What determines penis size in men: the opinion of a sexologist, facts and fiction. What is the optimal male size in bed?

The size of manhood has excited the minds of the fair sex at all times. Many myths and stereotypes about manhood have been born among women, and some are sure that this can be determined by external signs men. But is this really so?

Stereotypes about manhood

It is believed that the size reproductive organ men depends on his race. And this is true: according to research, the average size male dignity has the most impressive size among representatives of the Negroid race - the leaders in this indicator are the residents of Congo and Ghana (18 and 17.7 cm, respectively).

Latin Americans are located nearby; for example, the average penis size of the male population of Ecuador is 17.5 cm.

As for European men, the range in this part of the world is simply enormous. The most “worthy” men in Europe are Icelanders and Hungarians - 16.5 and 16.2 cm, respectively, but men from Romania cannot boast of their size - their average size does not exceed 13 cm.

The situation for other Europeans is as follows:

  1. Italians - 15.9 cm;
  2. Swedes - 15.4 cm.
  3. Germans - 14.5 cm;
  4. English - 14 cm;
  5. French - 13.5 cm;

Among the men of the CIS countries, Georgians have the greatest dignity - 16.7 cm, Russians and Ukrainians confirm their brotherhood in this indicator - their average size is 15.7 cm, but the Belarusian brothers are a little behind - 15.4 cm. The Baltic states have something to be proud of: Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians have an average size of 16 cm.

Men South-East Asia they are the owners of the smallest penises: the Chinese have it 11 cm, the Thais and Indians have 10 cm each, and finally, the Koreans have the smallest manhood - 9.8 cm.

In addition, scientists calculated the average size of a man's penis - 13.1 cm. This figure was derived from the calculation of the entire male population on the planet.

Myths about manhood

As for the myths that some women believe, the situation is not so clear-cut. Almost all myths about manhood have been scientifically dispelled. We will discuss only the most famous of them.

Shoe size

Many argue that the size of the “pepper” directly depends on the size of a man’s legs. They say that you can estimate the size of any person’s feet.

Some adherents of this theory even have formulas: the length of the foot is subjected to arithmetic operations, the result of which is supposedly the maximum Exact size manhood. However, studies have proven that there is almost no connection between the size of the foot and the penis.

Distance between thumb and index finger

Another myth says that the size of the penis is equal to the distance between the tips of the large and index finger arms that are spread out so that the hand forms the letter L.

This method of determining size was invented by a famous sexologist, and it is quite accurate. It is not known how seriously that sexologist took his “discovery,” but research has dispelled this myth. In fact, the distance between the fingers of most men does not differ much, and it is approximately equal to the normal size male organ.


Surely many people compare a person’s height and the size of his penis, believing that lanky guys have an impressive device. As with shoe size, this is nothing more than another myth. Research has shown that tall men have the dignity of medium size.

The average size of a man's penis is just numbers in a table that do not reflect a man's sexual abilities at all. Despite this, many representatives of the stronger half of humanity attach too much importance to them. Insufficient dignity, in their opinion, can become the cause of many complexes and low self-esteem.

What is meant by penis size?

To most adequately assess the parameters of the male genital organ, its length and girth. Some data include figures established in the process of measuring penises in a calm state (the average value ranges from 7 to 9 cm), but the bulk of surveys and studies are devoted to determining the average size of the penis in an erect state.

The length of the penis is measured from its base to the top of the head. The width is taken as the average of three measurements: the girth of the trunk immediately near the head, in the middle and near the base. To obtain a more accurate result, measurements are taken several times per different time days.

Dependence of dignity size on age

The average for newly born boys is only 2.5-3 cm. The growth and formation of the external genitalia completely ends at the age of 17-18 years. By this time, the penis reaches its maximum length and width and remains virtually unchanged until old age. The enlargement of the organ occurs unevenly in different age periods, and for different people.

