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At all times, cozy and comfortable hotels have been in great demand in our country. And today, hotels of various levels, star ratings and number of floors, as well as mini-hotels distinguished by traditional home comfort, are in great demand. Let's figure out how to open a hotel from scratch and achieve maximum success in this business. It would also be useful to have an extensive one, in which you can easily find a suitable model for yourself.

Creating your own mini-hotel

Small hotels where you can have a great dinner and spend the night at an affordable price are becoming more and more relevant. The fact is that not everyone can afford to stay in luxurious five- and even three-star hotels, so a cozy mini-hotel can be the best alternative option for them.

Among the main advantages of a mini-hotel as a business are low cash costs and ease of legal registration.

Moreover, budding entrepreneurs can set up a small, cozy hotel even in a private home.

Those wishing to open a mini-hotel should be aware of the modern requirements for this establishment. The number of seats can vary from ten to forty-five. In addition, the building should be equipped with the following premises:

  • sauna or bath;
  • pool;
  • billiard room.

This is the required minimum. If desired and if funds are available, other additional rooms can be equipped to make the guests’ stay more comfortable.

Business registration

To register a hotel business, you can choose one of two options:

  • individual entrepreneurship - if the hotel has one founder and owner;
  • limited liability company - if several partners manage the business.

Once the company is properly registered, it is necessary to register with the tax authorities. In this case the best option is a mixed taxation system, which includes:

  • a simplified system - for activities related to the rental of residential rooms;
  • unified tax on imputed income (UTII) - for organizing meals for hotel guests.

Choosing a room is one of the most important stages

Before opening a hotel, you need to choose the most suitable area for it. As practice shows, the best options are places of significant historical value, as well as those in which a modern business infrastructure is very well developed.

There are several conditions that are mandatory for the hotel:

  • if the city is large, there is a metro station nearby;
  • availability of taxi stops and public transport near the hotel building;
  • well-developed infrastructure of the selected area;
  • the safest possible location;
  • presence of a separate entrance with 24-hour security.

The premises for a future hotel can be built from scratch, purchased or rented. Each of these options has individual characteristics and benefits. And the choice depends solely on your preferences and financial capabilities. Most often, entrepreneurs purchase ready-made premises for arranging a hotel and carry out the necessary redevelopment in it.

How much will it cost to open?

Average amount starting capital required to open your own hotel is about fifteen million Russian rubles. This includes costs for:

Personnel and quality of services

If you are going to open a mini-hotel with a number of beds from ten to fifteen, the total number of staff can be seven employees. Of them:

  • two administrators who will work in shifts;
  • four maids;
  • director and owner of the mini-hotel rolled into one.

High quality of services and individual service are priorities in the work of the mini-hotel. Customers will be much more willing to stay at your establishment if it offers a truly home comfort, and the price level will be acceptable.

A hotel in a private home is a win-win option

Open a successful hostel - how to do it: Video

Not only serious and large investors think about how to organize a hotel business. Private entrepreneurs are also interested in this issue. It would seem that this niche has been occupied for a long time, and there is no place for newcomers in it.

However, this opinion is wrong. At the right approach and at minimal risks in a couple of years, you can not only recoup the costs, but also start receiving income, and a stable one at that. We will tell you how to organize a hotel business.

Hotel or still a hotel?

Today these concepts are considered synonymous. Of course, there is a lot in common. But there are also differences. The word “hotel” itself comes from the Russian “guest”. Simple houses were built for travelers passing through, where they could spend the night. The amenities there were minimal (only everything you needed).

The word “hotel” is interpreted similarly, only the origin here is no longer Russian, but Latin. The original “hospes” (guest) changed, thanks to the French, into the more harmonious “hotel” (hotel).

