Undefined root center. Root Center

The secret of programming lies in the white centers on the map of our Design. We are attracted to opposites, we want to have what we don't have, it becomes an obsession, and then we actually start thinking that this is what we should become.

The first thing we see on the map is the centers. There are 9 of them, and some of them are painted over, and some are white (unless you are a Reflector, then all your centers are open, or unless you are an even less common Generator with all centers filled).

What is shaded is called certainty. This is what was given to you from birth, our energy, by which you are recognized. From here you influence the world.

Everything white on your map is a place of vulnerability, openness to conditioning, to recharge from the outside. It's uncertain. Here the world influences you, and you strongly reflect this influence. Where we are open, we perceive energy, increase it and feel it as ours. It's not yours, but it's very easy to become identified with it, especially in a family, living side by side for years. As a result, this creates a distorted sense of self.

As children, we depend on those who take care of us. Each child receives a strong influence that penetrates through and fits into patterns: what should be done, what should not be done, what is good and what is bad. Where we are open, we absorb what is given to us and learn to protect our vulnerability: we hide our feelings (in the case of the emotionally sensitive, an open child), we prove our worth and strive to be the first (open ego), we worry about trifles, giving it meaning (open parietal), we fuss or get stuck (open root), we acquire dependencies and act in impulse, which can be wildly foolish (if open spleen) and so on.

Open centers can thus be places of examination and diagnosis of the mind. U sees in open topics the “barriers” we try to overcome to become something we are not. This comes from not knowing yourself. But getting to know ourselves is wildly difficult, because from childhood we find ourselves in conditions that more strongly encourage us to strengthen traits that are unusual for us. In practice, this is exactly what happens.

A map of design - the flow of your power - allows you to see what is inherent to you from birth (shaded), how it manifests itself (in certainty or inconstancy), in which direction there may be critical deviations (white on the map, false self, fictitious self-image) and how this can be aligned using a technique of paying attention to internal physical cues, which in design are called and. Because the body doesn't lie.

True Self vs. False Self

In this picture we see two cards - real strength and mental aspirations: who I am and where I am not.

Human Design makes it possible to clearly see this pattern of mental disorder and understand the mechanism of its influence on life. You can learn how friendship with the body - be it a generator movement through life from the power of response; or the expectation of greater clarity - if you are emotional; or trusting your instinct in the current moment - if your authority is the spleen - gives the mind the opportunity to engage in observation and study of life. The mind is a passenger in the body; it has no driving license. But he thinks he can control the show - your life.

The natural beauty of the mind is revealed through the process of transformation of the body. Each of us has the opportunity to try to align ourselves with our unique ability see and express what you see with your own eyes. Most often we encounter fakes and imitations, repetitions without deep coincidence with personal truth. And this personal truth is possible precisely in resonance with the body.

The shaded part is always the hook on which we are hooked by the program. It is always fixation on a certain theme, which is present in the centers, in the gates and channels. Openness in the bodygraph gives greater flexibility and sensitivity. In fact, we unconsciously live out our shadow side. She is also needed, she teaches us to survive, gives us support and support in childhood. But then these crutches make it difficult to move. The potential for wisdom remains elusive because our lives are jealously guarded by the mind, which claims an authoritative role.

In design, as in other systems that comprehend what it means to be human, the entire resource of transformation lies in the body.

Let's walk from bottom to top

  • Root Center- adrenaline pressure associated with survival. People with a certain Root are stress-resistant and able to work under deadlines. It's healthy to allow this fuel to participate in your life, but not to let it decide for you. An exposed Root may panic in stressful situation. Such people cannot decide anything under pressure; they learn to understand what pressure suits them and what does not.
  • Sacral Center– the energy that can be accessed from the response. This is vitality, efficiency, sexuality. If decisions are made mentally and not in response to life, disappointment is inevitable. The Sacral Center belongs to the Generator, and the correct living of one’s power brings satisfaction, which is enhanced by those whose Sacral is open. This openness (for Projectors, Manifectors, Reflectors) can lead to exhaustion and fatigue if you don't know when enough is enough, in anything: work, food, sex. It's very easy to feel like a super generator with an open center. The rule of the open sacral: go to rest before you get tired. The rule of a certain Sacral: exhaust yourself during the day in order to have a good rest.
  • Emotional Cent p – changeability of moods, sensitivity, passion. A certain emotionality dominates everything and becomes Inner Authority. In the world, 50/50 are emotional and emotionally open. An emotional wave passes through some, while others reflect and intensify it. The result is a super-emotional planet. It is completely unhealthy for both to make emotional decisions.
  • Spleen Center– intuition, well-being, immune system, survival in the moment, laughter, fun. For an open Spleen, a filled one seems very attractive, because there is a feeling that you will not be lost with this person. This can lead to an unhealthy addiction based on fear. It is not correct for the Open Spleen to make spontaneous decisions.
  • Ego Center– willpower, courage, competitiveness, the heart of the material world. This center can be compared to a business district in the city. “Doing less, getting more,” promising and delivering for yourself is the theme of the ego. Golden Rule open Ego - don’t promise anything, don’t prove that you are better, that you are worthy. You are good just the way you are.
  • Center G– love, direction, self-identification. A certain G feels his direction in life, even if he doesn't know the goal. Carries the house within itself, like a turtle or a snail. Radiates love. Open G when one may feel lost: Who am I? Where am I going? Where will I meet my love? He is very scrupulous about the place, and in the right place he meets the right people.
  • Throat center– self-expression, action, manifestation. This is analogous to a market square, and all roads lead here. A certain throat has a fixed way of presenting itself, this is determined by gates and channels. An open throat can be more flexible in expressing itself if it does not start the conversation first, trying to attract attention. Gift open throat– express different voices.
  • Parietal or Head Center– mental pressure and inspiration. If this center is identified, a person is perceived as a source of inspiration for himself and others. A special kind of therapist to whom you can turn to with questions and receive an inspiring answer. The Open Head loves to identify with all questions, they become a matter of life and death and the answer is required immediately. Growing wiser, he begins to separate the wheat from the chaff and feels who inspires and who does not.
  • Ajna, Center of the Mind– conceptualization, thinking, information analysis. A certain mind has its own way of processing information - logical, abstract or through insight. Such a person may be an external authority for others, but this does not mean that he can solve his problems himself. This mind, like the Projector, needs recognition and an invitation to share its qualities. An open mind, when not embarrassed by openness and forgetfulness, can learn a lot by accepting different points of view and listening to different opinions.

