Project “Land of Beautiful Speech”

I present to your attention the project: “Country beautiful speech" The name of the project was not chosen by chance; only when a child enters the land of beautiful speech will he confidently step into the land of knowledge. And we teachers must help him with this!

The Federal State Educational Standard, which came into force on January 1, 2014, contains five main directions. One of them is the speech development of children. IN Lately The number of children with speech disorders is significantly increasing, while quantitative and qualitative changes in their development are observed.

Speech disorders are increasingly associated with problems of neurological, psychological and social order, which significantly aggravates the speech symptoms of disorders.

Taking into account this situation, this project for the activities of a speech therapist teacher at a speech therapy center at a preschool educational institution has been developed.

The project defines possible ways inclusion of the activities of a speech therapist teacher in the work of a preschool educational institution in the implementation of the federal state educational standard.

“It’s not easy to get into this country.
The diploma lives there
And along the path of beautiful speech
She will lead us.
All children need to learn
It's correct to say.
We'll rush off to this country right now
We will always live there.
Little country
The right country
What they say and write there is true
She is calling us all!
There will be no place in this country
Rude and evil words
No Soundmore will take root there.
We must learn
Pronounce sounds
We need to learn urgently
It's right to say"


Federal state educational standard for the content of the basic general education program preschool education identified new directions in the organization speech development children 3–7 years old. By the age of 7, a child’s speech development should be characterized by the ability to ask questions of an adult, in cases of difficulty, turn to him for help, adequately use verbal means of communication, and also master dialogical speech.

The Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education determines target guidelines - social and psychological characteristics of the child’s personality at the stage of completion of preschool education, among which speech occupies one of the central places as an independently formed function, namely: by the end of preschool education, the child understands oral speech well and can express his thoughts and desires.

Thus, according to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the speech development of children attending educational preschool institutions includes:

  1. mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture;
  2. enrichment of active vocabulary, development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech;
  3. development of speech creativity;
  4. development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing, familiarity with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature;
  5. formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

Speech is also included as an important component, as a means of communication, cognition, and creativity in the following target guidelines:

  • actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games; is able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with failures and rejoice in the successes of others, try to resolve conflicts;
  • can fantasize out loud, play with sounds and words;
  • shows curiosity, asks questions regarding near and distant objects and phenomena, is interested in cause-and-effect relationships (how? why? why?), tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and people’s actions;
  • has basic knowledge about himself, about the objective, natural, social and cultural world in which he lives.

In fact, none of the targets of preschool education can be achieved without mastering speech culture.

To achieve target targets, systematic prevention of speech disorders in children is necessary, since many of them have features that can disrupt the favorable course of speech ontogenesis, which most clearly manifests itself by the age of five.

Recently, the number of children with speech disorders has increased significantly, and quantitative and qualitative changes in their development have been observed. Speech disorders are increasingly associated with neurological, psychological and social problems, which significantly aggravate the symptoms of speech disorders.

In modern practice of preschool education, a number of problems arise that require solutions.

Firstly, children enter the field of professional activity of a speech therapist quite late.

Secondly By this age, the child has already acquired a number of secondary and tertiary developmental disorders, which significantly reduce the level of his learning ability.

Third, the prevention and correction of speech disorders in preschool children remains insufficiently effective if the speech disorder is not the subject of comprehensive intervention by all preschool specialists.

Based on the following, I identified a pedagogical problem:

Today, in front of a speech therapist teacher in a preschool speech therapy center, when in the minimum period of correctional work we decide maximum amount tasks with a simultaneously increasing level of complexity of speech disorders, it is necessary to find forms of work aimed at the prevention and correction of speech and personality disorders.

To find a way out of this situation, I, as a specialist working with children with speech disorders, developed the project “Country of beautiful speech - teach me to speak correctly.”

Target :

  • Organization and creation of conditions for preventive work teacher-speech therapist at MBDOU "Skazka" with children 5-6 years old.


  • identification and timely prevention of speech disorders;
  • development of all components of speech (articulatory motor skills; physiological breathing; development of tempo, rhythm of speech, coordination of speech with movement; development of auditory attention and phonemic perception; clarification, expansion and enrichment of the lexical side of speech; formation of grammatical structure of speech; development of coherent speech in preschoolers 5-6 years old);
  • ensuring continuity in work with parents of pupils and employees of preschool educational institutions;
  • health care, emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development of each child;
  • creative organization of the educational process.

Achieving the set goal and solving problems is carried out taking into account the following principles:

  • the principle of a proactive approach, which dictates the need to identify children with functional and organic developmental disorders, on the one hand, and the development of adequate speech therapy intervention, on the other;
  • the principle of the developmental approach (based on L. S. Vygotsky’s idea of ​​the “zone of proximal development”), which is that learning should lead to the development of the child;
  • the principle of consciousness and activity of children, meaning that the teacher must provide in his work methods for activating the cognitive abilities of children. The child must be given cognitive tasks, in solving which he relies on own experience. This principle promotes more intensive mental development of preschool children and provides for the child’s understanding of the material and its successful application in practical activities in the future;
  • the principle of accessibility and individualization, which takes into account age, physiological characteristics and the nature of the pathological process;
  • the principle of gradually increasing requirements, which involves a gradual transition from simpler to more complex tasks as the developing skills are mastered and consolidated;
  • the principle of clarity, ensuring close interconnection and broad interaction of all analytical systems of the body in order to enrich the auditory, visual and motor images of children.

Taking into account these priority goals, objectives and principles, this project for the activities of a speech therapist at the speech therapy center of the Skazka MBDOU has been developed. The project determines possible ways to include the activities of a speech therapist at the MBDOU in the work of a preschool educational institution to implement the federal state educational standard for the content of the basic general education program of preschool education.


  • verbal (individual conversations, consultations);
  • practical (conducting seminars and workshops);
  • visual (selection of speech material on lexical topics, display of multimedia presentations, demonstration didactic material, instructions for parents, magazine for parents “My Talker”);
  • gaming (games, physical education, articulation, breathing and finger exercises).


  • Computer, multimedia installation, didactic games for speech development, mirrors, toys for breathing development, musical instruments, audio recordings with various sounds, jingle jars, lacing, puzzles, mosaics, etc.)


  • Teacher speech therapist;
  • MBDOU teachers,
  • music worker,
  • head of physical education,
  • children and parents senior group.


  • Collaborative technology;
  • Speech therapy examination technology;
  • Technologies for the formation of speech breathing;
  • Technologies for the development of intonation aspects of speech;
  • Technologies for correcting the tempo-rhythmic organization of oral speech;
  • Computer techologies.

Expected Result:

The project is long-term. Implementation period – 1 year.

Stage 1– preparatory (diagnostic; information-analytical).

  • Monitor the speech development of children 5-6 years old.

To find out the educational needs of teachers and parents, their level of competence in matters of speech development, establish contact with them, and coordinate the educational impact on children.

Stage 2– basic (practical).

  • develop and test a system of methodological activities for teachers and parents on the speech development of preschoolers aged 5-6 years through organizing and conducting events.

Stage 3– final (control and diagnostic).

  • To analyze the effectiveness of the preventive work of a speech therapist with teachers and parents on the speech development of children 5-6 years old.

Diagnostic work is carried out in sections according to the methodology of N.V. Serebryakova, including speech therapy examination of older children preschool age Preschool educational institution (beginning and end of the year), in order to make speech therapy reports, as well as determine priority areas of preventive work.

The system of correctional and preventive process can be depicted as a circle of specialists: a teacher-speech therapist, educators and parents. Moreover, parents should be on the same level as specialists. And this can only be achieved through educational activities about the normal development of the child and possible pathologies, because This is one of the conditions for the full speech development of preschool children.

The best results are observed where speech therapists, educators and parents act in concert. As part of the project, when working with teachers and parents, it is important to form multilateral interaction among all participants in the correctional and preventive process.

