Cucumbers care disease treatment. Effective methods for treating cucumber diseases. Downy mildew

Perhaps every gardener who plants seedlings or plants cucumber seeds in the ground dreams of getting the first fresh, tender, aromatic cucumbers in a couple of months. Nobody thinks about cucumber diseases and their treatment. But those stronger feeling frustration when, instead of the desired harvest, troubles lurk: the cucumber tops or the cucumbers themselves begin to get sick, change color, dry out, or even rot. And it’s even more offensive when you find out that if you had recognized the symptoms of the disease in time, you could have dealt with it and saved your harvest. All diseases have the same principle: the earlier it is detected, the easier it is to cope with it.

In this article we will discuss early signs, by which it is possible to determine the nature of diseases affecting both the cucumber fruits themselves and the cucumber green mass, methods of treatment and prevention.

Quick emergency service for cucumbers We treat diseases and preserve the harvest

Let's start with the most famous diseases:

Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew on cucumbers

Looking through the bushes, we find that the leaves and stems begin to become covered with small white spots, which look like spilled flour (hence the name). The insidious fungus quickly begins to spread throughout the entire leaf and spreads to the stem. The leaves almost immediately begin to turn yellow in some places and dry out in others. The plant's nutrition is disrupted cucumber lashes are starting to die.

Let's look at the reasons for the appearance
The disease is caused by fungal spores that comfortably overwinter on rotting organic matter. Cloudy, humid, cool weather at temperatures below 15°C contributes to the spread. As soon as the average temperature reaches 19°C and above, fungal spores stop developing and the disease stops. The risk is especially increased in plants with an excess of nitrogen fertilizers and in plants for which agricultural irrigation techniques are violated: watering is incorrect, irregular or insufficient.
To prevent powdery mildew, you must:

  • Compliance with crop rotation, if possible, change crops in the beds, so that cucumbers do not end up in the same bed for 4 years.
  • Immediately after harvesting, remove plant residues not only from cucumbers, but also potatoes, eggplants, and pumpkins. It is best to burn the collected remains.
  • Disinfect the greenhouse after cleaning. For disinfection, you can use a formaldehyde solution by wiping all the beams and glass inside the greenhouse;
  • Warm up the greenhouse to 26°C; for this, an additional covering with film is sufficient;
  • Irrigate with water heated to at least 17°C;
  • Choose hybrids that are resistant to powdery mildew for growing.

Emergency treatment:

  • At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to immediately spray the bushes with fungicides, the most popular is “topsin”. You can also treat it with TOPAZ. It’s easy to prepare topaz: you need to mix one ampoule (2 ml) per 10 liter bucket. The plantation is sprayed in calm, dry weather. The drug is also suitable for prevention.
  • Preparations of the “HOM” type (containing copper oxychloride) have proven themselves well. It is also easy to prepare; 40 grams of the drug are diluted in a 10-liter bucket of warm water. Consumption of the drug is approximately 11 square meters. meters.
  • Colloidal sulfur shows excellent results; the drug dissolves when cucumber tops are processed in open ground. Consumption 22 g. for 11 liters of water, closed 44 grams for the same volume. The leaves are treated with the drug on both sides.

If you think that using chemicals. drugs on a private plot are unacceptable, here are some tips from our senior gardeners:

  • It is necessary to spray the cucumber lashes with mullein infusion. We stir two kilograms of manure in 3 liters of water, stir well and leave for three days, then carefully filter, dilute the contents with the same volume of warm water and treat the plants;
  • Processing with sour milk. To do this, mix a liter of sour milk or kefir with the same volume of water, stir (you can use a mixer) and spray for three weeks, one treatment per seven days.
  • Treatment soap solution. Dissolve 50 grams of soda in a 10-liter bucket of water, the same amount laundry soap. Treatment: 3 weeks once a week.

Downy mildew - peronosporosis Treatment of cucumber disease without loss

Downy mildew on cucumbers

The leaves of cucumbers are full of yellow spots. After a few days, the spots increase in size, the color of the leaf changes to yellowish and it quickly dries out. This is a sure sign of infection with downy mildew, another type of fungal disease that affects cucumbers at any stage of growth.

Let's look at the reasons for the appearance
The disease occurs due to the activation of fungal spores, which actively begin to multiply at high humidity and temperature. Watering with water at 15°C can provoke the onset of the disease. and below. Air less than 15°C. A change in temperature that causes dew to fall on the leaves.

Preventing infection by disease:
It is necessary to comply with the agrotechnical requirements for cultivation: crops should not be dense, crop rotation should be observed, fruits should be collected on time, and cucumbers should not be allowed to overgrow.

Emergency treatment:
At the first manifestations of the disease, all treatments and watering are stopped. To stop the development of downy mildew, it is good to treat the sprouts with the drug "polycarbacin", copper oxychloride, or Bordeaux mixture. It is simple to prepare the preparation: Bordeaux mixture, which gives the gardener, is 50 grams of vitriol and freshly slaked lime in five liters of water. When processing, the solution should not be hotter than +23°C. Specially released drugs "Ordan" and "Ridomil" have detailed instructions preparations on the package. After treatment with these drugs, it is necessary to monitor the temperature in the greenhouse, not dropping below +23°C. If the cucumbers are in the soil without a film, they will need to be covered with a film to maintain the temperature.

To prevent the disease, experienced gardeners also recommend periodically spraying cucumber grass with a fermented milk solution.

Ladosporiosis, or brown olive spot How to treat cucumbers for it

, stalks and stems are covered with pinpoint ulcers of a brownish or dark brown color. The spots on the leaves dry out and crack. By all indications, this is another fungal disease- brown olive spot or ladosporiosis. The development environment is similar to that of fungal diseases - it actively begins to multiply when temperatures change, which can cause the formation of dew. The spread of fungal spores occurs in windy weather through the air, in rainy weather with flows of water along the ground, and can persist for a long time on rotting remains in the ground.

Let's look at the reasons for the appearance:
The concentration of fungal spores can be rotting plant remains, in which the fungus feels good and, under favorable conditions, begins to actively multiply, affecting cultivated plants.

To prevent infection of cucumbers with Ladosporiosis, you must:

  • Compliance with the need for crop rotation: plant pumpkin family plants in one bed after 4 seasons.
  • Maintain the temperature in the greenhouse (23°C).
  • After harvesting, immediately collect all plant residues, preferably by digging up the ground.
  • Water with warm water using a nozzle that breaks the stream, or better yet, do not allow moisture to enter the plant.

