Very strong white discharge. Early pregnancy. Basic principles of therapy

reproductive system women is a well-oiled mechanism. It is characterized by hormonal fluctuations throughout the childbearing age. Full-fledged work of the body is always accompanied by secretion from the vagina. It can change its consistency, structure, volume and composition. Every lady should know and be able to distinguish when creamy are the norm, and in which cases they indicate pathological process.

The nature of the secret in different phases of the cycle

What are allocations? which is continuously produced in the genital tract. It is made up of mucus, epithelial cells, and bacteria living in the vagina. Normally, they are representatives of the lactoflora, and in various disorders - pathogenic microbes. Violation of the existing balance is considered the main prerequisite for the development of inflammation.

The qualitative composition of secretions may vary depending on the phase female cycle. Its beginning is considered the first day of menstruation. From the end of menstruation to the 12th day of the cycle, a woman can observe meager discharge. They often have a slimy consistency, and their color varies from almost transparent to pale yellow. The smell is either completely absent, or slightly sour. Before menstruation, the volume of the secret always increases.

On the 14th day, the amount of discharge increases. Such changes are due to the period of ovulation - the time when the egg matures. On this and several subsequent days in the body of a woman, favorable conditions are created for the onset of pregnancy. In a humid environment, it is easier for spermatozoa to reach their final goal. From about the 16th day, a creamy white discharge appears. The light shade of the secret is given by the dead elements of the epithelium of the vagina.

What should be considered normal?

White creamy are considered the norm. Doctors identify other signs that help distinguish them from the pathological form:

  1. Slight haze.
  2. A yellowish tint, which is clearly visible on a daily sanitary napkin.
  3. Lack of burning and itching in the vaginal area.

Before ovulation, the secret acquires a mucous consistency. Such changes are due to an increase in estrogen levels. These hormones are responsible for increasing the secretion of vaginal mucus. Some time after the release of the follicle from the egg, it changes again, becoming more dense. At the same time, its quantity decreases. Closer to menstruation, the volume of the secret increases again. These changes are characteristic of healthy menstrual cycle.

White creamy discharge before period

The secret before the onset of menstruation becomes quite abundant. Gynecologists explain this phenomenon by a decrease in the amount of hormones in the body. On the other hand, excessive secretion often indicates health problems. Therefore, a woman should be able to distinguish pathology from the norm.

In the first case, creamy discharge is accompanied by a sour smell, itching and burning in the genital area. Sometimes streaks of blood in the mucus signal pathology. If these symptoms appear, you should consult a gynecologist. It is better not to put off a visit to a distant box.

How does the discharge change after ovulation?

White, creamy patches on the panty liner may be different from those before the follicle was released from the egg. Mucus after ovulation becomes thick and viscous, which indicates the active "work" of progesterone in corpus luteum. Usually it is formed at the site of a previously bursting follicle. The vaginal secret is very similar to the discharge associated with pregnancy. After successful fertilization of the egg, they are produced under the influence of the same progesterone. However, in this case, its concentration is much higher than before the conception of the baby.

The amount of secretion gradually increases and reaches its critical point at about the 16th week of pregnancy. Such a sign is often frightening, but the results of the tests usually put everything in its place. If the woman is healthy, the white blood cell count should not exceed 20. Values ​​from 20 to 40 are also normal. Exceeding these indicators indicates the beginning of inflammation in the body.

Thick vaginal secretion - a harbinger of disease

White creamy often indicate pathological processes in the body. The prevalence of this symptom is approximately 35%, and sometimes it can reach 95%.

All reasons for changing the nature of a secret can be divided into several conditional categories:

  • Inflammatory pathologies of the intimate sphere.
  • Violation hormonal background.
  • Consequences of long-term antibiotic therapy.
  • Frequent douching.
  • The use of intrauterine devices.
  • The development of malignant neoplasms.
  • Traumatic processes affecting the cervix.