To achieve this goal, I have identified a range of tasks that need to be solved. To achieve this, teachers and parents:

  1. must clearly understand the purpose of their activities, which is the full development of the child and coordinated interaction among themselves.
  2. must be equipped with the necessary tools for work ( specialized knowledge necessary to understand the importance and mechanism of influence on the development of a child’s speech, practical skills in assisting the child in correcting and preventing speech development).

Interaction between specialists and parents

Educational block

  • Acquaintance with age-related characteristics of neuropsychic development, stages of development of children's speech;
  • Familiarization with the results of diagnostics of speech development of children;
  • Creating five-minute sessions with games and exercises;
  • Design of stands with general recommendations;

Practical block

  • Demonstration of techniques for correcting and developing speech during consultations;
  • Conducting thematic seminars - workshops, joint entertainment.

Forms of work of a speech therapist with teachers in MBDOU on the prevention of speech deficiencies in children

  • consultations master classes;
  • seminars - workshops;
  • weekly provision of calendar planning on lexical topics;
  • organization of a mini-library “Correctional work on the speech development of preschool children.”

Forms of work of a speech therapist with parents

  • survey;
  • parent meetings;
  • seminars - workshops;
  • consultations;
  • five-minute speech therapy sessions on lexical topics;
  • Design of the information and methodological stand “Tips from a speech therapist” (“Games in the kitchen”, “On the way to kindergarten”, etc.)
  • reminders for parents;
  • magazine "My Talker";
  • individual consultations.

All this work allows parents to create a positive emotional mood for working together to raise and educate their children, since parents can clearly see the problems of their own children and methods for solving them.

Assessment of the quality of activities

The effectiveness of the project can be seen in the following:

  • Increasing the efficiency and quality of correctional and preventive services provided.
  • Modernization of the correctional and preventive process through the introduction of computer technologies and joint activity technologies. Project performance indicators.

An increase in the number of children with normal speech development and a decrease in the number of children aged 5-6 years with a low level of speech development.

Evaluation mechanism:

  • Diagnosis of speech development in older children;
  • Analysis of children's speech development.

PREVENTIVE WORK OF Speech-language pathologist TEACHERS



September 1.Parent survey Appendix No. 1

2. Monitoring the development of speech in older children Appendix No. 2

3.Analysis of monitoring results and identification of priority areas for children’s speech development

4. Parent meeting on the topic: “Speech development of children 5-6 years old”; Monitoring results Appendix No. 3

1. Conducted by a speech therapist teacher

2.Teacher-speech therapist and educators

3.Teacher-speech therapist

4.Teacher-speech therapist and educators

October 1. Weekly provision of calendar planning to teachers and specialists of MBDOU and five-minute speech therapy sessions for parents on lexical topics according to block-by-block planning. Appendix No. 4

2. Workshop for parents of older children “Teach children to speak correctly” Appendix No. 5

3. Poster consultation for parents “Why finger gymnastics is needed” Appendix No. 6

4. Organization of a mini-library “Correctional work on the speech development of preschool children”

2.Teacher-speech therapist

and parents

3.Teacher-speech therapist

4.Teacher-speech therapist



2. Issue of the magazine “My Talker” No. 1

3.Individual consultations

4. Weekly classes on speech development, united by a single lexical topic and the idea of ​​traveling to the land of beautiful speech.

1. Developed by a speech therapist teacher, conducted by educators and specialists from MBDOU

3.Teacher-speech therapist and educators


December 1. Weekly provision of calendar planning to teachers and specialists of MBDOU and five-minute speech therapy sessions for parents on lexical topics according to block-by-block planning.

2. Master class for teachers on the topic: “Articulation gymnastics”

3. Poster consultation for parents on the topic: “Why articulation gymnastics is needed” Appendix No. 7

4. Memos for parents Appendix No. 8

5. Weekly classes on speech development, united by a single lexical topic and the idea of ​​traveling to the land of beautiful speech.

1. Developed by a speech therapist teacher, conducted by educators and specialists from MBDOU

2.Teacher-speech therapist

3.teacher-speech therapist

4. speech therapist teacher


January 1. Weekly provision of calendar planning to teachers and specialists of MBDOU and five-minute speech therapy sessions for parents on lexical topics according to block-by-block planning.

2.Individual consultations

1. Developed by a speech therapist teacher, conducted by educators and specialists from MBDOU

2.teacher-speech therapist and educators


February 1. Weekly provision of calendar planning to teachers and specialists of MBDOU and five-minute speech therapy sessions for parents on lexical topics according to block-by-block planning.

2. Issue of the magazine “My Talker” No. 2

3. Poster consultation for parents on the topic: “Why you need to be able to speak correctly and beautifully” Appendix No. 9

4. Weekly classes on speech development, united by a single lexical topic and the idea of ​​traveling to the land of beautiful speech.

1. Developed by a speech therapist teacher, conducted by educators and specialists from MBDOU

2.Together a teacher-speech therapist and educators

3. Speech therapist teacher


March 1. Weekly provision of calendar planning to teachers and specialists of MBDOU and five-minute speech therapy sessions for parents on lexical topics according to block-by-block planning.

2. Poster consultation for parents on the topic: “On the way to kindergarten”

3. Weekly classes on speech development, united by a single lexical topic and the idea of ​​traveling to the land of beautiful speech.

1. Developed by a speech therapist teacher, conducted by educators and specialists from MBDOU

2.Teacher-speech therapist


April 1. Weekly provision of calendar planning to teachers and specialists of MBDOU and five-minute speech therapy sessions for parents on lexical topics according to block-by-block planning.

2. Poster consultation for parents on the topic: “Games in the kitchen”

3. Weekly classes on speech development, united by a single lexical topic and the idea of ​​traveling to the land of beautiful speech.

4. Entertainment on the theme: “Celebration of beautiful speech”

1. Developed by a speech therapist teacher, conducted by educators and specialists from MBDOU

2.teacher-speech therapist

3. teacher

4. Together the teacher-speech therapist, educators,

music director children and their parents

May 1. Weekly provision of calendar planning to teachers and specialists of MBDOU and five-minute speech therapy sessions for parents on lexical topics according to block-by-block planning.

2. Weekly classes on speech development, united by a single lexical topic and the idea of ​​traveling to the land of beautiful speech.

3. Issue of the magazine “My Talker” No. 3

4.Monitoring of speech development of older children

5.Analysis of speech monitoring and effectiveness of project implementation

1. Developed by a speech therapist teacher, conducted by educators and specialists from MBDOU

2. teacher


speech therapist, educators and specialists

4. Speech therapist teacher

5. Teacher-speech therapist, educators and specialists of MBDOU.



1 Week "Autumn. Signs of autumn", "Trees in autumn"
2 week "Vegetables", "Vegetable garden"
3 week "Fruit", "Garden"
4 week "Mushrooms, berries, forest"


1 Week "Cloth"
2week "Shoes"
3 week "Toys"
4 week "Dishes"


1 Week "Winter", "Wintering Birds"
2 week "Pets in Winter"
3 week "Wild Animals in Winter"
4 week "New Year"


2 week "Furniture", "Parts of furniture"
3 week "Freight and passenger transport"
4 week "Professions in transport"


1 Week "Kindergarten. Professions. Labor actions."
2 week "Studio. Seamstress. The cutter. Labor actions"
3 week "Construction. Professions. Labor actions"
4 week "Our Army"


1 Week "Spring. Signs of spring. Arrival of birds"
2 week "Houseplants"
3 week "River, lake and aquarium fish"
4 week “My small homeland is Mezhdurechensky”


1 Week “Our home is Ugra”
2 week "Space"
3 week “Where did the bread come from?”
4 week "Mail"
1 Week "Rules traffic»
2 week "Insects"
3 week "Summer is coming soon"

Used Books:

  1. NOT. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.
  2. Program “From birth to school” M.-MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS 2010
  3. N.V. Nishcheva Program of correctional developmental work in the speech therapy group of a kindergarten for children with general speech underdevelopment SPb CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2007
  4. N.V. Nishcheva “System of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with general speech underdevelopment” St. Petersburg DETSTVO-PRESS, 2005

PEDAGOGICAL PROJECT ON THE TOPIC “Speech trickle” (children 4-5 years old)

Author of the project: Abdulova Dzhume Sirazhutdinovna, teacher of the Children's Educational Institution "Kindergarten "Fairy Tale", Pravokhettinsky village,

Description of material: The project is designed for middle school children.