Emergency treatment:
When a disease is detected

  • We immediately stop all activities with the plants; for a week it is worth trying to raise the air temperature in the greenhouse to +22°C. One of possible actions- additionally cover the greenhouse or bed with covering material;
  • Treat the plants with Bordeaux mixture, 0.3% copper oxychloride, foundationazole or Oxychom, strictly following the instructions for use.
  • Remember the basic rule: water only with warm water.

Gray rot: how to treat cucumbers for this disease

Gray rot on cucumbers

All plants, stems and even flowers began to become covered with brown, rapidly increasing watery spots of a smoky coating. This obvious signs bacteriological disease gray mold. The disease can quickly affect all plants and quickly spread to neighboring bushes.

Let's look at the reasons for the appearance
The main reasons for the appearance of gray rot on cucumbers (as, for example, on strawberries) are usually sudden changes in temperature, waterlogging, and watering. cold water, non-compliance with crop rotation, incorrect agricultural irrigation technology.
Preventing infection:

  • To prevent gray rot, it is necessary to ensure that the bushes do not thicken;
  • Mandatory compliance with crop rotation;
  • Mandatory removal of plant residues, preferably by digging up the beds and burning the residues;
  • Carry out protective measures, which include: pre-sowing treatment of seeds and soil, disinfection of greenhouses, application of mineral and organic fertilizers.

Root rot is a dangerous disease of cucumbers and how to treat it

Root rot of cucumbers

The leaves of the cucumber vines began to wither more and more every day, they did not respond to watering, and began to dry out all over the bush at the same time, and if the plants were pulled out, the roots would turn out to be thinner and reddish in color, this is a sure sign of a fungal disease, root rot.

Let's look at the reasons for the appearance
One of the reasons for the development of root rot is non-compliance with agricultural technology: the greenhouse is too hot, the soil is waterlogged, silt, on the contrary, the plants are depleted by lack of watering.

Preventing infection:
Root rot infection can be prevented in the following cases:

  • Avoid thickening during plant growth;
  • Observe crop rotation: it is impossible for pumpkin family plants to be planted in one bed earlier than after 4 seasons
  • Comply with agricultural technology requirements for watering;
  • Watering with water colder than 18 degrees is not allowed;
  • Carry out preventive measures; treatment once every 2 weeks with a solution of the drug “Previkur” gives good results.

Emergency treatment
At the first signs of the disease, firstly, it is necessary to ensure the plant forms new roots. To do this, sprinkle the plants at the base with a 4-6 centimeter layer of soil, which will allow the stem to produce additional roots. You can also cut off the leaves of the stem, carefully place it and sprinkle it with a layer of fertile soil, this will allow additional roots to take root in the place you choose in a week. This requires increased watering with heated water up to 25 degrees. If all the leaves of the plant are dry, it is better to dig it up, burn the infected plant, disinfect the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate, and wash the tools with laundry soap.

Anthracnose (pennyroyal) is an insidious disease of cucumbers and how to treat it effectively

If the leaves, stems, and fruits begin to become covered with brown spots, the leaves begin to dry out, and the fruits become covered with ulcers, these are clear signs of anthracnose or, in gardeners' slang, verdigris.

One of the causes of copperhead infection may be seeds collected from diseased testes. Also, fungal spores are stored in the ground in rotting plant debris. The growth of fungal spores is activated by: watering with water below 17 degrees, temperature changes that cause dew, violation of agricultural cultivation practices, and improper application of organic and mineral fertilizers.

Preventing infection:
To prevent illness:

  • It is mandatory to observe crop rotation, do not plant cucumbers earlier than after 4 years in one bed.
  • Clean up the remains of plants and dig up the place where they grew.

Emergency treatment:
To spend effective treatment, need to:

  • After the fruits appear, treat the bushes with 1% Bordeaux mixture every week;
  • Treat the affected plants with a 0.7% vitriol solution, after which the affected areas are sprinkled with lime or coal.

Why did the leaves of cucumbers in open ground turn yellow?

Yellowness of leaves can occur for several reasons, one of which is temperature changes between night and day, improper balancing of applied fertilizers, for example, lack of potassium fertilizers. If the first problem can be solved simply by covering the greenhouse with additional covering material, then more knowledge is needed to cope with the second problem. For example, treatment with ash solution. The solution is prepared simply.

You need to put three tables in a liter jar. spoons of wood ash and after two days of infusion, spray.

You can also fight the disease with onion infusion made from onion peels.

To prepare, you need to take a 10 liter container, put 50 grams of onion peels in it, why boil it all. Leave it to brew for a day. Treat plants with a solution of 25 degrees, consumption 1 liter per 1 bush.

If you have your own secrets on how to prevent cucumber diseases and their treatment, or the secrets of your grandmothers, share with all gardeners in the comments to this article!

20.05.2019 23 469

Common diseases of cucumbers and their treatment

Diseases of cucumbers should not be allowed to occur, and their treatment should be carried out in a timely manner, because your future harvest depends on this. Cucumbers are heat-loving and moisture-loving plants, and if growing conditions are not met, unfortunately, they begin to get sick and wither. Most likely, they were affected by some kind of disease or pest. If you follow the basic rules of care and cultivation, and fight diseases and pests in a timely manner, then your cucumbers will bear fruit for a long time and delight you!

The most common diseases of cucumbers are:

Root rot. Perhaps the most dangerous disease, because Both the roots and stems of the plant are affected, they become covered with brown spots, quickly soften, the lower leaves turn yellow, which leads to the complete death of the cucumber. Both young and old plants are susceptible to root rot. Most often this happens due to improper care: sudden changes in temperature, watering the roots with too cold water, as well as overfeeding the plants. To prevent this from happening, disinfect the soil, fertilize once a week, water your cucumbers only with warm water and not at the root, but around the plant. But if the cucumber still gets sick, you can try to save it. To do this, treat damaged stems and leaves with ash, reduce watering, and ventilate. It happens that the disease has already started, in this case it is necessary to get rid of the affected area by removing and burning it, and treat the hole with a solution copper sulfate.

in the photo - root rot of cucumbers

Powdery mildew. The disease manifests itself as white and reddish spots on the leaves of plants and looks as if they were sprinkled with flour. Not only cucumbers can get sick, but also neighboring vegetables. The fungal spores that cause powdery mildew are spread by the wind, during watering, and in severe cases they can remain in the soil. Remove leaves and stems, disinfect the soil. The plants themselves can be sprayed with colloidal sulfur or mullein solution. Fungicidal preparations (karatan or topsin) will also help in the fight against fungus.