Also, the reason for changing the nature of the secret is wearing uncomfortable underwear. Sometimes a similar symptom occurs against the background of the use of aggressive soap, which contains a large number of chemicals. That is why doctors recommend women to use special gels and products designed for intimate hygiene.

The causes of creamy discharge are highly dependent on the age of the woman. IN menopause they may be due to atrophic vaginitis, and in childbearing age - inflammation of the intimate sphere.

TO infectious processes, in which creamy white discharge appears, include diseases such as:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • thrush;
  • gonococcal cervicitis.

Focus exclusively on clinical symptoms disease is wrong. In this case, you simply cannot do without qualified help from a gynecologist.

Curd secret in the development of thrush

White creamy discharge, itching in the vaginal area - these are the symptoms in 70% of cases that indicate thrush. This disease is caused by fungi of the genus Candidae. These microorganisms are considered opportunistic pathogens, since they constantly live on the mucous membranes of the genital organs. They do not allow the acidic environment that lactobacilli and bifidobacteria create in the vagina to multiply. However, under the influence of certain factors, the balance is disturbed. Among them are:

  • decreased immunity;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • colds;
  • synthetic underwear;
  • the presence in the diet of sweets and confectionery;
  • stress;
  • avitaminosis;
  • smoking.

In a short period of time, the discharge acquires a curdled consistency, becomes plentiful. The woman begins to pursue an unpleasant sour smell V intimate area. In the evening clinical picture usually supplemented aching pains in the lower abdomen.

If left untreated, the disease becomes chronic form. Sour smell and discomfort gradually recede. A creamy white discharge appears, which is distinguished by its ductility. It is during this period that the cervix becomes inflamed, which is confirmed during colposcopy.

When to go to see a doctor?

For any changes in the consistency or color of the vaginal secretion, you should contact your gynecologist. The specialist, after examination on the chair, usually prescribes a series of tests. According to their results, it is worth judging the presence of diseases. Based on bacposev, a gynecologist can determine the presence of pathogenic flora, evaluate the number of leukocytes. In some cases, additional PCR analyzes, ultrasound and colposcopy.

Principles of therapy

Diseases affecting the self cannot be treated. Each problem associated with the appearance of creamy white discharge must be addressed comprehensively and in stages. Treatment should be selected by a gynecologist, taking into account the cause of pathological disorders.

Therapy always begins with the elimination of the source of the disease. For these purposes, antibacterial drugs are used in the form of pills or suppositories. With their help, you can quickly suppress the activity conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.

At the next stage, the woman is assigned measures to restore the natural flora of the vagina. They involve taking hormonal medications, using suppositories with lactic acid. In this case, the choice of specific drugs and treatments depends on the doctor.

After carrying out therapeutic procedures, it is extremely important to restore the functioning of the immune system. Usually prescribed for prevention vitamin complexes, physiotherapy procedures.

Prevention measures

White creams are most often considered the norm. However, sometimes they are a symptom of a pathological process. Any gynecological disease always causes discomfort to a woman and requires competent therapy. To avoid such disorders, doctors recommend following elementary rules prevention.

  1. Personal hygiene must be observed. Water procedures recommended twice a day.
  2. When choosing underwear, preference should be given to options made from natural fabrics.
  3. Gynecologists do not recommend the daily use of sanitary napkins, since they practically do not allow air to pass through. As a result, a favorable environment for the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms is formed. If panty liners are unavoidable, change them more often.

For the timely detection of gynecological diseases, it is extremely important to regularly undergo an examination by a female doctor.

Always present. Their color, quantity, consistency varies with the menstrual cycle. It is important to distinguish between normal discharge and pathological discharge. In the future, this will help to avoid possible complications.

Discharge in a woman is a natural phenomenon, produced by its glands, which are located on the threshold of the vagina. The main function of the released secret is to protect the walls of the uterus and vagina from pathogens. The discharge also prevents the vagina from drying out.

During the day, about 1-5 ml of mucus can be released, however, during the cycle, it can change color and consistency. The main reasons that affect the characteristics of mucus:

  • Pregnancy period.
  • ovulation period.
  • Sexual arousal.

