Why you need to clean your ears. Do you need to clean your ears? Alcohol and acetic acid

Do you know how to clean your ears? Sure? It turns out that most of the population (both children and adults) clean their ears incorrectly. Some “the old fashioned way” use a match with cotton wool wrapped around it, someone can clean the ear with a pin, hairpin or other “suitable” sharp object (the main thing is that it fits in the ear). which of these methods is the most correct and how to learn how to properly clean your ears?

Ear wax – why is it needed?

Why do we need wax in our ears and why does it accumulate in such quantities and so often? In fact, earwax we need and do not need to panic, worry and be embarrassed if you notice wax in your ears (of course, we are not talking about large ones that make it impossible to hear others).

Earwax accumulates in the ear in order to protect the hearing organ from the negative effects of bacteria, infections, mechanical damage. If a person is healthy, then he does not produce a large number of wax - just enough so that it is not noticeable in the ear, but enough to protect ear canal and the eardrum from negative external influences.

So, Earwax is necessary for:

  • Protect ears - chemical composition sulfur prevents bacteria and germs from entering the ear;
  • Cleanse– sulfur comes into contact with human skin, which allows you to quickly and easily remove any foreign objects (if any get into the ear);
  • Moisturize– our ears almost never dry out or become covered with dry crusts on the inside, and all because earwax has moisturizing agents;
  • Lubricate– and ensure good sound penetration and comfort.

So, Do you need to clean your ears? Otolaryngologists answer:

If you are healthy, nothing bothers you, and you are not registered with an otolaryngologist (ENT), then there is no need to clean your ears (especially every day). During hygiene procedures in the shower (when you wash your hair) or while talking and eating food, sulfur falls out or is washed out on its own.

What happens if you clean your ears every day?

Do you still think that if every day, they will really become cleaner? This is the main mistake and misconception of most people. The more actively, more and more diligently you clean your ears of earwax, the more you irritate the cerumen glands. This means that sulfur begins to be produced with even greater force and in even greater quantities. Accordingly, the less you do forced ear cleansing, the less wax accumulates in the ear canal.

Ultimately, daily cleaning of the ears can lead to the accumulation of large amounts of wax and the formation of ear plugs.

If we disrupt the process of wax production, this leads to drying out of the ear canal, constant unpleasant itching, and discomfort.

Cleaning your ears often is more harmful than beneficial.

Ear sticks for cleaning ears

What do you usually clean your ears with? Surely common and quite popular ear sticks. It turns out that ear sticks are intended for applying brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, iodine and other medicinal liquid preparations to a damaged surface (a wound, for example).

Ear sticks are not intended for cleaning ears.

Why can’t you clean your ears with ear sticks (after all, they are ear sticks and this exact phrase is written on every package)?

  • They can quite easily injure the eardrum. Traumatization eardrum entails severe dizziness, semi-fainting, and in the worst case – complete or partial hearing loss.
  • Infection of ear tissue, since it is quite easy to damage and scratch the ear canal with an ear stick. Even through a small wound, an infection can enter the ear. This is what causes otitis externa.
  • If there is a wax plug in the ear, then using an ear stick you will push it deep into the ear.

If you still feel comfortable cleaning your ears with ear sticks, then you need to learn how to do it correctly. This is the only way to avoid severe negative consequences.

If you often take a bath or shower, then you don’t necessarily need to specifically clean your ears with ear sticks. While in the bathroom, wet your ears and this will clean them. This is the most the best option cleansing earwax from ears.

So, using an ear stick, you can clean your ears this way:

  • Wet a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide or plain water;
  • Tilt your head to the side;
  • Use the ear swab to very gently rub the ear canal;
  • Don't try to put the ear stick deep into your ear - don't take any chances;
  • Soak a cotton swab in hydrogen peroxide and leave it in your ear for several hours.

It is recommended to clean your ears with hydrogen peroxide only 2 times a week, no more. If your ear is very itchy, then drop a small amount of oil (olive, chamomile, jojoba, etc.) into the ear canal. The oil has a softening and moisturizing effect.

If you begin to notice a heavy accumulation of wax in your ears, then you need to consult an ENT doctor.

It is forbidden to clean the ears with sharp objects, hairpins, pins, matches, toothpicks. In 95% of cases, this leads to trauma to the ear canal and infection in the ear.