1. Introduction.
2. Abstract part.
3. Design part.
4. Conclusion.
5. List of references.
6. Applications.


Mastery of the native language is one of the important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood. Precisely acquisitions, since speech is not given to a person from birth. It takes time for the child to start talking. And adults must make a lot of effort to ensure that the child’s speech develops correctly and in a timely manner.
In modern preschool education, speech is considered as one of the foundations of raising and educating children, since the success of children’s education at school, the ability to communicate with people and general intellectual development depend on the level of mastery of coherent speech. A child’s knowledge of the world around him begins with perception, which gives various sensations and impressions. The better the perception is developed, the richer, more varied and deeper the impressions on the basis of which the human consciousness is built. individual card peace. The consciousness of a small child is syncretic, thanks to which he perceives the world holistically and harmoniously. Therefore, the process of education of preschool children must be integrated. In a culturally appropriate educational space, not only the content of educational material, but also all forms of its organization are built on integrated principles. Including such a traditional form of education as a didactic game.
Famous child psychologist A.V. Zaporozhets said: “We need to ensure that the didactic game is not only a form of assimilation of individual knowledge and skills, but also contributes to general development child, served to develop his abilities.” Today these words sound relevant and modern. In this project selected new approach to a didactic game, which is expressed in the integration of cognitive and communicative activities. The essence of this approach is that children, in the process of learning and expanding their horizons, simultaneously develop all components of oral speech through didactic games.

Relevance of the project:
By the beginning of preschool age, children experience a transition from dialogical speech to various forms monologue. It is very long and labor-intensive process, requiring special speech education. Dialogical speech is involuntary, it is poorly organized. Familiar lines and familiar combinations of words play a huge role here.
Children who did not receive appropriate speech development in preschool age have great difficulty catching up; in the future, this gap in development affects their further development.

Objective of the project: formation of communicative and linguistic competence in children.
Project objectives: Ensure the quantitative accumulation of words necessary for meaningful communication;
Activate the dictionary, i.e. not only knowledge of words, but also introducing them into communication practice
Ensure mastery of the meaning of words based on their exact correlation to objects of the surrounding world, their characteristics and relationships;
To promote the development of the general meaning of a word based on identifying the essential features of objects and phenomena;
Promote the manifestation of independence and activity in the game.
Instead of physical education minutes, use educational games, but give them an active character
If possible, end the lesson with a developmental game.
Include in classes games, tasks, “training” exercises to enrich and develop vocabulary, the formation of grammatically correct speech;
Use methods and techniques in storytelling classes that create interest in children from the very first minutes of the lesson and ensure its retention until the end of the lesson.
Project hypothesis: If you implement the work plan for the project, then it is possible to develop cognitive activity in children, form adequate self-esteem, increase their communication capabilities, develop activity, initiative, and independence.

2. Abstract part.

2.1. Theoretical justification of the feasibility of the project.
The pedagogical conditions for applying experience include the following:
the project is being implemented September – April 2015 -2016 academic year (in middle group)
it is assumed that speech knowledge will be integrated into all components of the educational process;
it is expected that there will be widespread use of several pedagogical technologies: health-saving technologies, technologies of personality-oriented learning, cooperation pedagogy, gaming technologies, information and communication technologies;
it is assumed that an appropriate subject-development environment will be created in the group;
When planning and organizing work, individual and age characteristics, interests and hobbies of children.

2.3. Risk factors in project implementation.
Achieving the goal of this project may be influenced by a system of pedagogical facts and conditions that need to be predicted and taken into account at the stages of implementation, namely:

Factors that predetermine the possibility of success in implementing a work system that can help in carrying out the work also include:
Mandatory presence of a subject-development environment, saturated with appropriate material;
The personal factor, where it depends on the teacher himself how to interest the child in the game, enrich the children’s knowledge, transform children’s everyday social experience into problem-solving and creative activities, and create a playful atmosphere in the group;
An indispensable condition for success is the exchange of experience: studying advanced pedagogical experience from various sources (periodicals, using Internet resources), sharing experience within the kindergarten, attending open events in other kindergartens.
2.4. Principles of the project
Necessity mandatory accounting age and psychological characteristics children in the content and organization of speech development within the educational process contributed to the determination of the principles of work on the project:
The principle of visibility.
The principle of encyclopedicity.
The principle of integration.
The principle of the developmental nature of education
Principle of individualization
The principle of unity with the family
2.5. Educational environment of preschool educational institutions
Organizing conditions for independent activity of children according to their choice occupies a special place in the pedagogical process.
Improving the development environment, creating new benefits:
- layouts, models
- a collection of environmental and theatrical tales;
- layouts in the experimentation corner;
- video library “Favorite Pets”;
- corner “Seasons”;
- compiling a card index of didactic games;
- books - babies:
-Creation of a collection of observations during a walk, including thematic observations + literary words and riddles;
-Replenishment of corners;
-Questioning of parents to identify children’s speech development;
-Conducting consultations;

3. Design part.

Achieving the goal of this project may be influenced by a system of pedagogical facts and conditions that need to be predicted and taken into account at the stages of implementation, namely:
Weak interest of children and parents.
Ways to solve: Stimulating children and parents through publications on the pages of the preschool educational institution’s website, announcements of gratitude in the ticker and on the group’s honor board.
Frequently ill children and newly arrived children.
Solutions: Individual work with children and parents
Absence of the project manager for valid reasons
Ways to solve: The development of the project should be carried out jointly with a second teacher, who is ready to continue work at any time.
Project implementation stages:
I. Preparatory
– study of literature, systematization and selection of material, creation of a subject-development environment, selection and classification of didactic games
II. Practical:
- leading directly educational activities children's didactic games on the topic and areas of speech development;
- consultation with parents;
- creation of didactic material together with children at the GCD on artistic creativity.
III. Final comparative diagnostic analysis of the development of communication abilities,
- filling out observation cards.

Project participants:
children of the secondary group “Rodnichok” of the MDOU “Kindergarten “Fairy Tale”, Pravokhettinsky village”;
parents of pupils.
Project implementation period: September – April 2015-2016 academic year.
Expected result:
Children will develop speech knowledge;
Children will develop an interest in fairy tales and educational games;
Children will learn to think, analyze and draw conclusions.

Acquisition of new experience by teachers in the speech literacy of preschoolers, improvement of professional skills;
The culture of teachers will increase, there will be an understanding of the need for speech development of pupils;
The development environment in the group will be replenished;
The skill in organizing active forms of cooperation with the family will increase;
Enriching the level of parents’ knowledge on children’s speech development;
The culture of parents will improve, and there will be an understanding of the need for children’s speech development;
Creation of a unified educational space for preschool educational institutions and families on the speech development of preschool children;
Opportunity to participate in joint celebrations.
The need for mandatory consideration of the age and psychological characteristics of children in the content and organization of local history work within the framework of the educational process contributed to the determination of the principles of work on the project:
The principle of visibility.
The principle of encyclopedicity.
The principle of integration.
The principle of the developmental nature of education.
The principle of individualization.
The principle of unity with the family.