Special qualities of some centers:

  1. Three centers of awareness:
    • Spleen center – primary, animal awareness of the body
    • Ajna center - mental awareness
    • the solar plexus center is a spiritual awareness whose potential has not yet been manifested. According to the information transmitted by Ra, in 2027 a mutation will occur as a result of which the Emotional Center will cease to function as a motor.
  2. Four energy centers or "motors":
    • solar plexus center,
    • Sacral center,
    • ego center,
    • Root Center
  3. Two centers of pressure:
    • Parietal center
    • Root Center
  4. Center for Manifestation and Expression: Throat Center
  5. Center of identity and direction: G center

Each center has its own biological correspondence, which is well expressed in this diagram:

Incorrect living of energy can affect certain organs or systems.

Each center can manifest itself appropriately or inappropriately. For example, open centers: Root + Ego + Sacral + Emotional + Spleen can give such a distorted theme: promising under pressure to do something for someone because you are afraid of being rejected.

Conditioning is nourishment. When, as we experience our power, identification with old patterns passes, we begin to live from our present, which decides when, where, with whom. We learn together with others. We learn to recognize these correspondences by manifesting ourselves.

© Masha Vodolazskaya

The root center is a center of pressure along with the center of the head, only this pressure comes from below and stimulates development and adaptation to the outside world. It has to do with how a person experiences and expresses stress. This is the pressure that drives us.

The root center is also the engine that keeps evolution going. Here is the main fuel for our existence. vehicle- the most powerful energy that exists within us. The root center is also called the kundalini center. As a center of pressure, it provides fuel to nine different processes: repair, find purpose, grow, begin, change, focus, need, find spirit, desire.

The root center resembles a gas station where you will find different kinds fuel. Because the energy here is incredibly strong, the root center has no direct connection with. Its energy must be filtered in the three centers closest to it (sacral, splenic and solar plexus). The energy of the root center is an essential component of manifestation, that is, self-expression.

Biological compliance

Biologically, the root center is associated with the adrenaline system and stress hormones. Life's stresses are something from which you can gain certain benefits, but you don't have to suffer from them. Stress cannot be avoided - it is an important energy, a fuel that helps us withstand difficult situations. You cannot limit this fuel or you will become depressed.

Undefined root center

A person with an undefined root center may come under enormous pressure as he accepts and increases stress. He is conditioned to be hyperactive and can become incredibly restless. Seeing that the pressure is not his own, he avoids being overwhelmed by it. When stressed, he can either take advantage of the adrenaline energy or step aside and avoid it.

A person with an undefined root center stepping on stage in front of an audience can be intensified by the rush of adrenaline. Many singers on stage have an undefined root center and enjoy the energy of the crowd. Another reaction to it may be a freezing stage, which forces people to hide. Powerful adrenaline energy frightens or paralyzes them. People with an undefined root center, who have ceased to identify with its conditioning, can come to understand the nature of stress, how it feels and how it can be eliminated.

Defined root center

The root center can be defined by three different centers. A person whose root center is determined by the sacral has a fixed way of interacting with stress. The connections between the root center and the sacral are called energy formats, and they dictate the nature of our functioning in this life. Energy formats tell us how our energies work.

One whose root center is determined from the spleen must trust his fixed way of interacting with pressure to be healthy. The one whose root center is determined from must trust his pressure to be emotional.

Biological compliance: adrenal glands, adrenal glands.

Key words: drive for life, stress, physical pressure.
This center responds to the physically felt pressure of life. The basic response is “fight or flight.”

Defined in 68% of people. For people with this quality, it provides a constant, inherent way of dealing with physical pressure; they have a natural ability to deal with it. This pressure helps you move through life, gives you the desire to do something, it is psychological fuel. These people can remain calm when pressure is put on them.

Undefined/open in 32% of people.

