Head blowing - general symptoms and treatment methods. Why is hypothermia dangerous? Headache from hypothermia

Headache may accompany various diseases and pathologies, from the common cold to inflammatory diseases brain. It can also occur as a result of a blown head. In such cases, the symptoms are of a cold nature. It is imperative to treat such a condition, since it can lead to complications that are dangerous to health and life. Meningitis should also be included among them.

If you have a head cold, a person experiences a whole range of characteristic symptoms. Their appearance is associated with general intoxication of the body, as well as an increase in the amount of intracranial fluid. These manifestations may be supplemented by more serious disorders, for example.

The first signs of a cold appear within a few hours.

The main symptoms that indicate that the head has blown are the following:

  • Expressed headache, up to migraine. If you have a headache due to a cold, there is a specific feeling as if the roots of your hair hurt. Unpleasant sensations are localized in the back of the head, forehead, temples;
  • Dizziness;
  • Sensation;
  • Shooting pains in temples;
  • A sharp increase in temperature;
  • Periodic, short-term, but intense pain in the forehead, chin, cheeks, nose. A similar symptom indicates that there was;
  • Nasal congestion, runny nose;
  • Photophobia;

  • Noise and pulsation in the ears;
  • Pain in the neck muscles;
  • Pain in the neck that gets worse when you try to turn it to the side;
  • Chills;
  • Redness of the eyes and areas around them;
  • Changes in indicators blood pressure;
  • Drowsiness, general weakness;
  • Decreased concentration.

In the event that this is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the ear area, we are talking about myositis - a phenomenon in which the head is blown and the neck muscles are inflamed. With myositis, the pain is initially aching in nature, then becomes more intense. The right eye may also become watery.

Pain in one of the sides of the head and ear may also indicate otitis media, which develops due to exposure to drafts.

If you have a headache and have problems characteristic symptoms, it is important not to ignore them, but to consult a doctor immediately: if the head is hypothermic, neuralgia may develop. The condition is characterized by the appearance of burning pain along the occipital or trigeminal nerve, the occurrence of spasms of the facial muscles, profuse sweating. Neuralgia can lead to paralysis of one half of the face.

The appearance of convulsions, bouts of vomiting, pain when turning the head to the sides are characteristic symptoms of the development of meningitis. In this case, it is important to transport the patient to a medical facility as soon as possible.

The main causes of hypothermia of the head

Hypothermia of the head can be caused by:

  1. Prolonged stay under air conditioning;
  2. Swimming in cold water;
  3. Refusal to wear hats in windy weather;
  4. Traveling in vehicles with open windows;

  1. Staying in the fresh air with a damp head, not dried after washing;
  2. Drafts in the living area;
  3. Frequent consumption of drinks with added ice, large amounts of ice cream;
  4. Unfavorable weather conditions, especially during the off-season (cold, long rains, strong winds.

For those with weakened immune systems and chronic diseases internal organs, you need to be especially careful and protect yourself from external factors, which can cause hypothermia and severe pain in the head.

It’s quite easy to get a cold, but dealing with the consequences will require a lot of effort and time. Hypothermia of the head can lead to serious complications, the most dangerous of which is meningitis.

Possible consequences

If your head is blown, then the risk of developing health and life-threatening diseases and pathological processes increases. This:

  • Sinusitis caused by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses;
  • Otitis media, which is inflammation of the middle ear;
  • Tendinitis, inflammatory process, spreading to the tendons of the maxillofacial region;
  • Arthritis;

Neurologist M. M. Shperling (Novosibirsk) in his lecture talks about headaches associated with sinusitis:

  • Conjunctivitis, an inflammatory process affecting the organs of vision;
  • Lymphadenitis, damage to the lymph nodes;
  • Neuralgia facial nerve which can cause paralysis of one part of the face;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the brain (infectious abscess, meningitis).

Depending on how much the head is blown, as well as on existing complications, the patient may need the help of an ENT doctor, an ophthalmologist, a neurologist, or a surgeon.

What to do if you have a headache?

If you have a cold head, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe necessary treatment. The patient is prescribed to take certain medications, as well as adherence to bed rest.

If there are symptoms indicating that the patient has a head cold, the following is recommended:

  1. Take anti-inflammatory drugs (“Nimesil”);
  2. Use ointments to rub the neck muscles (“Diclofenac”);
  3. Use drops to relieve pain and (“Otinum”);
  4. Use painkillers (Movalis in the form of tablets or injection solution).

A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Price in pharmacies from 548 rubles.