Actually, there are no significant differences in the dictionaries. However, it is believed that a hotel, unlike a hotel, is more comfortable and has an expanded range of services. However, these differences do not affect Russia. In the classification of hotels in the Russian Federation, the concept “hotel” is not used at all. However, GOST requires the presence of at least ten rooms in premises for temporary residence. The characteristics and completeness of services are reflected by the number of “stars” (minimum one, maximum five).


The opportunity to buy an already promoted business is not available to everyone. And the purchase of land along with construction will cost millions. In search of a way out, many will inevitably ask the question: “Is it possible to equip your own apartment as a hotel?”

Here, as in every coin (or, if you prefer, medal), there are two sides. It turns out that approximately half of the hotel business is made up of unofficial (unregistered and not properly registered) private mini-hotels. People are forced to go into the shadows due to bureaucratic problems that arise during legal registration.

The root of the “gray” scheme lies in the official rental of the apartment. The owner of the premises saves a certain sum on legal registration and thereby reduces taxation costs. That's a plus. Now about the minus. Responsibility to the tax authorities has not been canceled. Therefore, if fact(s) of tax evasion are revealed, you will have to answer.

And these are penalties (at a minimum). In addition, if you own a gray hotel, you will not be able to advertise. We are not talking about assigning “class” (“stardom”) at all. The client base, as a rule, consists of regular visitors or guests recommended by them.

The reason for the popularity of small hotels

So why, being in the shadows, is a small hotel so popular? Why do some entrepreneurs, even before organizing a hotel business, try to look for roundabout ways?

It turns out that the whole point is the imperfection of the law, according to which it is not prohibited to equip an apartment as a hotel. That is why law enforcement agencies are quite loyal to such businesses.

And judicial practice confirms this. As an example, consider the claim of a citizen who demanded compensation for damage caused by severe flooding of her apartment.

The culprit was the owner of the “apartment-hotel”. At the same time, a complaint was filed with the prosecutor's office. It would seem that illegal activity has been proven. However, after the hotel owner compensated for the damage, the proceedings were immediately stopped. The complaint sent to the prosecutor’s office was not satisfied, since “a commercial rental agreement was concluded” and “there were no violations of the law.”

What kind of apartment can become a mini-hotel?

Here it is worth turning to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. According to the letter of the Law, an apartment that is planned to be equipped as a hotel should be located only on the first floor (or on the second, if there are non-residential premises underneath). A separate entrance is required.

It is worth remembering the requirements established for mini-hotels, enshrined in the SNP and GOSTs, in particular GOST 51185-98. As you understand, there are many pitfalls. That is why there are so many mini-hotels that appear in advertisements as “apartments for daily rent”, nothing more. Some people will be quite happy with this option. But legalization will provide more advantages, including the opportunity to openly advertise services and attract attention large quantity potential clients.


Based on the above, we conclude: it is better to have a transparent business, the hotel must be officially registered! Where to begin? Let's say you have a room that meets all GOST requirements. Now you need to think about redevelopment, transfer to non-residential premises, and the need to register an individual entrepreneur. Explanation of these concepts and detailed description further actions we provide below.


Among the first issues that will have to be faced will be redevelopment with official registration. The apartment will have to be transferred to non-residential use. They will require approval for changes to the façade, reconstruction of premises, and installation of separate entrances.

It will be possible to obtain permission to carry out work if you have a package of documents, including a copy of floor plans (issued by the BTI), property documents, permission to make changes (copies). Redevelopment can only be carried out by those companies that can guarantee the approval of absolutely all work. They will subsequently make changes to the plan and sign the act.

What will be required to convert residential premises into non-residential ones? Here you need to rely on the guidance of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The list of documents that will be needed in the local administration department is as follows: house plan (floor-by-floor), redevelopment project, title documents and the application itself. The procedure can be divided into stages:

  • decision of the interdepartmental commission;
  • determining the cost of transferring premises to non-residential stock;
  • registration of property rights (issued by Companies House).