Thus, until the age of five, there are practically no changes in parameters; before the onset of puberty, slight growth of the penis is noted, but from 10-12 years the most intensive period of development begins. The average length of a French penis, according to research results, is:

By the age of 17-18, the formation of the penis ends and its length may slightly decrease to 16 cm.

With age, coverage also increases. At the age of 12, the thickness of the penis is on average 7.6 cm; by the age of 14, this parameter increases to 10.3 cm, and by the age of 16, the average circumference of the penis is 11 cm. In contrast to the length, the girth can increase even more by the age of 18-19 by 1-1.5 cm.

Average penis size by nationality

Many people know the statement that among representatives of certain nationalities, the average size of the male penis can be either much higher than the statistical average or lower than it. Is it so?

Numerous studies and surveys conducted by scientists different countries, confirm the fact that the parameters of the penis can be influenced by race and living conditions. Large sizes representatives of peoples living in warmer regions have different advantages climatic zones and eating spicy foods and a sufficient amount of meat. How colder climate and the lower the content of seasonings and meat in the diet, the smaller the length and volume of the penis in men.

Representatives of the African continent lead the ranking. The average male size of the Congolese is almost 18 cm, in Ghana - 17.5 cm. Enough high performance and in countries Latin America: Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela (from 17.7 to 17.3 cm). Among Europeans, the leading positions are occupied by the Hungarians, whose average male size was 16.1 cm, the French with 16 cm of average length, and the Czechs with 15.9 cm.

In the post-Soviet space, first place goes to Georgians (15.6 cm), followed by Belarusians (14.6 cm), Ukrainians (14 cm), Estonians (13.8 cm) and Russians (13.2 cm) due to their mixture with Asian peoples.

As for the thickness of the penis, here you can also notice a certain dependence of the parameter value on nationality. The leaders are again African men. The first place is occupied by residents of Cameroon (average circumference is 15.6 cm), followed by representatives of Benin (15.5 cm), and third place by Ecuadorians (15.3 cm). As in the previous ranking, the middle of the table is occupied by Europeans, and Asians are in last place on the list.

Distribution by denomination size: golden ratio

As you can see, the concept of “average penis size in men” has very vague meanings and can depend on many factors. However, based on the results of many studies, a general table was compiled that contains the percentage of the average length of the male genital organ.


Percentage of men
Less than 10.1 cm 1,9%
10.1 – 11.4 cm 2,8%
11.4 – 12.7 cm 6,4%
12.7 – 13.9 cm 10,4%
13.9 – 15.2 cm 13,7%
15.2 – 16.5 cm 20,5%
16.5 – 17.7 cm 15,2%
17.7 – 19 cm 10,5%
19 – 20.3 cm 7,0%
20.3 – 21.5 cm 6,1%
21.5 – 22.8 cm 3,4%
22.8 cm or more 2,1%

The survey involved 3,000 men aged 18 to 55 years. As you can see, the average male size (table below) ranges from 13.9 cm to 17.6 cm and is approximately 15.75 cm. As for the girth, the middle is considered to be a value that is in the range of 12-13 cm.

Experts believe that one of the characteristics of men is the tendency to evaluate themselves not from the point of view of objectivity, but in comparison with other representatives of the stronger sex. Not knowing big picture, many consider themselves deprived of nature. In most cases, this opinion is erroneous and unfounded.

Discussions are still ongoing about what the normal size of a penis should be. Some people believe that the male genital organ should be as large as possible in order to delight and surprise any woman, while others are sure that even a few centimeters will be enough for quality intimate relationships. Who is right?

What is the standard penis size according to experts?

Disagreements on the issue of what is the most normal penis size exist even among sex therapists, urologists and other specialists. However, by taking measurements of the actual length and thickness of the penis in large groups of men, results have been obtained that allow us to judge what is the most common normal penis length.