These people work fast and hard, trying to free themselves from the pressure, but it never lets up. This is physical adrenaline pressure. They do one thing, and 10 others are waiting for them. And this goes on endlessly. You can work all night to finish something because you need to start something new in the morning. Your boss thinks: “He works so quickly and efficiently, I need to assign him one more thing.” These people never feel free from pressure - but it is not theirs, and they become a victim of it.

People with uncertain The root center is open and receptive to other people's stress. It's important not to let the chaos and stress of other people's lives affect theirs.

Wisdom potential and gift: the ability to allow pressure to flow through the body and not involve a person in an action that is not correct for him. Enjoy your natural calm.

Dialogues of the False Self openRoot Center may have the following structure: “What can I do to improve my life? I need to achieve something in my life. I have to hurry to make it on time. We need to start something new. What should I focus on? I need to be needed by someone. Who needs me? Where will I be needed? What lights me up? I would like something new in life. We need to hurry up and start something new. I don't want to waste my time. We need to finish this job."

IN religiously The root center is associated with the concept of Service. People with certain A root center can serve a specific cause and be very effective in doing so. Uncertain the root center can practice the technique of “no-doing,” that is, wisely recognizing the pressures of life and moving in the direction that is right for it.

Definite Root Center in natural state has a constant internal way cope with pressure. Lives the pressure in accordance with his personal certainties. Doesn't put pressure on others. Doesn't expect others to handle workloads the same way he does.

Under the influence of the False Self, it can be cruel to those who cannot cope with stress and puts unnecessary pressure on others. Holds pressure in your body without releasing it properly.

In natural state Uncertain The Root Center allows pressure to pass through itself without being involved in action. Does not rush to make decisions under pressure. Uses the energy of pressure to his advantage. If the False Self dominates the psyche, then a person is always in a hurry, doing everything under pressure and destroying his Physical health. Takes on the stress and pressure of others. When completely open, he doesn’t know when to rush. In work situations, the tendency is to rush everyone around. Lack of understanding of production rhythms.

False Self Strategy open Root Center: In a hurry to get rid of pressure.

Material life directly affects this center.

The root center has enormous power. He has great value for our body as it puts pressure on all major functions. Without the physical pressure coming from the Root, we would not have these basic life processes that make us into the species that we are. To be human means to be both the Tao of our existence between the Sun and the Earth, and also the flesh in the middle of the sandwich. We live in a pressure sandwich, a stress-anxiety sandwich, and this is what keeps us moving forward. We are created to be between these two centers of pressure - the Root Center with its stress and the Parietal Center with its anxiety. We are never free from pressure.

Pressure does not live here and is not part of us. It passes through us - above and below. Therefore, stress technically does not belong to us; it just passes through us. You don't have to hold on to it, and if you don't interfere, it won't bother you. If you interfere, it will happen.

People have pressure from above and pressure from below, and still wonder why there is so much pressure in the world. 70% of the time of people around the world is spent on providing the fireplace with firewood and water - what to say about life under pressure, incredible pressure, about the stress of being in the world. Everyone thinks that pressure is bad, but it is not. It is the essential fuel for our entire life process. It is those things that we dislike most—fear, stress, pain—that make us human and are driving force our consciousness.

The root center is connected to the adrenal system, which produces adrenaline and stress hormones. This is a system of physical pressure and the head of the major league of motors that produce stress. This is the essence of the Root. It sounds nice when you call it Kundalini energy; but this is Kundalini only after 35 years of yoga; For everyone else it's stress, pressure. As humans, we are under pressure to stay alive and still be healthy. We are under pressure to convey to each other the essence, the main points of what it means to be human. This is our fundamental pressure. The root center is also the fuel for our deepest fears.

The Root Center does not have direct access to the Center of Expression (Throat Center), but it does have direct access to the Sacral Center, and this has deep meaning because their relationship is important. The three channels between the Root and Sacral centers are called format energies (see map of consciousness). In principle, they determine how the body functions, setting a certain frequency or pattern of energy work in the body. Maturation (42-53) - Experiential format energy and is associated with beginnings, middles and endings. This is the empirical path of man, the path of life. On the other hand is the Logical format, Concentration (9-52), related to being focused and concentrated. In the center you have the Individual process, the Mutation channel (3-60), and this is the pulse (there is a mutation or not). These three main frequencies are: progressive frequency (beginning, middle and ending), focused and concentrated frequency, and pulse. These are the three main frequencies of the body itself.

If you have one of these channels identified, it determines how the characteristics work in your body. For example, if you have a Logical Format Channel, everything else will be focused and concentrated. If you also have a channel defined intimate relationships(59-6), you will concentrate and focus on intimacy, and if you have the Opening channel identified (46-29), you will concentrate and focus on being in right time V in the right place and succeed where others fail. In other words, focus and concentration become the frequency of the entire process in the work of consciousness. And this concentration will come from the certainty of the corresponding channel, and not from the desire to concentrate.

If, on the other hand, you have an Experiential format defined, then everything you do will have to evolve progressively. This is not a process of focus and concentration at all; it is a progression—with beginnings, middles, and endings. Everything in your life will be structured exactly like this. In some cases it will be a quick process, in other situations it will be lengthy, but you will only truly feel satisfied when you complete things.