IN reproductive age The microflora of the vagina consists of lactic acid bacteria. The secreted mucus is an acidic environment and the pH value is normally 3.8-4.4.

A woman can independently determine whether the secreted mucus is normal according to certain signs. The discharge should not smell and have a sour tint. Normally, in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the consistency of the discharge is homogeneous, they can be scarce, liquid or mucous of a transparent, whitish or yellowish color.

If the consistency and color of the discharge changes, then this may indicate a pathology.

During the period of ovulation in the middle of the cycle, the discharge is abundant, transparent or light beige.In the second phase of the mucus cycle, it is observed in smaller quantities and appearance reminiscent of jelly. The color of the discharge may be clear, white or yellowish.

What does strong white discharge indicate?

Copious discharge white color may be due to hormonal levels. This problem is faced by women after 40 years and this is the norm. However, it is recommended to periodically take a smear.

White discharge does not always indicate pathology. Their number may increase with a change of sexual partner. During this period, the body of a woman adapts to the microflora of a man. This is a defensive reaction and after adaptation, the number will decrease.

A lot of white or creamy discharge may occur after intercourse.Using oral contraceptives the amount of mucus changes. This is also affected by the use of oral contraceptives.In other cases, white discharge is a pathological symptom.

If vaginal discharge is observed in large quantities, then this may indicate various gynecological diseases:

  • Candidiasis. With thrush, the discharge has a rich white color with a sour smell. For candidiasis, curdled discharge is characteristic.
  • Vaginosis. With vaginosis, in addition to strong white discharge with a fishy smell, there is itching, burning.
  • Colpitis. Colpitis of a fungal nature is characterized by thick white discharge and in appearance resembles sour milk.
  • Gardnerellosis. Gardnerellosis in a woman usually appears when changing a sexual partner, if he was infected. However, gardnerella are opportunistic bacteria and are present in the vaginal microflora in small quantities. Mass reproduction leads to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms due to an imbalance in the microflora of the vagina.

More information about the selection can be found in the video:

In most cases, discharge does not appear on its own, but occurs under the influence of a number of factors: stressful situations, reduced immunity, overuse fried and fatty foods, violation of hygiene rules, exposure to allergens, etc.

What to do and which doctor to contact?

In most cases, white vaginal discharge is accompanied by other symptoms, and this requires immediate medical attention.

Examination should be carried out with a change in the color of mucus, the presence bad smell if there is itching, burning and discomfort.

It is impossible to diagnose and establish the cause of white discharge only in appearance. Diseases of the genital organs can manifest themselves in an atypical way and have other pathological processes. In this case, you need to contact a gynecologist who will refer you for an examination. This symptom should not be ignored.

Features of treatment and prognosis

After establishing the cause and pathology that led to the appearance of white discharge, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Treatment features:

  • If the reason copious discharge became thrush, then use drugs of local and systemic action. From vaginal suppositories and tablets use Miconazole, Lomexin, Ketoconazole, Zalain, etc. Local treatment candidiasis consists in a single use of the drug inside: Diflucan, Mikomax, Flucostat, Fluconazole, etc.
  • For the treatment of bacterial vaginosis and the restoration of the vaginal microflora, Meratin, Metronidazole, Terzhinan, Betadin, Vagilak, Lactobacterin, etc. are used. antibacterial drugs use Sumamed, Amoxiclav, etc.
  • In the treatment of colpitis, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral drugs depending on the type of microorganism. Most often used: Nystatin, Metronidazole, Ampicillin, etc.
  • Gardnerellosis is treated with antibiotics. Also use ointments, creams, vaginal tablets within 7-10 days.

A prerequisite after treatment is the use of lactobacilli. The microflora of the vagina suffers after antibiotic therapy, therefore, to normalize it, Lactonorm, Atcilact, Bifidumbacterin, etc. are prescribed.