Project activity products:
Carrying out the holidays “Autumn Festival”; "Mothers Day"
Consultation for teachers “The role of the teacher in the development of speech culture of preschool children”;
Design of a card index of didactic games with a variety of contents

Visual propaganda for parents (moving folder “Igroteka”, with recommendations for the development of speech of preschool children at home, newspaper “Igroteka”);

Stages of implementation of the Rechevoy Ruchek project

PREPARATORY Increasing one's own professional competence Studying program and methodological material in the field of work

April - May 2015
Getting to know new technologies:
Personality-oriented, collaborative technology, program
Providing the educational process with methodological material Selection of program and methodological material in the area of ​​work
Selection of diagnostic material
Enriching the speech development center Improving the developmental environment, creating new aids:
- “Gifts of the Forest” layout
- collection of fairy tales
- layouts in the experimentation corner
- video library “Favorite Pets”
- corner “Seasons”
- a selection of educational games
- little books: “Funny Why”, “Ecological Why” Throughout the year
Creation of a collection of observations during a walk, including thematic observations + artistic expression and riddles Throughout the year
Replenishing a corner of nature
Pedagogical education of parents Questioning of parents to identify children at home September
Conducting consultations
Design of visual propaganda material on organizing speech development at home Throughout the year
PRACTICAL To identify the level of speech literacy and education of children of the “Rodnichok” group. Carrying out diagnostics to identify the speech development of children of the middle group “Rodnichok” according to the method of M.V. Emelyanova September
Implementation of the assigned tasks Drawing up a long-term plan for conducting classes and observations during a walk on the speech development of pupils of the Rodnichok group October
Conducting classes in accordance with the long-term work plan According to plan
Development of lesson notes using didactic games October
Using a collection of observations during a walk in work with children, including thematic observations + didactic games, artistic expression and riddles Throughout the year
Carrying out the holidays “Autumn Festival”, “Mother’s Day” According to plan
Individual work with children on a walk According to plan
Working with teachers Consultation for teachers
“The role of the teacher in the development of speech culture of preschool children”,
Open classes and events As planned
Speech at the pedagogical council As planned
Making a card index of didactic games During
Of the year
Working with parents Participation in the event

During a year
Creation of the newspaper "Rechevoy Brook"

Visual propaganda for parents (moving folder “Toy Library” with recommendations for the speech development of preschool children at home)
Parents attending open classes
FINAL Assessment of the effectiveness of work with children to identify the speech literacy of children in the Rodnichok secondary group Diagnostics and monitoring of the quality of speech education in the group April
Conducting final diagnostics to identify the speech literacy of children in the “Rodnichok” middle group according to the method of M.V. Emelyanova April
Assessing the effectiveness of the teacher’s work Summing up the work April
Presentation of the project (at the pedagogical council) April
Determining job prospects
Assessing the effectiveness of working with parents Questionnaire April
Generalization of family education experience April
Photo exhibition "" April
The problem of speech development has traditionally been the focus of attention of Russian teachers due to its significance and relevance.

The relevance of the problem of my research is due to the social order of society on speech development in preschool children; the need to improve the quality of work of teachers on the speech development of children of secondary preschool age by creating special pedagogical conditions in preschool educational institutions.

Because my research is based on ideas about the patterns of speech development of preschool children proposed by A.N. Gvozdev, I determined that at each specific age stage it is just beginning to form, what is already sufficiently formed, and what lexical and grammatical manifestations should not be expected in the near future.

Analysis of the characteristics of the development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age allowed us to determine the high level of development of coherent speech in senior preschool age, which includes the following skills: using, depending on the context, a short or extended form of utterance; active use different ways connections of words within a sentence, between sentences and between parts of a statement, while respecting its structure (beginning, middle, end); ability to independently compose different types texts (description, narration, reasoning, contaminated), observing the logic of presentation, using artistic means of expression, selecting compelling arguments and precise definitions for evidence; the ability to independently retell and compose fairy tales, short stories, fables, riddles, etc.
As a result of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, I identified following conditions development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age: the use of effective methods, techniques, tools that can contribute to the emergence of motivation for speech activity and interest in teaching storytelling.
To identify the levels of development of coherent speech in children of middle preschool age, the following criteria were used: coherence, consistency, logic.
and solve problems regarding environmental protection measures.
Thus, with a systematic, comprehensive implementation of the planned work, it is possible to achieve the intended goals:
1. enrichment of the child’s active and potential vocabulary,
2. development of grammatical structure of speech
1.N.V.Kolomina. 1. Bondarenko, A.K. "Didactic games in kindergarten." / A.K. Bondarenko. – M.: Education, 1991. – p. 28.
2. A.K. Bondarenko “Word games in kindergarten”
3. Ushakova, O. S., Strunina E. M. Methods of speech development for preschool children. - M., 2004.
4. M. D. Makhaneva “Theatrical classes in kindergarten”,
Moscow, 2001
5. Kolesnikova E.V. Development of sound culture of speech in children 4–5 years old. – M.: Yuventa Publishing House, 2002.
6. Komarova T.S. Visual arts classes in the middle group of kindergarten. Lesson notes. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2008.




Project on speech development for middle group children in a playground


Relevance: In modern conditions, the main task of preschool education is preparation for schooling. Children who did not receive appropriate speech development in preschool age have great difficulty catching up; in the future, this gap in development affects their further development. Timely and complete formation of speech in preschool childhood is the main condition for normal development and its subsequent development. successful learning At school.

Objective of the project:

Develop children's speech, enrich vocabulary through play activities.

Project objectives:

Creating conditions for children's play activities in the group and on the site.

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Extension vocabulary.

Development of coherent speech.

Project Manager: Kareva Olga Borisovna

Project participants:

Children of the middle group;



Project type: Educational, gaming.

Project duration:1 year.

Material and technical resources:

Methodological and fiction literature;

Attributes for games;

Illustration material;


Project methods : Visual, verbal, practical, game

Estimated results:

With systematic work on this project, children's vocabulary will increase significantly, speech will become the subject of children's activity, children will begin to actively accompany their activities with speech


Creating a problem:

If we implement the work plan for the project, is it possible to develop cognitive activity in children, form adequate self-esteem, increase their communication capabilities, develop activity, initiative, and independence?


When conducting role-playing games, I noticed that children do not have enough vocabulary, they do not know how to actively accompany their activities with speech. This was the reason for the development and implementation of this project.

Defining the goals and objectives of the project;

Studying the necessary literature;

Selection methodological literature;

Development of a thematic plan for project implementation;

Diagnostics of children.


Including each child in play activities to achieve high level knowledge, skills and abilities.

The project presents the following types of gaming activities:

Didactic games,

Outdoor games,

Theatrical games

Story-based role-playing games.

The implementation of this project is carried out through a series of games with children, creating conditions for children’s play activities in the group and on the site.

The project implementation involves different kinds games with children: this is a series of didactic games with toys and objects, verbal, board and printed. The work system includes outdoor games. Theatrical games are also included, children listen to fairy tales and dramatize them. A significant place is devoted to role-playing games.

Project methods:

Visual, verbal, practical, game


Didactic games:

"What is he doing?"

"Pick a Pair"

“Call it in one word”

"Gather the Harvest"

Outdoor games:

"By the Bear in the Forest"


"On a smooth path"

"My funny ringing ball"

Theatrical games:

Game-dramatization “Turnip”

Role-playing games:




Didactic games:


"What a sky"

"Hot - cold"

"Yesterday Today Tomorrow"

Outdoor games

"Sparrows and the cat"

"Birds in Nests"

"Leaf Fall"

"Day Night"

Theatrical games:

The game is a dramatization of the Russian folk tale “The War of the Mushrooms”

Role-playing games:




Didactic games:

“What are the dishes made of?”

