Healthy lifestyle plan. Work plan for creating a healthy lifestyle. Combining aerobics with cycling, swimming or walking


A healthy lifestyle today is the requirement of the time. The problem of developing a healthy lifestyle is one of the most pressing in library services to the population, especially young people. Being healthy has become fashionable and prestigious. The library’s work in this direction includes events that actively promote a healthy lifestyle, promote the organization of leisure time for young people, attract them to reading, introduce interesting people and their hobbies.

Chaltyrskoe settlement:

- "Just say no" -
(for International Day
fight against drug addiction),
- “Travelling on the roads
health" - (to the World
health day),
- "Book in service"
- “What you need to know about

- "Encyclopedia of vitamins"
"Activity is the way to
longevity" (on the Day

hour of information


an hour of useful

book exhibition





- "Safety School"
- “In an athletic body -
healthy mind"
- “On the road to goodness”
- “Addictions that carry away

- "Vitamin Country"
- "The All-Seeing Eye of Man"
- “Visiting hygiene and

book exhibition
a game
book exhibition




- "Sport +"
- “Self-destruction of man”

rec. conversation
book exhibition


No. 13 Abovyan

- "Health is our friend"
- " Healthy lifestyle -
the path to longevity"
- “Help yourself survive!”
- " Sport - is life,
this is joy, health"


book exhibition,




Bolshesalsky settlement:
- "For a life without tobacco"
(for World Day of Struggle
with smoking. Gaming
library no. 5,
2011 p. 26.),
- “Drug addiction is a sign of trouble”






Kalinin settlement:
- "To health with a book"
(medical literature),
- “Addictions that carry away
life" (for 3-4th grade students),
- “I take care of my health -
I'll help myself"

book exhibition

Krasnokrymskoe settlement:
- « About a healthy image
life" (to the World
Health Day),
- “Dad, mom, me -
healthy family",
- "The road leading to
- " Life is Beautiful -
don't ruin her"
(for World Day
fight against AIDS)

book exhibition

book exhibition



- "Your favorite sport"
- “Alcoholism, smoking,
drug addiction - how to stop
This is madness?"
book exhibition
health lesson
- "Make a Choice"
(To world day against
- “Don’t let yourself be deceived”
(for International Day
fight against drug addiction)

health lesson


- “No to drugs!”
(for International Day
fight against drug addiction),
- “Chocolate or cigarette”
- “No Tobacco Day”
(for World Day
no tobacco)

open viewing

open viewing

Crimean settlement:
- "Don't step into hell"
(about the dangers of drug addiction),
- “Take care of your health from a young age”
- “We are beautiful and strong”
(healthy lifestyle),
- “Health comes first”

health lesson

book exhibition
health hour,
v.- view




Nedvigovskoe settlement:
- "Let it always be
tomorrow" (literature about
drug addiction, smoking),
- "Law and Drugs"
(for grades 8-11),
- “In a certain kingdom -
sports state"

v.- view

legal day
book exhibition



- « Drugs: knowledge versus
Mirages" (for grades 9-11),
- “Today be healthy -
fashionable and prestigious!”
(for Health Day),
- “Healing plants
around us"
- “We choose life without
tobacco smoke" (for
5-9 grades),
- "An Ominous Shadow Over the World"
(about AIDS, for grades 7-11)

open viewing

book exhibition







- "Be healthy, strong,
- “Health is a priceless gift”
book exhibition
book exhibition


Petrovskoe settlement:
- « Take care of your health
from a young age"
(for World Day
- “Addiction that carries away
life" (to the World
anti-smoking day)
- “Drugs are the ticket
one way"
(for World Day
fight against drug addiction)

book exhibition


- "The name of trouble is Drugs"
- “Delicious” book – food
for spirit, mind and joy",
- “Sports Kaleidoscope”
- "Encyclopedia of Sports"

book exhibition

book exhibition







All-Russian open lesson

“Healthy children - in a healthy family”


Quiz “The ABC of Health”


Health lessons “We want it to become fashionable to be healthy and free!”



Health Day “Journey to the world of nature.”