Anthracnose (scarden). A plant disease caused by the fungus Gloeosporium. The above-ground part of the cucumber is affected first, round dark spots and ulcers appear, on which a purple border is noticeable. The disease also spreads to fruits, which also form brown spots. When carrying out prevention, spray not only diseased plants, but also healthy ones nearby. You can use various sulfur preparations, as well as Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride.

Gray rot. Large gray spots appear in the axils of the stems and leaves, and the fruit itself may have a fluffy, gray coating. Peduncles are usually empty, which then begin to rot. To prevent this from happening, do not thicken the plantings, do not over-moisten the soil, and ventilate your cucumbers. A good remedy Wood ash, which can be used to treat diseased plants, is used against this disease. It is better to remove and burn a neglected plant. Experienced gardeners advise growing self-pollinating varieties of cucumbers.

Ordinary mosaic. Light or dark green spots, and if you look at them, the colors will somehow resemble a mosaic. This disease is caused by a virus and has virtually no treatment. Diseased plants should be removed, and it is better to treat the soil with a formaldehyde solution. Disease prevention also lies in proper crop rotation and pre-sowing seed treatment. It is best to buy seeds that are already disease-resistant.

Cucumber diseases can also be prevented using folk methods. For example, for powdery mildew, you can use serum. To do this, take 1 liter of serum and dilute it in 10 liters of water, treat the affected and healthy plants Next door.

A good preventive measure against many misfortunes is the following solution: add 30 drops of iodine and 2 tablespoons of laundry soap to 1 liter of milk. Shake the prepared mixture thoroughly and spray our plants. The interval between such sprayings is approximately 9-10 days. Sprinkling this solution will make the plants strong and resistant to many diseases.
Very effective means in the fight for good and strong plants, an ash solution is considered, which is prepared at the rate of 2 liters of boiling water and 1 glass of ash. The solution is infused for two weeks, then 3 tbsp is added. laundry soap and spray the cucumbers. Treatment must be carried out at least 3 times with an interval of 10 days.

Every gardener knows that when growing cucumbers, you must remember that diseases and pests are always nearby! Carry out timely plant prevention, monitor crop rotation, fertilize the soil, feed your cucumbers in a timely manner, and then a large and tasty harvest will definitely please you!

Every farmer strives to grow tasty and healthy vegetables on his plot. To achieve this goal, experienced gardeners regularly apply organic fertilizers, carry out regular watering, and fight insect pests and plant diseases. This approach always pays off and hard work is rewarded sooner or later.

Cucumbers in our country are one of the most popular vegetable crops, and every summer resident grows this plant. Getting a generous and stable harvest throughout the summer is not easy, since the crop is susceptible to many diseases. This article is devoted to a popular topic among summer residents and gardeners - diseases of cucumbers with photos and their treatment. Knowing the main signs of damage to this plant, you can notice the problem in time and successfully cope with it.

Root rot in cucumbers: how to treat?

Root rot in cucumbers is a fairly common plant disease that inevitably leads to its death. The first alarming symptoms begin to appear after transplanting the seedlings to a permanent location. A farmer may notice that the cucumber plant begins to wither when the air temperature rises above +30 degrees, and in the evening, when the sun sets, the leaves look normal again.

The photo shows root rot of cucumbers

If such symptoms appear, it is worth conducting an additional examination of the bush. Root rot gradually spreads and the farmer may notice a browned stem in the soil itself. Every day the rot spreads and soon the lower leaves will turn yellow, and the root will become rotten, dry, and wrinkled. The color of the root and leaves becomes dark brown, which indicates a disease. If by this time the fruits have already formed, they will not ripen.

According to the observations of biologists, the following predisposing factors lead to the occurrence of root rot, namely:

  1. Overmoistening of the soil.
  2. Use for cold water irrigation.
  3. Lack of moisture, prolonged drought.
  4. High soil salinity.
  5. Using large amounts of fertilizers.

To prevent and combat root rot, time-tested methods have been developed to completely eliminate the problem. Biologists recommend that gardeners adhere to the following recommendations:

  • use steamed soil or treated with the preparation “Hom” for growing seedlings;
  • avoid excessive soil moisture;
  • use warm water for irrigation;
  • use chlorine-free fertilizers;
  • Apply organic fertilizers after preliminary composting for 6-8 months.

Every vegetable grower can protect cucumbers from fungal infection by root rot.

If signs of root rot appear on the cucumber, the summer resident should try to grow a new root system. For this purpose, part of the stem is sprinkled with a small layer of soil. In just 2 weeks, several healthy roots will grow in this place, which will take a full part in the nutrition of the entire plant.

  1. Biological products: Trichodermin, Gamaira, Baktofit.
  2. Chemicals: Previkur, Hom or any fungicidal agent.
  3. Increase cucumber immunity with Effecton.

Every vegetable grower can protect cucumbers from fungal infection by root rot. The methods of control and prevention are not complicated, and the cost of the drugs is affordable for every gardener. Having received a generous harvest, you will be able to please yourself and your family with tasty and healthy fruits.

Powdery mildew on cucumbers: control measures

Powdery mildew on cucumbers spreads both in open ground. The gardener notices a white coating on the leaves that resembles flour in appearance. Soon they turn yellow and dry out. Powdery mildew progresses in damp, cloudy weather, when the air temperature drops below +20 degrees.

Pictured is powdery mildew on cucumbers

To prevent fungal infection of crops by powdery mildew, greenhouse owners are advised to follow the following rules:

  • replace the soil annually, as fungi accumulate in it;
  • avoid watering plants with cold water;
  • in the fall, remove from the room and destroy all tops;
  • maintain in a greenhouse constant temperature about +23 degrees and humidity;
  • ensure high-quality ventilation in the room.

When there is an excess of fertilizers or a lack of certain microelements in the soil, when the soil becomes waterlogged or dries out, the plant weakens and becomes easy prey for fungi. As a result, the plant’s defenses are reduced, the bush lags behind in growth and development, and soon powdery mildew on cucumbers joins these symptoms. Measures to combat the disease come down to the following measures:

  1. Spraying leaves on both sides with mullein solution in a ratio of 1 to 10.
  2. Spraying sulfur on and around the plant.
  3. Treatment of cucumber shoots with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. Using the drugs “Topaz” or “Hom”.
  5. Spraying the bush with horsetail decoction (infuse 1 kg in 10 liters of water and boil for 2 hours over low heat).
  6. An infusion of marigolds mixed with laundry soap leads to positive results. Infuse the mixture for at least 48 hours in warm water.
  7. Treating the bush with 5% iron sulfate will help with total damage to cucumbers by a fungal infection.
  8. Treatment of affected areas with 1% Saprol solution.

