfect - he may become cold in the crib. And if it is also spacious, then the baby will also feel uncomfortable in it. Therefore, in the first months of life, it is better to put the baby in a cradle - it is more compact, it is easier for the baby to warm up there, and he, accordingly, feels more comfortable.

Move the cradle as close to your bed as possible so that you can soothe your awakened and crying toddler without getting out of bed, simply by stroking him on the back. And in the first months of life, it is advisable not to leave the baby on night sleep in the children's room. If the baby is nearby, you will be able to respond to his crying faster, and you won’t have to go to another room every time to feed or calm the baby. And his mother’s constant presence (even at night) instills in him a sense of security.

Cozy and comfortable: conditions in the baby’s room

This may sound trivial, but for a long, restful sleep, the baby needs comfortable conditions. Only small children have their own ideas about comfort. Babies sleep well without a pillow - on a flat, fairly hard mattress. It is advisable to abandon beautiful, but unnecessary and even harmful canopies over the crib - house dust and possible allergens. In addition, canopies restrict air access.

An important aspect is the air temperature in the room where the child sleeps. It should not exceed 20-22 ˚С. And don’t forget to humidify the air in the nursery - this is especially important in winter time when the radiators are turned on. Before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the room - the windows should remain open for at least half an hour.

Don't overheat!

Many mothers dress their children too warmly at night. At the same time, pediatricians warn that overheating is much more dangerous for babies than hypothermia! To make sure your baby sleeps comfortably and comfortably, wear loose-fitting clothes made from natural materials. The best option for sleeping - the so-called “little man”. It does not twist, does not bounce on the back like a vest, and does not restrict movement. If your little one is opening up, buy a special sleeping bag or diaper with a zipper for him.

For a walk!

Walk shortly before sleep will go for the benefit of both you and the baby. If the weather is calm and windless, walk for at least half an hour.

Caring for a baby can be a tedious task with constant lack of sleep in the first months of his life. Therefore, it is important to learn how to organize everything so that you and your baby get the necessary rest. There are many various techniques To achieve this goal, you need to decide which one is best for you and your family. In this article, we'll look at some of the most well-known methods and give some tips to help your baby start sleeping through the night.

How to teach a child to sleep through the night?

Unfortunately, after birth and up to 4 months, children are at a stage of development when they cannot sleep the whole night without disturbing their parents. Problems such as colic, nursing needs, wet diapers and teething will likely keep your baby awake no matter how hard you try.

But when your baby is between 4 and 6 months old, you may feel better. By this time, babies can usually eat some solid food, which slows down the onset of hunger, and are not as sensitive to wet diapers. From this age there are several ways that can help you:

1. Rocking in your arms with shorter duration

2. Co-sleeping

Advantages: Many studies and theories suggest the varied benefits of co-sleeping for both baby and mother. This includes improving emotional state(even in the long term for the child), reducing the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, improving sleep, breast milk production, etc.

Flaws: There are conflicting views on the safety and health of bed sharing rather than a separate crib. There are many known cases where children were accidentally strangled by their parents while sleeping in the same bed. Most often, the cause of such negligence was alcohol or drug intoxication. Some studies, although fewer in number, suggest an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

3. Feber method or “Crying it Out”

Crying it Out translates from English as cry or cry. This sleep training method for young children was developed by American doctor Richard Feber. Latest version his updated book explaining the technique was published in 2007. The Feber Method involves teaching children self-help by allowing them to cry for a certain period of time before soothing them. According to the author, the technique is intended for children as young as four months, but some researchers say it is safer to start practicing it after 6 months of age.

In terms of effectiveness, most parents who have tried this approach find that the amount of time their babies cry steadily decreases over three nights and often virtually disappears sometime between the fourth and seventh night. Sometimes this may be replaced by minor short-term crying, which also disappears later.

What do we have to do? Put your child to bed awake, pet him, calm him down and leave the room. When he starts crying, let him be naughty for a short time - about 3 minutes at first (see diagram above). Then go back into the room and start talking in a whisper and petting your baby to comfort him. You don't need to pick him up, just talk to him and try not to linger. Then leave the room again. These actions can be performed by either parent if the other is busy.

If the child continues to cry, you need to continue returning to the room, but without reducing a certain time interval. Speak quietly, offer comfort, and then leave the room. Do this until the baby falls asleep. In subsequent days, add more time to the intervals, eventually reaching 10, and then 15 minutes. Therefore, this method has another name – “5-10-15”.