It should be remembered that for the duration of treatment, you should refuse to take spicy and fried foods, alcohol, sweet foods.

After treatment, it is necessary to take a smear and make sure that the disease has been cured.

The prognosis is favorable after treatment unpleasant symptoms disappear. If treatment is neglected, then some complications and the transition of the disease to a chronic form are possible.

Complications and prevention

If treatment is not started in a timely manner, then in advanced cases a number of complications may occur. Adverse effects usually occur in the chronic course of the disease.

The infection can spread further and against this background, the likelihood of developing cervicitis is high,. Thrush in combination with other infections in a recurrent course can cause infertility. A woman may have difficulty conceiving and bearing a child.

Colpitis can contribute to the formation of erosion, cervicitis, endometritis, etc. It should be noted that complications against the background of colpitis, vaginosis and other pathologies, accompanied by white discharge, often develop during the transition to a chronic form.

In order to prevent the development of such gynecological diseases, you should contact a gynecologist in a timely manner and follow all his recommendations.

White vaginal discharge can be observed in many women, and in order to prevent their occurrence, preventive measures should be followed:

  1. Carry out daily hygiene measures.
  2. If possible, do not use panty liners and wear underwear made from natural fabrics.
  3. The diet should contain a sufficient amount of lactic acid products.
  4. Monitor antibiotic intake.
  5. Strengthen immune system: harden the body, perform physical exercise eat right, give up bad habits.
  6. Tampons and pads should be changed every 3-4 hours.
  7. Avoid unprotected sex.
  8. Once every six months, visit a gynecologist for the timely detection of pathological processes.

These are the main measures that should be followed to avoid the occurrence of many gynecological diseases.

Many representatives of the weaker sex special concern cause a white, odorless discharge that appears from. In fact, you should not worry about this, because whites are considered a normal physiological phenomenon for a woman's body. It is important to pay attention to the color of the discharge and the smell, as this may indicate the development of various pathologies in the body.

Normal discharge in women is clear and odorless

Usually, girls have abundant white discharge than women of reproductive and middle age. This is due to the fact that in girls there is a formation of the level of hormonal levels, and in women this phenomenon is already permanent.

A healthy girl has a weakly acidic environment in the vagina, which creates detrimental conditions for pathogenic microorganisms. Thanks to this, it is possible to avoid the development of various gynecological diseases in female body.

What kind of discharge in women is considered the norm:

  • the discharge is usually clear, but may be white, creamy, or yellowish in color
  • at normal discharge there is no smell
  • the consistency of the whites is liquid and watery, however, in the middle of the cycle they can become pulling
  • no more than one teaspoon of mucus should be secreted during the day

It is important to remember that pubertal girls should not have any discharge. In the event that they are present, this may indicate the progression of the urinary system in the body. For healthy woman the appearance of transparent white discharge without any odor is characteristic, however, the presence of a slight sourness is allowed. Usually, the discharge is not heavy and may leave a small stain on the underwear.

Such allocations are considered normal for a woman and are produced by a special gland, which is localized on the neck of the reproductive organ.

The main purpose of leucorrhoea is the cleansing of the genital organs from pathogenic microorganisms and epithelial cells.

Thanks to such secretions, a woman manages to get rid of many infections. naturally without special .

The amount of white discharge and its appearance is determined by the following factors:

  • woman's age
  • physical condition of the body
  • level
  • number of sexual partners

It is important to remember that the day of the menstrual cycle can change the consistency of normal discharge. Immediately after the menstrual cycle, a woman has a large amount of white discharge, which has a viscous consistency and resembles the white of a raw egg.

Is white discharge dangerous?

In the event that a woman has white, odorless discharge, even if it is of a thick consistency, then this should not cause any concern.

When a woman needs to worry and seek help from a specialist:

  • discharge from a woman is completely absent
  • mucus color changes
  • clots appear, the consistency of which resembles cottage cheese
  • discharge has a strong odor
  • copious discharge causes discomfort in a woman and pain in the genital area

When such symptoms appear, a woman is advised to seek help from a specialist who will conduct the necessary and prescribe effective treatment.