In addition, at home, a patient who has a headache must:

  • Maintain strict bed rest;
  • During the treatment period, stay in a warm room without drafts;
  • Drink as much fluid as possible to eliminate symptoms of intoxication and recovery water balance in organism. You can drink not only water, but also herbal infusions, compotes, tea;
  • If you have a sore throat, gargle with a solution of soda and salt or a decoction based on oak bark;
  • Stop drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • Wrap your head in a down scarf, creating “dry heat” conditions. With this simple way you can reduce the intensity of the headache. You can also use a bag of heated salt, applying it to problem areas;

Dear readers, in the video below we will tell you about an insidious draft:

  • Take remedies to boost immunity. Natural immunostimulants can play their role: ginger, ginseng, echinacea;
  • Rub menthol oil into the area behind the ears, occipital part and whiskey;
  • Rinse your eyes with a decoction of chamomile if there are signs of damage;
  • Take hot baths. It is recommended to add to water sea ​​salt and medicinal herbs;
  • Carry out procedures steam inhalations. You need to prepare a decoction based on medicinal herbs(rosemary, chamomile), pour it into a wide container, bend over it and deeply inhale the vapors through your mouth and nose. Cover your head with a thick towel;
  • Eliminate fatty, spicy, fried foods from the diet, eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible, which must be washed thoroughly;
  • Drip into ears for severe pain a small amount of fresh, undiluted onion juice.

Treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Prevention of hypothermia of the head

To prevent colds and severe headaches, you must:

  1. Strengthen the immune system (hardening procedures are especially useful) and promptly treat chronic diseases;
  2. Avoid drafts;
  3. Observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  4. Be sure to wear a hat in cold, windy weather;
  5. Leave the house only with thoroughly dried hair;
  6. Avoid overheating your head.

Hypothermia of the head can cause many dangerous complications, so giving up a hat in favor of a beautiful hairstyle is not the best idea

A head cold is a dangerous phenomenon that can lead to inflammation of the brain. To prevent this, measures should be taken in a timely manner and manifestations of hypothermia should be eliminated. Compliance with preventive measures will help avoid unpleasant symptoms.

A headache distracts you from business, work, does not allow you to concentrate, it can be so strong that painkillers do not help and you have to urgently resort to the assistance of an ambulance and doctors. Pain does not occur by chance; it can be caused by some illness, for example, a cold. Can you blow your head? The answer is definitely yes. Anyone who has ever encountered this phenomenon does not want to experience it again. similar condition, so they more carefully protect and protect their heads from hypothermia. What to do if you have a blown head, how to recognize the symptoms and which method to choose to solve the problem, we will discuss below.

What can cause a cold head?

To begin with, let's look at common situations that can provoke this disease:

  • prolonged exposure to air conditioning in summer;
  • driving in a car with the windows open;
  • drafts at home;
  • going outside with wet or not completely dried hair;
  • walking in cold weather or windy periods without a hat;
  • swimming and diving in cold water;
  • abuse of ice drinks or ice cream.

And these are not all the circumstances under which you risk catching a cold. Any other hypothermia entails a decrease in immunity and protective function body.

Symptoms indicating that you have a headache

If you have a headache, symptoms may appear like this:

  • headache and migraine;
  • dizziness;
  • periodic, paroxysmal shooting pain in the temples;
  • It's a dull pain in the occipital and frontal parts of the head;
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • stiffness and pain in the neck;
  • depression of consciousness;
  • noise and painful sensation in the ears;
  • temperature increase.

If all the signs are obvious, then most likely your head has been blown away by the treatment and appropriate measures should be taken without hesitation.

How to treat when you have a headache

If this is your first time encountering such symptoms, it is better not to engage in amateur activities or experiment with your health, but to seek help and recommendations from a therapist. If you have previously encountered a similar phenomenon, or you have a sin when you were walking and did not wear a hat and you probably know that the wind blew through your head, there are several recommendations on how to cure a cold head.

You should treat your head at home, limiting long trips outside, and better observing bed rest. Rest and sleep more, keep quiet. The improvement usually occurs from several days to a week, but improvements should be noticeable from the first days. So, if you have a headache, what should you do and where to start?

If after several days no improvement is observed, you should immediately visit a doctor! Especially when there is an increase in temperature and sharp pains, because this may indicate the beginning serious illnesses, for example meningitis, and in this case, delay can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

So that you never have the question of what to do if you have a cold head and how to treat it, take care of yourself, don’t catch a cold, don’t leave the house with your head uncovered in frost and cold, especially for fashionistas who are afraid of ruining their hair. Remember, your health is priceless!