Thus, during a survey of 1660 male volunteers, it was found that the length is 14.2 cm. This is the length of the penis in an erect state. If we take into account that the average depth of the female vagina is about 10 cm, then this length of the male organ is quite enough for high-quality sexual intercourse.

According to another large-scale study involving about 15 thousand representatives of the stronger sex from different countries, the result was even a little more modest: the length of the penis in a state of excitement was 13.12 cm on average, or 9.16 cm in normal conditions. So the answer to the question of what is the standard penis size may be a little different than some men thought.

What length of the penis can be considered acceptable?

Of course, the normal size of the penis may differ slightly from the average by less or less. big side. Therefore, experts have also determined what normal length of the penis is sufficient for full-fledged intimate relationships and what category this or that size can be classified into.

The results look like this:

  • micropenis - length of the penis during erection - up to 2 cm;
  • small penis - length less than 9.5 cm during erection;
  • a normal penis is longer than 9.5 cm in an erect state.

Thus, the answer to the question, what is the normal size of the penis, can be answered: more than 9.5 in length when erect.

If a man decides to independently measure the length of his penis, then this must be done correctly. The measurement must be taken along the dorsal surface, i.e. starting from the angle formed by the base of the penis and the anterior abdominal wall, and to the edge of the head. In this case, it is advisable to deflect the penis itself at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the body. It is better to use a flexible tape for measuring, which is usually used to measure clothing sizes, since with a regular ruler the number “0” is not located at the very edge.

What should be the normal diameter of a penis?

The diameter of the penis is even higher value to satisfy a woman, because the male genital organ, which is wider at the base, additionally stimulates the clitoris and the entrance to the vagina. As a result, a woman will have an orgasm faster without additional stimulation than in the case of a long but thin penis.

Experts say that the average diameter of the penis in a normal relaxed state is from 8.5 to 9 cm, and when erect - from 10 to 10.5 cm.

Penis circumference can also be measured at home using a flexible measuring tape. and is it worth worrying!

What to do if your penis is too small?

If the measurement result turns out to be disappointing, do not despair. You can always find a way out, and even more so in intimate relationships.

If the length of the penis is catastrophically small, then the most best option- consult a doctor. Perhaps a specialist will recommend conservative methods treatment, especially if the man is still quite young, or surgery.

You just shouldn’t try on your own through various mechanical manipulations. The male genital organ is not a muscle that can be trained with the help of various devices and tricks. If a man has excess weight, perhaps you should lose weight, then the penis will not “hide” under big belly and in skin folds. If the penis “falls short” of the desired size by only one or two centimeters, then it will be enough to diversify intimate life, choosing positions that best promote sufficient penetration or stimulate the woman's erogenous zones.

In other cases, using special drugs. So, if the male genital organ in an excited state does not reach the required size due to weak erection, Viagra Soft will correct the situation. Active ingredient The indicated drug is sildenafil, which promotes sufficient relaxation of smooth muscles male penis and increasing blood flow to it. As a result, the penis reaches maximum length and elasticity, which allows its owner to perform normal sexual intercourse. - is quite democratic, and the effect of using the product significantly exceeds all purchase costs.

Penon penis enlargement cream can also help men. When using this cream-gel, both the length and diameter of the penis visually increase. This amazing effect is achieved thanks to the presence of herbal extracts in the Penon product, which have a positive effect on blood circulation in the penis area. Such plants contain arginine, which improves blood flow, and a peptide that increases tissue elasticity.

Apply preferably twice a day to the surface of the penis; you can also rub it into the testicles and pubic area.

With regular or periodic use of the above means, the question of what the normal size of a penis should be for a man will no longer seem so relevant, because the quality of intimate relationships will become completely different. A man will be able to enjoy sex more and give pleasant emotions to his partner. If you do not limit yourself to the use of special drugs, but additionally work on yourself, increasing general level physical development By improving in all areas of activity, you can significantly improve the overall quality of life and enjoy all its manifestations.