Interactive game “Learning to be healthy body and soul"


Publishing leaflets on personal prevention measures for ARVI and influenza.



Conversations with parents about the need for vaccination against influenza, personal and public prevention measures, the need to timely apply for medical care and the dangers of self-medication for their children.


City sports and fitness competition “Dad, Mom, Me – a Sports Family”


Thematic period

"We are for a healthy lifestyle"



All-Russian campaign “We choose sport as an alternative bad habits»


Health and safety lessons. “If you are in danger!”



Conducting raids " School uniform must be in "shape"

during a year

Health and safety lessons. Cool watch“Pyrotechnics - from fun to disaster!”


Volleyball and Pioneerball competitions for the prize of Santa Claus.



Month of defense and sports work “The sacred duty is to defend the Fatherland” (according to a separate plan)



World Health Day.

KTD “School is a territory of health”

(according to a separate plan).

Unified health lessons.



Lessons on law, health and safety “Be healthy - serve your homeland!”



Parents' meeting "The role of parents in the prevention of crime and the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children."


Hiking and excursions« Summer is a plus."


May June


carrying out preventive surgery "Health"

in MOBU secondary school No. 8 from 10.10 to 10.11.2013.




Cool watch “Drugs: between life and death”

8 - 11

Class teachers

Dance breaks “Do as we do, do with us, do better than us!”

5 -11

Deputy Director of VR

Physical education teachers

Exhibition. Rainbow of Joy with “health butterflies”


Class teachers

Speech by the propaganda team

"Health Lessons from Uncle Knowing School"

1 – 4

Class teachers

Competition program “It’s great to be healthy!”

5 - 7

Class teachers

Targeted excursions to the forest “Health from nature itself”

1 -11

Class teachers

Promotion “Healthy lifestyle is fashionable!” Electronic presentation competition

7- 11

Class teachers

Design of the “Healthy Lifestyle” stand

Responsible for the Health program

Book exhibition “It’s great to be healthy!”



holding sports competitions as part of the promotion

“Sport is an alternative to bad habits!”




From school records to Olympic heights



Fun starts



Pioneerball tournament

5th, 6th


Presidential competition



Sports all-around (individual championship)

4th, 5th, 6th


Sports relay race



Heroic fun



Fun starts “We are Olympians”



Darts competition “The most accurate”



Mini-football tournament

5th, 6th


Basketball tournament



Fun relay race



Obstacle course "Home"



School-wide exercise




on holding the school stage of the All-Russian action

“Sport is an alternative to bad habits”

IN MOBU secondary school No. 8

During the period from 01.11 to 30.11. In 2013, as part of the “Sport - an alternative to addictions” campaign, the school held 12 sports competitions between students in grades 1-11, in which 467 people took part. A friendly meeting was held between the boys' volleyball teams of school No. 2 and school No. 8. Our team became the winner of this game.

Results of the competition.

Team competitions.

“Fun Relay Race” 1st grades: 1st place 1st grade

“We are Olympians” 3rd grade: 1st place 3a grade

“Fun Starts” 4th grade: 1st place – 4b grade.

“Sports relay” 2nd grade: 1st place – 2a grade

Pioneerball tournament for grades 5-6. Boys: 1st place - 5a grade;

girls: 1st place – 6b grade.

Basketball competitions between 6th grades: 1st place – 6b grade.

“From school records to Olympic heights” 7th grade: 1st place – 7b grade.

“Presidential competition” 8-9th grades: 1st place – 8th grade.

Personal results.

Darts competition between 4th grade students: 1st place - Danil Svishchev (4a grade), 2nd place - Denis Savitsky (4a grade), 3rd place - Alina Gavrilova (4b grade).

Presidential competition. Boys: 1st place Dima Kazakov (9a grade), 2nd place Pasha Gerasimov (9b grade), 3rd place - Vladimir Obrazhey (8th grade).

Girls: 1st place Kristina Lugovskaya (96th grade), 2nd place - Nastya Gryaznova (8th grade), 3rd place - Nastya Nosatova (8th grade).

Pioneerball tournament with volleyball elements - the best player Irina Usenko (7a grade).