"Find out by description"

"Find the same one"

Outdoor games:


"Ocean is shaking"

"Swan geese"

"Throw it - catch it"

Theatrical games:

Role-playing games:



Didactic games:

"Find your color"

"Divide into groups"

"What season?"

"Finish the sentence"

Outdoor games:

"Traps with Ribbons"



"Hit the target"

Theatrical games:

The game is a dramatization of the fairy tale “Spikelet”

Role-playing games:




Didactic games:

"Listen carefully"

"What is missing"

"Who lives in the house"

"What's extra"

Outdoor games:

"Blind Man's Bluff"

"Find your place"


"The little white bunny is sitting"

Theatrical games:

Game – dramatization of “Teremok”

Role-playing games:



Didactic games:

"Who's doing what"

"Who is bigger"

"Divide Equally"

"What changed"

Outdoor games:

"Shaggy Dog"



"Sly Fox"

Theatrical games:

Game - dramatization of “Who said meow?”

Role-playing games:




Didactic games:


"Choose a picture"

"Who is first"

"Good bad"

Outdoor games:


"Empty place"

"Partridges and Hunters"

"Gray wolf"

Theatrical games:

Game-dramatization “Kolobok”

Role-playing games:



Didactic games:

"Find the extra object"


"Who does he look like"

"What is the name of"

Outdoor games:

"Ball in a Circle"

"Homeless Hare"

"Catch me"

"Hunters and Hares"

Theatrical games:

Game dramatization based on the story “The First Hunt” by V. Bianchi

Role-playing games:

"A toy shop"

"Beauty saloon"


Didactic games:

“Find it in the picture”

"One is many"

"As much as"


Outdoor games:


"Make a figure"


"Birds on the Branches"

Theatrical games:

Game – dramatization “Cat House”

Role-playing games:


3 Final stage.

A period of reflection on your own results.

Diagnostics of children.

Project presentation.


  1. G.S. Shvaiko “Games and game exercises for speech development”;
  2. A.K. Bondarenko “Word games in kindergarten”;
  3. L.V. Artemova “Theatrical games for preschoolers”;
  4. V.V.Konovalenko, S.V.Konovalenko “Development of coherent speech”;
  5. E.V. Zvorygina “The First story games kids";
  6. E.A. Timofeeva “Outdoor Games”;
  7. A.E. Antipina “Theatrical activities in kindergarten”;
  8. M. Koltsova “A child learns to speak”;
  9. A.K. Bondarenko “Didactic games in kindergarten”
  10. M.A. Vasilyeva “Management of children’s games in kindergarten”;
  11. Z.M. Boguslavskaya, E.O. Smirnova “Educational games for children of primary preschool age”;
  12. "Preschooler's Game" ed. S.L. Novoselova;

Pedagogical project passport

Long-term planning for speech development in the middle group of kindergarten

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Purpose of the course: development of speaking and listening skills, enrichment of the child’s active, passive and potential vocabulary, development of the grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech skills based on the speech experience of the child - a native speaker.

Course objectives:

  • development of interest and attention to the word, to one’s own speech and the speech of others.
  • development of the ability to operate with language units: sound, syllable, word, phrase, sentence.
  • expansion of ideas about the world around us, the phenomena of reality, based on the child’s life experience.
  • development of communication skills with adults, with peers, the ability to see the world through the eyes of another person;
  • formation of learning motivation and interest in the learning process itself;
  • development of visual-figurative and formation of verbal-logical thinking, the ability to draw conclusions, justify one’s judgments;
  • formation of methods of mental action: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, exclusion, modeling, design;
  • development of memory, attention, creativity, imagination, variability of thinking.





Meet our heroes. "Toys"

Teach children to write descriptions of toys. Develop cultural communication skills, activate vocabulary; use antonyms, the plural form of the genitive case of nouns.

“Making stories about toys” (Cat, dog, fox)

To develop the ability to examine objects, highlighting their characteristics, qualities and actions. To develop the ability to write a descriptive story about toys together with the teacher. Establish rules for handling toys. Develop focus.

Learning by heart: “Ball” S.Ya. Marshak

Help children remember and read the poem expressively; practice speech breathing (pronouncing the sound w on one exhalation); develop dramatization skills. Exercise children in using verbs with prefixes.

"Retelling of the fairy tale "Turnip"

To form an idea of ​​what a folk tale is. To develop the ability to retell a familiar fairy tale together, in a “chain”. Develop attention and memory. Develop the ability to listen to each other, carefully follow the story.



To consolidate knowledge about the autumn months, about the signs of autumn. Develop attention, creativity, and the ability to solve riddles; develop correct speech.

Narration based on the painting “Autumn Day”

Practice purposefully examining the plot picture and answering questions about its content;


Introduce the name of vegetables and where they are grown; learn to describe vegetables; solve riddles; practice using diminutive words, as well as using plural nouns.


introduce children to the names of fruits, teach them to describe fruits, compare them; solve riddles, agree on definitions and nouns;
develop speech

"Fruits vegetables

Enrich children’s knowledge about how people store fruits and vegetables, how they prepare food for the winter; activate the dictionary; develop coherent speech skills.

"Change in Nature in October"

Learn to talk about changes in nature in October, describe nature in October; agree on nouns and definitions.

"Forest in Autumn"
Did. Exercise “How many words in a sentence”

Help children perceive a poetic description of autumn nature; form a basic idea of ​​the proposal; activate the dictionary.

Learning by heart: A. Pleshcheev “In Autumn”

Learn to characterize the signs of deep autumn when looking at paintings and illustrations, recognize these signs in poems; help memorize A. Pleshcheev’s poem and read it expressively.



Teach children to compose and guess descriptive riddles; develop the ability to compare and argue; develop creative imagination; improve coherent speech skills.

"How the mouse outwitted the cat." Storytelling through a series of pictures with a general plot

Learn to compose a story based on a plot picture, answer questions about its content. Enrichment of the active vocabulary.

"Late fall"

Learn to describe nature in November, build complex sentences with the word because


Introduce different houses, learn to describe houses; practice using plural nouns.


Practice using the pronouns MY, MY, as well as words in plural; introduce the name of furniture and its components; learn to compare individual pieces of furniture, describe furniture


Introduce different houses, learn to describe houses; practice using plural nouns.


Expand your vocabulary on the topic “Dishes”; introduce the components of objects; teach to use objects in the singular and plural in the nominative and genitive cases, describe the object

Fairy tale "Rukovichka"

Repeat a fairy tale already familiar to children, improve the ability to answer the teacher’s questions; tell a story by role.



Introduce the names of items of clothing, hats; teach to compare objects, introduce the components of objects; develop speech.


Learn to describe items of clothing, select clothes according to the season. Improve verbal communication skills; enrich your understanding of the environment

“Composing a story based on the painting “Dog with Puppies”

To develop the ability to carefully examine the characters in a picture and answer questions about its content. Encourage creativity when trying to understand the content of the picture. To develop the ability to engage in storytelling together with the teacher. Develop memory and attention. Develop the ability to listen to each other without interrupting.

Learning by heart: I. Surikov “Winter”

Help you feel the beauty and lyricism of I. Surikov’s work. Learn to read a poem by heart expressively.

“Composing a narrative story “Masha’s Adventure in the Forest.”

To develop the ability to compose a joint narrative story using the utterance scheme specified by the teacher. Develop the ability to adhere storyline when writing a story. Practice selecting signs for an animal, as well as selecting verbs that denote the characteristic actions of animals. Develop a sense of humor.


Clarify and generalize children’s ideas about winter and the winter months. Reinforce knowledge about the signs of winter. Improve verbal communication skills

Storytelling based on the painting “Winter Fun”

Learn coherent speech, use complex sentences, describe changes in nature in winter.

"New Year"

Learn to describe a picture, fantasize, and make a sentence using supporting words.