If you have a Custom format defined, it will all be about indecision. You are always waiting for something to happen. This is the pulse of mutation. The moment it happens, you can suddenly make a decision. Suddenly you have clarity about something.

These formats are very important because they carry with them deep depression. This is also due to the special accessibility of the Sacred in relation to the Root. The essence of the 9 gates in the Sacral Center is to focus on details, they are accessible to concentration through stillness (52nd gate, Mountain in Stillness). But they will only have access to something they can focus and concentrate on. Ask the person with Concentration to just look at something for a moment. This is impossible for him, and he will respond negatively because he is created to dive deep into everything.

All six gates between the Sacral and the Root are the only true gates of depression. These three different energy formats represent three different ways of how we operate as energy systems and how stress and depression operate. So, we have cyclical processes, logical and focused, and mutational process. When the Root Center is connected to the Sacral Center, connected to the center that generates life itself, the main pressures of life are created thanks to these format energies. They all receive the fuel of stress energy as a motivating tool. Just as you start with pressure from the mental system with its disturbances and this motivates you on the mental plane, the Root Center forces us to move physically.

The stress mechanism is surrounded by the Splenic System on one side, the Solar Plexus on the other, and the Sacral Center on top.

The root is the pressure system for these three centers, because everything comes out of these three centers. The Spleen Center is our fundamental existential awareness, our immune system. Thus, the Root Center nourishes and supplies our immune system. It interacts with the Solar Plexus system and pumps adrenaline into the Emotional System, creating the basis for all our sexuality. Put stress and emotion together and you get sex and food.

Thus, although the Root may not seem particularly sexy as some other centers, the importance of this engine in our lives cannot be underestimated. Especially from an energetic standpoint - without the fuel below us to get us up and going, our lives would not receive the pressure that has made us such a successful species.

Strategy open The root and the question to this center: “Are you still trying to free yourself? Are you still trying to redo things to be free? Are you still rushing through life to get rid of things and be free?” Everything in the Root Center involves a powerful pressure to do things over. Speaking of speed - if you have an employee with Root Center open and you give him a project that takes about a week to complete, as soon as he hears that it will take a week, he starts to feel nauseous. It's like, "Oh no, I'm going to be a slave all week, all this pressure all week." Then he starts going crazy. He does this two days in advance to get out faster. Unfortunately for him, his boss notices: “This case didn’t take that much time. Here's your next task."

And here it is again open The root rushes to free itself, only to discover that there is no freedom. This incredible pressure to redo everything to free yourself will never end. But since we have format energies and depression here, it can end up being unbearable. Undoubtedly, there are many suicides with an open Root, because, after all, this is the fastest way to get rid of the burden and become free. Depending on the level of the False Self, the exposed Root can be very excitable.

Not only that, but we have rescheduled decision making. Instead of making decisions according to who you are, you make decisions from the open Root. “I will do all this very quickly, because if I hurry, I will be free.” This decision suppresses who you are, suppresses your ability to make good decisions. That's not to say that Open Root Center isn't built to do things quickly, it can. They are designed to be fast, but not to free themselves or get rid of anything. The open root center is very quick. They get things done.

When you awaken, your False Self disappears. It simply becomes your shadow. It remains and becomes a shadow of your true Self. We need this shadow because our wisdom is in it. For an open Root, wisdom is knowing when and how to be fast. He can learn all the pitfalls, pitfalls and pitfalls of quickness because he is an open center. If you rush too much, you miss too many things. If you are in a hurry, you leave too many people behind. Gradually you gain wisdom. But this center does not cease to carry you in its flow, since the world of certain Roots influences you. With an open Root, you will always be faster than a certain amount, but it is important to enter into the right things and situations that you will be fast with.

This is part of the transformation. An adult will never get rid of his conditioning. But you reduce it so that only a shadow remains of it. She becomes a shadow and stays with you. It's just the influence of the world around you. The world influences the exposed Root so that it must move faster. With the Sacred open you must learn how to be accessible. Being yourself, you operate correctly in that field with everything that surrounds you, because this is the world. It's what you breathe in and out every day. And your only defense is your Strategy. People with an open Root will not stop being fast, so it’s better to turn on the speed correctly.

If you are a person with open Taking root and responding to someone's request to do something does not mean you will do it slowly. You won't. You will do it quickly, but it will be the right thing to do to speed up. You will be wise because you will learn that if the center is open and you have entered into the experience correctly, you will know how fast you can be. But this has nothing to do with getting rid of this matter. Undefined Root Centers are always trying to get rid of things, but that is not the essence of life. The point is not to get rid of anything. It doesn't mean that what you do in currently, doesn't matter because tomorrow will be better. Some of the greatest lessons we learn in this life are found in the Root Center.

The reason for the chaos uncertain The Root Center is that it does not know what speed is, just as the open Sacral does not know when enough is enough. They lack judgment because it is not in these centers. Everyone's indiscretion open center is that they do not know how to evaluate the process associated with this center. The undefined Root Center, as well as the Parietal Center, can be very strong pressure. Not only is it vulnerable in itself, but the Root Center also magnifies any connection to it and can become, through conditioning, incredibly hyperactive with predictable consequences.