The volume of white discharge may increase for the following reasons:

  • At the beginning of sexual activity, the female body tries to adapt to the male microflora. The appearance of secretions in this case is a kind of protective reaction of the body to the changes that have occurred. After the adaptation of the female body to such changes is over, the volume of secretions and their concentration are normalized.
  • A large amount of discharge is observed after sexual intercourse, and clots of white or cream color may be present in them. After a while, they acquire a liquid consistency, however, they still remain plentiful. In the event that a condom or interrupted sexual intercourse is used, then the amount of mucus secreted is much less.
  • The increase in the number of whites is affected by the use of oral contraceptives and breast-feeding, because they provoke a change in the hormonal background of the female body.
  • During a complete hormonal restructuring of the female body, which leads to an increase in the amount of secretions.

Possible gynecological diseases

Discharge in women with color and smell is a sign of pathology

In the event that a woman has leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor, this may indicate the development in the body of such a pathology as vaginal candidiasis. In addition, this pathology is accompanied by the appearance of pain in the genital area, as well as itching and burning.

Can be distinguished the following reasons development of thrush in the female body:

  • level change
  • period
  • frequent stressful situations and depression
  • constant overwork of the female body
  • non-compliance with elementary hygiene rules for the care of the genitals
  • use of underwear made of synthetic materials
  • mucosal injury during sexual intercourse
  • consumption of spicy foods
  • treatment of pathologies for a long time with the help of antibacterial drugs
  • drastic climate change

Vaginal candidiasis is one that requires mandatory treatment. Medical therapy carried out under the supervision of an experienced specialist, because any self-medication can provoke development.With a decrease in the protective functions of the female body, pathogenic microorganisms can multiply in the vaginal area, which causes the progression of the inflammatory process.

Useful video - Isolation in women: norm and pathology.

Abundant vaginal discharge may indicate the development in the female body various diseases sexual sphere. Most often, such symptoms are observed if there are infections that are predominantly transmitted sexually. With trichomoniasis, abundant leucorrhoea of ​​a foamy consistency, which has an unpleasant odor, appears.

With a disease such as bacterial vaginosis, women have abundant whites, which are complemented by an unpleasant odor.

The main reason for the progression of such a disease in the female body is the growth of bacteria on the mucous membrane of the genital organs. characteristic symptom bacterial vaginosis becomes the appearance of abundant white discharge with the smell of fish.

What kind of discharge should cause concern in a woman:

  • the discharge acquires a thick consistency that resembles cottage cheese
  • a woman produces more than one teaspoon of mucus per day
  • discharge becomes frothy
  • redness of the labia appears
  • whites cause pain during
  • acquire a sour or putrid odor
  • cause itching and burning in the genital area
  • cause pain in the genitals

In the event that vaginal discharge causes discomfort in a woman and is accompanied by the appearance of an unpleasant odor, then you should definitely seek the advice of a specialist.

Features of treatment

When diagnosing various infectious diseases, which are accompanied by the appearance of copious white discharge, then this requires effective treatment.

Elimination of pathology can be carried out using:

  • drug therapy
  • folk methods of treatment

For elimination vaginal candidiasis the following treatment is given:

  • reception medicines antifungal action
  • douching and washing

A good effect in the fight against thrush is given by chamomile infusion, which is prepared as follows: 10-20 grams of a dry plant is poured with warm water and the resulting mixture is infused for several minutes. This infusion is used to wash the genitals, which greatly speeds up the healing process. Can be treated with regular douching soda solution, which helps to restore the alkaline environment inside the vagina and eliminate yeast-like fungi.

Today there is a large selection of drugs that are used to treat gynecological pathologies.

It is worth refusing to self-medicate with abundant white discharge from the vagina, since this can often cause development. It is important to understand that the appearance of whites from the vagina is not a pathology and it is important to notice symptoms in time that indicate the development of the disease.