In a friendly meeting between the volleyball teams of schools No. 2 and No. 8, Alexey Ulyanov (10th grade) was recognized as the best player.

“Heroic fun” between boys of 10-11 grades: 1st place - Evgeniy Kolchenko (11th grade), 2nd place - Alexander Ermolaev (11th grade), 3rd place - Vitaly Kushnarenko (11th grade).

A friendly meeting was held between the boys' volleyball teams of school No. 2 and school No. 8. Our team became the winner of this game.

According to established tradition, exercises took place on November 27, in which not only students, but also teachers took part.

As part of the campaign, 21 Olympic lessons were held. The lecture group held 16 conversations with presentations “History olympic games", 11 quizzes "Olympic records", in which 175 children took part. The winners of the quiz were students 1a, 2b.

All classes took an active part in creative competitions. The school organized an exhibition of student works. The winners of the school stage were:

  • competition of literary works: Petr Dobrev (1a), Iuliania Bogolyub (4a), Kristina Roshchina (4a), Kristina Osipova (4b), Elena Timoshenko (9b).
  • drawing competition: Ulyana Bychkovskaya (1a), Vitalina Shorokhova (1b), Stepan Parfenov (1b), Sofia Dyabdenko (1b), Roman Railyan (4b), Ruslan Efremenko (4a), Kristina Osipova (4b), Saveliy Shvets (4a) .
  • booklet competition: Antonina Kolesnikova (3c), Juliania Bogolyub (4a), Anastasia Nosatova (8).
  • leaflet competition: Alexey Shurshikov (4a), group work of class 2a.
  • poster competition: Irina Golovina, Tatyana Ochkalova (9a).

The winning works of the school stage were sent to participate in the municipal competition.

Pupils of the 3rd grade performed in front of the children primary school with the “Healthy People” propaganda team, urging everyone to play sports and follow the school routine.

The 8th grade volunteer team “Throw” held a number of events as part of the campaign: a performance by the propaganda team “Again and again we will tell the people: “Addiction can steal freedom!”; distribution of leaflets “Only healthy habits”, survey “Your attitude towards drugs”.

Sent to the city competition research Nosatova Anastasia “NO to bad habits! Let’s say YES to sports!”

In the school library there is an exhibition of literature under the motto “Being healthy is fashionable.”

In the school’s recreation area there is a stand “Health as a Lifestyle.”

All information about the events held as part of the “Sports – an alternative to addictions” campaign is posted on the school website, and the “Faster, Higher, Stronger” stand.


Game program "The smoker is his own gravedigger"


Campaign “Tell me where they sell death”


Release of booklets “Vacations – the territory of health”


Week “Only healthy habits”


Interactive event “Healthy healthy person a country"


Promotion “Week of Kindness”


Campaign "Forward, rescuers!" - cleaning the area around the school


Promotion “Summer is a time for finds, not losses!”


Participation in city events healthy image life.

during a year

I present to your attention the basics of a healthy lifestyle or good habits. When we hear the expression “healthy lifestyle,” we mentally imagine completely different, but I’m sure, right things. Our whole life, our existence and happiness depend mainly on health. The transition from a habitual rhythm to a healthy one may seem difficult and unattainable, but it is not at all so. The most important thing is to want it and make every effort. After all, how much should a person be his own enemy in order not to strive for health?

Subconsciously, everyone wants to be healthy and beautiful. But beauty and health can only be preserved by those who consciously and wisely approach their lifestyle. While we are young, our body is able to withstand many harmful external factors. Taking advantage of this, many people take their health lightly, preferring to hold a cigarette in their hands and abuse alcoholic beverages.

But the years go by quickly. The older a person gets, the more his body’s defenses weaken. Over time, all the once excessively drunk alcohol and cigarettes will come out sideways with a bunch of diseases. Only maintaining a healthy lifestyle from a young age can protect against such cases.

1. Refusal bad habits.

This point should be the first. Try changing your perspective. Think that a bad habit is not only an addiction, but also a poison that takes over you. You poison not only yourself, but also people, children living next to you, or ordinary people you meet on the street. According to statistics, smoking kills about 5 million people every year! These are crazy numbers.