Negligent treatment of health means exposing the body to danger. Everyone knows about this, but in cold weather they continue to walk without a hat or with wet hair under a hat. Meanwhile, hypothermia of the head can cause dangerous diseases, up to cerebral edema and death.

The causes of hypothermia of the head are widely known. This:

  • uncontrolled exposure to air conditioning;
  • refusal of hats and scarves in windy and cold weather;
  • swimming in cold water;
  • under-dried hair combined with cold, dank weather;
  • drafts in the apartment and transport;
  • general hypothermia (hypothermia) of the body.

A cold head makes itself felt with bright signs (several of them may appear at once, or maybe only one). Symptoms of hypothermia of the head are:

  • weakness;
  • headache, often throbbing;
  • nausea, fluctuations in blood pressure, convulsions and spasms;
  • increased body temperature;
  • loss of appetite;
  • change in gait, confusion in thoughts due to spasms in the head;
  • severe pain in the neck when turning the head to the side;
  • impaired photosensitivity and balance;
  • noise in ears;
  • chills, sore throat, runny nose;
  • local pain in the ear, neck, eye or forehead area;
  • facial distortion (due to nerve inflammation).

If you have a headache and symptoms appear after hypothermia, then self-medication is extremely dangerous. It is necessary to urgently call a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis and receive recommendations for treatment. The fact is that ordinary people often confuse hypothermia of the head, for example, with acute infectious meningitis, from which they die faster than they have time to realize the seriousness of the situation.

Consequences of hypothermia of the head

The consequences of hypothermia of the head can range from minor to extremely severe. It is better to avoid these consequences by observing preventive measures. However, you need to know about them.

First of all, this is an inflammation of the nerves, characterized by acute painful sensations and sometimes a change in the shape of the face: it warps, because... a person loses the ability to fully control muscles.

Sinusitis, sinusitis and frontal sinusitis are also possible - inflammation paranasal sinuses nose These diseases take a long time to treat, causing a lot of painful symptoms, and often develop into chronic forms.

Complications from hypothermia of the head often affect the eyes (conjunctivitis) and ears (otitis media).

A severe case is meningitis, which occurs, among other things, due to hypothermia of the head. It is distinguished by vivid symptoms: an increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees, a terrible headache, impaired consciousness, and convulsions. The last two symptoms may not be present, so you should always suspect meningitis if the first two are present. Meningitis has a different nature - viral, bacterial and fungal, but hypothermia of the head and weakened the immune system give impetus to the proliferation of pathogens. Modern means allow you to quickly cure the disease if the diagnosis is made in time and treatment is started.

What to do if you have a headache?

Some procedures for severe hypothermia of the head can be carried out without waiting for a medical verdict:

  • Warm your head, wrap it in a warm woolen scarf, after smearing the sore spots with iodine or rubbing it with alcohol.
  • Eliminate cold air from entering the room and drafts.
  • Do not go outside, stay in bed.
  • Steam your feet or take a warm bath, then go to bed. However, in this case, you need to be absolutely sure that hypothermia of the head is not layered on infection: infection from heat progresses.
  • Drink plenty of hot raspberry and honey tea, ginger and lemon tea, or any other warm herbal drink.
  • Take painkillers.
  • Quit alcohol and smoking.
  • Take remedies and medications to boost immunity.
  • Carry out aromatherapy with juniper, eucalyptus, spruce or lavender - natural antiseptics.
  • Give a head massage.

If symptoms worsen, you should call a doctor.

Treatment of the consequences of hypothermia of the head

Treatment always depends on the specific diagnosis. If the mucous membrane of the throat and nose is damaged, then prescribe vasoconstrictors to free the sinuses from pus and then inject medicinal drops. Also antiseptic solutions irrigate the throat. In the case of joining bacterial infection antibiotics are prescribed.

Neuritis of the facial nerve requires decongestant therapy, vitamins and painkillers. What you can prescribe for yourself is injections or oral administration of B vitamins, which literally relieve the symptoms of nerve inflammation in a matter of hours. In the case of an injection, the effect is noticeable faster.

The consequences of hypothermia of the head are numerous, each of them requires specific treatment, preferably under the supervision of a specialist. Good remedy- always the one prescribed by the doctor who carried out the correct diagnosis.

Prevention of hypothermia of the head

It's easy to get a cold - just ignore preventive measures. And they are simple, but require strict implementation. This:

  1. Strengthening immunity, healthy image life, frequent exposure to fresh air.
  2. Treatment of existing chronic diseases, especially of an inflammatory nature.
  3. Elimination of drafts.
  4. Wearing a headdress according to the season every time you leave the house, even for a short period of time, because it only takes a few minutes to get a cold in your head. A hood over a hat is an excellent solution for those who are especially vulnerable.
  5. Dry your hair thoroughly before leaving the house at least 2 hours before.