The goal is to reduce the amount of time you cry and stay awake at night, and then increase the amount of time you have to return and check on your baby. But regularity is important here, so you need to repeat the entire ritual every day.

Advantages: The method is considered one of the most effective and popular in the West for teaching a child falling asleep independently.

Flaws: This approach has received considerable criticism from pediatricians and parents. When a baby cries, the stress hormone cortisol is produced. And it, as you know, interferes with emotional development and even kills brain cells, which in a child of this age are still only in the process of intensive formation. It is expected that there may be Negative consequences in future. But studies on children older than 7 months showed that there were no positive or negative effects. Application of the Feber method in more early age was not studied, not taking into account the admittedly biased 2012 study, which included too few children and did not have a control group.

4. Pick Up Put Down Method

Put your child to bed and then leave the room. When the baby starts to fuss, take your time, but listen to whether he really requires attention or is just whining slightly. If he bursts into tears, take him in your arms and begin to soothe him until he falls asleep. Repeat this cycle until deep sleep occurs. The only problem that parents often face in this case is that if you pick up the baby too often and then put him back in the crib, you may notice that he wakes up the moment he is put back. Therefore, only pick up your baby if it is really necessary.

Advantages: This method allows you to calm the child faster.

Flaws: It has low effectiveness, especially if you constantly lift the child and quickly respond to crying. It is easier to put him to bed, but it is difficult to ensure that the baby sleeps all night and does not cry.

5. Parent in the room

Advantages: You will know for sure that your baby is safe when he cries.

Flaws: For this method to take effect, it may take quite a bit a large number of time, it usually works within a few weeks. Many parents believe that this method may cause increased protest in the child, and it will be difficult for parents to watch.

6. “Let him cry”

This is the crudest method and you may think it will break your heart, but with some babies it really works. You can start trying this from 4 to 6 months, when you are sure that the baby has drunk milk and will not be hungry for 6-8 hours. Put him in the crib, and while he is still awake, go to another room. Most likely, he will cry, but you need to not “give in” to the cries of protest. It's important to remember that as long as your baby is fed and has a dry diaper, he's fine. You will hear the difference between normal crying and screaming in pain. You can return to the room only when you understand that your child is in pain or is in danger, but if you know that everything is fine, just wait. Soon the child will understand that sleep is the only option for further events.

Advantages: Minimal removal of attention, and therefore wasted time, for parents.

Flaws: The origin of this relatively harsh method is unknown. It is described on the popular foreign Internet portal , but it was not possible to find its description in more reliable sources. Therefore the level Negative influence stress for the child and normal parents will most likely be incommensurate with the possible effectiveness.

To be able to put your child to sleep through the night, you need to do this gradually. For example:

  1. Try not to change diapers at night. Put a good overnight diaper on your baby before bed. Over time, the baby will get used to waking up when it is time to change it. Change the diaper only when necessary.
  2. Use white noise. Children should get used to sleeping with it on. Generator white noise may be useful for early stages sleep training. You can order a special device on the Internet, or just turn on these sounds online through a quality column.
  3. Create and develop bedtime rituals. In other words, implement daily routines that signal to your child that bedtime has arrived. For example:
  • Give your baby a warm bath
  • Give me a bottle
  • Make sure the room temperature is comfortable enough
  • Read a bedtime story
  • Turn on the night lamp and ensure complete silence

Remember that the success of a particular method will depend on your child's temperament and how serious you are about the approach. It's important to stay consistent. Sleep training is a challenge no matter what method you try. Remember that it may take a few days to a few weeks to see gradual changes in your baby's sleep patterns.

Used materials.

According to statistics, 74% of new American mothers dream about sleep. Moreover, sleep is the most important thing in life for them. Almost half of mothers are ready to pay any money just to get some sleep. Is everything really that scary? Let's move away from stereotypes. Luckily, we know what to do to help your baby sleep soundly through the night.

Do not worry

There is nothing wrong with a child tossing and turning, snoring and even waking up. No, this is not Armageddon and you don’t need to throw all your energy into saving your baby’s sleep. Often, parents take too seriously any rustle that comes from the crib. Calm down. It is normal for a baby to wake up several times during the night, grunt in his sleep, and make other sounds. If the baby is not crying, do not disturb him - let him fall asleep on his own.