“Christmas tree” by K. Chukovsky

Help to comprehend and memorize a new poem; practice intonation expressiveness of speech.


Enrich children's knowledge about wild animals. To consolidate knowledge about the habitat of wild animals;

Fairy tale "Spikelet"
Retelling (excerpt)

Teach children to retell the text without gaps and long pauses, to convey direct speech; improve intonation expressiveness of speech; develop a sense of language.


Practice using plural nouns, learn to compare animals, describe them; develop children's speech

Storytelling based on the painting “Cat with Kittens”

To develop the ability to carefully examine the characters in a picture and answer questions about its content. Promote elements of creativity when trying to understand the content of the picture. Fix the names of animals and their young in speech. Activate in speech words denoting the actions of the animal. Foster a desire to help each other in case of difficulties; follow the rules of the game.

"Animals of hot countries"

Give an idea of ​​the animals of hot countries. Activate children's vocabulary.


Learn to describe poultry; introduce antonyms; enhance children's knowledge about appearance poultry, their habits. Cultivate interest and love for birds

Making up stories based on pictures on the theme “New Girl”

Exercise children in examining and describing individual pictures of the set and then composing a complete story; develop speech.



Introduce children to fish and their habitat; learn to solve riddles;
practice using plural nouns.

"Bread products"

Introduce children to products made from flour; learn to describe one product; develop speech

"Dairy products"

Introduce dairy products and their benefits to the body; practice using plural nouns.

Retelling of the fairy tale "Teremok"

To form an understanding of such a feature of folk tales as observation. Develop the ability to retell a familiar fairy tale using models. To develop the ability to select substitute items based on a distinctive feature (size) characteristic of the character’s appearance. Exercise your ability to guess riddles, relying on the visual image of animals, and justify your answer.

"Ground transport"

Clarify children's knowledge about vehicles, expand your vocabulary with car names. Introduce words with the same root.

“Writing stories about toys” (cars and trucks).

To develop the ability to examine objects, highlighting their characteristics, qualities and actions. To develop the ability to write a descriptive story about toys together with the teacher.
Practice using prepositions and agreeing them with nouns. Develop memory, auditory attention. Establish rules for handling toys. Cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

"Water transport"

Introduce children to by water transport, activate the corresponding words in speech. Strengthen the ability to combine objects into pairs based on material.

"Air Transport"

Introduce air transport, their components, describe them; practice using plural nouns and develop speech.



Introduce children to the city and city buildings; find the difference between a city and a village; learn to describe the city

“My city is Kazan”

Learn to talk about your city, introduce the history of the country; practice using plural nouns.

"Traffic Laws. Traffic light"

Familiarize yourself with the designation of road signs and traffic lights; develop speech; activate children's vocabulary.

"Theatre, musical instruments"

Introduce the theater and musical instruments. Continue teaching children to divide words into parts.


Introduce various sports; develop children's speech; Continue to introduce words with the same root; activate children's vocabulary.


Learn to describe spring, give knowledge about seasonal changes associated with the first months of spring; practice using plural nouns.

"Let's sit in silence"
Learning by heart

Exercise children in differentiation h-sh sounds; learn to divide words into syllables. Sounds, improve expressive reading skills.


Teach children to answer the teacher’s questions with complete answers; enrich and clarify children’s understanding of adult professions; learn to guess riddles about professions; cultivate respect for the work of adults; activate children's vocabulary.



To form children’s understanding of kindergarten employees; labor processes performed by each of them; cultivate respect for the work of adults; practice using plural nouns, develop speech

"Migratory birds"
Making up a story based on a picture.

Learn to describe birds, compose a story based on a picture; develop speech; clarify children's understanding of seasonal changes in the life of birds.

"Forest. Trees"

Introduce the name of some trees, the components of a tree, the benefits of trees; solve riddles; activate children's vocabulary.

"Fruits, seeds"

learn to describe the fruits of berries; introduce the fruits of trees and shrubs;


Learn to describe mushrooms; practice using prepositions in speech; develop attention and logic; teach to classify into edible and inedible.


Introduce the name of indoor plants and how to care for them; learn to describe indoor plants

"Description of Trees"

Learn to compare trees, describing them, conveying their characteristic features external structure different types trees; activate children's vocabulary.

"Favorite fairy-tale hero"

To develop attention, thinking, memory, and the ability to convey the characteristic features of a fairy-tale hero.



Give an idea of ​​the appearance of the turtle; learn to describe a turtle, pronounce words clearly; activate children's vocabulary.

"Victory Day. Military equipment"

Give an idea of ​​the Victory Day holiday; learn to talk, answer questions; develop children's speech.

"Garden Flowers"

Introduce the name of garden flowers and their structure; practice using plural nouns.


Introduce the name of wildflowers and their structure; practice using plural nouns; learn to describe flowers


Introduce the name of insects and their characteristics; use plural nouns.


Introduce seasonal changes in nature in summer. Learn to describe a summer day; activate children's vocabulary.


Introduce the name of the berries; learn to compare berries by color, size; practice using plural nouns.

"Letter to Friends"
Writing stories.

Teach children to compose interesting stories about group mates (descriptions of appearance and character, some cases that are interesting and typical for the child’s behavior); cultivate interest and kind attitude towards each other.

Project type: educational, creative, group.

Project participants: middle group children, teacher.

Project duration: half a year.

Objective of the project: development of coherent speech in children of middle preschool age based on the use of composing descriptive stories.

Project objectives:

Analyze scientific literature;

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Expanding vocabulary.

Development of coherent speech.

Project results:

1. Creation of a card index of games for the development of children's vocabulary.

2. Consultation for parents “Speech games at home.”

3. Consultation for parents “We read and compose together with the child. Word games and exercises."

4. Creation of a “Miracle Tree” together with parents.

5. Creating an album " Beautiful words».

Relevance of the project:

Timely and complete formation of speech in preschool childhood is the main condition for normal development and subsequent successful learning at school. Preschool children enjoy listening to poems, singing songs, guessing riddles, looking at illustrations for books, admiring original works of art and very often asking questions: how, why, and can I do it? And that is why the task of children’s speech development and the development of their communicative abilities is so relevant today. By the beginning of preschool age, children experience a transition from dialogic speech to various forms of monologue. This is a very long and labor-intensive process that requires special speech education.

While working on the project, children gain knowledge, expand their horizons, expand their passive and active vocabularies, and learn to communicate with adults and peers.

Monologue speech is an organized and detailed type of speech that is more arbitrary; the speaker must think about the content of the statement and choose the appropriate linguistic form (description, narration, reasoning).

The problem of the development of coherent speech was dealt with by many domestic teachers, psychologists, and linguists (L. S. Vygodsky, S. L. Rubinshtein, D. B. Elkonin, A. A. Leontyev, L. V., V. V. Vinogradsky, K. D. Ushinsky, E. I., O. I. Solovyova etc.). However, this problem is still very acute and has not been fully studied.

The following types of activities are usually used to teach monologue speech to preschool children:

Storytelling from a picture;

Retelling of literary works;

Writing descriptive stories about toys;

Writing narrative stories (creative storytelling);

Compiling stories from personal experience;

Narration based on a series of plot paintings;

Compiling stories using mnemonic tables, picture and graphic plans.

Research recent years(O. S. Ushakova, A. A. Zrozhevskaya) in the formation of coherent speech using toy material, they proceeded from the fact that children should be taught not types of storytelling, but the ability to construct a monologue-description


As a result of the work, children will increase their vocabulary, enrich their speech, and improve the expressiveness of monologue speech.

If you implement the work plan for the project, then it is possible to develop cognitive activity in children, form adequate self-esteem, increase their communication capabilities, develop activity, initiative, and independence.

Expected result: With systematic work on this project, children’s vocabulary will increase significantly, speech will become the subject of children’s activity, children will begin to accompany their activities with speech.