2. Proper, balanced, organized nutrition.

Remember the phrase - “You are what you eat.” Be interested in principles proper nutrition, consult with specialists. Pay attention to the Food Pyramid, developed by nutritionists. Its scheme is very simple - use everything that is at the base as often as possible, and use what converges towards the top less often or carefully. With food we get strength, energy, vitamins to maintain vital functions. But its excess is also fraught with bad consequences.

3. Active sports.

This does not mean that you need to spend your time exhausted in the gym from dusk to dawn. You just have to choose activities that you like and bring a lot of emotions and pleasure. Then visits will only be a joy. Since I took up fitness, my daily mood at any moment can be rated 5 plus! Neglect of sports leads to muscle atrophy, disruption of organ function, and decreased immunity.

4. Maintaining normal body weight.

Nothing complicated for those who follow steps 1, 2, 3. Much has already been said about excess weight, about severe consequences which it entails, about the disruption of body functions. But there is also a psychological side - excess weight irritates a person, depresses the mood, leads to isolation, complexes, and limitations. It is especially sad if obesity started in childhood.

A very important point in the basics of a healthy lifestyle. Only correct and good rest will help you relax and gain strength. Organize your day, but don’t forget to set aside the required 8 hours for sleep. He who works well rests well. A person who does not get enough sleep has poor performance, decreased brain activity. This all affects the quality of the day, as well as life in general.

Learn to cope not only with your habits, but also to use them rationally. external factors(sun, air, water) to maintain the health of body and soul.

7. Psychological balance.

Turmoil, stress, disappointment - all this undermines our psychological health. As a result, we sleep poorly, eat poorly, and don’t exercise. Day after day, we still cannot escape our problems. It is important to learn to take care of yourself and your health. Remember how often any trouble later seems like a mere trifle to you? Support yourself with the thought that you are strong modern man. And if necessary, turn to your loved ones for help. Anyway .

8. Personal hygiene.

Since childhood, we have been accustomed to this: wake up, wash your face, brush your teeth; before eating, after playing - wash your hands; Before going to bed, take a bath and brush your teeth. These simple rules should never be neglected. Throughout the day we touch a lot of objects that can be infested with germs: money, handrails, elevator buttons, door handles, telephone. We take food with dirty hands, touch our face...

  • Add variety to your everyday day. Find a hobby that gives you a lot positive emotions. This way, you will fill your day with work and be able to find yourself in a new business.
  • Identify an authority for yourself and try to keep up with it as you move forward.
  • Start studying useful literature. You can start from the excellent book by Stephen Covey, coordinate your actions with qualified people.
  • Constantly motivate yourself to achieve your goal as well.
  • Communicate more with people and think about beautiful things.

Quitting smoking, eating right, playing sports, keeping a routine and keeping fit - all this is accessible and understandable. It would be worthwhile to include ecology in the foundations of our healthy lifestyle. But today we cannot correct the environmental situation, but it is entirely within our power not to aggravate it. The improvement that we created is within the power of everyone.

One person once told me this phrase: “All our problems are because of our heads.” Therefore, do not litter it with grievances, problems, and troubles. Better choose your right path - the path to a healthy lifestyle and emotional balance.

Sincerely, Anna Statsenko

This healthy lifestyle plan is universal and can be supplemented with other activities.

View document contents
“Work plan for healthy lifestyle”

I approve

Director of the Municipal Educational Institution Gymnasium

S.Yu. Stepanichev

dated "____" October 2016 No. ___

Event plan

to preserve and improve the health of students

MOU gymnasium

municipal district Nerekhta city and Nerekhta district

Kostroma region

for 2017-2018

Event plan

to preserve and improve the health of students

Municipal educational institution gymnasium of the municipal district of the city of Nerekhta and Nerekhta district of the Kostroma region

for 2017-2018



1. Health-saving activities

Organization and conduct of classes physical culture with students assigned to a special medical group for health reasons

Physical education teacher G.A. Harvests,

Paramedic Puchenkina S.V.

Introduction into the educational process of publicly available small forms of physical education (morning exercises, physical education minutes, active breaks, health hours, master classes)


Class teachers

Paramedic Puchenkina S.V.