IN Lately became very popular highly effective drug from powdery mildew - Karatana. 10 grams of the product are dissolved in a bucket of warm water and the beds are treated every 2 weeks.

Video about powdery mildew on cucumbers and control methods:

Downy mildew of cucumbers, treatment

Downy mildew is also known to gardeners as downy mildew. The fungus spreads by transporting spores by the wind, as well as through fallen and fungus-affected dry leaves. From external manifestations diseases worth mentioning is the total damage to the leaves on the bush. They fade, turn yellow, and brown spots form on the surface, as can be seen in the photo. The spots increase in size and spread to neighboring plants.

The peculiarity of peronosporosis is that the fungus never affects cucumber fruits, but they lose their visual attractiveness and their taste deteriorates significantly.

The causes of downy mildew are the same as other fungal infections. In order to prevent infection, experienced vegetable growers recommend treating seeds before sowing in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or with the drug Trichomerdin. Russian breeders have developed cucumber varieties that are resistant to fungal diseases, and this information is indicated on the seed package.

The photo shows downy mildew of cucumbers

Effective method treatment of the plant is to spray the tops with the following preparations:

  • Planriz;
  • Quadris;
  • Acrobat MC.

At the first signs of infection, it is necessary to begin combating the fungus, as it multiplies intensively and spreads to neighboring crops. The most effective method control is considered to be the prevention of the appearance of fungi on the site or in the greenhouse.

Cucumber ascochyta blight can cause serious damage farming, since we are talking about affecting large areas over which the disease spreads. If you do not respond promptly to the appearance of the first symptoms, you can lose at least half of all cucumber plantings.

Symptoms of ascochyta blight in cucumber have the following manifestations:

Ascochyta blight affects the plant as a result of its weakening protective forces. This occurs when there are frequent temperature fluctuations, watering seedlings with cold water or planting infected seeds.

  1. Removing any yellowed bottom sheets.
  2. Growing disease-resistant varieties.
  3. Planting seedlings annually in a new place.
  4. Treating seeds before planting.
  5. Spraying the tops with a weak solution of copper sulfate.

After taking measures to combat ascochyta and rejuvenate the root, it is better to immediately destroy the affected part of the bush. We invite you to watch a video about ascochyta blight in cucumbers and preventative measures to combat it:

Anthracnose of cucumbers, treatment

The fungal disease is dangerous because it affects the bush completely. Ulcers appear on the stems and they become very fragile and brittle. Round spores in the form of large, yellow spots germinate on the leaves. The affected area of ​​the leaf dries out, cracks and releases spores. Mushroom mycelium does not spare fruits on which small pink spots, merging together as they grow, they grow deep into the fruit.

Anthracnose of cucumbers leads to the death of cucumbers and complete loss harvest. If control measures are taken at the wrong time, the fruits may lose their marketability.

The main methods of control include compliance with basic agrotechnical rules, namely:

  • compliance with crop rotation;
  • destruction of dried remains of tops in the fall;
  • protecting seeds from fungi before planting.

Pictured is anthracnose of cucumbers

To destroy anthracnose, use Bordeaux mixture in a concentration of no more than 1%. The same solution can be poured directly under the root in the amount of about 750 ml for each bush.

Gray rot on cucumbers: how to fight?

Gray mold often enters through a crack or wound in the fabric. As a result, gray, velvety spots form at the site of penetration. indeterminate form. Infection is favored by damp, cool weather and excessive thickening of seedlings during planting.

The source of gray mold infection is the affected plants, the soil on which they grew and the metal structures of greenhouses.

To combat infection, you should adhere to the following recommendations, namely:

  • immediately remove faded leaves and flowers from the bush;
  • ventilate the greenhouse well;
  • in autumn, remove the surface layer of soil from the site;
  • Use sterile treated soil for planting seedlings.

The photo shows gray rot on cucumbers

To destroy gray mold, it is recommended to use the drugs Trichodermin, Rovral or Euparen. Every 14 days, all infected areas of the stem should be treated with the prepared solution. For long lasting fixation medicine on the tops, you can add regular wallpaper glue to the mixture.

Bacteriosis of cucumbers and their treatment, photo

Bacteriosis of cucumbers is one of the most insidious diseases, leading to a decrease in yield. It is important to start treatment when the first signs appear, otherwise the lesion will quickly spread and lead to the death of the entire bush. Bacteriosis appears on the leaves in the form of cloudy spots, which disappear over time, leaving a hole in their place. If bacteriosis spreads to the fetus, a spot appears on it Brown. After a short period of time, the fruit rots.

In the photo there is bacteriosis of cucumbers

The disease stops spreading in dry weather and it may seem to the gardener that the crop has recovered. However, in fact, when it rains, dark spots will reappear on the leaves, which are colonies of bacteria when viewed under a microscope. During rain, the pathogen will spread along with drops to neighboring plants and penetrate into the stem through cracks.

To prevent the spread of bacteriosis throughout the area, all infected bushes must be immediately destroyed. Still healthy cucumbers should be sprayed with 1% Bordeaux mixture.

Prevention comes down to pre-planting seed treatment. They are soaked in one of the disinfecting solutions. For this purpose, Fas, Actellik, Farmayod and other means are used.

Video about bacteriosis of cucumbers and their treatment:

Mosaic of cucumbers: photos and their treatment

Mosaic of cucumbers refers to viral diseases and appears 3 weeks after planting the seedlings in a permanent place. The spread of the disease is facilitated by sudden warming of the air to +30 and above. It is not difficult to detect lesions. The gardener will notice wrinkles and swelling on the leaves. In the future, the fruits will also be subject to deformation. The yield of the bush is sharply reduced.

The mosaic virus is very resistant to environment and easily tolerates any adverse factors. For example, it can survive for many months in fallen cucumber leaves. In seeds stored for more than 24 months, the virus is almost completely destroyed. In addition to cucumber waste, sources of infection can include contaminated seed material, garden tools, soil and farmer’s clothing.

Mosaic of cucumbers

Dealing with cucumber mosaic is difficult. Infected seeds must be heated for a long time to a temperature of +50 degrees, and then additionally during the day to +70. The complexity of the method is that if the gardener is inexperienced, the result can be seeds that are unsuitable for sowing. TO good results leads to the rapid destruction of the diseased plant and treatment of the soil under it with boiling water. All weeds within a radius of 10-15 meters must be destroyed.