Imagine: to a child with uncertain A friend comes as the root center. Since we are attracted to what we are not, he will be attracted to people with a certain Root. Once this friend comes and turns on an unspecified Root, the enhanced Root energy can become explosive. The children will be in highest degree excited, especially the one whose Root Center is open. He may seem problematic. Such children in a school environment, where all centers are determined by the aura of the class, are under enormous pressure, which leads to high level anxiety. Although this is not the child's fault, this level of energy can be misinterpreted. He can be humiliated, punished, even sent for treatment.

Too many children with open motors are referred to doctors and treated strong drugs. They are mistakenly considered unhealthy and are diagnosed with increased excitability. But that's not true. If they are told about the nature of their design and how to live it, they will not identify with or give authority to an energy that is not theirs. Then they can use it to their own advantage and will not lose control under its influence.

Instead of absolute hyperactivity uncertain The root can also “freeze” under the necessary pressure. Frozen by the intense energy of adrenaline, he can be completely overcome by stage fright. The indeterminate Root Center will either love the crowd or be terrified by the crowd. He will either take off on the adrenaline that he will intensify and take advantage of the extra energy, or he will always avoid the crowd for fear of being overwhelmed and overwhelmed.

It is important to understand that we cannot afford to give authority to something that we are not. With an uncertain adrenaline system, a person under pressure does not necessarily have to lose himself. He can take advantage of it or avoid it - it's all about recognizing what you are not and then removing his command over you. As a result, you gain the potential for wisdom. People with an undefined Root Center can understand the nature of stress and how it operates, as these are the people who can recognize it. When a person does not give authority to vague centers, there is a huge advantage in them. This duality in us, defined and undefined centers, is a huge challenge, and yet it carries great reward. It gives us knowledge that is valuable not only for the person himself, but also for others.

Let's take a closer look at the pressure gate located in the Root Center:

58 - Correct
The Gate of Cheerfulness is the energy of joy and enjoyment of life. It is an insatiable desire to make life better and change norms to find a better path in life.
Type of energy - collective

38 - Find the Target
The Gate of Battle is an energy searching for something worth fighting for. This is the search for the meaning of life and, in the process of searching, the accumulation of wisdom about the struggle in the search for meaning.
Energy type - individual

54 - Grow
The Gate of Ambition is the gate of great ambition (please forgive the tautology). You like to do things as hard as you can. Perhaps even too much.
Energy type – tribal

53 - Start
The Gate of Beginnings is the gate of the beginning of something. Energy contains the potential to sometimes change, because sometimes in order to start something, it is necessary to change the process itself.
Type of energy - collective

60 - Mutate (Change)
Gate of Acceptance
To start something you need a push or a surge of energy. The Gate of Reception of Energy is like a car starting to slip. Not everything is like a 100-yard drive where the road goes straight. This energy pushes you at the start, but not so much that you cannot change your further course.
Energy type - individual

52 - Focus
The Gate of Inaction is stillness in order to see the whole picture and achieve concentration. From time to time we just need to give our full attention.
Type of energy - collective

19 - Need
The gate of desires is what society wants and needs. They need unlimited access to society. People with this energy can also be overly sensitive, or easily excitable and distracted.
Energy – Tribal

39 - Finding the Spirit
The Gate of Provocation is energy that provokes action. This is an energy explosion that creates changes from initially emotional calm or sadness.
Energy type - individual

41 – Wish
The Gate of Compression is the energy of compression or rollback. This is the emotional energy of regrouping in preparation for the next expansion.
Type of energy - collective

Based on materials from the book Ra Uru Hu

“Living your design”


1. Root center – center of pressure and motor.

2. Its biological attribute is the adrenal glands.

3. The theme of the Root Center is the pressure to be, evolve and adapt in the world.

4. A certain Root Center bears the stress and pressure of surviving in the world in a certain way.

5. Undefined Root Center experiences stress as something coming from others.

The root center is the center of pressure. This is pressure from below, pressure to evolve and adapt to the world and life. It's pressure to be. This center is responsible for how a human being experiences and expresses stress, and it is the pressure that drives us through life. The root center is also a motor that provides fuel for our development. Here we find the main fuel for the existence of our vehicle. This is the most powerful, pure energy that we have inside of us. The root center is also called the Kundalini center, which means you are dealing with the Kundalini fire. As a center of pressure, it energizes nine different processes.

The root center is like a gas station where there is different types fuel. Since the energy in the Root Center is very powerful, it cannot be connected directly to the Throat. This energy must first be processed in the three centers located around the Root (Sacral Center, Spleen Center and Emotional Center).

The energy in the Root Center is an essential component of expressing yourself in life. Human consciousness Life is driven by different types of energy called Stress, Fear and Pain.

Biological connection

Biologically, the Root Center is connected to the system that produces adrenaline and stress hormones. Stress is something you can use to your advantage, not something you need to suffer from. Stress cannot be avoided. Stress is an important energy, an important fuel that helps us cope with difficult situations. You cannot limit this energy, and when you try, you fall into a depressed state, especially in the gateway connecting the Root center with the Sacral.


People with an undefined Root Center are under a lot of pressure. They accept and increase stress. They are conditioned to be hyperactive and may become completely deprived of rest. Once they see that this pressure is not their pressure, they will learn not to let it overwhelm them. In a stressful situation, they can take advantage of this adrenaline energy or step aside and avoid it.