Newborn ear care

It is prohibited to use it to care for the ears of a newborn (even if they are supposedly intended specifically for caring for babies). If you bathe your baby every day, then to clean the ear canal it is enough to gently wipe the baby’s ears with a cotton pad or a small napkin. In this case, all the child’s ear folds are lubricated with baby cream or oil to avoid diaper rash, cracks, and dry painful crusts.

There is one thing Golden Rule, which is applicable in any area of ​​our life - do not overdo it so as not to cause harm. Do you know how to properly clean your ears, and is it necessary to do it at all? The topic is very interesting and worthy of attention, since there are different opinions about this question.

Probably few people know that earlier, in the Middle Ages, ears were cleaned with a special device - a scoop. This is a spoon small size, which was always at hand. It was worn by both men and women.

Why do you clean your ears? Is it necessary to remove earwax?

The main purpose of ear cleaning is to remove wax accumulated there. But, according to otolaryngologists, this should not be done. Earwax is necessary for normal operation hearing aid as an organ of hearing. Its production occurs daily, for some it is faster, and for others it is slower. The composition of sulfur, which is secreted by special ear glands, contains proteins, fats, mineral salts. It is sulfur that protects the ear from bacteria entering it, and, as necessary, removes dirt from the ear cavity with the help of small villi. Consistency of sulfur different people various. It can be dry or wet. White color the wax that you removed, in your opinion, by properly cleaning your ears, “speaks” of an insufficient amount of components important for health in the body, and sticky wax dark color should not alarm you.

Many people consider it correct to clean their ears and remove wax from them. For this purpose, cotton swabs, toothpicks, and cotton buds are used if it involves little ones. Forcibly cleaning your ears of wax is fraught with big health problems; it can do more harm than good.

Ears have unique ability– self-cleaning. Wax discharge can be removed naturally, thanks to the special structure of the auricle, the skin of which constantly grows, moving outward. In addition, we ourselves help our ears cleanse. When eating, talking, coughing, the temporomandibular joint moves, and this has a positive effect on the self-cleaning of the ear canals.

Earwax should be left alone unless there are symptoms that there is a wax plug in the ear. It's not hard to find out - your hearing will become worse.

What is wax plug

Irritation of the ear walls with all kinds of objects, often sharp and dangerous, leads to reverse effect– sulfur production increases. This leads to the appearance in the ears sulfur plugs. Those who like to delve into their own ears can, completely inadvertently, push wax discharge, plugs, deeper into the ear canal, instead of removing them. Only a doctor knows how to properly clean the ears of wax plugs that have formed in them. Do not engage in amateur activities; seek help from an otolaryngologist in time.


Often special candles are used to clean the ears, but this should not be done. They can cause changes in the eardrum, cause a burn, or block the ear canal


Hygiene is necessary, but within acceptable limits. Doesn't build to replace with your actions natural processes designed by nature. Teach your children how to properly clean their ears, or rather, wash them, without in any way trying to penetrate the ear canal. Is it dangerous. Good luck

It happens that we suddenly realize that our hearing has become a little worse than before. It may be too early to sound the alarm; most likely the culprit is simple cerumen tubes that have formed in our ears. How to remove wax accumulation in the ears painlessly, effectively and quickly, without resorting to the help of doctors? The secret is quite simple.

How to clean your ears at home?

To do this we need a bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Try placing this product gently in one ear. Don't be afraid to overdo it, pour in a large amount of hydrogen peroxide. Then take a body position so that hydrogen peroxide does not flow out of your ear. Wait five minutes. The peroxide will start to bubble, but don't worry, it works. After 5 minutes, press with sharp movements on the ear donut, thus pushing out both the plug and the peroxide. To completely clean your ear and free it from wax, repeat this procedure several times if necessary. After one ear has been completely cleaned, you need to repeat this procedure with the other ear from start to finish.

It is common for wax to accumulate in the ears. Under the influence of moisture and some mechanical factors, the wax swells, thus blocking the ear lumen and causing partial hearing loss. You can try to remove wax plugs from your ears at home, and then consult a doctor.

You will need:

  • Boric alcohol
  • Soda solution
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide solution

Wax plugs can be removed by softening them. Prepare a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and inject it into the ear canal with a clean syringe without a needle. Do not insert the syringe very deeply, since the stream of liquid will itself reach the sulfur plug and affect the sulfur mass. Hydrogen peroxide will fizz out with pieces of sulfur. Let's wait until all the solution has flowed out, to do this we tilt our head in the same direction.