Sublease business

On the one hand, this option deserves attention. And at the same time, a sublease transaction is a risk of putting the property into the hands of a person who is not bound by any obligations with the lessor. How to organize a hotel business and not get into trouble? You can get around the pitfalls. First, you need to conclude the contract correctly. Here it is worth worrying about an additional agreement, the purpose of which is to mark (fix) the sublease agreement and stipulate additional important conditions. Of course, it is difficult to foresee all the nuances.

If they really want to, both the subtenant and the landlord can find a loophole that could harm the company. Therefore, indicate in the contract, in addition to the name of the subtenant, the specific terms of the relationship (the building is rented in full or only part of it; sublease or re-rent), the purpose (hotel, inn) and clear deadlines. The presence of the last item allows you to cancel, if necessary, all actions performed outside the allotted time.

Be sure to specify financial issue, relating to improvements (for example, repairs, landscaping of adjacent areas, etc.) of the leased property. Decide who will pay for the work - the actual subtenant or the lessor.

Hotel taxation

According to Art. 381 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, tax rates in this case cannot exceed 2.3% (for the calendar year). The calculation procedure does not depend on the will of the payers. Delaying state registration of rights will be considered deliberate tax evasion. Accrual is made from the date of commencement of operation of the facility.

Is it possible to organize a hotel in an apartment? More and more people are interested in this question. Demand for affordable housing is growing. Domestic tourism in Russia is developing. Because this problem interests many. How to make a mini-hotel out of an apartment without incurring endless checks and the anger of neighbors? Read detailed instructions for beginners in this article.

Hotel business in last years undergoes great qualitative changes. Lawmakers say the bills they passed will not negatively impact small businesses. At the same time, representatives of this very hotel business comment on their initiatives in the harshest way.

In 2016, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a law in the first reading that limits the possibility of turning an apartment into a hotel. Their actions (according to them) were dictated by the presence of a large number of complaints from residential property owners. Entrepreneurs say that in this way the state is trying to control entrepreneurs and increase tax revenues to the treasury.

Today, in order to open a mini-hotel in your own apartment, you need to convert the residential premises into non-residential ones. You can make commercial property located on the ground floor of an apartment building, or if there is non-residential premises under the apartment. If your home meets these requirements, then you are luckier than others. However, experts predict an increase in the number of enterprises that do not meet these requirements in the shadow economy.

Let us consider the requirements for mini-hotels at home in detail. As we wrote above, it is necessary to transfer the premises to commercial real estate. What happens if you ignore this rule? Firstly, any complaint from neighbors will lead to big troubles. Secondly, problems with the tax office are very likely: fines are unlikely to be avoided. Thirdly, advertising an “underground” hotel is very dangerous. And it is completely impossible to obtain permission for advertising.

In addition to the fact that the apartment must be located on the ground floor, it must have a separate entrance. It is expected that the entrance through the entrance of the house will create inconvenience for residents. In addition, it should be understood that guests staying for several days in a mini-hotel must have access to it around the clock. Most entrances are equipped with intercoms, making calls that will become an inconvenience for both the owner and guests and neighbors.

The next stage is paperwork. For the business in question, opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC is suitable. In this case, it is necessary to choose a taxation system. A simplified system would be advisable. In any case, you will need an accountant to prepare financial statements. His consultation should be obtained at the starting stage.

When developing a design project for a future mini-hotel, it is necessary to build on conditions that can provide comfort not only to guests, but also to neighboring apartments. Therefore, you need to provide a lot of conditions:

  1. Soundproofing. In average apartments this parameter is very bad. Modern soundproofing materials, which not only do their job well, but also do not “eat up” the area, will help solve this problem. Remember that the primary desire of guests is to get enough sleep. If you make excellent sound insulation, most problems with neighbors can be avoided.
  2. Good ventilation. Accommodation of several guests in a small area means thinking through an excellent air exchange and air conditioning system. This is relevant not only in the summer, because in winter, as a rule, windows and vents are closed.
  3. You need to think about a place to store things. Guests' luggage requires special attention. Tourists will need a place to store money, personal belongings and documents that they do not want to carry with them. Places must be locked.
  4. Kitchen. Modern requirements do not oblige owners to have a kitchen in mini-hotels if there is a dining room or cafe nearby. But you need to provide a place for making basic coffee, tea or instant breakfasts. The more you offer your guests, the more clients you can attract.
  5. Internet. Today, high-quality Wi-Fi is required not only by young travelers. Its power should be enough for simultaneous use by all guests.
  6. Location of beds. These requirements are prescribed by the standards: a single bed must be at least 0.9 by 1.8 m. The distance between the beds is at least half a meter.
  7. Square. According to the laws, there must be at least 5 square meters of space per guest.
  8. Rest zone. In addition to having sleeping places, you need to arrange at least a modest place to relax. There can be sofas, armchairs, bedside tables, and a TV. In addition, it is advisable to provide minimal entertainment: magazines, board games.
  9. Devices. Renting a laptop, iron, washing machine, etc. can bring significant additional income. Here you are the owner, and you can decide whether to provide these services for free or for an additional fee.
  10. Bathroom. In addition to the constant observance of cleanliness in them, there are requirements set forth by SES standards: at least one toilet for 12 guests; one sink for 6 people; one shower for 15 guests. So, if you plan to accommodate 15 people, you will need at least 2 toilets, 3 sinks and 1 shower.

In addition to the above, you will definitely need to decide how to wash and iron your linen and towels. Will it be an agreement with a third-party organization, or do you want to do it yourself, or with the help of a maid.

To begin with, it is worth noting that you most likely will not be able to make all the calculations as accurately as possible, arrange recreation areas and bathrooms with convenience and the ability to save space on your own. A professional room designer will not require much payment for this work, and the solutions he finds can accommodate larger number beds

When it comes to choosing furniture, it is important to understand that the load on it will be enormous. Therefore, wear resistance is a fundamental factor, otherwise in a couple of years you will have to reupholster sofas, change the upholstery of chairs and repair tables with beds. Budget furniture options will reduce the initial budget, but in the end they will hit your pocket hard when they soon become worn out. Focus on manufacturers who conduct product quality tests. Self-respecting factories even indicate what minimum service life the furniture is designed for.

We provide individual cabinets or shelves. There are not enough beds for complete comfort of the guest. He needs somewhere to put his phone, bag, and other small things. Each guest should have a personal shelf by the bed, or better yet, it should be a cabinet with a lock (in the case of separate rooms for one guest, a door that can be locked with a key).

Mattresses, pillows, bed sheets. Today, furniture hypermarkets offer a lot of options for choosing the necessary things. So, a pillow can be bought at a price of 150 rubles. I must say that this is a good choice, because they will have to be changed more often than other things. Mattresses are a much more expensive purchase. To preserve their original appearance, it is recommended to use mattress covers that can be removed and washed or replaced.

We advertise a mini hotel

According to statistics, two thirds of tourists book accommodation online. If you want to keep up with the times and not lose the lion's share of customers, you will have to take this factor into account. It is advisable to provide for the costs of creating your website and promoting it on the Internet.

You also need to place information about your point on booking sites. Placing in their databases is usually free if you meet a number of requirements (read on each site separately). It is better to apply a couple of months before the opening. But for the received guest you will have to pay a commission, which can be up to 20%. The more popular the resource, the higher its commission. The most famous sites are,,, etc.

Hotel business in Lately is becoming more and more in demand. With the development of tourism, the demand for hotels is growing rapidly, especially in large cities. Organization of this business quite expensive. Although this largely depends on the format of the establishment itself and the region in which it will be opened. Main question for the hotel business and how to succeed in this business?

Business plan

A successful business always starts with planning. must contain all the main stages of opening a future enterprise. First of all, when planning any business, you should conduct a market analysis, identify customer demand, competitors’ pricing policies and competitiveness. Compose marketing analysis maybe a marketing specialist for a fee.