A person with an undefined Root Center will receive a powerful adrenaline rush when standing in front of an audience. Many singers on stage have an undefined Root Center and enjoy the adrenaline of the crowd. Another reaction to this energy is stage fright, which causes people to avoid it. The powerful root energy terrifies or paralyzes them.

A person with an undefined Root Center who is no longer identified with his conditioning can gain wisdom about how stress works, how it feels, and how one can heal from it.


The root center can be defined by connecting to three different centers.

People whose Root Center is identified through connection with the Sacral Center tolerate physical stress in a special way. The connections of the Root Center with the Sacral are called format energies and set the way in which we act in life. Formatted energies determine how our energy works. A person whose Root Center is connected to the Sacral endures the stress and pressure of being human in a special way. If he has channel 9/52 identified, that is, the format of concentration and focus, then such a person must endure stress by moving from one thing to another, concentrating step by step, deeply exploring each stage before moving on to the next. This is exactly how he should behave in life.

People whose Root Center is identified through the connection with the Spleen can rely on their constant desire to be healthy.

People whose Root Center is identified through a connection to the Solar Plexus center must trust their pressure to be emotional.

Certain – 68%,
undefined – 32%

Biological compliance- Adrenal glands.

Center Type– Motor, Pressure.

Function– Pressure, pressure, stress, kundalini.

False Self Strategy:
He is in a hurry to free himself.

It has a constant internal pressure handling method. Has constant access to fuel, which is an important driving force in his life. Well equipped to cope with stressful, extreme situations. Shouldn't let others put pressure on you. In the false version, he is susceptible to deep depression due to the inability correct application this powerful energy, because it turns the pressure on itself.

Overwhelmed by pressure and stress coming from others. Can allow himself to be conditioned by the pressure of other people, but must be careful in following his Strategy and Authority to receive the right pressure. With false living, he is in constant stress, trying in an endless race to solve all the problems in order to quickly free himself from pressure.

The Root Center is the center of pressure along with the Head Center.
Only this pressure comes from below and stimulates development and adaptation to the world around us. It has to do with how a person experiences and expresses stress. This is the pressure that drives us.

The root center is also the engine that keeps evolution going. Here is the main fuel for the existence of our vehicle - the most powerful energy that is inside us. The root center is also called the kundalini center. As a center of pressure, it provides fuel to nine different processes: repair, find purpose, grow, begin, change, focus, need, find spirit, desire.

Root Pressures, also known as the gates of the Root Center:
58 - Correct
38 - Find the Target
54 - Grow
53 - Start
60 - Mutate (Change)
52 - Focus
19 - Need
39 - Finding the Spirit
41 – Wish

The Root Center is like a gas station where you will find different types of fuel. Since the energy is incredibly strong in the Root Center, it has no direct connection with the Throat. His energy must be filtered in the three Centers closest to him (Sacral, Splenic, Emotional Centers). Root Center energy is an essential component of manifestation, expression in our lives. The human mind runs on fuel called stress, fear and pain.

The root center is connected to the adrenal system, which produces adrenaline and stress hormones. This is a system of physical pressure and the head of the major league of motors that produce stress. This is the essence of the Root. It sounds nice when you call it Kundalini energy; but this is Kundalini only after 35 years of yoga; For everyone else it's stress, pressure. As humans, we are under pressure to stay alive and still be healthy. We are under pressure to convey to each other the essence, the main points of what it means to be human. This is our fundamental pressure. The root center is also the fuel for our deepest fears.

The root center has enormous power. It is of great importance to our body as it puts pressure on all the major functions. Without the physical pressure coming from the Root, we would not have these basic life processes that make us into the species that we are. To be human means to be both the Tao of our existence between the Sun and the Earth, and also the flesh in the middle of the sandwich. We live in a pressure sandwich, a stress-anxiety sandwich, and this is what keeps us moving forward. We are created to be between these two pressure centers - the Root Center with its stress and the Parietal Center with its anxiety. We are never free from pressure.

Pressure does not live here and is not part of us. It passes through us - above and below. Therefore, stress technically does not belong to us; it just passes through us. You don't have to hold on to it, and if you don't interfere, it won't bother you. If you interfere, it will happen.

People have pressure from above and pressure from below, and still wonder why there is so much pressure in the world. 70% of the time of people around the world is spent on providing firewood and water for the fire - what to say about life under pressure, incredible pressure, about the stress of being in the world. Everyone thinks that pressure is bad, but it is not. It is the essential fuel for our entire life process. It is those things that we dislike most - fear, stress, pain - that make us human and are the driving force of our consciousness.

Biological compliance: adrenal glands, adrenal glands.
Keywords: drive for life, stress, physical pressure.
This center responds to the physically felt pressure of life. The basic response is “fight or flight.”

Detected in 68% of people. For people with this trait, it provides a constant, inherent way of dealing with physical pressure; they have a natural ability to deal with it. This pressure helps you move through life, gives you the desire to do something, it is psychological fuel. These people can remain calm when pressure is put on them.