Video about cucumber diseases and their treatment:

Undoubtedly, diseases of cucumbers, photos and their treatment at home in the garden or in a greenhouse are a hot topic for owners. Tips and recommendations from experienced summer residents will help you protect your crop harvest not only from dangerous pests, but also plant diseases. Undoubtedly, it is better to prevent their occurrence than to eradicate them later.

  • How to grow salvia in your garden

When growing plants, gardeners often have to face various difficulties. It is necessary to monitor the level of soil moisture, control solar activity during the hot period and promptly prevent the consequences of its influence on crops, and fight various types of pests. Diseases affecting cucumbers may depend on the influence of one of these factors or several at once.

What to do if you notice that the leaves of cucumbers are withering, and how to behave in the presence of root rot, what are the ways to get rid of this scourge using the most modern methods treatment. How not to get confused when growing cucumbers on the windowsill, why they are empty inside, we will try to tell you about this and much more. The fight against cucumber diseases is not simple task, remember that prevention is always preferable.

Why do they get sick?

Before we start talking about diseases, let's try to understand the reasons:

  1. Too high or too low temperatures combined with increased level humidity is created by the most favorable conditions for the reproduction of pests on cucumbers.
  2. With a lack of lighting and useful elements entering the soil during fertilizing, an environment for the development of diseases is also created.
  3. If you don't inspect your plants regularly, you may miss spots on your cucumber leaves. The fight against them can only begin by removing already damaged parts of the plants. Simply put, preventing the spread of most diseases involves getting rid of contaminated areas. Other methods, as a rule, are not enough.
  4. It is a well-known fact that plants love warm water, however, contrary to all the rules, careless owners water them with cold and, sometimes, ice water. In such cases, diseases of cucumber seedlings will not take long to appear.
  5. Keep the area clean garden plot, do not forget to remove the turf and old leaves in time, and diseases and pests of cucumbers will bypass you.

Powdery mildew

A very common fungal disease in which the leaves of cucumbers are covered with plaque, flour-like, it can be white or grayish in color. If such a leaf is not removed in time and the further spread of the fungus is not prevented, then very soon it will cover the entire plant. Therefore, if you don’t know why cucumber leaves dry out, try to eliminate this problem first.

Powdery mildew spreads very quickly when low temperatures, cloudy and damp weather.

As soon as the sun disperses the clouds, immediately all the spores die. Naturally, we cannot control natural processes, but we can do everything possible to mitigate their negative impact.

For prevention, you must follow the rules:

  • Water the plants exclusively with warm water.
  • Weed the beds on time.
  • Raise the air temperature artificially - tightly close doors and vents when growing in greenhouse conditions and cover cucumber beds with film if they grow in the open air.

Treatment of cucumbers against diseases in the case of powdery mildew can be done using one of the following folk remedies:

  1. Prepare a solution of 1 kg of mullein and 3 liters of water, leave it for 3 days, strain and dilute with another three liters clean water. Spray the leaves and stems with the resulting liquid.
  2. Another option for a mixture for spraying is sour milk diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1/1. Treat cucumbers with this mixture once a week.
  3. A solution of potassium permanganate can also become a good helper when treating all varieties of cucumbers. To do this, you need to dilute 2 grams of the product in 9-10 liters of water; in this case, you need to treat not only the leaves and stem of the diseased plant, but also other shoots, and also water the adjacent soil.

Other “non-traditional” methods of treatment include treatment with phytosporin, copper-containing substances (in general, all devices made of this metal, even simple copper wire, are very valuable in the “cucumber business”), as well as a 20% sulfur solution.


Otherwise, this fungal disease is called brown olive spot. In accordance with the name, the main sign of the development of this cucumber disease is the appearance of characteristic olive-colored spots. As the disease progresses, brown ulcers appear on the fruits, making the cucumbers unfit for consumption in a very short period of time.

The reasons for the appearance and development of this disease of cucumbers in open ground are associated with bad weather conditions (precipitation, temperature fluctuations), which, of course, affect the condition of the crop in the greenhouse, but still to a lesser extent than in the open air.

Brown olive spot appears mainly at the end of the fruiting period, when the nights become cool and damp.

To prevent this serious disease, it is recommended:

  • ventilate greenhouses constantly;
  • water the cucumbers with warm water;
  • clean the beds from plant debris, since it is mainly from them that the fungus comes;
  • avoid planting in constant shade;
  • Watering cucumbers in a greenhouse should be done in the morning to avoid high humidity at night and in the evening.

If you find the first signs of this disease in your beds, then you need to stop watering the shoots and urgently increase the air temperature to +18C or higher in the greenhouse if it is cold, and vice versa, ventilate it if it is hot. At the next stage, it is imperative to treat the plants with copper-containing solutions or phytosporin.

Treatment of cucumbers against various diseases and pests is carried out only with a sprayer.

Fusarium wilt

Common cucumber disease in the greenhouse. This happens with vegetables planted in open ground, but much less frequently. The first sign of the disease is that it withers top part shoots, then the leaves dry up, and last but not least the disease reaches the root, causing it to rot.

The pathogen itself resides in the seeds and soil, but does not appear immediately, but only with the beginning of fruiting. The bush begins to fade and, naturally, stops bearing fruit. Moreover, sometimes this happens so quickly that all the cucumber bushes die within a few days. These processes are usually accelerated by insufficient watering and heat air.

Disease prevention is achieved through:

  • pre-treatment of seeds;
  • timely removal of all plant residues from the beds;
  • watering the soil with Fitosporin or Trichodermin and adding compost.

It should be remembered that cucumber diseases and their treatment can be prevented with proper care.

If you water the seedlings on time, avoid excess moisture and elevated temperature air in the greenhouse, to replenish deficiencies in time nutrients, not a single harmful fungus can deprive you of a well-deserved harvest.

Gray rot

Cucumber seedlings often disappear due to rot caused by high humidity. High humidity can occur not only due to excessive watering or frequent precipitation. The density of plantings, water temperature, and thermometer readings at night also matter.

A sign that plants are getting sick is the appearance of a slippery coating. A plaque forms at the junction of the flower and the stem, and after a while the surface begins to become covered with a kind of fluff.

What to do if you notice similar signs on cucumber seedlings?

  1. Stop watering for at least 2-3 days.
  2. Ventilate the greenhouse or greenhouse properly.
  3. IN mandatory remove all damaged shoots. In order for cucumbers to grow, it is necessary to remove barren flowers in time.
  4. Ensure better ventilation of plantings - cut off excess leaves, tie up long branches.
  5. Treat the sections with copper and chalk powder and ash.