DO NOT neglect your health

Colic is a problem for all mothers and babies. They can be distressing to children between 3 weeks and 3 months of age. The baby may wake up from these sensations, cry, and raise his legs to his stomach. Reason - increased gas formation and lack of preparedness digestive tract to an “active life”. Fortunately, in modern world There are many tools that... For example, you can give your baby tea with fennel, massage the abdomen, put gas outlet pipe. Solve this problem and the child will sleep more peacefully.

DO NOT train your parents to sleep with you

Yes, you are worried. Yes, the baby needs to be fed and diapers changed often. In the period from 2 weeks to 3 months, the child will set his own feeding schedule - you just need to adapt to it. So this is not a reason for or even sleeping in the same room.


DO NOT feed before bed

If you are, then you probably know that after feeding he can quickly fall asleep. American doctors claim that half of breastfed babies always wake up at least once during the night. And if the baby sleeps in the same room with you, this aggravates the situation, since children are very sensitive to the smell of mother's milk. Children don't wake up less often. Of course, you should not deny your baby natural feeding. But follow some rules: do not feed your baby immediately before bed, do it for a while, and stay away from the crib. And after feeding, change the baby's clothes so that he does not smell the milk and does not wake up.

DO NOT rock you

Another controversial point is. Some psychologists believe that this affects the quality of sleep. Firstly, if you rock your baby in your arms and then put him in a crib, the baby may wake up. Secondly, even if he sleeps soundly, he will still feel a change during sleep, which on a subconscious level will be uncomfortable for him, because sleeping in his mother’s arms is much more pleasant. The result is that the baby will wake up earlier.

DO NOT forget about independence

Even the youngest children can fall asleep on their own. Of course, if nothing worries them. Therefore, mother does not need to immediately run to the crib as soon as she hears the slightest rustle. Children who are accustomed to falling asleep on their own in the first months of life will subsequently disturb their parents less at night. Don't worry: your child will find something to calm himself down with. By the way, some rules can improve your night's sleep. So, remember that everyone should sleep at night. The baby understands that if everyone in the house is already having sweet dreams, he also needs to sleep, and not stay awake. And here his own methods will come to the rescue: someone sucks their finger or looks at the ceiling, and someone even hums soothing melodies to themselves.

Children are happiness, and their appearance in the family brings a lot of joy, smiles and fun. In addition to joy, along with the appearance of a baby, comes a feeling of concern for his life. On the one hand, at the beginning of his life, a baby doesn’t need much: feeding, walks in the fresh air and healthy sleep. But, if the first factors can be easily arranged and kept under control, then providing him with healthy sleep is not so easy.

At the genetic level, babies have normal and restful sleep, which is necessary for its development and formation. At the same time, the baby is teething, overcomes attacks of flatulence and learns to walk. Such factors affect the restful sleep of not only the baby, but also mom and dad. The child cries, tosses and turns and cannot sleep normally. To help the baby, parents sing songs, sing with dill water, and buy toys. But there is one very faithful, reliable and safe way- conspiracies and rituals based on the knowledge of folk witches.

Mom or dad can perform a series of rituals or read a spell so that the child sleeps when there is a need for it. The rituals are absolutely harmless. The only thing is that they need to be read in a quiet and calm voice, almost in a whisper. And the same night the baby will sleep peacefully. Take note also from the previous article.

Sometimes a child does not sleep due to fears or nightmares that he has in his sleep. The baby tosses and turns and suffers, touches himself with his hands and wakes himself up. Afterwards, the baby begins to cry, wakes up the mother and has a hard time falling asleep again. One light whisper will help to cope with such a problem, which must be uttered by one of the parents.

At night, when the baby is sleeping, go to the head of the crib and whisper the words of the spell. The whisper text is aimed at ensuring that the baby sleeps soundly, and if he wakes up, he doesn’t get scared and quickly falls asleep again.