Undefined/open in 32% of people.
These people work fast and hard, trying to free themselves from the pressure, but it never lets up. This is physical adrenaline pressure. They do one thing, and 10 others are waiting for them. And this goes on endlessly. You can work all night to finish something because you need to start something new in the morning. Your boss thinks: “He works so quickly and efficiently, I need to assign him one more thing.” These people never feel free from pressure - but it is not theirs, and they become a victim of it.
People with an undefined root center are open and receptive to other people's stress. It's important not to let the chaos and stress of other people's lives affect theirs.

Wisdom potential and gift: the ability to allow pressure to flow through the body, and not involve a person in an action that is not correct for him. Enjoy your natural calm.

False Self: Open Root Center False Self dialogues may have the following structure: “What can I do to improve my life? I need to achieve something in my life. I have to hurry to make it on time. We need to start something new. What should I focus on? I need to be needed by someone. Who needs me? Where will I be needed? What lights me up? I would like something new in life. We need to hurry up and start something new. I don't want to waste my time. We need to finish this job."

In religious terms, the Root Center is associated with the concept of Service. People with a certain Root Center can serve a specific cause and be very effective in this. The indeterminate root center can practice the technique of “no-doing,” that is, wisely recognizing the pressures of life and moving in the direction that is right for it.


A certain Root Center in its natural state has a constant internal way of dealing with pressure. Lives the pressure in accordance with his personal certainties. Doesn't put pressure on others. Doesn't expect others to handle workloads the same way he does.

Under the influence of the False Self, it can be cruel to those who cannot cope with stress and puts unnecessary pressure on others. Holds pressure in your body without releasing it properly.
The Root center can be determined by the Spleen, the Sacral or the Solar Plexus center - accordingly, we get a different result, depending on which center the Root is determined by.

The Root Center does not have direct access to the Center of Expression (Throat Center), but it does have direct access to the Sacral Center, and this has deep meaning because their relationship is important. People whose Root Center is identified through connection with the Sacral Center tolerate physical stress in a special way.

The three channels connecting the Root Center with the Sacral are called format energies and set the way in which we act in life. Formatted energies determine how our energy works. In principle, they determine how the body functions, setting a certain frequency or pattern of energy work in the body.


Maturation (42-53)- Experiential format energy, and it is associated with beginnings, middles and endings. This is the empirical path of man, the path of life.
Concentration (9-52)- Logical format related to being focused and concentrated.
Mutation (3-60)- in the center you have the Individual process, and this is the pulse (there is a mutation or not).
These three main frequencies are: progressive frequency (beginning, middle and ending), focused and concentrated frequency, and pulse. These are the three main frequencies of the body itself.

If you have one of these channels identified, it determines how the characteristics work in your body.
For example, if you have a Logical Format Channel, everything else will be focused and concentrated.

If you also have the channel of intimate relationships identified (59-6), you will concentrate and focus on intimacy, and if you have the channel of Discovery identified (46-29), you will concentrate and focus on being at the right time in in the right place and succeed where others fail. In other words, focus and concentration become the frequency of the entire process in the work of consciousness. And this concentration will come from the certainty of the corresponding channel, and not from the desire to concentrate.

If, on the other hand, you have an Experiential format defined, then everything you do will have to evolve progressively. This is not a process of focus and concentration at all; it is a progression - with beginnings, middles and endings. Everything in your life will be structured exactly like this. In some cases it will be a quick process, in other situations it will be lengthy, but you will only truly feel satisfied when you complete things.

If you have a Custom format defined, it will all be about indecision. You are always waiting for something to happen. This is the pulse of mutation. The moment it happens, you can suddenly make a decision. Suddenly you have clarity about something.

These formats are very important because they bring with them deep depression. This is also due to the special accessibility of the Sacred in relation to the Root.
All six gates between the Sacral and the Root are the only true gates of depression.
These three different energy formats represent three different ways of how we operate as energy systems and how stress and depression operate.

So, we have cyclical processes, logical and focused, and mutational process. When the Root Center is connected to the Sacral Center, connected to the center that generates life itself, the main pressures of life are created thanks to these format energies. They all receive the fuel of stress energy as a motivating tool. Just as you start with pressure from the mental system with its disturbances and this motivates you on the mental plane, the Root Center forces us to move physically.

The stress mechanism is surrounded by the Splenic System on one side, the Solar Plexus on the other, and the Sacral Center on top.

The root is the pressure system for these three centers, because everything comes out of these three centers.
The Spleen Center is our fundamental existential awareness, our immune system. In this way, the Root Center nourishes and supplies fuel to our immune system. It interacts with the Solar Plexus system and pumps adrenaline into the Emotional System, creating the basis for all our sexuality. Put stress and emotion together and you get sex and food.

Thus, although the Root may not seem particularly sexy as some other centers, the importance of this engine in our lives cannot be underestimated. Especially from an energetic point of view - without the fuel below to keep us up and going, our lives would not receive the pressure that has made us such a successful species.


In its natural state, the Undefined Root Center allows pressure to pass through it without being brought into action. Does not rush to make decisions under pressure. Uses the energy of pressure to his advantage.

If the False Self dominates the psyche, then a person is always in a hurry, doing everything under pressure and destroying his Physical health. Takes on the stress and pressure of others. When completely open, he doesn’t know when to rush. In work situations, the tendency is to rush everyone around. Lack of understanding of production rhythms.