Wipe the auricle with a cotton swab to remove any remaining moisture. We repeat the softening procedure twice a day for a week to completely clean the ear canal and restore hearing. After the procedure, so that the ear dries quickly, we warm the ear with an incandescent lamp. If pressure, pain, or discomfort, then you need to stop the procedure and consult a doctor.

Removing wax plug

Let's prepare the ear for removing the wax plug: drip a weak soda solution into the ear canal for 3 days. Let's soften the sulfur plug by dropping a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide, while straightening the ear canal. Wash the plug with a syringe, pull the ear back and up a little, pour in water under pressure room temperature into the ear canal. Apply boric alcohol to the ear.

Special preparations for home use

In order to remove wax plugs from your ears at home, you need to purchase a solution for dissolving ear wax at the pharmacy. We drip the emulsion according to the instructions and in five days the usual plug will dissolve and be removed. The ear canal needs to be cleaned twice a day. Similar drugs are used to prevent the formation of sulfur plugs.

If you can't remove the plug

If you have questions about removing wax plugs, you should contact an otolaryngologist. It is necessary to remove wax plug as it can cause diseases such as otitis externa, hearing loss and so on. The doctor will rinse the ear out medical syringe under pressure with a small amount of water. This is a painless and quick procedure. After rinsing, relief will come, hearing will be restored, and the pain will go away. To prevent earwax, otolaryngologists advise not to wipe your ears dry after a shower, but to dry them with a hairdryer or drip a little alcohol into your ears.

Even from school biology courses, we know that our ears produce so-called wax. Perhaps, however, not everyone knows its real function. But by nature, everything in our body is built for protection. So, this begs the question: is it possible to clean your ears? And why do this? Moreover, and how correctly? This will be discussed in the article.

To begin with, of course, let's look at the question of whether it is possible to clean your ears at all. After all, if sulfur is produced for some kind of protection, then why remove it? Let's not get ahead of ourselves, but understand everything in order.

Why is sulfur needed:

  • First of all, it serves as a protective layer against bacteria, fungi and microbes
  • and also acts as a natural lubricant for the ear canals
  • and, which may sound a little paradoxical, to clean them
  • also - for moisturizing the ear canals
  • and another one important role– removes various impurities and dead cells out

Although the role of earwax is very important, cleaning your ears is not only possible, but also necessary. Now it arises next question– why do this? It is immediately worth noting that our body produces sulfur constantly. Sometimes, with any diseases, of course, its amount may change. But we're talking about healthy body. On average, earwax is produced no more than 20 mg per month.

Important and interesting fact! Inside our ear there are tiny villi that push the wax along with all the impurities to the edge. That is, the ear cleans itself inside. Therefore, our task is to regularly clean only the entrance to the ear canal.

What happens if you don’t clean your ears on time:

  1. Of course, hearing may deteriorate. Everyone knows what happens with a stuffy nose. The same situation can happen with the ears. If a large amount of sulfur accumulates, and even in combination with various contaminants.
  2. And if you do not take the necessary measures, then a traffic jam will form, which is then problematic to remove. This picture also looks far from aesthetically pleasing. After all, we all try to be clean and tidy.
  3. Many people may not know it, but too much wax in the ears leads to irritation. skin ear. Itching and discomfort may also occur.

Excess sulfur can lead to the following:

  • If you clean your ears too often, the secretion will only increase. That is, the ears will not become cleaner, but will only need more care
  • Itching or noise inside the ear may also occur
  • There may also be side effects such as dizziness and nausea.
  • And by the way, frequent removal wax will dry out the epithelium inside the ear canal

How to clean your ears at home?

With the fact that you need to clean your ears in mandatory, figured it out. But many people have no idea how to do it correctly. Most of us clean our ears with cotton swabs. And there are also cases when they decide to clean the ear, for example, with a pin (or other object). This is absolutely impossible to do.

Another common mistake is to clean the ear canals too often (there are even cases where they clean the ear canals every day) or to do this action too deeply. Therefore, it is necessary to understand this issue in more detail.

Rules for cleaning ears at home:

  1. There is an opinion - the more often you clean your ears, the better. Immediately, get this idea out of your head. The first and most important rule is that your ears should be cleaned no more than 2-3 times a month (that is, once every two weeks).
  2. Never clean your ears deeply. It was already said above that the ear can clean itself. Therefore, you only need to carefully clean the beginning of the ear canal.
  3. By the way, it is best to do this with cotton swabs or tourniquets. Under no circumstances should pins, pencils or matches be used. But we’ll talk about cotton swabs later, since they require special attention due to great popularity.
  4. And one more small recommendation - it’s better to clean your ears after taking a bath or shower. Then the skin is steamed and softer.