Project methods: Visual, verbal, practical, game.

Implementation stages:

I. Design stage :

Proposing a hypothesis;

Defining the goals and objectives of the project;

Target this stage: increasing competence on the topic: “Development of coherent monologue speech by means of descriptive storytelling in children of middle preschool age.”

Systematization of material (notes, memos, recommendations).

Creation of a subject-development environment.

II. Creative-productive stage (practical).

The goal of this stage is to find effective forms of working with children.

Selection of material;

Analysis of methods and techniques (open classes, didactic games and exercises, problem situations, etc.);

Planning, material distribution;

Work with parents (consultations).

Speech at the teachers' meeting with a report “Modern forms and methods for speech development in kindergarten”

2.1Mastery of coherent monologue speech depends on many conditions:

Speech environment;

Social environment;

Family well-being;

Individual personality characteristics;

Cognitive activity of the child, etc.

This type of statement, such as description, is given special attention in the middle group, since it is at this age that the foundations are laid for the development of the ability to independently describe toys. This is facilitated by a properly organized process of examining toys and thoughtful formulation of questions and special exercises. Therefore, the teacher asks questions in a certain order, teaches children to think in what sequence they will describe the toy, and leads them to follow a clear structure when drawing up a description:

1. Naming the item (what is it? who is it? what is it called). 2. Disclosure of microthemes: signs, properties, qualities, characteristics of an object, its actions (which one? Which one? which one? which ones? what it has? how it differs from other objects? what it can do? what it can do with it). 3. Attitude to the subject or its assessment (liked? What?).

The following types of toys are used to teach monologue speech:

Didactic (matryoshka dolls, turrets, pyramids, barrels);

Subject (figurative): dolls, cars, animals, dishes, furniture, transport;

Ready-made sets of toys, united by one content: herd, zoo, poultry yard;

Sets compiled by the teacher or children - boy, girl, sleigh, dog; girl, house, chicken, cat, hare and dog, etc.

Making up riddles.

Teach children to focus on the signs and actions of objects. For example, round, rubber, jumping (ball); red, cunning, lives in the forest (fox), etc.

Methods and techniques for mastering coherent speech in preschoolers.

The choice of methods and techniques for each specific lesson is determined by its objectives. I consider the most effective to be the use of visual (observation, examination, display and description of objects, phenomena) and practical (dramatization games, tabletop dramatizations, didactic games, activity games) methods. I use verbal methods in working with children of middle preschool age less often because the age characteristics of children require reliance on clarity, so in all verbal methods I use either visual techniques (short-term demonstration, examination of an object, a toy, or demonstration of a visual object in order to relax children ( the appearance of a clue-object, etc.).Among the verbal methods, there are mainly those associated with the artistic word, although in some classes they use the teacher’s story method and the conversation method.

Each method represents a set of techniques used to solve didactic problems. When working with children, in order to achieve certain goals, in each specific lesson I widely use a variety of speech development techniques:

Speech sample (I use it as a precursor to children’s speech activity, accompanied by such techniques as explanation and instructions;

Repetition (I practice repetition of material by the teacher, individual repetition by the child, or joint repetition);

Explanation, indication (I use it when clarifying the structure of descriptive stories);

Verbal exercise (preceding the compilation of descriptive stories);

Question (I use descriptions in the process of examination and in sequential presentation; I use reproductive, search, direct, prompting, leading).

2.2. Planning work with children.

Planning work with children on the development of coherent speech is based on general didactic principles:

Educational nature of training.

Any activity on speech development is based on the trinity: education, development, training. The educational aspect of speech development is very broad.

Availability of material.

All material offered to children must be accessible to their age and contain feasible difficulty.

Systematic training.

September: Looking at toys. To develop the ability to examine toys, teach children to identify the signs, qualities and properties of a toy. Develop concentration and reinforce the rules for handling toys.

October:Open lesson on speech development “Journey to a Fairy Tale”. Target: develop the ability to retell piece of art using the modeling method.


1. Educational:

teach children to answer in full sentences, activate their vocabulary, teach them the ability to correlate iconic symbols with images, and name the distinctive features of wild animals.


develop children's coherent speech, reasoning skills, imagination, thinking, logic, memory.

3. Educational:

cultivate love for Russians folk tales, good attitude towards books.

November: Working with the "Miracle Tree". Performing various tasks on the formation of coherent monologue speech, composing and solving riddles, learning nursery rhymes, jokes.

Working with educational games:

Games with objects

Playing with objects uses toys and real objects. With their help, children get acquainted with the properties of objects and their characteristics: color, size, shape, quality.

Games with natural materials (plant seeds, leaves, flowers, pebbles, shells, beans) are used in games such as “Which tree is the leaf from?”, “Who is most likely to make a pattern of leaves?”, “Who is most likely to make a pattern of beans?”, etc.

Board-printed games

Printed board games come in a variety of types:

subject pictures, paired pictures, lotto, dominoes.

During such games, memory develops

December Writing stories, using mnemonic tables, picture-graphic plans and other modern forms and methods for the formation of coherent speech.

Formation of the ability to examine objects, highlighting their signs, properties, qualities and actions. Develop the ability to write a descriptive story together with the teacher. Practice using prepositions and agreeing them with nouns. Develop memory, auditory attention, speech.

January. Open lesson on speech development."In the world of professions."


1) consolidate children’s knowledge about professions (doctor, driver, salesman, teacher, postman, etc.), about tools; develop the ability to compose a coherent story using a diagram; learn the poem “My Bear” using a mnemonic table.

2) Develop speech, observation, intelligence, and the ability to correlate a picture with a symbol.

3) Cultivate interest in various professions.

Preliminary work:

Conversation about professions with viewing of the poster “Professions”,

Game "Who needs what"

Verbal game “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did”

Working with mnemonic tables

Consideration of the “Professions” scheme, s/r games “Chauffeurs”, “Shop”. Continue to teach children to structure their statements according to a specific plan. Develop memory and attention. Develop the ability to listen to each other and not interrupt.

2.3. Interaction with families on issues of children's speech development.

One of the conditions for the normal development of a child and his further successful education at school is the full formation of speech in preschool age. Interaction between the kindergarten and the family on issues of the child’s full speech development is another necessary condition.

Gaming breathing exercises aimed at developing speech breathing;

Finger games and exercises;

Games aimed at enriching the vocabulary, developing the grammatical structure of speech;

Didactic games for the development of coherent statements.

Consultations were held on the development of speech breathing and fine motor skills hands

One of the main tasks of speech formation is the development of speech breathing, for this I recommend that parents include playful breathing exercises: “Hit the gate”, “Snowflakes”, “Falling leaves”, “Whose leaf will fly farther?”, etc. To improve speech breathing, I suggest that parents Together with the children, pronounce small “pure sayings”, riddles, proverbs, short rhymes in one exhalation.

III. The final stage.

A period of reflection on your own results. Diagnostics of children. Project presentation.

Work efficiency.

The examination of coherent speech was carried out according to a method developed in the laboratory of speech development and verbal communication of the Institute of Preschool Education and Family Education of the Russian Academy of Education and correlated with the implementation of the speech development program.

Identification of the ability to describe an object (toy, write a description) was carried out according to the following criteria:

1. Describe the doll. Tell us what it is like, what you can do with it, how you play with it.

1) The child independently describes the toy;

2) talks about the teacher’s questions;

3) names individual words without linking them into a sentence.

2. Write a description of the ball: what is it, what is it for, what can you do with it?

1) The child describes the ball;

2) lists the signs;

3) names individual words.

3. Describe the dog, what it is like, or come up with a story about it.

1) The child composes a description (story);

2) lists qualities and actions;

3) names 2 words.