Strategy of the False Self in the open Root Center: In a hurry to get rid of the pressure.
Material life directly affects this center.

The strategy of the open Root and the question to this center: “Are you still trying to free yourself? Are you still trying to redo things to be free? Are you still rushing through life to get rid of things and be free?” Everything in the Root Center involves a powerful pressure to do things over. Speaking of speed - if you have an employee with Root Center open and you give him a project that takes about a week to complete, as soon as he hears that it will take a week, he starts to feel nauseous. It's like, "Oh no, I'm going to be a slave all week, all this pressure all week." Then he starts going crazy. He does this two days in advance to get out faster. Unfortunately for him, his boss notices: “This case didn’t take that much time. Here's your next task."

And here again this open Root is in a hurry to free itself, only to discover that there is no freedom. This incredible pressure to redo everything to free yourself will never end. But since we have format energies and depression here, it can end up being unbearable. Undoubtedly, there are many suicides with an open Root, because, after all, this is the fastest way to get rid of the burden and become free. Depending on the level of the False Self, the exposed Root can be very excitable.

Not only that, but we have rescheduled decision making. Instead of making decisions according to who you are, you make decisions from the open Root. “I will do all this very quickly, because if I hurry, I will be free.” This decision suppresses who you are, suppresses your ability to make good decisions. That's not to say that Open Root Center isn't built to do things quickly, it can. They are designed to be fast, but not to free themselves or get rid of anything. The open root center is very quick. They get things done.

When you awaken, your False Self does not disappear. It simply becomes your shadow. It remains and becomes a shadow of your true Self. We need this shadow because our wisdom is in it. For an open Root, wisdom is knowing when and how to be fast. He can learn all the pitfalls, pitfalls and pitfalls of quickness because he is an open center. If you rush too much, you miss too many things. If you are in a hurry, you leave too many people behind. Gradually you gain wisdom. But this center does not cease to carry you in its flow, since the world of certain Roots influences you. With an open Root, you will always be faster than a certain amount, but it is important to enter into the right things and situations that you will be fast with.
This is part of the transformation.

An adult will never get rid of his conditioning. But you reduce it so that only a shadow remains of it. She becomes a shadow and stays with you. It's just the influence of the world around you. The surrounding world influences the open Root so that it must move faster.
Your only defense is your Strategy. People with an open Root will not stop being fast, so it’s better to turn on the speed correctly.

If you are an open-rooted person and respond to someone's request to do something, it does not mean that you will do it slowly. You won't. You will do it quickly, but it will be the right thing to do to speed up. You will be wise because you will learn that if the center is open and you have entered into the experience correctly, you will know how fast you can be. But this has nothing to do with getting rid of this matter. Undefined Root Centers are always trying to get rid of things, but that is not the essence of life. The point is not to get rid of anything. This doesn't mean that what you do in the present moment doesn't matter because tomorrow will be better. Some of the greatest lessons we learn in this life are found in the Root Center.

The reason the undefined Root Center is chaotic is that it does not know what speed is, just as the open Sacral does not know when enough is enough.

They lack judgment because it is not in these centers. The indiscretion of every open center is that they do not know how to evaluate the process associated with that center.

Very strong pressure can be exerted on the undefined Root Center, as well as on the Parietal Center. Not only is it vulnerable in itself, but the Root Center also magnifies any connection to it and can become, through conditioning, incredibly hyperactive with predictable consequences.

Imagine: a friend comes to visit a child with an undefined Root Center. Since we are attracted to what we are not, he will be attracted to people with a certain Root. Once this friend comes and turns on an unspecified Root, the enhanced Root energy can become explosive. Children will be highly excited, especially one whose Root Center is open. He may seem problematic. Such children, in a school environment where all centers are determined by the aura of the class, are under enormous pressure, which leads to high levels of anxiety. Although this is not the child's fault, this level of energy can be misinterpreted. He can be humiliated, punished, even sent for treatment.

Many children with open motors are referred to doctors and treated with strong drugs. They are mistakenly considered unhealthy and are diagnosed with increased excitability. But that's not true. If they are told about the nature of their design and how to live it, they will not identify with or give authority to an energy that is not theirs. Then they can use it to their own advantage and will not lose control under its influence.

Instead of absolute hyperactivity, the indefinite Root can also “freeze” under conditioned pressure. Frozen by the intense energy of adrenaline, he can be completely overcome by stage fright. The indeterminate Root Center will either love the crowd or be terrified by the crowd. He will either take off on the adrenaline that he will intensify and take advantage of the extra energy, or he will always avoid the crowd for fear of being overwhelmed and overwhelmed.

It is important to understand that we cannot afford to give authority to something that we are not. With an uncertain adrenaline system, a person under pressure does not necessarily have to lose himself. He can take advantage of it or avoid it - it's all about recognizing what you are not and then removing his command over you. As a result, you gain the potential for wisdom. People with an undefined Root Center can understand the nature of stress and how it operates, as these are the people who can recognize it. When a person does not give authority to vague centers, there is a huge advantage in them. This duality in us, the definite and indeterminate centers, is a great challenge, and yet it carries great reward. It gives us knowledge that is valuable not only for the person himself, but also for others.