Detailed instructions for combating this disease are presented in the video below.

White rot

The causative agents of white rot are sclerotia fungi. They begin their reproduction in very high humidity. A characteristic feature diseases are numerous white spots on the leaves and stems of cucumbers. The spots darken over time, and the plants are completely covered with mucus.

Prevention of the disease comes down to the same measures as in cases with gray mold: remove damaged shoots in a timely manner, avoid dense plantings, monitor the humidity level in greenhouses.

If it is necessary to process cucumbers chemicals, you can use Hom, Topaz or Oksikhom. Any processing is carried out after the fruits are collected.

Root rot

May occur at any stage of growth plants. The name speaks for itself - the roots are damaged, they dry out, and the elements of the root system completely die off. Naturally, after this the plant dies entirely, and the cucumber seedlings fall.

Causes of the disease:

  • cold water when watering;
  • dense planting;
  • seeds are planted too deep;
  • temperature fluctuations during the day;
  • careless removal of plant residues in beds and greenhouses.

If, nevertheless, this disease has overtaken your cucumbers, urgently do the following.

  1. Free the stems from the soil.
  2. Treat the roots of the plants with a solution of copper sulfate and water, for this 2 tsp. mix vitriol with 5-6 tbsp. ash and dilute it all with 1 liter of water.
  3. After the roots are completely dry, cover them with soil.
  4. If your cucumber bush is dead, don't be afraid to dig it up and burn it. There is no point in growing plants that will never bear fruit.

Field mosaic (aphid)

Aphids on cucumbers in greenhouses and in open ground are carriers of the disease. The main danger of aphids lies in their excessive concentration in one area; with a lack of food, winged forms are formed that fly to neighboring bushes.

The main sign indicating the development of the disease is a change in the color of the leaves of the seedlings; they become green-yellow.

After a certain period of time, the cucumber leaves begin to curl, twist, dry, and then fall off. The slightest drop in air temperature at this moment triggers the process of complete death of the plant. You can lose your entire harvest if you do not stop this process in time.

In general, aphids are diseases of cucumbers in greenhouses, the best remedy preventing its occurrence and spread is fumigation closed premises smoke bombs with added sulfur. However, this remedy is applicable only for wooden versions, since sulfur compounds have an extremely destructive effect on metal elements. Another method that pests of cucumbers in greenhouses are afraid of is treatment with bleach. To do this, you need to dilute 400 grams of bleach with 10 liters of water. The entire space inside the greenhouse, including equipment, is subject to treatment.

  1. Maintaining temperature - at night the temperature should not be below +17, during the day - it should not rise above +27.
  2. White the greenhouse on the south side with chalk.
  3. Observe the timing of planting, ventilation and fertilizing.
  4. Apply phosphorus fertilizers.

Black stem rot or ascochyta blight

Ascochyta blight is another reason why cucumber seedlings die. This disease is typical for greenhouses and greenhouses. The insidiousness lies in the impossibility of healing the bushes in almost all cases.

The first symptoms of ascochyta blight in cucumber include: watery brown spots appearing on cucumber leaves (see photo). Their growth throughout the stem occurs at a very rapid pace. Since the sore does not affect the vessels, but spreads only through the tissues, the seedlings are able to remain in vegetative form pretty long.

Black rot often affects areas after pinching or removing fruit. These surfaces become covered with black dots, and then the fungus spreads to the leaves. First, spots appear on the leaves of the cucumbers, then the entire leaf turns brown, dries out and falls off.

If the fungus touches the fruit, it can manifest itself in three forms. In the first option, the cucumbers seem to dry out, become clumsy and uneven. In the second, peculiar ulcers appear on the fruits, in the third, some of the cucumbers turn white, and subsequently become covered with mucus.

At proper care even infected plants continue to bear fruit. It is necessary to observe the diet of fruits, watering temperature and smooth out fluctuations in the thermometer to the maximum.

Rules that can be followed to prevent the spread of infection:

  • timely removal of affected segments;
  • mulching after planting;
  • compliance with crop rotation;
  • correct choice of varieties;
  • periodic planting of sanitary crops in areas;
  • application of chemical protection methods.

Angular spot

Angular spotting of cucumber leaves appears both in greenhouses and in open ground. The causative agent of the disease is a bacterium that affects the leaves, ovaries of cucumber fruits, flowers and the fruits themselves. Manifested by formation at the edges wet spots, the surface begins to turn yellow. It often happens that a plant dies as soon as it emerges from the ground. On adult cucumbers, the bacterium manifests itself as follows: yellow-brown spots form on the lower tier, and yellow drops of sticky consistency appear on the lower side.

Ways to combat the disease:

  1. For seeds, use only clean fruits.
  2. Sterilization of soil after harvest.
  3. If bacteria spread, ventilate the greenhouse and lower the humidity.
  4. Completely disinfect all parts of the greenhouse or greenhouse.
  5. Use drugs like Integral and Fitolavin-300.

Why do cucumbers grow with crochets?

The main reasons why cucumbers grow crooked are not related to bacteria or fungi, but are based only on improper care:

  • Lack of potassium in the soil, which occurs due to the abuse of nitrogen-containing fertilizers.
  • Neighborhood different varieties cucumbers that do not suit each other.
  • Abuse of cold water when watering.
  • The “ugliness” of the whole variety.


So, we tried to familiarize you with the most common reasons for a spoiled harvest. Naturally this is not full list and not all care recommendations are effective in every specific case. However, we can say with confidence that there are no cucumber diseases that cannot be controlled, much less those that cannot be prevented. Take into account the opinions and experience of your friends, advice from professionals, try to select varieties of cucumbers that are best suited to your needs. climatic zone, and every year enjoy the results of your labor in the form of beautiful and healthy vegetables from the garden beds!

Good days to all readers!

Today is an article about cucumber diseases and their treatment with photos and descriptions. To extend the fruiting period of cucumbers, you need to know everything about their diseases, be able to recognize them and take action in time. Photographs and descriptions of diseases will help to correctly identify them and take measures for treatment with folk remedies. So as not to spoil the harvest with chemicals.