How to clean the ears of a newborn and child?

We always treat our children with more respect than even our own health. Especially when it comes to newborn babies. Of course, because they are so defenseless in this world. And their metabolism is faster. This even manifests itself in the fact that nails grow faster and ears become dirty more often. But most parents make a huge mistake when it comes to removing earwax.

  • Of course, special sticks with limiters are produced for children. And you don’t need to use regular cotton swabs for these procedures. You can use cotton swabs. But it is important to ensure that no lint remains. Because they can cause inflammation.

Important: Use only sterile cotton wool, as this can provoke the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

  • When bathing your baby, you need to make sure that water does not get inside the ear. But if this happened, then there is nothing fatal about it. The main thing is that there are no drafts. And after bathing, the ear should be blotted with a towel or wiped with a cotton pad.
  • Also, do not forget to treat behind the ears and the auricle itself with a disk dipped in oil or boiled water. After all, they often have diaper rash in the area of ​​the folds. And if they are not removed in time, erosion may occur (every mother should be familiar with this and consulted in the maternity hospital, since she needs to monitor all the folds on the baby’s body). But only outside! It is forbidden to wipe the inside with such things.

  • You should start cleaning the inside of your ears no earlier than two weeks later. By this time the baby has already adapted a little to environment. And don’t forget that earwax serves as a protective layer against various germs and bacteria.
  • The procedure itself is carried out a little more often, about once a week or a week and a half. Again, this is due to a fast metabolism. And the body removes, say, remnants from the previous place of stay. Let us remember that the child was in the water for nine months. Therefore, not only the ears, but also the nose, lungs and even the skin go through a stage of adaptation to the new environment.
  • Naturally, any foreign objects It is forbidden to remove sulfur! Especially with a match with cotton wool wrapped around it. Previously, yes, our parents used this. But we have already stepped far forward.
  • And the procedure itself is best done after swimming. Then the sulfur will be as softened as possible and it will be easier to remove.

Important: Ears should only be treated on the outside of the ear canal. It is strictly forbidden to penetrate inside, especially deeply. You can not only damage the very fragile eardrum (after all, the ears themselves are small, so it is very close), but also only push the formed wax even deeper.

Cleaning ears with cotton swabs

Yes, this is the most popular way to clean your ears. They are affordable and easy to use. But! For most, this will now be a revelation - you can’t clean your ears with cotton swabs! The only exceptions are for children (although we ourselves decided to call them as such; they are intended for cleaning the ears of any age).

  • Firstly, the purpose of cotton swabs is completely different. Their direct task is to clean hard-to-reach places, especially in the surgical area. IN home use they are needed for the following purposes:
    1. treatment of times and abrasions
    2. removing residues or excess decorative cosmetics
    3. removal of moisture in hard-to-reach places
  • By the way. After washing your hair, you can only carefully remove excess water from your ears using cotton swabs.
  • It is also prohibited to use chopsticks if there are any scratches or abrasions. Because this can lead to the formation of otitis media.

  • And if you also diligently and deeply clean your ears with cotton swabs, you can only make things worse. Firstly, you can injure the delicate skin of the ear canal. And, secondly, in this way, the sulfur is only compacted even deeper. What can cause a blockage to form?
  • And one more nuance, which was already mentioned above - you should not clean your ears often. Because the balance of sulfur production is disrupted.

Do you clean your ears with hydrogen peroxide?

You can clean your ears with peroxide, but you shouldn’t do this procedure all the time. More precisely, there is simply no need for it. It must be repeated again that the ear cleans itself, and sulfur prevents the entry of harmful microbes.

In what cases should ears be cleaned with hydrogen peroxide?

  • If there are inflammatory processes or just minor injuries. After all, everyone knows that peroxide disinfects. Especially if there are also symptoms such as ear pain, hearing loss or pus discharge.
  • To remove wax plug. Even the doctor will resort to help this tool. But it is worth noting that peroxide will not remove the plug, but will simply soften it and facilitate easy and quick removal.

  • For external or otitis media. Peroxide will help fight pus and other infections.
  • Also, the doctor may prescribe it for the prevention of otitis media or after removal of the plug (the first few weeks).
  • If available copious discharge sulfur or its hardening (for easier removal).