Normally, in women, a secret is always separated from the vagina. It constantly moisturizes the mucosa, it is thanks to him that the vagina is cleared of desquamated epithelial cells, waste products of bacteria, residues menstrual flow and uterine mucus.

Allocations have certain qualities - smell and color. The type and aroma of the discharge are an indicator of the health of the reproductive system.

Healthy condition

In girls before the onset puberty the appearance of any discharge from the vagina is a sign inflammatory diseases urinary or reproductive system.

Depending on the cycle time in women, the discharge should have a slight pleasant smell - a slight sourness is allowed, have a whitish color and a mucous consistency. Before menstruation, the discharge becomes thicker, during pregnancy their number increases. There may be small spots on the linen - no more than 5 cm in diameter.

A secret is produced by a special gland, which is located on the cervix. The quantity and quality of discharge is influenced by: age, the presence or absence of sexual life, the number of sexual partners, general and gynecological diseases various etiologies, Lifestyle.

Changing the consistency of the secret

If the change in consistency does not cause itching or other discomfort- irritation of the mucosa or pain during urination, then the appearance of thick white discharge may be explained by natural causes.

In an increased amount may appear during intercourse or after it. This is how the body reacts first to the need to moisturize the vagina - without lubrication, coitus is painful, and then the saturated color is caused by sperm, which is poured out naturally. As soon as it flows out, everything will return to its natural state.

Increased amount of protein-like secretion chicken egg, women
noticed in the middle of the cycle. At this time, the discharge departs more often during urination. The phenomenon indicates that ovulation was successful and on time.

whites appear thick discharge before menstruation - most likely, there will be no menstruation or it will move away for a while. This character of the consistency of the secret is given by progesterone, which is intensively produced by the body in the first weeks of pregnancy.

If the test did not show that the body is born new life means it happened. Before menstruation, the discharge should liquefy.

Thick whites separate up to 12 weeks, then they become more liquid and their number increases. In the third trimester, a secret of this type appears again just before the birth. Thus, it can be understood that the mucus of the cork is leaving, which clogged the cervix throughout the pregnancy and protected the fetus from the infectious flora penetrating upward from the vagina.

The mucous plug can flow out within 2-3 days or move away at a time - in the second case, it is urgent to collect things and go to the hospital. Worry - if there are no unpleasant symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, general feverish state and other things should not. Failures of the menstrual cycle can be caused by stressful conditions, changes in weather and climate factors, the nature of nutrition, the intake of certain medical preparations.

If a woman kept to a diet and she managed to lose a few kilograms, the body does not always have time to rebuild and the cycle of menstruation is disturbed.

Signs of a serious illness

If a woman is not pregnant, but for a long time she constantly notices thick white discharge, even without smell and itching, she needs to contact a gynecologist.

Do not postpone a visit to the doctor because of the fear of painful and lengthy diagnosis - for the initial diagnosis, a smear test is enough, which is taken absolutely painlessly during a routine examination on a gynecological chair.

If, when a thick secret appears, you also feel general weakness, the temperature has risen to febrile values ​​​​- it is not recommended to postpone a visit to the doctor. The following sources of pathological discharge are differentiated by origin.

Tube whites - they appear when inflammatory process localized in fallopian tubes. Additional symptoms are painful aching at rest and sharp pains during movements on one side or the other of the lower abdomen. This occurs because the exudate accumulates in the tube, and then enters the uterus, and from it flows into the vagina through the cervix.

When separation occurs naturally, it is very good. But there are cases when, with inflammation of the fallopian tubes due to edema, purulent discharge accumulates in the tube and causes it to rupture. In this case, surgery may be necessary.

Uterine leucorrhea appears with endometritis - inflammation of the uterine mucosa - regardless of the etiology of the inflammatory process. An increased amount of secretions begins to produce iron on the cervix with cervicitis - an inflammatory process in the cervix itself. Most often, this condition causes the introduction of pathogenic flora in ascending order, from the vagina. Sometimes these secretions are slightly foamy.