Characteristics of the size of the penis, including its length and thickness in a calm state and in an erect state. The size of the penis is important for maintaining a normal sex life, as well as for a man’s sense of his own usefulness. The size of the penis, as a rule, does not affect urination function and reproductive abilities. At the same time, many men tend to underestimate the size of their reproductive organ and often resort to operations to increase the size of the penis without sufficient grounds. Men who are concerned about the size of the penis should consult an andrologist, psychologist, or sexologist.

General information

In an erect state, the size of the penis can normally range from 12 to 18 cm, with a thickness of 3-3.5 cm. In a calm state, the length of the penis varies from 7 to 10 cm. If in an erect state the length of the penis is less than 9.5 cm, then they talk about a small penis, and when the length of the penis is less than 8 cm - about a micropenis. Average penis sizes vary among representatives different races: Asians are the owners of the smallest penises; the largest are African Americans.

The first visible enlargement of the penis in boys is observed at the age of 12-13 years. Fast growth penis enlargement lasts mainly for 3 years, and by the end of puberty (17-18 years) the penis may enlarge, but not significantly. During andropause, the penis shrinks, which is associated with a decrease in the number of collagen and elastin fibers and a change in the configuration of collagen molecules in tissues.

Variability in penis size

Average penis sizes allow you to have a normal sex life. Thus, the size of the penis is less than normal, making the possibility of a full sexual life practically inaccessible, however, sizes that are much larger than normal make one doubt the possibility of full sexual intercourse. According to encyclopedic data, the length of the big penis is 30 cm, and its diameter reaches 15-18 cm.

At the same time, the size of the penis at rest is also variable and depends on the degree of filling with blood of the cavernous bodies, which are spongy tissue penetrated by a dense network of blood vessels. Blood vessels The corpora cavernosa react to any physical influence in the same way as other vessels of the body. That is, when the temperature drops environment, they narrow, which means the size of the penis decreases due to decreased blood flow. Approximately the same result is observed with the release of adrenaline into the blood or with sudden stress. That is, the size of the erect penis and its size at rest are in no way interrelated.

Although there is medical data on the average penis size for men of different nationalities, each man forms his own idea of ​​“normal penis size,” often based on false facts and personal negative experiences, which can cause depression.

How to measure the penis correctly

Measurements should be made at room temperature in conditions comfortable for a man. To obtain reliable information about the size of the penis in an erect state, it should be measured along the back (along its dorsal surface) - from the pubis to the end of the head. This method allows you to assess the functional length of the penis. If a man is overweight or has erectile dysfunction, this can negatively affect the functional length of the penis, often significantly reducing it.

And, regardless of the measurement data, some men, even with the normal length of their penis, would like to increase it by several centimeters. This is a subconscious desire for leadership. Since with a penis size above average, a man’s self-esteem and self-confidence increase significantly, which directly affects his social and personal life.

Normal penis size is an indicator general health man, his reproductive and endocrine system. Since if during puberty there is a deficiency of testosterone and its derivatives, then the growth of the external genitalia slows down or stops altogether. In adult life Such men are often diagnosed with infertility due to the cessation of the production of germ cells and various psychological problems.

Most peoples had phallic cults. Thus, in the images and sculptures of the ancient Hindus, men with hypertrophied penises predominated. On the island of Corsica there are phallic sculptures in the shape of a 20-25 cm penis, and most ancient Japanese fairy tales for adults are based on plots where exorbitantly large penises predominate.

To visually increase the size of the penis, in Europe during the Renaissance they resorted to false codpieces. The size of the penis is a man’s pride and an opportunity to assert himself. But most psychological disasters, divorces and others negative consequences occurs not because the penis is too small, but because of ignorance and ignorance in the field of sexual relations.