Among cucumbers grown in open ground and greenhouses, there are fungal, bacterial and viral infections. As a rule, plants are affected by these diseases due to improper care. Today we will talk about

Diseases of cucumbers in greenhouses and open ground. Photos of leaves and treatment methods

Causes of diseases

  1. One of the most important causes of illness is non-compliance with temperature conditions. Due to temperature fluctuations, the disease develops faster. A favorable environment for infection is conditions of high humidity.
  2. It is possible that cucumbers will get sick if the principles of crop rotation are violated. Cucumbers are returned to their original planting location no earlier than after 4 years.
  3. Other reasons for the development of diseases include poor lighting, constant drafts, and lack of fertilizing.
  4. In order for cucumbers to grow and develop well, it is necessary to promptly identify diseased plants and remove their affected parts.
  5. You should also not forget about cleaning the area. The garden beds must be clean and tidy.
  6. Often, cucumbers get sick due to improper watering with cold water.

Some diseases more often affect plants in greenhouses, while others in open ground conditions. One of the most common fungal diseases of cucumbers is

Powdery mildew


If the plant is sick, white or grayish coating, similar to spilled flour. Over time, small powdery spots do not go away, but spread throughout the entire leaf. This leads to yellowing and drying of the leaves and the cessation of fruiting.

Characteristic whitish coating on the leaves


Powdery mildew pathogens spread very quickly at low air temperatures, when it is cloudy and cool outside. When the air temperature rises to +25°C, powdery mildew spores die.

In most cases, cucumbers get sick because they lack moisture and are weakened by irregular watering. This disease also appears if you overfeed them with nitrogen fertilizers.


To prevent the disease you need:

  • water the cucumbers with warm water
  • Maintain cleanliness in the greenhouse and beds - timely weeding, loosening, removing weeds and plant debris during growth and after fruiting. Do not leave cucumber vines in the beds until spring.
  • raise the temperature - close the greenhouse or cover the bed with film.
  • Grow varieties resistant to powdery mildew.

How to treat with folk remedies?

To get rid of powdery mildew, the plant is sprayed mullein infusion. To prepare it, take 1 kg of mullein, fill it with 3 liters of water and leave for 3 days. After this, the infusion is filtered and mixed with 3 liters of new, clean water.

Also suitable folk remedy, cooked based on sour milk, diluted with warm water (in a 1:1 ratio). Spray cucumbers once a week.

Can be processed soda solution. 50 grams per bucket of warm water baking soda and 50 grams of laundry soap. Repeat spraying every 5-7 days.

Spraying with a solution of potassium permanganate also helps - 2 grams per 10 liters of water. They moisten not only the diseased plant, but also the neighboring ones and the ground around them.

Spray with the preparation Fitosporin at the first signs of leaf damage. You can also spray for prevention. This drug is safe for people and plants - cucumbers can be harvested on the day of treatment. But, usually, the crop is harvested in the morning and then the solution is sprayed on the leaves.

Chemical aids

In case of severe damage, treat with fungicides or copper-containing preparations (for example, HOM).

You can also treat it with colloidal sulfur - a 20% aqueous solution. The treatment is carried out in cloudy weather.

Downy mildew - downy mildew

Downy mildew affects plants of any age, both in greenhouses and in open ground.


When affected by peronosporosis, cucumber leaves become covered with numerous light yellow spots. Over time, the leaves of the infected crop become brown and gradually dry out. If the disease is not treated, then gradually all the leaves dry out, followed by the whip.

Common reasons diseases:

The causative agent of the disease is a fungus. Favorable environment Increased humidity serves for its reproduction, and can also provoke watering with cold water.


  • Do not water with cold water
  • Plant cucumbers less often - do not thicken the plantings
  • Ventilate the greenhouse
  • Collect fruits on time
  • Treat seeds before planting
  • Remove plant debris - spores can overwinter in them
  • Plant disease-resistant and early-ripening varieties

What to do if you get sick?

At the first signs of the disease, stop watering and fertilizing.

This disease, unlike, does not affect the fruits, so they can continue to grow calmly.

Folk remedies:

Excellent prophylactic To combat downy mildew, use a whey solution.

To displace pathogenic spores, spraying with Fitosporin, the drug Baikal-EM, helps.

You can spray with kefir and iodine (1 drop per liter).

Or pollinate the garden bed with ash.

All these remedies are harmless to people - they can be used during fruit growth.

Chemical treatments

Although I'm not a supporter chemical methods struggles, but you need to know about them.

Fungi don't like copper. Therefore, you can treat with Bordeaux mixture (dissolve 100 grams of copper sulfate and lime in a bucket of warm water) or a copper-soap solution (20 grams of copper sulfate and 200 grams of soap per bucket of water).

Treatment with fungicides, of which there are many in stores, also helps. Be sure to follow the instructions for use and adhere to the deadlines for collecting fruits after spraying.

After processing special means the temperature in the greenhouse should not fall below +25°C. When growing cucumbers in open ground, they are covered with film at night.

Brown olive spot - cladosporiosis


The first signs of brown spot are olive spots on the stems and fruits of cucumbers. Then brown sores appear on the fruits - the fruits lose their marketable appearance, and if severely damaged, they are not edible. This dangerous disease can deprive us of our harvest in a week, so quickly the plants and cucumbers are damaged.


Cladosporiosis develops under unfavorable weather conditions - constant precipitation, temperature changes.

When watering with cold water from above, over the leaves.

As a rule, the disease makes itself felt at the end of the growing season, when it gets colder at night and a lot of dew falls.

In most cases, cucumbers become infected with cladospiriosis due to fungal spores that remain on vegetable residues.


To prevent the plant from becoming infected with this terrible disease necessary:

  • regularly ventilate the greenhouse,
  • use warm water for irrigation,
  • do not forget to remove plant debris from the beds,
  • do not plant cucumbers in the shade,
  • water at the root
  • water in the greenhouse in the morning


When the first signs of the disease are detected, do not water the plant for several days; raise the average daily temperature in the greenhouse above +18°C if it is cold. In hot weather, ventilate the greenhouse, remove the film from the garden bed (if covered).

Then treat with preparations containing copper (Hom, Bordeaux mixture, oxych, etc.) or fungicides.

Biological preparations can be treated with Fitosporin.

Treat plants only with a sprayer, do not water them with a watering can. Then dry the leaves - open the windows.

Fusarium wilt

Fusarium wilt is most often encountered by gardeners who grow cucumbers in greenhouses. First, the tops of the plant and individual leaves wither, then the root collars rot.

The trigger for the development of the disease is high humidity. The causative agent of Fusarium wilt is transmitted through seeds and soil. But it usually appears after the start of fruiting - the bush begins to gradually fade and quickly stops bearing fruit and withers completely.

At elevated temperatures and lack of watering, the disease develops rapidly - all infected bushes can wither in a few days.