If white thick discharge with a smell is just vaginal leucorrhoea, then the disease has time to stop at the very beginning of its manifestation. She will not have time to climb up and involve important pathological processes. gynecological organs. Vaginal leucorrhoea reacts to the introduction of foreign flora within a few hours and, changing the consistency, signal a violation of acidity by changing the consistency.

For example, white thick discharge and itching, sour smell - feature thrush.

Candida, the bacterium that causes this disease, is constantly present in the vagina - it is an opportunistic pathogen. As soon as immune status decreases, its activity increases, which causes a change in the nature of the discharge and unpleasant symptoms. It is imperative to treat candidiasis - it increases the possibility of secondary infection, and during pregnancy directly affects the condition of the fetus.

To activate the vital activity of Candida, it is not necessary to live a sexual life. Favorable conditions for the occurrence of thrush: any infections, taking certain medications, eating disorders, stress, hypothermia ... These same factors also awaken another opportunistic culture - gardanella. In this case, the discharge may still remain whitish, only their number will increase, they will become more liquid and an unpleasant fishy smell will appear.

Normally, a healthy woman secretes a small amount of vaginal secretion every day. This is a mucous discharge, which may vary in degree of density.

It is formed due to the secretion of the glands of the vestibule of the vagina, cervix, endometrium. Microorganisms that form the biocenosis of the vagina participate in the formation of fluid.

At certain periods of life, the number vaginal discharge may increase. Sometimes they change color, texture and smell, become pathological.

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    1. Why does the selection change?

    Vaginal discharge becomes more abundant under the influence of estrogen. This is clearly visible during the period of ovulation, when there is more fluid, but it resembles clear, light mucus or egg white. This is the normal state.

    Sexual arousal dilates blood vessels, increases blood flow to the pelvic organs. Some of the plasma leaks out of the capillaries into the vagina. At the same time, the secretions become larger, they are more liquid. Sometimes an increase in secretion is noticed before the onset of menstruation.

    During pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, the amount of discharge also increases, they can be white, creamy, viscous, but do not cause irritation and are not accompanied by itching and burning. In smears, inflammatory changes should not be observed.

    Pathological whites have other characteristics:

    1. 1 The color changes from transparent to white, sometimes with other shades.
    2. 2 The consistency becomes viscous, liquid, foamy, .
    3. 3 The number increases in different proportions, sometimes there are a lot of them.
    4. 4 A foreign smell may appear (, pronounced sour, rotten).
    5. 5 By physical properties whiter it is possible to assume which microorganism provoked the disease.

    White discharge in women is observed more often than others. The main reasons for their occurrence are changes in the hormonal background (early pregnancy, ovulation, etc.), infection (, cervicitis), erosion and ectopia of the cervix.

    2. Candidiasis

    This fungal infection It is the most probable cause appearance of white discharge. Most often they resemble cottage cheese, thick and grainy, but can be slimy and viscous, odorless. Additional symptoms are itching and burning in the vagina and urethra.

    3. Bacterial vaginosis

    Grayish-white, viscous discharge, sometimes with a yellow tint, is observed with.

    6. Ectopia and erosion of the cervix

    These diseases are also often accompanied by abundant light, clear or white discharge, their number naturally increases before menstruation, after intercourse and during ovulation.

    A woman often has intermenstrual bleeding and there is a slight bleeding after sex (additional trauma to the epithelium is accompanied by the appearance of brown and creamy discharge).

    These pathologies require mandatory observation by a gynecologist, diagnosis and timely treatment(electrocoagulation, laser coagulation, cryodestruction or conization).