Introduction of physical education and health-improving changes into the educational process for children with disabilities disabilities health (using specialized complexes physical exercise)


Physical education teacher V.M. Malinin

The deputy director for educational work, the medical worker of the municipal educational institution gymnasium, exercises control over the conduct of small forms of physical education: morning exercises, physical education minutes, outdoor breaks.


Paramedic Puchenkina S.V.

Immunization against influenza, pneumococcus, tick-borne encephalitis students and staff of the Municipal Educational Institution Gymnasium within the framework of the priority national project “Health”

On schedule

Paramedic Puchenkina S.V.

Annual event preventive examinations minors with identification of diseases, further observation and rehabilitation in accordance with the developed individual plan


Paramedic Puchenkina S.V.

Adjustment of the “physical education” program for students in grades 1-11 of the Municipal Educational Institution Gymnasium, classified for health reasons in the special medical group “A”, taking into account the specifics of diseases


Physical education teachers

Paramedic Puchenkina S.V.

2. Information and educational activities

Participation of teachers, paramedics, parents (legal representatives) in a series of webinars dedicated to the issues of preserving and promoting the health of students, including on the topics:


Deputy Director for Educational Work Makarova T.V.

Class teachers

- “Food alive and dead” (disease prevention digestive system);

October 2017

Paramedic Puchenkina S.V.

Head of the canteen Vinogradova L.N.

- “All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) - the programmatic and regulatory basis for the physical education of the population Russian Federation»;

November 2017

Physical education teachers

- “Movement is life” (prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system);

November 2017

Physical education teachers

Paramedic Puchenkina S.V.

- “Eyes are the mirror of the soul” (prevention of diseases of the organs of vision);

January 2018

Paramedic Puchenkina S.V.

- “Five rules for a healthy heart” (prevention of diseases of cardio-vascular system);

Paramedic Puchenkina S.V.

- “There is no better example than the example of a father in the eyes” (increasing the responsibility of fatherhood) together with the National Parents Association of the Kostroma Region

Deputy Director for Educational Work Makarova T.V.

Class teachers

- « Easy breath» (disease prevention respiratory system)

Paramedic Puchenkina S.V.

Participation in regional information and prevention campaigns:

- “Wave of health”;

- “Regional Health Week” (quarterly);

- “Day against Cardiovascular Diseases” (quarterly);

- “All-Russian Health Day”


Physical education teachers

Paramedic Puchenkina S.V.

Participation in information and educational seminars:


Paramedic Puchenkina S.V.

For medical workers by topic:

“Prevention and control of the main risk factors cardiovascular diseases, a method of dispensary observation of patients with chronic non-communicable diseases and patients at high risk of developing them";

« Medical support persons involved in physical education and sports, including those passing the standards of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO)”;

October 2017, February 2018

Paramedic Puchenkina S.V.

Physical education teachers

For teachers and specialists of educational organizations " Modern approaches to promote a healthy and safe lifestyle"

December 2017,

April 2018

Deputy Director for Educational Work Makarova T.V.

Participation in regional educational events and competitions, including:


Deputy Director for Educational Work Makarova T.V.

Social educators

Physical education teachers

Paramedic Puchenkina S.V.

Class teachers

- “We choose life! And don’t be silent!!!” (as part of the Day of Sobriety and the Fight against Alcoholism and alcohol addiction);

September 2017

- "A week healthy eating» together with the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for the Kostroma Region;


- “Healthy lungs” (within International Day quit smoking);


Project competition “Chronicle of school sports achievements”

October – November 2017

- “It’s great to be healthy!!!” (within the framework of the International Day against Drug Addiction and Drug Trafficking);

February 2018

Immunization Week in educational organizations of the Kostroma region (as part of European Immunization Week);

April 2018

Open Internet competition for the best information coverage of physical education, health and mass sports work in a municipality/educational organization;

December 2017

Teacher-organizer Rybina E.V.

Physical education teachers

Photo competition “Passing the GTO – simple, fun and easy!”

Creation of a unified information space to promote a healthy and safe lifestyle, including:


Deputy Director for Educational Work Makarova T.V.