The responses were assessed as follows. For each match of answers under No. 1, the child receives three points; if the answers correspond to No. 2, then the child receives two points; if the answers fit No. 3, one point. Thus, the levels of speech development were identified:

9 or more points - high level;

6-8 points - average level;

3-5 points - below average level;

less than 3 points - low level.

A group of 32 children took part in the survey.

Having examined the survey results, the following was revealed:

No children were identified with a high level of speech development (0%);

No children were identified with an average level of speech development (0%);

21 children have a level below average, which corresponds to 66%;

Low level in 11 children, accounting for 34%.

Based on the results of the survey, systematic work was begun to teach descriptive speech to children through classes and didactic games.

Analyzing the data obtained, the following was revealed:

No children were identified with a high level of speech development;

4 children were identified with an average level, which corresponds to 12%;

20 children, accounting for 63%, have a level below average;

Low level in 8 children, i.e. 25%.

Thus, comparing the results of the survey, the conclusion follows: children gradually begin to master the skills of descriptive speech, i.e., name signs, list qualities and actions, talk about the teacher’s questions, express their attitude to the subject being described. Although some children name only individual words, without linking them into a sentence, they have difficulty identifying signs and qualities, and answer the teacher’s questions in monosyllables. It should also be noted that 25% of children are at a low level of speech development.

Table of contents:

Relevance of the project 2

Goal and objectives of project 3

Expected results 4

Project implementation stages 5

Project results. Conclusion 6

Literature 8

Appendix 1 (photo report)

Appendix 2 (texts of consultations)

Relevance of the project .

The main activity of preschool children is play. A child’s creative activity manifests itself primarily in play. Play that takes place in a group provides an extremely favorable condition for the development of language. Play develops language, and language organizes play. While playing, a child learns, and no learning is possible without the help of the main teacher - language.

It is known that in preschool age, the acquisition of new knowledge in games is much more successful than in educational classes. A learning task posed in a game form has the advantage that in a game situation the child understands the very need to acquire knowledge and methods of action. A child captivated by an attractive idea new game, as if he does not notice that he is learning, although at the same time he constantly encounters difficulties that require a restructuring of his ideas and cognitive activity.

Play is not just entertainment, it is the creative, inspired work of a child, his life. During the game, the child learns not only the world, but also himself, his place in this world, accumulates knowledge, masters the language, communicates.

Timely and complete formation of speech in preschool childhood is the main condition for normal development and subsequent successful learning at school.

In modern conditions, the main task of preschool education is preparation for schooling. Children who did not receive appropriate speech development in preschool age have great difficulty catching up; in the future, this gap in development affects their further development. Timely and complete formation of speech in preschool childhood is the main condition for normal development and subsequent successful learning at school.

Preschool children enjoy listening to poems, singing songs, guessing riddles, looking at illustrations for books, admiring original works of art and very often asking questions: how?, why?, and can I do it? And it’s no secret that nowadays more and more children have speech problems. Why not combine the child’s desire to try to come up with something himself, to do something with the desires of adults - to teach the child to speak beautifully and competently. And that is why the task of children’s speech development and the development of their communicative abilities is so relevant today.

The project presents the following types of gaming activities:

Didactic games,

Outdoor games,

Theatrical games

Story-based role-playing games.

Problem :

Low level of active vocabulary in children.


1. Insufficiently high level of use of various forms of work with children to expand their active vocabulary.

2.Lack of interest of parents in their children’s initiative to engage in word creation.


As a result of the work, children’s vocabulary will increase, their speech will be enriched, their expressiveness will improve, children will learn to compose short poems, compose stories, and invent fairy tales.

The purpose and objectives of the project.

Objective of the project : develop children’s speech, enrich vocabulary through play activities; Pto increase children's active vocabulary by stimulating and developing preschoolers' writing and speech creativity skills.

Project objectives :

Creating conditions for children’s play activities in the group and on the site;

Formation of grammatical structure of speech;

Expansion of vocabulary;

Development of coherent speech;

Develop children's active vocabulary;

Develop children's ability to invent narratives, rhyming words, word formations, select synonyms, antonyms, homonyms;

Support children's speech initiative and creativity in communication.

Project type: creative, group.

Project duration: mid-term (January – February)

Project participants: middle group students, teacher, parents.

Project resource support: laptop, printer, card index of speech games, toys, paints, brushes, fairy tales, poems, illustrations for fairy tales, CDs with cartoons, CDs with recordings of children's songs.

Project idea: All activities and games under the project “It’s Fun to Play Together” are interconnected and encourage inclusion in other activities - both independent and collective, so that the teacher, children, and parents retain a piece of joy, emotional charge, and most importantly - desire to continue working on the implementation of this project.

Expected results:

    High level of children's active vocabulary

    Various forms of working with children to expand their active vocabulary are used.

    Parents will increase their level of knowledge on the development of children's speech and creative abilities.

Project implementation stages.

1 . Preliminary :

Proposing a hypothesis;

Defining the goals and objectives of the project;

Studying the necessary literature;

Selection of methodological literature;

Development of a thematic plan for project implementation;

Diagnostics of children.

2 . Basic .

Inclusion of each child in gaming activities to achieve a high level of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Creating a card index of games for children's vocabulary development.

Consultation for parents “Carrying out home games to develop children’s speech.”

Consultation for parents “Read and compose together with your child. Word games and exercises."

Creation of an album together with parents “Our children speak.”

Creation of the album “Beautiful Words”

Creating the ABC - coloring book “Heroes of Fairy Tales”

Various didactic and outdoor games, theatrical

and plot-role-playing games:

Didactic games: “Find out by description”, “Find the same one”, “Find out by voice”, “Divide into groups”, “What time of year?”, “What’s missing”, “Who lives in the house?”, “What’s extra”, “Good, bad”, “Favorite fairy tales”, “Whose baby”.

Outdoor games: “By the bear in the forest”, “Traps”, “On a level path”, “My cheerful ringing ball”, “Sparrows and the cat”, “Birds in the nests”, “Serso”, “The sea is worried”, “Geese and swans” , “Throw it up and catch it”, “Blind Man’s Bluff”, “Find your place”, “Planes”, “The little white bunny is sitting”, “Shaggy dog” and others.

Theatrical games: games – dramatizations of fairy tales “Turnip”, “Cat’s House”, “Spikelet”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”

Plot-role-playing games: “Hairdresser”, “Shop”, “Builders”, “Hospital”, “Post Office”, “Sailors”, “Family”, “Aibolit”, “Chauffeurs”, “Beauty Salon”, “Toy Store” and others.

3. Final .

A period of reflection on your own results. Diagnostics of children. Project presentation.

Project structure

The implementation of this project is carried out through a series of games with children, creating conditions for children’s play activities in the group and on the site.

The implementation of the project involves various types of games with children: this is a series of didactic games with toys and objects, verbal, board and printed. The work system includes outdoor games. Theatrical games are also included, children listen to fairy tales and dramatize them. A significant place is devoted to role-playing games.

Project results. Conclusion.

The project method has proven to be very effective and relevant today. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment, systematize the acquired knowledge, develop creative abilities and communication skills that will allow the child to further adapt to school education, which is one of the main objectives of federal state general education standards.


Thus we can draw conclusions:

    In the game, the child learns to fully communicate with peers.

    Learn to follow the rules of the game.

    Everyone in the game develops intensively mental processes, the first moral feelings are formed.

    New types of productive activities arise in the game.

    The game involves intensive development of speech.

    New motives and needs are formed in the game.

Thus, as a result of joint work on the project, children and their parentsformedkey competencies:

Ability to navigate new non-standard situations;

Ability to think through methods of action and find new ways to solve problems;

Ability to ask questions;

Ability to interact in “child-child” and “child-adult” systems.

Ability to receive necessary information in communication;

Ability to conduct dialogue with adults and peers;

Play occupies a special place in the life of a preschooler. Games are used in classes, in free time children enthusiastically play games they have invented.


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