“I baptize with the cross, I lay the servant of God baby (baby’s name) to sleep. Sleep, don't be afraid, and when you wake up, have fun. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

You can read such a whisper every night. Look at the need and the condition of the baby. Mom can also say these words while breastfeeding or going to bed in the evening. In such situations, this is done for prevention and normalization of the baby’s regimen. In parallel with pronouncing the words for the child to sleep, stroke the baby on the head and slowly spin with him clockwise. This will additionally calm the child and allow him to sleep normally.
Spell for a child's peaceful sleep

When the baby sleeps restlessly and the reason is unclear, you can read a sleep spell. In order for the baby to sleep soundly and calmly, the mother needs to prepare a little. First she needs to wash herself with holy water. Then read the “Our Father” prayer three times and only then go to the baby who is lying in the crib. Standing at the head of the bed, you should say the words in a whisper. Text:

“A sleepy queen, a heavenly sister walked across our land, found my baby, put her in a cradle, and rewarded me with a good sleep. I guarded your sleep, drove away insomnia, sang a song: “Sleep, baby, sleep well, I will guard your sleep, I will drive away insomnia, you baby can sleep peacefully, insomnia will not bother you.”

Already this night, your son or daughter will sleep much more peacefully. To completely relax the baby emotionally at night, it is recommended to carry out the ritual several evenings in a row. The child, after such strong words sung by his mother, will sleep peacefully and will forever forget about nightmares. The main thing is mom’s faith in the result!

If your baby suffers from poor sleep

Poor sleep can be expressed in several ways: the child wakes up at night or he has difficulty going to bed. In the second situation, prayers and whispers must be chanted so that the baby sleeps well at night. And it’s better to do this while breastfeeding. The milk will be saturated and charged with the message from the mother’s words and will work like a computer calming program for the child.

While breastfeeding, mother should quietly hum the spell. Magic words, or rather their first part, looks like this:

“Let my little son (daughter) fall asleep well and sleep peacefully all night. Let insomnia not bother him. Far in the forest there grows a large tree, there is a dry branch on it. A bad dream will spread to the branch, but don’t let it touch my boy (girl). I, the servant of God (name), ask everyone - help me. So that the branch falls away and my child sleeps soundly. Amen"

Then take the baby, who has eaten and calmed down a little, to his crib and there read the second part of the text, which will set the child up for a quick sleep. The words sound like this:

“Let insomnia leave my home and my child. Let him go his own way far into the distance, closer to nature and animals. Let your son (daughter) sleep well and not cry. The baby's insomnia goes away, and now he sleeps soundly. Amen"

The words are simple, but maternal power can charge them with enormous strength, which can cope with any ailment and situation. Believe, and your child will sleep soundly and no one and nothing will be able to disturb his sleep.

So that children are not afraid to sleep alone

For little ones, the first nights without their parents are very scary. The kids start crying, it’s hard for them to calm down and be alone with themselves, even when mom and dad are in the same room as the baby. To accustom the child to independent sleep Every time you put your child to bed, say the following words:

“Lord Almighty and all the Saints, protect my baby. Protect his sleep! Protect his health from unclean interference and other people's encroachment! Guardian Angel, cover my child with your wing and calm his sleep. Protect and protect and don’t let anyone disturb his sleep! Amen!"

Having said the words, baptize the baby and go to bed peacefully. Know that the baby is under reliable protection. The ritual can be performed at least every night. Over time, the baby will get used to it and will no longer be alone at night.

To help your baby sleep through the night

Babies may sleep normally, but often wake up at night and quickly fall asleep. This may simply interfere with the normal and full formation of the baby. All metabolic processes and cell growth occur during deep sleep, and regular awakenings shorten such stages. In order to provide your baby with normal and complete sleep, during which he will grow and become stronger, read the magic words:

“Mistress of dreams and my child - best friends. She puts him to bed every night and gives him a deep nap. This prayer will save me and my son (daughter) and he will sleep soundly all night. The queen gave her warmth, sang a song to him and protected him from evil forces. The baby will begin to sleep and not disturb anyone. Amen"

Read baby sleep whispers before bed. It is also recommended to ventilate the room before going to bed. Fresh air will fill the body of mother and child with oxygen, which will allow them both to sleep peacefully. Closed curtains and the absence of unnecessary light sources will also create the necessary atmosphere for good sleep. The only exception can be a night light, without which the baby is not yet accustomed to being left. Although, over time, the baby will need to be weaned from such lighting devices at night.

The baby will sleep peacefully throughout the night, also provided that the mother was in a calm and peaceful mood at the moment when she put the baby to bed.

Prayer for your child to sleep well at night

For good night not only children, but also mothers and fathers, you can come up with conspiracies and whispers yourself. After all, all conspiracies and rituals were once invented by our ancestors. They were formed under the regular supervision of grandmothers, who noticed the phase of the moon, which contributed to their implementation, and under their close selection of herbs that helped with this or that ailment. Likewise, mommy can come up with a prayer or whisper that she likes for the baby’s peaceful sleep or for another purpose.