How to clean your ears with hydrogen peroxide:

  1. It is immediately worth noting that only 3% peroxide is used for this procedure. Sometimes, on the recommendation of a doctor, 5% can be used.
  2. For convenience, you can use a pipette or syringe (without a needle), or a cotton swab. It depends on what result you plan to achieve.
  3. To clean the ear externally, you need to moisten a swab with peroxide and place it in the sink for a few minutes. And then just wipe and remove excess with a cotton swab.
  4. If you need to rinse your ear, then peroxide (15-20 drops) should be diluted in a tablespoon of distilled water. Drop half of the solution into each ear and wait 5 minutes. At the end, also remove excess moisture with a cotton swab.
  5. By the way, important condition– the liquid must be warm. If the quantity is small, then just warm it in your palm.
  6. It is also more convenient to carry out this procedure while lying on your side. Agree, it’s much more comfortable this way.
  7. And it’s worth considering that sulfur may leak out after such a procedure for some time. Especially if there is a lot of it or the plug has been removed. Therefore, you will need to wipe it with cotton pads.

I cleaned my ears and started bleeding: why and what to do?

Blood, in principle, is a signal for panic, for most of us. If blood comes from the ear and is caused by some disease, this is, naturally, a signal to run to see a doctor. But what should you do if blood comes out of your ear after cleaning it?

  • Of course, this indicates that the ear canal or auricle were injured. As a rule, the blood is not very abundant. And everyone’s favorite cotton swabs can help with this. Especially if you work too actively with them.
  • The second reason is much more serious - the eardrum may have been injured. This happens if you clean your ears very deeply or with foreign objects (especially matches or pins).
  • It is possible that a pimple has formed inside the ear, which was touched during cleansing. It is impossible to see it on your own, and it does not always cause discomfort (therefore, you may not even be aware of its existence).

Further actions:

  • First, you need to understand the reason. If blood began to flow after cleaning, then most likely there was an injury to the skin of the ear inside. Usually such bleeding is not profuse (usually it remains only on a cotton swab) and ends quickly. And, by the way, the ears have such an ability that they can recover on their own.
  • But you will need to treat them with hydrogen peroxide for some time to avoid further infection. And you shouldn’t do this yourself, because the cause cannot be determined by eye.

  • In this case, you shouldn’t put off going to the doctor. Because drops can be prescribed to help with treatment and speedy healing. Especially when it comes to children. After all, it is among the child population that such appeals are more common.
  • If the eardrum is injured, then the blood will also not be in significant quantities and will quickly stop. But it is advisable not to postpone a visit to the doctor. More precisely, ideally, visit it immediately.

Important: Associated symptoms There may be pain and noise in the ear, the discharge may be serous in color, and there may also be a feeling of stuffiness in the ear or even loss of hearing acuity. If you have such symptoms, you should immediately go to the hospital and not self-medicate.

  • If a pimple was hit, again, there is no need to try to make a diagnosis. It's better to trust a professional. And you will need to treat your ear with peroxide for several weeks.

Important: If the bleeding does not stop, then you urgently need to call an ambulance.

I was cleaning my ears and my ear was blocked: why and what to do?

Almost all of us have experienced ear congestion. Everyone knows that pressure changes or water getting inside can cause this. Nasal congestion can often be the cause. But when cleaning, this may be a signal of more serious reasons.

Why is this happening:

  • Let's return again to our topic - cotton swabs. If you clean your ears incorrectly, you can compact the wax deep into it. Which will cause ear congestion.
  • Another reason may be inflammation. And again, thanks to cotton swabs, which can injure vulnerable and delicate skin.
  • After taking a bath or diving, water may get inside. And careless movements can only aggravate the situation, thereby provoking inflammation of the external passage.

Necessary actions:

  • If water gets in, you need to turn your head to the side so that it comes out. Use a cotton swab to remove excess, keeping your mouth open.
  • But you should consult a doctor, especially if the previous recommendations did not help.
  • If a blockage or inflammation occurs, of course, you need to visit a doctor. But we've all had times when going to the clinic was difficult (due to location or other reasons). The first step is to rinse your ear with hydrogen peroxide (the necessary steps have already been described above).
  • And, of course, it is unrealistic to diagnose or solve the problem on your own. Therefore, you should definitely contact an otolaryngologist.

You should clean your ears regularly, as improper hygiene can lead to hearing loss. The appearance of sulfur plugs is a beacon for going to the doctor. It should not be put off. With regular ear care, your hearing will delight you every day.