Design of permanent stands “Health Corner”, “Child Health of the 21st Century”


Paramedic Puchenkina S.V.

- “Health Lessons for Children and Adults” (placement of materials about the experience of organizing physical education, recreation and sports activities in the school newspaper “Gymnasium Bulletin”, on the school website)


Organization of information and educational work within the framework of events aimed at preventing bad habits together with representatives of the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia in the city of Nerekhta, Kostroma region, and public organizations


Social educators

Conducting an information campaign to reduce child road injuries jointly with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Internal Affairs Directorate for the city of Nerekhta, Kostroma Region, and public organizations


Life safety teacher-organizer Galkin M.N.

Conducting an information campaign for parents to prepare children for the state final certification


Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Galkin A.N.

Teacher-psychologist Larionova T.R.

Conducting master classes for parents and teachers aimed at preventing diseases in children (scoliosis, flat feet, obesity, etc.)


Deputy Director for Educational Work Makarova T.V.

Paramedic Puchenkina S.V.

Conducting parent meetings on issues of preserving and strengthening the health of students


Class teachers

Conducting thematic classes on healthy lifestyle rules


Class teachers

3. Sports and public events

Participation in athletics cross-country as part of the All-Russian running day “Cross of the Nation - 2016”



Physical education teachers

Carrying out a traditional sports and tourist rally “I love you, my native land”


Carrying out the sports festival “Fun Starts” for students in grades 1–4


Physical education teacher V.M. Malinin

Holding a sports festival “Race for the Leader” for students in grades 5–11


Physical education teacher G.A. Harvests

Holding the All-Russian Snow Day “Winter Fun”

January 2018

Teacher-organizer Rybina E.V.

Carrying out a mass ski start “Russian Ski Track 2017”

February 2018

Physical education teachers

Daily organization and conduct of outdoor games during the summer health camp

Carrying out sports events, competitions, competitions during the summer health camp

Head of the camp Viricheva A.V.

Work of a sports (football, volleyball) ground near the municipal educational institution gymnasium

June August


Physical education teacher G.A. Harvests

Participation in the Winter and Summer Spartakiad of students educational organizations Kostroma region for prizes from the governor of the Kostroma region

February, May

Physical education teacher G.A. Harvests

Participation in the summer and winter festivals of the VFSK GTO among students of educational organizations


Physical education teacher G.A. Harvests

Organization of the school stage of the Presidential all-around competition “Kostroma-sport-health”


Physical education teacher G.A. Harvests

Participation in the All-Russian mass orienteering competition “Russian Azimuth”


Physical education teachers

Participation in the municipal Spartakiad of schoolchildren



Physical education teacher G.A. Harvests

Organization of swimming classes for students of the Municipal Educational Institution Gymnasium on the basis of the Children's and Youth Sports School in Volgorechensk



Additional education teacher Godunova O.A.

Class teachers

4. Research and control activities

Conducting examinations of children entering the municipal educational institution gymnasium; determination of student health groups, formation of the structure of students’ diseases


Paramedic Puchenkina S.V.

Monitoring the health of children, adolescents and students on the portal “Education of the Kostroma Region”.


Deputy Director for Educational Work Makarova T.V.

Monitoring “Coverage of hot meals to students of municipal educational institution gymnasium”


Responsible for catering: Ryzhakov A.A.

Monitoring the quality of catering for students at the municipal educational institution gymnasium


Food Quality Assessment Commission

Monitoring the use of sports infrastructure


Physical education teacher G.A. Harvests

Conducting voluntary testing of students of educational organizations for early detection non-medical consumption narcotic drugs And psychoactive substances


Social educators

Organization of medical and pedagogical observation of students during physical education and sports classes at the municipal educational institution gymnasium (analysis of the health status of students)


Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Ryzhakov A.A.

Paramedic Puchenkina S.V.

You are over forty. Don't think that life is already ending: it is just beginning! And it starts with a clean slate. Here's the plan you'll need. And it’s called: “an individual plan for a healthy lifestyle for women over the age of forty.”


It must be done within thirty minutes. You need to do it three to five times a week. By the way, you can increase the training time if half an hour seems too short.