    7. Additional features

    White discharge is not a single symptom of the disease. Often they are accompanied by the following symptoms:

    1. 1 Itching in the intimate area of ​​varying intensity. Sometimes it appears before a copious discharge. With candidiasis and trichomoniasis, itching is observed more often than with bacterial vaginosis, mycoplasmosis.
    2. 2 Swelling and redness are signs of an inflammatory reaction.
    3. 3 Increased bleeding. In the inflamed mucosa, the vessels are easily damaged, there is a slight bleeding after intercourse, gynecological examination, and so on.
    4. 4 The smell can also change. Normal female discharge is odorless, less often with a slightly acidic discharge. With candidiasis, the sour smell becomes more pronounced, sharp. Gardnerellosis is accompanied by an unpleasant fishy smell. A sharp, heavy odor is observed when purulent inflammation(gonorrhea, trichomoniasis).

    The appearance of white vaginal discharge may be accompanied by dyspareunia - painful sensations during intercourse. They are also observed during examination. Pelvic pain occurs when the organs of the upper floor (uterine mucosa, appendages) are involved in the inflammatory process.

    Dysuric disorders mean involvement of the urethra and Bladder(urethritis and cystitis).

    A change in the nature of the discharge against the background of a delay in menstruation may be the first sign of a pregnancy.

    8. Diagnostic methods

    The described symptoms are the main reason for visiting a gynecologist. Before the examination, he must find out:

    1. 1 The time of appearance of whites.
    2. 2 Whether this was preceded by unprotected intercourse, a change of partner, and so on.
    3. 3 The intensity of the discharge.
    4. 4 Additional complaints (itching and burning, soreness, cycle disorder, frequent painful urination and etc.)
    5. 5 The presence of odor in intimate place and its enhancement during hygiene procedures, after sex.
    6. 6 Intensity of pelvic pain.
    7. 7 Whether any self-treatment was carried out. This may impair diagnosis.

    Then the examination is carried out on the chair. It is carried out even during menstruation. girls with pathological secretions should be seen in the presence of parents. Girls who didn't have sexual relations, bimanually examined through the rectum. Inspection of the vagina is performed without mirrors, so as not to damage the hymen.

    During the examination, pay attention to the condition of the mucous membrane, its swelling and hyperemia. White bloom can tightly attach to the walls of the vagina, and when you try to separate it with a spatula, bleeding appears. Such symptoms are characteristic of candidiasis.

    The main stage of diagnosis is. This technique allows you to identify fungi, gardnerella, Trichomonas, gonococci and prescribe the appropriate treatment. In some cases, bacteriological culture and PCR diagnostics are required (complex real-time PCR, Femoflor test).

    9. What can be treated?

    The correct treatment tactics depends on the causative agent of the infection:

    1. 1 Vulvovaginal candidiasis should be treated with antifungal agents. If the entrance to the vagina is very itchy, then you can eliminate the itching with the help of local funds. For the treatment of thrush, candles Clotrimazole, Pimafucin, Miconazole, Butoconazole are most often used. Inside, you can use Fluconazole (Difluzon, Diflucan, Flucostat).
    2. 2 Bacterial vaginosis should be treated with antibiotics. Metronidazole (Trichopolum), Tinidazole are effective. They are used in the form of tablets (orally, orally) or in the form of a vaginal form (gel, vaginal suppositories, capsules).
    3. 3 With trichomoniasis appoint Metronidazole, Ornidazole, Tinidazole. Both sexual partners should be treated. Trichomonas vaginitis often becomes chronic, then recurs. Therefore, the effectiveness of treatment must be confirmed by PCR 30 days after the end of the course.
    4. 4 In chlamydia and mycoplasmosis, the most effective are macrolides (Josamycin, Azithromycin) and Doxycycline (Unidox Solutab, course - 1 week).
    5. 5 Vaginitis and cervicitis caused by opportunistic bacteria are treated with vaginal suppositories, gels containing antibiotics a wide range(Polygynax, Terzhinan, Clindamycin) and antiseptics (Hexicon, Fluomizin, Betadine). Average duration course - 7-10 days.

    After a course of antibiotics and antimycotics, it is recommended to restore the balance of the vaginal microflora. In case of recurrent candidiasis, it is necessary to isolate a culture of fungi, determine their sensitivity to drugs, look for the cause of a decrease in immunity and eliminate it.