Proper treatment and timely prevention will help maintain a healthy head for many years.

Probably, every person at least once in his life has encountered a severe headache, which simply does not allow him to work normally and do his usual activities. The first thing most people do when severe pain- take medications that are supposed to relieve discomfort. But what if painkillers don’t help, and your head is trying to “burst”? In such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor or call ambulance Most likely, the person has some kind of illness, such as a cold.

Perhaps someone will now be indignant and ask: “Is it possible to get a cold in your head?”.

Unfortunately, it is possible. And if a person has at least once experienced this on himself, then he will never want to repeat such torment again and will do his best to protect his head from hypothermia and drafts.

But what to do if you have a headache or a sore neck, and how to treat the disease? This and much more will be discussed in the article.

What can cause the disease?

In order not to encounter such a nuisance as a head cold, it is important to know what can create such a situation.

There are many reasons:

  1. Staying under air conditioning for a long time, especially in the hot season. It is worth saying that in the summer a large number of office workers come to see a therapist with the same complaint: “The air conditioner blew through my neck and head, causing a runny nose and cough.”. Therefore, all those citizens whose workplaces are equipped with cooling equipment should be more attentive to their health and not overcool;
  2. Traveling in a car or public transport with an open window;
  3. Walking down the street with wet or not completely dried hair. Moreover, even in summer such frivolous behavior can result in a cold;
  4. Prolonged swimming in cold water, as well as diving, can provoke illness;
  5. Walking in autumn and winter, in general, during the cold season, without a hat. Representatives of the fair sex are especially guilty of this;
  6. Consumption in large quantities soft drinks and ice cream.

Of course, not all the reasons why illness may occur are listed above. But these are the most common cases.

symptoms when you have a headache

No disease can go unnoticed; discomfort and pain are almost always present.

If your head is blown, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • Strong headache;
  • Possible dizziness;
  • Systematic pain in the temporal region, a feeling that someone is “shooting” in the head;
  • There may be aching pain in the frontal and occipital parts of the head;
  • Sleepy state, general weakness;
  • It is difficult to turn your neck, it hurts and aches;
  • General condition depressed, tired;
  • Often there is tinnitus, as well as discomfort;
  • The temperature may rise.

If you have several of the listed symptoms, then most likely you have a head cold, you need to proceed to immediate treatment. Ideally, you need to visit the hospital, the doctor will more accurately diagnose and discharge necessary medications to relieve a painful condition.

If you can’t get to a doctor in the near future, the tips below will help alleviate your condition a little.

how to treat?

I would like to remind you once again that if your head is blown, you cannot turn your neck, and in general, your condition leaves much to be desired, then you should not self-medicate.

Most the right decision In such a situation, you will need to go to the doctor, especially if you are encountering such an illness for the first time. The only thing worse than self-medication for such a cold is complete indifference to your health and unwillingness to treat a sore neck and head, hoping that everything “will resolve itself”. Such a frivolous attitude can provoke dangerous diseases, which are difficult to treat in the future.

Of course, there are people who periodically suffer from a cold and know how to behave in such a situation.

Such individuals, at the first symptoms of an illness, take charge of themselves and use the motto: “I can do anything!” , begin treatment.

One of important points healing from a cold is to limit long walks on the street and adhere to bed rest. The patient is advised to rest more, sleep and be quiet.

The first relief will come within 1–2 days; you will have to wait about a week until complete recovery.

  1. Drink as much fluid as possible - this usual recommendation for colds also works in the case of a headache. For drinks, it is best to drink tea with lemon, or with rose hips, homemade compotes and fruit drinks, juices;
  2. If you have a severe headache, try inhalation at home. Herbs such as chamomile, sage, and rosemary are suitable for the procedure. If there are no herbs, then you can use fir, eucalyptus, lavender, etc. oil. Inhalation is done as follows. Cook in a large saucepan herbal decoction, then cover your head with a towel and inhale the healing vapors. The procedure has a beneficial effect on the body; it is recommended to do it before bedtime;
  3. You can do some warming up. To do this, apply a bag of heated salt to the painful part of the head. The procedure takes no more than a quarter of an hour. It is important to keep your sore head warm; to do this, tie yourself a scarf or put on a light hat that has been previously ironed;
  4. It’s a good idea to take a course of vitamins to boost your immunity. In addition, vitamins B and C are very useful; they will contribute to a speedy recovery;
  5. If you suffer from very severe headaches, then purchase a special patch, it will temporarily eliminate the spasms. You should not take painkillers, they will not bring relief, and the body does not need extra chemicals. You also simply need anti-inflammatory medications, but only a specialist can recommend them;
  6. Will help relieve spasm acupressure. To do this, massage your head with light movements in places of severe pain.