Warning in, and cleaning of plant residues. To displace pathogenic fungi from the soil, it is spilled with a solution of Fitosporin or Trichodermin, a week before planting seedlings or seeds. Also, adding high-quality compost helps the soil become healthier.

This pathogen is very resistant to chemicals and is best prevented from spreading. At good care, timely watering, healthy plants do not get sick even if there are pathogens in the soil.

Gray rot

Gray mold develops in conditions of high humidity.

The cause of its occurrence may be watering with cold water, especially thickening of plantings and low night temperatures.

The first sign of the disease is a gray slippery coating that appears on the fruit at the point of flower attachment and on the stems, then becomes covered with gray fluff.

For prevention:

  • observe crop rotation,
  • treat the greenhouse and bed after harvesting,
  • do not thicken the plantings,
  • observe care and carry out preventive treatments.

If cucumbers are sick with gray rot:

  1. Stop watering for 2-3 days,
  2. The greenhouse is well ventilated,
  3. Remove all diseased fruits and leaves.
  4. put the vines in order: cut off excess parts, hang loose ones for better ventilation.
  5. At the same time, do not forget to remove barren flowers, as well as damaged parts of plants.
  6. Dust the sections with copper-chalk powder, ash or a mixture of ash and chalk (mix in a glass and add a teaspoon of copper sulfate).

In case of severe damage, the diseased shoots are cut out or the bush is completely removed and burned, the plants are sprayed with Fitosporin or Trichodermin (according to the instructions). Or the drugs Hom, Oxyx.

White rot

When white rot disease occurs, multiple white bodies appear on cucumbers. Over time they become darker in color. After this, all parts of the plant are completely covered with a white slimy coating.

Sclerotia fungi multiply quickly when the air is too humid and the soil is waterlogged.

For preventive purposes, thickening of cucumber crops is avoided, crop rotation is observed and plant remains are removed from the beds in a timely manner.

Damaged parts of the plant are removed, the sections are treated with lime, charcoal or a mixture of copper sulfate and chalk in half.

You can spray the plants with a serum solution (3 liters of whey, 7 liters of water and a teaspoon of copper sulfate).

Chemicals used include Oksikhom, Khom, Topaz (according to instructions). Spraying is carried out after harvesting.

After the last harvest of fruits, the bed is treated with a solution (50 grams of copper sulfate per bucket of water). Then they leave it for a day, then collect all plant residues, cucumber vines with roots and burn them outside the site.

Root rot

It affects the plant at any stage of growth - from seedlings to a mature bush.

The roots begin to hurt - they become brown, dry out - the root system dies, then the root collar dries out and becomes thinner, the stem and the plant die.

Occurs when:

  • watering with cold water,
  • too dense plantings,
  • deep planting of seeds,
  • sharp changes daily temperature.

The disease persists in plant debris and soil.

For warning:

  • observe crop rotation,
  • pour warm water,
  • do not cover the stems too high with soil,
  • try to equalize the temperature in the greenhouse, cover the bed at night when it gets cold.

If you notice the onset of the disease near the roots, necessary:

  1. rake the soil away from the stems,
  2. treat the roots, stems and soil nearby with a disinfectant solution (dilute 2 teaspoons of copper sulfate in one liter of water and stir 6 tablespoons of ash or lime.
  3. You can dust the stems and roots with ash or chalk and dry well.
  4. Cover the roots with soil when they dry out after treatment.
  5. Dig up dead bushes and burn them.

Field mosaic

The carrier of the common mosaic is the aphid. When the disease occurs, the leaves of cucumbers become yellow-green in the form of a mosaic. Then they curl, dry out and fall off. The plant weakens greatly and at the first drop in temperature stops growing and dies.

The mosaic virus overwinters in weeds (in the roots of quinoa, woodlice, wheatgrass, bindweed) - so it is difficult to fight it. This disease is not transmitted by seeds.

For prevention, plants are sprayed with a 50% serum solution (diluted 1:1 with water), and at the onset of the disease with an undiluted solution.

You can spray with a solution of phytosporin (according to the instructions). To prevent the disease, not only the plants, but the ground around them are sprayed.

To prevent disease, weeds are removed.

White and green speckled mosaic

Among the signs of a white mosaic is that individual white or yellowish spots first appear, and then they merge into a common spot and the leaf becomes white with green veins. The growth of vines slows down, and there are few female flowers on such plants. It is also transmitted to the fruits - small depressions appear on them, the flesh becomes dense, the peel turns yellow.

With a green mottled mosaic, the leaves become wrinkled with light spots. Plants are also stunted and the fruits become deformed with a mosaic color.

Unlike ordinary mosaic, the virus is transmitted through infected seeds and can also persist in the soil and plant debris.

Usually provokes the disease sharp increase temperatures from +20°C to 30°C and above. It develops quickly in greenhouses, greenhouses, and closed beds, especially with sudden temperature changes and dense plantings.

To avoid infection, the seeds are treated and warmed before planting. The best way avoiding illness is good care.

For prevention purposes:

  • sprayed with a weak serum solution,
  • remove damaged leaves and shoots immediately,
  • plant plants at the optimal distance,
  • remove weeds,
  • fight aphids - the main carrier of the disease,
  • pour warm water
  • remove and burn diseased plants

Video about cucumber diseases

Why do the leaves turn yellow?

Many gardeners experience premature yellowing of leaves. If there are no diseases, and the leaves begin to turn yellow early, then the reason lies in a lack of potassium, magnesium or sudden temperature changes.

You can smooth out the temperature regime by covering the plants with film at night.

If there is not enough potassium, the cucumbers are sprayed with an infusion of ash.

Onion infusion is quite effective. It is prepared in a metal bucket. Add 50 grams of onion peels to 10 liters of warm water. The contents should boil, and after that the infusion is cooled and filtered. Cucumbers with yellow leaves pour over slightly warm infusion.

Cucumbers turn yellow if not watered correctly:

  • Water often, but not enough. In this case, it is only moisturized upper layer the soil and the vines and leaves lack nutrition.
  • Water rarely, but abundantly. Excess moisture can cause roots to rot and leaves to wither and turn yellow. Or with light sandy soils, the water will drain quickly and the plants will lack moisture.

It is necessary to ensure regular watering of cucumbers, loosen and mulch the soil after watering.

It is easier to prevent cucumber diseases than to look for treatment methods. If it is necessary, then try to overcome the disease traditional methods so as not to poison the crop.

Chemicals are used in extreme cases.

I wish you healthy and beautiful cucumber beds!

Sincerely, Sofya Guseva.

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