Since in Lately Interest in operations to increase the size of the penis has increased; many scientists have tried to find a mathematically determined relationship between its size in an erect and calm state. However, too a large number of The reasons and circumstances that determine the size of the penis in both conditions did not allow the use of mathematical calculations for prediction. The only observation was that what smaller size penis in a calm state, the more it increases in relation to its original size, but these data were not considered statistically reliable. It is possible to predict the greatest length of an erect penis only at the moment of maximum stretching.

That is, most men and some women attach importance to the size of the penis not from the point of view of functionality, but from the point of view of masculinity and dominance.

Surgical penis enlargement

Today, surgical medicine is called upon to solve both vital issues and issues to improve the quality of life of an individual. This happened after a change in the priorities of public morality towards humanization. Surgical andrology is designed to improve the quality of sexual life. For this purpose, numerous penile plastic surgeries are successfully performed.

Only 10% of penis enlargement operations are performed by andrologists according to indications, while the remaining operations are performed on men who initially have a normal penis size. The reason is dissatisfaction with the quality of sexual life on your part or on the part of your partner. Although it has long been established that a woman’s achievement of orgasm during coitus is influenced not by the length of the penis, but by the density of its compression by the vaginal muscles and the diameter of the penis. That is, in the absence of other indications and in the presence of a regular partner, sufficient girth density can be achieved through a simpler operation to reduce the volume of the vagina.

Conversations with a psychologist help us realize that today a man’s masculinity consists not only of the size of the penis, although phallic symbols have a long history and today continue to be promoted by the media. The only proven fact of the influence of penis size on sexual arousal is visual erogenous stimulation. The same thing happens with breast size in women, although in real life Most men and women prefer partners with average penis or breast sizes. But, in case surgery can really improve many aspects of a person’s life, then in the absence of contraindications it is carried out.

Almost every representative of the stronger sex was interested in what normal was equal to and compared it with their parameters. At one time there was a lot of discussion around this topic, but now it’s time to understand this issue and put an end to this topic.

Latest Research

Scientists from the French National Academy of Surgery recently decided to clarify and determine the normal size of the penis of the average man. Research results showed that average length the object of male pride at rest is 9-9.5 cm, and during erection it reaches from 12.8 to 14.5 cm. At the same time, the girth at rest averaged 8.5-9 cm, and in the erect state - 10- 10.5 cm.

Also, the academy experts came to the general opinion that penis enlargement is often unfounded. According to French surgeons, it is mainly men who insist on such intervention who believe that their parameters do not correspond to the anatomical norm. However, they often have a normal penis size. According to statistics, the number of such requests is more than 85% of the total number of people who applied for such services.

At the same time, the report notes that existing techniques Correction of penis size is very limited in effectiveness, and at the same time can lead to serious complications. For example, one of the most common ways surgical intervention- dissection of the suspensory ligament of the penis - can cause And an increase in size using fat implantation gives only a temporary and minor cosmetic effect. Regarding the use of silicone or other artificial fillers, experts believe that the method should be prohibited altogether.

The use of these methods can be justified only when there is congenital anomaly genital organ, or to eliminate the consequences oncological diseases and injuries. Experts believe that when a man with a normal penis size makes such a request, the doctor is obliged to politely and clearly explain the unfoundedness of such demands and notify about the possible consequences.

Curious facts

Women will be interested to know that a man’s sexuality can be assessed based on the shape of his ring finger. At least this is the statement made by Camille Ferdenzi, a sexologist working at the University of Geneva. And the popular publication “Men’s Health” in one of its articles reports that there are two types of penis. The first one has a smaller initial size, but during an erection it lengthens and expands more than the second one. In the latter, on the contrary, the size at rest is larger, but an erection does not lead to its increase too much. Thus, the difference in size in the excited state can be leveled out. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the normal size of the penis when it is in a non-erect state. According to statistics, 79% of men can be classified as the first type and only 21% as the second.

The well-known manufacturer of protective equipment LifeStyles conducted its research, according to which only 4% of men can boast a penis length equal to or greater than 17.78 cm. And the officially registered length of the longest object of male pride was 34.3 cm.