Combining aerobics with cycling, swimming or walking

Choose what you like. If you want, combine all of the above with aerobics. It definitely won't hurt you.

“Counting” steps taken while walking

Break records: count to ten thousand steps. If you can do this, everything will work out in your life. And you will already love sports, that’s for sure!


You need to train your balance at least four times a week. In general, there is no harm in exercising every day. Unless, of course, you get tired of training.

What mistakes are often made during training?

Error one:

Many women pay most attention to swimming in the pool. This is wrong, dears! Water is wonderful. But that's not all there is to improving your health.

Error two:

Both yoga and Pilates are “remedies” that cannot help increase muscle size. So, if you want to increase muscle mass, don't do Pilates or yoga. They are more suitable for strengthening muscles.

Error three:

Girls and women like to focus on one thing. Do not get carried away only by aerobics, because the strengthening of both bones and muscles will be minimal. Add additions and variety to your workouts.

Are you a young and energetic lady, self-confident and eager to get a “dose” of health?

  • Try to fall asleep and wake up regularly at the same time

Accustom your body to such a “schedule” so that it does not relax.

  • Cigarettes, without which it was difficult for you, you can safely throw out the window

They won't be of any use to you anymore!

  • Get used to drinking drinks with alcohol only on holidays

Alcohol is your enemy if you encounter it too often.

  • Take a nice bath and a contrast shower

Water is your salvation. Save your health with water.

  • Fill your life with positive emotions and smiles

Without fulfilling this point of the plan, it’s impossible!

What plan do women who take care of their health live by?

Healthy lifestyle plan from Kira Primenskaya

Morning without a cup of coffee and without a cigarette puff

It took me a long time to get used to this, but I got used to it. Now it’s easier. Often you want to retreat from a point, but willpower is stronger. I'm proud of her.

Cold shower

Don't confuse it with ice, please! It took me a long time to get used to the cold. There were already tears in my eyes, to be honest. But I read in many books how useful it is, and overcame all sorts of fears.

Life without everyday heels and stilettos

How I suffered without them! But I was able to get used to it, because I know how much these “charms” undermine all health. I consoled myself with the fact that it was more comfortable to wear “platform” shoes. I did it!

Less fried!

It is tasty, but there is more harm in it than taste. I love the aroma of fried potatoes. But she also gave it up for the sake of her health. I eat it rarely now: several times every two weeks.

Excellent hygiene

What do I mean by this phrase? Washing. Washing properly is also an art. And don’t be afraid to become “victims” of such a process. I'm not afraid and I don't regret.

Jogging around the area

Beautiful…. It's cold, though, in the morning. But I also accustomed my body to the cold. The city is sleepy. People are sleepy. And I'm the only one like that... I'm being a hero. And I rejoice at my heroism.

Plan from Rita Samoilova


My husband got me hooked. And he himself, in principle, sits firmly. True, not for the sake of health, but for the sake of avoiding bad thoughts. His job is terrible right now. So he “runs away” from him in such a harmless way.

Abdominal exercises

I really like this trainer. And I like the abs. When I "train" him. I am tormented by laziness and pain, but I overcome all this, overcome it, correct it.

Swimming in the pool

I signed up there and go three times a week. I'm happy to go! And I can already see how easy my life has become. True, I’m taking a very big risk: the water is chlorinated. And I have psoriasis. I hope everything will be ok.

Days without sweets...

There is a sea of ​​suffering. But how willpower develops! I don’t set such a goal, of course, but... It just happens that way. I'm so used to eating ice cream every day. You have to get used to it. It's a shame, but necessary.

Sports, sports, sports!

How much of it there is now in my life! And volleyball, and skiing, and skating..... There is much more of it. I don’t list them in order to create even more intrigue. Don't be shy about being sporty. Sport saves everyone's health!

Less stress!

He needs to be killed altogether, like an annoying fly! I'm not being rude. It’s just already so “boiled” that it’s terrifying. I myself am susceptible to stressful conditions, so I want to protect others as soon as possible.

Feedback from girls about healthy lifestyle plans

Do not miss. . .

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