If you spend everything healing procedures, but no improvement is observed, then you can no longer postpone a visit to the doctor. Especially in cases where it holds heat and the pain is constant. All these symptoms can indicate serious diseases, for example, meningitis, which is often caused by blowing the head and improper treatment can lead to disastrous consequences.

At any time of the year, the question of the possibility of catching a cold is considered relevant. Underneath this popular name masks a number of serious diseases with unpleasant consequences. Let's consider the causes of the disease, signs and options for help, what to do if you have a headache?

Causes and possible damage

  • inflammation of the nerves - neuritis, including a serious disease - neuritis of the facial nerve;
  • disease of the frontal (frontitis), maxillary (sinusitis) sinuses;
  • otitis, tendovaginitis;
  • conjunctivitis and lymphadenitis;
  • in severe cases pathological process covers the brain and its structures (brain abscess, arachnoiditis).

Important! The disease is observed not only in cold weather; you should not lose vigilance in hot summer weather.

Let’s list the “high-risk” situations and find out whether you can blow your head and under what circumstances:

  • lack of headwear in winter in frosty, windy weather with reduced immunity, high level illnesses for influenza and acute respiratory infections;
  • cold rainy autumn combined with a forgotten umbrella and an “open” head;
  • improperly dried hair during the windy off-season can have unpleasant consequences;
  • sudden changes in temperature when moving from real heat to a room with an active air conditioner or long stay with the air conditioner on;
  • drafts in the house with open windows and doors;
  • windy trips by car or thoughtlessly open windows, creating a draft in public transport.

The spectrum of manifestations of a cold head

The disease is characterized by an acute onset; after just a few hours, symptoms of a cold head appear:

  • pain in the head and neck of varying intensity;
  • temperature increase, ;
  • body aches, weakness;
  • feeling of pulsation, tinnitus;
  • lethargy, decreased performance;
  • pressure fluctuations are possible.

Important! The described signs are not very specific, so you should remember about other diseases with similar manifestations - migraine, osteochondrosis in cervical spine spine, hypertension.

If the symptoms of a cold head become more pronounced, it becomes possible to determine the diagnosis. The predominant location of pain in the forehead or sinuses indicates sinusitis (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis). Damage to the eyes or ear is identified by characteristic complaints.

The most unpleasant lesion that requires long-term therapy is neuritis of the facial nerve. This is the disease that is referred to in conversation as a cold on the nerve in the head. Its basic manifestations include sharp pain along the nerve at the slightest touch or the influence of cold wind, which radiates to the eyes, cheeks, forehead. The face becomes asymmetrical, the eyelid on the affected side is open, complaints of dry eyes, dry mouth, and impaired taste.

Ways to help the victim

Considering the perceived discomfort and the prospect of complications, the patient is worried about a dilemma - he has a cold, what to do?

Important! To prevent disastrous consequences and complications, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Depending on the symptoms, they turn to a neurologist, ENT specialist, or ophthalmologist.

There are several tips on the topic “if you have a head cold, how to treat it” at home:

  • The patient’s head must be kept in a warm room, protected from the cold with a scarf or hat when going out. Fresh air, but do not try to heat without a doctor’s permission;
  • take anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin), raspberry or rosehip tea;
  • welcome drinking plenty of fluids to relieve intoxication, restore water balance at elevated temperatures;
  • used to boost immunity folk remedies– infusion of lemongrass or echinacea, tea with ginger or ginseng;
  • aromatherapy with natural oils that have antiseptic propertiestea tree, eucalyptus, lavender and lemon. They are used by inhaling oil vapors with a lit aroma lamp, or rubbed into the skin of the affected area;
  • if there are signs of eye damage, they are washed with fresh decoctions of chamomile or tea;
  • pain from otitis media can be relieved by dropping a few drops of diluted onion juice into the ear;
  • manifestations of pharyngitis will subside after rinsing with decoctions of sage and eucalyptus.

To the problem - I have a head cold, how to treat it, in response we will repeat the familiar truth - under the supervision of a doctor. Because there is a high probability of developing neuritis of the facial nerve, which requires inpatient treatment and rehabilitation for about six months. It is also possible that sinusitis and complicated meningitis may occur.

Thus, try to avoid the state of “I have a head cold, how to treat it,” because it is easier to prevent a disease and its insidious consequences than to deal with a whole “bouquet” of disorders.