Don't make up complicated words. You can simply say what you feel, voice your worries for the baby and ask for support from the Saints. The main thing is to speak with faith in your soul and the purest and most sincere intentions in your heart. Tender and honest words, combined with mother’s energy, will fly high up, touch the heavenly forces and, together with a particle of the extraterrestrial, will descend to protect the baby. After all, for a child nothing can be stronger and more reliable than mother’s feelings and hugs, than mother’s words and prayers. Love the baby and believe that everything will be fine for him!

Mothers try to think through everything even before the birth of their child. important questions, among which - where he will sleep. After birth, another question arises: what should be done to ensure that the baby sleeps all night? What is the reason that babies have restless sleep, and how to deal with it? Depends on sleep general state organism and its development.

Establishing a daily routine from birth is an important task. Not only the child, but the whole family will have a rest.

How long should you sleep? infant in the first month? A newborn baby sleeps about 17-18 hours a day. Children at this age never sleep more than 3-4 hours - neither day nor night.

Close observation of your baby will help you establish a rest routine. What matters is how long he stays awake. The waking time is no more than 2 hours. If you don't keep track of time and put your child to bed later, he will become overtired. Signs of drowsiness include yawning and touching your face. At this time, you need to put the baby in the crib. You can sing a lullaby, or just talk quietly, monotonously. Such attentiveness will help teach the baby to sleep in its place.

IN daytime You need to communicate with the newborn more often, carry him in your arms. If a child wakes up at night, you should not play with him or talk for a long time. No need to turn on the light. These actions will help establish a routine, and it will be easy to teach the child to distinguish between day and night.

How long does a 2-3 month old baby sleep? By 3 months, sleep duration decreases to 15 hours.

The baby sleeps twice a day. Children's daily routine should be supplemented with rituals of waking up and going to bed.

How long should a one year old baby sleep? By the end of the 12th month, your baby should sleep about 12 hours a day. At this time, the transition to one-day sleep occurs.

If you have managed to establish a sleep-wake schedule, the child eats well, walks a lot, but still has difficulty falling asleep and sleeps little (less than 40 minutes), you should consult a doctor for advice.

What problems might you encounter?

In order to teach your baby to sleep through the night, you need to understand the reasons for waking up.

  1. During the first month, the baby wakes up from hunger. If parents want to solve the problem with a large portion of food before bed, then this will not save the situation. Sleeping on a full stomach is even worse. Children who are breastfeeding, and sleep with mom, can wake up every 40 minutes.
  2. Too strong emotions during the day lead to the fact that the baby sleeps only 30-40 minutes. Children's nervous system is very weak, they can see bad dreams and wake up.
  3. Sleep disturbance can occur due to feeling unwell: colic, teething, colds. In this case, the baby sleeps for only 30-40 minutes.
  4. The day and night routine in children is disrupted.
  5. Uncomfortable clothing can cause short nap– 30-40 minutes. Clothes should be made from natural and high-quality material, there should be no rough seams or unnecessary details.

During healthy sleep The child should not breathe through his mouth. Breathing through the nose allows the air to warm up and clear dust particles. The lungs work actively and saturate the blood with oxygen. In the case when the baby sleeps with open mouth, the air enters the lungs cold, and there is a risk of colds.

It is important to understand why a child sleeps with his mouth open. This can lead to problems such as sleep disturbance, anemia and hypoxia. The older the child gets, the more difficult it will be to wean him from this habit.

  • The child sleeps with his mouth open due to an uncomfortable position.
  • Perhaps the nose is clogged with mucus or crusts have formed, and the child is forced to breathe through the mouth.

If all possible reasons eliminated, and the baby still sleeps with his mouth open not only at night, but also during the day, then we can talk about a habit. Parents will have to make efforts to teach their baby to sleep with his mouth closed.

Falling asleep with mom until one year of age is normal occurrence. If your baby falls asleep during breastfeeding, you can try to wean him off.

In the evening, before going to bed, you just need to put him in the crib and leave the room. He will cry for 20-30 minutes and fall asleep. You can sit next to the crib, but not respond to crying, or use a pacifier.