Video: “How to properly clean the ears of a child and an adult? Ear wax and other dangers"

Very often, people, trying to maintain maximum hygiene, begin to actively clean their ears, considering the wax produced in them to be dirt that needs to be removed. As a result, if you are unable to carry out such a procedure, complications arise that can not only cause illness, but also completely deprive you of your hearing. To prevent this from happening, you should not only know how to clean your ears, but also understand when to do it and when not to. Many people believe this procedure very simple and can be performed using even sharp wooden or metal objects, which in most cases leads to serious consequences.

Why is wax produced in the ear?

Earwax, which is removed during ear cleaning, is a complex product of the exocrine glands. Depending on gender and age, its composition varies. This product helps maintain normal microflora ear canal, which is very important for maintaining normal hearing. In addition, earwax provides:

  • protection of the ear from penetration of pathogenic bacteria into tissues;
  • prevention of the development of fungal diseases;
  • cleansing the ear canal from dust particles;
  • maintaining sufficient humidity in the ear canal;
  • lubricating the ear canal and preventing its cracking due to extreme cold or heat.

When earwax is produced in normal quantity, there is no need to forcibly remove it, since it does not spoil the appearance and does not cause discomfort. IN small quantities wax is released from the ear during chewing and does not form noticeable traces. This is a natural cleansing of the ear and should not be interfered with. You can only do cleansing when there is too much sulfur, and it not only spoils appearance, but also threatens the formation of ear plugs, which are a very common problem.

What not to use to clean your ears

In order not to harm your health in the process of cleaning your ears, it is important to know which things are not suitable for this purpose. It is strictly forbidden to use the following items to clean the ear cavity:

  • matches;
  • toothpicks;
  • needles;
  • hairpins;
  • pins;
  • cotton buds.

If everything is clear with sharp objects - there is no doubt that they can cause serious injury by piercing the eardrum, then with regard to cotton swabs, many people wonder what is dangerous about them. The vast majority of people find them to be an ideal ear cleansing tool that cannot cause any harm.

The danger of a cotton swab is that the user who uses it does not always correctly feel the pressure due to the visible softness of this object, and the swab easily penetrates too deeply and, upon reaching the eardrum, can pierce it. In addition, this cosmetic instrument can cause damage to the skin inside the ear canal. This happens for the reason that at the moment of rotational movement, cotton wool, which is too thick for the ear, can erase upper layer skin. Because of this, a free passage into the tissue opens for pathogenic bacteria, as a result of which various purulent-inflammatory processes easily occur. Another danger of using cotton swabs is that they do not completely free the ear canal from wax, bringing it out, but rather compact it, and over time a wax plug forms in the ear, which requires separate treatment and in most cases can only be fully removed by a doctor.

Video recipe for the occasion:

You should not use special ear candles to clean your ears, which are designed to remove wax plugs. If you use them simply to get rid of wax, this will cause dryness of the ear canal. As a result, the exocrine glands begin to work too actively and produce excessive amounts of sulfur, which becomes a big problem.

How to clean your ear

Ideally, only the auricle and the entrance to the ear canal should be cleaned. This should be done with damp cotton wool, without exerting strong pressure. Ideally, this treatment can be carried out with a solution sea ​​salt. To obtain it in 1 glass boiled water add 1 level teaspoon of table sea salt. After the salt has completely dissolved, the composition is filtered through a cloth, just in case, in order to clean it in case of remaining undissolved salt particles. Having dipped cotton wool into the composition, carefully wipe the ear first from the outside, and then from the inside. If necessary, wash out ear plug you can use the same solution.

If you need to clean the ear canal, then you should use cotton pads, which should not have a thickness of more than 8 mm. They are moistened with heated olive oil or hydrogen peroxide. The turunda must be well saturated with liquid, otherwise it can injure the skin of the ear canal when screwed into the ear. During the procedure there should not be any pain, since they indicate that there is injury to the ear canal.

You need to be especially careful when cleaning the ears of young children, so this is done only when absolutely necessary. Due to the child’s mobility and lack of understanding of the procedure taking place, injury to the eardrum may occur due to the child’s unexpected and sudden movement.

Why you shouldn't clean your ears regularly

Regular ear cleaning should be done without urgent need do not do it. The fact is that the constant removal of wax from the ear canals, when it is not produced in excessive quantities, leads to the disruption of the normal process of its release - the volume of wax increases many times, and auricle its rollers begin to appear. To prevent this from happening, you should not clean your ears more than once a month.

At the right approach When cleaning your ears, the procedure is completely safe and does not lead to negative consequences.