Next, the hotel business plan must contain a description of the project itself, that is, its goals and objectives, products and services. Here you need to decide on the format of the institution, target audience, location, personnel and equipment.

Finally, you should make calculations and indicate the amount of starting capital. In some cases personal funds is not enough to open a business, which means that sources of financing should be carefully considered.

In fact, there are no clear requirements for a business plan, and the entrepreneur draws it up exclusively for himself. In order to further act in accordance with the intended goals. So, where to start a hotel business? Of course, from planning, and below are tips and tricks for beginners.

Hotel format

If we talk about where to start a hotel business, then it makes more sense to start with a small format. This will help you evaluate your capabilities. If the hotel is in demand, then investments in short term will pay off, and you can think about expanding and developing your business.

Which hotel format to choose:

  • Hostel for 7 or 10 rooms.
  • Hotel with up to 25 rooms.
  • Small hotel with up to 50 rooms.

In addition, you should decide on the services and pricing policy of the future hotel. In many ways, you need to act based on customer demand. In some cities, most of the guests are students, for example, in this case it is more advisable to open an economy class hotel. In resort towns, comfortable, spacious rooms at an average price will be in demand. In large cities and regional centers Business class hotels are in demand.

Search for premises

This key moment hotel business, because the number of guests directly depends on it. The choice of premises should depend on many factors, for example, in large cities and regional centers it is more advisable to open a hotel in the center or near historical attractions. In resort towns, housing is more expensive and in greater demand near recreation areas. By the way, tourism and hotel business are two interrelated concepts. In locality, where there is always a large flow of guests, having a hotel is profitable and economically feasible, while its format is not particularly important.

It’s worth noting right away that renting a room is unprofitable. If the agreement involves renting a building with a subsequent purchase, then you can still think about it. But the most ideal option is to build a building from scratch according to an individual project, but this is a long process that will take more than one year. Or you can buy a ready-made premises with an area of ​​at least 300 square meters. m, and carry out reconstruction in it.


Each hotel business enterprise, regardless of price and location, attracts the attention of guests primarily with the design of the rooms and the building itself. If the hotel is aimed at guests with limited budget, then perhaps the rooms will be less functional and comfortable, but the furniture and interior items must be new.

The style in the interior does not matter much. The most important thing is that all interior items and furniture are harmoniously combined with each other and create a single composition. Most popular styles for hotel rooms- this is classical, minimalism, neoclassical. It is equally important that the furniture and appliances are new and different. high quality. In general, the premises must comply with sanitary and fire standards.


The first and most important thing for a hotel is cleanliness and safety. Each organizer is obliged to provide their guests with daily cleaning, clean bed linen and towels. And this does not depend on the price of accommodation. More expensive hotels offer guests breakfast, internet, cable TV or other services. The hotel must have a laundry service or an agreement to provide services to a third party.

No less important point, which in mandatory What the hotel business requires is the safety of guests. It is necessary to conclude an agreement with security company, install a fire alarm system, an evacuation plan. It is also advisable to have convenient parking.


Hotel business management should be entrusted to a professional who can rationally use material, information and labor resources. If you have no experience in this area, it is better to hire an experienced manager and several administrators.

In many ways, the number of full-time employees depends on the scale of the hotel; if it is small, then the administrator, for example, can also handle reservations, and the maid can work part-time in the laundry.

Financial plan

After the main issues have been resolved, the costs of organizing the enterprise should be calculated. Even a small hotel will cost at least 15 million rubles (this is in a small town). In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the cost can reach 200 million rubles.

Where to start a hotel business is by allocating the budget for organizing the enterprise. Finances should be calculated according to the following scheme:

  • 50% of the total budget will be spent on the construction or purchase of a building;
  • 25% - for reconstruction and redevelopment of the premises;
  • 15% - for repairs, purchase of furniture and equipment;
  • 10% - for other expenses and wages personnel.