It happens that the baby sleeps only in his arms. As soon as he is placed in his crib, he opens his eyes. In the arms of the child he feels the warmth and protection of his mother. To wean him off this without hurting him nervous system, you need to hold the baby in your arms more often during the day when he is not sleeping. Or you can replace the desire to sleep in your arms co-sleeping with mom.

It is worth being patient to teach your baby to sleep in his own crib. How long it will take depends on the baby’s temperament, his health characteristics and the atmosphere in the house.

Helper for a long and healthy rest

When children wake up every 30-40 minutes, a sleeping bag can help solve the problem. A child in a dream, moving his legs and arms, wakes himself up and opens up.

How a sleeping bag can be useful:

  • you will feel warm and cozy all night long;
  • while feeding in your arms, the baby will also feel comfortable;
  • the bag will not be able to fall;
  • The sleeping bag is convenient to take with you on a trip.

The sleeping bag should be used immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital. If this is done later, it will be more difficult to teach the child to sleep in new conditions.

The only disadvantage of a sleeping bag is the inconvenience of changing a diaper or changing a diaper.

How to choose the right sleeping bag? It must match the size of the baby. The neckline should not fit too tightly around the neck. A sleeping bag can have sleeves. It would be better if it had a zipper. When choosing a sleeping bag, you need to take into account the air temperature in the room.

The sleeping bag has become popular product for newborns. You can buy it at any specialized store, or sew it yourself.

Basic rules for putting your baby to bed

If you properly establish a daily routine, this will help parents put their child to sleep quickly and throughout the night. Otherwise it will wake up every 30 minutes. Consistency and consistency will help improve the process of going to bed.

  1. You need to decide what time you plan to go to bed each day.
  2. A few hours before bedtime, active games should be avoided. loud sounds, vivid impressions.
  3. Taking a bath in a warm bath will help you get ready for a good night's sleep.
  4. A massage will help relax your muscles and calm your nervous system.
  5. After putting the baby in the crib, you need to sit next to him for some time. You can read a book, sing a lullaby.

By doing several similar sequential actions every day, you can teach your baby to fall asleep quickly.

Most babies can sleep through the night by six months. Some parental mistakes lead to the newborn waking up every 30–40 minutes. To change the routine and teach him to sleep through the night, parents need to make every effort and patience.

  • Night feeding (many children have only a habit by this time).
  • Wrong mode: sleeps a lot during the day, little activity.
  • There is no ritual before bed.
  • You should not hold your baby in your arms for a long time before going to bed.

If suits the baby 7th month, and he continues to fall asleep in his arms day and night, you can begin to patiently explain to him that he needs to sleep in a crib. At this age, children are already able to understand the speech of an adult.

It is easy to train your baby to sleep next to his mother. This way he calms down and falls asleep faster, especially if he is breastfed. If the mother allowed the child to sleep with her for the first few days, she will have to face the problem of how to wean the child from similar dream. It doesn’t matter how many months the baby will be at this moment. You need to choose the right moment when it is better to teach your child to sleep separately.

  • The most best time– when the baby stops breastfeeding or eating breast milk only during the day.
  • It is easier to teach children who have established deep and long sleep.
  • During the day he can play on his own for a long time without requiring attention.

Experts advise not to leave your child playing in the crib during the day. To do this, you need to allocate special places: a corner for games, a playpen. The crib is designed for relaxation.

It is this idea that needs to be formed in the baby.

Rest too short. What to do

Healthy sleep consists of a slow and fast sleep cycle. During the fast (superficial) phase, a person has vivid, emotional dreams. Deep (slow) sleep is characterized by relaxation of the body. In adults, sleep begins with a rapid phase, and then the slow phase begins. In infants the opposite may be true.

Children have a short sleep cycle, and the baby can sleep through one phase. How long does the fast phase last in infants? The fast phase lasts 20-30 minutes. It is better to rock your baby in your arms before he or she appears. deep dream. Otherwise, when changing the place of laying, the baby will immediately wake up.

During REM sleep, you experience what happened during the day. During the slow-wave sleep phase, physical development. This is why sleep is so important for children.

Healthy sleep for children depends on internal state. External factors(light, sound) have little effect on the quality of sleep. It is important to establish emotional contact with your baby in the first month.

If a baby's sleep lasts only 30–40 minutes, it is considered short. During this time it is impossible to regain strength. The child will wake up cranky and look overtired during the day.