When planning a hotel business, you need to take into account that it will pay off only in 5-12 years. And revenue depends on many factors, such as competition and seasonality.

Despite the fact that the hotel business is a fairly expensive undertaking, recently there are only more hotels. Which suggests that being the owner of your own hotel is profitable and promising. However, success depends on the level of guest service and prices for services. By the way, don’t forget about other events to attract an audience.

The tourism industry is currently one of the most promising in Russia. Since the beginning of the 2000s, the number of people traveling around the world and domestically has been growing at an unprecedented pace. And even the economic crisis in the country only affected travel to other countries, while domestic tourism is only gaining momentum. Therefore, investing in the hotel business today is a thought that excites the minds of entrepreneurs and people who want to join their number. In this article we will talk about how to open a hotel from scratch what is needed for this and how to avoid common mistakes.

How to open a hotel from scratch - budget

Before you start thinking about how to open a hotel business from scratch, you need to assess the amount of feasible investment. It doesn't matter whether you focus on own funds, or are going to take out a loan from a bank, you need to know the size of the budget as accurately as possible. As “experienced” people note, with a competent approach, a hotel can begin to pay for itself within a couple of years - and this is a very attractive indicator.

Of course, the amount of investment depends on many factors, ranging from the city in which it is planned to open a hotel from scratch, and ending with the price list for rooms. But there are also some average figures that you can rely on one way or another when drawing up a business plan. A hotel with 20-30 rooms will require, according to rough estimates, from 5 million rubles.

How to open a hotel business from scratch - where to start

  • Base legal entity. First you need to decide on the choice of organizational and legal form. If you are planning to open a hotel with up to 50 rooms, registering as an individual entrepreneur will be sufficient. To open a large hotel business, LLC preference is given.
  • Taxes. At the initial stage, hotel owners choose a simplified taxation system or a single tax form (it is calculated based on the area of ​​the premises). In any case, consultation with an accountant is required, with whom it is necessary to evaluate the individually compiled ready business plan. Based on the planned profit, the form of tax calculation is selected.
  • Permitting documentation. The hotel business in the Russian Federation is not subject to mandatory certification. However, there are a number of related services that require licensing. For example, if you plan to sell alcoholic beverages, you need a special license. The same applies to dry cleaning, hairdressing services, etc. Receiving them is not extremely challenging task, but be sure to research the business requirements before making a financial plan.

What documents are needed to open a hotel business?

You can develop your own hotel concept, which will provide exclusive services, or open a mini-hotel with standard services. The composition of the title documents will be approximately the same:

  • Documents for the premises, land plot, indicating the right to dispose of them (lease agreement or certificate of ownership).
  • Certificate of registration of legal entity. persons and registration with the tax authorities.
  • Licenses for a number of services (sale of alcoholic beverages, dry cleaning, etc.)
  • Permitting documentation confirming compliance with the prescribed standards, agreed with the fire inspectorate, SES, etc.
  • Certificate of "stardom". This document is not mandatory, but if you want to open a mini-hotel or a large hotel with stars (from 1 to 5) on the facade, you can go through this procedure. Today, most tourists focus on the number of stars, so it is advisable to obtain a certificate of conformity.
  • Permission to place advertisements. Even to place banners on your own fence, you are required by law to obtain permission. On average, 1 banner requires, in addition to a package of documents, a state duty of 5 thousand rubles. (the figure is current for 2016).
  • A number of internal documents, such as a cleaning schedule, registration of cash registers, etc.
  • Documentation confirming the conclusion of contracts with third-party organizations organizing waste removal, security measures, disinfection, etc.

To summarize the above: to open your hotel from scratch, you need an impressive package of documents, the receipt of which for an unprepared person can take a long time. long months. According to the experience of hoteliers, having a competent lawyer on staff, who should begin work long before opening a business, is necessary.